Department of Chemistry

College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

Welcome to the UCR Department of Chemistry Case Study Collection  

Supported by funding from the National Science Foundation TUES (Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM) program and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Higher Education Challenge Grant Program, we are creating a series of problem-based case studies that we hope instructors will implement during the first two years of their undergraduate chemistry program. This site is intended to provide general chemistry and organic chemistry instructors with a cohesive set of cases that correlate with the two year introductory chemistry curriculum, and improve student achievement in carrying out higher order problem solving and critical thinking. We also aim to create learning activities that help students see the link between chemistry and real-world issues, thereby increasing student interest and engagement in chemistry and science.

As the collection of cases grows, most of them will be published at the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS). Links will take you to the NCCSTS site, where the case materials will be freely available for you to download. If you are an instructor and wish to receive the answer key for any of the cases, you can sign up as a member of the NCCSTS site and the site administrators will send you answer keys via email.  For cases not published at the NCCCSTS, we will provide direct links to the case materials, and instructors can email us to gain access to answer keys. We are still in the process of publishing the entire case collection, but we will ultimately have two or three cases for each quarter of general chemistry and one or two cases for each quarter of organic chemistry (at UCR, general chemistry and organic chemistry are each taught in a three-quarter, year-long sequence). Additionally, we will soon be creating Blackboard interfaces which can be used by your students to answer the case questions online. Once we create these Blackboard interfaces, we will provide downloadable zip files that can be uploaded into your own course management site. We expect these downloadable files to be available by the end of summer 2013. It is our hope that these materials improve the teaching and learning environment in your classrooms. If you have questions or comments about any of the cases, do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Jack Eichler (Principal Investigator; general chemistry; [email protected] )

Dr. Leonard Mueller (co-Principal Investigator; general chemistry; [email protected] )

Dr. Richard Hooley (co-Principal Investigator; organic chemistry; [email protected] )

General Chemistry Problem-Based Cases

  • “The Global Warming Debate: A Case Study” Note: This case is done in the 3 rd  or 4 th  week of our first general chemistry course, and is done in order to provide an introduction to data analysis and scientific reasoning. The answer key and teaching notes are available upon request ( [email protected] ). Case Study Intro ( Click Here ) Case Study Activity ( Click Here ) Blackboard Test File for Case Study Questions ( link to zip file ) (Note: The questions for the case activity were downloaded from a Blackboard course management site, however the test file can be uploaded into any course management system that is capable of importing IMS files).  
  • Fossil Fuels – “Liquid Coal: Producing Liquid Fuel from Non-Petroleum Sources" Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )  
  • Acid/Base Chemistry - "Using Oceans to Fight Global Warming?" Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )  
  • Kinetics - "Corn Ethanol: Using Corn to Make Fuel?" Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )  
  • Gas Laws - "Hydrogen Powered Cars: The Wave of the Future?" Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )

General Chemistry Clicker Cases

  • Atomic Theory – “History of the Atom – Part I” Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )

Organic Chemistry Problem-Based Cases

  • "Organic Chemistry and Your Cellphone: Organic Light-Emitting Diodes"  Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )  
  • Chirality and the Origins of Life  Case Study at NCCSTS ( Click Here )

Honors Organic Chemistry Problem-Based Cases

“Selective COX-II Inhibitors - the Story of Vioxx®: A Case Study in Drug Discovery"  This case was done in order to facilitate a high level discussion in our third quarter honors organic chemistry seminar. If you have questions about the case or need assistance with the answer key, email Dr. Richard Hooley ([email protected]).

 Case Study ( Click Here )  

“Overcoming Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance - the Story of Penicillin, Augmentin ®  and Vancomycin” This case was done in order to facilitate a high level discussion in our third quarter honors organic chemistry seminar. If you have questions about the case or need assistance with the answer key, email Dr. Richard Hooley ([email protected]). Case Study ( Click Here )  


  • Josh Kenney's blog

Teaching Chemistry With Case Studies

text: Teaching Chemistry with Case Studies

Case studies have been a staple of undergraduate and graduate education programs like medicine, law, and business, for many years. They let learners engage with simulated real-world situations, making the content more meaningful and connected to their future careers. 1 As a valuable context-based  learning tool, case studies are becoming more common in secondary science . 2 Here, we'll explore the role that students and instructors play when learning with case studies.

Typically, case studies simulate real-world situations that encourage higher-level thinking based on Bloom's taxonomy. 3 They usually take the form of a short story that outlines a factual-based situation or problem. Students analyze and evaluate the information and discover solutions by way of numerous possible pathways. In general, the students play the role of an expert, consultant, or advisor who is tasked to use their chemistry knowledge and problem-solving skills to offer expert recommendations. 1 For example, in The Golden Drain, 4 a case study developed by Sharma & Wolgang, students are hired as consultants for a chemical company called GoldMaker Enterprises that recently employed a chemist to carry out the company's secret chemical process. Unfortunately, the new hire's yields are insufficient, prompting students to determine how much money the company lost due to the low production yields and then recommend disciplinary action towards the new hire.

As guided inquiry activities, case studies usually include a series of questions that move students towards a final solution. Some of the questions may be very direct (e.g., Find the number of moles of product produced in the reaction?), or they can be more open-ended (e.g., What are possible sources of error with the experimental design?).

As with other problem-based learning and guided inquiry activities, case studies work well in small group settings where learners support each other while traversing a difficult task. The case study is usually distributed to each group as a single copy for all members to collaborate. The instructor acts as a facilitator asking probing questions to support students' understanding and progress towards a solution.

Role of the Instructor

As previously mentioned, the instructor acts as a coach or facilitator when teaching with a case study. Most of the time, they start class with an assignment that helps students read and understand the case. This initial assignment usually involves a series of questions that help students pick out key pieces of information, prompt background research, or solve related sample problems. After the initial assignment, the instructor should periodically initiate a whole class discussion where students communicate the dilemma from their perspective and the progress their group has made toward a solution. Finally, the instructor may individualize the learning experience by supporting struggling students with data analysis or directing underskilled groups towards a possible solution.

Roles of the Students

In the broadest sense, the students' task is to discover a solution to the dilemma presented in the case study. Since case studies are usually elaborate and complicated, it's often necessary to break the task into smaller parts. One way to divide the work is to assign each group member a role; thus, the students can learn practical collaboration methods and manage the considerable workload.

I like to assign groups of three the following roles: (1) The Manager , (2) The Communications Specialist , and (3) The Scribe .

The Manager leads their group and keeps them pointed toward the goal of solving the problem. The Manager is also responsible for making sure the work is correct, so they need to double-check each calculation. The Communications Specialist is mainly responsible for writing out the answers and thinking about how they will verbally express their solution to the class. Finally, The Scribe takes notes that focus on their groups' metacognitive processes. These notes are recorded on a document that the instructor can distribute separate from the case study. The metacognitive notes are an essential part of the learning process because case studies prompt higher-order thinking that is often novel to students. By analyzing their metacognition, students will grow more confident in working through complex and challenging problems like those they find in case studies.

The metacognitive questions relate to three categories of the regulatory skillfulness described by Cooper and Sandi-Urena. 5 Not only do these prompts promote higher-level thinking, but they also move students toward a final solution to the case study.

  • What is the problem asking? (rephrase it in your own words)
  • What data is important to find the answer?
  • Summarize the steps that your group took to get to the final answer.
  • Why does your final answer make sense?

Case studies are a fantastic approach to deepen student learning about a topic and improve their problem-solving skills. Although time-consuming (I usually dedicate an entire class period for one case study), I find them a worthwhile activity compared to the standard worksheet or problem set.

Editor’s Note: Josh   includes a reference for   the   National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (a fantastic collection of case studies). Interested readers may wish to read Scott Donnelly's PICK about this website resource .

Josh shared an example of a case study:  The Golden Drain - A Stoichiometry Case Study

  • Lantz, J., & Walczak, M. (1997). The elements of a chemistry case: Teaching chemistry using the case discussion method. The Chemical Educator , 1(6), 1-22.
  • National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS). (n.d.). National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. Retrieved May 13, 2021, from https://sciencecases.lib.bu
  • Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A revision of Bloom's taxonomy: An overview. Theory into practice , 41(4), 212-218.
  • Sharma, A. K., & Wolfgang, D. E. (2016). The Golden Drain: A Stoichiometry Case Study for General Chemistry. Chem. Educ , 21, 77-80.
  • Cooper, M. M., & Sandi-Urena, S. (2009). Design and validation of an instrument to assess metacognitive skillfulness in chemistry problem solving. Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 86, 2,  p 240.

Case-based Learning

Students test their results in the solar cells lab. Ben Binhong Lin, Stanford University


In case based learning, students develop and apply course knowledge to solve a more tangible or actual “real life” problem.

As we know that anyone is certainly more motivated to learn something that can be readily applied to the real world, it is easy to see why this method is so engaging. Our upper-level lab courses already allow students to propose their own projects – for example in Chem134, Analytical Chemistry, student final projects have included analyzing pollutants in campus water sources, determining fat content in local French fries, and examining cyanide levels in apple juice.

With the opening of the new Sapp Center and availability of more robust active learning spaces, we look forward to introducing more group work on new case studies throughout the curriculum. For example this winter, in our new biochemistry course, Chem141, students (below) are learning about the underlying cause of sickle cell disease by using software to visualize disease-related protein structures. We look forward to expanding these kinds of activities within many courses in our introductory sequence over the next several years.

Students work on a case study about sickle cell disease in the Sapp Center, room 115. Stanford University

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The Case Study Method in Chemistry Teaching: A Systematic Review Click to copy article link Article link copied!


Journal of Chemical Education

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The Case Study (CS) method is a teaching methodology based on constructivism and centered on students, which actively develops their learning. Through the study of a case, which can be a real or fictional story based on everyday life, the student is asked to solve a dilemma and thus is expected to develop higher skills. Through this systematic review, it was possible to analyze the research studies about the CS methodology in the area of chemistry teaching in the past decade (2010 to 2019) in relation to the objectives sought with the use of the method, formats of application, and main results obtained. The research was carried out using the SciFinder and Education Resources Information Center databases. A total of 42 articles were analyzed, most of them focused on higher education, and covered several chemistry areas with emphasis on general chemistry. Most of the time, cases are applied to small groups of students, which seeks to promote dialogue and collaboration. The results of the articles indicate that the CS method can be effective for developing higher skills such as critical thinking and communication, in addition to stimulating curiosity and engagement. However, concerning the subjects’ perceptions involved in the researched contexts, some teachers are resistant, but most students are receptive and approve the CS employment in the classes.

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  • High School/Introductory Chemistry
  • First-Year Undergraduate/General
  • Second-Year Undergraduate
  • Upper-Division Undergraduate
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  • Problem Solving/Decision Making
  • Student-Centered Learning

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This article is cited by 7 publications.

  • Vladimir Sánchez-Gonzaga, Núria Ruiz-Morillas . Differences and Similarities between Face-to-Face and YouTube Chemistry Teaching. Journal of Chemical Education 2024 , 101 (5) , 1905-1913.
  • Ricardo Matos, Mikeas Silva de Lima, Guilherme Balestiero da Silva, Salete Linhares Queiroz . Teaching about Chemistry Related to Food through the Interrupted Case Study Method. Journal of Chemical Education 2024 , 101 (3) , 1361-1366.
  • Katie McShea Deana Jaber . Effect of a Chemistry Case Study on Students’ Understanding of Chemical Bonds. , 83-98.
  • Mikeas Silva de Lima, Lilian Pozzer, Salete Linhares Queiroz . Use of Interrupted Case Studies to Teach Scientific Communication: Examples from the Effects of Mining on Water Resources in Brazil. Journal of Chemical Education 2023 , 100 (2) , 722-731.
  • Thomas Holme . Connecting Chemistry Education and Insects. Journal of Chemical Education 2022 , 99 (4) , 1545-1546.
  • Krystal Grieger , Alexey Leontyev . Development and implementation of a case study assessment using biobased 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to teach redox reactions in undergraduate organic courses. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 2023 , 16 (1)
  • Ryan S. Bowen . Student perceptions of “critical thinking”: insights into clarifying an amorphous construct. Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2022 , 23 (3) , 725-741.

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Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies

Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies

Green chemistry as a discipline is gaining increasing attention globally, with environmentally conscious students keen to learn how they can contribute to a safer and more sustainable world. Many universities now offer courses or modules specifically on green chemistry – Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies is an essential learning resource for those interested in mastering the subject.

Providing a comprehensive overview of the concepts of green chemistry this book engages students with a thorough understanding of what we mean by green chemistry and how it can be put into practice. Structured around the well-known 12 Principles, and firmly grounded in real-world applications and case-studies, this book shows how green chemistry is already being put into practice and prepare them to think about how they can be incorporated into their own work.

Targeted at advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students with a background in general and organic chemistry, it is a useful resource both for students and for teachers looking to develop new courses.

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F. A. Etzkorn, Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019.

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Print format, table of contents.

  • Front Matter
  • Acknowledgements
  • The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry
  • 1: Prevent Waste p1-22 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 1: Prevent Waste in another window
  • 2: Synthetic Efficiency p23-56 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 2: Synthetic Efficiency in another window
  • 3: Benign Synthesis p57-90 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 3: Benign Synthesis in another window
  • 4: Benign Products p91-124 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 4: Benign Products in another window
  • 5: Avoid Auxiliaries p125-168 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 5: Avoid Auxiliaries in another window
  • 6: Energy Efficiency p169-207 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 6: Energy Efficiency in another window
  • 7: Renewable Feedstocks p208-236 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 7: Renewable Feedstocks in another window
  • 8: Avoid Protecting Groups p237-270 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 8: Avoid Protecting Groups in another window
  • 9: Catalysis p271-298 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 9: Catalysis in another window
  • 10: Degradation or Recovery p299-320 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 10: Degradation or Recovery in another window
  • 11: Real-time Analysis p321-352 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 11: Real-time Analysis in another window
  • 12: Prevent Accidents p353-378 Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for 12: Prevent Accidents in another window
  • Appendix A: Organic Functional Groups p379-383 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix A: Organic Functional Groups in another window
  • Appendix B: Organic Mechanism p384-408 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix B: Organic Mechanism in another window
  • Appendix C: p K a Tables p409-415 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix C: p<em>K</em><sub>a</sub> Tables in another window
  • Appendix D: Earth Abundance Periodic Table p416-417 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix D: Earth Abundance Periodic Table in another window
  • Appendix E: Standard Reduction Potentials by Value p418-420 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix E: Standard Reduction Potentials by Value in another window
  • Appendix F: Solvent Selection Guide p421-422 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix F: Solvent Selection Guide in another window
  • Appendix G: Selected Bond Dissociation Energies p423-424 Open the PDF Link PDF for Appendix G: Selected Bond Dissociation Energies in another window
  • Subject Index p425-447 Open the PDF Link PDF for Subject Index in another window


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CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Study Questions PDF

Case studies play a pivotal role in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry, as they enable students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios. CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Study Questions PDF section introduces the significance of case studies in enhancing analytical skills and understanding complex chemical reactions.

Case studies challenge students to think critically, analyze experimental data, and devise problem-solving strategies. They provide a deeper understanding of chemical principles and their practical applications, fostering a holistic learning experience. Familiarize yourself with the structure of case study questions to streamline your preparation. Each case study presents a unique chemical problem, encouraging students to identify relevant concepts and devise accurate solutions.

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Class 12 Chemistry Case Study Questions

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry question paper will have case study questions too. These case-based questions will be objective type in nature. So, Class 12 Chemistry students must prepare themselves for such questions. First of all, you should study NCERT Textbooks line by line, and then you should practice as many questions as possible.

case study for chemistry

Chapter-wise Solved Case Study Questions for Class 12 Chemistry

Click Below

Class 12 students should go through important Case Study problems for Chemistry before the exams. This will help them to understand the type of Case Study questions that can be asked in Grade 12 Chemistry examinations. Our expert faculty for standard 12 Chemistry have designed these questions based on the trend of questions that have been asked in last year’s exams. The solutions have been designed in a manner to help the grade 12 students understand the concepts and also easy-to-learn solutions.

Tips to Excel in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Examinations

Excel in your Chemistry exams with these practical tips.

A. Regular Practice with Case Studies

Consistent practice with case study questions enhances your ability to tackle complex problems. Dedicate time to solving various case studies to build confidence.

B. Understanding Analytical Skills

Develop strong analytical skills to approach case studies logically. Break down complex problems into simpler components and analyze them step-by-step.

C. Time Management Strategies

Allocate sufficient time for each case study during the exam. Practice time management in mock tests to complete the paper within the stipulated time.

Best Books for Class 12 Chemistry

Strictly as per the new term-wise syllabus for Board Examinations to be held in the academic session 2024 for class 12 Multiple Choice Questions based on new typologies introduced by the board- Stand-Alone MCQs, MCQs based on Assertion-Reason Case-based MCQs. Include Questions from CBSE official Question Bank released in April 2024 Answer key with Explanations What are the updates in the book: Strictly as per the Term wise syllabus for Board Examinations to be held in the academic session 2024. Chapter-wise -Topic-wise Multiple choice questions based on the special scheme of assessment for Board Examination for Class 12th Chemistry.

case study for chemistry

Mastering CBSE Class 12 Chemistry case study questions is crucial for excelling in the exams. Embrace case studies as a valuable learning tool, and with practice, you’ll ace your Chemistry exams with confidence.

Benefits of Utilizing the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Study PDF

  • Enhanced Learning Experience : The case study PDF offers practical examples and scenarios, making the learning process engaging and relatable for students.
  • Application of Theoretical Concepts : It enables students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, honing their problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Real-World Relevance : By connecting classroom learning to real-life applications, students can grasp the practical significance of chemistry in various industries.
  • Critical Thinking Development : Analyzing case studies encourages students to think critically and make informed decisions based on chemical principles.
  • Exam Preparation : Exposure to case studies aids in better preparation for chemistry examinations by providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

The CBSE Class 12 Chemistry case study PDF brings a refreshing perspective to the world of education. By intertwining theoretical knowledge with practical applications, it equips students to face real-world challenges with confidence. The diverse case studies provide invaluable insights, encouraging students to explore chemistry beyond the classroom and make a positive impact on society.

What is the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry case study PDF?

The CBSE Class 12 Chemistry case study PDF is a curated document by CBSE, presenting real-life applications of chemistry concepts for students to understand the subject’s practical relevance.

How does the case study PDF benefit students?

The case study PDF enhances the learning experience, fosters critical thinking, promotes application-based learning, and prepares students for examinations.

Are the case studies diverse in content?

Yes, the case studies cover various branches of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, physical, environmental, and analytical chemistry.

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Case Studies: Chemistry

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All Chemistry Cases

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By Meghan Ward, Krystal Nunes, Nicole Laliberté, Fiona Rawle

The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design in a Case of Schizophrenia

By Brahmadeo Dewprashad, Vishnu Tiwari

Dystrophin Stability and Cardiomyopathy

By Richard J. Kwak, Joyce A. Horton, Zyan Davis, Kristy J. Wilson

The Name’s Bond, Chemical Bond

By Katie McShea, Kari Fleuriet, Fatmah Alamoudi, Deana Jaber

A Nervous Night in the ER

By Breanna N. Harris, Heidi Schutz

Why Does My Chest Hurt?

By John B. Chiari, Jillian Giblin, Courtney L. McGinnis

Get a Chemical Clue

By Megan Lee, Anna K.S. Jozwick

Life in the Fat Lane

By Scott J. Donnelly

Sponges and Bubbles

By Geoffrey M. Lippa, Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Jean A. Cardinale

Plantation Paradox

By Courtney L. McGinnis, Jacob M. Laperche

Study Rate

Case Study Questions Class 10 Science Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations

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CBSE Board Exam is on the way, so you must practice some good Case Studies and Passage Based Questions of Class 10 Science to boost your preparation to score 95+% on Boards. In this post, you will get Case Study and Passage Based Questions that will come in CBSE Class 10 Science Board Exams. These Case Study Questions Class 10 Science are written by experts.

Join our Telegram Channel, there you will get various e-books for CBSE 2024 Boards exams for Class 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th.

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In CBSE Class 10 Science Paper, Students will have to answer some questions based on  Assertion and Reason . There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Chemical Reactions and Equations Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 10 Science  Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Question 1:

A chemical reaction is a representation of chemical change in terms of symbols and formulae of reactants and products. There are various types of chemical reactions like combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, oxidation, and reduction reactions. Reactions in which heat is released along with the formation of products are called exothermic chemical reactions. All combustion reactions are exothermic reactions.

(i) The chemical reaction in which a single substance breaks down into two or simpler substances upon heating is known as (a) thermal decomposition reaction (b) photodecomposition reaction (c) electric decomposition reaction (d) both (a) and (c)

Answer: (a) The chemical reaction in which a single substance breaks down into two or more simpler substances upon heating is known as thermal decomposition reaction.

(ii) The massive force that pushes the rocket forward through space is generated due to the (a) combination reaction (b) decomposition reaction (c) displacement reaction (d) double displacement reaction

Answer: (b) The massive force that pushes the rocket forward through space is generated due to the decomposition reaction. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes and provides it with a considerable reaction force thrust.

(iii) A white salt on heating decomposes to give brown fumes and the yellow residue is left behind. The yellow residue left is of (a) lead nitrate (b) nitrogen oxide (c) lead oxide (d) oxygen gas

Answer: (c) Lead nitrate decomposes to give brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide gas and yellow residue of lead oxide is left behind.

(iv) Which of the following reactions represents a combination reaction? (a) CaO (s) + H 2 O (l) → Ca(OH) 2  (aq) (b) CaCO 3  (s) → CaO (s) + CO 2 (g) (c) Zn(s) + CuSO 4  (aq) → ZnSO 4  (aq) + Cu(s) (d) 2FeSO 4 (s) → Fe 2 O 3  (s) +SO 2 (g) + SO 3 (g)

Answer: (a) A reaction in which two or more reactants combine to form a single product is known as a combination reaction.

(v) Complete the following statements by choosing correct type of reaction for X and Y. Statement 1:  The heating of lead nitrate is an example of ‘X’ reaction. Statement 2:  The burning of magnesium is an example of ‘Y’ reaction. (a) X- Combination, Y- Decomposition (b) X- Decomposition, Y-Combination (c) X- Combination, Y-Displacement (d) X- Displacement, Y-Decomposition

Answer: (b) Heating of lead nitrate to form nitrogen dioxide and lead oxide is an example of thermal decomposition reaction and the burning of magnesium ribbon in the air to form magnesium oxide is an example of combination reaction.

Question 2:

In a chemical reaction, reactants are converted into products. The conversion of reactants into products in a chemical reaction is often accompanied by some features which can be observed easily. These easily observed features which take place as a result of chemical reactions are known as characteristics of chemical reactions. Some important characteristics of chemical reactions are:  (I) Evolution of heat  (II) Formation of a precipitate (III) Change in color (IV) Change in temperature (V) Change in state

Anyone of these general characteristics can tell us whether a chemical reaction has taken place or not.

(i) Reaction of magnesium with air is a/an

(a) exothermic reaction(b) endothermic reaction
(c) reversible reaction(d) substitution reaction

Answer: (a) exothermic reaction

(ii) In the following reaction Ca 2+ (aq)+2OH−(aq)⟶Ca(OH) 2 (s)Ca(aq) 2 ++2OH(aq)−⟶Ca(OH) 2 (s) precipitate of calcium hydroxide will be of

(b) blue colour(c) brown colour(d) white colour

Answer: (d) white colour

(iii) In the given reaction, S(s)+O 2 (g)⟶SO 2 S(s)+O 2 (g)⟶SO 2 the physical state of SO 2  is

(a) liquid(b) solid(c) gaseous (d) all three

Answer: (c) gaseous 

(iv) Which one of the following processes involves chemical reactions?

(a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas cylinder.
(b) Keeping petrol in a china dish in the open.
(c) Liquefaction of air.
(d) Heating copper wire in the presence of air at high temperatures.

Answer: (d) Heating copper wire in the presence of air at high temperature.

(v) In which of the following reactions, high amount of heat energy will be evolved?

(a) Electrolysis of water(b) Dissolution of NH4Cl in water
(c) Burning of L.P.G.(d) Decomposition of AgBr in the presence of light

Answer: (c) Burning of L.P.G.

Case Study 3: Chemical reactions and equations are fundamental concepts in chemistry that help us understand the transformation of substances. A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different properties. In a chemical equation, the reactants are written on the left side, and the products are written on the right side, separated by an arrow. The number of atoms of each element must be balanced on both sides of the equation. This is achieved by using coefficients to adjust the number of molecules involved in the reaction. Chemical reactions can be classified into various types, such as combination reactions, decomposition reactions, displacement reactions, and redox reactions. Understanding and balancing chemical equations is crucial for studying chemical reactions, predicting the products formed, and analyzing the stoichiometry of reactions.

What do chemical reactions involve? a) Formation of new substances with different properties b) Rearrangement of atoms c) Balancing of equations d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

How are reactants and products represented in a chemical equation? a) Reactants on the left side, products on the right side b) Reactants on the right side, products on the left side c) Reactants and products mixed together d) Reactants and products in different equations Answer: a) Reactants on the left side, products on the right side

What must be balanced in a chemical equation? a) Number of molecules b) Number of atoms of each element c) Physical properties of substances d) Coefficients Answer: b) Number of atoms of each element

Which type of chemical reaction involves the breakdown of a compound into simpler substances? a) Combination reaction b) Decomposition reaction c) Displacement reaction d) Redox reaction Answer: b) Decomposition reaction

Why is balancing chemical equations important? a) To predict the products formed in a reaction b) To analyze the stoichiometry of reactions c) To study chemical reactions d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

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CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Based Questions, Assertion & Reason, MCQs

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Chapter 5: Surface Chemistry
Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Chapter 7: The p-Block Elements
Chapter 8: The d & f Block Elements
Chapter 9: Coordination Compounds
Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
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case study for chemistry

Quality and health impact of groundwater in a coastal region: a case study from west coast of southern India

  • Research Article
  • Published: 12 September 2024

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case study for chemistry

  • Ayushi Agarwal 1 , 2 &
  • Ratnakar Dhakate 1 , 2  

Seawater intrusion seriously threatens the quality of coastal groundwater, affecting nearly 40% of the world’s population in coastal areas. A study was conducted in the Kamini watershed situated in the Udupi district of Karnataka to assess the groundwater quality and extent of seawater intrusion. During the pre-monsoon period, 57 groundwater and 3 surface water samples were analyzed to understand the impact of seawater on the groundwater and surface water. The analysis revealed that the groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline. The weighted overlay analysis map indicated that 11% of the study area is unsuitable for drinking water due to the influence of seawater. The Piper plot analysis revealed that the groundwater is predominantly CaMgCl facies. The hydrogeochemical facies evolution diagram (HFED) showed that 62% of the groundwater is affected by seawater. The HFED and Piper plots also indicate that the surface water is also affected by seawater. These results are also supported by various molar ratios such as Cl − vs. Cl⁻/HCO 3 ⁻, Cl⁻ vs. Na⁺/Cl⁻, Cl − vs. SO 4 2− /Cl − , and Cl⁻/HCO 3 − vs. Mg 2+ /Ca 2+ , suggesting that the majority of the water sample has been affected by seawater. The saturation indices indicated that mineral dissolution has significantly contributed to groundwater salinization. The correlation between sulfate concentration and calcite and dolomite dissolution suggested the influence of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer. The process of reverse ion exchange mainly influences the groundwater chemistry according to chloroalkali indices. The total hazard index (THI) values of nitrate and fluoride exceeded limits, posing health risks to adults and children. Studies suggest that with time and space, seawater intrusion is increasing in some pockets of the study area, especially along the west coast.

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Ayushi Agarwal: formal analysis, investigation, methodology, software, figure preparation, validation, and manuscript writing.

Ratnakar Dhakate: conceptualization, supervision, data curation, methodology, validation, review and editing.

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Agarwal, A., Dhakate, R. Quality and health impact of groundwater in a coastal region: a case study from west coast of southern India. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2024).

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Received : 17 January 2024

Accepted : 03 September 2024

Published : 12 September 2024


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  1. (PDF) Problem solving case studies in analytical and applied chemistry

    case study for chemistry

  2. Chemistry case study

    case study for chemistry

  3. How To Study for Chemistry

    case study for chemistry

  4. ESP in Scientific Teaching: A Case Study in Chemistry

    case study for chemistry

  5. Complete Clinical Chemistry CASE Studies 1-19

    case study for chemistry

  6. Chemistry Case Study Teacher's Notes

    case study for chemistry


  1. Top 10 Chemistry Experiments You Can Do at Home Safely

  2. How to Study Chemistry: A Few Tips


  4. Most important Case study Chapter 1 Class 10th Science chemical reaction and equation Abhishek sir

  5. Top 5 Case Study Questions Explained

  6. Chemistry case study


  1. Case Study Collection

    General Chemistry Problem-Based Cases. "The Global Warming Debate: A Case Study". Note: This case is done in the 3 rd or 4 th week of our first general chemistry course, and is done in order to provide an introduction to data analysis and scientific reasoning. The answer key and teaching notes are available upon request ([email protected]).

  2. NCCSTS Case Studies

    The NCCSTS Case Collection, created and curated by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, on behalf of the University at Buffalo, contains over a thousand peer-reviewed case studies on a variety of topics in all areas of science. Cases (only) are freely accessible; subscription is required for access to teaching notes and ...

  3. Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 1

    Case Study/Passage Based Questions on Chemical Reactions and Equations. Case Study/Passage Based Questions. Question 1: Corrosion is the phenomenon of deterioration of surface of metal in presence of air and moisture. It is a natural process and in the presence of a moist atmosphere, chemically active metals get corroded. This is an oxidation ...

  4. Teaching Chemistry With Case Studies

    Teaching Chemistry With Case Studies. Case studies have been a staple of undergraduate and graduate education programs like medicine, law, and business, for many years. They let learners engage with simulated real-world situations, making the content more meaningful and connected to their future careers. 1 As a valuable context-based learning ...

  5. Case-based Learning

    APPLYING CHEMISTRY TO REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS. In case based learning, students develop and apply course knowledge to solve a more tangible or actual "real life" problem. ... Center and availability of more robust active learning spaces, we look forward to introducing more group work on new case studies throughout the curriculum. For example ...

  6. Case Study Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 2 Structure of Atom

    Case Study/Passage Based Questions: Question 1: Electron moves around the nucleus in circular orbitals in fixed energy paths. As far as electron moves in these orbits neither energy is absorbed nor liberated. But when electron move from lower energy level to higher energy level energy is absorbed while when it comes back from higher energy ...

  7. The Case Study Method in Chemistry Teaching: A Systematic Review

    The Case Study (CS) method is a teaching methodology based on constructivism and centered on students, which actively develops their learning. Through the study of a case, which can be a real or fictional story based on everyday life, the student is asked to solve a dilemma and thus is expected to develop higher skills. Through this systematic review, it was possible to analyze the research ...

  8. Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies

    Green chemistry as a discipline is gaining increasing attention globally, with environmentally conscious students keen to learn how they can contribute to a safer and more sustainable world. Many universities now offer courses or modules specifically on green chemistry - Green Chemistry: Principles and Case Studies is an essential learning ...

  9. CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Study Questions PDF

    This will help them to understand the type of Case Study questions that can be asked in Grade 12 Chemistry examinations. Our expert faculty for standard 12 Chemistry have designed these questions based on the trend of questions that have been asked in last year's exams. The solutions have been designed in a manner to help the grade 12 ...

  10. Case Studies Chemistry

    Case Study. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design in a Case of Schizophrenia. By Brahmadeo Dewprashad, Vishnu Tiwari. Case Study. Dystrophin Stability and Cardiomyopathy. By Richard J. Kwak, Joyce A. Horton, Zyan Davis, Kristy J. Wilson. Case Study. The Name's Bond, Chemical Bond.

  11. Case Study Questions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 3 Electrochemistry

    There is Case Study Questions in class 12 Chemistry in session 2020-21. For the first time, the board has introduced the case study questions in the board exam. The first two questions in the board exam question paper will be based on Case Study and Assertion & Reason. The first question will have 5 MCQs out of which students will have to ...

  12. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering

    Case studies on green technology applications for sustainable development and circular economy (CSGT2024) Guest editors: Wojciech Smułek, Hugo Santos, Luiza C. Campos. Currently, the depletion of natural resources and the increasing environmental pollution pose some of the most serious challenges faced by authorities and society as a whole.

  13. Acids, Bases, and Salts Case Study Questions With Answers

    Case Study 3: Acids, bases, and salts are essential substances in our daily lives and play crucial roles in various chemical reactions and processes. Acids are sour-tasting substances that can donate hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. They turn blue litmus paper red and have a pH value less than 7.

  14. Is Matter Around Us Pure? Case Study Questions With Answers

    Case Study/Passage-Based Questions. Case Study 1: Akshita wants to separate the mixture of dyes constituting a sample of ink. She marked a line by the ink on the filter paper and placed the filter paper in a glass containing water as shown in the figure. The filter paper was removed when the water moved near the top of the filter paper.

  15. Chemical Reactions and Equations Case Study Questions With ...

    Case Study 3: Chemical reactions and equations are fundamental concepts in chemistry that help us understand the transformation of substances. A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different properties. In a chemical equation, the reactants are written on the left side, and the products are written on the right side, separated by an arrow.

  16. CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Case Study : Questions With Solutions

    Class 12 Chemistry Case Study Questions for Term 1 exam includes The Solid State, The P block elements, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Biomolecules, etc. Questions for all these chapters are given in the PDF file that are available here for free to download. Term 1 exam is about to be held in November-December this year.

  17. Case Study Questions Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts

    Case Study Questions Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry. Question 1: The identity of a substance is defined not only by the types of atoms or ions it contains, but by the quantity of each type of atom or ion. The experimental approach required the introduction of a new unit for amount of substances, the mole, which ...

  18. Quality and health impact of groundwater in a coastal region: a case

    Seawater intrusion seriously threatens the quality of coastal groundwater, affecting nearly 40% of the world's population in coastal areas. A study was conducted in the Kamini watershed situated in the Udupi district of Karnataka to assess the groundwater quality and extent of seawater intrusion. During the pre-monsoon period, 57 groundwater and 3 surface water samples were analyzed to ...

  19. Primed and ready: nanopore metabarcoding can now recover highly

    Background DNA metabarcoding applies high-throughput sequencing approaches to generate numerous DNA barcodes from mixed sample pools for mass species identification and community characterisation. To date, however, most metabarcoding studies employ second-generation sequencing platforms like Illumina, which are limited by short read lengths and longer turnaround times. While third-generation ...

  20. Category: Case Study Questions for Class 11 Chemistry

    Case Study Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure. January 28, 2023 Physics Gurukul Leave a Comment.