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UAF THESIS/DISSERTATION FORMATTING AND SUBMISSION HANDBOOK For UAF graduate students preparing a Master’s thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation Reviewed and revised by the UAF Graduate School Spring 2018 revised 2/14/18 UAF Graduate School 202 Eielson Building 907-474-7464 [email protected] www.uaf.edu/gradsch/ The University of Alaska Fairbanks does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally protected status. When implementing this commitment, the University is guided by Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Civil Rights Act of 1991; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Executive Order 11246, and Executive Order 11375, as amended; Equal Pay Act of 1963; Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990; the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008; Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; Pregnancy Discrimination Act; Immigration Reform & Control Act; Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other federal laws or Alaska Statutes which guarantee equal opportunity to individuals and protected classes within our society. The University's commitment to nondiscrimination, including against sex discrimination, applies to students, employees, and applicants for admission and employment. This policy therefore affects employment policies and actions, as well as the delivery of educational services at all levels and facilities of the University. Further, the University's objective of ensuring equal opportunity will be met by taking affirmative action: i.e., making intensified, goal-oriented efforts to substantially increase the participation of groups where their representation is less than proportionate to their availability; providing reasonable accommodations to employees and students with disabilities; and ensuring that employment opportunities are widely disseminated to agencies and organizations that serve underrepresented protected classes. Contact information, applicable laws, and complaint procedures are included on UA's statement of nondiscrimination available at www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination. Table of Contents Page I. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 II. Thesis/Dissertation Timelines ..................................................................................................1 III. Determining Your Thesis/Dissertation Type............................................................................2 IV. Thesis/Dissertation Formatting ................................................................................................2 V. Other Considerations ................................................................................................................5 VI. Submission of the Thesis/Dissertation .....................................................................................6 Example title page............................................................................................................................8 I. Introduction Congratulations on reaching the final stage of your graduate program! Your thesis or dissertation is the culmination of your graduate work and deserves a professional presentation. A thesis is required in some Master’s degree programs, as indicated under specific degree program requirements. A dissertation is required of every candidate for the Ph.D. degree. We understand that you are stressed and under an enormous amount of pressure to finish your degree. This guide is meant to alleviate some of that by providing information on expected timelines, mandatory formatting, and submission procedures. Although there are a few specific requirements in this guide, you are expected to present your work in the best form for your discipline and your intended audience, following the guidance of your committee. The use of language, grammar, and punctuation must be professional, and reflect positively on you, your advisor, and the university. Your thesis is viewed as a finished product that represents one indicator of your overall ability. It must be correct in spelling and punctuation, neat in form, and consistent in all matters. “Consistent in all matters” includes (but is not limited to): • Use of the same font throughout your text • Use of consistent fonts, styles, and capitalization on headings and subheadings throughout • Use of consistent formats for text references and reference lists, throughout (for the monograph format) or within chapters (for the manuscript format) II. Thesis/Dissertation Timelines. All too often students may fail to realize that they do not have their entire last semester to write their thesis/dissertation. It is extremely critical to understand that although the Graduate School has set deadlines that are towards the end of any given semester to submit your thesis/dissertation, you must also find out the deadline that the dean of your college or school has, which is usually 2-4 weeks before the Grad School’s deadline. However, before you can submit your thesis/dissertation to your dean, your department chair must review it and you must make those revisions; and the same for your committee. Here is a suggested timeline: Graduating Submit to Submit to Submit to Submit to Graduate semester committee to Department School or School* read before Chair College Dean April 7 Nov. 28 defense August 1 Spring ~Feb. 15 ~March 1 ~March 15 Fall ~Oct. 15 ~Nov. 1 ~Nov. 15 Summer ~June 15 ~July 1 ~July 15 *If this date falls on a weekend, then it is due the following Monday. 1 It is your responsibility to follow up with the graduate coordinator or the departmental admin in your department or college/school to find out what the deadlines are for your department chair and college/school dean. III. Determining Your Thesis/Dissertation Type There are a few thesis/dissertation types allowed at UAF that you can choose from: A. The monograph style has chapters that address specific areas of your research (e.g., Literature Review, Methods and Materials, Results, etc.) and has one abstract, one introduction, one conclusion, and one reference section. B. The manuscript style has individual chapters that are stand-alone documents. For example, articles that you1 have written, submitted, or prepared for submission for journals are included in their entirety as a single chapter (i.e., each chapter has its own abstract, introduction, conclusions, and references). C. The single-chapter manuscript style, while rare, is also an option for those who wish to include in their thesis a solitary article that they have prepared for submission to a journal. However, because this is a thesis, not simply a reproduction of your journal article, you are required to include additional information before and after the article. Some options are a Statement by the Author (see page 4 of this guide for a description), a General Introduction that includes the reason for doing the research and/or a literature review, and a General Conclusion that addresses implications and future directions for the research in greater detail. IV. Thesis/dissertation formatting. Citation style dictates the information necessary for punctuation, formatting, and how the references are ordered. There are several different ways of citing resources from your research. The citation style depends on the academic discipline involved. For example:  APA (American Psychological Association) is generally used in the social and behavioral sciences  MLA (Modern Language Association) style is generally used in the humanities  Chicago/Turabian style is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts  IEEE style is generally used by Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology  CSE style is often used in the sciences  AMS (American Mathematical Society) is generally used in Mathematics It is your responsibility to find out from your advisor which style they want you to use. However, below are some guidelines that may not be covered in a style guide that we look for: 1 You must be the first author or sole author on all articles that are to be included in your thesis/dissertation. If you are a second or contributing author on an article, then it can be included as an appendix to the thesis/dissertation. 2 A. Fonts Use any simple, non-script font between 10-12 pt. size. Use the same font throughout your thesis/dissertation. B. Headings Different levels of heading should each have a distinct and consistent appearance and is divided into as many chapters and sections as are necessary for clarity. Ideally, the reader should know at a glance what level a given heading is based on its appearance. C. Margins  Thesis/dissertations that are archived and retrieved electronically in PDF format do not need to abide by specific margins.  If you are ordering bound copies of your thesis/dissertation from ProQuest ETD when you submit it for archiving, you will want to use margins appropriate for binding.  The thesis/dissertation should be formatted for US Letter size paper (8.5"x11").  Watch for widowed or orphaned lines at the top and bottom of pages. D. Spacing  Consistently either 1.5 or 2  Figure/table captions, footnotes, etc. may be single-spaced  References can be single-spaced within the reference, but consistently spaced as the rest of the thesis between references E. Page Numbers  Preliminary page numbers should start on the Abstract with “i.”  Lower-case Roman numerals are used to number preliminary pages. (from the Abstract until the start of the Introduction or Chapter 1).  Arabic numerals are then used beginning with the first page of the text, the Introduction or Chapter 1.  Page numbers must be centered at the bottom of each page, ½" from the bottom. This includes pages with a landscape format (e.g., figures and tables). Page numbers remain in the bottom center position and retain the original orientation even though a page might be in landscape format. F. Footnotes/Endnotes There is no specified format for footnotes or endnotes. Please see your style guide for the formatting of footnotes or endnotes. Order of the Sections: A. Title page (required) See the sample on page 7. B. Abstract (Required)  Only with rare exceptions, with permission, and footnoted, can citations be in the abstract. 3  Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms in the abstract. If you must use abbreviations or acronyms they must be commonly known e.g., USA, DNA.  Typically, a good abstract will be no more than one page.  Your abstract should contain the following: o What topic and/or problem was addressed o Why that is important o What you did o Most important results and their implications  Remember, the abstract is the most read part of any thesis/dissertation. C. Table of Contents (required)  All chapters or major sections of the thesis/dissertation that appear after the Title Page should be included (usually the Abstract page “i”).  You may decide how many levels of sub-headings you wish to include in the Table of Contents. Be consistent – if you include some headings of a given level, you should include all of them. Different levels of heading are normally distinguished in the Table of Contents by indenting.  Each heading included in the Table of Contents should match the heading in the body of the thesis/dissertation and should have its page number reported.  Use leader dots between each heading and right align the page number. D. Lists of Figures, Tables, and Appendices (if needed)  If your thesis/dissertation includes figures, include a List of Figures following your Table of Contents to identify the figures and report the pages where they appear.  Similarly, use a List of Tables and a List of Appendices if your thesis/dissertation includes them.  For monograph style, figures and tables must be embedded in the text.  The title of figures, tables, and appendices must be exactly what is in the respective List of Figures, Tables, and Appendices.  You may number your figures and/or tables using any method that will make sense to your readers. E. Statement by Author (sometimes called Preface) (optional) This is used to explain personal details about the nature of the research undertaken, how it relates to your background and experiences, and information about the intended audience. F. Acknowledgements page(optional) This is the place in your document where you may either thank all of the important people in your life who helped you achieve your current success, or other persons you deem as important to your work. G. Dedication page (optional) This is used to acknowledge those who have supported you during your graduate studies. This is not typically the place to recognize those who assisted you in your academic research, which is done on the Acknowledgements page. 4 The Dedication Page may come after the Abstract or the List of Appendices or after the Preface/Acknowledgments. H. References/Works Cited/Bibliography (required)  The final section of the thesis/dissertation should be a comprehensive list of the works you have cited or used.  Make sure reference entries are not split between two pages.  As noted above, the Graduate School does not specify a citation style to use. See a style manual in your discipline for guidelines.  The use of a references/citation management program is strongly recommended. Here are a few popular ones: o EndNote - free for UAF Grad Students: www.alaska.edu/oit/ o zotero - www.zotero.org/ o Mendeley - www.mendeley.com/ I. Appendix You may include material in appendices as appropriate. Typically, each appendix has a letter designation and a title (e.g., “APPENDIX A”). J. Research Approvals If your research requires IACUC, IRB, IBC, etc. approval then you must include proof of the approval in your thesis/dissertation, usually as a copy of the approval letter attached as an appendix. V. Other Considerations A. Respecting Copyright You, as the author, and any co-authors of included papers are fully responsible for the use of copyrighted materials in the thesis/dissertation. Written permission must be obtained for the inclusion of any copyrighted material within the thesis/dissertation. For information on copyright law and permissions, see https://www.alaska.edu/alaska/about-ua/copyright/. Note that copyright applies to nearly all published materials and to most information, illustrations, and photos available through the Internet, whether or not there is an explicit statement of copyright. The only common exception is that material on some U.S. government agency websites are not copyrighted. However, the source of such non-copyrighted materials must be acknowledged in the manner used for other references. B. Research approvals IRB/IACUC/Biosafety, etc. Approvals must be included in the thesis. We recommend that you mention the approval number in the acknowledgements section, within the methods section, or include a copy of the approval letter as an appendix C. Filing for Copyright You may apply formally for copyright registration directly to the U.S. Copyright Office, http://www.copyright.gov (fee required) or you can authorize ProQuest to apply for a copyright 5 registration on your behalf (fee required). Before applying for a copyright, please be sure that there are no restrictions imposed by funding sources. If copyright registration is intended, the following line (using your name and current year) must appear as the last line of the title page of the thesis/dissertation but above the APPROVED section: (see sample on page 7) © 2018 Anthony E. Stark D. Delayed Publication (Embargo) At your request and on the recommendation of the advisory committee, the Dean of the Graduate School may agree to delay publication of your work for up to two (2) years to protect intellectual or other rights. A request for such a delay must be done by completing the embargo request that is part of the UAF Publishing Agreement. This form is found as one of the steps for submission on the ProQuest web site. Note that this might delay the printing and binding of copies you may have requested from ProQuest. VI. Submission of the Thesis/Dissertation A. Delivery of Required Items to the Graduate School (all students) The Graduate School MUST receive the following items by the posted deadline: • Digital copy of your post-defense thesis/dissertation submitted to ProQuest. Please note what style manual you used for your references in the “Notes to Administrator” field. • If you are ordering bound copies from ProQuest, it is recommended that you have all chapters begin on an odd-numbered page. You may need to insert a blank page prior to the start of a new major section or chapter to insure that the new section or chapter begins on the right-hand side. • Any additional thesis/dissertation materials that are to be submitted as Supplemental Files • The Thesis/Dissertation Approval form with all signatures except the Graduate School Dean’s signature. B. Additional Items Required from Ph.D. Candidates • A 50-word version of your abstract for the commencement program. Go to https://form.jotform.com/72206020100128 • Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) https://sed-ncses.org/ (optional) D. Thesis Grades The grades given for all thesis (699) credits during your graduate program are deferred (DF). All thesis (699) credits grades (DF) will be changed to pass (P) after Graduation Services receives a notification from the Graduate School that your thesis/dissertation has been approved. E. Once your thesis/dissertation and all associated forms have been received and approved by the Graduate School, we send notification to the Graduation Services that you have cleared that portion of your graduate degree requirements. We usually have this done before the last day of the semester. Graduation Services will then review all other requirements for your graduation before “awarding” your diploma to you, which happens a few weeks later; usually June for Spring graduates, January for Fall graduates, and September for Summer graduates. 6 INVENTING THE SUIT, SAVING THE WORLD: ONE MAN’S STORY OF UNPARALLELED GENIUS, INTERMINABLE COURAGE, AND GENERAL Title in all caps. Double spaced if AWESOMENESS more than one line. Use same font type as in document, but can By make font smaller (not less than Anthony E. Stark, B.S. 10) so that all is on one page) No abbreviations. No bold, underline or period at end of title. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Lowercase "f" in "for the Degree of, and for the Degree of Degree written out fully, lowercase 'i" in "in" Doctor of Philosophy e.g., Master of Arts, in Master of Science, etc. Engineering: Mechanical University of Alaska Fairbanks No comma between month May 2018 & year. Use month of graduation, May, August, or December. If thesis/dissertation will © 2018 Anthony E. Stark be copyrighted, use ©, year, and name. APPROVED: All caps. Choose one option and remain consistent: Bruce Banner, Committee Chair Thor Odinson, Committee Co-Chair  Honorifics before names (e.g., Dr. Bruce Natasha Romanoff, Committee Member Banner) Samuel T. Wilson, Committee Member Clinton F. Barton, Committee Member  Degree after their name (e.g., Thor Nick Fury, Chair Odinson, Ph.D.) Department of Mechanical Engineering  Or neither Carol Danvers, Dean Must have title (Committee Chair, Committee Member, etc.) Marvel School of Heroes Must have Department Chair, School or Michael Castellini, Dean of the Graduate School College Dean, and Dean of Graduate School. If one is Committee Member and Department Chair, they must be listed twice. Departments, Schools, Colleges, etc. 7 must be italicized.

Forms and policies for students

The Graduate School uses DocuSign Powerforms for all forms that require signatures, and web forms (Formstack) for all forms that do not require signatures.

With one exception only, the Application to Pursue Graduate Degree , we do not accept PDF or printed submissions.  If a printed and/or handwritten form is submitted, it will be returned and delay your approval process.

DocuSign automates the routing and collection of digital signatures. For each form linked below, a pdf version is provided solely as an instructional template for preparing the DocuSign version, not as an alternative form of submission. If you are new to using Powerforms, please read through the DocuSign instructions to understand how to initiate and complete your form. If you have questions about the process or encounter issues with our forms, please contact (775) 784-6869 or email  [email protected] .

DocuSign instructions and FAQ [PDF]  |  DocuSign instructions [PDF]

Forms are organized in alphabetical order within the four sections below:

  • Admissions - Applicable to all graduate students applying to the Graduate School
  • General - Forms applicable to all graduate students within the Graduate School
  • Doctoral  - Forms and information specific to doctoral programs
  • Master's - Forms and information pertaining only to master's programs

Please note that faculty/program director forms are located under faculty forms .  If you need assistance or cannot access a form, please contact the Graduate School office at (775) 784-6869 .

Graduate School admissions forms

Application for graduate school admission.

Applicants are required to create an account. You will use this username and password every time to protect your account information.

Online Application for Graduate School Admission

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program

An accelerated bachelor's/master's program allows outstanding University of Nevada, Reno students to obtain both a baccalaureate and a master's degree in an accelerated timeframe.

Students in College of Engineering programs:

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Engineering Degree Program [DocuSign] Application to Pursue an Accelerated Engineering Degree Program [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Students in all other programs:

Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program [DocuSign] Application to Pursue an Accelerated Degree Program [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Application to Pursue Graduate Degree

Administrative and Academic faculty interested in pursuing a graduate degree through the University of Nevada, Reno are required to submit an "Application to Pursue a Graduate Degree" form when applying to their program of choice.

Application to Pursue Graduate Degree [PDF]

Declaration or Removal of Certificate

Graduate students admitted to a degree program can add or remove a graduate certificate with this form.

Declaration or Removal of Certificate [Docusign] Declaration or Removal of Certificate [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

General Course Catalog

The University of Nevada, Reno General Course Catalog.

Online General Course Catalog

Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request

Use this form when requesting a transfer of credits from other institutions.

Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request [DocuSign] Graduate Credit Transfer Evaluation Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Graduate Special Application

Use the same application portal as undergraduate students to complete the Graduate Special Application for non-degree seeking students.

Online Graduate Special Application

Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing

This form is to be completed by the student requesting reinstatement to their graduate program after an unapproved leave. Once completed, the program will return this form to the Graduate School for final approval.

Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing [DocuSign] Notice of Reinstatement to Graduate Standing [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study

A scholastically eligible undergraduate student at the University who is within 30 credits of completing the requirements for the bachelor's degree may enroll in graduate-level courses for graduate credit, provided that such credit is requested by the student and approved by the current undergraduate advisor and Graduate Dean.

Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study [DocuSign] Undergraduate Request for Graduate Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

General forms

Advanced degree certificate graduation application deadline appeal.

Appeals to the application deadline for certificate programs are accepted at the Graduate School until the last day of the graduation term.

Advanced Degree Certificate Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [DocuSign] Advanced Degree Certificate Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal

Appeals to the application deadline for degree programs are accepted at the Graduate School until the last day of the graduation term.

Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [DocuSign] Advanced Degree Graduation Application Deadline Appeal [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Change in Program of Study

Add or remove courses from your program of study.

Change in Program of Study [DocuSign] Change in Program of Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Change of Advisory Committee

Use this form if you need to make a change to the personnel on your advisory committee.

Change of Advisory Committee [DocuSign] Change of Advisory Committee [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair

This form initial agreement between a student and their advisor/committee chair. For master's students, the Declaration of Advisor form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's second semester. For doctoral and MFA students, the completed Declaration of Advisor form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's third semester.

Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair [DocuSign] Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request

Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request [Docusign] Doctoral/M.F.A. Commencement Participation Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Exit Survey

Students that have graduated may be asked to complete an exit survey by their program providing valuable program-specific and high-level feedback to the Graduate School about their experience. 

Exit Survey [Formstack]

Graduation Application

Every candidate for a degree must formally apply for graduation through MyNevada  by the applicable deadline:

  • May graduation: March 1
  • August graduation: June 1
  • December graduation: October 1

Within 3-8 weeks of applying for graduation, you will receive an email outlining any additional graduation requirements. As a candidate for graduation, it is your responsibility to confirm with your advisor that the list of requirements emailed to you is comprehensive and includes all applicable final-semester requirements necessary to graduate on your desired date.

Application instructions:

  • Log into MyNevada   using your NetID and password.
  • Select the Academic Records tile.
  • Select Apply for Graduation from the menu and complete the steps.

Graduation Application in MyNevada

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence is a temporary cessation of study and may be granted for up to one year. Students requesting a leave of absence must be in good academic standing and submit the completed form before the period of leave begins. Time spent on an approved leave is included in the time allowed to complete the degree, i.e. six calendar years for the master’s degree and eight calendar years for the doctoral degree.

Leave of Absence [DocuSign] Leave of Absence [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Program of Study

The program of study specifies the courses and credits required to satisfy the requirements for the degree and documents the approval of the chair and members of the student’s duly constituted advisory committee. The program of study must receive final approval by the Graduate Dean. For master's degree students, the completed Program of Study form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's third semester. For MFA and doctoral students, the completed Program of Study form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the student's fourth semester.

Program of Study [DocuSign] Program of Study [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Program Change of Degree/En Route Request

Requests to declare a master’s en route to the Ph.D., change a sub-plan, or change degree levels must be approved by the student’s major advisor and graduate program director.

Program Change of Degree/En Route Request [DocuSign] Program Change of Degree/En Route Request [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Doctoral student forms

Dissertation defense calendar event.

Use this link to add your dissertation defense to the University's event calendar.

Dissertation Defense Calendar Event [Formstack]

Dissertation Filing Guidelines

Filing your dissertation at the Graduate Division is one of the final steps leading to the award of your graduate degree. This link will provide you a comprehensive overview, as well as several forms required to file your dissertation.

Dissertation Filing Guidelines Webpage

Dissertation filing templates, samples and Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Committee Approval page  for 5-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for  5-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6 -member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)

Sample pages

  • Dissertation Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Survey of Earned Doctorates  - The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient's educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees. Read more about the purpose and methods of the SED .

Dissertation Final Review Approval

Obtain signoff on your dissertation from your advisory committee chair.

Dissertation Final Review Approval DocuSign Powerform Dissertation Final Review Approval [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Dissertation Title

Submit the title of your dissertation and the name of your advisor to the Graduate School.

Submit Dissertation Title Online

Doctoral Degree Admissions to Candidacy

This is a status for those who have completed every requirement except for the dissertation.

Doctoral Degree Admission to Candidacy [DocuSign] Doctoral Degree Admissions to Candidacy [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree

This is a generic form that every student must complete in their graduating semester which relates to the cumulative project (dissertation, professional paper, comprehensive exam). Fill out the sections that apply to your requirements. The advisory committee listed on the program of study signs the form. The notice of completion must be submitted by established deadlines for graduation.

Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree [DocuSign] Notice of Completion: Doctoral Degree [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Master's student forms

Notice of completion: master's degree.

This is a generic form that every student must complete in their graduating semester which relates to the cumulative project (thesis, professional paper, comprehensive exam). Fill out the sections that apply to your requirements. The advisory committee listed on the program of study signs the form. The notice of completion must be submitted by established deadlines for graduation.

Notice of Completion: Master's Degree [DocuSign] Notice of Completion: Master's Degree [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Thesis Filing Guidelines

Filing your thesis at the Graduate Division is one of the final steps leading to the award of your graduate degree. This link will provide you a comprehensive overview, as well as several forms required to file your thesis. The Docusign form will require you to enter your advisory committee chair's name and email address. Upon submission, the form will be routed to your advisory committee chair for final approval.

Thesis Filing Guidelines Webpage

Thesis Final Review Approval [DocuSign] Thesis Final Review Approval [PDF example; Not accepted for submission]

Thesis filing templates and samples

  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Thesis Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Thesis Final Review Approval

The Docusign form will require you to enter your advisory committee chair's name and email address. Upon submission, the form will be routed to your advisory committee chair for final approval.



    thesis submission form uaf

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  3. Fillable Online uaf Individual study form

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  4. Fillable Online USA Graduate School Thesis Dissertation Submission Form

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  5. Fillable Online UAF THESIS FORMAT HANDBOOK Fax Email Print

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  3. Guide to Thesis Submission Procedure

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  6. U-News. Выставка дипломных работ дизайнеров Уфы


  1. Forms

    For example: If you have any comments about or suggestions for revision/improvements in our Next Gen forms please send them by the following form. This form is not monitored on a daily basis. If you need immediate assistance submitting a form please contact the graduate school at [email protected].

  2. PDF Uaf Thesis Formatting and Submission Handbook

    SUBMISSION HANDBOOK. For UAF graduate students preparing a. Master's thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation. Reviewed and revised by the UAF Graduate School. Spring 2023. [email protected] University of Alaska Fairbanks does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex ...

  3. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan -> Directorate of

    University of Agriculture Faisalabad Official Web Site. Faculties, B.Sc., M.Sc., MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D. Designed by ITRCDB

  4. PDF Course Work, Synopsis and Thesis

    inch each at the top and bottom.The left margin of the thesis must be 3.175cm. 1.25 inches) to permit binding. All other. argins must be 2.54cm (1 inch). All of the text throughout the thesis must be left-justified and formatted for only one column, with the exception of section titles (e.g. 'Abstract', 'Ackno.

  5. Directorate of Graduate Studies

    List of Academically-Technologically Advance Countries. GS-10 Form. Guidelines for preparation of Thesis. Check List for the Thesis Submission. Application for Discontinution of Studies. Application for Rejoining. GS-5 Performa for Synopsis. Observation form of Thesis. Performa for Cource Work.

  6. PDF Uaf Thesis Formatting and Submission Handbook

    UAF THESIS FORMATTING AND SUBMISSION HANDBOOK For UAF graduate students preparing a Master's thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation ... UAF Graduate School 202 Eielson Building 907-474-7464 [email protected] . The University of Alaska Fairbanks does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age ...

  7. PDF Uaf Thesis Formatting and Submission Handbook

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected ... Chapter 2 Thesis Submission Instructions 2.1 Approval Process Once the thesis has been successfully defended and the post-defense copy prepared, you must

  8. UAF-Thesis-Dissertation-formatting-handbook-revised-April-2018

    SUBMISSION HANDBOOK. For UAF graduate students preparing a Master's thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation. Reviewed and revised by the UAF Graduate School. Spring 2018. revised 2/14/18. UAF Graduate School. 202 Eielson Building. 907-474-7464. [email protected].

  9. Ph.D.s

    University of Alaska Fairbanks. Open catalog search Print Options. Toggle navigation. About the University. ... Submit an Appointment of Committee form by the end of the second semester of study. ... A minimum of 18 thesis (F699) UAF credits must be earned. No F100-, F200-, F300- or F500-level credits or audited courses may be applied toward ...

  10. Thesis & dissertation formatting

    The UAF Graduate School offers group as well as one-on-one thesis and dissertation formatting sessions. Learn about formatting guidelines, submission process and timeline.

  11. PDF Checklist For Submission of Thesis

    Thesis Placed for peer review Date: ----- 15 GRE (General/Subject) Qualified Signature of the Student Signature of the DGS officials . Title: Microsoft Word - Checklist For Submission of Thesis.docx Author: M Khalid Bashir Created Date: 4/8/2011 11:06:48 AM ...

  12. PDF Uaf Thesis Formatting and Submission Handbook

    SUBMISSION HANDBOOK. For UAF graduate students preparing a. Master's thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation. Reviewed and revised by the UAF Graduate School. Fall 2018. [email protected] University of Alaska Fairbanks does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex ...

  13. (PDF) Ghafoor, A. 2007. Manual for Synopsis and Thesis Preparation

    PDF | On Nov 6, 2007, Abdul Ghafoor published Ghafoor, A. 2007. Manual for Synopsis and Thesis Preparation. Univ. of Agri., Faislabad, Pakistan. 68P. | Find, read and ...

  14. Master's with thesis

    The student should submit their name and project, thesis, or dissertation title and the date, time, and location of their defense examination to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to their defense examination date. The Graduate School, along with the home program, department, college, or school, will advertise the examination.

  15. How do I find theses & dissertations?

    Find UAF masters theses & dissertations completed before 2013. Available in print. Some but not all of these are also available electronically. Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global or use the databases mentioned below.; Using the library catalog limit your search to UAF Fairbanks Campus Libraries; Search for the terms thesis, "university of alaska" (put "university of alaska" in ...

  16. PDF Guideline for SemiFinal Thesis Submission[2444]

    Guideline for Final Thesis Submission. Bring the Semi-final thesis with observation form and scrutinized semi-final thesis by the office of Graduate Studies. Complete the check list on the back of the observation form. Contact the respective Cabin and DGS official for final thesis to submit final thesis. Cabin 5 (Mr. Muhammad Aleem) Faculty of ...

  17. The examination and evaluation of the theses included in the advanced

    Supervisor: Presenting the examiners. The supervisor presents the thesis examiners, selects the numerical grading scale and the language of the decision to be used. If the thesis is OK, the supervisor chooses: "the work can be taken for inspection". By adding a decision-maker, the work will proceed to the examination process. the option ...

  18. Dates & deadlines

    Deadlines for thesis/dissertation submission to ProQuest ETD. If your deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline is the 8 a.m., Alaska time, on the closest Monday. For example, if the deadline is November 28, and that falls on a Saturday, then the actual deadline will be 8 a.m. Monday, November 30.

  19. Graduate School Forms

    Your center for all Graduate School forms, including Program of Study, Leave of Absence and a link to the application portal.

  20. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan -> Downloads

    University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan -> Downloads

  21. Student Resources & Opportunities

    Check with KSUA 91.5 FM for job opportunities or to submit your music. UAF Sun Star . The mission of the Sun Star is to provide a consistent, trusted brand of news, opinion, and art that represents the interests and achievements of the University of Alaska Fairbanks' student body. ... staff and visiting artists. The gallery hosts MFA and BFA ...


    APPLICATION FORM FOR GRADUATE EXAMINATIONS (THESIS/COMPREHENSIVE) To be filled in duplicate by the candidate in his own handwriting. An admission fee of Rs.4000/- for M.Sc./M.Sc. (Hons)/ M. Phil. Rs.10000/- for Ph.D. shall be deposited in National Bank, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Branch (No fee for M.A./MBA/M.Com/Math. & Stat):