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Your Doctorate in Physics at TUM

With around 450 ongoing doctoral projects, we offer a wide range of possibilities for a doctorate in a dynamic and innovative department. Doctoral studies at TUM are characterized by teamwork, interdisciplinarity and independent thinking, valuable assets for any successful career.

Doctoral candidate at Walther Meissner Institute

Starting a Ph. D. Project

Have you finished your Master studies with above-average results? Are you thirsty for knowledge and keen to discover something new? Then you have found the right place, the Physics Department of TUM!

The first step in our traditional model

The first step to start your doctorate is to find a supervisor among the professors of our department and to find together a research topic. Being part of the research group of your supervisor, you will receive guidance and support with your doctoral project. Since the individual scientific research is the key part of any Ph. D. project enbedding into a research group with supervisor and colleagues with similar interests is important. Hence you apply for Ph. D. positions in the research group fitting your scientific interest best – not at an anonymous school.

The Physics Department with the Department Graduate Center Physics provides the organisational framework for the doctorate with a flexible program to support your research . As an alternative you may in principle become a member of another (thematic) graduate center.

Having found your supervisor and research topic, the application procedure runs through the central online platform Doc-GS. Please keep in mind that the Physics Department issues the degree Dr. rer. nat. for all successful Ph. D. students. You can find more information on the application process and the required documents at the TUM Graduate School – in addition please keep in mind the additional remarks below .

After completing the online registration in DocGS hand in the documents at the Dean’s Office .

additional remarks on the application to enter the doctoral candidacy list

You want to become doctor of natural sciences (dr. rer. nat.).

The Physics Department will not issue other degrees than Dr. rer. nat. Hence you should avoid choosing a different degree in DocGS.

Supervision Agreement

Future members of the Department Graduate Center Physics may find the required supervision agreement on the pages of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics . You only need to add the actual supervision agreement to your documents (the FGC-PH signature can be obtained by the Dean’s Office lateron). You safe-keep the project yourself and continuously review and update it with your supervisor.

Sollten Sie Mitglied eines anderen (thematischen) Graduiertenzentrums werden wollen, so wenden Sie sich für weitere Informationen dorthin.

E-Mail Address

If possible give your TUM E-Mail address in DocGS. In contrast to others you may keep this (at least as forwarding address ) for the rest of your life.

If you do not yet have a TUM account please contact your group’s secretary to get a guest account. If you will pursue your Ph. D. at an external institution (e. g. a Max-Planck institute) your TUM guest account can be issued by the Dean’s Office Physics .

Foreign Degrees

All degrees from foreign universities will be reviewed by the TUM examination office within the processing of your application to enter the doctoral candidacy list. In this way you get an authoritative answer if your degree is recognized already ate the beginning of your Ph. D. project. TUM does not charge a fee for the review process any more.

We thank you for your understanding that we cannot answer questions on the recognition of foreign degrees outside the review process. You may check the anabin database (in German) on the classification of foreign universities and degrees in relation to the German system yourself.

„Direct Track“ from a Master Program

Talented students can continue the Master's research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. If you do not have a Master's degree, you may choose this track on your way to a doctoral degree from the Physics Department of TUM. The "Direct Track" combines the advantages of the traditional model with the speed of a "Fast Track" – without the disadvantages like a (formally) missing Master’s degree.

Students interested in the "Direct Track" apply for a regular Master program in Physics . You may still use the advanced studies in the first year to become familiar with the research groups and find the perfect group for your science interests.

During your Ph. D. Project: Extensive Qualification Program

The core of your doctoral studies is your research work in collaboration with your group and other research partners. Additionally, our Department Graduate Center offers a wide range of opportunities for subject-related and interdisciplinary qualification . The TUM Graduate School supports our Department Graduate Center.

As member of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics you may find an individual status page on your qualification program in section Membership and Qualification Program . Using this status page you need to report all your passed qualification elements to the FGC-PH administration according to §8 2. a)–d) PromO.

No direct entry into DocGS!

Members of the FGC-PH please refrain from entering "Leistungsanträge" into DocGS! Data from the Physics database will be copied to DocGS in the future. Keep in mind that "Leistungsanträge" not in conforming to the quality standards of Physics Department will be rejected!

Completing your Ph. D. Project: Doctoral Examination

Doctoral thesis ("dissertation").

Having completed your research and the basic qualification program the doctoral examination process starts by submitting your doctoral thesis (see also FAQ about monograph vs. "cumulative" ). The thesis has to be submitted to the examinations office of TUM. You need to apply for this by DocGS. You can find a list of the required documents at the TUM Graduate School’s website . In our department there is no restriction on the submission date – you are not bound by the department council’s schedule.

Remark on the dates of handing in and the final exam

At Physics Department your thesis submission date is not bound by the meeting dates of the council. But keep the following in mind:

After the examination office examined your documents they will be sent to the Dean’s Office. Here we start organising the final exam.

Reports, Acceptance (Rundlauf) and oral exam

Appointment of the examining committee and assessment.

The Dean’s Office asks the supervisor (who is the first examiner) to suggest examining comittee members. The Dean can accept this suggestion or change the committee. The committee members and the candidate are informed on the appointment of the committee. Furthermore each member of the committee receives a copy of the thesis. The Dean’s Office requests the assessments and written reports. Ph. D. committees and exam dates are published in front of the Dean’s Office.

Acceptance of the Dissertation ("Rundlauf")

After a doctoral thesis has been assessed by all examiners as "passed" or better, the dissertation with CV and expert opinion is made available to the "Umlaufgremium" of the Department of Physics for acceptance in the virtual "Rundlauf" list within seven days. The "Umlaufgremium" consists of all full-time faculty, the honorary professors, and the TUM Junior Fellows of the Department of Physics. The dissertation is accepted if there are 20 statements to “accept” and no statement to “reject”, and the seven day deadline passed.

During the "Rundlauf" it is the candidates responsibility to actively seek the 20 "accept" statements. Apart from the classic "Rundlauf" from door to door during the current situation in the CoViD-19 pandemic virtual options for the "Rundlauf" are put to the test. To support the candidates there is a status page for their own "Rundlauf" .

Latest after completion of the roundtrip the candidate should organised the exam date (and place) with the examiners and submit the coordinated date to the Dean’s Office. The exam date needs to be at least 14 days after all reports were received by the Dean's Office (one week deadline for acceptance and one week notice period for the exam date). The Dean’s Office sends out the official invitation to examiners and candidate for the oral exam. Immediately after completion of the roundtrip the Dean’s Office forwards the required documents for the examination to the chair of the committee. After the oral exam the chair returns the completed documents to the Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Office forwards them to the central examination office.

Distinction „summa cum laude“

Please keep in mind that at Physics Department special rules for the distinction „summa cum laude“ (in German) apply. This needs to be taken into account for the exam date planning especially!

Publication of the thesis and final steps

Publication of the thesis.

After the exam the title page of the dissertation needs to be accepted by the examination office. For this the candidate sends the completed title page (including committee members, submission adn acceptance date) to the examination office. The required data can be provided by the examination office of the Dean’s Office. Only the the thesis may be published. Publication may be done in either of the following ways:

You can find further information on the pages of the university library .

After publication of your thesis you will obtain a preliminary certificate about the completion of the Ph.D. process.


As soon as the final certificate is completed by the examination office the new Ph. D. is informed. The certificate is handed over in the Dean’s Office. Every scientist completing their Ph. D. within the last year at Physics Department of TUM will be invited to the ceremony at the Physics Day ("Tag der Physik") end of the summer semester.

TUM GS Certificate

Members of TUM GS receive an additional certificate on the qualification program. This TUM GS certificate with the Transcript of Records on the qualification elements is created independently to the Ph. D. certificate by TUM Graduate School. Your Graduate Center will inform you as soon as this is completed and can be picked up.

We have 14 Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany


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Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

Phd positions at the international max planck research school for living matter, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Germany PhD Programme

A German PhD usually takes 3-4 years. Traditional programmes focus on independent research, but more structured PhDs involve additional training units (worth 180-240 ECTS credits) as well as placement opportunities. Both options require you to produce a thesis and present it for examination. Many programmes are delivered in English.

Max Planck Research Programme

Max Planck Research Programmes are structured PhD opportunities set up by the Max Planck Society, an independent non-profit German research organisation. Max Planck Institutes and universities collaborate to offer interdisciplinary and international PhD opportunities providing high standards of training and support as well as generous funding.

12 fully funded Ph.D. positions at the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research

Mqv & max planck imprs doctoral fellowships in quantum science and technology: fall 2024 open call, phd positions on research with the icecube neutrino telescope, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD position on Radio Detection of Neutrinos

Materials for the detection of minority species in optofluidic waveguides, funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project has funding attached for UK and EU students, though the amount may depend on your nationality. Non-EU students may still be able to apply for the project provided they can find separate funding. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Multiple PhD Positions at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Quantum Dynamics and Control (QDC) in Dresden, Germany

Awaiting funding decision/possible external funding.

This programme is waiting to confirm funding from a university or external source. This may depend on attracting suitable students and applications are welcome. Please see the programme details for more information.

PhD Positions in Life Science and Biomedicine Research Groups supported by a structured PhD program

Theory and methods for non-equilibrium atomistic simulations of complex biomolecules, 10+ fully funded phd positions at the imprs for molecular organ biology, phd students (f/m/d) for super-resolution microscopy-based investigations of the glycocalyx, discover the max planck school of photonics - scholarships available, join our graduate school at the interface of biology and computation: imprs-bac in berlin.

FindAPhD. Copyright 2005-2024 All rights reserved.

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phd position in physics in germany

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PhD positions (m/f/d) | Active Matter and Statistical Physics

Job Code: MPIDS-W082

In the Department of Living Matter Physics (LMP) we seek to fill a number of  PhD positions (m/f/d).

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) at Göttingen, Germany, is an international, interdisciplinary and collaborative environment offering an exceptional research setting. It hosts a range of theoretical and experimental fundamental scientific research and a diverse group of researchers. Altogether, it employs about 300 people.

The LMP department engages in a wide range of theoretical research aimed at understanding the dynamics of living systems from a physical perspective. The department is headed by Ramin Golestanian and hosts a number of group leaders, postdoctoral researchers, students, and visitors.

The research

The PhD students will engage in theoretical and/or computational research in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Active Matter , under the supervision of Ramin Golestanian.

Your profile

We are looking for excellent, enthusiastic and self-motivated early-career researchers with good communication skills to join our research team.

The PhD candidate should have:

  • A Master’s degree (or comparable) in theoretical physics, applied mathematics or related disciplines from a recognized university;
  • Strong interest in nonequilibrium statistical physics and the physics of living systems across the scales;
  • Ability and desire to work in an international team on inter-disciplinary research topics;
  • Good command of English, which is the working language of the department. German is an asset but not required.

We are offering excellent working conditions in a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating research environment. Salary and working hours are in accordance with the funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society for junior scientists. Working hours are fulltime; salary is 2/3 of E13 TVöD-Bund. Furthermore, we offer opportunities regarding work life balance as well as health promotion services. The PhD position is limited to three years. The starting date is flexible.

The Max Planck Society is committed to achieving the highest level of excellence and diversity. We encourage applications from women, especially in areas where they are underrepresented, which includes theoretical physics. Moreover, we are committed to providing suitable working environment for everyone including individuals with disabilities.

Your application

Please apply  online with the reference no MPIDS-W082 and submit your CV, your academic records, a statement of your research interests, and contacts of two referees. Processing of applications will start after the first deadline of 1 st December 2024 and will stop on 1 st April 2025 . You are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

For questions, please contact: Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian Tel. +49 551 5176-100 [email protected]

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian Am Faßberg 17 37077 Göttingen Germany

Notification Settings

phd position in physics in germany

PhD positions: Call for applications in 2024

The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Göttingen conducts fundamental research in the field of solar system physics. With its approximately 300 staff members, it is one of the leading institutes in the field of solar physics and planetary research. In particular, the institute is involved in numerous international space missions. The International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen and TU Braunschweig ("Solar System School") offers a research-oriented doctoral programme in Solar system science. In the context of this IMPRS, the MPS offers PhD projects in three main areas:  ''Sun and Heliosphere'', ''Solar and Stellar Interiors'', and ''Planetary Science''. Solar System School students collaborate with leading scientists in these fields and graduates are awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Göttingen or the TU Braunschweig.  

This call is closed. Please see the time line for information about the ongoing selection process.

Sun and heliosphere Planets and Comets Stellar and Solar Interiors

The MPS invites applications for PhD Positions in Solar System Science

The Solar System School is open to students from all countries and offers an international three-year PhD program in an exceptional research environment with state-of-the-art facilities on the Göttingen Campus. Successful applicants will be offered a 3,5-year doctoral support contract with remuneration dependent on TVöD (75% E13) according to the German public salary scale, as well as postdoc wrap-up funding.

The language of the structured graduate program is English, with complimentary German language courses offered (optional). The program includes an inspiring curriculum of scientific lectures and seminars as well as advanced training workshops and provides relocation costs and travel funds to attend international conferences.

Applicants to the Solar System School should have a keen interest in Solar system science and a record of academic excellence. They must have, or must be about to obtain, an M.Sc. degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry, geosciences or a related field, including a written Masters thesis, and must document a good command of the English language.

Review of applications will begin on 1 October 2024

Review of applications for a starting date of October 2025 will begin on 1 October 2024 , but other starting times are also negotiable. The positions are awarded on a competitive basis.

How to apply

Applicants must submit the following documents through the online application portal between 1 August and 1 October 2024:

  • an application form to be filled online, including two short texts describing the applicant's scientific interests and their motivation to apply for PhD projects in the Solar System School , along with the applicant's choice of up to three PhD projects;
  • a curriculum vitae in pdf format;
  • degree certificates and full transcripts of all academic records: i.e. scanned copies of B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree certificates (or equivalent), and lists of all courses with credits and grades issued by the respective school or university, with English or German translations;
  • certificate to prove proficiency in the English language, for candidates whose most recent academic education has not been in English or German for at least two years (e.g. transcript of TOEFL / IELTS scores or equivalent);
  • contact details for two or three academic referees who have been contacted by the applicant and who have agreed to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of the applicant. The referees will subsequently be contacted by the School and will be asked to submit their letters through the online portal no later than 10 October 2024 .

It is highly recommended to also submit

  • GRE Physics or GRE Chemistry test scores or equivalent for candidates who have obtained their Master's degree at a university outside of the European ECTS area.

The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of individuals of underrepresented genders and therefore explicitly encourages individuals of underrepresented genders to apply.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more individuals with severe disabilities. Applications from individuals with severe disabilities are explicitely encouraged.  

To apply, please register then login at the Online application portal . For further information, please browse the answers to Frequently Asked Questions and direct any further inquiries to the IMPRS scientific coordinator, Dr. Sonja Schuh, at [email protected] .

Zertifikat seit 2006 audit berufundfamilie

The career and family audit

This page: Call for applications 2024 for several PhD positions in solar system science © MPS

Deadlines Timeline for recruitment and admission to the IMPRS program for a start in 2025
2024 May 1 Online registration 2024 opens
2024 Aug 1 Application submission opens
2024 Nov/Dec Online prescreening interviews
2024 mid-Dec Selection meeting
2024 late Dec Invitation letters for Interview and Information Week
2025 17-21 Mar IMPRS Interview and Information Week 2025
2025 May 1 Notification of all applicants
2025 Sep/Oct Start of new academic year

Choose your project interests and apply via the online application portal:

Solar system science phd thesis projects offered, imprs phd online application portal, admission tests - please see faq pages, curriculum - structured phd study program, imprs partner institutions on göttingen campus, funding of doctoral candidates in imprs, download call for applications and poster.

  • Call for PhD applications 2024 669.25 kB
  • Solar System School Poster 2024 5.11 MB

Solar System School | IMPRS for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen and TU Braunschweig | PhD positions 2025 in Solar System Science | Submit your application before 1 October 2024 |

  • Admission requirements
  • Admission to the integrated master/doctoral programme
  • Application, registration and fellowships
  • Important dates
  • Forms and information about registration
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Orientation information
  • Supervision guidelines
  • Course requirements
  • Teaching requirements
  • Financial aid offered by the HGSFP
  • Thesis requirements
  • Final exam forms
  • Student meetings
  • Astrophysics
  • Atoms, molecules and photons

Condensed matter

  • Environmental physics
  • Information technology and physics
  • Mathematical physics
  • Medical physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle physics
  • Topical Graduate Schools
  • Recent Dissertations
  • Colloquia and seminars
  • Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days
  • HGSFP Summer School
  • Lecture Series on Mathematical Physics
  • Directorate
  • Central Office
  • How to find us
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • Institute for Environmental Physics
  • Kirchhoff Institute for Physics
  • Physikalisches Institut
  • Zentrum für Astronomie
  • Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
  • Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
  • Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
  • Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
  • GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
  • Graduate Academy
  • Statutes of the HGSFP (Satzung - in German)
  • Regulations for doctoral studies (Promotionsordnung - in German)
  • Financial aid
  • Application forms
  • Final examination forms

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How To Apply

Welcome to the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics.

If you meet the admission requirements, please check our admission deadlines, and apply either through our webportal (for international students and anyone without prior financial support) or directly, using the forms from the forms section (if you already have an advisor and financial support through him/her).

  • Important Dates
  • To application portal (Deadline for applications is 1st November, 2024.)

Admission Requirements

The Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics offers a doctoral programme for students that culminates in the degree "Dr. rer. nat.". In order to enter this programme, the usual requirement is that students must have obtained the minimum of a Master´s degree in Physics or equivalent.

With respect to grades, it is expected that students applying for entrance to the Graduate School have the equivalent of the grade minimum 2,0 in the German system. This corresponds roughly to a "B+" Grade or better in the American or English system.

As an exception to this policy, the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics can admit excellent students who have completed 4 years of study in physics (Bachelor or Honours' degree). For more details on this, please read the information on the "integrated master/doctoral" programme.

Candidates will be screened for suitability. In the screening process, the grades, theses, as well as two letters of recommendation will be taken into account.

The regulations governing admission to the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy are detailed in the information brochure in pdf-form.

  • Admission Information
  • For Graduate Students
  • Financial aid offered through the HGSFP
  • Doctoral student meetings

Orientation Information

On arrival at Heidelberg University, graduate students will be aided by the HGSFP Central Office.

Heidelberg is a small town with ca. 150 000 inhabitants, of which ca. 30 000 are students at the University. The University itself, with many of its Physics Institutes lies in the valley of the river Neckar. The landscape in the valley is extremely flat - a good means of transport for students is thus generally a bicycle. There is of course an excellent bus and tram system too, so that one does not necessarily need a car at all. Some of the Physics Institutes, however, are on the mountain (see Max Planck Institutes) and these are better reached by car or bus.

Useful links

  • Graduate Academy at Heidelberg University
  • Information brochure from the Graduate Academy for international doctoral candidates

Please note that in accordance with German law, all persons must be registered with the local authorities in the area in which they live. The Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University will aid you in all these aspects.

Heidelberg Alumni can join the clubs offered by the University.

Alumni of Heidelberg University are welcome to join the central alumni initiative of Heidelberg University "Heidelberg Alumni International" (HAI).

HAI is the worldwide network for former and current students and researchers who would like to stay in touch among them-selves and with the university. Membership is free. For further information on the network as well as the services and activities, please follow the link on the right hand side.

In addition, the "Society of Friends of Heidelberg University" (GdF) uses membership fees to provide benefits for individual students and support departmental initiatives. Thus it is greatly appreciated if you decide to join.

  • Heidelberg Alumni International
  • Gesellschaft der Freunde (only in German)
  • Research Fields

Research towards the degree Dr. rer. nat. can be performed in one of several fields, offered at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Research encompasses core areas of fundamental physics as well as inter­disciplinary border areas. In the core areas, research focuses on elementary particle physics, the structure and evolution of the universe, and the properties of complex classical and quantum systems. The interdisciplinary border areas include environmental physics, bio- and medical physics as well as technical computer science.

condensed matter icon

Condensed matter physics deals with all aspects of the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter. Research at Heidelberg University includes a wide range of physical phenomena and mathematical concepts in both quantum and classical systems and ranges from fundamental many-body physics and quantum materials to materials science and modern technology. It covers fundamental questions central to our understanding of quantum mechanics, such as unconventional ordering phenomena and how complex multi-body quantum systems can be understood as well as aspects of surface science and nanomaterials.

  • Condensed matter at low temperatures
  • Correlated (&) quantum materials
  • Hybrid and organic devices
  • Theory of spectroscopy, dynamics and numerical methods for complex materials

Doctoral students of the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics can concurrently be admitted to one of the topical graduate schools in physics located in Heidelberg. (However, students of these schools must be admitted to the HGSFP). These schools provide a focused programme in a specific research area, ranging from detector specialization through to specialization in quantum control and astronomy. Doctoral students in medical physics can also be members of two schools simultaneously.

  • GRK2058 - HighRR
  • GRK1940 - Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model
  • IMPRS-HD - International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics at Heidelberg University
  • IMPRS-PTFS - International Max Planck Research School for Precision Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
  • IMPRS-QD - International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • LGF School on Basic Building Blocks for Quantum Enabled Technologies
  • Experimental foundations and applications of quantum phenomena

Abstracts and links to recent dissertations associated with the fields of research at the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics can be found here.

  • How to apply
  • Colloquia and Seminars
  • Regulations for Doctoral Studies (Promotionsordnung - in German)
  • Publishing Information
  • Privacy Policy

+49 6221 54 19635

HGSFP Im Neuenheimer Feld 226 69120 Heidelberg Germany

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Working on problems together.

Open PhD and Postdoc Positions

Apply for our program – online and at any time.

We warmly welcome applications from international applicants at any time. Beside the topics given below, feel free to assess the research portfolio of all our researchers at . Beside specultive applications, a pool of specific positions and open calls are always available. To apply at a specific call, please follow the instructions given there.

We have set up a now Online Application Portal for PhD candidates:

To apply now for a PhD position, please register at External link

Dr. Jan Rothhardt.

R&D topics in Computational Imaging at the Nanoscale (updated August 2024)

Short wavelength radiation in the extreme ultraviolet and x-ray spectral region enables unique insights into matter with nanoscale resolution and high elemental contrast. Significant advances in compact light sources and matched computational imaging methods are required to push resolution, contrast and speed to application-relevant levels.

The x-ray spectroscopy and microscopy group at the Institute of Applied Physics, lead by PD Dr. Jan Rothhardt, is permanently recruiting enthusiastic young scientist for (paid) internships, Master and PhD topics. 

If you are interested in working in the field of computational imaging and short-wavelength physics, please get in contact with [email protected]

If you want to apply directly for a PhD thesis, please use the Online Application System External link .

Link to the announcement pdf, 971 kb  · de

Photonics laboratory.

R&D topics in Fiber Laser Physics (updated February 2024)

The fiber laser group at the IAP, lead by Prof. Jens Limpert, is permanently recruiting enthusiastic young scientist and is offering: 

  • interesting and relevant topics
  • an excellent supervision from internship level up to PhD
  • a highly endowed renumeration and
  • exceptional carrier opportunities.

If you are interested in working in the field of laser physics and joining this group, please get in contact with [email protected] and learn more about available topics, e.g. as trial period in a paid internship or Master thesis. If you want to apply for a PhD thesis, please use the Online Application System External link .

Link to the announcement pdf, 861 kb  · de

Photo-emission electron microscopy setup.

PhD position on "Electronic structure and strong-field calculations for atoms and ions" at the Fritzsche research group (updated January 2024)

The Relativistic Quantum Dynamics Group of Prof. Stephan Fritzsche at the Institute of Theoretical Physics is offering a PhD position under the topic mentioned in the header. For more details, please  review the position announcement pdf, 30 kb and contact [email protected] directly.

After graduation: Jobs in Thuringia

Photonics Career Day 2015

Doctoral Study

Skip to content, your way to a doctorate, first steps, administrative, congratulations, theodor hänsch phd award.

Dear doctoral candidates and all those who want to become one, here you will find all information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Physics. We will answer your questions and accompany you on the way to your doctorate!

' title=

Are you thinking about a doctorate? First of all, think about the field of research in which you would like to work! The choice of your doctoral topic is of central importance, because those who research with enthusiasm will reach their goal in the end! At the Faculty of Physics a PhD is possible in the subjects astronomy , meteorology and physics (only available in German). Afterwards, you should find a supervisor for your doctoral project who is authorized to conduct examinations. Looking specifically for PhD positions and finding out about structured PhD programs can also be very helpful. Contact one of our researchers directly. Information on subjects and research areas as well as an overview of professors can be found in the research section .

A 5-year Master's degree with at least the grade 'good' or a 3-year Bachelor's degree with the grade 'very good' is required for admission to the doctoral program.

We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from the admission and submission to the defense of your dissertation. You will find all important information below.

All legally binding regulations can be found in the current version of the examination regulations - these and possible amendment regulations are available for download here (PDF, 130 KB) .

Supervisor Search for and contact a university lecturer on your own. All professors and private lecturers at the university count as a university lecturer. Letter of admission It is mandatory to apply for admission at the dean's office. For this, please hand in all necessary documents: (certified copies can be made in the dean's office)

Confirmation of Supervision (PDF, 96 KB)

  • Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies (PDF, 146 KB)
  • Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)
  • Signed curriculum vitae
  • Identity card or passport as a certified copy
  • with a German master degree in physics: certified copy of Master's certificate and diploma
  • with a foreign/non-specialized university degree : certified copy of Bachelor's and Master's certificate, diploma and final transcript of records

Once your admission request has been checked and confirmed, you will receive an admission letter via post mail. With this you can apply for enrollment at the Office of the University Registrar or the International Office .

Admission to doctoral studies is open to students with an outstanding Bachelor’s degree.

  • an excellent bachelor's degree with a grade of "very good"
  • or a placement among the top 10% in the respective year,
  • a mentor who will advise you

Applicants with degrees earned outside the EU must submit GRE Subject Test scores in physics or mathematics.

  • In addition to the Application for Doctoral Admission (PDF, 146 KB) , please submit this form (PDF, 128 KB) (currently only available in German) to the Dean's Office along with the documents requested therein.
  • Ask your mentor to send the mentor commitment (PDF, 98 KB) to the Dean's Office.
  • You then have to enroll in the respective master's program and successfully complete 60 ECTS of Master courses in the following two semesters with an average grade of at least good ( grade ≤ 2.5 ). Course selection will take place in consultation with your mentor.
  • These required achievements have to be proven to the Dean's Office at the end of the two semesters . To do so, present the master's certificates to the examination office and obtain a statement of account.
  • Please submit the supervision commitment together with the account statement of the master's achievements to the Dean's Office.
  • You can then enroll in the doctoral program.

With the doctoral degree, you do not acquire a master's degree. This may have consequences later on, e.g. on the pay group in case of employment in the public service. A doctorate without a master's degree is therefore not advisable for people who want to stay in Germany. However, if you are pursuing a Master's degree, you should remain enrolled in the Master's program and complete the remaining required coursework.

Information on how to obtain a Master's degree can be found in the FAQs on this page.

The faculty member who gives you the mentoring commitment is not obligated to continue to mentor you and give you a mentoring commitment for the doctoral degree.

  • with a " First Degree Master " or
  • with a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a one-year Master's degree (" Integrated Master ")

Depending on where you are from and depending on where you obtained your Master degree, the International Office or the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for enrollment as a doctoral student. Please follow their instructions on the information page.

  • Doctoral studies are not subject to a standard period of study. As a rule, enrollment for the purpose of a doctorate is limited to a maximum of 8 semesters.
  • If you are seeking a doctorate via access with an excellent bachelor's degree, you must apply as a master's student. See the information page on application, admission and enrollment .

I mportant information winter semester 2024/25: The closing times of the dean's office must be included in the submission deadlines. The last possible submission of a dissertation in 2024 is on: 12/19/24. Only with an appointment and only while there are still free slots.

Please note the following for the submission of your thesis:

  • Please make an appointment to submit your dissertation in good time.
  • A time limit of at least six weeks should be granted between the submission of your thesis and your oral examination, so that all deadlines can be duly met. We therefore recommend that you consult with your reviewers in order to plan your oral examination.
  • Your committee will consist of 6 members (old regulations) or 5 members (new regulations). Please note that amongst them there must be one theoretician, one experimentalist and one person from another field in physics than your own. There can only be one external member.
  • You have to submit eight copies (old doctoral regulations) or seven copies (new doctoral regulations), hard bound in DIN A 4 format. Your doctoral thesis should be preceded by an abstract in German language , included in your thesis.
  • All documents that have to be submitted together with the hard copies can be found on the last page of the Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB) / Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB) Please read this form carefully in order to ensure that different documents can be issued in due time.
  • A list containing the suggested members of the Doctoral Examination Committee (PDF, 97 KB) can be submitted in advance for revision; it always has to be approved by the Dean.
  • We kindly ask you to send us an email to [email protected] on the day of your submission containing your abstract as well as your dissertation as two separate PDFs or as a download link.

Earning a doctorate with multiple publications? Cumulative dissertations usually require at least three published and refereed first author publications in renowned journals. Cumulative dissertations must be submitted to the dean by the supervisor prior to submission, indicating the relevant publications. Only when the application has been approved by the dean a cumulative dissertation is possible. Mixed forms between classical and cumulative dissertation are possible, but require a detailed justification and explanation, with sufficient time before the intended submission date. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the dissertation clearly presents and demonstrates independent scientific achievement.

As a rule, the examination should take place in person. The 20-minute-presentation takes place on the blackboard and is followed by questions. A remote examination is only an option if there is an external member outside Munich or in the event of illness of a member.

If a member of the doctoral committee participates remotely, the requirements of the remote examination apply:

  • The presentation will take place on an electronic whiteboard.
  • All parties involved in the examination must agree to the procedure described here.
  • The examinee and those examiner situated in Munich meet in person in a room.
  • Joining remotely is possible via a suitable video conferencing systems. Suitable and approved according to IT security standards are DFNconf, LRZmeet and in exceptional cases Zoom.
  • The examiner who takes the minutes signs them and sends the scan of the minutes by e-mail to the commission chair. The chair prints out the minutes, signs them as well, and sends them to the Dean's Office along with all other doctoral documents.
  • The committee chair is responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met, including proper record keeping and submission of these to the Dean's Office.
  • you set independently in consultation with all members, especially the chair, of the doctoral committee.
  • Please notify the Dean's Office of the date, location and time of the examination as soon as possible.
  • If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

After submitting your dissertation and passing the oral examination, you are almost there - the doctoral title is within reach.

Please note, that the preliminary notification you receive after the oral examination does not yet entitle you to use the doctoral title; designations such as Doctor designatus (Dr. des.) or similar are also not permitted. Only after receiving the certificate you may officially use the title Dr. rer. nat.

  • first submit six printed and possibly corrected copies of your dissertation to the University's Office of Publications and publish your dissertation electronically (further information can be found here ).
  • According to the doctoral regulations, this submission must take place within one year .
  • The certificate will be issued automatically after the dissertation has been uploaded electronically and submitted to the University Library.
  • As soon as the doctoral certificate is ready for collection at the Dean's Office (approx. 4-6 weeks after submission of your dissertation to the University Library), you will receive a message from the Dean's Office by e-mail and you can collect it from the Dean's Office during normal opening hours.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physics Ms. Merita Shabanaj [email protected]

Ms. Anna-Serena Melo Voigt [email protected]

The office hours can be found here:

Regular office hours for habilitations and doctorates

Postal address of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Physik Dekanat Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Zentrale Poststelle der LMU (LMU central mail room) Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday: 07:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Central mail room's postal address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Zentrale Poststelle der LMU, Zi.Nr. 003 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

  • How can I currently submit my dissertation?
  • What do I have to consider when submitting?
  • How much time must elapse between the submission of the dissertation and the date of the defense?
  • How do I know according to which doctoral examination regulations I will defend my examination?
  • What are the differences between the two doctoral regulations?
  • Is it possible to change to the new doctoral regulations?
  • Will I be employed at a chair directly after admission?
  • Where can I get certified copies?
  • How can I obtain a master's degree if I start a doctorate directly after completing my bachelor's degree?

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (starting from 01.01.2020) (PDF, 130 KB)

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (superseeded 1993-2019) (PDF, 241 KB)

Application form for Admission to Doctoral Study (PDF, 146 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB)

Examination commitee (PDF, 97 KB)

Mentorate confirmation (PDF, 105 KB)

Form Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)

Congratulations on your doctorate! You have your doctorate in your pocket. We would like to celebrate this together with you and invite you to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics , which once a year gives a festive farewell to all graduates of the previous academic year.

' title=

Joannis Koepsell, winner of the Theodor Hänsch PhD Award 2022 | © Christoph Hohmann

Joannis Koepsell is awarded the Theodor Hänsch PhD Prize from the LMU Faculty of Physics for his outstanding dissertation entitled “Quantum simulation of doped two-dimensional Mott insulators”. Read more...

The Theodor Hänsch PhD Award is donated by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the Faculty of Physics and is endowed with 4,000 euros. It is named after Professor Theodor W. Hänsch (Nobel Prize winner in 2005) and is intended to recognize particularly outstanding dissertations in the field of physics. The prize is awarded once a year during the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics .

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The DESY theory group regularly offers positions at the PhD, postdoctoral and junior staff levels. 

5 Year Fellows

There is currently no position available.

The DESY Theory Group in Hamburg announces a Fellowship Program for young scientists in theoretical particle physics. The fellowships normally start in October and are awarded for two years (with a possible extension for a 3rd year). Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the time of appointment.

The research programme of the group includes collider phenomenology (in particular Higgs physics, physics beyond the Standard Model, flavour physics, QCD, Monte Carlo generators), particle cosmology, axions and other nonstandard light particles, gravitational waves, string theory and mathematical physics (in particular gauge-string dualities, conformal field theories, scattering amplitudes and integrable models). The research activities are embedded within the Cluster of Excellence "Quantum Universe".

The application deadline for fellowships starting in the autumn of 2025 will be in early December 2024.

Information about the application procedure shall be posted on this website in due time. Salary and benefits are commensurate with those of public service organisations in Germany. Classification is based upon qualifications and assigned duties. DESY operates flexible work schemes. Handicapped persons will be given preference to other equally qualified applicants. DESY is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women. There is a bilingual Kindergarten on the DESY site.

PhD positions

Regular DESY PhD positions

The DESY theory group offers the possibility of Ph.D. positions in theoretical particle physics. Successful candidates, who must be accepted as Ph.D. students at a university, will receive a salary from DESY. The group has close connections in particular to the University of Hamburg and participates in the Quantum Universe Research School (QURS) of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe . Interested candidates are encouraged to directly contact a staff member of the theory group whose research is closest to their interest, including a CV that specifies their previous scientific training. Applications can be sent at any time. Positions are awarded subject to the availability of supervision and funding. Salaries and benefits at DESY are commensurate with those of public service organizations in Germany. DESY operates flexible work schemes. Handicapped persons will be given preference to other equally qualified applicants. DESY is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women.

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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Physics

Doctoral studies.

Bildnachweis: © krizZz -

Official Regulations

All documents covering the procedures and examination regulations for the PhD are available on the pages of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.  In particular, we recommend the step-by-step guide from registering in Docfile to publishing the thesis.

For questions regarding Docfile please have a look at the FAQ page of the AMC.

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57 PhD jobs in Germany

Find PhD jobs in Germany here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Munich (32)
  • PhD positions in Cologne (6)
  • PhD positions in Heidelberg (2)
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Other countries

  • PhD positions in The Netherlands (109)
  • PhD positions in Belgium (106)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (57)
  • PhD positions in Finland (32)
  • PhD positions in Austria (29)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (25)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (24)
  • PhD positions in Norway (17)
  • PhD positions in France (13)
  • PhD positions in Israel (4)

Search results (57)


PhD Positions in Cancer Research

Are you looking for excellent research opportunities for your PhD studies at the forefront of cancer research? The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg invites international students holding a Master’s degree in (molecular) biology, ...


Multiple PhD Positions

Call for applications for Multiple PhD Positions at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Quantum Dynamics and Control (QDC) in Dresden, Germany We are looking for highly talented and motivated students from all around the world...


Max Planck doctoral positions in computer and information science

OverviewCS@max planck is a highly selective doctoral program that grants admitted students full financial support to pursue doctoral research in the broad area of computer and information science, with faculty at Max Planck Institutes and some of ...


Doctoral position - Evolutionary genomics of visual behaviours in Heliconius butterflies

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, Evolutionary BiologySubject areas/Research fields: Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Animal Biology & Ethology Keywords: Speciation, Heliconius, Mate choice, Behaviour, Sensory ecology Name of supervisor...

Doctoral position - The role of Hfq and exRNAs in plant infections with Xylella fastidiosa

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, GeneticsSubject areas/Research fields: Biology: Molecular biology, microbiology; Agricultural sciences: Plant protection Keywords: RNA interference, extracellular RNAs, RNA-binding proteinsName of supe...


Doctoral Position on ultrafast charge and exciton processes in organic semiconductors (f/m/x) Wiss2403-17 | Institute of Physics II | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Doctoral position on ultrafast charge and exciton processes in organic semiconductors (f/m/x) Institute of Physics II We are one of the largest and oldes...


STEP UP! Fellowship programme for early career scientists

As part of the STEP UP! Fellowship programme run on a 2-year cycle, the Deutscher Wetterdienst awards fellowships to early career scientists to work on a research project during a guest stay at the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast...


Upcoming PhD Positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life in Autumn 2024

The next application round will start in September 2024. Stay tuned!The International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) currently has an open call for fully funded PhD student positions in the areas of biochemistry, struc...


Industrial Ph.D. fellowship – on computer simulation of process instabilities in Float-Zone crystal growth

Location: Institute of Crystal Growth (Berlin) app. 75% of the time & Topsil GlobalWafers A/S (Frederikssund) the remaining time.Would you like to work with computational modelling of phenomena involving thermal physics, fluid dynamics, electromag...

Doctoral position - Molecular mechanisms regulating centrosome dynamics

Department/Institute: LMU, Faculty of Biology, Cell- and Developmental BiologySubject areas/Research fields: Cell BiologyKeywords: Centrosome, PCM, C. elegansName of supervisor: Dr. Tamara Mikeladze-DvaliProject title: Molecular mechanisms regulat...

Fully Funded PhD Positions available at the International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) currently has an open call for fully funded PhD student positions in the areas of biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, cell biology, systems biology, and comput...


Upcoming PhD positions at the IMPRS for Molecular Organ Biology in Autumn 2024

Thanks to all the academics who submitted their application!The application deadline has passed and the selection process started. More information for the new call-out will come up during this Autumn 2024. Stay tuned!PhD Studies in the Heart of E...


Research Assistant (f/m/d)


Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Natural Product Discovery

Job Advertisement HKI-39/2024 The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and develops novel natural product-based antiinfectives. As part of the Th...

PhD position on Plant Cell Death and Immunity (f/m/x) Wiss2409-02 | Institute for Plant Sciences / Terrestrial Microbiology

PhD position on Plant Cell Death and Immunity (f/m/x) Institute for Plant Sciences / CEPLAS We are one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe and one of the most important employers in ou...


Framework Development for Quantum Computing Design Space Exploration

Enter the fascinating world of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) and help shape the future through research and innovation! We offer an exciting and inspiring working environment driven by the expertise a...

Doctoral positions in Bioinformatics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Plant Sciences, Microbiology available at the Graduate School Life Science Munich

Welcome to the Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM), from Molecules to Systems!The Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM-LMU) offers an international doctoral programme in life sciences covering areas of Anthropology, Biochemistry and Cell...

Doctoral position - What is function of LytS/LytTR-type histidine kinase/response regulator systems?

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, MicrobiologySubject areas/Research fields: Microbiology, Molecular BiologyKeywords: signal transduction, environmental stress, drug discoveryName of supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kirsten JungProject title: Wha...

Doctoral position - Displacement of the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus from the human nasal microbiome

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, MicrobiologySubject areas/Research fields: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Systems BiologyKeywords: Human microbiome, pathogen colonization, polymicrobial interactionsName of supervisor: Prof. Simon H...


PhD in Learning in living adaptive networks

Prof. Karen Alim’s Group on Biological Physics and Morphogenesis at the TUM Campus Garching uses theoretical and experimental methods to investigate information in biological systems.Web: We are looking for a Ph...

Doctoral position - Understanding the unique features of the mitochondrial Hsp70 system that mediate translocation and folding of proteins

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, Department of Cell BiologySubject areas/Research fields: Cell Biology, BiochemistryKeywords: mitochondria, Hsp70 chaperones, protein import, protein foldingName of supervisor: Dr. Dejana MokranjacProje...


Upcoming PhD positions at the CGA

Call for applications for up to 12 PhD positions at the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research opens soon!The Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research (CGA) in Germany is a joint venture of the University of Cologne Excellence Cluster on Str...

PhD positions in Functional Genomics Group

Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Gene Center, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Jae Group, Munich, Germany. Web: 1: Causes, Consequences and Correction of...

12 fully funded PhD positions

The Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research (CGA) in Germany is a joint venture of the University of Cologne Excellence Cluster on Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), the University Hospital Cologne, the Max Planck Institute ...


Fully funded PhD positions in Psychiatric, Translational Research and Basic Neuroscience

Fully funded (and no tuition) PhD program in genetic, molecular, cellular, circuit based Neuroscience and translational, clinical research in Psychiatry. There is the option for a residency track for medical doctors.We welcome applications startin...

Applied Quantum Computing Solutions for Maritime Use Cases


PhD position (m/f/d)

We are a young, innovative University in the heart of the Ruhr Metropolitan Region. Excellent in both research and teaching, we are open-minded and develop sustainable ideas for the future. We stand for diversity, promote individual’s capabilities...


PhD positions in Data and Computer Science in Munich

The Munich School for Data Science (MUDS) is a joint initiative of Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU), Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI), and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München...

Doctoral position - Evolution of raptorial appendages in Euarthropoda: similar functions and convergent solutions

Department/Institute: LMU Faculty of Biology, ZoologyKeywords: raptorial appendages, convergent evolution, geometric morphometrics, conservation biologyName of supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carolin HaugProject title: Evolution of raptorial appendages in E...


PhD positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter

Application Deadline: October 17th 2024Are you eager to join an international community of scientists to tackle novel and exciting research projects in the areas of biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, cell biology, chemical biology and s...

Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 183
  • Electrical Engineering 179
  • Machine Learning 174
  • Artificial Intelligence 160
  • Molecular Biology 144
  • Electronics 136
  • Cell Biology 133
  • Materials Engineering 127
  • Computational Sciences 111
  • Genetics 102

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 325
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 175
  • Professor 118
  • Researcher 114
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 78
  • Tenure Track 65
  • Engineer 61
  • Management / Leadership 53
  • Research assistant 43

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 236
  • The Netherlands 164
  • Germany 118
  • Morocco 106
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  • Switzerland 101
  • Luxembourg 76

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 106
  • KU Leuven 89
  • University of Luxembourg 74
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 62
  • Ghent University 44
  • ETH Zürich 44
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 41
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 35
  • University of Twente 29

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Students with Mortarboard

10 PhD positions (m/f/d) in Sustainable Metallurgy (Experiment & Simulation) Full PhD

Working language.

31 Oct 2024

Application Deadline

01 jan 2025.

Starting Date

Open Positions

01 Jan 2025 for 3 years

Type of Position

Required degree, areas of study.

Materials Science, Materials Technology, Materials Engineering, Chemistry, Physics


Experimental and computational projects available at the International Max Planck Research School for Sustainable Metallurgy (IMPRS SusMet) in Germany at the partner institutes

  • Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials, Düsseldorf
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim/Ruhr
  • Ruhr University Bochum
  • University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg

Our structured, three-year doctoral program, conducted entirely in English, takes an intensive interdisciplinary approach and brings together scientists from across the globe in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region of Germany. Metallurgy has provided humankind since more than five millennia with materials, tools and the associated progress. It is not only a huge engineering success story, but has also become the biggest single industrial environmental burden of our generation. Disruptive innovations are required for alternative reduction processes that convert mineral ores into metals without today’s carbon based methods that release huge amounts of CO2. SusMet focuses on the exploration of carbon-free sustainable metallurgy, employing hydrogen as reducing agent, direct electroreduction (electrolysis) and plasma synthesis.

Correlating experimental, ab initio and multi-scale simulation as well as machine learning techniques is central to our mission:

  • Development and application of advanced simulation techniques to explore and identify the fundamental structures and mechanisms occurring in these materials and their synthesis over all relevant length scales (e.g. cutting-edge ab initio methods, atomistic simulation methods, multi-scale modelling, machine learning)
  • High resolution analysis, monitoring of chemistry, structure and transformations at the atomic scale of buried interfaces and defects by correlated experimental techniques in both space and time (e.g., correlated APT, TEM, FIM, EBIC, EBSD, XPS Kelvin probe microscopy, machine learning augmented analysis techniques)
  • Experimental and computational analysis of transport and the reaction of surfaces and particles with reducing and oxidizing gas-phase species (e.g. laser-based imaging diagnostics, setup of model reactors, modeling of underlying reactions, multiscale simulation of reactive fluids, computational fluid dynamics)

We particularly encourage applications from candidates with a computational background.

What we offer

  • Cutting-edge research in a dynamic work environment
  • Well-structured curriculum and close supervision of the PhD projects including regular status meetings
  • An international and open-minded community with outstanding opportunities for collaboration
  • At the Max Planck Institutes: TVöD 13 65%, about 38.000€ gross per year At the University Duisburg-Essen: TV-L 13 65%, about 38.000€ gross per year At the Ruhr University Bochum: scholarship of 2.050€ net per month

Your profile

Excellent master’s degree in physics, materials science, or related field Very good English skills 

We are committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourage them to apply. The Max Planck Society strives for gender and diversity equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds.

Required Documents

  • Motivation letter
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts


Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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  • United Kingdom
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • Posted on: 9 September 2024

Fully funded PhD project under Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks "FOCAL": QKD satellite network optimisation based on realistic atmospheric channel models

Job information, offer description.

This fully funded PhD position is available under the recently launched Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) project " FOCAL " (Free-space Optical Communications for Aerial-sateLlite networks).

  • PhD position title : QKD satellite network optimisation based on realistic atmospheric channel models


The objectives of this PhD project include:

  • Optimal transceiver front-end design and QKD protocol optimisation for maximum performance taking into account real world transceiver imperfections and link impairments;
  •  AI-based QKD network optimisation for different traffic matrices and user geographical distribution; 
  • Investigating potential of adaptive optics to enhance the QKD link quality in presence of atmospheric turbulence.
  • University of Edinburgh, UK 
  • TESAT, Germany
  • Think Quantum, Italy

General escription of the "FOCAL" MSCA DN Project :

With currently 3 billion people lacking access to broadband internet worldwide, European operators are struggling to fill the white areas with insufficient or nonexistent connectivity. In light of the early promises of 6G wireless networks, it is tempting to consider non-terrestrial networks as complementary to the ground-based radio and fiber infrastructure. However, radio frequency-based satellite systems are nearing their capacity limits and cannot be scaled further. Free-space optical technology is a natural alternative to deliver greater capacity and to better address data security needs by leveraging quantum key distribution. The first optical intersatellite links are being deployed in commercial networks at relatively low data rate (10 Gbps). However, once the most important remaining research challenges are resolved, they could rapidly expand and serve as a catalyst for the development of a new communication backbone in the sky, consisting of aerial and space optical nodes at different altitudes. The overarching aim of the FOCAL project is to train a new generation of highly qualified doctoral candidates in developing innovative aerial and space optical wireless technologies that will provide future telecommunication networks with ubiquitous connectivity, resilience, and quantum-proof security. In addition to contributing to the fundamental understanding and technical know-how of such networks through co-supervised individual research projects, FOCAL will train talented and innovative researchers with multidisciplinary expertise and skills that are desirable in this European industrial sector. This will be achieved through a combination of theoretical and hands-on research training provided by a unique consortium of 16 academic and 10 industrial partners from 8 countries, resulting in collaborative research including co-supervision and secondments, as well as transferable training skills, which is necessary for prosperous careers in this prominent R&I area.

More information on the project can be found on the following URL:

Where to apply


The candidates must have a MSc (or an equivalent) degree in physics, electrical, electronics, telecommunications or photonics engineering. A solid background in communications or signal processing is an important asset.

The candidate must have a very good English language proficiency (oral and written expression) and be keen for short-term stays ("secondments") in partner institutions.

In addition, the following qualifications will be highly appreciated:

  • Experience in wireless and/or optical communication systems (e.g. from participating in R&D projects)
  • Knowledge of simulation tools for wireless communication systems.
  • Publications in scientific journals or conferences in areas related to the title of the position.
  • Experience/knowlwdge in quantum communication systems

Additional Information

The enrollments of the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) are under very attractive employment conditions and competitive salaries offered in Marie-Curie Doctoral Networks.

Candidates must also meet the following criteria:

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Two PhD students in experimental hadron physics

Do you want to contribute to solving one of the most elusive riddles of matter, using modern methods that you take part in developing? Do you want to work together with competent and nice colleagues in an international environment? Then you are welcome to apply for employment as a doctoral student at Uppsala University!

One of the great challenges in modern physics is to understand how the strong force binds the fundamental building blocks, quarks and gluons, into hadrons. Neutrons and protons, which make up most of the visible mass in the universe, are examples of hadrons. In our research group, we are particularly interested in hyperons, i.e. three-quark systems that are similar to protons but where one or more of the light quarks have been replaced by heavier strange or charm quarks. By studying how hyperons form and decay, we can measure their structure at the femtometre level – that is, distances around 10-15 m! Our group has recently taken the first "snapshots" of the formation of strange hyperon-antihyperon pairs. We now want to take these innovative experiments to the next level by exploring hadrons with charm quarks. The Belle II facility in Japan, where electrons and positrons collide, is perfect both for this and for other types of structural studies. Using similar methods, we can investigate the existence of so-called CP-violating processes – something that could help us understand why the universe consists of matter, but almost no antimatter.

Duties We are looking for a PhD student who can participate in the collection and analysis of data from Belle II, as well as to develop modern analysis tools, possibly using machine-learning techniques, for electron-positron experiments. It is also possible to either include a theory component, or conduct a project within the hadron beam experiment HADES in Germany, if there is interest. The PhD student is expected to participate in meetings and workshops abroad work with simulations, reconstruction, analysis and interpretation of data, and contribute to tasks relevant for the operation and improvement of the experiment.


A person can be admitted as a PhD student of physics if they

  • passed an advanced level degree in physics, technical physics or equivalent, or
  • completed at least 240 ECTs, of which at least 60 at advanced level including an independent project work of at least 15 ECTs, or
  • acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way.

For this position, the applicant is also required to have

  • completed advanced level courses in subatomic physics
  • completed independent work corresponding to approx. 20 weeks of full-time studies in subatomic physics
  • basic knowledge of programming, for example in Python and/or C++.
  • good oral and written skills in English
  • ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others.

The degree does not have to be completed at the time of application, but no later than at the time of admission.

Applications should include: a brief description of research interests and relevant experience, CV, copies of certificates and diplomas, MSc thesis (or a draft thereof), a reference list and other documents, that the applicant wishes to claim.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University's rules and guidelines.

About the employment The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date 1 January 2025 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: Karin Schönning, [email protected].

Please submit your application by 1:a november 2024, UFV-PA 2024/2861

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  • Shoaib​ Khalid​,  Electronic properties of topological semimetals, and wide-gap oxide semiconductors using hybrid density functional theory ​, Advisor​:​ Anderson​ Janotti​​
  • Yue​ Pan​,  A neural network-based ultra-high energy neutrino reconstruction method with the Askaryan Radio Array ​, Advisor​:​​ David​ Seckel​
  • Hassan​ Shahfar​,  Predicting, controlling and molecular understanding of therapeutic protein self-interactions: a combined experimental and computational approach ​, Advisor​:​​​ Christopher J.​ Roberts​
  • Charles​ Cheung​,  Development of a relativistic atomic theory for accurate treatment of complex correlations , Advisor​:​ Marianna Safronova​
  • Hang​ Chen​,  Magnetic dynamics in magnetic multilayers and spintronic devices​ , Advisor​:​ John Q.​ Xiao​
  • Vimal​ Deepchand​,  Magnetic and structural properties of chemically synthesized Fe(Co)-Pt(Ni, Bi) nanoparticles ​, Advisor​: George C.​ Hadjipanayis​
  • Utkarsh​ Bajpai​,  Quantum-classical approach to nonequilibrium system of conduction electrons interacting with localized spins in spintronics ​, Advisor​: ​Branislav K.​ Nikolić​
  • Priyanka​ Mondal​,  Quantum spin-torque-driven nonclassical magnetization dynamics and dynamical buildup of long-range entanglement ​, Advisor​: Branislav K.​ Nikolić​
  • Aung Sis​ Naing​,  Generation and isolation of highly charged ions with low ionization thresholds​ , ​Advisor: Marianna Safronova​, Joseph N.​ Tan​
  • Christiana​ Erba​,  Characterizing massive star magnetospheres at ultraviolet wavelengths ​, Advisor:​ Véronique​ Petit
  • Ramiz Ahmad​ Qudsi​,  On the interplay between microkinetics and turbulence in space plasmas ​, Advisor:​ Bennett A.​ Maruca​​
  • Riddhi ​Bandyopadhyay​​,  Turbulent heating in space plasmas: theory and observations , Advisor​: William H.​ Matthaeus​
  • Michael P.​ Metz, ​ Fitted models for intermolecular interactions from first principles ​, Advisor​:​ Krzysztof​ Szalewicz
  • Swapnil​ Baral​,  Quantitative prediction of spectral properties of polarity sensitive dyes using a MD/QM approach ​, Advisor​:​ Edward​ Lyman, Björn ​Baumeier​
  • Mitchell​ Dorrell​,  Simulation-derived neutron scattering for lipid membranes ​, Advisor​: Alexander J.​ Sodt​
  • Shirin​ Pourmiri​,  Iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications ​, Advisor​: George C.​ Hadjipanayis​
  • Onur​ Tosun​,  Structural and magnetic properties of Mn-X and Co-X (X = Ge, V) nanostructured alloys fabricated by non-equilibrium techniques ​, Advisor​:​ George C.​ Hadjipanayis
  • Zhiqiang​ Zhang​,  Theory of doping and defects in complex semiconductor materials ​, Advisor​:​ Anderson​ Janotti​
  • Yunjiao Cai,  Quantitative Analysis of Spin Relaxation and Spin Transfer in Mesoscopic Nonlocal Spin Valves ; Advisor: Dr. Yi Ji
  • Ramesh Koirala,  Extension of the Icetop Energy Spectrum to 250 TeV and Application of the Constant Intensity Cut Method to Icetop Data;  Advisor: Professor Thomas Gaisser
  • Rishi Paudel,  A study of the white light flare rates of M and L dwarfs ; Advisor: Professor John Gizis
  • Hershal Pandya,  Search for PeV Gamma Rays and Astrophysical Neutrinos With IceTop and IceCube ; Advisor: Professor David Seckel
  • Debanjan Sengupta,  Planet Formation in a Dusty Disk: Effects of Collisional Dust Growth and Dynamics ; Advisor: Professor James MacDonald
  • Muhammad Shahbaz,  Dispersion Energy in Density-Functional Theory ; Advisor: Professor Krzysztof Szalewicz
  • Abhishek Sharan,  Electronic Properties of Semiconductors and Energy Materials from Density Functional Theory ; Advisor: Professor Anderson Janotti
  • Prayash Sharma Pyakurel,  Ion-Coupling During Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection: Causes and Consequence ; Advisor: Professor Michael Shay
  • Alex Wise,  Where Do We Find Exoplanets ?; Advisor: Dr. Sarah E. Dodson-Robinson
  • Frank Abel III,  Synthesis and Study of "L1o" Magnetic Nanostructures ; Advisor: Professor George Hadjipanayis
  • Peng Cao,  A Search for Astrophysical Ultra High Energy Neutrinos with ANITA-IV Experiment ; Advisors: Dr. John Clem, Professor David Seckel
  • Halise Celik,  Spin-Orbit Torque Measurements in Heavy Metal/Ferromagnet Heterostructures Using the Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect ; Advisor: Professor John Q. Xiao
  • Rohit Chhiber,  Studies in multi-scale turbulent dynamics of the soloar wind ; Advisor: Professor William Matthaeus
  • Fatih Kandaz,  Anisotropic Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Nonmagnetic Channels;  Advisor: Dr. Yi Ji
  • Harsha Kannan,  Material Designs and Fabrications for various Spintronics Applications;  Advisor: Professor John Q. Xiao
  • Ozlem Koylu-Alkan, Mechanochemical Synthesis of Rare Earth 3d Transition Metal Submicron Particles with the R2Fe14B Structure; Advisor: Dr. George Hadjipanayis
  • Sajan Kumar,  Study of the Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emission from Supernova Remnants with Veritas. Two Test Cases: Cassiopeia A and IC 443 ; Advisor: Professor Jamie Holder
  • Xiangyu Ma,  Exploring Single Hole States in INAS/GAAS Quantum Dots and Quantum Dot Molecules Under 2-D Electric Fields ; Advisor: Dr. Matthew Doty
  • Katharine Mulrey,  Characterizing Radio Emission from Extensive Air Showers with the SLAC-T510 Experiment, with Applications to ANITA;  Advisor: Professor David Seckel
  • Taha Salavati-Fard,  Computational Studies on the Catalyzed Conversion of Furans to Aromatics ; Advisor: Professor Douglas J. Doren
  • Muhammad Asif Warsi,  Nanowire Based Exchange Coupled Permanent Magnets ; Advisor: Professor John Q. Xiao
  • Andrew Zgorski,  Mesoscale Simulation of Lipid Bilayers: Quasi-2D Hydrodynamics and Shear Viscosity ; Advisor: Dr. Ed Lyman
  • Patrick Grugan,  Transitioning from a Dipole to a Relativistic Response in Atoms and Molecules ; Advisor Professor Barry C. Walker.
  • Brian Kelly,  Characterization of Solid-State Reactions in Nanoscale Systems via Structural and Energetic Techniques;  Advisor: Professor Karl Unruh.
  • Jesus Nieto Pescador,  Photoinduced Electron Transfer at the Tetrapyrrole-Tio 2 Interface: Effect of the Energy Alignment ; Advisor: Professor Lars Gundlach.
  • Prachanda Subedi,  Transport of Charged Particles in Turbulent Magnetic Fields Professor in charge of dissertation;  Advisor: Professor William Matthaeus.

Chuan Qin,  Quantitative Study of Spin Hall Effects in Mesoscopic Thin Films ; Advisor: Dr. Yi Ji

  • Tao Wang,  Spin Orbit Coupling Induced Phenomena in Spintronic Devices ; Advisor: Professor John Q. Xiao
  • Zuhrianda Zuhrianda,  High Precision Calculation for the Development of Atomic Clock and the Search Beyond the Standard Model Professor in charge of dissertation;  Advisor: Professor Marianna Safronova
  • Heng-Yu Chen,  Theoretical Investigations of Neutrino and Dark Matter Properties ; Advisor: Professor Stephen Barr
  • Lei Chen,  Development and Characterization of (Ag,Cu) (In,Ga) Se2 Thin Films Deposited by Three-Stage Co-Evaporation;  Advisor: Professor William N. Shafarman.
  • Curtis Walkons,  Approaches to Increase Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) of CdTe Devices: Device Modeling and Thinner Devices, Alternative Back Contacts;  Advisor: Professor Robert Birkmire.
  • Yunpeng Chen,  Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Thin Films and Spintronics Devices;  Advisor: Professor John Q. Xiao.
  • Seth Meiselman,  Spontaneous Transient Ultrafast Coherent Raman Spectroscopy ; Advisor: Professor Matthew DeCamp.
  • Yunsong Xie,  Designing metamaterials and nanostructured materials for microwave power transfer applications;  Advisor: Professor John Xiao.
  • Jun Wu,  Current-driven Spin-orbit Torques in Ferromagnetic Heterostructures ; Advisor: Professor John Xiao.
  • Colby C. Haggerty,  Ion and Electron Heating during Magnetic Reconnection in Simulations ; Advisor: Professor Michael Shay.

First Job After Graduation

  • Debanjan Sengupta, PhD. 2019, NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
  • John Russo, MS 2019; MS advisor: Dr. Lyman; Ph.D. student at Oregon Health & Science University, Biomedical Engineering.
  • Alex Wise, Ph.D. 2019; postdoc scholar at Penn State University, State College, PA.
  • Abhishek Sharan, Ph.D. 2019; postdoc scholar at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO.
  • Yunjiao Cai, PhD. 2019; Data Scientist Associate at JP Morgan, Wilmington, DE.
  • Hershal Pandya, Ph.D. 2019; Postdoctoral Fellow, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium.
  • Prayash Sharma Pyakurel, PhD. 2019; postdoc researcher at the Space Science Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
  • Rishi Paudel, Ph.D. 2019; postdoc research associate UMBC/CRESST/NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD.
  • Muhammad Shahbaz, Ph.D. 2019; Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Frank Abel, PhD. 2018; Visiting Scholar, Department of Physics, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
  • Zachary Bond, M.S. 2018;
  • Halise Celik, Ph.D. 2018;
  • Rohit Chhiber, Ph.D. 2018; postdoc researcher in Department Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE.
  • Harsha Kannan, Ph.D. 2018; TD Module and Integration Yield Engineer for Intel in Hillsboro, OR.
  • Fatih Kandaz, Ph.D. 2018; Dr. Lecturer (Dr. Öğretim Görevlisi) at Gebze Technical University at Gebze/ Kocaeli, Turkey.
  • Ozlem Koylu-Alkan, Ph.D. 2018; Project Manager at ASPILSAN in Keyseri, Turkey.
  • Xiangyu Ma, Ph.D. 2018; Product Specialist, B&W Tek, A Metrohm Group Company, Newark, DE.
  • Rebecca Macinnis, MS 2018; Data Analyst, True Motion in Boston, MA.
  • Katherine Mulrey, Ph.D. 2018; postdoc at the University of Belgium.
  • Taha Salavati-Fard, Ph.D. 2018; postdoc fellow at the University of Houston, Houston, TX.
  • Muhammad Asif Warsi, Ph.D. 2018; Junior Scientist, Pakistan Atomic Energy Comission, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Zuhrianda Zuhrianda, Ph.D. 2018.
  • Yasaman Barekatain, MS 2017; MS advisor Dr. Hadjipanayis; Ph.D student at MD Anderson UT Health Center Houston, TX.
  • Patrick Grugan, Ph.D. 2017;
  • Aditya Hebbar, M.S. 2017;
  • Dadong Huang, M.S. 2017;
  • Brian G. Kelly, Ph.D. 2017; Process Integration Engineer, Samsung Austin Semiconductor, Austin, TX.
  • Jesus Nieto Pescador, Ph.D. 2017; Research and Development Engineer for Intel in Phoenix, AZ.
  • Muhammad Shahabudin, M.S. 2017;
  • Prachanda Subedi, Ph.D. 2017; Senior-Advisory, Data & Analytics, EY, New York, NY.
  • Yunsong Xie, Ph.D. 2016; postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, IL.
  • Jun Wu, Ph.D. 2016; Research scientist for Spectrum Magnetics, LLC in Wilmington, DE.
  • Lei Chen, Ph.D. 2016; Senior Test Engineer for Seagate Technology in Minneapolis, MN.
  • Heng-Yu Chen, Ph.D. 2016; postdoc fellow in Physics for the University of Delaware in Newark, DE.
  • Seth Meiselman, Ph.D. 2016; Research Physicist for Sotera Defense Solutions in Washington, D.C.
  • Yunpeng Chen, Ph.D. 2016; Technical Staff Member for Winchester Technologies in Burlington, MA.
  • Shuhan Chen, Ph.D. 2016; postdoc in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Po-Hao Chang, Ph.D. 2016; postdoc research assoc. in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE.
  • Curtis Walkons, Ph.D. 2016; physics instructor at BASIS Phoenix School in Phoenix, AZ.
  • Colby Haggert, Ph.D. 2016; postdoc fellow at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE.
  • Sui Luo, Ph.D. 2015; Software Engineer for Fact Set Research Systems.
  • Bin He, Ph.D. 2015; Physics Instructor at Central Michigan University in Mt Pleasant, MI.
  • Jeffrey Tessein, Ph.D. 2015; Research Engineer for Northup Grumman Defense Contractor in Fairfax, VA.
  • Laura Vanderhoef, Ph.D. 2015; postdoc for the Army Research Lab in Aberdeen, MD.
  • Zhiyuan Chen, M.S. 2015; Senior Quantitative Analyst for PNC in Wilmington, DE
  • Nathaniel Kee, Ph.D. 2015; postdoc in the Computational Physics Department at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany.
  • John Meyer, Ph.D. 2015, co-founder of Foolhardy Softworks.
  • Matthew Civiletti, Ph.D. 2014; instructor at Morrisville State College, NY.
  • Derya Vural, Ph.D. 2014; postdoc at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware.
  • Farzad Mahfouzi, Ph.D. 2014; postdoc at the State University of CA at Northridge.
  • Muhammad Adeel Ajaib, Ph.D. 2014; visiting assistant professor at Ursinus College, PA.
  • Dana Saxon, Ph.D. 2014; adjunct instructor in the Department of Physics at Villanova University, PA.
  • Cem Salih Un, Ph.D. 2014; teaching assistant at Uludag University, Turkey.
  • Zhan Shu, Ph.D. 2014; staff engineer at Western Digital, CA.
  • Lala Zhu, Ph. D. 2014; Process Engineer - Applied Materials in Santa Clara, CA.
  • Inci Ruzybayev, Ph.D. 2014; Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics at York College in PA.
  • Xin Fan, Ph.D. 2014; Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE.
  • Fariha Nasir, Ph.D 2014; Full-Time Lecturer for the Physics Department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.
  • Muhammad Ajaib, Ph.D. 2014; post doc teaching fellow at Ursinus College in PA.
  • Farzad Mahfouzi, Ph.D. 2014; postdoc research associate for California State University in Northridge, CA.
  • Yang Zhou, Ph.D. 2014; Product Design Engineer for Apple in Cupertino, CA.

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  • Published: 17 September 2024

A history of CERN in seven physics milestones

  • Federica Riti   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Philipp Gadow   ORCID: 1 ,
  • David Walter   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Maria Vieites Diaz   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Barbara Maria Latacz   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Luigi Dello Stritto   ORCID: 1 &
  • Petar Bokan 1  

Nature Reviews Physics ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Experimental particle physics
  • Particle physics

Over the past 70 years, CERN’s accelerators and experiments have delivered some remarkable results and discoveries, owing to the efforts of generations of physicists. We asked seven of the new generation — all CERN Fellows, in the early stages of their career — to tell us about some of the milestone achievements in the history of their laboratory.

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CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Federica Riti, Philipp Gadow, David Walter, Maria Vieites Diaz, Barbara Maria Latacz, Luigi Dello Stritto & Petar Bokan

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Federica Riti is a CERN Fellow working on the CMS experiment. She obtained her PhD at ETH Zurich, working on lepton flavour universality. Recently, her research has concentrated on investigating rare b -hadron decays to search indirectly for physics beyond the standard model, as well as updating the CMS trigger system for the high-luminosity phase of the LHC.

Philipp Gadow is a CERN Fellow working on the ATLAS experiment. He obtained his PhD at Technical University of Munich and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at DESY, Hamburg. His current research focuses on searches for new particles in rare and complex final states with top quarks with ATLAS, developing machine-learning algorithms for the identification of heavy-flavour jets and silicon detector R&D for future collider facilities.

David Walter is a CERN Fellow working on the CMS experiment. He obtained his PhD at DESY, Hamburg, for his work on top quark physics and luminosity measurements using Z bosons. Currently, he is working on the first CMS measurement of the W boson mass. In the near future, he will focus further on precision measurements of W and Z bosons.

María Vieites Díaz is a CERN Fellow working on the LHCb experiment. She obtained her PhD in 2019 from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral researcher at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and at CERN. Her research focuses on searches in flavour physics for phenomena beyond the standard model, using amplitude analyses of B -meson decays. She is currently working on the measurement of the photon polarization parameter, an observable sensitive to right-handed currents.

Barbara Maria Latacz is a CERN Fellow working in the BASE Collaboration on ultra-precise measurements of the fundamental properties of the antiproton. She obtained her PhD at the University Paris-Saclay on the study of the formation of antihydrogen ions. She joined BASE as a postdoctoral researcher in RIKEN, and has recently focused on developing coherent spectroscopy for measurements of the nuclear magnetic moments of the proton and antiproton. Next, she will take up a position as a Research Scientist at CERN.

Luigi Dello Stritto is a CERN Fellow working on the ALICE experiment. He did his PhD at the Physics Department of the University of Salerno, where he also worked as a postdoctoral researcher before joining CERN. His research focuses on heavy-flavour and jet physics in ultra-relativistic proton–proton and heavy-ion collisions, aiming to unveil the properties of the strong interaction.

Petar Bokan is a CERN Fellow working on the ATLAS experiment. He received his PhD from Uppsala University and the University of Goettingen in 2020. His research focuses on studying the interactions of the Higgs boson, including its self-interaction, which is a crucial test of the standard model and the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. He is also involved in the upgrade and operations of the ATLAS detector.

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Correspondence to Federica Riti , Philipp Gadow , David Walter , Maria Vieites Diaz , Barbara Maria Latacz , Luigi Dello Stritto or Petar Bokan .

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Riti, F., Gadow, P., Walter, D. et al. A history of CERN in seven physics milestones. Nat Rev Phys (2024).

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Accepted : 24 July 2024

Published : 17 September 2024


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    In the Department of Living Matter Physics (LMP) we seek to fill a number of PhD positions (m/f/d). The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) at Göttingen, Germany, is an international, interdisciplinary and collaborative environment offering an exceptional research setting.

  8. 256 Phd position in physics jobs in Germany

    Search Phd position in physics jobs in Germany with company ratings & salaries. 256 open jobs for Phd position in physics in Germany.

  9. PhD positions 2025

    Apply now - PhD programme in solar physics and astrophysics in Göttingen, Germany: planetary science, stellar and solar physics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, solar system, planets, space instrumentation.

  10. Physics jobs in Germany

    Physics jobs in Germany. 94 Permanent, PhD jobs to view and apply for now with Nature Careers

  11. HGSFP

    The Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics offers a doctoral programme for students that culminates in the degree "Dr. rer. nat.". In order to enter this programme, the usual requirement is that students must have obtained the minimum of a Master´s degree in Physics or equivalent. With respect to grades, it is expected that students applying ...

  12. Open PhD and Postdoc Positions

    PhD position on "Electronic structure and strong-field calculations for atoms and ions" at the Fritzsche research group (updated January 2024) The Relativistic Quantum Dynamics Group of Prof. Stephan Fritzsche at the Institute of Theoretical Physics is offering a PhD position under the topic mentioned in the header.

  13. Doctoral Study

    At the Faculty of Physics a PhD is possible in the subjects astronomy, meteorology and physics (only available in German). Afterwards, you should find a supervisor for your doctoral project who is authorized to conduct examinations.

  14. DESY

    PhD positions The DESY theory group offers the possibility of Ph.D. positions in theoretical particle physics. Successful candidates, who must be accepted as Ph.D. students at a university, will receive a salary from DESY. The group has close connections in particular to the .

  15. 37 Physics jobs in Germany

    PhD position: Microscopic insights into the mechanical biology of the actin cytoskeleton in Toxoplasma gondii Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Physics, Sabass Group, Munich/Martinsried, Germany.

  16. Doctoral studies

    Doctoral studies. Cologne offers a broad range of possibilities to participate in cutting-edge research in some of the most exciting fields in physics. The PhD is usually done within the framework of the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy. The most important part of a PhD is a research project at the forefront of science ...

  17. 331 physics-phd-scholarship positions in Germany

    Enter an email to receive alerts for physics-phd-scholarship positions. 331 scholarship, research, uni job positions available physics-phd-scholarship positions available on, Germany.

  18. 42 theoretical-physics-phd PhD positions in Germany

    PhD position (m/f/d) | Theoretical Biology. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön | Plon, Schleswig Holstein | Germany | about 2 months ago. Job Code: 05-2024 Job Offer from July 16, 2024 PhD position (m/f/d) in Theoretical Biology - Modeling parasite epidemics in host populations with symbiont-mediated immunity (4 years) The ...

  19. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

    How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany. Are you looking for a doctoral position in Germany? In the DAAD databases, you can find open PhD positions in all fields and all over Germany. When you have found an offer that matches your interests you can apply online at the offering university.

  20. Physics jobs in Germany

    PhD in Theoretical (Bio-)Physics: Physics & chemistry in plant adaptation Join the pioneering team at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf as we em...

  21. 57 PhD jobs in Germany

    PhD Positions in Cancer Research Are you looking for excellent research opportunities for your PhD studies at the forefront of cancer research? The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg invites international students holding a Master's degree in (molecular) biology, ... Published 1 year ago Closing in: 2025-04-24 PhD Graduate School Life Science Munich Munich, Germany

  22. 10 PhD positions (m/f/d) in Sustainable Metallurgy (Experiment

    Want to do your PhD in Germany? Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials International Max Planck Research School for Sustainable Metallurgy - from Fundamentals to Engineering Materials Elke Lorenz is offering with "10 PhD positions (m/f/d) in Sustainable Metallurgy (Experiment & Simulation)" attractive doctorate position(s).

  23. Fully funded PhD project under Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks

    The candidates must have a MSc (or an equivalent) degree in physics, electrical, electronics, telecommunications or photonics engineering.A solid background in communications or signal processing is an important asset. The candidate must have a very good English language proficiency (oral and written expression) and be keen for short-term stays ("secondments") in partner institutions.

  24. PhD Position jobs in Germany

    PhD in Theoretical (Bio-)Physics: Physics & chemistry in plant adaptation Join the pioneering team at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf as we em...

  25. Two PhD students in experimental hadron physics

    For further information about the position, please contact: Karin Schönning, [email protected]. Please submit your application by 1:a november 2024, UFV-PA 2024/2861. Physics and Astronomy is one of Uppsala University's largest departments with nearly 400 employees, of which approximately 100 are PhD students.

  26. Doctoral Graduates

    Inci Ruzybayev, Ph.D. 2014; Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics at York College in PA. Xin Fan, Ph.D. 2014; Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE. Fariha Nasir, Ph.D 2014; Full-Time Lecturer for the Physics Department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.

  27. A history of CERN in seven physics milestones

    He obtained his PhD at DESY, Hamburg, for his work on top quark physics and luminosity measurements using Z bosons. Currently, he is working on the first CMS measurement of the W boson mass.