Children's Institute

  • Early childhood development
  • Child poverty & inequality
  • Violence against children
  • Intersections of VAW & VAC
  • Children Count
  • CG 2024: Early childhood development
  • Early Childhood Review 2024
  • CG 2021/22: Child mental health
  • CG 2020: Food and nutrition security
  • CG 2019: Child and adolescent health
  • Reporters' resources on violence against children
  • Vision & Mission
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Structure & Projects
  • Meet our team
  • Directions to CI
  • Projects: Overview
  • Child poverty and inequality
  • Child Abuse Tracking Study
  • Bridging the divide between VAC and VAW
  • Common risk factors
  • Shared social norms
  • Co-occurrence
  • Compounding Intergenerational Effects
  • Intersections Webinar Series
  • Intersections: Academic Papers
  • Intersections: Briefs
  • Recordings and clips
  • Manuals and toolkits
  • Presentations
  • Project publications
  • Reports and papers
  • Promising strategies to address the intersections of VAC and VAW
  • Child Protection Week: Tend to our children’s cry for help
  • Gender-transformative approaches are key to programming aimed at reducing violence against women and children
  • Gender-based violence and Covid-19: A collision of pandemics
  • Preventing violence starts with changing discriminatory gender norms
  • Early intervention is best way to break cycle of child, gender violence
  • Ending violence against women and children requires a shift in our thinking and practices
  • End this heartbreaking cycle of violence against children
  • Our Covid-19 strategy must include measures to reduce violence against women and children
  • Current Projects: Overview
  • The South African Child Death Review Project - effective intersectoral collaboration
  • Child Rights & Child Law Short Course for Health & Allied Professionals
  • Children Count – Abantwana Babalulekile
  • Children’s Act: Promoting Implementation
  • Social Assistance for Orphaned Children Living with Relatives
  • Social security – towards comprehensive protection for children
  • South African Child Gauge
  • Group Care for the First 1,000 Days
  • Intersections of Violence against Women and Violence against Children
  • Safe Inclusive Participative Pedagogy: Improving Early Childhood Education
  • Analysing the nature and extent of child-headed households in South Africa
  • Caring Schools: Schools as nodes of care and support
  • Child Health Services review
  • Child Survival Project
  • Child-Centred Analysis of Government’s Budgets
  • Children and antiretroviral treatment
  • Completed Projects: Overview
  • Children’s Bill Project
  • Dikwankwetla – Children in Action: Facilitating children's participation in the Children's Bill
  • Evaluations and case studies of the CI law-reform methodology
  • Firearms injuries
  • Foster care in the time of AIDS: Children 'in need of care' or in need of cash
  • Southern Africa regional network on child indicators
  • Growing up in a time of AIDS: Abaqophi BakwaZisize Abakhanyayo Children's Radio Project
  • Health and social services to address the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in South Africa
  • Healthy cities
  • Home truths: Residential care in the context of the AIDS pandemic
  • Infants and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: The fragility of life
  • Means to Live: Evaluating the targeting of poverty alleviation for poor children and their households
  • Media and the representation of children affected by HIV/AIDS
  • National Child Poverty Monitor
  • National Children's Forum on HIV/AIDS
  • National Directory of Services for children and youth infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
  • National Health Act
  • National school health services policy
  • Ordinary Politics: Race and opportunity in contemporary South Africa
  • Piloting the Care Dependency Grant assessment tool
  • Project 28: Promoting children's socio-economic rights
  • Rapid appraisal of primary level health care services for HIV-positive children at public sector clinics in South Africa
  • Researching and developing systems to facilitate the identification, monitoring and support of vulnerable children
  • Social Assistance Act and regulations
  • Social Security and Disability
  • Social Service Practitioners Advocacy Network
  • Theorising children’s participation: Learning across countries and across disciplines
  • Western Cape Developmental Screening Programme
  • Commissions & Tenders
  • Reporting on Gender-Based Violence: A Guide for Journalists and Editors (2017)
  • Economic Burden of Violence Against Children (2017)
  • Gauteng's Children in Lockdown (2020)
  • General Risk and Protective Factors (SA Child Gauge 2017, p62)
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020: Infographic
  • Risk and Protective Factors by Setting (SA Child Gauge 2014, poster)
  • Setting and Injuries by Stage of Development (SA Child Gauge 2019, p118)
  • Socio Ecological Model of Risk and Protective Factors (SA Child Gauge 2019, p122)
  • Violence Against Children is Widespread (2018)
  • Violence Against Women
  • Violence Against Women and Children are Linked (2017)
  • Violence Experienced by Children Throughout Their Lives (2018)
  • Violence through the life course of a child (SA Child Gauge 2014, p29)
  • WWSF 2017 Call to Action: Prevention Kit to End Violence Against Children/Youth - Agenda 2030
  • Few Safe Places for South African Children (2018)
  • Violence in the Lives of Children - What Have We Learnt From the Birth to 20+ Study (2018)
  • Video Series: CSDA Seminar on Violence in the Lives of Children in Africa
  • Gender Dynamics and Girls' Perceptions of Crime and Violence (2011)
  • Guidelines for Legal Representatives of Children in Civil Matters (2016)
  • National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence Shadow Framework (2017)
  • Preventing Youth Violence: An Overview of the Evidence (2015)
  • Reducing Violence in South Africa: From Research to Action (2017)
  • South African Integrated Programme of Action: Addressing Violence Against Women and Children (2013-2018)
  • Strengthening the Child Protection System in South Africa (2017)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The Social & Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa - Executive Summary (2016)
  • What Will it Take to Prevent Interpersonal Violence in South Africa? (2019)
  • A Longitudinal Perspective on Violence in the Lives of South African Children from the Birth to Twenty Plus Cohort Study in Johannesburg-Soweto (2018)
  • Adopting a Violence Prevention Approach Shifting from Policies and Plans to Implementation (2014)
  • Preventing Violence: From Evidence to Implementation (2017)
  • The Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa (2017)
  • The Prevention of Violence Against Children: Creating a Common Understanding (2014)
  • Towards Effective Child Protection: Adopting a System Approach (2014)
  • Using a Child Rights Approach to Strengthen Prevention of Violence Against Children (2016)
  • Violence Against Children in South Africa: Developing a Prevention Agenda (2014)
  • Violence Against Children in South Africa: The Cost of Inaction to Society and the Economy (2018)
  • A Familiar Face: Violence in the Lives of Children and Adolescents (2017)
  • Children in Danger: Act to End Violence Against Children (2014)
  • Children's Rights in South Africa: Unfinished Business - 2016 and Beyond
  • Ending Violence in Childhood. Global Report 2017
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020: Executive Summary
  • Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: A Statistical Analysis of Violence Against Children (2014)
  • INSPIRE Handbook: Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children (2018)
  • INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework - Ending Violence Against Children: How to Define and Measure Change (2018)
  • INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children (2016)
  • Making Room: Facilitating the Testimony of Child Witnesses and Victims (2015)
  • Out of Harms Way? Tracking Child Abuse Cases Through the Child Protection System at Five Selected Sites in South Africa (2017)
  • Report on Diagnostic Review of the State Response to Violence Against Women and Children (2016)
  • Sexual Victimisation of Children in South Africa. Final Report of the Optimus Foundation Study: South Africa (2016)
  • Too Costly to Ignore - The Economic Impact of Gender-Based Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Towards a More Comprehensive Understanding of the Direct and Indirect Determinants of Violence Against Women and Children in South Africa With a View to Enhancing Violence Prevention (2016)
  • Violence Against Children: A Review of Evidence Relevant to Africa on Prevalence, Impacts and Prevention (2018)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The Social & Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa (2016)
  • Adolescent Murder (2019)
  • The Pattern of Child Murder (2019)
  • What is Child Murder? (2019)
  • Child Death Reviews in the Context of Child Abuse Fatalities - Learning from International Practice (2013)
  • Child Deaths in South Africa: Lessons from the Child Death Review Pilot (2016)
  • Child Homicide Patterns in South Africa: Is There a Link to Child Abuse? (2012)
  • Every Child Counts: Lessons From the South African Child Death Review Pilot (2015)
  • Fact Sheet NR 1: Child Deaths
  • Facts About Firearm Injuries and Fatalities Among Children in Cape Town (2006)
  • Fatal Child Abuse - The Murder of Children in the Home
  • The Epidemiology of Child Suicides in the City of Cape Town Metro West Region (2018)
  • The Optimus Study on Child Abuse, Violence and Neglect in South Africa (2015)
  • Developing an Understanding of Fatal Child Abuse and Neglect: Results from the South African Child Death Review Pilot Study (2016)
  • Gender Differences in Homicide of Neonates, Infants, and Children Under 5 y in South Africa: Results from the Cross-Sectional 2009 National Child Homicide Study (2016)
  • The South African Child Death Review Pilot: A Multiagency Approach to Strengthen Healthcare and Protection for Children (2016)
  • Sexual Homicides in South Africa: A National Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Study of Adult Women and Children (2017)
  • The Epidemiology of Child Homicides in South Africa (2013)
  • Underreporting Child Abuse Deaths: Experiences From a National Study on Child Homicide (2013)
  • Corporal punishment: Academic Papers
  • Corporal punishment: Briefs
  • ChildSafe - Unicef: Child Pedestrian Safety Project (2018)
  • Childsafe / UNICEF: Preventing Road Injuries Impacting Children in South Africa (PRICSA) (2018)
  • Corporal Punishment (2018)
  • Interconnections Between Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Children (2018)
  • Violence Against Children in the Home (2018)
  • Corporal punishment: Reports
  • Appropriate Implementation of the Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in Schools in South Africa (2015)
  • Corporal Punishment is Against the Law: Nobody is Allowed to Hurt you at School! (2016)
  • Fact Sheet 1: Prohibiting Corporal Punishment Does Not Mean Criminalising Parents (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 2: Most Cultures Have Claimed That Corporal Punishment of Children is Part of Their Culture (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 3: Despite a Legal Ban, Corporal Punishment is Still Widely Practiced in South African Schools (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 4: The Negative Impacts of Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 5: Does Sparing The Rod Really Spoil the Child? (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 6: Positive Parenting Does Not Use Punishment, But Supports Discipline (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 7: Government Has a Duty to Protect Citizens of All Ages From Violence and Abuse (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 8: Children Have the Right to Legal Protection From Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Fact Sheet NR 4: Crimes Against Children (2003)
  • Facts About Child Deaths in South Africa (2006)
  • From Fieldwork to Facts to Firearms Control. Research and Advocacy Towards Firearm Control Legislation in South Africa: A Case Study (2005)
  • Instances of Severe Corporal Punishment Damages Claim (2017)
  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in South Africa: How To Break the Vicious Cycle (2015)
  • Progress Towards Prohibiting All Corporal Punishment of Children in East and Southern Africa (2016)
  • Reducing Physical Punishment of Children: Using Schools as Nodes of Intervention (2018)
  • Shifting Attitudes and Behaviours Underpinning Physical Punishment of Children (2017)
  • Homicide Pattern Among Adolescents: A National Epidemiological Study of Child Homicide in South Africa (2019)
  • Physical, Emotional and Sexual Adolescent Abuse Victimisation in South Africa: Prevalence, Incidence, Perpetrators and Locations (2016)
  • Young Children: Preventing Physical Abuse and Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Adolescents: Preventing Interpersonal and Gender-Based Violence (2014)
  • Ending Legalised Violence Against Children by 2030: Progress Towards Prohibition and Elimination of Corporal Punishment in Pathfinder Countries (2018)
  • Ending Violence Against Children: Six Strategies for Action (2014)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The social & economic burden of violence against children in South Africa (2016)
  • Media's Silence on Children Reflects it's priorities (2020)
  • Sexual Violence Against Children (2020)
  • What's Behind Children's Silences on Sexual Violence? (2020)
  • Rape murder of women and children in South Africa
  • Understanding Child Sexual Abuse in South Africa
  • Children and Sex Work (2016)
  • Helping Children Recover from Trauma: Strengthening Therapeutic Responses for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in the South African Context (2016)
  • Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Understanding Men's Health and Use of Violence: Interface of Rape and HIV in South Africa (2009)
  • Very High Rates of Sexual Violence with Younger Learners Most Vulnerable (2017)
  • A Longitudinal Perspective on Boys as Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse in South Africa: Consequences for Adult Mental Health (2018)
  • A Psychosocial Understanding of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure Among Female Children in South Africa (2016)
  • Exploring Mental Health Adjustment of Children Post Sexual Assault in South Africa (2013)
  • Sexual Violence Against Children in South Africa: A Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study of Prevalence and Correlates (2018)
  • An Outcome Assessment of a Residential Care Programme for Sexually-Abused Children in South Africa: A Research Report (2016)
  • Child Sexual Abuse in Atlantis (2003)
  • Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: WHO Clinical Guidelines (2017)
  • Sexual Exploitation of Children in Africa- A Silent Emergency (2019)
  • Sexual Violence by Educators in South African School: Gaps in Accountability (2014)
  • Primary School Children: Widening Worlds and Increasing Risk of Sexual Abuse (2014)
  • School Violence in South Africa: Results of the 2012 National School Violence Study (2013)
  • The Frequency and Predictors of Poly-Victimisation of South African Children and the Role of Schools in its Prevention (2017)
  • Addressing Bullying in Schools (2012)
  • Game Changer Roadmap 2017: After School
  • Positive Discipline and Classroom Management (2012)
  • Promoting Effective Enforcement of the Prohibition Against Corporal Punishment in South African Schools (2014)
  • School Violence and Bullying: Global Status Report (2017)
  • The National School Safety Framework (2015)
  • 'I Had a Hard Life': Exploring Childhood Adversity in the Shaping of Masculinities among Men Who Killed an Intimate Partner in South Africa (2011)
  • 'So Now I'm the Man': Intimate Partner Femicide and its Interconnections with Expressions of Masculinities in South Africa (2015)
  • Alcohol Use and Its Role in Female Homicides in the Western Cape, South Africa (2009)
  • Intimate Femicide-Suicide in South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study (2008)
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Relationship Power Inequity, and Incidence of HIV Infection in Young Women in South Africa: A Cohort Study (2010)
  • The Epidemiology and the Pathology of Suspected Rape Homicide in South Africa (2008)
  • Violence in the home: Infographics
  • Domestic Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Engagement in Parenting Programmes: Exploring Facilitators of and Barriers to Participation (2016)
  • Engaging South African Fathers: The MenCare Childcare and Protection Programme (2019)
  • Parenting for Lifelong Health: Supporting Families in Low-Resource Settings (2018)
  • Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in the Home in South Africa (2015)
  • Rising to the Challenge: Towards Effective Parenting Programmes (2013)
  • Stopping Family Violence: Integrated Approaches to Violence Against Women and Children (2018)
  • Intergenerational Cycle of Violence
  • Fatal Child Abuse: The Murder of Children in the Home
  • Intergenerational consequences of violence in the home
  • Understanding Developments in the Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children Fields
  • Understanding Shared Risk Factors for Violence Against Women and Children
  • View All Projects
  • Publications: Overview
  • Children's Institute annual reports
  • Publications: 2023
  • Publications: 2022
  • Publications: 2021
  • Publications: 2019
  • Pyblications: 2018
  • Publications: 2017
  • Publications: 2016
  • Publications: 2015
  • Publications: 2014
  • Publications: 2013
  • Publications: 2012
  • Publications: 2011
  • Publications: 2010
  • Publications: 2009
  • Child Gauge: Overview
  • CG 2021 launch video
  • Child- and youth-friendly materials
  • Social media
  • CG 2021/2022 in the media
  • CG 2020 launch videos
  • CG 2020 in the news
  • CG 2018: Children, Families and the State
  • What do Children Need to Thrive? All Children Need Nurturing Care
  • CG 2016: Children and social assistance
  • CG 2015: Youth and the intergenerational transmission of poverty
  • CG 2014: Preventing violence against children
  • CG 2013: Essential services for young children
  • CG 2012: Children and inequality: Closing the gap
  • CG 2010/2011: Children as citizens: Participating in social dialogue
  • CG 2009/2010: Healthy children: From survival to optimal development
  • Summary: South African Child Gauge 2008/2009
  • CG 2007/2008: Children’s constitutional right to social services
  • CG 2006: Children and poverty
  • CG 2005: Children and HIV/AIDS
  • Order a Copy
  • Law Reform: Overview
  • Social Service Professions Bill: Overview
  • Law Reform: Bills & Acts
  • About the Advocacy Network
  • Law Reform: Latest Developments
  • Contact the Network
  • Children's Act: Overview
  • Landmark Moment for Child Rights in South Africa
  • Children's Act Guide For Child and Youth Care Workers (2013)
  • Call for Public Comment on Children’s Amendment Bill
  • The Children's Act for children and young people
  • Understanding the Children's Amendment Bill
  • Navigating the parliamentary process
  • Children's Act: Bills & Acts
  • Regulations
  • Analysis of the 2010/11 - 2016/17 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2013/14 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2012/13 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2011/12 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2010/11 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2009/10 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2008/09 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2007/08 Budget
  • SALRC documents
  • South Africa's Progress in Realising Children's Rights: A Law Review (2014)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children's Amendment Bill [B18 – 2020] November 2020)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children’s Amendment Bill and Children’s Second Amendment Bill September 2015)
  • Submissions to the Department of Social Development (May – November 2011)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (August - September 2007)
  • Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by province
  • Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by topic
  • Submissions to the Department of Social Development (June 2006)
  • Submissions to National Council of Provinces (October 2005)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (August 2004)
  • Submissions to Department of Social Development on 12 August 2003 Bill
  • Submissions to SALRC on 2001 Discussion Paper
  • CRaCL: Overview
  • Course content
  • Course fees & payment
  • Electronic application form
  • The CRaCL team
  • Press Releases: 2020
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  • CI in the news 2024
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  • CI in the news 2016
  • CI in the news 2015
  • News archive

We're hiring: Research Assistant

We're hiring text

(2REST) Responsibilities for Resilience Embedded in Street Temporalities is a two-year project that started in October 2023. The team will analyse the secondary data from Growing up on the Streets using a multisystemic resilience approach and involving international partners, including early career researchers and street youth. It is led by Professor Lorraine van Blerk (University of Dundee), together with co-investigators Janine Hunter (University of Dundee), Lucy Jamieson (University of Cape Town), Dr Badru Bukenya (Makerere University), and Professor Linda Theron (University of Pretoria).

2REST seeks to appoint a research assistant to work closely with Lucy Jamieson at the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town. The Cape Town team will lead the advocacy and devise strategies to promote the use of the findings to develop evidence-based policy by national governments and the African Union.

Read the full advert here . 

Applications close at 4pm on 1 December 2023.

How much does a Research Assistant make in the United States?

  • Research Assistant Salary The average Research Assistant salary in the United States is $233,827 as of July 29, 2024. The range for our most popular Research Assistant positions (listed below) typically falls between $47,911 and $419,743. Keep in mind that salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including position, education, certifications, additional skills, and the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.
Job Title Salary Hourly Rate Location Date Updated
$120,669 United States July 29, 2024
$229,643 United States July 29, 2024
$155,044 United States July 29, 2024
$73,622 United States July 29, 2024
$57,460 United States July 29, 2024
$92,120 United States July 29, 2024
$129,472 United States July 29, 2024
$338,570 United States July 29, 2024
$86,222 United States July 29, 2024
$70,432 United States July 29, 2024
  • Research and Development Engineer Conducts research and development activities for an organization. Applies research theories, principles, and models when conducting experiments and research activities. Summarizes research results and communicates findings to internal and external bodies. Assesses the scope of research projects and ensures projects are on time and within budget. Develops technical documentation for all projects. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is generally independent and collaborative in nature. Contributes to moderately complex aspects of a project. Typically requires 4-7 years of related experience. View Research and Development Engineer Salary Alternate Job Titles :R & D Engineer, Senior Research & Development (R&D) Engineer, Research and Development Engineer Category : Science and Research
  • Research and Development Director Directs and implements an organization's research and development policies, objectives, and initiatives. Ensures research and development activities will maintain an organization's competitive position and profitability. Consults with top management and research and development team and makes recommendations based on research findings and product performance. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a departmental sub-function within a broader departmental function. Creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the sub-function and develops budgets/policies/procedures to support the functional infrastructure. Deep knowledge of the managed sub-function and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function. Typically requires 5+ years of managerial experience. View Research and Development Director Salary Alternate Job Titles :Product Research and Development Director, R & D Director, Research and Development Director Categories : Science and Research , Executive and Management
  • Research and Development Manager Manages and directs the research and development programs to meet organizational needs and to capitalize on potential new products. Develops and implements research and development procedures and techniques. Oversees complex research projects, analyzes results and provides recommendations based on findings. Assesses the scope of research projects and ensures they are on time and within budget. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to a head of unit/director. Manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their jobs. True first level manager. Ensures that project/department milestones/goals are met and adhering to approved budgets. Has full authority for personnel actions. Extensive knowledge of department processes. Typically requires 5 years experience in the related area as an individual contributor. 1 to 3 years supervisory experience may be required. View Research and Development Manager Salary Alternate Job Titles :Product Research and Development Manager, R & D Manager, Research and Development Manager Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant II Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Gaining exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Typically requires 2-4 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant II Salary Alternate Job Titles :Intermediate Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician II, Laboratory Assistant II Categories : Science and Research , Biotechnology , Pharmaceuticals
  • Laboratory Assistant I Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is closely managed. Works on projects/matters of limited complexity in a support role. Typically requires 0-2 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant I Salary Alternate Job Titles :Entry Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician I, Laboratory Assistant I Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant III Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is generally independent and collaborative in nature. Contributes to moderately complex aspects of a project. Typically requires 4-7 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant III Salary Alternate Job Titles :Laboratory Technician III, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Assistant III Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant IV Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group. A specialist on complex technical and business matters. Typically requires 7+ years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant IV Salary Alternate Job Titles :Expert Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician IV, Laboratory Assistant IV Categories : Science and Research , Biotechnology , Healthcare - Technicians , Pharmaceuticals
  • Top Research & Development Executive Plans and directs all aspects of an organization's research and development policies, objectives, and initiatives. Maintains an organization's competitive position and profitability by formulating research and development programs, policies, and procedures. Investigates and identifies new technologies that align the organization development. May require a master's degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a business unit, division, or corporate function with major organizational impact. Establishes overall direction and strategic initiatives for the given major function or line of business. Has acquired the business acumen and leadership experience to become a top function or division head. View Top Research & Development Executive Salary Alternate Job Titles :Chief R & D Officer, Chief Research and Development Officer, Chief Research, Development and Innovation Officer, Head of Research and Development, Vice President of Research and Development, Top Research & Development Executive Categories : Science and Research , Executive and Management , Planning
  • Institutional Research Director - Assistant Assists in directing and overseeing institutional research for a university/college. Designs and leads institutional research studies evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's programs and policies. Manages data collection and analysis and oversees the formulation of research reports. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to Institutional Research Director. Typically manages through subordinate managers and professionals in larger groups of moderate complexity. Provides input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of responsibility. May give input into developing the budget. Capable of resolving escalated issues arising from operations and requiring coordination with other departments. Typically requires 3+ years of managerial experience. View Institutional Research Director - Assistant Salary Alternate Job Titles :Assistant Director of Institutional Research, Institutional Research Director - Assistant Categories : Education , Science and Research
  • Clinical Research Coordinator Organizes research information for clinical projects. Selects and observes subjects and assists with data analysis and reporting. Oversees experiment scheduling and collection of data. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Works under moderate supervision. Gaining or has attained full proficiency in a specific area of discipline. Typically requires 1-3 years of related experience. View Clinical Research Coordinator Salary Alternate Job Titles :Clinical Research Assistant, Clinical Research Project Support Specialist, Clinical Research Support Administrator, Clinical Research Coordinator Categories : Healthcare - Administrative , Healthcare - Technicians , Non-Profit and Social Services , Science and Research


Parliament, Office Building, Building, Architecture, Urban, Postal Office, Grass, Plant, City, Town

Research Assistant

  • Columbia University Medical Center
  • Opening on: Aug 27 2024
  • Technical Grade 5
  • Job Type: Support Staff - Union
  • Bargaining Unit: SSA
  • Regular/Temporary: Regular
  • End Date if Temporary:
  • Hours Per Week: 35
  • Standard Work Schedule:
  • Salary Range: $32.88 - $32.88

Position Summary

The Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry seeks a full time Research Assistant. The successful candidate will be working on studies in Dr. Lugo-Candelas' research lab.  The Research Assistant will assist in research projects using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to better understand the mechanisms underlying typical development and psychiatric disease in infants and young children.


The Research Assistant will work on studies examining the intergenerational transmission of risk psychiatric disease, assisting in data collection procedures that include interviews, biospecimen collections, MRIs, and behavioral assessments. The position requires a commitment to the Lugo Lab's mission, aiming to understand and improve the determinants and correlates of mental health among racially and ethnically minoritized families and those living in low resource communities. The program includes projects focusing on examining processes that are relevant for health among Latin, Black, and other racially or ethnically minoritized groups. Projects will involve working with pregnant people, parents, and their children assessing the relationship between parental experiences and children’s behavioral and neurodevelopment. All Lugo lab members are expected and encouraged to develop an independent research study and supported in efforts to present at national conferences and submit projects for publication. Weekend and evening hours are required to accommodate participant schedules. Some data collection will require travel to participant's homes; Travel in the tri-state area may be necessary.

  • Assists in data collection, including MRI, biomarker, behavioral, and clinical data collection.
  • Will assist in training and task supervision of the lab’s research volunteers and students.
  • Will help organize lab meetings and meetings with research participants.
  • Assists with grant, abstract, manuscript, and IRB submissions.
  • Assists with lab procurement, including purchase orders and reimbursements.
  • Performs other related duties & responsibilities as assigned/requested. 

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree or at least one and one-half years of related experience or equivalent in education, training and experience.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 1 year of experience in a research setting working with children and families.
  • Prior experience in MRI data collection

Other Requirements

  • Must successfully complete all online systems training requirements. 

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Columbia university is dedicated to increasing diversity in its workforce, its student body, and its educational programs. achieving continued academic excellence and creating a vibrant university community require nothing less. in fulfilling its mission to advance diversity at the university, columbia seeks to hire, retain, and promote exceptionally talented individuals from diverse backgrounds.  , share this job.

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Average Research Assistant Salary

The average salary for a Research Assistant is $39,522 in 2024

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FAQs About Research Assistants

What is the highest pay for research assistants.

Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Research Assistant is $52k / year

What is the lowest pay for Research Assistants?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Research Assistant is $30k / year

How can Research Assistants increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as a Research Assistant is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are a Research Assistant that oversees more junior Research Assistants, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

How to Write a Cover Letter With Salary Requirements (Template Included!)

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Writing a cover letter is already an important part of the job hunt, but mentioning your desired salary can make it even trickier. If you’re wondering how to write a cover letter with salary requirements without hurting your chances of landing the job, it’s all about striking the right balance and choosing your words carefully.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to handle salary expectations in your cover letter—from deciding if you should mention them at all to writing a proper one.

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Is it necessary to mention salary in your letter?

The truth is, it depends on the situation. Some job postings specifically ask for salary requirements, while others leave it up to the applicant's discretion.

In many cases, omitting salary requirements can work in your favor, allowing you to focus on your qualifications and fit for the role. However, if a job listing explicitly requests this information, failing to include it could reflect poorly on your attention to detail .

It's also important to consider the job market and your industry. In highly competitive fields, being upfront about your salary expectations can show confidence and transparency, while in other sectors, it might be better to wait until later in the hiring process to discuss compensation . The key is to tailor your approach based on the specific job and company you’re applying to.

How to mention salary in a cover letter

Experts agree that mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter should be approached with caution. “Salary questions are designed to ‘screen out’ rather than ‘screen in’ candidates,” says Alisa Cohen, Career Coach at Close Cohen Career Consulting . This means that revealing your salary expectations too soon could lead to your elimination from the candidate pool if your figures don’t align with the employer’s budget.

“It could result in either being overlooked for the position or receiving a lower-than-expected offer,” says Tiago Pita, Brand Director and Recruiter at Whole Food Earth .

You might want to leave out salary requirements in a cover letter when you don’t have enough information about the role and its compensation structure to provide a well-informed figure. “If the job posting indicates that salary discussions will occur later in the hiring process, it’s often best to focus the cover letter on qualifications and enthusiasm for the role,” Pita says.

By doing so, you keep the door open for a more informed discussion about compensation later in the hiring process, once the employer has seen your potential and you have a clearer understanding of the role.

When should you include salary requirements?

If the application asks for salary requirements, you should comply—but do so strategically (below, you’ll find tips on how to handle this).

If the application does not ask for them, “it’s typically in your best interest to defer compensation conversations to the latest stage possible,” Cohen says. “You have the most leverage when you are at the offer stage.”

By waiting until later in the process, you allow yourself time to demonstrate your value to the employer, which can strengthen your position during salary negotiations.

How do you negotiate salary in a cover letter?

It’s essential to approach this topic with tact, as you don’t want to come across as overly aggressive or rigid. Below are some tips and strategies for effectively incorporating salary negotiation into your cover letter.

1. Do your research

Base your expectations on solid research. Industry standards, geographic location, past salaries, and your experience level are all factors that should be taken into consideration. One effective strategy is to provide a range rather than a specific number, giving you some flexibility and room for negotiation.

Cohen suggests using language like, “My research indicates that compensation for this type of position falls in the range of $XX - $XX. I look forward to learning more about the position and understanding if that is consistent with your range.” This approach shows you’ve done your homework and know what you’re looking for in a job position.

2. Explain your reasoning

This could be based on your research of industry standards, your level of experience, or the cost of living in the job's location. For example: “My salary expectation is based on industry research and my professional experience in similar roles, as well as the cost of living in [City].”

3. Use diplomatic and flexible language

The way you phrase your salary expectations can significantly impact how they are received. Pita emphasizes the importance of using language that shows flexibility, with phrases such as, “Based on my experience and the industry standards, I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y. However, I am open to discussing this further based on the total compensation package and additional benefits your company offers.”

This wording acknowledges your salary expectations while also making it clear you’re open to negotiation and that you’re willing to consider the entire compensation package, not just the salary.

4. Frame salary as part of the overall fit

Highlight your skills and experience that contribute to the company’s success. This helps keep the focus on mutual benefit rather than just on financials.

Pita suggests language like, “I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that my skills align well with the needs of the position. I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y, though I am open to negotiation based on the complete compensation package and benefits offered.” This phrasing shows enthusiasm for the role while also subtly integrating your salary expectations into the discussion.

Cover letter with salary requirements: examples

Below, you'll find cover letter examples with salary requirements for different roles. Each cover letter is tailored to the specific job while including a mention of salary expectations, demonstrating how to approach this delicate topic professionally.

But first, here’s the common structure that should be present at the beginning of all cover letter with salary requirements examples:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Example #1: Cover letter with salary requirements for Administrative Assistant

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Administrative Assistant position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With over five years of experience in administrative support roles, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and help streamline office operations.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I managed a variety of administrative tasks, including scheduling, correspondence, and file management, all while maintaining a high level of confidentiality and professionalism. My organizational skills and attention to detail have consistently been recognized by my supervisors, and I am eager to bring this same level of dedication to [Company Name].

For this position, I would like to express that my salary expectations are between $[number] and $[number]. These figures are aligned with the industry average for this role and are also based on my experience, but I am open to negotiation depending on the additional benefits your organization provides to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team's success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example #2: Cover letter with salary requirements for Marketing Coordinator

I am excited to apply for the Marketing Coordinator position at [Company Name], as listed on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in digital marketing and a strong track record of driving brand engagement, I am confident that I can help elevate your marketing efforts and contribute to your company’s growth.

At [Previous Company Name], I successfully managed social media campaigns that resulted in an X% increase in follower engagement and a Y% growth in lead generation. My experience in content creation, SEO, and analytics has equipped me with the skills needed to execute and optimize marketing strategies effectively.

I would like to request a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations reflect my education in marketing, along with [number] years of experience in the industry and my in-depth knowledge of digital marketing strategies, content creation, and campaign management. However, given the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers, I am open to negotiating the salary.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to contributing to your team and discussing how my background aligns with your needs.

Example #3: Cover letter with salary requirements for Project Manager

I am writing to express my interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name]. With over seven years of experience managing cross-functional teams and delivering projects on time and within budget, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your organization.

At [Previous Company Name], I led a team of [number of people in the team] in the successful implementation of a $X million project, improving efficiency by Y% and reducing costs by Z%. My proven track record of leading diverse teams and successfully delivering complex projects on time and within budget makes me a strong fit for this role. I excel in coordinating cross-functional efforts, anticipating challenges, and driving projects to completion with a strategic focus on achieving business goals.

I am seeking a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations are based on my extensive experience in project management, including [number] years in the industry, and my ability to consistently deliver high-impact results. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name].

Cover letter with salary requirements: template

Not quite there yet? Here's a template to make everything easier for you:

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in [relevant field or industry], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and support the company's goals.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I [briefly describe a key achievement or responsibility]. My experience has equipped me with [specific skills or knowledge related to the job], which I am eager to bring to [Company Name].

Regarding compensation, based on my experience and industry standards, I am seeking a salary in the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. I believe this range reflects my qualifications and the value I can bring to your organization. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs and how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Key takeaways

Including salary requirements in a cover letter can be a delicate balancing act. It’s essential to approach this topic with care to avoid potential pitfalls while ensuring clarity for both you and the employer.

It’s often best to include salary expectations only when explicitly requested or when you feel confident about the compensation range based on your experience and industry standards.

Ensure your salary expectations align with the role’s requirements and the value you bring to the table. If necessary, express your openness to negotiation, highlighting your flexibility and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter not only addresses salary expectations but also showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. By combining a clear, professionally presented salary range with a strong emphasis on your skills and achievements, you can create a compelling case for why you’re the right fit for the job.

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Research Assistant

Apply now Job no: 532921 Work type: Temp Part-Time Location: Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) Categories: Allied Health, Nursing, Health Care Administration/Support Department: 29170000 - MD-ORTHOPAEDICS / REHAB

Classification Title:

OPS Time Limited

Job Description:

The OPS Research Assistant will assist in participant recruitment and screening, data collection, data management, and administering study protocol. Responsibilities will take place in both Orthopaedic clinic and hospital settings.  There will be interaction with outside registry data. Redcap and other database input anticipated.  This OPS position will work Monday—Friday, mostly within the normal workday hours, some schedule flexibility is required.

Expected beginning salary $15- $16/hour, commensurate with qualifications

Bachelor’s degree in a relevant scientific discipline or an equivalent combination of education, training and/or experience from which comparable knowledge, skill and abilities have been attained

Orthopaedic knowledge is not required but highly preferred.  

The individual should be comfortable with human subject research in a hospital setting.

In order to be considered, you must upload your cover letter and resume. 

The University of Florida is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

This is a time limited position.

Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date.

Advertised: 27 Aug 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 02 Sep 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

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Search results

Position Department Location Closes
29170000 - MD-ORTHOPAEDICS / REHAB Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
Seeking an OPS Research Assistant to support research projects in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at the University of Florida. The individual would work primarily with the Division of Hand and Upper Extremity. The OPS Research Assistant will assist in participant recruitment and screening, data collection, data management, and administering study protocol. The individual should be comfortable with human subject research in a hospital setting. Orthopaedic knowledge is not required but highly preferred. This OPS position will work Monday-Friday, mostly within the normal workday hours, some schedule flexibility is required.

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The University is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

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Details concerning remuneration of temporary tutors (less than one-year appointments and usually part-time), demonstrators, teaching assistants and guest lecturers/teachers follow.

Funds made available for the remuneration of "junior" staff (i.e. not qualified as teachers or professionals) are based on the "maximum rate for the (specified) position". These rates are scaled according to the academic level attained by employees, and take into account the degree of academic responsibility for the effective learning of students carried by them. This ranges from "full control", when direct and continuous teaching of particular groups of students is done in a co-ordinated but unassisted manner over prolonged periods, and "assistance-mode" when the teaching is discontinuous and is done under supervision.

Suggested "maximum rates for the (specified) position" in 2024 have increased by 4% and will be as follows:

Level "Full control" "Assistance-mode"
  Max. per hour where each tutorial is assumed to be worth up to a maximum of four hours work, unless proved otherwise in a documented way. Max. per hour of demonstration at practicals or large tutorials, fieldwork, etc.; one hour extra is allowed for marking for each session of one to four hours.
Undergraduates up to end of 3rd year of study R114 R65
Graduate (3rd year degree) or 4th year undergraduate R117 R89
Graduate (4th year degree) or Honours student or postgraduate diploma student or 5-6th year undergraduate R149 R113
Graduate (5th or 6th year degree) or Masters student R161 R117
PhD student R167 R141
PhD graduate R201 R149

Ten Honours students are hired, each to give a total of 30 "full-control" tutorials. Each of these sessions is assumed to represent four hours of actual work (i.e. contact time and preparation, marking, etc.). Thus each student will receive (30 x 4)hrs = 120hr x R149 = R17880 for the year.

PhD students are hired, each to help supervise 12 practicals lasting four hours (contact time). Each of these sessions is assumed to represent five hours of actual work (four hours contact time plus one hour marking time). Thus each student will receive (5 x 12)hrs = 60hrs x R167 = R 10 020 for the year.

Except in the case of certain disciplines [see (3) below] funds made available for the remuneration of "senior staff" (i.e. teachers who have qualifications and experience comparable with those of the lecturing staff in the disciplines concerned, or professionals) will be based on a maximum flat rate of R702 per session in the case of persons who are not yet "authorities" in their fields, or R1318 for those who are. Where the guest teaching involves the separate setting and marking of written work including test or examination papers, further payments at R242 or R511 per hour respectively will be justified if properly motivated.

In the case of certain categories of part-time guest teachers, the hourly maximum rates will be as follows:

Music instruction R369 per hour
Fine art R201 per hour
Method teaching (supervision) R263 per hour + R345 per supervised student
Studio master in architecture R281 per hour
Studio lectures in architecture R348 per hour
Ballet instructors R250 per hour

Marking of test or examination scripts will be paid at the "assistance-mode" per rate hour, appropriate to the level of the marker ( see 1. above ).

Page last updated: 07 June 2024


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    The average salary for a Research Assistant is $39,522 in 2024. Visit PayScale to research research assistant salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more.

  14. Salary: Research Assistant in Moscow, Russia 2024

    The average salary for Research Assistant is RUB 31,875 per month in the Moscow, Russia. The average additional cash compensation for a Research Assistant in the Moscow, Russia is RUB 6,875, with a range from RUB 2,292 - RUB 43,500. Salaries estimates are based on 50 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Research Assistant employees in Moscow, Russia.

  15. Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing information for fixed-term

    The figures below are based on full-time hours per day and will be pro-rated accordingly for part-time staff, based on the number of hours worked per day.

  16. Salary: Research Assistant in Moscow, Russia 2024

    The average salary for a Research Assistant is $25,000 per year in Moscow, Russia. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  17. Employment opportunities / vacancies

    Employment opportunities / vacancies. General vacancies. Internal vacancies (note: internal vacancies can only be accessed by permanent and temporary UCT staff)

  18. Salary: Research Assistant in Moscow (Russia) 2023

    The average salary for a Research Assistant is $24,000 per year in Moscow (Russia). Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  19. PDF University of Cape Town

    This is a full-time 3-year fixed term (T2) contract, for four Clinical research assistant positions to start in March/April 2023. Clinical research assistants will be selected according to the project's language requirements for data collection teams to be fully bilingual in (1) English-isiXhosa and (2) English-Afrikaans.

  20. Cover Letter With Salary Requirements: Template and Tips

    Experts agree that mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter should be approached with caution. "Salary questions are designed to 'screen out' rather than 'screen in' candidates," says Alisa Cohen, Career Coach at Close Cohen Career Consulting.This means that revealing your salary expectations too soon could lead to your elimination from the candidate pool if your figures ...

  21. Salary: Graduate Research Assistant in Moscow (Russia) 2024

    The average salary for a Graduate Research Assistant is $79,873 per year in Moscow (Russia). Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!


    RESEARCH ASSISTANT X2 The University of Cape Town Lung Institute requires applications for two (1 x fluent in English and Afrikaans; and 1 x fluent in English and Xhosa) RESEARCH ASSISTANTS* on a Fixed Term Contract for the MRC Unit in the Centre for Child and Adolescent Lung Health Unit (CHILD), based in Paarl, Western Cape.

  23. Senior and executive staff remuneration policy

    Senior and executive staff remuneration policy. Current remuneration policy and structure. Positions within Payclasses 13 - 15 (Peromnes 1 - 5) Performance based remuneration structure. UCT Range constructed around midpoint of vice-chancellor's (Peromnes 1 level) salaries of a group of five comparable universities. Staff meeting all the ...

  24. University of Florida

    The OPS Research Assistant will assist in participant recruitment and screening, data collection, data management, and administering study protocol. Responsibilities will take place in both Orthopaedic clinic and hospital settings. ... Expected Salary: Expected beginning salary $15- $16/hour, commensurate with qualifications. Minimum Requirements:

  25. Rates for tutors, demonstrators, teaching assistants and guest

    Details concerning remuneration of temporary tutors (less than one-year appointments and usually part-time), demonstrators, teaching assistants and guest lecturers/teachers follow.