101 Planners

Homework Planner

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. We also offer a digital version if you prefer. Both are free.

Homework planner

Homework Planner Template

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner ).

Select any homework planner template from the selection below. Select a format that you think will work best for you.

Homework Calendar

When I was a student, I personally loved using a homework calendar. It helped me see the bigger picture and take all of my obligations into account. You can use the homework calendar template as is or you can edit it to suit your needs. Add your list of assignments below. Add each assignment to the calendar on the due date. This is a blank calendar that you can use for any month.

Homework Calendar

Word | Editable PDF | Image

The following homework schedule is similar to the one above but it doesn’t have a list of assignments.

Homework Calendar Template

Add your list of assignments or homework on the due date. Mark each one once you have completed it.

Daily Homework Planner

This daily homework planner will help you keep track of assignments received and due.

Homework Planner

Word | Editable PDF | Image | Excel

Homeword Planner

Editable PDF | Image

Weekly Homework Planner

This weekly school planner will keep track of the assignments and homework you received all week and when each one is due. There is also a checkbox to mark it when it is complete.

Homeword tracker

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Homework Tracker

Thursday and Friday

Homework Planner Template

Homework Checklist

Homework Checklist

If you select the Excel version, then there is a dropdown list to select the subject, priority, and status. You can edit the list of subjects under the “subjects” tab. Each subject is automatically assigned a color code . All assignments that are due the next day are colored red. Assignments due that week are orange and those that are due that month are yellow.

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | PNG

This homework tracker can track your homework assignments, the subjects, due dates, and the status of each assignment. There is a dropdown list to select the subject and each subject will be marked with a different color. To change the list of subjects, go to the subject tab and list each subject. The priority can be either urgent, high, normal, or low. The status is either “to do” or “done”. You can change the priority or the status in the tabs.

Assignment Tracker

This Excel spreadsheet keeps track of assignments, who is responsible for each, and when each assignment is due. The color of each assignment changes according to the due date. When the assignment is due it will turn yellow. You can also open this spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

Assignment tracker

What is a homework planner?

This is a planner to track your homework and assignments to ensure that you prepare and submit everything on time. An assignment planner can keep track of all your assignments and is a great tool for priority management. However, if you have other obligations such as tests, social and family gatherings, etc, it might be better to prepare a planner that takes all your obligations into account. If you have a family gathering the day before a test, then you will know you will need to start studying one day earlier than you would have. If you don’t keep track of deadlines and everything you need to do, you might find yourself stressed or too late to get everything done. Planning will take the stress out of school and help you be more productive and organized.

How to use an assignment tracker?

Learning how to manage your time is an essential skill that will be needed later on in life as well. Time management is something that sets efficient people apart from those who do not manage their time well and get little done or even fall apart when stressed. Our job as parents is to give our children the skills and tools to manage their time well and get things done, even when they have a lot on their plate.

Start helping your kids to get organized when they are young. Help them write their assignments in their planner. Help them organize their time and schedule. The younger they are, the less they have on their plate. This is the time to help them acquire the skills they will need when they are older and obligations start to become more overwhelming. Remind your kids to review their planner regularly until it becomes a habit. By the time they are older, in high school or college, they will be able to manage their time efficiently.

It isn’t enough to write assignments and homework in a planner when you receive them. In order for a planner to be efficient, you will need to review it regularly. Start a daily habit where you check your homework calendar daily to see what needs to be done. This should be part of your child’s daily routine. If it isn’t feasible to check daily, then it should happen at least once or twice a week. If that doesn’t work, then try setting reminders on your phone.

How to make a homework planner?

Choose whether you want a weekly assignment planner or a daily or monthly planner. Whatever works for you. Scan the templates on this page and see which one you think will be the most helpful. If you like it as-is then download the PDF version. If you prefer to edit it to meet your specific needs then select the Microsoft Word version and edit as you please. Make it work for you.

If you feel comfortable using a spreadsheet then try the assignment deadline spreadsheet template above.

If you are a college student, then you might want a comprehensive student planner that includes a homework tracker:

  • College Student Planner (our free student planner includes a class schedule and all other tools you will need during the school year)
  • Best Planners for College Students
  • School Calendar Template

Photo of Nicole

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amazing resources for students- thank you.

Thank you for your wonderful collaboration with these material 🙂

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  • Homework Planners

15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel)

Just because you’re a student, that doesn’t mean that you always have things under control. A lot of times, you might feel that you “don’t have enough time” because you have so many things to accomplish like school work, projects , review, and homework. To make at least one of these aspects easier, creating a homework planner is essential.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Homework Planner Templates
  • 2 Information to include in your homework planner
  • 3 Tips for creating your own homework planner
  • 4 Best Homework Planners
  • 5 Using a notebook or binder for your homework planner
  • 6 Free Homework Planners
  • 7 How to use your homework planner?

Homework Planner Templates

Free College Homework Planner

Information to include in your homework planner

If you want to improve your time management skills through a homework planner, make sure to use the planner wisely. Avoid any crisis and conflict by including this information:

  • Regular times for you to do your homework
  • The due dates of your homework assignments
  • The dates of your tests
  • Any special events you have to attend wherein you won’t have time for homework
  • The deadlines of signing up for standardized tests
  • The due dates for school-related fees
  • The dates of school holidays

Tips for creating your own homework planner

It can be quite tricky to keep track of all the due dates of your homework without using a homework planner, a student planner template or any other kinds of organizational strategy. If you plan to create your own homework planner printable template, here are some tips:

  • Think about the types of weekly homework planner sheets to include. If you want to remain organized, you must use different types of planning lists, one of which is the homework planner printable.
  • Select the type and color of the paper to use when you print out your student planner template. You may also want to think about the type of template to use to organize all the information you need for school. After choosing and downloading a template, either customize it according to your needs or use it as it is.
  • After printing out the sheets of your daily, monthly or weekly homework planner, arrange the sheets in the order you want them to appear in your binder or notebook. Think about how you plan to use the sheets of your planner to find the perfect arrangement.
  • Organizing the different sections of your template allows you to keep all of your similar sheets for planning in one place. This is what successful planners to and it’s what allows you to remain flexible as you deal with your daily tasks.
  • Create different sections for your homework planner. Mark these sections using sheets of colored paper, stick-on dividers or other types of dividers to make it easier for you to locate the different sections.
  • Design the front cover of your planner. Here, you can express yourself using your own ideas and creativity. You can either create a design on your computer or use craft supplies to come up with a lovely design. If you think it will motivate you more, come up with a design that makes you feel inspired.
  • Name the sections of your planner. You can use the different subjects in your school as the names of the sections, the months of the year, and more, depending on what you need.
  • After marking the sheets and sections clearly, bind the sheets together. The simplest way to do this is with a stapler. Then fold a strip of paper over the entire side of the bound sheets to give your planner a neat look. After this, you can start using your planner!

Best Homework Planners

Free Student Homework Planner

Using a notebook or binder for your homework planner

Apart from creating your homework planner from scratch, you can also use either a notebook or a binder. Here are some steps to guide you:

Standard notebook

  • Select a notebook to use. Although using a homework planner printable is very convenient, decorating a notebook and using it for your planner is an excellent way for you to express yourself.
  • Decorate the notebook by starting with the cover. Use paint, stickers, and other craft supplies to do this.
  • Divide the notebook into how many sections you need for your planner. Think about how many sections you need then think about how many pages of the notebook you need for each of the sections.
  • Label the sections either by hand or using printed labels. You can also decorate the label covers of the notebook as you may see fit.
  • Create a calendar for your planner or print out a calendar template and attach it to your notebook in some way. This makes it easier for you to keep track of dates and deadlines.
  • Create the daily, weekly or monthly planning sheets. You can organize your plans easily by dividing the sheets or pages into equal sections for you to write your notes . Then you can start using the notebook to plan your homework!
  • Select the binder to use for your homework planner. In your selection process, consider the size of the banner. If you need a lot of space for your planning, you may choose a bigger binder. However, a smaller one is a lot easier to carry around. Therefore, considering the size is very important.
  • Think about the planning method you’d like to use. You can have daily, weekly or monthly planning or to-do lists . Using a binder is a lot easier, especially in terms of adding new sections when you need them.
  • Print out the homework or student planner templates you need after downloading or designing them. You can either use the templates you’ve downloaded or customize them as needed.
  • Insert all of the planning sheets and dividers into your binder. As you insert these sheets, separate them using standard dividers to make it easier for you to find the different sections. Using dividers also makes it easier for you to label the different sections for better organization.
  • After this, you can start using your homework planner!

Free Homework Planners

Free Daily Homework Planner Template - TemplateLab.com

How to use your homework planner?

Sometimes it’s hard to think about how you can accomplish all of your homework when your teachers keep piling everything on as if there’s no tomorrow. But as a student, the only thing you can do is to deal with what you’re given. The best way to do this is to remain organized by using a homework planner.

Without the proper organization and time management skills, you might not be able to get the top grades you’re hoping for. Now that you know how to create a daily, monthly or weekly homework planner, here are some tips for using it:

  • Select the right type of planner When you’re thinking about the type of planner to use, take your time. Select one which can accommodate all of the information you need but which still fits into your bag. Also, stay away from the store-bought ones with zippers or locks which are a challenge to open.
  • Name your planner Small as this detail may be, it’s important to name your planner to remind you to keep using it. When you assign a name to an object, you’re also giving it a strong purpose in your life. Choose whatever name you want, make sure that it stands out!
  • Incorporate the planner into your daily routine Make sure to bring the planner along with you at all times, especially when you go to school. Also, make sure to check the information written inside at the start and at the end of each day.
  • Jot down the information ASAP As soon as your teachers assign you with homework, jot down the most important details right away. Make this a habit and it soon becomes automatic for you. Write down the assignment on your planner, the due date, and other relevant details.
  • Learn how to use backward planning Whenever you write down any due date in your planner, keep going back to that homework to remind yourself that the due date is fast approaching.
  • Color-coding systems work wonders Use colored dividers, stickers, papers, highlighters, and more to organize your planner. This makes it easier for you to understand and identify the information written on your planner.
  • Make sure to include everything in your homework planner You must write down all the possible information in your planner, even the information about events, holidays, and other times which might take you away from doing your homework. If you don’t include this information, you can’t manage your time effectively.
  • Use tabs and flags Using tabs and flags makes it easier for you to indicate due dates, finished homework, end of terms, and more. These serve as an excellent visual tool which constantly reminds you of what you need to accomplish.
  • Keep the old pages and sheets in a separate file Since you’ll input everything in your planner, this means that each of the sheets contains important information. Therefore, you must keep the old pages in a separate file in case you need to use them as for reference later on.
  • Congratulate yourself for creating an organizational system After creating your homework planner and following all of these tips, congratulate yourself for creating your own organizational system. As long as you stick with the planning, doing your homework becomes a lot easier.

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WTO / Education / Charts / 22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

A homework planner serves as an essential tool, similar to a journal, that enables students to keep track of their assignments and deadlines.

Utilizing this planner ensures you remain up-to-date with all your homework and assignments, along with their respective due dates.

Employing this planner minimizes the chances of overlooking deadlines, helping you stay organized and focused throughout your academic journey.

As a student, possessing such a planner is crucial in managing your school work efficiently and avoiding last-minute scrambles. This tool allows you to stay informed about upcoming tasks and prioritize your homework based on deadlines and task complexity.

Regardless of whether you choose a physical notebook or a digital planner, having a planner simplifies school life management. By utilising a template to create your personalised planner for homework, you can effectively organise your tasks and time, allowing for a more relaxed mental state.

Editable Templates

Free Printable Homework Planner Template 01 for Word File

Why Keep a Homework Planner? 

You can get many benefits as a student if you choose to keep a planner for your homework and assignments. With it, you will be able to improve your productivity, especially if you have a part-time job . It would be best if you have this planner to ensure that you dedicate enough time to each task and complete them all successfully. This way, you will increase your productivity and, hence, achieve better and higher-quality output.

This planner will help you plan your time properly . With a planner, you can manage your time wisely, which will help you meet your deadlines and avoid any stress. In addition, a planner will help you improve your organisational skills. That means you will be a more organized student with fewer instances of forgetfulness and confusion. You will learn how to keep your commitments and meet your deadlines.

Another important aspect of the planner is that you will be able to track your achievements and goals. Making a list of your assignments, homework, and to-do lists in your planner will help you track what you have completed and what is still pending. This planner will also make you more responsible. This means, with a planner, you are more likely to develop a sense of responsibility that will ensure you remain focused on your school tasks and achieve all your goals as planned. 

How to Create a Homework Planner?

You need to know how to create this planner because having one is important and beneficial. You can use any of the ways mentioned below to create your own planner according to your requirements.

Explained below are the five ways you can create your planner:  

Method 1: Design your own homework planner

  • Choose all the planning sheets you will need in your planner. This may include a monthly calendar, a weekly planning sheet, and a daily to-do list . You can use sticky notes to add information to your calendar or choose to use sticky notes to add important details to specific dates.
  • The next step is to download free templates for different kinds of sheets that you have chosen for your homework planner and then print them. You can use notebook paper, blank printing paper, or other printed papers for printing, depending on your style and planning design.
  • You should then organize your papers in a way that you want them to appear in your planner. You can start with the monthly sheets, then the weekly ones, and finally the daily papers. Because school schedules are usually divided into weeks rather than months, having separate sheets for weeks and days ensures continuity in planning even if the month changes midweek. 
  • The next step is to create sections for your planner by using color-coded sheets, dividers, tape, or post-notes to mark the presence of two sections or mark important sections.
  • After that, you can creatively design your planner cover by drawing and painting it, decorating it with your favorite stickers, or designing and printing out a cover on the computer.
  • Since you already have the sections divided, you need to decide what each section will include. You can categorize your planner sections according to subjects. Monthly, weekly, and daily categories can be created within the sections.
  • The final step in designing your own planner is to bind the papers together and put a cover. You can choose to either glue or staple the papers together. Your planner is now ready for you to add information about your assignments and homework. You can use your planner for assignments from one class or different classes. Make sure to highlight each task using a different color of ink.

Method 2: Use a standard notebook

  • The first step is to choose a planner notebook based on what you need and the number of assignments and homework you might receive for each class, from the various homework planners available. 
  • The next step is to decorate your notebook, a journal, or a composition book. Be creative and either draw or glue decorations on your notebook. Decorating your planner will help you stay motivated when using a planner.
  • Then, you should divide your notebook into sections like the ones mentioned earlier: the monthly sections, weekly sections, and daily to-do list. You can count the number of sheets you need for each section and divide them using dividers, folding corners of the papers, and using tape or coloured sheets.
  • Ensure that you label all the sections that you have created in your planner to make it easier to indicate the right information in the right place. You can create the label by writing, drawing, or using stickers.
  • The next step is to draw your calendars so that you can plan your month based on the information in your planner. You should make a calendar by drawing a large box, dividing it into four columns and seven rows, naming the days of the week on top of each column, naming the months, and including the correct dates.
  • Ensure that you create your weekly planning sheets since these are the ones you will use the most. Most of your homework and your assignment will be included in the weekly sections. You will need to divide it into eight columns, seven for the days of the week and one extra column for notes.
  • The final step of using a standard notebook to create your planner includes the required assignments and homework. Ensure you organize your tasks based on deadlines to ensure you meet all your deadlines.

Method 3: Use a binder

  • Choose a binder that will fit all the necessary papers that you need to include in your planner. This includes the assignments sections, the calendars, and the weekly planners. Try to minimize the number of papers in the binder so that you can easily access information about your assignments.
  • The next step is to decide how you want to organize your planner for your homework. You should include the monthly calendar, weekly sections, and daily to-do lists. Using a binder will make it easier to add more sections and papers in the future when needed. That means you do not have to focus much on the number of papers for each section.
  • The next step is to print out your planning sheets, including blank calendars and blank weekly planning sheets. You can edit and download customized homework planning sheet templates and then print them for use. After printing, insert these planning sheets into your binder.
  • The fourth step will be to divide your planning sheets using dividers so that you can separate and access each section easily. You should also label these sections appropriately. Finally, you should open your binder rings and insert the to-do list, the weekly sections, the calendar, and a special index page to help you with arranging the pages.
  • The final step is to include your homework and assignments sections. At this point, the binder is ready to be used as a homework planner, and you can start planning and organizing your schoolwork.

Method 4: Use a digital planner

  • Select a digital planner that can be used on your laptop, iPad, or smartphone. For example, you can use note-taking or other calendar apps as your digital planner for your homework.
  • The next step is to either take notes or design a custom planner meant to organize your school homework and assignments directly into the apps.
  • Finally when including details about your assignment, ensure you focus on these three important times; new semester, new year or new season, Sundays, and classes.
  • For the upcoming semester (year or season), you can include all the set dates for important activities like tests and deadlines. The apps help you update your weekly sections on Sundays, as they mark the start of the new week. Finally, in class, you can use the app to update information in your planner for to-do lists, key dates, lengthy assignments, projects, tests, and final exams.

Method 5: Use a template

You can also choose to use a template to prepare your planner for homework. A template is the easiest method to use since you will be required to download a premade planner and customize it to suit your homework needs.

You can easily edit a template and fill in the required information. Also, you can choose to download and print it, then paste it in your notebook to use as your daily planner. Whatever method you choose, the template for homework planner is not time-consuming and guarantees you less stress during the preparation process.

Free Customizable Homework Calendar Template as Word File

In the case of a to-do list, you do not have to mention every single thing you intend or plan to do during the day. This will be difficult if something unexpected occurs or you decide to do something other than what you planned. As a student, the best way is to organize the tasks you need to complete immediately, the tasks you will complete in a couple of hours, and the tasks you will do on another day. It is about which assignment or homework is the most important.

What to Include in a Homework Planner

The information in this section will help you create a comprehensive planner that will assist you in organizing your homework and assignments.

Here is what you need to include in your planner once you have created it using any of the methods mentioned above:

Regular times for homework

You need to include a regular block of homework time. This is the time that you have dedicated to doing your homework. Setting regular times for homework is important, as it will help you plan for extra study and other school work you may have.

Due dates of homework assignments

The deadlines and due dates for your homework and assignments should also be included in the planner. This will help you remember what you need to do and when to ensure you submit your work on time.

Dates of tests

Your planner should include information about your homework and the test dates. You need to plan and organize your time to study and prepare for your tests. Including this information will help you stay informed about the upcoming tests.

Any special events to attend

In case you need to attend a dance, party, celebration, or any other special event, you should include it in your planner. This is important, as you will not have time for your homework if you have not planned it properly in your schedule.  

Deadlines for signing up for standardized tests

Standardized tests like the SATs are important tests for you as a student. If you are interested in taking such exams, you need to note the deadlines for registering for these standardised tests in your homework planner. That way, you can prepare for the tests and stay alert about applying.

Your planner should also have information about your school fee due date. You have to remind your parents or guardians about paying your school fees, and that is why it is important to include this information in your planner.

Dates of school holidays

Since you will be checking your planner for information about your homework, assignments, and tests, the planner is a good place to indicate the dates of any upcoming school holidays. This will help you remember to do all that is required before the school holiday.

Best Practices to Follow

When creating and filling your  planner, there are tips that you should remember. These tips are some of the best practices you need to adapt and follow for effective homework planning.

Some of these best practices include the following:  

1. Choose the right planner for you

It is important to choose the right planner for your homework and assignment needs. Your planner is meant to help with your school life by organizing your schoolwork. That means choosing your planner is the first and most important thing you should do. Choose what is most suitable for you, whether it is a notebook or a digital planner.

2. Set weekly goals

You need to include your weekly goals in your planner. Apart from your homework and assignments, you can also include your weekly goals in the planner. An example of a weekly goal can be studying for about 45 minutes to improve your grades.

3. Keep track of upcoming assignments

For the planner to be beneficial, remember that it is not enough to note your homework and assignment details. As a student, you must track those assignments that are due soon. It will not be beneficial to have a homework planner and still forget to complete assignments on time.

4. Practice time management

When creating and filling in your planner, you need to practice time management. As a student, managing school and your personal life requires you to learn how to manage your time. Ensure you allocate appropriate time for each school task, homework, and assignment. That way, you can have more time to indulge in other activities.

5. Keep it positive 

Ensure to include positive information in your planner. You can congratulate yourself by adding positive notes in the planner every time you complete your work and school assignments. This will encourage you to stay focused on adhering to the planner.  

Final Thoughts

As a student, you need to have a method to organise your school work and your personal time. You might feel overburdened or even forget to complete some of these tasks as you balance your homework, assignments, and other schoolwork. That is why you need a homework planner. You can easily make a planner to ensure you stay organized and responsible, and always remember to complete your homework. Use our customized templates to create your planner today.

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Madison Edgar

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Homework Planner Template

Download free printable Homework Planner Template. For more similar Student templates, browse our free printable library. Simply download and print them at home or office.

Homework Planner Template

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This free printable homework planner template helps students keep track of their homework and assignments.

Students can write up to five subjects for each day of the week. They can learn how to manage and schedule their homework for school.

Download this free printable homework planner template and stay organized.

Looking for more organized student planner?

Make sure to check out this Printable Student Planner .

Printable Student Planner

This one comes with 20+ printable pages to organize your student life in school, college or university.

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Free Printable Homework Planner Tracker Template

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Printable Homework Planner

Using this free printable homework planner will help you or your child manage their daily schedule or weekly schedule. Life can get so busy at times, and it often works best to take the time to write down each of the assignments that you have coming up, in order to better manage your time. 

homework planner download

My hope is that this free printable homework planner will be just the free resource to help you or your child juggle homework assignments, special events, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and whatever else might be going on in your busy schedule. 

Learning time management is one of those important life skills that is invaluable. My hope is that this homework planner will make that process a whole lot easier for you. 

Great for You or Your Child

This free printable homework planner is a great resource for both you or your child. No matter if you’re trying to manage a busy schedule, with different due dates for tasks you need to accomplish, or trying to manage your homework schedule, or even balance home school tasks that need to be accomplished. This planner has just what you need. 

This free resource has several different pages, that you can use as a packet together, or choose which style of homework planner you like the best. This free tool is a great resource to help you manage your busy life so that you don’t miss a thing. 

Homework Planner Template

Using this printable homework planner is the perfect way to help you keep track of your homework assignments. No matter if you are looking to use this planner for yourself or to help your child. You both likely have a lot going on in day-to-day life, so having some help, and keeping things straight with this homework planner is a great way to use the free resource. 

This printable homework planner is great for a college student, high school students, a middle school student, or if you’re trying to balance online work with your daily routine. Using this printable homework planner is a great free resource, to manage your time no matter what phase of life you are in. 

The school year is well underway, and you might be finding yourself or your child having a hard time balancing the tons of homework they are expected to accomplish. It seems that there’s not enough time in the day to get it all done. Perhaps using a time management tool such as this homework planner would help out! 

School work can often be daunting. Not only do you have tons of homework to manage, after-school activities, and upcoming tests to keep track of and study for, as well as a crazy homework schedule that you need to keep track of the assignments for, this printable planner can help you out. 

vertical homework planner

What the Download Includes

When you download this free printable homework player, it doesn’t just have one planner included with it. I have created a few different planner options that will hopefully help you organize everything you need to accomplish all in one convenient place. This printable homework planner includes a general to-do list, daily tasks, a weekly calendar, and finally a monthly calendar.

The first one is a general to-do list. Here you can write each of your assignments, as well as the due date that they need to be turned in. 

Then there is the daily to-do list from here you can write your specific tasks that need to be accomplished on a given day. 

Then there is the weekly planning sheet. On the sheet, you can keep track of your weekly assignment tasks that need to be completed during that week.

The other item included in this download is a blank calendar. On this blank calendar, you can enter the dates for your month, then make sure to add the specific tasks that you need to keep track of during that month. This will give you a general overview of everything that you need to finish for any specific month.

Using a student planner to keep track of your to-do lists and due dates is a wise idea. This way you can have a visual guide of when each task on your list is due, then a way to prioritize tasks so that you never miss a due date. 

Goals in Using the Homework Planner

There are several different reasons why using a homework planner is a good idea. Not only can it be difficult to juggle schoolwork with your busy life, but it can also be very stressful. Let’s take a look at a few good reasons why using a homework planner is a great tool to help with your and your child’s sanity! 

Track Assignment Deadlines . First, using a homework planner gives you a visual aid of what items need to be accomplished, and how soon they are due. Using a printable homework planner is a great way to keep track of each assignment’s due date. 

Time Management . Another great thing about using this homework planner resource is that the planner can help you and your child learn better time management skills. Time management skills are very important, not only with homework assignments but in day-to-day life. 

Less Stress . By staying on top of the assignments that are due, there is much less stress on both you and your child. This of course is an all-around win. 

There are many different benefits to using a homework planner. These reasons listed above are just a few, good reasons why this tool is a good idea. My hope is that this homework planner will make the tasks you or your child have to accomplish so much more achievable, and you can still have time together to enjoy life. 

horizontal calendars

Homeschool Homework Planner

Even if you homeschool, using this printable homework planner is still a good idea. It can help you manage your class schedule, and tasks that you need to accomplish, or balance your homework load. 

Ultimately, the goal of this homework planner is to give you a printable tool that will help you and your child organize items that must be completed. Giving you all a goal to finish the tasks, so that they can be completed in time, and finished well. 

Weekly Homework Planner

Using these weekly calendars to help you keep track of your homework as well as different tasks you need to accomplish can be a great way to enhance your organizational skills, or help your child learn some organizational skills. There are a few different planner pages to choose from, or perhaps you want to use the entire bundle to keep you, or your child organized. 

Depending on the age of your child, they might need some help getting started using this homework planner, but once they are going, they can easily keep track of their assignments, so they can stay on top of all of the tasks, and hopefully don’t feel so overwhelmed.

How to Use the Free Printable Homework Planner

You might be thinking, this is all well and good, but how do I go about actually using these printable homework planner templates? Let’s take a look at how you can easily implement the use of these homework planners to help you better manage your time. 

The first step is to obtain your free printable template. The digital planner is not a physical item, it can be used as a digital planner on any mobile device, or computer, or it can be printed out on regular paper. 

To obtain this free printable homework planner, you will need to have it sent to your email inbox. To do that, you want to enter your email address into the box in the section below. Your PDF copy will be sent to your inbox. Once you receive your free copy, you can download the file to your device, and fill it in on the device, or print it out and fill it in by hand.

It’s a good idea to use this entire packet as a bundle, first by making a list of assignments. You might note the different subjects that there are, as well as the due date. Once you have your list of assignments, you can divide it out in the daily homework planner. Doing this will help you determine when to work on each assignment. When you know each task that you need to accomplish every day, you can put it into the weekly and or monthly calendar. You can use each of these calendars a guide to know what the entire month looks like, as well as what needs to be completed each week. 

When you have the tasks organized, by when they need to be accomplished, or when you plan to work on them, you can use the weekly calendar or monthly calendar as your guide. It’s a good idea to hang onto the list of assignments and daily calendar so that you have those as a reference if needed.

homework planner printables

Free Printable Homework Planner

To get your copy of these assignment trackers, the first thing you will do is please enter your email address into the box below. Then go over to your email and check for a message from me. It will have an attachment to the email, with your copy of this free printable homework planner. 

When you have your copy of this free printable homework planner, you can save the instant download to your device. Then fill it out on the device or print it out and fill it in by hand. Please note that you can print out this homework planner as many times as you wish.

Please note that this homework planner is available for your personal use only and should not be used for commercial distribution under any circumstances. 

These useful tools are created as a PDF form file, meaning that you can fill them in on your computer, or print them off and write on the documents by hand. Because they are saved as a PDF file, you should be able to open them and read them on any device, without any additional programs necessary.

monthly homework planner

Weekly Homework Tracker

Now that you know how to get this free printable homework planner to use as your own homework planner, to help you manage your daily routine and keep track of assignments that are due. You can begin using this tool right away. My hope is that this homework planner will be very useful to you as you learn to organize your daily routine so that you can accomplish every task that you need to and stay on top of all of your due dates. 

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out this free printable homework planner. I have created it, especially for you, and I hope that you will take full advantage of this free tool. 

Like this article? Be sure to follow us online for more like it! Find us on Pinterest , Facebook , Instagram , and YouTube .

Make sure to check out more,  free printables  that I have also created for you, available  here . 

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Homework Planner Template

The best thing I can say about this homework planner is that my own kids like it enough to want me to print a copy for them each week. The design for this planner came from a mash-up of the techniques that my brother and I used in college to organize our time. I've refined the design based on feedback from my kids (one high-schooler and two home-schoolers).

How It Works : This planner combines two very useful tools for keeping track of your homework assignments, both on a single page. First, on the left is a homework check list for each of your classes. Use it to list the assignments, due dates, and the estimated time to complete each assignment. List upcoming exams and plan times to study. Second, on the right side you can plan your week to figure out how you will get everything done.

Printable Homework Planners

The following PDF files can be printed as needed. The main difference is in the weekly schedule because high-schoolers and home-schoolers tend to do their homework at different times of the day.

Student Homework Planner PDF

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

Authors: Jon Wittwer and Jim Wittwer


This spreadsheet includes two separate worksheets with slightly different designs. The Homeschool design doesn't include the "time" column because we found it wasn't as critical to predict how much time a particular assignment would take. However, for high school and college, estimating the time to complete each assignment can be extremely helpful.

We designed it so that you can either print blank copies of the planner, or edit it electronically. You may be able to store and edit this planner on your mobile device if you are using Excel for iPad/iPhone or Google Sheets.

Tips for Students:

1. Customize the template: Using Excel or Word, enter your class names on the left and your typical weekly schedule. For example, use the schedule to highlight the times for each of your classes, your extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, etc.

2. Print blank copies: After customizing the template, you can print as many of these planner pages as you need, and you won't need to enter your typical weekly schedule each time.

3. Don't forget incomplete assignments: When switching to a new page each week, don't forget to go through your list of assignments and transfer the incomplete assignments to the new page.

4. Don't lose it: Keep your planner page in a folder that you always have with you. If you are worried about misplacing it, try taking a picture of it with your phone as a backup.

5. Use a mobile app: If you have a phone with the Excel or Word app or Google Docs app, and you are allowed to use a mobile device in school, you could try going paperless and editing the template on your phone. You could also try using one of the many "student planner" or "homework planner" mobile apps. The problem with this approach is that phones can be a huge distraction. If you are obsessed with Instagram or texting, it may be better to avoid using your phone if you want to get anything done.

Note to Teachers:

You are welcome to print copies of this planner to give to your students. The worksheet is pretty intuitive, but don't assume that students will know how to use it. Teach them about managing their time and help them learn how a planner can help.

One important thing that you can do to help your students is to give them a realistic estimate of how much time each assignment will take. If you get a lot of students complaining that an assignment took longer than you said, either cut back the work (if it was excessive), or use the feedback to give a better estimate next time around.

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How to Prepare for Your Classes: Tips for Creating a Study Timetable

Last Updated: September 2, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Timetable and List of Things to Include

Setting up your timetable, filling in your timetable, using the timetable, expert q&a.

This article was written by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,881,120 times.

A study timetable is a handy, inexpensive tool that can help you get control over your study time. Basically, a study timetable gives you a perspective of how much time you have to complete all your prioritized tasks, like exam prep for all your classes. If you want to get organized and feel motivated to get your work done, we'll teach you everything you need to know about study timetables. So, leap right into this straightforward article to unlock your full academic potential! This article is based on an interview with our educational consultant, Alexander Ruiz. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Review the syllabi from all your classes to create the most detailed timetable.
  • Set aside special blocks of time that are reserved for studying your material.
  • Factor small breaks into your timetable so you'll be refreshed and stress-free.
  • Revise your timetable whenever a new development, like extra credit, comes up.

homework timetables

  • Remember—any sacrifices you make are temporary. You'll be able to go back to your everyday routines after your big exam or assignment.

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • It’s totally fine if you take off some days to enjoy yourself. Just be sure to make up the difference later!

Step 2 Collect all the information you can about your class.

  • For example, maybe your professor assigns a lot of small and super achievable assignments, like weekly reflection papers, and only gives one mid-term.
  • On the other hand, your professor might be more tough and assign bi-monthly exams. Or, they may expect you to turn in multiple drafts of any essay.
  • See which tasks are more time-consuming. For instance, maybe you’re a whiz at pre-lab assignments, but you need to dedicate a couple hours each day to quantum mechanics.

Step 3 Decide which times are optimal for studying.

  • Look for times when you won't have any distractions—for instance, you might be completely free to study from 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. or 5 P.M. to 8 P.M.

Step 4 Create your timetable grid.

  • Try out spreadsheet programs, like Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers . Or, experiment with some of the templates that your word processor—like MS Word —offers.
  • Some apps specialize in study timetables—for instance “My Study Life” helps you record and track all of your exams and assignments.
  • If you're frequently online or on your phone, a physical paper timetable might be the best option for you. You’ll be able to refer to it without getting distracted by your tech.
  • You can also combine paper and digital formats: use your computer to print out a grid that you’ve already added days and times to, then print out as many as you like and fill them out by hand.

Step 5 Draw the grid for your timetable.

  • If you’re making a timetable by hand on paper, use regular notebook paper or blank paper and draw your lines with a ruler for a clean look.
  • The biggest downside to the paper-and-pencil method is that it can be pretty labor intensive if you need to make tweaks on multiple pages.
  • Your safest bet is to use a digital program, like Google Sheets . After all, you might end up adding more blocks on your timetable if your teacher assigns new material, like quizzes or extra credit assignments.
  • However, lots of people prefer to study and organize their time on paper, so you should do whatever motivates you best.
  • Reader Poll: We asked 623 wikiHow readers and 65% of them agreed that their preferred way to schedule their study time is by making paper revision timetables . [Take Poll]

Step 6 Choose a timetable template that you'll use every week.

  • Take into account big assignments or final exams and update your study schedule by adding blocks of times you'll use to study for them.
  • Factor in extracurriculars that you identified earlier, like holidays or sports. Fill in squares to represent blocks of time in which you won’t be studying.

Step 1 Block your study times.

  • Have a day where you're super busy? That's totally fine—just look for a block of time that's available. Even 45 minutes can keep you ahead of the game when it comes to studying.
  • If you have some classes that are really challenging for you, it's a good call to set aside more time to study for them. For example, if French is a breeze, squirrel away 1 hour for it. However, if you have to rack your brain over Statistics, devote a whole 4 hours to review the ins and outs of it. [8] X Research source
  • Bear in mind that you don't have to force yourself to stay on task for 4 continuous hours without a single break—we'll cover that in the next step.

Step 2 Schedule time for breaks.

  • Many experts recommend that you work for 45 minutes every hour, and then take a break for 15 minutes. Everyone is different, though, so experiment to find what works best for you.
  • If you think you thrive with regular breaks, or if you tend to get a little restless, try the "Pomodoro Method": during the block of time that you're studying, commit to 25 minute stretches of concentrated work, then take 5 minute breaks. [10] X Research source
  • For an extra boost to your health, build in activity breaks—for example, go for a 15-minute walk or make use of a 5-minute break by doing a set of push ups, sit ups, or body weight deadlifts.

Step 3 Be as specific as possible.

  • Things will change over time, of course, and something you planned 2 months ago may not apply anymore. If that's the case, use a pen to draw an "X" through any assignments or tests you no longer have to take.
  • Homework's also great to add to your timetable. For example, if you always have 20 math problems to do each week, record that in your timetable.
  • Scribble in new updates that come up, too. For example, if two teachers are offering extra credit opportunities, factor that into your study timetable.

Step 4 Schedule multiple subjects during each session.

  • Of course, this can change once exam time rolls around and you need to devote all your energy to a single subject!

Step 5 Color code your timetable to keep track of all your classes.

  • You might want to use colored pencils if it’s on paper. Or you could highlight things on the computer and print in color.
  • If you’re using an online-only app, you'll usually have to stick with the range of colors it provides (i.e., blue, green, orange, and pink).
  • Consider an online program like Canva . You'll have tons of templates to choose from. You can even add fun digital stickers, like bubbling beakers to represent your Chemistry class.
  • You can even buy some awesome and vibrant timetables on sites like Amazon or Etsy .

Step 1 Stick to the plans and obligations you agreed to.

  • If an emergency comes up, take care of what you need to. Just be sure to find extra blocks of time later in the week to make up the difference.
  • All that dedication gives you a great chance to treat yourself later. Grab some ice cream, phone some friends, or play some video games when you finish. After you're done with all your classes, you can even throw a little party.

Step 2 Relax whenever you make any tiny slip-ups.

  • If you want to, meditate, move around, or chat with a friend right before you jump into all your coursework. In fact, research suggests it's smart to unwind before all the hard work you'll do. [15] X Research source

Step 3 Revise your timetable if you need to adjust your study schedule.

  • If you have to make a lot of adjustments, a digital timetable might your best bet.
  • If you prefer a physical copy, make sure your timetable has lots of empty squares so you can fill in new information.
  • If you want a change, such as switching from a pen-and-paper timetable to one on an app, that's totally fine—it's important to do what feels sustainable for you.

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  • ↑ https://users.clas.ufl.edu/ufhatch/pages/02-teachingresources/study/
  • ↑ Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.. Educational Consultant. Expert Interview. 18 June 2020.
  • ↑ https://youtu.be/JfZvWrUXhWY?t=245
  • ↑ https://algonquincollege.libguides.com/studyskills/weeklySchedule
  • ↑ https://www.excelsior.edu/article/study-plans/
  • ↑ https://www.monash.edu/student-academic-success/study-better/prepare-for-timed-assessments
  • ↑ https://au.reachout.com/how-to-write-a-study-timetable
  • ↑ https://learningcommons.ubc.ca/the-pomodoro-technique-study-more-efficiently-take-more-breaks/
  • ↑ https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2011/11/study-smart/
  • ↑ https://open.lib.umn.edu/collegesuccess/chapter/2-3-organizing-your-time/
  • ↑ https://home.uark.edu/2020/02/the-dos-and-donts-of-time-management/
  • ↑ https://health.cornell.edu/about/news/study-breaks-stress-busters

About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To make a study timetable, start by making a list of all of your responsibilities, like your classes, job, chores, and extracurriculars. Then, use the list to figure out what times you're available to study. Once you know what times you have available, schedule 2-4 hour study sessions during those times. When you're scheduling your timetable, remember to include time for subjects you need to study every day as well as subjects you only need to study weekly or monthly. Also, keep in mind that you'll want to set aside more time for harder subjects. For more tips, like how to design your study timetable, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Printable Homework Planners to Help Students Get Organized

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free printable homework planner

If you’re a parent, you know how incredibly overwhelming it can be for students to stay on top of studying and all other homework assignments.

Especially when they’re juggling multiple classes.

Due dates can pile up quickly if they aren’t staying organized and managing their time wisely.

However, there is a tool that can be quite helpful – A printable homework planner! You’ll find a few different styles below.

Weekly homework planners

These free printables will help students plan and track all their assignments for each day of the week.

They can write down the class, a description of the homework assignment, and when it’s due. Once it’s completed it, check “done” and move on to the next!

I recommend printing a few copies at a time. Encourage your middle schooler or high schooler to keep one in their binder.

free printable assignment tracker

Monthly homework calendars

In addition to weekly planners , older students may benefit from a blank homework calendar as well.

It’s nice to have a bird’s-eye view of each month.

Some of these templates have extra lines below the calendar for writing down reminders and other misc. notes.

homework calendar printable

Monthly assignment and exam trackers

Some students may prefer a simple running list of what’s due each month.

With these trackers, they can write down the class, jot down a quick description of what’s due (whether it’s a basic assignment, project, or exam), and the due date.

And, of course, once the assignment is finished, they can mark done.

monthly assignment and test tracker

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Create a revision timetable

Make studying manageable. Build a plan around your life. Get confident for your exams.

homework timetables

Organise your revision time

Balancing studying with the fun stuff in life can be difficult. Revising can get in the way of everything from meeting friends to relaxing after school.

Building a revision plan helps you manage your time more effectively. It gives you a clear idea of what subjects and topics you’ll be revising each day and helps you organise your studies around your life.

The Study Planner:

  • Builds revision sessions around your life
  • Automatically adds revision sessions for you 
  • Reminders of revision sessions

Why build a revision timetable?

Revision shouldn’t be left to chance - your exams are just too important. By not planning you can run out of time, miss vital information and find it all a bit too much.

A revision timetable helps you avoid all of this. 15 minutes of planning will help you be more productive, keep you motivated and will boost your confidence for the challenge ahead.

  • Creates a detailed plan for you in 15 minutes
  • Gives you reminders to keep you to plan
  • Lets you adjust your revision time for each exam​

homework timetables

What makes a good revision plan?

A good revision plan should be:

Realistic: everyone has good intentions, but be careful not to set a plan you can’t stick to. Nobody can do 12 hours of revision a day.

Detailed: a good plan breaks revision into chunks, specifies times for studying and assigns each time to a subject or topic.

Flexible: some topics are difficult and may take you longer than you planned. Don’t be afraid to adjust your plan accordingly.

  • Automatically schedules revision around your life
  • Breaks your revision into manageable chunks
  • Easy to change and update

How to create your revision timetable

  • Get all the information y ou need - this includes your exam dates, lesson timetable, shifts at work and when you’re meeting your friends.
  • Block out the times you can’t study - be realistic, if you’re not going to work before 10am on a Sunday block that time out.
  • Pick a revision start date - pin down a day to get started and think about your revision priorities. Some subjects and topics will take longer than others.
  • Plot your revision sessions - decide how much time you’re going to spend on each topic and schedule in breaks.
  • Display your plan - a plan is no good if you don’t check it. Print it out and put in on your wall so that you can remind yourself what you’re studying and when.
  • Easy to block out times when you can’t study
  • Has colour options to help visualise your plan
  • Printable so that you can stick it on your wall​

Using your revision timetable to stay motivated

Sticking to a revision plan is hard. Try sharing your plan with friends and family so they can keep you on track and make sure your plan stays accurate by updating it when things change.

Ticking off topics when you’ve covered them will give you a sense of achievement and revision will be more interesting if you vary the way you revise. Try making your own flashcards and mind maps, get together with friends and test each other and don’t forget to practise past questions.

  • Sends email reminders to keep you motivated
  • Helps break your subjects down into key topics
  • Easy to update using drag and drop functionality ​

homework timetables

homework timetables

How to Create an Effective Study Timetable | Planner & Schedule

How to Create an Effective Study Timetable | Planner & Schedule

How to Create an Effective Study Timetable | Planner & Schedule

Crafting a killer study timetable is a great tool to improve your productivity and focus. Many students, particularly those prone to distraction and procrastination, find study timetables a very effective way to stay focused and on track with their studies. Study planners are also a great way to manage all of your responsibilities for both your school and personal life, helping you manage your workload and get better grades.

Why is a Study Timetable Effective?

Before we get into the step-by-step of how to set up your study timetable for school, let’s go over why this can be so useful! A well-planned study timetable offers several benefits:

  • Time Management: A study timetable helps you allocate your time efficiently, ensuring that you allocate enough time to each subject or topic.
  • Consistency: Regular study sessions can help reinforce your learning, making it easier to retain information and perform well in assessments.
  • Reduced Anxiety and Less Stress: Setting up realistic study expectations can reduce the pressure you put on yourself as well as increase your confidence that you’ve prepared properly for your tests.

study timetable

How to Set up a Study Timetable for School:

Step 1: organize your schedule with the mystudylife student planner app.

Begin by efficiently managing your schedule using the MyStudyLife study app . This powerful tool will help you streamline your academic commitments and set the foundation for an effective study timetable.

Step 2: Understand Your Responsibilities vs Free Time

After pinpointing your objectives and top priorities, it’s time to evaluate the daily time you can allocate to your study sessions. Consider factors like your class timetable, work responsibilities, and any other unchanging commitments. It’s crucial to maintain a realistic perspective when scheduling study hours to prevent overwhelming yourself.

Step 3: Create a Weekly Overview

Now, it’s time to create a weekly overview of your study timetable. Start by dividing your week into days, taking into account weekends and any days off. Each day should have a clear structure that includes time blocks for studying, breaks, meals, and other activities.

study timetable planner

Step 4: Allocate Time for Each Subject

Next, allocate time slots for each of your subjects or topics. Try to determine how much time you will need for each subject. This will get easier to know over time- but you can usually figure this out based on your past grades and how difficult you find a subject to learn. Don’t fall into the trap of focusing on your easier subjects and ensure that you distribute your subjects evenly throughout the week to prevent burnout. Be sure to think about if it’s a small quiz or a final exam .

Step 5: Set Specific Study Goals

To make your study timetable even more effective, set specific study goals for each session. Instead of just saying, “I’ll study math for two hours,” specify what you intend to accomplish during those two hours. For example, “I’ll complete two math practice sets and review the last two chapters.”

Setting specific goals helps keep you focused and motivated during your study sessions.

school study timetable

Step 6: Include Breaks

Remember that breaks are essential for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Schedule short breaks between study sessions to relax, stretch, and recharge. A well-loved technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves 25-minute focused study sessions followed by a 5-minute break.

Step 7: Make time for Self-Care and Prevent Burnout

In addition to adhering to a well-organized study timetable, it is imperative to prioritize self-care. Refrain from pushing yourself to the limits of exhaustion. Instead, allocate time for breaks and relaxation to maintain your mental and physical well-being. Overdoing it can ultimately lead to you getting burnt out , which makes being productive next to impossible. Keep in mind that breaks are just as important as work time.

Step 8: Review and Revise

Your study timetable is not set in stone. Periodically review your timetable to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments. If you find that a particular subject needs more attention, reallocate your time accordingly. Regularly reviewing and revising your timetable ensures that it remains effective and aligned with your goals.

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You’re only a few clicks away from creating a daily, monthly, or weekly class schedule for school. free, available on your phone or computer, online or offline, and customizable..

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Additional Tips for Success

  • Create a Study-Friendly Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit, and comfortable space for your study sessions. Minimize distractions, such as your phone or social media, during your study time.
  • Use Technology to Your Advantage: There are various apps and tools available that can help you organize and stick to your study timetable. Some popular options include Google Calendar, Trello, and dedicated study apps like MyStudyLife’s daily school planner .
  • Seek Support: If you’re struggling with certain subjects or topics, don’t hesitate to seek help from teachers, tutors, or peers. Collaborative study sessions can also be beneficial.
  • Prioritize Your Wellness : Try to get as much sleep as you need and be sure to fuel your mind with brain-boosting foods . Exercise is another crucial part of this, so try to find a way to move your body in a way that is sustainable for you. This can be anything from a short walk to intense workouts!
  • Reward Yourself: Incorporate rewards into your timetable to motivate yourself. For example, treat yourself to a favorite snack or short leisure activity after completing a study session.

In conclusion, your study timetable is your strategic tool for academic achievement. It’s not just a schedule; it’s a plan for success. Maintain its structure, adapt when needed, and watch your progress unfold. Now, embark on your journey toward academic excellence with confidence and determination.

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Homework timetable

Preview of Fun Family Timetable of Activities:( Free, Distance Learning, Homework Idea)

Fun Family Timetable of Activities:( Free, Distance Learning, Homework Idea)

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Multiplication Homework Activity Chart

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Kids with ADHD Planner, ADHD and Executive Functioning Weekly HOMEWORK Planner

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Teacher Forms, Attendance Sheets, Class Schedule, Class Timetable

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Class Schedule/ Visual Timetable : Black and White Chevron

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Weekly Schedule Timetable for Scheduling and Organization

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Timetables Multiplication 1-12 for children-Math studies

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Multiplication Homework Activity Chart Bilingual English and Spanish Version

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Daily Routine Visual Timetable & Scheduler for Kids!

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Time Table Drills no prep - back to school, review, substitute , facts practice

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Daily Visual Schedules / Timetables for Kids, Distance learning, homeschooling

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Multiplication Speed Test, Fun Timetables Assessment/Math Activity (USA)

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Multiplication Speed Test, Fun Timetables Assessment/Maths Activity (AUS/NZ/UK)

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Schedule Templates

12+ homework schedule templates – free word, excel, pdf format download.

Unless you’re Rory Gilmore or Hermione Granger, homework is probably your least favorite thing about school. This is why we’ve brought to you these fun, school homework schedule templates ! If you’re a parent, these home work templates for kids will be a boon for you. And if you’re a student, homework templates for school will make life so much easier. You can also see school Schedule Template .

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Your Go-To App for Seamless Schedule Planning

Fed up with scribbling your schedule in notebooks and constantly forgetting your homework deadlines? Timetable – a mobile application that will help you organise your schedule, homework and improve your academic performance! This application is created specifically for students who have a timetable with recurring or alternating weeks.

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App Features

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Consolidate all your classes, locations, instructors, and crucial notes into a single, easy-to-use app.

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Never miss a class or overlook a homework assignment again, thanks to our timely reminders.

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"It's exactly what a timetable should be."

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

Read:  Best Notes App for Windows to Increase Productivity

Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

Also Read:  Take a Picture of Handwriting And Convert to Text – Android Apps

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Homework Schedule Templates

  • July 22, 2017
  • By Admin: admin
  • Comments: Comments off

Homework Schedule can be very critical a new college or high school student as he has a lot to do in less time. Hence achieving maximum productivity is the key to success for student students. He has plan and executive everything wisely such as assignments, research and attending class lectures. You can benefit from this process whether you are a student of a traditional college or indulge in online courses. It is strongly recommended that you should follow some guidelines fabricated by stalwarts of this arena for your improvement and maximum productivity.

The most important factor in this regard is the preparation of a suitable and workable schedule. Because time management is crucial skill that can go a long way to make your life successful. Parents can also consider it essential to guide and help their children for their career organization. If you desire to get through, you have to create a schedule that should allow sufficient time for completing homework and studies within stipulated period without any hurdle.

Homework Schedule Format Guidelines

You have to set a routine in order to get best results of your studies without feeling uneasiness. The sense of uneasiness blocks the process of learning that is very harmful for you in the long run. When you get familiar with an expected routine you will feel less amount of burden on your shoulders. The experts suggest that you should complete your assignments setting aside all blocks that may come in your way. When you succeed to accomplish your most important work, you will feel relaxed.

You should avoid wasting your precious time in social activities, exercise and other hobbies. Your focus must remain on your sole purpose that will bring prosperity in your future life. In case of failure in this assignment, you will get nothing. It does not mean that you should set aside your activities. You have to keep a balance between your studies and other activities in order to be successful in your life.

You can utilize a college counselor when you feel some difficulty regarding the matters of education. They may be consulted in case you are getting fail or your work is out of your capacity. Both online and campus colleges recruit these guidance counselors to keep students in the right track at the time of any problem come in their way.

The experts have advised students following such guidelines to bring themselves out of the stress for getting better education. It has also been observed that dropout rate for online college students is increasing with a ratio of one to five that is creating an alarming situation. All this happen due to conflict of schedules for those people who have taken both work and study simultaneously. In such circumstances the need of avoiding burnout is necessary in order to succeed in your aim. It is therefore important for you to work out a schedule before stepping into any type of academic course so that you may get according to your goodwill.

Free Homework Schedule Templates

An effective planning for your Homework is unavoidable in order to achieve high grades in your studies. Since now a days, it is quite easy to waste time so better to use some tool like MS Excel to track your time and schedule your homework activities accordingly.

Here is preview of this Homework Schedule Template created using MS Excel,

Homework Schedule Template

Download link for Homework Schedule Template.

Here is preview of this Homework Schedule Template in MS Word format.

homework timetables

Yet another good looking Homework Schedule Template using MS Word to easily customize and print as per your requirements.

Homework Schedule Template

Here is preview of this Homework Schedule Template in MS Word Format.

homework timetables

Download link for template.

homework timetables

Download link for Schedule Template.

homework timetables

Download link for template.

Here is preview of this Homework Schedule Template created using MS Word.

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Get things done with this beautiful schedule app.

Smart Timetable is the perfect app for school, college or university. Keep track of classes and add tasks to your week's schedule with ease.


  • Get your own time School, college, gym - you can easily manage it all in one application Smart Timetable.
  • Easy User Interface Keep it simple and beautiful, fun and functional. Clean aesthetics supported by a strong concept is what we stand for.
  • Quick Access User-friendly application widgets display relevant information - whether it’s the current lesson, next lesson, or tomorrow's lesson.


Never miss a task. Get always step ahead.

The Smart Timetable app helps you manage tasks for every day along study year. Managing tasks has never been easier.


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Class schedule for students, teachers and parents. This application helps you create as many schedules as you need for anything you might be planning.

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  • Can I use this app in any device? The app is available on Apple AppStore, Google PlayStore, Huawei AppGallery, Samsung GalaxyStore, Amazon Store.
  • Can I track my daily tasks? Yes, you can. Add tasks to every day and see it in portrait or landscape screen orientation.
  • Does app have regular updates? Yes, it has. Every update contains new useful features for our users. New features are free.
  • • Daily and Weekly schedules
  • • Today widget with activity timer
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  • • Support iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Android
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  2. Get organized with the help of this free homework chart printable. It's

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  3. Home School Timetable

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  4. 11+ FREE Homework Schedule Templates in WORD & EXCEL Formats

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  5. Weekly Timetable (teacher made)

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  6. 11 Free Homework Schedule Template (MS Word and MS Excel)

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  2. Do Your Homework or Build A Pyramid #shorts #fyp #meme


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  1. FREE Printable Homework Planner Template

    Free printable homework planner to keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. Instant download.

  2. 15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel)

    15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel) Just because you're a student, that doesn't mean that you always have things under control. A lot of times, you might feel that you "don't have enough time" because you have so many things to accomplish like school work, projects, review, and homework. To make at least one of these aspects easier, creating a homework planner is ...

  3. 22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

    22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates) A homework planner serves as an essential tool, similar to a journal, that enables students to keep track of their assignments and deadlines.

  4. MyStudyLife

    MyStudyLife is a free student planner and study app that helps you organize your schedule, track homework and improve your grades. Learn how to study smarter with the best study apps.

  5. Homework Planner Template

    This free printable homework planner template helps student keep track of their homework and assignments. Students can write up to five subjects for each day of the week. They can learn how to manage and schedule their homework for the school.

  6. Free Printable Homework Planner Tracker Template

    Printable Homework Planner Using this free printable homework planner will help you or your child manage their daily schedule or weekly schedule. Life can get so busy at times, and it often works best to take the time to write down each of the assignments that you have coming up, in order to better manage your time.

  7. How to Plan a Homework Schedule (with Pictures)

    It feels like homework never stops getting piled on, and keeping track of it all can feel a little chaotic. That's where a homework schedule comes in. With a good schedule, you won't have to worry about missing homework assignments or not...

  8. Homework Planner Template

    Download a free Homework Planner template for high school, college, and homeschool students. Excel, Word, and PDF. Free to print and photocopy.

  9. How to Make a Study Timetable: Easy Ways to Make a Planner

    A study timetable is a handy, inexpensive tool that can help you get control over your study time. Basically, a study timetable gives you a perspective of how much time you have to complete all your prioritized tasks, like exam prep for all your classes. If you want to get organized and feel motivated to get your work done, we'll teach you everything you need to know about study timetables. So ...

  10. Printable Homework Planners to Help Students Get Organized

    Download a free printable homework planner to keep track of assignments, projects, and due dates all throughout the school year!

  11. Revision Timetable Maker / Study Planner

    Create a free revision timetable with Get Revising. Get organised for your deadlines and exams with smart reminders and a schedule built around your life

  12. Create an Effective Study Timetable

    Craft your perfect study timetable with expert tips on planning and scheduling. Achieve academic success with an efficient study planner.

  13. Homework Timetable & Worksheets

    Browse homework timetable resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  14. 12+ Homework Schedule Templates

    Editable Homework Study Timetable Schedule Template Word Format woodvale.wa.edu.au ... With the chaotic life in a university and your first tryst with adulthood, you definitely need a homework template for college so that you can submit your assignments on time!

  15. Timetable: The Ultimate Student Planner for Schedules & Homework

    Timetable is the ultimate student planner app for organizing your schedule, tracking homework, and boosting your academic performance.

  16. Class Timetable

    Organize your tasks Keep track of homework and assignments. Tasks support notes, reminders, and categories.

  17. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

  18. 11 Free Homework Schedule Template (MS Word and MS Excel)

    Here is preview of this Homework Schedule Template created using MS Word. Download link for Schedule Template. Homework Schedule Template can be very critical for a new college student as he has to do a lot during his life and all is possible if he pays full attention towards his studies sincerely.

  19. Smart Timetable

    Free schedule planner app for studying and daily tasks. Manage your schedules, routines, and tasks.

  20. TimeTable+ : Study Planner App

    TimeTable+ is a free Study Planner Android app for everyone to manage their tasks and save time. The beautiful and modern design, inspired by Google's Material Design, makes the user experience intuitive and rewarding in its every aspect. In Timetable+, you can manage your tasks - exam, assignment, homework, or anything to do.