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Finding Dissertations and Theses: Home

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This resource is available to all MSU and non-MSU users.

Comprehensive collection of fulltext dissertations and theses since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for earlier periods. Includes MSU dissertations and theses.

Open Access to United States-Published Theses and Dissertations

Open access to internationally published theses and dissertations, print access, finding msu theses and dissertations in the catalog.

  • Start at the catalog advanced search page .
  • In the search boxes at the top of the page, change the "All fields" dropdown menu to search for author, a subject or a title. Or, you can search by MSU department or college, such as "educational policy" or "chemical engineering."
  • Under "Limit to" and "Format," select "Thesis."
  • Enter a date range under "Year of Publication" if desired. 
  • Click "Search" to return your results.

Interlibrary Loan

If you are an MSU affiliate and cannot locate the full text of a thesis or dissertation either in electronic or print format, you may be able to order it for free from our interlibrary loan department .

Theses and Dissertations About MSU

  • Dissertations and Theses about Michigan State University This guide identifies dissertations and theses written by MSU scholars that are about MSU in some way.
  • Last Updated: May 25, 2023 11:53 AM
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Directory macros/latex/contrib/msu-thesis

Msu thesis class version 4.3b 2024/07/08.

Copyright 2011-2024 by Alan Munn <[email protected]>

This is a class file for producing dissertations and theses according to the Michigan State University Graduate School Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Master's Theses and Dissertations (January 2023).

The class is based on the memoir document class, and therefore inherits all of the functionality of that class.

T e X distribution requirements

The msu-thesis class requires an up-to-date T e X distribution, 2022 release or later.

Engine requirements

The msu-thesis class works with all L a T e X engines (pdf L a T e X , X e L a T e X , Lua L a T e X ).

Update on new formatting requirements (Fall 2022)

The msu-thesis development team is displeased to announce a new and "improved" version of the class that conforms to the most recent (September 2022) MSU Thesis Formatting Guide. Among the notable new features are implementation of questionable formatting requirements that will make your thesis look more and more like it was produced using MSWord. Other important changes include a new title page with your name 2 inches lower than before, and a new copyright page with the copyright text left aligned and centred vertically, a tour de force of bad typography. Some minor positive changes include the removal of bibliography and appendix cover pages.


Please read the documentation!


The msu-thesis class is part of both T e X Live and Mik T e X , so you should either already have it or should be able to install it with your package manager if you have an up-to-date distribution.

If you wish to install it locally, follow the directions below:

Put msu-thesis.cls into

<local texmf>/tex/latex/msu-thesis

Put msu-thesis.tex , msu-thesis.pdf and the samples folder into

<local texmf>/doc/latex/msu-thesis

Alternatively, you can simply put a copy of msu-thesis.cls in the same folder as your thesis source file.

The samples folder contains two thesis test-files and a template.

Overleaf users

If you are using Overleaf, you should upload a copy of msu-thesis.cls to your project. It must have exactly this name to be found. Click on the Menu icon and make sure to choose the latest version of T e X Live for compilation.

This package may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the L a T e X Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of L a T e X version 2005/12/01 or later.

This package has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".

The Current Maintainer of this package is Alan Munn.

This package consists of the following source file:

  • msu-thesis.cls

Documentation files:

  • msu-thesis.tex
  • msu-thesis.pdf

A template file:

  • MSU-thesis-template.tex

Two test files and a test bibliography:

MSU-thesis-testfile.tex MSU-thesis-chapterbib-testfile.tex MSU-thesis-testfile.bib

Use at your own risk! Report bugs/problems/questions to [email protected] or use the GitHub repository bug tracker .

Usage survey

If you are using the class, please take a moment to fill out my anonymous usage survey . Thanks! You should be signed into your MSU Google account to access the form, but the form itself is anonymous.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (551.4k).

msu-thesis – Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses

This is a class file for producing dissertations and theses according to the Michigan State University Graduate School Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Master’s Theses and Dissertations. The class should meet all current requirements and is updated whenever the university guidelines change.

The class is based on the memoir document class, and inherits the functionality of that class.

Home page
Bug tracker
Version4.3b 2024-07-08
Licenses TeX Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2009–2024 Alan Munn
Contained in X Live as msu-thesis
X as msu-thesis

Online Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop: Regular Session

June 27, 2024 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, about this event.

This online workshop covers the submission process for format review and demonstrates how to use the automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to the requirements set forth in the Standards for Preparing Theses and Dissertations: 8th edition. These templates were designed to help an author organize and format their document with minimal effort so that their focus can be on the content of their document. Those who have already started writing or have already defended are welcome to bring their current documents (either on flash drive or email attachment) to start the process of placing their content into the template.

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Browse Theses & Dissertations By Academic Program

The data presented here includes all theses and dissertations submitted digitally at MSU, a requirement since roughly 2011, for a total of 9707 theses and dissertations in 172 programs. The full collection includes many more items that have recently been scanned, though not yet with consistent enough metadata to be included here.

Advisors & Committee Members

  • Abbas, Casim (12)
  • Abbasi, Farha (3)
  • Abbott, Barbara (2)
  • Abdel-Kariem, Mohammed Faisal (1)
  • Abdelhamid, Tariq (6)
  • Abela, George (1)
  • Abiad, Mohamad (2)
  • Abood, Sarah (2)
  • Abramovitch, Robert B. (18)
  • Abramson, Paul R. (4)
  • Abuelo Sebio, Ángel (9)
  • Abuelo, Angel S. (1)
  • Abuelo, Ángel (1)
  • Acevedo-Polakovich, Ignacio (23)
  • Achebe, Nwando (18)
  • Acuna, Rodolfo (1)
  • Adami, Christoph (17)
  • Adams, Adrienne (1)
  • Adams, Adrienne E. (1)
  • Adams, Christopher (1)
  • Adams, Gerry (1)
  • Adelaja, Adesoji O. (2)
  • Adler, Keith (2)
  • Admon, Lindsay (1)
  • Agbényiga, DeBrenna (7)
  • Aggarwal, Charu (4)
  • Aggarwal, Charu C (1)
  • Agnew, Dalen (8)
  • Aguirre, Aitor (7)
  • Ahlin, Chris (1)
  • Ahlin, Christian (17)
  • Ahlin, Christian ca (1)
  • Ahmed, Ehsan (4)
  • Ahmed, Nesar (1)
  • Ahmedani, Brian (1)
  • Akaeze, Hope (1)
  • Aktulga, Hasan (1)
  • Aktulga, Hasan Metin (6)
  • Al-Adeimi, Shireen (1)
  • Alade, Fashina (3)
  • Aladé, Fashina (2)
  • Alaimo, Katherine (9)
  • Alan, Jamie (1)
  • Alan, Jamie JA (1)
  • Alancastro, Nelson Sepúlveda (1)
  • Albers, Robert (1)
  • Albert, Andrea (1)
  • Albin, Amy (1)
  • Albrecht, John (13)
  • Albretch, John (1)
  • Aldrich, Marcia (1)
  • Alegi, Peter (11)
  • Alessio, Adam (5)
  • Alessio, Adam A. (1)
  • Alessio, Adam M. (1)
  • Alfaraz, Gabriela (2)
  • Alfaraz, Gabriela GA (1)
  • Alhabach, Saleem (1)
  • Alhabash, Saleem (15)
  • Ali, Jared (2)
  • Allan, Robert (1)
  • Alleman, Janet (2)
  • Allen, Amy (1)
  • Allen, Andrea M. (4)
  • Allen, April (3)
  • Allen, Michael S. (16)
  • Allen, Ricky L. (1)
  • Allen, William B. (1)
  • Allison, PM (1)
  • Allison, Patton (2)
  • Allison, Patton PA (1)
  • Allison, Richard (1)
  • Allswede, Matthew (2)
  • Allweiss, Alexandra (4)
  • Almenar Rosaleny, Eva EA (1)
  • Almenar, Eva (10)
  • Almerigi, Jason (1)
  • Alnaimat, Fadi Fa (1)
  • Alocilja, Evangelyn (14)
  • Alonzo, Alicia (7)
  • Alshaarawy, Omayma (3)
  • Alston-Mills, Brenda A. (1)
  • Altmann, Erik M. (15)
  • Alvarez-Gonzalez, Barbara (1)
  • Amalfitano, Andrea (14)
  • Ames, Barbara (10)
  • Ames, Kent (1)
  • Amey, Marilyn (62)
  • Ampaw, Frim (1)
  • Amsler, Christine (2)
  • An, Sohyun (1)
  • Anagnostopoulos, Dorothea (15)
  • Ananthakrishnan, Ranjani (4)
  • Anctil, Annick (8)
  • Anctil, Annick Dr (1)
  • Andary, Micheal (1)
  • Anderson Carpenter, Kaston (1)
  • Anderson Jr., Kaston D. (1)
  • Anderson, Charles A. (1)
  • Anderson, Charles W. (6)
  • Anderson, Gary (11)
  • Anderson, Jr., Kaston D. (1)
  • Anderson, Julie R. (1)
  • Anderson, Kaston (1)
  • Anderson, Kirk (1)
  • Anderson, Matthew (1)
  • Anderson, Nathan (1)
  • Anderson, Paul (1)
  • Anderson, Riana E. (1)
  • Anderson, Soren (16)
  • Anderson, Soren STA (1)
  • Anderson-Carpenter, Kaston (11)
  • Anderson-Carpenter, Kaston Dariel (1)
  • Andre, Judith (3)
  • Andrechek, Eran (17)
  • Andresen, Jeffery JA (1)
  • Andresen, Jeffrey (32)
  • Andrews, Dorinda Carter (46)
  • Andrews, Dorinda DCA (1)
  • Anex, Deon S. (1)
  • Annous, Bassam A. (1)
  • Anstey, Robert L. (3)
  • Anthony, James C. (3)
  • Anthony, Rebecca (13)
  • Anthony, Rebecca J. (1)
  • Antonino-Daviu, Jose (1)
  • Apol, Laura (11)
  • Appel, Benjamin (8)
  • Appelo, Daniel (1)
  • Appelo, Daniel A. (1)
  • Appelo, Daniel E.A (1)
  • Appelö, Daniel (1)
  • Applegate, Todd (1)
  • Araujo, Luis (7)
  • Araujo, Luis Fernando Oliveira de (1)
  • Arbogast, Alan F. (17)
  • Arch, Stephen (11)
  • Archer, Louise (1)
  • Arguello, Amy (1)
  • Arguello, Amy A. (3)
  • Arnoczky, Steven A. (1)
  • Arnold Lyon, Melissa (1)
  • Arnold, Amy (1)
  • Arnosti, David (54)
  • Arola, Kristin (8)
  • Aronof, Yael (1)
  • Arora, Ripla (4)
  • Arora, Ripla R. (1)
  • Arsen, David (26)
  • Arvai, Joseph L. (3)
  • Arvidson, Cindy (3)
  • Arvidson, Dennis (1)
  • Arzt, Jonathan (1)
  • Ashraf, Musaib (1)
  • Askari, Kaveh (1)
  • Aslam, Dean M. (3)
  • Aslami, Zarena (19)
  • Asmussen, Jes (4)
  • Astakhov, Viktor (1)
  • Astorino, Todd A. (1)
  • Atchison, William D. (9)
  • Atkin, Charles (6)
  • Atkulga, H. Metin (1)
  • Atshaves, Barbara P. (4)
  • Aupperlee, Jana (1)
  • Auras, Rafael (39)
  • Austin, Ann E. (15)
  • Ausín, Adolfo (1)
  • Auvermann, Brent (1)
  • Avendano, Sarah (2)
  • Avendano, Sarah M. (1)
  • Avendaño, Sarah (1)
  • Averill, James J. (1)
  • Averill, Ronald (18)
  • Avers, Barbara (1)
  • Aviyente, Selin (55)
  • Aw, Tiong G. (1)
  • Awokuse, Titus (3)
  • Axelrod, Mark (12)
  • Ayala, Mar\u00eda Isabel (2)
  • Ayala, María Isabel (21)
  • Ayers, David (1)
  • Ayoob, Mohammed (1)
  • Ayoola, Adejoke (1)
  • Ayres, Virginia (4)
  • Ayres, Virginia VA (1)
  • Baas, Dean (1)
  • Baba, Marietta (1)
  • Babana-Hampton, Safoi (4)
  • Baca Zinn, Maxine (5)
  • Bachmann, Michael (3)
  • Bachmann, Michael H. (1)
  • Baek, Seungik (24)
  • Baez, Shelby (3)
  • Bagdasarian, Michael (3)
  • Bailey, David (6)
  • Bailey, Larissa (1)
  • Bailie, Marc (2)
  • Bailie, Marc Bennett (1)
  • Baillie, Richard (3)
  • Bak, Savana (3)
  • Baker, Ashley (1)
  • Baker, Cindy (1)
  • Baker, Edward (6)
  • Baker, Gregory L. (25)
  • Baker, Thomas C. (1)
  • Baker, Vicki L. (1)
  • Baker, Wayne E. (1)
  • Baker-Bell, April (16)
  • Baladi, Gilbert (4)
  • Balan, Venkatesh (4)
  • Balander, Richard (3)
  • Balasubramaniam, Shanker (30)
  • Balcazar, Hector (1)
  • Baldwin, Dianna (2)
  • Baldwin, Jack (1)
  • Baldwin, Roger (27)
  • Bale, Donald J. (2)
  • Bale, Jeff (10)
  • Bali, Valentina (8)
  • Balie, Marc B. (1)
  • Ballard, Charles (4)
  • Ballegeer, Elizabeth A. (1)
  • Banks, Russell (1)
  • Banks, William P. (2)
  • Banner, Francine (1)
  • Banzhaf, Wolfgang (14)
  • Banzhaf, Wolfgang VB (1)
  • Bao, Gang (1)
  • Barber, James (1)
  • Barman, Susan (7)
  • Barnes-Najor, Jessica V. (4)
  • Barnwal, Prabhat (3)
  • Barondess, David (16)
  • Barrett, Courtenay (5)
  • Barros, Sandro (9)
  • Barros, Sandro SB (1)
  • Barry, Cornelius (15)
  • Barry, Judith (1)
  • Bartell, Tonya Gau (16)
  • Bartholic, Jon (3)
  • Bartig, Kevin (10)
  • Bartlett, Paul (8)
  • Bartoe, Joshua (3)
  • Barton, Prof. Scott (1)
  • Barton, Scott Calabrese (32)
  • Barton, Scott S. (1)
  • Baryshev, Sergey (1)
  • Baryshev, Sergey SB (1)
  • Baryshev, Sergey V. (2)
  • Basso, Bruno (19)
  • Basuroy, Suman (2)
  • Bates, Peter (10)
  • Bates, Ron O. (1)
  • Bates, Ronald O. (8)
  • Bauchspies, Wenda (2)
  • Bauchspies, Wenda WB (1)
  • Bauer, Alison (1)
  • Bauer, Johannes M. (7)
  • Bauer, Leah S. (1)
  • Bauer, Tony (1)
  • Bauer, Wolfgang (1)
  • Baumann, Melissa J. (2)
  • Bazavov, Alexei (11)
  • Bazil, Jason (8)
  • Bazin, Daniel (8)
  • Beal, Matthew (1)
  • Beard, Daniel A. (1)
  • Beard, T. Douglas, Jr. (7)
  • Beattie, Peter (12)
  • Beatty, Joseph (2)
  • Beaudry, Randall (1)
  • Beaudry, Randolph (23)
  • Beaulac, Rémi (18)
  • Beceiro Novo, Saul (1)
  • Beck, James V. (2)
  • Beck, John P. (4)
  • Beck, Matthew (1)
  • Beck, Warren F. (13)
  • Becker, Mark W. (22)
  • Becker, Richard (1)
  • Becker, Tyler (1)
  • Beecher, Janice (3)
  • Beede, David (15)
  • Beeghly, Marjorie J. (1)
  • Beemyn, Genny (1)
  • Beers, Timothy C. (2)
  • Behe, Bridget (5)
  • Beidler, Erica (1)
  • Bell, April (1)
  • Bell, Bob (1)
  • Bell, John (2)
  • Bell, Robert (22)
  • Bello, Nora (4)
  • Bello-DeOcampo, Diana (1)
  • Bellon, Richard (2)
  • Belman, Dale (3)
  • Belsey, John (1)
  • Benard, Andre (41)
  • Benards, Andre (1)
  • Benbow, Eric M. (1)
  • Benbow, M. Eric (13)
  • Bence, James R. (15)
  • Bence, Jim (1)
  • Bender, Andrew (5)
  • Benjamin, Madonna (4)
  • Bennett, Abigail (6)
  • Bennett, Cynthia (1)
  • Benning, Christoph (26)
  • Bennink, Maurice R. (6)
  • Benson, Michael (1)
  • Bente, Gary (13)
  • Benítez, Galia J. (1)
  • Berenstain, Nora (1)
  • Beretta, Alan (11)
  • Berg, Beter (1)
  • Berg, Peter (8)
  • Berg, Peter Berg (1)
  • Berg, Peter Berg P. (1)
  • Bergan, Daniel (15)
  • Berger, Kevin L. (1)
  • Bergholz, Teresa (6)
  • Bergholz, Teresa M. (2)
  • Berghorn, George H. (4)
  • Berglund, Kris (3)
  • Bering-Porter, David (3)
  • Berke, Joshua (1)
  • Bernard, Jamie J. (8)
  • Bernard, Matthew (1)
  • Bernardo, Theresa (2)
  • Bernat, Edward M. (1)
  • Bernstein, Alison I. (3)
  • Bernsten, Richard H. (2)
  • Berry, Daina Ramey (1)
  • Berryman, Val (1)
  • Bertman, Steven B. (1)
  • Berz, Martin (5)
  • Beshero-Bondar, Elisa (1)
  • Besley, John C. (14)
  • Bessette, Douglas (4)
  • Betts, Ernest S. (2)
  • Beverly, Bryan (1)
  • Beyer, Dean E. (1)
  • Bhattacharya, Shrijita (3)
  • Bhattacharya, Sudin (6)
  • Bhattacharya, Sudin SB (1)
  • Bhavnani, Ravi (2)
  • Bher, Anibal (1)
  • Bianchetti, Raechel (1)
  • Bice, Gillian (3)
  • Biddanda, Bopaiah A. (2)
  • Biddle, Jeff (9)
  • Bieda, Kristen (24)
  • Bieler, Thomas R. (36)
  • Bieler, Thomas TB (3)
  • Biernbaum, John (7)
  • Billinge, Simon J. L. (1)
  • Bills, Ken (1)
  • Bills, Kenneth (1)
  • Binder, Thomas R. (1)
  • Bingen, R. James (7)
  • Biocca, Frank (3)
  • Birbeck, Gretchen (3)
  • Bird, George W. (1)
  • Bird, Thomas (2)
  • Birge, Norman (48)
  • Biswas, Subir (32)
  • Biswas, Subir Dr (1)
  • Bix, Laura (12)
  • Black, J. Roy (13)
  • Black, Ryan C. (3)
  • Blair, Mary E (1)
  • Blanchard, Gary J. (105)
  • Blanchard, Gray (1)
  • Blesh, Jennifer (1)
  • Blevins, Alexis A. (1)
  • Block, Richard N. (1)
  • Blossey, Bernd (1)
  • Blough, Pamela (1)
  • Blow, Adrian (27)
  • Bluhm, Robyn (6)
  • Blythe, Stuart (18)
  • Bocherens, Hervé (1)
  • Boddeti, Vishnu (14)
  • Bodea, Cristina (10)
  • Boehlert, Carl (26)
  • Boehm, Scott (5)
  • Boehm, Scott W. (1)
  • Boersma, Kate S. (1)
  • Bogat, G. Anne (9)
  • Bogat, Gloria A. (1)
  • Bogner, Scott (17)
  • Bohaczek, Jean (1)
  • Bohmann, Anna Marie (1)
  • Bohnert, Kipling (2)
  • Boivin, Michael (2)
  • Boldt, Jennifer K. (3)
  • Bolin, Carole (3)
  • Bolin, Steven R. (11)
  • Bollen, Georg (5)
  • Boloori, Alireza (2)
  • Bolton, Michael W. (1)
  • Boltz, Elizabeth O. (1)
  • Bolumole, Yemisi (2)
  • Bolwig, Simon (1)
  • Bonakdarpour, Borzoo (1)
  • Bond, Jeremy (1)
  • Bongiovanni, Silvina (1)
  • Bonito, Gregory (17)
  • Bonomi, Amy (2)
  • Booren, Alden (2)
  • Booth, G. Geoffrey (3)
  • Bopardikar, Saunak (1)
  • Bopardikar, Shaunak (2)
  • Bopardikar, Shaunak D. (5)
  • Bopardikar, Shaunuk (1)
  • Borchgrevink, Carl (1)
  • Borhan, Babak (72)
  • Borhnert, Kip (1)
  • Bornstein, Robert (1)
  • Bosse, Joanna (6)
  • Bossen, Howard (1)
  • Boster, Franklin J. (15)
  • Bouck, Emily (11)
  • Boughman, Janette W. (10)
  • Boughton, Duncan (3)
  • Boughton, Duncan Duncan (1)
  • Bourquin, Leslie D. (13)
  • Bourquin, Leslie Dr (1)
  • Bourquin, Leslie LB (1)
  • Bowles, Ryan (29)
  • Bowles, Ryan RB (1)
  • Bowman, Kristine (1)
  • Bowman, Kristine L. (1)
  • Boyadjian, Tamar (6)
  • Boyd, Stephen A. (7)
  • Boye, Shannon (1)
  • Boyle Creps, Karenanna (1)
  • Boyles, Christina (1)
  • Braasch, Ingo (5)
  • Bracic, Ana (2)
  • Bradburd, Gideon (4)
  • Bradburd, Gideon S. (1)
  • Bradford, Barry (10)
  • Bradford, Barry J. (4)
  • Brainard, Daniel (24)
  • Brandizzi, Federica (10)
  • Brandt, Danita (5)
  • Brandt, Deborah (1)
  • Brandt, Mark (1)
  • Brandt, Mary Grace (1)
  • Brant, Mark J. (1)
  • Branta, Crystal (6)
  • Brascamp, Jan W. (4)
  • Brass, Jory (1)
  • Bratta, Brian (1)
  • Bratton, Michael (3)
  • Bratzel, John (1)
  • Brault, Jeffery J. (1)
  • Bray, Molly (1)
  • Breck, James E. (1)
  • Breedlove, S. Marc (11)
  • Bremigan, Mary T. (14)
  • Brenden, Travis O. (23)
  • Brereton, Giles (14)
  • Brereton, Giles Dr (1)
  • Breslau, Naomi (4)
  • Bresnahan, Mary I. (10)
  • Bressie, Juli D. (1)
  • Brester, Jill (1)
  • Brester, Jill L. (1)
  • Brett, Carlton E. (1)
  • Bretzin, Abby C. (1)
  • Briedis, Daina (2)
  • Briggs, Shannon (2)
  • Brigham, Lawson (1)
  • Brincks, Ahnalee (6)
  • Brittain, Kelly (1)
  • Britton, Robert A. (13)
  • Brock, Raymond (4)
  • Brockey, Liam (3)
  • Brockman, Julie (2)
  • Brodhead, Matthew T. (25)
  • Broman, Clifford (9)
  • Bromberg, Carl (3)
  • Bronstein, Daniel A. (2)
  • Brooks, C T. (1)
  • Brophy-Herb, Holly (19)
  • Broussard, John (1)
  • Brown, B Alex (1)
  • Brown, B. A (1)
  • Brown, B. Alex (28)
  • Brown, C. Titus (20)
  • Brown, Edward (32)
  • Brown, Eugene W. (1)
  • Brown, Keffrelyn (1)
  • Brown, Kyle (4)
  • Brown, Michael D. (1)
  • Brown, Nadia (1)
  • Brown, Suzanne (1)
  • Brown, Terence (1)
  • Brown-Brandl, Tami Dr (1)
  • Brudvig, Lars (23)
  • Bruening, Merlin L. (33)
  • Brungart, Douglas (1)
  • Brunner, Jay F. (1)
  • Bruno, Maria (3)
  • Buccola, Brian (3)
  • Buch, Neeraj (30)
  • Buchanan, NiCole (36)
  • Buchanan, NicCole (1)
  • Buchanan, Nicole T. (1)
  • Buchner, Johannes (1)
  • Bucholtz, Herbert (1)
  • Buchweitz, John P. (1)
  • Buckley, Peter (1)
  • Buell, C. Robin (34)
  • Bugbee, Bruce (1)
  • Buikstra, Jane (1)
  • Bukovac, Martin J. (1)
  • Bullock, Erika C. (1)
  • Bunting, Erin (3)
  • Bunting, Erin L. (1)
  • Burgess, Gary (14)
  • Burgess, Terrance (3)
  • Burghardt, William P. (1)
  • Burgueño, Rigoberto (20)
  • Burke, James F. (2)
  • Burley, Jon B. (7)
  • Burnette, Blair (1)
  • Burns, Erin (7)
  • Burns, Erin E. (1)
  • Burns-Jager, Kathleen (8)
  • Burroughs, Jordan (5)
  • Burruss, George W. (1)
  • Bursian, Steven J. (11)
  • Burt, S. Alexandra (9)
  • Burton, Zachary F. (10)
  • Busby, Brittany (1)
  • Busch, Lawrence (7)
  • Bush, Tamara Dr (1)
  • Bush, Tamara Reid (21)
  • Bush, Tamara T. (1)
  • Busik, Julia V. (14)
  • Buskirk, Daniel D. (6)
  • Butler, James J. (1)
  • Butler, Kirt (2)
  • Butler, Kirt C. (5)
  • Butler, Matthew J. B. (1)
  • Butler, Tamara T. (9)
  • Bybee, Deborah (16)
  • Bynum, Timothy S. (3)
  • Byrne, Anne T. (1)
  • Byrne, Jan (7)
  • Byrne, Jan M. (1)
  • Byrne, Sarah (1)
  • Byrne-Jiminez, Monica (1)
  • Byron, Kristine (7)
  • Caballero, Marcos D. (12)
  • Cabañas, Miguel (10)
  • Cabello-Hutt, Claudia (1)
  • Cahill, Chris (1)
  • Cain, Debi (2)
  • Cain, Ken (1)
  • Cairney, John (1)
  • Calabrese Barton, Angela (22)
  • Calantone, Roger (31)
  • Caldwell, Jerry (1)
  • Caldwell, Robert (2)
  • Callahan, Michael (3)
  • Campa, Henry (Rique) (1)
  • Campa, Henry, III (14)
  • Campbell, David J. (2)
  • Campbell, Douglas (11)
  • Campbell, Rebecca (20)
  • Campos, Gustavo de los (11)
  • Canady, Renee (3)
  • Canady, Reneé B. (1)
  • Candeub, Adam (5)
  • Cannella, Albert A. (1)
  • Cantwell, Brendan (38)
  • Cao, Changyong (3)
  • Cao, Fan (1)
  • Cao, Kai (1)
  • Cao, Qingqing (8)
  • Cao, Zhicao (1)
  • Cao, Zhichao (1)
  • Cao, Zhichao ZC (2)
  • Caputo, Vincenzina (8)
  • Cardenas, Lucia (1)
  • Carey, Stephan (4)
  • Carey, Tamika (1)
  • Carl, Lira T. (1)
  • Carlo, Jessica (1)
  • Carlson, John S. (22)
  • Carlson, Joseph J. (7)
  • Carnahan, Dustin (6)
  • Caroffino, David (1)
  • Carolan, Marsha (40)
  • Carpenter, Serena (4)
  • Carr, E. (1)
  • Carr, Thomas H. (3)
  • Carrera, Jennifer (1)
  • Carter Andrews, Dr. Dorinda (1)
  • Carter, David (6)
  • Carter, Dorothy (1)
  • Carter, Forrest (1)
  • Carter, Scott (1)
  • Carter, Sue (4)
  • Carvan, Michael J. (1)
  • Carver, Cynthia (2)
  • Casby, Michael (1)
  • Case, Eldon D. (4)
  • Cassida, Kimberly A. (6)
  • Caughlan, Samantha (3)
  • Caulfield, Margaret (1)
  • Cavanagh, Caitlin (6)
  • Celenza, Christopher S. (1)
  • Celik, Ilke (1)
  • Certo, Janine (21)
  • Cesario, Joseph (24)
  • Cetin, Bora (4)
  • Cetin, Kristen (2)
  • Cetin, Kristen KC (1)
  • Cha, Jaemin (1)
  • Chabowski, Brian R. (1)
  • Chahal, Prem (52)
  • Chahal, Premjeet Dr (1)
  • Chai, Joyce Y. (16)
  • Chakrabartty, Shantanu (12)
  • Chakrani, Brahim (3)
  • Chakrapani, Sunil (3)
  • Chakrapani, Sunil K. (1)
  • Chambers, Dr. Glenn (1)
  • Chambers, Glenn, Jr. (15)
  • Chambers, Jr., Glenn (1)
  • Chambliss, Juliam (1)
  • Chambliss, Julian (1)
  • Chambliss, Julian C. (1)
  • Chan, Christina (44)
  • Chan, Fong (1)
  • Chandler, Ronald (2)
  • Chandra, Siddharth (7)
  • Chang, Chi (2)
  • Chang, Chi-Kwong (2)
  • Chang, Chu-Hsiang (27)
  • Chang, Eric C. C. (19)
  • Chang, Howard (1)
  • Chang, Soo-Eun (5)
  • Channell, Marie (1)
  • Chao, Georgia T. (6)
  • Chapoto, Antony (1)
  • Charles, Etienne (1)
  • Charney, Joseph J. (5)
  • Charnley, Jeff (2)
  • Chartkoff, Joseph L. (1)
  • Chatti, Karim (31)
  • Chatti, Karim KC (1)
  • Chatzistavrou, Xanthippi (2)
  • Chaudhari, Sushila (2)
  • Chaudhuri, Soma (22)
  • Chavez, Manuel (10)
  • Chavez, Manuel MC (1)
  • Chawla, Nitesh (1)
  • Chen, Chen (3)
  • Chen, Chen CC (1)
  • Chen, Chuan-Yu (1)
  • Chen, Guo (5)
  • Chen, Honglei (3)
  • Chen, Jin (11)
  • Chen, Jiquan (1)
  • Chen, Jiquan Dr (1)
  • Chen, Shicheng K. (1)
  • Cheng, Betty H. C. (6)
  • Cheng, Hans (9)
  • Cheng, Shiwang (16)
  • Cheng, Yang-tse (1)
  • Cheng, Yiling (1)
  • Cheng, Yingda (20)
  • Cherchiglia, Leticia L. (1)
  • Chermak, Steven (30)
  • Cherry, Haydon L. (1)
  • Cheruvelil, Kendra KC (1)
  • Cheruvelil, Kendra S. (9)
  • Chhin, Sophan (5)
  • Chikowo, Regis (1)
  • Chilvers, Martin I. (35)
  • Chirstlieb, Andrew (1)
  • Chitwood, Dan (1)
  • Chitwood, Daniel (2)
  • Chitwood, Daniel H. (2)
  • Chiu, Chichia (14)
  • Chiu, Chicia (1)
  • Chivukula, R. Sekhar (9)
  • Cho, Eunsoo (5)
  • Cho, Hyunkag (5)
  • Cho, Sungeun (3)
  • Choi, Jay Pil (9)
  • Choi, Jongeun (30)
  • Cholewicki, Jacek (3)
  • Chomiuk, Laura (16)
  • Choo, Adrian (2)
  • Chopik, William J. (16)
  • Chou, Karen (7)
  • Choyke, Peter (1)
  • Christensen, Sonja (1)
  • Christian, Dan (1)
  • Christlieb, Andrew J. (28)
  • Chu, Paul (1)
  • Chuan, Amanda (6)
  • Chudgar, Amita (43)
  • Chudgar, Amita AC (1)
  • Chui, Chichia C. (1)
  • Chun-Yen, Shen (1)
  • Chung, Haseung (8)
  • Chung, Haseung HC (1)
  • Chung, Henry (10)
  • Chung, Henry H. (1)
  • Chung, Hock Wee H. (1)
  • Chung, Hwan (2)
  • Chung, Kim K. (1)
  • Chung, Kimberly (26)
  • Chung, Kimberly Kim (1)
  • Chung-Davidson, Yu-Wen (2)
  • Cibelli, Jose (13)
  • Ciche, Todd (2)
  • Cichy, Karen (14)
  • Cichy, Ronald F. (2)
  • Cilano, Cara (2)
  • Cipriano, Rocco C. (1)
  • Claramunt, Randy (1)
  • Clark, Shaunna (4)
  • Clarke, Robert (4)
  • Claudia-Lopez, Maria (2)
  • Clay, Daniel C. (2)
  • Claycombe, Kate (1)
  • Clevenger, Kimberly A. (1)
  • Closs, David J. (4)
  • Cloud, Gary (4)
  • Cobbett, Peter J. R. (5)
  • Cobbina, Jennifer (22)
  • Cobbina-Dungy, Jennifer (3)
  • Cobbina-Dungy, Jennifer E. (2)
  • Cocker, Tyler (4)
  • Cocker, Tyler L. (1)
  • Coelho, Richard (1)
  • Cognato, Anthony I. (3)
  • Cognato, April (1)
  • Cohee, Lauren M. (1)
  • Cohen, Albert (2)
  • Colaresi, Michael (8)
  • Colbath, Aimee C. (1)
  • Colbry, Dirk (12)
  • Colbry, Dirk Dr (1)
  • Colbry, Katy Luchini (1)
  • Cole, James (12)
  • Cole, Richard (5)
  • Collier, Timothy J. (11)
  • Collins, Michael (1)
  • Colombo, David (1)
  • Combs, Benjamin (2)
  • Comstock, Matthew (7)
  • Comstock, Sarah S. (13)
  • Comstock, Sarah SC (1)
  • Congdon, Justin D. (1)
  • Congress, Surya S. C. (1)
  • Conlin, Michael (15)
  • Conlon, Donald E. (11)
  • Connally Roberson, Quinetta (1)
  • Connally, Quinetta (2)
  • Conner, David S. (2)
  • Conner, Jeffrey K. (17)
  • Conner, Maureen E. (1)
  • Conner, Michael (1)
  • Conner, Thomas (2)
  • Connor, David J. (1)
  • Connor, Jeffrey (1)
  • Conrad, Susan (20)
  • Conroy-Krutz, Emily (1)
  • Conroy-Krutz, Jeffrey (11)
  • Contag, Chris (1)
  • Contag, Christopher (2)
  • Contag, Christopher H. (1)
  • Contractor, Noshir (1)
  • Contreras, G A. (1)
  • Contreras, G. Andres (16)
  • Contreras, Sheila (2)
  • Contreras, Sheila M. (1)
  • Cook, Lisa D. (3)
  • Cook, Vanessa L. (1)
  • Cooley, Thomas (1)
  • Cooper, Melanie M. (10)
  • Cooper, Melanie MC (1)
  • Copeland, Glenn (1)
  • Copeland, Lawrence O. (1)
  • Copeland, Molly (1)
  • Copple, Bryan (8)
  • Corbett, Charles (1)
  • Cordan, Kerry L. (1)
  • Corley, Charles (11)
  • Corser, William (6)
  • Cortez, José M. (1)
  • Cotten, Shelia R. (2)
  • Cotton, Julie (1)
  • Couch, Sean (14)
  • Counts, Scott E. (8)
  • Coursaris, Constantinos K. (10)
  • Coussens, Paul M. (7)
  • Covassin, Tracey (8)
  • Coviak, Cynthia P. (1)
  • Cowen, Josh (2)
  • Cowen, Joshua (19)
  • Cox, Charles L. (4)
  • Cox, David J. (1)
  • Cox, Keric D. (1)
  • Craig, Tobin (1)
  • Crandall, Shane (1)
  • Cravens, Jaclyn D. (1)
  • Crawford, Eric (15)
  • Crawford, Pat (13)
  • Creane, Anthony (3)
  • Creg, Bert (1)
  • Cregg, Bert M. (25)
  • Creps, Karenanna (3)
  • Crespo, Sandra (38)
  • Crifasi, Cassandra (1)
  • Crimp, Martin A. (26)
  • Crocco, Margaret (13)
  • Crockett, Elahe (1)
  • Cron, William (1)
  • Croson, Rachel T. A. (1)
  • Crosson, Sean (6)
  • Crosson, Sean SC (1)
  • Crow, Garrett E. (1)
  • Crum, James R. (11)
  • Cui, Yuehua (27)
  • Cui, Yuehua Prof (1)
  • Cui, Yuehua YC (2)
  • Cukier, Robert I. (26)
  • Cullens, Faith (1)
  • Cullens-Nobis, Faith (1)
  • Cupples, Alison M. (16)
  • Curiel, Lucía C. (1)
  • Currey, Christopher J. (2)
  • Currie, Katharine (2)
  • Currie, Katharine D. (5)
  • Curry, Theodore H., II (3)
  • Cushman, Ellen (7)
  • Cusick, Philip A. (1)
  • Czarnecki, Craig (1)
  • D'Elia, Marta (1)
  • Dagbovie, Pero G. (30)
  • Dahlin, Kyla (16)
  • Dale, Bruce E. (12)
  • Daley, Matthew L. (1)
  • Danielewicz, Pawel (14)
  • Daniels, Christine (1)
  • Daniels, John (1)
  • Dann, Shari (11)
  • Danovitch, Judith (4)
  • Dantus, Marcos (22)
  • Dapeng, Zhan Z. (1)
  • Darden, Joanne (1)
  • Darden, Joe T. (9)
  • Dargazany, Roozbeh (13)
  • Das Gupta, Sejuti (1)
  • Das, Narendra (4)
  • Das, Narendra N. (1)
  • Das, Rupali (3)
  • Dass, Sarat (5)
  • Daugherty, Patricia J. (1)
  • Dault, Daniel (1)
  • Daum, Matthew (3)
  • Davenport, Lucinda (12)
  • Davidson, Carl (6)
  • Davidson, William S., II (15)
  • Davies, H. Dele (1)
  • Davis, John H., Jr. (1)
  • Davis, MaryLee (3)
  • Day, Brad (20)
  • Dazzo, Frank (1)
  • De Costa, Peter (24)
  • De Felice, Dustin (5)
  • DeBruyne, Robin (1)
  • DeGregorio, Brett (1)
  • DeJong, Christina (18)
  • DeJoy, Nancy (3)
  • DeJoy, Nancy C. (1)
  • DeLany, Brian (2)
  • DeLind, Laura (3)
  • DeLonge, Marcia (1)
  • DeMaagd, Kurt (6)
  • DeOrtentiis, Philip (2)
  • DeOrtentiis, Philip S. (1)
  • DeOrtentiis, Philip S. DeOrtentiis P. (1)
  • DeRogatis, Amy (6)
  • DeShon, Richard (25)
  • DeVetter, Lisa (1)
  • DeVoss, Danielle Nicole (26)
  • DeWitt, David L. (7)
  • DeYoung, Tyce (14)
  • Dearing, James W. (12)
  • Dease, Gwen (1)
  • Deb, Kalyanmoy (17)
  • Debry, Ronald W. (1)
  • Dechand, Dawn (1)
  • Dechen Quinn, Amy (1)
  • Dehart, Monica (1)
  • Dejardin, Loic M. (1)
  • Deka, Pallav (1)
  • Delate, Kathleen (1)
  • Delfosse, Ernest (2)
  • Deliyski, Dimitar (6)
  • DellaPenna, Dean (9)
  • Deller, John (11)
  • Demetriou, Denise (1)
  • Demir, Selvan (2)
  • Demirkoparan, Hasan (1)
  • Deng, Stephen (10)
  • Deng, Yiming (10)
  • Denniston, David J. (1)
  • Denzel, Valentina (12)
  • Deocampo, Nestor (2)
  • Derksen, Frederik J. (3)
  • Derman, William (2)
  • Dervisis, Nikolaos (2)
  • Deshors, Sandra C. (5)
  • Detjen, James (1)
  • Dettmers, John M. (1)
  • Devaraj, Arun (1)
  • Devers, Cynthia E. (5)
  • Dewhurst, C. Kurt (2)
  • Dewhurst, Kurt C. (1)
  • Dezheng, Huo (1)
  • Dhaliwal, Tasminda (1)
  • DiCarlo, Stephen E. (1)
  • DiFonzo, Christina (46)
  • DiFonzo, Christinia D (1)
  • DiRita, Victor (7)
  • Diamond, Michael P. (1)
  • Diaz, Alejandro (28)
  • Dickert-Conlin, Stacy (16)
  • Dickey, Michael Walsh (1)
  • Dickmann, Donald (1)
  • Dickson, Alex (3)
  • Dickson, Alex AD (1)
  • Dickson, Alex R. (1)
  • Dickson, W. Patrick (18)
  • Diemer, Matthew (8)
  • Dienes, Zoltan (1)
  • Dietz, Thomas (18)
  • Dilley, Laura (3)
  • Dillon, Andrew (7)
  • Dillon, Laura K. (2)
  • Dillon, Patrick (1)
  • Dimmock, Stephen G. (1)
  • Ding, Hu (1)
  • Ding, Shi-You (4)
  • Ding, Shi-You SD (1)
  • Dinkin, Aaron (1)
  • Dion, François (1)
  • Dionne, Craig (1)
  • Dirkx, John (58)
  • Dixson, Dante (1)
  • Dixson, Dante D. (1)
  • Doberneck, Diane (16)
  • Doblas-Madrid, Antonio (5)
  • Dobson, Tracy (3)
  • Docherty, Kathryn (1)
  • Dodge, Hiroko (1)
  • Dodgson, Jerry (7)
  • Dodson, Jualynne E. (1)
  • Dokland, Terje (1)
  • Dolan, Kirk (23)
  • Dolan, Kirk D. KD (1)
  • Dolinoy, Dana (1)
  • Dolson, Emily (2)
  • Dolson, Emily ED (1)
  • Dolson, Emily L. (1)
  • Domecq, Joseph (1)
  • Domecq, Joseph J. (1)
  • Domer, Kirk (1)
  • Dominguez, Higinio (7)
  • DonCarlos, Lydia L. (1)
  • Donahue, Megan (9)
  • Dong, Chuqing (4)
  • Dong, Ke (8)
  • Dong, Lixin (17)
  • Donnellan, M. Brent (27)
  • Donohue, William A. (7)
  • Donovan, Cynthia (4)
  • Doran, Patrick (1)
  • Dorfman, Susannah M. (8)
  • Dorgan, John JD (1)
  • Dorrance, Ann (1)
  • Dorrance, Anne (22)
  • Dorrance-Hall, Elizabeth (1)
  • Doseff, Andrea (3)
  • Doseff, Andrea I. (1)
  • Dotson, Kristie (15)
  • Douches, David S. (19)
  • Douglas, Sarah N. (11)
  • Douma, Mari (1)
  • Doumit, Matthew E. (1)
  • Dourra, Hussein (1)
  • Dourra, Hussein HD (1)
  • Dow, Steven (8)
  • Downes, Frances P. (2)
  • Dowtin, Asia (4)
  • Drahota, Amy (17)
  • Drake, Corey (39)
  • Draths, Karen (12)
  • Dreelin, Erin A. (7)
  • Dreger, Alice (1)
  • Dreisigacker, Susanne (1)
  • Drexler, Elizabeth (9)
  • Drinkwater, Laurie (1)
  • Driska, Andrew (9)
  • Driver, Meagan (2)
  • Droge, Cornelia L. (5)
  • Droscha, Casey (1)
  • Drost, Robert (1)
  • Drzal, Lawrence T. (33)
  • Drzal, Nicholas (1)
  • DuBois, Zachary (1)
  • Dubois, Zachary (1)
  • Ducat, Daniel C. (9)
  • Ducat, Danny (2)
  • Dueñas, Ana (4)
  • Dufour, Yann S. (2)
  • Duke, Nell K. (6)
  • Dulebohn, James (6)
  • Dulebohn, Jim (1)
  • Dumas, Michael J. (1)
  • Dunbar, Christopher, Jr. (21)
  • Dunkel-Jackson, Sarah (1)
  • Dunkle, Ruth E. (2)
  • Dunlop, Jim (1)
  • Dunn, Alyssa Hadley (20)
  • Dunn, Dr. Alyssa (1)
  • Dunn, Susan L. (2)
  • Durbin, C Emily (1)
  • Durbin, C. Emily (20)
  • Durbin, Emily Catherine (1)
  • Duriancik, David (1)
  • Durst, Noah J. (6)
  • Durum, Scott (1)
  • Durvasula, Karthik (15)
  • Dusenbury, James (2)
  • Dutton, William (1)
  • Dutton, William H. (1)
  • Duxbury, Phil M. (1)
  • Duxbury, Phillip M. (39)
  • Dwamena, Francesca (2)
  • Dwanyen, Lekie (1)
  • Dworkin, Ian (13)
  • Dwyer, David (1)
  • Dye, James L. (1)
  • Dyer, Fred C. (17)
  • Dykman, Mark (16)
  • Dyksen, Wayne (2)
  • Dzral, Lawrence T. (1)
  • Dávila, Denise (1)
  • Ebert-May, Diane (1)
  • Eble, Michelle (2)
  • Eddins, Dave (1)
  • Eden, Allison (6)
  • Edger, Pat (1)
  • Edger, Patrick (8)
  • Edozie, Rita Kiki (12)
  • Edson, A.J (1)
  • Edson, Alden J. (8)
  • Edson, Aleden J. (1)
  • Edwards, Patricia (17)
  • Eggenberger, Eric (1)
  • Eguia, Jon X. (1)
  • Ehrhardt, Richard (12)
  • Einhorn, Todd C. (5)
  • Eisenberg, Joseph N. S. (1)
  • Eisenlohr, Philip (16)
  • Eisenmann, Joey C. (9)
  • Eisthen, Heather L. (8)
  • El-Gafy, Mohamed (10)
  • Elbin, Robert (1)
  • Elder, Todd (27)
  • Elgort, Irina (1)
  • Ellen, Jonathan (1)
  • Elliott, Kevin C. (4)
  • Ellis, Jennifer Butler (1)
  • Ellis, Nick (1)
  • Ellison, Nicole (5)
  • Ellithorpe, Morgan (5)
  • Ellithorpe, Morgan E. (1)
  • Ellsworth, Edmund (2)
  • Ellsworth, Edmund L. (1)
  • Elsey, Brenda (1)
  • Emmet, Ross (1)
  • Enbody, Richard (22)
  • Engeda, Abraham (24)
  • Englert, Carol Sue (5)
  • Epperson, Bryan (2)
  • Epps-Robertson, Candace (8)
  • Erhardt, Susan (1)
  • Erickson, Harold (1)
  • Erickson, Karl (24)
  • Ernst, Catherine W. (12)
  • Ersahin, Nuri (1)
  • Erskine, Ronald (8)
  • Esfahanian, Abdol-Hossein (31)
  • Espinoza Paredes, Maria (1)
  • Esquith, Stephen L. (9)
  • Esselman, Walter (6)
  • Estry, Douglas W. (5)
  • Etchebarne, Brett (1)
  • Etter, Dwayne R. (3)
  • Ettorre, Mauro (1)
  • Eulenberg, John (1)
  • Evans, Mark (1)
  • Evans, Sarah (9)
  • Evered, Emine Ö. (7)
  • Evered, Kyle T. (8)
  • Everett, Michael W. (4)
  • Everman, Wesley J. (2)
  • Evjen, Max (1)
  • Ewart, Susan L (1)
  • Ewart, Susan L. (2)
  • Ewers, Frank W. (2)
  • Ewing, Martha (16)
  • Ewoldsen, David (14)
  • Ewoldsen, David DE (1)
  • Ewoldsen, David DW (1)
  • Ewoldsen, David R. (3)
  • Eye, Alexander von (12)
  • Ezeamama, Amara (2)
  • Ezeamama, Amara E. (1)
  • Fabiano, Robert (1)
  • Fahner, James (1)
  • Fahnestock, Margaret (1)
  • Fails, Barbara (1)
  • Fair, Laura (10)
  • Fairweather, James S. (14)
  • Faisal, Mohamed (5)
  • Falen, Douglas (1)
  • Familiar-Lopez, Itziar (1)
  • Fan, Bei (2)
  • Fan, Bei BF (1)
  • Fan, Jinda (1)
  • Fan, Peilei (10)
  • Fan, Qi Hua (13)
  • Fan, Qi Hua QF (2)
  • Fan, Xudong (1)
  • Fanelli, Maddalena (1)
  • Farh, Crystal I. C. (2)
  • Farhad, Ariana (1)
  • Faridazar, Fred (1)
  • Farley, Jason (1)
  • Farquar, George R. (1)
  • Farre Prokosch, Eva (1)
  • Farre, Eva (12)
  • Farré, Eva (1)
  • Faust, James E. (1)
  • Favre, David S. (2)
  • Fawcett, Stanley E. (2)
  • Fay, Jennifer (1)
  • Fazleabas, Asgerally T. (8)
  • Fear, Frank (5)
  • Featherstone, Joseph (1)
  • Fee, C. Edward (3)
  • Feeny, Brian (35)
  • Feig, Michael (12)
  • Feiman-Nemser, Sharon (1)
  • Feltz, Deborah L. (12)
  • Fendler, Lynn (27)
  • Feng, Hongli (1)
  • Fenn, Kimberly M. (7)
  • Fenton, Jenifer I. (15)
  • Fenton, Jennifer (1)
  • Fenton, Todd W. (12)
  • Ferguson, Anne (16)
  • Ferguson, Carolyn J. (1)
  • Ferguson, David P. (11)
  • Ferguson-Miller, Shelagh M. (20)
  • Ferkany, Matt (7)
  • Ferkany, Matthew (1)
  • Fermaglich, Kirsten (8)
  • Fernandez, R. Thomas (4)
  • Fernandez-Jones, Delia (2)
  • Fernández, Delia (3)
  • Ferraro, Paul (1)
  • Ferreri, Summer (8)
  • Ferrier Jr., Robert C. (1)
  • Ferrier, Prof. Robert C. (1)
  • Ferrier, Robert (3)
  • Ferrini-Mundy, Joan (1)
  • Ferris, D. Lance (9)
  • Ferris, Lance (2)
  • Ferris, Lance D. (1)
  • Fico, Fred (4)
  • Figueroa, Yomaira (4)
  • Figueroa, Yomaira C. (1)
  • Figueroa-Vasquez, Yomaira (1)
  • Figueroa-Vásquez, Yomaira (2)
  • Figueroa-Vásquez, Yomaira C. (2)
  • Fine, Amanda E. (1)
  • Fine, Jodene G. (11)
  • Fine, Lisa (13)
  • Fink, Gregory D. (21)
  • Finke, Deborah (1)
  • Finley, Andrew O. (35)
  • Finn, Mary (1)
  • Fintushel, Ronald (12)
  • Fischer, Margaret (1)
  • Fisher, Marisa (27)
  • Fisher, Rachel A. (1)
  • Fisher, Ronald (4)
  • Fisher, Wade (23)
  • Fitton, Nathan (1)
  • Fitton, Victoria (4)
  • Fitzgerald, Amy (1)
  • Fitzgerald, Hiram (11)
  • Fitzgerald, Scott D. (15)
  • Fitzgerald, Scott M. (1)
  • Fitzgerald, Scott SF (1)
  • Fitzpatrick, Kathleen (2)
  • Fitzpatrick, Sarah (4)
  • Fitzpatrick, Sarah W. (1)
  • Flaim, Amanda (3)
  • Flake, Jessica K. (1)
  • Flanagan, Maureen (2)
  • Fleck, Leonard (3)
  • Flegler, Stanley (1)
  • Fleming, James (1)
  • Flennaugh, Terry K (1)
  • Flennaugh, Terry K. (27)
  • Fletcher, Angus (1)
  • Fletcher, Matthew (2)
  • Flink, Michael T. (1)
  • Floden, Robert (14)
  • Floer, Monique (6)
  • Flood, John N. (1)
  • Flore, James (7)
  • Florio-Ruane, Susan (17)
  • Floyd-Thomas, Stacey (1)
  • Fluck, Michele (9)
  • Fluck, Zsuzsanna (1)
  • Foley, Kevin (1)
  • Folland, Sherman (1)
  • Foote, Rebecca (1)
  • Foran, David R. (2)
  • Ford, J. Kevin (42)
  • Forner, Sean (11)
  • Foss, John F. (4)
  • Foster, Eunice F. (2)
  • Foster, Shanelle N. (7)
  • Foster, Shanelle SF (1)
  • Foster-Fishman, Pennie (3)
  • Fourguette, Dominique (1)
  • Fowler, Drew (1)
  • Fraiberg, Steven (3)
  • Fraker, Pamela (1)
  • Frame, Melinda (3)
  • Francese, Joseph (1)
  • Francis, Jeremy (1)
  • Francsics, Gabor (4)
  • Frank, Kenneth A. (62)
  • Frank, Kenneth Frank K. (1)
  • Frank, Kevin W. (8)
  • Frank, Matthias (1)
  • Franke, Derrick (1)
  • Frantz, Erica (7)
  • Frantz, Jonathan (1)
  • Frasch, Lydell (1)
  • Frasch, Lydell L. (1)
  • Freddolino, Paul (3)
  • Freed, Russell (8)
  • Freedman, Eric (14)
  • Frei, Tamra (2)
  • Freilich, Joshua (1)
  • Freilich, Joshua D. (1)
  • French, Brian (1)
  • Frey, Jon (10)
  • Freymueller, Jeffrey (2)
  • Friderici, Karen H. (8)
  • Friedman, Debra (7)
  • Friesen, Maren L. (5)
  • Fritzsche, Sonja (3)
  • Frost, John W. (5)
  • Fryday, Alan (1)
  • Frye, Marilyn (4)
  • Fu, Wenjiang (4)
  • Fujita, Kazuya (7)
  • Fujita, Masako (10)
  • Fulbright, Dennis W. (6)
  • Fulginiti, Laura C. (1)
  • Fulton, Richard (1)
  • Funk, Julie (5)
  • Furge, Kyle (1)
  • Furr-Holden, Debra (1)
  • Fyfe, John (10)
  • Gabilondo, Joseba (6)
  • Gabriel, Allison (1)
  • Gabriel, Cynthia (1)
  • Gade, Alexandra (19)
  • Gage, Stuart (3)
  • Gai, Shelby (1)
  • Gai, Shelby L. (1)
  • Gaiser, Alyssa (1)
  • Galbraith, Heather S. (1)
  • Gallagher, James J. (1)
  • Gallant, Jason (4)
  • Galligan, James J. (32)
  • Gallin, Rita (2)
  • Gallo, Kathleen A. (31)
  • Galvao, Antonio (3)
  • Gamache, Daniel L. (1)
  • Gammans, Matthew (2)
  • Ganchoff, Christopher (1)
  • Gandelsman, Yuri (1)
  • Ganey, Patricia (18)
  • Gangur, Venugopal (3)
  • Gann Hall, Melinda (1)
  • Gantchoff, Mariela (1)
  • Ganz, Julia (3)
  • Gao, He (1)
  • Gao, Tong (8)
  • Gao, Tony (1)
  • Gaolach, Bradley (1)
  • Garavito, R. Michael (12)
  • Garcia, Elizabeth L. (1)
  • Garcia, Jerry (3)
  • Gardiner, Joseph (44)
  • Gardinier, Joseph D. (1)
  • Gardner, Elizabeth M. (6)
  • Garnache, Cloe (5)
  • Garratt, Elias (2)
  • Garritano, Carmela (1)
  • Garrity, George M. (1)
  • Gass, Susan (39)
  • Gasteyer, Dr. Stephen (1)
  • Gasteyer, Stephen (28)
  • Gates, Timothy J. (15)
  • Gates, Timothy TG (1)
  • Gatziolis, Demetrios (1)
  • Geeslin, Kimberly (1)
  • Gehan, Malia (1)
  • Gehring, Catherine A. (1)
  • Geiger, James H. (43)
  • Geiger, James H. J.G (1)
  • Geiger, James J. (1)
  • Geiger, Steven (1)
  • Geise, Greg (1)
  • Geist, Bruce K. (2)
  • Gentile, James (1)
  • Geor, Raymond J. (4)
  • Gerassi, Lara (1)
  • Gerde, Hope K. (16)
  • Gerhardt, Teena (7)
  • Gerhardt, Teena T. (1)
  • Gerlach, John (9)
  • Gerwin, Katelyn K. (1)
  • Getty, Thomas (38)
  • Getz, Trevor (1)
  • Ghamami, Mehrnaz (22)
  • Ghane, Ehsan (2)
  • Ghassemi, Mohammad (2)
  • Ghassemi, Mohammadreza (1)
  • Ghosh, Ruby N. (2)
  • Gianaris, Nicholas J. (2)
  • Gibbs, Carole (5)
  • Gifford, Fred (12)
  • Gilad, Assaf (1)
  • Gilad, Assaf A. (1)
  • Gilbert, Anna (1)
  • Giles, John T. (1)
  • Ginsberg, Howard (1)
  • Giurgescu, Carmen (2)
  • Given, Barbara (10)
  • Given, Charles William (15)
  • Glantz, Michael H. (1)
  • Glasby, Hillery (1)
  • Glasmacher, Thomas (2)
  • Glazer, Louis (3)
  • Glew, Robert (4)
  • Go, Aluel (1)
  • Goddeeris, John (6)
  • Godden, David (1)
  • Godfroid, Aline (24)
  • Godfroid, Aline AG (1)
  • Goeringer, Lyn (1)
  • Goertler, Senta (8)
  • Goett, Jennifer (1)
  • Gold, Steven J. (57)
  • Goldberg, Sanford (1)
  • Goldberg, Tony (1)
  • Golding, Brage (1)
  • Goldsberry, Kirk (3)
  • Goldstein, Howard (1)
  • Goldstein, Lynne (12)
  • Goldy, Ron (1)
  • Gomez, Francisco (2)
  • Gonda, Michael (1)
  • Gondro, Cedric (3)
  • Gondro, Cedric Dr (1)
  • Gonzales, Leslie (28)
  • Good, Linda (6)
  • Goode, Joanna (1)
  • Goodman, Erik (30)
  • Goodman, Steven (1)
  • Goodson, A. C. (1)
  • Goralnik, Lissy (8)
  • Gore, Christopher (1)
  • Gore, Meredith (16)
  • Gore, Meredith MG (1)
  • Gossain, Ved (1)
  • Gottfreid, Michael (1)
  • Gottfried, Michael D. (3)
  • Gotwals, Amelia (28)
  • Goudreau, John L. (8)
  • Gould, Daniel (29)
  • Grabill, Jeff (18)
  • Grabski, Severin (1)
  • Grady, Sue C. (21)
  • Graham, Norman (1)
  • Graham, Norman A. (2)
  • Graiver, Daniel (6)
  • Grandy, A. Stuart (6)
  • Grant, Darren (1)
  • Grant, Evan H. Campbell (1)
  • Gray, DeLeon L. (1)
  • Gray, Ian (1)
  • Gray, Jeremy R. (2)
  • Gray, Sally (1)
  • Gray, Sarah (1)
  • Gray, Steven A. (11)
  • Green, Jennifer (1)
  • Green, Lisa (1)
  • Green, Susan (1)
  • Greenhow, Christine (12)
  • Greenwalt, Kyle (37)
  • Gregorian, Leon (1)
  • Gregory, Robin (1)
  • Grewal, Parwinder (1)
  • Grieshop, Matthew J. (16)
  • Griffis, Stanley E. (4)
  • Griffith, David A. (2)
  • Griffore, Robert (19)
  • Grigorescu, Violanda (1)
  • Grimm, Joe (2)
  • Grimm, Michele (4)
  • Grimm, Terry (1)
  • Grogan-Kaylor, Andrew C. (1)
  • Grooms, Daniel L. (6)
  • Grootboom, Nomalanga (1)
  • Gross, Katherine L. (9)
  • Grossman, Matt (1)
  • Grossmann, Matt (1)
  • Grossmann, Matthew (5)
  • Grosso, Catherine (1)
  • Grotewold, Erich (4)
  • Grotjohn, Timothy (16)
  • Grotjohn, Timothy TG (1)
  • Grubbs, Anthony (6)
  • Grumet, Rebecca (11)
  • Grummon, David (6)
  • Gu, Hongmei (1)
  • Guan, Zhengfei (2)
  • Guarino, Cassandra (4)
  • Guber, Andrey (1)
  • Guber, Andrey K. (2)
  • Guenther, Lisa (1)
  • Guenthner, Joseph F. (1)
  • Gueye, Paul (5)
  • Guinsatao Monberg, Terese (2)
  • Gulbransen, Brain (1)
  • Gulbransen, Brian (14)
  • Gulbransen, Brian Gulbransen B. (1)
  • Gunn, Grant (2)
  • Gunnings-Moton, Sonya (3)
  • Guo, Chenhui (4)
  • Guo, Yang (5)
  • Guo, Yang YG (3)
  • Guro, Celia (1)
  • Gut, Larry (14)
  • Gutiérrez, Kris D. (1)
  • Guyer, Daniel E. (11)
  • Guzzetta, Juliet (1)
  • Guzzetta, Juliet F. (1)
  • Guízar-Álvarez, Eduardo (2)
  • Habron, Geoffrey (1)
  • Hackert, Erik M. (1)
  • Haddad, Nicholas (2)
  • Haddad, Nicholas M. (1)
  • Haddad, Nick (2)
  • Hadier, Steven J. (1)
  • Hadlock, Charles (19)
  • Hager, Ulrike (1)
  • Haggblade, Steven (3)
  • Hahn, Jin-oh (1)
  • Hahn, Lindsay (1)
  • Haider, Steven J. (14)
  • Haider, Syed Waqar (15)
  • Haka, Clifford (1)
  • Halbritter, Bump (6)
  • Hale, John (3)
  • Haleblian, John (2)
  • Hales, Kayla D. (1)
  • Halgunseth, Linda C. (1)
  • Hall, Angela T (1)
  • Hall, Angela T. (4)
  • Hall, Elizabeth (1)
  • Hall, Elizabeth Dorrance (7)
  • Hall, Jonathan I. (19)
  • Hall, Kim (1)
  • Hall, Melinda G. (2)
  • Hall, Ronald E. (2)
  • Hall, Spencer (1)
  • Haltman, Kenneth (1)
  • Halvorsen, Anne-Lise (29)
  • Ham, Sung (1)
  • Hamann, Thomas W. (36)
  • Hamann, Tom (1)
  • Hamberger, Bjoern R. (4)
  • Hamberger, Bjorn (1)
  • Hambrick, David Z. (17)
  • Hamilton, Stephen K. (28)
  • Hamilton-Wray, Tama (3)
  • Hamlin, Roger E. (1)
  • Hamm, Joe (2)
  • Hamm, Joseph A. (4)
  • Hamm, Michael W. (11)
  • Hamman, Mary (1)
  • Hammer, Neal (10)
  • Hammer, Neal D. (1)
  • Hammerschmidt, Ray (43)
  • Hammerschmidt, Raymond R. (1)
  • Hammond, Thomas (2)
  • Hampton, Brian A. (7)
  • Hampton, Keith N. (2)
  • Hamrick, Phillip (1)
  • Han, Kyung-Hwan (5)
  • Han, Ming (1)
  • Han, Ming MH (1)
  • Hancock, James (9)
  • Handelman, Matthew (6)
  • Handrick, Philip (1)
  • Hanigan, Mark (1)
  • Hankenson, Kurt D. (2)
  • Hanley, Anne (1)
  • Hansen, Michael (1)
  • Hansen, Michael J. (1)
  • Hansen, Paul (1)
  • Hanshew, Karrin (6)
  • Hanson, Eric (4)
  • Hanson, John (1)
  • Hanson, Linda (15)
  • Hao, Jianjun (8)
  • Hao, Yue (4)
  • Haq, Mahmoodul (27)
  • Harada, Masako (3)
  • Harding, J. Patrick (1)
  • Harding, James H. (4)
  • Harding, James Patrick (1)
  • Harding, Sandra (2)
  • Hardison, Debra (19)
  • Hardisty, Dalton (3)
  • Hardy, Jonathan (3)
  • Hardy, Jonathan W. (3)
  • Hardy, Jonathon (1)
  • Harichandran, Ronald (7)
  • Harkema, Jack R. (10)
  • Harkey, Matthew (2)
  • Harle, Lee (1)
  • Harmon, Luke J. (1)
  • Harms, Michaela (1)
  • Harnick, George (1)
  • Harold, Rena (8)
  • Harrell, Zaje (4)
  • Harrigan, Timothy (35)
  • Harris, Craig (6)
  • Harris, LaShawn (2)
  • Harris, LaShawn D. (4)
  • Harris, Lauren J. (3)
  • Harris, Lauren M. (1)
  • Harrison, James F. (1)
  • Harrison, Rashida (1)
  • Harrow, Kenneth (10)
  • Hart, John (1)
  • Hart, Rob (1)
  • Hart-Davidson, William (26)
  • Harte, Bruce (11)
  • Harte, Janice (9)
  • Hartman, Douglas K. (28)
  • Hartmann, William M. (2)
  • Harvey, John T. (1)
  • Hasan, Nusair (2)
  • Hashsham, Syed A. (17)
  • Haslam, Sandra Z. (2)
  • Hassan, Salah (7)
  • Hattan, Courtney (1)
  • Hauck, Janet (11)
  • Haudek, Kevin C. (1)
  • Hauptman, Joe G. (5)
  • Hausbeck, Mary K. (12)
  • Hausinger, Robert H. (1)
  • Hausinger, Robert P. (36)
  • Haut, Roger C. (2)
  • Hawkins, Billy (1)
  • Hawkins, Jaclynn M. (1)
  • Hawley, Martin (6)
  • Hawthorn, Walter (1)
  • Hawthorne, Walter (23)
  • Hayden, Daniel (2)
  • Hayden, Zachary D. (13)
  • Hayes, Daniel B. (26)
  • Hays, Nicholas (2)
  • Hays, Nicholas A. (6)
  • Hayward, Matt (1)
  • Hayward, Matt W. (1)
  • Hayward, Matthew (1)
  • Haywood, Joseph (1)
  • He, Sheng Yang (27)
  • Healan, Dan (1)
  • Healey, Karl (3)
  • Healey, Karl M. (1)
  • Hecht, Gabrielle (1)
  • Hedden, Matthew (20)
  • Heddon, Matt (1)
  • Hedrick, Todd (9)
  • Heeter, Carrie (22)
  • Hefner, Joseph T. (12)
  • Hegg, Colleen C. (24)
  • Hegg, Eric EH (1)
  • Hegg, Eric L. (23)
  • Heidemann, Merle (1)
  • Heidemann, Steven (3)
  • Heidl, Ralph A. (2)
  • Heilman, Elizabeth (12)
  • Heilman, Warren E. (1)
  • Heimerl, Kurtis (1)
  • Heinze, Kirk L. (1)
  • Heleski, Camie (1)
  • Hellum, Aren M. (3)
  • Henderson, Rachel (2)
  • Hendricks, Kristen (2)
  • Henebry, Geoffrey (2)
  • Hennessy, David A. (7)
  • Henry, R. William (37)
  • Hepburn, Alexa (1)
  • Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth (18)
  • Herbert, James (1)
  • Herbst, Seth J. (1)
  • Herdt, Thomas (22)
  • Hergert, Heiko (8)
  • Herold, Aaron (1)
  • Herriges, Joseph (12)
  • Herrmann, Nicolas P. (1)
  • Hess, Carol A. (1)
  • Hess, Juliet (12)
  • Hession, Sarah (1)
  • Hiaeshutter-Rice, Dan (2)
  • Hickey, David (5)
  • Hickey, David DH (2)
  • Hickling, Graham J. (3)
  • Hicks, Kristin (1)
  • Hidalgo, Alexandra (10)
  • Higgs, Catherine (1)
  • Hill, Charles (1)
  • Hill, Gretchen M. (3)
  • Hill, Richard O. (1)
  • Hill, Richard W. (1)
  • Hillard, James R. (2)
  • Hines, Eric M. (1)
  • Hiney, Kristina M. (2)
  • Hinko, Kathleen (2)
  • Hinojosa, Rene (6)
  • Hintze, Arend (10)
  • Hipple, Natalie (1)
  • Hirko, Kelly (3)
  • Hirn, Matthew (7)
  • Hirn, Matthew M. (1)
  • Hitchcock, Robert K. (5)
  • Hjorth-Jensen, Morten (22)
  • Hjorth-Jensen, Morton (1)
  • Ho, Chak-Sum (1)
  • Hoag, Kathleen (5)
  • Hochwarter, Wayne A. (1)
  • Hodbod, Jennifer (6)
  • Hodbod, Jenny (2)
  • Hodge, David (24)
  • Hodges, Kelly (1)
  • Hodgson, Jennifer (1)
  • Hoehler, Tori (1)
  • Hoehn, John P. (7)
  • Hoerr, Sharon L. (2)
  • Hoff, Kevin (3)
  • Hoffman, Amy (1)
  • Hoffman, Nicole (1)
  • Hoffman, Vincent (2)
  • Hoffmann, Hanne (3)
  • Hoffmann, Hanne M. (1)
  • Hoffmann-Benning, Susanne (9)
  • Hogan, Tim (54)
  • Hogan, Tim TH (1)
  • Holbrook, Janet T. (1)
  • Holcombe, Susan J. (4)
  • Holecek, Donald F. (2)
  • Holekamp, Kay E. (24)
  • Hollenbeck, John R (1)
  • Hollenbeck, John R. (14)
  • Hollender, Courtney A. (7)
  • Holm, Emily (1)
  • Holm-Merewitz, Emily B. (1)
  • Holmes-Rovner, Margaret (1)
  • Holmstrom, Amanda (19)
  • Holt, Karen M. (8)
  • Holt, THOMAS (1)
  • Holt, Thomas J. (11)
  • Holtrop, Kendal (9)
  • Holtrup, Kendal (1)
  • Holtz, Bree E. (9)
  • Holzhacker, Martin (3)
  • Holzman, Claudia (11)
  • Hong, Grace (1)
  • Hong, Heedeok (35)
  • Hong, Heedeok HH (1)
  • Hong, Hyokyoung (11)
  • Hong, Jung-Wuk (5)
  • Hong, Soonsung (3)
  • Hoogstraten, Charles G. (14)
  • Hoole, S. Ratnajeevan H. (1)
  • Hopfensperger, Marie (3)
  • Hoppenstand, Gary (12)
  • Hopwood, Christopher J. (12)
  • Horan, Richard (1)
  • Horan, Richard D. (1)
  • Horan, Rick (1)
  • Hord, Norman (3)
  • Horgan, Brian P. (1)
  • Horn, Thelma (1)
  • Horodynski, Mildred A. (4)
  • Horowitz, Ronald (1)
  • Hos, Rabia (1)
  • Houang, Richard T. (25)
  • Houle, Christian (10)
  • Hourani, Najib (6)
  • Hove, Thomas B. (1)
  • Howard, Philip H. (20)
  • Howard, Phillip (1)
  • Howard-Bobiwash, Heather (17)
  • Howe, Gregg A. (23)
  • Howe, Rawleigh (1)
  • Howey, Meghan (1)
  • Hrinczenko, Borys (1)
  • Hruska, Allan A. (1)
  • Hsieh, Betina YC (1)
  • Hsieh, Gary (2)
  • Hsieh, Ning (3)
  • Hsu, Yingshan (1)
  • Hu, Jian (15)
  • Hu, Jianping (13)
  • Huang, Alex S. (1)
  • Huang, Jason (6)
  • Huang, Longxiu (5)
  • Huang, Wen (5)
  • Huang, Xing (4)
  • Huang, Xuefei (51)
  • Huang, Xuefei X.H (1)
  • Huang, Xuefei X. (1)
  • Huang, Zach (1)
  • Huang, Zachary (5)
  • Huddleston, Patricia (17)
  • Hudson, Grover (2)
  • Hudson, Mutsuko Endo (2)
  • Hudzik, John (3)
  • Huebner, Marianne (4)
  • Huebner, Marianne MH (1)
  • Hufbauer, Ruth (2)
  • Huff, Andrew (1)
  • Huff, Emily S. (4)
  • Hughes, Anne K. (9)
  • Hughes, Harold (1)
  • Hughes-Morgan, Margaret (1)
  • Huh, Jina (1)
  • Hula, Richard C. (6)
  • Hult, Francis (1)
  • Hult, G. Tomas M. (12)
  • Humphreys, William M. (1)
  • Hunt, Constance (1)
  • Hunt, Henry D. (1)
  • Hunt, Katharine C. (23)
  • Hunt, Katherina (1)
  • Hunt, Katherine C. (1)
  • Hunt, Linda (3)
  • Hunter, Brian C. (5)
  • Hunter, Eric EH (1)
  • Hunter, Eric J. (10)
  • Huppert, Jonathan (1)
  • Hussey, Gisela (3)
  • Huston, Joey (12)
  • Hutcheson, Jere (1)
  • Hyndman, David W. (15)
  • Ibsen, Christian L. Ibsen CL (1)
  • Iezzoni, Amy (15)
  • Iglesias, Emma (1)
  • Ikpe, Dennis (1)
  • Ilett, Darren (1)
  • Ilgen, Daniel (2)
  • Ilies, Remus (1)
  • Imberman, Scott (19)
  • Imig, David R. (2)
  • Ines, Amor V. M. (3)
  • Infante, Dana M. (14)
  • Ingersoll, Brooke (22)
  • Ingram, Jason (1)
  • Inoue, Susumu (1)
  • Introne, Joshua (6)
  • Ireland, James J. (5)
  • Irving, Paul W. (4)
  • Irwin, Brandon (1)
  • Irwin, Brian J. (2)
  • Isaac, Daniel (1)
  • Isaacs, Krista (4)
  • Isaacs, Rufus (27)
  • Isea, Miguel A. (1)
  • Ishikawa, Keiko (1)
  • Israelsen, Ryan (2)
  • Israelsen, Ryan RI (1)
  • Ivanov, Nikolai (3)
  • Ivkovich, Zoran (5)
  • Ivković, Sanja Kutnjak (6)
  • Iwasaki, Hironori (6)
  • Iwen, Mark (14)
  • Iwen, Mark M. (2)
  • Izadi-Darbandi, Ali (1)
  • Jaberi, Farhad (45)
  • Jaborek, Jerad J. (1)
  • Jackson, Austin (1)
  • Jackson, Emilie (1)
  • Jackson, James E (1)
  • Jackson, James E. (76)
  • Jackson, James J. (1)
  • Jackson, James JEJ (1)
  • Jackson, William F. (16)
  • Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia (2)
  • Jacobs, Emily G. (1)
  • Jacobs, Jackie (1)
  • Jacobs, Jacquelyn (1)
  • Jacobs, Melanie B (1)
  • Jacobs, Melanie B. (1)
  • Jacobsen, Rebecca (11)
  • Jacobson, Kathryn (1)
  • Jacobson, Seth (2)
  • Jacoby, William G. (8)
  • Jae, Puckett (1)
  • Jaffe, Iris Z. (1)
  • Jain, Anil K. (24)
  • James, Patrick (1)
  • Jamison, Amy (1)
  • Jankauskas, Rimantas (1)
  • Jankowski, Mark (1)
  • Jarosz, Andrew M. (11)
  • Jayakumar, Paramasothy (1)
  • Jayaraman, Krishnamurthy (26)
  • Jayasinghe, Mevan (2)
  • Jayne, Thomas S. (11)
  • Jeitschko, Thomas D. (13)
  • Jenkins, Jean (1)
  • Jeong, Jae-Wook (3)
  • Jeong, Sanghyup (4)
  • Jezierski, Louise (7)
  • Jiang, Hao (10)
  • Jiang, Hao HJ (1)
  • Jiang, Jiming (7)
  • Jiang, John Xuefeng (5)
  • Jiang, Ning (7)
  • Jin, Qingxu QJ (1)
  • Jin, Rong (21)
  • Jin, Songqing (29)
  • Jin, Songqing sj (1)
  • Jin, Xiangshu (6)
  • Johanson, Chris E. (1)
  • John Papapolymerou, John JP (1)
  • Johnson, Alexander W. (11)
  • Johnson, Deborah (31)
  • Johnson, Deborah D.J (1)
  • Johnson, Harold (1)
  • Johnson, Heather (1)
  • Johnson, Jennifer (1)
  • Johnson, Jennifer J. (1)
  • Johnson, Kristen A. (6)
  • Johnson, Kristen M. (2)
  • Johnson, Lamar (2)
  • Johnson, Marilyn (7)
  • Johnson, Nan E. (1)
  • Johnson, Nicholas S. (2)
  • Johnson, Patrick (1)
  • Johnson, Russell E. (22)
  • Jones III, Arthur D. (1)
  • Jones, A. Daniel (71)
  • Jones, Arthur. Daniel (1)
  • Jones, Michael L. (12)
  • Jones, Natasha (5)
  • Joodaky, Amin (3)
  • Jordan, Christopher A. (1)
  • Jordan, Cynthia L. (19)
  • Jordan, Rebecca (6)
  • Jordan, Stephanie (2)
  • Jordan, Stephanie B. (1)
  • Joseph, Dana (1)
  • Josephs, Emily (9)
  • Josephs, Emily B. (2)
  • Joshi, Satish (20)
  • Joy, Tiffany (1)
  • Joy, Tiffany A. (4)
  • Juefei-Xu, Felix (1)
  • Juengel, Scott (6)
  • Juenke, Eric Gonzalez (8)
  • Jun, Kitagawa (2)
  • June, Lee (6)
  • Jussaume, Ray (1)
  • Jussaume, Raymond (6)
  • Juzwik, Mary M. (14)
  • Kachkovskiy, Ilya (5)
  • Kachkovskiy, Ilya I. (1)
  • Kadrofske, Mark (4)
  • Kaestner, Robert (1)
  • Kagerer, Florian (9)
  • Kaguni, Jon M. (3)
  • Kaguni, Laurie S. (4)
  • Kaid, Tiffany (1)
  • Kakela, Peter (2)
  • Kalay, Alon (1)
  • Kalfagianni, Efstratia (14)
  • Kalfagianni‬‬, ‪Efstratia (1)
  • Kalof, Linda (9)
  • Kamdem, Donatein-Pascal (1)
  • Kamdem, Donatien P. (1)
  • Kamdem, Donatien Pascal (11)
  • Kaminski, Norbert E. (19)
  • Kanaan, Nicholas M. (2)
  • Kanada, Masamitsu (3)
  • Kane, Gerald (1)
  • Kaneene, John B. (9)
  • Kang, Iksoon (4)
  • Kang, Jun-Koo (2)
  • Kantam, Prof. M. Lakshmi (1)
  • Kanyama-Phiri, George Y. (1)
  • Kao, Tsui-Sui (1)
  • Kao, Tsui-Sui Annie (1)
  • Kaplan, Barbara (6)
  • Kaplan, Jennifer J. (3)
  • Kaplowitz, Michael (6)
  • Kaplowitz, Stan (5)
  • Kappiaruparampil, Justin (1)
  • Kar, Bandana (1)
  • Karcher, Darrin (5)
  • Karcher, Elizabeth L. (3)
  • Karen, Karen (1)
  • Karimian, Hamid R. (1)
  • Karmaus, Peer W F. (1)
  • Karpenko, Oleksii (1)
  • Karunakaran, Monica (2)
  • Karunakaran, Monica S. (2)
  • Karunakaran, Shiv S. (6)
  • Kasavana, Michael (1)
  • Kashefi, Kazem (5)
  • Kashy, Deborah A. (25)
  • Kassens-Noor, Eva (6)
  • Kathleen, Gallo (1)
  • Kathuria, Ajay (1)
  • Katz, Emily (2)
  • Kau, Annie (1)
  • Kaufman, Laryssa (1)
  • Kaufman, Michael G. (9)
  • Kautz, Steven (5)
  • Kazaras, Demetre D. (1)
  • Ke, Xianglin (7)
  • Keegstra, Kenneth (4)
  • Keilman, Linda (1)
  • Keith, Charles (7)
  • Keller, Brin (5)
  • Keller, Evan (1)
  • Keller, Sabrina (1)
  • Kellner, Ken F. (1)
  • Kellner, Kenneth (1)
  • Kellner, Kenneth F. (1)
  • Kells, James J. (1)
  • Kelly Siebenlist, Kathleen (1)
  • Kelly, James D. (31)
  • Kelly, Kimberly S. (18)
  • Kelly, Valerie (2)
  • Kempel, Leo (13)
  • Kendall, Anthony D. (23)
  • Kendrick, Tasia (1)
  • Kennedy, Angie C. (9)
  • Kennedy, Jay P. (1)
  • Kennedy, Mary (6)
  • Kenyon, Dorry M. (1)
  • Kerfeld, Cheryl (3)
  • Kern, Christel C. (1)
  • Kerr, Dr. John (1)
  • Kerr, John (44)
  • Kerr, John J. (1)
  • Kerr, Norbert L. (8)
  • Kerver, Jean (11)
  • Kerver, Jean JK (2)
  • Kerver, Jean M. (1)
  • Kerzendorf, Wolfgang (7)
  • Keshamouni, Venkateshwar G. (1)
  • Ketvirtis, Timothy (2)
  • Keys, Mary M. (1)
  • Khalifa, Muhammad (9)
  • Khalil, Hassan (46)
  • Khalil, Mohammad H. (5)
  • Khalil, Suad (1)
  • Khan, Naheed (1)
  • Khanna, Naveen (1)
  • Khasawneh, Firas A (1)
  • Khasawneh, Firas A. (5)
  • Khasawneh, Firas FK (1)
  • Khire, Milind V. (1)
  • Khodakarami, Farnoosh (1)
  • Kim, David (1)
  • Kim, Dongbin (21)
  • Kim, Dr. Dongbin (1)
  • Kim, Jeemin (4)
  • Kim, Jinsang (1)
  • Kim, Jongkyoo (2)
  • Kim, Jun Hyun (2)
  • Kim, Jun-Hyun (4)
  • Kim, Kyonghee (3)
  • Kim, Kyoo il (22)
  • Kim, Kyoo il KK (1)
  • Kim, Kyoo il kk (1)
  • Kim, Mi Ran (2)
  • Kim, Seung Hyun (3)
  • Kim, Suk-Kyung (13)
  • Kim, Sun (1)
  • Kim, Sungjin (8)
  • Kim, Taeho (2)
  • Kinabo, Joyce L. (2)
  • King, Bruce (1)
  • King, D. Tommy (1)
  • King, Dr. LaGarrett (1)
  • King, Robin (1)
  • Kintner, Eileen (1)
  • Kirca, Ahmet H. (5)
  • Kirk, Dana (3)
  • Kirk, William W. (6)
  • Kirkland, David E. (7)
  • Kirkpatrick, Justin (4)
  • Kirkpatrick, Justin JK (1)
  • Kirkwood, Roy (1)
  • Kitagawa, Jun (5)
  • Kiuchi, Yuya (2)
  • Kiumarsi, Bahare (4)
  • Kiumarsi, Bahareh (1)
  • Kiupel, Matti (11)
  • Kiziltas, Alper (1)
  • Klatt, Brian J. (1)
  • Klausmeier, Christopher A. (11)
  • Klausner, James F. (7)
  • Klein, Sacha (5)
  • Kleinerman, Benjamin (4)
  • Kline-Robach, Ruth (2)
  • Klinge, Petra (1)
  • Klomparens, Karen L. (2)
  • Klump, Kelly L. (13)
  • Knake, Kaitlin (1)
  • Knickmeyer, Rebecca (1)
  • Knickmeyer, Rebecca C. (1)
  • Knott, Jason (21)
  • Knott, Jason JK (1)
  • Knous, Jeremy (1)
  • Knowles, Thea (1)
  • Knudsen, Peter (3)
  • Knupfer, Peter (3)
  • Kobe, Richard K. (6)
  • Kodas, Michael (1)
  • Kodur, Venkatesh (20)
  • Koehler, Matthew J. (13)
  • Kom\u00e1romy, Andr\u00e1s M. (1)
  • Komorowski, Jerzy (1)
  • Komáromy, András M. (6)
  • Kononova, Anastasia (7)
  • Kononova, Anastasia AK (1)
  • Konstantopoulos, Spyros (24)
  • Kontos, Anthony (1)
  • Koochesfahani, Manoochehr M. (8)
  • Kopachik, Will (1)
  • Kopper, Claudio (4)
  • Koppisch, Michael (1)
  • Kordjamshidi, Parisa (3)
  • Kordjamshidi, Parisa Prof (1)
  • Kordower, Jeffrey H. (1)
  • Korkmaz, Armagan (2)
  • Korol, Donna L. (1)
  • Koroukian, Siran (1)
  • Kortemeyer, Gerd (2)
  • Korver, Doug R. (1)
  • Kosciulek, John F. (20)
  • Koslowsky, Donna (4)
  • Kossek, Ellen E. (3)
  • Kotanchek, Mark (1)
  • Kotval, Zenia (8)
  • Kotval-Karamchandani, Zeenat (16)
  • Koul, Hira L. (8)
  • Koval, Christy (1)
  • Koval, Christy Z. (1)
  • Kovan, Jeffrey (4)
  • Koyama, Akihiro (2)
  • Kozakiewicz, Christopher P. (1)
  • Kozlenkova, Irina (1)
  • Kozlowski, Allan (1)
  • Kozlowski, Steve W. J. (15)
  • Kraemer, Angelika (3)
  • Krajcik, Joseph (7)
  • Kramer, Daniel (17)
  • Kramer, David M. (10)
  • Kramer, David Mark (1)
  • Kratus, John (6)
  • Kravchenko, Alexandra (25)
  • Kreulen, David (7)
  • Krieger-Burke, Teresa (1)
  • Krieger-Burke, Teresa R. (1)
  • Krishnan, Arjun (11)
  • Krishnan, Ranjani (13)
  • Kroll, Andrew J. (1)
  • Kronrod, Ann (3)
  • Kroos, Lee (28)
  • Kross, Ethan (1)
  • Krueger, Charles (6)
  • Kruger, John (4)
  • Krupa, Julie (2)
  • Krupa, Julie M. (1)
  • Kubiak, Sheryl (4)
  • Kubota, Chieri (2)
  • Kuenze, Chris (1)
  • Kuenze, Christopher (9)
  • Kuhn, Leslie A. (13)
  • Kulkarni, Rajesh (21)
  • Kulkarni, Rajesh R. (1)
  • Kulkarni, Rajesh RK (1)
  • Kulkarni, Sandeep (25)
  • Kulkarni, Sandeep SK (1)
  • Kunkel, Daniel L. (1)
  • Kuo, Hung Jen (4)
  • Kuo, Min-Hao (22)
  • Kutay, M. Emin (18)
  • Kutay, M. Emin MEK (1)
  • Kuykendall, Mae (2)
  • Kuzyakov, Yakov (1)
  • Kwon, Jungmin (4)
  • Kwon, Jungmin JK (1)
  • Kwon, Patrick (23)
  • Kwon, Patrick PK (2)
  • L. Pearson, Amber Dr (1)
  • LI, WEIMING WL (1)
  • LU, Weiyi WL (1)
  • LaLonde, Katherine (3)
  • LaMore, Rex (3)
  • LaPatra, Scott E. (1)
  • LaPenseé, Elizabeth (1)
  • LaPensée, Elizabeth (3)
  • LaPine, Peter (12)
  • LaPres, John J. (36)
  • LaRose, Robert (12)
  • LaRose, Ryan (1)
  • Lachney, Michael (9)
  • Lachney, Michael L. (1)
  • Lachney, Micheal (1)
  • Lacy, Stephen (24)
  • Lahr, Rebecca (2)
  • Lahr, Rebecca H. (2)
  • Lai, Chih-Wei (5)
  • Lai, Wei (18)
  • Lai, Wei WL (1)
  • Lajevardi, Nazita (4)
  • Lajnef, Nizar (27)
  • Lakdawala, Aeimit (3)
  • Lakdawala, Leah (10)
  • Lam, Joshua (1)
  • Lamm, Patricia (2)
  • Lampe, Cliff (6)
  • Lancaster, Blake M. (1)
  • Landgraf, Jeffrey R. (1)
  • Landis, Douglas A. (19)
  • Lang, Greg (1)
  • Lang, Gregory (1)
  • Lang, Gregory A. (2)
  • Langdon, Jody L. (1)
  • Langlois, Daniel (3)
  • Langohr, Ingeborg (4)
  • Lanotte, Michele (1)
  • Lapidus, Lisa (11)
  • Lapinski, Maria K. (23)
  • Lappan, Glenda (6)
  • Larabee, Ann (13)
  • Largent, Mark (2)
  • Largey, Michael (20)
  • Larnell, Gregory (1)
  • Larnell, Gregory V. (1)
  • Larrison, Ryan (1)
  • Larson, Connie K. (2)
  • Larson, Grahame (1)
  • Larson, Grahame J. (4)
  • Last, Robert L. (18)
  • Latham, Keith E. (2)
  • Latimor, Jo (1)
  • Latimore, Jo (2)
  • Lau, Jennifer A. (21)
  • Lauer, Larry (5)
  • Laumet, Geoffroy (1)
  • Lauren, Ben (11)
  • Lauver, Adam (3)
  • Lavagnino, Michael (2)
  • Lawrence, Justin (1)
  • Lazorchak, James M. (1)
  • LeBeau, Patrick (1)
  • Leach, Ashley (1)
  • Leach, Richard (1)
  • Leahy, Michael J. (20)
  • Leal, Manuel (1)
  • Leatherwood, Jessica L. (1)
  • Lebeis, Sarah (2)
  • Lederle, Patrick (1)
  • Lee, Ajin (6)
  • Lee, Andre (43)
  • Lee, Beatrice (1)
  • Lee, Dean J. (8)
  • Lee, Enusil (1)
  • Lee, Euihark (8)
  • Lee, Eunjeong (1)
  • Lee, Eunsil (15)
  • Lee, Gee (1)
  • Lee, Gloria K. (22)
  • Lee, Ilsoon (21)
  • Lee, Junkyu (1)
  • Lee, Kimberli (1)
  • Lee, Kin (1)
  • Lee, Kin SS (1)
  • Lee, Kin Sing (3)
  • Lee, Kin Sing KSL (1)
  • Lee, Kin Sing Stephen (1)
  • Lee, KyungSook (1)
  • Lee, Kyunghee (1)
  • Lee, Lik Chuan (9)
  • Lee, Lik Chuan LCL (1)
  • Lee, Mei-Hua (3)
  • Lee, Mira (1)
  • Lee, Prof. Andre (1)
  • Lee, Tonghun (5)
  • Lee, Young S. (2)
  • Leefers, Larry A. (5)
  • Leeman Bartzis, Opal (1)
  • Leftwich, Anne (1)
  • Lehrach, Andreas (1)
  • Lehto, Rebecca (6)
  • Lei, Huan (1)
  • Leibundgut, Bruno (1)
  • Leichtman, Alan (1)
  • Leichtman, Mara (13)
  • Leinninger, Gina M. (12)
  • Leishman, Derek (2)
  • Leitner, Daniela (4)
  • Lekgoathi, Sekibakiba (1)
  • Lemon, Alaina (1)
  • Lennon, Jay T. (5)
  • Lenski, Madeleine (1)
  • Lenski, Richard E. (15)
  • Leong, Frederick T. L. (12)
  • Leskey, Tracy C. (1)
  • Levchenko, Alex (2)
  • Levendosky, Alytia A. (17)
  • Levental, Schlomo (1)
  • Levental, Shlomo (9)
  • Levental, Shlomo SL (1)
  • Levin, Aaron (12)
  • Levin, Mariana (1)
  • Levine, Benjamin G. (35)
  • Levine, Kenneth J. (1)
  • Levine, Timothy R. (10)
  • Levy, Mark (3)
  • Lewicki, Todd (1)
  • Lewis, Colleen (2)
  • Lewis, Janet M. (2)
  • Lewis, Ken (1)
  • Lewis, Kenneth E. (4)
  • Li, Chenxi (12)
  • Li, Guofang (10)
  • Li, Hairong (22)
  • Li, Hui (14)
  • Li, Hui Dr (1)
  • Li, Jun (1)
  • Li, Ming-Han (1)
  • Li, Shu-Guang (16)
  • Li, Tianxing (1)
  • Li, Tianxing TL (1)
  • Li, Tien-Yien (5)
  • Li, Tongtong (11)
  • Li, Tongtong tl (1)
  • Li, Wei (11)
  • Li, Weiming (12)
  • Li, Wen (52)
  • Li, Wen WL (1)
  • Li, Xiaoshi (9)
  • Li, Zhaojian (19)
  • Li, Zhaojian ZL (1)
  • Li, Zhengzi (2)
  • LiPuma, John J. (1)
  • Liang, Yun (1)
  • Liang, Yun YL (1)
  • Liao, Chenwei (3)
  • Liao, Wei (44)
  • Liao, Wei WL (1)
  • Libarkin, Julie (9)
  • Liby, Karen (11)
  • Liby, Karen KL (1)
  • Lida, Steve (1)
  • Liddick, Sean (25)
  • Lidia, Steven (5)
  • Liebert, Monica (1)
  • Ligmann-Zielinska, Arika (18)
  • Lillehoj, Peter (9)
  • Lillie, Robin (1)
  • Lim, Chae Young (15)
  • Lim, Loong-Tak (4)
  • Lim, Stanley (2)
  • Limb, Peter (2)
  • Limbu, Marohang (1)
  • Lin, Chin-Hsi (2)
  • Lin, Hsien-Yung (1)
  • Lin, Huey-Wen (8)
  • Lin, Kaisen (1)
  • Lin, Yen-Hwei (17)
  • Lindahl, Folke (1)
  • Lindell, Catherine (14)
  • Lindemann, Hilde (3)
  • Lindeque, Malan (1)
  • Lindquist, Julie (40)
  • Ling, Jiying (5)
  • Ling, Jiying JL (1)
  • Ling, Sam (1)
  • Ling, jiying JL (1)
  • Link, Terry (1)
  • Linnemann, James (15)
  • Linnemann, Jim (1)
  • Linnenbrink-Garcia, Lisa (18)
  • Linz, George (1)
  • Linz, John E. (25)
  • Lipton, Jack W. (3)
  • Lira, Carl T. (21)
  • Lisee, Caroline (1)
  • Litchman, Elena (14)
  • Little, Anna (1)
  • Little, Anna AL (1)
  • Little, Elden (1)
  • Liu, Aizhuo (1)
  • Liu, Alex X. (8)
  • Liu, Dahsin (25)
  • Liu, Di (7)
  • Liu, Haiyan (1)
  • Liu, Hui (26)
  • Liu, Jianguo (10)
  • Liu, Kevin (6)
  • Liu, Luyang (1)
  • Liu, Richard (1)
  • Liu, Sijia (5)
  • Liu, Taosheng (22)
  • Liu, Ting (1)
  • Liu, Xiang-Yang (3)
  • Liu, Xiaoming (41)
  • Liu, Xiaoming Prof (1)
  • Liu, Yan (27)
  • Liu, Yan YL (2)
  • Liu, Zitao (1)
  • Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda (13)
  • Livescu, Daniel (1)
  • Lloyd, James (1)
  • Lo, Jane (2)
  • Loch, Thomas P. (4)
  • Lock, Adam L. (12)
  • Loescher, Wayne (12)
  • Loewen, Shawn (28)
  • Logan, Sandra (3)
  • Loh, Edwin (2)
  • Lomax, Alan (1)
  • Lomax, Tamura (1)
  • Long, Christopher (1)
  • Long, David T. (10)
  • Long, Sarah (3)
  • Long, Tammy (4)
  • Long-Smith, Trixie (1)
  • Lonstein, Joseph S. (23)
  • Lookingland, Keith J. (10)
  • Loos, Alfred (9)
  • Looser, Devoney (1)
  • Lopez, Dr. Maria Claudia (1)
  • Lopez, Maria Claudia (18)
  • Lopez, Maria ML (2)
  • Lopez, Roberto (3)
  • Lopez, Roberto G. (2)
  • Lorang, Emily (1)
  • Lorenz-Reaves, Amanda R. (1)
  • Lotz, Christian (8)
  • Louie, Andrea (7)
  • Lovell, Kathryn (1)
  • Loveridge, Scott (18)
  • Lovik, Thomas (4)
  • Lovis, William A. (14)
  • Lowder, Evan M. (1)
  • Lownds, Norman (1)
  • Lowry, David B. (12)
  • Lu, Qing (26)
  • Lu, Renfu (8)
  • Lu, Renfu RL (1)
  • Lu, Sidney (2)
  • Lu, Weiyi (26)
  • Lucas, James P. (2)
  • Lucas, Richard E. (16)
  • Lucidi, Cynthia (1)
  • Lucidi, Cynthia A. (1)
  • Lucking, Robert (1)
  • Ludden, Gerald (2)
  • Luft, Joan (2)
  • Luginsland, John (9)
  • Luikart, Gordon (1)
  • Luk, Kelvin C. (1)
  • Lund, Steven (7)
  • Lundquist, Peter (1)
  • Lundrigan, Barbara L. (9)
  • Lunney, Joan K. (1)
  • Lunt, Richard R. (17)
  • Lunt, Sophia SL (1)
  • Lunt, Sophia Y. (4)
  • Luo, Lifeng (19)
  • Luo, Zhehui (31)
  • Lupi, Frank (21)
  • Lupi, Frank F. (1)
  • Lupi, Frank FL (1)
  • Lupien, Sandra (1)
  • Lusch, David (21)
  • Lusk, Jayson L. (1)
  • Luukkonen, David R. (3)
  • Luyendyk, James P. (12)
  • Luz, Clare (2)
  • Lynch, Abigail J. (1)
  • Lynch, Daniel (1)
  • Lynch, William G. (13)
  • López, Gerardo (1)
  • López-Uribe, Margarita M. (1)
  • M\u00e9ndez, Danny (1)
  • M\u00fcller, Norbert (1)
  • Ma, Wenjuan (2)
  • Maas, Megan (2)
  • Maas, Megan K. (1)
  • Mabey, Sarah E. (1)
  • Mabokela, Reitumetse (21)
  • MacCharles, Jeffrey D. (1)
  • MacDonald, William L. (1)
  • MacDowell, Marsha (1)
  • MacFarlane, David W. (8)
  • MacInnes, Maryhelen (1)
  • MacKeigan, Jeffrey (1)
  • MacKeigan, Jeffrey P. (3)
  • MacKenzie, Richard A. (1)
  • Macdonald, John (1)
  • Mace, Robyn R. (1)
  • Machemer, Patricia (37)
  • Machemer, Patricia PM (1)
  • Mack, Elizabeth A. (2)
  • Mackey, Kevin (1)
  • Mackey, Kevin G. (1)
  • Mackey, Kevin KM (1)
  • Mackowiak, Thomas (7)
  • Maddox, Jane (2)
  • Maes, Roger (5)
  • Magee, Malcolm D. (1)
  • Magen, Jed (6)
  • Magestro, Leanne (2)
  • Maghrebi, Mohammad (8)
  • Maghrebi, Mohammad F. (2)
  • Magyar, Peter (9)
  • Mahanti, Bhanu (6)
  • Mahanti, S. D. (17)
  • Mahapatra, Nihar NM (1)
  • Mahapatra, Nihar R. (6)
  • Maher, Courtney (5)
  • Mahmoudi, Monireh (3)
  • Mahn, Kendall (7)
  • Mahn, Kendall B. M. (1)
  • Mahoney, Kristen (2)
  • Mahoney, Kristin (4)
  • Maier, Kimberly S. (22)
  • Maiti, Tapabrata (13)
  • Maiti, Tapabrata Prof (1)
  • Maiti, Tapabratta (1)
  • Makino, Kyoko (6)
  • Maleck, Thomas L. (1)
  • Maleczka, Rob (1)
  • Maleczka, Robert R.M (1)
  • Maleczka, Robert E., Jr. (42)
  • Maleczka, Robert RM (1)
  • Malek, Ramtin (1)
  • Malete, Leapetswe (2)
  • Malete, Leapetswe LM (1)
  • Malmstrom, Carolyn M. (6)
  • Malone, Trey (5)
  • Malouin, Rebecca (3)
  • Mamoozadeh, Nadya R. (1)
  • Mancuso, Peter (1)
  • Mandrekar, Atmah (1)
  • Mandrekar, Vidyadhar (13)
  • Maneval, Rhonda (1)
  • Manfredi, Jane M. (3)
  • Manfredsson, Fredric P. (6)
  • Mangin, Melinda (1)
  • Mann, John (2)
  • Mannepalli, Lakshmi Kantam (1)
  • Manning, Patrick (1)
  • Manning, Shannon (31)
  • Mannor, Michael J. (2)
  • Mansfield, Linda (31)
  • Mansfield, Shawn D. (1)
  • Mansifeld, Linda Mansfield L. (1)
  • Manteuffel, Andreas von (1)
  • Mantha, Phanikumar (29)
  • Mantica, Paul F. (15)
  • Marciano, Joanne (3)
  • Maredia, Karim M. (5)
  • Maredia, Mywish (13)
  • Maret, Pierre de (1)
  • Margerison, Claire (3)
  • Margerison, Claire E. (3)
  • Mariage, Troy (34)
  • Marin, Patricia (21)
  • Marini, Juan C. (1)
  • Markle, Barbara (1)
  • Markle, Kevin (2)
  • Markman, Howard (1)
  • Marks, Brad (1)
  • Marks, Bradley P (1)
  • Marks, Bradley P. (26)
  • Maroulis, Spiro J. (2)
  • Marquart-Pyatt, Sandra (19)
  • Marquez Kiyama, Judy (1)
  • Marquez, Alejandra (1)
  • Marquez, Alejandra A. (1)
  • Marsh, Terence L. (23)
  • Marshall, Stefanie (1)
  • Martell, Dennis (1)
  • Marti, Felix (5)
  • Martin, Douglas J. (1)
  • Martin, Kristina (1)
  • Martin, Lawrence (1)
  • Martin, Sherry L. (1)
  • Martin, Terrance (1)
  • Martineau, Joseph (6)
  • Martinez, Lourdes (5)
  • Martinez, Ramon A. (1)
  • Martinez, Rubén (7)
  • Martinez-Gomez, N. Cecilia (2)
  • Martinez-Hackert, Erik (11)
  • Martins, Silvia S. (1)
  • Martusewicz, Rebecca (1)
  • Mascia, Michael B. (1)
  • Mashek, Douglas G. (1)
  • Mason, Andrew J. (5)
  • Mason, Doran M. (1)
  • Mason, Nicole (5)
  • Mason-Wardell, Nicole (13)
  • Mason-Wardell, Nicole nm (1)
  • Masten, Susan J. (10)
  • Mastin, Teresa (4)
  • Mather, David (2)
  • Matthes, Jörg (1)
  • Matuana, Laurent (16)
  • Matusz, Steven (1)
  • Matusz, Steven J. (3)
  • Matusz, Steven SM (1)
  • Maurer, Brian (6)
  • Maurer, Joel (1)
  • Mautana, Laurent (1)
  • Mavangira, Vengai (2)
  • Mavis, Brian (1)
  • Mavrogordato, Madeline (17)
  • Maxwell, Christopher D. (4)
  • Maxwell, Sheila (11)
  • May, Melissa (1)
  • Mayhew, Sarah L. (1)
  • Mazei-Robison, Michelle (19)
  • Mazei-Robison, Michelle M. (1)
  • Mazor, Michael (3)
  • Mazzeo, Michael (3)
  • McAdam, Andrew G. (1)
  • McAlister, Anna R. (7)
  • McArdle, Casey (1)
  • McAuley, J. Devin (10)
  • McCabe, Laura R. (30)
  • McCallum, Carmen M. (1)
  • McCallum, Ellen (15)
  • McCandless, Erin E. (1)
  • McCarthy, John (1)
  • McCarthy, William (1)
  • McCarthy-Neumann, Sarah (1)
  • McCauley, Heather (14)
  • McClendon, John H., III (4)
  • McCole, Daniel T. (10)
  • McConeghy, Patrick (3)
  • McConnell, William J. (2)
  • McCormick, Justin J. (5)
  • McCornack, Steven (3)
  • McCracken, John (28)
  • McCright, Aaron M. (24)
  • McCrory, Raven (9)
  • McCue, Molly (1)
  • McCullough, Deborah G. (10)
  • McCusker, James JM (2)
  • McCusker, James K (1)
  • McCusker, James K. (34)
  • McCutcheon, Jill (1)
  • McCutcheon, Laura J. (2)
  • McDaniels, Melissa (1)
  • McDonough, Maureen H. (4)
  • McFall, Jo Ann (2)
  • McGarrell, Edmund (27)
  • McGough, Robert J. (10)
  • McGrath, J. Mitchell (4)
  • McGuffin, Victoria L. (16)
  • McGuire, Jeanette M. (1)
  • McGuire, John (6)
  • McIntosh, Mollie D. (1)
  • McKane, Patricia (1)
  • McKendree, Melissa (5)
  • McKendree, Melissa G. S. (1)
  • McKeon, Matthew W. (4)
  • McKim, Aaron (2)
  • McKinley, Philip K. (12)
  • McKinley, Phillip K. (1)
  • McKinney, Cathy H. (1)
  • McKnight, D. Harrison (3)
  • McLean, Kyle (1)
  • McLeod, Michael (1)
  • McNall, Miles (16)
  • McNamara, Allen (7)
  • McNamara, Allen AM (1)
  • McNamara, Allen K. (2)
  • McNamara, Gerry (3)
  • McNeal, Laura (1)
  • McNeil, Richard N. (4)
  • McNiel, Elizabeth A. (4)
  • McWilliams, Scott R. (1)
  • Mead, Louise (1)
  • Mead, Louise S. (1)
  • Media, Laurie (1)
  • Medina, Laurie K. (10)
  • Medina-Meza, Ilce (3)
  • Meek, Katheryn (18)
  • Meek, Mariah H. (4)
  • Meerschaert, Mark M. (6)
  • Meghea, Cris (1)
  • Meghea, Cristian (4)
  • Mehta, Shobha (1)
  • Meierfrankenfeld, Ulrich (4)
  • Mejia-Alvarez, Ricardo (11)
  • Melakeberhan, Haddish (1)
  • Melde, Christopher (21)
  • Melendez, Theresa (6)
  • Melfi, Vincent (6)
  • Mellott, Nathan P. (1)
  • Melnick, Susan (4)
  • Melnyk, Steven A. (2)
  • Melzer, Arthur (12)
  • Menchik, Daniel (1)
  • Menchik, Paul L. (3)
  • Mendez, Danny D. (1)
  • Mendham, Matthew (1)
  • Mendoza, Alberto L. (1)
  • Mendoza, Jose (1)
  • Meng, Jingbo (12)
  • Meng, Jingbo JBM (1)
  • Meng, Jingbo JM (1)
  • Mercier, Lucy (1)
  • Merewitz-Holm, Emily (7)
  • Merewitz-Holm, Joe M. (1)
  • Merrill, Jason (1)
  • Merrill, John (1)
  • Merritt, Richard W. (5)
  • Merz, Kenneth M., Jr. (10)
  • Meshi, Dar (5)
  • Messina, Joseph JPM (1)
  • Messina, Joseph P. (20)
  • Metoyer, Marcus (3)
  • Metzler, John (16)
  • Meyer, Elizabeth J. (1)
  • Meyer, Eric (1)
  • Meyer, Jack (3)
  • Meyer, Ronald A. (6)
  • Meyers, Robert J. (1)
  • Mias, George (8)
  • Miceli, Kevin (2)
  • Michaelsen, Scott (24)
  • Michels, Tony (1)
  • Midlo Hall, Gwendolyn (1)
  • Miesel, Jessica (3)
  • Miesel, Jessica JM (1)
  • Miklavcic, Milian (1)
  • Miksicek, Richard (5)
  • Milbrath, Meghan O. (2)
  • Miles, Timothy (14)
  • Miles, Timothy S. (1)
  • Miles, Tiya (1)
  • Millenbah, Kelly F. (11)
  • Miller, Darren A. (1)
  • Miller, Dennis (32)
  • Miller, Henry (1)
  • Miller, James R. (15)
  • Miller, Jason W. (4)
  • Miller, John (1)
  • Miller, Julia (1)
  • Miller, Kyle E. (12)
  • Miller, Robin L. (2)
  • Miller, Serena (7)
  • Miller, Steven (5)
  • Miller, Vernon D. (10)
  • Miller, sj (1)
  • Milligan, Colleen (1)
  • Million, Angela (1)
  • Mills, Kenneth (1)
  • Mills, Sarah B. (1)
  • Millspaugh, Joshua J. (3)
  • Min, Doo H. (1)
  • Minamisono, Kei (9)
  • Miner, Dylan A. T. (9)
  • Minetti, Raoul (2)
  • Ming, Yan (1)
  • Minhas, Shahryar (8)
  • Miranti, Cindy K. (1)
  • Mishra, Punya (16)
  • Misra, Dawn P. (1)
  • Mitchell, Cary A. (4)
  • Mitchell, Jade (14)
  • Mitchell, Jade B. (1)
  • Mitra, Joydeep (32)
  • Mitra, Joydeep Dr (1)
  • Mitra, Joydeep JM (1)
  • Mittelbach, Gary G. (21)
  • Mittig, Wolfgang (10)
  • Mittman, Elizabeth (5)
  • Mix, Kelly S. (10)
  • Moch, Leslie P (1)
  • Moch, Leslie Page (18)
  • Modares, Hamidreza (5)
  • Moeser, Adam (18)
  • Mohamed, Ayman (2)
  • Mohan, Kirtimaan (1)
  • MohanKumar, Puliyur S. (3)
  • MohanKumar, Sheba (2)
  • Mohiuddin, Mohammad (2)
  • Mohiuddin, Mohammad MM (1)
  • Mohr, Susanne (11)
  • Moje, Elizabeth (1)
  • Molina, Maria (1)
  • Mollaoglu, Sinem (9)
  • Molloy, Janice (1)
  • Monberg, John (7)
  • Monberg, Terese (5)
  • Monfils, Michael (1)
  • Mongoven, Ann (4)
  • Moniruzzaman, Monir (6)
  • Monson, Jamie (5)
  • Montes, Fernando (2)
  • Montgomery, Alesia (6)
  • Montgomery, Beronda (29)
  • Montgomery, Georgina (1)
  • Montgomery, Robert A. (7)
  • Montgomery-Kaguri, Beronda (1)
  • Montilus, Guerin (1)
  • Moon, Seungho (1)
  • Mooradian, John (4)
  • Moore, Jennifer A. (1)
  • Moore, Katherine (1)
  • Moore, Michael L. (4)
  • Moore, Nathan (18)
  • Moore, Rebecca W. (1)
  • Moore, Seth A. (1)
  • Moore, Sharlissa (3)
  • Moran, Emilio F. (3)
  • Morash, Merry (19)
  • Morckel, Victoria VM (1)
  • Morelli, Donald (34)
  • Morgan, Mindy (19)
  • Morgan, Preston (1)
  • Morgeson, Forrest (1)
  • Morgeson, Forrest V. (1)
  • Morgeson, Frederick P. (9)
  • Moroi, Sayoko E. (2)
  • Moroski-Rigney, Karen (2)
  • Moroski-Rigney, Karen-Elizabeth (2)
  • Morris, Daniel (16)
  • Morris, Daniel DM (2)
  • Morris, Daniel Prof (1)
  • Morris, Rachel (1)
  • Morrison, Kelly (5)
  • Morrissey, David J. (17)
  • Morse, Wayde C. (1)
  • Mortensen, Richard (1)
  • Morzycki, Marcin (11)
  • Moser, Jason (36)
  • Moser, Mary (1)
  • Mosier, Adam (1)
  • Mota-Sanchez, David (4)
  • Mour\u00e3o, Rachel (1)
  • Mourao, Rachel R. (1)
  • Mourão, Rachel (6)
  • Moyd, Michelle (1)
  • Moylan, Carrie A. (6)
  • Mrozowski, Timothy (9)
  • Mudd, Lanay (4)
  • Mudrovcic, Maria E. (5)
  • Mueller, Anna S. (1)
  • Muetze, Annette (1)
  • Muhammad, Gholnecsar (1)
  • Muhich, Christopher (1)
  • Muir, Andrew (1)
  • Mukherjee, Arijit (8)
  • Mukherjee, Ranjan (59)
  • Mukherjee, Ranjan RM (1)
  • Mukkamala, Ramakrishna (10)
  • Mulks, Martha (7)
  • Mullan, Brendan (8)
  • Mullaney, Thomas (2)
  • Munch, Elizabeth (9)
  • Munn, Alan (24)
  • Muravyev, Dmitriy (2)
  • Murillo, Michael (4)
  • Murillo, Michael MM (1)
  • Murillo, Michael S. (9)
  • Murphy, Cheryl A. (11)
  • Murphy, Edward (13)
  • Murry, Brent (1)
  • Murry, Velma M. (1)
  • Mutch, Dale (2)
  • Mutka, Matt MM (1)
  • Mutka, Matt W. (18)
  • Mutongi, Kenda (1)
  • Muyanga, Milu (2)
  • Muzzall, Patrick (1)
  • Myers, Nicholas (5)
  • Myers, Nicholas D. (1)
  • Myers, Philip (1)
  • Myers, Robert (36)
  • Myers-Scotton, Carol (3)
  • Mzilahowa, Themba (1)
  • Márquez, Alejandra (1)
  • Méndez, Danny (9)
  • Müller, Norbert (21)
  • N'Diaye, Diana (1)
  • Nachreiner, Raymond F. (1)
  • Nadimpalli, Siva (2)
  • Nadler, Kenneth D. (2)
  • Naghibolhosseini, Maryam (7)
  • Naghilbolhosseini, Maryam (1)
  • Naguib, Ahmed (12)
  • Naguib, Ahmed Dr (1)
  • Nagy, Gabriel (1)
  • Nails, Debra (2)
  • Nair, Anand (1)
  • Nair, Muraleedharan (6)
  • Nakasone, Eduardo (14)
  • Nakasone, Eduardo en (1)
  • Nalepa-Roth, Jennifer (2)
  • Nalla, Mahesh (10)
  • Nandakumar, Karthik (1)
  • Nanzer, Jeffrey A. (4)
  • Narayan, Ramani (27)
  • Narayanan, Sriram (10)
  • Nathan, Lucas (1)
  • Nault, Rance (1)
  • Navarrete, Carlos D. (5)
  • Naviliat Cuncic, Oscar (1)
  • Naviliat-Cuncic, Oscar (5)
  • Nawyn, Stephanie (11)
  • Nay, Andrew (6)
  • Nazarewicz, Witold (9)
  • Nazarov, Fedor (1)
  • Neal, Jenna W. (1)
  • Neal, Jennifer Watling (21)
  • Neal, Zachary (15)
  • Nedjahashemi, A. Pouyan (1)
  • Neisler, Gretchen (1)
  • Nejad, Mojgan (9)
  • Nejad, Morgan (1)
  • Nejadhashemi, A. Pouyan (19)
  • Nejadhashemi, A. Pouyan APN (1)
  • Nelson Goff, Briana (1)
  • Nelson, Brent (1)
  • Nelson, Charles (7)
  • Nelson, Hilde L. (1)
  • Nelson, Jamie Lindemann (8)
  • Nelson, Laura (2)
  • Nelson, Michael P. (4)
  • Nelson, Nathan (3)
  • Nemzek, Jean (1)
  • Nes, Kjersti (1)
  • Nesbitt, Wayne (2)
  • Nessa, Michelle (1)
  • Netramai, Siriyupa (1)
  • Neubig, Richard R. (14)
  • Nevarez Martinez, Deyanira (1)
  • Nevarez Martínez, Deyanira (1)
  • Newbold, John (1)
  • Newcomb, Tammy (2)
  • Newhouse, Sheldon (4)
  • Newsted, John (4)
  • Ng, Perry K. W. (15)
  • Ngonyani, Deogratias (7)
  • Ngonyani, Deogratias DN (1)
  • Ngouajio, Mathieu (13)
  • Nguyen, Hang (7)
  • Nguyen, Minh (1)
  • Nicholas, Jason D. (12)
  • Nicholls, Sarah (8)
  • Nicly, Shannon (1)
  • Niederhuth, Chad (2)
  • Nieland, Justus (16)
  • Nielsen, Anne L. (2)
  • Nielsen, Brian D. (4)
  • Nieratko, Paul (9)
  • Nigg, Joel T. (1)
  • Nikolai, Thomas A. (4)
  • Nilson, Roberta (1)
  • Nix, Justin (1)
  • Nixon, Robert (1)
  • Nnawulezi, Nkiru (1)
  • Nocker, Steve van (3)
  • Nogle, Sally (17)
  • Noodin, Margaret (1)
  • Norbey, Bo (1)
  • Norby, Bo (10)
  • Norder, John W. (5)
  • Norman, Herbert P. (1)
  • Norris, Anna (3)
  • Norris, Patricia E. (12)
  • Northcott, Carrie (2)
  • Norton, Christine (1)
  • Noverr, Douglas (7)
  • Nubani, Linda (8)
  • Nunes, Filomena (22)
  • Nunez, Antonio A. (11)
  • Nuttall, Amy K. (10)
  • Nye, Christopher D. (27)
  • Nyquist, Dennys (1)
  • Nzokou, Pascal (15)
  • Núñez-de la Mora, Alejandra (1)
  • O'Brien, Barbara (2)
  • O'Brien, Daniel (2)
  • O'Brien, Daniel J. (1)
  • O'Connor, Annette (1)
  • O'Dell, Dionne (2)
  • O'Donnell, Casey (11)
  • O'Donnell, Patrick (4)
  • O'Gorman, Jodie (20)
  • O'Halloran, Thomas TO (2)
  • O'Halloran, Thomas V. (1)
  • O'Rourke, Michael (9)
  • O'Shae, Brian (1)
  • O'Shea, Brian (36)
  • OShea, Brian (1)
  • Obando, Patricia (1)
  • Obare, Sherine (2)
  • Odom, Aaron ALO (1)
  • Odom, Aaron AO (2)
  • Odom, Aaron L. (47)
  • Ofoli, Robert Y. (9)
  • Ofria, Charles (26)
  • Ofria, Charles CO (1)
  • Ogada, Mordecai (1)
  • Ogden, Nicholas (1)
  • Ogundimu, Folu (4)
  • Oh, Chi-Ok (2)
  • Ohlrogge, John B. (9)
  • Oka, Evelyn (17)
  • Okolo, Cynthia M. (11)
  • Okulicz, Jason F. (1)
  • Olabisi, Laura LO (1)
  • Olabisi, Michael (1)
  • Olabisi, Michael MO (1)
  • Olds, Marshall C. (1)
  • Olive, Andrew (3)
  • Olive, Andrew AO (1)
  • Olivier, Bari N. (1)
  • Olivier, Nicholas B. (1)
  • Olomu, Adesuwa (1)
  • Olsen, Douglas (1)
  • Olsen, Larry (3)
  • Olson, Beth H. (3)
  • Olson, Eric (8)
  • Olson, Eric EO (2)
  • Olson, Jennifer (14)
  • Olson, Judy (2)
  • Olson, L. Karl (25)
  • Olszewski, Michal A. (1)
  • Omar, Said A. (1)
  • Onaga, Esther (24)
  • Oostema, John A. (1)
  • Opel, Dawn (4)
  • Opel, Dawn S. (2)
  • Ording, Gabriel J. (2)
  • Ordman, Ava (1)
  • Organ, John (1)
  • Organ, John F. (1)
  • Orlando, Benjamin (1)
  • Orlando, Benjamin J. (1)
  • Ormiston, Russell (1)
  • Ortega, David (13)
  • Orth, Michael W. (3)
  • Ortiz, Daniel Vélez (3)
  • Ortiz-Colon, Guillermo (1)
  • Osch, Wietske van (3)
  • Ossa, Bethanie de la (1)
  • Osteryoung, Katherine W. (3)
  • Ostrander, Ian (4)
  • Ostrom, Nathaniel E. (13)
  • Ostrom, Peggy H. (5)
  • Ostroumov, Peter (4)
  • Osuch, Janet (5)
  • Oswald, Frederick L. (1)
  • Oteto, Noel (3)
  • Otu, Hasan (1)
  • Outslay, Edmund (2)
  • Oweiss, Karim G. (2)
  • Owen, Charles B. (10)
  • Owen, J. Judd (1)
  • Owen, James S., Jr. (1)
  • Owen, Jen (1)
  • Owen, Jennifer C. (6)
  • Ozadali, Ferhan (1)
  • Padonu, Georgia B. (1)
  • Paek, Hye-Jin (1)
  • Page, Connie (2)
  • Page, Thomas J. (4)
  • Pagliaro, Claudia M. (1)
  • Paine, Lynn (26)
  • Pakmor, Ruediger (1)
  • Palac, Judy (13)
  • Palenik, Christopher S. (1)
  • Palmer, Cristi (1)
  • Palmer, Deborah DP (1)
  • Pan, Fei (1)
  • Paneth, Nigel (9)
  • Pansari, Anita (3)
  • Papapolymerou, Ioannis (3)
  • Papapolymerou, John (10)
  • Papke, Leslie (19)
  • Pappas, George (4)
  • Pappas, Georgios GP (1)
  • Parameswaran, Narayanan (31)
  • Paredes, Dusan (1)
  • Parent, Kristin (14)
  • Paris, Django (19)
  • Park, Earnes (1)
  • Park, Hanyong (1)
  • Park, Hee Sun (1)
  • Park, Ok-Sook (3)
  • Park, Sangbum (1)
  • Park, Taiwoo (4)
  • Parker, Joyce (1)
  • Parker, Thomas H. (14)
  • Parker, Thomas T. (1)
  • Parks, Amy (15)
  • Parks, Perry (2)
  • Parra-Cardona, José Rubén (22)
  • Pastor, Alicia (1)
  • Pathak, Dola (2)
  • Pathak, Dorothy (12)
  • Pathak, Pramod P. (1)
  • Patino, Lina C. (2)
  • Patterson, Eric (1)
  • Patterson, Eric L. (4)
  • Patterson, Jon (6)
  • Patterson, Ronald J. (2)
  • Paulsen, Richard (6)
  • Pauly, Markus (1)
  • Pauly, Matthew (7)
  • Pazak, Helene E. (1)
  • Peacor, Scott (8)
  • Pearlstein, Gregory J. (2)
  • Pearson, Amber L. (3)
  • Pease, Anthony (3)
  • Pechal, Jennifer (6)
  • Pechal, Jennifer J. (1)
  • Peeters, J. Hans M. (1)
  • Pegler-Gordon, Anna (3)
  • Peinkofer, Simone (1)
  • Pelled, Galit (3)
  • Pellemoine, Frederique (2)
  • Peller, Vladimir (5)
  • Pellett, Philip E. (2)
  • Pena, Edlyn (1)
  • Pence, Thomas (41)
  • Pence, Tom (1)
  • Peng, Fang Z. (13)
  • Peng, Tai-Quan (5)
  • Peng, Taiquan (5)
  • Peng, Taiquan T.P (1)
  • Peng, Wei (30)
  • Peng, Winson (1)
  • Penner, Donald (3)
  • Pennington, Dennis (1)
  • Pennock, Robert (1)
  • Pennock, Robert T. (6)
  • Pentland, Brian (6)
  • Penuel, William R. (1)
  • Perdikakis, Georgios (1)
  • Perea, Jose (6)
  • Perez, Gloria I. (6)
  • Perlstadt, Harry (1)
  • Perry, Karen L. (2)
  • Perry, Ronald (5)
  • Pescador, Juan Javier (1)
  • Pestka, James J (1)
  • Pestka, James J. (19)
  • Pestka, James JP (1)
  • Petchaeur, Emery (1)
  • Petchauer, Emery (1)
  • Peters, Amber (5)
  • Peters, George F. (1)
  • Peters, Susan (1)
  • Petersen-Jones, Simon M. (6)
  • Peterson, Brandt G. (1)
  • Peterson, Christopher (9)
  • Peterson, Richard (7)
  • Peth, Stephan (1)
  • Petkus, Alan F. (1)
  • Petrasch, Joerg (4)
  • Petrie, Eric (1)
  • Petroff, Margaret (10)
  • Petroff, Margaret G. (3)
  • Petroff, Margret (1)
  • Petroff, Peggy (1)
  • Petroni, Kathy (7)
  • Petty, Charles (17)
  • Peurach, Donald (3)
  • Pfeffer, Carla (2)
  • Pfeffer, Carla A. (1)
  • Pfeiffer, Karin A. (38)
  • Pfeiffer, Karin KP (1)
  • Phanikumar, Mantha S. (18)
  • Phelps-Moultrie, Jada (1)
  • Phenice, Lillian A. (6)
  • Phillips, Kristin D. (4)
  • Phillips, Matthew (6)
  • Phillips, Natalie (4)
  • Pi, Sukyeong (2)
  • Pichersky, Eran (3)
  • Piechna, Janusz (1)
  • Piecuch, Piotr (15)
  • Pierce, Scott (1)
  • Pierce, Steven J. (2)
  • Piermarocchi, Carlo (47)
  • Pierre, Percy (10)
  • Pignataro, Jim (1)
  • Pigozzi, Bruce W. (13)
  • Pilfold, Nichalus (1)
  • Pilfold, Nicholas (1)
  • Pillai, Sawarnavel E. (3)
  • Pillai, Swarnavel (1)
  • Pimlott-Kubiak, Sheryl (2)
  • Pinnavaia, Thomas J. (4)
  • Pirog, Rich (4)
  • Pittendrigh, Barry (1)
  • Pivarnik, James M. (17)
  • Pizarro, Jesenia (8)
  • Plaut, Karen (1)
  • Plavnick, Joshua (34)
  • Pleskac, Timothy J. (11)
  • Plotavets, Viktor (1)
  • Plough, India (2)
  • Pohler, Ky (1)
  • Pokharel, Raju (1)
  • Pokhrel, Yadu (14)
  • Poland, Cara (1)
  • Poland, Therese M. (8)
  • Polio, Charlene (19)
  • Polischuk, Derek (1)
  • Politopoulos, Konstantinos (1)
  • Pollak, Ellen (1)
  • Pollanen, Johannes (17)
  • Pollard, Helen (6)
  • Poltavets, Viktor V. (9)
  • Polzin, Michael (2)
  • Pomeranz, Emily (1)
  • Ponce, Aaron (1)
  • Poncet, Sébastien Dr (1)
  • Pontifex, Matthew B. (18)
  • Pope, Bernard (3)
  • Popoff, Nicholas (3)
  • Popovich, Jr., John M. (1)
  • Portelli, Raechel A. (1)
  • Porter, Bill (1)
  • Porter, Laurence M. (4)
  • Porter, Maria (3)
  • Porter, William F. (4)
  • Posey, Lynmaire (1)
  • Posey, Lynmarie A. (8)
  • Potter-Witter, Karen (4)
  • Potts, Liza (9)
  • Poudel, Jagdish (1)
  • Pough, Gwendolyn (1)
  • Pourboghrat, Farhang (9)
  • Powell, John (3)
  • Powell, Malea (35)
  • Powers, Wendy (2)
  • Pramanik, Sakti (1)
  • Prather, L. Alan (6)
  • Pratt, Lloyd (4)
  • Pratt, Scott (56)
  • Pratt, William P., Jr. (1)
  • Prawat, Richard (1)
  • Priezjev, Nikolai (2)
  • Printy, Susan (20)
  • Pritchett, James (8)
  • Proffer, Tyre (5)
  • Promislow, Keith (31)
  • Propst, Dennis B. (6)
  • Proshlyakov, Denis A. (10)
  • Prouty, Ken (14)
  • Puckett, Jae A. (7)
  • Pue, A. Sean (1)
  • Pueppke, Steven (1)
  • Pueppke, Steven G. (1)
  • Pugh, Judy (5)
  • Pumplin, Jon (2)
  • Punch, William F., III (29)
  • Pupato, Germán (1)
  • Purcell, Erin K. (4)
  • Purdy, Michelle (4)
  • Pursley, J. Richard (2)
  • Pursley, Richard J. (1)
  • Purvine, Emilie (1)
  • Putnam, Ralph (20)
  • Pyeon, Dohun (3)
  • Pyle, Ralph (4)
  • Pysarchik, Dawn (9)
  • Qi, Jiaguo (16)
  • Qi, Jiangou (1)
  • Qi, Yue (6)
  • Qian, Chunqi (4)
  • Qian, Jianliang (22)
  • Qian, Jianliang J. (1)
  • Qin, Desiree Baolian (24)
  • Qin, Desiree D.Q (1)
  • Qin, Desiree/Baolian (1)
  • Qiu, Zhen (9)
  • Qiu, Zhen Z. (1)
  • Qu, Teresa TQ (1)
  • Qu, Tongbin (5)
  • Quan, Adan (10)
  • Quemada, Hector (1)
  • Quigley, Michelle (1)
  • Quilliam, Elizabeth T. (11)
  • Quinlan, Paul (2)
  • Quinn, Robert (1)
  • Quinn, Robert A. (1)
  • Quintanilla, Marisol (3)
  • Quispe-Agnoli, Rocío (6)
  • ROSS, ARUN (1)
  • Rabnawaz, Mohammad MR (1)
  • Rabnawaz, Muhammad (5)
  • Rabnawaz, Muhammad Dr (1)
  • Rabnawaz, Prof. Muhammad (1)
  • Rachman, Stephen (10)
  • Racicot, Karen (1)
  • Racioppi, Linda (2)
  • Radcliffe, Clark J. (9)
  • Raddy, C. (1)
  • Rademaker, Kurt (1)
  • Rader, Emilee (3)
  • Radha, Hayder (39)
  • Radonic, Lucero (13)
  • Raffa, Kenneth F. (1)
  • Ragatz, Gary (1)
  • Raguin, L. Guy (1)
  • Rahbar, Mohammad H. (2)
  • Rakerd, Brad (5)
  • Ralph, John (2)
  • Ralston, Amy (7)
  • Ralston, Amy AR (1)
  • Ralston, Sarah (1)
  • Ramamoorthi, R. V. (8)
  • Ramani, Narayan (1)
  • Ramesh, Krishnamoorthy (1)
  • Ramuhalli, Pradeep (1)
  • Randhir, kelvin (1)
  • Ranellucci, John (1)
  • Ranganathan, Rajiv (9)
  • Ransaw, Theordore (1)
  • Rapinchuk, Ekaterina (7)
  • Rapinchuk, Ekaterina E. (1)
  • Rapinchuk, Igor (5)
  • Ratan, Rabindra (19)
  • Rathbun, Matthew (1)
  • Rauhe, Warren J. (2)
  • Rauscher, Frederick (10)
  • Ravishankar, Saiprasad (1)
  • Ravitch, Frank (1)
  • Ravizza, Susan M. (12)
  • Ravizza, Susan SR (1)
  • Ravlin, F. William (2)
  • Ray, Marcie (10)
  • Raykov, Tenko (8)
  • Rayl, David (3)
  • Reardon, Thomas (14)
  • Rebuschat, Patrick (1)
  • Rechtien, James J. (1)
  • Reckase, Mark D. (19)
  • Reckhow, Sarah (16)
  • Recktenwald, Geoffrey (1)
  • Reddy, C. A. (1)
  • Redican, Kyle (1)
  • Reed, Dan (1)
  • Reed, Daniel (4)
  • Reed, Jonathan (1)
  • Reed-Smith, Janice (1)
  • Reel, Justine J. (1)
  • Reese, Laura (15)
  • Reeves, Howard (3)
  • Reeves, Mathew J. (9)
  • Reeves, Norman Peter (2)
  • Refsal, Kent R. (1)
  • Reguera, Gemma (28)
  • Rehberger, Dean (14)
  • Reid, Gary A. (1)
  • Reid, Gavin E. (14)
  • Reinhard, Donnie (16)
  • Reinhold, Dawn (10)
  • Reisdorf, Bianca (1)
  • Ren, Jian (23)
  • Ren, Kris (1)
  • Ren, Xuefei (9)
  • Renn, Kristen (51)
  • Renner, Karen A. (20)
  • Repko, Wayne (17)
  • Resau, James H. (2)
  • Rest, Armin (1)
  • Restivo, Gaetano (1)
  • Reusch, Rosetta (1)
  • Rey, Mark (5)
  • Reyes-Centeno, Hugo (1)
  • Reynolds, Heather L. (1)
  • Reynolds, Rema (1)
  • Rheuben, Mary B. (2)
  • Rho, Hye Jin (1)
  • Rhodes, Jacqueline (11)
  • Rhodes, Nancy (14)
  • Rhodes, Nancy NR (1)
  • Ribeiro, Marilia (1)
  • Rice, Jennifer (1)
  • Richard, Lunt R. (1)
  • Richards, Jef I. (10)
  • Richardson, Robert (44)
  • Richmond, Gail (15)
  • Richter, Kurt (1)
  • Riebschleger, Joanne (7)
  • Riedinger, Jeffrey M. (1)
  • Rifon, Nora (10)
  • Riley, Shawn J. (11)
  • Ringle, Ryan (1)
  • Rios-Bedoya, Carlos (1)
  • Rios-Bedoya, Carlos F. (1)
  • Rip, Michael (2)
  • Riser, Eliot (1)
  • Risinger, John (1)
  • Risinger, John I. (1)
  • Risner, Genevieve (1)
  • Rispoli, Kristin (23)
  • Ristich, Michael (2)
  • Rivera, Jennifer (2)
  • Rivers, Louie, III (4)
  • Robbins, Lawrence (1)
  • Robbins, Lorraine B. (4)
  • Robbins, Lorraine Brenda (1)
  • Robbins, Lorraine LR (1)
  • Robbinson, Jeffrey (1)
  • Rober, Shupp S. (1)
  • Roberson Connally, Quinetta M. (1)
  • Roberson, Quinetta (1)
  • Roberson, Quinetta M. (5)
  • Roberts, Jennifer (4)
  • Roberts, Luke (2)
  • Roberts, Randy (1)
  • Robertson, G. Philip (25)
  • Robinson, David (5)
  • Robinson, Kelly F. (6)
  • Robinson, Kristy A. (1)
  • Robinson, Mitchell (24)
  • Robinson, Norman E. (2)
  • Robison, A.J Robison A. (1)
  • Robison, Alfred (2)
  • Robison, Alfred J. (12)
  • Robison, Lindon (3)
  • Robison, Michelle M. (1)
  • Roccabianca, Sara (34)
  • Roccabianca, Sara S. (1)
  • Roch, Aljoscha (3)
  • Rockwell, Cheryl E. (25)
  • Roddy, Ariel (1)
  • Rodriguez, Joey (1)
  • Rodriguez-Saona, Cesar (1)
  • Rodriquez, Louie (1)
  • Rodríguez, Raúl (1)
  • Roeber, Edward (11)
  • Roehling, Mark (1)
  • Rogers, John N., III (3)
  • Rohs, Stephen (2)
  • Rojas, Carlos (1)
  • Rojek, Jeff (2)
  • Rojek, Jeffrey (2)
  • Roloff, Gary J. (47)
  • Roman, Lee Anne (1)
  • Romsos, Dale (6)
  • Ronningen, Reginald (1)
  • Rooney, Tyrone O. (4)
  • Root-Bernstein, Robert (1)
  • Roper, James E. (2)
  • Roque, Reynaldo (1)
  • Rosaen, Cheryl (17)
  • Rosales, Claudia (2)
  • Rose, Joan B. (19)
  • Roseman, Edward F. (5)
  • Rosenbaum, Rene (3)
  • Rosenberg, Mark W. (1)
  • Rosenman, Kenneth D. (1)
  • Rosenzweig, Noah (5)
  • Roseth, Cary (43)
  • Roskos, Steven (1)
  • Ross, Arun (40)
  • Ross, R. Brent RB (1)
  • Ross, Robert B. (15)
  • Roth, Brian (23)
  • Roth, Brian B. (1)
  • Roth, Jennifer (3)
  • Roth, Robert A. (11)
  • Rothstein, David E. (11)
  • Rothwell, Edward J. (41)
  • Rothwell, Nikki (8)
  • Rotthaus, Christel (3)
  • Rowan, Jacob (2)
  • Rowe, Ashlee (4)
  • Rowe, D. Bradley (7)
  • Rowe, Matthew (1)
  • Rowe, Stephen (1)
  • Rowley, Stephanie J. (1)
  • Rowntree, Jason (12)
  • Roy, David (2)
  • Roy, Helen (1)
  • Royal, Genyne (1)
  • Roychoudhury, Canopy (1)
  • Rozeboom, Dale (9)
  • Roznowski, Rob (1)
  • Ru\u00edz, Elena (2)
  • Ruan, Chong-Yu (30)
  • Rubera, Gaia (1)
  • Rubino, Maria (22)
  • Rudi Polloshka, Jeta (1)
  • Rudolph, Brent A. (2)
  • Rudrik, James T. (1)
  • Ruegg, Pamela (2)
  • Ruegg, Pamela L. (1)
  • Ruemenapp, Marie (1)
  • Ruggiero, Charles (3)
  • Runkle, Erik S. (9)
  • Russcher, Karen (7)
  • Rust, Steven (1)
  • Rutty, Michelle (1)
  • Ruvio, Ayalla (1)
  • Ruvio, Ayalla A. (2)
  • Ruíz, Elena (3)
  • Ryan, Ann Marie (27)
  • Ryser, Elliot (29)
  • Ryu, Catherine (1)
  • Sabbatini, Paolo (7)
  • Sadasivan, Mangala (1)
  • Sadler, Richard (1)
  • Sadler, Rick (1)
  • Saeed, A. Mahdi (1)
  • Saeidi-Rizi, Fatemeh (1)
  • Safferman, Steven (18)
  • Saffron, Christopher CS (1)
  • Saffron, Christopher M. (32)
  • Safir, Gene R. (1)
  • Sagan, Bruce (5)
  • Sagan, Bruce E (1)
  • Sage, Tammy L. (1)
  • Saha, Debajit (1)
  • Sahasrabudhe, Himanshu (6)
  • Sahasrabudhe, Himanshu HS (1)
  • Sailes, Gary A. (1)
  • Saint Arnault, Denise (1)
  • Saito, Kenji (2)
  • Sakai, Sharleen T. (4)
  • Sakalidis, Monique (7)
  • Sakalidis, Monique L (1)
  • Sakamoto, Jeff (22)
  • Sakhanenko, Lyudmila (14)
  • Sakhanenko, Lyudmila LS (1)
  • Salazar, Diego (1)
  • Saleem, Alhabash (1)
  • Salehi, Habib (1)
  • Salem, Fathi (14)
  • Salloum, Serena (1)
  • Salvador, Karen (4)
  • Sambamurthy, Vallabh (3)
  • Sanderman, Jonathan (1)
  • Sanders-Jackson, Ashley (3)
  • Sang, Tao (2)
  • Sano, Tomoko (1)
  • Sant'Ambrogio, Michael (1)
  • Santiago, Maribel (3)
  • Sapotichne, Joshua (10)
  • Sardary, Sardar (1)
  • Sargeant, Jan (1)
  • Sarinopoulos, Issidoros (2)
  • Sarkar, Anindya (1)
  • Sarkissian, Ani (11)
  • Sarnelle, Orlando (6)
  • Sarzynski, Erin M. (1)
  • Sato, Masatoshi (1)
  • Sato, Masatoshi MS (1)
  • Satoh, Paul (1)
  • Satsangi, Rajiv (1)
  • Sauer, Norman J. (12)
  • Savolainen, Peter (15)
  • Sawtelle, Vashti (5)
  • Saxe-Custak, Amy (1)
  • Scales, Christopher A. (2)
  • Schabus, Mario (2)
  • Schaefer, Maureen (1)
  • Schaetzl, Randall J. (5)
  • Schafer, Christine (1)
  • Schaffner, Donald (1)
  • Schatz, Hendrik (8)
  • Schatz, Philip (1)
  • Schaub, Diana (1)
  • Schaubroeck, John (22)
  • Schechter, Michael (1)
  • Scheel, Norman (1)
  • Schehr, Frank (1)
  • Schemske, Douglas W. (17)
  • Schenker, Jeffrey (20)
  • Schenker, Jeffrey J. (1)
  • Schewe, Rebecca L. (1)
  • Schiamberg, Lawrence B. (5)
  • Schied, Jeanette (1)
  • Schilder, Annemiek C. (3)
  • Schildkraut, Jaclyn (1)
  • Schindler, Andrea (1)
  • Schlegel, Emma C. (1)
  • Schleiss, Mark (1)
  • Schlueter, Robert (3)
  • Schmid, Allan (1)
  • Schmidt, Benjamin (29)
  • Schmidt, Benjamin B. (1)
  • Schmidt, Carl (18)
  • Schmidt, Jennifer A. (18)
  • Schmidt, Jens (1)
  • Schmidt, Jens C. (1)
  • Schmidt, Peter (21)
  • Schmidt, Peter PS (1)
  • Schmidt, Thomas M. (14)
  • Schmidt, William (5)
  • Schmitt Olabisi, Laura K. (13)
  • Schmitt, Cristina (19)
  • Schmitt, Neal (12)
  • Schmälzle, Ralf (7)
  • Schnakenberg, Gary (1)
  • Schneider, Barbara (13)
  • Schneider, Saundra K. (5)
  • Schneider, Stephen (3)
  • Schnell, Danny (1)
  • Schock, Harold (26)
  • Schock, Harold HS (1)
  • Schoenherr, Tobias (5)
  • Schoonover, Karl (3)
  • Schopieray, Scott (2)
  • Schorfhaar, Andrew (1)
  • Schott, Harold C., II (8)
  • Schrenk, Matthew O. (6)
  • Schrock, Wyatt (1)
  • Schrock, Wyatt A. (1)
  • Schroder, Mark (1)
  • Schuelke, Thomas (4)
  • Schulte, Lisa A. (1)
  • Schultz, Debra (1)
  • Schurr, Mark R. (1)
  • Schuster-Craig, Johanna (3)
  • Schutski, Bob (1)
  • Schutte, Brian C. (9)
  • Schutte, Debra (6)
  • Schutz, Michael (1)
  • Schutzki, Robert (10)
  • Schwab, Russell (10)
  • Schwartz, Amy (1)
  • Schwartz, Kenneth (1)
  • Schwartz, Richard (11)
  • Schwartz-Ziv, Miriam (5)
  • Schwartzman, Lisa (13)
  • Schwarz, Christina V. (20)
  • Schwarz, Stefan (1)
  • Schweihofer, Jeannine P. (5)
  • Schweikhardt, David (6)
  • Schweitzer, John (4)
  • Schwienhorst, Reinhard (8)
  • Schwille, John (8)
  • Scott, Brent A. (26)
  • Scott, Michael A. (2)
  • Scriber, J. Mark (2)
  • Scribner, Kim T. (25)
  • Scrivens, Ryan (1)
  • Searl, Dr. Jeff (1)
  • Searl, Jeffrey (9)
  • Sears, Barbara B. (5)
  • Sears, James (3)
  • Seaton, James (1)
  • Sebell, Dustin (2)
  • Sedatole, Karen L. (1)
  • Sedatole, Kevin (1)
  • Sedlak, Michael (13)
  • Seedall, Ryan (1)
  • Seelbach, Paul (1)
  • Sefcik, Donald J. (1)
  • Segal, Ethan (3)
  • Segall, Avner (25)
  • Segalman, Daniel (1)
  • Segalman, Daniel J. (4)
  • Segerlind, Larry J. (1)
  • Seira Bejarano, Enrique (1)
  • Selanders, Louise (1)
  • Selke, Susan (39)
  • Semel, Ronald (1)
  • Sempere, Lorenzo F. (1)
  • Semrud-Clikeman, Margaret (1)
  • Senagore, Patricia K. (1)
  • Sendrowski, Alicia (1)
  • Senichev, Yurij V. (1)
  • Senk, Sharon (11)
  • Sep\u00falveda, Nelson (2)
  • Sepulveda, Nelson Dr (1)
  • Sepúlveda, Nelson (24)
  • Serna, Gabriel (2)
  • Serna, Karen (1)
  • Settles, Isis H. (13)
  • Severin, Greg W. (1)
  • Severin, Gregory (3)
  • Severin, Kathryn (1)
  • Seydel, Karl (2)
  • Seymour, John (1)
  • Sfard, Anna (1)
  • Shachar-Hill, Yair (15)
  • Shade, Ashley (11)
  • Shafer, Gail (1)
  • Shafer, Gail A. (1)
  • Shah, Neil (1)
  • Shah, Niral (8)
  • Shah, Robey (1)
  • Shahjahan, Riyad A. (11)
  • Shakrani, Sharif (1)
  • Shames, Stephanie (1)
  • Shamsie, Jamal (4)
  • Shanblatt, Michael A. (2)
  • Shani, Guy (1)
  • Shapiro, Erik M. (8)
  • Shapiro, Michael (19)
  • Shapiro, Michael MS (1)
  • Shapiro, Misha (1)
  • Sharkey, Thomas D. (26)
  • Sharma, Dhruv (1)
  • Shaw, Ryan D. (5)
  • Shaw, Steven W. (18)
  • Shealy, Craig (1)
  • Sheehan, Reginald S. (1)
  • Shen, Linhui (4)
  • Sheridan, David S. (2)
  • Sherrill, Bradley M. (4)
  • Sherry, John (15)
  • Sherwoods, Paula R. (1)
  • Shields, Michael D. (4)
  • Shillair, Ruth (6)
  • Shimizu, Sayuri (3)
  • Shingleton, Alexander W. (6)
  • Shipan, Charles R. (1)
  • Shipley, Lara (1)
  • Shiu, Shin-Han (33)
  • Shiu, Shinhan SS (1)
  • Shortridge, Ashton (59)
  • Shultz, Aaron D. (1)
  • Shupp, Robert (21)
  • Sibanda, Galen (4)
  • Sibley, Duncan (2)
  • Sidiropoulos, Christos (1)
  • Siebert, Rudolf (1)
  • Siefkes, Michael J. (3)
  • Siegel, Joshua E. (1)
  • Siegelbaum, Lewis (6)
  • Siegford, Janice M. (12)
  • Sikarskie, James (3)
  • Sikorskii, Alla (8)
  • Silbergleid, Robin (7)
  • Silk, Kami J. (7)
  • Silva, Robert F. (1)
  • Silver, Brian D. (4)
  • Silvey, Le Anne E. (2)
  • Silvia, Devin (1)
  • Simmons, Cynthia (4)
  • Simmons, Elizabeth (4)
  • Simon, Amy (1)
  • Simon, Scott (1)
  • Simonov, Andrei (13)
  • Simpson, Mark (4)
  • Simpson, R. Mark (1)
  • Sin, Hock-Peng (2)
  • Sinal, Christopher (1)
  • Sinclair, Nathalie (1)
  • Singel, Wenona (1)
  • Singh, Jaideep (13)
  • Singh, Jyotsna (10)
  • Singh, Maninder (8)
  • Sinha, Animesh A. (1)
  • Sinnis, Gus (2)
  • Sipila, Emma (5)
  • Sirrine, J. Robert (1)
  • Sisk, Cheryl L. (21)
  • Sjogren, J. Benita (1)
  • Skerrett, Allison (1)
  • Skibbe, Lori (12)
  • Skidmore, Mark (17)
  • Skole, David (6)
  • Skowronski, Mark (2)
  • Slade, Jill (2)
  • Slater, John (1)
  • Slaughter-Acey, Jaime (2)
  • Sledge, Dodd G. (2)
  • Sleeper-Smith, Susan (11)
  • Sly, Gordon (2)
  • Smagorinsky, Peter (2)
  • Smale, Laura (18)
  • Smale, Melinda (3)
  • Smart, Mieka (1)
  • Smidt, Corwin D. (25)
  • Smidt, Cory (1)
  • Smith Karunakaran, Shiv (1)
  • Smith, Alan L. (26)
  • Smith, Amanda (1)
  • Smith, Aminda (15)
  • Smith, Barbara (3)
  • Smith, Benjamin (3)
  • Smith, BetsAnn (22)
  • Smith, Bryan (1)
  • Smith, Chris (1)
  • Smith, Christopher (9)
  • Smith, Daniel (1)
  • Smith, Emilie (2)
  • Smith, Emilie P. (1)
  • Smith, Gary D. (1)
  • Smith, George W. (4)
  • Smith, Gloria (5)
  • Smith, Horace (2)
  • Smith, James J. (13)
  • Smith, Joanne N. (1)
  • Smith, John P., III (35)
  • Smith, Leonora (2)
  • Smith, Marisa (2)
  • Smith, Mary (1)
  • Smith, Mary Kay (2)
  • Smith, Milton R., III (51)
  • Smith, Robert C. (3)
  • Smith, Robert J. (1)
  • Smith, Sandi W. (22)
  • Smith, Trixie (32)
  • Smitherman, Geneva (9)
  • Smitley, David R. (5)
  • Smolle, Michaela (1)
  • Smucker, Alvin J. M. (7)
  • Snapp, Sieglinde (28)
  • Sneller, Betsy (1)
  • Snider, Renate (1)
  • Snider, Richard J. (1)
  • Snow, Sandra (23)
  • Sohn, Won Min (3)
  • Sohn, Wonmin (3)
  • Sohngen, Brent (1)
  • Solon, Gary (2)
  • Soloski, Kristy (1)
  • Somerton, Craig (10)
  • Sonea, Ioana (1)
  • Song, Guo-Qing (5)
  • Song, Won O. (3)
  • Sonka, Kate (1)
  • Soranno, Patricia A. (10)
  • Sordillo, Lorraine M. (11)
  • Soroushian, Parviz (21)
  • Sortwell, Caryl E. (10)
  • Soto-Valdez, Herlinda (2)
  • Sowa, Scott (1)
  • Sowards, Steven W. (1)
  • Speck, Ricky (2)
  • Speier-Pero, Cheri (2)
  • Spence, Dana (48)
  • Spence, Linda (2)
  • Spillane, James P. (1)
  • Spinner, Patti (21)
  • Spiro, Rand (38)
  • Spooner, Holly S. (1)
  • Spradley, Kate (2)
  • Spradley, M Kate (1)
  • Sprague, Christy L. (9)
  • Spyrou, Artemis (28)
  • Sreevatsan, Srinand (1)
  • Srinivasan, Vijay (1)
  • Srivastava, Ajit (2)
  • Srivastava, Vaibhav (18)
  • Srivastava, Vaibhav VS (3)
  • St-Pierre, Normand (1)
  • Staatz, John M. (4)
  • Stacks, Ann (1)
  • Stakovsky, Rita (1)
  • Stamm, Michael (22)
  • Stanley, Ann Marie (1)
  • Stanley, Bryden J. (1)
  • Stansbury, Kathy (6)
  • Stansell, Nathan (1)
  • Stanulis, Randi N. (9)
  • Staples, Richard (1)
  • Star, Jon R. (1)
  • Stark, Scott (1)
  • Stark, Scott C. (2)
  • Stauch, Tiffany (20)
  • Stauter-Halsted, Keely (5)
  • Steece-Collier, Kathy (1)
  • Steel, Daniel (3)
  • Steele, Michael D. (4)
  • Steffe, James (4)
  • Steficek, Barbara (1)
  • Steglitz, Inge (1)
  • Steibel, Juan P. (29)
  • Steifiled, Charles (1)
  • Stein, Gabriela L. (1)
  • Stein, Kristy Cooper (28)
  • Steinberg, Ronen (2)
  • Steinfield, Charles (10)
  • Steinke, Kurt (19)
  • Steinman, Alan D. (2)
  • Stenzel, Paulette L. (1)
  • Stephenson, Paul (1)
  • Stern, Michael (3)
  • Sternquist, Brenda (4)
  • Stevenson, R. Jan (9)
  • Stevenson, R.Jan RJS (1)
  • Stewart, Gordon (13)
  • Stewart, Whit (1)
  • Stick, John A. (2)
  • Sticklen, Jon (1)
  • Stirewalt, Kurt (1)
  • Stockman, George (5)
  • Stockman, Ida J. (1)
  • Stockwell, Jason (1)
  • Stoddart, Judith (8)
  • Stoffregen, Matthew (7)
  • Stokes, Curtis (1)
  • Stolz, Andreas (2)
  • Stommel, Manfred (5)
  • Stowe, David (7)
  • Strader, Jay (8)
  • Straka, Kelly (1)
  • Strakovsky, Rita (2)
  • Strakovsky, Rita Dr (1)
  • Strakovsky, Rita RS (1)
  • Strakovsky, Rita S. (2)
  • Strangas, Elias (28)
  • Strasburg, Gale (20)
  • Strauss, Eric J. (3)
  • Stroud, Cara (1)
  • Stroupe, David (20)
  • Strunk, Katharaine O. (1)
  • Strunk, Katharine O. (9)
  • Stuart, Diana (7)
  • Subramanian, Hari Subramanian H. (1)
  • Subramanian, Hariharan (2)
  • Subramanian, K. N. (9)
  • Suhr, Steven T. (1)
  • Suleiman, Camelia (1)
  • Sullivan, Cris (14)
  • Sullivan, Lauren (1)
  • Sullivan, Lauren L. (1)
  • Sullivan, Mark V. (2)
  • Sulzdorf-Liszkiewickz, Adam (1)
  • Summerhill, Thomas (8)
  • Sun, Fei (2)
  • Sun, LiangLiang (2)
  • Sun, Liangliang (11)
  • Sun, Min (1)
  • Sun, Yanni (11)
  • Sundin, George W. (21)
  • Sung, Chih-Li (7)
  • Sung, Chih-Li CS (1)
  • Sung, Chih-li (1)
  • Sung, Connie (24)
  • Sung, Ying Yuk (2)
  • Surbrook, Truman (1)
  • Susarla, Anjana (3)
  • Suvedi, Murari (8)
  • Suvedi, Murari MS (1)
  • Suzuki, Mihoko (1)
  • Suzuki, Wataru (1)
  • Suzuki, Yuichi (1)
  • Svirsky, Mario (1)
  • Swada, Jeff (1)
  • Swada, Jeffrey (3)
  • Swain, Greg GS (1)
  • Swain, Greg M. (52)
  • Swanson, Janice C. (6)
  • Sweeder, Ryan (1)
  • Swei, Sean (1)
  • Swenson, Nathan G. (3)
  • Swiatek, Pamela J. (1)
  • Swierenga, Sarah J. (2)
  • Swink, Morgan (1)
  • Swinton, Scott M. (23)
  • Swinton, Scott SMS (1)
  • Syal, Matt (19)
  • Syal, Matt M. G. (1)
  • Sykes, Gary (3)
  • Symonds, Laura L. (4)
  • Symons, Carrie (9)
  • Syphers, Michael J. (5)
  • Szczepanski, Caroline (2)
  • Szendrei, Zsofia (10)
  • Szucs, Marianna (5)
  • Sánchez-Blake, Elvira (4)
  • Tabuteau, Emily (1)
  • Tabuteau, Emily Z. (1)
  • Taggart, Bruce (3)
  • Taggart, Cynthia (12)
  • Taggart, Ralph E. (1)
  • Takahashi, Bruno (14)
  • Takahashi, Hideki (8)
  • Tal, Tali (1)
  • Talge, Nicole (16)
  • Talley, Costellia (1)
  • Talluri, Srinivas (4)
  • Tamborini, Ron (8)
  • Tamburrino, Antonello (4)
  • Tan, Pan Ning (1)
  • Tan, Pang-Ning (42)
  • Tan, Pang-Ning PT (1)
  • Tan, Xiaboo (1)
  • Tan, Xiaobo (47)
  • Tan, Xiaobo XT (1)
  • Tan, Yong (1)
  • Tang, Jiliang (17)
  • Tang, Jiliang J. (1)
  • Tang, Jiliang JT (1)
  • Tang, Moxun (19)
  • Tang, Pan-Ning (1)
  • Tang, Yinjie (1)
  • Tang, Yinjie YT (1)
  • Tansey, Malu G. (1)
  • Tapia, Maite (1)
  • Tarabara, Volodomyr (1)
  • Tarabara, Volodymyr V. (24)
  • Tarasov, Oleg (1)
  • Tarvydas, Vilia M. (2)
  • Tatto, Maria Teresa (6)
  • Tavormina, M. Teresa (1)
  • Taxis, Tasia M. (1)
  • Taylor, Carl (7)
  • Taylor, Terrie (3)
  • Taylor, William W. (8)
  • Teahan, Sheila (1)
  • Teixeira, Jose M. (3)
  • Tekalur, Srinivasan Arjun (5)
  • Telewski, Frank W. (15)
  • Tembo, Gelson (1)
  • Tempelman, Robert Dr (1)
  • Tempelman, Robert J. (19)
  • Temples, Amanda L. (1)
  • Ten Eyck, Toby A. (19)
  • Tepe, Jetze J. (23)
  • Tepe, Jetze JT (1)
  • Teppen, Brian (18)
  • TerAvest, Michaela (8)
  • TerAvest, Michaela A. (1)
  • Teravest, Michaela (1)
  • Terio, Karen (1)
  • Terrill, William (2)
  • Terry, Kathryn L. (1)
  • Tesmer, John J. G. (1)
  • Tessmer, Stuart (38)
  • Tetreault, Chantal (13)
  • Tewari, Ambuj (1)
  • Thakkar, Katharine N. (10)
  • Theis, Kevin (1)
  • Theis, Kevin R. (1)
  • Thelen, Kurt D. (7)
  • Theuerkauf, Ethan (1)
  • Thiagarajan, Deepa G. (1)
  • Thielsen, Virginia (1)
  • Thiem, Suzanne M. (4)
  • Thoennessen, Michael (10)
  • Thomas, Bieler (1)
  • Thomas, Emma (1)
  • Thomas, Jakana (6)
  • Thomas, Jennifer (4)
  • Thomas, Michael (1)
  • Thomas, Richard (1)
  • Thomas, Stephen (2)
  • Thomas, Volker (1)
  • Thomashow, Michael F. (7)
  • Thompson, Addie (9)
  • Thompson, Addie M. (1)
  • Thompson, Brian (1)
  • Thompson, Debra A. (1)
  • Thompson, Lucy (1)
  • Thompson, Marvin P. (1)
  • Thompson, Michael P. (1)
  • Thompson, Paul B. (20)
  • Thomson, Roger (1)
  • Thorne, David (1)
  • Thornsbury, Suzanne (4)
  • Thornton, Christopher P. (1)
  • Thorp, Laurie (13)
  • Thorson, Esther (9)
  • Thorson, Kjerstin (6)
  • Thum, Ryan (1)
  • Thériault, Véronique (3)
  • Tichenor, Dr. Seth (1)
  • Tichenor, Seth (1)
  • Tiedje, James M. (12)
  • Tiemann, Lisa K. (13)
  • Tilley, Carol (1)
  • Timm, Tina (15)
  • Tims, Frederick C. (1)
  • Tinsley-Johnson, Elizabeth (1)
  • Todd, Ewen C. D. (2)
  • Todem, David (26)
  • Tollefson, Kirsten (32)
  • Tomanek, David (2)
  • Tomlinson, Tom (1)
  • Tong, Yiying (26)
  • Tonietto, Rebecca K. (1)
  • Tonsor, Glynn T. (1)
  • Torloni, Antonio S. (1)
  • Torng, Eric (35)
  • Torphy, Kaitlin T. (2)
  • Torquati, Julia (1)
  • Torres, A. Chris (7)
  • Torrez, J. Estrella (7)
  • Tortorelli, Laura (7)
  • Toulson, Elisa (7)
  • Toutanova, Kristina (1)
  • Townsend, Wendy (1)
  • Trager, Robert F. (1)
  • Trail, Frances (18)
  • Traub, Valerie (1)
  • Tremonte, Colleen M. (3)
  • Triche, Timothy, Jr. (1)
  • Triemer, Richard E. (1)
  • Triezenberg, Heather (3)
  • Triezenberg, Steven J. (4)
  • Trinchieri, Giorgio (1)
  • Triplett, Lindsay R. (1)
  • Troia, Gary (16)
  • Trottier, Nathalie (1)
  • Trottier, Nathalie L. (4)
  • Troutman, Denise (11)
  • Truckenmiller, Adrea J. (7)
  • Tsang, Man-Yee Betty (9)
  • Tsao, Jean I. (13)
  • Tsao, Ling-ling (1)
  • Tschirely, David L. (1)
  • Tschirley, David (7)
  • Tu, Guan-Hua (4)
  • Tubbs, Ryan (1)
  • Tubbs, Ryan M. (1)
  • Tucker, Compton J. (1)
  • Tucker, Robin (1)
  • Tucker, Robin M. (2)
  • Turaga, Srini (1)
  • Turanova, Olga (3)
  • Turchan, Brandon (1)
  • Turchan, Joshua (1)
  • Turetsky, Merritt R. (1)
  • Turkulainen, Virpi (1)
  • Turner, Jane (3)
  • Turner, Monique Mitchell (4)
  • Twede, Diana (10)
  • Tykocki, Nathan (2)
  • Tykocki, Nathan R. (1)
  • UEBEL, EMILY (1)
  • Ubelaker, Douglas H. (1)
  • Udpa, Lalita (39)
  • Udpa, Satish (22)
  • Uhal, Bruce D. (1)
  • Uher, Alyssa M. (5)
  • Ulibarri, Dianne V. (1)
  • Ullman, Sarah E. (2)
  • Ulusoy, A. Cagri (3)
  • Unluturk, Bige (2)
  • Upda, Lalita (1)
  • Upson, Kristen (3)
  • Urban-Lurain, Mark G. (2)
  • Uriarte-Tuero, Ignacio (8)
  • Urquhart, Gerald R. (9)
  • Urquhart, Jerry R. (1)
  • Ustunol, Zeynep (3)
  • Utsumi, Santiago (5)
  • Valdez, Herlinda Soto (1)
  • Valdés, Dionicio Nodín (5)
  • Valle de Souza, Simone (1)
  • Valles, Sean (7)
  • Vallotton, Claire (18)
  • Van Bonn, William (1)
  • Van Buren, Robert (1)
  • Van Dam, Remke L. (3)
  • Van Der Heide, Brandon (7)
  • Van Dyne, Linn (6)
  • Van Egeren, Laurie (3)
  • Van Gorp, Koen (14)
  • Van Gorp, Koen KVG (1)
  • Van Leeuwen, Travis (1)
  • Van Nocker, Steven (3)
  • Van Riper, Laura (1)
  • Van Wieren, Gretel (2)
  • Van der Heide, Brandon (2)
  • Van, Tri (1)
  • VanBuren, Robert (3)
  • VanBuren, Robert T. (1)
  • VanBuren-Hay, Brooke (1)
  • VanDerHeide, Jennifer (15)
  • VanHandel, Leigh (2)
  • VanPatten, Bill (3)
  • VanRavensway, Jim (1)
  • VandeHaar, Michael (12)
  • VandeHaar, Micheal (1)
  • Vandehaar, Michael J. (1)
  • Vanden Bergh, Bruce G. (2)
  • Vander Stoep, Gail (7)
  • Vander-Stoep, Gail (1)
  • Vandervoort, Christine (2)
  • Vaninsky, Kirill (1)
  • Vargas, Joseph M., Jr. (12)
  • Vashisth, Harish (1)
  • Vaughn, Daniel (1)
  • Vazou, Spiridoula (1)
  • Vazou, Spyridoula (1)
  • Vazquez, Ana I. (7)
  • Veenema, Alexa (6)
  • Veenema, Alexa H. (1)
  • Vega, Irving (5)
  • Veiga-Lopez, Almudena (2)
  • Veit, Helen (11)
  • Velasquez, Raul A. (1)
  • Velbel, Michael A. (8)
  • Velez, John (1)
  • Velie, Ellen (4)
  • Venker, Courtney (7)
  • Venta, Patrick (6)
  • Venuk, Kimberly (1)
  • Venzant Chambers, Dr. Terah (1)
  • Venzant Chambers, Terah T. (33)
  • VerCauteren, Kurt C. (2)
  • Verboncoeur, John (18)
  • Vermaas, Josh (1)
  • Verschuyl, Jake (1)
  • Versluis, Arthur (2)
  • Verter, Vedat (1)
  • Vickery, Shawnee (7)
  • Victor, Divya (1)
  • Vieille, Claire (26)
  • Viens, Frederi (2)
  • Villalobos-Carvajal, Ricardo (1)
  • Villarruel, Francisco (22)
  • Vinas, Natalia GR (1)
  • Vincent Chambers, Terah (1)
  • Violin-Wigent, Anne (12)
  • Visbal, Miguel R. (3)
  • Viña, Andrés (4)
  • Vogel, Mark E. (1)
  • Vogel, Thomas (2)
  • Vogelsang, Timothy J. (16)
  • Vogt, Christine (10)
  • Vogt, Daniel (2)
  • Voice, Thomas C. (19)
  • Voit, G. Mark (10)
  • Vojnovic, Igor (28)
  • Vojnovic, Igor IV (1)
  • Volberg, Alexander (10)
  • Volberg, Alexander A. (1)
  • Volberg, Rachel (1)
  • Volenec, Jeffrey J. (1)
  • Volgelsang, Timothy (1)
  • Volker, Martin (15)
  • Voorhees, Clay M. (13)
  • Vorkapich, Michael (1)
  • Vorro, Joseph (2)
  • Vos, Tim (2)
  • Vroom, Kristen (1)
  • Vsevolozhskaya, Olga (1)
  • Vucetich, John A. (1)
  • Waddell Smith, Ruth (18)
  • Waddell, Mark (1)
  • Wade, Juli (2)
  • Wagner, C. Michael (8)
  • Wagner, Dianne (1)
  • Wagner, James (7)
  • Wagner, John (3)
  • Wagner, Martin (1)
  • Wagner, Suzanne (13)
  • Wagner, Tyler (1)
  • Wahman, Charis (3)
  • Wahman, Charis L. (1)
  • Wahman, Michael (2)
  • Wajda, Shirley (1)
  • Wake, Naoko (2)
  • Wald, Jeanne (4)
  • Waldron, Joe (1)
  • Wale, Nina (1)
  • Walgren, Judy (3)
  • Walker, Berkley (2)
  • Walker, Berkley J. (1)
  • Walker, David (1)
  • Walker, Edward D. (26)
  • Walker, Kevin D. (55)
  • Walker, Kevin KW (1)
  • Walker, Robert T. (1)
  • Walker, Valerie Struthers (1)
  • Wallace, James (1)
  • Wallace, Jessica (1)
  • Wallace, Roger B. (6)
  • Waller, John (4)
  • Walpuski, Thomas (2)
  • Walsh, Bridget M. (9)
  • Walsh, Daniel P. (1)
  • Walsh, Dr. Bridget (1)
  • Walsh, John M. (1)
  • Walters, Claudia (1)
  • Walters, Michael (14)
  • Walther, Joseph B. (6)
  • Walton, Jonathan (10)
  • Walton, Patrick S. (1)
  • Walton, S P. (1)
  • Walton, S. Patrick (13)
  • Waltzer, Kenneth (2)
  • Wampler, Karen (2)
  • Wampler, Richard S. (2)
  • Wang, Bingsen (35)
  • Wang, Chang Yi (13)
  • Wang, Chuan (4)
  • Wang, Dechun (32)
  • Wang, Donna H. (7)
  • Wang, Hao (1)
  • Wang, Hogbing (1)
  • Wang, Hongbing (14)
  • Wang, Honglang HW (1)
  • Wang, Isabel Y. (5)
  • Wang, Jianrong (6)
  • Wang, Jianrong JW (1)
  • Wang, John L. (16)
  • Wang, Lifeng (5)
  • Wang, Ling (1)
  • Wang, Lizhu (5)
  • Wang, Rongrong (11)
  • Wang, Rongrong R. (1)
  • Wang, Tuo (1)
  • Wang, Xiaodong (9)
  • Wang, Xiaodong X. (1)
  • Wang, Yang (7)
  • Wang, Yijie (6)
  • Wang, Zhangyang (1)
  • Wang, Zhenqi (1)
  • Wangerin, Daniel D. (1)
  • Warbach, John (1)
  • Ward, Jayne (1)
  • Warncke, Darryl D. (2)
  • Warner, Frederick (1)
  • Warner, Ryan (11)
  • Warren, Chezare (12)
  • Warsaw, Phillip (3)
  • Wash, Rick (11)
  • Washburn, Dorothy (1)
  • Wasilevich, Elizabeth (1)
  • Waters, Christopher M. (43)
  • Watling-Neal, Jennifer (1)
  • Watrall, Ethan (13)
  • Watson, Jack T. (1)
  • Watson, Vaughn (23)
  • Watson, Victoria E. (1)
  • Watson, Victoria VW (1)
  • Watts, Edward (6)
  • Watts, Stephanie W. (10)
  • Wawrzynski, Matthew (28)
  • Weatherspoon, Dave D. (4)
  • Weatherspoon, Lorraine (25)
  • Weber Nielsen, Miriam (10)
  • Weber, Ann (1)
  • Weber, Arthur J. (18)
  • Weber, Jon (1)
  • Weber, Marjorie G. (13)
  • Weber, Mike (1)
  • Weber, Patty (1)
  • Weber, Rene (8)
  • Webster, Joshua (2)
  • Weebadde, Cholani (8)
  • Weed, Aaron S. (1)
  • Weerts, Henk J. T. (1)
  • Weg, Haolei (1)
  • Wehrly, Kevin E. (1)
  • Wehrwein, Erica A. (2)
  • Wehrwein, Teresa (1)
  • Wei, Feng (7)
  • Wei, Guowei (23)
  • Wei, Guowei G. (1)
  • Wei, Jie (2)
  • Wei, Sainan (1)
  • Wei, Songqiao (2)
  • Wei, Songqiao SW (1)
  • Weil, Clifford (2)
  • Weiland, Steven (31)
  • Weinberger, Jerry (4)
  • Weiskittel, Aaron R. (1)
  • Welch, Dennis (1)
  • Weldt-Basson, Helene (6)
  • Weliky, David (34)
  • Wells, Randall S. (1)
  • Wells, Scott J. (1)
  • Weng, Haolei (7)
  • Weng, Haolei HW (1)
  • Weng, Juyang (2)
  • Wentworth, Chelsea (1)
  • Werling, Benjamin P. (1)
  • Westfall, Gary (9)
  • Westhouse, Richard A. (1)
  • Westphal, Joanne (2)
  • Wetton, Brian (1)
  • Wetzel, Will (1)
  • Wetzel, William C. (3)
  • Whalon, Mark E. (2)
  • Wheat, David (8)
  • Wheat, John D. (1)
  • Wheeler, Christopher (3)
  • Wheeler, Elizabeth K. (1)
  • Whelton, Andrew (1)
  • Whipple, Ellen (5)
  • Whipple, Judith M. (6)
  • Whipple, Judy (2)
  • Whitaker, Rodney (1)
  • White, Allison (1)
  • White, Allison N. (3)
  • White, Ann F. (3)
  • White, Raechel (2)
  • White, Robin (1)
  • Whiteford, Scott (1)
  • Whitehead, Timothy A. (4)
  • Whitehorn, Nathan (1)
  • Whiteman, Shawn (1)
  • Whitten, Pamela (1)
  • Whyte, Kyle Powys (21)
  • Wichman, Indrek (17)
  • Wickings, Kyle (1)
  • Widders, Irvin E. (5)
  • Widowski, Tina (1)
  • Widowski, Tina M. (1)
  • Wieland, Steve (1)
  • Wierzba, Gregory M. (3)
  • Wiggert, David (1)
  • Wikle, Christopher (1)
  • Wilcox, Allen (1)
  • Wilcox, Christopher L. (1)
  • Wildman, Steven S. (14)
  • Wiley, Anne (1)
  • Wiley, David (2)
  • Wiliams, Sheneka (1)
  • Wilinski, Bethany (14)
  • Wilkerson, Curtis (8)
  • Wilkins, Melinda (4)
  • Wilkins, Milinda MW (1)
  • Willbur, Jaime (8)
  • Willbur, Jaime F. (2)
  • Willbur, Jaime J. (1)
  • Willcuts, Brad (1)
  • Willey, P. (1)
  • William, Hamann T. (1)
  • Williams, Barry L. (8)
  • Williams, David M. (6)
  • Williams, Karen P. (2)
  • Williams, Kurt J. (5)
  • Williams, Logan (2)
  • Williams, Michelle (4)
  • Williams, Sheneka (1)
  • Williamson, Terrion (5)
  • Willis, Adam (1)
  • Willis, Adam M. (3)
  • Wilson, Angela (2)
  • Wilson, Angela AW (1)
  • Wilson, Angela K. (2)
  • Wilson, Brian (1)
  • Wilson, Jeremy M. (8)
  • Wilson, John D. (5)
  • Wilson, Juliana (1)
  • Wilson, Julianna (1)
  • Wilson, Julianna K. (1)
  • Wilson, Marilyn (4)
  • Wilson, Mark (27)
  • Wilson, Mark Dr (1)
  • Wilson, Mark MW (2)
  • Wilson, R. Dale (1)
  • Wilson, Ryan (1)
  • Wilson, Suzanne (13)
  • Wilterding, John (1)
  • Windler, Erica (3)
  • Winge, Theresa (3)
  • Winham, Donna M. (1)
  • Winke, Paula (54)
  • Winke, Paula PW (1)
  • Winkler, Julie A. (25)
  • WinklerPrins, Antoinette (5)
  • WinklerPrins, Vince (1)
  • Winn, Brian (2)
  • Winn, Brian M. (1)
  • Winters, Andrew D. (1)
  • Winterstein, Scott R. (26)
  • Winton, James R. (1)
  • Wipples, Judith (1)
  • Wirth, Julie (5)
  • Wise, John C. (8)
  • Wiseman, Robert M. (1)
  • Wiseman, Robert W. (15)
  • Wisenden, Brian (1)
  • Witmer, Sara (16)
  • Wittenbaum, Gwen (10)
  • Wittenborn, Andrea (7)
  • Witter, Scott (1)
  • Wittner, Nicholas (1)
  • Wobudeya, Eric (1)
  • Wolak, Jennifer (2)
  • Woldring, Daniel (3)
  • Wolf, Christopher (10)
  • Wolfe, Mariane S. (1)
  • Wolfe, Scott (4)
  • Wolfe, Scott E. (1)
  • Wolff, Lynn (4)
  • Wolff, Thomas (2)
  • Wolfgang, Aurora (2)
  • Wolfson, Jon (9)
  • Wolfson, Lois (3)
  • Wolters, Christopher A. (1)
  • Wong, David (9)
  • Wong, Willie W. (1)
  • Wong, Willie Wai Yeung (6)
  • Wood, Warren W. (6)
  • Woodall, Chris W. (1)
  • Woodbury, Stephen (6)
  • Woodson, Ashley (1)
  • Woodward, Amanda T. (12)
  • Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (51)
  • Worden, Robert Mark (23)
  • Wray, Amanda Hampton (10)
  • Wray, Jeffrey C. (4)
  • Wrede, Chris (1)
  • Wrede, Christopher (9)
  • Wright, David (1)
  • Wright, Donna W. (1)
  • Wright, Neil (23)
  • Wright, Tanya (11)
  • Wright, Wynne (9)
  • Wrobel, Gabriel D. (10)
  • Wu, Dongsheng (1)
  • Wu, Felicia (9)
  • Wu, Heng-Chieh Jamie (1)
  • Wu, Horng-Shiuann (1)
  • Wu, Yulian (1)
  • Wulff, William D. (54)
  • Wulff, William WW (2)
  • Wurst, Karin A. (2)
  • Wyatt, Gwen (1)
  • Wyche, Susan (8)
  • Xagoraraki, Irene (24)
  • Xi, Ning (8)
  • Xi, Zhiyong (4)
  • Xiao, Hua (21)
  • Xiao, Li (22)
  • Xiao, Li LX (1)
  • Xiao, Li lx (1)
  • Xiao, Xinran (13)
  • Xiao, Yimin (15)
  • Xie, Yuying (18)
  • Xie, Yuying Y. (1)
  • Xie, Yuying YX (1)
  • Xing, Guoliang (19)
  • Xu, Hui (4)
  • Yadav, Aman (11)
  • Yadav, Ganapati D. (1)
  • Yakura, Elaine (5)
  • Yamazaki, Yoshishige (3)
  • Yan, Baisheng (13)
  • Yan, Honggao (10)
  • Yan, Lily (3)
  • Yan, Ming (10)
  • Yan, Qiben (5)
  • Yan, Qiben QY (1)
  • Yan, Qiben qy (1)
  • Yan, Quiben (1)
  • Yang, Chao (1)
  • Yang, Chengfeng (6)
  • Yang, Lijian (5)
  • Yang, Yang (3)
  • Yang, Yang Y. (1)
  • Yankelevich, Aleksandr (6)
  • Yansa, Catherine (7)
  • Yao, Lan (1)
  • Yaruss, J. Scott (7)
  • Yaruss, Scott J. (1)
  • Yeboah, Felix (1)
  • Yeboah, Kwame (1)
  • Yelon, Stephen (3)
  • Yeom, Junghoon (15)
  • Yergeau, Melanie (1)
  • Yijie, Wang (1)
  • Yildiz, Hakan (1)
  • Yin, Dawei (1)
  • Yin, Runsheng (5)
  • Yoder, Scot (1)
  • Yokoyama, Mel (1)
  • Yoo, Sangmin (2)
  • Yoon, Haeny S. (1)
  • York, Richard (1)
  • Young, Vincent B. (3)
  • Youngs, Peter (46)
  • Youssef, Mohamed (2)
  • Yu, Hui-Chia (7)
  • Yu, Hui-Chia HCY (2)
  • Yu, Kefei (11)
  • Yuan, Chien-Peng (11)
  • Yuan, Junlin (7)
  • Yuan, Yukun (2)
  • Yumibe, Joshua (4)
  • Yun, Hayong (4)
  • Yun, John (19)
  • Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Vilma (21)
  • Zacharewski, Timothy (1)
  • Zacharewski, Timothy R. (9)
  • Zacharias, Stephanie (2)
  • Zaki, Khalida (1)
  • Zalom, Frank (1)
  • Zandstra, Bernard H. (3)
  • Zanella, Adroaldo J. (1)
  • Zarnetske, Jay P. (7)
  • Zarnetske, Phoebe L. (9)
  • Zayernouri, Mohsen (16)
  • Zebrack, Bradley (1)
  • Zegers, Remco (22)
  • Zeldes, Geri Alumit (5)
  • Zelditch, Miriam L. (1)
  • Zelevinsky, Vladimir (35)
  • Zeng, Huacheng (1)
  • Zeng, Quan (2)
  • Zeoli, April (14)
  • Zepf, Stephen (11)
  • Zevalkink, Alex AZ (1)
  • Zevalkink, Alexandra (10)
  • Zhan, Dapeng (7)
  • Zhang, Dongbo (1)
  • Zhang, Hanzhe (3)
  • Zhang, Lixin (11)
  • Zhang, Lixin LZ (2)
  • Zhang, Lu (3)
  • Zhang, Mi (28)
  • Zhang, Peng (6)
  • Zhang, Pengpeng (16)
  • Zhang, Quan (2)
  • Zhang, Wei (17)
  • Zhang, Zhenmei (18)
  • Zhang, Zhenmei ZZ (1)
  • Zhang, Zhenmin (1)
  • Zhao, Dong (14)
  • Zhao, Dong DZ (1)
  • Zhao, Jinhua (16)
  • Zhao, Yingming (2)
  • Zhao, Yong (2)
  • Zhao, Youfu (1)
  • Zhao, Zhenqiang (1)
  • Zheng, Binbin (1)
  • Zheng, Yong-Hui (4)
  • Zheng, Zhou (1)
  • Zhong, Ping-Shou (15)
  • Zhong, Shiyuan (8)
  • Zhou Koval, Christy (3)
  • Zhou, Jiayu (21)
  • Zhou, Jiayu JZ (1)
  • Zhou, Zheng (4)
  • Zhou, Zhengfang (40)
  • Zhu, Chun (5)
  • Zhu, Chun CZ (1)
  • Zhu, David (22)
  • Zhu, Guoming (67)
  • Zhu, Qiang (2)
  • Zhu, Susan Chun (6)
  • Zhuang, Mei (1)
  • Zhug, George (1)
  • Zierler, Matt (1)
  • Zimmerman, Peter (1)
  • Zinman, M. Richard (5)
  • Zinn, Kurt (5)
  • Zipkin, Elise F. (13)
  • Zipser, Birgit (1)
  • Zitzewitz, Karin (1)
  • Ziv, Oren (3)
  • Ziv, Oren D. (1)
  • Zockaie, Ali (16)
  • Zockaie, Ali AZ (2)
  • Zorn, Troy (3)
  • Zou, Ben (7)
  • Zsendrei, Zsofia (1)
  • Zucker, Robert (1)
  • Zuckerberg, Benjamin (2)
  • Zulu, Leo (20)
  • Zwickle, Adam (14)
  • Zwiernik, Matthew J. (2)
  • Zylstra, Gerben J. (1)
  • de Araujo, Luis (1)
  • li, tongtong (1)
  • liu, sijia (1)
  • shuster, stef (4)
  • von Manteuffel, Andreas (6)
  • woldring, Daniel (1)
  • Çatalyürek, Ümit V. (1)
  • Addis Ababa (1)
  • Afghanistan (1)
  • Africa (42)
  • Africa, Central (1)
  • Africa, East (9)
  • Africa, Eastern (3)
  • Africa, North (1)
  • Africa, Northeast (1)
  • Africa, Southern (4)
  • Africa, Sub-Saharan (19)
  • Africa, West (5)
  • African influences (1)
  • Alabama (2)
  • Albanian (1)
  • Algeria (1)
  • Alsace (France) (1)
  • Altamira (Pará) (1)
  • Altamira (Pará) (1)
  • Amazon River (1)
  • Amazon River Region (4)
  • Amazon River Valley (1)
  • Amboseli National Park (1)
  • Amboseli National Park (Kenya) (1)
  • America (5)
  • Amur River Valley (China and Russia) (1)
  • Ancash (Peru) (1)
  • Andes Region (1)
  • Angónia Highlands (1)
  • Angónia Highlands (1)
  • Ann Arbor (1)
  • Appalachian Basin (1)
  • Appalachian Region (1)
  • Aqaba, Gulf of (1)
  • Arab countries (1)
  • Arabian Peninsula (1)
  • Arctic Ocean (1)
  • Arctic Regions (2)
  • Arctic regions (2)
  • Argentina (4)
  • Arizona (2)
  • Armenia (1)
  • Armenia (Republic) (1)
  • Asturias (1)
  • Asturias (Spain) (1)
  • Atlanta (2)
  • Atlanta (Ga.) (1)
  • Au Sable River (1)
  • Australia (4)
  • Austria (2)
  • Azerbaijan (2)
  • Bahamas (1)
  • Balochistān (1)
  • Baltimore (1)
  • Baltimore (Md.) (1)
  • Bangalore (1)
  • Bangladesh (7)
  • Banjul (Gambia) (2)
  • Barbados (1)
  • Bavaria (1)
  • Bavaria (Germany) (1)
  • Beijing (3)
  • Belle Isle (1)
  • Belle Isle (Detroit, Mich.) (2)
  • Benton Harbor (1)
  • Benton Harbor (Mich.) (1)
  • Bering Land Bridge (1)
  • Berlin (Germany) (1)
  • Bethlehem (1)
  • Black River (Otsego County-Cheboygan County) (2)
  • Black River Watershed (Sanilac County and Saint Clair County) (1)
  • Blantyre (1)
  • Botswana (4)
  • Branch County (2)
  • Brazil (15)
  • Brazil, Northeast (1)
  • Budd Lake (1)
  • Buenos Aires (1)
  • Buenos Aires (Argentina) (1)
  • Bulgaria (1)
  • Burkina Faso (2)
  • Burns Waterway Harbor (1)
  • Burns Waterway Harbor (Ind.) (1)
  • Byzantine Empire (1)
  • Cabo Delgado (1)
  • Cabo Verde (2)
  • California (24)
  • California, Northern (2)
  • California, Southern (1)
  • Cambodia (5)
  • Cameroon (3)
  • Camino de Santiago de Compostela (1)
  • Caraga Region (1)
  • Caribbean Area (6)
  • Casalvieri (1)
  • Casalvieri (Italy) (1)
  • Caxias do Sul (1)
  • Caxias do Sul (Brazil) (1)
  • Cayuga Nation of New York (1)
  • Central Africa (1)
  • Central America (2)
  • Central Valley (1)
  • Centralia (1)
  • Changsha Shi (1)
  • Charleston (1)
  • Chengdu (1)
  • Chennai (1)
  • Cherán (1)
  • Cherry Hill Village (Canton, Mich.) (1)
  • Chesaning (1)
  • Chicago (7)
  • Chicago (Ill.) (1)
  • China, Southwest (1)
  • Chiquibul National Park (1)
  • Chitawan (District) (1)
  • Clifton (1)
  • Clifton (Ariz.) (1)
  • Clinton River (1)
  • Coast Ranges (1)
  • Coihaique (1)
  • Colombia (6)
  • Colorado (2)
  • Columbus (1)
  • Congo (Democratic Republic) (1)
  • Connecticut (1)
  • Conservation (1)
  • Constantine (1)
  • Constantine (Algeria) (1)
  • Copán (Department) (1)
  • Copán (Department) (1)
  • Costa Rica (11)
  • Côte d'Ivoire (1)
  • Crab Nebula (1)
  • Côte d'Ivoire (1)
  • Dar es Salaam (3)
  • Deep space (2)
  • Delhi (India) (1)
  • Delta (Township) (1)
  • Detroit (44)
  • Detroit (Mich.) (4)
  • Detroit Metropolitan Area (6)
  • Detroit Metropolitan Area (Mich.) (1)
  • Detroit Region (1)
  • Detroit River (Mich. and Ont.) (1)
  • Developing countries (11)
  • Dominican Republic (3)
  • Dowagiac (1)
  • Drummond Island (1)
  • EI Yunque National Forest (1)
  • East (U.S.) (2)
  • East Asia (1)
  • East Indies (1)
  • East Lansing (61)
  • East Lansing (Mich.) (1)
  • East United States (2)
  • Eastern Africa (2)
  • Eastern Europe (1)
  • Economic aspects (1)
  • Ecuador (1)
  • Edgewater (1)
  • Edgewater (Chicago, Ill.) (1)
  • Ekwendeni (1)
  • El Niño Current (1)
  • El Niño Current (2)
  • El Salvador (1)
  • Elkhart County (1)
  • England (10)
  • Erie, Lake (10)
  • Ethiopia (7)
  • Euriopean Union countries (1)
  • Europe, French-speaking (1)
  • European Union countries (3)
  • Evaluation (1)
  • Falmouth (1)
  • Farmington Hills (1)
  • Finland (2)
  • Florida (4)
  • Florida Keys (2)
  • Foreign countries (3)
  • Fort Custer (1)
  • Fort Custer (Mich.) (1)
  • France (10)
  • France, Southern (1)
  • French-speaking Europe (1)
  • Galicia (Region) (1)
  • Galicia (Spain : Region) (1)
  • Galicia Region (1)
  • Genesee County (2)
  • Georgia (2)
  • Georgia (Republic) (1)
  • Germany (14)
  • Germany (East) (1)
  • Germany (West) (4)
  • Grand Blanc (1)
  • Grand Ledge (2)
  • Grand Rapids (3)
  • Great Britain (13)
  • Great Lakes (32)
  • Great Lakes (North America) (44)
  • Great Lakes Region (19)
  • Great Lakes Region (North America) (22)
  • Great Lakes Watershed (3)
  • Great Lakes Watershed (North America) (4)
  • Great Plains (6)
  • Great Rift Valley (1)
  • Guadalajara (1)
  • Guadalajara (Mexico) (1)
  • Guanacaste (1)
  • Guangdong Sheng (1)
  • Guatemala (5)
  • Guatemala (Guatemala) (1)
  • Guinea (Region) (1)
  • Guinea(Region) (1)
  • Guinea-Bissau (1)
  • Gulf Coast (1)
  • Gulf Coast (U.S.) (1)
  • Gulf Region (1)
  • Gulf of Aqaba (1)
  • Gulf of Mexico (1)
  • Gull Lake (3)
  • Gull Lake (Mich.) (1)
  • Gutemala (1)
  • Henan Sheng (1)
  • Hidalgo County (1)
  • High Plains Aquifer (4)
  • High Point (1)
  • Hillsdale County (1)
  • Himalaya Mountains (1)
  • Honduras (3)
  • Hong Kong (2)
  • Hopewell Site (1)
  • Hopewell Site (Ohio) (1)
  • Houston (2)
  • Huron, Lake (Mich. and Ont.) (10)
  • Huế (Vietnam) (1)
  • Illinois (14)
  • Illinois River Valley (1)
  • Indiana (7)
  • Indianapolis (1)
  • Indochina (1)
  • Indonesia (15)
  • Ingham County (1)
  • Inner Mongolia (1)
  • Ireland (1)
  • Iriomote Island (1)
  • Iriomote Island (Japan) (1)
  • Isabella County (1)
  • Isle Royale National Park (1)
  • Jamaica (3)
  • Jamiltepec (1)
  • Jamiltepec (Mexico) (1)
  • Johannesburg (1)
  • Jordan River Watershed (Antrim County and Charlevoix County) (1)
  • Jordan River Watershed (Antrim County and Charlevoix County, Mich.) (1)
  • Kabalega National Park (1)
  • Kagera Region (1)
  • Kalamazoo River (1)
  • Kalamazoo River Watershed (1)
  • Kalimantan Timur (1)
  • Kampala (3)
  • Karachi (1)
  • Katmai National Park and Preserve (1)
  • Kazakhstan (5)
  • Kent County (1)
  • Kédougou (Department) (1)
  • Kimberley (1)
  • Kimberley (South Africa) (1)
  • Kings Canyon National Park (1)
  • Kings Canyon National Park (Calif.) (1)
  • Kisii District (1)
  • Korea (North) (1)
  • Korea (South) (27)
  • Korea South)xPsychological aspects (1)
  • Koutiala (1)
  • Koutiala (Cercle) (1)
  • Kurdistān (1)
  • Kurdistān (1)
  • KwaZulu-Natal (2)
  • KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) (2)
  • Kyrgyzstan (3)
  • Kédougou (Department) (1)
  • LaGrange County (1)
  • Lafayette (1)
  • Lagos State (Nigeria) (1)
  • Laikipia County (1)
  • Lake Erie (7)
  • Lake Huron (8)
  • Lake Michigan (6)
  • Lake Pátzcuaro (2)
  • Lake Saint Clair (2)
  • Lake St. Clair (1)
  • Lake States (3)
  • Lake Superior (2)
  • Lake Urmia (1)
  • Lakewood (1)
  • Lampung (1)
  • Lansing (22)
  • Lansing Metropolitan Area (5)
  • Lansing Metropolitan Area (Mich.) (1)
  • Lansing Region (5)
  • Lapeer County (1)
  • Latin America (11)
  • Lebanon (1)
  • Leelanau County (1)
  • Leeward Islands (West Indies) (1)
  • Lilongwe (1)
  • Lincoln Park (Chicago, Ill. : City section) (1)
  • Lithuania (1)
  • Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Michigan (1)
  • Loisaba Conservancy (Kenya) (1)
  • Los Angeles (3)
  • Los Angeles County (1)
  • Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (1)
  • Louisiana (6)
  • Lower Peninsula (16)
  • Lower Peninsula (Mich.) (1)
  • Lubbock (1)
  • MIchigan (2)
  • Maasai Mara National Reserve (5)
  • Maasai Mara National Reserve (Kenya) (2)
  • Machinga District (1)
  • Madagascar (2)
  • Magellanic Clouds (1)
  • Makuria (Ancient kingdom) (2)
  • Malawi (37)
  • Malaysia (8)
  • Mambilla Plateau (1)
  • Mambilla Plateau (Nigeria) (1)
  • Manchester (1)
  • Marquette County (3)
  • Maryland (2)
  • Massachusetts (1)
  • Maumee River Watershed (Ind. and Ohio) (1)
  • Mbour (Senegal) (1)
  • Mekong River (1)
  • Mekong River Valley (1)
  • Mekong River Watershed (3)
  • Mexican-American Border Region (2)
  • Mexico (26)
  • Mexico City (1)
  • Mérida (1)
  • Michigan (724)
  • Michigan Basin (3)
  • Michigan Basin (Mich. and Ont.) (3)
  • Michigan z Lower Peninsula (1)
  • Michigan, Lake (8)
  • Michigan, Lake, Coast (1)
  • Michigan, Northeastern (1)
  • Michigan, Southern (2)
  • Middle East (2)
  • Middle West (138)
  • Midland (1)
  • Midland County (1)
  • Milky Way (1)
  • Milwaukee (1)
  • Minas Gerais (1)
  • Minnesota (8)
  • Mississippi (2)
  • Missouri (1)
  • Mombasa (1)
  • Mongolia (2)
  • Montana (1)
  • Montcalm County (1)
  • Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo) (1)
  • Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico) (1)
  • Morenci (1)
  • Morenci (Ariz.) (1)
  • Morocco (1)
  • Morogoro (1)
  • Morogoro Region (2)
  • Morton Site (1)
  • Morton Site (Ill.) (2)
  • Mosquitia (1)
  • Mosquitia (Nicaragua and Honduras) (1)
  • Mount Elgon National Park (Uganda) (1)
  • Mozambique (8)
  • Mtwara District (1)
  • Muskegon (1)
  • Muskegon County (3)
  • Muskegon Lake (1)
  • Muskegon River (1)
  • Muskegon River (Mich.) (1)
  • Mvomero District (Morogoro Region, Tanzania) (1)
  • Nairobi (1)
  • Namibia (4)
  • Napo River Valley (1)
  • Napo River Valley (Ecuador and Peru) (1)
  • Nashville (1)
  • Natchez (1)
  • Natchez (Miss.) (1)
  • Nemea Site (1)
  • Nemea Site (Greece) (1)
  • Netherlands (1)
  • New Delhi (1)
  • New England (2)
  • New Jersey (2)
  • New Mexico (1)
  • New Orleans (3)
  • New Philadelphia (1)
  • New Philadelphia (Ill.) (1)
  • New Southwest (1)
  • New York (8)
  • New York (City) (1)
  • New York (State) (11)
  • New Zealand (1)
  • Nicaragua (10)
  • Niger River Delta (2)
  • Niger River Delta (Nigeria) (1)
  • Nigeria (22)
  • Nigeria, Northern (1)
  • North America (22)
  • North Carolina (4)
  • North Manitou Island (1)
  • North Pacific Ocean (1)
  • Northeast Africa (1)
  • Northeast Brazil (1)
  • Northeastern States (2)
  • Northern California (1)
  • Northern Great Plains (1)
  • Northern Nigeria (1)
  • Northwest, Old (1)
  • Nutrition (1)
  • OECD countries (2)
  • Oakland County (1)
  • Oceana County (1)
  • Oceana County (Mich.) (1)
  • Oceania (2)
  • Ocqueoc River (1)
  • Ohafia (Nigeria) (1)
  • Ohio River Valley (1)
  • Okinawa Island (1)
  • Okinawa-shi (1)
  • Oklahoma (3)
  • Old Northwest (1)
  • Oneida County (1)
  • Ontario (7)
  • Orange County (1)
  • Orendorf Site (Ill.) (1)
  • Osmore River Valley (1)
  • Ottawa County (1)
  • Otter Lake (Genesee County and Lapeer County : Lake) (1)
  • Otter Lake (Genesee County and Lapeer County, Mich. : Lake) (1)
  • Pacific Area (1)
  • Pacific Coast (1)
  • Pacific Coast (U.S.) (1)
  • Pacific Ocean (3)
  • Pakistan (15)
  • Pantanal (1)
  • Papua New Guinea (2)
  • Paraguay (3)
  • Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) (1)
  • Pátzcuaro, Lake (2)
  • Pennsylvania (4)
  • Philadelphia (1)
  • Philippines (2)
  • Pingtung (1)
  • Piura (Region) (1)
  • Piwŏn (Seoul, Korea) (1)
  • Portugal (1)
  • Poznań (1)
  • Poznań (Poland) (1)
  • Puducherry (1)
  • Puerto Rico (6)
  • Quintana Roo (State) (1)
  • Raisin River Watershed (3)
  • Raisin River Watershed (Mich.) (3)
  • Raisin River Watershed (Ont.) (1)
  • Rama (Indigenous community) (1)
  • Red Cedar River Watershed (3)
  • Red Cedar River Watershed (Mich.) (2)
  • Red Sea (1)
  • Republican River Watershed (1)
  • Republican River Watershed (Neb. and Kan.) (1)
  • Research (2)
  • Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz (1)
  • Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz (1)
  • Ribeirão Preto Region (1)
  • Ribeirão Prêto Region (Brazil) (1)
  • Rio de Janeiro (1)
  • River Raisin Watershed (Mich.) (1)
  • River Rouge (2)
  • Rockford (1)
  • Rocky Mountains (2)
  • Romania (1)
  • Rome (Empire) (1)
  • Royal Oak (1)
  • Ruaha National Park (1)
  • Rugao Shi (China) (1)
  • Russia (Federation) (6)
  • Saginaw (3)
  • Saginaw Bay (6)
  • Saginaw Bay (Mich.) (3)
  • Saginaw County (1)
  • Saginaw River Watershed (2)
  • Saginaw River Watershed (Mich.) (1)
  • Saginaw Valley Region (1)
  • Saint Clair, Lake (Mich. and Ont.) (2)
  • Saint Elizabeth (1)
  • Saint Marys City (1)
  • Saint Marys City (Md.) (1)
  • San Francisco Bay Area (2)
  • San Jose (1)
  • San José (1)
  • San José (1)
  • Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Historical Cemetery (San Jose, Calif.) (1)
  • Santiago de Cuba (2)
  • Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) (2)
  • Sarasota Bay (1)
  • Sarasota Bay (Fla.) (1)
  • Sardinia (1)
  • Saudi Arabia (8)
  • Schild Site (1)
  • Schild Site (Ill.) (1)
  • Scotland (1)
  • Senador José Porfírio (1)
  • Senegal (11)
  • Senegambi (1)
  • Senegambia (2)
  • Sequoia National Park (1)
  • Sequoia National Park (Calif.) (1)
  • Shamālīyah (State) (1)
  • Sheridan Park (Chicago, Ill.) (1)
  • Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge (1)
  • Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge (Mich.) (1)
  • Shiawassee River (1)
  • Shiawassee River (Mich.) (1)
  • Siberia (1)
  • Sierra Nevada (1)
  • Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) (1)
  • Somalia (1)
  • South Africa (20)
  • South America (3)
  • South Asia (3)
  • South Carolina (1)
  • South Dakota (1)
  • South Manitou Island (1)
  • South Pacific Ocean (1)
  • Southeast Asia (2)
  • Southern Africa (4)
  • Southern California (1)
  • Southern France (1)
  • Southern States (4)
  • Southwest China (1)
  • Southwest, New (1)
  • Southwestern States (1)
  • Soviet Union (5)
  • Spring Arbor (1)
  • Sri Lanka (1)
  • Staffordshire (1)
  • Stamford (1)
  • Staten Island (New York, N.Y.) (1)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (15)
  • Sumatra (1)
  • Superior, Lake (3)
  • Suzhou (Jiangsu Sheng) (1)
  • Systems engineering (1)
  • São Paulo (State) (1)
  • T02BBbilisi (1)
  • Taiwan (10)
  • Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (1)
  • Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (Indonesia) (1)
  • Tamil Nadu (3)
  • Tanga Region (1)
  • Tanzania (36)
  • Tennessee (5)
  • Thailand (7)
  • Thunder Bay (1)
  • Tianjin (2)
  • Tianjin (China) (1)
  • Tijuana (1)
  • Tominian (Cercle) (1)
  • Torch Lake (Antrim County : Lake) (1)
  • Torch Lake (Antrim County, Mich. : Lake) (1)
  • Traverse City (1)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (1)
  • Tropics (6)
  • Troy (Mich.) (1)
  • Turkana County (1)
  • Turkana District (Kenya) (1)
  • Turkey (10)
  • Tʻbilisi (1)
  • Uganda (13)
  • Ukraine (2)
  • Ukrainian speakers (1)
  • Uluguru Mountains (1)
  • Unalakleet (1)
  • United Arab Emirates (3)
  • United States (816)
  • Upper Peninsula (8)
  • Urmia, Lake (1)
  • Uruguay (1)
  • Uttarakhand (1)
  • Uttarakhand (India) (1)
  • Ürümqi (1)
  • Venda (South Africa) (2)
  • Ventura County (1)
  • Ventura County (Calif.) (1)
  • Vietnam (6)
  • Virginia (1)
  • Walkerton (1)
  • Walkerton (Ont.) (1)
  • Washington (D.C.) (3)
  • Washington (State) (2)
  • Washtenaw County (3)
  • Waterbury (1)
  • Waterbury (Conn.) (1)
  • Wenchuan Xian (Sichuan Sheng) (1)
  • West (U.S.) (5)
  • West Africa (3)
  • West Bank (1)
  • West Bengal (1)
  • West Indies (2)
  • West United States (4)
  • Western Cape (1)
  • Wisconsin (9)
  • Wolong Nature Reserve (1)
  • Wolong Shi (2)
  • Xiamen (Xiamen Shi) (1)
  • Xingu River (1)
  • Yangtze River Delta (1)
  • Yangtze River Delta (China) (1)
  • Yaoundé (1)
  • Yaoundé (1)
  • Yucatán (State) (1)
  • Yucatán (State) (1)
  • Zambia (15)
  • Zanzibar (2)
  • Zhangye (1)
  • Zhangye (China) (1)
  • Zhejiang (1)
  • Zimbabwe (3)
  • Zululand (1)
  • Zululand (South Africa) (1)
  • michigan (1)
  • 4-H clubs (2)
  • 5G mobile communication systems (1)
  • ACT Assessment (1)
  • AIDS (Disease) (4)
  • AIDS (Disease) in children (1)
  • AIDS (Disease) in pregnancy (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Etiology (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Pathogenesis (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Patients (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Political aspects (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Risk factors (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Sex factors (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Social aspects (1)
  • AIDS (Disease)--Treatment (1)
  • Abamectin (1)
  • Abandoned mined lands reclamation (2)
  • Abani, Chris (1)
  • Abdominal aneurysm (3)
  • Abdominal aorta (1)
  • Abelian varieties (2)
  • Abies concolor (1)
  • Ability (1)
  • Ability--Testing (3)
  • Ability--Testing--Evaluation (1)
  • Abnormalities, Human (2)
  • Abnormalities, Human, in literature (1)
  • Abnormalities, Human--Public opinion (1)
  • Aboriginal Australians (1)
  • Absenteeism (Labor) (1)
  • Absorption (1)
  • Absorptive capacity (Economics) (1)
  • Abstraction (1)
  • Abstraction--Testing (1)
  • Abused children (3)
  • Abused children--Psychology (1)
  • Abused children--Services for (1)
  • Abused teenagers (1)
  • Abused wives--Psychology (1)
  • Abused women (2)
  • Abused women--Attitudes (2)
  • Abused women--Family relationships (2)
  • Abused women--Psychology (1)
  • Abused women--Services for (1)
  • Abusive men (1)
  • Academic achievement (50)
  • Academic achievement--Economic aspects (1)
  • Academic achievement--Forecasting (3)
  • Academic achievement--Research (3)
  • Academic achievement--Social aspects (2)
  • Academic achievement--Testing (3)
  • Academic freedom (2)
  • Academic libraries--Acquisitions (1)
  • Academic libraries--Collection development (1)
  • Academic spin-outs (1)
  • Academic writing (3)
  • Academic writing--Ability testing (2)
  • Academic writing--Study and teaching (4)
  • Academic writing--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Academic-industrial collaboration (1)
  • Acanthamoeba (1)
  • Accelerometers (2)
  • Acclimatization (Plants) (1)
  • Accountants (2)
  • Accounting (10)
  • Accounting firms--Public opinion (1)
  • Accounting--Management (1)
  • Accounting--Standards (2)
  • Accounting--Standards--Public opinion (1)
  • Accretion (Astrophysics) (2)
  • Acculturation (6)
  • Acculturation--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Acetaminophen--Toxicology (2)
  • Acetates (1)
  • Acetylation (1)
  • Acetylcholine (1)
  • Achievement motivation (7)
  • Achievement tests (1)
  • Achievement tests--Evaluation (1)
  • Acid soils (1)
  • Acoustic localization (2)
  • Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (1)
  • Acoustical engineering (1)
  • Acoustooptical devices (1)
  • Acreage allotments (1)
  • Act (Philosophy) (1)
  • Actinobacillus (4)
  • Action research in education (1)
  • Activation (Chemistry) (4)
  • Active food packaging (4)
  • Active galactic nuclei (1)
  • Active learning (5)
  • Active nitrogen (1)
  • Active oxygen (1)
  • Actor-network theory (2)
  • Actuators (1)
  • Actuators--Design and construction (2)
  • Acute myeloid leukemia (2)
  • Acylation (1)
  • Acyltransferases (3)
  • Adam Bede (Eliot, George) (1)
  • Adaptability (Psychology) (6)
  • Adaptability (Psychology)--Research (1)
  • Adaptability (Psychology)--Testing (3)
  • Adaptation (Biology) (11)
  • Adaptation (Biology)--Computer simulation (1)
  • Adaptation (Physiology) (1)
  • Adaptive computing systems (2)
  • Adaptive control systems (2)
  • Adaptive control systems--Mathematical models (1)
  • Adaptive harvest management (1)
  • Adaptive radiation (Evolution) (1)
  • Adaptive sampling (Statistics) (2)
  • Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 (1)
  • Addicts--Psychology (1)
  • Addicts--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Addison's disease (1)
  • Addition polymerization (1)
  • Additive manufacturing (11)
  • Adenine nucleotides (1)
  • Adenocarcinoma (1)
  • Adenosine (1)
  • Adenosine triphosphatase (2)
  • Adenosine triphosphate (4)
  • Adenosine triphosphate--Measurement (1)
  • Adenovirus diseases (4)
  • Adenoviruses (7)
  • Adhesion (2)
  • Adhesive joints (3)
  • Adhesive joints--Mathematical models (1)
  • Adhesive joints--Testing (1)
  • Adhesives (1)
  • Adiabatic invariants (1)
  • Adipose tissues (4)
  • Adjustment (Psychology) (11)
  • Adjustment (Psychology) in adolescence (1)
  • Adjustment (Psychology)--Research (1)
  • Administration (6)
  • Administrative assistants (1)
  • Adobe Photoshop (1)
  • Adolescence (1)
  • Adolescent psychology (2)
  • Adopted children--Mental health (1)
  • Adopted children--Psychology (1)
  • Adoptees (1)
  • Adoption (1)
  • Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969 (2)
  • Adrenal glands--Diseases (1)
  • Adrenergic mechanisms (2)
  • Adrenocortical hormones (1)
  • Adult child abuse victims--Attitudes (1)
  • Adult child sexual abuse victims (1)
  • Adult college students (1)
  • Adult education (6)
  • Adult learning (3)
  • Adult students (2)
  • Adultery (1)
  • Adultery--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Adulthood (1)
  • Advance directives (Medical care) (3)
  • Advanced placement programs (Education) (3)
  • Adventure therapy (1)
  • Advertising (7)
  • Advertising and youth (1)
  • Advertising, Newspaper (1)
  • Advertising, Public service (2)
  • Advertising--Alcoholic beverages (1)
  • Advertising--Econometric models (1)
  • Advertising--Food (1)
  • Advertising--Motion pictures (1)
  • Advertising--Psychological aspects (5)
  • Advertising--Social aspects (1)
  • Advertising--Tourism (1)
  • Advisory boards (1)
  • Aedes aegypti--Control (1)
  • Aedes albopictus--Control (2)
  • Aegilops (1)
  • Aerated package treatment systems (1)
  • Aerial photogrammetry (1)
  • Aerial surveys in wildlife management (1)
  • Aeroacoustics (2)
  • Aerobic exercises (1)
  • Aerobic exercises--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Aerodynamics (4)
  • Aeroelasticity (1)
  • Aerofoils (4)
  • Aerogels (1)
  • Aeronautics (1)
  • Aeronautics, Commercial (1)
  • Aeronautics, Commercial--Passenger traffic--Safety measures (1)
  • Aeronautics--Research (1)
  • Aeronautics--Safety measures (1)
  • Aerosol propellants (1)
  • Aerosols (1)
  • Aerosols--Testing (1)
  • Aerospace engineering (1)
  • Aerospace industries--Materials (1)
  • Aerospace planes (1)
  • Aesthetics (4)
  • Aesthetics--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Affect (Psychology) (6)
  • Affective education (1)
  • Affective neuroscience (2)
  • Affiliation (Psychology) (1)
  • Aflatoxins (5)
  • Aflatoxins--Synthesis (1)
  • Aflatoxins--Toxicology (1)
  • Africa (36)
  • Africa--Nubia (5)
  • Africa--Senegambia (1)
  • African American Muslims (1)
  • African American actors (1)
  • African American athletes (3)
  • African American authors (1)
  • African American bisexual men (1)
  • African American boys (2)
  • African American boys--Education (1)
  • African American business enterprises (1)
  • African American children (2)
  • African American children--Education (1)
  • African American clergy (1)
  • African American coaches (Athletics) (1)
  • African American college graduates (1)
  • African American college students (6)
  • African American college students--Attitudes (2)
  • African American college students--Social conditions (1)
  • African American dropouts (1)
  • African American educators (2)
  • African American entertainers (1)
  • African American families (3)
  • African American families--Psychology (1)
  • African American farmers (2)
  • African American farmers--Economic conditions (1)
  • African American fathers (1)
  • African American feminists (7)
  • African American gay men (2)
  • African American girls (7)
  • African American girls--Books and reading (2)
  • African American graduate students (3)
  • African American grandmothers (1)
  • African American healers (1)
  • African American high school students (3)
  • African American high school students--Attitudes (1)
  • African American jazz musicians (1)
  • African American leadership (1)
  • African American lesbians (1)
  • African American male college students (1)
  • African American men (2)
  • African American men--Attitudes (1)
  • African American men--Education (Higher) (2)
  • African American men--Psychology (1)
  • African American men--Race identity (1)
  • African American men--Sexual behavior (1)
  • African American men--Social conditions (3)
  • African American middle school boys (1)
  • African American middle school students (4)
  • African American mothers (3)
  • African American music teachers (1)
  • African American nurses (1)
  • African American parents (4)
  • African American philosophers (1)
  • African American philosophy (1)
  • African American political activists (1)
  • African American preaching (1)
  • African American press (1)
  • African American professional athletes (1)
  • African American scholars (1)
  • African American school children (2)
  • African American sexual minorities (1)
  • African American single mothers (2)
  • African American students (7)
  • African American students--Psychology (1)
  • African American teenage boys (1)
  • African American teenage girls (4)
  • African American teenage girls--Attitudes (1)
  • African American teenagers--Sexual behavior (1)
  • African American universities and colleges (2)
  • African American women (10)
  • African American women college students (3)
  • African American women college teachers (2)
  • African American women in higher education (1)
  • African American women in literature (1)
  • African American women in popular culture (2)
  • African American women in the professions (1)
  • African American women on television (1)
  • African American women teachers (1)
  • African American women--Attitudes (7)
  • African American women--Crimes against (1)
  • African American women--Diseases (1)
  • African American women--Education (Higher) (1)
  • African American women--Health and hygiene (1)
  • African American women--Medical care (1)
  • African American women--Mental health (1)
  • African American women--Psychology (2)
  • African American women--Race identity (3)
  • African American women--Social conditions (3)
  • African American young adults (2)
  • African American youth (2)
  • African American youth--Education (1)
  • African American youth--Social life and customs (1)
  • African Americans (25)
  • African Americans and mass media (1)
  • African Americans in criminal justice administration (1)
  • African Americans in literature (1)
  • African Americans in popular culture (1)
  • African Americans--Attitudes (1)
  • African Americans--Civil rights (3)
  • African Americans--Diseases (2)
  • African Americans--Drug use (1)
  • African Americans--Economic conditions (1)
  • African Americans--Education (1)
  • African Americans--Education (Higher) (1)
  • African Americans--Education (Secondary) (1)
  • African Americans--Health and hygiene (2)
  • African Americans--Land tenure (1)
  • African Americans--Language (2)
  • African Americans--Languages (1)
  • African Americans--Marriage (1)
  • African Americans--Material culture (1)
  • African Americans--Mental health (1)
  • African Americans--Music (1)
  • African Americans--Philosophy (1)
  • African Americans--Politics and government (2)
  • African Americans--Press coverage (1)
  • African Americans--Psychology (1)
  • African Americans--Race identity (7)
  • African Americans--Social conditions (6)
  • African Americans--Social life and customs (1)
  • African Americans--Study and teaching (6)
  • African World Festival (Detroit, Mich.) (1)
  • African armyworm (1)
  • African diaspora (7)
  • African diaspora in literature (1)
  • African literature (1)
  • African swine fever (1)
  • African swine fever virus (1)
  • African trypanosomiasis (1)
  • Africans (1)
  • Africans--Religion (1)
  • Africans--Social conditions (1)
  • Afrocentrism (4)
  • After-school programs (1)
  • Age factors in disease (2)
  • Agent (Philosophy) (3)
  • Agent (Philosophy) in literature (1)
  • Aggressive behavior in animals (3)
  • Aggressiveness (6)
  • Aggressiveness in adolescence (1)
  • Aggressiveness in children (2)
  • Aggressiveness--Physiological aspects (3)
  • Aggressiveness--Research (2)
  • Aggressiveness--Sex differences (1)
  • Aggressiveness--Testing (1)
  • Agile software development (1)
  • Aging in literature (1)
  • Aging parents (1)
  • Aging--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Aging--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Aging--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Agricultural assistance (1)
  • Agricultural biotechnology (3)
  • Agricultural chemicals (1)
  • Agricultural chemicals--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Agricultural colleges (1)
  • Agricultural conservation (4)
  • Agricultural conservation--Economic aspects (1)
  • Agricultural credit (4)
  • Agricultural credit corporations (1)
  • Agricultural development projects (1)
  • Agricultural diversification (2)
  • Agricultural diversification--Economic aspects (2)
  • Agricultural ecology (8)
  • Agricultural education (4)
  • Agricultural education--Curricula (1)
  • Agricultural engineering (18)
  • Agricultural extension work (2)
  • Agricultural extension work--Research (1)
  • Agricultural extension workers (1)
  • Agricultural industries--Mergers (1)
  • Agricultural innovations (5)
  • Agricultural innovations--Econometric models (1)
  • Agricultural innovations--Economic aspects (1)
  • Agricultural innovations--Evaluation (1)
  • Agricultural innovations--Social aspects (1)
  • Agricultural intensification (2)
  • Agricultural laborers (3)
  • Agricultural laborers--Economic conditions (1)
  • Agricultural landscape management (1)
  • Agricultural laws and legislation (1)
  • Agricultural microbiology (1)
  • Agricultural pests (3)
  • Agricultural pests--Control (2)
  • Agricultural pests--Control--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Agricultural pollution (5)
  • Agricultural price supports (1)
  • Agricultural prices (1)
  • Agricultural processing (1)
  • Agricultural productivity (8)
  • Agricultural systems (6)
  • Agricultural wastes (2)
  • Agricultural wastes as fuel (2)
  • Agricultural wastes--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Agricultural wastes--Recycling (2)
  • Agriculturally marginal lands (2)
  • Agriculture (88)
  • Agriculture and energy (1)
  • Agriculture and state (6)
  • Agriculture and state--Econometric models (1)
  • Agriculture in literature (1)
  • Agriculture teachers--Attitudes (1)
  • Agriculture, Cooperative (3)
  • Agriculture, Prehistoric (1)
  • Agriculture--Data processing (1)
  • Agriculture--Econometric models (1)
  • Agriculture--Economic aspects (79)
  • Agriculture--Economic aspects--Mathematical models (1)
  • Agriculture--Economic aspects--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Agriculture--Energy consumption (1)
  • Agriculture--Environmental aspects (9)
  • Agriculture--Finance (1)
  • Agriculture--Management (1)
  • Agriculture--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Agriculture--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Agriculture--Remote sensing (1)
  • Agriculture--Research (2)
  • Agriculture--Research--Citizen participation (1)
  • Agriculture--Social aspects (2)
  • Agriculture--Sociological aspects (1)
  • Agriculture--Study and teaching (3)
  • Agriculture--Study and teaching (Elementary) (2)
  • Agriculture--Technology transfer (1)
  • Agriculturists--Attitudes (2)
  • Agritourism (3)
  • Agrobiodiversity conservation (1)
  • Agroforestry (1)
  • Agroforestry systems (1)
  • Agroforestry--Planning (1)
  • Agronomy (22)
  • Agrostis (2)
  • Agroterrorism (1)
  • Ahmadiyya--Missions (1)
  • Air flow (2)
  • Air quality--Testing (1)
  • Air--Pollution (1)
  • Air--Pollution--Health aspects (1)
  • Air--Pollution--Standards (1)
  • Airbnb (Firm) (1)
  • Airframes (1)
  • Airframes--Materials--Testing (1)
  • Airlines--Economic aspects (1)
  • Airplanes (1)
  • Airplanes--Motors--Certification (1)
  • Airplanes--Motors--Testing (1)
  • Airplanes--Sheet-metal work (1)
  • Airplanes--Wings (1)
  • Airplanes--Wings--Design and construction (1)
  • Airports--Management (1)
  • Airway (Medicine) (1)
  • Akofa, Henriette (1)
  • Al-Hudaʹ Inṭarneshal (Pakistan) (1)
  • Alaska--Katmai National Park and Preserve (1)
  • Alaska--Unalakleet (1)
  • Albedo--Measurement (1)
  • Albumins (1)
  • Alcohol (1)
  • Alcohol as fuel (2)
  • Alcoholic beverages--Flavor and odor (1)
  • Alcoholic beverages--Labeling (1)
  • Alcoholism (1)
  • Alcoholism--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Alcoholism--Sex differences (1)
  • Alcohols (1)
  • Aldehydes (4)
  • Aldehydes--Reactivity (1)
  • Aldosterone (1)
  • Alfalfa--Varieties (1)
  • Algae--Ecology (1)
  • Algae--Growth (1)
  • Algae--Research (1)
  • Algal biofuels (3)
  • Algal blooms (2)
  • Algal blooms--Monitoring (1)
  • Algal communities (2)
  • Algebra (1)
  • Algebra, Homological (3)
  • Algebra--Study and teaching (1)
  • Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Algebra--Study and teaching (Middle school) (3)
  • Algebra--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Algebraic topology (7)
  • Algebras, Linear (2)
  • Algeria--Constantine (1)
  • Algology (1)
  • Algorithms (13)
  • Algorithms--Analysis (1)
  • Alien plants (1)
  • Alienation (Philosophy) in literature (1)
  • Alienation (Social psychology) (2)
  • Alienation (Social psychology) in literature (1)
  • Alimentary canal--Inflammation (1)
  • Alkali metals (1)
  • Alkaline phosphatase (1)
  • Alkaloids--Synthesis (1)
  • Alkenes (2)
  • All Souls' Day (1)
  • Allah n'est pas obligé (Kourouma, Ahmadou) (1)
  • Allegiance (1)
  • Allelomorphism (1)
  • Allergens (1)
  • Allergy (1)
  • Allergy--Etiology (1)
  • Allied Occupation of Japan (Japan : 1945-1952) (1)
  • Allied health personnel--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Allied health personnel--Training of (1)
  • Allocation of organs, tissues, etc (2)
  • Allometry (1)
  • Allophones (2)
  • Allostasis (2)
  • Allosteric enzymes (1)
  • Allosteric regulation (1)
  • Allotment of land (1)
  • Allotropy (1)
  • Aloe vera (1)
  • Alpha acids (1)
  • Alpha fetoproteins--Physiological effect (1)
  • Alpha-synuclein (2)
  • Alternaria (1)
  • Alternaria--Toxicology (1)
  • Alternative agriculture (2)
  • Alternative education (4)
  • Alternative medicine (2)
  • Alternatives to imprisonment (1)
  • Altruism (3)
  • Aluminum (1)
  • Aluminum alloys (2)
  • Aluminum alloys--Bonding (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Ductility (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Fracture (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Mechanical properties (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Metallography (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Research (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Thermal properties (1)
  • Aluminum alloys--Welding (1)
  • Aluminum coatings (1)
  • Aluminum nitride (1)
  • Alvar regions (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease (11)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Animal models (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Diagnosis (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Etiology (2)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Pathogenesis (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Patients (1)
  • Alzheimer's disease--Treatment (1)
  • Amanita phalloides (1)
  • Amaranths (2)
  • Amaranthus palmeri (3)
  • Amateur Athletic Union of the United States (1)
  • (Firm) (1)
  • Ambiguity in literature (1)
  • Ambition (1)
  • Ambitious Amazons (1)
  • Ambrosia artemisiifolia--Control (1)
  • Ambrosia beetles (2)
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (1)
  • Ambulatory medical care (2)
  • Ambystoma mexicanum (1)
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (United States) (1)
  • American University of Sharjah (1)
  • American chestnut--Diseases and pests (1)
  • American eel (1)
  • American fiction--Women authors (1)
  • American kestrel (1)
  • American literature (12)
  • American literature--African American authors (4)
  • American literature--Japanese influences (1)
  • American literature--Mexican American authors (2)
  • American literature--Minority authors (1)
  • American literature--Political aspects (1)
  • American marten (2)
  • American mink (2)
  • American mink--Diseases (1)
  • American newspapers (2)
  • American newspapers--Circulation (1)
  • American newspapers--Headlines (1)
  • American robin (2)
  • American students (2)
  • American students--Foreign countries (1)
  • Americanization (1)
  • Americans (3)
  • Americans--Attitudes (1)
  • Americans--Public opinion (2)
  • Amino acid sequence (3)
  • Amino acids (1)
  • Amino acids in animal nutrition (2)
  • Amino acids--Research (2)
  • Amino acids--Synthesis (2)
  • Amiodarone (1)
  • Amish--Social conditions (1)
  • Amish--Social life and customs (1)
  • Ammonia (4)
  • Ammonia--Synthesis (1)
  • Ammonia--Toxicology (1)
  • Ammunition (1)
  • Amphetamine abuse (1)
  • Amphibian declines (1)
  • Amphibians (1)
  • Amphiphiles (1)
  • Amphipoda--Ecology (1)
  • Amplifiers (Electronics) (1)
  • Amplifiers, Radio frequency (1)
  • Amplifiers, Radio frequency--Design and construction (2)
  • Amplitude modulation (1)
  • Amusement parks (1)
  • Amygdaloid body (3)
  • Amylases (1)
  • Amylases--Analysis (1)
  • Amyloid beta-protein (3)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (1)
  • Anabaptists (1)
  • Anaerobic bacteria (3)
  • Analgesics (1)
  • Analog CMOS integrated circuits (1)
  • Analysis (Philosophy) (1)
  • Analysis of covariance (2)
  • Analysis of variance (2)
  • Analytic continuation (1)
  • Analytic functions (1)
  • Analytical chemistry (14)
  • Anaphylaxis (1)
  • Anarchism (1)
  • Anatomy (2)
  • Anatomy, Comparative (1)
  • Androgens (1)
  • Androgens--Physiological effect (1)
  • Androgens--Receptors (2)
  • Andropogon furcatus (1)
  • Anemometer (2)
  • Anesthetics (1)
  • Anger in the workplace (2)
  • Angiosperms (1)
  • Angiotensin II (2)
  • Angiotensin II--Antagonists (1)
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme (1)
  • Angiotensins (4)
  • Angiotensins--Physiological effect (1)
  • Anhedonia (2)
  • Animal anesthesia (1)
  • Animal behavior (1)
  • Animal behavior--Computer simulation (1)
  • Animal behavior--Research (2)
  • Animal communication (3)
  • Animal communication--Evolution (1)
  • Animal culture (1)
  • Animal culture--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Animal diversity conservation (1)
  • Animal ecology (1)
  • Animal feeding (1)
  • Animal industry (1)
  • Animal intelligence (1)
  • Animal locomotion (1)
  • Animal models in research (1)
  • Animal population density (3)
  • Animal populations (2)
  • Animal populations--Mathematical models (1)
  • Animal populations--Research (1)
  • Animal products as feed (1)
  • Animal remains (Archaeology) (1)
  • Animal rescue (1)
  • Animal rights (2)
  • Animal rights movement (1)
  • Animal rights--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Animal shelters (2)
  • Animal traps (1)
  • Animal waste (2)
  • Animal waste as feed (1)
  • Animal welfare (8)
  • Animal welfare--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Animal welfare--Public opinion (2)
  • Animals (2)
  • Animals as carriers of disease (1)
  • Animals in literature (3)
  • Animals in mass media (1)
  • Animals--Diseases (6)
  • Animals--Effect of human beings on (2)
  • Animals--Effect of logging on (2)
  • Animals--Food (1)
  • Animals--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Anisotropy (5)
  • Anisotropy--Mathematical models (1)
  • Anisotropy--Research (1)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (1)
  • Annonaceae (1)
  • Annual bluegrass (4)
  • Annuals (Plants) (3)
  • Anomaly detection (Computer security) (1)
  • Anopheles (4)
  • Anopheles gambiae (2)
  • Anopheles--Control (1)
  • Anorexia (1)
  • Anorexia nervosa (2)
  • Anosov diffeomorphisms (1)
  • Anoxemia (1)
  • Antenna arrays (2)
  • Antenna arrays--Design (1)
  • Antenna arrays--Mathematical models (1)
  • Antennas (Electronics) (6)
  • Antennas (Electronics)--Design and construction (2)
  • Anterior cruciate ligament (1)
  • Anterior cruciate ligament--Surgery (2)
  • Antheil, George, 1900-1959 (1)
  • Anthocyanins (5)
  • Anthracnose (2)
  • Anthracnose--Control (1)
  • Anthropology (1)
  • Anthropology, Prehistoric (1)
  • Anthropometry (2)
  • Anti-apartheid activists (1)
  • Anti-apartheid movements (1)
  • Anti-imperialist movements (2)
  • Anti-infective agents (7)
  • Anti-infective agents in veterinary medicine (2)
  • Anti-inflammatory agents (2)
  • Anti-racism (1)
  • Anti-racism--Study and teaching (1)
  • Anti-vaccination movement (2)
  • Antibacterial agents (3)
  • Antibiotics (6)
  • Antibiotics in agriculture (2)
  • Antibiotics in animal nutrition (1)
  • Antibiotics in veterinary medicine (2)
  • Antibiotics--Analysis (2)
  • Antibiotics--Effectiveness (1)
  • Antidepressants (1)
  • Antigen-antibody reactions (1)
  • Antigenic determinants (1)
  • Antigens (2)
  • Antigens--Immunology (1)
  • Antimicrobial polymers (2)
  • Antineoplastic agents (1)
  • Antioxidants (5)
  • Antioxidants--Therapeutic use (1)
  • Antiquities (12)
  • Antiquities, Prehistoric (2)
  • Antiretroviral agents (2)
  • Antisocial personality disorders (1)
  • Ants--Behavior (1)
  • Anxiety (9)
  • Anxiety disorders (4)
  • Anxiety in adolescence--Treatment (1)
  • Anxiety in children (2)
  • Anxiety in children--Treatment (2)
  • Anxiety in youth (1)
  • Anxiety--Treatment (1)
  • Aorta--Diseases (1)
  • Aortic aneurysms (5)
  • Aortic valve--Stenosis (1)
  • Apartheid (2)
  • Apartheid--Public opinion (1)
  • Apartheid--Religious aspects--Christianity (1)
  • Aphanomyces cochlioides (1)
  • Aphids--Biological control (2)
  • Aphids--Control (5)
  • Apiaries (1)
  • Apologizing (1)
  • Apoptosis (6)
  • Appellate courts (1)
  • Appetite (1)
  • Apple industry (2)
  • Apple industry--By-products (1)
  • Apple juice (1)
  • Apple scab (2)
  • Apples (17)
  • Apples--Diseases and pests (5)
  • Apples--Diseases and pests--Control (3)
  • Apples--Ecology (1)
  • Apples--Packaging (1)
  • Apples--Research (1)
  • Apples--Storage--Diseases and injuries (1)
  • Application software (1)
  • Application software--Development (1)
  • Applications for positions (1)
  • Applied anthropology (1)
  • Appraisal of archival materials (1)
  • Appreciative inquiry (1)
  • Approximation theory (1)
  • Aquaculture (4)
  • Aquaculture--Economic aspects (1)
  • Aquatic ecology (10)
  • Aquatic ecology--Remote sensing (1)
  • Aquatic habitats (2)
  • Aquatic sciences (9)
  • Aquatic virology (2)
  • Aquifers (1)
  • Arab American teenagers (1)
  • Arab American youth (1)
  • Arab Americans (3)
  • Arabic language (2)
  • Arabic language--Dialects (1)
  • Arabic language--Dialects--Phonology (1)
  • Arabic language--Social aspects (1)
  • Arabic language--Spoken Arabic (1)
  • Arabic language--Study and teaching (1)
  • Arabic literature (1)
  • Arabic wit and humor (1)
  • Arabidopsis (9)
  • Arabidopsis thaliana (18)
  • Arabidopsis thaliana--Genetics (4)
  • Arabidopsis--Genetics (2)
  • Arbovirus infections (1)
  • Archaebacteria (2)
  • Archaeological geology (1)
  • Archaeology (14)
  • Archaeology and history (1)
  • Archaeology--Comparative method (1)
  • Architects and builders (1)
  • Architects and engineers (1)
  • Architectural design--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Architectural design--Evaluation (1)
  • Architectural design--Social aspects (1)
  • Architecture (3)
  • Architecture and anthropology (1)
  • Architecture and energy conservation (1)
  • Architecture--Human factors (1)
  • Archival materials (1)
  • Archival materials--Digitization (1)
  • Archives--Collection management (1)
  • Archivists (1)
  • Arctic Ocean--Bering Land Bridge (1)
  • Area studies (3)
  • Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975 (1)
  • Areopagitica (Milton, John) (1)
  • Argentina (3)
  • Argentina--Buenos Aires (1)
  • Argon--Isotopes--Spectra (1)
  • Arid regions (1)
  • Arid regions forestry (1)
  • Arid regions--Remote sensing (1)
  • Arid regions--Research (1)
  • Arikara Indians (1)
  • Aristocracy (Political science) (1)
  • Aristocracy (Social class) in literature (1)
  • Aristolochia (1)
  • Aristotle (3)
  • Arizona (1)
  • Arizona--Clifton (1)
  • Arizona--Morenci (1)
  • Armed Forces (1)
  • Armenian Americans (1)
  • Armenian diaspora (1)
  • Armenians (1)
  • Armillaria root rot (1)
  • Aromatic compounds (7)
  • Aromatic compounds--Synthesis (6)
  • Aromatic compounds--Toxicology (1)
  • Aromatic fluorine compounds (1)
  • Aromaticity (Chemistry) (2)
  • Arrestins (2)
  • Arrhythmia (1)
  • Arsenic (1)
  • Arsenic--Toxicology (1)
  • Arson investigation (2)
  • Art and anthropology (1)
  • Art and literature (1)
  • Art and science (1)
  • Art in education (1)
  • Art in literature (1)
  • Art, American--Japanese influences (1)
  • Art, English (1)
  • Art, Modern--Exhibitions (1)
  • Art--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Art--Study and teaching (1)
  • Art--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Art--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Artaud, Antonin (1)
  • Arteries (3)
  • Arthropod populations (1)
  • Arthropoda (2)
  • Articulation (Education) (1)
  • Articulation disorders in children (1)
  • Artificial ankle (1)
  • Artificial hands (1)
  • Artificial intelligence (42)
  • Artificial intelligence--Agricultural applications (1)
  • Artificial intelligence--Computer programs (3)
  • Artificial intelligence--Research (2)
  • Artificial intelligence--Social aspects (1)
  • Artificial life (3)
  • Artificial light gardening (2)
  • Artificial satellites in agriculture (1)
  • Artisans (1)
  • Artist colonies (1)
  • Artistic collaboration (2)
  • Artists and theater (1)
  • Artists in literature (1)
  • Arts and crafts movement (1)
  • Arts and youth (1)
  • Arts, English (1)
  • Arts--Management (1)
  • Arts--Study and teaching (2)
  • Arts--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Arts--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Asclepiadaceae (1)
  • Ascomycetes (1)
  • Ascospores (2)
  • Ash (Combustion product) (1)
  • Ash (Plants) (2)
  • Ash (Plants)--Diseases and pests (4)
  • Ash disposal (1)
  • Ashanti (African people) (1)
  • Asia--East Indies (1)
  • Asian American children (1)
  • Asian American college students (1)
  • Asian American college students--Psychology (1)
  • Asian American parents (1)
  • Asian American women (1)
  • Asian American women--Psychology (1)
  • Asian Americans (6)
  • Asian Americans--Attitudes (1)
  • Asian Americans--Education (1)
  • Asian Americans--Mental health (2)
  • Asian Americans--Psychology (1)
  • Asian students (1)
  • Asian students--Social conditions (1)
  • Asians--Attitudes (1)
  • Askin, John, 1739-1815 (1)
  • Asparagus (2)
  • Asparagus beetle (1)
  • Asparagus growers (1)
  • Asparagus miner (2)
  • Asparagus--Diseases and pests (2)
  • Asperger's syndrome (1)
  • Asperger's syndrome in adolescence (1)
  • Aspergillus niger (1)
  • Asphalt (1)
  • Asphalt--Additives (1)
  • Asphalt--Research (1)
  • Asphalt--Rheology (1)
  • Asphalt-rubber (1)
  • Aspiration pneumonia (1)
  • Asset allocation (1)
  • Asset-backed financing (1)
  • Asset-liability management (1)
  • Assets (Accounting)--Evaluation (1)
  • Assimilation (Sociology) (4)
  • Associated Press (1)
  • Associative algebras (1)
  • Aster yellows (1)
  • Asthenia (1)
  • Asthma in children (1)
  • Asthma--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Asthma--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Asthma--Research (1)
  • Asthmatics (1)
  • Astrocytes (4)
  • Astronautics (1)
  • Astronomy (9)
  • Astronomy--Observations (1)
  • Astrophysics (29)
  • Asylum, Right of (1)
  • Asylum, Right of--Social aspects (1)
  • Asymmetric synthesis (11)
  • Asymmetry (Chemistry) (3)
  • At-risk youth (1)
  • At-risk youth--Education (1)
  • Athanasiou, Athena (1)
  • Atherosclerosis (1)
  • Atherosclerotic plaque (1)
  • Athletes (1)
  • Athletes in mass media (1)
  • Athletes, Black (2)
  • Athletes--Nutrition (1)
  • Athletes--Psychology (1)
  • Athletic ability (1)
  • Athletic shoes (1)
  • Athletic trainers (2)
  • Athletic trainers--Psychology (1)
  • Athletic trainers--Training of (1)
  • Atlantic salmon (1)
  • Atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
  • Atmospheric circulation--Computer simulation (1)
  • Atmospheric diffusion (1)
  • Atmospheric ozone--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Atmospheric physics (2)
  • Atmospheric science (1)
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy (1)
  • Atomic emission spectroscopy (1)
  • Atomic force microscopy (3)
  • Atomic mass (1)
  • Atomic mass--Measurement (1)
  • Atomic spectroscopy (2)
  • Atomic structure (1)
  • Atomic structure--Mathematical models (1)
  • Atoms--Research (1)
  • Atrazine (1)
  • Atrial fibrillation (1)
  • Atrocities (1)
  • Attachment behavior (3)
  • Attachment behavior in children (2)
  • Attention (12)
  • Attention in children (3)
  • Attention--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Attention--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Attention--Testing (2)
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (4)
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder--Treatment (1)
  • Attention-deficit-disordered children (2)
  • Attention-deficit-disordered children--Behavior modification (1)
  • Attenuation (Physics) (1)
  • Attitude (Psychology) (8)
  • Attitude change (2)
  • Attribution (Social psychology) (2)
  • Attribution of news (1)
  • Audiences (1)
  • Audio-visual education (1)
  • Audio-visual education--Evaluation (1)
  • Auditing (1)
  • Auditing, Internal (1)
  • Auditing--Data processing (1)
  • Auditing--Standards (1)
  • Auditory perception (4)
  • Auditory perception in infants (1)
  • Auditory selective attention (1)
  • Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 (1)
  • Auschwitz (Concentration camp) (1)
  • Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 (3)
  • Australia. High Court (1)
  • Austria (1)
  • Austria--Vienna (1)
  • Authenticity (Philosophy) (2)
  • Authenticity (Philosophy) in literature (1)
  • Authoritarianism (3)
  • Authoritarianism--Economic aspects (1)
  • Authority (2)
  • Authority--Religious aspects (1)
  • Authors and patrons (1)
  • Authors and publishers (1)
  • Authors, American (2)
  • Authors, Black (1)
  • Authors, Latin American (1)
  • Authors, Senegalese (1)
  • Authorship (2)
  • Authorship, Disputed (1)
  • Authorship--Social aspects (1)
  • Autism in children (5)
  • Autism spectrum disorders (15)
  • Autism spectrum disorders in children (13)
  • Autism spectrum disorders--Treatment (3)
  • Autism--Alternative treatment (1)
  • Autistic children (6)
  • Autistic children--Behavior modification (4)
  • Autistic children--Care (1)
  • Autistic children--Education (1)
  • Autistic children--Language (3)
  • Autistic people (9)
  • Autistic people--Services for (1)
  • Autistic youth (1)
  • Autistic youth--Behavior modification (2)
  • Autobiographical memory (1)
  • Autobiography (2)
  • Autobiography in literature (1)
  • Autocorrelation (Statistics) (3)
  • Autocrine mechanisms (1)
  • Autoimmune diseases (6)
  • Autoimmune diseases--Etiology (1)
  • Autoimmunity (1)
  • Automated vehicles (6)
  • Automatic abstracting (1)
  • Automatic classification (1)
  • Automatic control (5)
  • Automatic control--Mathematical models (2)
  • Automatic data collection systems (1)
  • Automatic timers (1)
  • Automatic tracking (2)
  • Automobile drivers (1)
  • Automobile drivers' tests (1)
  • Automobile drivers--Psychology (1)
  • Automobile driving (1)
  • Automobile driving in cities (1)
  • Automobile driving--Health aspects (1)
  • Automobile industry and trade (2)
  • Automobile industry and trade--Research (1)
  • Automobile industry workers--Attitudes (1)
  • Automobiles (7)
  • Automobiles--Aerodynamics (1)
  • Automobiles--Collision avoidance systems (1)
  • Automobiles--Customizing (1)
  • Automobiles--Design and construction (3)
  • Automobiles--Front-wheel drive (1)
  • Automobiles--Fuel consumption (2)
  • Automobiles--Motors (Diesel)--Turbochargers (1)
  • Automobiles--Motors--Design and construction (2)
  • Automobiles--Motors--Exhaust gas (1)
  • Automobiles--Motors--Fuel injection systems (1)
  • Automobiles--Motors--Knock (1)
  • Automobiles--Motors--Research (1)
  • Automobiles--Tires--Testing (1)
  • Automotive sensors (1)
  • Autonomic ganglia (1)
  • Autonomous robots (2)
  • Autonomy (1)
  • Autonomy (Psychology) (4)
  • Autophagic vacuoles (1)
  • Autopsy (1)
  • Autoregression (Statistics) (3)
  • Auxin--Molecular aspects (1)
  • Auxin--Physiological effect (1)
  • Avant-garde (Music) (1)
  • Avatars (Virtual reality) (1)
  • Aversion (1)
  • Avian influenza (3)
  • Avoidance (Psychology) (1)
  • Awareness (1)
  • Axial flow (3)
  • Axial flow compressors (3)
  • Axial loads (1)
  • Aziridines (7)
  • B cells (5)
  • B cells--Differentiation (2)
  • B cells--Differentiation--Molecular aspects (2)
  • BINA (Organization) (1)
  • Baby boom generation (3)
  • Baby foods (1)
  • Bacillus (Bacteria) (2)
  • Bacillus anthracis--Decontamination (1)
  • Bacillus subtilis (3)
  • Bacillus subtilis--Genetics (1)
  • Bacillus thuringiensis (1)
  • Bacillus thuringiensis--Toxicology (1)
  • Backache--Physical therapy (1)
  • Backache--Research (1)
  • Backache--Treatment (1)
  • Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 (1)
  • Bacteria (9)
  • Bacteria--Ecology (2)
  • Bacteria--Metabolism (1)
  • Bacteria--Motility (2)
  • Bacteria--Physiology (3)
  • Bacterial communities (2)
  • Bacterial diseases (1)
  • Bacterial diseases in animals (1)
  • Bacterial diseases in fishes (3)
  • Bacterial diseases of plants (5)
  • Bacterial diseases--Epidemiology (1)
  • Bacterial diseases--Pathogenesis (2)
  • Bacterial diversity (1)
  • Bacterial genetics (2)
  • Bacterial genomes (1)
  • Bacterial growth (1)
  • Bacterial kidney disease (Fish disease) (1)
  • Bacterial pollution of water (2)
  • Bacterial transformation (1)
  • Bacterial vaccines (1)
  • Bacterial wilt diseases (1)
  • Bacteriology--Technique (1)
  • Bacteriophage lambda--Genetics (1)
  • Bacteriophages (10)
  • Bacteriophages--Spectra (1)
  • Bader, Abdel Karim (1)
  • Balance of trade (1)
  • Ball-bearings (1)
  • Ballades (Instrumental music) (1)
  • Ballard, J. G., 1930-2009 (1)
  • Ballet companies (1)
  • Ballet mécanique (Antheil, George) (1)
  • Balsam fir (1)
  • Bamboo--Geographical distribution (1)
  • Bands (Music) (1)
  • Bank capital (1)
  • Bank examination (1)
  • Bank loans (2)
  • Bank loans--Econometric models (2)
  • Bank reserves--Econometric models (1)
  • Bankers (1)
  • Banks and banking (6)
  • Banks and banking, Central--Political aspects (1)
  • Banks and banking, International (3)
  • Banks and banking--Accounting (1)
  • Banks and banking--Deregulation (1)
  • Bantu languages (1)
  • Bantu languages--Phonology (1)
  • Bantu languages--Suffixes and prefixes (1)
  • Bantu-speaking peoples (1)
  • Bantu-speaking peoples--Migrations (1)
  • Baptismal records (1)
  • Barber, Samuel, 1910-1981 (1)
  • Bark beetles (1)
  • Barkhausen effect (1)
  • Barley--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Barnaby Rudge (Dickens, Charles) (1)
  • Barnes, Djuna (1)
  • Baroreflexes (1)
  • Barrels (1)
  • Barrier-free design (2)
  • Barrier-free design for older people (1)
  • Barrier-free design for students with disabilities (1)
  • Basal ganglia (1)
  • Basal reading instruction (1)
  • Baseball (1)
  • Baseball fields (1)
  • Basic proteins (1)
  • Basketball players (1)
  • Battery charging stations (Electric vehicles) (3)
  • Bayesian field theory (1)
  • Bayesian statistical decision theory (18)
  • Bâ, Mariama (1)
  • Beach closures (2)
  • Beaches (3)
  • Beaches--Economic aspects (2)
  • Beam dynamics (2)
  • Beam dynamics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Beam emittance (Nuclear physics) (1)
  • Beam optics (1)
  • Beamforming (2)
  • Bean industry (1)
  • Beans--Breeding (1)
  • Beans--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Beans--Economic aspects (2)
  • Beans--Marketing (2)
  • Beans--Varieties (1)
  • Beauty culture (3)
  • Beauty, Personal (2)
  • Beauty, Personal--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 (1)
  • Bedding plants (1)
  • Bedsores (2)
  • Bee culture (3)
  • Beech bark disease (2)
  • Beech--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Beef cattle (2)
  • Beef cattle--Carcasses (1)
  • Beef cattle--Cow-calf system (1)
  • Beef cattle--Diseases (1)
  • Beef cattle--Feeding and feeds (3)
  • Beef cattle--Health (1)
  • Beef industry (1)
  • Beef industry--Econometric models (1)
  • Beef steaks (1)
  • Beef--Composition (1)
  • Beef--Processing (1)
  • Beehives (1)
  • Beer industry (1)
  • Bees--Behavior (1)
  • Bees--Ecology (1)
  • Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 (1)
  • Beets--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Beets--Genetics (1)
  • Begag, Azouz, 1957- (1)
  • Behavior analysts (3)
  • Behavior disorders in adolescence (1)
  • Behavior disorders in children (9)
  • Behavior disorders in children--Treatment (1)
  • Behavior evolution (1)
  • Behavior genetics (1)
  • Behavior modification (14)
  • Behavior modification--Study and teaching (1)
  • Behavior therapists (2)
  • Behavior therapy (3)
  • Behavior therapy for children (1)
  • Behavioral assessment (8)
  • Behavioral assessment of children (5)
  • Behavioral assessment--Technique (1)
  • Behaviorism (Psychology) (15)
  • Belief and doubt (1)
  • Belief change (1)
  • Belonging (Social psychology) (9)
  • Belonging (Social psychology) in children (1)
  • Bemisia (1)
  • Benavente, Jacinto, 1866-1954 (1)
  • Beneficial insects (2)
  • Benguigui, Yamina (1)
  • Benthic plants (1)
  • Benthos (1)
  • Benzene (1)
  • Benzimidazoles (1)
  • Benzodiazepines--Receptors (1)
  • Berbers (1)
  • Bereavement in old age (1)
  • Bereavement--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Bergmann's rule (1)
  • Berry, Wendell (1)
  • Beryllium (1)
  • Beryllium--Isotopes (1)
  • Beryllium--Physiological effect (1)
  • Best management practices (Pollution prevention) (2)
  • Beta decay (12)
  • Beta lactamases (1)
  • Betrayal (1)
  • Betrothal in literature (1)
  • Beverage containers (1)
  • Beverage containers--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Beverage containers--Recycling (1)
  • Beverage containers--Recycling--Economic aspects (1)
  • Beyoncé, 1981- (1)
  • Beyoncé, 1981- (1)
  • Bibliometrics (1)
  • Biculturalism (1)
  • Bicycle lanes (1)
  • Bicycle trails (1)
  • Bifurcation theory (2)
  • Big Ten Conference (U.S.) (1)
  • Big data (7)
  • Bilayer lipid membranes (4)
  • Bildungsromans (1)
  • Bile acids (2)
  • Biliary atresia (1)
  • Bilingualism (1)
  • Bilingualism and literature (1)
  • Bilingualism in children (1)
  • Bilingualism in children--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Bilingualism--Public opinion (1)
  • Bilingualism--Social aspects (1)
  • Binders (Materials) (3)
  • Binding sites (Biochemistry) (2)
  • Binocular rivalry (1)
  • Binocular vision (1)
  • BioMEMS (1)
  • Bioaccumulation (2)
  • Bioactive compounds (1)
  • Bioavailability (3)
  • Biobanks (1)
  • Biocatalysis (8)
  • Biochar (1)
  • Biochemical markers (11)
  • Biochemistry (64)
  • Bioclimatology (2)
  • Biocompatibility (1)
  • Biocomplexity (3)
  • Bioconjugates (1)
  • Biodegradable plastics (8)
  • Biodegradable products (1)
  • Biodegradation (11)
  • Biodegradation--Research (1)
  • Biodiesel fuels (1)
  • Biodiesel fuels industry (1)
  • Biodiversity (6)
  • Biodiversity conservation (7)
  • Biodiversity conservation--Government policy (1)
  • Biodiversity--Climatic factors (1)
  • Biodiversity--Monitoring (1)
  • Bioelectrochemistry (2)
  • Bioenergetics (1)
  • Bioengineering (25)
  • Bioethics (5)
  • Bioethics in literature (1)
  • Bioethics--Methodology (1)
  • Bioethics--Philosophy (1)
  • Biofilms (12)
  • Biogenic amines (1)
  • Biogeochemical cycles (2)
  • Biogeochemistry (6)
  • Biogeography (4)
  • Biogeography--Climatic factors (1)
  • Biography (1)
  • Biography as a literary form (1)
  • Bioinformatics (49)
  • Bioinformatics--Methodology (2)
  • Biological decontamination (1)
  • Biological fitness (5)
  • Biological insecticides (1)
  • Biological interfaces (1)
  • Biological invasions (1)
  • Biological models (1)
  • Biological monitoring (1)
  • Biological pest control agents (3)
  • Biological products (1)
  • Biological rhythms (2)
  • Biological systems--Data processing (1)
  • Biological systems--Mathematical models (2)
  • Biological transport (3)
  • Biology (37)
  • Biology in literature (1)
  • Biology, Experimental (1)
  • Biology--Classification (4)
  • Biology--Study and teaching (2)
  • Biology--Study and teaching (Higher) (2)
  • Biology--Study and teaching (Secondary) (2)
  • Biomass (9)
  • Biomass chemicals (2)
  • Biomass conversion (10)
  • Biomass energy (39)
  • Biomass energy industries (6)
  • Biomass energy--Climatic factors (1)
  • Biomass energy--Economic aspects (3)
  • Biomass energy--Environmental aspects (3)
  • Biomass energy--Mathematical models (1)
  • Biomass energy--Research (6)
  • Biomass gasification (1)
  • Biomechanics (19)
  • Biomedical engineering (46)
  • Biomedical engineering--Data processing (1)
  • Biomedical engineering--Research (2)
  • Biomedical materials (3)
  • Biometric identification (9)
  • Biometric identification--Data processing (1)
  • Biometry (19)
  • Biometry--Data processing (1)
  • Biometry--Research (2)
  • Biomimetic materials (2)
  • Biomimetics (3)
  • Biomimetics--Biotechnology (1)
  • Biomimicry (2)
  • Biomolecules (2)
  • Biomolecules--Analysis (2)
  • Bioorganic chemistry (1)
  • Biopharmaceutics (1)
  • Biophysics (14)
  • Biopolymers (13)
  • Bioreactors--Design and construction (1)
  • Bioremediation (7)
  • Bioremediation--Research (1)
  • Biosecurity (1)
  • Biosensors (17)
  • Bioswales (2)
  • Biosynthesis (10)
  • Biotechnology (11)
  • Biotechnology--Research (1)
  • Biotelemetry (2)
  • Biotic communities (14)
  • Biotic communities--Evolution (1)
  • Bipartite graphs (1)
  • Biradicals (2)
  • Bird pests (2)
  • Bird populations (1)
  • Bird populations--Measurement (1)
  • Birds as laboratory animals (1)
  • Birds of prey (3)
  • Birds of prey--Behavior (1)
  • Birds of prey--Ecology (1)
  • Birds--Behavior (1)
  • Birds--Breeding (1)
  • Birds--Ecology (3)
  • Birds--Food (2)
  • Birds--Geographical distribution (1)
  • Birds--Habitat (2)
  • Birds--Variation (2)
  • Birdsongs (1)
  • Birth control (1)
  • Birth customs (1)
  • Birth order (1)
  • Birth weight (2)
  • Birth weight, Low (3)
  • Birth weight, Low--Prevention (1)
  • Birthparents (1)
  • Bisexuals (1)
  • Bismuth compounds (3)
  • Bisphenol A (1)
  • Bisphenols (1)
  • Bistability (1)
  • Bitcoin (1)
  • Bitter pit (1)
  • Bitumen (1)
  • Black Arts movement (1)
  • Black English (4)
  • Black English--Phonology (1)
  • Black Muslims (1)
  • Black Panther Party (1)
  • Black Workers for Justice (1)
  • Black bean (4)
  • Black bear (4)
  • Black bear--Age determination (1)
  • Black bear--Behavior (1)
  • Black bear--Habitat (2)
  • Black holes (Astronomy) (2)
  • Black mask (1)
  • Black nationalism (2)
  • Black people (5)
  • Black people and mass media (1)
  • Black people in literature (1)
  • Black people in motion pictures (1)
  • Black people in the motion picture industry (1)
  • Black people--Anthropometry (1)
  • Black people--Attitudes (1)
  • Black people--Colonization (1)
  • Black people--Education (1)
  • Black people--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Black people--Housing (1)
  • Black people--Race identity (2)
  • Black people--Relations with Asians (1)
  • Black people--Religion (1)
  • Black people--Relocation (1)
  • Black people--Study and teaching (1)
  • Black power (3)
  • Black rhinoceros (1)
  • Black theology (1)
  • Blackmun, Harry A. (Harry Andrew), 1908-1999 (1)
  • Bladder (1)
  • Bladder--Diseases (1)
  • Blame--Social aspects (1)
  • Blanding's turtle (1)
  • Blast injuries (1)
  • Blended learning (1)
  • Blepharoplasty (1)
  • Blind source separation (2)
  • Blindness in animals (1)
  • Block copolymers (2)
  • Blockchains (Databases) (5)
  • Blocking sets (1)
  • Bloggers (2)
  • Blood banks (1)
  • Blood flow (2)
  • Blood flow--Measurement (1)
  • Blood glucose (2)
  • Blood glucose monitoring (4)
  • Blood platelets (2)
  • Blood pressure (5)
  • Blood pressure--Mathematical models (1)
  • Blood pressure--Measurement (2)
  • Blood pressure--Regulation (1)
  • Blood proteins (1)
  • Blood--Analysis (1)
  • Blood--Examination (1)
  • Blood--Transfusion (1)
  • Blood-brain barrier (1)
  • Blood-vessels (4)
  • Blood-vessels--Growth (2)
  • Blood-vessels--Imaging (1)
  • Blowflies (3)
  • Blowing up (Algebraic geometry) (1)
  • Blue light--Physiological effect (1)
  • Blue-winged teal (1)
  • Blueberries (7)
  • Blueberries--Diseases and pests (2)
  • Blueberries--Diseases and pests--Control (2)
  • Blueberries--Growth (1)
  • Blueberries--Physiology (1)
  • Blueberries--Storage (1)
  • Blueberry industry (1)
  • Bluegill (1)
  • Bluegill--Behavior (1)
  • Bluegrasses (2)
  • Bluetooth technology (2)
  • Boarding schools (1)
  • Boards of directors (3)
  • Boca Juniors (Soccer club) (1)
  • Bodas de sangre (García Lorca, Federico) (1)
  • Body area networks (Electronics) (1)
  • Body armor (1)
  • Body image (3)
  • Body image disturbance (1)
  • Body image in adolescence (1)
  • Body image in children (1)
  • Body image in men (1)
  • Body image in women (4)
  • Body image in women--Social aspects (1)
  • Body marking (1)
  • Body mass index (2)
  • Body piercing (1)
  • Body size (1)
  • Body temperature--Regulation (1)
  • Body weight--Health aspects (1)
  • Body weight--Regulation (2)
  • Body-centered cubic metals (1)
  • Bolometer (2)
  • Bolted joints (2)
  • Bolted joints--Design and construction (1)
  • Bolted joints--Fatigue (1)
  • Bolted joints--Testing (2)
  • Bolts and nuts (2)
  • Bolʹshoĭ teatr SSSR. Balet (1)
  • Bombing and gunnery ranges (1)
  • Bondage (Sexual behavior) in literature (1)
  • Bone regeneration (1)
  • Bone-grafting (1)
  • Bonefish (1)
  • Bones--Analysis (1)
  • Bones--Cancer--Treatment (1)
  • Bones--Diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Bones--Growth (1)
  • Bones--Mechanical properties (2)
  • Book editors (1)
  • Bookchin, Murray, 1921-2006 (1)
  • Books and reading (2)
  • Booksellers and bookselling (1)
  • Bootstrap (Statistics) (2)
  • Borates (3)
  • Borderlands (4)
  • Borderlands in literature (1)
  • Boredom--Social aspects (1)
  • Bornmueller fir (1)
  • Boronic esters (2)
  • Borrelia burgdorferi (1)
  • Bose-Einstein condensation (1)
  • Botanical chemistry (2)
  • Botany (77)
  • Botany--Research (2)
  • Botrytis (1)
  • Botrytis cinerea (1)
  • Botswana (3)
  • Botswana--Sowa (1)
  • Bottlenose dolphin (1)
  • Boundaries (2)
  • Boundary disputes (1)
  • Boundary element methods (2)
  • Boundary layer (Meteorology) (1)
  • Boundary layer (Meteorology)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Boundary value problems (4)
  • Boundary value problems--Mathematical models (1)
  • Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002 (1)
  • Bovine leukemia virus (5)
  • Bovine leukosis (2)
  • Bowed stringed instruments--Instruction and study (2)
  • Box turtle (1)
  • Boycotts (1)
  • Boys in literature (1)
  • Brachiopoda, Fossil (1)
  • Brachycephaly (1)
  • Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1835-1915 (1)
  • Bragg gratings (2)
  • Brain chemistry (1)
  • Brain damage--Patients (1)
  • Brain damage--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Brain damage--Patients--Services for (1)
  • Brain drain (1)
  • Brain mapping (3)
  • Brain mapping--Mathematics (1)
  • Brain stimulation (1)
  • Brain--Computer simulation (1)
  • Brain--Concussion (9)
  • Brain--Concussion--Diagnosis (2)
  • Brain--Diseases (1)
  • Brain--Electric properties (1)
  • Brain--Evolution (1)
  • Brain--Imaging (6)
  • Brain--Localization of functions (1)
  • Brain--Magnetic resonance imaging (1)
  • Brain--Metabolism (1)
  • Brain--Physiology (3)
  • Brain--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Brain--Wounds and injuries--Diagnosis (1)
  • Brain--Wounds and injuries--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Brain-computer interfaces (6)
  • Bran--Analysis (1)
  • Branched chain amino acids (2)
  • Brand choice (4)
  • Brand loyalty (1)
  • Brand name products (4)
  • Brand name products--Research (1)
  • Branding (Marketing) (11)
  • Brass band music (1)
  • Brass bands (1)
  • Brassica (2)
  • Brassica--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Brauer groups (1)
  • Brazil (10)
  • Brazil--Altamira (Pará) (1)
  • Brazil--Caxias do Sul (1)
  • Brazil--Minas Gerais (1)
  • Brazil--Ribeirão Preto Region (1)
  • Brazil--Rio de Janeiro (1)
  • Brazil--São Paulo (State) (1)
  • Brazil--Xingu River (1)
  • Brazing (1)
  • Breakfast cereals (1)
  • Breast--Cancer (3)
  • Breast--Cancer--Animal models (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Chemotherapy (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Cytopathology (2)
  • Breast--Cancer--Genetic aspects (5)
  • Breast--Cancer--Molecular aspects (2)
  • Breast--Cancer--Nutritional aspects (2)
  • Breast--Cancer--Patients (2)
  • Breast--Cancer--Patients--Attitudes (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Patients--Mental health (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Patients--Services for (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Prevention (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Psychosomatic aspects (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Research (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Risk factors (2)
  • Breast--Cancer--Social aspects (1)
  • Breast--Cancer--Treatment (1)
  • Breast--Radiography (1)
  • Breastfeeding (3)
  • Breastfeeding--Health aspects (1)
  • Breastfeeding--Immunological aspects (1)
  • Breastfeeding--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Breastfeeding--Social aspects (1)
  • Breathing apparatus (1)
  • Breathing exercises (1)
  • Breathing exercises--Therapeutic use (1)
  • Breeding (11)
  • Brewery waste (1)
  • Bridge construction industry (1)
  • Bridges--Design and construction (3)
  • Bridges--Design and construction--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Bridges--Earthquake effects (1)
  • Bridges--Floors (1)
  • Bridges--Floors--Research (1)
  • Bridges--Maintenance and repair (1)
  • British colonies (2)
  • British literature (3)
  • Brittleness (1)
  • Broadband communication systems (1)
  • Broccoli (1)
  • Broilers (Chickens) (2)
  • Broilers (Chickens)--Processing (1)
  • Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855 (2)
  • Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855 (1)
  • Brook trout (2)
  • Brown bear populations (1)
  • Brown marmorated stink bug (2)
  • Brown trout (1)
  • Brown, Elaine, 1943- (1)
  • Brownfields (2)
  • Brownfields--Government policy (1)
  • Brownian motion processes (3)
  • Browsers (Computer programs) (1)
  • Brucellosis in cattle (1)
  • Bryozoa, Fossil (1)
  • Buckling (Mechanics) (4)
  • Buckwheat (1)
  • Buddhism--Social aspects (1)
  • Buddhist meditations (1)
  • Buddhists (1)
  • Budget deficits (1)
  • Buero Vallejo, Antonio, 1916-2000 (1)
  • Buffer zones (Ecosystem management) (1)
  • Buffeting (Aerodynamics) (1)
  • Building (6)
  • Building laws (1)
  • Building materials (3)
  • Building materials--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Building materials--Service life (1)
  • Building trades--Employees (2)
  • Building trades--Social aspects (2)
  • Building, Fireproof (4)
  • Building, Iron and steel (1)
  • Building, Wooden (1)
  • Buildings (2)
  • Buildings, Reinforced concrete (1)
  • Buildings--Energy conservation (2)
  • Buildings--Evaluation (1)
  • Buildings--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Buildings--Retrofitting (4)
  • Buildings--Utilization (1)
  • Bulimia (1)
  • Bulimia--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Bullets (2)
  • Bullying in schools (2)
  • Bullying in the workplace (1)
  • Bullying in universities and colleges (1)
  • Bumblebees (2)
  • Bumblebees--Behavior (1)
  • Bureaucracy (1)
  • Burghley House (Stamford, England) (1)
  • Burn out (Psychology) (1)
  • Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840 (1)
  • Burning of land--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Bus occupants (1)
  • Business (2)
  • Business analysts (1)
  • Business and education (1)
  • Business communication (4)
  • Business communication--Computer programs (1)
  • Business cycles (3)
  • Business education (1)
  • Business enterprises (1)
  • Business enterprises, Black (1)
  • Business enterprises--Computer networks (1)
  • Business enterprises--Finance (1)
  • Business enterprises--Valuation (1)
  • Business literature (1)
  • Business logistics (27)
  • Business logistics--Management (1)
  • Business networks (3)
  • Business planning (2)
  • Business schools (1)
  • Business students--Attitudes (1)
  • Business--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Businesspeople (1)
  • Businesspeople--Attitudes (3)
  • Businesswomen (1)
  • Butanol (2)
  • Butler, Judith, 1956- (1)
  • Butler, Octavia E. (1)
  • Butterflies (1)
  • Buttocks exercises (1)
  • Butyric acid (1)
  • Bycatches (Fisheries) (1)
  • Bâ, Mariama (1)
  • C-peptide (7)
  • C-reactive protein (1)
  • CD antigens (1)
  • COVID-19 (Disease) (6)
  • COVID-19 (Disease) in mass media (1)
  • COVID-19 (Disease)--Economic aspects (1)
  • COVID-19 (Disease)--Mortality (1)
  • COVID-19 (Disease)--Risk factors (1)
  • COVID-19 (Disease)--Social aspects (3)
  • COVID-19 (Disease)--Treatment (1)
  • COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-) (1)
  • COVID-19 vaccines (1)
  • CP violation (Nuclear physics) (2)
  • CRISPR (Genetics) (1)
  • Cabbage (2)
  • Cabernet (Wine) (1)
  • Cabo Verdeans (1)
  • Cacao growers (1)
  • Cache memory (2)
  • Cadmium sulfide (1)
  • Cadmium--Physiological effect (1)
  • Caenorhabditis elegans (1)
  • Cafeteria benefit plans (1)
  • Cairn terrier (1)
  • Calabi-Yau manifolds (1)
  • Calanoida (1)
  • Calcium (2)
  • Calcium channels (2)
  • Calcium--Isotopes (2)
  • Calcium--Metabolism (1)
  • Calcium--Metabolism--Disorders (1)
  • Calcium--Physiological effect (2)
  • Calculus of tensors (4)
  • Calculus--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Calderón-Zygmund operator (2)
  • Cale, John (1)
  • Calendar, Chinese (1)
  • Calibration (3)
  • Calibration--Computer programs (1)
  • California (14)
  • California State University, Northridge (1)
  • California--Central Valley (1)
  • California--Kings Canyon National Park (1)
  • California--Los Angeles (3)
  • California--Los Angeles County (1)
  • California--Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (1)
  • California--Orange County (1)
  • California--Oxnard (1)
  • California--San Francisco Bay Area (2)
  • California--San Jose (1)
  • California--Sequoia National Park (1)
  • California--Ventura County (1)
  • Calves--Feeding and feeds (2)
  • Calves--Growth (2)
  • Calves--Health (2)
  • Calves--Nutrition (1)
  • Calves--Physiology (1)
  • Calvinism (1)
  • Cameroon (2)
  • Cameroon--Yaoundé (1)
  • Camp (Style) (1)
  • Camp (Style) in literature (1)
  • Campers (Persons) (1)
  • Camptotheca acuminata (1)
  • Campus violence (1)
  • Campylobacter infections (2)
  • Campylobacter jejuni (7)
  • Canadian horseweed (1)
  • Canadian literature (1)
  • Cancer (18)
  • Cancer cells (2)
  • Cancer in animals (6)
  • Cancer in children--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Cancer invasiveness (2)
  • Cancer pain (2)
  • Cancer vaccines (5)
  • Cancer--Age factors (1)
  • Cancer--Alternative treatment (1)
  • Cancer--Animal models (1)
  • Cancer--Chemotherapy--Research (1)
  • Cancer--Economic aspects (1)
  • Cancer--Genetic aspects (4)
  • Cancer--Immunotherapy (2)
  • Cancer--Molecular aspects (1)
  • Cancer--Molecular diagnosis (1)
  • Cancer--Patients (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Attitudes (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Care (2)
  • Cancer--Patients--Family relationships (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Medical care (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Mental health (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Psychology (3)
  • Cancer--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Social conditions (1)
  • Cancer--Patients--Social networks (1)
  • Cancer--Prevention (1)
  • Cancer--Prevention--Research (1)
  • Cancer--Research (3)
  • Cancer--Treatment (1)
  • Cancer--Treatment--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Cancer--Treatment--Research (4)
  • Canker (Plant disease) (3)
  • Cannabinoids (4)
  • Cannabis (2)
  • Cannabis--Physiological effect (1)
  • Cannabis--Public opinion (1)
  • Canned beans (3)
  • Cannibalism (1)
  • Cannibalism in literature (1)
  • Canon (Literature) (1)
  • Canvasback (1)
  • Capabilities approach (Social sciences) (1)
  • Capacitors (3)
  • Capillary electrophoresis (1)
  • Capital (1)
  • Capital investments--Taxation (1)
  • Capitalism--Social aspects (1)
  • Capsicum annuum (1)
  • Captive dolphins (1)
  • Captive wild animals--Behavior (1)
  • Captive wild animals--Feeding and feeds (1)
  • Captive wild birds--Behavior (1)
  • Carbamazepine (1)
  • Carbides (1)
  • Carbohydrates (4)
  • Carbohydrates--Biotechnology (1)
  • Carbohydrates--Immunology (2)
  • Carbohydrates--Metabolism (1)
  • Carbon composites (1)
  • Carbon compounds (1)
  • Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) (1)
  • Carbon dioxide (2)
  • Carbon dioxide mitigation (4)
  • Carbon dioxide sinks (1)
  • Carbon dioxide--Absorption and adsorption (1)
  • Carbon dioxide--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Carbon dioxide--Physiological effect (1)
  • Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (4)
  • Carbon fibers (1)
  • Carbon nanotubes (5)
  • Carbon offsetting (2)
  • Carbon sequestration (9)
  • Carbon tetrachloride (1)
  • Carbon, Activated (1)
  • Carbon--Isotopes (1)
  • Carbon--Isotopes--Decay (1)
  • Carbon--Spectra (1)
  • Carbonatites (1)
  • Carboxylic acids (1)
  • Carcinogenesis (4)
  • Carcinogenesis--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Cardenal, Ernesto (1)
  • Cardiac arrest (2)
  • Cardiac arrest--Treatment (1)
  • Cardiac output (1)
  • Cardiolipin (1)
  • Cardiovascular system (3)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases (4)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Age factors (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Animal models (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Epidemiology (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Nutritional aspects (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Research (2)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Risk factors (6)
  • Cardiovascular system--Diseases--Treatment (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Mathematical models (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Cardiovascular system--Physiology (1)
  • Career changes (1)
  • Career development (15)
  • Career development--Computer network resources (1)
  • Career development--Public opinion (1)
  • Career development--Sex differences (1)
  • Career education (1)
  • Caregivers (5)
  • Caregivers--Attitudes (1)
  • Caregivers--Family relationships (6)
  • Caregivers--Health and hygiene (2)
  • Caregivers--Mental health (2)
  • Caregivers--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Caregivers--Psychology (3)
  • Caregivers--Services for (1)
  • Caregivers--Social networks (1)
  • Caribbean literature (2)
  • Caribou (2)
  • Caring--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Carnivora (2)
  • Carnivora--Ecology (1)
  • Carnivora--Evolution (1)
  • Carnivorous animals (1)
  • Carotenoids (2)
  • Carrier proteins (2)
  • Carrier proteins--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Carrier state (Communicable diseases) (1)
  • Carriers (1)
  • Carrion insects (2)
  • Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 (1)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Carrots--Diseases and pests (2)
  • Carrots--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Carrère, Emmanuel, 1957- (1)
  • Cartels (1)
  • Cartels--Government policy (1)
  • Cartilage (1)
  • Cartography (2)
  • Cartography--Computer programs (1)
  • Cartoonists (1)
  • Cartridges (3)
  • Cassava (2)
  • Cassava flour (1)
  • Castanea (1)
  • Castanea--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Castration (1)
  • Cataclysmic variable stars (1)
  • Catalysis (28)
  • Catalysis--Research (4)
  • Catalyst supports (2)
  • Catalysts (8)
  • Catalysts--Design (1)
  • Catalysts--Research (2)
  • Catalytic RNA (2)
  • Catastrophe bonds (1)
  • Catecholamines (1)
  • Categorization (Psychology) (2)
  • Cathodes (5)
  • Catholic Church (2)
  • Catholic women (2)
  • Catholics--Religious identity (1)
  • Cations (1)
  • Cats--Diseases--Treatment (1)
  • Cats--Genetics (1)
  • Cats--Physiology (2)
  • Cattle breeders (1)
  • Cattle herding (1)
  • Cattle--Breeding (1)
  • Cattle--Diseases (5)
  • Cattle--Diseases--Epidemiology (1)
  • Cattle--Diseases--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Cattle--Endocrinology (1)
  • Cattle--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Cattle--Feed utilization efficiency (1)
  • Cattle--Feeding and feeds (2)
  • Cattle--Immunology (1)
  • Cattle--Infections (2)
  • Cattle--Metabolism (1)
  • Cattle--Productivity (1)
  • Cattle--Reproduction (1)
  • Cattle--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Causation (2)
  • Cavity resonators (1)
  • Cayuga Indians (1)
  • Cedar waxwings (1)
  • Celebrities (2)
  • Celebrities in popular culture (2)
  • Celery--Diseases and pests (4)
  • Celiac artery (1)
  • Cell adhesion (1)
  • Cell adhesion--Molecular aspects (1)
  • Cell cycle--Regulation (3)
  • Cell division (1)
  • Cell interaction (1)
  • Cell membranes (1)
  • Cell membranes--Models (1)
  • Cell metabolism (2)
  • Cell migration (1)
  • Cell organelles (2)
  • Cell phone advertising (1)
  • Cell phone services industry--Rates (1)
  • Cell phone systems (2)
  • Cell phone users (3)
  • Cell phones (7)
  • Cell phones--Social aspects (2)
  • Cell physiology (1)
  • Cell receptors (3)
  • Cell-mediated cytotoxicity (2)
  • Cells--Aging (2)
  • Cells--Mechanical properties (1)
  • Cellular control mechanisms (5)
  • Cellular immunity (1)
  • Cellular signal transduction (12)
  • Cellular signal transduction--Mathematical models (1)
  • Cellular signal transduction--Research (1)
  • Cellular therapy (1)
  • Cellulose (3)
  • Cellulose nanocrystals (1)
  • Cellulose--Biodegradation (1)
  • Cellulose--Biotechnology (2)
  • Cellulose--Chemistry (2)
  • Cellulosic ethanol (2)
  • Cement industries (1)
  • Cement slurry (1)
  • Cemeteries (2)
  • Censored observations (Statistics) (1)
  • Census--Data processing (1)
  • Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (1)
  • Central America (1)
  • Central America--Mosquitia (1)
  • Central Lunatic Asylum for Colored Insane, Virginia (1)
  • Central nervous system--Regeneration (1)
  • Central nervous system--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Central-local government relations (3)
  • Centrifugal compressors (1)
  • Centrifugal compressors--Aerodynamics (1)
  • Centrifugal pumps--Design and construction (1)
  • Centrifugal pumps--Performance (1)
  • Centruroides (1)
  • Cephalosporins (1)
  • Ceramic membranes (1)
  • Ceramics (1)
  • Ceramides (1)
  • Cercospora beticola (2)
  • Cereal products industry (1)
  • Cereal products--Marketing (1)
  • Cerebellar ataxia (1)
  • Cerebellum (2)
  • Cerebral cortex--Anatomy (1)
  • Cerebral ischemia (1)
  • Cerebral malaria (1)
  • Cerebral palsied (1)
  • Cerebral palsied children (1)
  • Cerebral palsy (6)
  • Cerebral palsy--Diagnosis (1)
  • Cerebral palsy--Etiology (1)
  • Cerebrovascular disease (8)
  • Cerebrovascular disease--Animal models (1)
  • Cerebrovascular disease--Patients (2)
  • Cerebrovascular disease--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Cerebrovascular disease--Treatment (1)
  • Certainty (1)
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Examination (2)
  • Cervix uteri--Cancer (1)
  • Cervix uteri--Cancer--Diagnosis (1)
  • Cervix uteri--Cancer--Prevention (2)
  • Cesarean section--Social aspects (1)
  • Chalcogenides (1)
  • Chalcopyrite (1)
  • Chamber music (1)
  • Chamber music--Scores (1)
  • Chamoiseau, Patrick (1)
  • Channel catfish--Physiology (1)
  • Channeling (Physics) (1)
  • Characters and characteristics in literature (1)
  • Characters and characteristics in mass media (1)
  • Charcoal rot (1)
  • Charef, Mehdi, 1952- (1)
  • Charge density waves (1)
  • Charge exchange (10)
  • Charge transfer (2)
  • Charity Organisation Society (London, England) (1)
  • Charrettes (1)
  • Charter schools (5)
  • Charter schools--Finance (1)
  • Cheating (Education) (1)
  • Chebyshev approximation (1)
  • Cheddar cheese (2)
  • Cheddar cheese--Composition (1)
  • Chelydra serpentina (1)
  • Chemical bonds (13)
  • Chemical detectors (2)
  • Chemical ecology (1)
  • Chemical engineering (46)
  • Chemical engineering--Research (3)
  • Chemical equilibrium (1)
  • Chemical inhibitors (3)
  • Chemical kinetics (5)
  • Chemical reactions (11)
  • Chemical resistance (2)
  • Chemical senses (3)
  • Chemical senses--Research (1)
  • Chemical structure (1)
  • Chemical tests and reagents (3)
  • Chemical vapor deposition (2)
  • Chemicals (1)
  • Chemicals--Labeling (1)
  • Chemistry (85)
  • Chemistry teachers (1)
  • Chemistry, Analytic (10)
  • Chemistry, Forensic (9)
  • Chemistry, Inorganic (15)
  • Chemistry, Organic (39)
  • Chemistry, Organic--Study and teaching (1)
  • Chemistry, Organic--Study and teaching (Higher) (2)
  • Chemistry, Organic--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Chemistry, Physical and theoretical (21)
  • Chemistry, Physical and theoretical--Research (1)
  • Chemistry--Computer simulation (7)
  • Chemistry--Mathematics (2)
  • Chemistry--Study and teaching (4)
  • Chemistry--Study and teaching (Higher) (5)
  • Chemistry--Study and teaching (Secondary) (3)
  • Chemistry--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Activity programs (1)
  • Chemometrics (2)
  • Chemotherapy (5)
  • Cherokee Indians--Food (1)
  • Cherry industry (1)
  • Cherry--Diseases and pests (4)
  • Cherry--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Chestnut (3)
  • Chestnut Growers Inc (1)
  • Chestnut blight (2)
  • Chestnut industry (1)
  • Chicano movement (4)
  • Chick lit (1)
  • Chickens (4)
  • Chickens--Diseases (2)
  • Chief executive officers (1)
  • Chief executive officers--Evaluation (1)
  • Chief executive officers--Psychology (1)
  • Chiefdoms (1)
  • Child abuse (1)
  • Child abuse--Prevention (1)
  • Child abuse--Social aspects (1)
  • Child athletes (2)
  • Child care (1)
  • Child care services (1)
  • Child care services--Evaluation (1)
  • Child care services--Government policy (1)
  • Child care services--Law and legislation (1)
  • Child development (10)
  • Child development--Study and teaching (1)
  • Child health services (1)
  • Child mental health (2)
  • Child mental health services (1)
  • Child prostitutes (1)
  • Child prostitution (1)
  • Child psychology (6)
  • Child psychology--Study and teaching (1)
  • Child psychopathology (2)
  • Child rearing (3)
  • Child sex offenders (1)
  • Child sexual abuse (1)
  • Child sexual abuse--Prevention (1)
  • Child support--Law and legislation (1)
  • Child trafficking (1)
  • Child welfare (8)
  • Child welfare workers (1)
  • Child welfare--Research (1)
  • Child, Julia (1)
  • Child-resistant packaging (1)
  • Childbirth (1)
  • Childbirth at home (1)
  • Childbirth--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Children (9)
  • Children and violence (3)
  • Children and violence--Psychological aspects (4)
  • Children and war (1)
  • Children in literature (1)
  • Children in motion pictures (1)
  • Children of AIDS patients (1)
  • Children of abused wives (3)
  • Children of abused wives--Psychology (2)
  • Children of agricultural laborers (1)
  • Children of depressed persons (2)
  • Children of immigrants (3)
  • Children of immigrants--Attitudes (1)
  • Children of immigrants--Social conditions (1)
  • Children of migrant laborers (3)
  • Children of migrant laborers--Education (3)
  • Children of migrant laborers--Education (Preschool) (1)
  • Children of migrant laborers--Employment (1)
  • Children of migrant laborers--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Children of prisoners (1)
  • Children of women prisoners (1)
  • Children with autism spectrum disorders (20)
  • Children with autism spectrum disorders--Education (3)
  • Children with disabilities (5)
  • Children with disabilities--Care (1)
  • Children with disabilities--Education (2)
  • Children with disabilities--Education (Elementary) (1)
  • Children with disabilities--Education (Preschool) (1)
  • Children with disabilities--Services for (1)
  • Children with disabilities--Social conditions (1)
  • Children with mental disabilities (1)
  • Children with social disabilities (1)
  • Children with social disabilities--Education (Preschool) (1)
  • Children with social disabilities--Psychology (1)
  • Children's books (1)
  • Children's literature (2)
  • Children's literature--Study and teaching (1)
  • Children's literature--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Children's rights (1)
  • Children's songs, Italian (1)
  • Children's writings (1)
  • Children, Black--Education (2)
  • Children, Hausa (1)
  • Children, White (1)
  • Children, Wolof (1)
  • Children--Attitudes (2)
  • Children--Books and reading (1)
  • Children--Conduct of life (1)
  • Children--Diseases (2)
  • Children--Diseases--Diagnosis (1)
  • Children--Growth (2)
  • Children--Health and hygiene (5)
  • Children--Intelligence testing (1)
  • Children--Language (5)
  • Children--Nutrition (9)
  • Children--Nutrition--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Children--Nutrition--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Children--Services for (1)
  • Children--Social conditions (1)
  • Children--Surgery (1)
  • Children--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Chile--Coihaique (1)
  • Chilean literature (1)
  • Chileans (1)
  • Chimeras (Botany) (1)
  • China--Beijing (3)
  • China--Changsha Shi (1)
  • China--Chengdu (1)
  • China--Guangdong Sheng (1)
  • China--Henan Sheng (1)
  • China--Hong Kong (2)
  • China--Inner Mongolia (1)
  • China--Suzhou (Jiangsu Sheng) (1)
  • China--Tianjin (2)
  • China--Wenchuan Xian (Sichuan Sheng) (1)
  • China--Wolong Shi (2)
  • China--Xiamen (Xiamen Shi) (1)
  • China--Yangtze River Delta (1)
  • China--Zhangye (1)
  • China--Ürümqi (1)
  • Chinese (3)
  • Chinese American college teachers (1)
  • Chinese American families (1)
  • Chinese Americans (1)
  • Chinese Americans--Ethnic identity (2)
  • Chinese diaspora (1)
  • Chinese language (9)
  • Chinese language--Acquisition (3)
  • Chinese language--Dialects (1)
  • Chinese language--Dialects--Phonology (1)
  • Chinese language--Grammar (1)
  • Chinese language--Grammar, Comparative--English (1)
  • Chinese language--Nominals (1)
  • Chinese language--Noun phrase (1)
  • Chinese language--Phonetics (1)
  • Chinese language--Phonology (1)
  • Chinese language--Prepositions (1)
  • Chinese language--Prosodic analysis (1)
  • Chinese language--Social aspects (1)
  • Chinese language--Study and teaching (3)
  • Chinese language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (2)
  • Chinese language--Tone (2)
  • Chinese language--Variation (1)
  • Chinese language--Verb (1)
  • Chinese language--Word formation (1)
  • Chinese newspapers (1)
  • Chinese students (7)
  • Chinese students--Attitudes (3)
  • Chinese students--Psychology (3)
  • Chinese students--Social conditions (2)
  • Chinese--Attitudes (1)
  • Chinese--Foreign countries (1)
  • Chinook salmon (2)
  • Chinook salmon--Migration (1)
  • Chirality (5)
  • Chiribaya culture (1)
  • Chitosan (2)
  • Chitosan--Biotechnology (2)
  • Chlamydomonas (2)
  • Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (6)
  • Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections (1)
  • Chlorine and derivatives as disinfectants (1)
  • Chlorine dioxide (3)
  • Chlorine dioxide--Toxicology (1)
  • Chloroplast DNA (1)
  • Chloroplast membranes (2)
  • Chloroplasts (5)
  • Chloroplasts--Formation (2)
  • Chloroplasts--Metabolism (1)
  • Choice (Psychology) (4)
  • Choice of transportation (1)
  • Cholera (1)
  • Cholera toxin (2)
  • Cholesterol (1)
  • Cholesterol--Health aspects (2)
  • Cholesterol--Physiological effect (2)
  • Cholinergic mechanisms (1)
  • Choral conducting (1)
  • Choral music--Instruction and study (1)
  • Choral music--Study and teaching (Secondary) (3)
  • Choral singing (1)
  • Choral singing--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Chorti Indians (1)
  • Choruses, Sacred (Women's voices) (1)
  • Christian Reformed Church (1)
  • Christian college students (1)
  • Christian college teachers (1)
  • Christian communities (1)
  • Christian education (1)
  • Christian ethics (2)
  • Christian leadership (1)
  • Christian life (2)
  • Christian universities and colleges (1)
  • Christian women (2)
  • Christianity (5)
  • Christianity and culture (1)
  • Christians (2)
  • Christians--Conduct of life (1)
  • Christmas tree growing (2)
  • Chromatin (2)
  • Chromatographic analysis (2)
  • Chromium (1)
  • Chromium alloys (1)
  • Chromium films (1)
  • Chromium--Isotopes (1)
  • Chronic diseases (1)
  • Chronic diseases--Age factors (1)
  • Chronic diseases--Alternative treatment (1)
  • Chronic diseases--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Chronic diseases--Social aspects (1)
  • Chronic pain (1)
  • Chronically ill--Mental health (1)
  • Church Missionary Society. Nigeria Mission (1)
  • Church and education (1)
  • Church and minorities (1)
  • Church and social problems--African American churches (1)
  • Church and state (1)
  • Church attendance--Social aspects (1)
  • Church camps (1)
  • Church charities (1)
  • Church membership (1)
  • Church membership--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Church membership--Social aspects (1)
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1)
  • Cidade de Deus (Lins, Paulo) (1)
  • Cidade de Deus (Motion picture) (1)
  • Cider industry (1)
  • Cigarette smoke (1)
  • Cinchona alkaloids (1)
  • Cinderella (Legendary character) (1)
  • Circadian rhythms (7)
  • Circular dichroism (1)
  • Circumcision in literature (1)
  • Ciscoes (1)
  • Cities and towns (4)
  • Cities and towns--Growth (2)
  • Cities and towns--Growth--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Citizen journalism (2)
  • Citizenship (7)
  • Citizenship--Study and teaching (2)
  • Citrates (1)
  • City and town life (2)
  • City and town life in literature (1)
  • City and town life in motion pictures (1)
  • City and town life--Psychological aspects (1)
  • City children (1)
  • City children--Attitudes (1)
  • City dwellers (2)
  • City dwellers--Attitudes (1)
  • City planners--Attitudes (1)
  • City planning (43)
  • City planning--Citizen participation (1)
  • City planning--Economic aspects (1)
  • City planning--Environmental aspects (2)
  • City planning--Social aspects (3)
  • City traffic (1)
  • Civics--Study and teaching (2)
  • Civil defense readiness (1)
  • Civil disobedience--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Civil engineering (55)
  • Civil penalties (1)
  • Civil rights (3)
  • Civil rights movements (4)
  • Civil rights workers (1)
  • Civil service--Officials and employees (1)
  • Civil war (2)
  • Civilians in war (1)
  • Civilization (2)
  • Civilization--African influences (1)
  • Civilization--Albanian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Andalusian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Armenian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Assyro-Babylonian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Azorean influences (2)
  • Civilization--Belgian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Canadian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Caribbean influences (2)
  • Civilization--Chilean influences (2)
  • Civilization--Cretan influences (2)
  • Civilization--Cuban influences (2)
  • Civilization--Czech influences (2)
  • Civilization--East Asian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Foreign influences (1)
  • Civilization--Indonesian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Jaina influences (2)
  • Civilization--Kalmyk influences (2)
  • Civilization--Latin American influences (1)
  • Civilization--Mongolian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Moroccan influences (2)
  • Civilization--North African influences (2)
  • Civilization--Polynesian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Pure Land influences (2)
  • Civilization--Sarmatian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Scots-Irish influences (2)
  • Civilization--Semitic influences (2)
  • Civilization--Serbian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Sicilian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Slovenian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Soviet influences (2)
  • Civilization--Swedish influences (2)
  • Civilization--Syrian influences (2)
  • Civilization--Thai influences (2)
  • Civilization--Tibetan influences (2)
  • Civilization--Welsh influences (2)
  • Civilization--West African influences (2)
  • Civilization--West Indian influences (2)
  • Clarinet and piano music (1)
  • Class size (6)
  • Classicism (1)
  • Classification (1)
  • Classroom environment (2)
  • Classroom management (1)
  • Classroom management--Study and teaching (1)
  • Clavibacter michiganensis (1)
  • Clay minerals (1)
  • Clean energy (1)
  • Cleaning (2)
  • Clearcutting--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Cleft lip--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Cleft palate (1)
  • Cleft palate--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Cleland, John, 1709-1789 (1)
  • Clergy, Black (1)
  • Clergy--Job satisfaction (1)
  • Clifford algebras (1)
  • Climate and civilization (1)
  • Climate change mitigation (5)
  • Climatic changes (50)
  • Climatic changes in mass media (1)
  • Climatic changes--Computer simulation (2)
  • Climatic changes--Economic aspects (6)
  • Climatic changes--Effect of human beings on (1)
  • Climatic changes--Forecasting (4)
  • Climatic changes--Government policy (1)
  • Climatic changes--Government policy--U.S. states (1)
  • Climatic changes--Health aspects (1)
  • Climatic changes--Remote sensing (1)
  • Climatic changes--Research (1)
  • Climatic changes--Risk management (3)
  • Climatic changes--Simulation methods (1)
  • Climatic changes--Study and teaching (1)
  • Climatology (3)
  • Climatology in mass media (1)
  • Climbing plants (1)
  • Clinical biochemistry (1)
  • Clinical competence (1)
  • Clinical medicine (1)
  • Clinical medicine--Research (1)
  • Clinical medicine--Study and teaching (1)
  • Clinical neuropsychology (1)
  • Clinical psychology (26)
  • Clinical psychology--Research (1)
  • Clinical trials (1)
  • Clinical trials--Design (1)
  • Clinical trials--Methodology (1)
  • Clinical trials--Moral and ethical aspects (2)
  • Cloaca (Zoology) (1)
  • Clopidogrel (1)
  • Closed-circuit television (1)
  • Clostridium acetobutylicum (1)
  • Clostridium difficile (1)
  • Cloud computing (2)
  • Cluster algebras (4)
  • Cluster analysis (8)
  • Cluster analysis--Data processing (2)
  • Cluster set theory (1)
  • Cluster theory (Nuclear physics) (2)
  • Coach-athlete relationships (2)
  • Coaches (Athletics) (5)
  • Coaches (Athletics)--Attitudes (1)
  • Coaches (Athletics)--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Coaches (Athletics)--Psychology (1)
  • Coaching (Athletics) (4)
  • Coal ash sites (1)
  • Coal miners (1)
  • Coal mines and mining--Public opinion (1)
  • Coal-fired power plants (1)
  • Coal-fired power plants--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Coalitions (3)
  • Coarse woody debris (1)
  • Coast changes (1)
  • Coastal animals (1)
  • Coastal ecology (4)
  • Coastal zone management (3)
  • Coastal zone management--Public opinion (1)
  • Coating processes (1)
  • Coatings (1)
  • Coatings--Testing (1)
  • Cobalt in animal nutrition (1)
  • Cobalt in the body (1)
  • Cobalt--Isotopes (1)
  • Cobordism theory (2)
  • Cocaine (2)
  • Cocaine abuse (2)
  • Cocaine--Physiological effect (1)
  • Cochlear implants (1)
  • Cochliobolus (1)
  • Cocoa trade (1)
  • Cocoa--Certification (1)
  • Coda (Music) (1)
  • Code division multiple access (1)
  • Coding theory (1)
  • Codling moth (3)
  • Coenzymes (2)
  • Coevolution (3)
  • Coexistence of species (1)
  • Coffee growers (3)
  • Coffee industry (2)
  • Coffee shops (1)
  • Coffee tasting (1)
  • Coffee--Breeding (1)
  • Coffee--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Coffee--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Coffee--Quality (2)
  • Coffeehouses (1)
  • Cognition (7)
  • Cognition in animals (1)
  • Cognition in children (4)
  • Cognition--Effect of exercise on (3)
  • Cognition--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Cognition--Research (1)
  • Cognition--Social aspects (1)
  • Cognition--Testing (2)
  • Cognitive Abilities Test (1)
  • Cognitive Control Battery (1)
  • Cognitive balance (1)
  • Cognitive grammar (1)
  • Cognitive learning (4)
  • Cognitive learning theory (1)
  • Cognitive neuroscience (2)
  • Cognitive psychology (21)
  • Cognitive psychology--Research (2)
  • Cognitive radio networks (6)
  • Cognitive science (1)
  • Cognitive therapy (3)
  • Cognitive therapy for children (1)
  • Cognitive therapy for teenagers (1)
  • Cohomology operations (1)
  • Coincidence (1)
  • Cointegration (1)
  • Cold--Physiological effect (1)
  • Cold--Therapeutic use (1)
  • Cold-tolerant plants (1)
  • Colitis (3)
  • Colitis--Animal models (1)
  • Collaborationists (1)
  • Collective behavior (1)
  • Collective labor agreements (1)
  • Collective memory (5)
  • Collectors and collecting (1)
  • College administrators (3)
  • College administrators--Decision making (2)
  • College applications (1)
  • College athletes (7)
  • College athletes--Attitudes (1)
  • College athletes--Psychology (1)
  • College athletes--Scholarships, fellowships, etc. (1)
  • College attendance (4)
  • College campuses (1)
  • College choice (3)
  • College department heads (1)
  • College department heads--Psychology (1)
  • College dropouts--Prevention (1)
  • College entrance achievement tests (2)
  • College environment (4)
  • College freshmen (2)
  • College freshmen--Attitudes (3)
  • College freshmen--Psychology (1)
  • College graduates (1)
  • College graduates--Employment (2)
  • College integration (1)
  • College majors (2)
  • College preparation programs (1)
  • College presidents (3)
  • College sophomores (2)
  • College sports (7)
  • College sports--Evaluation (1)
  • College sports--Management (1)
  • College sports--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • College student development programs (1)
  • College student orientation (2)
  • College students (21)
  • College students with disabilities (2)
  • College students with disabilities--Attitudes (1)
  • College students with disabilities--Services for (1)
  • College students, Black (2)
  • College students, White (2)
  • College students--Attitudes (12)
  • College students--Drug use (1)
  • College students--Family relationships (2)
  • College students--Finance, Personal (1)
  • College students--Health and hygiene (2)
  • College students--Health risk assessment (1)
  • College students--Mental health (1)
  • College students--Political activity (1)
  • College students--Psychological testing (1)
  • College students--Psychology (10)
  • College students--Recreation (1)
  • College students--Religious life (1)
  • College students--Social networks (1)
  • College teachers (5)
  • College teachers, Black (1)
  • College teachers, Part-time (1)
  • College teachers--Attitudes (2)
  • College teachers--In-service training (1)
  • College teachers--Job satisfaction (2)
  • College teachers--Psychology (1)
  • College teachers--Tenure (3)
  • College teaching (1)
  • College theater (1)
  • College-school cooperation (2)
  • College-student veterans (2)
  • Colletotrichum (2)
  • Colletotrichum coccodes (1)
  • Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889 (1)
  • Collisionless plasmas (1)
  • Collisions (Nuclear physics) (4)
  • Colloidal crystals (1)
  • Colloids (1)
  • Colombia (5)
  • Colombia--Chocó (1)
  • Colon (Anatomy) (1)
  • Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer (4)
  • Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Research (2)
  • Colon (Anatomy)--Motility (1)
  • Colonial influence (1)
  • Colonies (5)
  • Colonists (2)
  • Colonization (4)
  • Colonization in literature (1)
  • Colony-stimulating factors (Physiology) (1)
  • Color of food (1)
  • Color vision (1)
  • Color vision--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Color--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Colorado (1)
  • Colorado potato beetle (2)
  • Colorado--Lakewood (1)
  • Colored people (South Africa)--Race identity (1)
  • Colostrum (1)
  • Columns, Concrete (4)
  • Columns, Concrete--Testing (1)
  • Columns, Iron and steel--Testing (1)
  • Columns--Design and construction (1)
  • Combahee River Collective (1)
  • Combinatorial analysis (5)
  • Combinatorial chemistry (1)
  • Combinatorial enumeration problems (1)
  • Combinatorial number theory (1)
  • Combinatorial optimization (1)
  • Combustion (6)
  • Combustion chambers (3)
  • Combustion engineering (5)
  • Combustion--Computer simulation (2)
  • Combustion--Research (2)
  • Comic book fans (1)
  • Comic books, strips, etc. (5)
  • Comic books, strips, etc., in education (1)
  • Comic books, strips, etc.--Political aspects (1)
  • Comic books, strips, etc.--Publishing (1)
  • Comic books, strips, etc.--Social aspects (1)
  • Coming of age (1)
  • Coming out (Sexual orientation) (2)
  • Commerce (4)
  • Commerce--Philosophy (1)
  • Commercial crimes (1)
  • Commercial geography (1)
  • Commercial policy--Econometric models (1)
  • Commercial products (2)
  • Commercial products--Marketing (1)
  • Commercial treaties (1)
  • Commitment (Psychology) (3)
  • Commodification (4)
  • Common Core State Standards (Education) (5)
  • Common bean (22)
  • Common bean--Breeding (1)
  • Common bean--Varieties (3)
  • Common fallacies (2)
  • Common good (1)
  • Common good--Philosophy (1)
  • Commons (1)
  • Commonsense reasoning (2)
  • Commonwealth Games (1)
  • Commonwealth Games (19th : 2010 : Delhi, India) (1)
  • Commonwealth literature (English) (1)
  • Communalism (1)
  • Communicable diseases (2)
  • Communicable diseases in animals (3)
  • Communicable diseases--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Communicable diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Communicable diseases--Transmission (2)
  • Communicable diseases--Transmission--Prevention (1)
  • Communication (83)
  • Communication and culture (1)
  • Communication and education (2)
  • Communication and sex (1)
  • Communication and technology (1)
  • Communication and the arts (2)
  • Communication devices for autistic children (1)
  • Communication in accounting (1)
  • Communication in agriculture (3)
  • Communication in climatology (1)
  • Communication in crisis management (1)
  • Communication in crop science (1)
  • Communication in drug abuse prevention (1)
  • Communication in education (1)
  • Communication in families (3)
  • Communication in industrial safety (1)
  • Communication in law enforcement (1)
  • Communication in learning and scholarship (1)
  • Communication in marketing (1)
  • Communication in medicine (7)
  • Communication in organizations (2)
  • Communication in organizations--Auditing (1)
  • Communication in organizations--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Communication in politics (2)
  • Communication in public health (4)
  • Communication in rehabilitation (1)
  • Communication in science (3)
  • Communication in services for people with disabilities (1)
  • Communication in small groups (1)
  • Communication in social action (3)
  • Communication in social work (1)
  • Communication in sports (1)
  • Communication in the building trades (4)
  • Communication in the environmental sciences (1)
  • Communication of technical information (8)
  • Communication--Political aspects (2)
  • Communication--Psychological aspects (4)
  • Communication--Sex differences (1)
  • Communication--Technological innovations (2)
  • Communicative disorders in children (1)
  • Communism (1)
  • Communities (4)
  • Communities of practice (5)
  • Communities--Philosophy (1)
  • Community and college (3)
  • Community and school (7)
  • Community college students (4)
  • Community college teachers (2)
  • Community colleges (7)
  • Community colleges--Administration (1)
  • Community colleges--Curricula (1)
  • Community development (6)
  • Community development, Urban (3)
  • Community development--Research (1)
  • Community forests (1)
  • Community gardens (5)
  • Community life (4)
  • Community mental health services (1)
  • Community organization (9)
  • Community policing (1)
  • Community psychology (2)
  • Community schools (1)
  • Community-based conservation (1)
  • Community-based research (1)
  • Community-based social services (1)
  • Community-supported agriculture (1)
  • Commuting college students (1)
  • Comorbidity (3)
  • Comparative government (1)
  • Comparative literature (3)
  • Comparative neurobiology (1)
  • Comparison (Grammar) (1)
  • Compensation (Psychology) (1)
  • Compensation management (1)
  • Compensatory education (1)
  • Competency-based educational tests--Evaluation (1)
  • Competition (4)
  • Competition (Biology) (2)
  • Competition (Psychology) (4)
  • Complement inhibition (1)
  • Complex compounds (1)
  • Complex compounds--Electric properties (1)
  • Complex compounds--Synthesis (1)
  • Complex fluids (1)
  • Complex manifolds (1)
  • Compliance (3)
  • Composers (3)
  • Composite construction (2)
  • Composite construction--Testing (1)
  • Composite materials (12)
  • Composite materials--Delamination (1)
  • Composite materials--Delamination--Testing (1)
  • Composite materials--Fatigue (1)
  • Composite materials--Fracture (2)
  • Composite materials--Mechanical properties (2)
  • Composite materials--Testing (3)
  • Composite materials--Thermal properties (1)
  • Composition (Language arts) (12)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Evaluation (1)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Research (1)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Study and teaching (3)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Composition (Language arts)--Study and teaching (Primary) (1)
  • Composition (Music) (3)
  • Compost (3)
  • Compost plants (1)
  • Compost--Research (1)
  • Compounds, Unsaturated (1)
  • Comprehension (2)
  • Compressed sensing (Telecommunication) (1)
  • Compressors (2)
  • Compressors--Design and construction (1)
  • Compton-Burnett, I. (Ivy), 1884-1969 (1)
  • Compulsive behavior--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Compulsive eating (6)
  • Compulsive eating--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Compulsive gamblers (1)
  • Computational biology (8)
  • Computational chemistry (5)
  • Computational complexity (1)
  • Computational fluid dynamics (8)
  • Computational intelligence (3)
  • Computational learning theory (1)
  • Computational linguistics (5)
  • Computational neuroscience (1)
  • Computational physics (7)
  • Computer adaptive testing (7)
  • Computer algorithms (9)
  • Computer architecture (2)
  • Computer capacity (1)
  • Computer crimes (4)
  • Computer crimes--Investigation (1)
  • Computer crimes--Prevention (2)
  • Computer engineering (20)
  • Computer games (1)
  • Computer graphics (2)
  • Computer graphics--Mathematics (1)
  • Computer graphics--Research (1)
  • Computer literacy (4)
  • Computer literacy--Sex differences (1)
  • Computer literacy--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Computer multitasking (1)
  • Computer network architectures (2)
  • Computer network protocols (1)
  • Computer network resources (6)
  • Computer networks (10)
  • Computer networks--Access control (1)
  • Computer networks--Design and construction (1)
  • Computer networks--Management (4)
  • Computer networks--Security measures (11)
  • Computer networks--Social aspects (1)
  • Computer poetry (1)
  • Computer programming--Study and teaching (1)
  • Computer programs (5)
  • Computer programs--Verification (2)
  • Computer science (127)
  • Computer science--Research (1)
  • Computer science--Study and teaching (1)
  • Computer security (14)
  • Computer simulation (44)
  • Computer software (1)
  • Computer software--Development (1)
  • Computer software--Quality control (1)
  • Computer software--Reliability (2)
  • Computer software--Testing (1)
  • Computer storage devices (1)
  • Computer systems--Design (1)
  • Computer systems--Evaluation (1)
  • Computer users (4)
  • Computer viruses (2)
  • Computer vision (11)
  • Computer vision--Industrial applications (1)
  • Computer vision--Mathematical models (1)
  • Computer-aided design (3)
  • Computer-assisted instruction (24)
  • Computer-assisted instruction--Computer programs (1)
  • Computer-assisted surgery (1)
  • Computers and literacy (2)
  • Computers--Access control (1)
  • Computers--Circuits--Design and construction (1)
  • Computers--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Conant, James Bryant, 1893-1978 (1)
  • Concentrated study (1)
  • Concepts (2)
  • Concordances (Topology) (2)
  • Concrete (2)
  • Concrete beams (2)
  • Concrete blocks (1)
  • Concrete bridges (2)
  • Concrete bridges--Floors--Deterioration (1)
  • Concrete construction (1)
  • Concrete construction--Safety measures (1)
  • Concrete masonry (1)
  • Concrete slabs (1)
  • Concrete--Cracking (1)
  • Concrete--Evaluation (1)
  • Concrete--Expansion and contraction (1)
  • Concrete--Fatigue (1)
  • Concrete--Fire testing (1)
  • Concrete--Plastic properties (1)
  • Concrete--Testing (2)
  • Concrete-filled tubes (1)
  • Condensed matter (22)
  • Condensed matter--Research (1)
  • Condensers (Steam) (1)
  • Conduct disorders in children (2)
  • Conducting polymers (1)
  • Confidence (1)
  • Confidential communications--Physicians (2)
  • Configurations (1)
  • Conflict management (8)
  • Conformity (2)
  • Confucius (1)
  • Congenital hypothyroidism (1)
  • Congolese (Democratic Republic) diaspora (1)
  • Conifers--Geographical distribution--Climatic factors (1)
  • Conjugate gradient methods (1)
  • Connected Mathematics (Project) (1)
  • Connecticut--Waterbury (1)
  • Consciousness in animals (1)
  • Consciousness in literature (1)
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (U.S.) (1)
  • Conservation and restoration (2)
  • Conservation biology (23)
  • Conservation of natural resources (10)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Citizen participation (1)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Economic aspects (2)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Evaluation (1)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Planning (1)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Public opinion (1)
  • Conservation of natural resources--Study and teaching (1)
  • Conservation tillage (2)
  • Conservatism (1)
  • Consolidation and merger of corporations (8)
  • Consolidation and merger of corporations--Accounting (1)
  • Consonants (1)
  • Conspiracy theories (1)
  • Constructed wetlands (5)
  • Construction grammar (1)
  • Construction industry (4)
  • Construction industry--Economic aspects (1)
  • Construction industry--Management (6)
  • Construction industry--Risk management (1)
  • Construction industry--Safety measures (2)
  • Construction industry--Study and teaching (1)
  • Construction industry--Technological innovations (2)
  • Construction projects (6)
  • Construction workers (5)
  • Construction workers--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Consultation-liaison psychiatry (1)
  • Consumer behavior (37)
  • Consumer behavior--Econometric models (2)
  • Consumer behavior--Forecasting (1)
  • Consumer behavior--Mathematical models (1)
  • Consumer behavior--Research (2)
  • Consumer complaints (1)
  • Consumer education (3)
  • Consumer goods (1)
  • Consumer protection (1)
  • Consumer protection--Research (1)
  • Consumer satisfaction (4)
  • Consumers (2)
  • Consumers' preferences (15)
  • Consumers' preferences--Econometric models (2)
  • Consumers--Attitudes (9)
  • Consumers--Attitudes--Research (2)
  • Consumers--Decision making (1)
  • Consumers--Psychology (2)
  • Consumers--Research (1)
  • Consumption (Economics) (3)
  • Consumption (Economics)--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Contact angle (1)
  • Contact manifolds (1)
  • Contact mechanics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Contagion (Social psychology) (1)
  • Container gardening (2)
  • Contamination (Technology) (1)
  • Contemporary Christian music (1)
  • Content analysis (Communication) (1)
  • Content area reading--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Context (Linguistics) (1)
  • Context effects (Psychology) (1)
  • Context-aware computing (1)
  • Continental crust (1)
  • Contingency (Philosophy) (1)
  • Contingent valuation (1)
  • Continuing education (1)
  • Continuous lattices (1)
  • Continuum damage mechanics (1)
  • Continuum mechanics (2)
  • Contraceptives--Testing (1)
  • Contracting out (2)
  • Contracts (1)
  • Control (Psychology) (1)
  • Control (Psychology) in children (1)
  • Control theory (7)
  • Convenience foods (1)
  • Convergence (Biology) (1)
  • Conversation (2)
  • Conversation analysis (1)
  • Convex domains (2)
  • Convex functions (2)
  • Convict labor (1)
  • Convulsions (1)
  • Cooking (Bananas) (1)
  • Cooking (Beans) (2)
  • Cooking (Stevia) (1)
  • Cooking (Wheat) (1)
  • Cooking, American (1)
  • Cooking, French (1)
  • Cooking, Mexican (1)
  • Cooling (1)
  • Cooperating objects (Computer systems) (4)
  • Cooperation (2)
  • Cooperative marketing of farm produce (1)
  • Cooperativeness (7)
  • Copolymers (3)
  • Copper compounds (1)
  • Copper compounds--Thermal properties (2)
  • Copper ions (1)
  • Copper steel (1)
  • Copper wire (1)
  • Copper--Corrosion (1)
  • Copper--Physiological effect (1)
  • Copper--Transport properties (1)
  • Coppola, Sofia, 1971- (1)
  • Copulas (Mathematical statistics) (3)
  • Coral reef ecology (2)
  • Corals--Ecology (1)
  • Corals--Effect of stress on (1)
  • Core competencies (2)
  • Corexit (Trademark) (1)
  • Coriander (1)
  • Corn as feed (1)
  • Corn industry (3)
  • Corn stover (1)
  • Corn stover as fuel (1)
  • Corn, Jack, 1929- (1)
  • Corn--Climatic factors (1)
  • Corn--Control (1)
  • Corn--Diseases and pests (3)
  • Corn--Diseases and pests--Control (2)
  • Corn--Diseases and pests--Integrated control (1)
  • Corn--Diseases and pests--Monitoring (1)
  • Corn--Economic aspects (7)
  • Corn--Effect of cold on (1)
  • Corn--Fertilizers (4)
  • Corn--Fertilizers--Economic aspects (3)
  • Corn--Genetic engineering (2)
  • Corn--Genetics (1)
  • Corn--Government policy (1)
  • Corn--Growth (3)
  • Corn--Growth--Computer simulation (1)
  • Corn--Marketing (1)
  • Corn--Milling (1)
  • Corn--Preharvest sprouting (1)
  • Corn--Prices (2)
  • Corn--Soils (1)
  • Corn--Yields (6)
  • Cornerstone Festival (1)
  • Cornstarch (1)
  • Coronary heart disease (1)
  • Coronary heart disease--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Coronary heart disease--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Coronavirus infections (1)
  • Corpora (Linguistics) (4)
  • Corporal punishment of children (1)
  • Corporate culture (4)
  • Corporate culture--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Corporate divestiture (1)
  • Corporate governance (5)
  • Corporate image (1)
  • Corporate profits (1)
  • Corporate sponsorship (2)
  • Corporation reports (1)
  • Corporations (1)
  • Corporations--Accounting (1)
  • Corporations--Corrupt practices (1)
  • Corporations--Decision making (1)
  • Corporations--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Corporations--Finance (3)
  • Corporations--Investor relations (3)
  • Corporations--Public relations (1)
  • Corporations--Sociological aspects (1)
  • Corporations--Taxation--Accounting (1)
  • Corpus callosum (1)
  • Corpus luteum (2)
  • Correlation (Statistics) (3)
  • Corridors (Ecology) (1)
  • Corrosion and anti-corrosives--Research (1)
  • Corrosion resistant alloys (3)
  • Corrugated paperboard (1)
  • Corruption (3)
  • Corruption--Religious aspects--Christianity (1)
  • Corticosterone (1)
  • Corticosterone--Physiological effect (1)
  • Cosmic grains (1)
  • Cosmochemistry (2)
  • Cosmopolitanism (2)
  • Cost and standard of living (1)
  • Cost control--Government policy--U.S. states (1)
  • Cost effectiveness (1)
  • Costa Rica (9)
  • Costa Rica--Guanacaste (1)
  • Costa Rica--San José (1)
  • Cotton growing (1)
  • Cotton growing--Economic aspects (1)
  • Cotton--Economic aspects (1)
  • Coulomb excitation (4)
  • Counseling (1)
  • Counseling in higher education (3)
  • Counseling in secondary education (2)
  • Counseling psychology (5)
  • Counselor and client (2)
  • Counterculture in literature (1)
  • Counterfactuals (Logic) (1)
  • Counting (3)
  • County services (1)
  • Coup d'état (Nigeria : 1966 January 15) (1)
  • Coupled mode theory (1)
  • Coupled problems (Complex systems) (2)
  • Couples (1)
  • Couples therapy (4)
  • Couples--Psychology (1)
  • Couplings (1)
  • Coups d'état (1)
  • Courage (1)
  • Courtesy (1)
  • Courts of last resort (1)
  • Courts--Officials and employees--Attitudes (1)
  • Courtship in animals (1)
  • Cover crops (16)
  • Cowpea--Growth (1)
  • Cows--Behavior (1)
  • Cows--Breeding (1)
  • Cows--Fertility (1)
  • Cows--Physiology (1)
  • Cows--Reproduction (1)
  • Coyote--Behavior (1)
  • Cranberries (1)
  • Cranial sutures (1)
  • Craniology (2)
  • Craniometry (2)
  • Crayfish (1)
  • Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) (1)
  • Creative ability (3)
  • Creative ability in medicine (1)
  • Creative ability--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Creative ability--Study and teaching (1)
  • Creative nonfiction (1)
  • Creative thinking (3)
  • Creative thinking--Testing (1)
  • Creative writing (1)
  • Credit cards (1)
  • Credit control (1)
  • Credit control--Econometric models (1)
  • Credit insurance (1)
  • Credit unions (1)
  • Creeping bentgrass (12)
  • Cremation (1)
  • Creoles (1)
  • Cretaceous Geologic Period (3)
  • Crime and race (2)
  • Crime and weather (1)
  • Crime in mass media (2)
  • Crime laboratories (1)
  • Crime prevention (7)
  • Crime scene searches (1)
  • Crime--Sociological aspects (1)
  • Criminal behavior (1)
  • Criminal behavior, Prediction of (6)
  • Criminal defense lawyers (1)
  • Criminal investigation (1)
  • Criminal justice personnel (1)
  • Criminal justice, Administration of (4)
  • Criminal justice, Administration of--Public opinion (1)
  • Criminal law (1)
  • Criminal methods (1)
  • Criminal psychology (1)
  • Criminal records--Expungement (1)
  • Criminal statistics (2)
  • Criminals (2)
  • Criminals--Identification (1)
  • Criminals--Rehabilitation (2)
  • Criminology (37)
  • Crises in literature (1)
  • Crisis management (4)
  • Critical care medicine (2)
  • Critical discourse analysis (1)
  • Critical pedagogy (7)
  • Critical race theory (4)
  • Critical realism (1)
  • Critical theory (1)
  • Critical thinking (4)
  • Criticism, Textual (1)
  • Crohn's disease (1)
  • Crop diversification (3)
  • Crop improvement (1)
  • Crop insurance (2)
  • Crop rotation (4)
  • Crop yields (7)
  • Crop yields--Mathematical models (1)
  • Crop yields--Research (1)
  • Cropping systems (11)
  • Cropping systems--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Cropping systems--Research (1)
  • Crops and climate (9)
  • Crops and climate--Economic aspects (1)
  • Crops and nitrogen (17)
  • Crops and soils (2)
  • Crops--Ecology (1)
  • Crops--Genetic engineering (2)
  • Crops--Growth (1)
  • Crops--Postharvest technology (1)
  • Crops--Remote sensing (2)
  • Crosslinked polymers (2)
  • Crosslinking (Polymerization) (1)
  • Crosstalk (1)
  • Crowd funding (1)
  • Cruciferae (2)
  • Cruciferae--Genetics (2)
  • Cruise ships (1)
  • Crumb rubber (3)
  • Cryoelectronics (3)
  • Cryphonectriaceae (1)
  • Cryptography (1)
  • Cryptosporidiosis (1)
  • Crystal growth (5)
  • Crystallization (3)
  • Crystallography (1)
  • Crystals (2)
  • Crystals--Plastic properties (3)
  • Ctenopharyngodon idella (1)
  • Cuba--Havana (1)
  • Cuba--Santiago de Cuba (2)
  • Cuban Americans--Education (1)
  • Cuban Americans--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Cuban Americans--Language (1)
  • Cuban Americans--Social conditions (1)
  • Cucumbers (4)
  • Cucumbers--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Cucurbita pepo (1)
  • Cucurbita--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Cucurbitaceae (2)
  • Cucurbitaceae--Diseases and pests (3)
  • Cultural awareness (3)
  • Cultural geography (1)
  • Cultural intelligence (2)
  • Cultural pluralism (5)
  • Cultural pluralism--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Cultural policy (1)
  • Cultural property (1)
  • Cultural property--Protection (4)
  • Cultural relations (1)
  • Cultural relativism (2)
  • Cultural relativism--Philosophy (1)
  • Culturally relevant pedagogy (5)
  • Culture and tourism (3)
  • Culture conflict (1)
  • Culture contamination (Biology) (1)
  • Culture diffusion (1)
  • Culture--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Culture--Study and teaching (1)
  • Cultures (Biology) (1)
  • Curriculum change (5)
  • Curriculum evaluation (1)
  • Curriculum planning (20)
  • Curriculum planning--Philosophy (1)
  • Curriculum-based assessment (4)
  • Curriculum-based assessment--Evaluation (1)
  • Curvature (1)
  • Curves on surfaces (1)
  • Curves, Elliptic (1)
  • Cushing's syndrome (1)
  • Custody of children (1)
  • Customer loyalty (1)
  • Customer loyalty programs (1)
  • Customer relations (4)
  • Customer relations--Management (1)
  • Customer services (3)
  • Customer services--Evaluation (1)
  • Customer services--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Customer services--Quality control (1)
  • Cut flowers (1)
  • Cyanines (2)
  • Cyanobacteria (4)
  • Cyanobacteria--Physiology (1)
  • Cyanobacterial blooms (1)
  • Cyanohydrins (1)
  • Cyberbullying (5)
  • Cyberfeminism (1)
  • Cyberspace--Social aspects (1)
  • Cyberterrorism (1)
  • Cyberterrorism--Prevention (1)
  • Cyclic compounds (1)
  • Cyclic guanylic acid (2)
  • Cyclic peptides (1)
  • Cyclic peptides--Synthesis (1)
  • Cycling (2)
  • Cycling--Safety measures (1)
  • Cycling--Social aspects (1)
  • Cyclodextrins (1)
  • Cyclohexane (1)
  • Cyclohexenones (1)
  • Cyclones (1)
  • Cyclooxygenases (1)
  • Cyclopolymerization (1)
  • Cyclotrons (2)
  • Cylas formicarius--Control (1)
  • Cylinders (3)
  • Cyst nematodes (1)
  • Cysteine proteinases (1)
  • Cystic fibrosis (2)
  • Cytochrome P-450 (3)
  • Cytochrome c (2)
  • Cytochrome oxidase (1)
  • Cytochromes (2)
  • Cytokines (2)
  • Cytology (28)
  • Cytology--Computer simulation (1)
  • Cytology--Research (3)
  • Cytomegalovirus infections (1)
  • Cytoskeleton (1)
  • DC-to-DC converters (1)
  • DDT (Insecticide)--Environmental aspects (1)
  • DIET (Event) (2)
  • DJ Screw, 1971-2000 (1)
  • DNA damage (1)
  • DNA fingerprinting (6)
  • DNA fingerprinting--Technique (1)
  • DNA helicases (1)
  • DNA microarrays (1)
  • DNA repair (3)
  • DNA replication (2)
  • DNA replication--Regulation (2)
  • DNA--Analysis (8)
  • DNA--Computer simulation (1)
  • DNA--Methylation (3)
  • DNA--Research (1)
  • Daily news (New York, N.Y. : 1920) (1)
  • Dairy barns (1)
  • Dairy cattle (15)
  • Dairy cattle--Artificial insemination (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Behavior (4)
  • Dairy cattle--Breeding (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Diseases (8)
  • Dairy cattle--Effect of light on (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Feed utilization efficiency (7)
  • Dairy cattle--Feeding and feeds (21)
  • Dairy cattle--Fertility (3)
  • Dairy cattle--Genetics (2)
  • Dairy cattle--Health (5)
  • Dairy cattle--Manure (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Manure--Handling (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Metabolism (2)
  • Dairy cattle--Nutrition (3)
  • Dairy cattle--Parturition (1)
  • Dairy cattle--Physiology (5)
  • Dairy cattle--Reproduction (3)
  • Dairy farmers (2)
  • Dairy farming (4)
  • Dairy farms (3)
  • Dairy processing (2)
  • Dairy products industry (2)
  • Dairy products industry--Waste disposal (1)
  • Dairy products--Analysis (1)
  • Dairy products--Sensory evaluation (1)
  • Dairying--Equipment and supplies (1)
  • Dakota Indians (1)
  • Dakota Indians--Government relations (1)
  • Damages (1)
  • Damping (Mechanics) (8)
  • Damping (Mechanics)--Mathematical models (3)
  • Dams--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Dams--Location (1)
  • Daphnia (1)
  • Data centers (1)
  • Data compression (Telecommunication) (1)
  • Data curation (1)
  • Data encryption (Computer science) (2)
  • Data integration (Computer science) (1)
  • Data integrity (1)
  • Data loggers (1)
  • Data mining (14)
  • Data processing service centers (1)
  • Data protection (5)
  • Data recovery (Computer science) (1)
  • Data reduction (2)
  • Data sets (1)
  • Data structures (Computer science) (1)
  • Data transmission systems (6)
  • Data transmission systems--Mathematical models (1)
  • Database management (1)
  • Database security (2)
  • Databases (1)
  • Dating (Social customs) (1)
  • Day camps (1)
  • Day care centers (1)
  • Daylight (2)
  • De l'esprit des lois (Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de) (1)
  • Dead loads (Mechanics) (1)
  • Dead trees (1)
  • Deaf children--Language (1)
  • Deaf children--Means of communication (2)
  • Deaf students (1)
  • Deaf--Means of communication (1)
  • Deamination (1)
  • Death in literature (1)
  • Death--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Debates and debating (1)
  • Debt--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Debtor and creditor (1)
  • Debugging in computer science (1)
  • Decentralization in government (3)
  • Decentralization in government--Economic aspects (1)
  • Decentralization in management (1)
  • Deception (1)
  • Deception--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Deception--Social aspects (1)
  • Deceptive advertising (1)
  • Decidua (1)
  • Decision making (63)
  • Decision making in children (1)
  • Decision making--Citizen participation (1)
  • Decision making--Computer programs (1)
  • Decision making--Computer simulation (1)
  • Decision making--Data processing (1)
  • Decision making--Econometric models (2)
  • Decision making--Mathematical models (1)
  • Decision making--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Decision making--Psychological aspects (4)
  • Decision making--Research (1)
  • Decision making--Sex differences (1)
  • Decision support systems (4)
  • Decoders (Electronics) (1)
  • Decolonization (2)
  • Decolonization in literature (1)
  • Decomposition (Chemistry) (1)
  • Decomposition (Mathematics) (1)
  • Decontamination (from gases, chemicals, etc.) (1)
  • Deep learning (Machine learning) (6)
  • Deep space--Crab Nebula (1)
  • Deep space--Magellanic Clouds (1)
  • Deep space--Milky Way (1)
  • Deer hunters (2)
  • Deer hunting (1)
  • Deer populations (1)
  • Defense (Criminal procedure) (1)
  • Defense industries (1)
  • Defenses (1)
  • Defensiveness (Psychology) (1)
  • Deferred tax (1)
  • Defined benefit pension plans (1)
  • Defined contribution pension plans (1)
  • Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 (1)
  • Deforestation (4)
  • Deforestation--Remote sensing (2)
  • Deformations (Mechanics) (14)
  • Deformations (Mechanics)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Degeneration (5)
  • Dehn surgery (Topology) (2)
  • Dehydrogenases (1)
  • Deindustrialization (1)
  • Delayed protons (1)
  • Deliberative democracy (2)
  • Delivery (Obstetrics) (1)
  • Delivery of goods (1)
  • Demand functions (Economic theory) (1)
  • Demand-side management (Electric utilities) (1)
  • Dementia (1)
  • Dementia--Epidemiology (1)
  • Democracy (4)
  • Democracy and education (1)
  • Democracy--Philosophy (1)
  • Democratization (2)
  • Demography (2)
  • Demography--Economic aspects (1)
  • Dendritic cells (1)
  • Dendritic crystals (1)
  • Dendrochronology (2)
  • Dendroclimatology (1)
  • Denervation (1)
  • Dengue--Prevention (2)
  • Denial (Psychology) (1)
  • Denitrification (3)
  • Density functionals (9)
  • Dental anthropology (2)
  • Dental caries in children (2)
  • Dental jurisprudence (1)
  • Dentition (2)
  • Dependency (Psychology) (1)
  • Dependents (1)
  • Deportation (1)
  • Deportees (1)
  • Depreciation allowances (1)
  • Depressed persons (2)
  • Depressed persons--Family relationships (2)
  • Depression in adolescence (3)
  • Depression in adolescence--Treatment (1)
  • Depression in children (2)
  • Depression in children--Treatment (1)
  • Depression in old age (2)
  • Depression in women (8)
  • Depression, Mental (12)
  • Depression, Mental--Animal models (1)
  • Depression, Mental--Diagnosis (1)
  • Depression, Mental--Etiology (2)
  • Depression, Mental--Social aspects (1)
  • Depth perception (1)
  • Dermatology (1)
  • Derrida, Jacques (1)
  • Desert soils (1)
  • Desertion and non-support (1)
  • Design (40)
  • Design--Computer programs (1)
  • Design--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Design--Evaluation (1)
  • Design--Human factors (1)
  • Design--Mathematical models (1)
  • Design--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Designer drugs--Analysis (5)
  • Despotism (1)
  • Detective and mystery stories (1)
  • Detective and mystery stories, American (1)
  • Detectives (1)
  • Detectives in literature (2)
  • Detectives--Attitudes (1)
  • Detectors (10)
  • Detectors--Design and construction (5)
  • Detectors--Research (1)
  • Detectors--Technological innovations (1)
  • Detectors--Testing (1)
  • Determination (Personality trait) (1)
  • Detroit Public Schools (1)
  • Detroit Zoo (1)
  • Detroit Zoological Society (1)
  • Deuterium (1)
  • Deuteron reactions (1)
  • Development economics (1)
  • Developmental biology (7)
  • Developmental disabilities (2)
  • Developmental disabilities--Social aspects (1)
  • Developmental neurobiology (5)
  • Developmental psychology (16)
  • Developmental psychology and motivation (2)
  • Developmental reading (1)
  • Developmentally disabled (1)
  • Developmentally disabled children--Behavior modification (1)
  • Developmentally disabled children--Education (1)
  • Developmentally disabled--Civil rights (1)
  • Developmentally disabled--Education (1)
  • Developmentally disabled--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • Deviant behavior (2)
  • Deviant behavior--Research (1)
  • Devonian Geologic Period (1)
  • Dextran (1)
  • Diabetes (6)
  • Diabetes in pregnancy (1)
  • Diabetes--Complications (3)
  • Diabetes--Economic aspects (1)
  • Diabetes--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Diabetes--Prevention (1)
  • Diabetes--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Diabetes--Research (2)
  • Diabetes--Social aspects (1)
  • Diabetic retinopathy (8)
  • Diabetic retinopathy--Prevention (1)
  • Diabetic retinopathy--Treatment (1)
  • Diabetics (2)
  • Diabetics--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Diabetics--Medical care (3)
  • Diabetics--Psychology (1)
  • Diagnosis (7)
  • Diagnosis--Cost effectiveness (1)
  • Diagnosis--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Diagnostic imaging (8)
  • Diagnostic imaging--Mathematical models (1)
  • Diagnostic microbiology (1)
  • Diagnostic specimens (1)
  • Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging (1)
  • Diagnostic virology (1)
  • Diamond thin films (3)
  • Diamonds (6)
  • Diamonds, Artificial (3)
  • Diamonds, Artificial--Industrial applications (1)
  • Diamonds, Industrial (3)
  • Diaporthe (1)
  • Diarrhea (2)
  • Diarrhea in children--Prevention (1)
  • Diarrhea--Prevention (1)
  • Diatoms (1)
  • Diazo compounds (1)
  • Dibenzodioxin (1)
  • Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (1)
  • Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 (1)
  • Diclofenac (1)
  • Dictators in literature (1)
  • Dictatorship (4)
  • Dictatorship in literature (1)
  • Dieldrin (1)
  • Dieldrin--Toxicology (1)
  • Dielectric devices (1)
  • Dielectric films (1)
  • Dielectric measurements (1)
  • Dielectrics--Testing (1)
  • Dielectrophoresis (1)
  • Diesel fuels--Testing (1)
  • Diesel motor (1)
  • Diesel motor exhaust gas (1)
  • Diesel motor--Combustion (1)
  • Diesel motor--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Diesel motor--Technological innovations (1)
  • Diet in disease (5)
  • Diet in disease--Research (1)
  • Diet therapy (2)
  • Diet--Data processing (1)
  • Diet--Economic aspects (1)
  • Dietary supplements (5)
  • Dietary supplements--Physiological effect (1)
  • Difference (Psychology) (1)
  • Differentiable dynamical systems--Mathematical models (1)
  • Differential algebra (2)
  • Differential equations, Elliptic (1)
  • Differential equations, Elliptic--Numerical solutions (1)
  • Differential equations, Nonlinear (1)
  • Differential equations, Parabolic (3)
  • Differential equations, Partial (7)
  • Differential equations, Partial--Numerical solutions (1)
  • Differential operators (1)
  • Diffraction (2)
  • Diffraction gratings (2)
  • Diffraction patterns (1)
  • Diffusion bonding (Metals) (1)
  • Diffusion of innovations (1)
  • Diffusion of innovations--Research (1)
  • Diffusion tensor imaging (5)
  • Digestion (3)
  • Digital communications (4)
  • Digital communications--Social aspects (1)
  • Digital divide (1)
  • Digital electronics (2)
  • Digital elevation models (2)
  • Digital humanities (2)
  • Digital image correlation (1)
  • Digital mapping (3)
  • Digital media (4)
  • Digital media--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Digital media--Social aspects (2)
  • Digital modulation (1)
  • Digital soil mapping (1)
  • Digital storytelling (1)
  • Digital video (2)
  • Diglossia (Linguistics) (1)
  • Dignity (1)
  • Dimension reduction (Statistics) (1)
  • Dimension theory (Algebra) (1)
  • Dimensional analysis (2)
  • Dimethylallyltranstransferase (1)
  • Dimethyltryptamine (1)
  • Dimorphism (Animals) (1)
  • Dioxins (1)
  • Dioxins--Toxicology (1)
  • Diplomatic relations (9)
  • Dipole moments (1)
  • Dirac equation (1)
  • Direct energy conversion (1)
  • Direct instruction (1)
  • Direct marketing (1)
  • Directors of corporations (2)
  • Dirichlet principle (1)
  • Dirofilaria immitis (1)
  • Disabilities (16)
  • Disability studies (1)
  • Disaster relief (1)
  • Disaster relief--Government policy (1)
  • Discharge of ballast water--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Disclosure of information (3)
  • Discourse analysis (2)
  • Discourse analysis, Narrative (3)
  • Discrete geometry (1)
  • Discriminant analysis (1)
  • Discrimination (5)
  • Discrimination in criminal justice administration (1)
  • Discrimination in education (5)
  • Discrimination in education--Prevention (1)
  • Discrimination in employment (2)
  • Discrimination in higher education (3)
  • Discrimination in housing (1)
  • Discrimination in justice administration (1)
  • Discrimination in juvenile justice administration (2)
  • Discrimination in language (1)
  • Discrimination in law enforcement (2)
  • Discrimination in medical care (8)
  • Discrimination in mental health services (1)
  • Discrimination in science (1)
  • Discussion (1)
  • Discussion--Study and teaching (1)
  • Disease management (2)
  • Disease susceptibility--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Diseases (39)
  • Diseases in twins (1)
  • Diseases--Animal models (2)
  • Diseases--Causes and theories of causation (2)
  • Diseases--Computer simulation (1)
  • Diseases--Economic aspects (1)
  • Diseases--Etiology (3)
  • Diseases--Mathematical models (1)
  • Diseases--Nutritional aspects (3)
  • Diseases--Research (6)
  • Diseases--Risk factors (2)
  • Diseases--Statistical methods (1)
  • Disinformation (2)
  • Dislocations in crystals (4)
  • Dislocations in metals (3)
  • Displaced workers (1)
  • Displaced workers--Economic conditions (1)
  • Disruptive technologies (1)
  • Dissenters (1)
  • Distance education (11)
  • Distance education students (2)
  • Distillation (2)
  • Distillers feeds (1)
  • Distracted driving (1)
  • Distraction (Psychology) (3)
  • Distress (Psychology) (1)
  • Distributed artificial intelligence (1)
  • Distributed databases (3)
  • Distributed generation of electric power (3)
  • Distributed parameter systems (1)
  • Distributed resources (Electric utilities) (1)
  • Distribution (Probability theory) (2)
  • Distributive justice (1)
  • Distributors (Commerce) (1)
  • Diterpenes (1)
  • Diversity in the workplace (4)
  • Diversity in the workplace--Planning (1)
  • Dividends--Taxation--Law and legislation (1)
  • Division of labor (1)
  • Divorce (1)
  • Divorce mediation (1)
  • Divorce--Economic aspects (1)
  • Divorced women (1)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (1)
  • Doctor of philosophy degree (2)
  • Doctoral students (6)
  • Documentary films (1)
  • Documentary photography (1)
  • Documentary photography--Social aspects (1)
  • Documentation (3)
  • Dog adoption (1)
  • Dogfighting (1)
  • Dogs as laboratory animals (1)
  • Dogs--Behavior (1)
  • Dogs--Diseases (9)
  • Dogs--Diseases--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Dogs--Diseases--Nutritional aspects (1)
  • Dogs--Diseases--Research (1)
  • Dogs--Diseases--Treatment (1)
  • Dogs--Food (1)
  • Dogs--Nutrition (1)
  • Dogs--Physiology (3)
  • Dogs--Research (2)
  • Dogs--Taxation (1)
  • Dogs--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Domestic animals (36)
  • Domestic terrorism (2)
  • Dominance (Psychology) (4)
  • Dominicans (Dominican Republic) (1)
  • Donation of organs, tissues, etc (1)
  • Dongala, Emmanuel Boundzéki, 1941- (1)
  • Dongala, Emmanuel Boundzéki, 1941- (1)
  • Dopamine (2)
  • Dopamine--Physiological effect (2)
  • Dopaminergic mechanisms (3)
  • Dopaminergic neurons (6)
  • Doppler effect (1)
  • Dormitories (1)
  • Double stars (1)
  • Double-crested cormorant (1)
  • Down syndrome--Patients (1)
  • Downy mildew diseases (5)
  • Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930 (1)
  • Dracunculiasis (1)
  • Dracunculiasis--Prevention (1)
  • Draft resisters (1)
  • Drama in education (1)
  • Dramatists, English (1)
  • Dramatists, English--Early modern (1)
  • Dredging (1)
  • Dredging--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Dress accessories (1)
  • Dress codes (1)
  • Dried beans (2)
  • Dried fruit (1)
  • Drill core analysis (1)
  • Drinking behavior (1)
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages (1)
  • Drinking water (2)
  • Drinking water--Analysis (2)
  • Drinking water--Contamination (3)
  • Drinking water--Health aspects (3)
  • Drinking water--Microbiology (1)
  • Drinking water--Public opinion (2)
  • Drinking water--Purification (1)
  • Driveways (1)
  • Dropout behavior, Prediction of (1)
  • Dropouts (1)
  • Drosophila (2)
  • Drosophila melanogaster (6)
  • Drosophila melanogaster--Genetics (2)
  • Drosophila melanogaster--Physiology (1)
  • Drosophila suzukii (8)
  • Drosophila--Genetics (5)
  • Drought forecasting (1)
  • Drought-tolerant plants (1)
  • Droughts (1)
  • Droughts--Health aspects (1)
  • Droughts--Measurement (1)
  • Drowned world (Ballard, J.G.) (1)
  • Drug abuse (1)
  • Drug abuse--Forecasting (1)
  • Drug abuse--Prevention (2)
  • Drug abusers (1)
  • Drug addiction (2)
  • Drug addiction--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Drug addiction--Research (1)
  • Drug carriers (Pharmacy) (1)
  • Drug control (1)
  • Drug dealers (2)
  • Drug delivery systems (3)
  • Drug development (7)
  • Drug packaging industry (1)
  • Drug resistance in cancer cells (1)
  • Drug resistance in microorganisms (19)
  • Drug resistance in microorganisms--Genetic aspects (3)
  • Drug targeting (2)
  • Drugs, Nonprescription (2)
  • Drugs, Nonprescription--Labeling (1)
  • Drugs--Analysis (1)
  • Drugs--Design (3)
  • Drugs--Dosage (1)
  • Drugs--Labeling (1)
  • Drugs--Marketing (1)
  • Drugs--Packaging (1)
  • Drugs--Physiological effect (1)
  • Drugs--Prescribing (1)
  • Drugs--Side effects (3)
  • Drugs--Side effects--Reporting (1)
  • Drugs--Synthesis (1)
  • Dry farming (1)
  • Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 (1)
  • Dual diagnosis (1)
  • Dual enrollment (1)
  • Duck shooting (1)
  • Ducks--Diseases (1)
  • Ductile iron (1)
  • Duffing equations (1)
  • Durable goods, Consumer (1)
  • Dusicyon (1)
  • Dust--Toxicology (1)
  • Duty in literature (1)
  • Dwellings (1)
  • Dwellings--Energy conservation (1)
  • Dwellings--Energy conservation--Research (1)
  • Dwellings--Energy consumption (4)
  • Dwellings--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Dwellings--Heating and ventilation (1)
  • Dwellings--Security measures (2)
  • Dyadic analysis (Social sciences) (4)
  • Dye-sensitized solar cells (10)
  • Dyes and dyeing--Chemistry (1)
  • Dynamometer (1)
  • Dyslexia (1)
  • Dystonia (1)
  • Dystopias in literature (1)
  • Ear piercing (1)
  • Early childhood education (22)
  • Early childhood education--Parent participation (1)
  • Early childhood education--Social aspects (2)
  • Early childhood special education (1)
  • Early childhood teachers (1)
  • Early childhood teachers--Attitudes (1)
  • Early childhood teachers--Training of (1)
  • Earned income tax credit (1)
  • Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Earthquake resistant design (4)
  • Earthquakes (1)
  • Earthworks (Archaeology) (1)
  • Earthworms (1)
  • East Asian literature (1)
  • East India Company (1)
  • East Indian American women--Attitudes (1)
  • East Indian Americans (1)
  • East Indian lotus (1)
  • East Indians (2)
  • East and West (1)
  • East and West in literature (1)
  • Eastern Market (Detroit, Mich.) (1)
  • Eastern massasauga (1)
  • Eating disorders (6)
  • Eating disorders in adolescence (1)
  • Eating disorders in women (5)
  • Eating disorders--Etiology (1)
  • Eating disorders--Social aspects (1)
  • Ebola virus disease (1)
  • Eco-labeling (1)
  • Ecocriticism (1)
  • Ecocriticism in literature (1)
  • Ecofeminism (3)
  • Ecofeminism--Political aspects (1)
  • Ecohydrology (2)
  • Ecological assessment (Biology) (1)
  • Ecological disturbances (1)
  • Ecological genetics (1)
  • Ecological heterogeneity (2)
  • Ecological landscape design (2)
  • Ecologists (1)
  • Ecology (129)
  • Ecology in literature (2)
  • Ecology--Philosophy (1)
  • Ecology--Press coverage (1)
  • Ecology--Remote sensing (1)
  • Ecology--Study and teaching (1)
  • Ecology--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Econometric models (42)
  • Econometrics (15)
  • Econometrics--Asymptotic theory (4)
  • Economic Community of West African States (1)
  • Economic anthropology (1)
  • Economic assistance--Citizen participation (1)
  • Economic conditions (26)
  • Economic development (9)
  • Economic forecasting (1)
  • Economic geography (1)
  • Economic history (14)
  • Economic impact analysis (2)
  • Economic policy (2)
  • Economics (68)
  • Economics, Mathematical (1)
  • Economics, Prehistoric (1)
  • Economics--Methodology (1)
  • Economics--Political aspects (1)
  • Economics--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Economics--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Economies of scale (1)
  • Ecophysiology (2)
  • Ecosystem management (9)
  • Ecosystem management--Economic aspects (1)
  • Ecosystem services (6)
  • Ecotourism (5)
  • Ecovillages (1)
  • Ecstasy (Drug) (1)
  • Ectomycorrhizal fungi (1)
  • Eddies--Mathematical models (1)
  • Eddies--Simulation methods (1)
  • Eddy current testing (6)
  • Eddy currents (Electric) (2)
  • Eddy currents (Electric)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Edible coatings (1)
  • Edible greens (4)
  • Edible mushrooms (1)
  • Edible mushrooms--Marketing (1)
  • Education (110)
  • Education and crime (1)
  • Education and globalization (4)
  • Education and heredity (1)
  • Education and state (59)
  • Education and state--Economic aspects (2)
  • Education and state--Evaluation (1)
  • Education and state--U.S. states (1)
  • Education for All (Project) (1)
  • Education, Bilingual (14)
  • Education, Cooperative (4)
  • Education, Elementary (18)
  • Education, Elementary--Curricula (1)
  • Education, Elementary--Economic aspects (1)
  • Education, Elementary--Evaluation (1)
  • Education, Elementary--Parent participation (1)
  • Education, Elementary--Research (1)
  • Education, Higher (66)
  • Education, Higher--Administration (24)
  • Education, Higher--Aims and objectives (3)
  • Education, Higher--Computer-assisted instruction (2)
  • Education, Higher--Cross-cultural studies (1)
  • Education, Higher--Curricula (1)
  • Education, Higher--Decision making (1)
  • Education, Higher--Effect of technological innovations on (1)
  • Education, Higher--Evaluation (4)
  • Education, Higher--Finance (2)
  • Education, Higher--Political aspects (1)
  • Education, Higher--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Education, Higher--Public opinion (2)
  • Education, Higher--Research (2)
  • Education, Higher--Social aspects (2)
  • Education, Higher--Study and teaching (1)
  • Education, Humanistic (4)
  • Education, Humanistic--Curricula (1)
  • Education, Preschool (8)
  • Education, Preschool--Activity programs (1)
  • Education, Preschool--Evaluation (1)
  • Education, Primary (6)
  • Education, Primary--Parent participation (1)
  • Education, Rural (4)
  • Education, Rural--Social aspects (1)
  • Education, Secondary (20)
  • Education, Secondary--Activity programs (3)
  • Education, Secondary--Curricula (2)
  • Education, Secondary--Parent participation (2)
  • Education, Secondary--Research (1)
  • Education, Secondary--Study and teaching (1)
  • Education, Urban (17)
  • Education, Urban--Political aspects (1)
  • Education--Aims and objectives (4)
  • Education--Audio-visual aids (2)
  • Education--Computer network resources (1)
  • Education--Curricula (6)
  • Education--Data processing (5)
  • Education--Decision making (1)
  • Education--Econometric models (2)
  • Education--Economic aspects (8)
  • Education--Effect of technological innovations on (4)
  • Education--Evaluation (2)
  • Education--Experimental methods (1)
  • Education--Finance (4)
  • Education--Methodology (1)
  • Education--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Education--Parent participation (7)
  • Education--Philosophy (7)
  • Education--Political aspects (1)
  • Education--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Education--Public opinion (2)
  • Education--Religious aspects (1)
  • Education--Research (4)
  • Education--Research--Statistical methods (1)
  • Education--Simulation methods (1)
  • Education--Social aspects (4)
  • Education--Standards (4)
  • Education--Study and teaching (6)
  • Education--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Educational accountability (7)
  • Educational anthropology--Research (1)
  • Educational attainment (1)
  • Educational change (24)
  • Educational change--Citizen participation (1)
  • Educational change--Public opinion (4)
  • Educational change--Social aspects (1)
  • Educational equalization (8)
  • Educational evaluation (13)
  • Educational fund raising (1)
  • Educational games (3)
  • Educational innovations (5)
  • Educational law and legislation (2)
  • Educational leadership (26)
  • Educational leadership--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Educational leadership--Philosophy (1)
  • Educational planning (2)
  • Educational psychology (42)
  • Educational psychology--Research (4)
  • Educational sociology (4)
  • Educational statistics (1)
  • Educational surveys (1)
  • Educational technology (40)
  • Educational technology--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Educational television programs (1)
  • Educational tests and measurements (22)
  • Educational tests and measurements--Design and construction (1)
  • Educational tests and measurements--Evaluation (7)
  • Educational tests and measurements--Methodology (2)
  • Educational tests and measurements--Public opinion (1)
  • Educational tests and measurements--Research (1)
  • Educational vouchers (1)
  • Educators (1)
  • Effective teaching (16)
  • Egg trade (1)
  • Eggplant (1)
  • Eggs--Incubation (1)
  • Eggs--Marketing (1)
  • Ego (Psychology) (3)
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (1)
  • Eicosanoids (3)
  • Eigenvalues (3)
  • Eigenvectors (1)
  • Eighteen nineties (1)
  • Eighth grade (Education) (3)
  • Ejector pumps (1)
  • Elastic analysis (Engineering) (1)
  • Elastic solids (1)
  • Elastic waves (1)
  • Elasticity (1)
  • Elastomers (2)
  • Election monitoring (1)
  • Elections (3)
  • Elections--Corrupt practices (2)
  • Electric Utilities. (Corporate Name) (1)
  • Electric automobiles--Technological innovations (1)
  • Electric batteries (2)
  • Electric circuit analysis (1)
  • Electric conductivity (2)
  • Electric conductors (2)
  • Electric controllers (1)
  • Electric controllers--Design and construction (1)
  • Electric current converters (7)
  • Electric current converters--Design and construction (3)
  • Electric current converters--Simulation methods (1)
  • Electric current rectifiers (1)
  • Electric discharges (1)
  • Electric discharges--Detection (1)
  • Electric fault location (1)
  • Electric filters, Wave-guide (1)
  • Electric generators (1)
  • Electric industries--Economic aspects (1)
  • Electric insulators and insulation (2)
  • Electric insulators and insulation--Testing (1)
  • Electric inverters (8)
  • Electric lighting (1)
  • Electric lighting, Sodium vapor (1)
  • Electric machines (3)
  • Electric metal-cutting (1)
  • Electric meters--Power supply (1)
  • Electric motors (2)
  • Electric motors, Synchronous (2)
  • Electric motors--Insulation--Reliability (1)
  • Electric motors--Reliability (1)
  • Electric networks, Two-port (1)
  • Electric power (2)
  • Electric power consumption (2)
  • Electric power distribution (3)
  • Electric power distribution--Direct current (1)
  • Electric power distribution--Mathematical models (2)
  • Electric power failures (1)
  • Electric power production (3)
  • Electric power production--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Electric power production--Research (1)
  • Electric power supplies to apparatus (1)
  • Electric power system stability (1)
  • Electric power systems (3)
  • Electric power systems--Control (1)
  • Electric power systems--Management (1)
  • Electric power systems--Protection (1)
  • Electric power systems--Reliability (2)
  • Electric power systems--Technological innovations (1)
  • Electric power transmission--Direct current (1)
  • Electric power transmission--Equipment and supplies (1)
  • Electric resistance, Temperature coefficient of (1)
  • Electric resonators (2)
  • Electric transformers (1)
  • Electric utilities (2)
  • Electric utilities--Costs (1)
  • Electric utilities--Economic aspects (1)
  • Electric vehicles (3)
  • Electric vehicles--Batteries (4)
  • Electric vehicles--Power supply (4)
  • Electrical engineering (104)
  • Electrical engineering--Research (2)
  • Electricity (1)
  • Electricity--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Electro-acoustics (1)
  • Electrocatalysis (13)
  • Electrochemical analysis (4)
  • Electrochemical apparatus (2)
  • Electrochemical sensors (6)
  • Electrochemistry (14)
  • Electrochemistry, Industrial (1)
  • Electrochemistry--Research (1)
  • Electrodes (5)
  • Electrodes, Carbon (1)
  • Electrodes, Copper (1)
  • Electrodes, Tungsten (1)
  • Electrodes--Design and construction (1)
  • Electroencephalography (5)
  • Electrohydraulic servomechanisms (1)
  • Electrolysis (1)
  • Electrolyte solutions (1)
  • Electrolytes (2)
  • Electrolytes--Conductivity (4)
  • Electrolytes--Thermal properties (1)
  • Electrolytic cells (1)
  • Electrolytic corrosion (1)
  • Electromagnetic compatibility--Testing (1)
  • Electromagnetic devices (1)
  • Electromagnetic induction (1)
  • Electromagnetic interference (2)
  • Electromagnetic measurements (2)
  • Electromagnetic noise (3)
  • Electromagnetic waves (5)
  • Electromagnetic waves--Measurement (1)
  • Electromagnetic waves--Scattering--Mathematical models (2)
  • Electromagnetic waves--Transmission (1)
  • Electromagnetic waves--Transmission--Mathematical models (1)
  • Electromagnetism (24)
  • Electromagnetism--Mathematical models (1)
  • Electromagnetism--Research (1)
  • Electromotive force (1)
  • Electromyography (1)
  • Electron beams (2)
  • Electron configuration (1)
  • Electron cyclotron resonance sources (2)
  • Electron distribution (1)
  • Electron donor-acceptor complexes (1)
  • Electron microscopes (3)
  • Electron microscopy (2)
  • Electron mobility (1)
  • Electron paramagnetic resonance (2)
  • Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (3)
  • Electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy (1)
  • Electron transport (2)
  • Electronic apparatus and appliances (1)
  • Electronic circuits--Design and construction (1)
  • Electronic circuits--Simulation methods (1)
  • Electronic commerce (6)
  • Electronic commerce--Taxation (1)
  • Electronic controllers (2)
  • Electronic data processing--Distributed processing (2)
  • Electronic data processing--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Electronic discussion groups (5)
  • Electronic discussion groups--Social aspects (1)
  • Electronic dissertations (1)
  • Electronic excitation (2)
  • Electronic information resources (3)
  • Electronic mail messages (2)
  • Electronic polymers (1)
  • Electronic records--Access control (1)
  • Electronic structure (5)
  • Electronic surveillance (1)
  • Electronic textbooks (1)
  • Electronic trading of securities (1)
  • Electronic traffic controls (1)
  • Electronics--Materials (1)
  • Electrons (1)
  • Electrons--Capture (3)
  • Electrons--Diffraction (2)
  • Electrons--Emission (1)
  • Electrons--Research (1)
  • Electrooptical devices (1)
  • Electrophysiology (5)
  • Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (1)
  • Electrostatics (2)
  • Electrostatics--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Electrotherapeutics (1)
  • Electroweak interactions (5)
  • Elementary school administration (1)
  • Elementary school environment (1)
  • Elementary school principals (3)
  • Elementary school principals--Attitudes (2)
  • Elementary school principals--Decision making (1)
  • Elementary school teachers (5)
  • Elementary school teachers--Attitudes (7)
  • Elementary school teachers--In-service training (1)
  • Elementary school teachers--Job stress (1)
  • Elementary school teachers--Psychology (1)
  • Elementary school teachers--Rating of (1)
  • Elementary school teachers--Training of (3)
  • Elementary school teaching (2)
  • Elementary schools (2)
  • Eliot, George, 1819-1880 (1)
  • Elite (Social sciences) in literature (1)
  • Elk watching (1)
  • Elk--Habitat (1)
  • Ellison, Ralph (1)
  • Embedded Internet devices (2)
  • Embedded computer systems--Design and construction (1)
  • Embedded computer systems--Testing (1)
  • Embryo transplantation (1)
  • Embryonic stem cells (3)
  • Embryonic stem cells--Research (1)
  • Embryos (1)
  • Emerald ash borer (8)
  • Emergency communication systems (1)
  • Emergency management (3)
  • Emergency management--Social aspects (1)
  • Emergency medical personnel (1)
  • Emergency medical services (2)
  • Emergency medical technicians (1)
  • Emergency medicine--Diagnosis (1)
  • Emergency nursing (1)
  • Emerging contaminants in water (2)
  • Emigrant remittances (1)
  • Emigration and immigration (20)
  • Emigration and immigration in art (1)
  • Emigration and immigration--Economic aspects (1)
  • Emigration and immigration--Government policy (2)
  • Emigration and immigration--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Emigration and immigration--Social aspects (1)
  • Emission-line galaxies (1)
  • Emissions trading (1)
  • Emissions trading--Economic aspects (1)
  • Emma (Austen, Jane) (1)
  • Emotion recognition (1)
  • Emotional contagion (1)
  • Emotional intelligence (2)
  • Emotional problems of children (1)
  • Emotions (14)
  • Emotions and cognition (6)
  • Emotions in infants (1)
  • Emotions--Health aspects (2)
  • Emotions--Measurement (1)
  • Emotions--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Emotions--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Emotions--Research (1)
  • Emotions--Social aspects (4)
  • Emotions--Study and teaching (Preschool) (1)
  • Empathy (3)
  • Empathy in children (1)
  • Empathy--Social aspects (1)
  • Empiricism (1)
  • Employability (1)
  • Employee competitive behavior (1)
  • Employee empowerment (1)
  • Employee fringe benefits (1)
  • Employee health promotion (1)
  • Employee morale (1)
  • Employee motivation (6)
  • Employee retention (3)
  • Employee screening (1)
  • Employee selection (3)
  • Employee selection--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Employees (12)
  • Employees--Abuse of (2)
  • Employees--Attitudes (11)
  • Employees--Coaching of (2)
  • Employees--Dismissal of (2)
  • Employees--Health aspects (1)
  • Employees--Language (1)
  • Employees--Psychology (2)
  • Employees--Rating of (1)
  • Employees--Social conditions (2)
  • Employees--Social networks (2)
  • Employees--Training of--Evaluation (1)
  • Employees--Training of--Research (1)
  • Employer attitude surveys (1)
  • Employer-sponsored health insurance (1)
  • Employment forecasting (1)
  • Employment tests (1)
  • Empoasca (2)
  • Emulators (Computer programs) (1)
  • Emulsions (2)
  • Enantioselective catalysis (8)
  • Encouragement (1)
  • End-to-end delay (Computer networks) (1)
  • Endangered species (5)
  • Endangered species--Public opinion (1)
  • Endemic animals (1)
  • Endemic plants (1)
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals (2)
  • Endocrinology (6)
  • Endocytosis (1)
  • Endogenous growth (Economics)--Mathematical models (2)
  • Endometriosis (4)
  • Endometrium (2)
  • Endophytes (2)
  • Endophytic fungi (1)
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (6)
  • Endosperm (1)
  • Endosymbiosis (1)
  • Endothelial cells (5)
  • Endothelial seeding (1)
  • Endothelium (1)
  • Endotoxins (2)
  • Endowments (1)
  • Endurance sports--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Energy conservation (2)
  • Energy conservation--Technological innovations (1)
  • Energy consumption (3)
  • Energy consumption--Econometric models (1)
  • Energy consumption--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Energy consumption--Forecasting (1)
  • Energy consumption--Mathematical models (1)
  • Energy consumption--Simulation methods (1)
  • Energy conversion (4)
  • Energy crops (10)
  • Energy crops industry (1)
  • Energy crops--Economic aspects (1)
  • Energy development (1)
  • Energy development--Study and teaching (1)
  • Energy dissipation (1)
  • Energy harvesting (8)
  • Energy industries--Government policy (1)
  • Energy level densities (1)
  • Energy metabolism (3)
  • Energy metabolism--Measurement (1)
  • Energy metabolism--Regulation (1)
  • Energy policy (3)
  • Energy policy--U.S. states (1)
  • Energy storage (15)
  • Energy storage--Research (2)
  • Energy transfer (4)
  • Engagement (Philosophy) (3)
  • Engel, Howard, 1931-2019. Memory book (1)
  • Engineered wood (1)
  • Engineered wood construction (1)
  • Engineering (50)
  • Engineering design (3)
  • Engineering instruments (1)
  • Engineering mathematics (1)
  • Engineering models (1)
  • Engineering students (2)
  • Engineering students--Attitudes (2)
  • Engineering students--Psychology (2)
  • Engineering--Statistical methods (1)
  • Engineering--Study and teaching (6)
  • Engineering--Study and teaching (Higher) (5)
  • Engineering--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Engineers (2)
  • Engineers--Training of (2)
  • Engines (2)
  • Engines--Design and construction (1)
  • England (8)
  • England--Staffordshire (1)
  • England--Stamford (1)
  • Engler, John, 1948- (1)
  • English (3)
  • English drama (1)
  • English drama--Early modern and Elizabethan (1)
  • English fiction (1)
  • English fiction--Women authors (1)
  • English language (28)
  • English language--Ability testing (3)
  • English language--Accents and accentuation (3)
  • English language--Adjectivals (1)
  • English language--Article (1)
  • English language--Aspect (1)
  • English language--Audio-visual aids (1)
  • English language--Clauses (1)
  • English language--Comparison (1)
  • English language--Complement (1)
  • English language--Composition and exercises (1)
  • English language--Composition and exercises--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • English language--Composition and exercises--Study and teaching (Higher) (2)
  • English language--Composition and exercises--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • English language--Composition and exercises--Study and teaching--Data processing (1)
  • English language--Concessive clauses (1)
  • English language--Consonants (2)
  • English language--Context (2)
  • English language--Dialects (4)
  • English language--Discourse analysis (3)
  • English language--Errors of usage (1)
  • English language--Examinations (2)
  • English language--Grammar (3)
  • English language--Grammar, Comparative (2)
  • English language--Grammar, Comparative--Chinese (1)
  • English language--Grammar, Generative (1)
  • English language--Grammar--Study and teaching (1)
  • English language--Grammar--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (3)
  • English language--Infinitival constructions (1)
  • English language--Intensification (1)
  • English language--Locative constructions (1)
  • English language--Modality (1)
  • English language--Morphosyntax (1)
  • English language--Nominals (1)
  • English language--Passive voice (1)
  • English language--Phonemics (2)
  • English language--Phonology (2)
  • English language--Phraseology (1)
  • English language--Pronunciation by foreign speakers (2)
  • English language--Prosodic analysis (2)
  • English language--Relative clauses (2)
  • English language--Remedial teaching (1)
  • English language--Rhetoric--Data processing (1)
  • English language--Rhetoric--Study and teaching (2)
  • English language--Rhetoric--Study and teaching (Higher) (4)
  • English language--Semantics (3)
  • English language--Social aspects (1)
  • English language--Spoken English (4)
  • English language--Standardization (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching (8)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Continuing education) (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Foreign speakers (2)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Higher) (2)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Higher)--Foreign speakers (7)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Middle school)--Foreign speakers (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Secondary) (4)
  • English language--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Foreign speakers (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--African American students (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Arabic speakers (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Chinese speakers (3)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (39)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Audio-visual aids (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Evaluation (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Methodology (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Research (3)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Testing (3)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Japanese speakers (2)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Korean speakers (1)
  • English language--Study and teaching--Spanish speakers (2)
  • English language--Style (2)
  • English language--Syntax (3)
  • English language--Tense (1)
  • English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers (1)
  • English language--Verb (2)
  • English language--Verb phrase (1)
  • English language--Vowels (2)
  • English language--Writing (2)
  • English language--Writing--Ability testing (1)
  • English language--Writing--Evaluation (1)
  • English language--Writing--Study and teaching (1)
  • English language--Writing--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • English language--Written English--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • English literature (29)
  • English literature--Early modern (4)
  • English literature--Political aspects (1)
  • English literature--Themes, motives (1)
  • English literature--Women authors (1)
  • English teachers (7)
  • English teachers--Attitudes (5)
  • English teachers--In-service training (1)
  • English teachers--Psychology (1)
  • English teachers--Training of (1)
  • English-medium instruction (1)
  • Enlightenment (1)
  • Enriched foods (5)
  • Enslaved persons (2)
  • Enslaved persons--Emancipation (1)
  • Enslaved persons--Social life and customs (1)
  • Enterobacteriaceae (1)
  • Enterococcal infections (1)
  • Enterococcus (1)
  • Enterotoxins (1)
  • Enteroviruses (3)
  • Enthusiasm (1)
  • Entomology (50)
  • Entomology--Research (2)
  • Entomopathogenic fungi (2)
  • Entomophagous insects (1)
  • Entomophagous insects--Hosts (1)
  • Entrepreneurship (7)
  • Entrepreneurship--Econometric models (1)
  • Entrepreneurship--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Environment (Aesthetics) (2)
  • Environmental auditing (1)
  • Environmental chemistry--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Environmental conditions (13)
  • Environmental degradation--Economic aspects (1)
  • Environmental disasters (1)
  • Environmental economics (13)
  • Environmental economics--Econometric models (1)
  • Environmental education (8)
  • Environmental education--Activity programs (1)
  • Environmental education--Curricula (1)
  • Environmental education--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Environmental engineering (28)
  • Environmental engineering--Research (1)
  • Environmental ethics (3)
  • Environmental ethics--Social aspects (1)
  • Environmental geology (2)
  • Environmental health (14)
  • Environmental impact analysis (3)
  • Environmental justice (13)
  • Environmental justice in literature (1)
  • Environmental literacy (1)
  • Environmental management (12)
  • Environmental management--Economic aspects (1)
  • Environmental management--Study and teaching (1)
  • Environmental mapping (1)
  • Environmental monitoring (2)
  • Environmental monitoring--Remote sensing (2)
  • Environmental policy (5)
  • Environmental policy--Citizen participation (1)
  • Environmental policy--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Environmental policy--U.S. states (2)
  • Environmental protection (4)
  • Environmental protection--Economic aspects (12)
  • Environmental psychology (3)
  • Environmental quality (2)
  • Environmental reporting (1)
  • Environmental responsibility (2)
  • Environmental responsibility--Public opinion (1)
  • Environmental responsibility--Study and teaching (1)
  • Environmental risk assessment (3)
  • Environmental sciences (36)
  • Environmental sciences--Philosophy (2)
  • Environmental sciences--Research (1)
  • Environmental sociology (5)
  • Environmental toxicology (4)
  • Environmentalism (10)
  • Environmentalism in literature (2)
  • Environmentalism--Political aspects (1)
  • Environmentalists (1)
  • Environmentalists--Attitudes (1)
  • Environmentally induced diseases (3)
  • Environmentally induced diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Enzymes (7)
  • Enzymes--Analysis (1)
  • Enzymes--Biotechnology (1)
  • Enzymes--Industrial applications (2)
  • Enzymes--Regulation (2)
  • Enzymes--Research (1)
  • Enzymes--Structure (1)
  • Enzymes--Synthesis (1)
  • Enzymology (4)
  • Eolian processes (1)
  • Eosinophil disorders (1)
  • Epic poetry, Spanish (1)
  • Epidemics (2)
  • Epidemics--Prevention (1)
  • Epidemics--Social aspects (1)
  • Epidemiology (74)
  • Epidemiology--Research (1)
  • Epidemiology--Research--Methodology (1)
  • Epigenetics (4)
  • Epilepsy (3)
  • Epileptics (1)
  • Epiphytes (1)
  • Epiphytic lichens (1)
  • Epiphytic lichens--Ecology (1)
  • Epistasis (Genetics) (1)
  • Epitaxy (2)
  • Epithelial cells (6)
  • Epithelium (2)
  • Epoxy compounds (4)
  • Epoxy resins (2)
  • Equality (1)
  • Equality--Economic aspects (1)
  • Equality--Health aspects (2)
  • Equations (1)
  • Equations of state (3)
  • Equations--Numerical solutions (1)
  • Equilibrium (Economics)--Econometric models (1)
  • Equilibrium (Economics)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Equilibrium (Physiology)--Testing (1)
  • Equine encephalomyelitis (1)
  • Equine herpesvirus diseases (1)
  • Equine sports medicine (1)
  • Equipment and supplies (6)
  • Equivalence relations (Set theory) (1)
  • Ericaceae (1)
  • Erosion (1)
  • Erotica (1)
  • Error analysis (Mathematics) (2)
  • Errors--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Errors-in-variables models (1)
  • Erwinia amylovora (7)
  • Erwinia amylovora--Control (1)
  • Erythrocyte disorders (1)
  • Erythrocytes (6)
  • Erythrocytes--Deformability (1)
  • Erythrocytes--Metabolism (1)
  • Erythrocytes--Transfusion (1)
  • Escape (Psychology) (1)
  • Escherichia coli (16)
  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 (7)
  • Escherichia coli infections (2)
  • Escherichia coli infections in animals (2)
  • Escherichia coli infections in swine (1)
  • Escherichia coli--Biotechnology (1)
  • Escherichia coli--Evolution (3)
  • Escherichia coli--Genetics (4)
  • Essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government (Locke, John) (1)
  • Essays (Bacon, Francis) (1)
  • Essential fatty acids in human nutrition (1)
  • Essentialism (Philosophy) (1)
  • Esterification (5)
  • Esters--Synthesis (2)
  • Estimation theory (9)
  • Estimation theory--Asymptotic theory (1)
  • Estimation theory--Econometric models (1)
  • Estimation theory--Mathematical models (1)
  • Estradiol (1)
  • Estradiol--Physiological effect (1)
  • Estrogen--Antagonists (1)
  • Estrogen--Physiological effect (2)
  • Estrogen--Receptors (1)
  • Estuarine fisheries (1)
  • Ethanol (1)
  • Ethanol as fuel (3)
  • Ethanol fuel industry (2)
  • Ethernet (Local area network system) (1)
  • Ethical problems (1)
  • Ethics (10)
  • Ethics--Philosophy (2)
  • Ethics--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Ethics--Social aspects (1)
  • Ethinyl estradiol (1)
  • Ethiopia (6)
  • Ethiopia--Addis Ababa (1)
  • Ethnic attitudes (1)
  • Ethnic barriers (1)
  • Ethnic conflict (1)
  • Ethnic festivals (1)
  • Ethnic food (2)
  • Ethnic food industry (1)
  • Ethnic groups (2)
  • Ethnic groups--Diseases (1)
  • Ethnic neighborhoods (2)
  • Ethnic relations (4)
  • Ethnic relations--Political aspects (1)
  • Ethnicity (13)
  • Ethnicity--Economic aspects (1)
  • Ethnicity--Political aspects (1)
  • Ethnoarchaeology (3)
  • Ethnoecology (1)
  • Ethnographic films (1)
  • Ethnographic shows (1)
  • Ethnohistory (1)
  • Ethnology (16)
  • Ethnology--Methodology (1)
  • Ethnology--Research--Methodology (1)
  • Ethnology--Study and teaching (2)
  • Ethnomathematics (1)
  • Ethnomusicology (1)
  • Ethnopsychology (1)
  • Ethnoscience (2)
  • Ethylene (4)
  • Ethylene--Synthesis (1)
  • Euclidean algorithm (1)
  • Euglenoids (2)
  • Eukaryotic cells (3)
  • Eukaryotic cells--Genetics (1)
  • Euler characteristic (1)
  • Eurasian watermilfoil--Biological control (1)
  • European Americans (3)
  • European Union (1)
  • European aspen (1)
  • European literature (1)
  • European literature--Renaissance (1)
  • European red mite (1)
  • Eutrophication (1)
  • Evacuation of civilians (1)
  • Evaluation (68)
  • Evaluation--Methodology (2)
  • Evaluation--Statistical methods (1)
  • Evangelical college students (2)
  • Evangelicalism (2)
  • Evangelists (1)
  • Evaporation--Mathematical models (3)
  • Evaporative cooling (1)
  • Evapotranspiration (3)
  • Evapotranspiration--Remote sensing (1)
  • Evelina (Burney, Fanny) (1)
  • Evidence preservation (1)
  • Evidence, Documentary (1)
  • Evidence, Expert (1)
  • Evidence-based medicine (1)
  • Evidence-based psychotherapy (2)
  • Evidence-based social work (3)
  • Evoked potentials (Electrophysiology) (5)
  • Evolution (14)
  • Evolution (Biology) (38)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Computer programs (1)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Computer simulation (4)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Experiments (4)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Mathematical models (2)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Philosophy (2)
  • Evolution (Biology)--Study and teaching (3)
  • Evolution--Mathematical models (1)
  • Evolutionary computation (13)
  • Evolutionary developmental biology (1)
  • Evolutionary genetics (6)
  • Evolutionary genetics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Evolutionary programming (Computer science) (5)
  • Evolutionary psychology (2)
  • Evolutionary robotics (1)
  • Ex-convicts (1)
  • Ex-convicts--Employment (1)
  • Examinations (3)
  • Examinations--Design (1)
  • Examinations--Design and construction (2)
  • Examinations--Interpretation (1)
  • Examinations--Scoring (3)
  • Examinations--Validity (1)
  • Example (1)
  • Excavation--Safety measures (1)
  • Excavations (Archaeology) (8)
  • Exchange rate pass-through (1)
  • Excited state chemistry (8)
  • Exciton theory (3)
  • Executive ability (2)
  • Executive functions (Neuropsychology) (1)
  • Executive functions (Neuropsychology)--Testing (1)
  • Executives (1)
  • Executives--Attitudes (1)
  • Executives--Professional ethics (1)
  • Executives--Psychology (1)
  • Executives--Salaries, etc. (1)
  • Executives--Supply and demand (1)
  • Exercise (25)
  • Exercise for children (3)
  • Exercise for children--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Exercise for children--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Exercise for girls (1)
  • Exercise for older people (1)
  • Exercise for pregnant women (4)
  • Exercise for women--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Exercise for youth (1)
  • Exercise therapy (1)
  • Exercise--Equipment and supplies (1)
  • Exercise--Health aspects (3)
  • Exercise--Measurement (1)
  • Exercise--Physiological aspects (5)
  • Exercise--Psychological aspects (16)
  • Exercise--Research (2)
  • Exercise--Social aspects (4)
  • Exercise--Study and teaching (1)
  • Exhibitions (1)
  • Exotic nuclei (6)
  • Exotic plants (3)
  • Expansion (Heat) (1)
  • Expatriation (1)
  • Expectation (Philosophy) (1)
  • Expectation (Psychology) (4)
  • Expectation-maximization algorithms (1)
  • Expenditures, Public (4)
  • Expenditures, Public--Public opinion (1)
  • Experiential learning (2)
  • Experimental design (3)
  • Experimental evolution (1)
  • Experimental films (1)
  • Expert systems (Computer science) (2)
  • Expertise (1)
  • Exploitation (1)
  • Exploratory factor analysis (1)
  • Expo (International Exhibitions Bureau) (1)
  • Expo (International Exhibitions Bureau) (2010 : Shanghai, China) (1)
  • Export marketing (1)
  • Exports--Econometric models (1)
  • Exposition (Rhetoric)--Study and teaching (1)
  • Expression (1)
  • Externalities (Economics)--Econometric models (1)
  • Extinction (Biology) (1)
  • Extracellular matrix (1)
  • Extrachromosomal DNA (1)
  • Extreme value theory (1)
  • Extremist Web sites (1)
  • Extrusion process (2)
  • Eye tracking (6)
  • Eye--Diseases--Animal models (1)
  • Eye--Diseases--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Eye--Diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Eye--Diseases--Research (1)
  • Eye--Movement disorders (1)
  • Eye--Movements--Research (2)
  • Eyeglasses (1)
  • Eyelids (1)
  • FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (United States) (1)
  • Face perception (2)
  • Facebook (Electronic resource) (8)
  • Facebook (Firm) (3)
  • Facial expression (1)
  • Factories (1)
  • Factorization (Mathematics) (1)
  • Faculty advisors (2)
  • Faculty advisors--Attitudes (2)
  • Failure (Psychology) (3)
  • Failure (Psychology) in children (1)
  • Failure (Psychology) in literature (1)
  • Failure analysis (Engineering) (3)
  • Failure analysis (Engineering)--Data processing (1)
  • Fair trade associations (1)
  • Fair trade foods (1)
  • Fairness (2)
  • Fairness--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Faith development (1)
  • Faith in literature (1)
  • Faith--Religious aspects--Christianity (1)
  • Fake news (4)
  • Fall armyworm (2)
  • Fall of man (1)
  • Falls (Accidents) (1)
  • Falls (Accidents) in old age (2)
  • Falls (Accidents) in old age--Prevention (2)
  • False personation (1)
  • Families (6)
  • Families in literature (1)
  • Families of military personnel (1)
  • Families--Mental health (1)
  • Families--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (United States) (1)
  • Family counseling (2)
  • Family farms (1)
  • Family leave (1)
  • Family life education (1)
  • Family medicine (1)
  • Family psychotherapy (1)
  • Family size--Government policy (1)
  • Family size--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Family therapists (1)
  • Family therapists--Training of (1)
  • Family violence (7)
  • Family violence in literature (1)
  • Family violence--Prevention (1)
  • Family violence--Psychological aspects (5)
  • Family violence--Research (1)
  • Family violence--Social aspects (1)
  • Family-owned business enterprises (1)
  • Family-owned business enterprises--Succession (1)
  • Fan fiction (1)
  • Fan magazines (1)
  • Fans (Machinery)--Performance (1)
  • Fantasy fiction (1)
  • Fantasy fiction, American (1)
  • Fantasy gamers (1)
  • Fantasy literature (1)
  • Farm income (2)
  • Farm management (6)
  • Farm management--Decision making (2)
  • Farm manure in methane production (1)
  • Farm mechanization (1)
  • Farm ownership (2)
  • Farm produce (7)
  • Farm produce--Economic aspects (1)
  • Farm produce--Marketing (4)
  • Farm produce--Packaging (1)
  • Farmers (15)
  • Farmers Advisory Committer (Raisin River Watershed, Mich.) (1)
  • Farmers Market (Grand Rapids, Mich.) (1)
  • Farmers as consumers (1)
  • Farmers' markets (3)
  • Farmers, Part-time (1)
  • Farmers--Attitudes (13)
  • Farmers--Decision making (8)
  • Farmers--Economic conditions (1)
  • Farmers--Education (1)
  • Farmers--Finance, Personal (1)
  • Farmers--Societies, etc. (1)
  • Farmers--Training of (1)
  • Farms, Large (1)
  • Farms, Size of (1)
  • Farms, Size of--Economic aspects (1)
  • Farms, Small (23)
  • Farms, Small--Economic aspects (8)
  • Farms, Small--Government policy (1)
  • Farms, Small--Technological innovations (1)
  • Farms--Economic aspects (1)
  • Farms--Finance (1)
  • Fashion (1)
  • Fashion writing (1)
  • Fashion--African influences (1)
  • Fashion--Social aspects (1)
  • Fast food restaurants (1)
  • Fasteners (1)
  • Fasteners--Design and construction (1)
  • Fat cells (2)
  • Fat-acceptance movement (1)
  • Fathead minnow (2)
  • Fathead minnow--Effect of water pollution on (1)
  • Father and child (5)
  • Father and child--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Father and child--Research (1)
  • Father and infant (1)
  • Fatherhood (2)
  • Fathers (4)
  • Fatigue (9)
  • Fatigue testing machines (1)
  • Fatty acids (7)
  • Fatty acids in human nutrition (3)
  • Fatty liver (6)
  • Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 (1)
  • Fault location (Engineering) (3)
  • Fault tolerance (Engineering) (1)
  • Fault-tolerant computing (2)
  • Fault-tolerant computing--Mathematical models (1)
  • Fear in animals (1)
  • Fear of contamination (1)
  • Fear of crime (2)
  • Feces--Analysis (1)
  • Federal aid to education--Evaluation (1)
  • Federal aid to nonprofit organizations (1)
  • Federal government (2)
  • Federal-city relations (1)
  • Federation of Nigerian Women's Organizations (1)
  • Feed utilization efficiency (2)
  • Feedback (Psychology) (10)
  • Feedback control systems (6)
  • Feedback control systems--Computer simulation (2)
  • Feedback control systems--Mathematical models (1)
  • Feedlot runoff (1)
  • Feedlots (1)
  • Feedlots--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Feedlots--Health aspects (1)
  • Feedlots--Management (1)
  • Feeds--Fiber content (1)
  • Feeds--Microbiology (1)
  • Feedstock (4)
  • Felidae (1)
  • Female juvenile delinquents (2)
  • Female offenders (7)
  • Female offenders--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Female offenders--Services for (1)
  • Feminism (11)
  • Feminism and education (1)
  • Feminism and mass media (1)
  • Feminism and music (3)
  • Feminism and racism (1)
  • Feminism in literature (4)
  • Feminism--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Feminist anthropology (1)
  • Feminist criticism (1)
  • Feminist ethics (2)
  • Feminist films (1)
  • Feminist literature (1)
  • Feminist theory (9)
  • Feminists (2)
  • Feminists in literature (1)
  • Femmes fatales in literature (1)
  • Femtochemistry (1)
  • Femtoscopy (1)
  • Femtosecond lasers (6)
  • Fermentation (3)
  • Fermentation--Research (1)
  • Fermions--Mathematical models (1)
  • Ferrets as laboratory animals (1)
  • Ferrite (1)
  • Ferrites (Magnetic materials) (1)
  • Ferromagnetic materials (2)
  • Ferromagnetism (3)
  • Ferroukhi, Ismaël (1)
  • Ferrous sulfate (1)
  • Fertility (1)
  • Fertility, Human--Econometric models (1)
  • Fertilization in vitro (1)
  • Fertilizer industry (2)
  • Fertilizer subsidies (3)
  • Fertilizers (10)
  • Fertilizers--Application (2)
  • Fertilizers--Economic aspects (1)
  • Fertilizers--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Fertilizers--Management (1)
  • Fertilizers--Prices (1)
  • Fertilizers--Testing (1)
  • Festivals (1)
  • Fetal growth retardation (1)
  • Fetal malnutrition (1)
  • Fetal membranes (1)
  • Fetal monitoring (1)
  • Fetus--Effect of chemicals on (1)
  • Fetus--Growth (1)
  • Fiber in animal nutrition (1)
  • Fiber in human nutrition (2)
  • Fiber optics (2)
  • Fiber-reinforced concrete (3)
  • Fiber-reinforced plastics (2)
  • Fibroblasts (1)
  • Fibrous composites (10)
  • Fibrous composites--Design (1)
  • Fibrous composites--Fatigue (1)
  • Fibrous composites--Fracture (2)
  • Fibrous composites--Impact testing (2)
  • Fibrous composites--Mathematical models (1)
  • Fibrous composites--Mechanical properties (1)
  • Fiction (1)
  • Fiction films (1)
  • Fiction--Technique (1)
  • Fictitious characters (1)
  • Field crops--Economic aspects (2)
  • Field experiments (10)
  • Field theory (Social psychology) (1)
  • Field-effect transistors (1)
  • Fifth grade (Education) (5)
  • Figure skaters (1)
  • Figure skating competitions (1)
  • Figures of speech (2)
  • Filamentous fungi (1)
  • Filipino Americans (1)
  • Filipinos (1)
  • Fillings (Dentistry) (1)
  • Fills (Earthwork) (2)
  • Film sequels (1)
  • Finance (11)
  • Finance charges (1)
  • Finance companies (1)
  • Finance, Personal (4)
  • Finance, Public (1)
  • Finance--Econometric models (1)
  • Finance--Forecasting (1)
  • Finance--Mathematical models (3)
  • Finance--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (1)
  • Financial crises (2)
  • Financial crises--Econometric models (1)
  • Financial disclosure (1)
  • Financial engineering (1)
  • Financial institutions, International (1)
  • Financial instruments (1)
  • Financial literacy (2)
  • Financial risk (2)
  • Financial risk management (1)
  • Financial statements (1)
  • Financial statements--Computer programs (1)
  • Fines (Penalties) (1)
  • Fingernails--Analysis (1)
  • Fingerprints (3)
  • Fingerprints--Identification--Data processing (2)
  • Fingerprints--Mathematical models (2)
  • Finite differences (1)
  • Finite element method (10)
  • Finite element method--Computer programs (1)
  • Finnish language (1)
  • Fir--Growth (3)
  • Fire ecology (1)
  • Fire extinction (1)
  • Fire fighters--Attitudes (1)
  • Fire investigation (5)
  • Fire prevention (1)
  • Fire protection engineering (1)
  • Fire resistant materials (2)
  • Fire resistant materials--Testing (1)
  • Fire testing (11)
  • Fire weather (1)
  • Fire weather--Forecasting (1)
  • Fire-blight (5)
  • Fire-blight--Control (1)
  • Firearms (1)
  • Firearms ownership (1)
  • Firearms--Law and legislation--Public opinion (1)
  • Firearms--Social aspects (1)
  • Fireproofing agents (1)
  • Firewalls (Computer security) (2)
  • First grade (Education) (2)
  • First year teachers (4)
  • First year teachers--Attitudes (2)
  • First year teachers--Psychology (2)
  • First-generation college students (2)
  • First-time offenders (1)
  • Fish as food (1)
  • Fish as food--Contamination (1)
  • Fish communities (1)
  • Fish habitat improvement (1)
  • Fish hatcheries (1)
  • Fish management areas (1)
  • Fish oils in human nutrition (1)
  • Fish populations (15)
  • Fish populations--Geographical distribution (1)
  • Fish populations--Measurement (3)
  • Fish populations--Monitoring (1)
  • Fish stock assessment (5)
  • Fish stocking (2)
  • Fish tagging (1)
  • Fish traps (1)
  • Fisher, M. F. K. (Mary Frances Kennedy), 1908-1992 (1)
  • Fisheries (2)
  • Fisheries--Climatic factors (2)
  • Fisheries--Economic aspects (2)
  • Fisheries--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Fisheries--Research (1)
  • Fishers (4)
  • Fishers--Attitudes (2)
  • Fishery law and legislation (2)
  • Fishery management (13)
  • Fishery resources (1)
  • Fishes--Behavior (1)
  • Fishes--Climatic factors (1)
  • Fishes--Diseases (3)
  • Fishes--Diseases--Research (1)
  • Fishes--Effect of dams on (1)
  • Fishes--Effect of human beings on (1)
  • Fishes--Effect of predation on (1)
  • Fishes--Effect of water pollution on (2)
  • Fishes--Eggs (1)
  • Fishes--Habitat (1)
  • Fishes--Homing (1)
  • Fishes--Infections (1)
  • Fishes--Larvae (1)
  • Fishes--Locomotion (5)
  • Fishes--Predators of--Ecology (1)
  • Fishes--Remote sensing (1)
  • Fishes--Reproduction (3)
  • Fishes--Virus diseases (3)
  • Fishing (6)
  • Fishing--Research (2)
  • Fishways (1)
  • Fixed point theory (2)
  • Fixed-term labor contracts (1)
  • Flagella (Microbiology) (1)
  • Flame spread (1)
  • Flame--Research (2)
  • Flammable liquids (4)
  • Fleming, Ian, 1908-1964 (1)
  • Flexible AC transmission systems (1)
  • Flexible electronics (3)
  • Flexible packaging (4)
  • Flexible printed circuits (1)
  • Flexible work arrangements (1)
  • Flextime (2)
  • Floer homology (6)
  • Flood basalts (2)
  • Flood dams and reservoirs (1)
  • Floodplain ecology (1)
  • Floodplain management (1)
  • Floriculture (2)
  • Florida (1)
  • Florida--Florida Keys (2)
  • Flour--Microbiology (1)
  • Flow meters (2)
  • Flow visualization (1)
  • Flowers (1)
  • Flows (Differentiable dynamical systems) (2)
  • Fluctuations (Physics) (2)
  • Flue gases (1)
  • Fluency (Language learning) (4)
  • Fluid dynamic measurements (2)
  • Fluid dynamics (7)
  • Fluid dynamics--Mathematical models (2)
  • Fluid mechanics (14)
  • Fluid mechanics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Fluid mechanics--Research (1)
  • Fluid mechanics--Simulation methods (1)
  • Fluorescence (4)
  • Fluorescence microscopy (1)
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy (4)
  • Fluorescent polymers (2)
  • Fluorescent probes (4)
  • Fluorination (1)
  • Fluorine (1)
  • Fluorine compounds (1)
  • Fluorine--Spectra (1)
  • Fluorocarbons (1)
  • Fluoxetine (2)
  • Flutter (Aerodynamics) (1)
  • Fluvial geomorphology (1)
  • Foamed materials (1)
  • Focal adhesion kinase (1)
  • Focus groups (1)
  • Foliar diagnosis (1)
  • Folk music (2)
  • Folk musicians (1)
  • Folk religion (1)
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (1)
  • Followership (2)
  • Food additives--Health aspects (1)
  • Food adulteration and inspection (2)
  • Food adulteration and inspection--Standards (1)
  • Food allergy (2)
  • Food allergy--Prevention (1)
  • Food animals (1)
  • Food chains (Ecology) (3)
  • Food consumption (4)
  • Food consumption--Economic aspects (1)
  • Food consumption--Social aspects (1)
  • Food containers (1)
  • Food contamination (5)
  • Food contamination--Prevention (2)
  • Food contamination--Research (2)
  • Food cooperatives (1)
  • Food crops (2)
  • Food crops--Marketing (1)
  • Food crops--Seeds (1)
  • Food habits (11)
  • Food habits--Forecasting (1)
  • Food habits--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Food handling (1)
  • Food handling--Safety measures (1)
  • Food industry and trade (8)
  • Food industry and trade--By-products (2)
  • Food industry and trade--Certification (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Data processing (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Political aspects (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Quality control (2)
  • Food industry and trade--Safety measures (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Standards (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Technological innovations (1)
  • Food industry and trade--Waste disposal (1)
  • Food law and legislation (1)
  • Food preferences (6)
  • Food preferences in children (1)
  • Food prices (2)
  • Food processing plants--Waste disposal (1)
  • Food relief (1)
  • Food science (8)
  • Food security (27)
  • Food security--Climatic factors (1)
  • Food service--Marketing (2)
  • Food sovereignty (1)
  • Food spoilage--Prevention (1)
  • Food supply (17)
  • Food supply--Economic aspects (2)
  • Food supply--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Food supply--Government policy (1)
  • Food supply--Health aspects (1)
  • Food supply--Public opinion (1)
  • Food supply--Social aspects (1)
  • Food waste (2)
  • Food writers (1)
  • Food writing (1)
  • Food--Analysis (1)
  • Food--Composition (19)
  • Food--Iron content (1)
  • Food--Labeling (3)
  • Food--Marketing (3)
  • Food--Microbiology (8)
  • Food--Moisture (2)
  • Food--Packaging (3)
  • Food--Packaging--Research (1)
  • Food--Packaging--Safety measures (1)
  • Food--Packaging--Technological innovations (1)
  • Food--Packaging--Testing (1)
  • Food--Preservation (1)
  • Food--Public opinion (1)
  • Food--Quality (2)
  • Food--Safety measures (12)
  • Food--Safety regulations (1)
  • Food--Sensory evaluation (1)
  • Food--Standards (1)
  • Food--Storage (1)
  • Food--Study and teaching (Elementary) (1)
  • Food--Symbolic aspects (1)
  • Food--Water activity (1)
  • Foodborne diseases (10)
  • Foodborne diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Football (2)
  • Football injuries (1)
  • Football players (4)
  • Football--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Footwear (1)
  • Footwear--Design and construction (1)
  • Forage fishes (1)
  • Forage plants (4)
  • Forage plants--Varieties (1)
  • Forced migration (1)
  • Forced migration--Social aspects (1)
  • Forced removal and internment of Japanese Americans (1942-1945) (1)
  • Forecasting (17)
  • Forecasting--Methodology (1)
  • Forecasting--Statistical methods (1)
  • Foreclosure (2)
  • Foreign exchange rates (1)
  • Foreign news (1)
  • Foreign study (12)
  • Foreign study--Evaluation (2)
  • Foreign workers (2)
  • Foreign workers, Mexican (1)
  • Forelimb (1)
  • Forensic anthropology (10)
  • Forensic anthropology--Methodology (1)
  • Forensic archaeology (1)
  • Forensic ballistics (3)
  • Forensic biology (4)
  • Forensic entomology (3)
  • Forensic genetics (8)
  • Forensic genetics--Technique (3)
  • Forensic orations (1)
  • Forensic osteology (5)
  • Forensic pharmacology (1)
  • Forensic sciences (5)
  • Forensic taphonomy (1)
  • Forensic toxicology (2)
  • Forest animals (2)
  • Forest animals--Ecology (1)
  • Forest animals--Habitat (1)
  • Forest biodiversity (1)
  • Forest biomass (3)
  • Forest biomass--Mathematical models (1)
  • Forest birds (1)
  • Forest conservation (2)
  • Forest conservation--Economic aspects (1)
  • Forest conservation--Public opinion (1)
  • Forest ecology (13)
  • Forest fire forecasting (1)
  • Forest fire forecasting--Mathematical models (1)
  • Forest fires (1)
  • Forest genetics (1)
  • Forest influences (1)
  • Forest landowners (3)
  • Forest landowners--Attitudes (1)
  • Forest landscape management (1)
  • Forest management (11)
  • Forest management--Citizen participation (4)
  • Forest management--Economic aspects (1)
  • Forest management--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Forest management--Law and legislation (1)
  • Forest management--Mathematical models (1)
  • Forest management--Research (1)
  • Forest management--Social aspects (1)
  • Forest mapping (2)
  • Forest policy (3)
  • Forest policy--Evaluation (1)
  • Forest productivity (1)
  • Forest products industry--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Forest regeneration (3)
  • Forest reserves--Recreational use (1)
  • Forest restoration (4)
  • Forest soils (1)
  • Forest surveys (1)
  • Forest surveys--Mathematical models (1)
  • Forested wetlands (1)
  • Forestry and community (1)
  • Forestry law and legislation (1)
  • Forests and forestry (26)
  • Forests and forestry--Economic aspects (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Forests and forestry--Forecasting (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Mathematical models (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Measurement (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Public opinion (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Remote sensing (2)
  • Forests and forestry--Research (1)
  • Forests and forestry--Social aspects (1)
  • Forgers (1)
  • Forgery (1)
  • Forgiveness (1)
  • Form perception (1)
  • Forskolin (1)
  • Fortune-telling by birthdays (1)
  • Fossils (1)
  • Foster home care (2)
  • Foster parents (1)
  • Foucault, Michel, 1926-1984 (1)
  • Fouling--Prevention (2)
  • Four-manifolds (Topology) (2)
  • Four-stroke cycle engines--Combustion (1)
  • Fourier analysis (1)
  • Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1)
  • Fourier transform spectroscopy (1)
  • Fourier transformations (4)
  • Fourth grade (Education) (1)
  • Foxtail (1)
  • Fractals (1)
  • Fractional calculus (2)
  • Fractional differential equations (1)
  • Fracture mechanics (4)
  • Fracture mechanics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Fractures (1)
  • Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (U.S.) (1)
  • Fragile X syndrome (2)
  • Fragility (Psychology) (1)
  • Fragmentation reactions (2)
  • Fragmented landscapes (3)
  • Frames (Sociology) (1)
  • France--Alsace (1)
  • France--Paris (1)
  • Frankfurt school of sociology (2)
  • Fraud investigation (1)
  • Free radicals (Chemistry) (1)
  • Free trade--Econometric models (2)
  • Freedom of the press (2)
  • Freeze-drying (1)
  • French colonies (1)
  • French language (1)
  • French language--Etymology (1)
  • French language--Foreign elements--Germanic (1)
  • French language--Nasality (1)
  • French language--Pronunciation (1)
  • French language--Study and teaching--English speakers (1)
  • French language--Vowels (1)
  • French literature (5)
  • Frequency changers (1)
  • Fresh water (5)
  • Freshwater algae (2)
  • Freshwater biodiversity (2)
  • Freshwater ecology (14)
  • Freshwater fishes (3)
  • Freshwater fishes--Economic aspects (1)
  • Freshwater phytoplankton (1)
  • Freshwater zooplankton (1)
  • Friction stir welding (1)
  • Friendship (2)
  • Friendship in literature (1)
  • Friendship--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Frog populations (1)
  • Frogs--Ecology (1)
  • Frogs--Habitat (1)
  • Frogs--Research (1)
  • Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980 (1)
  • Frontal lobes (1)
  • Frost heaving--Mathematical models (1)
  • Frost--Measurement (1)
  • Frozen broccoli (1)
  • Frozen foods (1)
  • Frozen foods--Packaging (1)
  • Fructose (1)
  • Fructose--Metabolism (1)
  • Fructose--Physiological effect (1)
  • Fruit juices (1)
  • Fruit trees (2)
  • Fruit--Contamination (1)
  • Fruit--Diseases and pests (3)
  • Fruit--Diseases and pests--Biological control (1)
  • Fruit--Diseases and pests--Control (4)
  • Fruit--Economic aspects (1)
  • Fruit--Packaging (1)
  • Fruit--Waxing (1)
  • Fruit-culture (1)
  • Fruit-flies (1)
  • Fuel cells (2)
  • Fuel cells--Electrodes (1)
  • Fuel cells--Technological innovations (1)
  • Fuel pumps (1)
  • Fuel--Analysis (1)
  • Fuel--Combustion (3)
  • Fuel--Mathematical models (1)
  • Fuel--Prices--Econometric models (1)
  • Fuel--Research (1)
  • Fuelwood (1)
  • Fula (African people) (1)
  • Full-thickness wounds--Healing (1)
  • Fullerenes (2)
  • Fumigants (3)
  • Fumigation (1)
  • Fumonisins (1)
  • Fumonisins--Toxicology (1)
  • Functional analysis (4)
  • Functional genomics (1)
  • Functional groups (1)
  • Functional literacy (1)
  • Functional load (Linguistics) (1)
  • Functionalism (Social sciences) (1)
  • Functions, Inverse (1)
  • Functions--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Functions--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Funeral rites and ceremonies (3)
  • Fungal communities (2)
  • Fungal diseases of plants (14)
  • Fungal diseases of plants--Control (1)
  • Fungal enzymes (1)
  • Fungal metabolites (2)
  • Fungal viruses (2)
  • Fungi--Biotechnology (1)
  • Fungicide resistance (6)
  • Fungicides (7)
  • Fungicides--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Fungicides--Physiological effect (1)
  • Fungicides--Testing (1)
  • Fur trade (1)
  • Furfural (3)
  • Fusarium (1)
  • Fusarium diseases of plants (14)
  • Fusarium oxysporum (1)
  • Fusarium--Control (1)
  • Fuzzy algorithms (1)
  • Fuzzy systems (1)
  • G proteins (4)
  • GABA--Receptors (2)
  • Gait in humans (2)
  • Gala, Antonio (1)
  • Galactic halos (1)
  • Galaxies--Clusters (5)
  • Galaxies--Evolution (4)
  • Galaxies--Evolution--Mathematical models (1)
  • Galaxies--Formation (2)
  • Galerkin methods (4)
  • Gall midges (1)
  • Gall wasps (1)
  • Gallium compounds (1)
  • Galois modules (Algebra) (1)
  • Gambia--Banjul (2)
  • Gambling--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Game and game-birds (1)
  • Game theory (3)
  • Game theory--Computer programs (1)
  • Games--Economic aspects (1)
  • Gamification (2)
  • Gamma decay (1)
  • Gamma ray astronomy (1)
  • Gamma rays (1)
  • Gamma rays--Measurement (1)
  • Gang members (2)
  • Gangliosides (1)
  • García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936 (1)
  • Gardeners (1)
  • Gardeners--Attitudes (2)
  • Gardening in the shade (1)
  • Gardening--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Gardening--Societies, etc. (1)
  • Gardens (3)
  • Gardens, American (1)
  • Gardens, Chinese (3)
  • Gardens, Chinese--Design (2)
  • Gardens, Japanese (2)
  • Gardens--Design (1)
  • Gardens--Styles (1)
  • Gas chromatography (4)
  • Gas chromatography--Forensic applications (2)
  • Gas companies--Accounting (1)
  • Gas companies--Auditing (1)
  • Gas detectors (2)
  • Gas flow (1)
  • Gas leakage--Testing (1)
  • Gas separation membranes (1)
  • Gas-turbine disks (5)
  • Gas-turbines (1)
  • Gas-turbines--Design and construction (1)
  • Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 (2)
  • Gasoline (3)
  • Gastroenteritis (4)
  • Gastroenteritis--Animal models (1)
  • Gastroenterology (1)
  • Gastrointestinal hormones (1)
  • Gastrointestinal mucosa (1)
  • Gastrointestinal system (6)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Cancer (1)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Diseases--Diagnosis (1)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Diseases--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Innervation (3)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Microbiology (11)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Motility (3)
  • Gastrointestinal system--Motility--Disorders (4)
  • Gaussian Markov random fields (1)
  • Gaussian beams (2)
  • Gaussian distribution (2)
  • Gaussian measures (1)
  • Gaussian processes (8)
  • Gay couples (1)
  • Gay erotic literature (1)
  • Gay men (1)
  • Gay men, Black (1)
  • Gay men--Public opinion (1)
  • Gay parents (1)
  • Gays--Employment (2)
  • Gays--Identity (3)
  • Gaze--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Gee, E. Gordon (Elwood Gordon), 1944- (1)
  • Gender identity (27)
  • Gender identity in education (2)
  • Gender identity in literature (1)
  • Gender identity in motion pictures (2)
  • Gender identity in music (1)
  • Gender identity--Research (1)
  • Gender in conflict management (1)
  • Gender nonconformity (1)
  • Gender-nonconforming youth (1)
  • Gene amplification (1)
  • Gene expression (21)
  • Gene expression--Mathematical models (4)
  • Gene expression--Research (1)
  • Gene flow (1)
  • Gene mapping (4)
  • Gene regulatory networks (8)
  • Gene targeting (1)
  • Gene therapy (3)
  • Genealogy (1)
  • General Motors Corporation (2)
  • General education (3)
  • Generalized estimating equations (1)
  • Generating functions (1)
  • Generation Y (1)
  • Generative grammar (1)
  • Generative organs, Female--Cancer--Surgery (1)
  • Generative organs, Female--Diseases (1)
  • Generosity (2)
  • Genetic algorithms (5)
  • Genetic disorders (3)
  • Genetic disorders in children (1)
  • Genetic engineering (5)
  • Genetic markers (4)
  • Genetic programming (Computer science) (1)
  • Genetic psychology (1)
  • Genetic regulation (22)
  • Genetic regulation--Mathematical models (3)
  • Genetic sex determination (1)
  • Genetic toxicology (2)
  • Genetic transcription (7)
  • Genetic transcription--Regulation (7)
  • Genetic transformation (2)
  • Genetic vectors (1)
  • Genetically modified foods (2)
  • Genetics (115)
  • Genetics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Genetics--Research (2)
  • Genetics--Statistical methods (1)
  • Genetics--Technique (1)
  • Genocide (2)
  • Genocide in literature (1)
  • Genocide survivors (1)
  • Genomes (5)
  • Genomic imprinting (2)
  • Genomics (21)
  • Genomics--Statistical methods (1)
  • Genotype-environment interaction (5)
  • Gentrification (6)
  • Geochemistry (8)
  • Geodatabases (1)
  • Geodesics (Mathematics) (1)
  • Geodesy (3)
  • Geodynamics (2)
  • Geographic information systems (13)
  • Geographic information systems--Data processing (1)
  • Geographical perception (3)
  • Geography (39)
  • Geography--Methodology (1)
  • Geography--Network analysis (1)
  • Geography--Social aspects (1)
  • Geography--Statistical methods (1)
  • Geological mapping (1)
  • Geologists (1)
  • Geology (10)
  • Geology, Stratigraphic (8)
  • Geology, Structural (1)
  • Geomagnetism (1)
  • Geometric measure theory (1)
  • Geometry, Affine (1)
  • Geometry, Algebraic (7)
  • Geometry, Differential (4)
  • Geometry, Hyperbolic (2)
  • Geometry, Riemannian (1)
  • Geometry--Study and teaching (Higher) (3)
  • Geomicrobiology (1)
  • Geomorphological mapping (1)
  • Geomorphology (12)
  • Geophysics (7)
  • Georgia (Republic)--Tʻbilisi (1)
  • Georgia--Atlanta (2)
  • Geospatial data (3)
  • Geotechnical engineering (3)
  • Geothermal power plants (2)
  • Geriatric oncology (1)
  • Geriatrics (1)
  • German language (3)
  • German language--Grammar, Comparative (1)
  • German language--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • German language--Study and teaching (Higher)--Foreign speakers (1)
  • German language--Study and teaching--English speakers (1)
  • German language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (1)
  • German language--Syntax (2)
  • German language--Verb phrase (1)
  • German language--Writing (1)
  • German literature (3)
  • Germanic languages (1)
  • Germanic languages--Influence on French (1)
  • Germanium alloys (1)
  • Germanium compounds (2)
  • Germany (12)
  • Germany--Bavaria (1)
  • Germany--Berlin (2)
  • Germination (1)
  • Germplasm resources, Plant (1)
  • Gerontology (3)
  • Gestational age (1)
  • Ghana--Kumasi (1)
  • Ghanaians (1)
  • Ghosh, Amitav, 1956- (1)
  • Ghrelin (1)
  • Giant multipole resonance (2)
  • Giant panda (4)
  • Giant panda--Behavior (1)
  • Giardiasis (1)
  • Gibberellins (1)
  • Gibberellins--Physiological effect (1)
  • Gifted children (1)
  • Gifted children--Education (1)
  • Gig economy (1)
  • Giraffe (3)
  • Girard, Salomé (1)
  • Girders (3)
  • Girders--Vibration (1)
  • Girls--Social conditions (1)
  • Glacial lakes (1)
  • Glass transition temperature (1)
  • Glass--Thermal properties (1)
  • Glaucoma (5)
  • Glioblastoma multiforme (1)
  • Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign (1)
  • Global environmental change (3)
  • Global warming (2)
  • Global warming--Public opinion (1)
  • Globalization (5)
  • Globalization--Economic aspects (1)
  • Globalization--Social aspects (1)
  • Glottalization (Phonetics) (1)
  • Glucagon-like peptide 1 (1)
  • Glucocorticoids (1)
  • Glucosamine (1)
  • Glucose (5)
  • Glucose--Metabolism (2)
  • Glucose--Physiological effect (1)
  • Glucose--Physiological transport (1)
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (1)
  • Glutamine (1)
  • Gluteus medius (1)
  • Glycemic index (1)
  • Glycerides--Metabolism (1)
  • Glycerin (3)
  • Glycoconjugates (2)
  • Glycoprotein hormones (1)
  • Glycoproteins (3)
  • Glycosides (1)
  • Glycosylation (4)
  • Glyphosate (8)
  • Glyphosate--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Goal (Philosophy) (1)
  • Goal (Psychology) (7)
  • Goal (Psychology)--Testing (1)
  • Goal setting in personnel management (1)
  • Going public (Securities) (1)
  • Golf courses (3)
  • Golf courses--Irrigation (1)
  • Golf courses--Maintenance (1)
  • Gonadotropin (1)
  • Gonorrhea (1)
  • Goodness-of-fit tests (2)
  • Goodwill (Commerce) (1)
  • Gossip in literature (1)
  • Gothic fiction (Literary genre) (1)
  • Gothic fiction (Literary genre), American (2)
  • Government accountability (2)
  • Government and the press (2)
  • Government information (1)
  • Government policy (18)
  • Government spending policy (1)
  • Government spending policy--Decision making (1)
  • Government, Resistance to--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Governors (Machinery) (1)
  • Grading and marking (Students)--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Graduate students (6)
  • Graduate students--Employment (1)
  • Graduate students--Psychology (2)
  • Graduate students--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Graduate teaching assistants (3)
  • Graduate teaching assistants, Foreign (1)
  • Graduate teaching assistants--Training of (1)
  • Grafting (2)
  • Grain boundaries (6)
  • Grain trade (1)
  • Grain--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Grain--Marketing (2)
  • Grain--Prices (1)
  • Grain--Yields (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general (2)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Adjuncts (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Adverb (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Agreement (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Article (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Case (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Compound words (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Gender (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Nominals (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Noun phrase (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Null subject (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Phonology (2)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Relative clauses (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Syntax (5)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Tense (1)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Verb phrase (3)
  • Grammar, Comparative and general--Word formation (1)
  • Grand Valley State University (1)
  • Grandparent and child (2)
  • Grandparenting (1)
  • Grandparents (1)
  • Grandparents as parents (2)
  • Grant, Oscar, 1986-2009 (1)
  • Grants-in-aid (2)
  • Grape berry moth (1)
  • Grape industry (1)
  • Grape powdery mildew disease (1)
  • Grapefruit (1)
  • Grapes--Climatic factors (1)
  • Grapes--Disease and pest resistance (1)
  • Grapes--Diseases and pests (3)
  • Grapes--Pruning (1)
  • Grapes--Quality (1)
  • Grapes--Varieties (1)
  • Graph connectivity (1)
  • Graph theory (6)
  • Graph theory--Computer programs (1)
  • Graph theory--Data processing (1)
  • Graphene (17)
  • Graphic artists (1)
  • Graphic methods (4)
  • Graphic methods--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Graphic novels (2)
  • Graphic novels in education (1)
  • Graphic novels--Social aspects (1)
  • Graphical modeling (Statistics) (1)
  • Graphics processing units (2)
  • Graphite (4)
  • Graphite fibers (1)
  • Graphitization (1)
  • Grasses (4)
  • Grasses--Genetics (1)
  • Grassland birds (2)
  • Grassland ecology (2)
  • Grassland restoration (1)
  • Grasslands (1)
  • Grasslands--Remote sensing (1)
  • Grave goods (1)
  • Gravitational waves (1)
  • Gravity (1)
  • Gravity--Mathematical models (1)
  • Gravity--Measurement (1)
  • Gravity--Seasonal variations (1)
  • Gray, Carol, 1952- (1)
  • Grazing (3)
  • Grazing--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Great Lakes (31)
  • Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (1)
  • Greece--Nemea Site (1)
  • Green algae (1)
  • Green anole (2)
  • Green chemistry (4)
  • Green marketing (2)
  • Green peach aphid (1)
  • Green roofs (Gardening) (7)
  • Green technology (1)
  • Green's functions (2)
  • Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 (1)
  • Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric (1)
  • Greenhouse gardening (3)
  • Greenhouse gas mitigation (6)
  • Greenhouse gases (1)
  • Greenhouse gases--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Greenhouse plants (3)
  • Greenhouse plants--Growing media (1)
  • Greenhouse whitefly--Control (1)
  • Greenhouses (2)
  • Greenhouses--Climate (1)
  • Greenhouses--Design and construction (1)
  • Greenways (1)
  • Grief therapy (1)
  • Grocery shopping (3)
  • Grocery trade (4)
  • Grocery trade--Inventory control (1)
  • Gross-Pitaevskii equations (1)
  • Ground cover plants (1)
  • Ground penetrating radar (1)
  • Grounded theory (3)
  • Groundwater (16)
  • Groundwater ecology (2)
  • Groundwater flow (1)
  • Groundwater flow--Measurement (2)
  • Groundwater recharge (3)
  • Groundwater--Computer simulation (1)
  • Groundwater--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Groundwater--Government policy (1)
  • Groundwater--Management (1)
  • Groundwater--Pollution (3)
  • Groundwater--Pollution--Prevention (1)
  • Groundwater--Purification (2)
  • Groundwater--Purification--Research (1)
  • Groundwater--Purification--Trichloroethylene removal (1)
  • Groundwater--Quality (1)
  • Groundwater--Quality--Testing (1)
  • Groundwater--Sampling (1)
  • Groundwater--Simulation methods (1)
  • Group decision making (4)
  • Group facilitation (1)
  • Group identity (20)
  • Group identity in art (1)
  • Group identity--Economic aspects (1)
  • Group problem solving (3)
  • Group schemes (Mathematics) (1)
  • Group theory (1)
  • Group values (Sociology) (2)
  • Group work in education (7)
  • Group work in education--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Growth (23)
  • Growth (Plants) (6)
  • Growth (Plants)--Regulation (2)
  • Growth (Plants)--Research (1)
  • Growth--Research (1)
  • Guanosine triphosphatase (1)
  • Guatemala--Guatemala (1)
  • Guatemalans (1)
  • Guided missile silos (1)
  • Guided tissue regeneration (1)
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (4)
  • Guilt in children (1)
  • Gulf of Mexico--Sarasota Bay (1)
  • Gums and resins (2)
  • Gun control (1)
  • Gun control--Public opinion (1)
  • Gunpowder, Smokeless (2)
  • Gunshot residues (1)
  • HER-2 gene (1)
  • HIV (Viruses) (3)
  • HIV (Viruses)--Research (2)
  • HIV antibodies (1)
  • HIV infections (5)
  • HIV infections--Research (2)
  • HIV infections--Social aspects (1)
  • HIV infections--Treatment (1)
  • HIV-positive children (2)
  • HIV-positive men (2)
  • HIV-positive persons (3)
  • HIV-positive persons--Care (1)
  • HIV-positive persons--Social conditions (1)
  • HIV-positive women (1)
  • HIV-positive youth (1)
  • HLA class II antigens (1)
  • Habermas, Jürgen (2)
  • Habermas, Jürgen (2)
  • Habit breaking (1)
  • Habitat (Ecology)--Modification (1)
  • Habitat (Ecology)--Research (1)
  • Habitat conservation (6)
  • Habitat selection (4)
  • Hadrons (1)
  • Hair in popular culture (2)
  • Hair--Analysis (1)
  • Hair--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Hair--Social aspects (1)
  • Hairdressing of African Americans (3)
  • Hairdressing of Black people (1)
  • Hakka dialects (1)
  • Halides (1)
  • Hall effect (1)
  • Hallucinogenic plants (1)
  • Halogenation (3)
  • Halogens (1)
  • Halothane--Physiological effect (1)
  • Hamilton-Jacobi equations (1)
  • Hamilton-Jacobi equations--Numerical solutions (1)
  • Hamiltonian systems (1)
  • Hamlet (Shakespeare, William) (1)
  • Hammett, Dashiell, 1894-1961 (1)
  • Hamsters (1)
  • Hand washing (1)
  • Hand--Care and hygiene (1)
  • Handlebodies (1)
  • Happiness (2)
  • Happiness--Philosophy (1)
  • Haptic devices (1)
  • Harassment (1)
  • Harassment in schools (1)
  • Hard materials (1)
  • Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (1)
  • Hardwoods (3)
  • Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 (1)
  • Harmonic analysis (3)
  • Harmonic functions (3)
  • Harmonic maps (2)
  • Harmonic motion (1)
  • Harvesting (7)
  • Harvesting machinery (1)
  • Harvesting time (1)
  • Hashtags (Metadata) (3)
  • Hate crimes (2)
  • Hate groups (1)
  • Hate speech (2)
  • Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940- (1)
  • Hausdorff measures (1)
  • Hawaii--Maui (1)
  • Hawkes, John, 1925-1998 (1)
  • Hawksbill turtle (1)
  • Hazard mitigation (2)
  • Hazardous geographic environments (1)
  • Hazardous waste site remediation (3)
  • Hazardous waste site remediation--Technological innovations--Research (1)
  • Hazelnuts (1)
  • Head Start Program (Lansing, Mich.) (1)
  • Head Start Program (U.S.) (2)
  • Head Start programs (3)
  • Head Start programs--Evaluation (1)
  • Head shaving (1)
  • Healers (1)
  • Healing (1)
  • Healing--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Health and race (2)
  • Health attitudes (6)
  • Health behavior (8)
  • Health behavior in children (1)
  • Health care reform (1)
  • Health counseling (1)
  • Health education (7)
  • Health education of women (1)
  • Health education--Government policy (1)
  • Health in mass media (1)
  • Health insurance (7)
  • Health insurance premiums (1)
  • Health insurance--Law and legislation (1)
  • Health insurance--Public opinion (1)
  • Health literacy (1)
  • Health occupations students (1)
  • Health planning (1)
  • Health promotion (2)
  • Health risk assessment (12)
  • Health risk assessment--Statistical methods (1)
  • Health risk communication (2)
  • Health services accessibility (3)
  • Health services administration (4)
  • Health services administrators--Attitudes (1)
  • Health status indicators (2)
  • Health--Information resources (1)
  • Health--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Health--Social aspects (3)
  • Hearing (1)
  • Hearing disorders in children (1)
  • Hearing impaired children--Family relationships (1)
  • Hearing impaired children--Language (1)
  • Hearing impaired children--Means of communication (1)
  • Hearing impaired students (1)
  • Hearing--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Heart beat (1)
  • Heart cells (1)
  • Heart diseases in women (1)
  • Heart failure (1)
  • Heart failure--Nursing (1)
  • Heart of the matter (Greene, Graham) (1)
  • Heart--Diseases (3)
  • Heart--Diseases--Patients (1)
  • Heart--Diseases--Treatment (1)
  • Heart--Hypertrophy (1)
  • Heart--Left ventricle--Diseases (1)
  • Heart--Models (1)
  • Heart--Ventricles (1)
  • Heat equation (2)
  • Heat exchangers (1)
  • Heat exchangers--Design and construction (1)
  • Heat exchangers--Fluid dynamics (1)
  • Heat recovery (1)
  • Heat resistant alloys (1)
  • Heat resistant materials (1)
  • Heat storage (1)
  • Heat waves (Meteorology) (2)
  • Heat--Convection, Natural (1)
  • Heat--Physiological effect (3)
  • Heat--Transmission (3)
  • Heat--Transmission--Mathematical models (1)
  • Heat--Transmission--Measurement (2)
  • Heat-transfer media (1)
  • Heating--Costs (1)
  • Heating--Energy conservation (1)
  • Heating--Energy consumption (1)
  • Heavy elements (2)
  • Heavy ion accelerators (3)
  • Heavy ion collisions (10)
  • Heavy ion fusion reactions (1)
  • Heavy ions (1)
  • Heavy metals--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Heavy nuclei (1)
  • Hedge (Linguistics) (1)
  • Hedge funds (1)
  • Hedonic pricing (1)
  • Hegemony (2)
  • Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976 (1)
  • Helicobacter infections (1)
  • Helicobacter pylori infections (1)
  • Helium at low temperatures (1)
  • Helium--Isotopes--Decay (2)
  • Helmets (1)
  • Helmholtz equation (1)
  • Help-seeking behavior (6)
  • Helping behavior (8)
  • Hemagglutinin (1)
  • Hematite (4)
  • Hematopoiesis (1)
  • Hematopoietic growth factors (1)
  • Hematopoietic stem cells (1)
  • Hemicellulose (4)
  • Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 (1)
  • Hemodynamics (2)
  • Hemodynamics--Mathematical models (2)
  • Hemorrhage (2)
  • Hemorrhagic diseases (1)
  • Hemostasis (1)
  • Henry III, King of France, 1551-1589 (1)
  • Heparin (3)
  • Hepatitis A (1)
  • Hepatitis A--Epidemiology (1)
  • Hepatitis B (1)
  • Hepatitis B virus (1)
  • Hepatitis B--Epidemiology (1)
  • Hepatotoxicology (8)
  • Herb gardening (1)
  • Herbicide resistance (6)
  • Herbicide-resistant crops (4)
  • Herbicides (2)
  • Herbicides--Field experiments (1)
  • Herbicides--Physiological effect (1)
  • Herbicides--Testing (1)
  • Herbicides--Toxicology (2)
  • Herbivores (2)
  • Herders (1)
  • Heredity in literature (1)
  • Heritage language speakers (3)
  • Heritage tourism (2)
  • Hermeneutics (1)
  • Hermit crabs (1)
  • Hermit crabs--Behavior (1)
  • Hermitian structures (1)
  • Heroin abuse (3)
  • Heroines in literature (1)
  • Herpes simplex virus (1)
  • Herpesvirus diseases in animals (3)
  • Heterocyclic compounds (6)
  • Heterocyclic compounds--Synthesis (3)
  • Heterodera (1)
  • Heterogeneous catalysis (1)
  • Heterogeneous computing (1)
  • Heteroscedasticity (2)
  • Heterostructures (1)
  • Heuristic (1)
  • Hidden Markov models (1)
  • Hierarchical clustering (Cluster analysis) (1)
  • Higgs bosons (3)
  • High performance computing (2)
  • High resolution imaging (2)
  • High school athletes (7)
  • High school athletes--Education (1)
  • High school athletes--Psychology (1)
  • High school boys (2)
  • High school counselors (1)
  • High school environment (1)
  • High school environment--Psychological aspects (1)
  • High school girls (1)
  • High school graduates (1)
  • High school principals (2)
  • High school seniors (1)
  • High school seniors--Attitudes (1)
  • High school student activities (1)
  • High school students (4)
  • High school students' writings, English (1)
  • High school students--Attitudes (7)
  • High school students--Drug use (1)
  • High school students--Economic conditions (1)
  • High school students--Health and hygiene (1)
  • High school students--Language (1)
  • High school students--Psychology (3)
  • High school students--Social conditions (1)
  • High school students--Social networks (1)
  • High school teachers (9)
  • High school teachers--Attitudes (5)
  • High school teachers--Psychology (1)
  • High school teachers--Training of (1)
  • High school teaching (1)
  • High schools (2)
  • High schools--Curricula (1)
  • High schools--Graduation requirements (1)
  • High speed ground transportation (1)
  • High spin physics (1)
  • High strength concrete (6)
  • High strength concrete--Testing (1)
  • High technology industries--Management (1)
  • High technology services industries (1)
  • High temperature superconductivity (1)
  • High throughput screening (Drug development) (1)
  • High-density polyethylene (1)
  • High-throughput nucleotide sequencing (1)
  • Higher education and state (2)
  • Highway communications (1)
  • Hip-hop (6)
  • Hip-hop--Influence (2)
  • Hippocampus (Brain) (5)
  • Hirji, Nazizi (1)
  • Hispanic American agricultural laborers (1)
  • Hispanic American authors (1)
  • Hispanic American business enterprises (1)
  • Hispanic American businesspeople (1)
  • Hispanic American children (2)
  • Hispanic American children--Education (1)
  • Hispanic American college students (5)
  • Hispanic American dropouts (1)
  • Hispanic American families (1)
  • Hispanic American gays (1)
  • Hispanic American mothers (2)
  • Hispanic American parents (2)
  • Hispanic American single mothers (1)
  • Hispanic American students (2)
  • Hispanic American women (4)
  • Hispanic American women college students (1)
  • Hispanic American women--Education (Higher) (1)
  • Hispanic American women--Family relationships (1)
  • Hispanic American women--Mental health (2)
  • Hispanic Americans (5)
  • Hispanic Americans--Cultural assimilation (2)
  • Hispanic Americans--Education (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Education (Graduate) (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Education (Secondary) (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Housing (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Mental health (1)
  • Hispanic Americans--Religion (1)
  • Hispanic Center of Western Michigan (1)
  • Histology (2)
  • Histone deacetylase (1)
  • Histones (1)
  • Historic buildings (1)
  • Historic buildings--Conservation and restoration (1)
  • Historic gardens (1)
  • Historic preservation (1)
  • Historic sites (3)
  • Historic sites--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Historical films (1)
  • Historiography (6)
  • Historiography--Political aspects (1)
  • History (209)
  • History in literature (1)
  • History teachers (2)
  • History--Antiquities (1)
  • History--Methodology (1)
  • History--Religious aspects (1)
  • History--Research (1)
  • History--Study and teaching (1)
  • History--Study and teaching (Elementary) (2)
  • History--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Histosols (1)
  • Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 (2)
  • Hockey coaches (1)
  • Hockey for children--Coaching (1)
  • Holistic education (1)
  • Holistic nursing (1)
  • Holmes, Sherlock (1)
  • Holmes, Sherlock in mass media (1)
  • Holocaust survivors (2)
  • Holocaust survivors--Biography (1)
  • Holocene Geologic Period (1)
  • Holstein-Friesian cattle (4)
  • Holstein-Friesian cattle--Breeding (1)
  • Holstein-Friesian cattle--Feeding and feeds (5)
  • Home and school (4)
  • Home automation (3)
  • Home care services (2)
  • Home computer networks (1)
  • Home economics--Accounting (1)
  • Home in literature (1)
  • Home range (Animal geography) (1)
  • Home schooling (2)
  • Home video systems (1)
  • Home--Philosophy (1)
  • Home--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Homeless persons (2)
  • Homeless persons--Services for (1)
  • Homeless youth (1)
  • Homeless youth--Services for (1)
  • Homelessness (3)
  • Homelessness--Government policy (1)
  • Homeopathic physicians (1)
  • Homeostasis (6)
  • Homeowners' associations (1)
  • Homeowners--Attitudes (1)
  • Homicide (2)
  • Homogeneous catalysis (1)
  • Homogeneous spaces (1)
  • Homogenized milk (1)
  • Homology theory (5)
  • Homomorphisms (Mathematics) (1)
  • Homophobia (5)
  • Homosexuality and education (2)
  • Homotopy theory (3)
  • Honduras (2)
  • Honduras--Copán (Department) (1)
  • Honeybee (4)
  • Honeybee--Behavior (1)
  • Honeybee--Breeding (1)
  • Honeydew melon (1)
  • Hoofs--Diseases (1)
  • Hopewell culture (2)
  • Hopf algebras (1)
  • Horizontal axis wind turbines (3)
  • Horkheimer, Max, 1895-1973 (1)
  • Hormesis (1)
  • Hormones (3)
  • Hormones, Sex (3)
  • Hormones, Sex--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Horror tales, American (1)
  • Horse show judges (1)
  • Horse sports--Competitions (1)
  • Horsemanship (3)
  • Horsemanship--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Horsemanship--Social aspects (1)
  • Horses--Age (1)
  • Horses--Aging (1)
  • Horses--Anatomy (1)
  • Horses--Breeding (1)
  • Horses--Diseases (4)
  • Horses--Exercise (1)
  • Horses--Feeding and feeds (2)
  • Horses--Nutrition (3)
  • Horses--Physiology (4)
  • Horticultural crops (2)
  • Horticultural products (2)
  • Horticulture (27)
  • Hospice care (2)
  • Hospice care--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Hospital buildings--Design and construction (1)
  • Hospital care (1)
  • Hospital patients (2)
  • Hospital patients--Psychology (1)
  • Hospital utilization (1)
  • Hospital utilization--Length of stay (1)
  • Hospitality (1)
  • Hospitality industry (1)
  • Hospitality industry--Economic aspects (1)
  • Hospitality industry--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Hospitals (5)
  • Hospitals--Administration (1)
  • Hospitals--Admission and discharge (4)
  • Hospitals--After care (1)
  • Hospitals--Cost control (1)
  • Hospitals--Employees (1)
  • Hospitals--Employees--Attitudes (1)
  • Hospitals--Evaluation (1)
  • Hospitals--Outpatient services (2)
  • Hospitals--Rates (1)
  • Host plants (2)
  • Host-bacteria relationships (1)
  • Host-parasite relationships (7)
  • Host-parasite relationships--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Houari, Leïla, 1958- (1)
  • House dust mites (1)
  • House wren (1)
  • Household shrines (1)
  • Household surveys (4)
  • Households (2)
  • Households--Economic aspects (2)
  • Households--Economic aspects--Econometric models (1)
  • Housekeeping (1)
  • Housing (8)
  • Housing policy (3)
  • Housing--Econometric models (1)
  • Housing--Prices (4)
  • Houston Independent School District (Tex.) (1)
  • Huggins, Ericka (1)
  • Human activity recognition (2)
  • Human behavior (5)
  • Human behavior models (1)
  • Human beings (1)
  • Human beings--Age determination (2)
  • Human beings--Effect of environment on (4)
  • Human beings--Psychology (1)
  • Human body (2)
  • Human body in literature (1)
  • Human body in motion pictures (1)
  • Human body--Computer simulation (1)
  • Human body--Microbiology (2)
  • Human body--Social aspects (1)
  • Human capital (2)
  • Human chromosome abnormalities (1)
  • Human condition (Arendt, Hannah) (1)
  • Human decomposition (1)
  • Human ecology (15)
  • Human ecology--Computer simulation (1)
  • Human ecology--Study and teaching (2)
  • Human engineering (3)
  • Human evolution (1)
  • Human experimentation in psychology (1)
  • Human face recognition (Computer science) (7)
  • Human genetics (3)
  • Human genetics--Variation (1)
  • Human genome (1)
  • Human geography (4)
  • Human growth (1)
  • Human immunogenetics (1)
  • Human information processing (6)
  • Human mechanics (2)
  • Human mechanics--Computer simulation (1)
  • Human multitasking (2)
  • Human physiology (1)
  • Human remains (Archaeology) (15)
  • Human remains (Archaeology)--Analysis (2)
  • Human remains (Archaeology)--Repatriation (1)
  • Human remains (Archaeology)--Sex determination (1)
  • Human reproduction (1)
  • Human rights (6)
  • Human rights advocacy (1)
  • Human rights and globalization (1)
  • Human rights workers (1)
  • Human rights--Economic aspects (1)
  • Human rights--Philosophy (1)
  • Human services (1)
  • Human services personnel--Attitudes (1)
  • Human settlements (2)
  • Human skin color--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Human trafficking (4)
  • Human trafficking victims--Services for (1)
  • Human-animal communication (1)
  • Human-animal relationships (16)
  • Human-animal relationships in literature (3)
  • Human-animal relationships--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Human-animal relationships--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Human-computer interaction (9)
  • Human-computer interaction--Mathematical models (1)
  • Human-machine systems (2)
  • Human-robot interaction (6)
  • Humane education (1)
  • Humanitarian assistance (1)
  • Humanitarianism (1)
  • Humanitarianism--Philosophy (1)
  • Humanities (1)
  • Humanities--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Humidity (2)
  • Hunan da xue (1)
  • Hunters (1)
  • Hunters--Attitudes (2)
  • Hunting (5)
  • Hunting and gathering societies (5)
  • Hunting--Economic aspects (1)
  • Hunting--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Huygens' principle (1)
  • Hyaenidae (1)
  • Hyaluronic acid (4)
  • Hyaluronic acid--Therapeutic use (1)
  • Hybrid corn (1)
  • Hybrid electric vehicles (7)
  • Hybrid power (1)
  • Hybridization (2)
  • Hydration (1)
  • Hydraulic engineering (1)
  • Hydraulic engineering--Data processing (1)
  • Hydraulic fracturing (1)
  • Hydraulic measurements (1)
  • Hydraulic turbines--Design and construction (1)
  • Hydraulics (1)
  • Hydrocarbons (6)
  • Hydrocortisone (1)
  • Hydrodynamics (2)
  • Hydroelectric power plants (2)
  • Hydroelectric power plants--Design and construction (1)
  • Hydroelectric power plants--Economic aspects (1)
  • Hydroelectric power plants--Environmental aspects (4)
  • Hydroelectric power plants--Social aspects (4)
  • Hydrogen (2)
  • Hydrogen as fuel (1)
  • Hydrogen as fuel--Research (2)
  • Hydrogen bonding (5)
  • Hydrogen peroxide (1)
  • Hydrogen plasmas (1)
  • Hydrogen--Research (1)
  • Hydrogen-ion concentration (1)
  • Hydrogenase (1)
  • Hydrogenation (2)
  • Hydrogenolysis (1)
  • Hydrogeology (4)
  • Hydrogeology--Simulation methods (1)
  • Hydrolases (2)
  • Hydrologic cycle (5)
  • Hydrologic models (6)
  • Hydrology (18)
  • Hydrology--Research (1)
  • Hydrolysis (4)
  • Hydrophobic surfaces (2)
  • Hydroponics (3)
  • Hydrothermal vents--Microbiology (1)
  • Hydroxyapatite (2)
  • Hyenas--Behavior (1)
  • Hygiene (1)
  • Hyla versicolor (1)
  • Hymns, Ojibwa (1)
  • Hyperandrogenism (1)
  • Hyperbolic spaces (1)
  • Hyperfine interactions (1)
  • Hyperglycemia (2)
  • Hyperphagia in women (1)
  • Hyperprolactinemia (1)
  • Hyperspace (1)
  • Hypersurfaces (1)
  • Hypertension (8)
  • Hypertension in pregnancy (2)
  • Hypertension in women (1)
  • Hypertension--Animal models (2)
  • Hypertension--Diagnosis (1)
  • Hypertension--Etiology (1)
  • Hypertension--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Hypertension--Patients (1)
  • Hypertension--Research (3)
  • Hypertension--Risk factors (2)
  • Hypertension--Treatment (1)
  • Hypocrisy (1)
  • Hypoglycemia (1)
  • Hypoglycemia--Diet therapy (1)
  • Hyporheic zones (1)
  • Hypotension (1)
  • Hypothalamic hormones (1)
  • Hypothalamus (3)
  • Hypothesis (1)
  • Hypoxia (Water) (1)
  • Hysteresis (4)
  • IFRS Foundation (1)
  • Ice cream, ices, etc. (1)
  • Ice on rivers, lakes, etc--Mathematical models (1)
  • IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory (4)
  • Ichthyology (1)
  • Identification (9)
  • Identification (Psychology) (2)
  • Identification (Religion) (3)
  • Identification photographs (2)
  • Identification--Automation (1)
  • Identity (Philosophical concept) (8)
  • Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature (1)
  • Identity (Psychology) (24)
  • Identity (Psychology) and mass media (1)
  • Identity (Psychology) in adolescence (1)
  • Identity (Psychology) in literature (1)
  • Identity (Psychology) in motion pictures (1)
  • Identity (Psychology) in youth (1)
  • Identity (Psychology)--Social aspects (3)
  • Identity politics (1)
  • Identity politics in literature (1)
  • Identity theft (1)
  • Idiosyncratic drug reactions (3)
  • Igbo (African people) (1)
  • Igbo (African people)--Social conditions (2)
  • Igneous rocks--Inclusions (1)
  • Ignorance (Theory of knowledge) (1)
  • Illinois (5)
  • Illinois--Chicago (7)
  • Illinois--Chicago--Edgewater (1)
  • Illinois--Illinois River Valley (1)
  • Illinois--Morton Site (1)
  • Illinois--New Philadelphia (1)
  • Illinois--Rockford (1)
  • Illinois--Schild Site (1)
  • Illustrated children's books (1)
  • Image analysis (1)
  • Image analysis--Mathematical models (2)
  • Image compression (1)
  • Image files (1)
  • Image processing (4)
  • Image processing--Digital techniques (6)
  • Image processing--Digital techniques--Mathematics (1)
  • Image processing--Mathematical models (2)
  • Image reconstruction (2)
  • Image segmentation (1)
  • Imaginal disks (1)
  • Imaginary companions (1)
  • Imaginary conversations (1)
  • Imaginary places in literature (1)
  • Imaginary societies in literature (1)
  • Imagination (2)
  • Imagination (Philosophy) (1)
  • Imaging systems (3)
  • Imaging systems in medicine (1)
  • Imaging systems--Design and construction (1)
  • Imams (Mosque officers) as teachers (1)
  • Imams (Shiites) (1)
  • Imidacloprid (1)
  • Imidazoles (1)
  • Imidazoles--Synthesis (1)
  • Imidazolines (4)
  • Imitation in children (1)
  • Imitation--Social aspects (1)
  • Immersion method (Language teaching) (1)
  • Immigrant children (3)
  • Immigrant families (1)
  • Immigrant students (2)
  • Immigrant youth (1)
  • Immigrants (16)
  • Immigrants in mass media (1)
  • Immigrants in motion pictures (1)
  • Immigrants--Attitudes (2)
  • Immigrants--Cultural assimilation (1)
  • Immigrants--Economic conditions (1)
  • Immigrants--Family relationships (1)
  • Immigrants--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Immigrants--Mental health (1)
  • Immigrants--Religion (1)
  • Immigrants--Services for (1)
  • Immigrants--Social conditions (1)
  • Immigrants--Social networks (2)
  • Immobilized enzymes--Biotechnology (1)
  • Immune response (9)
  • Immune response--Regulation (4)
  • Immune system (4)
  • Immunity--Nutritional aspects (1)
  • Immunization of children (1)
  • Immunoassay (1)
  • Immunochemistry--Methodology (1)
  • Immunodeficiency (2)
  • Immunogenetics (1)
  • Immunogenetics--Research (1)
  • Immunoglobulins (3)
  • Immunologic diseases (1)
  • Immunologic diseases in animals (1)
  • Immunology (48)
  • Immunology--Research (2)
  • Immunopathology (1)
  • Immunosuppression (1)
  • Immunotechnology (1)
  • Immunotherapy (3)
  • Immunotoxicology (1)
  • Impact--Physiological effect (1)
  • Impact--Testing (2)
  • Impatiens wallerana (1)
  • Impedance (Electricity) (2)
  • Impedance spectroscopy (1)
  • Impellers (5)
  • Impellers--Dynamics (3)
  • Imperialism (4)
  • Imperialism in motion pictures (1)
  • Implants, Artificial (2)
  • Implants, Artificial--Complications (1)
  • Implicit learning (1)
  • Implicit memory (1)
  • Imports (1)
  • Impression formation (Psychology) (4)
  • Imprinting (Psychology) (1)
  • Imprisonment (1)
  • Improvisation (Music) (2)
  • Improvisation (Music)--Instruction and study (1)
  • Improvised explosive devices (2)
  • Impulse buying (1)
  • Impulse control disorders (1)
  • Impulsive personality (1)
  • Incentives in conservation of natural resources (1)
  • Incentives in industry (2)
  • Incest in literature (1)
  • Inchbald, Mrs, 1753-1821 (1)
  • Incinerators (1)
  • Inclusive education (6)
  • Inclusive education--Public opinion (1)
  • Income distribution (5)
  • Income distribution--Political aspects (2)
  • Income tax (1)
  • Income tax--Law and legislation (1)
  • Income--Regional disparities--Econometric models (1)
  • Independent component analysis (1)
  • Independent contractors (1)
  • India--Bangalore (1)
  • India--Chennai (1)
  • India--Delhi (1)
  • India--Mumbai (1)
  • India--New Delhi (1)
  • India--Puducherry (1)
  • India--Tamil Nadu (3)
  • India--Uttarakhand (1)
  • India--West Bengal (1)
  • Indian philosophy (1)
  • Indian pottery--Themes, motives (1)
  • Indian reservations (1)
  • Indian women--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Indian women--Social conditions (1)
  • Indiana (5)
  • Indiana--Burns Waterway Harbor (1)
  • Indiana--Elkhart County (1)
  • Indiana--Indianapolis (1)
  • Indiana--LaGrange County (1)
  • Indiana--Lafayette (1)
  • Indians in mass media (1)
  • Indians in popular culture (1)
  • Indians of Central America--Anthropometry (1)
  • Indians of North America (10)
  • Indians of North America--Antiquities (4)
  • Indians of North America--Attitudes (1)
  • Indians of North America--Communication (1)
  • Indians of North America--Drug use (1)
  • Indians of North America--Education (1)
  • Indians of North America--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Indians of North America--Food (2)
  • Indians of North America--Funeral customs and rites (1)
  • Indians of North America--Government relations (1)
  • Indians of North America--Historiography (1)
  • Indians of North America--Intellectual life (1)
  • Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • Indians of North America--Mental health (1)
  • Indians of North America--Psychology (1)
  • Indians of North America--Relocation (1)
  • Indians of North America--Services for (1)
  • Indians of North America--Social conditions (1)
  • Indians of North America--Social life and customs (1)
  • Indians of North America--Urban residence (1)
  • Indians of South America--Anthropometry (1)
  • Indians of South America--Antiquities (1)
  • Indians, Treatment of (1)
  • Indicators (Biology) (1)
  • Indie culture (1)
  • Indigenous Women's Manoomin Collective (1)
  • Indigenous peoples (3)
  • Indigenous peoples--Government relations (1)
  • Indigenous peoples--Languages (1)
  • Indigenous peoples--Social conditions (1)
  • Indigenous peoples--Social life and customs (2)
  • Indigenous women (3)
  • Indigenous youth (1)
  • Indium compounds (2)
  • Individual differences (1)
  • Individualism in literature (1)
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (United States) (1)
  • Indonesia (11)
  • Indonesia--Java (1)
  • Indonesia--Kalimantan Timur (1)
  • Indonesia--Lampung (1)
  • Indonesia--Sumatra (1)
  • Indonesia--Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (1)
  • Indonesia. Mahkamah Konstitusi (1)
  • Indoor gardening (1)
  • Indoor positioning systems (Wireless localization) (1)
  • Industrial Workers of the World (1)
  • Industrial concentration (1)
  • Industrial ecology (1)
  • Industrial efficiency (1)
  • Industrial location (2)
  • Industrial management (21)
  • Industrial microbiology (1)
  • Industrial microorganisms (2)
  • Industrial organization (2)
  • Industrial organization (Economic theory) (1)
  • Industrial organization (Economic theory)--Econometric models (1)
  • Industrial procurement (2)
  • Industrial relations (7)
  • Industrial safety (3)
  • Industrial sites (1)
  • Industrial sociology (2)
  • Industrialization--Social aspects (1)
  • Inequalities (Mathematics) (1)
  • Infantile spasms (1)
  • Infants (2)
  • Infants--Health risk assessment (1)
  • Infants--Nutrition (3)
  • Infants--Physiology (1)
  • Infants--Weaning (1)
  • Infants--Weight (1)
  • Infection (1)
  • Infection--Mathematical models (1)
  • Infection--Prevention (2)
  • Inference (2)
  • Infertility (2)
  • Infertility in animals (1)
  • Infertility, Female--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Infertility, Male (1)
  • Infertility--Treatment (1)
  • Inflammation (18)
  • Inflammation--Animal models (2)
  • Inflammation--Immunological aspects (3)
  • Inflammation--Mediators (5)
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (5)
  • Inflation (Finance) (1)
  • Inflation (Finance)--Econometric models (1)
  • Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) (3)
  • Influence (Psychology) (5)
  • Influenza (3)
  • Influenza A virus (1)
  • Influenza viruses (4)
  • Influenza--Immunological aspects (1)
  • Influenza--Research (1)
  • Influenza--Vaccination (2)
  • Infomediaries (1)
  • Informal sector (Economics) (4)
  • Information asymmetry (1)
  • Information behavior (6)
  • Information literacy (2)
  • Information literacy--Study and teaching (2)
  • Information networks (3)
  • Information resources (4)
  • Information resources management (1)
  • Information retrieval--Computer programs (1)
  • Information science (9)
  • Information services (1)
  • Information society (1)
  • Information storage and retrieval systems (2)
  • Information storage and retrieval systems--Medicine (1)
  • Information technology (16)
  • Information technology--Evaluation (1)
  • Information technology--Management (2)
  • Information technology--Social aspects (2)
  • Information technology--Study and teaching (1)
  • Information theory (1)
  • Information visualization (2)
  • Informed consent (Medical law) (2)
  • Infrared detectors (1)
  • Infrared imaging (2)
  • Infrared photography (2)
  • Infrared spectroscopy (1)
  • Infrared technology (1)
  • Infrastructure (Economics) (3)
  • Ingestion (1)
  • Inheritance and succession (2)
  • Inheritance and succession in literature (1)
  • Inheritance and transfer tax (1)
  • Inhibition (1)
  • Inhibition in children (3)
  • Inner cities (1)
  • Inorganic compounds--Synthesis (1)
  • Inquiry-based learning (7)
  • Insect baits and repellents (1)
  • Insect nematodes (3)
  • Insect pests (1)
  • Insect pests--Biological control (4)
  • Insect pests--Control (2)
  • Insect pollinators (1)
  • Insect population density (1)
  • Insect populations--Estimates (1)
  • Insect sex attractants (2)
  • Insect sterilization (2)
  • Insect trapping (1)
  • Insect traps (2)
  • Insect-plant relationships (3)
  • Insecticide resistance (2)
  • Insecticides (5)
  • Insecticides--Analysis (1)
  • Insecticides--Economic aspects (1)
  • Insecticides--Physiological effect (1)
  • Insecticides--Research (1)
  • Insecticides--Testing (1)
  • Insects (2)
  • Insects as biological pest control agents (1)
  • Insects as carriers of disease (3)
  • Insects--Host plants (1)
  • Insider trading in securities (1)
  • Instagram (Firm) (2)
  • Institutional care (1)
  • Institutional investments (1)
  • Institutional investors (2)
  • Instructional systems (1)
  • Instructional systems--Design (1)
  • Instrumental music--Instruction and study (1)
  • Instrumental variables (Statistics) (1)
  • Insulation (Heat) (1)
  • Insulin resistance (1)
  • Insulin--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Insulin--Psychotropic effects (1)
  • Insulin--Synthesis--Regulation (1)
  • Insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (1)
  • Insurance companies--Finance (1)
  • Insurance companies--Investments (1)
  • Insurance law (1)
  • Insurgency (1)
  • Intangible property (1)
  • Integral equations (8)
  • Integrated agricultural systems (1)
  • Integrated circuits (2)
  • Integrated circuits--Wafer-scale integration (1)
  • Integrated delivery of health care (2)
  • Integration, Functional (1)
  • Integrators (1)
  • Intellect (3)
  • Intellect--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Intellectual capital (1)
  • Intellectual cooperation (1)
  • Intellectual disability (1)
  • Intellectual disability--Social aspects (1)
  • Intellectual life (5)
  • Intellectual life--American influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Chinese influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Classical influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--English influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--European influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Greek influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Indic influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Italian influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Japanese influences (5)
  • Intellectual life--Turkish influences (5)
  • Intellectual property (2)
  • Intellectual property infringement (1)
  • Intelligence service (1)
  • Intelligence tests (1)
  • Intelligence tests--Social aspects (1)
  • Intelligent control systems (1)
  • Intelligent personal assistants (Computer software) (1)
  • Intelligent sensors (3)
  • Intelligent tutoring systems (1)
  • Intensive care units (2)
  • Intensive probation (1)
  • Intention (5)
  • Intentionalism (1)
  • Intentionality (Philosophy) (1)
  • Interacting boson models (1)
  • Interacting boson-fermion models (1)
  • Interaction analysis in education (3)
  • Interactive multimedia (3)
  • Interagency coordination (1)
  • Interconnected electric utility systems--Reliability (1)
  • Interconnects (Integrated circuit technology) (2)
  • Intercountry adoption (2)
  • Intercropping (2)
  • Intercultural communication (7)
  • Intercultural communication in education (3)
  • Interdisciplinary approach in education (4)
  • Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge (1)
  • Interdisciplinary research (1)
  • Interest rates (1)
  • Interethnic adoption (1)
  • Interface circuits (2)
  • Interfaces (Physical sciences) (2)
  • Interferometry (1)
  • Interferon (4)
  • Intergenerational relations (1)
  • Intergovernmental cooperation (1)
  • Intergroup relations (4)
  • Interior architecture (1)
  • Interior architecture--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Interior decoration (1)
  • Interior decorators (1)
  • Interleukin-1 (1)
  • Interleukin-10 (1)
  • Interleukin-2 (2)
  • Interleukin-6 (1)
  • Interleukins (1)
  • Intermarriage (1)
  • Intermolecular forces (2)
  • Internal combustion engines (8)
  • Internal combustion engines--Combustion (4)
  • Internal combustion engines--Computer simulation (3)
  • Internal combustion engines--Cylinders (1)
  • Internal combustion engines--Design and construction (4)
  • Internal combustion engines--Dynamics (1)
  • Internal combustion engines--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Internal combustion engines--Exhaust gas (1)
  • Internal combustion engines--Fuel systems (1)
  • Internal combustion engines--Ignition (3)
  • Internal combustion engines--Technological innovations (3)
  • Internal combustion engines--Valve gears (1)
  • Internal migrants (1)
  • Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children (1)
  • International agencies (1)
  • International business enterprises (6)
  • International business enterprises--Taxation--Law and legislation (1)
  • International classification of functioning, disability and health (1)
  • International economic integration (1)
  • International economic relations (3)
  • International economic relations--Econometric models (1)
  • International education (3)
  • International finance (1)
  • International relations (11)
  • International relations and terrorism (1)
  • International relations--Economic aspects (1)
  • International trade (3)
  • International trade--Econometric models (2)
  • International trade--Environmental aspects (1)
  • International trade--Political aspects (1)
  • International trade--Social aspects (1)
  • Internationalism (1)
  • Internet (6)
  • Internet advertising (5)
  • Internet and activism (1)
  • Internet and children--Safety measures (1)
  • Internet and teenagers (2)
  • Internet and women (2)
  • Internet and youth (2)
  • Internet auctions (1)
  • Internet governance (2)
  • Internet in education (13)
  • Internet in experimental psychology (1)
  • Internet in higher education (4)
  • Internet in psychotherapy (2)
  • Internet literacy (4)
  • Internet marketing (8)
  • Internet of things (6)
  • Internet pornography (1)
  • Internet radio broadcasting (1)
  • Internet research (1)
  • Internet searching (2)
  • Internet service providers (2)
  • Internet users (6)
  • Internet videoconferencing in education (1)
  • Internet--Political aspects (1)
  • Internet--Security measures (2)
  • Internet--Social aspects (9)
  • Internment camps (1)
  • Interns (Education) (3)
  • Interns (Education)--Attitudes (1)
  • Internship programs (1)
  • Interoception (2)
  • Interorganizational relations (2)
  • Interpersonal attraction (1)
  • Interpersonal communication (16)
  • Interpersonal communication and culture (2)
  • Interpersonal communication in children (1)
  • Interpersonal communication in children--Study and teaching (1)
  • Interpersonal communication--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Interpersonal communication--Research (2)
  • Interpersonal conflict (3)
  • Interpersonal confrontation (1)
  • Interpersonal relations (36)
  • Interpersonal relations in children (1)
  • Interpersonal relations in young adults (1)
  • Interpersonal relations--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Interpersonal relations--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Interpolation (1)
  • Interpretation of cultural and natural resources (1)
  • Interprofessional education (1)
  • Interprofessional relations (1)
  • Interracial adoption (1)
  • Interracial adoption--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Intersectionality (Sociology) (6)
  • Interstate commerce--Law and legislation (1)
  • Interstellar matter (1)
  • Interstellar matter--Measurement (1)
  • Interstitial cystitis (1)
  • Intervention (International law) (1)
  • Interventional radiology (1)
  • Intestinal absorption (1)
  • Intestinal ischemia (1)
  • Intestinal mucosa (1)
  • Intestines (2)
  • Intestines--Diseases (1)
  • Intestines--Infections (1)
  • Intestines--Microbiology (3)
  • Intestines--Tumors (2)
  • Intimacy (Psychology) (5)
  • Intimate partner violence (26)
  • Intimidation (1)
  • Intracellular calcium (2)
  • Intramural sports (2)
  • Intranasal medication (1)
  • Intraocular pressure (4)
  • Intraoperative monitoring (1)
  • Intravenous drug abuse (1)
  • Intravenous drug abusers (1)
  • Intravenous therapy (1)
  • Intrigue in literature (1)
  • Intrinsic motivation (2)
  • Introduced animals (1)
  • Introduced fishes (1)
  • Introduced freshwater organisms (1)
  • Introduced invertebrates (1)
  • Introduced organisms (8)
  • Introduced organisms--Ecology (1)
  • Introduced organisms--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Intuition (1)
  • Invariant manifolds (2)
  • Invariant measures (1)
  • Invariants (3)
  • Invasive plants (1)
  • Invasive plants--Ecology (2)
  • Inverse problems (Differential equations) (1)
  • Inverse problems (Differential equations)--Numerical solutions (1)
  • Inverse scattering transform (1)
  • Inverse synthetic aperture radar (1)
  • Invertebrates (3)
  • Investment advisors (1)
  • Investment advisors--Psychology (1)
  • Investment analysis (2)
  • Investments (3)
  • Investments, Chinese (1)
  • Investments, Foreign (2)
  • Investments, Foreign, and employment (1)
  • Investments, Foreign--Taxation (1)
  • Investments--Decision making (2)
  • Investments--Mathematical models (1)
  • Investments--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Invisible man (Ellison, Ralph) (1)
  • Involuntary treatment (1)
  • Involutes (Mathematics) (1)
  • Iodine deficiency diseases--Prevention (1)
  • Ion accelerators (5)
  • Ion bombardment (5)
  • Ion channels (2)
  • Ion exchange (1)
  • Ion flow dynamics (2)
  • Ion mobility mass spectrometry (1)
  • Ion sources (1)
  • Ion-permeable membranes (5)
  • Ionic solutions (5)
  • Ionization (1)
  • Ionizing radiation (1)
  • Ionizing radiation--Safety measures (1)
  • Ions--Migration and velocity (3)
  • Ips confusus (1)
  • Ir genes (1)
  • Iran--Lake Urmia (1)
  • Iraq--Kurdistān (1)
  • Iridium (1)
  • Iridium catalysts (9)
  • Iris (Eye) (2)
  • Irish--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Iron age (1)
  • Iron and steel bridges (1)
  • Iron compounds (1)
  • Iron crystals (1)
  • Iron deficiency diseases in children (1)
  • Iron heel (London, Jack) (1)
  • Iron in the body (1)
  • Iron mines and mining (1)
  • Iron mines and mining--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Iron oxides (5)
  • Iron--Metabolism (1)
  • Iron--Physiological effect (2)
  • Irradiation (1)
  • Irrigation (6)
  • Irrigation efficiency (2)
  • Irrigation farming (6)
  • Irrigation farming--Climatic factors (1)
  • Irrigation scheduling (2)
  • Irrigation water--Economic aspects (1)
  • Irrigation water--Quality (1)
  • Irrigation--Computer simulation (1)
  • Irrigation--Environmental aspects (3)
  • Irrigation--Management (3)
  • Irrigation--Research (1)
  • Irritable colon (2)
  • Ising model (1)
  • Islam and politics (1)
  • Islam and secularism (1)
  • Islam in literature (1)
  • Islam--Press coverage (1)
  • Islam--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Islamic education (2)
  • Islamic leadership (1)
  • Islamic literature (1)
  • Islamic religious education (2)
  • Islamic religious education of children (1)
  • Islamic renewal (1)
  • Islamophobia (1)
  • Islamophobia in literature (1)
  • Islands (1)
  • Isobaric spin (2)
  • Isocyanates (1)
  • Isoflurane--Physiological effect (1)
  • Isogeometric analysis (1)
  • Isolating mechanisms (1)
  • Isomerization (1)
  • Isometric exercise (1)
  • Isometric projection (1)
  • Isometrics (Mathematics) (1)
  • Isopentenoids--Synthesis (1)
  • Isoprene (3)
  • Isotope geology (1)
  • Isotopes (7)
  • Isotopes--Research (1)
  • Italian language (1)
  • Italian language--Research (1)
  • Italians (2)
  • Italians--Employment (1)
  • Italy--Casalvieri (1)
  • Italy--Sardinia (1)
  • Italy--Venice (1)
  • Item response theory (8)
  • Ivoirian Civil War (Côte d'Ivoire : 2002-2007) (1)
  • Ixodes scapularis (4)
  • Jack pine (1)
  • Jackson, Shirley, 1916-1965 (1)
  • Jaguar hunting (1)
  • Jaja, King of Opobo, 1821-1891 (1)
  • Jamaica (1)
  • Jamaica--Falmouth (1)
  • Jamaica--Saint Elizabeth (1)
  • Jamaicans (1)
  • Jamat al-Dawa Pakistan (1)
  • James, William, 1842-1910 (1)
  • Jane Eyre (Brontë, Charlotte) (1)
  • Japan--Iriomote Island (1)
  • Japan--Kyoto (1)
  • Japan--Okinawa Island (1)
  • Japan--Okinawa-shi (1)
  • Japanese (2)
  • Japanese Americans (1)
  • Japanese Americans--Social conditions (1)
  • Japanese beetle (1)
  • Japanese beetle--Biological control (1)
  • Japanese language (1)
  • Japanese language--Adverb (1)
  • Japanese language--Discourse analysis (2)
  • Japanese language--Grammar, Comparative (1)
  • Japanese language--Particles (1)
  • Japanese language--Semantics (1)
  • Japanese language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (2)
  • Japanese language--Vowels (1)
  • Japanese quail (1)
  • Jasmonic acid (1)
  • Java (Computer program language) (1)
  • Jaws--Diseases (1)
  • Jazz audiences (1)
  • Jazz--Instruction and study (1)
  • Jefferson County Open School (Lakewood, Colo.) (1)
  • Jerusalem in Christianity--Maps (1)
  • Jesus People USA (1)
  • Jet engines (1)
  • Jet planes (2)
  • Jet planes--Fuel--Testing (2)
  • Jet stream (2)
  • Jets--Fluid dynamics (1)
  • Jets--Fluid dynamics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Jewish Holocaust (1939-1945) (1)
  • Jewish children (1)
  • Jewish children in the Holocaust (1)
  • Jewish students (1)
  • Jews--Employment (1)
  • Joachim, of Fiore, approximately 1132-1202 (1)
  • Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431 (1)
  • Job analysis (1)
  • Job evaluation (1)
  • Job satisfaction (12)
  • Job satisfaction--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Job security (2)
  • Job stress (4)
  • Job stress--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (United States) (1)
  • John Ball Zoo (Mich.) (1)
  • Joint ventures (2)
  • Joints (Engineering) (3)
  • Joints (Engineering)--Analysis (1)
  • Joints (Engineering)--Design and construction (1)
  • Joints--Range of motion (2)
  • Joints--Range of motion--Measurement (1)
  • Jones, Gayl (1)
  • Jones, Gilbert Haven (1)
  • Josephson junctions (7)
  • Journalism (17)
  • Journalism--Censorship (1)
  • Journalism--Objectivity (1)
  • Journalism--Public opinion (1)
  • Journalism--Social aspects (1)
  • Journalists (1)
  • Journalists--Attitudes (1)
  • Journalists--Crimes against (1)
  • Juacali (1)
  • Judaism and secularism (1)
  • Judaism and social problems (1)
  • Judges--Attitudes (1)
  • Judgment (3)
  • Judgment (Ethics) (4)
  • Judgment--Testing (2)
  • Judgments (2)
  • Judicial opinions (1)
  • Judicial process (2)
  • Judicial review (1)
  • Jumping (1)
  • Jungian psychology (1)
  • Jurisprudence (1)
  • Justice (Philosophy) (2)
  • Justice, Administration of (1)
  • Justice, Administration of--Public opinion (1)
  • Justification (Ethics) (1)
  • Jute fiber (1)
  • Juvenile corrections (2)
  • Juvenile courts (1)
  • Juvenile delinquency (9)
  • Juvenile delinquency--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Juvenile delinquents (7)
  • Juvenile delinquents--Family relationships (3)
  • Juvenile delinquents--Mental health (1)
  • Juvenile delinquents--Rehabilitation (2)
  • Juvenile justice, Administration of (4)
  • Juvenile recidivists (3)
  • Kalman filtering (1)
  • Kaluza-Klein theories (1)
  • Kentucky bluegrass (2)
  • Kenya--Amboseli National Park (1)
  • Kenya--Kibera (1)
  • Kenya--Kisii District (1)
  • Kenya--Maasai Mara National Reserve (5)
  • Kenya--Mombasa (1)
  • Kenya--Nairobi (1)
  • Kerman, Joseph, 1924-2014 (1)
  • Kernel functions (4)
  • Ketonic acids (1)
  • Keyword searching (1)
  • Khapra beetle (1)
  • Kidneys (2)
  • Killer cells (5)
  • Kin selection (Evolution) (1)
  • Kindergarten (2)
  • Kindness (1)
  • Kinematics (11)
  • Kinesiology (53)
  • Kinetic theory of matter (2)
  • Kings and rulers (1)
  • Kinship (1)
  • Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 (1)
  • Kirtland's warbler (1)
  • Kitchen gardens (1)
  • Klüger, Ruth, 1931-2020 (1)
  • Klüger, Ruth, 1931-2020 (1)
  • Knee--Diseases (1)
  • Knee--Mechanical properties (2)
  • Knee--Wounds and injuries--Patients--Rehabilitation (1)
  • Knee--Wounds and injuries--Prevention (1)
  • Knot theory (11)
  • Knowledge management (5)
  • Knowledge, Sociology of (1)
  • Knowledge, Theory of (9)
  • Korea (South) (25)
  • Korea (South)--Seoul (2)
  • Korea (South)--Seoul--Piwŏn (1)
  • Korean American children (1)
  • Korean Americans (1)
  • Korean Americans--Communication (1)
  • Korean Americans--Family relationships (1)
  • Korean Americans--Psychology (1)
  • Korean language (4)
  • Korean language--Ability testing (1)
  • Korean language--Phonology (1)
  • Korean language--Quantifiers (1)
  • Korean language--Study and teaching (2)
  • Korean language--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Korean language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (2)
  • Korean language--Verb (1)
  • Korean students (1)
  • Koreans--Attitudes (2)
  • Koreans--Psychology (1)
  • Kourouma, Ahmadou (1)
  • Krug, Nora (1)
  • Krypton--Isotopes (1)
  • Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) (1)
  • Kynurenine (1)
  • Kyrgyz language (1)
  • Kählerian manifolds (1)
  • LED lighting (2)
  • Labadie Collection (Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library) (1)
  • Labor contract (1)
  • Labor economics (18)
  • Labor in literature (1)
  • Labor laws and legislation (1)
  • Labor market (8)
  • Labor market--Econometric models (1)
  • Labor market--Economic aspects (1)
  • Labor mobility (1)
  • Labor mobility--Econometric models (1)
  • Labor movement in literature (1)
  • Labor service (1)
  • Labor supply (3)
  • Labor supply--Econometric models (1)
  • Labor supply--Economic aspects (1)
  • Labor supply--Government policy (1)
  • Labor turnover (3)
  • Labor--Philosophy (1)
  • Laboratories--Equipment and supplies (1)
  • Laboratory animals (1)
  • Labyrinth (Ear) (1)
  • Labyrinth (Ear)--Diseases (1)
  • Laclau, Ernesto, 1935-2014 (1)
  • Lactation (4)
  • Lactation--Nutritional aspects (3)
  • Lactic acid (1)
  • Lactic acid--Biotechnology (1)
  • Lactobacillus (3)
  • Lactobacillus plantarum (1)
  • Lady Audley's secret (Braddon, M. E.) (1)
  • Ladybugs (1)
  • Lagrangian functions (1)
  • Lake Huron (6)
  • Lake Huron--Saginaw Bay (5)
  • Lake ecology (10)
  • Lake herring (1)
  • Lake plants (1)
  • Lake sediments (1)
  • Lake sturgeon (9)
  • Lake trout (13)
  • Lake whitefish (6)
  • Lake whitefish fisheries (1)
  • Lakes--Public opinion (1)
  • Lakeshore development (1)
  • Lakeshore development--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Lamb waves (2)
  • Lambs--Breeding (1)
  • Lambs--Feeding and feeds (1)
  • Laminar boundary layer (1)
  • Laminar flow (1)
  • Laminated materials (2)
  • Laminated wood construction (2)
  • Laminitis (1)
  • Lampreys (1)
  • Land capability for agriculture (1)
  • Land cover (8)
  • Land reform (2)
  • Land settlement patterns, Prehistoric (1)
  • Land tenure (7)
  • Land tenure--Economic aspects (1)
  • Land tenure--Political aspects (1)
  • Land treatment of wastewater (1)
  • Land use (12)
  • Land use mapping (1)
  • Land use, Rural (6)
  • Land use, Rural--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Land use, Urban (7)
  • Land use--Econometric models (1)
  • Land use--Economic aspects (2)
  • Land use--Environmental aspects (6)
  • Land use--Planning--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Land use--Remote sensing (1)
  • Landfill final covers (2)
  • Landforms (1)
  • Landlord and tenant--Economic aspects (1)
  • Landowners--Attitudes (3)
  • Landsat satellites (2)
  • Landscape architects (1)
  • Landscape architects--Attitudes (1)
  • Landscape architectural drawing (1)
  • Landscape architectural projects (1)
  • Landscape architecture (19)
  • Landscape assessment (3)
  • Landscape changes (6)
  • Landscape design (1)
  • Landscape drawing (1)
  • Landscape ecology (6)
  • Landscape nurseries (1)
  • Landscape painters (1)
  • Landscape painting (1)
  • Landscape protection (1)
  • Landscapes (1)
  • Landscapes in art (1)
  • Landscapes in literature (2)
  • Langevin equations (1)
  • Language acquisition (9)
  • Language acquisition--Age factors (1)
  • Language acquisition--Evaluation (1)
  • Language acquisition--Parent participation (2)
  • Language acquisition--Research (1)
  • Language acquisition--Study and teaching (1)
  • Language acquisition--Testing (1)
  • Language and culture (4)
  • Language and culture--Study and teaching (1)
  • Language and education (2)
  • Language and emotions (3)
  • Language and languages (18)
  • Language and languages--Ability testing (1)
  • Language and languages--Ability testing--Evaluation (1)
  • Language and languages--Computer programs (1)
  • Language and languages--Computer-assisted instruction (2)
  • Language and languages--Grammars (1)
  • Language and languages--Research (1)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching (14)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching--Computer-assisted instruction (1)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers (1)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching--Methodology (1)
  • Language and languages--Study and teaching--Research (2)
  • Language and languages--Variation (1)
  • Language and medicine (1)
  • Language and sex (1)
  • Language arts (5)
  • Language arts (Elementary) (1)
  • Language arts (Higher) (1)
  • Language arts (Middle school) (1)
  • Language arts (Preschool) (1)
  • Language arts (Primary) (1)
  • Language arts teachers (1)
  • Language arts--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Language awareness (1)
  • Language awareness in children (1)
  • Language disorders in children (1)
  • Language in families (1)
  • Language in the workplace (1)
  • Language policy (3)
  • Language policy--Public opinion (1)
  • Language teachers (1)
  • Language teachers--Attitudes (1)
  • Language teachers--Psychology (1)
  • Language teachers--Training of (3)
  • Languages in contact (2)
  • Languages, Modern (1)
  • Lanthanum compounds (1)
  • Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland) (6)
  • Largemouth bass (3)
  • Largemouth bass--Habitat (2)
  • Largemouth bass--Reproduction (1)
  • Larvae--Behavior (1)
  • Larvae--Dispersal (1)
  • Larvae--Ecology (2)
  • Larvae--Effect of temperature on (1)
  • Larvae--Geographical distribution (1)
  • Laryngoplasty (1)
  • Laser ablation (1)
  • Laser pulses, Ultrashort (3)
  • Laser spectroscopy (7)
  • Lasers in chemistry (1)
  • Lasers in physics (1)
  • Lasers--Industrial applications (2)
  • Late blight of potato (3)
  • Latent semantic indexing (1)
  • Latent structure analysis (1)
  • Latent variables (1)
  • Latin American literature (6)
  • Latin Americans (1)
  • Latin Americans--Cultural assimilation (1)
  • Latin Americans--Housing (1)
  • Latin Americans--Mental health (1)
  • Latin Americans--Religion (1)
  • Latour, Bruno (1)
  • Latter Day Saint churches (1)
  • Latter Day Saint girls--Conduct of life (1)
  • Latter Day Saint women--Conduct of life (1)
  • Latter Day Saints (1)
  • Lattice dynamics (1)
  • Lattice field theory (1)
  • Lattice gas (1)
  • Lattice theory (2)
  • Law enforcement (3)
  • Law enforcement--Public opinion (1)
  • Law students (1)
  • Law students with disabilities (1)
  • Law--Philosophy (1)
  • Law--Political aspects (1)
  • Law--Study and teaching (1)
  • Lawn chairs (2)
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1)
  • Lawyers (1)
  • Leaching (1)
  • Lead abatement (1)
  • Lead in the body (1)
  • Lead poisoning (1)
  • Lead poisoning in children (1)
  • Lead sulfide (1)
  • Lead--Toxicology (1)
  • Lead-free electronics manufacturing processes (2)
  • Leadership (18)
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System (3)
  • Leadership in women (1)
  • Leadership--Moral and ethical aspects (2)
  • Leadership--Psychological aspects (6)
  • Leadership--Public opinion (1)
  • Leadership--Research (2)
  • Leadership--Sex differences (1)
  • Leadership--Study and teaching (1)
  • Leadership--Training of (1)
  • Leaf spots (3)
  • Leafhoppers (1)
  • League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L) (1)
  • Lean manufacturing (3)
  • Learning (5)
  • Learning disabilities (1)
  • Learning disabled children--Family relationships (1)
  • Learning disabled teenagers--Education (1)
  • Learning disabled--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Learning models (Stochastic processes) (2)
  • Learning strategies (6)
  • Learning, Psychology of (10)
  • Learning--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Least squares (2)
  • Leaves--Diseases and pests (2)
  • Leaves--Morphology (1)
  • Leaves--Physiology (1)
  • Leaves--Variation (1)
  • Left-turn lanes (2)
  • Leg--Ulcers (1)
  • Legal assistance to the poor (1)
  • Legal briefs (1)
  • Leghorn chicken (1)
  • Legionella (1)
  • Legionnaires' disease (1)
  • Legislators (1)
  • Legislators--Attitudes (1)
  • Legislators--Finance, Personal (1)
  • Legislators--U.S. states (2)
  • Legitimacy of governments (4)
  • Legitimacy of governments--Public opinion (1)
  • Legumes (10)
  • Legumes as food (1)
  • Legumes--Nutrition (1)
  • Leisure (1)
  • Leisure--Management--Evaluation (1)
  • Leisure--Philosophy (1)
  • Leisure--Research (1)
  • Leisure--Social aspects (1)
  • Lek behavior (1)
  • Lennox, Charlotte, approximately 1729-1804 (1)
  • Lepidoptera (1)
  • Lepidoptera--Collection and preservation (1)
  • Lesbian Avengers (Organization) (1)
  • Lesbian Center (East Lansing, Mich.) (1)
  • Lesbian activists (1)
  • Lesbian authors (1)
  • Lesbian community (3)
  • Lesbian feminist theory (1)
  • Lesbian mothers (1)
  • Lesbians (4)
  • Lesbians in literature (1)
  • Lesbians in motion pictures (1)
  • Lesbians, Black (1)
  • Lesbians--Employment (1)
  • Lesbians--Identity (1)
  • Lesbians--Medical care (1)
  • Lesbians--Psychology (1)
  • Lesser scaup (1)
  • Lesson planning (4)
  • Let's Be an Apple Pie (Collective) (1)
  • Lettuce (6)
  • Lettuce--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Leucine zippers (1)
  • Leucocyte elastase (1)
  • Leucocytes (2)
  • Leukemia in children (1)
  • Leukemia inhibitory factor (1)
  • Level of aspiration (2)
  • Leviathan (Hobbes, Thomas) (1)
  • Lexical phonology (1)
  • Lexical-functional grammar (1)
  • Lexicology (2)
  • Leydig cells (1)
  • Liberalism (4)
  • Liberalism in literature (1)
  • Liberalism--Philosophy (3)
  • Liberation theology (1)
  • Library science (1)
  • License agreements (1)
  • Licenses (1)
  • Lichen-forming fungi (1)
  • Lie groups (1)
  • Life (Biology) (2)
  • Life change events (3)
  • Life change events--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Life cycle costing (1)
  • Life imprisonment (1)
  • Life insurance--Finance (1)
  • Life sciences (1)
  • Life skills (7)
  • Life span, Productive (1)
  • Lifestyles (1)
  • Lifestyles--Health aspects (1)
  • Ligaments (2)
  • Ligaments--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Ligand binding (Biochemistry) (4)
  • Ligands (8)
  • Ligands (Biochemistry) (4)
  • Ligands (Biochemistry)--Analysis (1)
  • Ligands--Synthesis (1)
  • Ligases (1)
  • Light absorption (1)
  • Light emitting diodes (8)
  • Light, Colored (1)
  • Light--Physiological effect (2)
  • Lighting (3)
  • Lightweight construction (2)
  • Lightweight materials (3)
  • Lignans (1)
  • Lignin (11)
  • Lignin--Biodegradation (3)
  • Lignocellulose (5)
  • Lignocellulose--Biodegradation (1)
  • Lignocellulose--Biotechnology (8)
  • Like (The English word) (1)
  • Lille; de Dergnau, Maroie (1)
  • Liminality (2)
  • Liming of soils (1)
  • Limnology (6)
  • Lin, Biao, 1908-1971 (1)
  • Lincomycin (1)
  • Linear accelerators (2)
  • Linear control systems (2)
  • Linear integrated circuits (1)
  • Linear models (Statistics) (4)
  • Linear programming (2)
  • Linear systems (1)
  • Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) (1)
  • Linguistic change (1)
  • Linguistic rights (1)
  • Linguistics (29)
  • Linguistics--Research (2)
  • Linguistics--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Link theory (3)
  • Linkage (Genetics) (1)
  • Linoleic acid (3)
  • Lins, Paulo, 1958- (1)
  • Lipid membranes (1)
  • Lipids in human nutrition (1)
  • Lipids--Analysis (1)
  • Lipids--Metabolism (4)
  • Lipids--Metabolism--Disorders (1)
  • Lipids--Physiological effect (1)
  • Lipids--Research (1)
  • Lipolysis (1)
  • Lipoproteins (3)
  • Liposomes (2)
  • Lipoxygenases (1)
  • Lipschitz spaces (3)
  • Liquid ammonia (1)
  • Liquid chromatography (5)
  • Liquid fuels (1)
  • Liquid hydrogen (1)
  • Liquid nitrogen (2)
  • Liquid-liquid interfaces (2)
  • Listening (1)
  • Listening comprehension (3)
  • Listening--Ability testing (1)
  • Listening--Study and teaching (1)
  • Listening--Testing (2)
  • Listeria monocytogenes (12)
  • Listeriosis (1)
  • Listeriosis--Prevention (1)
  • Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886 (1)
  • Literacies (1)
  • Literacy (6)
  • Literacy programs (5)
  • Literacy--Ability testing (2)
  • Literacy--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Literacy--Social aspects (2)
  • Literacy--Study and teaching (2)
  • Literacy--Study and teaching (Elementary) (3)
  • Literary agents (1)
  • Literary form (1)
  • Literature (15)
  • Literature and history (1)
  • Literature and morals (3)
  • Literature and photography (1)
  • Literature and race (1)
  • Literature and society (3)
  • Literature and transnationalism (1)
  • Literature publishing (1)
  • Literature, Modern (4)
  • Literature--Black authors (1)
  • Literature--Psychology (1)
  • Literature--Research--Methodology (1)
  • Literature--Study and teaching (1)
  • Literature--Study and teaching (Middle school) (1)
  • Literature--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Lithium cells (1)
  • Lithium ion batteries (15)
  • Lithium sulfur batteries (2)
  • Lithium--Isotopes (1)
  • Lithography (1)
  • Lithosphere (1)
  • Liver cells (2)
  • Liver metastasis (1)
  • Liver--Cancer (1)
  • Liver--Diseases (5)
  • Liver--Diseases--Treatment (2)
  • Liver--Effect of drugs on (1)
  • Liver--Failure (1)
  • Liver--Metabolism--Disorders (1)
  • Liver--Regeneration (1)
  • Liver--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Livestock (2)
  • Livestock productivity--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Livestock workers (1)
  • Livestock--Climatic factors (1)
  • Livestock--Housing (1)
  • Load factor design--Mathematical models (1)
  • Local building materials (2)
  • Local finance (1)
  • Local foods (8)
  • Local government (4)
  • Local government and environmental policy (1)
  • Local government--Economic aspects (1)
  • Local mass media (1)
  • Local transit (2)
  • Local transit accessibility (1)
  • Location-based services (1)
  • Locke, John, 1632-1704 (3)
  • Locomotion (1)
  • Locomotion--Regulation (1)
  • Locus coeruleus (1)
  • Log-periodic antennas (1)
  • Logging--Environmental aspects (3)
  • Logic, Symbolic and mathematical (2)
  • London, Jack, 1876-1916 (1)
  • Loneliness (1)
  • Loneliness in old age (2)
  • Long QT syndrome (1)
  • Long-Term Evolution (Telecommunications) (1)
  • Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (U.S.) (1)
  • Long-distance runners (1)
  • Long-range weather forecasts (1)
  • Long-term care facilities--Employees--Training of (1)
  • Long-term care facility residents (1)
  • Longitudinal method (1)
  • Lorentz groups (1)
  • Loss (Psychology) (1)
  • Lotus corniculatus (1)
  • Louisiana (3)
  • Louisiana--New Orleans (3)
  • Love poetry, Provençal (1)
  • Love--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips), 1890-1937 (1)
  • Low temperature plasmas (1)
  • Low-calorie diet--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Low-calorie diet--Physiological effect (1)
  • Low-dimensional semiconductors (2)
  • Low-dimensional topology (2)
  • Low-energy nuclear reactions (1)
  • Low-income college students (1)
  • Low-income consumers (4)
  • Low-income high school students (1)
  • Low-income housing (2)
  • Low-income mothers (6)
  • Low-income parents (4)
  • Low-income single mothers (1)
  • Low-income students (7)
  • Low-performing schools (2)
  • Low-protein diet (1)
  • Lozada, Manuel, -1873 (1)
  • Luiseño language (1)
  • Lumber trade (1)
  • Lumbosacral region (1)
  • Lungfishes (1)
  • Lungfishes, Fossil (1)
  • Lungs--Cancer (1)
  • Lungs--Diseases (1)
  • Lungs--Diseases, Obstructive (1)
  • Lungs--Diseases, Obstructive--Treatment (1)
  • Lungs--Diseases--Research (1)
  • Lungs--Microbiology (1)
  • Luteal phase (2)
  • Luteinizing hormone (1)
  • Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (1)
  • Lyme disease (2)
  • Lymphoblastic leukemia (1)
  • Lymphoblastic leukemia in children (1)
  • Lymphocytes (2)
  • Lymphomas (1)
  • Lymphomas in animals (1)
  • Lymphomas--Treatment (1)
  • Lynching (2)
  • Lynching in literature (1)
  • Lynching photography (1)
  • Lysimeter (1)
  • Lysozyme (1)
  • MIlton Friedman Institute for Research in Economics (1)
  • MIplace (Organization) (1)
  • MODIS (Spectroradiometer) (1)
  • MOOCs (Web-based instruction) (1)
  • Maasai (African people) (1)
  • Machine learning (56)
  • Machine learning--Mathematical models (2)
  • Machine learning--Statistical methods (2)
  • Machine parts (1)
  • Machine theory (1)
  • Machine translating (1)
  • Machine-tools--Lubrication (2)
  • Machinery (2)
  • Machinery, Kinematics of (1)
  • Machining (4)
  • Macintosh (Computer) (1)
  • Macroecology (1)
  • Macroeconomics (5)
  • Macroeconomics--Econometric models (1)
  • Macroeconomics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Macroeconomics--Political aspects (1)
  • Macrophages (10)
  • Macrosteles (1)
  • Magmas--Composition (1)
  • Magmatism (5)
  • Magnesium alloys (2)
  • Magnesium ions (1)
  • Magnesium--Isotopes (1)
  • Magnet schools--Evaluation (1)
  • Magnetic anomalies (1)
  • Magnetic brain stimulation (1)
  • Magnetic fields (1)
  • Magnetic fields--Industrial applications (1)
  • Magnetic flux (1)
  • Magnetic flux--Measurement (1)
  • Magnetic instruments (1)
  • Magnetic materials (1)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (5)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging--Data processing (1)
  • Magnetism (2)
  • Magnetism--Mathematical models (1)
  • Magnetohydrodynamics (1)
  • Magnetohydrodynamics--Mathematical models (2)
  • Magnetoresistance (2)
  • Magnetron sputtering (1)
  • Maillard reaction (1)
  • Mainstreaming in education--Public opinion (1)
  • Maintenance (2)
  • Maitake (1)
  • Majorana fermions (1)
  • Maker movement in education (1)
  • Makerspaces (2)
  • Malaria (3)
  • Malaria vaccine (1)
  • Malaria--Prevention (1)
  • Malaria--Prevention--Research (1)
  • Malaria--Research (3)
  • Malaria--Transmission (1)
  • Malawi (34)
  • Malawi--Blantyre (1)
  • Malawi--Lilongwe (1)
  • Malawi--Machinga District (1)
  • Malawians (1)
  • Malaysian students (1)
  • Malaysians (1)
  • Malcolm X Project (Columbia University. Center for Contemporary Black History) (1)
  • Male college athletes (1)
  • Male college students (1)
  • Male immigrants (1)
  • Male rape victims (1)
  • Male sexual abuse victims (1)
  • Male sexual abuse victims--Psychology (1)
  • Mali--Bamako (1)
  • Mali--Koutiala (1)
  • Mallard (2)
  • Mallard populations (1)
  • Mallard--Breeding (1)
  • Mallard--Ecology (1)
  • Mallard--Habitat (1)
  • Malnutrition (1)
  • Malnutrition--Physiological effect (1)
  • Malnutrition--Prevention (2)
  • Malpractice (1)
  • Malware (Computer software) (3)
  • Mammals (1)
  • Mammals, Fossil--Geographical distribution (1)
  • Mammals--Parasites (1)
  • Mammary glands (5)
  • Mammary glands--Cancer--Research (1)
  • Mammary glands--Diseases (1)
  • Mammary glands--Physiology (1)
  • Mammoths (1)
  • Man-woman relationships (1)
  • Management (34)
  • Management--Economic aspects (1)
  • Management--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Management--Philosophy (1)
  • Management--Planning (1)
  • Management--Research (2)
  • Managerial accounting (1)
  • Manayunkia (1)
  • Mandarin dialects (3)
  • Mandarin dialects--Study and teaching (1)
  • Mandible--Measurement (1)
  • Manganese (1)
  • Manganese--Isotopes (1)
  • Mangrove restoration (1)
  • Manifolds (Mathematics) (4)
  • Manipulation (Therapeutics) (1)
  • Manipulators (Mechanism)--Design and construction (1)
  • Manners and customs (6)
  • Manpower policy (1)
  • Manpower policy, Rural (1)
  • Manufactures (2)
  • Manufactures--Costs (1)
  • Manufactures--Research (1)
  • Manufacturing industries (1)
  • Manufacturing processes (4)
  • Manure gases (1)
  • Manures--Management (1)
  • Many-body problem (4)
  • Many-body problem--Approximation methods (2)
  • Many-body problem--Numerical solutions (2)
  • Map-coloring problem (1)
  • Maps in art (1)
  • Maps--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Maps--Symbols (1)
  • Marcuse, Herbert, 1898-1979 (2)
  • Marek's disease (5)
  • Margay cat (1)
  • Marginality, Social (13)
  • Marginality, Social--Economic aspects (1)
  • Marginality, Social--Psychological aspects (4)
  • Marijuana (2)
  • Marijuana abuse (2)
  • Marijuana industry (1)
  • Marijuana--Physiological effect (2)
  • Marijuana--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Marijuana--Therapeutic use (2)
  • Marine ecology (4)
  • Marine engineering (1)
  • Marine mammals (1)
  • Marine microbial ecology (1)
  • Marine parks and reserves (1)
  • Marine pollution (1)
  • Marital conflict (3)
  • Marital psychotherapy (1)
  • Marital status--Health aspects (1)
  • Market segmentation (2)
  • Market share (1)
  • Marketing (37)
  • Marketing channels (1)
  • Marketing cooperatives (1)
  • Marketing executives (1)
  • Marketing research (4)
  • Marketing research--Statistical methods (1)
  • Marketing--Econometric models (3)
  • Marketing--Economic aspects (1)
  • Marketing--Information services (1)
  • Marketing--Management (1)
  • Marketing--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Marketing--Psychological aspects (5)
  • Markov processes (5)
  • Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593 (1)
  • Marriage (5)
  • Marriage age (1)
  • Marriage counseling (1)
  • Marriage counselors (1)
  • Marriage--Economic aspects (1)
  • Marriage--Social aspects (1)
  • Married people (2)
  • Married people--Attitudes (2)
  • Married people--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Married people--Mental health (1)
  • Married people--Psychology (3)
  • Married women (1)
  • Martingales (Mathematics) (1)
  • Maryland--Baltimore (1)
  • Maryland--Saint Marys City (1)
  • Masculine beauty (Aesthetics) (1)
  • Masculinity (4)
  • Masculinity in music (1)
  • Masculinity in sports (1)
  • Maslanka, David, 1943-2017 (1)
  • Masonry (1)
  • Mass (Physics) (1)
  • Mass (Physics)--Measurement (3)
  • Mass media (17)
  • Mass media and business (1)
  • Mass media and children (1)
  • Mass media and crime (1)
  • Mass media and culture (1)
  • Mass media and immigrants (1)
  • Mass media and older people (1)
  • Mass media and public opinion (1)
  • Mass media and sports (1)
  • Mass media and the environment (1)
  • Mass media in health education (1)
  • Mass media policy (2)
  • Mass media--Audiences--Attitudes (1)
  • Mass media--Economic aspects (1)
  • Mass media--Influence (1)
  • Mass media--Information services (1)
  • Mass media--Marketing (1)
  • Mass media--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Mass media--Objectivity (1)
  • Mass media--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Mass media--Social aspects (3)
  • Mass murder (1)
  • Mass murderers (1)
  • Mass murderers--Psychology (1)
  • Mass shootings (1)
  • Mass spectrometry (21)
  • Mass spectrometry--Analysis (1)
  • Mass spectrometry--Forensic applications (4)
  • Mass transfer (1)
  • Mass transfer--Mathematical models (2)
  • Massey, Tiff (1)
  • Mast (Nuts) (1)
  • Mast cells--Immunology (2)
  • Mast cells--Physiology (3)
  • Mastectomy (1)
  • Master of arts degree (1)
  • Master of education degree (1)
  • Master teachers (3)
  • Mastitis (7)
  • Mate selection (2)
  • Material balances (1)
  • Material culture (1)
  • Material culture--Social aspects (1)
  • Materials (11)
  • Materials science (52)
  • Materials--Deterioration--Mathematical models (1)
  • Materials--Dynamic testing (2)
  • Materials--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Materials--Fatigue (2)
  • Materials--Mechanical properties (2)
  • Materials--Research (1)
  • Materials--Technological innovations (1)
  • Materials--Testing (1)
  • Materials--Testing--Automation (1)
  • Materials--Thermal properties (1)
  • Maternal age (1)
  • Maternal health services (1)
  • Maternal health services--Economic aspects (1)
  • Mathematical ability (2)
  • Mathematical ability--Testing (2)
  • Mathematical ability--Testing--Evaluation (1)
  • Mathematical analysis (1)
  • Mathematical models (87)
  • Mathematical models--Data processing (1)
  • Mathematical optimization (8)
  • Mathematical physics (5)
  • Mathematical statistics (11)
  • Mathematics (93)
  • Mathematics teachers (13)
  • Mathematics teachers--Attitudes (5)
  • Mathematics teachers--Training of (9)
  • Mathematics--Computer-assisted instruction (3)
  • Mathematics--Remedial teaching (1)
  • Mathematics--Research (1)
  • Mathematics--Social aspects (1)
  • Mathematics--Standards (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (32)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary) (13)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Standards (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher) (13)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Middle school) (9)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Middle school)--Evaluation (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Primary) (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Primary)--Evaluation (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary) (10)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Computer network resources (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Standards (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching--Methodology (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching--Research (3)
  • Mathematics--Study and teaching--Social aspects (2)
  • Matrices (2)
  • Matrix pencils (1)
  • Matter--Effect of radiation on (1)
  • Matter--Properties (1)
  • Maturation (Psychology) (1)
  • Maximum entropy method (1)
  • Maxwell equations--Numerical solutions (2)
  • Maya literature (1)
  • Mayflies (1)
  • MeToo movement (1)
  • Meaning (Psychology) (3)
  • Measurement (33)
  • Measurement--Mathematical models (1)
  • Measurement--Research (1)
  • Measurement--Technological innovations (3)
  • Meat industry and trade--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Meat substitutes (2)
  • Meat--Microbiology (1)
  • Meat--Quality (2)
  • Mechanical chemistry (1)
  • Mechanical efficiency (2)
  • Mechanical engineering (107)
  • Mechanical engineering--Research (2)
  • Mechanical wear (5)
  • Mechanical wear--Testing (1)
  • Mechanics (5)
  • Mechanics, Applied (1)
  • Mechanism of action (Biochemistry) (1)
  • Media literacy (2)
  • Media literacy--Study and teaching (2)
  • Mediation (Statistics) (3)
  • Medicaid (2)
  • Medicaid beneficiaries (2)
  • Medical anthropology (3)
  • Medical appointments and schedules (1)
  • Medical care (11)
  • Medical care surveys (1)
  • Medical care, Cost of (2)
  • Medical care--Cost control (1)
  • Medical care--Decision making (3)
  • Medical care--Evaluation (2)
  • Medical care--Needs assessment (2)
  • Medical care--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Medical care--Quality control (1)
  • Medical care--Research (1)
  • Medical care--Utilization (1)
  • Medical colleges--Planning (1)
  • Medical economics (2)
  • Medical education (1)
  • Medical education--Research (1)
  • Medical education--Social aspects (1)
  • Medical errors--Prevention (1)
  • Medical ethics (4)
  • Medical ethics--Methodology (1)
  • Medical ethics--Philosophy (2)
  • Medical ethics--Social aspects (1)
  • Medical genetics (5)
  • Medical genetics--Statistical methods (2)
  • Medical geography (2)
  • Medical history taking (2)
  • Medical informatics (4)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus (1)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Design and construction (1)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Evaluation (1)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Labeling (1)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Microbiology (1)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Packaging (4)
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Sterilization (1)
  • Medical microbiology (1)
  • Medical microscopy (1)
  • Medical misconceptions (1)
  • Medical parasitology (1)
  • Medical personnel (2)
  • Medical personnel and patient (1)
  • Medical personnel--Attitudes (2)
  • Medical personnel--Training of (1)
  • Medical policy (4)
  • Medical protocols (3)
  • Medical records (1)
  • Medical records--Data processing (3)
  • Medical referral (1)
  • Medical sciences (10)
  • Medical screening (1)
  • Medical social work (1)
  • Medical statistics (1)
  • Medical students (1)
  • Medical students, Foreign (1)
  • Medical students--Psychology (1)
  • Medical technology--Social aspects (1)
  • Medical telematics (2)
  • Medical writing (1)
  • Medicare (2)
  • Medication errors (1)
  • Medication errors--Prevention (1)
  • Medicine (10)
  • Medicine, Comparative (1)
  • Medicine, Military (1)
  • Medicine, Preventive--Research (1)
  • Medicine--Practice (1)
  • Medicine--Public opinion (1)
  • Medicine--Research (1)
  • Medicine--Research--Law and legislation (1)
  • Medicine--Study and teaching--Simulation methods (1)
  • Meditation (1)
  • Melanoma (2)
  • Melatonin (1)
  • Membership requirements (1)
  • Membrane filters (3)
  • Membrane fusion (4)
  • Membrane lipids (1)
  • Membrane proteins (11)
  • Membrane reactors (1)
  • Membrane separation (7)
  • Membranes (Biology) (2)
  • Membranes (Technology) (5)
  • Memorialization (1)
  • Memorials (1)
  • Memory in literature (1)
  • Memory--Physiological aspects (2)
  • Memory--Social aspects (2)
  • Memristors (1)
  • Men in literature (1)
  • Men's choirs (1)
  • Men, Black (1)
  • Men--Attitudes (1)
  • Men--Identity (2)
  • Menippe mercenaria (1)
  • Meniscus (Anatomy) (1)
  • Menstrual cycle (1)
  • Menstrual cycle--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Mental health (38)
  • Mental health consultation (1)
  • Mental health counselors (1)
  • Mental health insurance (1)
  • Mental health insurance--Law and legislation (1)
  • Mental health personnel (1)
  • Mental health services (2)
  • Mental health--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Mental illness (3)
  • Mental illness--Nutritional aspects (1)
  • Mental representation (1)
  • Mental rotation (1)
  • Mental status examination (1)
  • Mentally ill (2)
  • Mentally ill children--Education (1)
  • Mentally ill--Public opinion (1)
  • Mentally ill--Social networks (1)
  • Mentoring (6)
  • Mentoring in education (13)
  • Mentoring in science (1)
  • Mentoring in the professions (1)
  • Mercantile system (1)
  • Merchants (1)
  • Mercury cycle (Biogeochemistry) (1)
  • Mercury--Bioaccumulation (1)
  • Mercury--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Mercury--Physiological effect (1)
  • Meristems (1)
  • Mesencephalic tegmentum (4)
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (3)
  • Mesenchymal stem cells--Differentiation (1)
  • Mesenteric artery (1)
  • Mesentery (1)
  • Mesentery--Blood-vessels (2)
  • Mesolithic period (1)
  • Mesoporous materials (1)
  • Mesoscopic phenomena (Physics) (2)
  • Messenger RNA (1)
  • Messenger RNA--Analysis (1)
  • Meta-analysis (4)
  • Metabolic disorders in animals (1)
  • Metabolic syndrome (4)
  • Metabolism (18)
  • Metabolism--Disorders (3)
  • Metabolism--Regulation (3)
  • Metabolism--Research (1)
  • Metabolites (8)
  • Metabolites--Synthesis (2)
  • Metacognition (1)
  • Metagenomics (12)
  • Metal catalysts (1)
  • Metal crystals (1)
  • Metal foams (1)
  • Metal ions (3)
  • Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (1)
  • Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors--Mathematical models (1)
  • Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary (6)
  • Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary--Design and construction (1)
  • Metal-cutting (1)
  • Metal-insulator transitions (2)
  • Metallic composites (2)
  • Metallic whiskers (1)
  • Metalloenzymes (1)
  • Metallography (1)
  • Metalloproteinases (1)
  • Metallurgy (2)
  • Metals--Corrosion fatigue (1)
  • Metals--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Metals--Fracture (1)
  • Metals--Nondestructive testing (1)
  • Metals--Surfaces (2)
  • Metamaterials (3)
  • Metaphor (1)
  • Metaphysics (1)
  • Metastasis (7)
  • Meteorology (2)
  • Meteorology--Observations (1)
  • Metformin (1)
  • Methamphetamine (1)
  • Methamphetamine abuse (1)
  • Methane (1)
  • Methane--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Methanotrophs (1)
  • Methodist Church (1)
  • Methodist Church--Missions (1)
  • Methodist universities and colleges (1)
  • Methodists (1)
  • Methodology (45)
  • Methylation (1)
  • Methylmercury (4)
  • Methylmercury--Physiological effect (2)
  • Methylmercury--Toxicology (4)
  • Methylobacterium extorquens (1)
  • Methylotrophic microorganisms (1)
  • Methylotrophic microorganisms--Biotechnology (1)
  • Methylphenyltetrahydropyridine (1)
  • Methylphenyltetrahydropyridine--Physiological effect (1)
  • Metric spaces (1)
  • Metropolitan areas--Planning (1)
  • Mexican American authors (1)
  • Mexican American college students--Political activity (1)
  • Mexican American communists (1)
  • Mexican American families (1)
  • Mexican American migrant agricultural laborers (2)
  • Mexican American women (3)
  • Mexican American women--Social conditions (1)
  • Mexican Americans (2)
  • Mexican Americans in literature (1)
  • Mexican Americans in motion pictures (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Civil rights (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Diseases (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Education (Higher) (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Employment (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Ethnic identity (3)
  • Mexican Americans--Family relationships (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Food (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Political activity (2)
  • Mexican Americans--Rites and ceremonies (1)
  • Mexican Americans--Social life and customs (2)
  • Mexican Americans--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Mexican students (1)
  • Mexicans (1)
  • Mexicans--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Mexicans--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Mexicans--Social conditions (1)
  • Mexico (15)
  • Mexico--Cherán (1)
  • Mexico--Guadalajara (1)
  • Mexico--Jamiltepec (1)
  • Mexico--Lake Pátzcuaro (2)
  • Mexico--Mexico City (1)
  • Mexico--Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo) (1)
  • Mexico--Mérida (1)
  • Mexico--Quintana Roo (State) (1)
  • Mexico--Yucatán (State) (1)
  • Mice as laboratory animals (3)
  • Mice--Anatomy (1)
  • Mice--Genetics (1)
  • Mice--Growth (1)
  • Mice--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Mice--Physiology (5)
  • Mice--Research (2)
  • Mice--Sense organs (1)
  • Micelles (2)
  • Michigan (500)
  • Michigan Educational Assessment Program (1)
  • Michigan High School Athletic Association (1)
  • Michigan Rehabilitation Services (1)
  • Michigan State University (38)
  • Michigan State University. Center for Gender in Global Context (1)
  • Michigan State University. College of Engineering (1)
  • Michigan State University. College of Veterinary Medicine (2)
  • Michigan State University. Extension (2)
  • Michigan State University. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (2)
  • Michigan State University. Libraries. Special Collections Division (1)
  • Michigan State University. Library (1)
  • Michigan State University. Product Center Food-Ag-Bio (1)
  • Michigan State University. School of Planning, Design & Construction (1)
  • Michigan State University. Student Organic Farm (1)
  • Michigan State University. Writing Center (2)
  • Michigan--Ann Arbor (1)
  • Michigan--Au Sable River (1)
  • Michigan--Benton Harbor (1)
  • Michigan--Black River (Otsego County-Cheboygan County) (2)
  • Michigan--Black River Watershed (Sanilac County and Saint Clair County) (1)
  • Michigan--Branch County (2)
  • Michigan--Canton (1)
  • Michigan--Chesaning (1)
  • Michigan--Clinton River (1)
  • Michigan--Delta (Township) (1)
  • Michigan--Detroit (43)
  • Michigan--Detroit Metropolitan Area (6)
  • Michigan--Detroit Region (1)
  • Michigan--Detroit--Belle Isle (1)
  • Michigan--Dowagiac (1)
  • Michigan--Drummond Island (1)
  • Michigan--East Lansing (61)
  • Michigan--Farmington Hills (1)
  • Michigan--Flint (6)
  • Michigan--Fort Custer (1)
  • Michigan--Genesee County (2)
  • Michigan--Grand Blanc (1)
  • Michigan--Grand Ledge (2)
  • Michigan--Grand Rapids (3)
  • Michigan--Gull Lake (3)
  • Michigan--Hillsdale County (1)
  • Michigan--Holt (2)
  • Michigan--Ingham County (1)
  • Michigan--Isabella County (1)
  • Michigan--Isle Royale National Park (1)
  • Michigan--Jordan River Watershed (Antrim County and Charlevoix County) (1)
  • Michigan--Kalamazoo River (1)
  • Michigan--Kalamazoo River Watershed (1)
  • Michigan--Kent County (1)
  • Michigan--Lansing (22)
  • Michigan--Lansing Metropolitan Area (5)
  • Michigan--Lansing Region (5)
  • Michigan--Lapeer County (1)
  • Michigan--Leelanau County (1)
  • Michigan--Lower Peninsula (16)
  • Michigan--Manchester (1)
  • Michigan--Marquette County (3)
  • Michigan--Midland (1)
  • Michigan--Midland County (1)
  • Michigan--Montcalm County (1)
  • Michigan--Muskegon (1)
  • Michigan--Muskegon County (3)
  • Michigan--Muskegon Lake (1)
  • Michigan--Muskegon River (1)
  • Michigan--North Manitou Island (1)
  • Michigan--Oakland County (1)
  • Michigan--Oceana County (1)
  • Michigan--Ottawa County (1)
  • Michigan--Raisin River Watershed (3)
  • Michigan--Red Cedar River Watershed (3)
  • Michigan--River Rouge (2)
  • Michigan--Royal Oak (1)
  • Michigan--Saginaw (3)
  • Michigan--Saginaw County (1)
  • Michigan--Saginaw River Watershed (2)
  • Michigan--Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge (1)
  • Michigan--Shiawassee River (1)
  • Michigan--South Manitou Island (1)
  • Michigan--Spring Arbor (1)
  • Michigan--Torch Lake (Antrim County : Lake) (1)
  • Michigan--Traverse City (1)
  • Michigan--Troy (2)
  • Michigan--Upper Peninsula (8)
  • Michigan--Washtenaw County (3)
  • Michigan. Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (1)
  • Michigan. Department of Natural Resources (2)
  • Michigan. Department of Natural Resources and Environment (1)
  • Michigan. Department of Transportation (1)
  • Michigan. National Guard (1)
  • MicroRNA (3)
  • Microactuators (2)
  • Microaggressions (1)
  • Microalgae (5)
  • Microalgae--Biotechnology (5)
  • Microbalances (1)
  • Microbial biotechnology (1)
  • Microbial cell cycle (1)
  • Microbial contamination (10)
  • Microbial contamination--Prevention (4)
  • Microbial diversity (4)
  • Microbial ecology (9)
  • Microbial fuel cells (2)
  • Microbial genetics (2)
  • Microbial genomics (1)
  • Microbial inactivation (3)
  • Microbial inoculants (1)
  • Microbial lipids (1)
  • Microbial mutation (2)
  • Microbial populations (2)
  • Microbial products (1)
  • Microbial toxins (1)
  • Microbiological assay (1)
  • Microbiology (91)
  • Microbiology--Research (1)
  • Microblogs (7)
  • Microbreweries (1)
  • Microbubbles (1)
  • Microcirculation (2)
  • Microcirculation disorders (2)
  • Microclimatology (2)
  • Microcontrollers (2)
  • Microcystis aeruginosa (3)
  • Microeconomics (3)
  • Microelectrodes (4)
  • Microelectromechanical systems (13)
  • Microelectromechanical systems--Design and construction (1)
  • Microelectronic packaging (1)
  • Microelectronics industry (1)
  • Microfilament proteins (1)
  • Microfinance (4)
  • Microfinance--Religious aspects (1)
  • Microfluidic devices (9)
  • Microfluidics (9)
  • Microglia (1)
  • Microgrids (Smart power grids) (2)
  • Microharvesters (Electronics) (2)
  • Microirrigation (1)
  • Micromechanics (1)
  • Microorganisms (2)
  • Microorganisms--Adhesion (2)
  • Microorganisms--Effect of temperature on (1)
  • Microorganisms--Evolution (2)
  • Microorganisms--Research (2)
  • Microphone (1)
  • Microphone arrays (1)
  • Microplastics (1)
  • Microprocessors (1)
  • Microresonators (Optoelectronics) (3)
  • Microscopy (3)
  • Microsporidiosis (1)
  • Microstructure (8)
  • Microstructure--Mathematical models (1)
  • Microtechnology (3)
  • Microwave circuits (1)
  • Microwave communication systems (1)
  • Microwave cooking (2)
  • Microwave detectors (1)
  • Microwave devices (1)
  • Microwave devices--Design and construction (1)
  • Microwave imaging (3)
  • Microwave imaging in medicine (1)
  • Microwave measurements (1)
  • Microwave plasmas (7)
  • Microwave receivers (1)
  • Microwave remote sensing (1)
  • Microwaves (1)
  • Middle Earth (Imaginary place) (1)
  • Middle Eastern students (1)
  • Middle class (1)
  • Middle class Jews (1)
  • Middle class in literature (1)
  • Middle class women (1)
  • Middle school education (3)
  • Middle school principals (2)
  • Middle school principals--Attitudes (3)
  • Middle school students (8)
  • Middle school students--Attitudes (1)
  • Middle school students--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Middle school teachers (6)
  • Middle school teachers--Attitudes (3)
  • Middle school teachers--In-service training (1)
  • Middle school teachers--Training of (1)
  • Middle school teaching (3)
  • Middle-aged lesbians (1)
  • Middle-aged persons (1)
  • Middle-aged persons--Economic conditions (1)
  • Middle-aged persons--Mental health (1)
  • Midewiwin (1)
  • Midtown Neighborhood Association (Grand Rapids, Mich.) (1)
  • Migrant agricultural laborers (2)
  • Migrant labor (1)
  • Migrant labor--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • Migrant laborers' families (1)
  • Migration, Internal (1)
  • Migration, Internal--Decision making (1)
  • Migration, Internal--Economic aspects (1)
  • Migratory birds (3)
  • Migratory restlessness (1)
  • Milbank, John (1)
  • Mild cognitive impairment (3)
  • Mild steel (1)
  • Milfoil weevil (1)
  • Military cadets (2)
  • Military campaigns (1)
  • Military education (2)
  • Military spouses--Psychology (1)
  • Military training camps--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Militia movements (1)
  • Milk as feed (1)
  • Milk containers (1)
  • Milk trade (1)
  • Milk yield (12)
  • Milk--Pasteurization (1)
  • Milk--Testing (1)
  • Milkfat (2)
  • Milking (3)
  • Milking machines (3)
  • Milkweeds (2)
  • Millimeter wave communication systems (2)
  • Millimeter wave devices (3)
  • Milling (Metal-work) (1)
  • Milton, John, 1608-1674 (1)
  • Mimesis in literature (1)
  • Mimicry (Chemistry) (1)
  • Mind and body (5)
  • Mind and body therapies (1)
  • Mind and reality (1)
  • Mindfulness (Psychology) (4)
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (1)
  • Mineral industries (1)
  • Mineral industries--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Mineralocorticoids (3)
  • Mineralocorticoids--Physiological effect (1)
  • Mineralogy (2)
  • Minerals in nutrition (1)
  • Miners--Political activity (1)
  • Mines and mineral resources--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Mines and mineral resources--Social aspects (1)
  • Miniature electronic equipment (2)
  • Miniature electronic equipment--Design and construction (1)
  • Minimalist theory (Linguistics) (2)
  • Minorities (4)
  • Minorities in engineering (1)
  • Minorities in higher education (2)
  • Minorities in science (1)
  • Minorities in technology (1)
  • Minorities--Attitudes (1)
  • Minorities--Civil rights (1)
  • Minorities--Economic conditions (1)
  • Minorities--Education (4)
  • Minorities--Education (Elementary) (1)
  • Minorities--Education (Higher) (1)
  • Minorities--Education (Secondary) (1)
  • Minorities--Education--Social aspects (1)
  • Minorities--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Minorities--Medical care (1)
  • Minorities--Press coverage (1)
  • Minorities--Social conditions (2)
  • Minorities--Study and teaching (1)
  • Minority college students (3)
  • Minority college students--Psychology (1)
  • Minority families (1)
  • Minority farmers (1)
  • Minority high school students (1)
  • Minority school administrators (1)
  • Minority students (3)
  • Minority teachers (1)
  • Minority women (1)
  • Minority women college teachers (1)
  • Minority youth (1)
  • Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 1980- (1)
  • Mirrors (1)
  • Miscanthus (1)
  • Miscarriage (1)
  • Miscarriage--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Misinformation (2)
  • Misleading financial statements (2)
  • Misogyny (1)
  • Missing observations (Statistics) (1)
  • Mission statements (1)
  • Missions (1)
  • Mississippi (1)
  • Mississippi--Natchez (1)
  • Mississippian Geologic Period (2)
  • Mississippian culture (3)
  • Mister Abbas (1)
  • Mistral, Gabriela, 1889-1957 (2)
  • Mites--Control (1)
  • Mitochondria (4)
  • Mitochondria--Formation (1)
  • Mitochondrial DNA (5)
  • Mitochondrial membranes (1)
  • Mitochondrial pathology (5)
  • Mitogen-activated protein kinases (3)
  • Mixed methods research (1)
  • Mixed reality (1)
  • Mobile apps (5)
  • Mobile commerce (1)
  • Mobile communication systems (8)
  • Mobile communication systems in education (1)
  • Mobile communication systems--Technological innovations (1)
  • Mobile computing (1)
  • Mobile games (1)
  • Mobile games industry (1)
  • Mobile robots (1)
  • Mobile robots--Design and construction (1)
  • Modal analysis (1)
  • Modality (Linguistics) (1)
  • Modernism (Aesthetics) (2)
  • Moduli theory (2)
  • Moisture (2)
  • Molding (Chemical technology) (1)
  • Molecular biology (61)
  • Molecular biology--Research (1)
  • Molecular chaperones (1)
  • Molecular dynamics (14)
  • Molecular dynamics--Computer simulation (2)
  • Molecular dynamics--Mathematical models (2)
  • Molecular dynamics--Simulation methods (2)
  • Molecular electronics (1)
  • Molecular genetics (4)
  • Molecular genetics--Data processing (1)
  • Molecular genetics--Research (1)
  • Molecular machinery (1)
  • Molecular neurobiology (1)
  • Molecular pharmacology (1)
  • Molecular recognition (1)
  • Molecular spectroscopy (2)
  • Molecular structure (2)
  • Molecular structure--Analysis (1)
  • Molecular weights (1)
  • Molecules (4)
  • Molecules--Models (1)
  • Molgulidae (1)
  • Molybdenum (1)
  • Molybdenum compounds (1)
  • Moments method (Statistics) (3)
  • Monarch butterfly (1)
  • Monarda (1)
  • Monetary policy (1)
  • Monetary policy--Econometric models (1)
  • Mongols (1)
  • Monilinia fructicola (1)
  • Monoclonal antibodies (2)
  • Monocytes (2)
  • Monomers (2)
  • Monopolies (1)
  • Monotonic functions (1)
  • Monsoons (1)
  • Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762 (1)
  • Monte Carlo method (11)
  • Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755 (1)
  • Montessori method of education (1)
  • Monuments (2)
  • Mood (Psychology) (2)
  • Moore-Jumonville, Robert (1)
  • Moral conditions (1)
  • Moral development (1)
  • Moral hazard (1)
  • Morphine (1)
  • Morphine abuse (1)
  • Morphine--Physiological effect (3)
  • Morphogenesis (1)
  • Morphology (21)
  • Morse theory (2)
  • Mortality (8)
  • Mortality--Mathematical models (1)
  • Mortality--Sex differences (1)
  • Mortality--Social aspects (1)
  • Mortierellaceae (1)
  • Mosques (1)
  • Mosques--Design and construction (1)
  • Mosquito nets (1)
  • Mosquitoes (2)
  • Mosquitoes as carriers of disease (5)
  • Mosquitoes--Biological control (1)
  • Mosquitoes--Larvae (1)
  • Mosquitoes--Research (1)
  • Mother and child (21)
  • Mother and child--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Mother and infant (5)
  • Motherhood (5)
  • Motherhood--Economic aspects (1)
  • Motherhood--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Motherhood--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Motherhood--Public opinion (1)
  • Mothers (7)
  • Mothers and daughters (3)
  • Mothers and daughters in literature (1)
  • Mothers of children with disabilities (2)
  • Mothers of prematurely born children (1)
  • Mothers--Economic conditions (1)
  • Mothers--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Mothers--Mental health (2)
  • Mothers--Psychology (4)
  • Mothers--Social conditions (1)
  • Mothers--Substance use (1)
  • Motion control devices (1)
  • Motion detectors (1)
  • Motion picture authorship (1)
  • Motion picture industry (1)
  • Motion picture industry--Influence (1)
  • Motion picture industry--Social aspects (1)
  • Motion picture locations (1)
  • Motion picture music (1)
  • Motion pictures (11)
  • Motion pictures and globalization (1)
  • Motion pictures and language (1)
  • Motion pictures and music (1)
  • Motion pictures and transnationalism (1)
  • Motion pictures, French (1)
  • Motion pictures--Influence (1)
  • Motion pictures--Marketing (1)
  • Motion pictures--Political aspects (3)
  • Motion pictures--Production and direction (2)
  • Motion pictures--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Motion pictures--Social aspects (6)
  • Motion pictures--Translating (1)
  • Motion--Computer simulation (1)
  • Motivation (Psychology) (25)
  • Motivation (Psychology) in children (1)
  • Motivation (Psychology)--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Motivation (Psychology)--Research (1)
  • Motivation (Psychology)--Social aspects (1)
  • Motivation in education (42)
  • Motivation in education--Research (1)
  • Motivation research (Marketing) (2)
  • Motivational interviewing (1)
  • Motor ability (5)
  • Motor ability in children (2)
  • Motor ability in children--Testing (1)
  • Motor ability--Testing (1)
  • Motor cortex--Physiology (1)
  • Motor learning (4)
  • Motor learning--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Motor neurons (2)
  • Motor neurons--Diseases (1)
  • Motor vehicles (2)
  • Motor vehicles--Automatic control (1)
  • Motor vehicles--Research (1)
  • Motor vehicles--Stability (1)
  • Motorcycle helmets--Law and legislation (1)
  • Mound-builders (1)
  • Mountains (1)
  • Mourning customs (1)
  • Movement disorders (4)
  • Movement education (1)
  • Movement, Psychology of (1)
  • Mozambique (6)
  • Mozambique--Angónia Highlands (1)
  • Mozambique--Cabo Delgado (1)
  • Mulching (3)
  • Multi-sided platform businesses (1)
  • Multiagent systems (3)
  • Multicasting (Computer networks) (1)
  • Multicultural education (15)
  • Multicultural education--Planning (1)
  • Multicultural education--Research (1)
  • Multicultural education--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Multiculturalism (3)
  • Multidimensional scaling (2)
  • Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (2)
  • Multienzyme complexes (1)
  • Multilevel models (Statistics) (4)
  • Multilingual communication (1)
  • Multilingual education (2)
  • Multilingual persons (2)
  • Multilingualism (3)
  • Multilingualism--Social aspects (1)
  • Multimedia communications (3)
  • Multimodal psychotherapy for children (1)
  • Multinational work teams (1)
  • Multiphase flow (2)
  • Multiphoton excitation microscopy (1)
  • Multiple criteria decision making (1)
  • Multiple myeloma (1)
  • Multiple religious belonging (1)
  • Multiple sclerosis (3)
  • Multiple stars (2)
  • Multiple-choice examinations (1)
  • Multiscale modeling (3)
  • Multivariate analysis (17)
  • Municipal finance (1)
  • Municipal government (4)
  • Municipal officials and employees--Attitudes (1)
  • Municipal officials and employees--Residence requirements (1)
  • Municipal services--Economic aspects (1)
  • Municipal water supply (1)
  • Muon spin rotation (1)
  • Murderers (1)
  • Muscle contraction (3)
  • Muscle proteins (1)
  • Muscle strength--Testing (1)
  • Muscles (1)
  • Muscles--Biopsy (1)
  • Muscles--Physiology (1)
  • Muscular dystrophy (1)
  • Muscular dystrophy--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Muscular sense (2)
  • Muscular sense--Testing (1)
  • Musculoskeletal system (2)
  • Musculoskeletal system--Wounds and injuries (1)
  • Museums (1)
  • Museums--Educational aspects (1)
  • Museums--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Mushrooms (1)
  • Music and erotica (1)
  • Music and the Internet (3)
  • Music appreciation (2)
  • Music fans (1)
  • Music in convents (1)
  • Music in education (1)
  • Music in universities and colleges (1)
  • Music rehearsals (1)
  • Music teachers (8)
  • Music teachers--Attitudes (2)
  • Music teachers--Training of (4)
  • Music thanatology (1)
  • Music therapists (1)
  • Music therapy (3)
  • Music therapy--Research (1)
  • Music trade (2)
  • Music--Economic aspects (2)
  • Music--Instruction and study (19)
  • Music--Instruction and study--Parent participation (1)
  • Music--Instruction and study--Standards (1)
  • Music--Philosophy and aesthetics (2)
  • Music--Political aspects (1)
  • Music--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Music--Religious aspects (1)
  • Music--Study and teaching (Elementary) (2)
  • Musical ability in children (2)
  • Musical analysis (1)
  • Musical perception (1)
  • Musicals (1)
  • Muskellunge fishing (1)
  • Muskmelon (3)
  • Muslim educators (1)
  • Muslim girls--Education (1)
  • Muslim men (1)
  • Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages (1)
  • Muslim students (2)
  • Muslim students--Attitudes (1)
  • Muslim women (2)
  • Muslim women authors (1)
  • Muslim women in literature (1)
  • Muslim women--Conduct of life (1)
  • Muslim women--Economic conditions (1)
  • Muslim women--Employment (1)
  • Muslim women--Religious life (1)
  • Muslims (4)
  • Muslims in popular culture (1)
  • Muslims--Civil rights (1)
  • Muslims--Cultural assimilation (1)
  • Muslims--Economic conditions (1)
  • Muslims--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • Muslims--Migrations (1)
  • Mustard (1)
  • Mustelidae (1)
  • Mutagenesis (2)
  • Mutagenicity testing (1)
  • Mutation (Biology) (10)
  • Mute swan (2)
  • Mutualism (Biology) (6)
  • Myalgia (1)
  • Myc proteins (1)
  • Mycobacterial diseases (1)
  • Mycobacterium (1)
  • Mycobacterium avium (1)
  • Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (2)
  • Mycobacterium bovis (2)
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis (4)
  • Mycology (2)
  • Mycorrhizal fungi (2)
  • Mycorrhizas in agriculture (1)
  • Mycotoxicoses (2)
  • Mycotoxins (4)
  • Mycotoxins--Physiological effect (1)
  • Myelination (1)
  • Myeloma proteins (1)
  • Myocardium (2)
  • Myocardium--Regeneration (1)
  • Myoelectric prosthesis (1)
  • Myoneural junction (2)
  • Myth in mass media (1)
  • Myxococcus xanthus (2)
  • Möbius function (2)
  • NAD(P)H dehydrogenases (1)
  • NF-kappa B (DNA-binding protein) (2)
  • Naloxone (1)
  • Nannies (1)
  • Nannochloropsis (1)
  • Nanobiotechnology (2)
  • Nanochemistry (3)
  • Nanocomposites (Materials) (22)
  • Nanocrystals (4)
  • Nanocrystals--Synthesis (1)
  • Nanodiamonds (4)
  • Nanoelectromechanical systems (1)
  • Nanoelectronics (1)
  • Nanofibers (2)
  • Nanofiltration (4)
  • Nanofluids (1)
  • Nanomedicine (1)
  • Nanoparticles (22)
  • Nanopores (2)
  • Nanoscience (6)
  • Nanosilicon (3)
  • Nanostructured materials (26)
  • Nanostructured materials--Electric properties (1)
  • Nanostructures (11)
  • Nanotechnology (26)
  • Nanotechnology--Research (3)
  • Nanowires (7)
  • Narcissism (1)
  • Narration (Rhetoric) (5)
  • Narration (Rhetoric)--Social aspects (1)
  • Narrative inquiry (Research method) (6)
  • Narrow gap semiconductors (1)
  • Nasal fossa (1)
  • Nassar, Larry (1)
  • Nation of Islam (Chicago, Ill.) (1)
  • Nation-building (1)
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (Project) (1)
  • National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (U.S.). Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (1)
  • National Collegiate Athletic Association (1)
  • National Defense Education Act of 1958 (United States) (1)
  • National FFA Organization (1)
  • National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (India) (1)
  • National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (U.S.) (5)
  • National Survey of American Life (1)
  • National Trust for Nature Conservation (Nepal) (1)
  • National characteristics (3)
  • National characteristics, Albanian (1)
  • National characteristics, European (1)
  • National health services (1)
  • National parks and reserves (2)
  • National security (1)
  • Nationalism (12)
  • Nationalism and feminism (1)
  • Nationalism and literature (1)
  • Nationalism in literature (1)
  • Native language and education (2)
  • Native plants for cultivation (1)
  • Native title (Australia) (1)
  • Natural areas (2)
  • Natural disasters (3)
  • Natural disasters--Economic aspects (1)
  • Natural disasters--Health aspects (1)
  • Natural disasters--Political aspects (1)
  • Natural disasters--Risk assessment (1)
  • Natural disasters--Social aspects (3)
  • Natural foods (1)
  • Natural foods--Certification (1)
  • Natural foods--Economic aspects (1)
  • Natural history (2)
  • Natural immunity (3)
  • Natural language processing (Computer science) (9)
  • Natural pesticides (1)
  • Natural products (1)
  • Natural products in agriculture (1)
  • Natural resources (6)
  • Natural resources management areas (1)
  • Natural resources--Co-management (2)
  • Natural resources--Decision making (1)
  • Natural resources--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Natural resources--Management (29)
  • Natural resources--Management--Citizen participation (1)
  • Natural resources--Public opinion (1)
  • Natural resources--Study and teaching (Higher) (1)
  • Natural resources--Valuation (1)
  • Natural selection (2)
  • Natural selection--Mathematical models (1)
  • Natural sweeteners (1)
  • Nature (Parmenides) (1)
  • Nature and nurture (1)
  • Nature in literature (1)
  • Nature study (3)
  • Nature, Healing power of (1)
  • Nature--Effect of human beings on (7)
  • Nature--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Naylor, Gloria (1)
  • Near infrared spectroscopy (3)
  • Near-field communication (1)
  • Near-field microscopy (1)
  • Nebulae (1)
  • Neck pain (3)
  • Neck pain--Treatment (1)
  • Negotiation (2)
  • Negotiation--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Negotiation--Social aspects (1)
  • Neighborhood government (1)
  • Neighborhood planning (2)
  • Neighborhoods (6)
  • Neighborhoods--Economic aspects (2)
  • Neighborhoods--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Neighborhoods--Social aspects (4)
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae (2)
  • Nematode diseases of plants (2)
  • Nematode-plant relationships (2)
  • Nematodes (2)
  • Nematodes--Control (1)
  • Neoclassical school of economics (1)
  • Neodymium (1)
  • Neoliberalism (3)
  • Neoliberalism in popular culture (1)
  • Nepal--Bardia (1)
  • Nepal--Chitawan (District) (1)
  • Nepali people (1)
  • Nephrology (1)
  • Nerves, Peripheral (1)
  • Nerves, Peripheral--Diseases (1)
  • Nervous system (7)
  • Nervous system--Degeneration (8)
  • Nervous system--Degeneration--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Nervous system--Degeneration--Treatment (1)
  • Nervous system--Diseases--Treatment (2)
  • Nervous system--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Nervous system--Regeneration (1)
  • Nervous system--Research (1)
  • Nest building (1)
  • Network analysis (Planning) (1)
  • Network neutrality (2)
  • Network performance (Telecommunication) (2)
  • Neumann problem (1)
  • Neural circuitry (6)
  • Neural circuitry--Mathematical models (1)
  • Neural computers (1)
  • Neural networks (Computer science) (20)
  • Neural networks (Neurobiology) (7)
  • Neural stimulation (4)
  • Neural stimulation--Therapeutic use (1)
  • Neural transmission (2)
  • Neural transmission--Disorders (1)
  • Neuroanatomy (1)
  • Neurobehavioral disorders (1)
  • Neurobiology (2)
  • Neurochemistry (1)
  • Neurocommunication (1)
  • Neuroendocrinology (1)
  • Neuroglia (2)
  • Neuroimmunology (1)
  • Neuroinformatics (1)
  • Neuromuscular diseases (1)
  • Neuromuscular transmission (2)
  • Neurons (6)
  • Neurons--Physiology (2)
  • Neurophysiology (9)
  • Neurophysiology--Research (3)
  • Neuroplasticity (6)
  • Neuroprostheses (4)
  • Neuropsychology (2)
  • Neurosciences (49)
  • Neurotensin (4)
  • Neurotoxic agents (4)
  • Neurotoxic agents--Physiological effect (1)
  • Neurotoxicology (6)
  • Neurotransmitters (4)
  • Neurotrophic functions (2)
  • Neurotrophic functions--Research (1)
  • Neutrino interactions (2)
  • Neutrinos (3)
  • Neutrinos--Mass (3)
  • Neutrinos--Measurement (1)
  • Neutron capture gamma ray spectroscopy (1)
  • Neutron stars (4)
  • Neutrons (9)
  • Neutrons--Scattering (3)
  • Neutrophils (1)
  • Neutrophils--Immunology (1)
  • New Jersey--Newark (2)
  • New Left (1)
  • New Orleans Saints (Football team) (1)
  • New York (State) (5)
  • New York (State)--New York (6)
  • New York (State)--Oneida County (1)
  • New York post (1)
  • New York times (2)
  • New agricultural enterprises (1)
  • New business enterprises--Finance (1)
  • New business enterprises--Social aspects (1)
  • New institutionalism (Social sciences) (1)
  • New mothers (3)
  • New products--Marketing (1)
  • Newborn infants--Effect of drugs on (1)
  • Newborn infants--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Newborn infants--Nutrition (1)
  • Newborn infants--Research (1)
  • Newborn screening (1)
  • News Web sites (5)
  • News agencies (4)
  • News audiences (1)
  • Newspaper editors--Attitudes (1)
  • Newspaper publishing--Economic aspects (1)
  • Newspapers (2)
  • Newspapers--Marketing (1)
  • Newspapers--Objectivity (1)
  • Newspapers--Political aspects (1)
  • Next Generation Science Standards (Education) (4)
  • Nicaragua--Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz (1)
  • Nickel alloys (1)
  • Nickel catalysts (1)
  • Nickel silver (1)
  • Nickel--Isotopes (2)
  • Nickel-titanium alloys (1)
  • Nidoviruses (1)
  • Nigeria (18)
  • Nigeria--Ibadan (2)
  • Nigeria--Lagos (2)
  • Nigeria--Mambilla Plateau (1)
  • Nigeria--Niger River Delta (2)
  • Nigeria--Ohafia (1)
  • Nigeria--Sokoto (1)
  • Nigerian Civil War (Nigeria : 1967-1970) (1)
  • Nigerians (2)
  • Nintendo Wii video games (1)
  • Ninth grade (Education) (1)
  • Niobium (8)
  • Niobium--Metallurgy (1)
  • Nitrates (1)
  • Nitrates--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Nitric oxide (1)
  • Nitric oxide--Pathophysiology (1)
  • Nitric-oxide synthase (1)
  • Nitrides (2)
  • Nitrification (1)
  • Nitrifying bacteria (2)
  • Nitrogen (11)
  • Nitrogen cycle (6)
  • Nitrogen cycle--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Nitrogen fertilizers (4)
  • Nitrogen fertilizers--Control (2)
  • Nitrogen fertilizers--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Nitrogen fertilizers--Research (1)
  • Nitrogen in agriculture (1)
  • Nitrogen in agriculture--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Nitrogen--Analysis (1)
  • Nitrogen--Fixation (3)
  • Nitrogen--Fixation--Research (1)
  • Nitrogen--Isotopes--Spectra (1)
  • Nitrogen--Physiological effect (1)
  • Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (1)
  • Nitrogen-fixing plants (1)
  • Nitrous oxide (2)
  • Nitrous oxide--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Nitroxides (2)
  • Nivation (1)
  • Niño Fidencio, 1898-1938 (1)
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (United States) (3)
  • No-tillage (1)
  • Noir fiction, English (1)
  • Noise control (1)
  • Noise generators (Electronics) (1)
  • Noise--Measurement (3)
  • Noise--Physiological effect (2)
  • Noise--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Nomads--Social conditions (1)
  • Non-coding RNA (3)
  • Non-formal education (7)
  • Non-formal education--Study and teaching (1)
  • Non-governmental organizations (2)
  • Noncitizens (2)
  • Noncitizens--Government policy (1)
  • Noncitizens--Political activity (1)
  • Noncitizens--Spanish colonies (1)
  • Noncommutative algebras (1)
  • Nondestructive testing (11)
  • Nondestructive testing--Industrial applications (1)
  • Nonequilibrium plasmas (1)
  • Nonequilibrium thermodynamics (1)
  • Nonlinear control theory (5)
  • Nonlinear optics (4)
  • Nonlinear oscillators (2)
  • Nonlinear systems (8)
  • Nonlinear theories (1)
  • Nonnutritive sweeteners (1)
  • Nonparametric statistics (2)
  • Nonparametric statistics--Data processing (1)
  • Nonpoint source pollution (2)
  • Nonprofit organizations (3)
  • Nonresponse (Statistics) (1)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (1)
  • Nontraditional college students (2)
  • Nonverbal communication (3)
  • Nonverbal communication in children (1)
  • Nonverbal communication in the workplace (1)
  • Nonviolence (1)
  • Nonviolence--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Nonviolence--Philosophy (1)
  • Noradrenergic mechanisms (1)
  • Norepinephrine (4)
  • Normativity (Ethics) (1)
  • North African literature (1)
  • North Africans in literature (1)
  • North Africans--Ethnic identity (1)
  • North America (12)
  • North America--Coast Ranges (1)
  • North America--Lake Saint Clair (2)
  • North America--Mexican-American Border Region (2)
  • North America--Michigan Basin (3)
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (1992 December 17) (1)
  • North American ballads (Rzewski, Frederic) (1)
  • North American river otter (2)
  • North American river otter--Behavior (1)
  • North Carolina (3)
  • North Carolina--High Point (1)
  • Northern root-knot nematode (1)
  • Nosocomial infections--Prevention (3)
  • Nostalgia (2)
  • Nostalgia in literature (1)
  • Nostalgia in motion pictures (1)
  • Novelists, English (1)
  • Noxious weeds (1)
  • Nubians (3)
  • Nuclear astrophysics (6)
  • Nuclear charge (1)
  • Nuclear chemistry (11)
  • Nuclear energy (1)
  • Nuclear energy--Public opinion (1)
  • Nuclear engineering (1)
  • Nuclear excitation (4)
  • Nuclear fission (1)
  • Nuclear fragmentation (4)
  • Nuclear fusion (1)
  • Nuclear isomers (1)
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (5)
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (3)
  • Nuclear magnetism (1)
  • Nuclear matter (2)
  • Nuclear medicine (1)
  • Nuclear optical potentials (1)
  • Nuclear physics (52)
  • Nuclear physics--Experiments (2)
  • Nuclear physics--Mathematical models (3)
  • Nuclear physics--Measurement (1)
  • Nuclear physics--Research (3)
  • Nuclear power plants--Public opinion (1)
  • Nuclear reactions (8)
  • Nuclear reactions--Mathematical models (1)
  • Nuclear receptors (Biochemistry) (1)
  • Nuclear shapes (3)
  • Nuclear shell theory (9)
  • Nuclear spectroscopy (3)
  • Nuclear spin (2)
  • Nuclear structure (19)
  • Nuclear track detectors (2)
  • Nucleic acids (2)
  • Nucleophilic reactions (1)
  • Nucleosynthesis (7)
  • Nucleotide sequence (7)
  • Nucleotide sequence--Data processing (1)
  • Nucleotide sequence--Mathematical models (3)
  • Nucleotide sequence--Statistical methods (1)
  • Nucleotides--Metabolism (1)
  • Nucleus accumbens (1)
  • Number theory (2)
  • Number theory--Study and teaching (1)
  • Numeracy (4)
  • Numeracy--Social aspects (1)
  • Numerals (1)
  • Numerical analysis (2)
  • Numerical analysis--Computer programs (1)
  • Numerical analysis--Research (1)
  • Numerical grid generation (Numerical analysis)--Computer programs (1)
  • Nuns as musicians (1)
  • Nurse and patient (1)
  • Nurseries (Horticulture) (1)
  • Nurses--In-service training (2)
  • Nurses--Mental health (1)
  • Nursing (6)
  • Nursing home residents--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Nursing home residents--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Nursing homes--Economic aspects (1)
  • Nursing homes--Employees--Training of (1)
  • Nursing students (1)
  • Nutrient cycles (1)
  • Nutrient pollution of water (2)
  • Nutrition (26)
  • Nutrition counseling (1)
  • Nutrition disorders in adolescence (1)
  • Nutrition disorders--Prevention (1)
  • Nutrition surveys (1)
  • Nutrition--Evaluation (1)
  • Nutrition--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Nutrition--Research (1)
  • Nutrition--Study and teaching (1)
  • Nutrition--Study and teaching--Evaluation (1)
  • Nutritionally induced diseases (1)
  • Nutritionally induced diseases--Research (1)
  • Nystagmus (1)
  • Oak--Ecology (1)
  • Oakland County Permaculture Meetup (OCPM) (1)
  • Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938- (1)
  • Obesity (10)
  • Obesity in adolescence (6)
  • Obesity in adolescence--Social aspects (1)
  • Obesity in animals (1)
  • Obesity in children (9)
  • Obesity in children--Prevention (3)
  • Obesity--Complications (2)
  • Obesity--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Obesity--Health aspects (1)
  • Obesity--Prevention (2)
  • Obesity--Research (1)
  • Obesity--Social aspects (1)
  • Object-oriented programming (Computer science) (1)
  • Objectification (Social psychology) (1)
  • Objectivity (1)
  • Obliquebanded leafroller (1)
  • Observation (Educational method) (1)
  • Observation (Psychology) (2)
  • Observers (Control theory) (2)
  • Obsidian implements (1)
  • Obstetrics (2)
  • Obstetrics--Decision making (1)
  • Obstetrics--Research (1)
  • Obstetrics--Social aspects (1)
  • Occupational aptitude tests (1)
  • Occupational health services (1)
  • Occupational mobility (3)
  • Occupational therapy--Practice (1)
  • Occupational therapy--Study and teaching (1)
  • Occupations--Decision making (1)
  • Occupations--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Occupy Wall Street (Movement) (1)
  • Ocean temperature (1)
  • Octopuses (1)
  • Odissi dance (1)
  • Off balance sheet financing (1)
  • Offenses against the environment (1)
  • Office buildings--Energy conservation (1)
  • Office politics (1)
  • Offset (Accounting) (1)
  • Offshore outsourcing (2)
  • Ogboh, Emeka, 1977- (1)
  • Ohio State University (1)
  • Ohio--Columbus (1)
  • Ohio--Hopewell Site (1)
  • Oil palm (1)
  • Oil pollution of water (3)
  • Oil separators (1)
  • Oil spills (1)
  • Oil spills--Cleanup (1)
  • Oil spills--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Oil well drilling (1)
  • Oils and fats (1)
  • Oils and fats--Biotechnology (1)
  • Oilseed plants (1)
  • Ojibwa Indians (1)
  • Ojibwa Indians--Ethnic identity (1)
  • Ojibwa Indians--Government relations (1)
  • Ojibwa Indians--Social conditions (1)
  • Ojibwa Indians--Social life and customs (1)
  • Ojibwa language (2)
  • Okorafor, Nnedi (1)
  • Older immigrants (1)
  • Older people (11)
  • Older people--Family relationships (2)
  • Older people--Health and hygiene (3)
  • Older people--Health risk assessment (1)
  • Older people--Housing (1)
  • Older people--Long-term care (2)
  • Older people--Medical care (1)
  • Older people--Mental health (3)
  • Older people--Psychology (1)
  • Older people--Services for (1)
  • Older people--Sexual behavior (1)
  • Older people--Social conditions (3)
  • Older people--Social networks (2)
  • Older veterans (1)
  • Older women (1)
  • Oleic acid (1)
  • Olfactory mucosa (1)
  • Olfactory receptors (1)
  • Oligomerization (1)
  • Oligomers (1)
  • Oligopolies (1)
  • Oligosaccharides (2)
  • Oligosaccharides--Synthesis (2)
  • Olympiastadion (Berlin, Germany) (1)
  • Olympic athletes (1)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (4)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids--Health aspects (1)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids--Physiological effect (1)
  • Oncogenes (1)
  • Oncogenic viruses (1)
  • Oncology (5)
  • Oncology--Research (2)
  • One-dimensional conductors (1)
  • Oneida Indians (1)
  • Oneota Indians (Great Plains) (3)
  • Oneota Indians (Great Plains)--Anthropometry (1)
  • Oneota Indians (Great Plains)--Antiquities (1)
  • Onion thrips--Control (1)
  • Onions--Diseases and pests (3)
  • Onions--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Onions--Marketing (1)
  • Onions--Storage (1)
  • Onions--Varieties (1)
  • Online chat groups (2)
  • Online data processing (1)
  • Online hate speech (1)
  • Online identities (1)
  • Online information services (2)
  • Online journalism (2)
  • Online social networks (36)
  • Online social networks in business (1)
  • Online social networks--Political aspects (2)
  • Online social networks--Social aspects (3)
  • Online trolling (1)
  • Ontario (5)
  • Ontario--Raisin River Watershed (1)
  • Ontario--Thunder Bay (1)
  • Ontario--Walkerton (1)
  • Ontogeny (1)
  • Oomycetes (2)
  • Open spaces--Social aspects (1)
  • Open systems (Physics) (1)
  • Open-angle glaucoma (4)
  • Operant behavior (1)
  • Operating room nursing (1)
  • Operating rooms (1)
  • Operations research (1)
  • Ophthalmology (2)
  • Opioid abuse (5)
  • Opioid abuse--Treatment (1)
  • Opioid peptides (1)
  • Opioids (2)
  • Opoku, Zohra, 1976- (1)
  • Opportunistic infections (1)
  • Oppression (Psychology) (1)
  • Optic nerve (1)
  • Optical antennas (1)
  • Optical bistability (1)
  • Optical communications (1)
  • Optical data processing (2)
  • Optical detectors (2)
  • Optical fibers (1)
  • Optical films (1)
  • Optical pattern recognition (3)
  • Optical radar (3)
  • Optical tweezers (1)
  • Optics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Optoelectronic devices (2)
  • Optoelectronic devices--Design and construction (1)
  • Optoelectronics (3)
  • Optoelectronics--Research (1)
  • Optogenetics (7)
  • Oral communication (3)
  • Oral communication--Study and teaching (1)
  • Oral history (3)
  • Oral reading--Ability testing (2)
  • Oral tradition (1)
  • Oral vaccines (1)
  • Oranges (1)
  • Orchard mason bee (1)
  • Orchards (2)
  • Orchards--Management (1)
  • Orchestra--Instruction and study (1)
  • Ore deposits (1)
  • Orexins (1)
  • Organic acids (2)
  • Organic compounds (3)
  • Organic compounds--Biodegradation (1)
  • Organic compounds--Synthesis (9)
  • Organic electronics (1)
  • Organic farmers (2)
  • Organic farming (11)
  • Organic farming--Social aspects (1)
  • Organic photochemistry (1)
  • Organic photovoltaic cells (1)
  • Organic reaction mechanisms (3)
  • Organic semiconductors (6)
  • Organic thin films (1)
  • Organic wastes as soil amendments (1)
  • Organic wastes--Biodegradation (1)
  • Organic wastes--Purification (1)
  • Organic water pollutants (1)
  • Organizational behavior (39)
  • Organizational behavior--Computer simulation (1)
  • Organizational behavior--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Organizational behavior--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Organizational behavior--Research (2)
  • Organizational change (7)
  • Organizational change--Computer simulation (1)
  • Organizational change--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Organizational commitment (1)
  • Organizational effectiveness--Evaluation (1)
  • Organizational effectiveness--Measurement (1)
  • Organizational justice (5)
  • Organizational learning (5)
  • Organizational resilience (1)
  • Organizational sociology (3)
  • Organoaluminum compounds (1)
  • Organoboron compounds (2)
  • Organoboron compounds--Synthesis (2)
  • Organofluorine compounds (1)
  • Organometallic chemistry (1)
  • Organometallic compounds (6)
  • Organometallic polymers (1)
  • Organoselenium compounds (1)
  • Organosilicon compounds (6)
  • Organotin compounds (1)
  • Organotitanium compounds (1)
  • Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (1)
  • Oromo (African people) (1)
  • Orphanages (1)
  • Orphans (2)
  • Orphans in literature (1)
  • Orphans in motion pictures (1)
  • Orthogonal decompositions (1)
  • Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (1)
  • Orthopedic apparatus (1)
  • Orthopedic implants (1)
  • Orthopedic implants--Complications (1)
  • Oscillations (1)
  • Oscillations--Measurement (1)
  • Oscillometer (1)
  • Osmia lignaria (1)
  • Osmoregulation (1)
  • Osmosis (1)
  • Osteichthyes (1)
  • Osteoarthritis (3)
  • Osteoblasts (2)
  • Osteoclast inhibition (1)
  • Osteoglossiformes (1)
  • Osteopathic medicine (1)
  • Osteoporosis (4)
  • Osteoporosis--Treatment (1)
  • Osteosarcoma (1)
  • Osteotomy (1)
  • Other (Philosophy) (1)
  • Other (Philosophy) in literature (1)
  • Otoliths--Analysis (1)
  • Ottawa Indians (1)
  • Oud music (1)
  • Outcome assessment (Medical care) (3)
  • Outdoor learning laboratories (1)
  • Outdoor recreation (4)
  • Outdoor recreation for children (1)
  • Outdoor recreation--Economic aspects (1)
  • Outdoor recreation--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Outdoor recreation--Social aspects (1)
  • Outdoor sculpture (1)
  • Outhouses (1)
  • Outing (Sexual orientation) (1)
  • Ovariectomy (1)
  • Ovaries (2)
  • Ovaries--Cancer--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Ovaries--Diseases (1)
  • Overweight children (3)
  • Overweight men (1)
  • Overweight persons (1)
  • Overweight teenagers (1)
  • Overweight women--Clothing (1)
  • Overweight women--Health and hygiene (1)
  • Ovulation (2)
  • Owls--Food (1)
  • Oxidases (1)
  • Oxidation (4)
  • Oxidation, Physiological (2)
  • Oxidation-reduction reaction (7)
  • Oxidative stress (3)
  • Oxides--Thermal properties (1)
  • Oxidoreductases (1)
  • Oxygen compounds (1)
  • Oxygen in the body (1)
  • Oxygen--Analysis (1)
  • Oxygen--Isotopes--Spectra (1)
  • Oxygen--Physiological transport (1)
  • Oxygenases (1)
  • Oxytocin (3)
  • Oxytocin--Research (2)
  • Ozone--Physiological effect (1)
  • Ozone--Toxicology (1)
  • Ozonization (2)
  • PBS newshour (1)
  • Pacific Ocean (1)
  • Pacific Ocean--El Niño Current (2)
  • Pacifism (1)
  • Package goods industry (1)
  • Packaging (48)
  • Packaging waste (2)
  • Packaging--Costs (1)
  • Packaging--Design (6)
  • Packaging--Design and construction (1)
  • Packaging--Environmental aspects (4)
  • Packaging--Recycling (2)
  • Packaging--Research (8)
  • Packaging--Technological innovations (2)
  • Packet switching (Data transmission) (2)
  • Packet switching (Data transmission)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Packet transport networks (2)
  • Paclitaxel (1)
  • Paclitaxel--Synthesis (1)
  • Pain in children (1)
  • Pain perception (3)
  • Pain--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Pain--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Pain--Treatment (4)
  • Painted turtle (1)
  • Pakistan (12)
  • Pakistan--Balochistān (1)
  • Pakistan--Karachi (1)
  • Pakistan--Punjab (1)
  • Pakistanis (1)
  • Paleo-Indians (2)
  • Paleobiogeography (1)
  • Paleobotany (1)
  • Paleoclimatology (1)
  • Paleoecology (5)
  • Paleogeography (2)
  • Paleolimnology (1)
  • Paleontology (6)
  • Paleontology, Stratigraphic (1)
  • Paleopathology (1)
  • Paleopedology (1)
  • Palestine in Judaism--Study and teaching (73)
  • Palestine in the Bible--Study and teaching (73)
  • Palestinian Arabs--Politics and government (2)
  • Palestinian Arabs--Social conditions (1)
  • Palladium (1)
  • Palladium catalysts (2)
  • Palladium compounds (1)
  • Palliative treatment (1)
  • Palmitic acid (4)
  • Palynology (2)
  • Pamphlets (1)
  • Pan-Africanism (2)
  • Pancreas (2)
  • Pancreas--Cancer (2)
  • Pancreas--Cancer--Diagnosis (1)
  • Pancreas--Cytology (1)
  • Pancreas--Secretions (1)
  • Pancreatic beta cells (1)
  • Pandemics (1)
  • Panel analysis (7)
  • Panic attacks (1)
  • Pap test (1)
  • Paper coatings (4)
  • Paper products (1)
  • Paper--Analysis (1)
  • Paperboard (1)
  • Paperboard--Recycling (1)
  • Papermaking (1)
  • Papillomavirus diseases (1)
  • Papillomaviruses (1)
  • Papillon dog (1)
  • Parallel algorithms (2)
  • Parallel processing (Electronic computers) (2)
  • Parallel programs (Computer programs) (1)
  • Paralysis (2)
  • Parameter estimation (4)
  • Parasites (4)
  • Parasitic diseases (1)
  • Parasitoids (1)
  • Parasitoids--Hosts (1)
  • Parasitology (3)
  • Paratuberculosis (3)
  • Parent and adult child (2)
  • Parent and child (24)
  • Parent and child in motion pictures (1)
  • Parent and child--Psychological aspects (8)
  • Parent and child--Psychology (1)
  • Parent and teenager (2)
  • Parent-child interaction therapy (1)
  • Parent-teacher relationships (3)
  • Parental behavior in animals (3)
  • Parental influences (8)
  • Parenthood--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Parenting (6)
  • Parenting--Psychological aspects (5)
  • Parenting--Sex differences (1)
  • Parenting--Study and teaching (3)
  • Parents of autistic children (3)
  • Parents of children with disabilities (2)
  • Parents of children with disabilities--Attitudes (1)
  • Parents of children with mental disabilities (1)
  • Parents of chronically ill children (1)
  • Parents of developmentally disabled children (1)
  • Parents of gays--Attitudes (1)
  • Parents of overweight children (1)
  • Parents' advisory committees in education (1)
  • Parents, White (1)
  • Parents--Attitudes (3)
  • Parents--Psychology (2)
  • Parents--Social networks (1)
  • Parents--Training of (1)
  • Parietal lobes (1)
  • Park buildings (1)
  • Parkinson's disease (11)
  • Parkinson's disease--Pathophysiology (2)
  • Parkinson's disease--Treatment (1)
  • Parks, Suzan-Lori (1)
  • Parks--Economic aspects (1)
  • Parks--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Parks--Social aspects (1)
  • Parmenides (1)
  • Parmenides (Plato) (1)
  • Parolees (1)
  • Paroxetine (1)
  • Parthenogenesis in animals (1)
  • Partially ordered sets (3)
  • Participant observation (6)
  • Participation (3)
  • Participatory monitoring and evaluation (Project management) (2)
  • Particle acceleration (1)
  • Particle accelerators (5)
  • Particle accelerators--Design and construction (1)
  • Particle beams (1)
  • Particle methods (Numerical analysis) (1)
  • Particles (Nuclear physics) (37)
  • Particles (Nuclear physics)--Flavor (3)
  • Particles (Nuclear physics)--Instruments (3)
  • Particles (Nuclear physics)--Mathematical models (2)
  • Particles (Nuclear physics)--Measurement (1)
  • Partition, Territorial (1)
  • Partitions (Mathematics) (1)
  • Partnership (3)
  • Partons (1)
  • Parturition (1)
  • Passeriformes (2)
  • Passive components (2)
  • Pasteurization (1)
  • Pastoral systems (2)
  • Pasture animals (1)
  • Pasture ecology (1)
  • Pasture plants (1)
  • Pastures (1)
  • Patent laws and legislation (1)
  • Patents--Economic aspects (1)
  • Paternalism (1)
  • Paternalism in literature (1)
  • Pathogenic bacteria (5)
  • Pathogenic bacteria--Identification (1)
  • Pathogenic bacteria--Inactivation (1)
  • Pathogenic microorganisms (7)
  • Pathogenic microorganisms--Control (1)
  • Pathogenic microorganisms--Detection (3)
  • Pathology (3)
  • Pathology, Molecular (2)
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (United States) (1)
  • Patient advocacy (1)
  • Patient compliance (3)
  • Patient education (5)
  • Patient monitoring (2)
  • Patient monitoring--Equipment and supplies (1)
  • Patient participation (1)
  • Patient satisfaction (2)
  • Patient self-monitoring (3)
  • Patient-centered health care (2)
  • Patients (13)
  • Patients--Attitudes (2)
  • Patients--Social networks (1)
  • Patriarchy (3)
  • Patron and client (1)
  • Patronage, Political (1)
  • Pattern perception (6)
  • Pattern perception--Data processing (1)
  • Pattern recognition systems (7)
  • Pavements (7)
  • Pavements, Asphalt (2)
  • Pavements, Asphalt concrete (1)
  • Pavements, Asphalt--Cracking (2)
  • Pavements, Asphalt--Design and construction (1)
  • Pavements, Asphalt--Maintenance and repair (1)
  • Pavements, Asphalt--Performance (1)
  • Pavements, Asphalt--Research (1)
  • Pavements, Composite (1)
  • Pavements, Concrete (2)
  • Pavements, Flexible (1)
  • Pavements, Flexible--Cracking (1)
  • Pavements, Flexible--Testing (2)
  • Pavements, Reinforced concrete (1)
  • Pavements--Cracking (2)
  • Pavements--Design and construction (1)
  • Pavements--Design and construction--Mathematical models (1)
  • Pavements--Effect of temperature on (1)
  • Pavements--Live loads (1)
  • Pavements--Live loads--Testing (1)
  • Pavements--Maintenance and repair (3)
  • Pavements--Management (1)
  • Pavements--Moisture (1)
  • Pavements--Overlays (1)
  • Pavements--Overlays--Testing (2)
  • Pavements--Performance (6)
  • Pavements--Performance--Mathematical models (2)
  • Pavements--Performance--Measurement (1)
  • Pavements--Performance--Testing (3)
  • Pavements--Subgrades--Testing (1)
  • Pavements--Testing (2)
  • Pavements--Testing--Mathematical models (1)
  • Payments for ecosystem services (2)
  • Peace Corps (U.S.) (1)
  • Peacekeeping forces (1)
  • Peanuts (2)
  • Peanuts--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Pear psylla (1)
  • Peasants (1)
  • Pedagogical content knowledge (1)
  • Pedestrian accidents (1)
  • Pedestrian crosswalks (1)
  • Pedestrian facilities design (1)
  • Pedestrians--Safety measures (1)
  • Pediatric ophthalmology (1)
  • Pediatricians (1)
  • Pediatrics (3)
  • Pediatrics--Research--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Pedrero, Paloma, 1957- (1)
  • Peer counseling (3)
  • Peer mediation (1)
  • Peer pressure (6)
  • Peer pressure in adolescence (2)
  • Peer review (1)
  • Peer teaching (3)
  • Pendulum (3)
  • Penning trap mass spectrometry (2)
  • Pennsylvania (2)
  • Pennsylvania--Centralia (1)
  • Pennsylvania--Philadelphia (1)
  • Pensions (2)
  • Pentatricopeptide repeat genes (1)
  • Pentobarbital--Physiological effect (1)
  • Pentose phosphate pathway (1)
  • People with disabilities (5)
  • People with disabilities--Economic conditions (1)
  • People with disabilities--Education (1)
  • People with disabilities--Education (Higher) (1)
  • People with disabilities--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • People with disabilities--Psychology (1)
  • People with disabilities--Rehabilitation (1)
  • People with disabilities--Social conditions (1)
  • People with disabilities--Vocational guidance (2)
  • People with mental disabilities (3)
  • People with mental disabilities--Rehabilitation (1)
  • People with mental disabilities--Sexual behavior (1)
  • People with mental disabilities--Vocational education (1)
  • People with social disabilities (1)
  • People with social disabilities--Government policy (1)
  • People with visual disabilities--Education (1)
  • Peppers--Diseases and pests--Control (1)
  • Peptides (4)
  • Peptides--Analysis (2)
  • Peptides--Biotechnology (1)
  • Peptides--Research (1)
  • Peptides--Synthesis (5)
  • Perception (9)
  • Perception in children (1)
  • Perception in literature (1)
  • Perceptual learning (2)
  • Perceptual-motor processes--Testing (1)
  • Percussion instrument makers (1)
  • Percussion instrument music (1)
  • Percussion instruments (1)
  • Percussionists (1)
  • Perennials (2)
  • Perfectionism (Personality trait) (1)
  • Perfluorinated chemicals (2)
  • Performance (7)
  • Performance anxiety (1)
  • Performance in children (1)
  • Performance--Evaluation (1)
  • Performance--Management (1)
  • Performance--Measurement (1)
  • Performance--Psychological aspects (3)
  • Performance--Testing (1)
  • Periglacial processes (2)
  • Perinatology (1)
  • Periphyton (1)
  • Perishable goods (1)
  • Permaculture (1)
  • Permafrost (1)
  • Permanent magnet motors (6)
  • Permanent magnet motors--Design and construction (2)
  • Permanent magnets (3)
  • Permanent magnets--Design and construction (1)
  • Permeability (5)
  • Peromyscus leucopus (1)
  • Peronosporaceae (1)
  • Peronosporales (1)
  • Perovskite (Mineral) (2)
  • Peroxides (1)
  • Peroxisomes (3)
  • Persaudaraan Perempuan Nelayan Indonesia (1)
  • Persecution (1)
  • Persistence (3)
  • Persistent pollutants (2)
  • Persistent pollutants--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Personal coaching (1)
  • Personal construct therapy (1)
  • Personal information management (1)
  • Personal trainers (2)
  • Personalism (1)
  • Personality (9)
  • Personality and academic achievement (1)
  • Personality and motivation (2)
  • Personality and occupation (4)
  • Personality and situation (1)
  • Personality assessment (3)
  • Personality assessment of children (1)
  • Personality disorders (3)
  • Personality disorders--Diagnosis (1)
  • Personality--Physiological aspects (1)
  • Personality--Psychological aspects (2)
  • Personality--Research (2)
  • Personality--Social aspects (2)
  • Personnel management (5)
  • Personnel management--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Persuasion (Austen, Jane) (1)
  • Persuasion (Psychology) (11)
  • Persuasion (Rhetoric) in mass media (1)
  • Perturbation (Mathematics) (2)
  • Pertussis vaccines (1)
  • Peru--Ancash (1)
  • Peru--Osmore River Valley (1)
  • Peru--Piura (Region) (1)
  • Pesticide residues in food--Standards (1)
  • Pesticides (3)
  • Pesticides and wildlife (1)
  • Pesticides--Application (4)
  • Pesticides--Public opinion (1)
  • Pesticides--Risk mitigation (1)
  • Pests--Biological control (1)
  • Pests--Control (1)
  • Pet food industry (1)
  • Petrels (1)
  • Petroleum industry and trade (1)
  • Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices (1)
  • Petroleum industry and trade--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Petroleum industry and trade--Health aspects (1)
  • Petroleum pipeline failures (1)
  • Petroleum pipelines (1)
  • Petroleum--Refining--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Petrology (2)
  • Petromyzon marinus (18)
  • Petromyzon marinus--Control (7)
  • Petunias (2)
  • Petunias--Genetics (1)
  • Pharmaceutical biotechnology (1)
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry (1)
  • Pharmaceutical industry--Moral and ethical aspects (1)
  • Pharmaceutical technology (1)
  • Pharmacokinetics (2)
  • Pharmacology (24)
  • Pharmacy (1)
  • Phase transformations (Statistical physics) (5)
  • Phased array antennas (1)
  • Pheasants (1)
  • Phenethylamines (2)
  • Phenolic acids (1)
  • Phenology (3)
  • Phenols (2)
  • Phenomenology (2)
  • Phenotype (8)
  • Phenotypic plasticity (3)
  • Phenoxy groups (1)
  • Pheochromocytoma (1)
  • Pheromone traps (1)
  • Pheromones (9)
  • Pheromones in pest control (1)
  • Pheromones--Research (1)
  • Philanthropinism (1)
  • Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621 (1)
  • Philippines--Caraga (1)
  • Philippines--Manila (1)
  • Philosophy (28)
  • Philosophy of liberation (1)
  • Philosophy of mind (1)
  • Philosophy of mind in literature (1)
  • Philosophy, African (1)
  • Philosophy, Ancient (1)
  • Philosophy, Marxist (1)
  • Philosophy, Modern (1)
  • Philosophy--Political aspects (1)
  • Phomactins (1)
  • Phonetics (1)
  • Phonetics, Acoustic (1)
  • Phonological awareness in children (2)
  • Phonons (3)
  • Phosphatases (1)
  • Phosphoinositides (1)
  • Phospholipids (1)
  • Phosphonates--Synthesis (1)
  • Phosphonic acids (1)
  • Phosphoprotein phosphatases (1)
  • Phosphorus (7)
  • Phosphorus in agriculture (1)
  • Phosphorylation (5)
  • Photobioreactors (1)
  • Photobooks (1)
  • Photocatalysis (4)
  • Photochemistry (4)
  • Photochemistry--Research (1)
  • Photochemotherapy (1)
  • Photochromic materials (1)
  • Photodegradation (1)
  • Photoelasticity (1)
  • Photoelectrochemistry (3)
  • Photoelectrons (1)
  • Photoemission (1)
  • Photographic criticism (1)
  • Photographs (1)
  • Photography (1)
  • Photography in education (1)
  • Photography of immigrants (1)
  • Photography--Computer-assisted instruction (1)
  • Photography--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Photoisomerization (1)
  • Photoluminescence (2)
  • Photon correlation (1)
  • Photonic crystals (2)
  • Photonics (1)
  • Photons (3)
  • Photonuclear reactions (1)
  • Photoperiodism (3)
  • Photoreceptors (1)
  • Photosensitizing compounds (1)
  • Photosynthesis (7)
  • Photosynthesis--Computer simulation (1)
  • Photosynthesis--Genetic aspects (2)
  • Photosynthesis--Measurement (1)
  • Photosynthesis--Molecular aspects (1)
  • Photosynthesis--Regulation (4)
  • Photosynthesis--Research--Methodology (1)
  • Phototherapy (1)
  • Photovoltaic cells (3)
  • Photovoltaic cells--Design and construction (1)
  • Photovoltaic cells--Mathematical models (1)
  • Photovoltaic effect (1)
  • Photovoltaic power generation (4)
  • Photovoltaic power generation--Research (1)
  • Photovoltaic power systems (3)
  • Phrase structure grammar (1)
  • Phraseology (1)
  • Phyllosilicates (1)
  • Phylogeny (5)
  • Physical anthropology (9)
  • Physical distribution of goods (1)
  • Physical education and training (4)
  • Physical education and training--Study and teaching (1)
  • Physical education and training--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Physical education for children (1)
  • Physical fitness (3)
  • Physical fitness centers (1)
  • Physical fitness for children (1)
  • Physical fitness for girls (1)
  • Physical fitness for pregnant women (1)
  • Physical fitness for youth (1)
  • Physical fitness--Testing (1)
  • Physical geography (5)
  • Physical laboratories (1)
  • Physical sciences (1)
  • Physical sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary) (2)
  • Physical therapist and patient (1)
  • Physical therapists--Attitudes (1)
  • Physical therapists--Training of (1)
  • Physical therapy (2)
  • Physical therapy--Practice (1)
  • Physically active people (1)
  • Physician and patient (5)
  • Physician and patient--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Physician services utilization (1)
  • Physicians (2)
  • Physicians (General practice) (1)
  • Physicians (General practice)--Training of (1)
  • Physicians in literature (1)
  • Physicians--Attitudes (1)
  • Physicians--Decision making (1)
  • Physics (62)
  • Physics--Computer simulation (22)
  • Physics--Graphic methods (1)
  • Physics--Study and teaching (2)
  • Physics--Study and teaching (Graduate) (2)
  • Physics--Study and teaching (Higher) (3)
  • Physics--Study and teaching (Secondary) (3)
  • Physiology (56)
  • Physiology, Pathological (1)
  • Physiology--Research (1)
  • Physiology--Research--Methodology (1)
  • Phytochemicals (1)
  • Phytopathogenic bacteria (3)
  • Phytopathogenic bacteria--Molecular aspects (1)
  • Phytopathogenic fungi (1)
  • Phytopathogenic microorganisms (10)
  • Phytopathogenic microorganisms--Biological control (1)
  • Phytophagous insects (1)
  • Phytophthora (3)
  • Phytophthora diseases (8)
  • Phytophthora infestans (2)
  • Phytophthora palmivora (1)
  • Phytophthora palmivora--Control (1)
  • Phytophthora sojae (1)
  • Phytoplankton (2)
  • Phytoplankton populations (1)
  • Phytoplasma diseases (1)
  • Phytoremediation (1)
  • Piano music--Analysis, appreciation (1)
  • Picosecond pulses (5)
  • Pictures--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Piecewise linear topology (1)
  • Pieris rapae (1)
  • Piezoelectric devices (2)
  • Piezoelectric devices--Design and construction (1)
  • Piezoelectric materials (2)
  • Piezoelectric transducers (2)
  • Piezoelectricity (1)
  • Pigeon pea (3)
  • Pigeon pea--Research (1)
  • Pili (Microbiology) (5)
  • Pine cones (1)
  • Pineal gland (1)
  • Pink-root disease (1)
  • Pinot noir (Wine) (1)
  • Pinterest (1)
  • Pion production (1)
  • Pipe, Plastic (1)
  • Pipelines (1)
  • Piperidine (2)
  • Piracy (Copyright) (1)
  • Piscivorous fishes (1)
  • Pistachio (1)
  • Pistols (1)
  • Piston rings (2)
  • Pistons (1)
  • Pitching (Aerodynamics) (1)
  • Pittosporum (1)
  • Pituitary gland--Diseases (1)
  • Place (Philosophy) (4)
  • Place (Philosophy) in literature (1)
  • Place marketing (4)
  • Place-based education (2)
  • Placenta (3)
  • Placenta--Abnormalities (2)
  • Placenta--Diseases (2)
  • Placenta--Diseases--Diagnosis (1)
  • Placental function tests (1)
  • Plague in literature (1)
  • Plankton (1)
  • Planning (8)
  • Planning--Economic aspects (1)
  • Planning--Social aspects (1)
  • Plant allometry (1)
  • Plant biochemical genetics (1)
  • Plant biomass (3)
  • Plant biomass--Carbon content (1)
  • Plant biotechnology (2)
  • Plant breeding (4)
  • Plant breeding--Economic aspects (1)
  • Plant canopies (2)
  • Plant cell biotechnology (1)
  • Plant cell culture (1)
  • Plant cell development (1)
  • Plant cell differentiation (1)
  • Plant cell microbodies (2)
  • Plant cell walls (4)
  • Plant cell walls--Analysis (1)
  • Plant cells and tissues (1)
  • Plant cells and tissues--Physiology (1)
  • Plant cellular signal transduction (2)
  • Plant chemical defenses (1)
  • Plant circadian rhythms (1)
  • Plant colonization (1)
  • Plant communities (3)
  • Plant communities--Ecology (1)
  • Plant conservation (1)
  • Plant cytoskeleton (1)
  • Plant defenses (2)
  • Plant diseases (41)
  • Plant diversity (3)
  • Plant ecology (5)
  • Plant enzymes (1)
  • Plant extracts (1)
  • Plant genetic engineering (2)
  • Plant genetic regulation (1)
  • Plant genetics (1)
  • Plant genome mapping (1)
  • Plant genomes (2)
  • Plant growing media (1)
  • Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (1)
  • Plant health (1)
  • Plant hormones (8)
  • Plant immunology (1)
  • Plant lipids (2)
  • Plant lipids--Metabolism (1)
  • Plant litter (1)
  • Plant membranes (1)
  • Plant metabolites (4)
  • Plant mitochondria (1)
  • Plant molecular biology (1)
  • Plant morphology (2)
  • Plant mutation (1)
  • Plant nutrients (5)
  • Plant organelles (1)
  • Plant phenology (1)
  • Plant phenology--Remote sensing (1)
  • Plant phenomorphology (1)
  • Plant photoperiodism (1)
  • Plant physiology (7)
  • Plant polymers (1)
  • Plant populations (2)
  • Plant products--Synthesis (1)
  • Plant proteins (5)
  • Plant regulators (4)
  • Plant resource allocation (1)
  • Plant selection (1)
  • Plant sex hormones (1)
  • Plant supports (1)
  • Plant translocation (1)
  • Plant-fungus relationships (2)
  • Plant-microbe relationships (3)
  • Plant-pathogen relationships (4)
  • Plant-pathogen relationships--Genetic aspects (1)
  • Plant-pollinator relationships (3)
  • Plant-soil relationships (1)
  • Plant-water relationships (1)
  • Plantations (1)
  • Planting (Plant culture) (1)
  • Plants as sanitary agents (1)
  • Plants, Flowering of--Flowering time (1)
  • Plants, Ornamental (4)
  • Plants, Ornamental--Diseases and pests (1)
  • Plants, Sex in (1)
  • Plants--Adaptation (3)
  • Plants--Development (2)
  • Plants--Drought tolerance (1)
  • Plants--Effect of cold on (1)
  • Plants--Effect of fungicides on (2)
  • Plants--Effect of global warming on (1)
  • Plants--Effect of herbicides on (2)
  • Plants--Effect of light on (2)
  • Plants--Effect of manganese on (1)
  • Plants--Effect of mycotoxins on (1)
  • Plants--Effect of stress on (2)
  • Plants--Effect of stress on--Genetic aspects (4)
  • Plants--Evolution (4)
  • Plants--Metabolism (3)
  • Plants--Metabolism--Regulation (2)
  • Plants--Nutrition (1)
  • Plants--Variation (1)
  • Plants--Water requirements (1)
  • Plasma (Ionized gases) (4)
  • Plasma (Ionized gases)--Computer simulation (1)
  • Plasma (Ionized gases)--Data processing (1)
  • Plasma (Ionized gases)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Plasma (Ionized gases)--Research (1)
  • Plasma astrophysics (2)
  • Plasma devices (1)
  • Plasma dynamics (1)
  • Plasma dynamics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Plasma spectroscopy (1)
  • Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (3)
  • Plasmids--Genetics (1)
  • Plastic bottles (2)
  • Plastic films (6)
  • Plastic foams (2)
  • Plastic scrap--Deterioration (1)
  • Plasticity (1)
  • Plasticity--Mathematical models (2)
  • Plasticizers (1)
  • Plastics (4)
  • Plastics in agriculture (4)
  • Plastics in packaging (10)
  • Plastics in packaging--Environmental aspects (4)
  • Plastics industry and trade (1)
  • Plastics--Biodegradation (2)
  • Plastids (3)
  • Plate tectonics (1)
  • Platelet activating factor (1)
  • Platinum (1)
  • Play assessment (Child psychology) (2)
  • Play environments (2)
  • Play therapy (2)
  • Play--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Play--Social aspects (1)
  • Playford, Henry, 1657- (1)
  • Pleistocene Geologic Epoch (1)
  • Plethodon cinereus (1)
  • Plethysmography (1)
  • Plug-in electric vehicles (1)
  • Plum curculio (2)
  • Plumes (Fluid dynamics)--Mathematical models (1)
  • Pneumonia (1)
  • Pneumonia in swine (1)
  • Poachers (1)
  • Poaching (2)
  • Poaching--Prevention (2)
  • Poetry--Study and teaching (Secondary) (1)
  • Poets as teachers (1)
  • Point defects (1)
  • Point-of-care testing (2)
  • Poisson brackets (1)
  • Poland--Poznań (1)
  • Polaritons (1)
  • Polarization (Social sciences) (2)
  • Polemoniaceae (1)
  • Police brutality (1)
  • Police dispatchers (1)
  • Police misconduct (1)
  • Police psychology (2)
  • Police shootings--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Police training (2)
  • Police, Private (1)
  • Police--Attitudes (4)
  • Police--Decision making (1)
  • Police--Job satisfaction (1)
  • Police--Job stress (2)
  • Police--Public opinion (5)
  • Police--Vocational guidance (1)
  • Police-community relations (6)
  • Policy sciences (1)
  • Polish people (2)
  • Political and social views (6)
  • Political atrocities (1)
  • Political candidates (1)
  • Political cartoons (1)
  • Political corruption (2)
  • Political corruption in literature (1)
  • Political culture (2)
  • Political ecology (2)
  • Political leadership (1)
  • Political leadership--Study and teaching (1)
  • Political participation (10)
  • Political participation--Computer networks (1)
  • Political participation--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Political parties (7)
  • Political party organization (2)
  • Political party rules (1)
  • Political persecution (3)
  • Political persecution in literature (1)
  • Political planning (3)
  • Political poetry (1)
  • Political psychology (4)
  • Political refugees--Legal status, laws, etc. (1)
  • Political science (22)
  • Political science--Mathematical models (1)
  • Political science--Philosophy (2)
  • Political science--Public opinion (1)
  • Political sociology (1)
  • Political stability (1)
  • Political violence (4)
  • Politicians (1)
  • Politics and culture (2)
  • Politics and government (21)
  • Politics and literature (2)
  • Politics in literature (3)
  • Politics, Practical--Public opinion (1)
  • Pollen, Fossil (2)
  • Pollination (6)
  • Pollination by bees (4)
  • Pollinators (3)
  • Pollutants (2)
  • Pollutants--Biodegradation (1)
  • Pollution (5)
  • Pollution prevention (1)
  • Pollution--Economic aspects (1)
  • Pollution--Measurement--Technological innovations (2)
  • Polyamides (1)
  • Polyamines (1)
  • Polyatomic molecules (1)
  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (1)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (2)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls--Bioaccumulation (1)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls--Physiological effect (1)
  • Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (1)
  • Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (1)
  • Polycrystalline semiconductors (1)
  • Polycrystals (5)
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2)
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Polycystic kidney disease (1)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (1)
  • Polydimethylsiloxane (1)
  • Polyelectrolytes (17)
  • Polyester films (1)
  • Polyesters (1)
  • Polyethylene (4)
  • Polyethylene glycol (2)
  • Polyethylene glycol--Biotechnology (1)
  • Polyethylene terephthalate (4)
  • Polyketides (1)
  • Polylactic acid (15)
  • Polymer clay--Barrier properties (1)
  • Polymer melting (1)
  • Polymer networks (2)
  • Polymeric composites (5)
  • Polymerization (8)
  • Polymerization--Analysis (1)
  • Polymers (22)
  • Polymers--Additives (1)
  • Polymers--Biodegradation (6)
  • Polymers--Curing (1)
  • Polymers--Fracture--Testing (1)
  • Polymers--Industrial applications (1)
  • Polymers--Mathematical models (2)
  • Polymers--Mechanical properties (1)
  • Polymers--Research (3)
  • Polymers--Rheology (4)
  • Polymers--Thermal properties (1)
  • Polymers--Viscosity (1)
  • Polynomials (5)
  • Polyols (4)
  • Polyploidy (1)
  • Polypropylene (5)
  • Polyps (Pathology) (1)
  • Polysaccharides (1)
  • Polysaccharides--Structure (2)
  • Polystyrene (2)
  • Polytopes (1)
  • Polyurethanes (5)
  • Polyurethanes--Biotechnology (2)
  • Polyurethanes--Environmental aspects (2)
  • Poor children (2)
  • Poor children--Books and reading (1)
  • Poor children--Education (1)
  • Poor children--Education (Preschool) (1)
  • Poor children--Nutrition (1)
  • Poor children--Psychology (1)
  • Poor families (1)
  • Poor girls (2)
  • Poor men (1)
  • Poor women (3)
  • Poor--Education (1)
  • Poor--Health and hygiene (2)
  • Poor--Medical care (2)
  • Poor--Political activity (1)
  • Poor--Services for (1)
  • Poor--Social conditions (1)
  • Poplar--Growth (1)
  • Popular culture (4)
  • Popular culture and literature (1)
  • Popular culture--Political aspects (1)
  • Popular literature (1)
  • Popular music (2)
  • Popular music radio stations (1)
  • Popular music--Writing and publishing (1)
  • Popularity (1)
  • Population (7)
  • Population biology (1)
  • Population biology--Computer simulation (1)
  • Population density (2)
  • Population density--Environmental aspects (1)
  • Population genetics (3)
  • Population genetics--Mathematical models (1)
  • Population research (1)
  • Population--Econometric models (1)
  • Population--Longitudinal studies (1)
  • Porites (1)
  • Pork industry and trade (2)
  • Pork--Marketing (1)
  • Pork--Quality (2)
  • Pornography--Government policy (1)
  • Pornography--Social aspects (1)
  • Porosity (1)
  • Porous materials (2)
  • Porphyrins (4)
  • Porridge (1)
  • Portfolio management (2)
  • Portfolio management--Econometric models (1)
  • Portuguese language (1)
  • Post anesthesia nursing (2)
  • Post-apartheid era (2)
  • Post-fire forest management (1)
  • Post-racialism (3)
  • Post-translational modification (2)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (6)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescence--Treatment (1)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder in children (2)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder in children--Treatment (1)
  • Postcolonialism (5)
  • Postcolonialism in literature (2)
  • Postemployment benefits (1)
  • Posters (1)
  • Postharvest diseases and injuries (4)
  • Posthumanism (1)
  • Postmodernism and higher education (1)
  • Postmortem changes (2)
  • Postnatal care (2)
  • Postnatal exercise (1)
  • Postoperative care (2)
  • Postoperative nausea and vomiting (3)
  • Postoperative pain (2)
  • Postpartum depression (5)
  • Postsecondary education (4)
  • Postsecondary education--Social aspects (1)
  • Postsecularism (1)
  • Poststructuralism (1)
  • Posttraumatic growth (1)
  • Postwar reconstruction (1)
  • Potato scab (1)
  • Potato scab--Control (2)
  • Potato-rot (1)
  • Potatoes (9)
  • Potatoes--Breeding (4)
  • Potatoes--Disease and pest resistance (2)
  • Potatoes--Diseases and pests (7)
  • Potatoes--Diseases and pests--Control (4)
  • Potatoes--Genetic engineering (4)
  • Potatoes--Genetics (5)
  • Potatoes--Marketing (1)
  • Potatoes--Research (2)
  • Potatoes--Seeds--Economic aspects (1)
  • Potential energy surfaces (2)
  • Potential theory (Mathematics) (1)
  • Potter Park Zoo (Mich.) (2)
  • Pottery, Peruvian (1)
  • Pottery, Prehistoric (1)
  • Pouches (Containers) (2)
  • Poultry (2)
  • Poultry farms (3)
  • Poultry industry--Technological innovations (1)
  • Poultry products (1)
  • Poultry--Diseases (1)
  • Poultry--Feeding and feeds (1)
  • Poultry--Manure (1)
  • Poverty (7)
  • Poverty--Econometric models (1)
  • Poverty--Government policy (1)
  • Poverty--Health aspects (1)
  • Poverty--International cooperation (1)
  • Powder metallurgy (1)
  • Power (Philosophy) (2)
  • Power (Social sciences) (13)
  • Power amplifiers (1)
  • Power electronics (6)
  • Power of attorney (2)
  • Power resources (15)
  • Power resources--Econometric models (1)
  • Power resources--Economic aspects (1)
  • Power resources--Remote sensing (1)
  • Power semiconductors (1)
  • Power-plants (1)
  • Practical reason (3)
  • Practicums (1)
  • Pragmatics (1)
  • Pragmatism (1)
  • Prairie conservation (3)
  • Prairie ecology (2)
  • Prairie planting (2)
  • Prairie restoration (2)
  • Prairie warbler (1)
  • Prairie warbler--Behavior (1)
  • Prairies (1)
  • Pratylenchus (1)
  • Pre-trial intervention (1)
  • Pre-trial procedure (1)
  • Precast concrete--Fire testing (1)
  • Precipitation (Meteorology) (1)
  • Precipitation (Meteorology)--Modification (1)
  • Precision farming (1)
  • Precooked meat (1)
  • Predation (Biology) (5)
  • Predatory animals--Ecology (1)
  • Predatory aquatic animals--Food (1)
  • Predatory insects (1)
  • Predatory mite (1)
  • Prediction of scholastic success (3)
  • Predictive analytics (1)
  • Predictive control (2)
  • Preeclampsia (4)
  • Prefabricated houses (1)
  • Prefrontal cortex (1)
  • Prefrontal cortex--Physiology (2)
  • Pregnancy (4)
  • Pregnancy--Complications (4)
  • Pregnancy--Complications--Prevention (1)
  • Pregnancy--Duration (1)
  • Pregnancy--Nutritional aspects (6)
  • Pregnancy--Psychological aspects (6)
  • Pregnant teenagers (1)
  • Pregnant women (5)
  • Pregnant women--Economic conditions (2)
  • Pregnant women--Health and hygiene (9)
  • Pregnant women--Mental health (3)
  • Pregnant women--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Pregnant women--Social conditions (1)
  • Pregnant women--Substance use (1)
  • Pregnant women--Weight gain (2)
  • Prehistoric peoples (4)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (1)
  • Prejudices (5)
  • Prejudices--Mathematical models (1)
  • Premature infants (1)
  • Premature infants--Development (1)
  • Premature infants--Physiology (1)
  • Premature labor (2)
  • Prematurely born children (1)
  • Premedical education (1)
  • Prenatal care (1)
  • Prenatal care--Economic aspects (1)
  • Prenatal influences (4)
  • Presbyterian Church (1)
  • Preschool children (10)
  • Preschool children--Language (2)
  • Preschool children--Nutrition (2)
  • Preschool children--Psychology (10)
  • Preschool children--Services for (2)
  • Preschool children--Social conditions (1)
  • Preschool music (1)
  • Preschool teachers (2)
  • Prescribed burning (2)
  • Prescription pricing (1)
  • Preservation of organs, tissues, etc (1)
  • Presidents--Term of office (1)
  • Press and politics (2)
  • Press coverage (2)
  • Press--Public opinion (1)
  • Pressure cooking (1)
  • Pressure transducers (1)
  • Pressure wave superchargers (1)
  • Prestressed concrete (2)
  • Prestressed concrete beams (1)
  • Prestressed concrete beams--Evaluation (1)
  • Prestressed concrete construction (1)
  • Prestressed construction (1)
  • Price discrimination (1)
  • Price discrimination--Econometric models (1)
  • Prices--Econometric models (3)
  • Pricing--Decision making (1)
  • Pricing--Econometric models (1)
  • Pricing--Psychological aspects (1)
  • Primary care (Medicine) (2)
  • Primary school teachers (2)
  • Primary school teaching (1)
  • Primates--Physiology (1)
  • Prime ministers (1)
  • Principal components analysis (1)
  • Printed electronics (2)
  • Printing--Costs (1)
  • Prion diseases in animals (1)
  • Prison visits (1)
  • Prison-industrial complex (1)
  • Prisoners (1)
  • Prisoners of war--Abuse of (1)
  • Prisoners' families (1)
  • Prisoners' families--Services for (1)
  • Prisoners--Diseases (1)
  • Prisoners--Family relationships (1)
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Theses and Dissertations

Standards and Templates for Thesis and Dissertation Formatting

Etd templates for word users, description.

Templates for Microsoft Word 2007+ with new automation features to better facilitate writing theses/dissertations. Read the instructions thoroughly before using. Available only to MSU-affiliated logged-in users.

Mississippi State University Libraries

Publication Date

University Libraries

Recommended Citation

"ETD Templates for Word Users" (2019). Standards and Templates for Thesis and Dissertation Formatting . 4.

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  • Search ProQuest Electronic Dissertations and Theses Proquest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) database contains theses and dissertations from many institutions (including MSU.) Full-text access is available from 1997 to the present, with abstracts available for documents before 1997.
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EBSCO Open Dissertations

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WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many theses are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)

Search the 6,175,364 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive.

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Search the MSU repository at Scholars Junction or the worldwide database at ProQuest.

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Mississippi State University Libraries on FaceBook

Thesis and Dissertation Formatting (Online)

February 5, 2020 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, about this event.

Sponsored by MSU Libraries , this free online workshop covers the submission process for format review and ADA Web-accessibility requirements, and demonstrates how to use automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to requirements set forth in "Standards for Preparing Theses and Dissertations: 8th Edition."

These templates were designed to help an author organize and format a document with minimal effort, so focus can be on the content of the document. Those who have already started writing or have already defended are welcome to bring their current documents (either on flash drive or email attachment) to start the process of placing their content into the template.

Click here to join the workshop.

(If prompted, enter training as the password.)

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  1. PDF Michigan State University FORMATTING GUIDE

    [email protected] or by calling 517-353-3220.The signed Approval Form for electronic submission serves as evidence that the document has been examined and approved by the major professor (or thesis/dis. ertation director) and guidance committee. The electronic approval form is received by The Graduate School after the major professor (or thesis/d.

  2. Electronic Theses and Dissertation Submissions

    Thesis/Dissertation Office, 466 West Circle Drive, 2nd floor, Chittenden Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824Phone: 517-353-3220; Email: [email protected] links below provide instructions on what needs to be completed and approved by the Graduate School in order to graduate.Each semester has a firm submission deadline by which students must submit their thesis/dissertation to ProQuest ...

  3. LaTeX Templates

    Where to find LaTeX templates. Different LaTex templates can be used to change the structure and design of your LaTex documents. For example, there are templates available to create resumes, cv's, articles, theses, and other types of documents. Both Overleaf and Authorea allow you to search for templates shared on their platform.

  4. Electronic Theses & Dissertations

    Electronic Theses & Dissertations. View 51,973 items. Since 2011, MSU has required that all theses and dissertations be submitted electronically. These electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are joined here by a large number of digitized historical works scanned by Google and ProQuest dating back to the 19th century.

  5. PDF MSU ETD Formatting Guide Presentation 2022

    endorse any type of template for thesis or dissertation writing other than the Wordbased - Title Page Templates we provide on our website. •Regardless of the method or template used, the document must meet the Graduate School formatting requirements. • We are looking at your final product, not how or what you used to produce your document.

  6. amunn/msu-thesis: Thesis Class for Michigan State University

    Thesis Class for Michigan State University. Contribute to amunn/msu-thesis development by creating an account on GitHub. ... MSU-thesis-template.tex; Two test files and a test bibliography: MSU-thesis-testfile.tex MSU-thesis-chapterbib-testfile.tex MSU-thesis-testfile.bib. Problems.

  7. CTAN: Package msu-thesis

    This is a class file for producing dissertations and theses according to the Michigan State University Graduate School Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Master's Theses and Dissertations. ... MiKT e X as msu-thesis: Topics: Class Document template Dissertation Std conform: Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (551.4k ...

  8. GitHub

    This repository contains LaTeX templates for use within Michigan State University. All templates are designed with the MSU brand colors and logos in mind in an attempt to produce professional looking documents. These templates may be used and altered by anyone at MSU. ... MSU Dissertation / Thesis Class. If you are writing your dissertation or ...

  9. BMW-lab-MSU/MSU-dissertation-LaTeX

    This is an ever-so-slightly modified version of the MSU dissertation template maintained by Prof. Mark Owkes.. Changes include: using biblatex instead of bibtex for references; a compexam option that simply replaces "dissertation" with "comprehensive exam" in the frontmatter; a copyrightcc option that puts your document under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.

  10. Finding Dissertations and Theses: Home

    Theses Canada Portal. Over 50,000 electronic theses and dissertations are available from the Library and Archives Canada's collection. For full-text, select "Electronic theses" on the search screen. British Library EThOS. Individuals may login and search this database of over 480,000 British doctoral theses.

  11. Directory macros/latex/contrib/msu-thesis

    Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (551.4k).. msu-thesis - Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses This is a class file for producing dissertations and theses according to the Michigan State University Graduate School Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Master's Theses and Dissertations.

  12. Standards and Templates for Thesis and Dissertation Formatting

    ETD Templates for Word Users. PDF. Instructions for using the 8th edition MSU thesis/dissertation Word automated templates, Mississippi State University Libraries and James Nail. PDF. Standards for preparing theses and dissertations, Office of Thesis and Dissertation Format Review. File

  13. Online Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop: Regular Session

    This online workshop covers the submission process for format review and demonstrates how to use the automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to the requirements set forth in the Standards for Preparing Theses and Dissertations: 8th edition. These templates were designed to help an author organize and format their document with minimal effort so that their focus can be on the ...

  14. Program Browse

    Browse Theses & Dissertations By Academic Program. The data presented here includes all theses and dissertations submitted digitally at MSU, a requirement since roughly 2011, for a total of 9707 theses and dissertations in 172 programs. The full collection includes many more items that have recently been scanned, though not yet with consistent enough metadata to be included here.

  15. Instructions for using the 8th edition MSU thesis/dissertation Word

    Templates for Microsoft Word 2007+ with new automation features to better facilitate writing theses/dissertations. Read the instructions thoroughly before using. ... "Instructions for using the 8th edition MSU thesis/dissertation Word automated templates" (2019). Standards and Templates for Thesis and Dissertation Formatting. 1. https ...

  16. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Using Automated Template

    About this event. This workshop covers the submission process for format review and demonstrates how to use the automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to the requirements set forth in "Standards for preparing theses and dissertations: 6th edition." Click the "Link" below for more information and to register.

  17. A Latex template for the Michigan State University Dissertation

    A Latex template for the Michigan State University Dissertation - jaredmoore/MSU_Dissertation_Template

  18. Graduate Student Center / Thesis and Dissertation Office

    Mitchell Memorial Library, 1st Floor. The Graduate Student Center / Thesis and Dissertation Office, located on the first floor of Mitchell Memorial Library, reviews theses and dissertations for formatting compliance based on the standards required by Mississippi State University. Our review process begins after your committee has approved all ...

  19. "ETD Templates for Word Users"

    Templates for Microsoft Word 2007+ with new automation features to better facilitate writing theses/dissertations. Read the instructions thoroughly before using. Available only to MSU-affiliated logged-in users.

  20. MSU_Dissertation_Template.tex

    A Latex template for the Michigan State University Dissertation - jaredmoore/MSU_Dissertation_Template

  21. Theses & Dissertations

    The Office of Thesis and Dissertation Format Review reviews documents for compliance with University guidelines regarding format after approval by graduate students' committee members. ... database contains theses and dissertations from many institutions (including MSU.) Full-text access is available from 1997 to the present, with abstracts ...

  22. Search for Theses and Dissertations

    Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) Search the 6,175,364 electronic theses and dissertations contained in the NDLTD archive. Theses and dissertations written by others in your field or with your advisors can provide you with helpful formatting examples. Online Catalog Search for theses and dissertations in print and ...

  23. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting (Online)

    Contact Phone. (662) 325-8756. Sponsored by MSU Libraries, this free online workshop covers the submission process for format review and ADA Web-accessibility requirements, and demonstrates how to use automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to requirements set forth in "Standards for Preparing Theses and Dissertations: 8th ...