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submit assignments unisa

Submitting Assignments Using Turnitin

Turnitin is integrated within myunisa to uphold academic integrity by identifying non-original content in your assignments and to protect your intellectual property. here's what you need to know about using , turnitin for your submissions., when is turnitin used.

  • Selective Application : Turnitin is not used for all assignments. It is applied selectively for certain modules or types of assessments. If your assignment requires Turnitin, this will be indicated in the assignment details.

Accepting the End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Mandatory Acceptance : If Turnitin is used for an assignment, you will be prompted to accept the Turnitin EULA. Accepting this agreement is crucial as it allows the system to check your submission for originality and protects your submitted work from being plagiarized by others in the future.

submit assignments unisa

How to Submit Assignments with Turnitin

  • Submission Process : You do not need a separate login for Turnitin; it is fully integrated with your myModules and myExams. Simply go to the specific module on myModules, find your assignment, and upload your submission as usual. The system will guide you through accepting the EULA and completing your submission.

submit assignments unisa

Report Unavailable: Unable to generate a report, check that the file has enough text and that it is of the correct file type.

submit assignments unisa

Error: A problem occured with the file. Resubmit the file or contact student support.

submit assignments unisa

Result: Indicate the percentage originality.

submit assignments unisa

  • Originality Report : After submission, Turnitin will generate an Originality Report. This report will show a percentage that represents the similarity index of your work compared to other sources. This percentage helps identify how much of your work matches content from other documents, including internet sources, previous submissions, and academic publications.

submit assignments unisa

Important Notes

  • Draft Submissions : You can submit draft versions of your assignment to check the preliminary Originality Report. This allows you to make necessary revisions before your final submission without affecting your originality score.
  • Permanent Record : All submissions are stored permanently on Turnitin to ensure that future submissions do not mistakenly flag your original work as plagiarized.

This integration of Turnitin in myModules aims to support your academic journey by providing a tool that encourages original writing and ensures fair academic practices. Always ensure to adhere to the guidelines set forth for each assignment and utilize Turnitin as a resource to help maintain your academic integrity.

How to use MyUnisa to submit your Unisa assignments online

submit assignments unisa

Are you an enrolled student at the University of South Africa (Unisa) who is having trouble submitting your assignments? Assignments for Unisa can be turned in online through the myUnisa dashboard, in a box designated for that purpose, by mail to the University of South Africa, or by courier.

Assignments at UNISA help you master the material and be ready for exams while also assisting instructors in determining your understanding of the subject.

They are necessary and required, and you cannot take the exam unless you have finished the corresponding tasks.

It is important to always keep a copy of your assignment in case the university does not receive an assignment and you are requested to re-submit a copy.

Watch this video which shows you how to prepare, format, complete & submit Unisa assignments or read the guide below.

How to submit Unisa assignments

Here is a step-by-step instruction for submitting online assignments.

To submit an assignment, use a file format that can be uploaded to myUnisa. These formats are listed in the “ Specify the type of file ” drop-down list on the submission screen.

A pdf file is the preferred option (formatting and layout are retained). Do not submit assignments in write-protected/read-only pdf formats. Use only the Adobe pdf format.

Information on pdf converters can be found on your dashboard under “ Electronic resources ”. Navigate to the assignments tool to start the process.

When you click “ Continue ”, your assignment will be uploaded to the Unisa network.

This may take several minutes depending on the size of your assignment and the speed of your internet connection.

Once the assignment is received, its details will be displayed on your screen for final checking. You can either go back and make corrections or click on the “ Submit assignment ” to submit it.

Ensure that your answers to multiple-choice questions are ready before connecting to the internet. It will cost you money to work out answers while online. Check for mistakes before submitting your Unisa assignment.

Don’t wait until the closing date

Try to submit your assignments at least 3 working days before the due date, as you may experience unforeseen problems (e.g. your internet connection is down) on the day you want to submit my Unisa assignments.

Don’t run into grace period issues

Don’t submit the same assignment via two separate channels (eg myUnisa and the post). Any documents/assignments uploaded to your myUnisa admin must be virus-free.

If you repeatedly submit documents with viruses, you may lose the right to use my Unisa student portal.

Assignments of modules offered fully online must be submitted online. Hard copy unisa assignments submitted for online modules will be returned to the student unmarked.

Assignments submitted via myUnisa admin which are marked onscreen (except multiple-choice question assignments, blogs, portfolios, and discussion forums) will be available for viewing on

Notification of the marked assignment (together with a link) will be sent to your myLife e-mail account. Download your marked assignment, so that you have access to it even when you are offline.

Unisa’s Assignment Division does not accept requests to cancel assignments submitted via myUnisa. It is your responsibility to ensure that the content of your assignment is correct before you submit it.

How to submit MCQ answers via Unisa MCQ app

unisa mcq app

The Unisa students can now submit their multiple-choice assignments via their mobile phones or tablets.

And here’s how to submit your multiple-choice assignment answers using the Unisa mobile application (Unisa MCQ app).

Steps to follow:

  • Download and install the Unisa MCQ app from Google Play Store
  • Install and start the application on your phone
  • Select the “MCQ Assignment” option
  • Login with your myUnisa* credentials
  • Select your module
  • Select the appropriate unique assignment number
  • Select appropriate answers to the assignment questions
  • Send your answers
  • Receive immediate onscreen confirmation

Submitting via assignment boxes

If you live near Pretoria, Midrand, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Polokwane, or Durban and prefer to deliver your completed assignments personally, you may post your assignments in the assignment boxes, preferably two days prior to the assignment due date, at these Unisa campuses.

Do not post envelopes containing money in any of the assignment boxes. The University of South Africa does everything possible to ensure that assignments reach us safely, but the university cannot take responsibility for the loss of assignments as a result of fire or theft.

Assignments posted to the university must be in the envelopes supplied to you when you registered. Except for weekends and public holidays, the assignment boxes are emptied daily by Unisa staff.

The collection time is approximately 07:00.

If you submit an assignment via an assignment box and do not receive a confirmation via SMS from Unisa within 7 working days of submitting the assignment, contact the Assignment Division.

For more on myUnisa assignment, visit Unisa assignment info page .

Frequently asked questions

How do i submit unisa assignments.

To submit your assignment, 1. Load assignment file from your PC to myUnisa dashboard, 2. Verify the file details for final submission of your written assignment, 3. Click on the Return to Assignment List button to go back to the Assignment overview screen.

Where do I find Unisa assignments?

How to get unisa assignments

You can find Assignment results on your dashboard. 1. On the right side of your screen, click on the first important links ( Submit assignments (MCQ & File uploads ) 2. Enter your student number and password to log in. 3. You will receive an SMS with your assignment result as soon as the result becomes available.

How do I check my Unisa assignments?

You can myunisa Assignment results by; 1. logging into your myUnisa to view your results online OR. 2. Enquire via email to the email address: [email protected] (indicate your student number in the subject heading).

Does Unisa accept late assignments?

All assignments must be submitted on or before a specified due date for marking. No late assignments will be marked. Due to the tight time constraints of fitting everything into a semester, UNISA does not consider late assignments for marking.

What is the pass mark for Unisa assignments?

50% UNISA requires an average mark of 50% for a pass.

What is unisa portfolio assignment?

As part of your assessment you may be asked to submit a Portfolio.

Portfolio are summative assessment but will be administer via the assignment submission platforms or as indicated in the TL 101. The results of your non-venue based summative assessment, wil

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NO, they are not, but is strongly advised that you attempt and submit all of the assignments. Research done at Unisa has shown that students who submit assignments has a far better chance of success because:
• assignments ‘force' students to work throughout the year, which in turn makes it possible to identify problems early;
• students build up a year mark, which might prove to be valuable if something goes wrong in the exams.
• the course, especially this one, may prove be to difficult to ‘cram' in the two weeks before exams.

Will the assignments contribute towards the final mark?
According to UNISA regulations, the assignments may count a small percentage of the final mark. In this course, our assignments can contribute a maximum of 15% to the final mark. The reason why it cannot be more than 15% is that we have no guarantee that the work submitted is the student's own work. Also, we allow students to work in groups, which implies that the work submitted is not entirely the own work of the student who submitted the work. However, we acknowledge the fact that most students work throughout the year and recognise your effort by making the assignments count. In most other courses at UNISA, assignments do NOT count towards the final mark, but simply serve as an entrance requirement for the examinations.

The maximum of 15% is allowed by letting each assignment count 5% of the final mark.

Nothing really, students will not be disadvantaged if they do not submit assignments. For this certificate course, ALL students have automatic entrance to the examination. If you have not submitted any assignments, you will simply have not year mark, and as a result, your examination mark will be the final mark. On the other hand, if you don't submit all the assignments, for example, If you submit only 1 of the 3 assignments, your year mark will only make up 5% of your final mark. We have a policy in this course, not to disadvantage students through their year mark, but use it to help them. For example, if your year mark is average (say 60%) and you gets 80% in the exams, your year mark will be disregarded.

If you have Internet access, please introduce yourself to the rest of the class on the discussion forum under the "Hello..."-thread. The reason for this assignment is twofold. First, it ensures that you have proper access to our discussion forum and knows how to use it. The second reason for introducing yourself is to get to know the rest of your classmates. Experience has told us that students benefit a lot by communication with their fellow students! If you have Internet access, please make sure that you become part of this group.

There are THREE formal assignments for each module (four in total). The first two assignments are comprised of multiple choice questions. All assignments must be submitted ON or BEFORE a specified due date for marking. NO late assignments will be marked. Due to the tight time constraints of fitting everything into a semester, we will NOT be able to consider late assignments for marking. If you cannot make a due date, remember that it will not be counted against you - you can only benefit by submitting it in time.

(Prepare for submission)

Many people find it easier to work from paper than to work from a monitor. Web-based students might therefore find it easier to first print out the assignment before working on it.

You can use a copy of our DUMMY ANSWER SHEET, (found at the end of this document) to assist you in preparing your answers for submission. For each question, select only the BEST possible answer, and write down the number of that answer next to the question number eg. (1.) 4. Complete all questions on your dummy answer sheet. If you intent to submit your answers electronically, keep your dummy answer sheet ready.

If you are a correspondence student without Internet access, use one of the computerised mark-reading sheet that you have received with your registration papers, and carefully complete the mark-reading sheet from your dummy answer sheet.

(Prepare for submission)

Assignment 3 is a practical exercise based on the entire course. For this exercise, you will have to install (if you have not yet) and use the XML Spy editor that accompanied your textbook. You are expected to do the exercises, PRINT them and submit them through SOL or through postal mail. Only printouts of your practical work will be considered.

Please remember that submission must be ON or BEFORE the due date. If there is a consistent problem with the Unisa-servers two days prior to the due date, we automatically extend the due date for a week (Also the section on Possible Problems). Remember that the automatic extension of one assignment does NOT imply extension of the follow-up assignments, you must therefore continue with your study programme as initially planned and not adjust your schedule according to the new date.

Using this method, the assignment must be admitted through the SOL server ( Do NOT e-mail your assignment to the lecturers please since it cannot be marked by the computer program which marks the incoming assignments.

Put your assignment in a Unisa envelope and post it to Unisa. (Use the services and procedures booklet, that you have received with your registration papers if you have any queries in this regard.

All multiple choice assignments are marked electronically as a batch on a predetermined date. The system does NOT mark assignments as they are submitted, but all are marked at the same time as a single batch. This means if your assignment is not part of the batch it will not be considered for marking. The Assignment Department publishes the results of the marked assignment on SOL or send it by postal mail to correspondence students.

Assignment 3 is marked by hand. Our response will be sent back to you as soon as possible. Remember, since this assignment is due a few weeks before the examination, it will NOT be possible to extend the submission date, as this will not allow us enough time to assess and return your work.

Because the first two assignments are marked by batch processing, we cannot arrange for the marking of individual assignments. It is therefore very important that you submit your assignment ON or BEFORE the due. Please DO NOT ask for extension to submit an assignment. Because we cannot arrange for individual assignments to be marked, we also cannot grant extension. If you miss an assignment, please start working on the next assignment. The date of marking is usually set THREE days after the due date.

As explained in the previous section, we can unfortunately also not accept any late submissions for Assignment 3. Please be on time to be eligible for improving your term mark.

Can students work together in groups?
Absolutely! You may work together in groups, as long as each person submits his or her own work. The electronic submission does not make room for group submission, therefore each person in the group has to submit an assignment.

myUnisa Online Assignment Submission Tool Help file

How to resubmit a written assignment, how to submit a multiple-choice assignment, how to resubmit a multiple-choice assignment.

  • Assignments & Examinations


  • Essential tips for online examinations

Take-Home or Portfolio Exam (File Upload) On myUnisa

  • Randomised MCQ or Paragraph Examination on Online Assessment On myExam
  • Take-Home or Portfolio Exam (File Upload) on eAssessment Tool On myExams
  • Invigilation
  • Navigation guidelines for the Invigilation App

We recommend that you of the examination.


You need to download the examination question paper. You can download the examination question paper from the

Go to   

Click on

Login with your student number and myUnisa password.

Find your module code and download your exam question paper.



Once you’ve downloaded your question paper, you can go offline to read the questions and either type your answers on a laptop/desktop or write your answers on sheets of paper and later convert your answers to PDF for uploading onto myUnisa.

Answers prepared using Microsoft Word, for example, need to be CONVERTED into a single PDF formatted document for uploading onto myUnisa.

Handwritten paper-based answer sheets must be SCANNED and CONVERTED into a single PDF formatted document for uploading onto myUnisa.

 Once your document meets the above criteria, you can upload the scanned document to myUnisa.

Go to .

Click on the link as indicated below:

Login with your student number and myUnisa password.

Find the module code for which you want to submit a take-home or portfolio answer file.

The link

Click on the link to

A new screen will open that will guide you through the

Read the Honesty Declaration statement. If you agree, type in the text box. 


Use this step to verify that you are uploading the correct answer file to the correct course and assessment number.

button to submit your answer file. If you do not click on Continue, no submission action will take place. to restart the file upload process.

This is your .

It is advisable to . A copy of this page will also be e-mailed to your myLife e-mail account.

Log out of myUnisa. just close the page. Close your internet browser completely (if using a Mac, you'll need to select the menu, then , e.g. select , then ). Open just browser window and log back into myUnisa. If time allows, return to your exam as quickly as possible and resume where you last stopped.

Unisa examination policies will apply. Those who could not participate in the examination must formally apply for an aegrotat opportunity.  This rule will also apply to students who may be affected by load shedding. Since the load shedding schedules are pre-published, you are encouraged to make alternative arrangements where possible; alternatively, you will have to apply for an aegrotat and submit the required evidence.

Last modified: 2023/08/07


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  10. How to use MyUnisa to submit your Unisa assignments online

    Check for mistakes before submitting your Unisa assignment. Don't wait until the closing date. Try to submit your assignments at least 3 working days before the due date, as you may experience unforeseen problems (e.g. your internet connection is down) on the day you want to submit my Unisa assignments. Don't run into grace period issues

  11. Assignments

    Research done at Unisa has shown that students who submit assignments has a far better chance of success because: ... In most other courses at UNISA, assignments do NOT count towards the final mark, but simply serve as an entrance requirement for the examinations. The maximum of 15% is allowed by letting each assignment count 5% of the final ...

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    General information. Unisa wants its students to succeed in their studies and to come to their examinations properly prepared. This is why we insist on all our students submitting a certain number of assignments per course before being allowed to take an examination. Assignments questions and due dates will be made available to you on myModules.

  15. Assignments & Examinations

    Assignments. Assignments help lecturers to see whether you understand the module, and they help you to learn the work and prepare for exams. They're critical and compulsory - you won't be allowed to write the examination unless you've completed the relevant assignments. Click here for more information.

  16. myUnisa Online Assignment Submission Tool Help file

    Only assignments that were submitted online can be resubmitted. Assignments placed in assignment boxes or mailed to Unisa, DO NOT qualify for online resubmission. 3. ... · Click on the Continue button to submit your assignment file. If you do not click Continue, no submission action will take place. · If the wrong details, e.g. file name ...

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  22. With semester 2 tuition and assessment submission underway, the

    It is advisable to submit your assessments early to avoid issues on peak days, such as Monday evenings. If you encounter any issues while using myModules, please send an e-mail to to [email protected]