Public University Honors

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Public University Honors

Talk About Rigorous: New UT Austin Honors Program in Computer Science AND Business

Unlike most universities, UT Austin does not have one overarching honors college or program but, instead, offers 10 honors programs that vary according to academic emphasis:

  • Canfield Business Honors Program
  • Engineering Honors Program
  • Turing Scholars Program (computer science)
  • Dean’s Scholars Program (scientific research)
  • Health Science Scholars
  • Polymathic Scholars (science plus interdisciplinary)
  • Human Ecology Honors (family studies and relationships)
  • Plan II Honors (core and multidisciplinary, one of the oldest and most distinguished programs in the nation)
  • Liberal Arts Honors (LAH) (core liberal arts);
  • and, recently, the Computer Science and Business (CSB) joint honors program.

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(Here is an excellent “inside” guide to UT’s honors programs.)

Rest assured that the selection process is extremely rigorous. The CSB will have to approximate the standards of the Turing Scholars Program and the Business Honors Program. “Turing denies 85% of valedictorian applicants. That means it’s especially important that you demonstrate a breadth and depth of commitment in computer-related activities.” The average SAT for the BHP is north of 1500; the same is true for CSB. Only about 12% of applicants gain admission to the BHP.

turing honors essay

Turing Scholars at UT Austin

“Our top-ranked faculty push students to think outside the box and learn the varied business and computer science disciplines,” according to the website. “The curriculum is comprised of 44 classes, taken with 30-40 students, exposing students to all facets of business and computer science.

Most students in the CSB will have to take about 17 credits each term and enroll in at least one summer session to complete the program in four years. The CSB curriculum alone appears to be almost full-time.   Here is a link to a sample course sequence for all four years.   It is not for the faint-hearted.

Below is a list of courses required of CSB students.

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (CS 311H)

Algorithms & Complexity (CS 331H)

Data Structures (CS 314H)

Computer Organization & Architecture (CS 429H)

Principles of Computer Systems (CS 439H)

Matrices or Linear Algebra (M 340L/SDS 329C)

Introduction to Probability & Statistics (SDS 321)

Computer Science Upper Division Electives


Advanced Calculus Sequence (408C and 408D)


Traditional Calculus Sequence (408N, 408S, and 408M)

Business Communications (BA 324H)

Financial Accounting (ACC 311H) and Managerial Accounting (ACC 312H)

Introduction to Information Technology Management (MIS 301H)

Statistics & Modeling (STA 371H)

Corporate Finance (FIN 357H)

Operations Management (OM 335H)

Organizational Behavior (MAN 336H)

Introduction to Marketing (MKT 337H)

Business Law (LEB 323H)

Innovation & Entrepreneurship (MAN 327H)

General Management & Strategy (MAN 374H)

Microeconomics (ECO 304K)

Macroeconomics (ECO 304L)

Human Behavior (ANT/PSY/SOC)

Business Upper Division Electives

In addition, students must complete the university core curriculum, including courses in government, history, and composition.

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Everything You Need to Know About Honors Programs at the University of Texas at Austin

If your student is intellectually curious and wants to be surrounded by a cohort of peers who are too, one of the freshman honors programs at the University of Texas at Austin might be a good fit. Unlike some universities, UT doesn’t have just one honors track. Instead, it offers three paths: a college-wide program, department-specific programs, and major-specific programs. 

The honors programs offer a home-within-a-home on campus, inspiring gifted students with rigorous classes, world-class professors and thought leaders, and dedicated advisors. Plus, the smaller size of each program gives students a close-knit community where they can make deep connections.

To be considered for an honors program, the student first applies to the University overall, then adds an honors program application. Alternatively, students can enter their honors essay on the ApplyTexas Application. Students can start the application process by responding to the short-answer question(s) of the program of their choice, which will display on their ApplyTexas or Coalition application. Most freshman honors programs also require a separate expanded resume, and some require one letter of recommendation.

Students self-report on their resume any AP or IB scores they may have taken or plan to take.

Let's take a look at some of UT’s most popular honors programs


LAH is a college-wide program that embraces 140 freshmen each year. Started in 1990, it is considered a small liberal arts college within the larger research university. Students in the program still have a declared major. For example, you might major in Mexican American Studies within the Liberal Arts Honors program. But students also get to strengthen their critical thinking skills through required LAH classes, such as “Reacting to the Past” and “Ideas of Civic Engagement.”

The multi-disciplinary approach offers an interactive and flexible curriculum that stresses real-world application. Liberal Arts Honors students often study abroad and participate in internships. They see themselves as global citizens and natural leaders. The program provides talented students with enriched learning opportunities as they move through their college years. If students want to “be the change they want to see in the world,” this program is for them.

LAH admissions requirements: 

  • Apply for LAH Honors on the ApplyTexas or Coalition application or via the online Honors Application
  • Expanded resume
  • A commitment to a liberal arts education 
  • Writing skills, as demonstrated in essays (writing is a key component of the program)
  • A challenging academic course load; for example, taking AP/IB classes where offered and maintaining a full senior year course load
  • Leadership positions, especially those gained by committing to one or two organizations throughout high school 
  • LAH short answer essay
  • LAH Personal Statement

LAH Short Answer Prompt

At the University of Texas at Austin, we say that what starts here changes the world. The Liberal Arts Honors Program seeks change agents, students who are going to draw upon a liberal art education to make lifelong contributions to society that will make life better for their fellow citizens in the 21st century. Please tell us succinctly and imaginatively how a liberal arts education will help you become such a change agent and what contributions you expect to make.

(250 words)

LAH Personal Statement Prompt

Help us get to know you better. Please write five sentences (numbered 1–5) that give us some insight into you, your life, your interests and your experiences. There are no right answers — feel free to be creative and think outside the box.

Need help with your UT Austin Application?

You might be interested in our 1:1 Coaching Program for Students Applying to the University Of Texas at Austin


Plan II   is an interdisciplinary arts and science honors major with a core curriculum. This curriculum builds from one year to the next, with specific courses offered in a carefully designed order to empower students with problem solving abilities, analytical skills, and writing prowess. The work culminates in a capstone thesis, an extensive independent research and writing project.

Students working toward a Plan II degree are allowed to take electives, but they must follow the Plan II core curriculum requirements. The Plan II Honors requirements range from a year-long world literature course from the ancients to the present, to a four-semester sequence in modes of reasoning, theoretical math or calculus, life sciences, and physical sciences.

Many students in this program are planning on graduate school, whether in economics, history, medicine, or law. Often, Plan II students take an additional year and earn a second, specialized degree––in business or architecture, for example. It is intellectually rigorous. These are students who enjoy engaging in scholarly debate both inside and outside the classroom, who aren’t afraid of leading discussions, and who seek rigor in their coursework.

Plan II is often compared to an Ivy League-style of education. Admission is competitive, with around 1.400 applications for 175 freshman spots. Admission criteria is holistic, often taking into consideration a student’s intellectual spirit, imagination, and originality, as well as leadership skills and the desire for a broad education. In other words, if your student loves to learn and enjoys being challenged, this may be the right home for them.

Plan II admissions requirements: 

  • Apply for Plan II Honors on the ApplyTexas or Coalition application or via the online Honors Application 
  • Note: Plan II is housed in the College of Liberal Arts, so Liberal Arts must be one of the two college choices 
  • The Plan II personal statement 
  • A short answer essay response

Plan II Short Answer Prompt

If you could add one required course—on any topic—to your high school’s curriculum, what would it be and why? What would you have liked to learn that wasn’t available to you?

Limit your response to no more than 250 words.

Plan II Personal Statement Prompt

This is five sentences that allow you to tell the reviewer about yourself. Use these five sentences to describe yourself, your life, and your experiences that, taken together, form an accurate view of who you are and why the interdisciplinary nature of the Plan II honors program appeals to you. This is your chance to shine. Don't list what was provided in other areas of your application. Be creative! Be unique! Be you!

The college essay & resume for UT Austin process can feel overwhelming. Our program provides an experienced coach and a proven framework, working one-on-one to reduce the stress so the student can tell a compelling story.

Our program for students applying to UT Austin includes:

  • Guiding students through the UT expanded resume development process
  • Managing your student’s essay timeline for one long essay and four school-specific supplemental essays
  • Coaching students through a targeted set of college essays, including one long essay  and four school-specific supplemental essays
  • Providing students with suggested edits and proofing for this targeted set of college essays
  • Review of essays and application by our internal admissions committee

Your student will be carefully matched with a coach based on personality, working style, and first-choice major—it’s just one of the many ways we modify our proven process to meet individual student needs.


CBHP offers students with academic abilities and leadership skills the analytical tools and interpersonal skills needed to thrive as a business leader. The CBHP is a degree program within the highly-ranked McCombs School of Business. It provides intellectual challenge and professional development for students, while also providing a smaller community group in the McCombs environment.

CBHP courses are accelerated and modeled after those in the MBA program. In fact, the McCombs School's most experienced faculty teach CBHP classes. There's an emphasis on class discussion and presentations, case study analysis, and research on actual business decision-making. The small class size (generally 30-45 students, restricted to students in the program) encourages deep interaction between students and faculty and creates a welcoming learning community.

CBHP provides students with training, networking opportunities, and support during their college years. Admissions is competitive, but according to UT, those who do find a spot feel that the effort it took to get accepted pays off. 

CBHP admissions requirements: 

  • Submit regular UT application
  • List "Unspecified Business" as the first choice major
  • Apply to Honors application 
  • Answer the "Canfield Business Honors Program" essay prompt
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from an academic source (e.g., teacher, professor)

CBHP Short Answer Prompt

Canfield Business Honors is more than a major and program at the University. It is a community. During the last four years of high school, what community have you had the most impact in and how did you achieve that impact?

Limit 250 words.


Turing Scholars Program is an honors program hosting approximately 150 students that is designed to challenge outstanding Computer Science undergraduates. The program's curriculum offers an accelerated path through the department's core CS curriculum, which itself is the nation’s 8th-ranked computer science program. 

If you are admitted to the Turing Scholars Honors Program as a freshman, you take the special sections of the freshman classes and the special sophomore Turing Scholars classes. The Turing program also provides honors versions of popular upper-division classes and includes an undergraduate honors thesis that allows students to explore cutting-edge research. There is a minimum number of honors classes that you must complete in order to graduate as a Turing Scholar in Computer Science.

The Turing Scholars Honors Program considers a range of applicants, from those new to computer science to those who have taken so many CS classes that they would place out of the freshman sequence. But a demonstrated interest in computer science through classes or personal projects is definitely a plus for applicants. 

Based on information from UT and student feedback, along with stats for placement in summer jobs and internships, scholarship awards, and corporate endorsement, it's clear that the Turing Scholars Honors Program is a valuable and enriching program. 

Turing admissions requirements: 

  • Honors application 
  • A letter of recommendation from a math or science teacher
  • The program looks for highly motivated students with strong math and science backgrounds, with a demonstrated interest in computer science through classes or personal projects
  • Evidence of leadership as exhibited by significant extracurricular involvement helps as well

Describe your significant activities, employment, and achievements, particularly those relevant to the study of computer science. Also describe your educational and career goals.

Please limit your response to no more than 500 words.

College of Natural Sciences (CNS) honors programs

College of Natural Sciences honors programs fall into three categories: college programs, departmental programs, and academic distinctions.

College Honors Programs

CNS's college honors programs allow motivated students to take advantage of the resources of one of the largest science colleges in the world. Each program is designed to foster faculty-student collaboration and to promote exploration of academic, cultural, and social interests. Students can apply to one of three cohorts.

Dean's Scholars

A four-year Bachelors of Science honors degree program for students with a demonstrated interest in scientific research. 

  • Students receive training in research methods, develop their own research projects, and write theses under the direction of faculty in the College of Natural Sciences. Each Dean's Scholar has a faculty mentor, an academic advisor who meets with them from their first semester to their last, and a peer mentor.
  • Dean's Scholars take classes together, attend special dinners hosted by faculty members, hear guest speakers during weekly Friday lunches, and take weekend field trips to places such as the McDonald Observatory and the Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas. 
  • Dean's Scholars go on to enter PhD, MD, and other professional programs. 

Health Science Scholars

An honors program for future health professionals. 

  • HSS students have a long track record of community service in high school, and they continue serving each semester at the University of Texas, whether in health care or another area of need.
  • Students in HSS learn to communicate effectively. They are required to write papers in the sciences and the humanities, and to present their work orally. For their culminating project, they write a substantive research thesis and present their findings at either the CNS Honors Symposium or another research forum open to the public.

Polymathic Scholars

An honors program for science majors with multidisciplinary interests beyond or within the sciences. Students in his program are the Renaissance people in the College of Natural Sciences.

  • Polymaths begin their studies with "Originality in the Arts and Sciences," a course that emphasizes authentic, creative research. In their second year, with guidance from faculty, they design a field of study shaped by their own questions. They discover who's working on those questions and begin developing the knowledge and skills to answer them.
  • Polymaths practice writing and presenting their work before groups large and small. Their studies culminate during their last year in a substantial research thesis and presentation at the annual Honors Symposium. 
  • Polymathic Scholars are intellectually diverse. Graduates often pursue PhDs and MDs.

Departmental Honors Programs

Turing Scholars  (Computer Science) (see above)

Honors in Advanced Nutritional Sciences   (Human Ecology)

HANS offers students the opportunity to perform cutting edge research to optimize human health and disease prevention. 

Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family Sciences  (Human Ecology)

HAHDFS is an accelerated program for undergraduates interested in how children develop, how families form and function, and how individuals and their family relationships change across the life span. 

Texas Honors Computer Science and Business   (Texas CSB)

Texas CSB is a new integrated honors degree program between the Canfield Business Honors Program and the Department of Computer Science. Texas CSB provides a rigorous four-year undergraduate curriculum aimed at preparing students for top technology careers.

Academic Distinctions and Honors Events

Academic distinctions and honors events celebrate and recognize exceptional achievement through departmental honors, honors societies, and special events.

CNS Honors Admissions requirements:

  • The program looks for signs of a committed interest in science or math, and success in advanced classes in those subjects
  • The materials include essays and letters of recommendations, one of which must be from a science or math instructor
  • The program also looks for evidence that the student has researched and understands the target program


Thriving in the UT Austin College Admissions Process

July 24th at 6:00 pm CT

How UT Reviews Applications

turing honors essay

UT Austin has a special way of looking at applications from students who want to go to their school. It's called the fit-to-major model, and it means that they look at everything in your application—your grades, test scores, essays, resume, and recommendation letters—to see how well it matches up with the major you want to study. They really want to find students who have shown that they're interested and good at the things they'll be learning about in their major. They also want to see that you've done things outside of school that relate to what you want to study.

Choosing the right major is super important because it's the biggest part of your application. UT Austin wants to see that you understand why you picked your major and how it fits with what you want to do in the future.

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Texas Honors Computer Science & Business is an integrated degree program at The University of Texas at Austin that allows you to earn degrees in Computer Science and Business in a shorter time. Texas CSB provides a world-class education, countless opportunities and a tight-knit student community.

Admissions FAQ

  how does the application process work .

Applicants are evaluated holistically. This means there are no cut-offs or minimums.  We look at all aspects of the application. We are looking for students who are not only strong academically, but are engaged and have taken on leadership roles.  We look for students that have demonstrated a passion for computer science and technology outside of the classroom.  We will also review the essay and short-answer questions they submitted for their application, as well as letters of recommendation, and an expanded resume. 

To begin, students must  APPLY for admission to UT Austin.

Select Unspecified Business and Computer Science Entry Level as your majors—the first choice major should be the one that you are most interested in. Indicate your interest in an honors program and complete the prompts for Texas CSB. Once your application is complete you will have access to MyStatus where you can upload your required expanded resume and letter of recommendation from a teacher. We also accept documents via CommonApp.

  What type of student are you looking for?

Are you a leader at your high school? Have you challenged yourself by taking the most difficult classes available in your community and mastering them? Do you go above and beyond to succeed inside and outside of the classroom? Have you demonstrated a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation? These are some of the questions we ask our high achieving future students. Grades and standardized test scores are extremely important to the process, as is leadership and extracurricular activities. Students should report all test scores available in their application and expanded resume. National computing tests such a USACO are strongly encouraged.

  What makes the Texas CSB unique? 

Texas CSB offers small classes that focus on discussion and presentation, group collaboration, and analytical exercises. The program combines two top ranked programs—the McCombs School of Business, and Texas Computer Science—to give students the tools to generate new ideas based on technology, develop these ideas into reality, and create real world impact. The Texas CSB curriculum challenges students to develop innovative ways to work with data, technology, and people to contribute to business growth. The program’s integrated curriculum allows students to complete their degrees in four years while providing robust programming. Dedicated advisors provide students with personalized attention and unique opportunities. Students learn from not only esteemed professors and industry leaders, but also from each other.

  Will I be considered for admission to other honors programs if I am not admitted to Texas CSB?

Applicants who list “Unspecified Business” as their first choice major have the opportunity to apply for admission to the Canfield Business Honors Program . Applicants who list “Computer Science” as their first choice major have the opportunity to apply for admission to the Turing Scholars Honors Program .

Applicants must also submit applications to these honors programs to be considered.

Students who are denied to honors at UT Austin are at NO DISADVANTAGE for regular admission and are still fully reviewed for Business and CS majors.

  Is UT affordable compared to other top universities? 

Cost is a big factor for most students. When comparing scholarship and financial aid awards, it is important to look carefully at the net cost of each school and think about what you are getting for that amount. UT Austin is consistently recognized as one of the best value universities for the money invested. In addition, McCombs has one of the top career services offices in the nation. This means that students aren’t just getting an education; they are also getting the resources they need to land the jobs they want.

  What does the October 15 Early Action deadline mean? 

This optional deadline will require UT Austin application submission by October 15, with a guaranteed decision regarding their university admission communicated to applicants by January 15. The regular deadline for applications will remain December 1, with a guaranteed decision communicated by February 15. 

Texas CSB will notify students of their program decision by March 1. 

Students applying for Texas CSB and other honors programs at UT Austin are strongly encouraged to complete their application by October 15. 

Students who are not admitted to UT Austin are no longer under consideration for Texas CSB. 

  If I don’t get into Texas CSB for my freshmen year, can I reapply? 

Due to the program’s course load and small size of its cohort, admission to Texas CSB is limited to students applying for freshman admission.  

  Can I visit the McCombs School of Business or the Department of Computer Science, or talk to a current student about the Texas CSB? 

Students wanting to learn more about Texas CSB, the McCombs School of Business, or the Department of Computer Science can attend a  Canfield Business Honors Program or Computer Science Honors information session held regularly on the UT campus. Those students who are admitted can schedule a campus visit with one of our student recruiters, where they will have a custom itinerary designed for them which would include things like sitting in on a class and meeting with a Texas CSB advisor. Texas CSB also hosts monthly joint information sessions, please see the UT Admissions website for virtual session details on "Technology + Business at Texas".

  Are SAT and ACT test scores optional?

NO.  UT Austin is no longer test optional. For students applying for admission for Fall 2025 and later, you do need to submit a standardized test score (an ACT and/or SAT score) as part of your undergraduate admission application.

The University of Texas at Austin

The application deadline for fall admission is December 1.

All admission materials required by the University of Texas and the additional documents required by Plan II Honors must be received by the application deadline.

If you have questions concerning the Plan II Program or the honors application process, please email Kerry Pasquale , Plan II Honors director of admissions and program coordinator. Parents, please note: How an applicant takes charge of his or her own application speaks volumes to us in Plan II about how he or she manages time, takes on responsibility and faces problems and challenges. Urge your student to email. 

Plan II does not offer interviews or individual information sessions. We do, however, offer regular information sessions several times a week during the fall and spring semesters. See details, maps and links to register for the sessions at Visit Plan II .  Applicants or parents with questions are always welcome to email questions .  

All application materials including essays and résumés should be submitted electronically through UT Admissions. Links for essay and résumé submission may be found in on the admissions process page.

If the applicant experienced difficulties and must send documents by mail, all mailed application materials go directly to the UT Office of Admission. Do NOT send any documents or materials directly to Plan II Honors.

Short answer:  No.  A letter of recommendation is not required to complete a Plan II Honors application.

An applicant should submit a letter of recommendation (or explanation) if he or she has a record of activity, leadership, internship or other experience that is unusual and outstanding for a high school student, or if there are unusual circumstances in the applicant’s family life, or at the school, with the applicant’s [or a family member’s] health or financial situation or if the applicant has accomplished, survived, instigated or sailed through experiences/activities/circumstances that are extremely unusual for a high school student.  Then by all means have someone write a letter addressing, detailing or explaining the circumstances.

Note an emphasis on outstanding and unusual experiences and circumstances.  A few examples:

  • A summer internship assisting a university professor with research or conducting individual research;
  • A position of leadership in a national organization;
  • A summer internship with a Fortune 500 company;
  • The student (or close family member) experiences life-threatening or chronic illness or injury;
  • The student loses a close family member;
  • The student's family experiences life-changing financial set-back.

These are by no means the only circumstances in which a letter of recommendation should be submitted.

Plan II will also have access to letters of recommendation submitted as supporting documents for other honor program applications or submitted to support a University of Texas application.  

Letters of recommendation may be submitted via the Document Upload System in  MyStatus . See specific instructions on  Texas Admissions .

Plan II receives around 1800 complete applications for the Fall admission cycle. Plan II tends to offer admission to 385-400 applicants to reach our ideal entering freshman class of about 175 students.

At Plan II, we have very few issues of retention. Of around 175 students who enter Plan II Honors each year, approximately 160-165 students will graduate with a major in Plan II Honors in 4 or 5 years. In an average year, 3-8 students may be dismissed for not maintaining the minimum GPA requirement (3.0) for several semesters (usually in the spring of their second year or fall of their third year). Each year a few Plan II students will leave the University for academic, family, financial, health, or other personal reasons; a very few students will complete another major at the University, but not the Plan II Honors major. A student who leaves Plan II for another major generally finds that he or she would rather go in depth in their particular field of interest and not meet the broad curriculum requirements of Plan II Honors.

The attrition rate in Plan II is quite low. A handful of students transfer to other colleges, and a few are dismissed from the program after two years for failing to maintain our minimum GPA of 3.0.

See application deadline above.

Applicants that meet the regular deadline of December 1 will be notified of a decision no later than March 1, 2025. Some decisions for Plan II Honors are made and delivered earlier than published decision dates.

All applicants will hear from Plan II Honors concerning Plan II admissions decision via the US mail and their My Status account.  If an applicant has not received notification from Plan II Honors by March 15, the application should email Plan II Admissions .

All applicants have until May 1 to make a final decision about attending the University of Texas and Plan II Honors. However, admitted applicants should be aware that the UT Division of Housing and Food Services will not offer a housing contract until the admitted applicant has paid the $200 UT enrollment fee. So, the sooner an admitted applicant pays the $200 enrollment fee, committing to Plan II Honors and UT Austin, the better the chance of being assigned to on-campus first-choice housing options, including honors housing options.

Please do NOT call the Plan II Honors Program office to ask about an admission decision. We will not discuss admission decisions over the phone.  You are, however, welcome to email the admissions director, Kerry Pasquale , with any questions or concerns.

Yes. The flexibility of the Plan II curriculum allows students to complete the equivalent of a second major -- or even a second degree in a particular subject area if they so choose. Over 75% of Plan II Honors majors complete the requirements for a second, third or fourth major.  Close to 35% complete a second degree, such as a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Business Administration, along with the Bachelor of Arts diploma.

Yes.  It’s possible to combine Plan II with most other UT Austin honors programs.   Plan II Honors majors often include the Canfield Business Honors Program, Engineering Honors, Dean's Scholars and Turing Scholars programs in combination with Plan II Honors.  Please see the full details at Other Honors Programs . There are also departmental honors programs available for most departments that Plan II students may apply to be a part of.

In many ways, Plan II Honors can be the perfect undergraduate major to lead to med-school. Year after year we see Plan II students admitted to the best medical schools, often ahead of or instead of graduates with science majors. It is rather straightforward to combine the pre-med requirements with the Plan II major requirements and easy to complete the Plan II major requirements and the pre-med recommended courses in four years.

The combination seems to be quite desirable as it leads to well-rounded, well-educated individuals with great communication and writing skills in addition to the science background needed for medical study. Most Plan II pre-med graduates tend to stay in Texas for medical school because, first, we have several of the most highly rated medical school programs here in Texas, and secondly, there is a substantial financial savings for staying in state for med school just as there is for undergraduate studies. With something as expensive as medical school, resident tuition savings is substantial. However, if you explore back over the years in the graduating class profiles, you see that we also have lots of Plan II pre-meds to go Washington University, Harvard Med, Johns Hopkins, Stanford and all the other well-known and highly ranked programs around the country. 

Some students do complete double-majors (with BA programs in Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, etc), Plan II Honors and and the pre-med requirements, and even dual-degrees (a five-year program with a BA, Plan II major and a BS with a major in Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, etc). If a student is really excited and deeply interested in one of the science disciplines, then by all means, he or she should incorporate that study into his or her degree plans.

Short answer: No, Plan II does not.

However, the University of Texas at Austin offers a guaranteed admission pre-medical program. The Joint Admission Medical Program ( JAMP ) is a special program created by the Texas Legislature to support and encourage highly qualified, economically disadvantaged students pursuing a medical education.

Plan II Honors admission and admission to and participation in JAMP are completely separate and independent of each other.

If you are admitted and Plan II is your only major, the Status Check will show that you are in the College of Liberal Arts, but it will list another major or "undeclared," not Plan II Honors.

If you have been admitted to another college (such as Engineering), that is the only college and major listed for you until after the 12th class day of the fall semester.

As a first-year student, you will be able to declare and be registered in two colleges or two majors at the same time but not until you attend summer orientation. When you arrive at orientation, you will have only one major and one college listed. If you plan to register in two different colleges, you are a dual degree student. At your Plan II orientation sessions, your Plan II advisors will help you complete the paperwork to be officially registered and coded in two majors or two colleges.

Yes. We certainly encourage you to do so, although it's important to keep in mind that college-level activities can be very demanding. Plan II students have their own organizations for theater, music, writing, and community service; they also frequently write for the Daily Texan, march in the Longhorn Band, help out in local schools, take leadership posts in Greek letter societies, run for office in student government, and play on varsity teams.

But since Plan II Honors majors usually do not take more class hours than non-Plan II students, there is no reason that you can't find the time for non-academic activities.  We want our students to have balanced lives, full of intellectual pursuits but never forgoing passions that enrich their lives.

On the contrary, the great majority of Plan II students finish the program with a flourish. About three quarters of our graduates receive university honors each year, and a portion of our students are elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi and walk at graduation with 4.0 GPAs. Plan II is a challenging but supportive community, if you are willing to rise to the challenge, your grades will reflect your effort.

Absolutely.  Many Plan II students spend a summer, a semester, or a year studying abroad. UT Austin sponsors programs and exchanges all over the world, and students are free to participate in other university programs or to apply directly to foreign institutions.

Plan II Honors supports students wishing to study abroad with a number of travel grants and scholarships. 

More than 3/4th of the Plan II students graduating each year have participated in at least one study abroad program.  In some years, as many as 80% of the graduates have studied abroad.  Please be sure to see the Study Abroad pages under the Current Students page.

We find our alumni active in virtually every profession. The only limits to what you can do with a Plan II degree are your own imagination, ambition, and determination. Many of our graduates (approximately 20-25% per year) go to law school or medical school, where they excel. Another 10-15% of Plan II graduates each year continue their studies in an advanced degree program or many others start directly on careers in fields such as business, teaching, software design, or journalism.

Yes, there are courses that can satisfy general university requirements, College of Liberal Arts requiremetns and, in some cases, Plan II specific requirements.

If you are not admitted to Plan II Honors, you will still be considered for any other programs or majors to which you applied. It is possible to be denied admission to Plan II Honors, but to be admitted to UT in the College of Liberal Arts or any of the other UT colleges. 

Plan II Honors Transfers

An original freshman application (from a first-time undergraduate student), submitted by the December 1 deadline, is the one shot for admission to Plan II Honors fall semesters' admissions. Neither current UT students nor students transferring to UT Austin from other academic institutions are eligible to apply to Plan II. 

Denial of Plan II Honors Admission Appeal Process

Plan II has an appeal process. Further details on the process can be found here .

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Questions concerning Plan II admission? Email Admissions Director, Kerry Pasquale

Departmental Honors

Some honors programs are available for specific majors in the College of Natural Sciences.

Honors in Advanced Nutritional Sciences

Students in this program receive an honors degree in their area of study, take small honors versions of major courses and write and present a thesis. With a small community of honors scholars, students work closely with faculty and experts in the field, exploring and performing cutting-edge research to optimize human health and disease prevention. 

Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family Sciences

Students in this program receive an honors degree in their area of study, take small honors versions of major courses and write and present a thesis. With a small community of honors scholars, students work closely with faculty and experts in the field, exploring and performing cutting-edge research in human development, romantic and family relationships and social and public policy. 

Turing Scholars 

This honors program, only for Computer Science majors, has curriculum that offers an intense, accelerated path through the department’s core curriculum. It offers special honors versions of popular upper-division courses and includes an undergraduate honors thesis that allows students to work closely on cutting-edge research. Turing Scholars will be admitted into Turing Pods, which is the students’ small community.

Texas Honors Computer Science and Business 

The college’s newest honors program is for students interested in being admitted into both computer science and as an unspecified business major. (When asked on ApplyTexas or Coalition for first- and second-choice majors, students will place the major they are more interested in as their first-choice.) Students will participate in both CS Pods and Business Honors Program seminars. For more information regarding Texas CSB, reach out to [email protected]

turing honors essay

What is the Turing Scholars Honors Program?

The Turing Scholars Program is an honors program for outstanding Computer Science undergraduates at UT Austin. Housed in the nation's 10th ranked CS department, the program's mission is to provide a CS education that is second to none.

The program combines the advantages of a small college—small class sizes, strong community, close interaction with faculty, and honors housing—with the advantages of a large research university, including a large variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, and ample opportunities for interdisciplinary studies.

turing honors essay

The Turing Scholars program seeks to matriculate around 50 students every year, leading to an incredibly close-knit cohort of students passionate about computer science.

Learn more ›

turing honors essay

The program provides a highly rigorous computer science curriculum taught by world-class faculty, culminating in an undergraduate thesis senior year.

turing honors essay

Student feedback, high placement at top technology companies and graduate schools, scholarship awards, conference publications, and corporate endorsement all point to one conclusion: the Turing Scholars program is highly successful.

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Turing Perspectives

Curious about how the Turing School is unlocking human potential? The Turing Perspectives blog will give you insight into our community and outcomes with stories by alumni, students, and staff.

Turing Alumni Spotlight card with Sage's headshot.

Dance Crew to Marines to Software

Turing Alumni Spotlight card with Saki's headshot.

Managing Code School and a Thai Restaurant

Photo of Anna Johnson in a Turing Alumni Spotlight template

2 kids 5 dogs and Work Life Balance

Turing Alumni Spotlight banner showcasing Alyssa Joyner SWE at Grafana Labs

6 Years of Teaching to 6 Figures

The Ten-Year Refresh

The Ten-Year Refresh

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Q4 2023 Jobs and Hiring Report

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Q3 2023 Jobs and Hiring Report

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Q2 2023 Jobs and Hiring Report

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Over 30 Years After the ADA, Where Do Disabled Workers Stand in Tech?

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Demo Comp Shows Tech Recruiters What Turing Grads Are Made Of

Will Mitchell On Common Myths About Front End Development

Will Mitchell On Common Myths About Front End Development

Is AI Taking Over Dev Jobs?

Is AI Taking Over Dev Jobs?

How Turing is Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Tech Community

How Turing is Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Tech Community

The History of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Tech and Beyond

The History of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Tech and Beyond

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These Moms Turned to Turing to Build Better Lives Through Coding

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Q1 2023 Jobs and Hiring Report

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Five Years After Graduation, Turing’s 2017 Cohort Is, Overall, Fulfilled and Financially Thriving

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Cydnee Owens Learned A Lot From Her Turing Journey—and She’s Ready to Share

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Tim Walz's military record: What to know about potential VP's National Guard service

turing honors essay

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive yet plain-spoken VP candidate from America’s heartland to help her win over rural, white voters.

“I’m pleased to share that I’ve made my decision: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will join our campaign as my running mate,” Harris said via text to supporters. “Tim is a battle-tested leader who has an incredible track record of getting things done for Minnesota families. I know that he will bring that same principled leadership to our campaign, and to the office of the vice president.”

We look at Walz, a 60-year-old U.S. Army National Guard veteran, and his military career over the years.

More: Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' VP pick: Minnesota governor named running mate: Live updates

How long was Walz in the military?

Walz served in the military for 24 years, enlisting in the Nebraska National Guard at 17 in 1981 and then transferring to the Minnesota National Guard in 1996. He retired in 2005 to begin his successful run for the U.S. House, representing Minnesota as command sergeant major, among the highest ranks for enlisted soldiers. His battalion went on to deploy to Iraq shortly after Walz's retirement.

Walz specialized in heavy artillery and had proficiency ribbons in sharpshooting and hand grenades.

But during the 21 years that Walz spent working with large artillery pieces, he suffered hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, Minnesota Public Radio reported. He was allowed to continue his service after undergoing surgery, which partially resolved his hearing loss.

Where did Walz serve, and what did he do in the National Guard?

During his service, Walz responded to natural disasters, including floods and tornadoes in Minnesota and Nebraska, and was deployed overseas for months at a time, according to MPR.

In 2003, he was sent to Italy, where he served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan. He was also stationed in Norway for joint training with other NATO militaries.

Walz told MPR that he reenlisted in the National Guard after the September 11 attacks but never saw active combat in his years in the military.

Stars and Stripes reported in 2020 that Walz credited his Army experience with helping him steer Minnesota through the COVID-19 pandemic as governor.

As governor of Minnesota, Walz is commander in chief of the 13,000-soldier Minnesota National Guard. “I’m certainly proud of my military service, but it’s one piece of me,” he told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. “It doesn’t define me.”

Reuters and USA TODAY reporter Tom Vanden Brook contributed to this story.


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Passenger Plane Crashes in Brazil, Killing 61 Onboard

The Brazilian authorities said no one survived the crash, outside São Paulo on Friday afternoon. The airline, VoePass, said the cause was unknown.

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By Jack Nicas Paulo Motoryn and Niraj Chokshi

Jack Nicas reported from Rio de Janeiro, Paulo Motoryn from Brasília and Niraj Chokshi from New York.

Above the small city of Vinhedo, Brazil, on Friday, a passenger plane was falling from the sky. Residents began filming.

Those videos show the horrifying moment when an 89-foot-long plane, carrying 61 people and slowly spinning in circles, plummeted to earth. A moment after the plane disappears from view near a gated community, an enormous black plume of smoke rises from the spot.

One video then shows a house on fire, a swimming pool full of debris and a group of men peering over a scene of carnage in a yard: a shredded fuselage, twisted metal and, several yards in front of the cockpit, a body.

VoePass Flight 2283 crashed Friday toward the end of a scheduled two-hour flight from Cascavel, Brazil, to São Paulo. VoePass, a small Brazilian airline, said all 57 passengers and four crew members died in the accident.

Thick gray smoke rising into the sky in a residential neighborhood.

The airline and Brazilian officials said they did not know why the plane had crashed.

The plane, an ATR 72, had all systems operating correctly when it took off, the airline said. The pilots did not signal any emergency, officials said. The aircraft, a twin-engine turboprop plane, was built in 2010 and was in compliance with Brazilian regulations, they added.

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    Turing Scholars Honors Program Department of Computer Science The University of Texas at Austin 2317 Speedway, Stop D9500 Austin, TX 78712 [email protected]. Director, Turing Scholars Honors Program Professor of Computer Science Calvin Lin GDC 5.512. Recruiting & Admission Coordinator

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  5. Turing Scholars Honors Program Admissions

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  11. Turing Scholars Essay

    Essays. The prompt for UT's Turing Scholars essay this this: Describe your significant activities, employment, and achievements, particularly those relevant to the study of computer science. Also, describe your educational and career goals. Please limit your response to no more than 500 words. Most of my other supplements are about experiences ...

  12. Comprehensive Guide for Applying to UT-Austin Honors Programs

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  13. Admissions

    Admissions. Texas Honors Computer Science & Business is an integrated degree program at The University of Texas at Austin that allows you to earn degrees in Computer Science and Business in a shorter time. Texas CSB provides a world-class education, countless opportunities and a tight-knit student community. Application Requirements Admissions FAQ.

  14. Turing Scholars Honors Program Current UT Students

    Join the Turing Scholars program. Current entry-level CS majors may apply for admission to the Turing Scholars Honors Program by submitting this online application, and then emailing a resume to the address on the online application. Applications will be accepted until May 10, 2022 for students wanting to begin the program in Fall 2022.

  15. FAQs

    All application materials including essays and résumés should be submitted electronically through UT Admissions. ... Engineering Honors, Dean's Scholars and Turing Scholars programs in combination with Plan II Honors. Please see the full details at Other Honors Programs. There are also departmental honors programs available for most ...

  16. Celebrating 20 Years of Turing Scholars

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  17. Departmental Honors

    Turing Scholars . This honors program, only for Computer Science majors, has curriculum that offers an intense, accelerated path through the department's core curriculum. It offers special honors versions of popular upper-division courses and includes an undergraduate honors thesis that allows students to work closely on cutting-edge research.

  18. Turing Scholars Honors Program

    The Turing Scholars Program is an honors program for outstanding Computer Science undergraduates at UT Austin. Housed in the nation's 10th ranked CS department, the program's mission is to provide a CS education that is second to none. The program combines the advantages of a small college—small class sizes, strong community, close ...

  19. What is the Turing Scholars Program Like? : r/UTAustin

    One benefit is that many of the department's best professors teach honors courses, so you'll get excellent professors like Dr. Lin for Data Structures, a class that is crucial to success in interviews. One thing I really like about the program so far is the close-knit community. Many of the Turings live in the honors quad; I live off campus, so ...

  20. Tips for Applying to UT-Austin Computer Science, Cockrell School of

    An OOS admitted UT-Austin Turing Honors client of mine with a perfect GPA and ACT and a strong STEM resume gained admission to three other top 20 CS universities along with a few excellent scholarships. They were also rejected by CMU, Illinois, various Ivy League schools, and the UCs, including San Diego. ... In your essays, tell your reviewer ...

  21. Turing Perspectives

    Established in honor of Turing alumna Lovisa Svallingson after her tragic and unexpected passing in 2021, the bigLOVISA scholarship is awarded each February 20—Lovisa's birthday— to an incoming Turing student who is equally passionate. Feb 20, 2023 4 min read. education. 8 Black Tech Trailblazers to Celebrate This Black History Month ...

  22. Turing Scholars Honors Program FAQ

    Yes. You may apply for admission to the Turing Scholars Honors Program by submitting an online application, and then emailing a resume to the address on the online application. Applications are accepted towards the end of each semester. Successful applicants will be placed in honors courses as appropriate for their background.

  23. Tim Walz's military career: What to know about potential VP's service

    Democratic vp pick Tim Walz served for decades in the Army National Guard, serving in the U.S. and overseas.

  24. Passenger Plane Crashes in Brazil, Killing 61 Onboard

    The Brazilian authorities said no one survived the crash, outside São Paulo on Friday afternoon. The airline, VoePass, said the cause was unknown.

  25. Is there a hard word limit to the Turing Scholars Honors Essay?

    71K subscribers in the UTAustin community. The University of Texas at Austin