IB Biology IA ideas (30+ topics) - A Goldmine You Can't Ignore.

Unleash your potential in IB Biology with our exclusive list of 30+ captivating IA ideas! Discover the secrets to scoring top marks & nail your IA now!

IB Biology IA ideas (30+ topics) - A Goldmine You Can't Ignore.

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Sitting in that quiet corner, sipping hot chocolate, hoping it rains IB Biology IA ideas, instead, going blank and utterly confused?

We don't want that to happen, do we? 

Choosing the perfect IB Biology IA idea is only the first step in making one's IB Biology Investigation, but definitely, the most significant. IB Biology IA Ideas won't strike out of the blue, but here's a list of  30+ IB Biology IA ideas  to inspire and stimulate your grey cells! Selecting an IBxq Biology IA idea has always been challenging! 

Before we look for IB Biology IA ideas, let's clearly comprehend the  IB Biology Diploma Programme Subject , its objectives, partwise breakdown, and what IB expects of you.

The IB IAs are essential to one's overall subject performance since they make up 20% of the final score. Internal Assessments are the perfect way to get students to put their knowledge to use by Observing, Questioning, and Investigating.   Personal engagement ,  Exploration ,  Analysis ,  Evaluation ,  and   Communication  are the criteria against which the investigation is assessed.            

The sure-shot way to ace one's IB Biology IA, or any IA, is by picking a topic that sparks one's interest. A well-planned , structured, and executed  IA has been undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm. It is all the same when choosing that one Biology IA idea from a platter full of inspiration. 

Before we dive more in-depth, you should check out our  premium IB Biology SL Notes  to own your Biology SL papers! Along with a bundle of  Past Papers , these  premium SL notes  include guides for your  Extended Essay  and  Internal Assessments  with helpful examples! You certainly want to take advantage of these! Browse  these  for more information! 

When it comes to selecting from several IB Biology IA ideas for your investigation, it is essential to note that your IA would either require you to:

  • Carry out experimental research in the laboratory or
  • Draw interpretation from a credible database or
  • Make a detailed analysis using a simulation/modelling.

Either way, you must connect to your topic and portray personal engagement as it lays the foundation for the rest of your investigation. Proper research is a bare minimum, and the rest follows. Here's a quick summary of how you are supposed to choose an appropriate IB Biology IA idea for your report:

  • Know your interest:  Go through several IA ideas to understand what all topics are in sync with the IB Biology curriculum and if something grabs your attention, hold on to it!
  • Keep it specific:  The idea should be more generic and more complex. An ideal IA idea reeks of originality and leaves room for proper investigation and analysis.
  • Let it be realistic:  Outline the Equipment, time, and resources to check its feasibility.

Tada! There you go! 

Now that you know how to settle on that one perfect topic, let's quickly brief ourselves on the proper planning and procedure involved in the making of an IB Biology IA:

Concise Research Question:  

Your Research Question and the Aim of the Investigation are separate sub-headings with different implications. Keep the research question brief and relevant. The Aim answers Why while the Research Question answers the What.

  • It is essential to set the Research Question in the background of the chosen topic. My Background, IB expects you to briefly explain what encouraged you to select a particular topic and, hopefully, a personal story that validates your choice and engagement. For instance, if you choose to investigate how light levels affect the predation of peppered moths, you could set a background that you have gained a fascination for that species ever since it was introduced to you for some explanation in your regular classes and eventually give more scientific basis for your choice.
  • Independent, Dependent variables need to be highlighted, as should the hypothesis. State your hypothesis; it is important in the context of your research. Constraints, if any, need to be mentioned as well. Remember, the Independent variable is one that you are allowed to change(just one); the Dependent variable is one that you measure as it changes with the Independent variable; all the other experiment conditions must be kept constant to ensure that the experiment is fair.
  • The procedure used should be well structured.
  • Tables, Graphs, etc., should be used.
  • Perform the relevant analysis, consider the research question, and conclude. 
  • Limitations and Improvements should be specified.

Acknowledging the safety protocols established by IB and considering the ethical aspects of your investigation is imperative. 

Focus on the question:

"If there are any ethical implications to your report, how do you plan on minimizing the environmental impact of your experiment?" 

Citing documents/web pages and giving references is another crucial aspect of your IA that needs to be taken care of. 

An important thing to note here is that although you are allowed to take inspiration from existing research, papers/journals, you are expected to give a novel perspective to the idea while producing it in your investigation.

For example, an idea inspired by how the soil pH affects seed germination could be investigated in a new light; think of other factors controlling/affecting seed germination. You could progress further in your report with a focus on quantitative data.

With all the necessary information at your disposal, it is time to present some fantastic IB Biology IA ideas to encourage you to put your thinking caps on and take on the challenge with newfound zeal! These ideas are meant to give you a little head start along this path; your final IB Biology Investigation idea is your interpretation of one.

Without further adieu, let's dive headfirst into  30+ IB Biology IA ideas  for your Biology IA Investigation!

  • Reference to Course:   Molecular Biology  (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis)
  • Lab, Simulation-based
  • Reference to Course:  Molecular Biology (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis)
  • Experimental 
  • Reference to Course:  Cell Biology (Membrane Structure)
  • Experimental
  • Reference to Course:  Plant Biology
  • Reference to Course:  Molecular Biology (Enzymes)
  • Reference to Course:  Cell Biology
  • Simulation/Modelling
  • Reference to Course:  Cell Biology (Osmosis)
  • Database based
  • Reference to Course:   Molecular Biology (Enzymes)
  • Reference to Course:  Ecology
  • Reference to Course:  Microbiology
  • Reference to Course:  Molecular Biology(Enzymes)
  • Experimental, Simulation-based
  • Reference to Course:  Buffers
  • Reference to Course:  Human Physiology
  • Reference to Course:  Molecular Biology(Enzymes)
  • Simulation Analysis
  • Database, Experimental
  • Reference to Course:  Plants Physiology

These ideas are for you to start exploring and begin! Take inspiration from these and research further to land on that one idea that gets you going!

But is that it? Certainly not! 

Here are a couple of other ideas you could browse and eventually take inspiration from:

  • Effect of Different Fertilizers on  Eutrophication .
  • Analyzing Milk Spoilage under varying conditions of Temperature, Sunlight, etc.
  • Exploring how a particular variable affects the  germination of seeds .
  • Investigating the rate of oxygen production of seaweed with variation in light intensity.
  • To prevent microbial growth, explore better ways to clean household items(for example - mats).
  • Studying the effect of temperature on photosynthesis in Green Gram(Vigna Radiata).
  • Understanding what effect different ethanol concentrations have on cell membranes.
  • Studying the biology behind  Schizophrenia .
  • Investigating the decay time of different  Genetically Modified Foods .
  • Understanding the impact of different variables on vegetable decay/ Exploring other methods to prevent vegetable decay.

And that's that!

These little ideas will help you brainstorm and explore further the vast yet intriguing expanse of biology. IB Biology curriculum expects you to appreciate scientific problems in a global context with stimulating opportunities, and IB Biology IAs help you accomplish just that. It might seem like a lot of work, but with the right topic, you will surpass your expectations! On this note, we wish you all the very best for your IB Biology IA Journey :)

Want some A-quality guidance? Look no further; at Nail IB, we have assembled premium content for you to ace your IBs, and you should check out our resources for a smooth IB experience. Click  here  for top-notch IB resources or to assess how your prep is going! 

This article will be a foundation for you to get going on that IB Biology IA Investigation of yours!  

IB Resources you will love!


50 Biology IA Topics: Essential Selections for Learners

research question biology ia

What is Biology IA

What are the Essential Components of the IA

Biology IA Topics

How Can I Prepare for a Biology IA

Final words.

I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of engaging with the right research question in biology. Drawing from years of experience and a deep understanding of the subject, I've curated a list of 50 Biology IA topics to guide students and researchers alike. This compilation is more than just a list; it's a bridge connecting curious minds to the vast and intricate world of biological sciences. Each topic has been carefully selected for its potential to challenge, inspire, and contribute to our growing body of knowledge. Whether you're exploring the microscopic intricacies of cell biology or the complex ecosystems that sustain life on Earth, these topics are designed to foster a profound appreciation for the living world and its phenomena.

What is Biology IA (Internal Assessment) ?

The IA involves the submission of a lab report by students as part of their IB biology curriculum. Until May 2025, the report must be between 6 and 12 pages, encompassing a research question, methodology, data analysis, and a conclusion. Starting from May 2025, the report's length will be capped at 3,000 words.

IA should begin with a research question that is not only testable but also deeply rooted in the biology syllabus. This question must be closely aligned with the curriculum, precisely defined, and specific. In the methodology section, a detailed account of the research process, including the materials and methods utilized, should be provided. This section must be thorough, clearly describing the research steps, resources employed, and any ethical considerations addressed. Analyzing the gathered data is a critical phase of the IA. Students are expected to organize their data neatly and apply suitable statistical methods for analysis, interpreting their findings accurately. They should also discuss any study limitations and the broader significance of their results. The conclusion should encapsulate the study's key outcomes, linking them directly to the initial research question, and suggest areas for future investigation. Moreover, students must submit a reflective statement as part of their IA. This narrative, approximately 500 words, should ponder the student's learning journey throughout the IA process. It should cover the student's personal experiences, highlighting both triumphs and obstacles faced, assess their performance and the competencies developed during the assessment, and provide a thoughtful evaluation of the entire experience. Throughout this process, students may find tools like " essay typer free " helpful in articulating their thoughts and insights effectively.

List of 50 Biology IA Topics

  • Deep Dive into the Syllabus: Start by thoroughly understanding the IB Biology syllabus. Knowing the curriculum inside out helps you identify areas that interest you and align with the IA requirements. It also ensures that your research question is relevant and grounded in the course content.
  • Practice Lab Report Writing: Enhance your lab report writing skills by practicing regularly. Familiarize yourself with the structure and conventions of scientific writing. Pay special attention to clarity, coherence, and the logical flow of information. Consider reviewing exemplar lab reports and seeking constructive feedback from teachers or peers.
  • Seek Feedback Early: Don't wait until your IA is fully developed to seek feedback. Discuss your ideas, research question, and methodology with your biology teacher or an IB tutor early in the process. Regular feedback can help refine your approach, identify potential pitfalls, and ensure your project is on the right track.
  • Master Data Analysis Techniques: A significant part of the IA is analyzing the data you've collected. Brush up on your statistical skills and familiarize yourself with software or tools that can aid in data analysis. Understanding how to interpret your results accurately is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions.
  • Reflect on Your Learning: The IA is not just about demonstrating your knowledge of biology; it's also an opportunity to reflect on your learning process. Engage in self-reflection throughout your IA journey, noting what you've learned, challenges you've encountered, and how you've overcome them. This reflective practice not only enhances your IA but also contributes to your personal growth as a learner.
  • The Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity: Investigate how different pH levels affect the activity of a specific enzyme, such as catalase found in potato cells. You'll need pH buffers, potato extract, hydrogen peroxide, and a spectrophotometer to measure the reaction rate. This experiment explores how enzyme function is influenced by pH, demonstrating the importance of homeostasis in biological systems.
  • Photosynthesis Rate under Different Light Colors: Examine how light color affects the rate of photosynthesis using aquatic plants like Elodea. You'll need light sources of different colors, a carbon dioxide indicator solution, and a timer. By measuring oxygen production or CO2 consumption, students can understand how light wavelength influences photosynthetic efficiency.
  • The Effect of Temperature on Bacterial Growth: Explore how temperature impacts the growth rate of bacteria such as E. coli. Required materials include bacterial cultures, nutrient agar plates, incubators set at different temperatures, and a colony counter. This experiment highlights the importance of temperature in microbial ecology and food safety.
  • Plant Growth in Different Soil Types : Investigate how various soil types affect plant growth. You'll need seeds (such as beans), different types of soil (sand, clay, loam), pots, and a ruler to measure growth. This study can reveal the importance of soil composition on plant health and yield, essential for agriculture and ecology.
  • The Impact of Salt Concentration on Seed Germination: Study how varying salt concentrations in water affect the germination rate of seeds like radishes. Materials include seeds, petri dishes, filter paper, and salt solutions of different concentrations. This experiment simulates the effects of soil salinity on plant life, relevant to understanding agricultural challenges and ecosystem responses to salinity.
  • Caffeine's Effect on Daphnia Heart Rate : Examine the impact of different caffeine concentrations on the heart rate of Daphnia magna. You'll need a microscope, Daphnia, caffeine solutions, and a stopwatch. This experiment introduces students to the physiological effects of stimulants and the concept of dose-response relationships in pharmacology.
  • The Role of Light Intensity on Plant Stomatal Density: Investigate how varying light intensities affect stomatal density in leaf specimens. Necessary materials include leaves from plants grown under different light conditions, a microscope, and clear nail polish for leaf impressions. This study explores how plants adapt to their light environments, affecting gas exchange and water loss.
  • Antibiotic Resistance Spread in Bacteria: Explore how antibiotic resistance spreads among bacterial populations. Use antibiotic discs, bacterial cultures, nutrient agar, and an incubator. This experiment demonstrates the mechanism of natural selection and the importance of antibiotic stewardship in healthcare.
  • The Effectiveness of Natural vs. Synthetic Antibacterials: Compare the antibacterial efficacy of natural substances (e.g., garlic, honey) versus synthetic antibacterials (e.g., commercial disinfectants). Materials include bacterial cultures, nutrient agar plates, paper discs soaked in antibacterial solutions, and an incubator. This topic highlights the potential of natural substances in fighting bacteria and the concept of antibiotic resistance.
  • The Influence of Music on Plant Growth: Investigate the effect of different types of music on plant growth rates. You'll need plants, speakers, and various genres of music. By measuring growth over time, this experiment can explore the intriguing possibility of sound waves affecting plant physiology.
  • Osmosis in Potato Tissue: Examine how osmotic balance is affected by salt or sugar solutions using potato strips. Materials include potato strips, various concentrations of salt or sugar solutions, and a balance. This simple yet effective experiment teaches the principles of osmosis and cell membrane permeability.
  • The Impact of Different Fertilizers on Algae Growth: Study how various fertilizers influence algae proliferation in water samples. Required materials include water samples, different types of fertilizers, and a light source. This experiment highlights the issue of nutrient pollution and eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems.
  • The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plant Growth: Investigate the impact of mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of plant roots. Materials include plant seedlings, mycorrhizal fungi inoculum, and soil. This study sheds light on the symbiotic relationships in ecosystems and their importance for plant nutrition.
  • The Effect of Acid Rain on Plant Growth: E xamine how simulated acid rain (using solutions of different pH levels) affects the growth of plants. Materials include seedlings, pH-adjusted water solutions, and growth measurement tools. This experiment explores environmental stressors on plants and the broader implications of pollution.
  • Genetic Diversity in Plant Leaf Morphology: Analyze the genetic diversity within a plant species by comparing leaf morphology. You'll need leaves from various individuals of the same species, a scanner or camera, and image analysis software. This project introduces concepts of genetic variation and its observable effects in populations.
  • The Effects of Microplastics on Brine Shrimp Survival: Investigate the survival rate of brine shrimp in water with varying concentrations of microplastics. Use brine shrimp, microplastic particles, and tanks. This study highlights environmental issues and the impact of pollutants on aquatic life.
  • Comparing Plant Transpiration Under Different Humidity Levels: Examine how different environmental humidity levels affect plant transpiration rates. Materials include plants, plastic bags to create humidity conditions, and a balance to measure water loss. This experiment explores plant water relations and adaptations to environmental stress.
  • The Influence of Mobile Phone Radiation on Seed Germination: Study the effect of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones on the germination rate of seeds. You'll need seeds, mobile phones, and controlled germination environments. This project investigates the potential impact of technology on biological processes.
  • Assessing Vitamin C Degradation in Fruit Juices Over Time: Measure the degradation of vitamin C in various fruit juices stored at different temperatures over time. Use fruit juices, vitamin C test strips or a titration kit. This experiment explores nutrient stability and the factors affecting it.
  • The Impact of Exercise on Human Heart Rate Recovery: Analyze how different intensities of exercise affect heart rate recovery in humans. Materials include a heart rate monitor, stopwatch, and volunteers. This study sheds light on cardiovascular fitness and physiological responses to exercise.
  • Soil pH and Its Effect on Earthworm Activity: Investigate how varying soil pH levels affect the activity and distribution of earthworms. Materials include soil samples with different pH levels, earthworms, and observation containers. This experiment highlights soil health and biodiversity.
  • The Role of Water Temperature in Goldfish Metabolism: Examine how changes in water temperature affect the metabolic rate of goldfish, using water baths, thermometers, and oxygen probes. This study explores ectothermic metabolism and environmental adaptations.
  • Investigating the Allelopathic Effects of Plant Extracts on Seed Germination: Study how extracts from certain plants inhibit or promote the germination of seeds from other plants. Use plant extracts, seeds, petri dishes, and filter paper. This experiment delves into plant interactions and chemical ecology.
  • The Effects of Different Light Intensities on Daphnia Heart Rate: Analyze how light intensity influences the heart rate of Daphnia magna, using a microscope, light sources with adjustable intensity, and a stopwatch. This explores the effects of environmental stimuli on physiological responses.
  • The Efficacy of Various Water Purification Methods on Bacterial Content: Compare the effectiveness of different water purification techniques in reducing bacterial content. Materials include contaminated water samples, purification methods (filtration, boiling, chemical treatment), and agar plates for bacterial culturing. This study is relevant to public health and sanitation.
  • The Impact of Aeration on Water Quality and Aquatic Life: Investigate how different levels of water aeration affect the quality of water and the health of aquatic organisms. Use tanks, aerators, water quality test kits, and aquatic plants or animals. This experiment highlights the importance of oxygen in aquatic ecosystems.
  • Studying the Biodegradation Rate of Various Organic Materials: Compare the biodegradation rates of different organic materials under the same environmental conditions. Materials include organic substances (food scraps, paper, etc.), soil, and compost bins. This project emphasizes sustainability and waste management.
  • The Effect of Light Wavelengths on Algae Photosynthesis: Examine how different wavelengths of light affect the photosynthesis rate of algae, using colored filters, light sources, and a CO2 indicator. This study contributes to understanding photosynthetic efficiency and light energy utilization.
  • Insect Biodiversity in Different Habitats: Assess insect biodiversity across various habitats using pitfall traps, sweep nets, and identification guides. This project explores biodiversity, ecosystems, and the importance of conservation.
  • The Influence of Sugar Types on Yeast Fermentation: Investigate how different types of sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose) affect the fermentation rate of yeast, using yeast cultures, sugar solutions, and gas collection methods. This experiment explores cellular respiration and biochemistry.
  • Assessing the Impact of Noise Pollution on Plant Growth: Study how different levels of noise pollution affect the growth of plants, using speakers to simulate noise conditions and measuring plant growth parameters. This investigates environmental stressors and plant responses.
  • The Role of Antioxidants in Preventing Apple Browning: Examine the effectiveness of various antioxidants (lemon juice, vitamin C solution) in preventing the browning of apple slices, comparing treated and untreated samples. This explores oxidation reactions and food preservation methods.
  • The Effect of Different Substrates on Worm Composting Efficiency: Compare the composting efficiency of worms in different substrates (paper, vegetable scraps, mixed organic material), measuring decomposition rate and soil quality. This highlights sustainable waste management and soil health.
  • Exploring Plant Cloning Techniques in Potato Tubers: Investigate the efficiency of different plant cloning techniques using potato tubers, focusing on methods like cutting and grafting, and assessing growth success rates. This introduces genetic replication and agricultural practices.
  • Studying the Effectiveness of Sunscreen in Blocking UV Radiation: Compare the effectiveness of different SPF sunscreens in blocking UV radiation using UV-sensitive beads or paper, highlighting the importance of sun protection and skin cancer prevention.
  • The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Function in Students: Examine the effects of varying degrees of sleep deprivation on cognitive functions such as memory and reaction time in student volunteers, using cognitive tests and questionnaires. This explores human physiology and health science.
  • Investigating the Rate of Water Absorption in Different Soil Types: Study how various soil types (clay, sand, loam) absorb water, using soil samples, water, and measuring equipment. This experiment is relevant to agriculture, gardening, and environmental science.
  • The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Plant Growth: Explore the influence of different strengths of magnetic fields on the growth and development of plants, using magnets and plant specimens. This investigates electromagnetic effects on biological systems.
  • Assessing the Antifungal Properties of Plant Extracts: Examine the antifungal efficacy of various plant extracts against fungal pathogens in plants, using fungal cultures, plant extracts, and agar plates. This study has implications for natural disease management in agriculture.
  • The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Levels on Plant Growth: Investigate how varying concentrations of CO2 affect the growth rate of plants, using controlled environments with adjusted CO2 levels. This experiment is relevant to studies on climate change and plant physiology.
  • Exploring the Effects of Different Pollutants on Microbial Soil Health: Assess the impact of various pollutants (oil, pesticides, heavy metals) on the microbial health of soil, using soil samples, pollutants, and microbial culture techniques. This highlights environmental pollution and ecosystem health.
  • The Role of Salinity in Fish Osmoregulation: Study how different salinity levels in water affect the osmoregulation mechanisms of fish, using aquariums, salinity meters, and fish specimens. This experiment explores marine biology and physiological adaptations.
  • Investigating the Effects of Urbanization on Bird Populations: Compare bird species diversity and population numbers in urban versus rural areas, using birdwatching techniques and data analysis. This project examines biodiversity loss and conservation in changing environments.
  • The Impact of Different Cooking Methods on Vegetable Nutrient Content: Examine how boiling, steaming, and microwaving affect the nutrient content of vegetables, using cooking equipment, vegetables, and nutrient testing kits. This explores nutrition science and food preparation methods.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Handwashing Techniques: Investigate the bacterial reduction efficacy of various handwashing techniques and products, using bacterial cultures, agar plates, and volunteers. This is crucial for public health and hygiene education.

For optimal preparation for the IA, students must have a solid grasp of the biology course content and hone their lab report writing skills. They should actively seek their teachers' input on their writing abilities and comprehension of the research methodology.

Deep Dive into the Syllabus:  Thoroughly understand the IB Biology syllabus. Knowing the curriculum inside out helps you identify areas that interest you and align with the IA requirements. It also ensures that your research question is relevant and grounded in the course content.

Practice Lab Report Writing:

  • Enhance your lab report writing skills by practicing regularly.
  • Familiarize yourself with the structure and conventions of scientific writing.
  • Pay special attention to clarity, coherence, and the logical flow of information.
  • Consider reviewing exemplar lab reports and seeking constructive feedback from teachers or peers.

Seek Feedback Early:  Don't wait until your IA is fully developed to seek feedback. Discuss your ideas, research question, and methodology with your biology teacher or an IB tutor early in the process. Regular feedback can help refine your approach, identify potential pitfalls, and ensure your project is on the right track.

Master Data Analysis Techniques:  A significant part of the IA is analyzing your collected data. Brush up on your statistical skills and familiarize yourself with software or tools to aid data analysis. Understanding how to interpret your results accurately is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions. ‍

Reflect on Your Learning:  The IA is not just about demonstrating your knowledge of biology; it's also an opportunity to reflect on your learning process. Engage in self-reflection throughout your IA journey, noting what you've learned, your challenges, and how you've overcome them. This reflective practice not only enhances your IA but also contributes to your personal growth as a learner.

As we wrap up our exploration of these Biology IA topic ideas, I hope you've found inspiration and a starting point for your investigative journey. Each topic offers a unique opportunity to delve into the wonders of the biological world, challenging you to ask questions, seek answers, and contribute to our collective understanding of life's intricacies. Remember, the key to a successful IA lies in choosing a topic that interests you and approaching it with curiosity, diligence, and a scientific mindset. Happy researching, and may your IA journey be as enlightening as it is rewarding!

biology ia topics


IB Biology IA: 60 Examples and Guidance

Charles Whitehouse

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program offers a variety of assessments for students, including Internal Assessments (IAs), which are pieces of coursework marked by students’ teachers. The Biology IA is an assessment designed to test students' understanding of the material they have learned in their biology course and their ability to conduct independent research.

What is the IA?

The IA consists of a laboratory report that students must complete during their IB biology course. For assessments before May 2025, the report should be 6 to 12 pages in length and should include a research question, a methodology section, data analysis, and a conclusion. From May 2025 , the report should be a maximum of 3,000 words.

What should the IA contain?

The research question for the internal assessment should be a testable question that is related to the biology curriculum. It's essential that the question is relevant to the biology curriculum, specific and clearly defined. The methodology section should explain how the research was conducted, including the materials and methods used. The methodology should be detailed and well-explained, and should include information on the materials and methods used, as well as any ethical considerations.

Data analysis is an important aspect of the IA. Students should present their data in a clear and organized manner, and should use appropriate statistical analysis to interpret their results. They should also make sure to include a discussion of the limitations of their study and the implications of their findings.

The conclusion should summarise the main findings of the study and should relate the results back to the research question. It should also include recommendations for further research.

In addition to the laboratory report, students must also complete a reflective statement. Online tutors recommend that this statement should be around 500 words long, and should reflect on the student’s learning during the internal assessment process. The reflective statement should include a description of the student’s personal learning process, including successes and challenges, as well as an evaluation of their performance on the internal assessment and the skills they have gained through the process.

Have a look at our comprehensive set resources for IB Biology developed by expert IB teachers and examiners!
- IB Biology 2024 Study Notes
- IB Biology 2025 Study Notes
- IB Biology 2024 Questions
- IB Biology 2025 Questions

What are some example research questions?

Here are examples with details of potential research questions, written by expert IB Biology tutors and teachers, that could inspire your Biology IA:

1 - Investigating the effect of different types of sugars on the rate of fermentation by yeast. To investigate the effect of different concentrations of a specific herbicide on the growth rate of a particular plant species, one could set up an experiment in which the plants are grown in soil with varying concentrations of the herbicide. An appropriate range of concentrations and a suitable plant species would need to be chosen, along with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the herbicide on the plant's growth.

2 - How does the pH of a solution affect the activity of an enzyme? To investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity, one could set up an experiment in which the enzyme is exposed to solutions with varying pH levels. The enzyme's activity could be measured by monitoring the rate of a specific reaction catalyzed by the enzyme. Control variables such as temperature, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration would need to be kept constant. By comparing the activity of the enzyme at different pH levels, the optimal pH range for the enzyme could be determined.

3 - Can the concentration of vitamin C in different types of fruit juice be determined using titration?

To determine the concentration of vitamin C in different types of fruit juice using titration, a standardized solution of a known concentration of potassium permanganate would be prepared. A sample of the fruit juice would be titrated with the potassium permanganate solution until the endpoint is reached, indicating that all the vitamin C has reacted with the potassium permanganate. The concentration of vitamin C in the fruit juice can then be calculated based on the volume and concentration of the potassium permanganate solution used in the titration. This process would need to be repeated for each type of fruit juice being tested.

4 - Investigating the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants.

Set up an experiment in which aquatic plants are placed in containers with varying levels of light intensity. The light intensity could be controlled by adjusting the distance between the light source and the plants. The rate of photosynthesis could be measured by tracking the amount of oxygen produced by the plants over a set period of time. Comparing the rates of photosynthesis of the different groups would determine the impact of light intensity on the plant's photosynthetic activity. Control variables such as temperature, water quality, and plant species would need to be kept constant.

5 - How does the concentration of carbon dioxide affect the rate of photosynthesis in terrestrial plants?

Conduct an experiment in which plants are grown under different concentrations of carbon dioxide. The plants would need to be grown in a controlled environment with consistent light, temperature, and watering. The rate of photosynthesis could be measured by monitoring the oxygen production of the plants using a dissolved oxygen probe. The results could then be analyzed to determine how the concentration of carbon dioxide affects the rate of photosynthesis in terrestrial plants.

6 - Can the presence of glucose in urine be determined using Benedict's test?

Collect a urine sample from the individual being tested. Add Benedict's reagent to the sample and heat it in a water bath. If glucose is present in the urine, it will react with the Benedict's reagent and cause a color change. The intensity of the color change can be compared to a color chart to determine the concentration of glucose in the urine. This process would need to be repeated for each urine sample being tested.

7 - Investigating the effect of temperature on the respiration rate of germinating seeds.

Set up an experiment in which germinating seeds are exposed to different temperatures. The respiration rate of the seeds could be measured by monitoring the amount of oxygen consumed or carbon dioxide produced over a set period of time. The experiment would need to control for other variables such as the type of seed, the amount of water and nutrients provided, and the length of time the seeds have been germinating. Comparing the respiration rates of the different groups would determine the effect of temperature on the seeds' respiration rate.

8 - How does the concentration of salt in a solution affect the growth of bacteria?

Prepare a series of solutions with varying concentrations of salt, and inoculate each with a known amount of bacteria. The solutions would need to be incubated at a constant temperature for a set period of time, and the growth of the bacteria could be measured by counting the number of colonies or by using a spectrophotometer to measure the optical density of the solution. Comparing the growth rates of the bacteria in the different salt concentrations would determine the effect of salt on bacterial growth. Control variables such as pH, temperature, and nutrient availability would need to be kept constant.

9 - Can the concentration of nitrogen compounds in soil be determined using colorimetry?

Collect soil samples from different locations and extract the nitrogen compounds using a suitable method such as Kjeldahl digestion. The extracted compounds can then be analyzed using colorimetry, which involves adding a reagent that reacts with the nitrogen compounds and produces a color. The intensity of the color can be measured using a spectrophotometer, and the concentration of nitrogen compounds in the soil can be calculated based on the absorbance of the color. This process would need to be repeated for each soil sample being tested.

10 - Investigating the effect of different types of plant hormones on the growth of seedlings.

Set up an experiment in which seedlings are grown in different concentrations of plant hormones, with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate of the seedlings could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the plant hormones on the seedlings' growth. The experiment could also include observations of other plant characteristics such as leaf size and color, root development, and overall health.

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11 - How does the concentration of salt in water affect the hatching rate of brine shrimp?

Set up multiple containers with different concentrations of salt water and add brine shrimp eggs to each container. The containers should be kept at a consistent temperature and light level. After a set period of time, count the number of hatched brine shrimp in each container and calculate the hatching rate. Comparing the hatching rates of the different containers would determine the effect of salt concentration on the hatching rate of brine shrimp.

12 - Can the rate of mitosis be determined using microscopy techniques?

Collect a sample of cells undergoing mitosis and prepare them for microscopy. Using a microscope, observe the cells and record the time it takes for each cell to complete each stage of mitosis. The rate of mitosis can then be calculated by dividing the time taken for each stage by the total time taken for the entire process. This process would need to be repeated for multiple cells to ensure accuracy and reliability of the results.

13 - Investigating the effect of different types of antibiotics on the growth of bacteria.

Culture bacteria in petri dishes with different concentrations of antibiotics. The growth of the bacteria can be observed and measured over a set period of time. The concentration of antibiotic that inhibits the growth of the bacteria can be determined, and the effectiveness of different types of antibiotics can be compared. Control variables such as temperature, humidity, and nutrient availability would need to be kept constant to ensure accurate results.

14 - How does the concentration of oxygen affect the respiration rate of crickets?

Set up a series of chambers with different concentrations of oxygen, ranging from low to high. Place crickets in each chamber and monitor their respiration rate by measuring the amount of oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced over a set period of time. The results can be analyzed to determine the effect of oxygen concentration on the respiration rate of crickets. Control variables such as temperature and humidity would need to be kept constant throughout the experiment.

15 - Can the concentration of glucose in blood be determined using glucose oxidase and spectrophotometry?

A sample of blood would be mixed with glucose oxidase, which converts glucose to hydrogen peroxide. The amount of hydrogen peroxide produced is proportional to the amount of glucose in the sample. A spectrophotometer would then be used to measure the absorbance of the sample at a specific wavelength, which is also proportional to the amount of hydrogen peroxide present. The concentration of glucose in the blood sample can then be calculated based on the absorbance reading and a standard curve generated using known concentrations of glucose. This process would need to be repeated for each blood sample being tested.

16 - Investigating the effect of different types of pesticides on the growth of bean plants.

Set up an experiment in which bean plants are grown in soil treated with varying concentrations of different pesticides. An appropriate range of concentrations and a suitable plant species would need to be chosen, along with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the pesticides on the plant's growth. Additionally, the health of the plants could be assessed by examining their leaves for signs of damage or discoloration.

17 - How does the concentration of light affect the growth of algae?

Set up multiple containers with different concentrations of light, ranging from low to high. In each container, add a sample of algae and monitor their growth over a set period of time. The growth rate of the algae can be measured by tracking their biomass or chlorophyll content. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of light concentration on the growth of algae. Control variables such as temperature, nutrient availability, and water quality would need to be maintained to ensure accurate results.

18 - Can the presence of starch in leaves be determined using iodine solution?

Obtain a sample of the leaf and grind it into a fine powder. Add a few drops of iodine solution to the powder and observe the color change. If the solution turns blue-black, it indicates the presence of starch in the leaf. This process would need to be repeated for multiple leaves from different plants to ensure accuracy and reliability of the results. Control variables such as the age of the leaf and the time of day the sample is taken should also be considered.

19 - Investigating the effect of different types of plant nutrients on the growth of tomatoes.

Set up an experiment in which tomato plants are grown in soil with varying concentrations of different plant nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be maintained. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the plant nutrients on the plant's growth. Additionally, the nutrient content of the tomato plants could be analyzed to determine if there is a correlation between the nutrient concentration in the soil and the nutrient content in the plant.

20 - How does the concentration of carbon dioxide affect the growth of marine plants?

Conduct an experiment in which marine plants are grown in water with varying concentrations of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide concentration could be controlled by bubbling different amounts of carbon dioxide gas into the water. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height, mass, or chlorophyll content over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of carbon dioxide concentration on the plant's growth. Other variables such as light, temperature, and nutrient availability would need to be controlled to ensure that any differences in growth rate are due to the carbon dioxide concentration.

21 - Can the concentration of protein in an egg be determined using the Biuret method?

To determine the concentration of protein in an egg using the Biuret method, the egg would need to be homogenized and the protein extracted. A Biuret reagent would then be added to the protein extract, which would cause a color change if protein is present. The intensity of the color change would be proportional to the concentration of protein in the egg. A standard curve could be created using known concentrations of protein to determine the concentration of protein in the egg sample. This process would need to be repeated for each egg being tested.

22 - Investigating the effect of different types of plant hormones on the root growth of seedlings.

Set up an experiment in which seedlings are grown in soil with different concentrations of plant hormones. An appropriate range of concentrations and a suitable plant species would need to be chosen, along with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The root growth of the seedlings could be measured by tracking their length or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the root growth of the different groups would determine the impact of the plant hormones on the seedling's root growth.

23 - How does the concentration of oxygen affect the respiration rate of goldfish?

Set up multiple tanks with goldfish and varying levels of oxygen concentration. The respiration rate of the goldfish can be measured by tracking their oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production. The experiment would need to be conducted over a set period of time with control variables such as temperature and feeding schedules. Comparing the respiration rates of the different groups would determine the effect of oxygen concentration on the goldfish's respiration rate.

24 - Can the concentration of a specific hormone in blood be determined using ELISA?

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) involves coating a microplate with a specific antibody that binds to the hormone of interest. The sample of blood is then added to the plate, and any hormone present in the sample will bind to the antibody. A secondary antibody that is linked to an enzyme is then added, which will bind to the hormone-antibody complex. The enzyme will then catalyze a reaction that produces a detectable signal, such as a color change. The intensity of the signal is proportional to the amount of hormone present in the sample, allowing for the concentration of the hormone to be determined. A standard curve can be created using known concentrations of the hormone to accurately quantify the concentration in the sample.

25 - Investigating the effect of different types of pollutants on the growth of watercress.

Set up an experiment in which watercress plants are grown in water contaminated with different types and concentrations of pollutants. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the pollutants on the plant's growth. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be kept constant to ensure accurate results. The types and concentrations of pollutants used in the experiment would need to be carefully chosen based on their potential impact on watercress growth and their relevance to real-world pollution scenarios.

26 - How does the concentration of light affect the rate of respiration in germinating seeds?

Set up a series of experiments in which germinating seeds are exposed to different intensities of light. The rate of respiration could be measured by tracking the amount of oxygen consumed or carbon dioxide produced by the seeds over a set period of time. The experiment would need to control for other variables such as temperature and humidity. Comparing the rates of respiration for the different light intensities would determine the impact of light concentration on the rate of respiration in germinating seeds.

27 - Can the concentration of nitrates in water be determined using colorimetry?

Prepare a series of standard solutions of known concentrations of nitrates. A sample of the water would be mixed with a reagent that reacts with nitrates to produce a colored product. The intensity of the color would be measured using a colorimeter, and the concentration of nitrates in the water can be calculated based on the intensity of the color and the concentration of the standard solutions. This process would need to be repeated for each water sample being tested.

28 - Investigating the effect of different types of disinfectants on the growth of bacteria.

Prepare a culture of bacteria and divide it into multiple groups. Each group would be exposed to a different type of disinfectant, while control groups would not be exposed to any disinfectant. The growth rate of the bacteria in each group would be measured over a set period of time, either by counting the number of colonies or by measuring the turbidity of the culture. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the effectiveness of each disinfectant on inhibiting bacterial growth.

29 - How does the concentration of salt in water affect the growth of duckweed?

Set up multiple containers of water with varying concentrations of salt. Add duckweed to each container and monitor their growth over a set period of time. The growth rate of the duckweed can be measured by tracking their surface area or biomass. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of salt concentration on the growth of duckweed. Control variables such as light, temperature, and nutrients should be kept constant across all containers.

30 - Can the concentration of ethanol in different types of alcoholic beverages be determined using gas chromatography?

Use gas chromatography to separate the components of the alcoholic beverage sample. The ethanol would be detected and quantified using a detector such as a flame ionization detector. The concentration of ethanol in each sample can then be calculated based on the peak area or height of the ethanol peak in the chromatogram. This process would need to be repeated for each type of alcoholic beverage being tested.

31 - Investigating the effects of different types of exercise on heart rate and blood pressure.

Recruit a group of participants and randomly assign them to different exercise groups (e.g. running, cycling, weightlifting). Measure their heart rate and blood pressure before and after the exercise session. Repeat this process for each exercise group. Analyze the data to determine if there are any significant differences in the effects of the different types of exercise on heart rate and blood pressure. Control variables such as age, gender, and fitness level should be taken into account.

32 - How does the level of noise pollution affect the behavior and communication of animals?

Conduct a field study in which the behavior and communication of animals in areas with varying levels of noise pollution are observed and recorded. Control variables such as time of day, weather conditions, and animal species would need to be taken into account. The observations could include changes in vocalizations, movement patterns, and social interactions. Comparing the behavior and communication of animals in areas with different levels of noise pollution would determine the impact of noise on their behavior. Statistical analysis could be used to establish correlations between noise levels and changes in animal behavior.

33 - Investigating the effects of different types of fertilizers on plant growth and nutrient uptake.

Set up an experiment in which identical plants are grown in soil with different types of fertilizers. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Nutrient uptake could be measured by analyzing the nutrient content of the plants at the end of the experiment. Comparing the growth rates and nutrient uptake of the different groups would determine the impact of the fertilizers on plant growth and nutrient uptake. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be kept constant.

34 - How does exposure to light pollution affect the migration and behavior of nocturnal animals?

Conduct a field study in which nocturnal animals are observed in areas with varying levels of light pollution. The behavior and migration patterns of the animals could be tracked using GPS or radio telemetry. Data on the animals' activity levels, movement patterns, and habitat use could be collected and compared between areas with different levels of light pollution. This would allow for an assessment of the impact of light pollution on nocturnal animals and their ecosystems.

35 - Investigating the effects of different types of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems and organisms.

Set up multiple tanks or containers with different types and levels of water pollution, such as oil spills, chemical runoff, or excess nutrients. Populate each tank with a variety of aquatic organisms, such as fish, algae, and invertebrates. Monitor the health and behavior of the organisms over a set period of time, noting any changes in growth, reproduction, or mortality rates. Comparing the results from each tank would allow for an assessment of the impact of different types of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems and organisms.

36 - How does exposure to electromagnetic radiation affect the growth and development of plants?

Set up an experiment in which plants are exposed to different levels of electromagnetic radiation, such as UV light or radio waves. The plants would need to be grown in a controlled environment with consistent light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate and development of the plants could be measured by tracking their height, leaf size, and overall health over a set period of time. Comparing the growth and development of the plants exposed to different levels of electromagnetic radiation would determine the impact of the radiation on the plants. Control groups of plants not exposed to radiation would also need to be included for comparison.

37 - Investigating the effects of different types of air pollution on respiratory function and lung health.

Recruit a sample of participants who are exposed to different types of air pollution, such as those who live near busy roads or industrial areas. Conduct lung function tests, such as spirometry, on each participant to establish a baseline measurement of their respiratory health. Repeat the tests after a set period of time to determine any changes in lung function. Comparing the results of participants exposed to different types of air pollution would determine the impact of each type on respiratory function and lung health. Other factors, such as age and smoking status, would need to be controlled for in the analysis.

38 - How does the level of acidity affect the growth and survival of aquatic organisms?

Conduct experiments in which aquatic organisms are exposed to different levels of acidity. The organisms could be placed in tanks with varying pH levels, and their survival and growth rates could be monitored over time. Control variables such as temperature, light, and food availability would need to be kept constant. Comparing the survival and growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of acidity on the organisms. Additionally, other factors such as changes in behavior or reproduction could also be observed and analyzed.

39 - Investigating the effects of different types of food additives on human health and metabolism.

Conduct a literature review to identify the potential health effects of different food additives. Design a study in which participants consume a controlled diet with varying levels of the food additives being tested. Blood and urine samples could be collected at regular intervals to measure changes in metabolism and biomarkers of health. Statistical analysis would be used to determine if there are significant differences in health outcomes between the different groups.

40 - How does the level of UV radiation affect the growth and survival of plants?

Set up an experiment in which plants are grown under different levels of UV radiation. This could be achieved by using UV lamps of varying intensities or by placing the plants at different distances from a natural source of UV radiation, such as the sun. The growth rate, survival rate, and other relevant factors such as leaf size and chlorophyll content could be measured and compared across the different groups. This would help determine the impact of UV radiation on plant growth and survival. Control variables such as temperature, humidity, and watering would need to be carefully monitored and controlled to ensure accurate results.

41 - Investigating the effects of different types of drugs on human physiology and behavior.

Conduct a double-blind, randomized controlled trial with a group of participants who are given different types of drugs. The physiological and behavioral effects of the drugs would be measured through various tests and assessments, such as blood pressure, heart rate, cognitive function, and mood. The results would be analyzed to determine the impact of each drug on the participants' physiology and behavior, and any potential side effects or risks associated with each drug would be identified.

42 - How does the level of carbon dioxide affect the growth and development of plants?

Conduct an experiment in which plants are grown in controlled environments with varying levels of carbon dioxide. The growth rate, height, and biomass of the plants can be measured over a set period of time. The results can be compared to determine the impact of different levels of carbon dioxide on plant growth and development. Other variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be controlled to ensure that the results are accurate and reliable.

43 - Investigating the effects of different types of pesticides on non-target organisms and ecosystems.

Conduct a series of experiments in which different non-target organisms are exposed to varying concentrations of the pesticide. The organisms could be chosen based on their ecological importance, such as pollinators or soil microorganisms. The effects of the pesticide on the organisms could be measured by tracking their survival rates, reproductive success, or behavior. Additionally, the impact of the pesticide on the broader ecosystem could be assessed by monitoring changes in the abundance and diversity of other species in the area. Comparing the results of these experiments would provide insight into the potential ecological risks associated with the use of the pesticide.

44 - How does the level of atmospheric pollutants affect the growth and development of plants?

Set up an experiment in which plants are grown in controlled environments with varying levels of atmospheric pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide or ozone. The growth rate, leaf area, and chlorophyll content of the plants could be measured over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates and health of the plants exposed to different levels of pollutants would determine the impact of atmospheric pollutants on plant growth and development. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be kept constant to ensure accurate results.

45 - Investigating the effects of different types of microorganisms on the digestive system and gut microbiome.

Conduct a study in which different groups of animals are exposed to different types of microorganisms, either through their diet or through direct exposure. The effects on their digestive system and gut microbiome could be measured through various methods such as analyzing fecal samples, measuring changes in gut pH, or monitoring the presence of certain bacteria. Comparing the results from the different groups would determine the impact of the microorganisms on the animals' digestive system and gut microbiome.

46 - How does the level of humidity affect the growth and survival of insects?

Conduct an experiment in which insects are exposed to different levels of humidity in a controlled environment. The survival rate and growth rate of the insects could be measured over a set period of time. The experiment would need to control for other variables such as temperature, food availability, and lighting. Comparing the survival and growth rates of the insects in different humidity levels would determine the impact of humidity on their growth and survival.

47 - Investigating the effects of different types of radiation on the genetic material and DNA replication.

Cultivate a sample of cells in a controlled environment and expose them to different types of radiation, such as gamma rays or UV light. The cells would then be monitored for changes in their genetic material, such as mutations or damage to DNA replication. The results could be compared to a control group that was not exposed to radiation to determine the effects of each type of radiation on the cells. Additional experiments could be conducted to investigate the long-term effects of radiation exposure on the cells.

48 - How does the level of soil salinity affect the growth and survival of plants?

Set up an experiment in which plants are grown in soil with varying levels of salinity. An appropriate range of salinity levels and a suitable plant species would need to be chosen, along with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate and survival rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height, mass, and number of leaves over a set period of time. Comparing the growth and survival rates of the different groups would determine the impact of soil salinity on the plant's growth and survival. Additionally, the concentration of ions in the soil could be measured to determine the relationship between soil salinity and plant growth.

49 - Investigating the effects of different types of antibiotics on bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance.

Set up a series of petri dishes with agar and bacterial cultures. Each dish would contain a different antibiotic, with varying concentrations. The dishes would be incubated for a set period of time, and the growth of the bacteria would be measured. The results would show which antibiotics were most effective at inhibiting bacterial growth, and whether any resistance had developed. Control variables such as temperature, humidity, and the type of bacteria used would need to be carefully controlled to ensure accurate results.

50 - How does the level of soil pH affect the growth and survival of plants?

Conduct an experiment in which plants are grown in soil with varying pH levels. An appropriate range of pH levels and a suitable plant species would need to be chosen, along with control variables such as light, temperature, and watering. The growth rate of the plants could be measured by tracking their height or mass over a set period of time. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of soil pH on the plant's growth and survival. Other factors such as nutrient availability and toxicity would also need to be considered and controlled for in the experiment.

51 - Investigating the effects of different types of hormones on animal behavior and physiology.

Conduct experiments with different groups of animals, each exposed to a different hormone. The behavior and physiology of the animals would be monitored and recorded over a set period of time. Control variables such as diet, environment, and age would need to be maintained across all groups. Comparing the results of the different groups would determine the effects of each hormone on the animals' behavior and physiology. Statistical analysis could be used to determine the significance of the results.

52 - How does the level of water availability affect the growth and survival of plants?

Conduct an experiment in which plants are grown in different levels of water availability, ranging from drought conditions to optimal watering. The growth rate, survival rate, and overall health of the plants would be monitored over a set period of time. The data collected would be used to determine the impact of water availability on plant growth and survival. Control variables such as light, temperature, and soil type would need to be kept constant to ensure accurate results.

53 - Investigating the effects of different types of plant extracts on bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance.

Prepare bacterial cultures in petri dishes with different concentrations of the plant extracts. The growth of the bacteria can be observed over a set period of time, and the effectiveness of the plant extracts in inhibiting bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance can be determined by comparing the growth rates of the different groups. Control variables such as temperature and nutrient availability would need to be kept constant to ensure accurate results.

54 - How does the level of nutrients affect the growth and development of microorganisms?

Conduct experiments in which microorganisms are grown in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor environments. The growth rate and development of the microorganisms could be measured by tracking their population size and observing their morphology under a microscope. Comparing the growth rates and morphology of the microorganisms in the different environments would determine the impact of nutrient levels on their growth and development. Control variables such as temperature, pH, and oxygen levels would need to be kept constant.

55 - Investigating the effects of different types of pollution on the reproductive systems and fertility of animals.

Select a suitable animal species and expose them to different types of pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution. The reproductive systems and fertility of the animals could be monitored over a set period of time, and compared to a control group that was not exposed to pollution. The impact of the pollution on the animals' reproductive systems and fertility could be determined by analyzing factors such as the number of offspring produced, the health of the offspring, and any abnormalities or complications observed during pregnancy or birth.

56 - How does the level of light intensity affect the growth and development of microorganisms?

Set up multiple petri dishes with agar and different levels of light intensity, ranging from complete darkness to bright light. Inoculate each dish with the same strain of microorganisms and incubate them for a set period of time. The growth of the microorganisms can be measured by counting the number of colonies or by measuring the turbidity of the culture. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of light intensity on the growth and development of the microorganisms. Control variables such as temperature, nutrient availability, and humidity would need to be maintained throughout the experiment.

57 - Investigating the effects of different types of food on the metabolism and energy balance of humans.

Conduct a randomized controlled trial in which participants are assigned to different groups and given different types of food to eat for a set period of time. The participants' energy intake, metabolism, and weight would be measured before and after the intervention to determine the impact of the different types of food on their energy balance. Other factors such as physical activity levels and sleep patterns would also need to be controlled for to ensure accurate results.

58 - How does the level of nutrients affect the growth and development of plants?

Conduct an experiment in which plants are grown in different nutrient solutions with varying levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The growth rate, height, and mass of the plants could be measured over a set period of time to determine the impact of the nutrient levels on their growth and development. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be kept constant. The results could be analyzed to determine the optimal nutrient levels for plant growth and development.

59 - Investigating the effects of different types of hormones on plant growth and development.

Set up an experiment in which different groups of plants are treated with different types and concentrations of hormones. The growth rate, height, and mass of the plants could be measured over a set period of time. Control variables such as light, temperature, and watering would need to be kept constant. Comparing the growth rates of the different groups would determine the impact of the hormones on the plant's growth and development. Additional measurements such as leaf size, root length, and flower production could also be taken to further analyze the effects of the hormones.

60 - How does the level of water quality affect the growth and survival of aquatic organisms?

Set up multiple aquariums with varying levels of water quality, such as different levels of pollutants or pH. Introduce the same species of aquatic organism into each aquarium and monitor their growth and survival over a set period of time. The growth rate and survival rate of the organisms can be compared between the different aquariums to determine the impact of water quality on their growth and survival. Control variables such as temperature and feeding schedules should be kept consistent across all aquariums.

Remember to come up with your own original IA topic and check it with your teacher. It should be practical to conduct and relevant to the syllabus. Even A-Level Biology tutors say that this is a great opportunity to develop your personal interests, while advancing your knowledge of the Biology curriculum.

How can I prepare for the IA?

To prepare for the IA, students should ensure that they understand the material covered in their biology course and should practice writing lab reports. They should also seek feedback from their teachers on their writing skills and their understanding of the research process. IB tutors provide personalized guidance and can help students understand complex topics and achieve higher grades as well.

TutorChase's IB resources , including IB Biology Q&A Revision Notes , are perfect for students who want to get a 7 in their IB Biology exams and also prepare for the internal assessment. They are completely free, cover all topics in depth, also have IB Biology past papers and are structured by topic so you can easily keep track of your progress.

How is the IA graded?

The IA is worth 20% of the final grade for the IB biology course, whether you are studying at Higher or at Standard Level. It is graded by the student’s teacher, who is trained and certified by the International Baccalaureate organization. The report is then sent to a moderator, who will check that the report adheres to the IB guidelines and that the grade awarded is appropriate.

Online Biology tutors emphasise that it is important for students to be familiar with the assessment criteria for the biology internal assessment. These criteria are used to grade the laboratory report and reflective statement, and include aspects such as the quality of the research question, the methodology used, the data analysis, and the conclusion. Students should also make sure that their report is well-written and properly formatted, and that it includes all the required sections.

BIology IA Assessment Criteria

Source: IB Biology Subject Guide, pre-May 2025

In summary, the IA in the IB is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the biology curriculum, as well as their ability to conduct independent research. It consists of a laboratory report and a reflective statement, and is worth 20% of the final grade for the course. To prepare for the assessment, students should ensure that they understand the material covered in their IB Biology.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Charles Whitehouse

Written by: Charles Whitehouse

Charles scored 45/45 on the International Baccalaureate and has six years' experience tutoring IB and IGCSE students and advising them with their university applications. He studied a double integrated Masters at Magdalen College Oxford and has worked as a research scientist and strategy consultant.

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30 IB Biology IA Topic Ideas!

research question biology ia

Are you struggling with choosing your topic for your IB Biology IA? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Finding a topic is one of the – if not THE – most important part of writing your IA, so we want to make sure that you get it right! Luckily, there are so many great topics to choose from, and we’ve asked some of our top team to note down some topics that might inspire your own incredible research!

NOTE: These topics are purely meant as inspiration and are not to be chosen blindly. Even though many of these topics led to high scores for some of our graduates in the past, it is important that you listen to the advice of your subject teacher before choosing any topic!

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Biology ia ideas with independent variables

1, Look at the genetic similarities and differences between species, kingdoms, phylas, classes, genuses, orders, families, and domains.

2, Testing global warming: How does CO2, water vapour, oxygen, or any other variable affect  temperature inside a cutoff bottle exposed to simulated sunlight?

3, Describe how the primary productivity of algae changes with temperature, algae concentration, other aquatic plants, salinity, nutrients, and any other variables you may want to consider.

4, How does varying the gel concentrations of agarose affect DNA migration through a gel?

5, Effect of BMI on skin surface temperature in various body areas on rate of recovery once exposed to cold.

6, How does sudden change in body position affect heart rate and baroreceptor feedback?

7, How do the respiration rates of baker’s yeast and wine yeast in various sugar solutions compare?

8, How do the buffering actions of milk, yogurt, juices, detergents etc. compare?

9, Do our reaction times slow down with age?

10, Can we slow down the decaying times of vegetables? Can temperature, humidity, or exposure to sunlight affect how quickly vegetables decay?

Need inspo for Physics too? Check out some Physics IA ideas here !

11, What is the effect of the salt concentration on germination of different types of seeds?

12, What happens after the best-by date of dairy products?

13, Comparative study between 5 different species of animals using BLAST analysis to determine evolutionary history

14, What is the respective change of allele frequency when initial frequencies are manipulated?

15, Analysing the impact of river pollution on marine life.

16, Determine the effect of glucose concentration on the rate of osmosis.

17, What is the effect of pests on the diversity of plants in a lawn?

18, What is the effect of isotonic drinks on rehydration and recovery after exercise?

19, What is the difference in the CO2 levels exhaled before and after enduring physical exercise?

20, Testing the effectiveness of different types of toothpaste in inhibiting the growth of different types of bacteria.

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21, The effect of temperature / light on fruit ripening

22, Exploring stomatal density in a variety of conditions

23, Testing the effectiveness of toothpaste types

24, Investigating the effect of smoke water on the germination and growth of E.pilularis

25, Exploring the effect of sunlight on biomass

26, Exploring effect of light levels on the predation of the peppered moth

27, Investigating the effect of different light intensities on water weeds

28, How do different antibiotics interact with the process of seed germination?

29, Determining the effect of time on the plasmolysis of potatoes

30, Exploring mollusc shapes with regards to an external variable e.g. location on shore

So there we have it! 30 Biology IA topic ideas to get your lab report started! Still feeling a bit uneasy about the task ahead? Fear not, we have elite Biology tutors who can assist you through the process!

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5 New IB Biology IA Ideas (Updated Feb 2023)

Internal Assessment (IA) for International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology is a critical component of the IB Biology curriculum. It gives students a chance to show what they’ve learned by doing independent research and analysis. As students go through the IB Biology program, they have to make an IA project to show their skills and knowledge. With so many choices, it can be tough to pick the right topic for your IA project. But don’t worry, this blog post is here to help! We’ll give you a bunch of great IB Biology IA ideas, with all the details you need to get started, like independent and dependent variables and research questions. These ideas cover topics like plant biology, human physiology, and ecology, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re an old pro or a beginner, these ideas will give you a great foundation for your research and help you make a really amazing IA project.

How to Select the Right IB Biology IA Idea?

When selecting a topic for your IB Biology IA, it is important to approach the process with careful consideration. Your chosen topic should align with the requirements of the IB Biology curriculum, be relevant to current scientific research, and allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. To increase your chances of achieving a level 7 score , consider the following recommendations: choose a topic that is appropriately focused, yet offers scope for sufficient data analysis; select a topic that permits you to apply scientific methodologies and exhibit critical thinking skills; and choose a topic that can be related to real-world situations or current biological issues. Furthermore, it is crucial to thoroughly research your topic and ensure that sufficient data and information is available to support your findings. To maximize your chances of success, it is advisable to seek guidance from your teacher or one of our IB Biology Tutors , and consult relevant scientific journals or websites.

5 Updated IB Biology IA Ideas (Feb 2023)

1. the influence of ambient conditions upon the process of photosynthesis:.

Independent variable: Environmental factors (such as temperature, light intensity, atmospheric CO2 concentration)

Dependent variable: The rate of photosynthesis in a specified plant species

Research question: “To what extent do variations in environmental conditions impact the velocity of photosynthesis in a particular plant species?”

2.  The effect of substratum on seed germination:

Independent variable: Type of substrate (such as soil, sand, cotton)

Dependent variable: Germination rate of a designated plant species

Research question: “In what manner does the selection of substrate affect the germination rate of a specific plant species?”

3. The relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme kinetics:

Independent variable: Substrate concentration

Dependent variable: Reaction rate of a selected enzyme

Research question: “To what extent does substrate concentration alter the rate of reaction of a specified enzyme?”

4. The absorption of water by plants as influenced by soil moisture:

Independent variable: Soil moisture level

Dependent variable: Water uptake by a specified plant species

Research question: “To what extent does soil moisture level impact the rate of water uptake in a particular plant species?”

5. Plant morphology:

Independent variable: Plant species

Dependent variable: Leaf size, shape, and structure

Research question: “What is the effect of plant species on the size, shape, and structure of leaves?”

IB Biology IA Ideas Final Thoughts

So, to wrap things up – the IB Biology IA is a real opportunity to challenge and grow as a student. By diving into exciting topics like plant biology, human physiology, and ecology, you get to explore the subject on a deeper level and flex your research and critical thinking muscles. The ideas in this blog post are just the beginning – it’s up to you to use them to spark your own creative and original IA project. And with the right approach – careful planning, research, and analysis – you’ll be able to show off your passion for biology and boost your academic success. So go ahead, get started, and take your IB Biology IA to the next level!

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IB Biology Internal Assessment Solved: A Guide to Acing Your Biology IA

What is a Biology IA?

The Biology Internal Assessment (IA) is a take home report on a research question of your choice. It is worth 20% of your final grade and thus it is important to perform well in it. The Biology IA can be daunting. It has a 16-page limit, which might seem like a lot to do, but towards the end of the IA you’ll be wishing you had more pages to work with. This guide is aimed to help you ace the IB Biology IA and to answer any questions you may have.

Choosing a Research Question

The most difficult part of the IA is choosing a research question. There are thousands of topics out there all of which are interesting. However unfortunately when conducting research, you are restricted to scope and the equipment which is available. Well how can you find a topic?

In order to find a topic, I would first choose a syllabus point which sounds appealing to you. Once you have found a syllabus point start googling experiments which have been conducted on that point. They do not have to be identical. DO NOT choose the first experiment you find. I would recommend collecting multiple experiments and read through all of them noting down how it was conducted and whether they had any unanswered questions.

These unanswered questions should be used as motivation when creating a research question. From here you can conduct further research to determine whether it is in the scope or not. If it is then you now have a research question to base your IA off. If it is outside the scope attempt to simplify the question or narrow the focus to that of which you can work with.

Conducting Research

Now that you have your research question it is time to gain background knowledge. Background knowledge is crucial as not only does it enhance your understanding of the topic, but it will be used in your IA to help the reader understand the topic.

When conducting research, the biggest mistake people make is using refutable sources. I would recommend using only published research articles as they have the most evidence to support their claims. This will enhance the reliability of your IA as information you are using is backed up by multiple sources. HOWEVER, it is crucial to ensure that you reference in APA format. We will explore referencing later in the article.

The research you gather should be used in your IA to explain to the reader the reasoning behind your question and to explain any concepts which may be confusing or abstract.

Undergoing the Experiment

Once you have conducted your research you are ready to create your method. The method you create to conduct the experiment is the same method you will place in your report. So, I would recommend that your method is detailed and concise. To ensure this, pretend that you are writing a method to someone who has never conducted an experiment before. This not only makes the method easy to follow for others, but for yourself too, ensuring that the experiment is conducted smoothly.

It is important that you conduct multiple trials. This will be explored in your evaluation as the more trials you conduct the more accurate and reliable your results become. However, when conducting multiple trials, try to conduct them during the same time period as it reduces the number of controlled variables.

Also, keep in mind that there is a possibility that the experiment may not work or that it may have varying results. If that occurs, do not stress, it is completely normal and will give you more to discuss later in the evaluation.

Writing the Report

Now for the fun part. Writing the report. When writing the report there are some sections which are more difficult than others. Below I will explore the sections most students find difficult to complete in a coherent manner.

Background Information

This section involves the most external information. Here you will collate all the information you have gathered on your research question and explore it. One key mistake students make is they do not systematically explore the information. I would recommend inserting subheadings for the various concepts you will explore, ie: 1.1: Photosynthesis, 1.2: electromagnetic spectrum, 1.3 Mentha spicata L, spearmint. Through using subheadings, it becomes easier for the marker to follow the report.

Paraphrase, Paraphrase & Paraphrase. One common mistake students make is that they “dump” information into their report and reference it. AVOID THIS. Instead, I would recommend paraphrasing information, explaining it and its relevance to the report.

Materials, Risks, Environment and Variables

Listing materials is easy and is probably the easiest part of the IA. However, many students do forget to insert the uncertainties for measuring instruments. This is very important as uncertainties must be explored in the weaknesses section for the IA.

Risk assessment should be included in the IA. It ensures that potential hazards which may arise during the experiment have been identified and precautions installed. It also ensures that if someone were to repeat the experiment, they are also aware of the dangers.

The experiments should all be ethical. Hence, environmental considerations should be addressed to show that ethical considerations were taken into account and methods were implemented to ensure the environment was not harmed.

All variables should be discussed in the report. This includes independent, dependent and controlled variables. When listing the variables, it should be discussed how they were controlled and why they should be controlled. This increases personal engagement, as it shows the marker that there was constant reflection being conducted.

Qualitative and Quantitative

When discussing results, both quantitative and qualitative results should be discussed. When discussing quantitative results, I would recommend using tables and graphs. It allows for clear and concise representation of information and allows for easier comparisons and discussions. Averages and standard deviation for the graphs and tables should be explored, as they allow for more accurate and justified conclusions to be drawn. Other tests such as t test, Tukey’s statistical difference test or chi squared test can be used to enhance the IA and discussion of results.

Qualitative analysis consists of differences which can be visually identified. Here you discuss differences in visual representation before the experiment was conducted to after the experiment.

Strength vs Weakness

Strengths: In this section I would recommend listing 2-3 strengths and commenting on how they affected the report or experiment.

Weaknesses: In this section I would recommend listing 5-6 weaknesses, and commenting on how they affected the report or experiment. You should then explore how you can improve this if you were to conduct the experiment again.

Further Questions

At the end of the IA, I would recommend including 2-3 further questions which could be explored if you had the opportunity. This improves personal engagement as it shows the marker that you have reflected on the current experiment and thought about what else you could explore.

Reference List (APA Format)

Ensure all in text references are listed at the end of the IA in APA format and alphabetical order. If this is difficult, I would recommend using the reference tab on a word document. Once you insert the information it converts it to APA format and will list it alphabetically for you.

Remember that the examiners are focusing on the detail of your report and your reflection. If you find that there was an error in the experiment, DISCUSS IT.

Best of luck for the Internal Assessment. You’ve got this!!

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12 Examples and Tips for IB Biology IA

May 4, 2022 | IB subjects

research question biology ia

IA is one of the many things IB students struggle with, but some might feel that writing the IA in Biology is especially confusing since it covers broad topics. This post is for those who are having a hard time coming up with a topic, are worried about writing the IA in Biology overall, or are interested in Biology but not so sure about taking it because of IA. An overview of the subject IB Biology can also be seen in a previous post: Exam Strategy for IB Biology (HL/SL) .

1. Overview of Biology IA

Both HL and SL students are expected to write an IA ( Internal Assessment ) in Biology which accounts for 20% of the final grade . The IA in biology is expected to be a 6-12 pages long report about an investigation a student carries out based on their own hypothesis.

1.1 IA Criteria

HL and SL share the same IA criteria and it’s important to understand the criteria before and while carrying out the investigation for your IA. (Reference: Biology Teacher Support Material )

Criteria Components Assigned Points / Weightings Expected Characteristics
Personal Engagement 2 points / 8%

The evidence of personal engagement with the exploration is clear with significant independent thinking, initiative or creativity.

The justification given for choosing the research question and/or the topic under investigation demonstrates personal significance, interest or curiosity.

There is evidence of personal input and initiative in the designing, implementation or presentation of the investigation.

Exploration 6 points / 25%

The topic of the investigation is identified and a relevant and the fully focused research question is clearly described.

The background information provided for the investigation is entirely appropriate and relevant and enhances the understanding of the context of the investigation.

The methodology of the investigation is highly appropriate to address the research question because it takes into consideration all, or nearly all, of the significant factors that may influence the relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the collected data.

The report shows evidence of full awareness of the significant safety, ethical or environmental issues that are relevant to the methodology of the investigation.

Analysis 6 points / 25%

The report includes sufficient relevant quantitative and qualitative raw data that could support a detailed and valid conclusion to the research question.

Appropriate and sufficient data processing is carried out with the accuracy required to enable a conclusion to the research question to be drawn that is fully consistent with the experimental data.

The report shows evidence of full and appropriate consideration of the impact of measurement uncertainty on the analysis.

The processed data is correctly interpreted so that a completely valid and detailed conclusion to the research question can be deduced.

Evaluation 6 points / 25%

A detailed conclusion is described and justified which is entirely relevant to the research question and fully supported by the data presented.

A conclusion is correctly described and justified through relevant comparison to the accepted scientific context.

Strengths and weaknesses of the investigation, such as limitations of the data and sources of error, are discussed and provide evidence of a clear understanding of the methodological issues involved in establishing the conclusion.

The student has discussed realistic and relevant suggestions for the improvement and extension of the investigation.

Communication 4 points / 17%

The presentation of the investigation is clear. Any errors do not hamper understanding of the focus, process and outcomes.

The report is well structured and clear: the necessary information on focus, process and outcomes is present and presented in a coherent way.

The report is relevant and concise thereby facilitating a ready understanding of the focus, process and outcomes of the investigation.

The use of subject-specific terminology and conventions is appropriate and correct. Any errors do not hamper understanding.

Total 24 points / 100%

2. Examples of Biology IA Topics

Many IB graduates have kindly answered an online survey by MakeSensei and given examples of IA topics in IB Biology. Some of them are RQs (Research Questions), so you might want to see the pattern of how they make RQs for your future IA.

  • What is the effect of exposure to different concentration of sodium chloride solutions for different duration time on the germination percentage, mean germination time, and relative injury rate of Ipomoea aquatica?
  • Lactic acid experiment in milk
  • What is the effect of sodium chloride concentration (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0 %) on the rate of hydrolysis of 1.0 % starch solution by 2.0 % ɑ-amylase (Bacillus subtilis), measured as the rate of decrease in absorbance value (Au s–1), using Spectrophotometer Vis at 434.2nm?
  • Protein-digestive enzyme
  • What is the effect of fertiliser quantity on evening levels of dissolved oxygen in river water samples over a period of two weeks?
  • An Investigation into the Effect of Different Types and Concentrations of Pesticides (Orthoran Acephate, Kadan Safe, Kadan Plus DX) on Seed Germination: Observing Plant Growth of ErucaSativa, Brassica Oleracea, Lepidium Sativum and Perilla Frutescens
  • An investigation into the effect of sodium chloride on plant germination and its growth.
  • (Title: How to make delicious natto) RQ: What is the effect of pre-soaking time of soybeans, 0.00, 3.00, 6.00, 9.00, and 12.00 hours (±0.05 hours), on the length of threads between separated fermented soybeans (natto) measured by a clear plastic ruler (±0.1cm)?
  • Effect of light intensity on the travel activity of a Physella acuta
  • Investigating the effect of concentration of the salt solution on germination and growth of cotton and spinach seeds
  • Investigating the correlation of the length of knee roots of a mangrove and the number of holes crabs make in the given area
  • Effect of temperature on denaturation of albumin protein

3. Tips for Biology IA

3.1 Set Appropriate Independent/Dependent Variables

In order to carry out the investigation with sufficient sample size and trials, there needs to be independent and dependent variables that are both appropriate in terms of the purpose of your investigation. If you want to find out the relationship between X and Y (how X influences Y), then your independent variable should be X and your dependent variable should be Y. Both variables should be measurable , meaning quantitative, to allow various statistical analyses. But having qualitative data is valued in discussion as well.

3.2 The More Data, The Better

It is known that you should have at least 25 samples of data for your Biology IA, but let us explain why. While having multiple trials is necessary for the investigation, each trial should also have multiple samples. Therefore, 5 trials with 5 samples each make up 25 samples in total. Having said that, your sample size is up to you, and having more than 25 samples would only make your data more robust . But make sure you have enough time and energy to process the whole data.

3.3 Use Appropriate Secondary Sources

Doing background research on the field you’re focusing on in IA is required to back up your hypothesis, discussion, and conclusion. A lot of people use secondary sources (sources that are not first-hand) and most often through the internet. But, using Wikipedia or personal blogs would not be appropriate for your IA because they may not be reliable, accurate information. Instead, you might want to use these websites to search for previous academic articles and journals.

  • Google Scholar
  • The World Factbook  (provides you data about the country of your interest)

3.4 Don’t Forget Annotations and Citations

  • Annotations

An annotation is a short comment written near an image to give an explanation. Annotations are necessary when the image and its title don’t give enough explanation to specific objects in the image and your word count is limited. For example, when you’re showing your method with an image of instruments, readers might not understand why you chose those instruments to carry out your experiment. To avoid such inconvenience, annotations provide more detailed information than the title and the main text.

A citation is a short version of the reference to your source and it needs to be in-text or footnote. Every time you mention something that is not original or first-hand, you need to put citation(s) to prove where that statement comes from. If you miss citations, it will be considered plagiarism and you could fail the IB. Therefore, citations are important!! You could use  Citation Machine  to create a reference list and citation for each reference (check which style is preferred by your teacher).

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Biology IA topics

Biology Internal Assessment is a crucial component of the International Baccalaureate Biology course, and it requires students to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice. This task aims to assess students’ understanding of scientific research and their ability to apply scientific concepts and principles to a real-world problem. In this article, we will explore some Biology IA topics that students can consider and provide some tips on how to choose the best topic for their research.

Biology IA topics

Tips for Choosing a Biology IA Topic

Choosing a topic for your Biology IA can be a daunting task, but it can also be an exciting opportunity to explore a topic that you are passionate about. By following a few tips, you can select a topic that aligns with your interests and capabilities.

First and foremost, consider your interests when selecting a topic. Think about the aspects of biology that you find most interesting, whether it be human health, genetics, ecology, or biotechnology. By choosing a topic that you are passionate about, you are more likely to be motivated and engaged throughout the research process.

Additionally, it is important to consider your strengths when selecting a topic. Perhaps you excel in data analysis, writing, or conducting experiments. By selecting a topic that aligns with your strengths, you can leverage your skills to conduct high-quality research.

Another important factor to consider is feasibility. The topic you select should be feasible and manageable within the given time frame. It is essential to choose a topic that is specific, clear, and well-defined, which will make the research process more manageable. Additionally, the topic should be practical and achievable with the resources available, including time, equipment, and financial resources.

Consider the resources that you have access to when selecting a topic. This includes laboratory equipment, literature, and financial resources. If you are conducting an experiment, it is important to ensure that you have access to the necessary equipment and materials. If you are conducting a literature review, ensure that you have access to relevant scientific articles and journals. Furthermore, consider the cost of conducting research and ensure that you have access to the necessary financial resources.

Finally, when selecting a topic, consider the research questions that you will be investigating. A good research question is one that is specific, testable, and relevant. A good research question will allow you to conduct a study that is feasible and manageable, while also providing interesting and insightful results.

Examples of good research questions include those that involve a comparison, a cause and effect relationship, or a prediction. A comparison question might investigate the differences between two groups or conditions, such as “What is the effect of different types of fertilizer on plant growth?” A cause and effect question might investigate the relationship between two variables, such as “What is the effect of temperature on the metabolic rate of insects?” A prediction question might investigate the potential outcomes of an intervention or change, such as “What is the effect of a new drug on the progression of a disease?”

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List of biology ia topic ideas.

When it comes to selecting a topic for your Biology IA , the possibilities are endless. If you are struggling to come up with a topic, here are some examples of potential Biology IA topics that you can consider based on your interests and strengths.

Topics related to human health and disease

If you are interested in human biology, you may want to consider investigating the effect of different diets on blood sugar levels. You can compare the effects of high-sugar, low-sugar, and low-carbohydrate diets on blood glucose levels. Alternatively, you can investigate the effectiveness of natural remedies on curing acne. There are several natural remedies that are believed to be effective in treating acne, such as tea tree oil, honey, and aloe vera. You can compare the effects of these remedies with over-the-counter acne treatments. Another topic to consider is the impact of exercise on heart rate and blood pressure. You can investigate the effects of different types of exercise on heart rate and blood pressure, such as aerobic exercise, weight training, and yoga.

Topics related to genetics and evolution

If you are interested in genetics and evolution, you may want to investigate the inheritance of traits in fruit flies. Fruit flies are commonly used in genetics research since they have a short lifespan and reproduce quickly. You can investigate the inheritance patterns of different traits, such as eye color or wing shape. Alternatively, you can investigate the genetic basis of inherited diseases. There are several inherited diseases that are caused by mutations in specific genes, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. You can investigate the effects of these mutations on the body and potential treatments. Another topic to consider is the impact of environmental factors on the expression of genes. You can investigate the effects of different environmental factors, such as temperature or light, on the expression of genes.

Topics related to ecology and the environment

If you are interested in ecology and the environment, you may want to investigate the impact of pollution on plant growth. You can expose plants to different levels of pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution, and measure the effects on plant growth. Alternatively, you can investigate the effect of different soil types on plant growth. Different types of soil have different nutrient levels, water retention, and pH levels, which can affect plant growth. Another topic to consider is investigating the impact of light pollution on animal behavior. Light pollution can disrupt animal behavior, including sleep patterns, foraging, and mating.

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Topics related to biochemistry and biotechnology

If you are interested in biochemistry and biotechnology, you may want to investigate the effectiveness of antibiotics on different strains of bacteria. Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern, and it is important to investigate the effectiveness of different antibiotics on different strains of bacteria. Alternatively, you can investigate the effect of different concentrations of enzymes on the rate of reaction. Enzymes are critical in biological processes, and different concentrations can affect their efficiency. Another topic to consider is the use of biotechnology to produce a novel protein. Biotechnology has enabled the production of several novel proteins, including insulin and human growth hormone. You can investigate the production of a novel protein using biotechnology.

Other unique or interdisciplinary topics

Finally, there are several unique or interdisciplinary topics that you can consider for your Biology IA. For example, you can investigate the use of algae as a biofuel source. Algae are a promising biofuel source since they can produce high levels of lipids, which can be converted into biofuels. Alternatively, you can investigate the impact of music on plant growth. There are several studies that suggest that music can affect plant growth, and you can investigate this further. Another topic to consider is the effect of temperature on the metabolic rate of reptiles. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals, and their body temperature is regulated by the environment. You can investigate the effect of different temperatures on the metabolic rate of reptiles, which can have important implications for their survival in changing environments.

When selecting a Biology IA topic, it is important to consider your interests, strengths, feasibility, and the potential research questions. By choosing a topic that aligns with your passions and capabilities, you can conduct a successful research project that showcases your scientific knowledge and research skills. These Biology IA topic ideas are just a starting point, and you can tailor them to your interests and research goals. Remember to be creative and innovative when selecting a topic and have fun exploring the exciting world of biology!

Selecting the best Biology IA topic can be a challenging task. However, by considering your interests, strengths, feasibility, and the potential research questions, you can choose a topic that aligns with your passions and capabilities.  By using the resources available through the IB writing service , you can learn valuable writing skills and improve your overall academic performance.

This article provided some Biology IA topics that students can consider and some tips on how to choose the best topic for their research. By following these tips and exploring different topic ideas, students can conduct a successful Biology IA project that showcases their scientific knowledge and research skills.

Looking for more help with your Internal Assessment? Check out our  IB IA Writing Service  or  buy Internal Assessment .

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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July 26, 2023

Ace Your Biology IA (HL): A How-to Guide

The Higher Level (HL) Biology Internal Assessment (IA) is a crucial component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. It allows students to delve deep into a scientific topic of their choice and showcase their research and analytical skills. In this guide, we will focus on the preliminary pages of the Biology IA, specifically the Title Page and the Content Page, which lay the foundation for a well-structured and successful IA.

Preliminary Pages

Generally, in a HL Biology IA , these pages refer to the Title Page and the Content Page. They come before the actual IA sections and write-up and usually do not require a page number.

Many IB students tend to place these pages on the last of their Biology IA to-do-list. However, we would advice that you do it first.

The Title Page is more than just a formality; it sets the tone for your entire IA. It should contain the following elements:

  • Title (e.g. “A study investigating…”)

A clear and concise title that reflects the essence of your study, such as “A Study Investigating the Impact of X on Y as Shown by…”

  • Research Question

It has to include both the dependent and independent variables.

  • Relevant details such as the scientific name of the organism (if applicable), units, time, and location.

Content Page

The Content Page serves as an organized outline of your IA. It should include the following sections:

  • Title and Research Question
  • Introduction
  • Background Information
  • Variables (Independent, Dependent, Controlled, and Uncontrolled)
  • Preliminary Experiment (with a focus on its relevance to the main experiment)
  • Risk Assessment

Processed Data

  • Analysis (including statistical calculations and graph details)


The IA Title and Research Question  

Identify a broad topic statement, ensuring that your research question is stated and includes both the dependent and independent variables. For example, What is the effect of X on Y as shown by… ? Your research question should include the following, where appropriate:

  • The organism (if appropriate) has a scientific name

Including the following will allow you to effectively convey clarity in your research question , and thoroughly explain what you will be investigating .

Introduction and Background Information 


Your introduction is rooted in background information about the organism and or the topic that you will be investigating in your IA. You should demonstrate strong personal engagement by a statement of purpose.  For instance, you would avoid using cliche phrases such as “I have always loved..”, but rather opt for phrases that clearly illustrate your passion with the real, outside world, or your genuine reason for choosing the topic that you will be investigating.

Background info: 

Go on to enhance your understanding of your research question while ensuring that your background information is:

  • Within context of the range of independent variables
  • Within context of the dependent variables being used
  • In-text cited, based on the referencing systems used in your school (e.g. Harvard/ MLA referencing) 
  • Supported by a preliminary experiment through the inclusion of a short paragraph about how it was carried out, to show your clarity on how you would conduct your main experiment.

While conducting a preliminary experiment shows great engagement, many students do not do it/are not able to carry one out for various different reasons. If you have not carried out a preliminary experiment, research and describe the following instead :

  • Range and intervals of your independent variables
  • How you will be measuring your dependent variable

Null hypothesis : 

“The null hypothesis is a typical statistical theory which suggests that no statistical relationship and significance exists in a set of given single observed variables, between two sets of observed data and measured phenomena” (“Null Hypothesis – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics”).

For example,

“There is no statistically significant association between X and Y .”

Alternative hypothesis : 

Your alternative hypothesis is an alternative theory that is suggested with direct polarity to the null hypothesis.

“There is a statistically significant association between X and Y .”

  • Independent, dependent and controlled variables are clearly stated
  • Ensure to have at least 5 intervals and at least 15 repeats for each interval
  • Explain how and why you are using those variables, how certain variables may not be controlled, and how you minimise the effects of these to suit it to your experiment effectively

Ensure that all apparatus, chemicals and solutions are listed and / or shown in a diagram if relevant and all apparatus used are relevant. (Not an obligatory list, can be given in the method)

Preliminary Experiment 

The Preliminary Experiment is often overlooked, but it holds immense value in shaping your main investigation. Students can improve this section by linking it seamlessly to their IA. Describe how the preliminary experiment influenced your methodology, analysis, and decision-making process. If you haven’t conducted a preliminary experiment, research and discuss the range and intervals of your independent variables and the method of measuring the dependent variable.

Your method section demonstrates that you have sufficient data that has been collected, and that you have thoroughly reflected on each method of control.

Ensure to :

  • Outline method in a step by step, list-like format
  • Reflect on every controlled variable in the method while explaining
  • State that you have : “Repeated method ____ for verification” at the end of every section.

Risk assessment to ensure safety

Include a risk assessment of apparatus and chemicals and show awareness of:

  • ethical issues – eg handling of animals
  • environmental issues – eg  impact on field sites

Once you have collected your raw data, the next step is to process and organize it for analysis. The Processed Data section is where you present your data in a structured manner, making it easier for readers to interpret and draw conclusions. Follow these steps to effectively present your Processed Data:

  • Data Organization Begin by organizing your data in a clear and systematic way. You can use tables, charts, or graphs, depending on the type of data you collected. Ensure that each piece of data is properly labeled and includes units, where applicable.
  • Data Manipulation In some cases, you might need to manipulate the data to calculate specific values or derive meaningful insights. Show your calculations and formulas used for any data manipulations, and explain the rationale behind these transformations.
  • Averaging and Standard Deviation When presenting numerical data, consider calculating the averages and standard deviations if relevant. These statistical values provide insights into the central tendency and variability of your data points.

The Analysis section is where you interpret your processed data and draw meaningful conclusions from your findings. To conduct a comprehensive analysis, consider the following steps:

  • Statistical Calculations Based on the nature of your data, choose appropriate statistical calculations to support your analysis. Depending on your research question and data type, you might use measures like mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, t-test, chi-square test, etc. Mention the statistical methods you used and why they are appropriate for your investigation.
  • Graphs and Visualizations Graphs and visualizations are powerful tools to represent your data visually. Create clear and accurate graphs that effectively illustrate the trends, patterns, and relationships present in your data. Choose appropriate graph types, such as bar graphs, line graphs, scatter plots, or pie charts, based on the variables you are analyzing.
  • Data Interpretation Thoroughly interpret the patterns and trends depicted in your graphs and statistical results. Explain the significance of any relationships observed and how they relate to your research question. Use evidence from your processed data and refer to relevant scientific principles to support your interpretations.

Ensure that your analysis section includes sufficient correlated qualitative and quantitative  observations, anomalies that have been clearly pointed out and explained, statistical tests and graphs that explain the data collected.

The figure below is an example graph taken from a model IA, where the student has clearly presented information in a graph.

In the Evaluation section, critically assess your investigation and methodology. Address strengths and weaknesses, reflect on potential sources of error, and suggest improvements for future studies. Consider the following points for a well-rounded evaluation

  • Methodological Considerations Discuss any limitations or challenges you encountered during your investigation. Analyze how these factors might have influenced your results and propose ways to mitigate potential errors.
  • Reliability and Validity Reflect on the reliability and validity of your data and methods. Identify factors that could have impacted the accuracy and generalizability of your findings.
  • Sources of Error Be honest about any sources of error that might have affected your results. Consider experimental errors, sample size, or unexpected external factors that could have influenced your outcomes.

Evaluation : 

  • Conclude by making explicit reference to the research question. In other words, your conclusion should directly answer the question : “Does the data answer the Research Question?”
  • State if your null hypothesis is accepted or rejected
  • Refer to the graph and data points to clearly demonstrate your understanding and strong conclusion
  • Compare the conclusion with published data and predictions 

( A good tip here is to put your graph in and next to it put a graph from a textbook or website. Can you either explain any differences or relate it to scientific theory?) 

  • Strengths and weaknesses of your investigation
  • Further extensions that could have been carried out. 

Figure 1 : Model student IA graph 

research question biology ia

The Conclusion section is where you summarize your key findings and directly address your research question. Follow these steps for an effective conclusion:

  • Restate the Research Question Begin by restating your research question to remind readers of the central focus of your investigation.
  • Answer the Research Question Clearly state whether your research question was supported or rejected by the evidence presented in your analysis. Use your processed data, statistical calculations, and graphs to support your conclusion.
  • Relate to Scientific Theory Connect your findings to established scientific principles or theories. Discuss how your results align with existing knowledge in the field of biology.

Finally, provide a comprehensive list of all the sources you used in your research. Include academic papers, textbooks, websites, and any other references you consulted. Use the appropriate citation style, such as Harvard or MLA, as required by your school or institution.

Sample IA marked and annotated :


If in doubt, reach out to experienced tutors at Quintessential Education for extra help and guidance. Start your journey towards academic success today!

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Biology IA Topics: 20+ Great Ideas to Get You Started

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by  Antony W

September 5, 2022

biology IA topics

There’s nothing worse than trying to brainstorm and search for Biology IA topics only to come out empty.

The problem is:

There’s a lot to explore in Biology that it proves challenging to determine what topic would be suitable to investigate from the hundreds of possible options. So if you’re having a difficult time figuring out what topic to explore, we can understand.

In this post, we’ll share a list of the best IB Biology IA topics that you can use either for inspiration to help you come up with a topic of your own or as a modified topic for further research.

Biology Internal Assessment Writing Help

Don’t enough time left to complete your Biology IA and don’t know what to do? 

Use  our Internal Assessment writing service   to get professional academic writing help from our team. Our writers are experts in writing IAs, and we guarantee high quality assignments that earn top marks.

IB Biology Internal Assessment (IA) Topics

Coming up with an IB Biology IA topic to explore isn’t difficult if you understand the requirements. Like Physics and Chemistry ,  your IA in Biology must focus on scientific writing and research in the Biology subject.

Below is a list of 30+ topic ideas for Biology Internal Assessment:

  • Assessment of the effect of temperature on the vitamin C content of various juices
  • What effect can quick shifts in body posture have on baroreceptor feedback and pulse rate?
  • How do detergents, drinks, yogurt, and milk stack up when it comes to buffering?
  • How does the ideal pH affect the growth rate of pinto and green beans? Proven Through Experiment
  • The temperature dependence of the activation energy released during the decomposition of H2O2 utilizing the catalase enzyme and aluminum inhibitor as catalysts.
  • To what extent does organic household waste affect the germination and emergence of tomato seeds?
  • Investigating the Role of Carbonated Drink Volume and pH in Tooth Erosion/Decay
  • In vitro Studies of Aluminum Chloride's Effects on the Liver Catalase Enzyme's Degradation of Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Changes in seashell mass and carbon monoxide (CO) emitted during the reaction as a function of HCL concentration
  • Does river pollution threaten the source of water for marine life?
  • Fruit ripening as influenced by environmental factors including light and temperature
  • How can we evaluate the respiration rates of wine yeast and baker's yeast in various sugar solutions?
  • What happens to DNA movement as the concentration of the agarose gel changes?
  • Compare the top and bottom 25 nations in terms of HDI and their rates of lung cancer-related mortality using secondary data.
  • How does body mass index (BMI) affect the skin's surface temperature and the pace at which it recovers after exposure to cold?
  • Hydrogen peroxide breakdown rate influenced by presence of various metal ions (H,O.).
  • Using the Silver Nitrate titration method, how much variation exists between the chlorine concentrations (mg / L) of several locally accessible brands of treated water?
  • How post-workout use of energy drinks affects cardiovascular function and blood pressure
  • How do energy drinks affect blood pressure and heart rate following exercise?
  • How do varying amounts of lactases affect the efficiency with which lactose and other disaccharides in milk are digested?
  • Is there a correlation between the presence of home furnishings and stunted plant development?
  • In terms of the pace of hydrochloric acid neutralization, as assessed by the difference in change in pH levels in 5 minutes, how do cumin and turmeric powder compare to indigestion tablets?
  • What effect does zinc chloride concentration have on plaque development?
  • What happens to the length of Citrus limon roots as the Oxytetracycline concentration is raised from 5 mg/L to 10 mg/L?
  • Is there a correlation between the pH of spoiled milk and the temperature at which it was stored?
  • How can the opposing effects of temperature and light intensity on the time it takes for photosynthesis to occur cancel each other out?
  • How can the acidity of certain drinks contribute to tooth decay?
  • What happens to your heart rate if you suddenly start working out hard, and how much of an effect does warming up have on your maximum heart rate
  • How effective are natural antiseptics such as ginger and turmeric compared to store-bought alternatives?
  • How potent are synthetic antibacterial treatments in comparison to natural antibacterial remedies?
  • What effect does sodium chloride have on bougainvillea seed germination at various concentrations?
  • What effect does soil composition have on the propagation of a plant's offshoots?
  • How much does the amount of sodium nitrate powder used to preserve meat reduce its quality?
  • For what reason does moringa seed and leaf extract (herbal medication) inhibit the growth of dandruff-causing Malassezia yeast (Pittosporum)?
  • Which laundry detergent is best in breaking down lipids and getting rid of stains?
  • When it comes to radishes, how does the salinity of the water effect their development rate?
  • Does Gibberellic acid influence dolly Parton rose germination, and how does it react at various concentrations?

Assessed internally and moderated externally by the IB, Biology IA at SL and HL accounts for 25% and 20% of the final grades respectively. Your teacher will assess your work out of 24 based on well-defined assessment criteria. As such, you should work on a topic that you can explore comprehensively within the scope of the assignment.

Final Thoughts

The IB Biology IA assignment isn’t as lengthy as the extended essay in the same subject, but it can be quite involving. You’ll conduct extensive experiments and the writing process is going to be somewhat longer.

To have an easy time working on the subject, it’s best to choose a topic that interests you, so you can focus on an area that you’ve always wanted to explore.

Given that we’ve shared over30 topic ideas with you, you shouldn’t have a difficult time figuring out what to work on.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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How to Write Your IB Biology Internal Assessment

By TutorsPlus

IB Biology Internal Assessment Student Smiling

Performing well on the IB Internal Assessment requires a lot of work. This includes careful planning, research, experimentation, analysis, and writing. You should not take this assignment lightly since it accounts for 20% of your final grade. In this guide, we will explain in great detail how to write Biology IA to get a top score, so you can get the help you need every step along the way.

Our IB Biology Internal Assessment guide will cover both the necessary steps to take to conduct a successful investigation and the Biology IA structure.

What is the Biology Internal Assessment?

The IB Biology IA is a self-directed investigation into a Biology topic of your choice.

Your task is to design and conduct an experiment, analyse its results, and write a report about it. Typically, it takes around 10 hours of class time to work on the IA, but you will likely need to put in additional time outside of class. The final paper should be no longer than 3000 words.

A solid, well-designed IA can bring you a maximum of 24 points. To award these points, examiners take into account 4 marking criteria – learn more about them from this post .

The following guide on how to write Biology IA will show you how to meet these criteria and maximise your score. And remember, if you get stuck, our IB Biology tutors, teachers, and examiners are here to help.

The Five Steps to Writing IB Biology Internal Assessment

As we have already said, the Internal Assessment is one of the pillars of your end-of-the-course examination. Without completing your investigation, you cannot count on a good mark.

This means that you must treat your IB Biology IA as if you were a scientist for real, i.e. carefully plan what you’d like to do and which results you expect to obtain, carry out your experiment, and draw a conclusion. Here are these steps in more detail.

Choosing a Research Question

The first step is to choose a focused research question on a biological topic that interests you. The question should be specific enough to investigate through an experiment in the time available.

The best IB Biology Internal Assessments specify a clear reason why you chose such a topic. For example, you may investigate a biological phenomenon or issue that is relevant to the region where you live. Or it might be a topic that has fascinated you since childhood. Whatever your reasoning is, it must be clear from your work.

Still, it is not enough to choose a research question based solely on your interests. It should also be:

  • Doable, i.e. you must be able to answer it taking into account time and resource limitations, as well as the level of complexity of an experiment;
  • Measurable. In other words, your investigation should involve variables, which you can measure and analyse. It is also possible to work with statistical data.
  • Unique. Your Biology IA doesn’t require you to do groundbreaking research. Nevertheless, you need to come up with an original question and contribute new insights to the chosen area of study.

Now sure which questions to use? Allow us to help you. We offer fresh 30+ IB Biology IA ideas . However, it is always best to use your own creative ideas, as examiners expect to see originality and thinking in your work.

Planning the Experiment

Once you have a research question, plan out how you are going to investigate it thoroughly. It is vital to consider every part of your work, from the variables you will measure, to the materials and methods you will use, and, of course, the data you aim to collect. 

However, before you begin to investigate, your teacher must approve your plan. Do not skip this step, as it could result in wasted time and effort if your teacher doesn’t agree with your IA proposal.

Conducting the Experiment

You need to carry out your experiment safely and systematically. Every observation and piece of data you obtain should be carefully recorded. It is important to repeat your experiment a few times to verify results as well as possibly find any errors and omissions in your methodology.

Analysing and Concluding

Examine your data to identify patterns and relationships. This data will help you draw conclusions to answer your original research question. For the best marks, you ought to discuss sources of error and suggest improvements for further investigation.

How to Write Biology IA: Structure and Points to Cover

When writing the IB Biology Internal Assessment, you need to follow a certain structure. A well-organised report will help ensure that you meet every marking criterion as well as demonstrate your thinking skills.

Here are our extensive guidelines for each section of your paper.

The Title and Contents Page

The Title Page sets the tone for the entire IB Biology Internal Assessment report. Your goal is to craft a descriptive title that reflects the purpose of the study. For example, “An Investigation into the Effect of X on Y.”

The title must be accompanied by a focused research question involving the key variables, units, time, and location, if applicable.

Below is an example of a title and a research question:

Title: The Influence of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis in Elodea Plants.

Research Question: Does the intensity of light affect the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea (Elodea nuttallii), and if so, is there an optimal light intensity for maximizing photosynthetic activity?

Please note that if your experiment involves a living organism, you must identify it by both a common name and scientific name (genus and species).

When it comes to the Contents Page, it outlines the Biology IA structure and lists all sections and page numbers. This page is important to let examiners easily navigate the document.

Taking time with these initial pages will show your ability to be organised and thoughtful. The title and contents provide the first impression to evaluators.


We suggest that you start your report with a brief overview of the topic and focus on its importance. For example, if your research involves a living organism or a compound, say where one might encounter it in everyday life, how we use it in food production or industrial processes, and explain the role it plays in an ecosystem.

Then, proceed from general to personal. What made you choose this topic and this research subject? Do they have a significance specifically for you or a global importance? Tell briefly about it at the beginning of your report.

Along with this, you should specify the method of investigation and why you used it. For instance, if you’re studying the effect of temperature on enzyme activity, you might want to use a sugar solution or specific chemical substrate to measure the enzyme’s effectiveness at different temperatures.

Overall, the introduction should be 0.5-1.0 pages long.

IB Biology Student Researching IA

The next element of the appropriate IB Biology IA structure is background information. It helps understand the context of your research question and experiment.

For example, if you’re investigating a molecule, you need to describe its fundamental structure, i.e. identify its building blocks and how they are arranged. In case your subject is a consumable compound (such as capsaicin in chilli peppers or vitamin C), it is vital to discuss its effects on the body. You can explain their benefits and the potential harm associated with deficiencies or excessive consumption.

If your focus is a living organism, you need to pinpoint its key features and specify their impact on your experiment.

Often, IB Biology Internal Assessments involve reagents that react with a selected molecule or a compound. If you, too, have such reagents, explain their chemical structure and reactivity that make them suitable for your experiment. You shouldn’t forget to include relevant chemical equations.

It is not uncommon for Biology IAs to rely on secondary data instead of experiments. If you go this route, you must justify your choice of the specific database. Along with this, you should provide the data collection method and explain why this database is relevant to your research question.

If applicable, you can include diagrams, graphs, and other visual information. Don’t forget to cite the source you’re using and provide figure captions.

After you provide the scientific justification of your experiment, proceed to state your actual hypothesis. This should be an if-then statement outlining your testable prediction about the anticipated results.

Next, provide 2-3 sentences explaining your rationale. Link it logically to scientific principles and cite any research that informed your hypothesis. Your conclusion will either support your hypothesis or reject it.

Below is an example of a hypothesis:

“Exposure to different light intensities will affect the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea plants. I predict that as light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will also increase due to the enhanced availability of light energy for the photosynthetic process. However, beyond this optimal level, I expect the rate of photosynthesis to plateau or even decrease due to factors like photoinhibition. This hypothesis is supported by the established principle that photosynthesis relies on light energy, and exceeding optimal light levels can damage photosynthetic machinery.”

Typically, biological investigations will involve three sets of variables: Independent, Dependent, and Controlled Variables:

  • The independent variable is what you intentionally manipulate. You need to be highly specific about the increments tested.
  • The dependent variable is what changes in response to manipulations. They are what you will be measuring.
  • Controlled variables are held constant to isolate effects.

In your Internal Assessment, you need to list at least 5 control variables and do 15 repeats.

We suggest that you make a table with three columns introducing your variables. It must also feature units and, if applicable, ranges (for example, gas concentrations). Don’t forget to explain the instruments or methods you used to measure variables.

Your IA report must clearly show all the apparatus and equipment you used in your experiment.

To do so, you can draw and fully label a visual diagram of your experimental setup, especially detailing how the independent variable was implemented. For example, if testing temperature, show the water bath or incubator set at different temperatures.

Alternatively, you may take a photo of your actual lab setup and annotate it.

Either way, you must specify all the apparatus and instruments, as well as solutions and chemicals (with their concentrations) that your experiment requires. Whenever possible, discuss the uncertainties for your instruments (weighing balances, pipettes, etc.).

You can start this section with a Preliminary Experiment with the purpose of providing critical insights to guide the main investigation. You should explain how it shaped your methodology, analysis approach, and decision-making.

If you didn’t conduct a preliminary experiment, you need to research the independent variables and the method for measuring the dependent variable. This analysis will mimic the function of a preliminary experiment in informing the main investigation’s design.

The next important step is to write the experimental procedure in clear numbered steps. It is better to use the imperative mood to make it look like an instruction (“Heat the solution to 20 degrees Celsius …” instead of “I heated the solution…”). Make sure to include enough detail so that someone else would be able to repeat the process.

You need to include at least 5 increments of your independent variable (e.g. 5 temperatures) and a minimum of 5 trials/replicates per increment. Please keep in mind that your procedure should collect both quantitative data (numbers) and qualitative data (observational descriptions).

At the end of this section, it is important to discuss the risks involved in your experiment (such as safety, ethical, and environmental).

This section of your IB Biology Internal Assessment should include at least 3 data tables:

  • Raw Data Table, which features only unprocessed numbers;
  • Control Variables Table, which presents values of controlled variables, for instance, initial temperatures;
  • Qualitative Data Table including observational descriptive details (for example, colour or temperature changes).

You need to give all these tables clear, descriptive titles. It is also essential to label all your columns with headings and units of measurement. You should make sure that your numbers are uniform, i.e. have the same decimal places. You are at risk of losing marks if you miss even a single unit.

We don’t recommend that you start your table on one page and continue on another. However, if you have a large table that doesn’t fit into a single page, you should repeat the title and column names after the split.

If your data is likely to come with uncertainties (for example, human reaction time), you can specify them in footnotes. You should also indicate equipment precision in column headings.

The analysis section of your Biology IA shows how you have used both qualitative and quantitative methods to support your arguments as well as identified and justified any discrepancies or errors in your data.

For starters, pick a sample of processed data to explain your calculations. You need to provide the equation you used and track each step to demonstrate how you converted raw numbers into analysed data. You should do it for every type of calculation (i.e. for averages, the volumes of gas obtained, etc.).

The rest of your results should be organised into fully labelled tables of calculated/processed data.

Next, you need to use this data to create 1-2 graphs with appropriate formats (for instance, bar, line, or scatter plots). All graphs must have titled axes with units and a figure legend. Below the graph, you should provide a description of trends.

It is more than likely that your data will feature uncertainties and errors – don’t try to hide them. In fact, you need to show that you understand, have reflected on, and can explain them. Best-fit lines and error bars can help you indicate these uncertainties and deviations. To maximise your final IA score, you should explain whether they are significant (how you know this), and how they impacted your results.

This section summarises the results of your experiment and answers your research question.

To begin with, provide your research question one more time to remind the reader about the aim of your experiment.

Then explain the trends obtained from your data, particularly within the graph. Make sure to be specific in your explanation. For example, instead of simply saying “temperature affected enzyme activity,” state something like “enzyme activity increased from a rate of 0.2 micromoles of substrate hydrolysed per minute at 20°C to a peak rate of 1.5 micromoles per minute at 40°C. This indicates a positive correlation between temperature and enzyme activity.”

Based on these conclusions, provide a clear answer to your research question and evaluate the extent to which it was answered. Did you achieve a complete answer, was it partial, or maybe you failed to confirm your hypothesis altogether? If you encountered any unexpected data points in your experiment, discuss these anomalies and suggest reasons for their occurrence.

If possible, you should compare your experimental values with established literature values. Cite your sources and explain how your findings align with or deviate from existing knowledge.

Finally, you need to discuss the impact of uncertainties associated with your measurements. Were these uncertainties significant to your experimental values? For example, a measurement of 10 grams with an uncertainty of ±0.01 gram is much more precise than an uncertainty of ±1 gram.

The final element of your Biology IA structure is supposed to demonstrate your critical thinking skills. In particular, it focuses on the strong and weak sides of your experiment.

We recommend that you identify at least 3 weaknesses or challenges in your experimental design, such as a lack of controls or a limited number of trials. Point out which errors were systematic, random, or human. Explain how each limitation impacts the quality and interpretation of your results.

If you provided error bars, ensure to explain what they demonstrate.

The next step is to propose at least 3 changes to improve the quality of your experimental design and data analyses. Those can include additional controlled variables, more replicates, different measurement techniques, increased precision on equipment, etc. Explain how each suggestion would specifically refine the experiment.

The last page of your IB Biology IA is a list of all the sources you utilised (textbooks, research, academic papers, etc.). You need to stick to the citation style recommended by your school.

Need Help to Write Biology IA? TutorsPlus are at Your Disposal

These were our suggestions on how to write Biology IA based on the new syllabus (the first assessment in 2025).

With 20% of your total grade, IB Biology Internal Assessment is a crucial aspect of your academic journey. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and improve your understanding of Biology. To ensure your IA report brings you the grade you hope for, you need to approach it with dedication, thoroughness, and a commitment to scientific excellence.

This journey can be quite stressful, but you don’t have to face it alone. At TutorsPlus, we understand the significance of your Internal Assessment and are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance in selecting a perfect topic, refining your methodology, or reviewing your biology IA structure or its content, our knowledgeable IB Biology tutors (who are simultaneously experienced teachers and examiners) are ready to guide you towards success.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for expert help and assistance. We are available at +41 022 731 8148 or [email protected]. With TutorsPlus by your side, you can turn your Internal Assessment into a remarkable achievement.

research question biology ia

Sara has been an education consultant for TutorsPlus for 15 years, and is an expert on international IB education.  She is also a parent of two lively children.

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50+ IB Biology IA Ideas

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The IB Biology SL Internal Assessment (IA) is a project that requires students to complete an independent research project on a chosen theme. The IA is worth 20% of the final assessment and is an opportunity for students to showcase their understanding of the subject. Here are some carefully curated IB Biology SL IA topic ideas to help students get started. These ideas have been tried and tested and are popular with examiners. The list includes the basic reasons for investigating each topic, possible independent and dependent variables, and the experimental setup. It’s important to consider if the topics can be applied to one’s own life, as this shows personal engagement.

1.) How do different sodium chloride concentrations affect seed germination in the bougainvillaea plant?

Experimental setup:.

Soak the bougainvillaea seeds in sodium chloride of varying concentrations for a specific time period. Place them in Petri dishes and count the number of seeds that germinate. Conduct at least 5 trials, excluding control. 

Independent Variable:

Sodium chloride concentrations

Dependent Variable:

Seed germination percentage

2.) How does extract of the seeds and the leaves of the moringa plant (herbal medicine) show antifungal activity against the Malassezia yeast (Pittosporum) fungi?

Experimental setup: , mix yeast and herbal medicine. then use agar plates and fungus to test their effectiveness by seeing how many fungi grow in the different plates. , independent variable: .

Seeds and the leaves of the moringa plant

Dependent Variable: 

Antifungal activity

3.) How does the concentration of zinc chloride affect the growth of plaque?

Mix different concentrations of zinc chloride in different agar plates and bacteria, and check for plaque formation over time. 

Concentration of zinc chloride

Growth of plaque

4.) How effective are synthetic antibacterial products compared to natural antibacterial products against the growth of Cut bacterium acne?

Chose a synthetic and natural antibacterial product and mix them with a little water to create diluted solutions of them. Then use agar plates and bacteria to test their effectiveness by seeing how many bacteria grow in the different plates.

Types of antibacterial products (Natural vs synthetic)

Growth of Cut bacterium acne

5.) How do the different teas, used to water Vignata radiata seeds, affect the germination rate?

Place Viganata radiata seeds into various Petri dishes of the same number. Water them regularly using a diluted solution of different types of teas. Count the number of seeds that germinate over time and take note. Repeat the same procedure 5 times, including control. 

The different types of teas (green tea, chamomile, etc)

The rate of germination of Vignata radiata

6.) How do varying salinity levels affect the rate of germination in the grass species Spartina anglica and Eragrostis plana?

Use different concentrations of salinity levels in petri dishes with the two different grass species and compare the rate of gemination over a period of time. Repeat for five trials.

Salinity levels

Germination rate

7.) What is the effect of potassium ion concentration (ppm) on the initial (day 0 to day 2) rate of growth of Hygrophilla difformis through mass change per day (g/day) over a period of 1 week?

Use various concentrations of potassium in the soil in which the hygrophilla difformis has been planted to asses rate of growth over 1 week. compare the different pots containing varied concentrations to conclude on the optimum level..

Potassium concentration

Rate of growth

8.) Effect of different concentrations of fertilisers on growth of Solanum lycopersicum?

In various pots (atleast 5) containing Solanum lycopersicum, add varied levels of fertiliser concentration and assess rate of growth over a period of time.

Fertilizer concentration

9.) Effects of the addition of different concentrations of 11% humic acid and 5% fulvic acid on rate of growth and fruit development in Solanum lycopersicum L?

Take the required number of pots, and add humic and fluvic acid to Solanum Lycopersicum in soil of varying concentrations and asses the rate of growth over and fruit development over a fixed period of time. Compare the different pots containing varied concentrations to conclude on the optimum combination.

Mixture of humic and fulvic acid

Rate of change of the height of the plant

10.) To what extent does light intensity affect the concentration of sucrose within a kiwi?

Exposing samples of kiwi concentrate to different light intensities for certain periods of time and measuring their sucrose concentrations before and after.

  • Light Intensity

Sucrose Concentration

11.) Effect of Potassium concentration on the growth rate of Raphanus sativus (Radishes)?

Planting and growing radishes within the same type of soil of different potassium ion concentrations.

Potassium Ion Concentration

Length of shoot and root of Raphanus sativus

12.) Effect of temperature on the concentration of Vitamin C within various citrus fruits?

Extracting different citrus fruit concentrates such as grapefruits, oranges and lemons and heating these samples at different temperatures for a certain duration and measuring their Vitamin C concentration before and after.


  • Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C Concentration

13.) Investigating the effect of different light intensities and frequencies on the rate of photosynthesis in Spinacia Oleracea.

Exposing samples of Spinacia oleracea(spinach) leaves to different light intensities for certain periods of time and measuring the rate of photosynthesis.

  • Frequency of Light

Rate of Photosynthesis of Spinacia Oleracea

14.) Examining the relationship between temperature and the rate of cellular respiration in yeast.

Under different environmental temperatures within a certain time period, we measure the amount of carbon dioxide and water released by samples of yeast as a measure of their rate of cellular respiration..

Rate of Respiration (By measuring the amount of carbon dioxide and water released)

15.) To what extent does the frequency and wavelength of sound affect the growth of Triticum Aestivum

Observing the germination rate and rate of growth of Triticum Aestivum under sound treatment with different frequencies and wavelengths of sound.

  • Frequency of sound
  • Wavelength of sound
  • Germination rate of Triticum Aestivum
  • Growth rate of Triticum Aestivum

research question biology ia

16.) Investigating the effect of salt concentration on the germination rate of Raphanus Sativus.

Analysing and measuring the germination rate of Raphanus Sativus seeds(radish seeds) with provision of various concentrations of salt dissolved in water.

Concentrations of salt in water

Rate of germination of Raphanus Sativus

17.) To what extent does light wavelength and light intensity affect the rate of curdling of cow milk.

Placing various samples of milk underneath different light intensities(low, medium, high) and wavelengths(normal, no light, red, blue, etc.) for a duration of 2 hours and observing the rate of curdling by measuring the change concentration of lactic acid. The milk is curdled by first heating the milk until it comes to a boil and then placing a fixed amount of curd into the samples.

  • Light wavelength

Change in concentration of Lactic acid in cow milk

18.) Examining the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea.

Measuring the effect of various concentrations of carbon dioxide on the photosynthesis of samples of Elodea for a certain duration of time.

  • Carbon dioxide concentration

Rate of photosynthesis(Amount of oxygen and glucose produced)

19.) Investigating the effect of different pollutants on the oxygen content of various aquatic environment water

Placing various types of pollutants within samples of aquatic environmental water and measuring the change in quantity of dissolved oxygen within the sample..

Various types of pollutants and different aquatic environmental water samples

Change in quantity of dissolved oxygen

20.) How does the concentration of sucrose affect the rate of osmosis in potato cells?

Cut identical pieces of potato and place them in solutions of different concentrations of sucrose. Measure the change in mass of the potato pieces over time.

Concentration of sucrose solution

Change in mass of potato pieces

21.) What is the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of daphnia?

Observe the heart rate of daphnia under the influence of caffeine at different concentrations..

Concentration of caffeine

Heart rate of daphnia

22.) What is the effect of different types of music on the growth rate of pea plants?

Play different genres of music to pea plants and measure the rate of growth.

Genre of music

Rate of growth of pea plants

23.) How does the concentration of salt affect the activity of the amylase enzyme in saliva?

Add amylase enzyme to saliva at different concentrations of salt and measure the rate of starch breakdown.

Concentration of salt in saliva

Rate of starch breakdown

24.) How does the temperature affect the rate of respiration in yeast cells?

Measure the rate of carbon dioxide production by yeast cells at different temperatures.

Rate of carbon dioxide production

25.) Investigating the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on the rate of enzyme activity and fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Exposing samples of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) to different temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations and measuring the rate of enzyme activity and fermentation.

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Rate of Enzyme Activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Rate of Fermentation

26.) Investigating the effect of different concentrations of salt on the germination and growth rate of Phaseolus vulgaris

Germinating samples of Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) in solutions of different concentrations of salt and magnesium and measuring the germination and growth rate.

  • Concentration of Salt
  • Concentration of Magnesium
  • Germination Rate of Phaseolus vulgaris
  • Growth Rate of Phaseolus vulgaris

27.) Investigating the effect of pH and light intensity on the activity of catalase and its rate of denaturation extracted from Prunus avium

Extracting and exposing samples of Prunus avium(cherries) to solutions of different pH values and light intensities and measuring the activity of catalase and its rate of denaturation.

  • pH of solution

Light intensity

  • Activity of Catalase from Prunus avium
  • Rate of denaturation

28.) Investigating the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea canadensis

Exposing samples of Elodea canadensis (Canadian waterweed) to different temperatures and measuring the rate of photosynthesis using a dissolved oxygen probe.

  • Temperature of the water in which Elodea canadensis is placed.

Rate of photosynthesis in Elodea canadensis measured by the amount of oxygen produced.

29.) Investigating the effect of different environmental conditions on the ripening of Citrus × sinensis, Citrus × aurantiifolia and Citrus × paradisi

Create a study that monitors the levels of ethylene or CO2 in fruits over a period of time, while subjecting different fruits to varying independent variables.

  • Concentration of Ethylene
  • Concentration of CO 2

30.) Investigating the effect of nitrate and magnesium concentration in soil on the germination and folate content of Solanum lycopersicum.

Growing samples of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) in different types of soil and measuring the growth and folate content of samples.

  • Nitrate concentration of soil

Magnesium concentration of soil

  • Growth of Solanum lycopersicum.
  • Folate content of Solanum lycopersicum

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research question biology ia

IB Biology HL IA Ideas

The IB Biology HL Internal Assessment (IA) is a 20% project that requires students to complete an independent research project on a chosen theme. Here are some carefully curated IB Biology HL IA topic ideas to help students get started. These ideas have been tried and tested and are popular with examiners. The list includes the basic reasons for investigating each topic, possible independent and dependent variables, and the experimental setup. It’s important to consider if the topics can be applied to one’s own life, as this shows personal engagement.

1.) How do temperature and light intensity that affects photosynthesis balance out each other when it comes to the time taken for photosynthesis to occur?

Expose selected plants with different levels of temperature and light intensity to find the optimum combination for maximum growth rate. Conduct at least 5 trials, excluding control. 

Temperature and light intensity

Time taken for photosynthesis

2.) To what extent does scarification have an effect on germination percentage and shoot growth?

Select a seed that requires scarification and treat it with different methods of scarification like heat, acid and freeze-thaw. Conduct at least 5 trials, excluding control. Compare results to conclude which scarification is most effective. 

Types of scarification

Germination percentage and shoot growth

3.) How do cumin and turmeric powder, in comparison to indigestion tablets, affect the rate of neutralization of hydrochloric acid, measured by the difference of change in pH levels in 5 minutes?

Measure every 5 minutes, the amount of time it takes for the pH of hydrochloric acid to reach a neutral state (pH of 7) when adding cumin and turmeric powder to one sample and indigestion tablets to another sample. Conduct at least 5 trials, excluding control. 

Cumin and turmeric powder

Rate of neutralization of hydrochloric acid

4.) How do different concentrations of Gibberellic acid affect the germination of a Dolly Parton rose?

Soak the Dolly Parton rose seeds in Gibberellic acid of varying concentrations for a specific time period. Place them in Petri dishes and count the number of seeds that germinate. Conduct at least 5 trials, excluding control. 

Different concentrations of Gibberellic acid

Germination of a Dolly Parton rose

5.) What is the effect of different concentrations of green tea extract on the rate of fermentation of yeast?

Add yeast to various Petri dishes containing water with different concentrations of green tea extract. Over time, calculate the pH to determine the level of carbon dioxide produced by the yeast. 

Different concentrations of green tea extract

Change in carbon dioxide concentration produced by yeast

6.) What is the effect of changing the light intensity on the speed of wood louse Armadillidium Vulgare?

Use atleast 5 different light intensities in an enclosed glass container with the wood louse Armadillidium Vulgare and capture the movement of the creature to asses speed.

7.) Comparing the vitamin C or ascorbic acid concentration in store-bought fruit juices and fresh fruits using a titrimetric method?

Fruit samples must be blended with metaphosphoric acid. The homogenous mixture must be measured around and diluted into a volumetric flask with metaphosphoric acid (HPO3). The diluted sample must then be filtered to remove away suspension using a vacuum pump before 10 ml aliquote of the filtrate is pipetted into a small Erlenmeyer flask. The filtrate must be immediately titrated with a dye solution to a faint pink endpoint.

Type of packed and fresh juices

Amount of iodine, types of fruits

8.) An Investigation on the Effect of Varying Concentrations of Amino Acid Glycine on the Seed Germination of Phaseolus vulgaris Seeds?

Take the required number of petri dishes, and add varying concentrations of amino acid glycine to Phaseolus vulgaris Seeds. Asses the rate of germination over a fixed period of time and compare results to optimum concentration.

Varying concentrations of Glycine

Seed germination

9.) Effect of different caffeine concentrations on the blinking rate of the human eye?

Providing different people categorized on age, weight and height, different concentrations of caffeine and recording their blinking rate for a duration of 5 minutes with a reliable camera

Caffeine Concentration

Blinking rate of the human eye

10.) Determination of the ideal pH and temperature for accelerated germination of tomatoes?

Placing different groups of tomato seeds in various combinations of pH and temperature conditions and determining the ideal pH and temperature conditions based upon number of seeds germinated and time consumed to do so.

Germination of Tomato seeds

11.) Investigation of the effects of magnesium on the rate of photosynthesis in Brassica Rapa.

Measuring the rate of photosynthesis of various samples of Brassica Rapa which have been planted utilising the same type of soil or fertiliser but with various concentrations of magnesium.

Rate of photosynthesis of Brassicar Rapa

12.) Investigation of pH and salt concentration on the heart rate of daphnia, a type of water flea.

Under different environmental conditions of pH and salt concentration, measure the heart rate of daphnia under a microscope and count the number of heart beats within a certain time period.

pH and Salt concentration of water

Heart rate of water flea

13.) Analysis of the relationships between various abiotic factors such as and the diversity of plant species in a specific ecosystem.

Research upon different types of ecosystems that seem to be similar but have different abiotic factors and observe the different species within the ecosystem and understand the possible reasons as to the amount of biodiversity in the ecosystem.

Abiotic factors

Biodiversity of ecosystem

14.) Examination of the effect of different types of oil on the cellular structure of plant cells of Solanum Tuberosum

Soaking samples of Solanum Tuberosum within various types of oils for a certain duration of time and analysing the cellular structure of plant cells, primarily the shape of their cell wall.

Type of Oil

Cell wall structure and other cellular components of Solanum Tuberosum

15.) To what extent does different types of cooking techniques have on the concentration of vitamin A in Daucus Carota

Measure the vitamin A concentration of Daucus Carota samples before they undergo cooking in various ways such as boiling, pan-frying, grilling and more and then measuring the vitamin A concentration after the cooking process and comparing the vitamin A concentration.

Method of Cooking

Vitamin A concentration

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16.) investigating the ideal ratio of potassium:magnesium in fertilisers on the growth of seedlings of zingiber officinale..

Placing seedlings of Zingiber officinale that are approximately the same age and measuring the rate of growth with shoot and root length over a fixed period of time within samples of soil with different potassium:magnesium ratios

Ratio of potassium:magnesium in fertiliser

  • Shoot length of Zingiber Officinale
  • Root length of Zingiber Officinale

17.) To what extent does temperature and light intensity affect the concentration of phenolic acid within samples of Rubus Idaeus

Heat samples of Rubus Idaeus concentrate and measure the concentration of phenolic acids before and after the process.

Concentration of phenolic acid of Rubus Idaeus sample

18.) Examination of the effects of different physical and chemical treatments on the germination and growth of Carica papaya seeds.

Provide various types of treatments to samples of Carica papaya seeds and measure the germination and growth rate of these seeds.

Types of treatment(physic

  • Germination of Carica papaya
  • Growth rate of Carica papaya

19.) What is the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in spinach leaves?

Place spinach leaves in different light intensities and measure the rate of oxygen production.

Rate of oxygen production

20.) How does the presence of salt affect the germination of bean seeds?

Plant bean seeds in soil with varying concentrations of salt and measure the rate of germination.

Concentration of salt in soil

Rate of germination

21.) What is the effect of pH on the activity of lactase enzyme in milk?

Add lactase enzyme to milk at different pH levels and measure the rate of lactose breakdown.

pH level of milk

Rate of lactose breakdown

22.) How does the presence of different types of antibiotics affect the growth of E.coli bacteria?

Culture E.coli bacteria in the presence of different types of antibiotics and measure the rate of growth.

Type of antibiotic

Rate of growth of E.coli bacteria

23.) What is the effect of light wavelength on the rate of photosynthesis in elodea plants?

Illuminate elodea plants with different wavelengths of light and measure the rate of oxygen production.

Wavelength of light

24.) How does the salinity of water affect the survival of brine shrimp?

Place brine shrimp in water of different salinity levels and measure the survival rate.

Salinity of water

Survival rate of brine shrimp

25.) Investigation of the effect of different light wavelengths and intensities on the growth and starch content of Arabidopsis thaliana.

Growing samples of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) under different wavelengths of light and evaluating their growth rates and starch content.

  • Light Wavelength
  • Growth rate of Arabidopsis thaliana
  • Starch Content of Arabidopsis thaliana

26.) Investigation of the effect of different hormones and light wavelength on the development of embryos of Xenopus laevis.

Treating fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) with different hormones and light wavelengths and measuring the development of the embryos.

  • Type of Hormone
  • Development of Xenopus laevis embryos

27.) Investigation of the effect of exercise on the concentration of lactate and potassium in the blood of humans

Having human participants engage in different levels and intensities of exercise and measuring the concentration of lactate and potassium in their blood.

  • Level and Intensity of Exercise
  • Concentration of Lactate in the Blood of Humans

28.) Investigation of the effect of different antibiotics in different pH concentrations on the growth of Bifidobacterium

Growing samples of Bifidobacterium in the presence of different antibiotics and pH environments and measuring their growth.

  • Type of Antibiotic
  • Growth of Bifidobacterium

29.) Investigation of the effect of different concentrations of carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis and respiration in Chlorella vulgaris

Exposing samples of Chlorella vulgaris (green algae) to different concentrations of carbon dioxide and measuring the rate of photosynthesis and respiration.

  • Concentration of Carbon Dioxide
  • Rate of Photosynthesis of Chlorella vulgaris
  • Rate of Respiration of Chlorella vulgaris

30.) Investigation of the effect of different environmental conditions on the behavior and lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster

Observing the behavior and lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster under different environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and light exposure.

  • Light Exposure and more
  • Behavior of Drosophila melanogaster
  • Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster

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Guide for Students to the IB Biology IA Format

A fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes you may have missed in IB Biology IA.

Ah, the allure of the International Baccalaureate (IB) ! While involved with IB, I’ve noticed that mastering the IB Biology IA is no small feat. However, it’s not as intimidating as it might seem at first. This article reviews the essential IB Biology IA format and structure, sprinkled with insights from my years of experience.

When I first encountered the IB Biology IA, I was a tad overwhelmed. Yet, as I explored more, I realized its fundamental importance. So, what exactly is the IB Biology IA? It’s a key assessment piece for IB students that evaluates their experimental and investigative skills. Furthermore, proper format and structure can significantly impact your final grade. From my experience, laying a solid foundation is vital for success.

Critical Components of the IB Biology IA Format

The IA is a laboratory report that is an integral part of the IB Biology curriculum. For assessments through May 2025, this 6-12 page work should include a research question, detailed methodology, data interpretation, and a concluding section.

But to understand the intricacies of the IB Biology IA, we need to peel back the layers. In my years of experience, getting a grip on these elements has often been the turning point for many students.

So, understanding and perfecting these sections is instrumental in crafting a standout IB Biology IA . And believe me, with the right approach, it’s more than achievable!

Title Page and Research Question

The beginning is often the most crucial. Just as a book is judged by its cover, your IA begins its impression with the title page. It should be sharp and concise but comprehensive enough to provide an inkling of the direction of your investigation. Alongside, the research question is the backbone of your research, guiding every step. It’s paramount for it to be precise and well-defined, illuminating the research path for the reader. By the way, you can read more about the IB Internal Assessment format in our blog.

Introduction and Background

It is where you roll out the context, much like a red carpet for what follows. This section offers the essential backdrop, helping readers grasp the significance of your study. Going by the general IB criteria, it’s pivotal to elucidate the relevance and importance of your chosen topic here, providing a solid rationale for its investigation.

Personal Engagement and Exploration

This section is truly a window to your academic soul. It reveals your genuine interest, passion, and personal connection to the IB Biology topic . It’s a space to articulate why this particular topic resonated with you. Over the years, I’ve discerned that students who showcase genuine enthusiasm and curiosity here tend to elevate their IAs to a new level.

Methods and Materials

Venturing into the practical realm is where you lay out your experimental master plan. Document every apparatus, tool, and step taken during your research. The idea is to draft this section with such clarity and precision that anyone reading it could replicate your experiment seamlessly. 

So, the “Methods and Materials” section stands as your guidepost, shedding light on your experimental process. Here is an example of a step-by-step procedure:

  • Preliminary Setup . Always start with how you prepared the lab space, ensuring all equipment was clean, sterile (if necessary), and within easy reach.
  • Experiment Initiation . It could be preparing a solution, calibrating an instrument, or setting up the apparatus.
  • Data Collection Phase . Describe in detail how you collected data, at what intervals, and using which tools. For example, “Using a calibrated pipette, I extracted 5ml of the solution every 10 minutes.”
  • Safety Measures . Always document any safety protocols followed during the experiment, such as ensuring adequate ventilation or handling chemicals carefully.
  • Experiment Conclusion . Detail how you wrapped up the experiment . It could include turning off equipment, safely disposing of materials, or storing data.
  • Post-Experiment Cleanup . It is always a vital step to indicate how you restored the lab space to its original condition and how you stored or disposed of used materials.

The aim is to write this section thoroughly so that another student, perhaps halfway across the world, could read your description and carry out the same experiment with identical results. Clarity and meticulousness can raise your IA to a commendable standard.

With the right approach, the path to an impressive IB Biology IA becomes clearer.

Data Collection and Analysis

Ah, the realm of empirical evidence! As I’ve often reiterated in my interactions, this section forms the core of your IA. It’s where your observations and findings come alive. But numbers alone won’t suffice. Getting into analysis, identifying patterns, and drawing insightful conclusions is crucial. Precision and accuracy are the linchpins here.

Conclusion and Evaluation

This segment calls for introspection and a broad overview as we round off. Draw overarching inferences from your research, going beyond just stating the results. Understand the broader implications of your findings. Moreover, put on your critic’s glasses, judiciously assessing your study’s strengths while acknowledging its weaknesses.

Topics to Read:

  • Understanding the IB Curriculum: A Beginner’s Guide
  • Guide to the Official IBO Website for IB Student Advantages and Growth
  • How to Manage Time Effectively as an IB Student
  • How to Write a Strong IB IA Proposal?
  • The Benefits of Pursuing the IB Diploma Programme
  • What to Do if You Don’t Pass Your IB IA? How to Succeed Next Time?
  • Can I Order IB Internal Assessment Written Online?

Tips for Excelling in Your IB Biology IA

The path to mastering the IB Biology IA can be challenging, but it can be a smooth ride with a few strategic pointers. Having been deeply involved with the IB for years, I’ve collected vital insights that can distinguish between a satisfactory and a stellar IA . Let’s get right into them.

1. Selecting a Relevant Research Question

The foundation of your entire IA is your research question. What’s the secret sauce to crafting the perfect one? It’s all about relevance. Ensure that your question aligns neatly with the biology syllabus.

From my numerous sessions and interactions, a research question that resonates well with the core curriculum often garners more appreciation. Finding that sweet spot between ambition and practicality is also pivotal. While aiming high is commendable, choosing a feasible question within your means and resources is crucial.

2. Prioritizing Accurate Data Collection

Data is the heartbeat of your IA. Precise collection is non-negotiable. Here’s a valuable piece of advice I’ve echoed throughout my years — always double, if not triple, check your data. A minor mistake can alter your results significantly. Consistency is vital in this aspect. Make sure your data collection methods are systematic, repeatable, and free of any biases.

3. Emphasizing Personal Engagement

It is where your unique touch makes a difference. The IA isn’t just about presenting facts but also about your connection and enthusiasm for the topic. Standout IAs often have a strong undercurrent of genuine interest and dedication. From my vast experience, when students infuse their work with sincere passion, it shines through, making the IA genuinely memorable:

  • Initial Curiosity . Begin by shedding light on what piqued your interest in the topic.
  • Challenges and Overcoming Them . Maybe you faced difficulty sourcing materials or grappled with a particular concept.
  • Moments of Eureka . Highlight instances during your research when things clicked, or you experienced breakthrough moments.
  • Personal Stories . You may have always been fascinated by plant biology because you used to garden with a family member, or perhaps a unique health challenge drove your interest in human biology.
  • Reflections . Share your introspective moments. How has this research changed or deepened your understanding of the topic? How has it influenced your perspective or future aspirations in biology?

Remember, the personal engagement section is your canvas. It’s an opportunity to paint a picture of the researcher and the individual behind the research. By emphasizing these elements, you elevate the depth of your IA and create a resonant narrative that reviewers and readers can connect with.

4. Reflection and Evaluation of Your Findings

After all the rigorous work, it’s essential to pause and reflect. It involves not merely stating your results but also pondering their significance. How do your findings fit into the larger framework of biological understanding? Additionally, always be ready to assess your work critically. Pinpoint areas of improvement and suggest potential refinements. Such a holistic perspective adds depth to your IA and showcases your understanding and maturity.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in IB Biology IA Structure

Over the years, I’ve seen students make the same mistakes. Let’s ensure you’re not one of them!

1. Skipping Peer Review and Feedback

In the thick of research and writing, it’s easy to become myopic and miss out on tiny errors or areas of improvement. That’s where a second set of eyes becomes invaluable. Peer reviews or feedback from mentors can offer fresh perspectives, identify overlooked mistakes, or even provide insights that can elevate the quality of your work. From my experience, students who embrace feedback often end up with more polished and well-rounded IAs.

2. Inconsistent Data Collection Methods

While the methodology might be sound, inconsistency in data collection can introduce significant errors. Maintaining uniformity throughout the data collection phase is crucial. For instance, if you’re measuring plant growth, ensuring that measurements are taken simultaneously, under the same conditions, can make a difference.

3. Neglecting the Significance of the Research Question

The research question is the north star of your IA. Sometimes, students opt for broad or overly ambitious questions, convoluting the research process. It’s essential to choose a question that’s both relevant and feasible, ensuring that it aligns with the IB Biology syllabus and is achievable within the scope of the IA.

4. Not Justifying Methodological Choices

Simply listing out methods isn’t enough. It’s crucial to explain why a particular way was chosen and its relevance to the research question. Offering a rationale can give depth to the methodology section and showcase a deeper understanding of the research process.

Conclusion: Perfecting Your IB Biology IA

The IB Biology IA format and structure might seem daunting initially, but it becomes manageable with the proper guidance and preparation. I believe that with dedication and focus, every student can succeed in their IB Biology IA. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

In conclusion, with the right approach and these strategic tips in your arsenal, the path to creating an impressive IB Biology IA becomes much more straightforward. Combine these insights with dedication, and you’re on your way to success! Here’s wishing you all the very best! And remember, you can always get help with IB Biology IA from our experienced writers.

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research question biology ia

Empowering Minds, Exploring Life

research question biology ia

Biology IA Examples: Exploring Interesting Projects

Biology Internal Assessments (IAs) are not just a part of the IB curriculum; they’re a golden ticket for students to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of scientific exploration. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through a variety of interesting Biology IA examples that go beyond the classroom, providing students with hands-on experiences that are both educational and fun.

Investigating Enzyme Activity:

Enzymes, those microscopic heroes in our cells, make biochemical reactions happen. For an engaging IA, students can explore how external factors influence enzyme activity. This might involve experimenting with varying temperatures to observe the effects on catalase activity in liver cells. By understanding these nuances, students not only unravel the complexities of enzymes but also gain insights into real-world applications.

Examining Plant Growth Responses:

Plants, often underestimated, are incredible organisms with complex growth responses. In a captivating IA project, students can experiment with different concentrations of plant growth hormones to decipher their impact on bean plant growth. This isn’t just about playing with plants; it’s a chance to uncover the regulatory mechanisms that govern plant development and growth.

Studying Microbial Growth:

Microbes, though tiny, wield substantial power in the biological landscape. IA projects focused on microbial growth open up a realm of possibilities. For example, investigating how antibacterial agents affect the growth of Escherichia coli or studying the influence of environmental factors on mold growth on bread provides valuable insights. These explorations not only contribute to our understanding of microbes but also have practical implications in fields like medicine and food safety.

Investigating Genetic Inheritance:

Genetics , the code of life, is a playground for exciting IA projects. Students can delve into genetic traits using model organisms like fruit flies, unraveling the principles of inheritance. Alternatively, exploring the distribution of blood types in a specific population unveils the intricacies of genetic inheritance. These projects not only enhance genetic literacy but also allow students to actively contribute to ongoing genetic research.

Analyzing the Impact of Environmental Factors

Ecology comes to life in IA projects examining the relationship between organisms and their environment. By experimenting with environmental factors such as pollution or habitat changes, students can uncover their impact on population dynamics. A compelling IA might involve studying the effects of different pollutants on the growth of aquatic microorganisms, providing valuable insights into the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Investigating Human Physiology:

Our own bodies are a treasure trove of mysteries. IA projects in human physiology can focus on systems like the heart, lungs, or senses. For instance, studying the effects of exercise on heart rate or exploring the connection between taste perception and genetic variations offers a window into the intricate workings of the human body. These projects not only deepen our understanding of human biology but also have implications for health and well-being.


Biology IAs offer more than just grades; they offer a chance for students to actively engage with science. The examples explored in this guide highlight the vast possibilities within the realm of Biology IAs, showcasing how students can not only grasp theoretical concepts but also contribute to the broader scientific community. As students embark on these investigative journeys, they’re not just students – they’re budding scientists uncovering the mysteries of the biological world.

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