Home Blog Business Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation Ultimate Guide plus examples

A business presentation is a purpose-led summary of key information about your company’s plans, products, or practices, designed for either internal or external audiences. Project proposals, HR policy presentations, investors briefings are among the few common types of presentations. 

Compelling business presentations are key to communicating important ideas, persuading others, and introducing new offerings to the world. Hence, why business presentation design is one of the most universal skills for any professional. 

This guide teaches you how to design and deliver excellent business presentations. Plus, breaks down some best practices from business presentation examples by popular companies like Google, Pinterest, and Amazon among others! 

3 General Types of Business Presentations

A business presentation can be given for a number of reasons. Respectively, they differ a lot in terms of content and purpose. 

But overall, all types of business presentations can be classified as:

  • Informative
  • Persuasive 
  • Supporting 

Informative Business Presentation 

As the name suggests, the purpose of an informative presentation is to discern the knowledge you have — explain what you know. It’s the most common type of business presentation out there. So you have probably prepared such at least several times. 

Examples of informative presentations:

  • Team briefings presentation 
  • Annual stakeholder report 
  • Quarterly business reviews
  • Business portfolio presentation
  • Business plan presentation
  • Project presentation

Helpful templates from SlideModel:

  • Business plan PowerPoint template
  • Business review PowerPoint template
  • Project proposal PowerPoint template
  • Corporate annual report template

Persuasive Business Presentation 

The goal of this type of presentation is to persuade your audience of your point of view — convince them of what you believe is right. Developing business presentations of this caliber requires a bit more copywriting mastery, as well as expertise in public speaking . Unlike an informative business presentation, your goal here is to sway the audience’s opinions and prompt them towards the desired action. 

Examples of persuasive presentations:

  • Pitch deck/investor presentations
  • Sales presentation  
  • Business case presentation 
  • Free business proposal presentation
  • Business proposal PowerPoint template
  • Pitch deck PowerPoint template
  • Account Plan PowerPoint template

Supporting Business Presentation 

This category of business PowerPoint presentations is meant to facilitate decision-making — explain how we can get something done. The underlying purpose here is to communicate the general “action plan”. Then break down the necessary next steps for bringing it to life. 

Examples of supporting presentations:

  • Roadmap presentation
  • Project vision presentation 
  • After Action Review presentation 
  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) PowerPoint template 
  • Strategy map PowerPoint template 
  • After action review (ARR) PowerPoint template 

What Should Be Included in a Business Presentation?

Overall, the content of your business presentation will differ depending on its purpose and type. However, at the very minimum, all business presentations should include:

  • Introductory slide 
  • Agenda/purpose slide
  • Main information or Content slides
  • Key Takeaways slides
  • Call-to-action/next steps slides

We further distill business presentation design and writing best practices in the next section (plus, provide several actionable business PowerPoint presentation examples !). 

How to Make a Business Presentation: Actionable Tips

A business presentation consists of two parts — a slide deck and a verbal speech. In this section, we provide tips and strategies for nailing your deck design. 

1. Get Your Presentation Opening Right 

The first slides of your presentation make or break your success. Why? By failing to frame the narrative and set the scene for the audience from the very beginning, you will struggle to keep their interest throughout the presentation. 

You have several ways of how to start a business presentation:

  • Use a general informative opening — a summative slide, sharing the agenda and main points of the discussion. 
  • Go for a story opening — a more creative, personal opening, aimed at pulling the audience into your story. 
  • Try a dramatic opening — a less apparent and attention-grabbing opening technique, meant to pique the audience’s interest. 

Standard Informative Opening 

Most business presentation examples you see start with a general, informative slide such as an Agenda, Problem Statement, or Company Introduction. That’s the “classic” approach. 

To manage the audience’s expectations and prepare them for what’s coming next, you can open your presentation with one or two slides stating:

  • The topic of your presentation — a one-sentence overview is enough. 
  • Persuasive hook, suggesting what’s in it for the audience and why they should pay attention. 
  • Your authority — the best technique to establish your credibility in a business presentation is to share your qualifications and experience upfront to highlight why you are worth listening to. 

Opening best suited for: Formal business presentations such as annual reports and supporting presentations to your team/business stakeholders. 

Story Opening 

Did you ever notice that most TED talks start with a quick personal story? The benefit of this presenting technique is that it enables speakers to establish quick rapport and hold the listener’s attention. 

Here’s how Nancy Duarte, author of “Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations” book and TED presenter, recommends opening a presentation: 

You know, here’s the status quo, here’s what’s going on. And then you need to compare that to what could be. You need to make that gap as big as possible, because there is this commonplace of the status quo, and you need to contrast that with the loftiness of your idea. 

Storytelling , like no other tool, helps transpose the audience into the right mindset and get concentrated on the subject you are about to discuss. A story also elicits emotions, which can be a powerful ally when giving persuasive presentations. In the article how to start a presentation , we explore this in more detail.

Opening best suited for: Personal and business pitches, sales presentations, other types of persuasive presentations. 

Dramatic Opening 

Another common technique is opening your presentation with a major statement, sometimes of controversial nature. This can be a shocking statistic, complex rhetoric question, or even a provocative, contrarian statement, challenging the audience’s beliefs. 

Using a dramatic opening helps secure the people’s attention and capture their interest. You can then use storytelling to further drill down your main ideas. 

If you are an experienced public speaker, you can also strengthen your speech with some unexpected actions. That’s what Bill Gates does when giving presentations. In a now-iconic 2009 TED talk about malaria, mid-presentation Gates suddenly reveals that he actually brought a bunch of mosquitoes with him. He cracks open a jar with non-malaria-infected critters to the audience’s surprise. His dramatic actions, paired with a passionate speech made a mighty impression. 

Opening best suited for: Marketing presentations, customer demos, training presentations, public speeches. 

Further reading: How to start a presentation: tips and examples. 

2. Get Your PowerPoint Design Right

Surely, using professional business PowerPoint templates already helps immensely with presentation deck design since you don’t need to fuss over slide layout, font selection, or iconography. 

Even so, you’ll still need to customize your template(s) to make them on brand and better suited to the presentation you’re about to deliver. Below are our best presentation design tips to give your deck an extra oomph. 

Use Images, Instead of Bullet Points 

If you have ever watched Steve Jobs’s presentations, you may have noticed that he never used bullet-point lists. Weird right? Because using bullet points is the most universal advice in presentation design. 

presentation of business idea

But there’s a valid scientific reason why Jobs favored images over bullet-point texts. Researchers found that information delivered in visuals is better retained than words alone. This is called the “ pictorial superiority effect ”. As John Medina, a molecular biologist, further explains :

“Hear a piece of information, and three days later you’ll remember 10% of it. Add a picture and you’ll remember 65%.”

So if your goal is to improve the memorability of your presentation, always replace texts with images and visualizations when it makes sense. 

Fewer Slides is Better

No matter the value, a long PowerPoint presentation becomes tiring at some point. People lose focus and stop retaining the information. Thus, always take some extra time to trim the fluff and consolidate some repetitive ideas within your presentation. 

For instance, at McKinsey new management consultants are trained to cut down the number of slides in client presentations. In fact, one senior partner insists on replacing every 20 slides with only two slides . Doing so prompts you to focus on the gist — the main business presentation ideas you need to communicate and drop filler statements. 

Here are several quick tips to shorten your slides:

  • Use a three-arc structure featuring a clear beginning (setup), main narrative (confrontation), ending (resolution). Drop the ideas that don’t fit into either of these. 
  • Write as you tweet. Create short, on-point text blurbs of under 156 symbols, similar to what you’d share on Twitter. 
  • Contextualize your numbers. Present any relevant statistics in a context, relevant to the listeners. Turn longer stats into data visualizations for easier cognition. 

Consistency is Key 

In a solid business presentation, each slide feels like part of the connecting story. To achieve such consistency apply the same visual style and retain the same underlying message throughout your entire presentation.

Use the same typography, color scheme, and visual styles across the deck. But when you need to accentuate a transition to a new topic (e.g. move from a setup to articulating the main ideas), add some new visual element to signify the slight change in the narrative. 

Further reading: 23 PowerPoint Presentation Tips for Creating Engaging and Interactive Presentations

3. Make Your Closure Memorable 

We best remember the information shared last. So make those business presentation takeaways stick in the audience’s memory. We have three strategies for that. 

Use the Rule of Three 

The Rule of Three is a literary concept, suggesting that we best remember and like ideas and concepts when they are presented in threes. 

Many famous authors and speakers use this technique:

  • “Duty – Honor – Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, and what you will be” . Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
  • “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are the unalienable rights of all humans that governments are meant to protect.” Thomas Jefferson 

The Rule of Three works because three is the maximum number of items most people can remember on their first attempt. Likewise, such pairings create a short, familiar structure that is easy to remember for our brains. 

Try the Title Close Technique

Another popular presentation closing technique is “Title Close” — going back to the beginning of your narrative and reiterating your main idea (title) in a form of a takeaway. Doing so helps the audience better retain your core message since it’s repeated at least two times. Plus, it brings a sense of closure — a feel-good state our brains love. Also, a brief one-line closure is more memorable than a lengthy summary and thus better retained. 

Ask a Question 

If you want to keep the conversation going once you are done presenting, you can conclude your presentation with a general question you’d like the audience to answer.

Alternatively, you can also encourage the members to pose questions to you. The latter is better suited for informational presentations where you’d like to further discuss some of the matters and secure immediate feedback. 

Try adding an interactive element like a QR code closing your presentation with a QR code and having a clear CTA helps you leverage the power of sharing anything you would like to share with your clients. QR codes can be customized to look alike your brand.

If you are looking for a smoother experience creating presentations on the fly, check out the AI PowerPoint maker —it offers everything you can ask forfrom presentation design in a couple of clicks.

12 Business Presentation Examples and What Makes Them Great 

Now that we equipped you with the general knowledge on how to make a presentation for business, let’s take a look at how other presenters are coping with this job and what lessons you can take away from them. 

1. N26 Digital Bank Pitch Deck 

The Future of Banking by N26. An example of a Business Presentation with a nice cover image.

This is a fine business pitch presentation example, hitting all the best practices. The deck opens with a big shocking statement that most Millennials would rather go to the dentist than step into a bank branch. 

Then it proceeds to discuss the company’s solution to the above — a fully digital bank with a paperless account opening process, done in 8 minutes. After communicating the main product features and value proposition, the deck further conceptualizes what traction the product got so far using data visualizations. The only thing it lacks is a solid call-to-action for closing slides as the current ending feels a bit abrupt. 

2. WeWork Pitch Deck

Business Presentation Example by WeWork

For a Series D round, WeWork went with a more formal business presentation. It starts with laying down the general company information and then transitions to explaining their business model, current market conditions, and the company’s position on the market.

The good thing about this deck is that they quantify their business growth prospects and value proposition. The likely gains for investors are shown in concrete numbers. However, those charts go one after another in a row, so it gets a bit challenging to retain all data points. 

The last part of their presentation is focused on a new offering, “We Live”. It explains why the team seeks funds to bring it to life. Likewise, they back their reasoning with market size statistics, sample projects, and a five-year revenue forecast. 

3. Redfin Investor Presentation 

Redfin Investor Presentation for Business. A Technology-Powered Real Estate Company.

If you are looking for a “text-light” business presentation example, Redfin’s investor deck is up to your alley. This simple deck expertly uses iconography, charts, and graphs to break down the company’s business model, value proposition, market share, and competitive advantages over similar startups. For number-oriented investors, this is a great deck design to use. 

4. Google Ready Together Presentation 

This isn’t quite the standard business presentation example per se. But rather an innovative way to create engaging, interactive presentations of customer case studies .

Interactive Online Presentation example by Google, from Customer Insights.  Google Ready Together Presentation.

The short deck features a short video clip from a Google client, 7-11, explaining how they used the company’s marketing technology to digitally transform their operations and introduce a greater degree of marketing automation . The narrated video parts are interrupted by slides featuring catchy stats, contextualizing issues other businesses are facing. Then transitions to explaining through the words of 7-11 CMO, how Google’s technology is helping them overcome the stated shortcomings.

5. Salesforce Business Presentation Example 

This is a great example of an informational presentation, made by the Salesforce team to share their research on customer experience (CX) with prospects and existing customers.

Business Presentation Example by Service Salesforce on How to Know Your Customer. A look into the Future of Customer Experience.

The slide deck errs on the lengthier side with 58 slides total. But bigger topics are broken down and reinforced through bite-sized statistics and quotes from the company leadership. They are also packaging the main tips into memorable formulas, itemized lists, and tables. Overall, this deck is a great example of how you can build a compelling narrative using different statistics. 

6. Mastercard Business Presentation

This slide deck from Mastercard instantly captures the audience’s attention with unusual background images and major data points on the growth of populations, POS systems, and payment methods used in the upcoming decade.

Business Presentation by MasterCard on Technology and Payment solutions. The Unfinished Revolution.

Perhaps to offset the complexity of the subject, Mastercard chose to sprinkle in some humor in presentation texts and used comic-style visuals to supplement that. However, all their animations are made in a similar style, creating a good sense of continuity in design. They are also using colors to signify the transition from one part of the presentation to another. 

In the second part, the slide deck focuses on distilling the core message of what businesses need to do to remain competitive in the new payments landscape. The team presents what they have been working on to expand the payment ecosystem. Then concludes with a “title close” styled call-to-action, mirroring the presentation title.

7. McKinsey Diversity & Inclusion Presentation 

This fresh business slide deck from McKinsey is a great reference point for making persuasive business presentations on complex topics such as D&I. First, it recaps the main definitions of the discussed concepts — diversity, equity, and inclusion — to ensure alignment with the audience members. 

Business Presentation Example by McKinsey Company on Diversity Wins: How inclusion matters.

Next, the business presentation deck focuses on the severity and importance of the issue for businesses, represented through a series of graphs and charts. After articulating the “why”, the narrative switches to “how” — how leaders can benefit from investment in D&I. The main points are further backed with data and illustrated via examples. 

8. Accenture Presentation for the Energy Sector

Similar to McKinsey, Accenture keeps its slide deck on a short. Yet the team packs a punch within each slide through using a mix of fonts, graphical elements, and color for highlighting the core information. The presentation copy is on a longer side, prompting the audience to dwell on reading the slides. But perhaps this was meant by design as the presentation was also distributed online — via the company blog and social media. 

Business Presentation Example by Accenture on Accelerating Innovation in Energy.

The last several slides of the presentation deck focus on articulating the value Accenture can deliver for their clients in the Energy sector. They expertly break down their main value proposition and key service lines, plus quantify the benefits. 

9. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technical Presentation 

Giving an engaging technical presentation isn’t an easy task. You have to balance the number of details you reveal on your slides to prevent overwhelm, while also making sure that you don’t leave out any crucial deets. This technical presentation from AWS does great in both departments. 

Business Presentation created by AWS explaining how to build forecasting using ML/DL algorithms.

First, you get entertained with a quick overview of Amazon’s progress in machine learning (ML) forecasting capabilities over the last decade. Then introduced to the main tech offering. The deck further explains what you need to get started with Amazon Forecast — e.g. dataset requirements, supported forecasting scenarios, available forecasting models, etc. 

The second half of the presentation provides a quick training snippet on configuring Amazon SageMaker to start your first project. The step-by-step instructions are coherent and well-organized, making the reader excited to test-drive the product. 

10. Snapchat Company Presentation

Snapchat’s business model presentation is on a funkier, more casual side, reflective of the company’s overall brand and positioning. After briefly recapping what they do, the slide deck switches to discussing the company’s financials and revenue streams.

presentation of business idea

This business slide deck by Snap Inc. itself is rather simplistic and lacks fancy design elements. But it has a strong unified theme of showing the audience Snapchat’s position on the market and projected vector of business development. 

11. Visa Business Acquisition Presentation 

VISA Acquisition of Plaid Business presentation.

If you are working on a business plan or M&A presentation for stakeholders of your own, this example from Visa will be helpful. The presentation deck expertly breaks down the company’s rationale for purchasing Plaid and subsequent plans for integrating the startup into their business ecosystem. 

The business deck recaps why the Plaid acquisition is a solid strategic decision by highlighting the total addressable market they could dive into post-deal. Then it details Plaid’s competitive strengths. The slide deck then sums up all the monetary and indirect gains Visa could reap as an acquirer. 

12. Pinterest Earnings Report Presentation 

Pinterest Business Presentation Example with Annual Report

Annual reports and especially earnings presentations might not be the most exciting types of documents to work on, but they have immense strategic value. Hence, there’s little room for ambiguities or mistakes. 

In twelve slides, this business presentation from Pinterest clearly communicates the big picture of the company’s finance in 2021. All the key numbers are represented as featured quotes in the sidebar with diagrams further showcasing the earning and spending dynamics. Overall, the data is easy to interpret even for non-finance folks. 

To Conclude 

With these business presentation design tips, presentation templates , and examples, you can go from overwhelmed to confident about your next presentation design in a matter of hours. Focus on creating a rough draft first using a template. Then work on nailing your opening slide sequence and shortening the texts in the main part of your presentation when needed. Make sure that each slide serves a clear purpose and communicates important details. To make your business presentation deck more concise, remove anything that does not pertain to the topic. 

Finally, once you are done, share your business presentation with other team members to get their feedback and reiterate the final design.

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Business Presentations, Corporate Presentations, Design, Design Inspiration, Examples, Executive Reports, Inspiration, Presentation Ideas Filed under Business

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10 Business Idea Presentation Templates to Spark Revolutionary Innovations

10 Business Idea Presentation Templates to Spark Revolutionary Innovations

Mohit Sabharwal


When starting your business, effectively pitching its core idea to angel investors is crucial. You've put in the effort to do thorough research, and now you need to present your idea to create recall and impress potential investors enough to take out their cheque book. Creating a compelling pitch is challenging, but you can make a substantial impact with the right approach. 

Present your unique value proposition, which differentiates your business from competitors. Use data and evidence to support your claims and illustrate your business’ sure-shot potential for growth and profitability. Engage your audience with a well-structured and engaging presentation that conveys your passion. By effectively pitching your idea to angel investors, you increase your chances of securing the funding and support to turn your business idea into reality. 

Yet, how does one create effective templates for your business idea. 

At SlideTeam, we have a collection of best business idea PowerPoint Templates to help you create purposeful presentations that

do the job. These templates include essential elements like an executive summary, problem statement, Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and financial forecasting. 

With these templates, you can showcase your business idea and grab the attention of investors. Whether you are new to presentations or an experienced user, these templates will provide you with a solid foundation for creating engaging slides that highlight the potential of your business idea.

Each of the slides is 100% editable and customizable. Let us explore these templates now!

Template 1:- Restaurant Cafe Business Idea PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Use this professionally-created Restaurant Cafe Business Idea PPT Template to develop and carry out a successful cafe business. This sample emphasizes experience od novelty using seasonal ingredients as the mainstay of the food menu. It comprises an executive summary, problems, recommendations, USPs, and financial forecasts, among other things. We use tables, charts, and infographics to present a startup summary with data and team information. The template also instructs businesses on giving their location on a map of the world with a suitable layout and style for a restaurant. 

Restaurant-Cafe Business Idea

Download Now!

Template 2:- Business I dea Funding Proposal PPT Presentation Slides

We provide the ideal solution, if your business requires funding and you are looking for content-ready aesthetic templates to make your point. Our template is painstakingly created based on intensive study and analysis of tens of thousands of successful proposals. Download our template, type in information about your business, and send it to your clients with assurance, knowing that it will communicate your ideas and enhance the likelihood that they will respond favorably.

Business Idea Funding Proposal

Template 3:- Business Idea Generation PPT Template Bundles

Use the Business Idea Generation PPT Template Bundles to confidently convey your idea. This presentation deck has 20 slides with symbols, pictures, and more to improve teamwork and your ability to communicate ideas. It presents graphs, figures, and statistics to represent facts in a refreshing manner. Both the regular and widescreen aspect ratios of the template are included in to ensure there is no technical issue when presenting. Get it now!

Business Idea Generation

Template 4:- Event Management Startup Business Idea PPT Template Bundles

This PPT Template bundles will enhance your presentation. This template has 11 slides with eye-catching graphics, pictures, symbols, and more to help you convey your ideas and encourage successful cooperation. Present materials for a compelling presentation, including stats, statistics, data charts, and more.

Event Management Startup Business Idea

Template 5:- Goals and Objectives Business Idea Data Operations Team Structure

Our Goals And Objectives Business Idea Data Operations Team Structure template enhances your presentation. This comprehensive deck has 12 slides, each with eye-catching images and a thoughtful layout that will help you convey your thoughts. It is customizable and adheres to excellent design practices, making it ideal for expert discussion groups. Download it right away to enthrall your audience.

Goals And Objectives

Template 6: 1-1 Meeting W ork Performance Future Business Ideas Project Design

Increase the quality of your presentation by using the 1-1 Meeting Work Performance Future Business Ideas Project Design template, which is both professional and impressive. This deck of 12 slides is ideal for effectively expressing your thoughts and vision because of its excellent design and well-structured style. This template is perfect for expert discussion gatherings or for expressing your opinions. It provides a thorough bundle using the best design principles, with thematic representation across slides. Click the download now to give your presentation library a major boost.

1_1 Meeting

Template 7:- Product Lifecycle in Business Idea Funding Proposal

This presentation template, which comprises four steps, is made to instruct and hold your audience's attention. Use this layout to explain the introduction, growth, and maturity phases effectively. To enjoy all its benefits and get more than ample sources for your business, grab it right away.

Product Lifecycle in Business Idea Funding Proposal

Template 8: Budget Allocation in Business Idea Funding Proposal

Use this adaptable PPT Template to learn about how to frame budget allocation in a convincing manner to ensure your project appeals to investors. Use it as a helpful resource for conversation and navigation around business, fundraising, and proposal-related issues. Download this presentation template now, and take advantage of its adaptability.

Budget Allocation in Business Idea Funding Proposal

Template 9: Three-circle Process for Business Idea and Research

We introduce our library of presentations on the three-circle method for research and business ideas. Use our in-depth PowerPoint Template to explore the three phases of this process in depth. This template is ideal for emphasizing crucial components like market research, business ideas, and company goals or objectives because of how simple it is to alter and how creative the design is.

3 Circle Process for Business Idea and Research

Template 10:- One-pager Coffee Cafe Business Idea Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Get our one-pager on coffee cafe business ideas to establish specific goals for your new coffee shop firm. This thorough template includes an executive summary, market analysis, customer target, USPs, competition analysis, financial predictions, pricing, and advertising and promotion tactics. Download it right now.

One Pager Coffee Café Business Idea


Preparing an impressive pitch for your business idea is essential while seeking support from angel investors. Enhance your presentation with these eye-catching PPT Templates that express your vision. State the problem you want to solve and demonstrate current market demand. Emphasize your USP. Use data and evidence to prove your claims and demonstrate the potential for growth and profitability. Ensure your presentation is well-structured, engaging and conveys your passion and confidence. Using these templates, you can increase your chances of getting necessary funding and turning your business idea into a successful reality.

FAQs on Business Ideas

What are the 10 types of business ideas.

Entrepreneurs have access to many company ideas that have the chance to transform into well-run businesses with adequate funding and vision. These are:

  • Opening an actual or online store to sell goods in retail.
  • Offering a range of expert services, such as graphic design, marketing, or consultancy.
  • E-commerce which is an online store to sell goods or services.
  • Franchise: Purchasing the right to use a successful company model with a well-known brand.
  • Establishing a food and beverage company.
  • Technology: Making and distributing software, mobile applications, or cutting-edge technological solutions.
  • A social enterprise is a company that seeks to address environmental or social problems, while earning a profit
  • Offering specialized services or expertise as a freelancer
  • Offering continuing services or goods via a subscription model is subscription-based.
  • Home-based: Conducting business from the convenience of one's home,

What are some good business ideas?

Here are a few solid business ideas to consider:

  • Online retail store : start an online retail store selling products in a niche market or category. You can purchase things from suppliers or design your own.
  •   Digital Marketing Agency : Provide digital marketing services to businesses like social media management, content production, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising.
  • Food Delivery Service : Establish a service that collaborates with local businesses to serve meals to consumers' homes. You can use a mobile app or a website to operate.
  • Subscription Box Service : Regularly curate and send customers subscription boxes with specialty products or samples. 
  • Personal Fitness Training : Become a personal fitness trainer and provide clients customized workout plans, nutrition advice, and one-on-one in-person or online training sessions.
  • Mobile applications Development : create software applications for various objectives, such as productivity, entertainment, or health and well-being.
  • Green & Sustainable Products : Capitalize on the increased demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products by selling recyclable items, 
  • Home Cleaning Services : Provide homeowners or businesses with expert cleaning services. Example: Carpet or window cleaning.
  • Virtual Assistant Services: Provide administrative support, scheduling, email management, and other activities to busy professionals or entrepreneurs.

How do I get startup ideas?

Here are some quick techniques to develop startup ideas:

  • Identify Problems : Look for problems or obstacles and devise solutions.
  • Follow Your Passions: Consider your passions and hobbies to uncover business opportunities.
  • Investigate Emerging Trends: Stay engaged with current trends in technology, society, and industry.
  • Conduct Market Research : Examine markets, speak with potential customers, and analyze data to identify unmet needs.
  • Brainstorm with Others: Engage in talks with friends, coworkers, or like-minded others to produce ideas.
  • Seek Inspiration : Study successful startups and find inspiration in their techniques and products.
  • Utilize Your Skills : Create a startup by using your skills and knowledge in a novel and original way.
  • Maintain an Idea Journal : Keep a record of ideas and insights that come to mind, and examine and expand on these.

Related posts:

  • Top 10 Business Pitch Deck Templates with Samples and Examples
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Business idea presentation: 10 easy tipps

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Ralf (IconUncle)

Creating a compelling business idea presentation is essential for captivating your audience and getting them excited about your venture. Here are 10 easy tips to help you craft an effective and engaging business idea presentation:


Business idea presentation: My top 10 Tipps:

  • Start with a Strong Hook : Begin your presentation with a powerful and attention-grabbing opening that piques curiosity and sets the tone for your idea.
  • Clearly Define the Problem : Clearly articulate the problem or pain point your business idea aims to solve. Make sure your audience understands the significance of the issue.
  • Present a Unique Solution : Highlight how your business idea offers a distinctive and innovative solution to the problem. Emphasize what sets your idea apart from existing alternatives.
  • Tell a Compelling Story : Weave a narrative around your business idea to make it more relatable and memorable. Share personal anecdotes, customer stories, or examples that resonate with your audience.
  • Visualize Your Vision : Incorporate visuals such as images, infographics, and videos to help convey your idea more effectively. Visual aids can enhance understanding and engagement.
  • Market Research and Data : Present relevant market research and data to support your idea’s feasibility and potential for success. Use statistics and trends to back up your claims.
  • Address Potential Challenges : Acknowledge and address potential challenges or objections that your audience might have. Demonstrating that you’ve thought through potential roadblocks adds credibility to your presentation.
  • Highlight Revenue Model : Clearly outline your revenue model and explain how your business will generate income. Include projections, monetization strategies, and growth plans.
  • Showcase Team Strengths : Introduce the key members of your team and highlight their relevant skills and experience. A strong team can instill confidence in your idea’s execution.
  • End with a Call to Action : Conclude your presentation with a clear call to action, whether it’s seeking investment, partnerships, feedback, or further engagement. Encourage your audience to take the next step.

Bonus Tip: Practice and Rehearse : Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. Rehearsing will help you refine your delivery, adjust timing, and feel more confident when presenting.

Free Icons for your business idea presentation

It’s especially helpful to get your message across when you use graphics and icons in your business idea presentation. I recommend you to have a look at my icon collection. It was developed especially for business idea presentations and contains many icons that you won’t find in any other collection. The SVG icon collection helps you visualize processes and highlight your unique selling points (USP’s).

presentation of business idea

With the Microsoft certified add-in you can use the icons directly in PowerPoint. Register for free and get access to over 2,000 SVG vector icons , which you can also use commercially.

Remember, a successful business idea presentation is not just about the content; it’s also about your enthusiasm, confidence, and ability to connect with your audience. Tailor your presentation to your audience’s interests and needs, and be prepared to answer questions and engage in discussions after your pitch. Good luck!

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Business presentation templates

Create engaging business presentations in minutes with these flexible templates — they are free to use and extremely easy to customize.

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  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking

The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2024

Laura Spencer


Are you ready to consume a comprehensive treasure trove of the best presentation ideas and techniques for 2024? 

This ultimate guide is over 16 thousand words with nine full chapters of helpful and up-to-date information. 

It takes you through the complete presentation process from start to end. It includes good PowerPoint presentation examples you can easily follow.

It's packed with comprehensive easy-to-implement steps on making powerful business presentations quickly. It includes expert tips, great presentation design examples, actionable takeaways, and more. 

Download a FREE PDF Copy of Our New eBook on Making Great Business Presentations in 2024

Making great business presentations free PDF ebook

Be sure to bookmark this page now, so you can quickly return to this epic business presentation guide.  Or   download this FREE guide  as a convenient 69 page eBook PDF with quick-action checklist (for easy offline use).

Table of Contents

Learn how to build a powerful business presentation

Jump ahead to any part of this tutorial guide from this Table of Contents. Start learning the specifics on how to make a great business presentation in 2024:

  • How to Make a Great (Highly Effective) Business Presentation  
  • How to Prevent 18 Common Business Presentation Mistakes (Fails)  
  • 25+ Best Business Presentation Tips From the Experts (For Great Results in 2024)
  • How to Plan (+Write) a Powerful Business Presentation Quickly
  • How to Choose the Best Business Presentation Software for 2024 (+Quick Start Tips)
  • How to Design a Killer Business Presentation Like a Creative Professional
  • Get Maximum Audience Impact: Give (Deliver) Great Business Presentations
  • 7 Creative Ideas That’ll Add Extra Oomph to Any Business Presentation
  • 2024 Business Presentation Checklist: To Prepare for Your Next Business Presentation (Step by Step)

Conclusion: Take Action & Make a Great Presentation (Start Now!)

Chapter 1. how to make a great (highly effective) business presentation.

How to Make an Effective Business Presentation

Your business presentation represents an investment. You've invested time in creating it, and you'll invest even more time in giving it. That's why you want to get it right.

In this guide, you'll learn tips and techniques that'll help you give a successful business presentation—a presentation that people remember and that changes minds.

We've gathered together a comprehensive set of business presentation tips and techniques you can really use. Learn from the experts how to make a great presentation. Study these good PowerPoint presentation examples. Follow the step-by-step instructions and you can put together an effective presentation fast. 

In this guide, you'll learn how to:

  • Prevent Common Presentation Mistakes.  Learn how to avoid common mistakes that could derail your presentation. If you're new to giving presentations, or if you haven't given a presentation in a while, you'll want to review this section carefully before you start working on your next presentation.
  • Plan and Write an Effective Presentation . If you're one of those people who struggle to write the content for your presentation, this is for you. We'll take you through the writing process from finding the right topic to creating a written presentation. All you need to do is follow these seven simple steps.
  • Design a Presentation With Impact. Discover the techniques that creative professionals use to build truly eye-catching slides that your audience will remember long after your presentation. Learn how layout, font choice, and color impact how your presentation is received. We'll also discuss how to properly use graphics, media, and other special effects in a business presentation.
  • Deliver Your Business Presentation Powerfully . If giving a business presentation is the part you dread the most, you're not alone. We've got you covered. The public speaking hacks you'll learn will help you give your next presentation ( and future business presentations too ) with confidence.
  • Add Those Creative Presentation Extras ( Oomph ) . Don't miss this special section that's chock full of interesting ways to help your presentation stand out. The information here is especially useful if your audience will be listening to more than one presentation, such as at a business conference.  

This guide is designed so that you can work throughout from Chapter 1 to Chapter 9 for complete business presentation training. Or, use the jump links in the Table of Contents to go directly to an area you're struggling with.

Download this FREE guide now  as a convenient  69 page eBook PDF with quick-action checklist. You can use this handy PDF set  even when you're not connected to the internet.

Making great business presentations ebook download free

Chapter 2. How to Prevent 18 Common Business Presentation Mistakes (Fails)

Prevent Common Business Presentation Mistakes

Nothing’s worse than a presentation that fails. It’s embarrassing and, even worse, it can undermine your message and damage your business brand.

The question is: How can you prevent your business presentation from failing?

We’ll show you exactly what to do to sidestep the most common presentation mistakes. Read this chapter to learn what to do ( and not do ) to avoid a hard fail:

1.  No Research

For a successful presentation, you’ve got to do your homework. Planning and research make the difference between a great business presentation and a bad one.

Your audience can tell if you’re not current on the relevant facts. Not being familiar with your topic undermines your credibility.

Try This: Before you start writing your business presentation, study for it as you would a test. Identify two to three key sources of information. Read each and take notes. Highlight key facts and points.

2.  Reading Your Speech

Too many speakers read their presentation directly from their speaker notes or, even worse, from index cards. Reading a presentation leads to an unnatural speaking style and interferes with your audience rapport.

Try This: Practice your speech so you can say it without looking at your speaker notes. That way you can recall it from memory and deliver naturally. ( It’s okay to have your speaker notes on hand in case you get stuck though .)

3.  Not Enough Practice     

Practice makes the difference between a so-so business presentation and a great business presentation. Too many business professionals are tempted to skip the practice because they're too busy. Don't make this mistake! 

Fortunately, there are ways to work practice into your busy schedule.

Try This : A week before your business presentation, start practicing your speech three times a day. Practice first thing in the morning, once at lunch, and again in the evening. Give at least one of those speeches in front of a friend or family member who can provide constructive criticism.

We'll share more techniques about how to do a good job presenting your presentation later. In the meantime, learn more about how to effectively practice your speech in this tutorial:

presentation of business idea

4.  Going Over Your Time

For most presentations, you’ve got a set amount of time to give your speech. Going over your assigned time is annoying for your audience. It’s also upsetting for the speaker who comes after you and doesn’t have enough time to finish.

One of the most common causes of going over your allotted time is trying to cover material that’s not really related to your core message.

Try This : Unleash your inner editor. Read through your presentation with a critical eye. Delete anything that’s not part of your core message.

5.  Bad Body Language

When you give your presentation, you’re speaking with your words. But there’s another way you’re communicating to your audience that you may not even be aware of.

A UCLA study  shows that what you say through your body language is as important as the actual words you say. Research shows that over half of your message is conveyed through non-verbal communication. 

A stiff, nervous posture or awkward, nervous gestures can signal that you’re not confident about what you’re saying.

good body language is important

Try This : Smile during your speech. Smiling does more than just make you look friendly. According to Psychology Today , smiling releases neurotransmitters that’ll help you relax. The more relaxed you are, the more natural your body language will be.

6.  Failure to Make Eye Contact

Speakers who make regular eye contact with audience members are perceived as being more trustworthy.

Unfortunately, many speakers are too nervous and forget to make eye contact . Or they’re too shy.

Try This : Does the idea of looking at someone in the audience make you nervous? No worries. This trick will get you through. Choose three points on the wall behind the audience. Take turns looking briefly at each point as you speak.

7.  Lack of Conviction

If you don’t believe or care about what you’re talking about, how do you expect to convince your audience that it’s important?

When it comes to credibility, sincerity and conviction are important.  Make sure that you're confident about the truth and importance of your information.

Try This: It’s time to get honest. Review your presentation carefully and ask yourself: " Do I really care about this?" If your answer is “ no ,” you’re presenting the wrong message.

8.  Bad Design  

A poor presentation design is just as distracting as poor delivery. You don't want your audience spending so much time focusing on how awful, cluttered, or sloppy your presentation looks that they don't hear what you’ve got to say.

How your presentation looks is important. It should appear polished and professional—a look you can’t easily get from free presentation templates.

Try This : Check out the great professional presentation templates available on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver . Each template is carefully created by a professional designer to take advantage of the latest presentation design tools and trends.

9.  Not Enough Visuals

According to BrainRules by John Medina, you’re far more likely to remember information presented with a graphic or photo.  After three days, most listeners only retain about 10% of what they’ve heard. But when a visual is added, the percentage of information retained increases dramatically—to 65%.

Visuals are important

Try This : When you can use an image (such as a graph, chart, or photo), do it. If you’re short on professional images, Envato Elements is a good source for professional photos  and other types of high-quality  graphics .

10. Too Much Text on a Slide

The fewer words you use, the better. Your audience isn’t going to read (or remember) long blocks of text. So, keep it brief.

What's even worse: presenters often make their text smaller to get more on a slide—making the slide even less readable. You want to avoid this in your presentation slides. 

For a problem example of what I mean, take a look at this slide below:

Slide Example With Too Much Text

Note: This presentation slide example uses  The X Note – PowerPoint Template  from Envato Elements. (You can readily cut the text down in this slide.)

Try This: Keep the total number of words per slide to under 25. If there are more than 25 words, edit the text until you get the number of words on the slide down below 25.

11. Slide Text Too Small to Read

How small is too small? Most experts agree that body text of less than a 24-point font for a business presentation is too small to read.

Look at the difference in readability in the two PowerPoint presentation examples below. Now imagine looking at those slides from across a crowded room.

presentation example - font size small

Take a look at the problem presentation slide above. The headings are done in a 24-point font, and the body text is in a 14-point font. That's hard to read.

In contrast, the headings below use a 48-point font, and the body text uses a 24-point font. It's quite a bit larger and easier to read.

presentation example - font size normal

Note: These presentation slide examples use  The X Note – PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements.

Try This : Choose a 28- to 32-point font for your body text, and 32 to 48 points for your headings and subheadings. That way, your audience can read your slides from across a large room.

12. Not Using a Legible Font

The most readable fonts for presentations are sans serif, such as these:

Avoid script and novelty fonts at all costs as they're extremely hard to read. Look at the PowerPoint presentation example below. Which example is easier to read?

Script Font Example

presentation example - script font type

Readable (Sans Serif) Font

presentation example - readable font

Note : These presentation slide examples use  The X Note – PowerPoint Template  from Envato Elements.

A sans serif font appears simpler and easier to read on projection screens. It lacks the extra serifs (small lines at the ends of characters) that are typically added to print font designs.

Try This : Replace novelty fonts in your business presentation with more readable sans serif font types. If you’re not sure whether the fonts on your slides are readable, ask a friend or colleague for their opinion.

13. Too Many Lists

Many presentations have too many lists: both bulleted and numbered. Yet  studies show that lists don’t work well.

In a 2014 study on visualization versus text from The International Journal of Business Communication ,  subjects who were shown a graphic recalled concepts more easily than those shown a bulleted list.

Try This : Use lists sparingly. Shorten lists or create a single slide for each list item. Better yet, use a graphic to explain a presentation idea instead of words.

14. Technical Problems

If your equipment fails, you'll have a tough time giving your presentation.

The best time to find out that your equipment isn’t working isn’t the day of the presentation. You won’t have adequate time to make alternate arrangements.

Technical Issues

Try This: Go to your speaking venue the day before your presentation. Hook up your laptop (or other device) to the presentation system. Notice anything that doesn’t work and arrange to get backup equipment. Also, test any equipment you’ll be using during your speech.

15. Not Relating to Your Audience

A huge presentation mistake many speakers make is addressing their business presentation to the wrong audience. The only way to really be sure that your presentation is geared to your audience is to find out as much as you can about them.

You can't engage your audience or hold their attention if you don't really know who you're going to be speaking to.

Try This : If the presentation is for an organization you don’t normally attend, arrange to attend a meeting before the one in which you’ll give your presentation. Get to know your audience as well as possible before presenting.

16. No Next Steps

You’ve finished your presentation, but your audience is left hanging. What should they do next?

The next step may seem obvious to you, but your audience hasn’t made the connection—so they do nothing.

presentation of business idea

Try This: Be blunt. Tell the audience exactly what action to do next and how to go about doing it. Provide any details they need to take the next step.

17. Poor Choice of Content

Another common presentation mistake is including content that isn’t right for a presentation. The topic may be too broad to cover in the time that’s allowed, or your audience may not have the background needed to understand the topic.

Or you may be using terms your audience doesn’t understand.

Try This : Review your business presentation text carefully. Explain abbreviations or technical terms you plan to use.

18. Unrealistic Expectations

Having the right expectations is important. To start, you should have a clear and attainable goal. What do you expect to achieve with your presentation?

If you don't know what to expect from your presentation, it's already in trouble. Another unrealistic expectation is thinking that your listeners will remember all, or nearly all, of the material you present.

Try This : Decide on the purpose of your speech. Is your purpose to convince investors to take a chance on your startup? Or is it to persuade customers to buy your product? Include what you need to achieve your goal and leave out the rest.

3 Newsworthy Public Business Presentation Mistakes (With Real Examples)

You’ve just learned how to avoid the most common presentation mistakes. And in case you’re thinking that these types of presentation mistakes don’t happen often—think again.

Business presentation failure is much more common than you might imagine. Here are three common (and even famous) business presentation mistakes:

1  Unexpected Equipment Failure

This famous presentation example just goes to show that equipment failure can happen to anyone.

Former Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky was giving a speech to launch the new Surface tablet—when suddenly the equipment stopped working.

Sinofsky did try to get through the situation gracefully, quickly swapping the non-working device for another. You can see the presentation here:

presentation of business idea

2  Too Much, Too Small

It looks as if this presenter had a lot of great data to share. It’s too bad that they felt compelled to put 14 bullet points (in a small font) on a single page.

Hopefully, the audience was interested enough in the topic to stay engaged:

Slide with too much small text

3 Forgetting What to Say

You’ve seen this common presentation mistake on television a dozen times. A celebrity or public figure is giving a speech, and suddenly they stop.

What happens next makes all the difference in the world. A good tactic when you forget part of your speech is to simply admit it to the audience and take a minute or two to recover.

Even experienced speakers sometimes forget what to say. Watch the news clip below as a news reporter forgets their lines, and notice how they handle it:

presentation of business idea

Admitting you made a presentation mistake makes you seem relatable to the audience. So, what’s the worst thing you can do when you forget what to say next? According to most experts, your audience will see right through it if you try to pretend nothing is wrong.

What's Next?

You've just learned about 18 common business presentation mistakes and how to avoid them. Learn even more here:

presentation of business idea

You might be wondering: 

Are there other presentation tips I can use to make my business presentation more effective?

That’s what I’m going to cover next in this guide. You’ll learn more presentation tips and techniques to help you create a great business presentation. We’ll also explain how to avoid business presentation mistakes in more depth.

Chapter 3. 25+ Best Business Presentation Tips From the Experts (For Great Results in 2024)

Best Business Presentation Tips From the Experts

You want to learn how to give an effective presentation, and you want to learn fast!

The best way to learn something is from someone who’s already doing it successfully. That’s why we’ve gathered over 25 great presentation tips from public-speaking experts from around the world. Look no further for winning presentation ideas.

Get unique insights from the business presentation tips for public speaking that we’ve gathered here. Discover presentation tips on how to prepare yourself and presentation skills tips for what to do on the day of your presentation and beyond. 

I’ve divided these presentation tips into:

  • Tips for Before Your Presentation
  • Tips for During Your Presentation
  • Tips for After Your Presentation

Are you ready to start learning from these effective presentation (skills) tips?

Let’s get started…

Effective Business Presentation Tips for Before Your Speech

Get started quickly with these expert tips for a good presentation:

1. Pay Attention to Your Introduction & Closing

Pay extra attention to how you begin and end your business presentation. Your beginning and ending make the biggest impact on your audience.

Textbook author and speaking instructor Mark Powell points out the importance of the opening and close as follows:

“Research shows that audiences remember the first and last few minutes of a presentation long after they’ve forgotten most of what was said in the middle.”

For Powell’s whole lesson on how to effectively open and close a presentation, view the video (including business presentation examples):

presentation of business idea

Find even more effective presentation tips about starting and closing a presentation here:

presentation of business idea

2. Stand Up When You Practice

presentation of business idea

If you're practicing your presentation from the comfort of your armchair, you're doing it wrong.  Jennefer Witter , the CEO/Founder of the Boreland Group Inc., explains: 

"Most of us are seated when rehearsing. However, I strongly suggest you do at least one rehearsal standing up. Most speaking engagements require you to stand. Get comfortable talking on your feet."

Read the rest of Witter’s advice on how to prepare for a presentation in this article on the  Ellevate Network .

This Envato Tuts+ tutorial provides more excellent presentation skills tips for rehearsing your business presentation:

3. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Public Speaking

To succeed in business,   communication skills—speaking and writing—are key.  Don’t make the mistake of overlooking these vital areas.

Indra Nooyi, board member at Amazon and former PepsiCo executive, said:

“You cannot over-invest in communication skills—written and oral communication skills...”

Read more about what Nooyi had to say about the importance of investing in communication skills in this  Forbes  article. 

4. Write a Presentation That Sounds Good

You may be used to writing business papers and reports that are meant to be read. But what works for a written report won’t work for a live audience .

Senior communications executive Karen Addis puts it like this: 

“Write for the ear, not for the eye. What reads fine on paper may be a mouthful when spoken.”

You’ll find more effective business presentation tips from Addis on the GuideStar blog . We'll also share  exactly how to write an effective presentation later in this guide.

5. Use an Outline

An outline is a key element to help you get started. A good outline helps you organize your speech. It also helps ensure that you don't leave any presentation ideas out.

2001 Toastmasters world champion speaker Darren LaCroix calls an outline: 

"The second most important step in the process of creating a great speech."

Today, LaCroix trains others on how to speak successfully through the Stage Time University training program . For more on what LaCroix has to say about outlines, watch the YouTube video here:

presentation of business idea

6. Your Presentation Is About Your Audience

Too many speakers focus their presentation on themselves. They make the speech about what they’re trying to say or how they feel.

Your presentation isn't about you. Author and blogger Seth Godin points this out: 

“The members of the audience are interested in themselves. The audience wants to know what they can use, what they can learn, or at the very least, how they can be entertained.”

Read Godin’s entire blog post to discover more  about speaking in public.

7. Know Your Message

Michelle Mazurs public speaking tips

Your audience won’t get your message unless you’ve focused in on it. Figure out what your message is before you give your presentation.

Speech and message coach Michelle Mazur explains:

"My one piece of advice is to get clear on the ONE and only one message that you want your audience to remember. Research shows that most audiences forget 80%-90% of what they hear a speaker say within 24-hours of hearing that speaker. If you want to be memorable, get clear on that one core message and drive that point home in your speech."

Mazur is the author of several books on speaking and thought leadership. Mazur also founded a company that helps speakers and businesspeople become thought leaders.

8. Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Story

Lisa Bloom

Storytelling is a powerful way to get your audience’s attention—and keep it. Learn how to tell a good story, and your presentation will be better for it.

Lisa Bloom is a  consultant, trainer , and author of  Cinderella and the Coach - the Power of Storytelling for Coaching Success! Bloom also has an extensive background in training and development in large, multinational organizations.

Here’s what Bloom’s got to say about the importance of storytelling: 

"Using story in your presentation awakens your creativity while providing a refreshing perspective to re-energize and engage your audience and move them to action. If you want your presentation to have impact, you need to tell powerful stories."
"Let’s say you have a high-stake opportunity; you need to make a very specific impression—to close a deal or secure funding. You may not get a second chance. By using the right story at the right time, you can access your authentic, inspired self while learning to creatively articulate your vision & ideas. This means you get to connect deeply, contribute widely and inspire the people that matter."

9. Know What You’re Selling

Presentation Skills Tips from Marissa Mayer

If you're giving a business presentation, you're likely selling something. Do you know what it is? If not, your presentation is already in trouble.

Marissa Mayer, CEO of Lumi Labs (formerly CEO of Yahoo) puts it this way:

“Our theory is, if you need the user to tell you what you're selling, then you don't know what you're selling, and it's probably not going to be a good experience."

Find more inspiring Marissa Mayer quotes at Inc.

10. Your Purpose as a Speaker

You may think you know the purpose of your business presentation. But there’s one purpose to your business presentation that’s the same no matter who's giving it.

Chris Anderson is the curator of  TED  (the organization that gives us TED Talks) and also a TED speaker. Here’s Anderson’s insight on what all great speeches have in common:

“Your number one task as a speaker is to transfer into your listeners’ minds an extraordinary gift, a strange and beautiful object that we call an idea.”

Watch Anderson explain the importance of sharing ideas and other TED Talk presentation tips below:

presentation of business idea

11. Tell Your Audience What to Do Next

You've almost finished your speech, but you're not done yet. Don’t assume your audience knows what to do after your presentation. You’ve got to tell them what to do next.

Donna Moritz

Digital Content Strategist and international speaker  Donna Moritz  helps businesses leverage the power of visual storytelling and content strategy. Moritz advises that speakers provide the audience with actionable takeaways:

"Ensure that you focus on key, actionable takeaways that your audience will remember and can easily implement. This means one key point per slide - even eliminate dot points altogether - and use stories to bring home those key points. We remember well-told stories way beyond any slide or speaker, so match the power of storytelling with powerful, visual slides. It will make you a more memorable speaker. And more importantly it will make your message so memorable that your audience will take action!"

Excellent Presentation Skills Tips to Use During Your Speech

When it’s time to make your presentation, turn to these excellent presentation skills tips for public speaking.

12. It's Okay to Be Silent

You don't have to talk all the time. Being quiet connects you with your audience.

Here's what veteran speaker Dan Pallotta has to say about the value of silence:

"Be silent and look at the audience. Five seconds. Seven seconds. Just taking them in. Connecting with them. But never do it for effect. Do it to get intimate with your audience."

You’ll find more of Pallotta's effective presentation tips in this  Harvard Business Review article .

13. Care About Your Topic

If you don’t care about your topic, your audience will pick up on that. And if you don’t care, they’re likely to wonder why they should care.

Author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek discusses the importance of caring about your topic:

"I’m often asked, “How did you become such a good presenter?” and I like to joke that I cheat. I only talk about things that I care about, and I only talk about things that I understand. You can’t manufacture passion. You can manufacture energy. You can bounce on the stage and scream and yell. That’s not passion; that’s too much caffeine."   (Source:  YouTube )

Sinek’s TED Talk , “How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” is one of the most popular talks of all time. 

14. Be Authentic

In a recent interview with the Rotarian , award-winning speaker Dananjaya Hettiarachchi addressed the need for speakers to be authentic during their presentations: 

“One of the most important elements is to be authentic. Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint. Your voice, tone, rate, pitch, and volume tell who you are. People need to buy in to you before they buy in to what you’re saying or selling.”

Most audiences can spot it if you’re being insincere. And you’ll lose their interest.

Hettiarachchi is the CEO and founder of an HR company. He’s also the 2014 Toastmasters World Speaking Champion. Read the complete interview transcript on Hettiarachchi’s blog, I See Something In You .

15. It’s Normal to be Nervous

If you’re nervous about giving your presentation, know that you’re not alone. Even the rich and successful get nervous about public speaking.

According to The Times , British Royal Prince Harry suffers from stage fright. Here’s what that feels like in the prince’s own words:

"My secret is -- believe it or not -- I get incredibly nervous before public speaking, no matter how big the crowd or the audience and, um, despite the fact that I laugh and joke all the time I get incredibly nervous, if not anxious, actually, before going into rooms full of people when I'm wearing a suit... And now that I've confessed that, I'll probably be even more worried that people are looking at me."

16. Let Your Nerves Empower You

presentation of business idea

Are you nervous about your business presentation? You’re in good company. Even celebrities and public figures get nervous in front of crowds.

A former NFL player for the Houston Oilers, Bo Eason today coaches people to become better presenters and storytellers. Eason describes how nerves can actually be helpful:

"Back when I was performing my play, “Runt of the Litter”, my hands would shake like crazy every time I stepped on stage. My coach at the time would say, “That’s not nerves, it’s love. You want to be good. You love and honor the audience. That’s called love, not nerves. It’s okay." "Eventually… my nerves became fuel and the shaking did stop. But sometimes, even now, they’ll still shake. It’s just how it is; I care. I like when people care. Nerves are your jet fuel. Don’t try to pretend you don’t have them." ( YouTube )

17. Avoid Dry Mouth

Avoid dry mouth

Here’s a very real challenge many speakers face, but seldom talk about. Dry mouth.

Dry mouth happens when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. And it can be triggered by stress.

John Zimmer, attorney and accomplished public speaker, has ten effective presentation tips to help you avoid dry mouth. Here’s our favorite from the list:

“Chew citrus-flavoured gum or a lozenge before speaking, but don’t forget to spit it out before going on stage!”

I like this tip because of how practical it is. You might not always have access to water, but it's easy to slip a pack of gum into your pocket before giving a presentation. 

Explore the complete list of Zimmer’s great presentation tips for dealing with dry mouth on the blog, Manner of Speaking.

18. Lean on Your Slides

Every speaker dreads forgetting what they’re talking about. But Rand Fishkin offers an effective business presentation tip for just that situation:

“Lean on your slides. If you have trouble remembering a story perfectly and telling it well, lean on your slides to help guide you through with visuals to convey each part of the story. “

Fishkin is best known as the founder and former CEO of the popular Moz  site and more recently the host of Whiteboard Friday . Fishkin is also an accomplished public speaker.

Read the complete interview with Fishkin at the Wistia for Marketing blog . 

Later in the guide, you'll learn how to create eye-catching slides that'll capture your listener's attention.

19. Your Voice Is Important

Roger Love

You may not think about your voice, but your voice is an important tool for your presentation. Learning how to use it properly will make you a more effective speaker.

Vocal coach  to celebrities and one of the world’s leading authorities on voice, Roger Love talks about the importance of your voice:

"Start thinking about what you SOUND LIKE. Your voice is the most powerful communication tool you possess. A 2017 Yale study proved that we have learned to lie with our words and our body language, but the sounds of your voice reveal authenticity and truth.
Learn how to use melody, volume, pitch, and pace to create sounds that move people emotionally. When you find your voice, you find your self-confidence, your storytelling ability, your charisma, and your influence. Only then can you create effective and outstanding business presentations."

20. Move Wisely

When you give your presentation, make your movements count . If you look aimless or awkward, it’ll make your audience uncomfortable.

The 2018 winner of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking agrees. Ramona Smith explains how paying attention to movement helped:

"I used to pace for no reason," Smith told Business Insider. "My movements weren't on purpose. I didn't have intentional movement. But I learned that you need to move with each point. So plant your feet, say what you have to say, move on to your next point."

You can find more of Smith’s public speaking advice on Business Insider .

21. Relax and Be Natural

Effective Presentation Tip by Richard Branson

Too many business speakers stand stiffly, making unnatural gestures. Or they fill their speech with flowery words they’d never use in real life.

Famed entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson favors a different approach. Here’s the public speaking advice Branson gave (via Inc .).

"Picture yourself in a living room having a chat with your friends. You would be relaxed and comfortable talking to them, the same applies when public speaking."

Effective Presentation Tips for After Your Speech

The tips below help you make the most of something most business presenters forget to think about. What happens after a presentation?

Here are some business presentation tips for what you should do when you're done speaking.

22. Ask for Feedback

One of the biggest questions most speakers have after their business presentation is whether it went well. Author and speech coach Suzannah Baum shares one presentation idea to find that out:

“When my presentation was done, I sought out the event planner immediately to get her feedback, put in terms of 'Did the content meet your objectives?'"

You’ll find more of Baum’s insights on the blog, Bring Power to Your Words .

23. Don’t Skip the Q&A Session

Dont skip the QA Session

At the end of your presentation, give your listeners a chance to ask questions . A question and answer session lets you address any concerns members of your audience have. The right answers to an important question may even close the deal.

Professional communicator and author  Stacey Hanke  regularly gives keynote speeches and conducts workshops. Hanke highlights the importance of having a Q&A session as follows:

“Answering a question provides an opportunity for you to bond with those asking, even if the question is challenging. Questions allow you to clarify misunderstandings and set the record straight.”

Discover more of Stacey Hanke’s effective presentation tips in this article, The Best Way to Respond to Questions After a Presentation or Meeting .

24. Questions Are Good

If you think of questions after your presentations as a negative, think again. If the audience is asking questions, that's actually positive, according to former executive and presentation coach  Theodore May .

May puts it this way:

“But questions are not only good, they are essential. The successful presenter wants to be asked questions. …good and even difficult on-topic questions are what you want as a presenter.”

May offers even more tips for creating a great presentation in this article in the CIO digital magazine . 

25. Reconnect With Prospects

Reconnect With Your Prospects

You’re not done when your business presentation ends. This is especially true if you made a sales presentation.

Following up with key prospects after a presentation is the important step many business professionals skip.  Follow-up may feel awkward, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Author and sales coach Jill Konrath provides this presentation tip for connecting with prospects:

“Your prospects want to work with someone who's constantly thinking about how they can improve their business. Be that person.”

Read more of Konrath’s presentation follow-up advice in the article, 3 Sales Follow-Up Strategies to Replace “Touching Base” .

You’ll also find follow-up is easier if you’ve got something your prospect is interested in to talk about.

26. Get Feedback

To improve your presentation skills, ask for feedback. Then listen to it.

Feedback lets you know how you did with your presentation. It also tells you what you should do differently the next time.

Founder of Global Public Speaking and Harvard lecturer  Allison Shapira  provides some practical presentation skills tips on how to get feedback. Here’s one of the most useful tips:

“You’ll be tempted to respond with, “yes, but…” and be defensive when receiving the feedback. Simply listen and learn from someone else’s interpretation of your speech.”

If you’re open to it, feedback will help you improve your presentation skills. 

Get Started on Your Presentation

You've just gotten business tips for making effective presentations from over 25 experts. Now it's time to start creating your own great business presentation. 

For more business presentation tips that work and inspiring presentation quotes, study these Tuts+ tutorials:

presentation of business idea

Next, we’ll share what you need to know about planning and writing great presentations. 

Stay tuned to learn more about how to make (plan and write) a great presentation...

Chapter 4. How to Plan (+Write) a Powerful Presentation Quickly in 7 Simple Steps

Plan Presentation Quickly

Preparation equals success. Planning and writing are your secret weapons for giving a powerful presentation. 

Let’s dive into the presentation writing process.

7 Simple Steps to Plan & Write Your Presentation

The presentation planning/writing process isn’t hard. It can be summed up in seven easy-to-follow presentation writing steps.

Many presenters skip important steps and pay for it when they give a poor presentation. Don’t be one of those underprepared presenters.

Here are the seven steps to follow to plan and write a great presentation:

  • Discover Your Purpose
  • Study Your Business Presentation Topic
  • List Your Main Ideas
  • Create a Presentation Outline
  • Plan a Presentation Format
  • Focus on the Opening & Closing
  • Create the Written Presentation

These seven presentation writing steps will help you write a killer business presentation. Let’s look at each one:

Step 1. 5 Easy Questions to Discover Your Presentation’s Purpose

Your presentation’s purpose is what you want to get from your presentation when you’re done. Determining this is the first step in how to give a good presentation. Skip this and you might as well not give a presentation at all.

There are tools you can use to help you pinpoint your purpose. To start, ask yourself these questions:

  • Why am I giving this talk?
  • What does my business want from this presentation?
  • Is the presentation informative?
  • Is it a sales presentation?
  • Do I want to rally people to my cause?

Once you’ve answered these questions, set a goal. It needs to be specific, and it needs to be measurable. If you’re unsure how to set effective goals, review this Envato Tuts+ tutorial:

presentation of business idea

The presentation writing process for setting goals for your speech is similar.

Now that you’ve set your goal, focus on it. It’s the reason you’re giving this presentation, after all. Everything in your presentation should advance your goal—especially your business presentation topic.

So how do you choose a presentation topic?

Here’s a Common Scenario

You’re invited to give a presentation at a conference. Your company, a public relations agency, wants five new clients as a result of your presentation. You choose the business presentation topic: How PR Will Help You Find a Winning Brand Identity .

In the example above, you could have chosen to cover all the benefits your PR company offers. But having a topic that broad would mean:

  • You don’t cover any one point with enough detail.
  • Your presentation runs too long.
  • You lose your audience’s attention.

Try This: You should be able to cover your topic in 18 minutes or less. Why is this important? Attention span research from TED Talks shows that audiences can’t pay attention past 18 minutes. More on presentation length later.

Limit your presentation length to 18 minutes

Once you’ve discovered your presentation’s purpose, you’re ready to do your research.

Step 2. Be the Expert: Study Your Topic

Not understanding your topic or not getting to know your audience well is a recipe for presentation failure. Even worse—it’ll make you look foolish. Effective speakers study their topic and their audience.

Business Presentation Topic Research Questions

  • Is the content accurate?
  • Is the information current?
  • Are there other sources for the information?

Audience Research Questions:

  • What do they already know?
  • What will be new information for them?
  • What terms do they understand?

If you’ve been asked to speak for an external organization, ask that organization who your audience is and what they already know. Your company should also have some information on prospective customers.

Try This : Use demographic and psychographic studies to learn more about your audience. Facebook Audience Insights  and Google Trends can provide helpful information. Learn more about how to target an audience in these Envato Tuts+ tutorials:

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Once you’ve finished your research, it’s time to choose your speaking points.

Step 3. Choose Your Main Points

During your research, you’ve gathered a lot of information. You’ve likely got more than you need.

Narrow it down to the main points that you want to present. Choose the information that’s most important to your audience and to meeting your goal.

List the information you've gathered. Now, review it. Cut anything:

  • your audience already knows
  • your audience doesn’t need to know
  • that doesn’t advance your goal

Think of this presentation writing process as a funnel. You pour information into one end. Only the information that advances your goal comes out the other end. This keeps you from bogging your audience down with too much information.

Think of the presentation writing process as a funnel

Now, divide all the information into similar categories. You should start to see a natural grouping.

In the PR agency example above, the speaker finds that statistics on the importance of brand identity are important. They also find a case study where a redesigned brand identity led to increased customer awareness.

How many points should your presentation have? Many speech experts recommend having three main points (the so-called Rule of Three). The Rule of Three isn't a hard and fast rule. It depends on how much you say about each point.

It’s better to have fewer points that are well supported than a lot of barely supported points that your audience won’t remember anyway.

Remember: The ideal presentation length for most listeners is 15 to 20 minutes.

Try This:  If you’re scheduled to speak for more than 18 minutes, break your presentation into sections. Each section should be 18 minutes long or less. Use extra time to answer questions.

Example : Break a 45-minute presentation into two 18-minute speeches. Put a four-minute break in the middle and a five-minute question and answer session at the end.

Pro Secret: Get around the 18-minute attention span limit by planning a series of shorter presentations. ( Just make sure they’re not scheduled back to back .) This strategy works best if you’ve got more than one goal.

Step 4. Get Organized: How to Write a Presentation Outline

Once you know what your main points are, create an outline. You may wonder: how do you write an outline for a presentation?

Here’s what to do:

A presentation outline is like the outline for any other document. It sets the order of the information you’ll present.

At its most basic, a short presentation outline includes:

  • introduction
  • first point
  • second point
  • third point

Fill out these general headings with titles specific to your own presentation.

That basic outline works for a short presentation. Your presentation outline will vary with your audience and subject matter. A longer presentation outline could look like this:

  • first main point
  • support for point
  • second main point
  • third main point
  • questions and answers

You've just created the outline for your presentation. Now you’re ready to plan a presentation format.

Its important to create an outline of your speech

Step 5. Looks Count—Plan Your Presentation Format

Once you’ve selected your topic and main points, it’s time to plan your presentation format. For most business situations, a slideshow is the most effective presentation format you can use.

There are some significant advantages to using a slideshow format:

  • It adds a visual component.
  • You can easily integrate other media, such as audio or video.
  • There are plenty of tools to help you create a slideshow.
  • There are thousands of professionally designed templates to make your slideshow look good. ( We’ll take a closer look at how to use a professional presentation template later. )
  • You control the pace of the presentation.
  • You can leave a copy of the presentation with your audience when it’s over.

While there’s plenty of negative chatter about slideshows in general, and PowerPoint specifically, the truth is that they’re wildly popular. According to the BBC , there are more than 500 million PowerPoint users worldwide, and over 30 million presentations are given each day.

There’s a reason slideshows are so popular. They’re effective.

If you look closely at the complaints people make about slideshows, they’re really about the way the presentation software is used. Common complaints include:

  • The presentation was poorly organized.
  • The slides were poorly designed.
  • The text was too small to read.
  • The presentation went too long.

But these aren’t problems with the slideshow presentation format or any specific slideshow tool. There are two words for these problems: USER ERROR . And user error is exactly what you’ll avoid by following the advice in this guide.

Step 6. Write the Start and Finish of Your Presentation

The opening and conclusion of your presentation are important. The opening is where your listeners get their first impression of you. The closing is your last chance to get your message across.

For an effective presentation, take the time to get your start and finish right.

9 Presentation Writing Tips for a Successful Opening

The opening sets the tone for your presentation. Use the presentation writing tips below to grab your listeners' attention right from the start:

  • Make a bold claim. This could be an astounding or even a shocking statement.
  • Contradict expectations. Say the opposite of what the listener expects here.
  • Stimulate curiosity. Start by presenting something curious or unusual that you’ll proceed to explain.
  • Ask questions. Involving the audience right from the beginning is an effective way to engage them.
  • Spin a surprising story. Storytelling is an effective presentation technique.
  • Quote a well-known personality or a famous proverb. Starting with a quote is overused, but if done right can pull your audience in.
  • Tell a joke. If you know your audience well enough to know what they’ll find funny, a joke can be a good opening.
  • Show a video. A short but powerful video can make a huge impact on your audience.
  • Reference a current event. If something momentous is happening, don’t try to compete. Instead, begin your presentation by briefly talking about what’s going on.

Towards the end of your intro, tell your audience what to expect from the presentation. Share your presentation structure. For example, if there’s a break in the middle of the presentation or if you'd like them to save all their questions until the end, tell them so in your opening.

Conclude Powerfully

Your presentation conclusion is your last chance to point out what you want your audience to take with them when they leave.

If you’re giving a sales presentation , appeal to your audience with a call to action . Many presentations omit this vital piece, yet it can mean the difference between success and failure. A call to action tells the audience what to do next.

Other options for closing your presentation include:

  • a vision of the future
  • a contrarian example
  • a question and answer segment

Learn more about how to start and close a presentation:

Step 7. How to Write a Great Presentation

You've completed a presentation outline. You’ve worked on your introduction and conclusion. You’re now ready to create your written presentation.

You don't need presentation software for this stage. We'll add that in the next step. For now, a good writing tool will do. Follow this presentation writing process :

  • Start with your presentation outline.
  • Create presentation slide text for the introduction, each main point, and the conclusion.
  • Write about your most compelling points in the first few slides.

To be effective, use short sentences and phrases to write your presentation. Review your content more than once to cut out wordiness and reduce unnecessary information.

Don’t put too much information on each individual slide. If a slide contains too much information, your audience won't grasp everything you’re sharing. Divide slides with too much material into several slides.

Learn more about writing a business presentation here:

presentation of business idea

Try This: Use planned pauses and transitions such as audience participation, videos, or other devices to divide a long presentation into smaller segments.

Caution : Humor can affect how your presentation is received. Humor lightens the mood and breaks up your material. But not everyone finds the same things funny. If you're not sure how a particular joke will be received, leave it out.

Making great business presentations free PDF ebook

Want to access to this comprehensive guide for offline use.  Download this guide now (for FREE)  as a convenient 69 page eBook PDF with quick-action checklist. 

Keep reading to learn how to choose your presentation software…

Chapter 5. How to Choose the Best Business Presentation Software for 2024 (+Quick Start Tips) 

Choose the Best Business Presentation Software

You’ve planned and written your presentation. Now, it's time to build it. Before you can do that, you've got to choose the best business presentation software for you to use.

We’ll help you make the right choice for your presentation. We’ll give you the information you need. Let’s take a close look at the best (and most popular) presentation software options:

Take the Quiz! What Business Presentation Software Is Right for You?

What business presentation software is right for you

It helps to know as much about your presentation needs as possible. That’s why we’re including this presentation software quiz:

  • What presentation software (if any) do you use now?
  • What software requirements (if any) does your business have?
  • What hardware and operating system do you use?
  • What presentation tools do you have experience with?
  • What's your budget for presentation software?
  • How often will you work on the presentation with a team?
  • Do you need to use special effects like animation?
  • Do you need to import audio or video files?
  • Will you be exporting your presentation to another file type?
  • Do you often forget to save your files?
  • Do you use a Mac or a PC?
  • Do you ever need to work offline?

Remember your answers to these questions. We’ll revisit this quiz at the end of the chapter to help you find the right software tool for you.

Now let’s compare three of the most popular business presentation software packages. Let’s examine PowerPoint vs. Google Slides vs. Keynote .

Take a look at this  Google Trends chart for a quick look at how these three tools compare. The chart measures how many searches there were for each of the three major tools worldwide:

PowerPoint vs Google vs Keynote

Let’s explore the differences between Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides. Let’s look at each software tool independently.

1. Microsoft PowerPoint (Popular With Companies)

Microsoft PowerPoint

Estimates place the number of Microsoft PowerPoint users at over 500 million (via  BBC News ). PowerPoint is, without question, the most popular business presentation software.

If you work for a company, your business likely uses PowerPoint. If you’re required to use PowerPoint, your decision is already made.

You may already be somewhat familiar with PowerPoint. Maybe you’ve even already created a business PowerPoint presentation. That familiarity means you’ll be able to learn to use this powerful presentation tool fast.

Are you new to PowerPoint? Learn more about what PowerPoint is and how to get started quickly here:

presentation of business idea

Study the Envato PowerPoint Ultimate Tutorial Guide to learn even more about using PowerPoint.

Try This: If you created your outline in Microsoft Word and saved it on your PC, you can import it directly into PowerPoint. With PowerPoint open, click Open > Browse . Go to the file where your outline is stored. To the right of the File name field, switch from All PowerPoint Presentations to All Files . Click on your outline file and then click Open . PowerPoint creates a new presentation, with each paragraph of your outline in the title field of a new slide.

Advantages of Microsoft PowerPoint

Now, let’s look at the advantages of Microsoft PowerPoint and its disadvantages .

Even though it’s popular, its popularity isn't all there is to PowerPoint. Here are some of the many advantages of Microsoft PowerPoint: 

  • It's part of Microsoft Office 365 (works with Office productivity tools like Word, Excel, and more).
  • It can export PowerPoint files to over a dozen different file types, ranging from .pdf to .rtf.
  • It can import (embed) audio and video files .
  • It includes 50 animations and special effects.
  • Collaboration is possible through OneDrive.
  • Offline access is possible in PowerPoint.
  • It's got free iOS and Android mobile apps.

Disadvantages of Microsoft PowerPoint

Now that we’ve looked at the advantages of Microsoft PowerPoint, it’s time to look at the disadvantages. One disadvantage is that it can be difficult to collaborate with others.

Recently, PowerPoint has improved the ability to collaborate in real-time. But there are still more steps than with Google Slides. To work with another user, you must save the presentation to OneDrive and invite the people you want to collaborate with.

Professional Microsoft PowerPoint Templates

One final advantage of Microsoft PowerPoint is the number of professionally designed presentation templates available. Here are some great business PowerPoint templates to help you create great presentations, as well as info on how to customize them quickly:

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2. Google Slides (Great Collaboration & Great Price)

Google Slides

Do you need professional productivity tools? Is real-time collaboration part of your job? Is your budget limited?

Consider using Google Slides. It’s a readily available presentation software tool that’s part of Google’s productivity suite, which includes Sheets and Google Docs. Best of all, it’s free when you create a Google account.

Are you new to Google Slides? Learn more about what Google Slides is and how to get started quickly here:

presentation of business idea

Study the Envato Google Slides Ultimate Tutorial Guide to learn even more about Google Slides.

Try This: Did you know that you could copy a Google Slides slide from one presentation to another? To do this, open the Google Slides business presentation with the slide design you want. Click the desired slide and click Control-C to copy the slide to your clipboard. Open a second business presentation that you want to copy the slide to. Click the slide before where you want to insert the copied slide. Click Control-V to paste the copied slide into the second presentation.

Now, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of Google Slides .

Advantages of Google Slides

  • It's free with a Google account.
  • Share online for real-time editing and collaboration.
  • Your work is saved automatically in Google Slides.
  • It keeps a revision history, making it possible to go back to an earlier version.
  • It's part of Google Drive (works with Google Drive’s productivity tools like Google Docs, Sheets, and more).
  • Export Google Slides files to several different file types (although not as many as with PowerPoint).
  • You can insert audio or video  files.
  • Includes animation and special effects (although not as many as PowerPoint).
  • Free iOS mobile app.

Disadvantages of Google Slides

One of the disadvantages of Google Slides is that you must have a Google account to use it. And there are also fewer choices for effects and themes.

Professional Google Sides Templates

Discover professionally designed Google Slides templates and learn how to quickly create a great business presentation with them:

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3. Apple Keynote (Great for Mac Users)

Apple Keynote

You may be wondering: what is Keynote? Keynote is Apple’s presentation software tool. It’s part of Apple’s iWork productivity suite that includes Pages and Numbers.

To choose between Keynote and PowerPoint, read on to learn the difference between them.

If you’ve got a Mac, remember that Keynote already comes with your computer. Learn what Keynote is and how to get started quickly here:

presentation of business idea

Study the Envato Apple Keynote Ultimate Tutorial Guide to learn how to use Keynote.

Try This: Did you know you can stream a Keynote presentation using Keynote Live? Click the Keynote Live button on the menu at the top of the screen. You’ll be prompted to save your presentation to your iCloud account. Then, click the Continue button. Send the URL to the viewers you want to share your presentation with. Press Play to start streaming your presentation.

Now, let’s look at  Apple Keynote advantages and disadvantages .

Keynote Advantages

  • It comes with your Mac computer.
  • Keynote is part of the iWork productivity suite (works with productivity tools like Pages, Numbers, and more).
  • Export Keynote files to several different file types (including Apple-specific file types like QuickTime).
  • Insert audio or video files.
  • Share and collaborate through your iCloud drive.
  • Includes about 30 animation and 40 special effects (although not as many as PowerPoint).
  • Work on the files offline.

Keynote Disadvantages

Keynote also has some disadvantages, the main one being that it’s for the Mac only. PC users can’t work on Keynote files.

Professional Keynote Templates

Create great presentations using Keynote with these great business Keynote templates and helpful tutorial:

presentation of business idea

Your Final Decision—Choose the Right Presentation Software for You

Let’s revisit the Business Presentations Software Quiz. Your answers to the questions on the quiz reveal which presentation software you’ll like.

PowerPoint May Be the Right Business Presentation Software for You If:

  • You answered “PowerPoint” to questions 1, 2, and 4.
  • You answered “PC” and “Windows” to question 3.
  • For question 5, you had over $150 in the budget for a single user.
  • For question 6, you answered “occasionally” or “rarely”.
  • For questions 7, 8, 9, or 12, you answered “yes”.

PowerPoint is ideal for businesses that use the Microsoft Office productivity suite. It's also great for companies whose workers create business presentations independently.

Google Slides May Be the Right Business Presentation Software for You If:

  • You answered “Google Slides” to questions 1, 2, and 4.
  • For question 5, you had little to nothing in the budget.
  • For question 6, you answered “often”.
  • For questions 7, 8, and 10, you answered “yes”.

Google Slides is ideal for businesses that use the Google Drive productivity suite. It's also great for companies whose workers rely on real-time collaboration.

Keynote May Be the Right Business Presentation Software for You If:

  • You answered “Keynote” to questions 1, 2, and 4.
  • You answered “Mac,” “Apple,” “macOS,” or “iOS” to question 3.
  • For question 11, you answered “Mac”.

Keynote is ideal for businesses that work on Macs and use the iWork productivity suite.

For a more in-depth comparison of these three software presentation tools, look at:

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For even more software presentation tools, look here:

presentation of business idea

Now that you’ve selected a presentation software tool, read on to learn how to design your business presentation.

Chapter 6. How to Design a Killer Business Presentation Like a Creative Professional

Design a Killer Business Presentation

You know your message. You’ve researched your topic and your audience. You’ve created your outline. And you’ve chosen a presentation software tool.

But for an effective business slideshow that moves people to action, you need a visually appealing presentation. Want a presentation your audience will remember? A good presentation design makes the difference.

The presentation slide design tips here will show you what to do (complete with PowerPoint presentation examples).

Get the Right Kind of Attention With These 6 Presentation Design Basics

Pay attention to these six presentation design basics as you design your presentation:

  • Slide Layout
  • Font Choice
  • Special Effects

Let’s look at each element individually:

1. Slide Layout

Presentation thumbnails

A slide's layout is the organization of your content and the visual elements on each slide. Think about your presentation content as you design the layout of each slide of your presentation.

Look at what you've written. Imagine what type of slide design would be effective for each point. Some points may fit naturally on a slide with text alongside an image. Other points may be best shown through a slide with a chart or graph.

Keep each slide design as simple as possible. A cluttered design will draw attention away from your content. Also, for complicated points, you may need more than one slide. And that’s okay.

Try This: Draw thumbnails or create a storyboard to show a visual picture of the type of slide designs you need. ( Don't confuse these thumbnails with the Thumbnail view in many software presentation tools. ) These thumbnails are simply rough sketches of what various slides in your presentation will look like. You don't have to be an artist. A simple drawing will do. 

2. Font Choice

When choosing a font , think about both font type and font size .

Font type refers to the look of the font. Some fonts work for casual use, but not for a professional presentation. Choose a font that’s easy to read. San serif fonts like Tahoma or Gil Sans work well, especially for headings.

Font size is also important when creating a presentation. The font needs to be large enough for an audience to read from across the room. Use at least a 24-point font.

Don’t use too many different fonts in your presentation. Fonts should coordinate with each other and not be distracting.

Learn more about fonts here:

presentation of business idea

Try This : Pull out your branded business materials such as stationery, brochures, and business cards. List the fonts used. (If you’re not sure, ask your marketing department.) Replace the current fonts in your slide presentation with these fonts if they work well on screen.

Learn how to change your presentation fonts here:

presentation of business idea

3. Color Choice

Color choice is important

Color plays a big part in any presentation. Colors send powerful visual messages. Choose the colors for your slide background, fonts, and accent text carefully.

The wrong colors will give listeners the wrong idea about your brand or message. Too many colors or clashing colors make your presentation appear garish and amateurish.

Color also lets you brand your presentations. When designing your presentation, think about your business color and design scheme.

Re-examine your branded materials (your website, stationery, and business cards). Compare them with the colors you plan to use for your presentation. It should all work together.

Learn all about color in the Envato Tuts+ tutorial:

presentation of business idea

4. Graphics

To help your listeners remember your main points, make wise use of graphics. Remember that the right visuals can help your listeners retain up to 65% of what you say (according to  Brain Rules ).

Consider using these types of graphics to give your business presentation a visual edge:

  • illustrations
  • infographics

It's important to use graphics wisely, though. Putting too many images on a slide or using unprofessional graphics will actually leave listeners with a negative impression.

Try This: If you've got an Envato Elements  subscription, you've got unlimited access to various design resources. Browse through the  photos , illustrations , infographics , and icons to find professionally designed visuals that meet your needs.

5. Media Choice

Embed a short video or audio into your presentation to provide some variety for your audience.

But be careful. Too many videos or audio messages will overpower your presentation and distract your audience. Limit your use of embedded media.

The media you choose should be professionally produced. Don’t embed sloppy, amateurish video or audio into your presentation.

Also, keep the embedded video or audio short. Under a minute is best, but don’t let it go longer than two minutes.

Find the best media to enhance your business presentation by asking these questions:

  • Is this media related to my goal?
  • Is the media professional?
  • Does the media fit our company’s image?
  • How long is it?

Try This : Play a royalty-free soundtrack on a loop before your presentation starts. Download professionally produced royalty-free music files with your Envato Elements subscription or for a single low fee from  AudioJungle .

6. Special Effects

Use the special effects that come with most presentation software to add extra interest to your presentation design.

The two types of special effects are:

  • transitions

Animations are used to move the elements of your slide. Animations can move the slide body text, images, and other objects of your slide design. 

Transitions are a specialized type of animation that are used between slides.

Don't overuse special effects. Too many special effects distract from your main message. But sprinkling in a few special effects can add interest to your presentation.

Learn how to use animations in your presentation here:

presentation of business idea

How to Use a Presentation Template: 3 Easy Steps to Follow

A professionally designed business presentation template gives you a head start at making visually appealing presentations. Some of the other advantages of using a professional presentation template include:

  • makes the most of your presentation software
  • includes a ton of presentation design options
  • updated often to current standards and trends

Are you wondering how to use a template? Here are three easy steps to get you started:

1. Search for a Pro Presentation Template Design

Find a professionally designed template at Envato Elements, which has thousands of presentation templates available. Use the Search bar and filters to find the right template for you, whether that's for PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote.

Find a presentation template

If you're having trouble finding the right presentation template, there are some great PowerPoint presentation template choices in these articles:

presentation of business idea

No matter what presentation software you're using, you'll find visually appealing presentation choices in these curated lists.

2. Download a Great Presentation Template Design

When you’ve found the right presentation design template for you, download it.

The X Note PowerPoint template

In this example, we’re using The X Note PowerPoint Template . This template has a dark and light version. It also has 43 unique presentation slide designs included.

3. Customize Your Template

You’ll receive a zip file containing a presentation folder. Extract the files. Use your presentation software to open the template.

You’re now ready to customize the presentation slide design template with your own details. You can quickly add your presentation content, photos, and graphics, change the colors, and fully customize it to your needs. 

Learn more about customizing a PowerPoint template:

presentation of business idea

5 Top Business Presentation Examples (With Powerful Visual Designs)

Let’s look at how using a professional template design can quickly transform your presentation material from dull to interesting. Here are five before and after business PowerPoint presentation examples:

1. The Our Story Slide

In most business presentations, there’s a slide that tells the audience what a company is about. Here’s a before example of this type of slide using one of the standard basic templates included in PowerPoint:

default slide template

As you can see, it’s very basic. It tells the story, but it’s not a visually appealing design.

Now let’s look at the same information, but this time we’ve used slide #4 from  The X Note PowerPoint Template  (dark version) . We’ve also added  an image from Envato Elements  to grab the viewer’s attention.

our story slide premium template

Try This : Make your company story come to life. Add a photo of your product or service in action to your slide design. 

2. The Our Services Slide 

Businesses use the Our Services Slide (or Our Products Slide) to explain what they've got to offer. Here’s a before example of this type of slide using the same standard template as before:

standard template for our service slide

This time, we’ve used the light version of The X Note PowerPoint Template , slide #16,  to redo the slide design. Look at what a difference the template makes in this after example:

Our services professional template

The icons we added here to the professionally designed slide came with the template. They dramatically transformed our presentation content!

3. The Timeline Slide 

Many default presentation slide templates lack a timeline graphic. Without a graphic, a bulleted list is often the best you can do.

Bulleted list slide

But premium templates give you the option to display your timeline data visually. Here’s a look at the same timeline using  slide #14 from the dark version of The X Note PowerPoint Template :

timeline slide

4. The Awards Slide 

If your business has received awards, you’ll want to show those off in your presentation. Without many graphic options for showing your data, you may be forced to resort to bullets again. Here’s a before example using a default PPT template:

Awards slide

Look at the difference that a creative slide design can make (based on slide #15 of the light version of The X Note PowerPoint Template ) :

Awards slide with premium template

5. The Pie Chart 

Reading a list of statistics is dull. But if your slideshow template design is limited, a list may be all you’ve got to show your listeners. Here’s a before example of some key data using a standard template design:

List of statistics

A chart, like a pie chart, brings boring data to life. (Based on slide template #25 from the dark version of  The X Note PowerPoint Template .) :

X Note PowerPoint Template pie chart

For more PowerPoint presentation design techniques, review:

presentation of business idea

Should You Hire a Designer? (Handy Checklist)

You've just learned the key design elements for creating an effective presentation.

Professional presentation templates make it easy for nearly anyone to create an attractive and impactful presentation. But there are times when hiring a designer to create your presentation might be best.

Should you hire a designer

Use the list below to decide whether you need to hire a professional designer to create your presentation:

  • You’re too busy to create a presentation.
  • You’re in the middle of branding. You want the designer to create a unique presentation look you’ll use again and again.
  • You’ve got a generous budget for presentations.
  • You don’t know how to use presentation software (and don’t have time to learn).
  • The stakes for this presentation are high.
  • You’re not confident in your ability to communicate your message to your audience.
  • You need someone to provide professional input on what you’ve done so far.

A professional designer can create a unique presentation theme that fits well with your branding. A presentation designer also has experience and graphic design training to draw upon. They can present you with great design options.

Chapter 7. Get Maximum Audience Impact: Give (Deliver) Great Business Presentations

Give Deliver Great Business Presentations

You want your business presentation to make a difference. You want your audience to remember it. You want them to act on what they hear.

You may think you can’t control this aspect of your speech. But you can. Stay tuned to learn how to give a great presentation with the most audience impact.

Let’s start with a look at the art of giving a good presentation.

6 Top Tips for Giving a Good Presentation

Use these powerful public speaking techniques to deliver a presentation that makes a difference . In this chapter’s tips for giving a presentation, you’ll learn how to:

  • Project confidence through body language.
  • Manage your speaking voice.
  • Captivate your audience by telling a story.
  • Have a good start (and killer close).
  • Use strategic pauses for effect.
  • Win your audience over with a smile.

Let’s examine each tip separately:

1. Project Confidence Through Body Language

Your body language (also known as non-verbal communication) tells your audience as much as your words. What your audience sees needs to match what you’re saying.

Most experts agree that non-verbal communication is as important as ( if not more important than ) the words you say (Source: The Nonverbal Group ).

The body language you use as you give your presentation includes your:

  • expressions
  • eye contact

Standing stiffly before your audience, reading from cards or a computer screen—as so many speakers do—doesn’t inspire confidence in your message.

Instead, stand naturally. Don’t be afraid to move. It’s okay to make hand gestures or move across the stage. Don’t overdo it, though. Keep your movements natural and relaxed.

Your expressions also play a big role in your non-verbal communication. If your expression makes you look uncomfortable, your audience will feel uncomfortable too. 

A quick fix for an uncomfortable expression is a smile. Try a friendly smile just before you start your speech and after you pause. We’ll talk more about the importance of a smile later.

For more detailed information on body language, study this Envato Tuts+ tutorial:

presentation of business idea

Try This : Once you’ve learned your speech, practice presenting a “dry run” in front of a friend or colleague. Ask them to notice the impression your body language leaves rather than the actual words you’re saying. Also, ask whether you’re slouching or standing stiffly. They can also tell you whether your movements are distracting or effective.

2. Manage Your Speaking Voice

How you sound also makes a huge impact on your audience. If you’re going to deliver a presentation that makes an impact, you need to pay attention to the way you speak.

Common speaking mistakes include:

  • speaking too quickly
  • speaking too softly
  • speaking in a monotone voice
  • mumbling or otherwise not speaking clearly
  • overusing unnecessary interjections like “um,” “like,” and “you know”

Your voice leaves a big impression on your listener. It also determines whether they can understand what you’re saying . If your listener must work too hard to understand you, they’ll give up. You’ve lost their attention.

Managing your voice improves with practice. But first you’ve got to know what to work on.

Try This : Use a webcam, smartphone, or other device to record you practicing your presentation. As you play it back, look for problem areas where you need to improve. Take notes on the tone of your voice, how fast you’re speaking, and the volume of your voice. Also, notice how often you use interjections. These are all details you can work on improving.

3. Captivate Your Audience: By Telling a Story

It’s a scientific fact that people love stories. Studies show that messages with a story are 35% more effective than messages without a story. (Source: Inc. ) The same source indicates that the most popular TED Talks are over half narrative.

Storytelling is effective

According to a study from neuroeconomist Paul Zak , we love stories because they cause our brains to produce:

  • oxytocin, a neurochemical associated with empathy
  • cortisol, a neurochemical that helps us focus

This is particularly true for stories with a dramatic arc. Learn more about Zak’s work and about how stories affect behavior in this YouTube video:

presentation of business idea

If your product or service has dramatically changed someone’s life, tell that story. Your presentation will be more effective because of it.

4. For a Presentation That Sticks: Have a Good Start (And Killer Close)

How you begin and how you end your presentation means the difference between a talk that sticks with your audience and one they forget.

The opening of your business presentation sets the tone for the rest of the presentation . Like it or not, the audience decides within seconds whether they want to pay attention or not. This Time magazine article puts the human attention span at less than ten seconds.

And once you’ve lost your audience’s interest, you’ll have to work twice as hard to capture it. In fact, you may never get their interest. Here are five effective ways to start a business presentation:

  • Be bold. A bold statement, spoken with confidence, will capture your listener’s attention.
  • Be contrary. Get people to pay attention by saying the opposite of what most people expect.
  • Make them wonder. Curiosity is a powerful way to get your audience to focus on what you say.
  • Ask questions. Questions are a great way to engage your listeners.
  • Use storytelling. You just learned about how effective stories are. A good story makes a good opening.

Just as the beginning of your presentation is important, so is the end. If your audience is still listening at the end of your speech, that means they’re interested. Don’t blow it with a weak ending!

Three great ways to end your business presentation powerfully include:

  • A call to action. Tell your audience what to do next.
  • A vision of the future . Leave them with a dream of what could be.
  • Close loops. While your presentation opens with a story or sparking imagination, your conclusion is where to pull all those open threads together into a killer ending.

For a detailed lesson on how to start and end a presentation powerfully, turn to this Envato tutorial:

5. How to Use Strategic Pauses for Effect

Using pauses to give a presentation may seem illogical. After all, you’ve got a limited amount of time to talk, and you want to say everything you need to say.

Yet, used correctly, pauses work. Some of the most effective bits of your speech are when you’re not talking. If you want to know how to give a killer presentation, learn when and how to pause.

Some of the advantages of strategically placed pauses:

  • Audience connection . Remember what Dan Pallotta said about the power of silence and audience intimacy in Chapter 3 .
  • Refocus listeners . Pauses give listeners a chance to gather their thoughts and refocus on your presentation.
  • Better pace . A pause helps you control the pace of your presentation.
  • Human needs . It’s good to give your audience a chance to stand up, stretch, and so on.

So, when should you pause? Here are some great times to pause:

  • You’ve just made a major point.
  • You’ve just asked a question.
  • Your audience is laughing or otherwise making noise.
  • For dramatic effect when telling a story.

Most pauses don’t need to be long. A few seconds to a minute is often all it takes to be effective.

A longer pause can serve as a transition to break a long speech into chunks your viewers can appreciate and are more likely to retain. 

6. Win Your Audience Over With a Smile

Facial expressions are a specific type of body language. And one facial expression is more important than the rest. Enter the smile.

Smiling during your presentation makes a difference for you and for your audience.

Smiling can help improve your mood and relieve stress (Source:  Psychology Today ). If you start your presentation with a smile, you’re less likely to be anxious.

A sincere smile is also catchy. If you smile, your audience is more likely to smile back. Also, a genuine smile is perceived as positive. People who smile are seen as friendly and more trustworthy.

Learn more about the power and benefits of smiling in this YouTube video from Ron Gutman.

presentation of business idea

Another secret to delivering an effective presentation is learning to deal with your nerves.

Get Comfortable: Deliver a Presentation With Confidence (And Without Anxiety)

It’s no secret that many people hate giving presentations. Even experienced speakers get presentation anxiety.

If you’re one of the many, many people who struggle with a fear of public speaking (also known as glossophobia), you’re not alone. You can still give an effective presentation.

Occasionally, your speaking anxiety will be so obvious that it distracts from your message. But most of the time your listeners will understand that you’re nervous. They’ve likely given speeches themselves, so they know what it feels like.

Your listeners will forgive you if you make a few mistakes.  They know that you’re only human and that humans make mistakes.

In fact, you’re probably more critical of your speaking ability than your audience is.

Speaker giving speech

Here’s your go-to list of tips for giving a presentation with confidence :

  • An hour or so before the presentation, imagine that your speech is already over, and you nailed it. Repeat the visualization of a successful outcome several times.
  • A half hour or so before, plan on doing some light exercise. A brisk walk fits the bill perfectly.
  • As you begin speaking, focus on various audience members. But don’t stare at any one person for too long. (If looking at people makes you uncomfortable, look at various spots on the wall directly behind your audience.)
  • If you do happen to make a mistake, pause. Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. Sip some water if you’ve got some. Then, keep going. Don’t make a big deal about the mistake.
  • Some public speakers find that glancing at a friendly face in the audience helps. If this is you, make a mental note of where your friendly face is located before you begin speaking.

For more information on how to overcome the fear of public speaking and how to speak confidently, study these Envato tutorials:

presentation of business idea

One Final Tip : Practice works! The more you practice, the easier giving a presentation will be for you. Organizations like Toastmasters International and professional meetups can help you to practice and improve your speaking skills.

Not only is speaking confidently to your audience important, but so too is choosing the right venue to present in and getting familiar with it.

Use This Checklist to Find the Perfect Venue for Your Business Presentation Quickly

Finding a good speaking venue

Where you give your presentation does make a difference. Choosing the right speaking venue means a better experience for both you and your audience.

As soon as possible, learn everything you can about the facility where you’ll give your presentation. If you can, pay a pre-presentation visit. Find out what’s available at the speaking location and what you need to bring with you.

To choose a good speaking venue, use the following bullets as a checklist:

  • The facility is easy for audience members to find.
  • There are enough chairs for all the members of your expected audience.
  • Audience members can hear (and see) your presentation regardless of where they’re seated.
  • There are restrooms convenient to the main speaking area.
  • Get a specific list of provided equipment.*
  • Make sure there are enough electrical outlets.
  • The room has a place for you to project your slideshow (either a screen or a blank wall).
  • The room will be heated (or cooled) to a comfortable temperature.

* Provided equipment can include cables, computer with keyboard and mouse, microphone and other sound equipment, a remote, a video adapter, and a working projector.

If you’ve got any questions about the facility before the date of your presentation, ask. Most venues are happy to work with you.

On the day of your presentation, bring any equipment that won’t be provided by your venue. Also, bring a laptop or phone charger.

You’ve just learned the best way to deliver a presentation with the most impact. Next, we’ll discuss those extras that can add something special to your presentation.

Chapter 8. 7 Creative Ideas That’ll Add Extra Oomph to Any Business Presentation

Creative Ideas Thatll Add Extra Oomph to Any Business Presentation

For a truly impactful presentation, you need to go above and beyond the expectations of your audience. Here are seven creative presentation ideas you can put to good use right away to make your presentation more memorable.

1. Give Away Some Swag

SWAG presentation idea

People love getting free stuff. A swag bag full of branded items means they’ll remember your organization each time they pick up that branded pen or pencil, keychain, folder, or other branded item.

Here’s a list of easily branded items, perfect for a swag bag:

  • pens and pencils
  • coffee mugs

Make sure that each swag bag item displays your company name and phone number. If you’re wondering how your logo would look on a promotional item, you can create mockups using Placeit .

Try This : Put together a book or pamphlet of tips related to your product or service. Give it away to audience members as part of your swag bag, or by itself.

2. Use an Infographic in Your Slides

Infographics present facts, figures, and other concepts in an attractive, visual way. Keep your listeners interested while you present data that might otherwise seem boring.

Notice how the colorful infographic below catches your eye:

Infographic Presentation Idea

Learn more about infographics in these Envato Tuts+ articles:

presentation of business idea

3. Add a Human Element to Your Presentation

Adding a human element is another creative presentation idea for extra oomph. People love stories, and they’re especially drawn to stories about people.

We’ve already talked about how effective storytelling can be. Learn more about storytelling in these Envato Tuts+ articles:

presentation of business idea

Try This : Poll your top 20 customers. Ask each one whether your product or service has made a difference in their life. Also ask whether they’d be willing to share their story. Contact the customers who said “yes.” Use their responses to create a powerful human impact story for your presentation.

4. Involve the Audience: Try a Q&A

Many presentation software packages include a question and answer tool. For example, with Google Slides you can let audience members ask questions online. This can be helpful for large audiences or if some of your audience members are remote.

Here’s a peek at how the Google Slides Q&A tool works. First, the audience is provided with a URL where they can ask questions:

Google Slides URL for Q  A

If an audience member clicks on the link, they’re prompted to ask their question:

Google Slides QA Prompt

Learn more about the Google Slides Q&A feature in this article:

presentation of business idea

Here are more ways to involve your audience:

  • Ask for a show of hands if the audience agrees or can relate to your question.
  • Ask for an audience volunteer for a visual representation.

5. Show a Compelling Image

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The right image can speak volumes.

Images are powerful when they:

  • Stir an emotion.
  • Stimulate the imagination.
  • Capture an important moment.

The most effective images are those that tell a story. Look at the image below:

Compelling Image Presentation Idea

When you see this image, you realize this person has run out of gas for their car. You may wonder:

  • How long have they been walking?
  • How far do they have to go?
  • Why are they alone?

The image can also be used symbolically to illustrate concepts like:

  • the need to be prepared
  • hitting a road bump in a journey
  • dealing with the unexpected

Try This : When you use a compelling image in your presentation, pause for a moment to let your audience absorb the image. Then, move on to your point.

6. Add a Video or Animation

An animation or video can add interest to a presentation. Be sure to add an animation or video that’s professionally done and relevant to your presentation.

Be careful about letting your video take over your presentation. The video you choose should enhance your message, but not overpower your presentation.

To learn more about using videos and animations, study these Envato Tuts+ articles:

presentation of business idea

7. Be Available

A valuable extra you can add to your business presentation is to be available after it’s over. 

If the speaking venue permits, stick around for at least 30 minutes. Use the time to network with audience members and answer questions that didn’t come up during the question and answer session.

Those who approach you after the presentation are more likely to be serious prospects for your product or service.

Remember This: Don’t Add Too Much Oomph!

Adding one or two of these creative elements to your presentation will help capture your listener’s attention. Yet using an 'oomph' element on every slide in your presentation will most likely just overwhelm your audience. Apply these enticing elements judiciously.

You’ll find even more creative presentation ideas in these Envato Tuts+ articles:

presentation of business idea

Remember, one of the best ways to add 'oomph' to your business presentation is to be prepared. And being better prepared is what this guide is all about.

Chapter 9. 2024 Business Presentation Checklist: To Prepare for Your Next Business Presentation (Step by Step)

Download Business Presentation Checklist

To help put all these presentation tips and techniques into practice, we've created a handy PDF checklist attachment that'll walk through everything you've learned. 

You can download this checklist as part of a FREE PDF set . This free download includes the 69 page Making Great Presentations eBook and quick-action Checklist. 

Making great business presentations eBook

Download it now, then simply use it to check off each item as you prepare your next presentation. 

Conclusion Make A Great Presentation

You've just learned about all about business presentations. You've discovered how to make great presentations and how to avoid common business presentation mistakes. It's time to act on what you've learned. The next step is up to you.

Do you want to learn more about presentations? You'll find many more helpful tutorials about making great presentations and using top presentation tools at Envato Tuts+ .

Also, be sure to grab a copy of The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2021. Download this FREE guide now  as a convenient 69 page eBook PDF with quick-action checklist.

For a truly effective presentation, you'll want to use a professionally designed business presentation template . Download the templates you need from Envato Elements or Envato Market .

Putting it all together to make a great presentation

The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan Presentation


Failing to plan is planning to fail.

That’s why a business plan is crucial to your business. If you want to make sure that the promising business idea in your head is feasible, you have to start with a business plan .

Visuals make anything easier to understand. That’s why including them in your business plan presentation is a foolproof way to ensure that it’s readily welcomed by your audience and digested without confusion.

By no means is this business plan template limited to presentations; you can also include these diagrams in your business plan documents to make them more readable.

Following are downloadable Simple Business Plan Templates

  • Business Plan Template PDF
  • Business Plan Template Word
  • Business Plan Template PowerPoint

What is a Business Plan?

Benefits of using a business plan presentation, executive summary, company profile, customer profiles.

  • Perpetual Map
  • Porter’s Five Forces

SWOT Analysis

Pest analysis, competitor profile.

  • Competitive Intelligence

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Organizational structure and management, product canvas, value proposition canvas.

  • Financial plan

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Business Plan Presentation

Faqs about business plan presentations, want to extend the guide to creating a business plan presentation.

Let’s start by clarifying the business plan definition.

A business plan is a document that describes your business in terms of what it does, the products and services it offers, your business strategy and business goals, and your action plan outlining how you plan to achieve your goals and earn money.

The main purposes of a business plan are to

  • Show the future financial performance of the company and its economic situation for the owners and investors.
  • Help identify risks that may affect the growth of the company and provide strategies to overcome them.
  • Help make predictions about market trends, competitor behavior, customer requirements and define and prioritize key business objectives .
  • Serve as a key resource for developing budgets

Clarity and Communication

A business plan presentation helps you communicate your business idea, goals, and strategies with clarity. It allows you to distill complex information into concise and visually appealing slides, making it easier for your audience to understand and grasp the key points. Presenting your business plan in a structured and organized manner enhances clarity and ensures that your message is effectively communicated.

Engaging and Persuasive

A well-designed and well-delivered business plan presentation can be highly engaging and persuasive. By using visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and images, you can capture the attention of your audience and create a memorable impact. Effective storytelling and compelling visuals can help you convey the value proposition of your business, showcase market opportunities, and convince investors, stakeholders, or potential partners to support your venture.

Feedback and Interaction

Presenting your business plan allows you to receive immediate feedback and engage in discussions with your audience. This feedback can be invaluable in refining your business strategy , identifying potential gaps or weaknesses, and addressing questions or concerns. The interactive nature of a presentation enables you to have a dialogue, gather insights, and build relationships with key stakeholders. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, passion, and confidence, which can further strengthen your credibility and increase the likelihood of securing support or funding for your business.

The Key Elements of a Business Plan

A business plan should contain the following key components.

  • Executive summary
  • Company profile
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Organizational structure and management
  • Services and products

Although this comes first, it’s smarter to write it at the end. The executive summary of your business plan should explain what is great about your business model and its products or services.

It should be concise and appealing to the reader. And it’s easier to write a meaningful summary once you have filled in the rest of your plan.

Your company profile should provide details on,

  • Company history
  • Overview of the company
  • Mission Statement
  • Key resources
  • Business contact information
  • Products or services
  • Location details
  • The market you serve
  • Your key customers
  • The customer issue you seek to solve

All these details can be presented in a much nicer way with an infographic like the one below. It’s easier to read and understand and more compact and clearer than paragraphs of detail.

Company Profile Template

Market Analysis

Through a market analysis , you can find enough detail to define your target market, its size, customer segments, and their needs.

Your market analysis should also include a competitor analysis, where you will research your key competitors in terms of their influence in the market, their strengths and weaknesses, the threats they pose to you, their products and services, their pricing plans, their marketing strategies etc.

Some visual techniques you can use in this section to present your data are

These aptly summarize all your findings on your customers such as their demographic details, jobs, responsibilities, needs, challenges etc.

Customer Profile Template for Business Plan

Perceptual Map

This tool helps you depict and analyze how your (potential) target customer perceives the brands or products of your competitors. It helps you make sense of your product or service’s competitive positioning through the survey data at your hand.

Perceptual Map for Business Plan

Porter’s Five Forces

This tool is used to assess your business competitive strength and position against your competitors. Using it you can understand whether your new product or service is profitable.

Porters Five Forces Template for Business Plan

SWOT analysis is a great way to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and the opportunities and threats they bring to you within the industry. You can also use it to assess the capabilities of your own company.

SWOT Analysis Template for Business Plan

More on SWOT Analysis: What, Why and How to Use Them Effectively

PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological factors. It’s a great way to examine how the external forces in your market can impact your company. It will also help you shape your marketing strategy and develop your risk management plan.

PEST Analysis Example

View More More on SWOT Analysis: PEST Analysis Tools

All the details you have gathered on your competitors, such as their sales numbers, strategies, partners, suppliers etc. can be organized here. It’s a great way to prepare your competitor analysis data to be added to your business plan presentation.

Competitor Profile Template for Business Plan

View More Competitor Analysis Tools

Competitive Intelligence Mind Map

Or you can convey these data in a mind map. You can use Creately Viewer to add this to your online documents, websites, intranet, Wiki, or business plan presentations. This way you can view any links included in the mind map and navigate through it easily.

Competitor Intelligence Mind Map Template

You can learn how to use these tools along with other useful techniques in more detail in;

View More Market Strategy Planning Tools

This is where you outline how you plan to market and sell your product. It’s easier to do now as you have extensive knowledge about your market, target customer and your competitors.

With your marketing strategy, you have to consider factors like your marketing or communication channels, marketing goals, marketing budgets, resources etc.

With your sales plan , pay attention to your sales targets, sales tools, resources etc.

You can use mind maps to visualize all this data to your audience. You can either use two mind maps to outline your sales and marketing strategies separately or a single mind map to showcase both.

Marketing and Sales Plan Template

Marketing and Sales Plan template for business presentation

If you want separate a marketing plan and sales plan, check out the templates below,

  • Marketing Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation
  • Sales Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation

Who are the key personnel involved in your organization? List them down in this section along with their expertise.

Use an organizational chart to represent your team, their roles and skills. It can help you highlight the hierarchy of your organizational structure as well.

Organizational Structure for Business Plan Presentation

Services and Products

This section explains your services or products and how they can benefit the customers. Here are some visualizations you can use to make this section more interesting to your audience.

Product canvas is a tool used to map, design and describe your product strategy. It takes into consideration your target audience, the important features of your product decided by storyboards , epics, design sketches, mockups , and the tasks you need to carry out to build the product.

Product Canvas Template

Learn about this in more detail here .

It’s a tool you can use to ensure that your product or service fits the requirements of your customer. It helps you look into

  • The value you can deliver to the customer via your product or service
  • Which customer problems/s that you are trying to solve
  • Which is the job that your product helps the customer to finish
  • Which customer needs you are satisfying
  • What are the different products you are offering to each customer segment

Value Proposition Canvas for Business Plan

Financial Plan

This is the section where you provide all financial information related to your business. This section is required if you are presenting your business plan to investors.

It will include both historical data such as cash flow statements,profit and loss statements, income statements etc. and financial projections based on the impact of your new product.

If you are pitching a new product to your investors, you may also want to include your funding requirements.

For a business plan presentation, you can use a digital database of your financial information with a simple Creately mind map. You can link up all your financial statements on your mind map.

This way anyone who refers to the mind map can easily access the linked resources from one single place.

Financial Plan Template

Overloading with Information

One of the most common mistakes is including too much information on each slide. This overwhelms the audience and makes it difficult for them to follow along. Keep your slides concise and focused on key points. Use bullet points or visuals to convey information effectively.

Lack of Visual Appeal

A presentation that lacks visual appeal can fail to engage the audience. Avoid using too much text and opt for visually appealing elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Use a consistent color scheme and fonts that are easy to read. Make sure your visuals support your message rather than distract from it.

Ignoring the Audience’s Needs

It’s essential to consider the needs and interests of your audience when creating a presentation. Tailor your content to address their concerns and provide relevant information. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Focus on presenting the most compelling aspects of your business plan that align with their interests.

Lack of Practice and Rehearsal

Presenting a business plan without sufficient practice and rehearsal can lead to a lack of confidence and a disjointed delivery. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the content, timing, and transitions. Rehearse in front of a mirror or a small audience to receive feedback and improve your delivery.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a compelling and effective presentation that effectively communicates your business plan to your audience.

In this post we have explained how to create a business plan presentation step-by-step. Make use of the templates that are provided to make your presentation more eye-catching and easy-to-understand.

Here are some more tips on making your presentation a hit.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.


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How to Create a Quality Business Plan Presentation

The Art of Perfect Pitch

The Art of Perfect Pitch

  • April 18, 2024

13 Min Read

Business Plan Presentation

Want to hook potential investors to your business idea? A compelling business plan presentation will do that for you!

Do you wish to create a business plan presentation that’s not only visually attractive but also contextually enriching and sound? Well, it takes a detailed understanding of the subject matter and little effort on your end to create a professional presentation for your investors.

Don’t fret. We are here to help you out with this blog post. It includes everything you need to know about business plan presentations and outlines an efficient way to create yours.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive right in.

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

A business plan presentation also known as a pitch deck is a concise yet detailed presentation of your business idea.

It explains your business objectives, concept, solution, target market, operations, and strategies through attractive visuals and bite-sized simplified concepts.

A great pitch deck successfully communicates your business plan and your purpose of presentation, whether it is to raise funds, demonstrate traction, or grow your network.

It is quite helpful when you want to familiarize people with your business idea without diving into extreme details.

Translating your promising business idea into a presentation is quite a challenge. However, is it worth the effort? Let’s take a look.

Benefits of having a Business Plan Presentation

Having an insightful professional pitch deck is an asset for your business. If you don’t believe it, here are a few benefits to change your mind.

1. Secure the funding

The most obvious benefit of having a pitch deck.

Investors want to know the viability and feasibility of your business idea to consider funding your business. A well-crafted pitch deck with a strategic layout will make it easier for you to prove the worthiness of your business idea.

2. Explain your business plan

No one has time to dive into your detailed business plan, at least initially. A quick presentation or an elevator pitch is what you need when you want to tell your audience about your business idea in a couple of minutes.

You can enhance your networking considerably by having a pitch deck that’s ready to be presented anytime.

3. Keep the audience engaged

It’s easy to keep the readers engaged in a presentation with its powerful visual components. After all, charts, graphs, and pictures are easier to decipher than complex blocks of text.

By adopting a storytelling approach, you can easily convey your business objectives and strategies without risking the attention of your readers.

4. Gather feedback

Presenting your business plan allows you to gather feedback from seasoned entrepreneurs and experienced investors. Such feedback helps you to identify potential gaps in your planning and refine the strategies accordingly.

Convinced now? Well, then let’s learn what a visionary business plan presentation should include.

What to include in your Business Plan Presentation?

Whether you create a presentation using an advanced tool like an AI pitch deck generator or Microsoft PowerPoint—here are 10 essential components to include in your business presentations.

1. Title slide

It is an introduction slide including basic business information such as name, logo, and tagline. Additionally, it must include the name of the presenter and contact details so that readers can reach out.

You can also consider adding an extremely crisp and short one-line summary of your business to show what your business does or aims to do. Remember, it has to be much more concise than your executive summary.

While the entire presentation needs to be visually appealing, the first slide plays an extremely crucial role in capturing and retaining the reader’s attention.

So make sure that you incorporate appropriate brand elements in a neat design and present your business in a strong light.

The most brilliant business idea is the one that solves some real-life problems. And if that’s not the case with your business, reconsider your idea.

This slide is your chance to put your storytelling skills to use. Weave a compelling narrative and talk about the problem your target market is facing. Make people relate to the problem even if they are not the ones facing such issues.

Here’s an example of how a home cleaning service provider would illustrate the problem:

3. Solution

After talking about the problems, it is now time to push forth your solution.

Introduce your products and services and explain how they will solve your target customers’ problems.

Highlight the competitive edge of your solution and illustrate how yours is a solution filling some unmet demand.

Instead of wordy long texts, translate your solution into easy-digestible text blocks and visuals.

Continuing our previous example, here is how you can add a solution to your pitch deck.

4. Market Analysis

Market analysis is quite extensive and you can take up to 2-3 slides to convey essential information.

Now, you can filter and decide what to include in your presentation. However, ensure that your market analysis includes details about the industry overview, target market analysis, and competitors analysis.

Industry Overview

In this slide, you will describe the state of the industry, its current market size, emerging trends, and the market share of your business.

Ensure that you collect data from highly authoritative sites like BLS and industry publications to increase the reliability of your research.

Present your data through visually enriching graphs and charts and prove the potential of your chosen marketplace to the readers.

Target Market Analysis

In this slide, you will tell the readers about your target market and what your potential customer looks like.

Introduce your target market and describe what your ideal customer looks like. Talk about their age, gender, income, problems, interests, and spending capacity in this slide.

The easiest way to do so is by creating a visual customer profile or a buyer’s persona of your ideal potential customer.

Here’s an example of a buyer persona for a cleaning services company:

Target Market

Age: 35 Occupation: Full-time professional Income: $90,000 annually Lifestyle: Suburban family Problems: Struggles to balance work, family, and house cleaning Goal: Minimize time on chores and maximize family time

Looking for easy-to-book and convenient high-quality cleaning services

Competitive Analysis

Readers want to know about the state of competition in your market and this slide is something they look forward to.

Include a SWOT analysis of your competitors or simply describe the competitive landscape for your business. Show your competitive advantage over the competitors in terms of pricing, product offerings, target market, and related business components.

Ensure that your slides explain all this information through flowcharts, diagrams, images, infographics, and crisp text blocks. The idea is to offer everything that your audience might need to make informed decisions.

5. Business Model and Pricing Strategy

This is one of the most important sections where you explain your business model to the audience.

Demonstrate how you would be making money with your business. This can be quite simple or complex depending on your service offerings, revenue model, and pricing strategies.

Use images and visuals to explain this section and charts to present your pricing plans.

For example, a cleaning services company can present its pricing plans as depicted in the image.

Cleaning Service Package
Basic Cleaning Service $80/ Session
Deep Cleaning Service $150/ Session
Window Cleaning $99/ Session
Upholstery Cleaning $50/ Room
Outdoor Cleaning $100 onwards

6. Traction

Any sort of evidence that supports your business idea can be used here to gain the confidence of investors.

This could be early recorded sales, a Kickstarter campaign, an MVP of your software, social proof, strategic partnership—literally anything that proves that your business is a success.

In case of an in-person presentation, you can show the practical demo of the product while presenting.

However, if you are going to send a presentation through email you have to find a way to attach proofs in the mail itself.

7. Sales And Marketing Strategies

In this slide, you will talk about your sales goals and methods to achieve those goals. Moreover, you will also talk about your strategies to market and brand your business.

Introduce different marketing streams and your marketing budget to reach your target audience. Instead of listing it all down, find a way to create self-explanatory visuals with minimum text.

Also, include details about your existing marketing strategy if any, and the results it is generating.

8. Operations Plan

Investors want to see the practical aspects of your business. They want to know if you have the skills and understanding essential for running a business.

Give them an insight into your day-to-day business operations. Explain your business processes. Demonstrate all the essential resources and equipment you need for your business.

Introduce the prospective investors to your team. Present your key personnel and management team on this slide. Describe their core competencies, key skills, and achievements through graphical representation.

Introducing your team shows the investors that you have the right people to drive the business on a successful path.

10. Financial Plan And Projections

This is again the most important section, especially, if you are presenting in front of investors.

Instead of adding your detailed financial plans here, just add important figures and highlights.

This could include details about your ROI, sales projections, revenue milestones, cash flow, and aspects that offer an overview of your business’s financial health.

Newly founded startups can show financial projections and back them with claims and proof. The idea is to excite the investors about your business by offering adequate financial information.

Learn more: Create a financial plan for your startup business

11. Funds Being Raised

Ensure that your pitch deck offers concrete information about the funding you need for your business.

Instead of offering one fixed amount, give a range of options and show what you can do with different amounts. Explain core areas where your funding will go. Do you require funding for marketing, diversification, staffing, expansion, or product development?

Also talk about the returns investors can expect on their investment and back those figures with calculative predictions.

With that, end your pitch deck with a call to action to drive necessary action from readers.

And those are all the sections a business plan presentation must include. Let us now explore some tips before you kickstart making your own presentation.

Tips to Create a Winning Business Plan Presentation

Translating your idea into a presentation gets much easier if you stick to these handy tips:

1. Use online resources

It’s a huge struggle trying to structurally and contextually fit your ideas into a 10-slide deck. Instead, get yourself a subscription to a pitch deck generator to create stunning pitch decks.

However, if you don’t want to spend a penny, you can use a free PowerPoint template as well.

2. Know your audience

Before you start, know the purpose of your presentation and your target audience. This will help you identify information that is actually essential for your audience, thereby making your pitch decks more nuanced and specific.

3. Focus on clear writing

Explain your complex business ideas crisply and concisely in a simple easy-to-understand language.

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, QuillBot, and Writesonic to translate your ideas into words. However, such tools may lack a contextual understanding of business planning.

Instead, use tools like Upmetrics that specialize in business planning and offer advanced AI assistance to write pitch decks and business plans.

4. Recheck your Fonts

Choose simple and clean fonts to design your presentation. Avoid using too many different fonts as well.

Helvetica, Calibri, Arial, and Gill Sans are among the popular fonts for presentation. They are pleasing to the eye and make content scannable.

Set the font size to at least 30 points. Fonts smaller than that will look messy on the slide.

5. Balance the Visual Elements

Adding visual elements to your PPT templates and business presentations increases the audience’s ability to grasp your business concept.

However, too many visual elements without a purpose will create clutter. Know the difference between clutter and sophistication and remember that presentation needs to reflect your business idea in the best possible light.

6. End with a CTA

Don’t leave the reader hanging midway. Guide them with a CTA telling them exactly what you want them to do.

Add contact details and a link or document to a detailed business plan. This will help investors to connect and discuss further opportunities with you.

How to Pitch to Investors?

Now that you have learned the fundamentals of creating a compelling business plan presentation, it’s time to present it to your potential investors.

Here are a few things to bear in mind while delivering your presentation.

1. Tell a Story

When you practice your presentation, ensure that there is a narrative binding everything together.

This can perhaps be the most difficult task. However, you must find a hook to keep the readers engaged.

Now, figures and brilliant ideas can overpower your narration if you don’t have a simple, humane story at the core. So take your time, practice the pitch, and find ways to engage your readers with a compelling story.

2. Practice Your Pitch

A little extension of what we said earlier.

Making a presentation and presenting a presentation are completely different things. While you already know how to make a presentation, learn how to pitch to investors to be able to attract funding for your business.

Now, you might not be a great presenter. However, a little practice can fix everything.

Know what you are going to say on each slide, make notes of it, and practice it several times till you get it right.

Practice even when you get comfortable explaining the contents of your pitch deck. This will help you polish your presentation skills.

Record yourself and look out for minor details to refine your presentation delivery. Reviewing yourself critically might be great for your presentation.

3. Get Realistic

Even after presenting a hundred pitch decks, your presentations may go off-route. You can never predict or control the exact environment of a new investor pitch. Be ready for untimely interruptions, unplanned questions, and glitches.

Understand your business idea thoroughly to get realistic and comfortable with uncertainty in the presentation. Create a checklist from an investor’s perspective and see if your presentation has every detail one needs before investing.

And there you have it. Now, let’s make you a stunning pitch deck to get your funding.

Create your Business Plan Presentation with Upmetrics

Looking for the most effective way of creating a business plan presentation?

There you go. Use Upmetrics AI pitch deck generator to create your pitch decks in less than an hour. This tool offers a strategically designed pitch deck template that includes all the sections essential for a presentation.

All you need to do is answer the questions, use inbuilt AI assistance to write the content, and see your pitch deck coming together. It’s as simple as that.

Prepare Your Pitch Decks in Less Than an Hour with Our

AI Pitch Deck Generator

Plans starting from $7/month

presentation of business idea

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create a business plan presentation.

There are different ways to create a business plan presentation. While you can use PowerPoint templates to design your presentation, you can also consider using an AI pitch deck generator to create strategically sound pitch decks for your investors.

Whatever you choose, ensure that your presentation is visually and contextually rich and caters to your specific audience.

What is the best format to present a business plan?

While there is no strict rule regarding how to structure your pitch deck, following this structure can help you establish a linear flow.

  • Summary/ Title
  • Problem and the solution
  • Market analysis
  • Revenue model
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Operations plan
  • Management team
  • Funding requirement

What is the 10-20-30 rule?

Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule stands for a 10-slide presentation to be delivered within 20 minutes with a font size no smaller than 30 points. This rule is quite helpful in making your pitch decks memorable and compelling.

What is the best AI pitch deck generator?

Upmetrics, Pitch Bob, Beemer Docs, and Beautiful AI are some of the best AI pitch pitch deck generators available online. However, Upmetrics , however, is the best choice given its advanced AI business planning functionalities for a cost-effective price point. It’s extremely easy to use and requires no steep learning.

Cannot think of what to write? This business plan course will indeed be a great help.

How to make your business presentation stand out?

Here are a few tips that can help you prepare and deliver an exceptional business presentation:

  • Know your audience
  • Engage in storytelling
  • Keep it visual rather than textual
  • Practice your presentation
  • Add essential business plan components

About the Author

presentation of business idea

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

Reach Your Goals with Accurate Planning

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

Author: Noah Parsons

Noah Parsons

9 min. read

Updated August 1, 2024

Download Now: Free Pitch Deck Template →

It’s been said that business plans are worthless – it’s the planning process that is truly valuable . In many ways, this is a true statement. The business plan document that you create isn’t necessarily that useful because few people will ever review it in detail.

But, the process you went through to create that document forced you to think in detail about your business and answer questions that you might not have answered otherwise.

The planning process forced you to become an expert in your business, your target market, and your operations.

The expertise that you created in the planning process is what you need to showcase when you pitch your business to lenders and investors. Figuring out how to distill all of that knowledge into a few slides and a ten-to-twenty-minute presentation is the next challenge.

This guide will help you turn your business plan into a cohesive and convincing presentation that will help you win investors and wow your audience. 

  • What is a business plan presentation?

A business plan presentation is also often called a “ pitch deck .” It’s a set of slides, often designed to accompany an in-person or Zoom meeting, that presents the fundamentals of your business.

A great business plan presentation explains what you do, who your target audience is, how your business operates, and what your “ask” is. After all, you probably aren’t just presenting your business plan to share your great idea, you’re trying to convince your audience to do something for you.

When you’re designing your business plan presentation, it’s helpful to know if you’re going to be able to talk through your presentation, or if it’s just going to be emailed out. This 

  • Why do you present a business plan?

Your business plan presentation is all about the “ask”. Whether you’re trying to raise money for your business, win a business plan competition, or pitching a potential new employee to join your business, you have a reason for presenting your business. As you work on your business plan presentation, keep this in mind. Know who your audience is and what you want from them at the end of your presentation. More often than not, your goal will be simply to get to the next meeting or have some opportunity to continue the conversation. 

  • 6 Tips to create a convincing business plan presentation

We’ll cover exactly what to include in your business plan presentation in the next section, but first let’s go over a few tips that will help you prepare a great presentation.

1. Start with a review of your business plan

Your business plan presentation is a summary of your business plan, so use your plan as a starting point. You already have all the information you need to, so just go back to your plan and highlight the key points that you plan to cover in your presentation. If there are key statistics or facts about your market that you want to highlight, identify those so that you don’t forget to include them in your presentation.

presentation of business idea

2. Tell a story

The key to engaging your audience is to hook them with a story. Think about the problems your customers face when they’re using a product or service from the competition. Explain what life is like before your business arrives to provide a novel solution. The more that you can get your audience to nod along and understand the point of view of your customer, the more likely they are to support your business. 

3. Use visuals

Business plan presentations shouldn’t be slides crammed with text and other information. Instead, focus on using imagery to convey your message. You don’t want your audience to just be reading a slide full of information while you talk – they won’t really give you their full attention when this happens. Instead, use photos, charts and graphs, or diagrams to explain your business and the problems you are solving. 

4. Use large, easy to read font

Always use a relatively large font in your presentation – 30pt or larger. Your audience shouldn’t have to strain to read what’s on your slide. Using a large font will also force you to choose your words carefully because you won’t have that much room on the page for a lot of words. 

6. Research who you’re presenting to

Nailing your presentation requires knowing your audience. For example, suppose you’ve invented a new medical device and are presenting to a room full of industry experts and medical professionals. In that case, you’ll want to present using terminology that they are familiar with.

However, if your presentation is to investors who may not be as familiar with your industry, you may need to simplify things and make sure to use language that they will understand. 

  • What to include in your business plan presentation

As a general rule, try to keep your presentation to 10-12 slides. Although you could probably talk about your business all day, your audience is looking for a concise presentation that clearly communicates what your business does and where you are going.

Here are the 10 slides you should include your presentation:

1. Introduction 

This is sometimes also called the title slide. You should include your company name and logo and a one line summary of your business. This might be your mission statement, or just a short tagline that explains what you’re doing in a nutshell. For example, Spotify might have said, “We’re revolutionizing how people listen to music and how artists get paid”. Instagram might have said, “We make it easy for anyone to produce professional-looking photos”.

2. The problem and your solution

This is where your story-telling skills need to come into play. You want to make your problem real to your audience. You want them to relate to people who have the problem, even if they don’t have the problem themselves. You want your audience nodding along in understanding.

With your problem clearly identified, you now explain your solution. This is a description of what your product or service is and what it does. Explain how it solves your customer’s problem and how it compares to the competition. 

3. Target market and opportunity

Your next step is to explain the size of your market and what your business opportunity is. You’ll use the market research data from your business plan in this slide to show how many potential customers are out there and you’ll show the different market segments that your business will target . 

4. Business model and pricing strategy

Your business model is an explanation of how you make money. For many businesses, this is very straightforward and doesn’t require much, if any, explanation. For others, more details will be required. For example, a business like Google provides their search engine for free to users, but sells ads in the search results. 

5. Traction

Traction is evidence of early success with your business. This might mean a list of initial customers, pre-orders through a Kickstarter campaign, or signed contracts with potential buyers. Any evidence that you can provide that proves that your business will be a success is useful to showcase here. 

6. Marketing and sales

Be sure to include a slide that provides an overview of your marketing and sales plan . You’ve identified your target market and now you need to explain how you’re going to reach them and sell to them. 

7. Financial projections

You shouldn’t try and fit your entire financial plan into your business plan presentation. Instead, extract the highlights and present them here. A sales forecast chart and profits chart could be useful. If you have a guess as to when you’ll become profitable, include that information. The goal of your presentation is to spark interest and get your audience to ask for additional information, so don’t overload things in your initial presentation.

8. Your team

Who is behind your business is often even more important than your idea. People come up with good ideas all the time. Investors are looking not just for a great idea, but for a team of people who can turn that idea into reality. Use this slide to provide a brief overview of your team and the rationale behind why your team is the right team to make the business a success. 

9. Use of funds

Assuming that you are presenting your business plan to raise money for your business, you’ll need to explain how you’re going to use that money. Is it for marketing or perhaps R&D? Maybe you need to raise funds to hire key additions to your team or to expand to a new location. Make it clear why you need the money and how you’re going to use it.

10. Call to action

Finally, don’t forget your “ask.” If you’re seeking investment, ask for it. If you are trying to convince someone to join your team, ask them to join. Your business plan presentation exists for a reason and there’s no harm in being direct about what you are looking for.

11. Appendix

Aside from the core slides of your presentation, it’s always useful to have additional slides ready to answer questions that come up. A great presentation leaves the audience interested and wanting to know more. Try and anticipate those questions and add slides in the appendix that helps answer those questions. When the audience asks a question that you’ve prepared a slide for, skip into the appendix and answer that question with your slide. This method shows your audience that you’re well prepared and have thought through all aspects of your business.

This is where it all comes back to planning. The plan document itself may not be useful, but the process you went through will leave you well-prepared to present your business plan expertly and successfully.

Check out our analysis of 7 well-known startup pitch decks for examples of businesses that successfully did this.

  • Download your free pitch deck template

Get a jump start on your business plan presentation by downloading our free pitch deck template . It has everything you need to get started and includes all the key slides you need for a winning presentation. 

But a good business pitch is only as good as the business plan behind it. So, to be sure you’re prepared to pitch to investors, you can also download our free business plan template . It has everything you need to back up your pitch and impress external stakeholders.

Not sure how much money you need to raise?

Noah is the COO at Palo Alto Software, makers of the online business plan app LivePlan. He started his career at Yahoo! and then helped start the user review site Epinions.com. From there he started a software distribution business in the UK before coming to Palo Alto Software to run the marketing and product teams.

Check out LivePlan

Table of Contents

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: July 23, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

presentation of business idea

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer video from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

presentation of business idea

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

  • No credit card required
  • No complicated design decisions
  • No experience necessary

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Blog Data Visualization 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

Written by: Ryan McCready May 08, 2023

Best Presentation Ideas, Design Tips & Examples

Did you know that 46% of people can’t sit through a presentation without losing focus? 

That’s why I wanted to learn how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience. After looking at hundreds of different authors, topics and designs, I’ve assembled over 100 presentation ideas and tips on how to design a compelling presentation for:

  • Social media
  • Online courses
  • Pitch decks
  • Lead generation

In this blog, you’ll find 120+ presentation ideas, design tips and examples to help you create an awesome presentations slide deck for your next presentation.

To start off, here’s a video on the 10 essential presentation design tips to make sure that your presentations don’t fall under the YAWN category.

1. Use a minimalist presentation theme

Modern Airbnb Presentation Ideas


The best designs can also be some of the simplest you see. In the Airbnb pitch deck below, they use a minimalist color scheme and font selection.

Creative Airbnb Pitch Deck Ideas

A minimalist design is sleek, organized and places the most important thing in focus: your information. There are no distracting stock images, icons, or content. Everything on this unique presentation feels like it belongs and works together perfectly. 

Learn how to customize this template:

2. Use a consistent design motif throughout your presentation

Here’s a go-to tip to for a cohesive presentation design: use a design motif. The motif could be a recurring shape (like circles, lines or arrows) or symbol (like a leaf for “growth” or a mountain for “goals”). For more ideas, check out our guide to common symbols and meanings used in design .

For example, this  presentation template uses circles as a design motif. The same circle icon is used in three different colors to add a bubbly touch to the design. The team photos are also incorporated using circle frames:

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

3. Use an eye-catching presentation background image

Photography Creative Presentation Ideas copy

Like with any type of design work, you should want to catch the eye of your audience. In a presentation, this should be done from the beginning with a  compelling background image or a color gradient.

Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this presentation template, the creators were able to do just that with a landscape photo. When a presentation like this is seen on social media, during a webinar or in person, your audience will definitely listen up.

4. Visualize your points with icons

Storytelling Business Presentation Ideas

Icons are the perfect visuals to include in presentations. They’re compact and can convey a concept to your audience at a glance. You can even combine multiple icons to create custom illustrations for your slides. 

Use the Icon Search in Venngage to find illustrated and flat icons:

Venngage Icon Search

5. Use a black & white color scheme for a corporate presentation design

Easy Black Business Presentation Ideas

In the presentation below there are only two colors used: black and white. Now, you might be worried that only using two colors is boring, but it all comes down to balance.

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

Playing off the ideas of classic minimalism, the designer made this presentation look sleek and professional. And now your content can be the main attraction of your presentation as well!

6. Repurpose your slide deck into an infographic 

OfficeVibe Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Different types of presentations serve different purposes and sometimes it helps to work smarter, not harder when you are creating a unique presentation. In fact, the spacing, layout, and style used in this presentation makes it easy to repurpose the same images into an infographic.

OfficeVibe Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

This allows you to create two unique pieces of content from one idea!  Which is exactly what  Officevibe did .

coronavirus webinar

Join Venngage’s CEO, Eugene Woo, to learn how you can design impactful infographics that will help maintain trust, increase productivity and inspire action in your team.


7. Break your genre mold for a fun presentation idea

SEMRush Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

When I first clicked on this creative presentation from SEMrush, I was not expecting to be transported into a comic book. I’m glad I clicked because it may be the most unique slide deck I have ever seen. Going this extreme with your presentation ideas may seem a bit risky, but to be able to break the mold in this age of cookie-cutter presentations is worth it.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15  interactive presentation ideas  to enhance interactivity and engagement.

8. Make your presentation cover slide count

WebTrends Business Presentation Ideas

As I was scrolling through all of the presentations, this one made me stop in my tracks. It could be that I have a life-long love of Star Wars, or it could be that their presentation cover slide was designed to do just that: grab your attention. That’s why you should not stick with a boring, text-only title slide. Don’t be afraid to use icons and illustrations to make a statement.

9.  Alternate slide layouts to keep your presentation engaging

Easy Real Estate Presentation Ideas

Keeping your audience engaged throughout an entire presentation is hard, even if you have been working on your presentation skills . No one wants to look at slides that look exactly the same for an hour. But on the other hand, you can’t create a unique masterpiece for each slide.

Creative Real Estate Marketing Presentation Ideas

That’s why I’m very impressed with what the designers did in the presentation example above. They use a consistent visual theme on each slide, but alternate between vertical and horizontal orientations.

The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics.  

10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle

Modern Company Branding Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously. Not sure what I mean? Go check out slide number 10 on this slide deck below.

Funny Branding Presentation Ideas

If you did not actually laugh out loud, then I don’t know what to tell you. Small illustrated embellishments can be very powerful because they evoke an emotional response and to gain your audience’s trust.

Did you know 70% of employees think that giving a good presentation is an essential workplace skill? Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

11. Supplement your presentation with printed materials

Presentation Ideas Brochure

Printed takeaways (such as brochures and business cards ) give audience members a chance to take home the most important elements of your presentation in a format they can easily access without using a computer. Make sure you brand these materials in a way that’s visually consistent with your slide deck, with the same color scheme, icons, and other iconic features; otherwise, your recipients will just end up scratching their heads.

Presentation Ideas Brochure

If you’re giving people multiple materials, try packaging them all into one convenient presentation folder. There are over 100 styles with a wide range of custom options, so feel free to get creative and make your folder stand out. Sometimes a unique die cut or an unusual stock is all you need to make something truly memorable. Here are some brochure templates to get you started.

12. Only use one chart or graphic per slide 

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Having too much information on a slide is the easiest way to lose the focus of your audience. This is especially common when people are using graphs, charts or tables .

Blue Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this creative slide deck, the author made sure to only include one focal point per slide, and I applaud them for it. I know this may sound like a simple presentation tip, but I have seen many people lose their audience because the slides are too complex.

13. Keep your employee engagement presentations light   

OfficeVibe Modern Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to get away from stuffy, professional presentation ideas to capture your audience’s attention. In this case, Officevibe used some very colorful and playful illustrations to stand out from the crowd.

Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

I mean, who could not love the plant with a face on slide number 9? And if you want to see some more icons and illustrations like this, be sure to check out our article on how to tell a story with icons.

14.  Feature a map when talking about locations

Purple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Including a map in your creative presentations is a fantastic idea! Not only do they make an interesting focal point for your slide layout, they also make location-based information easier to understand.

Purple Startup Pitch Presentation Ideas

This cool presentation example by our pro designers at Venngage uses maps to visualize information. This map both dominates the screen, and also displays all the locations being covered.

15. Use a font that is large and in charge 

Bold Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting to a small group or a packed stadium, make sure your audience can see your text! Use a large and in charge font that can be read from even the nosebleed seats. 

Honestly, you really never know where your unique presentation will be seen. It could be seen in a conference room or conference hall, and everything in between. Be ready to present almost anywhere with a bold and easy to read font.

16. Use pop culture references to build a fun presentation 

Drift Business Presentation Ideas

Using a meme or pop culture reference is another way that you can jive with your audience. It can be used to quickly get a point across without saying a word or create a moment that you can connect with the room. For example in this presentation, they used Napoleon Dynamite to give the audience feelings of nostalgia.

17. Use more than one font weight on your presentation cover slide

Steve Jobs Apple Presentation Ideas

Just like you would never use one font on an infographic, you should never use just one font on your presentation (for more tips, read our guide on how to choose fonts ). In this presentation example from HubSpot, they use a bunch of different font weights to add emphasis to key words and ideas.

As you can see, they use a bold font on the presentation cover to bring attention to Steve Jobs name. This makes it easy for the audience to know what your presentation is going to be about from the beginning as well. 

18. Use a color theme for each idea 

Colorful Dell Tech Presentation Ideas

Color is another extremely powerful nonverbal tool that you can use to guide your audience. By using a different color for each section of your creative presentation, Dell is able to clearly indicate when they are switching points or ideas.  Going from green to orange, and even red almost effortlessly.

Colorful Technology Presentation Ideas

This is a great way to design a list, guide, or a  how-to presentation as well. And each color can be assigned to a different step or number with ease. 

Need help picking the perfect color palette? Start here !

19. Use illustrations instead of pictures 

Illustrated Tech Presentation Ideas

An easy way to keep your design consistent throughout your unique presentation is to use illustrations like in this slide deck by Domo.

They used illustrations instead of pictures to show off their subject on slide numbers 4-10 and it looks fantastic. This will ensure that the audience focuses on the content, instead of just the photo they could have used.

It also helps that illustrations are a top design trend for 2020 .

20. Use contrasting colors to compare two perspectives or sides of an argument 

Creative Comparison Presentation Ideas

Contrasting colors can be used to quickly show each side of topic or an argument. For example in this presentation, they use this trick to show the difference between their company and the competition.

Simple Product Comparison Presentation Ideas

They use color very effectively in this example to show their company is better, in a nonverbal way. With a lighter color and illustrated icons, the company is able to position them as the better choice. All without saying a word.  

Now if they would have used similar colors, or a single color the effect wouldn’t have been as strong or noticeable.

21. Include your own personal interests

Innovative Business Tech Presentation Ideas

This example is one of the most interesting and cool presentations I have seen in awhile, so I suggest checking out the entire thing. The creator inserts a bunch of his personal interests into the slide to make his presentation about education fun and relatable. And they even use a Super Mario Bros inspired presentation cover, so you know it has to be fantastic! 

22. Try to stick to groups of three 

Simple Black Presentation Ideas

How many major ideas should be present on your presentation aid? Never break your  presentation layout down into anything more than thirds. This means there should be at most three columns, three icons, three ideas and so on.  A great example of this idea starts on slide number 9 in this slide deck and continues throughout the rest of the presentation.

 Here is a great three columned slide template to get started with.

23. Add a timeline to help visualize ideas 

Modern History Presentation Ideas

One of the best ways to visualize a complex process or historical event is to use a timeline presentation. A list of all the steps or events is just not going to cut it in a professional setting. You need to find an engaging way to visualize the information.

Simple History Class Presentation Ideas

Take the presentation example above, where they outline the rise and fall of Athens in a visually stimulating way.

24. Label your graphs & charts 

Creative Data Visualization Presentation Ideas

If the people at Pollen VC had not added those annotations to the graphs on slide number 5, I would have definitely not known what to make of that graph.

But when you combine the visuals on a graph with descriptive text, the graph is able to paint a picture for your audience. So make your graphs easy to understand by annotating them (this is a chart design best practice ).

Create a free graph right here, right now!

25. White font over pictures just works 

Elegant Marketing Presentation Ideas

There is a reason that you see so many quotes or sayings in a white font that are then overlaid on an image. That it is because it just works in so many situations and the text is very easy to read on any image.

If you do not believe me, look at the slide deck example above where they use a white font with a few different fonts and about 100 images. Plus the presentation template is chocked full of other tips on how to create a winning slideshow.

26. Color code your points across the whole presentation 

Creative Tech Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is another example of a presentation that uses color to keep their points organized. In this case, they use 10 different pastel colors to match the 10 different tips for employee engagement.

Illustrated Tech Business Presentation Ideas

Check out our guide for how to pick the best colors for your visuals .

27.  Use a simple flow chart to break down a process

Colorful Sponsorship Presentation Ideas

If you’re a fan of the movie Step Brothers , you may have heard of Prestige Worldwide before. In this fun presentation example they are back to sell you on their business model and growth plans.

This time, the presentation will be effective because it actually talks about what the business does.

Colorful Marketing Event Presentation Ideas

Instead of making a music video, they use a helpful flowchart template to explain their business model. I would recommend following their lead and creating a dynamic flow chart to visually break down any process.  Try making your own flowchart  with Venngage.

28. Make your slide deck mobile friendly 

Globoforce Red Human Resources Presentation Ideas

As more people move to mobile as their main device each year, making your presentations mobile-friendly is becoming increasingly important. This means that the text is large and there aren’t too many small details, so everything can scale down. Just like in this presentation example from the creators at Globoforce.

29. Don’t be afraid to include too many examples 

With Company Product Development Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting a complex idea to a group, especially a large audience, I would recommend having a ton of good examples. Now, I would try not to overdo it, but having too many it is better than having too few.

In this creative presentation, the people at With Company spend about 20 slides just giving great examples of prototyping. It doesn’t feel too repetitive because they all are useful and informative examples.

30.  Use consistent visual styles for an elegant presentation design

Black Professional Business Presentation Ideas

I have already written extensively about using icons in all of your design projects . I haven’t talked as much about matching icons to your presentation template.

Modern Business Marketing Presentation Ideas copy

But that’s just as important, especially if you want to create a professional presentation for your audience.

As you can see in the example above, the designer used minimalist icons that fit the slide designs. All of the other graphics, charts and visual elements fit together nicely as well.

Plus the icons don’t distract from the content, which could ruin a stellar presentation.

31. Use a consistent presentation layout 

Bannersnack Graphic Design Presentation Ideas

In this example from Bannersnack, they use a consistent layout on each of their slides to help with the flow by using the same margins and text layout.

Bannersnack Modern Design Presentation Ideas

It’s a solid presentation example because they help the user know where to look immediately. It may seem like they are playing it safe, but anything that can speed up the time it takes for a user to read the content of the slides, the better.

32. Use loud colors as much as possible 

Colorful Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

This is one of my favorite presentations because of the highlighter yellow they chose to use as their main color. It is actually very similar to one that I saw presented live a few years ago and I have used this same approach in a few presentations ideas of my own.

33. Pull your design motif from your content 

Creative Education Workshop Presentation Ideas

If you are talking about an interesting topic, why not use the topic as the main design motif in your creative slide deck? For example, in this presentation about sketchbooks, the creator uses a sketchy, handwritten motif. It is something simple that helps the audience connect with the topic. Plus, it allows you to include a ton of great examples.

34. Utilize a call & answer cadence

Simple White Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this SlideShare about how to create a presentation, Peter Zvirinsky uses a two-step process to present a point. First, he presents the header presentation tip in a speech bubble. Then he shows a supporting point in a responding speech bubble. This gives the presentation a conversational flow.

35. Repurpose ebook content into a creative presentation

Purple Seth Godin Presentation Ideas

This slide deck was adapted perfectly from a Seth Godin ebook into the presentation example you see above. In the slide deck, they take a piece of content that would usually take a while to read and cut it down to a few minutes. Just remember to include only the most important ideas, and try to present them in a fresh way.

36. Add a timed outline to your presentation

Simple Blue Monthly Business Presentation Ideas

We have already covered how important it is to have a table of contents in your slides but this takes it a bit further. On the second slide of the presentation below, the creator added how long each of the slides should take.

White Minimalist Business Presentation Ideas

This is great because it helps your audience know the pace the presentation will take and will help keep them engaged. It also will help them identify the most important and in-depth parts of the presentation from the beginning.

37. Use a “next steps” slide to direct your audience

Purple Gradient Presentation Ideas

One of the worst things you can do as a presenter is to leave your audience without any idea of what to do next. A presentation should never just end because you ran out of slides.

Blue Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Instead, use a conclusion or “next steps” slide like in the example above to finish your presentation. Sum up some of your main points, tell your audience where they can get more information, and push them to take action.

38. Go a bit crazy with the design 

Velocity Partners Simple White Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to throw convention to the wind to create something unforgettable. This presentation from Velocity Partners does just that, and I think it is one of my favorite ones from this entire roundup.

Velocity Partners Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

They use unconventional typography, quirky icons, and unusual presentation layout to make each slide surprising.

39. Make your slide deck easy to share 

Simple Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are looking to get a lot of eyes on your presentation I would make sure people will want to share it on social media. How do you do that? By presenting new and interesting value. This means your content needs to answer a common question and your design needs to be clutter-free. For example, look at this very social media-friendly. The slides are simple and answer questions directly.

40.  Use shapes to integrate your photos into the slides

Colorful Food Presentation Ideas

Want to include a bunch of images in your presentation? I say do it!

Now most of the time you would add a raw image directly to your slide. However, if you want to present images in a professional way I would recommend using an image frame .

Nutrition Creative Presentation Ideas

Like in the example above, you can use these frame to create a collage of images almost instantly. Or provide a similar visual theme to all of your slides.  

Overall, I believe it’s a great way to add a new visual component to your presentation.

41. Hijack someone’s influence in your marketing slides

Creative Social Media Presentation Ideas

If you are stuck in the brainstorming phase of your presentation, focusing on a brand or influencer is a great place to start. It could be a case study, a collection of ideas or just some quotes from the influencer. But what makes it effective is that the audience knows the influencer and trusts them. And you are able to hijack their awareness or influence.

42. Put y our logo on every slide 

Moz Business Marketing Presentation Ideas

Whether you have a brand as powerful as Moz, or you are just getting started, you should always have your logo on each slide. You really never know where a presentation is going to end up–or what parts of it will! In this presentation template, Moz does a good job of including their branding and such to get others interested in Moz Local. Don’t have a logo yet? Our logo design tips will help you create a logo that’s iconic and will stand the test of time.

43. Lead your audience to it 

Blogging Tips Presentations Ideas

In this example, the creator uses something very similar to the call and answer approach I mentioned above, but with a little twist. Instead of just throwing all the info up at once, they use three slides to build to a particular point and include a subtle call to action in the third slide.

44. Make visuals the focal point of your presentation slides

Non Profit Creative Presentation Ideas

If you haven’t noticed, illustrated icons are having a revival in 2020 and beyond. This is likely because minimalist icons dominated the design world for the past decade. And now people want something new.

Brands also like using illustrated icons because they are seen as genuine and fun.

Blood Donation Creative Presentation

And because they are so eye-catching you can use them as focal points in your presentation slides. Just like they did in the creative presentation example above.

Picking the perfect icon is tough, learn how you can use infographic icons like a pro.

45. Use a quirky presentation theme 

Animation Ninja Funny Tech Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the authors show you how to become an Animation Ninja…and they use ninja graphics and icons extensively. This caught my eye immediately because of the amount of work that I knew was behind this. It takes a lot of time and effort to line all of the content and graphic up to create a cohesive theme, but the payoff can be massively worth it.

46. Use a consistent background image 

Simple Modern Business Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the way that Aleyda Solís uses only a single presentation background image throughout her presentation.

Modern SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

By using this tactic the audience is able to focus on what is happening in the foreground. Plus it gives the whole presentation a different feel than all the other ones I have looked at.

47. Summarize your points at the end

Deanta Data Driven Marketing Presentation Ideas

It’s a good idea to summarize your points before you end your presentation , especially if you’ve covered a lot of information. In this presentation example, Deanta summarizes exactly what they do on slide numbers 16-18. They also provide their contact information in case their audience has any more questions. I think that every presentation should use this same approach, especially the ones you are presenting outside of your company.

48. Use a minimalist presentation template

QuickBooks Minimalist Presentation Ideas

This slide deck from QuickBooks uses a minimalist theme to help the audience focus on what is important, the content.

QuickBooks White Simple Presentation Ideas

There were only five colors used in the entire presentation and the graphics were simple line drawings. This made it easy to read and very pleasing to the eyes.

49. Split your slides length-wise 

Sequoia Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is a simple template you can use to separate your headers, or main points, from your body text in a presentation.

Minimalist White Startup Presentation Ideas

Instead of using a solid presentation background, split the slide in half like Sequoia did in their slide deck. They used their brand color for the title portion and a neutral white for the supporting content.

Use this company report template to create a very similar slide right now!

50.  Embrace a bold color scheme throughout your presentation

Colorful Modern Creative Presentation Ideas

My favorite part of the creative presentation example above is the use of complementary colors in each slide. As you can see, not one of the slides use the same color scheme but they all feel related connected.

Colorful Modern Presentation Ideas

This approach can be used to make your presentation visually unique, without abandoning a cohesive theme or idea.

51. Put text in the top left corner 

Simple Orange Business Presentation Ideas

English speakers will instinctively try to read text from a top to bottom, left to right orientation. I would recommend using a left alignment for your text and adding additional things from top to bottom, just like Aaron Irizarry did in this presentation layout.

52. Break up your tables 

Intuit Financial Business Presentation Ideas

A plain table with a white background with black or gray lines are difficult to read on a computer screen, so why would you create one for viewing on a large presentation screen? You shouldn’t!

Instead, follow Intuit’s lead and break up the rows with a bit of color. This applies to data visualization in general , but think it is even more important when it comes to presentations.

53.  Present connected information in a visually similar way

Yellow Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

In this startup pitch presentation example, they have a ton of information to get through. But they present their most important slides, the problem and solution, in a visually similar way.

Yellow Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

By using a similar layout on each slide, the audience will be able to quickly make a connection. If you want to present two connected pieces of information, use this tactic.

Yellow Modern Startup Presentation Ideas

From the font to the layout, it’s all basically the same. The main message they’re trying to impart is a lot more impactful to the reader.

If they would have used two wildly different presentation layouts, the message may have been lost.

54. Roundup expert tips into one presentation 

Venngage Presentation Ideas

If you are looking for useful insights into the topic of your presentation, talk to some influencers in your niche. These are called “expert roundups” in the content marketing world and they are incredibly shareable.

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Plus, they are pretty easy to create and have a great shelf life. In the example above, we talked to a gaggle of marketing experts about what makes a SlideShare great.

55. Use bold & brash colors throughout 

Gradient SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

B old colors usually make your presentation template a lot easier to read and remember. Like at this slide deck made by our talented designers, which doesn’t shy away from bright, bold colors.

Want to pick a perfect color palette for your presentation? Read this blog on the do’s and don’ts of infographic color selection .

56. Make your graphs easy to read & interpret 

Futuristic Presentation Ideas

It should not require a Master’s degree in statistics to understand the graphs that someone uses in a presentation. Instead, the axis should be easy to read, the colors should enforce the point, and the data should be clearly plotted.

Creative Data Presentation Ideas

For example, in this presentation on slide numbers 14 and 25, the graphs nail all of those tips perfectly.

57. Condense your presentation into a memorable line 

Red Simple Business Presentation Ideas

If you can, try condensing your information into a simple one-liner to help the message stick with your audience. In slide number 36 of this presentation, Mika Aldaba does just that and shows that “Facts + Feelings = Data Storytelling.”

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

He does this again a few times throughout the presentation with other memorable one-liners.

58.  Bring attention to important figures with colorful icons

Blue Investor Pitch Deck Presentation Idea

If you’re including a figure or number on your slides, I’m guessing you want the audience to actually see it.

That’s why I would recommend using an icon or graphic to highlight that figure. Maybe use a color or icon that isn’t used anywhere else in the presentation to make sure it really jumps off the screen.

Colorful Blue Yellow Investor Presentation Idea copy

In the presentation example above, all that’s used is a simple circle to make each figure a focal point. It’s really that easy, but many people leave it out of their presentations.

59. Anchor Your Text With Icons 

Studio Ninja Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Having your text or content floating out in the white space of your presentation is not a good look.

Studio Ninja White Presentation Ideas

Instead, you should use anchor icons to give the text something to hold onto and draw the audience’s eye. If you need some examples of good anchor icons, check out slide numbers 4, 7 and 9 in this presentation example.

60. Add semi-opaque lettering as a presentation background 

Stinson Illustrated Presentation Ideas

A neat way to keep your slide deck organized is to number your slides or points using semi-opaque lettering in the background.

Stinson Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Then, place your slide content on top of the opaque lettering. This helps your audience know that you are on the same point or idea, plus it just looks really good when done right.

61. Use simple or minimalist borders

Transparent Orange Business Presentation Ideas

An easy way to class up your slides is to put a border around your text. Take this presentation from Venngage that uses a couple of different types of borders to make their slides look professional.

Modern Orange Business Presentation Ideas2 copy

Plus it helps keep all of your content contained on the slide!

62. Feature one idea per slide

Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

Nothing is worse than a confusing, cluttered slide. Instead of trying to pack a bunch of ideas into one slide, focus on one core idea on each slide. If you need to flesh the idea out, just make another slide. 

Having trouble condensing your slides? Our presentation design guide can help you summarize your presentations and convey a singular idea with a clear focus.

63. Keep your style consistent with your brand 

Creative OfficeVibe Presentation Ideas

You might be tempted to switch up the style of your creative presentations each time, but think again. If your brand is known for fun and lighthearted content, like Officevibe, let that be your style throughout all of the presentations you publish under that brand. This will make your slide decks recognizable and will enforce your brand’s message .

64. Use accent fonts to emphasize important numbers

Social Media Business Presentation Ideas

Some people hate pie charts with a passion, but I think they are perfect for presentations. Especially if you want to bring attention to a figure or percentage point .

Colorful Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this simple example, the pie charts are used to visualize each figure in an interesting way. Plus the pie charts fit the circular and fun theme of the rest of the presentation very well.

65. Use patterned and textured presentation backgrounds

Design Tips Presentation Ideas


Adding some subtle textures, icons or shapes to the presentation background can help make your slides more interesting. This is especially effective when you are only showing one point per slide, because it makes the slide design less sparse.

DesignMantic Creative Presentation Ideas

You can even switch up the colors on your shapes or textures to match the theme of the slide like DesignMantic did in this presentation.

66. Illustrate complex or confusing concepts with icons 

Gluwa Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Ideally, you don’t want every slide in your deck to just be text. Instead, switch things up every few slides by using just pictures.

Simple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

This slide deck by Gluwa uses icons to create little diagrams to illustrate their presentation ideas. Their slides still communicate concepts to the audience, but in a new way.

67. Overlay stock photos with color 

Change Sciences Data Driven Presentation Ideas

One problem many people encounter when creating a presentation or slide decks are finding photos with a consistent style. An easy way to edit photos to make them consistent is to add a transparent color overlay. In this example, Change Sciences uses a blue overlay on all of their photos. Plus, the color you choose can also help convey a particular mood.

68. Use black and white blocks 

Creative Leadership Presentation Ideas

An easy way to make your text pop, particularly on a photo background, is to use white font on a black blog background (and vise-versa). Check out this slide deck by Abhishek Shah, which uses this trick in an effective way.  

Now if you want to become a better leader this year, check out some of our favorite leadership infographics .

69. Use photos with similar filters 

Hubspot Business Presentation Ideas

Using a bunch of photos with wildly different filters can be jarring in a business presentation. To maintain a consistent flow, use photos with a similar filter and color saturation.

Hubspot Creative Presentation Ideas

Take a look at this example from HubSpot across slide numbers 1-6 and you can see what I mean.

70. Visualize your points with diagrams 

Purple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Sometimes the best way to get your point across is to throw some diagrams into the presentation mix. But be sure to make is something that the audience can pick up on in three to five seconds tops.

Purple Data Driven Business Presentation Ideas

For example, Jan Rezab uses a diagram to illustrate what takes up time in our lives on slide numbers 4, 5, 7 and 9!

71. Get experts to share tips

Expert Business Presentation Ideas

If you want to provide even more value to your audience than you can offer yourself, why not call in some expert reinforcement? See what experts in your field have to say on the topic of your presentation and include their tips and insights. Plus you can hijack their influence and expand your audience fairly quickly. 

72. Mimic a popular presentation style 

Uber Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Uber’s pitch deck helped them raise millions of dollars in venture capital eventually leading to the glorious moment when they IPOed this year.

Aside from our sleek design upgrade (hey, we love good design!), this pitch deck template is the exact same one that Uber used to go from Idea to IPO.

And who knows? Maybe you might start the next Uber. But to raise money, you will need to create flawless business pitch decks to impress investors and raise those dollars.

73. Plan your presentation idea ahead of time

HighSpark Marketing Presentation Ideas

I know that minimalist designs are all the rage this year, but there is a big difference between a well-thought-out minimalist design and a lazy design without the finish touches. The same goes for a cluttered design with too many things going on at once.

HighSpark Creative Presentation Ideas

That’s why it’s worth it to take the time to really plan out your presentation ideas and design concepts. Take this slide deck about storytelling by HighSpark. A quick glance will tell you that they put a lot of thought into designing their slides.

74.  Use tables to compare your brand to the competition in sales presentations/pitch decks

Mint Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

There are a lot of ways to visually compare similar things in this day and age. You could use a comparison infographic , or even a venn diagram!

However, when it comes to presentations I think that the simple table is best. Especially if you are comparing more than two things, like in this presentation example.

Green Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

With a table, you can clearly lay out all the pros and cons of each idea, brand or topic without it being overwhelming to the audience. Plus, virtually everyone knows how to follow a table, so your information will be easy to consume.  

See more examples of the best pitch decks .

75. Blend icons & content effortlessly

Social Media Trends Presentation Ideas

Usually, icons are used as eye-catching objects detectors or anchors for text in a slideshow. But they can be used for so much more than that!

Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

Like in this marketing presentation from Constant Contact they are very large but do not distract from the content.

76. Make your audience want more 

Green Growth Hack Presentations Ideas

This tactic has been used by everyone since the idea of marketing was invented (or close to that). In this presentation example called “100 Growth Hacks, 100 Days” the creator only shows the audience the first 10 days of it and then uses a call to action at the end of the presentation to encourage them to seek out the rest.

Simple Green Marketing Presentations Ideas

The only risk with these kinds of presentation ideas is if your initial content is not great, you can’t expect your audience to seek out more information.

77. Use memes (for real, though) 

Moz Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

Usually, memes do not have a place in a serious business setting, so maybe don’t use them for formal presentations. But if you’re covering a lighter topic, or if you’re going for a fun presentation that will connect with your audience, don’t be afraid to throw a meme or two into the mix.

The audience immediately knows what you are trying to say when you use a popular meme in your presentation. For example, on slide number 7, the creator uses a meme to show that it will be hard to create great content

78.  Include a slide that introduces your team in pitch decks

Modern Black Business Presentation Ideas

In this presentation example, the creators decided to include their team on a slide. I think it’s a great gesture.

Minimalist Black Presentation Ideas

Showing your team can help the audience put a face to your brand and make the whole company feel more genuine. So if there is a team that has helped you get where you are today, give them some recognition!

79. Feature a complementary color palette

Bright Yellow Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Even though I am not a formally trained designer, I still understand that proper color usage is the base of any good design. Although not all of the tenets of color theory work great for presentations, complementary colors are always a great pick.

Creative Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Take a look at the color usage in this business presentation from Gary Vaynerchuk below . The purple and Snapchat yellow, which are complementary colors, look fantastic and the content jumps off the screen.

80. Use a heavy or bold font 

Throwback HR Presentation Ideas

The very back of the room should be able to read your content if you are giving a group presentation. To ensure that your entire audience can read the slides I would not only use a large font, but also use a heavy font.  If you are confused by what I mean by a heavy font take a look at this unique presentation example by Slides That Rock.

81. Do the math for your audience

Data Driven Startup Presentation Ideas

If you are going to use a graph in your presentation to compare data you should do the match for your audience. Do not make them do the calculations in their head because you will quickly lose their attention. For example, on slide number 5 the people at Sickweather lay out exactly what figures they want the audience to take from the slide.  

82. Use unique colors for different sections

Copywriting Presentation Ideas

The example below has 145 slides but it does not feel overwhelming or confusing.

Marketing Tips Presentation Ideas

That’s because each section has a different corresponding color, which makes it easier to flip through the slide deck and find a particular part.

83.  Give your presentation a catchy title that anyone can remember

Information Creative Presentation Ideas

What I really love about the presentation example above is that it features a catchy tagline on the second slide–“The 3S Framework.” It’s simple but it works!

Modern Summary Presentation Ideas

This motto helps outline the structure of the presentation, and each slide referring back to it. Plus, the tagline will give the audience something to latch onto and remember from the presentation.

84. White backgrounds are not always bad 

Minimalist White Presentation Ideas

A lot of people think that plain white background is a boring presentation faux pas. So the first thing they do is add color or image, which is not a bad thing at all.

Modern Simple White Presentation Ideas

But I also think that when used correctly, like in this example, plain white backgrounds can lead to beautiful presentations.

85. Split the header text from the body text

Bold Purple Tech Presentation Ideas

This idea is very similar to the one-two punch tactic that I talked about above, but it spreads the content over two slides as opposed to a single slide.

Bold Orange Tech Presentation Ideas

Use this design choice when you have fairly easy to follow presentations, like the one below from Steve Young. I know that this is effective because it allows the audience to focus on the main point before he drives it home with the supporting details.

86. Feature circle image frames 

Black & White Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the design choices that Frank Delmelle uses in this slide deck about content strategy. He uses circles as his main design motif and frames his images in circles as well.

87. Talk directly to your audience 

Simple Gray Tech Presentation Ideas

This slideshow tops out at 70 slides but it’s a breeze to flip through. That’s because the creator, Ian Lurie, decided to present it in the form of a conversation instead of a classic slide deck.

While each slide only has one or two sentences, it flows just like a friendly chat. He also includes the necessary pauses, breaks and other conversational tics that helps make it even more convincing.

88. Illustrated icons are key this year 

Illustrated Design Guide Presentation Ideas

Icons add a fun and functional element to your designs. In this presentation by Iryna Nezhynska, they use illustrated icons to make a potentially intimidating topic seem manageable.

89. Highlight key numbers and percentages 

Marketing Stats Presentation Ideas

Surprising percentages have the ability to excite and shock an audience. To make the percentages on your slides even more impactful, present them in a different color or font than the rest of the text.

Simple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In the presentation example above, Contently uses that exact tactic to bring more attention to key numbers.

90. Use a gradient as your presentation background 

Modern Gradient Business Presentation Ideas

Just like bold color schemes, gradients are a current social media graphic design trend . They may feel retro to some, but I believe they will be around well into the future.  

Gradients are perfect for presentation backgrounds because they are so versatile and eye-catching. I mean, you can literally create a gradient with any colors you can think of! And they look a lot more interesting than a simple flat background.

So embrace the future and use a gradient in your next presentation!

91. Track the steps in a process 

10 Tips Human Resources Presentation Ideas

In this example, the creators from O.C. Tanner add a very interesting feature to their slides, starting on slide number 6. If you take a look at this business presentation template, you will see that they number the steps in a process and track which step they’re on at the bottom of the slides.

92. Use mind blowing font pairings 

Visual Communications Presentation Ideas

The creator of this slide deck uses at least 10 different types of fonts. And it looks fantastic because they know that one font choice is boring. But this does not mean that you should use a bunch of random fonts–pick font pairs that play well together and keep your font choices for different types of information consistent throughout the presentation.

93. Make your ideas as obvious as possible 

White Tech Education Presentation Ideas

Your audience shouldn’t be guessing at what you mean. That is why I think that this presentation example from In a Rocket is so powerful because they make the information easy to digest.

White Simple Education Presentation Ideas

Learning to code can be challenging, but they break the information down with simple diagrams and clear examples. Heck, I have not touched CSS in a few years and I could still follow what they were instructing.

94. Use images that will actually scale 

Modern Education Presentation Ideas

A large mistake that you can make in your slide deck is using low-quality images. They may look great on your computer, but as soon as the slides are put up on a screen, the low quality will show. In this example by ThoughtWorks, all of their presentation background images look great and will scale well to a bigger screen. And that is even after the image compression that LinkedIn most likely does!

95. Take risks with your presentation layout

Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

I honestly was blown away the first time I saw this presentation because it capitalized on such a risky design idea. The creators from Weekdone literally turned their presentation into an 8-Bit video game. A nd if you are looking for something that will stick with your audience, I would take a few creative cues from them!

96. Seriously, you better use memes 

Creative Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In this day and age memes are mainstream, so why wouldn’t you use them in a creative presentation? These do not have to be the coolest meme that all the hip kids are sharing, they can be some of the classics. Like the one that Dana DiTomaso uses on slide 16 to emphasize that it’s a trap!

97. Follow a clear design rhythm

Ultra Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I really like how this presentation introduced each new point in three or four steps, using the same design. It gave the presentation a rhythm that flowed almost like a song!

White Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I would recommend using this approach if you have to introduce multiple points per slide.

98. Use LOTS of icons

Creative Project Management Presentation Ideas

If you have made it this far in the list you have already probably seen how effective icons are in presentations. They are the perfect way to support your ideas and make your presentation more pleasing to the eyes.

Illustrated Project Management Presentation Ideas

For example, take a look at all the icons SlideShop uses in this presentation. Almost every slide has at least one icon and a few have more than ten!

99. Give each slide its own spark

Creative HR Presentation Ideas

I know this goes against earlier points I had about creating a cohesive theme in your presentation layout, but everyone knows that rules are made to be broken (if you can do it better)!

Illustrated Creative HR Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the team at Officevibe literally created different designs for all 27 of their slides. And to top it off, each of the designs fit the quotes they used extremely well.

100. Use LARGE header cards 

Growth Hack Marketing Presentation Ideas

An easy way to stick to that “one piece of content on each slide rule” is to use header cards. They are basically the header that you would normally use in a blog post or article, but it gets is own slide before the content. Here is an example of that idea in the real world in this presentation from Brian Downard.

101. Ask your audience questions 

Creative Branding Presentation Idea

I think one of the most common elements I saw in all the slide decks was that they asked the audience questions. You can use questions to engage with your audience and get them thinking a bit harder about the topic. The Site By Norex team did an exceptional job of this when they explored what the topic of what makes up a brand.

Need some more info about creating a memorable brand? Check out some of the best branding stats for 2020 and beyond!

102. Introduce yourself and your brand 

Grey Tech Presentation Idea

I would say that a majority of presentations that I looked at in this list just jumped right into the content without an introduction to the author or brand in the actual slide deck.

This introduction is very important because it establishes your credentials from the beginning, especially if someone is just reading the slide deck. In this example from Losant, they do just that by spending the first few slides telling the audience who they are.

103. Mix up your mediums 

Creative Tips Presentation Ideas

Finally, this slide deck effectively marries two very distinct content forms together: digital images and hand-drawn illustrations. In this example, Freshdesk uses the timeless classic of a comic strip, Calvin & Hobbes, in something so modern to inform the audience in a fun way.

104. Show off your credentials 

Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

Just like with any piece of content, people are more likely to believe what you are saying if they know what your company does. That is why I really like when people insert their qualifications right into the presentation slides. Just like Andreas von der Heydt, from Amazon, did at the beginning of this presentation about thinking big.  

105. Highlight key data points 

Simple Graph Presentation Idea

If you are presenting a chart or graph on a dry topic, I would recommend using a single color to highlight the most important data point. For example, the investment firm a16z uses orange to highlight the data points they want their audience to focus on in each of their charts.

Check out some examples of how to highlight your key information in bar charts .

106. Show your audience where to find more information 

Blue Futuristic Presentation Idea

A lot of people end their presentations by literally just running out of slides, and that is the wrong way to do it. Instead, CBInsights consistently pushes their readers towards another piece of content at the end. This is also where you can insert a call to action!

107. Tell your origin story

Blue Marketing Presentation Ideas


This idea is kinda similar to showing off your company qualifications at the beginning of your presentation. But with this approach, you are trying to make an emotional connection with your audience instead of just showing off accolades.

White Marketing Presentation Ideas

And Rand from Moz does this extremely well in the presentation example above.

108. Use one focused visual 

Modern Tech Presentation Ideas

This presentation uses a central visual of a structure, with each slide moving down the levels of the structure. This is incredibly powerful because the entire presentation is about sinking your company, and the visual they designed mirrors that idea perfectly. Using one focus visual also makes your slide deck design cohesive.

109. Don’t take presentation design too seriously

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas2

Sometimes we get caught up trying to make the perfect presentation and it ends up making us crazy!

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas1

But in this presentation example, Jesse Desjardins uses a mix of wit and hilarious retro images to create a memorable and light-hearted presentation.

110. Use size to your advantage 

Blue Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of using bubble charts and other charts that use size to compare two pieces of data. That is why I like this pitch deck from the ShearShare team that utilizes a size-based chart on slide number 9. The chart is used to illustrate the massive growth potential in their industry.

111. Split section headers from the main content with different background colors 

Design Presentation Ideas1

In this presentation, Seth Familian uses alternating colors in a very interesting way. For each of the title slides, he uses a black color background, but for the content slides he uses a white background.

Design Presentation Ideas2

This helped the readers follow along and comprehend what was on the page even faster. And when you are presenting to hundreds of different types of people, this can make or break your presentation.  

112.  Have a conversation with your audience 

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

Take a conversational tone in your presentation is a great way to encourage your audience to participate.

In this slide deck example, we presented a simple storyline and use questions to engage with the audience throughout. And it helped create a flow throughout the  presentation template  that is easy to follow.

113.  Include your branding throughout your presentation ideas

Hubspot Marketing Presentation Idea

Another thing that people seem to forget when they are working on a presentation is to include their business’s branding. You honestly never know where your work is going to be shared, so it is important to make sure people know it’s yours. HubSpot does an outstanding job of this on all their presentations, as you can see in the bottom left corner of each slide.

Plus you have spent a ton of time creating your  brand guidelines , might as well use them.

114.  Include multiple slides to build to your main point

Creative Art Presentation Ideas

Try using multiple slides to build to your main point. This helps you walk through the components of one overarching point while also building suspense. In this slide deck, the creator uses 6 slides to build up to one main point, adding a new illustration to the diagram on each slide.

115.  Split the difference 

Apple Tech Presentation Ideas

Use either the left or right side of the slide to hold your text and the opposite to display an image. If you are using a photo or graphic as the main background in your slides, this is a great way to keep things organized. 

116. There are millions of fonts out there…use them

Modern Nonprofit Presentation Ideas

Hey, I love simple fonts just as much as the next guy, but sometimes you need to step up your font game to stand out. For example, WebVisions uses a very gritty, probably custom font in their unique presentation that fits the topic extremely well. Take a look!

117.  Build your presentation content around icons 

Illustrated Health Presentation Ideas

Try using icons as the focal points of your presentation layout. This example from Omer Hameed  uses icons to draw the audience’s eyes  right to the middle of the presentation, where the main points and headers are located.  

118.  Mix up font style to emphasize important points

SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you would like to draw some extra attention to a certain word or idea,  switch up the font  to one that is bolder. For example, in this oldie but goodie presentation from HubSpot they use a heavy sans-serif font to highlight ideas, as opposed to the serif font for the other text.

119.  Add personal touches to your presentation

Simple Creative Design Presentation Ideas

If you want to create a truly unique presentation, add personal touches. In the slide numbers 6-13 from this presentation, the creator adds something to their design that no one else could ever have: they use original drawings they did themselves.

120.  Harness the power of your own brand colors

Modern White Digital Marketing Presentation Ideas

Sometimes people forget that they already have a battle-tested color palette that they can use in their  brand colors . I try to incorporate one of our brand colors in most of my designs and it makes so much easier to choose colors.

In this simple presentation example, Spitfire Creative used a palette that had both of their brand colors throughout the slideshow.

121.  Used dark-colored blocks to highlight words

Bold Yellow Marketing Presentation Ideas

I have seen this trick used in a lot of presentations and it works well. Highlight certain words or phrases by laying them overtop a colored rectangle. Take slide number 7 in this presentation example as a great guide. Use it to bring attention to a saying or idea you really want your audience to remember.

122.  Show the audience your mug 

Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

This presentation example comes from the same presentation as a previous one, but it was too good not to share. Throughout the slides, you will see Rand from Moz pop up to add a human element to the design. Using an image of your team or yourself can put the audience at ease and make it easier to connect with the presenter.

123.  Include a helpful table of contents 

Facebook Marketing Presentation IDeas

I only saw this presentation idea used a few times throughout my research, but I believe it should be used a lot more. A table of contents will help the audience know what to expect and keep their focus throughout. Especially if you are creating a presentation that is a bit longer than normal.

124.  Do not post just screenshots, do more

Tech Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Screenshots of a program or app are very common in any blog post, but I think you can do a little better when it comes to presentations.

So instead of just posting a boring screenshot, add a little more to the slide by using illustrations and product shots. If you are not sure what I am talking about, just check out how great the screenshots look at slide numbers 7 and 8 in this presentation.

125. Highlight keywords using BOLD color 

Lifestyle Presentation Ideas

Here’s another slide deck that uses different colors and blocks to highlight keywords. If you are going to use text-heavy slides, then make sure the key points are easy to pick out. Take this slide deck: starting in slide number 4, they highlight exactly what they want you to take away from the text on each slide!

Enough presentation ideas for you?

You made it! I applaud you for making it through all those presentations. Hopefully, now you have a few nifty presentation ideas ready for when you need them.

The next step is to create a presentation that will captivate a meeting room, an amphitheater, and even the world (hey, it doesn’t hurt to dream big).

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100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

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Renderforest Staff

20 Aug 2023

11 min read  

100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

Have you ever struggled with forcing yourself to stay awake during a presentation? Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

In essence, a presentation is nothing but sharing ideas with others. Whether you intrigue and interest your audience or not depends on how interesting the topic is and how well you present it. 

Whether you plan on making a PowerPoint presentation with neatly designed slides or a video presentation with dynamic transitions, you first  need creative presentation ideas. 

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive list of the most captivating and creative presentation ideas you can put to use. We have separated them into three main categories to make things easier for you.

Let’s dive right in!

Business and Management Presentation Ideas

Education presentation ideas, general presentation ideas.

create presentations and pitch decks

In business, presenting information and complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner is crucial. If you already have a presentation idea, you only need to find a presentation template to bring it to life. But if you’re still looking for creative presentation ideas, read the list we’ve prepared below.

  • Corporate Presentation : Have you ever wondered what the best way is to build and communicate your company’s identity? Corporate presentations are great for promoting your brand, services, and products by simply talking about them.
  • Company Profiling : Introduce your team. Who are you? What are you passionate about? Your audience is interested to know more about your team members.
  • Company Story : What can strengthen the ties between you and your audience better than a compelling success story told through creative presentations?

Company story presentation

Use Template

  • Product Promos : Create a buzz around your new product with an engaging promo presentation.
  • Sales Pitch : Close that sale you’ve worked so hard for with a well-built sales presentation.
  • Office Tour : Present the cool interior design of your office. Show your favorite spots where you like to wind down with a cup of coffee or, hey, maybe a beer.
  • Product Features : Does your product have interesting features that not everyone knows about? Make a detailed presentation on all the hidden features of your product. Use images and videos to explain how everything functions.
  • Fundamental Principles : Choose a general topic in Business and Management and discuss it through your creative presentation. Here’s an idea: “Fundamental Principles of Strategic Planning.” Could be a great prompt to start with, right?
  • Best Strategies: Be it marketing, financial, or any other type of strategy, an overview of the best strategies can make for informative and useful presentation content.
  • Industry Introduction : Make a presentation about the industry your business operates. Use strong visuals to complement your content and introduce your industry in the best light possible.
  • Comparing Tactics : Make a presentation reflecting on and comparing various tactics.
  • Calculated Risks : We are all worried about possible risks when taking action. Risks are unavoidable. It’s a great idea to prepare your audience for the risks before they come across them. There is a multitude of ways to do it through creative presentations. Cover “Risks in Investing,” “Risks Associated With Trading Derivatives,” and so forth.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages : One never comes without the other. Introduce your team to the pros and cons of your plans, actions, and anything else you consider important.

Advantages and disadvantages presentation slide


  • Debates : Make your presentation even more interactive by involving the audience in debates. Plus, debates and discussions are always helpful in establishing a better understanding of a topic.
  • SWOT Analysis : You can never go wrong with a proper analysis of business strategies, marketing plans, and more. So consider making an analysis presentation to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific business strategy.
  • Portfolio Presentation : Showcase your best projects and works. Why should anyone be interested in you if they haven’t seen your work? Presenting your best projects in a compelling and attractive format will increase your reputation quickly.
  • Current Trends : What are the current trends in business and management.  Always keep an eye on them to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
  • Challenges : Who doesn’t agree that challenges are tough? Making a creative presentation on challenges and the ways that you have overcome them will help you keep track of your development and also prepare for the future.
  • Reporting Progress : Why don’t you make weekly or monthly presentations on your performance, such as financial statements? Measuring and reporting your performance will smooth your path toward your goals.
  • Customer Testimonials : Present your customers’ responses and feedback on your product/service to see what steps you need to take to improve your offerings.
  • Profiles of Successful People : Encourage your team by introducing them to the experiences and achievements of successful people.
  • Tips and Tricks : If you want to cheer your audience up, provide them with hacks and tricks to deal with certain issues. This can include technical tricks and some tips on teamwork, for example.

Office tips presentation slides

  • Rules and Regulations : What are some of the rules that your company never breaks? Discuss the rules and regulations that apply to your team.
  • Top Criteria : Selecting a new quality management system is not easy, is it? Introducing the top criteria for a specific task can be a great presentation topic. How about making a presentation on “Top Criteria for Selecting a New Quality Management System?”
  • Product Development Process : Sometimes, we are interested to see how a product was created. Showcase the development process of your product through a presentation.
  • Most Effective Ways : It’s always good to be introduced not only to what to do but also to how to do it. So make a presentation on the best ways of conducting surveys, research, or anything else.

Product development guidelines slide example

  • Success Factors : This is something all of us are interested in. Introduce the success factors in different areas such as managing successful teams or product design tips.
  • Cause and Effect : This simple and informative presentation structure will be ideal to dive deeper into the intricate world of cause and effect.
  • Past vs. Present vs. Future : Growth will become more visible and obvious once you start comparing what you had before to what you have now. This can turn into a great summary of the major changes within a certain time period.
  • Comparisons : Compare different products/services. It’s a good strategy that will help you emphasize the good and the bad sides of a particular thing.
  • Positive and Negative Effects : It’s always important to show the two sides of a coin. Consider presenting the positive and negative effects of a certain thing. For example, the positive and negative effects of social media is a debated topic nowadays. Pick your topic and reveal it from both perspectives.
  • Problem-Solution Presentation : Identify a relevant problem. A great presentation format would be to introduce not only the complicated problem but its solution as well.
  • Training : Your presentation can become a training session. You can organize a theoretical part and add a practical portion too, like quizzes and discussions.
  • Graphs and Charts : One of the best ways to introduce your info is through statistical graphs and charts, combining survey and observational data. You can use visual animated scenes and infographics.

Key statistics report format

  • Popular Misconceptions : People are often mistakenly drawn from one end to another due to inaccurate data. Help your audience avoid misunderstandings about entrepreneurs, investors, and business management in general. Your presentation will guide them in the right direction, drawing the line between truth and lie.
  • Introduction to Business Topics : No matter the topic, it’s always useful to present basic ideas. Keep it short and clear. This can include an introduction to income statements, or any other important business concept.
  • Stages of a Process : Don’t leave your audience confused with theory but let them see the practical stages of how things are accomplished. (e.g., “The Stages of User Journey”)

User journey stages

  • Management : How do you efficiently manage a business? You can prepare dozens of presentations on management: be it resources, public relations, time, money, or anything else.
  • Competitor Analysis : Know your enemy! You’ve probably heard the famous saying, haven’t you? Track down your competitors and share the info with your team.
  • Appreciation : This presentation should be devoted to the team members who have done an exceptional job.
  • Unknown Facts : Pick a topic and reveal facts that are unknown to most people. What are some of the interesting and truthful facts that they don’t know about branding?

Brand recognition facts

  • Restrictions : No matter what business you have, restrictions are guaranteed. Make a presentation on the restrictions and limitations you face. (e.g. “Restrictions in Integrated Web Design”)
  • Big Breakthroughs : Want to feel proud of yourself and your team? Here is how you can do it: Reveal some cases when you have successfully overcome the toughest of obstacles and learned lessons as a result. Talk about the long path you have been on with your company.
  • Partners and Investors : Tell about your partners. Give info about investors. Cooperation is way more successful when team members are acquainted with the investors. Your presentation can have a strong influence on the performance of your team.
  • Business Ethics : As a significant part of business, it’s important to understand ethics. How about “Ethics in Marketing Research?” There are countless ethical issues.
  • Theories : Gather some of the most important theories that you find useful and prepare a good presentation with examples and visuals.
  • Product/Service Improvement : A briefing like this might include a recap of your product or service or a discussion of any possible improvement before the product is ready for the market.
  • The Rise and Fall of Brands : Don’t avoid talking about the failures and successes of other brands. Doing so can help you with your own journey.
  • Upcoming or Recent Events : Talk about exciting events that you are planning to organize or already have. For upcoming events, you can make a welcoming presentation, announcing the date and venue. Check out an example below:

Event presentation slide example

  • Inspiration : Get ready to give a professional and motivational talk to inspire your audience to take action towards targeted goals.
  • Explain Business Concepts : How does a certain idea or concept work? Give a specific and clear presentation on the concepts that not everyone is familiar with. How does a franchise work? How do partnerships work?
  • QA Presentation : Assure that your audience knows that your product/service is of the best quality.
  • Announcements : Is there a cool and intriguing event that’s coming? Give an announcement through your presentation. It can be short and clear, covering all the key points.
  • Discovery, Invention, Innovation : Share the most interesting discoveries and recent innovations in the business world.
  • How-to Presentations : If you are skilled at something, then you can make a presentation to guide others. Present a step-by-step guide for a specific task, such as conducting surveys or managing conflicts.

Whether it’s a school project or an online class presentation, you need to make it attractive and engaging. So, choose the topic wisely. Below are some education presentation ideas you can use for your next project.

  • Academic Presentation : If you want to educate and share info, then academic presentations with supporting visuals, presentation slides, and videos are what you need.
  • Explainer : Explainers are a powerful way of sharing essential information. You can make short and engaging  explainer videos  to include in your presentations.

  • Pros and Cons : Make a presentation explaining both pros and cons of a certain issue at stake.
  • Best Methods : Talk about various effective methods, be it methods of teaching, learning, or preparing for an exam.
  • Dos and Don’ts of Making Presentations : You can make a whole presentation just talking about presentation best practices . Separate what’s recommended and what’s not and then present those to your audience in a simple way.
  • Guidelines : Present the most effective guidelines for teaching, studying, and co-working.
  • Personal Experience : What can be more helpful for an audience than to learn from someone’s real-life experience? Make a presentation on your personal experience and share your most valuable insights.
  • Quiz-Presentation : Test your students. Make a presentation quizzing their knowledge and competence in a certain field. Why presentation? Because it’s both visually and technically effective.
  • Research : An attractive slideshow is one of the best ways to present your research. Try working on a visual and multimedia presentation to showcase the whole potential of your research in a visually appealing format.
  • Problem-Solving : Decide on an issue and prepare a set of solutions to offer. Don’t leave any questions uncovered. If a problem exists, so does its solution.
  • Project Proposal : How are you planning to get approval for your projects if you don’t propose the main idea and expected outcomes in a professional way? Give your project a classy presentation with this Minimal Titles Pack . 

  • Listing Presentation : Lists always work when you have big sorted data to introduce to your audience.
  • Controversial Topics : Attract your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with a controversial slide deck. Bring forward debatable issues such as euthanasia, AI, and more. Let your audience join you or argue against you.
  • Textbook Presentation : Introduce a textbook in a creative way through interesting visuals and supporting multimedia.
  • Curriculum : What if presentations are the best way of getting your audience acquainted with a curriculum. Alternatively, you can make your next presentation about how to develop a well-organized curriculum.
  • Dissertation : Prepare a presentation for your dissertation. But keep in mind that it has to be accompanied by proper supportive media.
  • Predictions Presentation : What will happen next? It’s fun to predict, isn’t it?
  • Instructions : Do you like giving instructions? Sometimes that’s what you need to do. Structure your presentation in a how-to format, giving instructions for certain actions, like “How to Work Out the Best Schedule?”
  • Precautions : Prepare your audience for the worst and hope for the best. Make a presentation on a set of warnings.
  • Case Studies : What’s the best way of demonstrating your case study? A multimedia presentation can be the answer.
  • Tricks and Hacks : Tips and tricks are always appreciated by your audience. Create an informative presentation on studying tips, time management tips, or anything else you might find interesting.
  • Success Stories : We are always eager to hear success stories. Why? Because they motivate us to move forward with hope for what’s to come. So, make a presentation, telling success stories to motivate teachers, learners, and everyone else.
  • Fact or Fiction : Draw a line between truth and lie, fact and fiction. Bust some myths about a topic of your choice to educate your listeners.
  • Data Analysis : Is a presentation the right place to start with data analysis? Not really. But once you have analyzed your data, showcase it in your presentation, demonstrating your analysis through charts and graphs.
  • Techniques : What kind of techniques can you cover? How about “Techniques for Memory Improvement,” or “ Teaching Techniques ?” You can make up a number of similar topics to share.
  • Recent Advancements : Share the recent advancement in the field of education. What are some of the newest teaching methods? What advanced methods do we need to implement to make the learning process more effective?
  • Steps in the Process : What are the best steps to take towards certain goals? Each path is different and thus requires different steps.
  • Interesting Facts : Gather a set of creative ideas and facts to cover in your presentations.

Recommended Reading

  • 35+ Best Presentation Software: Ultimate List 2023
  • The Art of Consulting Presentations
  • Timeline Presentations: Extensive Guide to Creating Visual Narratives

Here we have random presentation ideas that can inspire you. Make your next presentation a blast by introducing a new creative topic through a unique presentation design.

  • Introduction to a Topic : Often, we don’t really want to go deep into complex concepts but just need a short and clear intro to get a grasp of them. Make a presentation on the basics of the most intriguing and puzzling themes.
  • Ethics of a Certain Field : There are a number of important fields that need to be discussed in terms of ethics. For example, ethics in journalism is a very trendy and essential topic to discuss nowadays.
  • The Future : We are always interested in the future, aren’t we? We make plans for it. We carry hopes for it. Let’s make a compelling presentation that discusses the future of various fields, such as AI or the Internet.
  • Benefits : What are the benefits of a bilingual brain? Try to cover the benefits of a number of issues, such as digital transformation, or a healthy diet.
  • Risks : Discuss the risks of taking certain steps. When we know the risks we can circumvent them, can’t we?
  • Evolution : How do things evolve? It’s super important to present the ways that certain things unfold and change. How did artificial intelligence grow and evolve to such degrees?
  • Components: Pick some topics to discuss the components of. How about making a presentation on “Components of Web Applications?” Pretty interesting, isn’t it?
  • Alternatives : We always feel a need for alternatives. Make a presentation offering alternatives for different tools and objects. One example could be a presentation covering “The Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office.”
  • Memoir : Tell the stories of influential people or your own in a value-packed presentation.
  • Video Games : You can reveal the pros and cons of a game or just talk about the trendiest games as of now. You could also reveal statistics about the influence they have on gamers.
  • Music Album Presentation : Present a music album, composers, and musicians. You can talk about their tours, also including videos and audio files of the tracks.
  • Reviews and Reports : Do a book or a film review. Present your criticism and reflections on a book or movie of interest.

Report review presentation slide examples

  • Scientific Presentation : What are the recent scientific discoveries? Not all people are aware, right? Bring forward some intriguing info about the latest discoveries.
  • Job Interview Presentation : Impress your potential employers with a structured and clean job interview presentation.
  • Important Skills : What are the top skills needed in your industry? Create your list and share it.
  • Requirements and Qualifications : What are some requirements for a specific job position or a field in general? Share your experience and knowledge on this topic.
  • “Best of ” Compilation : Gather a list of the best movies, games, books, tools, meals, and anything else, really.
  • News : Sometimes, people don’t care to sit and listen to an hour-long news report. So, how about making a brief and informative summary of the most noteworthy news?
  • Experiments : Make a scientific or social experiment and reveal your results; they might be different from what you expected.
  • Life Story : Use presentation slides to tell about the life of a famous or personal story of an influential person. Use images, videos, and any other visual elements to make your story more vivid.

Making a compelling presentation doesn’t purely depend on presentation software , even though that’s also very important. To make an impactful presentation, one has to first figure out how to approach the topic and decide on the presentation design. 

We hope you found your topic on the list of creative presentation ideas presented above. Best of luck with creating presentations!

Ready to create your video presentation? Find hundreds of slideshow video template options, browse stock images to find a background image, use hand-drawn illustrations, add your color palette, customize your entire presentation the way you want, and share your creative presentation idea in an interesting way. Click the button to get started:

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When delivering presentations to a general audience, senior management in your company, or even a venture capitalist, a successful presentation isn’t about the PowerPoint slides you create – it’s about much more than that.

These nine points will help you deliver a powerful presentation.

1. Establish Your Credibility Right Up Front

Lets face it, your audience is more likely to listen to what you have to say if they know you are credible. And it’s not about a lengthy intro with your career highlights.

Instead, whether giving a public presentation or an internal presentation, start your presentation by establishing credibility before you give them information.

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The Top 25 Home-Based Business Ideas

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You can use a short story about your background related to the topic, share an experience that shaped the presentation or conclusion, or even reveal the legwork or other references that support your information and is directly related to what you are about to tell them.

Make a point about establishing credibility -- don’t just hope it happens.

2. Include a Goal Early in the Presentation

If your audience knows the purpose or goal of the presentation from the start, they are more likely to relate what you have to say with that purpose as you present your material. This makes it easier at the end to get the action you want, whether it’s funding, approval to proceed with an initiative, to change their minds, or simply get agreement and understanding.

It will also help you shape your presentation by focusing you on that goal rather than straying from the primary purpose.

3. Use Supporting Material Liberally

Even if you establish your credibility, you also need to establish the credibility of what you say during your presentation. Instead of just presenting the material, accompany it with information that supports it and gives it credibility. You don’t have to include it in your slides, but make sure it is in your speaking notes.

For instance, you can tell a story, give statistics, reference research, or even provide quotes from well-respected figures that support your message.

And don’t be shy about addressing credibility. You can even say “you may be sceptical about this, but ...” or “I know this is surprising, but ...”

4. Begin Separate Ideas with Powerful Quotations or Images

For more impact, introduce each separate topic or idea with a relevant quotation or full-screen image that evokes the topic instead of using a stock title slide. Add a word or two about the topic if you have to, or simply say it out loud and let the quote or image support it.

This gives your topic more impact since a strong quote or image will stick in their minds as they listen to the related material. It also breaks up the presentation, particularly if you have no choice but to include dry material like sales graphs or bullet points in your PowerPoint presentation.

5. Ask Thought-Provoking or Rhetorical Questions

An effective way to convey information is to ask a question first instead of launching into the presentation material. This will get them thinking about the material in the context you want.

For instance, you could say “You might wonder why ...”; “When I started to look at this issue, I asked myself ...”; or “How much longer should we ...?”

Be sure to consider your audience and the things they would wonder about, and phrase your questions so you answer those things for them, while at the same time advancing your message and your goals for the presentation.

6. Make Startling Statements

Sometimes the best way to get attention about information you are presenting is to make startling statements. It gets their attention and if you can back it up with your information, you will drive home your point.

If necessary, you can pull one fact out and use it, even if it isn’t your main point. It is simply a catalyst for your message.

7. Be Prepared for Difficult Questions

Questions may come up during your presentation or even at the Q&A session, so you need to be prepared for the most difficult ones, particularly ones that may derail your presentation or subvert your goal. Since you should know your topic and your audience, you should plan for these kinds of questions.

Consider all the objections the audience might have or questions they may raise about your points and information. Include the most critical ones within your presentation to sideline objections, or be prepared to answer them when they come up.

This can be as simple as being able to justify statements or address concerns about an approach from subject matter experts like finance, IT, HR, etc., who may be part of your audience.

8. Have Your Own Questions Ready in Case Nobody Asks One

Regardless of whether you are doing a public presentation or a focused business presentation, you should leave time for questions and answers at the end. If nobody asks a question, be prepared with your own questions that you can then answer. Ease into them by saying something like “I’m usually asked…” or “One thing you might still be wondering about is ...”

Of course, your questions should be directly related to getting your message across and achieving your goal, so use them strategically. Even if you get questions, you can still use yours at the end of the Q&A.

9. Have a Second (Short) Closing After the Q&A

Just like an encore or a curtain call, you should include a short closing after the questions. This is the time to summarize (again) and drive home your key messages and points, including your call to action.

If you need to, you can prepare a slide for this, but you should be able to do the final closing without a slide to support you.

Read all of Michel Theriault's articles on AllBusiness.com.

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7 Best Tools and Apps for Amazing Presentations, Proposals, and Prototypes

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For more great small business articles such as The Top 25 Home-Based Business Ideas and Keeping Your Business Ideas Confidential , visit AllBusiness.com and AllBusiness Experts . For local business information on 15 million businesses, be sure to check out InBusiness.com .

Michel Theriault

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  • Presentation Ideas for Students: Easy and Unique Topics

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Presentations at school are not just an everyday task: they are your chance to show you are a bright student and demonstrate your vision. Adding some creativity and your personal touch to your presentations will provide an extra level of interest and help your presentation remain in people’s memories.

You don’t need to be a techie, either. Software packages such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva are easy to use and provide many colorful devices to make your ideas visually striking.

To create this article, we invited experienced presentation designers and effective presenters to share tips and original ideas for presentations that will help students succeed. So, choose an interesting topic from our list and create a presentation using the tips from our experts!

List of Topic Ideas for Different Categories

As you already know, the right topic needs to appeal to you, fit the occasion, and hold the interest of your audience. Here's a more detailed checklist of the characteristics of the best presentation topics:

  • Engaging: Captures and holds the audience’s interest throughout the presentation.
  • Relevant: Relates to trends and topics in your field of study or work.
  • Researchable: Information and resources are available to support your claims and arguments.
  • Brief and Concise: Easily understood by the target audience with no convoluted ideas or overused terminology.
  • Original: Offers a fresh perspective or approach, distinguishing it from common topics.
  • Appropriately Scoped: Well-suited for the allotted presentation time; not too broad or too narrow.

Thus, when selecting presentation topics for students, consider these factors to create an excellent presentation. You can also explore what a good essay topic looks like to get more inspiration and ideas for your presentation.

So, check out our list of 100 PowerPoint presentation topics for students, which has been thoroughly structured to make it easier for a school or university student to choose a topic!

10-Minute Presentation Ideas

You must pick your subject carefully if you have 10 minutes to make an impression. It has to be brief and compelling. Here are ten short and memorable ideas for presentation topics:

  • The Future of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Psychology Behind First Impressions
  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
  • Minimalism: More Than Just Decluttering
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Brief History of the Internet
  • How to Start a Small Business
  • The Basics of Personal Financial Management
  • The Importance of Voting in Democratic Societies
  • The Benefits of Daily Physical Activity

If you need help creating a great topic, consider consulting expert writers. The PowerPoint presentation writing service can provide engaging presentation examples for students. Moreover, experienced authors will help you with any part of your presentation if required.

Good Higher School Presentation Ideas

School presentations for high school students can be a perfect way to introduce exciting topics and help them broaden their educational horizons. Here are ten PowerPoint presentation topics for higher school students:

  • The Effects of Global Warming on Our Planet
  • The Evolution of Pop Music
  • Understanding the Stock Market
  • The Science of Habit Formation
  • Exploring Career Options in Technology
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Teenage Mental Health: Understanding and Support
  • The History and Impact of Comic Books
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself Online

Business Topics for Presentation at University

Business presentations must be informative, explaining industry trends, strategies, and innovations. Here are the ten most impressive business slideshow ideas for students:

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Marketing Strategies
  • Startup Culture: Evolution and Impact
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Examples and Outcomes
  • The Future of Work: Remote vs. In-Office
  • Blockchain Technology in Business
  • Global Economic Trends and Their Impact on Local Businesses
  • Customer Relationship Management: Best Practices
  • Business Ethics in the Age of Technology
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy and Outcomes

>> Find more business research paper topics  for presentation  at StateOfWriting!

Medical and Nursing Topics for Presentation

Medical and nursing presentations usually focus on today's issues, innovations, and new or best practices. This list covers ten interesting topics for presentation for healthcare professionals and students:

  • The Role of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare
  • Advances in Robotic Surgery
  • The Impact of Mental Health on Physical Well-being
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice
  • The Importance of Patient Education in Chronic Disease Management
  • Breakthroughs in Alzheimer's Disease Research
  • Handling Medical Emergencies in Remote Areas
  • The Evolution of Nursing Roles in Healthcare
  • Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Hospitals

Unique Management Topics for Presentation

Good management is at the heart of a successful enterprise. The following ten creative presentation ideas explore leadership, strategy, and operational effectiveness:

  • Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact
  • Change Management: Strategies for Successful Implementation
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Project Management Techniques for Efficient Workflow
  • Cross-Cultural Management and Its Challenges
  • Corporate Governance and Accountability
  • Managing Remote Teams: Tools and Tips
  • Innovation Management in Companies
  • Crisis Management: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
  • Performance Management and Employee Development

Interesting Psychology Topics for Presentation

Psychology is a human science that seeks to understand the mechanics of our minds and behaviour. Here are ten topics to do a presentation on psychology that are sure to captivate and educate any audience:

  • The Psychology of Motivation and its Impact on Success
  • Cognitive Biases and Decision-Making
  • The Effects of Stress on Mental and Physical Health
  • Child Development: The Role of Nature vs. Nurture
  • The Influence of Personality on Lifestyle Choices
  • Psychological Techniques in Pain Management
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Self-Esteem
  • Memory Formation and the Mechanisms of Forgetting
  • The Role of Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders
  • The Psychological Effects of Color on Mood and Behavior

Best Biology Topics for Presentation

Life comes in many forms, and biology is the science that explores them all. Here are ten easy topics for presentation on biology:

  • The Genetic Basis of Inherited Diseases
  • The Role of Microbiomes in Human Health
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Species
  • The Process and Implications of CRISPR and Gene Editing
  • Plant-Animal Interactions and Their Ecological Impact
  • Marine Biology: Deep Sea Ecosystems and Their Mysteries
  • The Biology of Aging and Longevity
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture: Innovations and Ethics
  • Behavioral Ecology and Animal Communication

Good Physics Topics for Presentation

Physics helps people understand the general laws of the Universe. Here are ten unique topics for presentation in college:

  • The Theory of Relativity and Its Applications
  • Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Paradoxes
  • The Physics of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
  • Advances in Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider
  • The Role of Physics in Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Nuclear Fusion: The Future of Energy?
  • The Science of Thermodynamics and Its Modern Applications
  • Astrophysics: Exploring the Composition of the Universe
  • The Physics of Sound and Music
  • Fluid Dynamics in Nature and Technology

Chemistry-Related Topics for Presentation

Chemistry is central to many innovations around us and our daily experiences. Let’s explore ten presentation topic ideas explaining chemistry from practical applications and theoretical research:

  • The Chemistry of Everyday Life: Soaps and Detergents
  • Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Development
  • Nanotechnology in Chemistry: Materials and Applications
  • The Role of Chemistry in Environmental Conservation
  • Catalysis and Its Importance in Industrial Processes
  • The Future of Materials Science with Polymers and Composites
  • Biochemistry: Proteins and Enzymes at Work
  • The Chemistry of Food and Flavor
  • Electrochemistry and Its Applications in Energy Storage
  • Chemical Safety and Toxicology in the Modern World

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

Shaping the perfect presentation is vital to persuade the audience to listen. Mastering the art of presentation can impact your success. Our experts have kindly provided basic advices for a successful presentation:

  • Know your Audience: Match the content to your audience's interests, level of knowledge, and expectations.
  • Lead with a Hook: The story or compelling start that helps you capture attention and achieve the tone you want for your presentation.
  • Use Visuals Wisely: Relevant visuals can support and enhance your message – but must never overshadow it.
  • Practise Makes Perfect: Rehearse your speech beforehand many times to deliver it more fluently and confidently.
  • Make Your Presentation Interactive: Add questions, interactions, and active engagement with your audience to keep them interested.

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

To be effective with presentations, you must know your audience, have a killer beginning, use stage-appropriate visuals, practice, and use a strong engagement hook.

Elevate Your Presentation to Leave a Lasting Impression

To sum up, picking interesting presentation ideas for students and adding a touch of creativity to them can turn school assignments into memorable experiences. You can also use visual aids or UK writing service to make your presentation eye-catching and showcase your unique perspectives and insights. Your efforts will impress and inspire those who listen.

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51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

Written by: Chloe West

When you're creating a presentation for a live audience or embedding it on a webpage for visitors to access on their own time, you want it to be engaging. And unfortunately, too many presentation slides are boring and forgettable.

But with Visme, we've put together 51 of our top presentation slides to help you find the perfect template for your next presentation.

To make navigation easier, we've broken them down into six categories. Browse through each below to find your next presentation slides.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

presentation of business idea

51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations

Business Presentation Slides

Finance presentation slides.

  • Sales & Marketing Presentation Slides

Education Presentation Slides

Pitch deck presentation slides, nonprofit presentation slides, presentation slide faqs.

There are so many reasons you might need to give a presentation in your business or career. And we’ve got just the right templates to get you started.

After all, you’re probably spending enough time creating the content and rehearsing your presentation deck. You don’t need to worry about your presentation slide design at the same time.

Here are a few of the best presentation slide ideas based on topic material, like the ones you’re regularly using. And if you're racing against the clock, tap into Visme's AI presentation maker to create eye-catching presentations in seconds. Just input your prompt, provide more context, select your preferred style and watch the tool generate your slides. Customize every part of your presentation with our intuitive editor.

1. Meeting Agenda Template

presentation slides - meeting agenda template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own! Edit and Download

Sick of seeing team members nod off or lose focus during your team meetings?

Put together your meeting agenda ahead of time using these presentation slides to help keep your team engaged and informed throughout.

This template comes with 15 premade presentation slides that cover everything from project management to charts showing performance and overall meeting objectives. Whatever you need to share in your meeting, you can find in this theme.

Plus, you can completely customize these business slides to match your company colors directly in Visme!

2. Company Goals Template

presentation slides - company goals template visme

It’s important to ensure everyone on your team knows and understands the company’s goals. After all, everyone’s work should be geared towards achieving those goals.

You can use these nice business slides to put together a background of your company and how far it’s come, as well as detail your upcoming goals, launches and more.

3. Company Overview Template

presentation slides - company overview template visme 2

If you’re speaking to a networking group about your company or pitching to investors, you likely need to give an overview of your company, its leadership team and its offerings.

These are the perfect presentation slides to help you put together a minimalistic design that draws focus towards your company and its mission.

Plus, all of these good-looking slides are perfectly set up to highlight your company’s most important assets.

And best of all, they’re completely customizable. Add in your own brand fonts and colors to create the perfect presentation for your business.

Make the goal-setting or design process a collaborative activity with the help of Visme’s collaborative feature . Team members can edit your presentation, leave feedback and draw annotations in real-time or at their own pace.

4. Project Status Report Template

presentation slides - project status template visme

When it comes to project management, you could always just send over a boring email or report update, but a better way would be to put together a presentation updating your team and/or your supervisors on the status of the project and the remaining timeline.

This presentation theme comes with 14 different slides to help you put together a status report that covers all aspects of your project: the various phases and how far along each one is, the timeline for your project, a project health card and more.

You can also gain even more inspiration for your project timeline slides from these timeline infographic ideas .

5. Business Annual Report Template

presentation slides - business annual report template visme

Want to show your boss how the company is doing? Or share how your team’s efforts have affected the bottom line? Put together a presentation that shows your business’s results over the year.

While this presentation template comes with a fun geometric accent pattern, you’re able to swap out any of these shapes for ones that more accurately represent your business or your message right in Visme’s design dashboard.

Working on this design with your team? Effectively manage the process with Visme’s workflow management tool . You can assign different sections of the slide to your team members to work on set deadlines, manage progress, track corrections and more.

6. Business Plan Template

presentation slides - business plan template visme

Are you starting a new business? You might be looking for investors, or perhaps you want to pitch the idea to a potential cofounder. You need to deploy the best presentation slides possible.

You can use this theme to put together a polished business plan presentation that showcases your business idea, the market summary, the industry opportunities and more.

You can also use Visme’s color themes to find the perfect color scheme for your presentation and your upcoming business. After all, your brand colors can say a lot about your business.

7. Product Introduction Template

presentation slides - product introduction template visme

Put together a presentation that introduces a new product idea to your boss, your board of directors or your investors. Take advantage of the charts and graphs in Visme’s design dashboard to showcase various studies and statistics that prove why your idea will be profitable.

Or you can utilize this presentation theme to introduce a product to the public. If your company is in the process of developing a new product to release, a presentation introduction can be a great and engaging way to share it with your audience.

8. Product Presentation Template

presentation slides - product presentation template visme

Whether you’re launching a new product or sharing the features of an already existing one, you can show off your product through a presentation with nice slides.

You can share your presentation on social media, on your website or at a large company event to announce it to your audience. Include bright, high-quality photos of your product and a list of its best features to really highlight your new release.

9. Visual Brand Identity Template

presentation slides - visual brand identity template visme

There are many different ways to create a brand style guide for your business. One great way is with a presentation.

These presentation example slides allow you to seamlessly input your fonts, colors and other visual guidelines into a single presentation so that you can easily share your brand with the designers, marketers and other members of your team.

10. Special Business Presentation Template

presentation slides - special business presentation template visme

These presentation slides can help you easily put together a business introduction template for a conference or networking event.

Just click above to edit in Visme, switch out your background with one of the thousands of options in our photo library, add in your own key facts, vision and values and download!

If you’re running out of ideas for your presentation , you can use Visme’s Writer AI to produce high-quality drafts, proofread your content or adjust its tone.

11. Industry Trends Template

presentation slides - tech industry trends template visme

Put together a presentation to showcase upcoming trends in your industry. You can leave the patterns and colors the way they are in these existing presentation slides, or you can add in your own brand colors or product colors.

Understanding developing trends in your industry each year is important so that you know where your business should focus its efforts.

Sharing a presentation with your team is a great way to stay ahead of the curve.

12. Services Template

presentation slides - services template visme

Use these slide presentation examples to showcase your services and what you can offer your clients/customers. If you have a visual business, a presentation is an excellent way to highlight your work and show it off to prospective leads.

Swap out each photo in the example slides with photos of your work, update the fonts to match your brand voice (or upload your brand fonts) and add in the services you offer.

13. Slideshow Template

presentation slides - slideshow template visme

A slideshow presentation is a great way for you to showcase photos of your work alongside your service offerings. This template even includes social media icons on the last page so that viewers know how to find the business online.

Again, you’ll want to swap out all of the photos with your own work, but this presentation theme is a great way to get started.

14. How To Presentation Template

presentation slides - how to presentation template visme

Are you presenting a tutorial or step-by-step guide on how to do something? Using example slides to put together your content is a great idea.

It’s a disservice to your company and your customer to assume that everyone automatically knows how to use your product or service. Showing your audience exactly what to do is essential to your customer service strategy.

Spice up your presentation by adding stunning, high-resolution images and stock photos , videos , icons , widgets and other design elements.

Didn’t find any photos that caught your eye? We’ve got you. Use Visme’s AI image generator to whip up captivating images that match your presentation theme and design.

Even if you have photos that need editing, use Visme's AI Edit tools to touch up, unblur, upscale, erase and replace images with one click.

15. Survey Results Template

presentation slides - survey results template visme

Putting together a customer survey is a great idea to understand how your audience feels about your industry or even your company. Grab those results and insert them into these presentation slides to share with your team.

You can also put together a blog post or webpage with survey results and embed this presentation directly into it so your audience can understand the state of the industry as well.

Visme’s design dashboard allows you to add in various charts and graphs that adjust automatically based on the numbers you input. After all, ain’t nobody got time for manually adjusting the sizes of bar graphs and pie charts.

16. Company Overview Presentation Template

presentation slides - company overview template visme

Utilize these beautifully designed presentation slides to create a brief overview of your company and its offerings.

Having a readily available presentation overview of your company is a great idea for when you’re pitching investors, journalists for coverage and more. You don’t need to recreate a presentation each time. Instead, put together a visually appealing and informative one-size-fits-all overview.

You can add in your own photos or choose from Visme’s photo library to keep the same beautifully minimalistic appeal.

When sharing financial information, it’s always helpful to put together some kind of visual aid. This can be used to further emphasize your content, whether it’s about going over budget, showing off exciting revenue increases and more.

Check out these finance slide presentation examples to find the perfect template for your goals.

17. Financial Report Template

presentation slides - financial report template visme

Use this template to put together a presentation that goes over your company’s expenses, sales, profits and more.

The built-in data visualization options allow you to showcase your point with more than just numbers. Add in a table of contents to keep your report organized and cohesive, letting your team know exactly what information they’ll find inside.

18. Statistical Presentation Template

presentation slides - statistical presentation template visme

Need to report some financial statistics and data? These presentation slides are perfect for helping you insert cold, hard facts into your presentation.

Each slide includes a different type of chart or graph for you to choose from to fully represent your data and statistics. You can easily switch your color scheme by inputting your own brand colors or by choosing a preset color theme from Visme’s dashboard.

19. Map Presentation Template

presentation slides - map presentation template visme

It’s important to know where it makes the most sense to market your product geographically. Showcase sales and overall company growth and profitability by location.

Knowing your revenue based on geographic location is essential for a global company, and this presentation template is perfect for the job.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

presentation of business idea

Sales and Marketing Presentation Slides

When it comes to sales and marketing for your company, there is a lot of data and information that can be represented visually. Creating sales and marketing presentations helps with keeping your team on the right track, but can also be a great way to make a pitch.

Learn more about creating essential sales and marketing presentations with these templates.

20. Visualization for Sales and Marketing Template

presentation slides - visualization for sales and marketing template visme

When you’re putting together a sales and marketing plan, you have to present it to your boss for approval, then to your team for implementation.

Use these presentation slides to help visualize your sales and marketing plan , including each of the upcoming tactics and strategies and the steps for putting them in place.

Having a presentation to refer back to allows your team to ensure they’re implementing the strategies properly.

21. Simple Marketing Presentation Template

presentation slides - simple marketing presentation template visme

Whether you’re introducing new marketing ideas to your team, pitching a new marketing strategy to your boss or to a new client, a presentation with nice slides is the perfect format.

Grab this presentation template that helps you to define your new ideas and share specific tactics for how they should be implemented for the business. Then get ready to rock your pitch and share your awesome new ideas.

22. Market Analysis Template

Market Analysis Report

Review market trends with your team so you know where to take your company’s marketing messaging. You can send out a customer survey or take a look at a few studies that have been done surrounding your industry to put together your market analysis report.

Input all of your findings into this presentation template so you can easily present it to your team or grab the link and send it in an email. Even if you’re not standing up to give a presentation, these presentation slides are still an engaging way to share necessary information.

23. Marketing Plan Template

presentation slides - marketing plan template visme

Building a new marketing plan for your business? Put together  great presentations for your marketing plan to share with your team.

Presenting your new marketing plan to the company is a great way to get everyone motivated and on board with new strategies and ideas.

You can add in your goals, objectives and even user personas with this ready-made marketing plan template.

24. Sales Report Template

presentation slides - sales report template visme

Your sales team should be regularly providing insight on how much revenue the company is generating. And a great way to do that is through a sales report presentation or slideshow.

It’s important to stay informed of sales growth throughout the year. Share graphs of sales quarter-over-quarter or year-over-year to see where the company/sales team needs to improve.

25. Press Release Template

presentation slides - press release template visme

Don’t just write a boring old press release to send out to journalists and media publications. Instead, create an interactive press release showcasing your launch.

A presentation press release will help your business stand out from the dry press releases most publications receive, offering even more incentive for them to highlight your business and its products/services.

Edit this business slide to add in your own brand touches, voice and launch information before grabbing the link and sending it off.

26. Social Media Report Template

presentation slides - social media report template visme

Sharing results of any marketing strategy is always essential. This is how you keep your team updated of any strategies that are working, and any strategies that need some adapting.

This presentation theme is a great way to share your current strategy and results. Input your platforms, your strategies and your metrics before presenting it to your team. Customize the presentation slides so that they cater perfectly to your company’s strategy.

27. Social Media Strategy Template

presentation slides - social media strategy template visme

Pitching a social media strategy to your boss can also be done well with a presentation. Showcase why social media is important to invest in, what your plan is and how it will affect the bottom line.

This presentation template already gets you started in perfectly pitching your own strategy. Simply adjust it to your brand colors and fonts and update the information with your own.

Presentations are huge in educational settings.

Whether you’re a teacher looking for an interactive way to share your lesson plan or a student trying to finish up a school project, we’ve got the presentation templates for you.

Take a look at our education presentation slide options to find one that works for you.

28. Training Plan Template

presentation slides - training plan template visme

When working one-on-one with a student or mentee, it can be a good idea to put a training or education plan into place. These presentation slides are the perfect start to your lesson and can help to visualize the content and learn in a different way.

Putting together educational content in a presentation helps offer different formats for learning. Students are often not provided with all of the tools they need to learn the material, and an interactive presentation is a great place to start.

29. Book Report Template

presentation slides - book report template visme

Putting together a book report to present for your class? Get started with a presentation theme that you can fully customize for your specific book.

These presentation slides allow you to seamlessly enter in the information about your main characters, the theme of the book, its timeline and any other pertinent information you need to share with the class.

Don’t worry about presentation design in your next project. We’ve already got it all put together for you! Simply click edit, insert your book content and download your presentation.

30. Trivia Template

presentation slides - trivia template visme

Help your class remember fast facts before a text with this trivia template. It’s a great way to host a study session in your classroom, and the content is easily interchangeable.

Or if you’re a student, put together a presentation study guide to help you memorize the most important key facts and information from class. A trivia presentation format can make for a fun study sesh before the test.

31. Lesson Plan Template

presentation slides - lesson plan template visme

Don’t waste time putting together a dry Microsoft Word or PowerPoint lesson plan. Instead, create an interactive lesson plan that helps you stay on message during your class, and helps your students to know exactly what’s going to come next.

32. Group Project Template

presentation slides - group project template visme

Group presentations just got a little more exciting. Blow the rest of your class’s projects away by using these presentation slides to compile your overall project objectives and results.

You can easily adjust colors and fonts, add in your team members and insert copy relevant to your class and your group project.

Don’t forget to thank your classmates and your teacher for listening in the end.

A pitch deck is an essential presentation for all businesses and entrepreneurs to have. There are many times you might need to pitch your business, whether it’s to investors for funding, journalists for media coverage and more.

Using a presentation template to put together your pitch deck is a great idea so that you can focus on pitching your business without having to worry about the design.

Browse through the pitch deck presentation slides below to find one that works for your business and its goals.

33. Airbnb Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - airsns airbnb pitch deck template visme

Give this Airbnb-inspired pitch deck presentation theme a go when putting together a slideshow for your business. In your company slide, include the solution that your business provides its customers, product/service information, and excerpts from press acknowledgements.

34. Front Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - upfront front pitch deck template visme

Showcase your business with this geometric pitch deck template inspired by Front. Add in the planned acquisition channels for your business, your leadership team and more.

Your pitch deck is meant to showcase your business to people who may want to work with you, so it’s important to share the most imperative information.

35. Buffer Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - buffer buffit pitch deck template visme

Showcase the state of the industry and your business’s role in it with this pitch presentation slides idea inspired by Buffer. The information these presentation slides include helps you to share the impact your company has had on your industry.

Since industries are ever-changing, you can easily update the information within your pitch deck in Visme and it will automatically sync to the webpage where you embed this presentation.

36. Comms Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - comms intercom pitch deck template visme

Use these presentation slides inspired by Intercom to give your audience an idea of what your product is going to look like and how it will work.

This is the perfect pitch deck template to take advantage of when launching a new SaaS product or app so that you can share what the technology will look like and how it will work.

Showcasing specific features and tutorials is a great way to get people talking about your product.

37. WeWork Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - iworkuwork wework pitch deck template visme

Is your company helping to fuel a movement? Share how your company is changing the industry with this pitch deck template inspired by WeWork.

It’s exciting when your business is doing more for your industry than simply adding another product or service. Focusing on a movement that really switches up the way your industry does things is an incredible feat.

Utilize a pitch deck template like the one above to showcase how your company is involved.

38. Buzzfeed Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - newbuzz buzzfeed pitch deck template visme

Does your business focus on content? Or perhaps you’re creating a new kind of media outlet?

Show off your content and analytics with this Buzzfeed-inspired pitch deck presentation template. Getting advertisers on board and other media outlets to talk about you is important for success.

This is why you need to be putting together a pitch deck that shares that kind of information. No one will want to work with you if you keep your analytics in the dark.

Use dynamic fields to ensure your brand information and other key details stays consistent across slides and other projects. These fields are customizable and change automatically based on input or predefined conditions.

39. Investor Pitch Deck Template

presentation slides - investor pitch deck template visme

Starting a new venture that you need funding for? Use these presentation slides to put together a pitch for investors in your business.

From showcasing the problem in the industry to your business’s solution, along with your business plan and pricing table is a great way to get potential investors interested in what you’re selling.

40. LinkedIn Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - work biz linkedin pitch deck template visme

Compare and contrast what processes look like with and without your business with this pitch deck template inspired by LinkedIn.

It’s a great idea to take care of this in your pitch deck so that you make the job of any media outlet or writer covering your business even easier. After all, you’ve done the hard work for them.

They were going to share how your business helps. You’ve already visualized this in your pitch deck. This increases the chances that people will cover your business.

41. Mattermark Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - startup index mattermark pitch deck template visme

Use this pitch deck presentation theme inspired by Mattermark to put together key questions about the industry that showcase why your business is so essential.

Launching a startup is hard work, and that’s why a pitch deck is an essential marketing tool to have. Creating a pitch deck that already answers the why and how questions of your business is a great way to introduce who you are and what you’re doing to investors and reporters.

42. Foursquare Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - map your day foursquare pitch deck template visme

Put together an overview of how your product works with this pitch deck presentation template inspired by Foursquare.

With presentation slides already in place to showcase a step-by-step tutorial, all you have to do is input your content and publish your presentation.

43. Fyre Festival Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - l'ete events fyre festival pitch deck template visme

If your company has been doing some awesome stuff lately, you want your potential investors and those looking to work with your business to know about it.

Show off your company achievements with this pitch deck presentation template inspired by the famous Fyre Festival pitch deck.

44. Biogrify Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - journalvision biogrify pitch deck template visme

Use these presentation slides inspired by Biogrify to excite people about how they can use your product. If you have a unique product or service, you just need to drum up a little excitement and attention!

A pitch deck is the perfect way to do that. Add in your company’s logo, mission and unique selling proposition to get people looking forward to becoming customers/users.

45. Launchrock Pitch Deck Presentation Template

presentation slides - rockingit launchrock pitch deck template visme

Influencer marketing is a huge marketing strategy that can generate some serious results. What better way to pitch influencers about your business than with this pitch deck inspired by Launchrock?

Don’t email off some boring PDF or Google Doc. Create enticing pitches to influencers with this pitch deck theme, and start watching the replies from influencers pour in.

Working with influencers to promote your product is a great way to increase your audience base and word of mouth about your company.

When you’re running a nonprofit, there is a lot of pitching your organization, talking to donors and working on events to increase donations. This is why you need great slide presentations.

Putting together a presentation for your nonprofit is a great way to showcase what your organization does and why people should donate to it.

Here are a few nonprofit presentation slides to choose from, where all you have to do is insert your information, change colors and fonts and present.

46. Nonprofit Report Template

presentation slides - nonprofit report template visme

Put together a report that covers what your nonprofit is working against as well as your nonprofit’s achievements each year.

47. Nonprofit Art Template

presentation slides - nonprofit art template visme

Use this presentation slides idea to provide an overview of your nonprofit and its main projects. To generate even more support and donations, it’s important to provide clear insight into your key products and objectives.

48. Nonprofit Environmental Template

presentation slides - nonprofit environmental template visme

This presentation theme is perfect for showcasing the key issues your nonprofit fights for and its process for doing so.

Being transparent about what your nonprofit works on is important so that your donors know exactly where their money is going. Being secretive can generate some bad press, so it’s better to be open with your supporters.

49. Nonprofit Animals Template

presentation slides - nonprofit animals template visme

These presentation slides use earthy colors to convey their nonprofit’s connection to animal rights. Use this to showcase your nonprofit. You can use the current colors or update it to match your nonprofit’s brand/industry.

50. Wildlife Conservation Template

presentation slides - wildlife conservation template visme

Use these presentation slide examples to cover why your nonprofit matters and why donors should consider contributing.

A nonprofit only exists when people donate, so putting together a compelling pitch deck showcasing why your nonprofit is so important to your main issue is important. These slides are perfect for sharing your goals and mission.

51. Pet Adoption Slideshow Template

presentation slides - pet adoption slideshow template visme

If you're looking for stunning presentation slide ideas , we've got more than enough. This pitch deck presentation template is perfect for SPCAs and other animal societies working on finding forever homes for their animals.

However, it can also be adapted to any other nonprofit or business need. The great thing about these presentation slides is how versatile they are. Each one is completely customizable to fit your specific needs. For example, you can turn it into a video presentation .

Q. What is a PowerPoint Slide Deck?

A PowerPoint slide deck is a collection of slides that are created using an online presentation maker. These slides are used to create presentations for various purposes, like sales , marketing , research , case studies , webinars , onboarding and business in general.

PPT presentation slides typically consist of a series of slides that contain text, images, charts, graphs, and other multimedia elements that are used to communicate information to the audience in an engaging and visually appealing manner.

So why is it called a slide deck? In the early days, presenters would create slides by photographing images or text onto transparent film. These slides would then be loaded into a slide projector and displayed on a screen. The collection of slides was referred to as a "deck," and the presenter would advance through them one by one. Today, the term "slide deck" is still used to refer to a collection of slides or presentation materials, even though most presentations are now created and displayed digitally.

Q. What is a good presentation slide?

A good presentation slide is one that engages your audience and effectively communicates your message.

Here are some key characteristics of a good presentation slide:

1. Keep your slides simple and uncluttered: Avoid excessive text and use bullet points or concise phrases to convey your main points. Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation.

2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging

3. Make it readable: Use a readable font size. Stick to a maximum of two or three font styles and sizes. Blend bright and dark colors for the text and background to ensure visual contrast and good visibility.

4. Consistent structure: Use consistent formatting, such as font styles, colors, and alignment, throughout the presentation.

5. Make it interactive: Include animation and interactivity to add flair to your presentation. It can make your presentation powerful and memorable.

Q. How do you make a good presentation slide?

There are lots of presentation software available for creating presentations. But Visme offers users a wide range of features to create visually stunning and engaging presentations.

All you need to do is choose a template from our extensive library of over 500 presentation templates and customize it with your text. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more. You can visualize data using our wide range of customizable charts and widgets.

Spruce up your presentation by adding audio, video, animations and other interactive elements. Download it as a PDF, PPTX, MP4, and HTML5 to share with your recipient , or generate a shareable link for online sharing.

Q. How do you design a presentation?

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you design some of the best business presentations:

1. Define Your Objective: Determine the purpose of your presentation and identify the main message or key points you want to convey

2. Plan Your Content: Outline the structure and flow of your presentation. Divide it into sections or key topics to ensure a logical progression. Read this article to learn more about creating an effective presentation outline .

3. ​​Create a Storyline: Craft a compelling narrative that ties your key points together. Storytelling can help engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.

4. Choose a Design Theme: Select a visually appealing design theme or template that aligns with your topic and audience. You can use the ones we've shared above as your presentation inspiration.

Visme’s branding kit streamlines on-brand content creation and ensures you stay consistent across all channels. With our AI-powered brand wizard , you can automatically generate branded templates fitted with your brand elements.

5. Use Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant visuals such as images, charts, graphs, icons, or diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement.

6. Maintain Visual Hierarchy: Organize your content with a clear visual hierarchy. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to guide the audience's attention and emphasize key points.

7. Use Transitions and Animations: Apply transitions and animations to enhance the flow and engagement of your presentation.

8. ​​Practice and Test: Review and rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery. Test your presentation on the actual equipment or platform you'll be using to ensure compatibility and optimal display.

9. Seek Feedback: Before delivering your presentation, consider sharing it with a trusted colleague or friend for feedback. Ask for their input on the content, design, and overall effectiveness. Incorporate their suggestions to improve your presentation.

Q. Which slide is best for presentation?

The best slide for a presentation highly depends on the topic and the target audience. For example, if it's a pitch deck presentation, the financial projections or business model slide would be the best.

However, here are some of the most common slides you should know about:

1. Title Slide: It announces the presentation's topic and introduces the speaker. It grabs the audience's initial attention.

2. Agenda Slide : This gives the audience an idea of what to expect throughout the presentation.

3. Content Slide : These are dense with information. They're best when broken down into bullet points for readability.

4. Visual Slide: Slides with infographics, charts, or other visuals can improve understanding and retention of complex data.

5. Interactive Slide: Encourages audience participation and engagement, especially in virtual presentations.

6. Conclusion/Summary Slide: Reinforces your presentation's key points or takeaways.

7. Question & Answer Slide: Allows interaction and clarification, ensuring the audience fully grasps the presented materials.

8. Contact Information Slide: Provides follow-up information for further questions or networking.

Q. What are the 3 main types of presentation slides?

While there's no one-size-fits-all rule for making presentation slides, you can group them into three main categories:

Introduction and Closing Slides

These slides bookend your presentation. The introduction slide typically includes the title of your presentation, your name and any relevant introductory information. The closing slide summarizes key points, provides a conclusion and often includes contact information or a call to action.

Content Slides

Content slides make up the core of your presentation and contain the primary information you want to convey to your audience. They can include text, images, charts, graphs and other visual or textual elements supporting your presentation's message.

Transition Slides

Transition slides signal a change in topic or create a smooth flow between different sections of your presentation. They often feature a brief title or heading that previews the upcoming content. Transition slides help guide your audience through the presentation and make it easy to follow.

Q. What are the 4 types of presentation?

The four types of presentations are informative, instructional, persuasive and arousing.

1. Informative Presentations: These are used to educate the audience on a particular topic. They present facts, data and information to increase the audience's knowledge and understanding.

2. Instructional Presentations: These presentations provide step-by-step guidance or training on a specific task, process or concept. You can use this type of presentation for teaching or coaching purposes, emphasizing learning and development.

3. Persuasive Presentations: The primary goal of these presentations is to influence the listeners' attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. Use this presentation type when you want your audience to accept certain arguments or propositions.

4. Arousing Presentations: These presentations aim to evoke interest and awaken curiosity about the topic among the audience. They often aim to inspire, motivate or raise awareness about an issue.

Q. How do you make a 5-minute presentation interesting?

Creating an intriguing 5-minute presentation may be challenging due to the time constraint. Yet, you can deliver an impactful and engaging presentation with a focused approach and attention to detail.

Here are some of the ways to do it:

1. Focus on a single core message : Since you have limited time, choose a specific topic and stick to it. Present only the crucial information that will help the audience understand your point.

2. Engage from the start: Start your presentation with a compelling story, anecdote or a surprising fact. This will grab the audience's attention and spark curiosity.

3. Keep slides simple and visual: Avoid cluttered slides with too much text. Use visuals such as images, graphs or infographics to illustrate your points clearly and concisely.

4. Tell a story: A narrative structure engages the audience and helps them follow your message. Consider using metaphors or anecdotes to explain complex ideas.

5. Encourage questions or interaction: Since time is limited, you might opt for a brief Q&A session, ask a rhetorical question or request audience feedback for further discussion later.

6. Finish strong: Conclude with a powerful statement, call-to-action or takeaway summarizing your main point. Leave your audience with a lasting impression of your message.

Q. How many slides should a 20 minute presentation be?

The number of slides you should have for a 20-minute presentation can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the topic and the pace of your speech.

However, the general rule of thumb is to allocate at least 1-2 minutes per slide, which suggests 10-20 slides for a 20-minute presentation.

Q. What Is the 5 5 5 Rule for Presentation?

The 5 5 5 rule is a framework that ensures your presentation is clear and remains engaging. A presentation should have no more than five words per line of text, five lines of text per slide and five slides that apply the first two rules in a row.

Q. How Do You Make a Presentation Slide?

With Visme’s presentation software, creating a presentation slide is a breeze. Follow these steps to create a presentation slide with Visme.

Step 1: Log in to Visme and choose from hundreds of beautifully designed presentation templates . Each template is equipped with various intuitive layouts, typography, color themes, data widgets and graphics. Or Use Visme’s AI presentation maker to swiftly create a presentation based on your specific needs.

Step 2: Customize your presentation with your company’s logo, colors and other brand items. Upload your own creative collateral or use our assets library to add photos, images, graphics, icons and animations to your content.

Step 3: Once you have finished editing and are ready to share, download your presentation as a live webpage, video, PDF, or HTML file, a customizable PPTX, or embed it on your website.

Q. What Is the 10 Rule for Slides?

The 10 rule for slides is part of Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule which emphasizes that no presentation should have more than 10 slides, last longer than 20 minutes, and contain fonts smaller than thirty points.

Q. Which is better Google Slides or PowerPoint?

When it comes to PowerPoint vs Google Slides , both have they're pro's and con's. You'll need to decide what's worth the trade if you should pick one over the other, or simply choose Visme.

Ready to Create Engaging Presentation Slides?

Ready to get started with creating your presentation? Choose from any of these 51 slides for presentation, or browse Visme’s complete template library to find the perfect match for creating your own presentation.

Each one of these presentation themes can be adapted to match your business, school, nonprofit and other needs so that you can create something perfect for your goals and objectives. Create your free account to start customizing with our drag-and-drop presentation maker.

And once you’ve finished creating your presentation, check out our video to help you present like a pro and wow your audience.

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Create beautiful presentation slides with Visme

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About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

presentation of business idea

Accelerator Summer Business Immersion: Red Bull Presentations

By Arial Starks

Accelerator® Summer Business Immersion at Vanderbilt Business is a summer certificate program designed for undergraduate students and recent graduates to prepare for their careers. Over 3 weeks, participants gain hands-on consulting experience by working in teams to tackle business challenges presented by 3 different organizations. During the first week of the 2024 presentations, the students worked with energy drink brand Red Bull .

The Project: What were the students tasked with?

The goal of the project was for the students to bring awareness to Red Bull’s Jukebox event, which debuts in Nashville on October 2, 2024. Red Bull Jukebox is described as “an extraordinary concert where fans decide what songs are played from the artists’ catalog and how they are played, allowing fans to experience a show in a completely new way.” 

Accelerator students were tasked with pitching creative avenues for Red Bull to raise awareness and drive ticket sales for the event to their target audience of 18-24-year-olds, including both collegiate and non-collegiate individuals. The students were asked to consider the following parameters when completing the project: 

  • Stay within a $10,000 budget
  • Target schools including, but not limited to, Vanderbilt University, Belmont University, Middle Tennessee State University, and Tennessee State University
  • Fill the standing-room-only orchestra section of Ascend Amphitheater with approximately 500 college students 
  • Sell out the 7,000-seat Ascend Amphitheater
  • Include strategy for discounted pre-sale tickets for college students ahead of general public ticket sales 
  • Leverage influencers, artists, and community members
  • Consider “Back to College” moment as an opportunity to reach the target audience

The Presentations: What ideas did the students pitch to Red Bull?

Each group of students had 10 minutes to pitch their ideas, and in between each presentation, the Red Bull Jukebox team was allotted 2 minutes to ask any follow-up questions they had about the projects. 

The students presented a variety of innovative solutions to the market challenges raised by the energy drink brand including, but not limited to, party buses, mural takeovers, college campus competitions, giant jukebox drops, extreme sports pop-ups, and even mechanical bull riding.

“Red Bull was my favorite project because it related to me and my peers so well,” one student said in a survey conducted by the Accelerator team. “There were no limits on the ideas we could come up with and overall it was a project we could all be very creative on and have fun with.”

The Winners: Which Ideas did Red Bull like most?

While the competition was stiff, ultimately, Team F consisting of Claire Humphrey, Jim Tozzi, Jake Yuskevich, Lyle Foley, Charles Crumbo, and David Bernal took home the win. The winning group pitched the idea of using aerial advertisements over college campuses to promote the Red Bull Jukebox event. The group decided to target college freshmen during move-in week by flying a plane over college campuses, featuring a giant QR code directing students to the event website. 

In addition to the presentation winners, Robbi DePeri, Librarian for Business at Vanderbilt’s Walker Management Library chose the group whose project contained the best research. Team B, consisting of Peyton Hudson, Ty Cosse, Anson Anderson, Patrick Treacy, Aidan McCormack, and Nicholas Tan, earned the Research Belt for the Red Bull presentations. This group pitched the idea of having extreme sports pop-ups on college campuses featuring a half-pipe skateboard ramp designed like a jukebox. 

“Through the Accelerator program, I’ve discovered more about myself and my career path than I ever imagined possible,” says Cosse. “The program staff and fellow participants have become a supportive family, guiding us as we embark on our professional journeys.”

To learn more about Accelerator Summer Business Immersion at Vanderbilt, click here . 

If you want to attend Red Bull Jukebox, bring your best friends and your best boots to Ascend Amphitheater on October 2! You can buy tickets here !

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August special: Financial Reporting PPT Templates. Save with bundles 30%


How to Present Inventory and Stock Metrics in PowerPoint


  • August 8, 2024
  • Data Charts for PowerPoint , Financial , Other

Need to present the status of your inventory or your stock management performance data? 

Get ideas on how you can create an eye-catching report highlighting stock levels, order fulfillment efficiency, or inventory control processes.

Typical inventory report will likely cover those areas:

  • Stock levels and inventory aging analysis
  • ABC inventory analysis
  • Key inventory metrics such as Turnover Ratio, Days on Hand, Fill Rate etc. 
  • Inventory management strategies e.g. with stock reduction initiatives

Let us show you examples of how such presentation slides can look like.

Get all the graphics presented here – click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full Inventory Metrics Analysis and Stock Management Presentation (PowerPoint Template) 

Reminding what is an inventory analysis

Depending on your audience, if at your meeting you have people new to stock-related terms, you may want to explain quickly what inventory analysis is about on one slide. It can be done more attractively than just just writing plain text:

Inventory analysis involves examining the quantity and quality of inventory held by a business at a given point in time and assessing its adequacy, efficiency, and impact on operations. By conducting a thorough stock-level analysis, businesses can: optimize inventory management, optimize cashflow, minimize stockouts & excess inventory

You can illustrate it through a simple diagram, showing what stock-level analysis can help with. This way you are changing blocks of text into something easy to digest and understand. See on slide below how you can replace a list of items by simple list diagram made of shapes. 

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Presenting Inventory Stockout Report

When you need to compare in your report Demand vs. Available Inventory or analyze a Stockout frequency you can use a dashboard layout based on grid. This kind of layout can help you to present in a readable and clean way, which is easy to understand for your audience. 

Have a look at our slide example presenting inventory stockout data. We used here frames that separate topics and give a structure. Adding a commentary field at the bottom gives a place for explaining charts and writing your insights, especially when you are going to export file to PDF and send it by email. 

presentation of business idea

Defining Performance metrics of Inventory management

If you need to explain inventory performance metrics to people who are not familiar with all those terms, use a slide to remind them of metrics formulas used often in context of stock management: 

  • Turnover ratio – number of times inventory is sold and replaced
  • DSI ratio – average number of days it takes to sell the entire inventory
  • Fill rate – ratio of customer demands that is fulfilled from available inventory
  • Stockout rate – orders that can not be fulfilled because of insufficient inventory
  • Inventory accuracy – discrepancy between recorded inventory and actual physical inventory on hand
  • Sell-through ratio – inventory units sold relative to inventory available for sale at certain periods of time

When presenting inventory analysis formulas you can show each metric in a form of a brief explanation and formula placed on a distinctive background (as most important here). Adding a visual metaphor in the form of an icon will help in faster understanding the topic.

Presenting inventory analysis formulas can look like this: 

presentation of business idea

Show ABC Analysis chart of inventory

You can use such a custom radar chart to show product categories allocated in several tiers, e.g. based on revenue and importance category. This way you can visually show the placement of categories depending on Demand and Value. Having such radar charts as PowerPoint vector graphics gives you flexibility to adapt – adding colors from lighter to darker puts an accent to the most important categories.

Notice the customized legend on the right side with a description of groups. You can add here more text description than in a regular legend. There is a separate color for each group to easier distinguish specific groups. Using icons also adds more visual impact to such presentation slide.  

presentation of business idea

Finish the presentation with stock reduction initiatives and an inventory management strategy 

At the end of your presentation show the next steps to take. You presented stock status and now it is a good time to define actions to be done and further strategy. 

To present such a plan in a structured way, put your actions inside a table, where you explain objectives, action plan, and desired results. Don’t forget to define a responsible person. 

Here’s an example of a PowerPoint slide presenting stock reduction actions: 

presentation of business idea

Notice how having a custom designed table headers makes table look much more interesting. We placed headers on color arrows pointing to specific columns. It adds focus and sets a starting point for readers. We also added icons to add a visual connection to header texts.  

If you want to show also strategy for future inventory management, you can visualize it with a table like this example:

presentation of business idea

Here we created a table to show Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics for operational efficiency. 

The first column is highlighted as it is the most important part, the next columns are in lighter shades to express the order of reading and show the flow. Each objective is supported by an icon, so it grabs attention even more.

What to Remember to present inventory in visually attractive way

If you want to present inventory and stock metrics in a way that will resonate with your audience, apply a few design advices that will help you to create a professionally looking presentation:

  • Keep the layout simple and clean.
  • Use a highlight color to emphasize key points and headlines.
  • Work with grids to add structure to your slides, especially when creating a dashboard slide with multiple data charts. 
  • Adjust and customize tables and data charts for clear structure and readability.
  • Enrich your data with icons – properly chosen icons can nicely reflect the meaning of your content.
  • Consider using a custom design legends in data charts when you want to explain what data categories are about. This will support a visual storytelling of your data.

I hope with those ideas you will be able to make an impactful presentation.

Resources for Inventory Presentations

The slide examples above are from one of our financial PowerPoint templates. The full presentation is available in the infoDiagram collection of PPT graphics:

If you present more of financial reporting topics, you can extend your data presentation with other financial PPT templates . Or try a free sample of financial charts .


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Building a Business That Was Doomed To Fail

Cast your vote, description:.

Some business ideas seem destined to fail, like inventing a new energy source and making it commercially viable. However, by finding the right partners, establishing common ground, and maintaining honest and effective communication, you can overcome daunting odds. Take inspiration from serial entrepreneur Giovanni Fili, who, despite lacking a background in deep tech, spent over a decade in R&D and succeeded. His guiding principle, his "Holy Promise," was simple: only build things that can be sold.

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  • Giovanni Fili, Founder & CEO, Exeger

Zac Rivera, Vice President, Allison Worldwide

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Level: Intermediate

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    To create a business plan presentation, identify your goals, conduct research, create an outline, develop the content, design your slides, prepare supporting material, and finalize and polish. Design a business plan presentation easily in Visme by picking a template, adjusting the slides, customizing the template, and then downloading and ...

  2. Guide to Making Great Business Presentations (with Examples)

    Compelling business presentations are key to communicating important ideas, persuading others, and introducing new offerings to the world. Hence, why business presentation design is one of the most universal skills for any professional. This guide teaches you how to design and deliver excellent business presentations.

  3. Presenting a business idea: 10 creative Ways

    Presentation a business idea in summary. Presenting a business idea is an opportunity to showcase your passion, vision, and creativity. By employing these 10 creative approaches, you can elevate your pitch and increase your chances of success. Remember to adapt these ideas to suit your unique business concept and target audience.

  4. 10 Business Idea Presentation Templates to Attract Angel ...

    Template 1:- Restaurant Cafe Business Idea PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Use this professionally-created Restaurant Cafe Business Idea PPT Template to develop and carry out a successful cafe business. This sample emphasizes experience od novelty using seasonal ingredients as the mainstay of the food menu. It comprises an executive summary ...

  5. From Idea to Investment: How to Make a Business Plan Presentation

    Regardless of which business plan presentation template you choose, your presentation should translate your ideas into convincing facts, plans, and actions for the investors to see. Consider This While Creating a Business Plan Presentation. You can have a sea of business presentation ideas, but a typical audience's attention span is 7 minutes ...

  6. Business idea presentation: 10 easy tipps

    Business idea presentation: My top 10 Tipps: Start with a Strong Hook: Begin your presentation with a powerful and attention-grabbing opening that piques curiosity and sets the tone for your idea. Clearly Define the Problem: Clearly articulate the problem or pain point your business idea aims to solve. Make sure your audience understands the ...

  7. 40+ free business presentation templates

    Introduce your business model, annual results, market trends, or big business ideas (think Shark Tank) and make a presentation with Pitch's free business presentation templates.

  8. The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2024

    Learn how to make a great business presentation with the presentation tips in this guide. This ultimate guide is a treasure trove of presentation ideas and techniques. It takes you through the complete presentation process from start to end, including good PowerPoint presentation examples you can easily follow. Laura Spencer.

  9. The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan Presentation

    Clarity and Communication. A business plan presentation helps you communicate your business idea, goals, and strategies with clarity. It allows you to distill complex information into concise and visually appealing slides, making it easier for your audience to understand and grasp the key points. Presenting your business plan in a structured ...

  10. How to Create a Business Plan Presentation?

    Translating your idea into a presentation gets much easier if you stick to these handy tips: 1. Use online resources. It's a huge struggle trying to structurally and contextually fit your ideas into a 10-slide deck. Instead, get yourself a subscription to a pitch deck generator to create stunning pitch decks.

  11. 11 Steps to Create a Business Plan Presentation

    4. Use large, easy to read font. Always use a relatively large font in your presentation - 30pt or larger. Your audience shouldn't have to strain to read what's on your slide. Using a large font will also force you to choose your words carefully because you won't have that much room on the page for a lot of words. 6.

  12. How to Give a Business Presentation (+ Free Templates)

    A business presentation is a formal talk given to an audience to share information, ideas, or business-related strategies. It often involves visual aids, like slides or charts , and is designed to inform, persuade, or motivate the audience, typically in a corporate or professional setting.

  13. 15 Expert Tips for Giving a Powerful Business Presentation

    1 Know your material. Before you can convince anyone else, you need to be completely sold on your idea or product. It's important that you know the points you are making, inside and out. When you present before an audience, you'll likely be using visual aids, notes and/or slides.

  14. 120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

    Step 3: Be novel. Make sure you either select a new topic or bring an entirely new and unique perspective to an already covered issue. For instance, don't make a presentation on the "best lead generation strategies.". Your audience has probably heard those dozens of times already. Corny.

  15. 23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

    These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between. As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from Biteable. Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required.

  16. Free Business Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Engage your audience in your business presentations with our free customizable PPT templates and Google Slides themes. They're perfect for business plans, office meetings, pitch decks or project proposals. ... It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest ...

  17. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    This is why we've created this post with 105+ creative presentation ideas to help you put together exciting presentations that don't put your audience to sleep. You can use these presentation ideas for business meetings, webinars, classrooms, online courses, pitch decks and more.

  18. 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

    The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics. 10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle. Source. Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously.

  19. 10 Business Presentation Examples to Replace PowerPoint!

    The Porsche company presentation is a sleek and polished business presentation example of the company's current company heads, key statistics for the past year of 2021, brand philosophy, and more. The presentation is presented in a professional and sophisticated manner, with a focus on high-quality visuals and concise, impactful text.

  20. 100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

    Education Presentation Ideas; General Presentation Ideas . Business and Management Presentation Ideas. In business, presenting information and complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner is crucial. If you already have a presentation idea, you only need to find a presentation template to bring it to life. But if you're still looking for ...

  21. 9 Tips For More Powerful Business Presentations

    8. Have Your Own Questions Ready in Case Nobody Asks One. Regardless of whether you are doing a public presentation or a focused business presentation, you should leave time for questions and ...

  22. 100 Presentation Ideas for Students from Slide Designers

    Business Topics for Presentation at University. Business presentations must be informative, explaining industry trends, strategies, and innovations. Here are the ten most impressive business slideshow ideas for students: The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail; The Role of Social Media in Modern Marketing Strategies

  23. 17 Thriving One-Person Business Ideas to Try in 2024

    Digital Content Based One-Person Business Ideas. This category of one-person business ideas involves publishing content online. You then have a multitude of ways to monetize the traffic, which I dive into below. 1. Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is my top pick for one-person business ideas because it can be run entirely by you alone ...

  24. 10 creative ideas for presentations

    From business ideas to online classes, presentations offer a unique opportunity to inspire, educate, and persuade your audience. At the same time, they're an incredibly flexible (and cost-effective!) communication tool. ... When it comes to unique presentation ideas, minimalism is one of the best ways to make an impact. ...

  25. 51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

    Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation. 2. Visual appeal:Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging.

  26. Accelerator Summer Business Immersion: Red Bull Presentations

    Accelerator Summer Business Immersion at Vanderbilt: Students pitch creative marketing strategies to promote Red Bull's Jukebox event, gaining hands-on consulting experience. ... Each group of students had 10 minutes to pitch their ideas, and in between each presentation, the Red Bull Jukebox team was allotted 2 minutes to ask any follow-up ...

  27. How to Present Inventory and Stock Metrics in PowerPoint

    Get ideas on how you can create an eye-catching report highlighting stock levels, order fulfillment efficiency, or inventory control processes. ... Let us show you examples of how such presentation slides can look like. ... Inventory analysis involves examining the quantity and quality of inventory held by a business at a given point in time ...

  28. Building a Business That Was Doomed To Fail

    Some business ideas seem destined to fail, like inventing a new energy source and making it commercially viable. However, by finding the right partners, establishing common ground, and maintaining honest and effective communication, you can overcome daunting odds. Take inspiration from serial entrepreneur Giovanni Fili, who, despite lacking a background in deep tech, spent over a decade in R&D ...