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How to Write an Ethics Paper: Guide & Ethical Essay Examples


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An ethics essay is a type of academic writing that explores ethical issues and dilemmas. Students should evaluates them in terms of moral principles and values. The purpose of an ethics essay is to examine the moral implications of a particular issue, and provide a reasoned argument in support of an ethical perspective.

Writing an essay about ethics is a tough task for most students. The process involves creating an outline to guide your arguments about a topic and planning your ideas to convince the reader of your feelings about a difficult issue. If you still need assistance putting together your thoughts in composing a good paper, you have come to the right place. We have provided a series of steps and tips to show how you can achieve success in writing. This guide will tell you how to write an ethics paper using ethical essay examples to understand every step it takes to be proficient. In case you don’t have time for writing, get in touch with our professional essay writers for hire . Our experts work hard to supply students with excellent essays.

What Is an Ethics Essay?

An ethics essay uses moral theories to build arguments on an issue. You describe a controversial problem and examine it to determine how it affects individuals or society. Ethics papers analyze arguments on both sides of a possible dilemma, focusing on right and wrong. The analysis gained can be used to solve real-life cases. Before embarking on writing an ethical essay, keep in mind that most individuals follow moral principles. From a social context perspective, these rules define how a human behaves or acts towards another. Therefore, your theme essay on ethics needs to demonstrate how a person feels about these moral principles. More specifically, your task is to show how significant that issue is and discuss if you value or discredit it.

Purpose of an Essay on Ethics

The primary purpose of an ethics essay is to initiate an argument on a moral issue using reasoning and critical evidence. Instead of providing general information about a problem, you present solid arguments about how you view the moral concern and how it affects you or society. When writing an ethical paper, you demonstrate philosophical competence, using appropriate moral perspectives and principles.

Things to Write an Essay About Ethics On

Before you start to write ethics essays, consider a topic you can easily address. In most cases, an ethical issues essay analyzes right and wrong. This includes discussing ethics and morals and how they contribute to the right behaviors. You can also talk about work ethic, code of conduct, and how employees promote or disregard the need for change. However, you can explore other areas by asking yourself what ethics mean to you. Think about how a recent game you watched with friends started a controversial argument. Or maybe a newspaper that highlighted a story you felt was misunderstood or blown out of proportion. This way, you can come up with an excellent topic that resonates with your personal ethics and beliefs.

Ethics Paper Outline

Sometimes, you will be asked to submit an outline before writing an ethics paper. Creating an outline for an ethics paper is an essential step in creating a good essay. You can use it to arrange your points and supporting evidence before writing. It also helps organize your thoughts, enabling you to fill any gaps in your ideas. The outline for an essay should contain short and numbered sentences to cover the format and outline. Each section is structured to enable you to plan your work and include all sources in writing an ethics paper. An ethics essay outline is as follows:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement
  • Restate thesis statement
  • Summarize key points
  • Final thoughts on the topic

Using this outline will improve clarity and focus throughout your writing process.

Ethical Essay Structure

Ethics essays are similar to other essays based on their format, outline, and structure. An ethical essay should have a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion section as its structure. When planning your ideas, make sure that the introduction and conclusion are around 20 percent of the paper, leaving the rest to the body. We will take a detailed look at what each part entails and give examples that are going to help you understand them better.  Refer to our essay structure examples to find a fitting way of organizing your writing.

Ethics Paper Introduction

An ethics essay introduction gives a synopsis of your main argument. One step on how to write an introduction for an ethics paper is telling about the topic and describing its background information. This paragraph should be brief and straight to the point. It informs readers what your position is on that issue. Start with an essay hook to generate interest from your audience. It can be a question you will address or a misunderstanding that leads up to your main argument. You can also add more perspectives to be discussed; this will inform readers on what to expect in the paper.

Ethics Essay Introduction Example

You can find many ethics essay introduction examples on the internet. In this guide, we have written an excellent extract to demonstrate how it should be structured. As you read, examine how it begins with a hook and then provides background information on an issue. 

Imagine living in a world where people only lie, and honesty is becoming a scarce commodity. Indeed, modern society is facing this reality as truth and deception can no longer be separated. Technology has facilitated a quick transmission of voluminous information, whereas it's hard separating facts from opinions.

In this example, the first sentence of the introduction makes a claim or uses a question to hook the reader.

Ethics Essay Thesis Statement

An ethics paper must contain a thesis statement in the first paragraph. Learning how to write a thesis statement for an ethics paper is necessary as readers often look at it to gauge whether the essay is worth their time.

When you deviate away from the thesis, your whole paper loses meaning. In ethics essays, your thesis statement is a roadmap in writing, stressing your position on the problem and giving reasons for taking that stance. It should focus on a specific element of the issue being discussed. When writing a thesis statement, ensure that you can easily make arguments for or against its stance.

Ethical Paper Thesis Example

Look at this example of an ethics paper thesis statement and examine how well it has been written to state a position and provide reasons for doing so:

The moral implications of dishonesty are far-reaching as they undermine trust, integrity, and other foundations of society, damaging personal and professional relationships. 

The above thesis statement example is clear and concise, indicating that this paper will highlight the effects of dishonesty in society. Moreover, it focuses on aspects of personal and professional relationships.

Ethics Essay Body

The body section is the heart of an ethics paper as it presents the author's main points. In an ethical essay, each body paragraph has several elements that should explain your main idea. These include:

  • A topic sentence that is precise and reiterates your stance on the issue.
  • Evidence supporting it.
  • Examples that illustrate your argument.
  • A thorough analysis showing how the evidence and examples relate to that issue.
  • A transition sentence that connects one paragraph to another with the help of essay transitions .

When you write an ethics essay, adding relevant examples strengthens your main point and makes it easy for others to understand and comprehend your argument. 

Body Paragraph for Ethics Paper Example

A good body paragraph must have a well-defined topic sentence that makes a claim and includes evidence and examples to support it. Look at part of an example of ethics essay body paragraph below and see how its idea has been developed:

Honesty is an essential component of professional integrity. In many fields, trust and credibility are crucial for professionals to build relationships and success. For example, a doctor who is dishonest about a potential side effect of a medication is not only acting unethically but also putting the health and well-being of their patients at risk. Similarly, a dishonest businessman could achieve short-term benefits but will lose their client’s trust.

Ethics Essay Conclusion

A concluding paragraph shares the summary and overview of the author's main arguments. Many students need clarification on what should be included in the essay conclusion and how best to get a reader's attention. When writing an ethics paper conclusion, consider the following:

  • Restate the thesis statement to emphasize your position.
  • Summarize its main points and evidence.
  • Final thoughts on the issue and any other considerations.

You can also reflect on the topic or acknowledge any possible challenges or questions that have not been answered. A closing statement should present a call to action on the problem based on your position.

Sample Ethics Paper Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph restates the thesis statement and summarizes the arguments presented in that paper. The sample conclusion for an ethical essay example below demonstrates how you should write a concluding statement.  

In conclusion, the implications of dishonesty and the importance of honesty in our lives cannot be overstated. Honesty builds solid relationships, effective communication, and better decision-making. This essay has explored how dishonesty impacts people and that we should value honesty. We hope this essay will help readers assess their behavior and work towards being more honest in their lives.

In the above extract, the writer gives final thoughts on the topic, urging readers to adopt honest behavior.

How to Write an Ethics Paper?

As you learn how to write an ethics essay, it is not advised to immediately choose a topic and begin writing. When you follow this method, you will get stuck or fail to present concrete ideas. A good writer understands the importance of planning. As a fact, you should organize your work and ensure it captures key elements that shed more light on your arguments. Hence, following the essay structure and creating an outline to guide your writing process is the best approach. In the following segment, we have highlighted step-by-step techniques on how to write a good ethics paper.

1. Pick a Topic

Before writing ethical papers, brainstorm to find ideal topics that can be easily debated. For starters, make a list, then select a title that presents a moral issue that may be explained and addressed from opposing sides. Make sure you choose one that interests you. Here are a few ideas to help you search for topics:

  • Review current trends affecting people.
  • Think about your personal experiences.
  • Study different moral theories and principles.
  • Examine classical moral dilemmas.

Once you find a suitable topic and are ready, start to write your ethics essay, conduct preliminary research, and ascertain that there are enough sources to support it.

2. Conduct In-Depth Research

Once you choose a topic for your essay, the next step is gathering sufficient information about it. Conducting in-depth research entails looking through scholarly journals to find credible material. Ensure you note down all sources you found helpful to assist you on how to write your ethics paper. Use the following steps to help you conduct your research:

  • Clearly state and define a problem you want to discuss.
  • This will guide your research process.
  • Develop keywords that match the topic.
  • Begin searching from a wide perspective. This will allow you to collect more information, then narrow it down by using the identified words above.

3. Develop an Ethics Essay Outline

An outline will ease up your writing process when developing an ethic essay. As you develop a paper on ethics, jot down factual ideas that will build your paragraphs for each section. Include the following steps in your process:

  • Review the topic and information gathered to write a thesis statement.
  • Identify the main arguments you want to discuss and include their evidence.
  • Group them into sections, each presenting a new idea that supports the thesis.
  • Write an outline.
  • Review and refine it.

Examples can also be included to support your main arguments. The structure should be sequential, coherent, and with a good flow from beginning to end. When you follow all steps, you can create an engaging and organized outline that will help you write a good essay.

4. Write an Ethics Essay

Once you have selected a topic, conducted research, and outlined your main points, you can begin writing an essay . Ensure you adhere to the ethics paper format you have chosen. Start an ethics paper with an overview of your topic to capture the readers' attention. Build upon your paper by avoiding ambiguous arguments and using the outline to help you write your essay on ethics. Finish the introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that explains your main position.  Expand on your thesis statement in all essay paragraphs. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence and provide evidence plus an example to solidify your argument, strengthen the main point, and let readers see the reasoning behind your stance. Finally, conclude the essay by restating your thesis statement and summarizing all key ideas. Your conclusion should engage the reader, posing questions or urging them to reflect on the issue and how it will impact them.

5. Proofread Your Ethics Essay

Proofreading your essay is the last step as you countercheck any grammatical or structural errors in your essay. When writing your ethic paper, typical mistakes you could encounter include the following:

  • Spelling errors: e.g., there, they’re, their.
  • Homophone words: such as new vs. knew.
  • Inconsistencies: like mixing British and American words, e.g., color vs. color.
  • Formatting issues: e.g., double spacing, different font types.

While proofreading your ethical issue essay, read it aloud to detect lexical errors or ambiguous phrases that distort its meaning. Verify your information and ensure it is relevant and up-to-date. You can ask your fellow student to read the essay and give feedback on its structure and quality.

Ethics Essay Examples

Writing an essay is challenging without the right steps. There are so many ethics paper examples on the internet, however, we have provided a list of free ethics essay examples below that are well-structured and have a solid argument to help you write your paper. Click on them and see how each writing step has been integrated. Ethics essay example 1


Ethics essay example 2

Ethics essay example 3

Ethics essay example 4

College ethics essay example 5

Ethics Essay Writing Tips

When writing papers on ethics, here are several tips to help you complete an excellent essay:

  • Choose a narrow topic and avoid broad subjects, as it is easy to cover the topic in detail.
  • Ensure you have background information. A good understanding of a topic can make it easy to apply all necessary moral theories and principles in writing your paper.
  • State your position clearly. It is important to be sure about your stance as it will allow you to draft your arguments accordingly.
  • When writing ethics essays, be mindful of your audience. Provide arguments that they can understand.
  • Integrate solid examples into your essay. Morality can be hard to understand; therefore, using them will help a reader grasp these concepts.

Bottom Line on Writing an Ethics Paper

Creating this essay is a common exercise in academics that allows students to build critical skills. When you begin writing, state your stance on an issue and provide arguments to support your position. This guide gives information on how to write an ethics essay as well as examples of ethics papers. Remember to follow these points in your writing:

  • Create an outline highlighting your main points.
  • Write an effective introduction and provide background information on an issue.
  • Include a thesis statement.
  • Develop concrete arguments and their counterarguments, and use examples.
  • Sum up all your key points in your conclusion and restate your thesis statement.


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Essay on Ethics for Students and Children

500+ words essay on ethics.

Essay on Ethics – Ethics refers to the concepts of right and wrong conduct. Furthermore, ethics is basically a branch of philosophy dealing with the issue of morality. Moreover, ethics consist of the rules of behavior. It certainly defines how a person should behave in specific situations. The origin of ethics is old and it started from the Stone Age . Most noteworthy, over the centuries many religions and philosophers have made contributions to ethics.

Branches of Ethics

First of all, comes the descriptive branch of ethics. Descriptive ethics involve what people actually believe to be right or wrong. On the basis of this, the law decides whether certain human actions are acceptable or not. Most noteworthy, the moral principles of society keep changing from time to time. Therefore, descriptive ethics are also known as comparative ethics. This is because; it compares the ethics of past and present as well as ethics of one society and another.

Normative ethics is another important branch of ethics. Moreover, Normative ethics deals with certain norms or set of considerations. Furthermore, these norms or set of considerations dictate how one should act. Therefore, normative ethics sets out the rightness or wrongness of actions or behaviours. Another name for normative ethics is prescriptive ethics. This is because; it has principles which determine whether an action is right or wrong.

Meta-ethics consists of the origin of the ethical concepts themselves. Meta-ethics is not concerned whether an action is good or evil. Rather, meta-ethics questions what morality itself is. Therefore, meta-ethics questions the very essence of goodness or rightness. Most noteworthy, it is a highly abstract way of analyzing ethics.

Applied ethics involves philosophical examination or certain private and public life issues. Furthermore, this examination of issues takes place from a moral standpoint. Moreover, this branch of ethics is very essential for professionals. Also, these professionals belong to different walks of life and include doctors , teachers , administrators, rulers.

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Applications of Ethics

Bioethicists deal with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, and philosophy. Furthermore, Bioethics refers to the study of controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine .

Ethics also have a significant application in business. Moreover, business ethics examines ethical principles in relation to a business environment.

Military ethics involve the questions regarding the application of ethos of the soldier. Furthermore, military ethics involves the laws of war. Moreover, it also includes the question of justification of initiating military force.

Public sector ethics deals with a set of principles that guide public officials in their service. Furthermore, the public sector involves the morality of decision making. Most noteworthy, it consists of the question of what best serves the public’s interests.

In conclusion, ethics is certainly one of the most important requirements of humanity. Furthermore, without ethics, the world would have been an evil and chaotic place. Also, the advancement of humanity is not possible without ethics. There must be widespread awareness of ethics among the youth of society.

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Code of Hammurabi

The term ethics may refer to the philosophical study of the concepts of moral right and wrong and moral good and bad, to any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong or morally good and bad, and to any system or code of moral rules, principles, or values. The last may be associated with particular religions , cultures, professions, or virtually any other group that is at least partly characterized by its moral outlook.

Traditionally, ethics referred to the philosophical study of morality, the latter being a more or less systematic set of beliefs, usually held in common by a group, about how people should live. Ethics also referred to particular philosophical theories of morality. Later the term was applied to particular (and narrower) moral codes or value systems. Ethics and morality are now used almost interchangeably in many contexts, but the name of the philosophical study remains ethics .

Ethics matters because (1) it is part of how many groups define themselves and thus part of the identity of their individual members, (2) other-regarding values in most ethical systems both reflect and foster close human relationships and mutual respect and trust, and (3) it could be “rational” for a self-interested person to be moral, because his or her self-interest is arguably best served in the long run by reciprocating the moral behaviour of others.

No. Understood as equivalent to morality, ethics could be studied as a social-psychological or historical phenomenon, but in that case it would be an object of social-scientific study, not a social science in itself. Understood as the philosophical study of moral concepts, ethics is a branch of philosophy , not of social science.

ethics , the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles.

(Read Britannica’s biography of this author, Peter Singer.)

How should we live? Shall we aim at happiness or at knowledge, virtue , or the creation of beautiful objects? If we choose happiness, will it be our own or the happiness of all? And what of the more particular questions that face us: is it right to be dishonest in a good cause? Can we justify living in opulence while elsewhere in the world people are starving? Is going to war justified in cases where it is likely that innocent people will be killed? Is it wrong to clone a human being or to destroy human embryos in medical research? What are our obligations, if any, to the generations of humans who will come after us and to the nonhuman animals with whom we share the planet?

Ethics deals with such questions at all levels. Its subject consists of the fundamental issues of practical decision making , and its major concerns include the nature of ultimate value and the standards by which human actions can be judged right or wrong .

The terms ethics and morality are closely related. It is now common to refer to ethical judgments or to ethical principles where it once would have been more accurate to speak of moral judgments or moral principles. These applications are an extension of the meaning of ethics. In earlier usage, the term referred not to morality itself but to the field of study, or branch of inquiry, that has morality as its subject matter. In this sense, ethics is equivalent to moral philosophy.

Although ethics has always been viewed as a branch of philosophy , its all-embracing practical nature links it with many other areas of study, including anthropology , biology , economics , history , politics , sociology , and theology . Yet, ethics remains distinct from such disciplines because it is not a matter of factual knowledge in the way that the sciences and other branches of inquiry are. Rather, it has to do with determining the nature of normative theories and applying these sets of principles to practical moral problems.

essay for ethics

This article, then, will deal with ethics as a field of philosophy, especially as it has developed in the West. For coverage of religious conceptions of ethics and the ethical systems associated with world religions, see Buddhism ; Christianity ; Confucianism ; Hinduism ; Jainism ; Judaism ; Sikhism .

The origins of ethics

Mythical accounts.

When did ethics begin and how did it originate? If one has in mind ethics proper—i.e., the systematic study of what is morally right and wrong—it is clear that ethics could have come into existence only when human beings started to reflect on the best way to live. This reflective stage emerged long after human societies had developed some kind of morality, usually in the form of customary standards of right and wrong conduct . The process of reflection tended to arise from such customs, even if in the end it may have found them wanting. Accordingly, ethics began with the introduction of the first moral codes .

Virtually every human society has some form of myth to explain the origin of morality. In the Louvre in Paris there is a black Babylonian column with a relief showing the sun god Shamash presenting the code of laws to Hammurabi (died c. 1750 bce ), known as the Code of Hammurabi . The Hebrew Bible ( Old Testament ) account of God’s giving the Ten Commandments to Moses (flourished 14th–13th century bce ) on Mount Sinai might be considered another example. In the dialogue Protagoras by Plato (428/427–348/347 bce ), there is an avowedly mythical account of how Zeus took pity on the hapless humans, who were physically no match for the other beasts. To make up for these deficiencies, Zeus gave humans a moral sense and the capacity for law and justice , so that they could live in larger communities and cooperate with one another.

That morality should be invested with all the mystery and power of divine origin is not surprising. Nothing else could provide such strong reasons for accepting the moral law. By attributing a divine origin to morality, the priesthood became its interpreter and guardian and thereby secured for itself a power that it would not readily relinquish. This link between morality and religion has been so firmly forged that it is still sometimes asserted that there can be no morality without religion. According to this view, ethics is not an independent field of study but rather a branch of theology ( see moral theology ).

There is some difficulty, already known to Plato, with the view that morality was created by a divine power. In his dialogue Euthyphro , Plato considered the suggestion that it is divine approval that makes an action good . Plato pointed out that, if this were the case, one could not say that the gods approve of such actions because they are good. Why then do they approve of them? Is their approval entirely arbitrary? Plato considered this impossible and so held that there must be some standards of right or wrong that are independent of the likes and dislikes of the gods. Modern philosophers have generally accepted Plato’s argument, because the alternative implies that if, for example, the gods had happened to approve of torturing children and to disapprove of helping one’s neighbours, then torture would have been good and neighbourliness bad.

Writing Ethical Papers: Top Tips to Ace Your Assignment

17 August, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

Writing a complex essay paper can be a tough task for any student, especially for those who do not have their skills developed well or do not have enough time for lengthy assignments. At the same time, the majority of college students need to keep their grades high to maintain their right to receive merit-based scholarships and continue their studies the next year. To help you with your ethical papers writing, we created this guide. Below, you will find out what an ethical paper is, how to structure it and write it efficiently. 

Ethical Papers

What is an Ethical Paper?

An ethics paper is a type of an argumentative assignment that deals with a certain ethical problem that a student has to describe and solve. Also, it can be an essay where a certain controversial event or concept is elaborated through an ethical lens (e.g. moral rules and principles), or a certain ethical dilemma is explained. Since ethics is connected to moral concepts and choices, a student needs to have a fair knowledge of philosophy and get ready to answer questions related to relationships, justice, professional and social duties, the origin of good and evil, etc., to write a quality paper. Also, writing an ethics paper implies that a student should process a great amount of information regarding their topic and analyze it according to paper terms.

General Aspects of Writing an Ethics Paper

Understanding the ethical papers’ features.

Every essay has differences and features that make it unique. Writing ethical papers implies that a student will use their knowledge of morality and philosophy to resolve a certain ethical dilemma or solve a situation. It can also be a paper in which a student needs to provide their reasoning on ethical or legal circumstances that follow a social issue. Finally, it can be an assignment in which an ethical concept and its application are described. On the contrary, a history essay deals with events that took place somewhen earlier, while a narrative essay is a paper where students demonstrate their storytelling skills, etc.

Defining What Type of Essay Should Be Written

Most of the time, ethical paper topics imply that a student will write an argumentative essay; however, ethics essays can also be descriptive and expository. Each of these essay types has different guidelines for writing, so be sure you know them before you start writing your papers on ethics. In case you missed this step in your ethical paper preparation stage, you would end up writing a paper that misses many important points.

Studying the Ethical Paper Guidelines

Once you get your ethical paper assignment, look through the guidelines that your instructor provided to you. If you receive them during the class, don’t hesitate to pose any questions immediately to remove any misunderstanding before writing an ethics paper outline, or ask for references that you need to use. When you are about to write your first draft, don’t rush: read the paper instructions once again to make sure you understand what is needed from you.

Paying Attention to the Paper Topic

The next thing you need to pay attention to is the ethical paper topic: once you are given one, make sure it falls into the scope of your educational course. After that, consider what additional knowledge may be needed to elaborate on your topic and think about what courses of your program could be helpful for it. Once you are done, read through your topic again to recheck whether you understand your assignment right.

Understanding the Notions of Ethical Arguments, Ethical and Legal Implications, and Ethical Dilemma

Last but not least, another important factor is that a student has to understand the basic terms of the assignment to write a high-quality paper. Ethical arguments are a set of moral rules that are used to defend your position on an ethical issue stated in your essay topic. We refer to ethical versus legal implications when we think about the compensation for certain ethical dilemma outcomes and whether it should be a moral punishment or legal judgment. An ethical dilemma itself refers to a problem or situation which makes an individual doubt what position to take: e.g, abortion, bribery, corruption, etc.

Writing Outline and Structure of an Ethics Paper

Every essay has a structure that makes it a solid piece of writing with straight reasoning and argumentation, and an ethics paper is not an exclusion. This paper has an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Below, we will describe how each part of ethical papers should be organized and what information they should contain.

First comes the introduction. It is the opening part of your paper which helps a reader to get familiar with your topic and understand what your paper will be about. Therefore, it should contain some information on your ethics paper topics and a thesis statement, which is a central statement of your paper.

The essay body is the most substantive part of your essay where all the reasoning and arguments should be presented. Each paragraph should contain an argument that supports or contradicts your thesis statement and pieces of evidence to support your position. Pick at least three arguments to make your position clear in your essay, and then your paper will be considered well-structured.

The third part of an ethics paper outline is a conclusion, which is a finishing essay part. Its goal is to wrap up the whole essay and make the author’s position clear for the last time. The thoughtful formulation in this essay part should be especially clear and concise to demonstrate the writer’s ability to make conclusions and persuade readers.

Also, don’t forget to include the works cited page after your writing. It should mention all the reference materials that you used in your paper in the order of appearance or in the alphabetical one. This page should be formatted according to the assigned formatting style. Most often, the most frequently used format for ethical papers is APA.

20 Examples of Ethical Paper Topics

  • Are there any issues in the 21st century that we can consider immoral and why?
  • What is corporate ethics?
  • Why is being selfish no longer an issue in 2023?
  • Euthanasia: pros and cons
  • Marijuana legalization: should it be allowed all over the world?
  • Is abortion an ethical issue nowadays?
  • Can we invent a universal religion appropriate for all?
  • Is the church necessary to pray to God?
  • Can we forgive infidelity and should we do it?
  • How to react if you are witnessing high school bullying?
  • What are the ways to respond to a family abusing individual?
  • How to demand your privacy protection in a digital world?
  • The history of the American ethical thought
  • Can war be ethical and what should the conflicting sides do to make it possible?
  • Ethical issues of keeping a zoo in 2023
  • Who is in charge of controlling the world’s population?
  • How to achieve equality in the world’s rich and poor gap?
  • Is science ethical?
  • How ethical is genetic engineering?
  • Why many countries refuse to go back to carrying out the death penalty?

Ethical Papers Examples

If you still have no idea about how to write an ethics paper, looking through other students’ successful examples is always a good idea. Below, you can find a relevant ethics paper example that you can skim through and see how to build your reasoning and argumentation in your own paper.

Ethical Papers Writing Tips

Choose a topic that falls into the ethics course program.

In case you were not given the ethics paper topic, consider choosing it yourself. To do that, brainstorm the ethical issues that fascinate you enough to do research. List all these issues on a paper sheet and then cross out those that are too broad or require expertise that you don’t have. The next step you need to take is to choose three or four ethical topics for papers from the list and try to do a quick search online to find out whether these topics are elaborated enough to find sources and reference materials on them. Last, choose one topic that you like the most and find the most relevant one in terms of available data for reference.

Do your research

Once the topic is chosen and organized, dive deeper into it to find the most credible, reliable, and trusted service. Use your university library, online scientific journals, documentaries, and other sources to get the information from. Remember to take notes while working with every new piece of reference material to not forget the ideas that you will base your argumentation on.

Follow the guidelines for a paper outline

During the preparation for your ethical paper and the process of writing it, remember to follow your professor’s instructions (e.g. font, size, spacing, citation style, etc.). If you neglect them, your grade for the paper will decrease significantly.

Write the essay body first

Do not rush to start writing your ethics papers from the very beginning; to write a good essay, you need to have your outline and thesis statement first. Then, go to writing body paragraphs to demonstrate your expertise on the issue you are writing about. Remember that one supporting idea should be covered in one paragraph and should be followed by the piece of evidence that confirms it.

Make sure your introduction and conclusion translate the same message

After your essay body is done, write a conclusion and an introduction for your paper. The main tip regarding these ethics paper parts is that you should make them interrelated: your conclusion has to restate your introduction but not repeat it. Also, a conclusion should wrap up your writing and make it credible for the audience.

Add citations

Every top-quality paper has the works cited page and citations to demonstrate that the research on the topic has been carried out. Therefore, do not omit this point when formatting your paper: add all the sources to the works cited page and pay attention to citing throughout the text. The latter should be done according to the formatting style indicated in your instructions.

Edit your paper

Last but not least is the editing and proofreading stage that you need to carry out before you submit your paper to your instructor. Consider keeping your first draft away from sight for a day or two to have a rest, and then go back to check it for errors and redundant phrases. Don’t rush to change anything immediately after finishing your writing since you are already tired and less focused, so some mistakes may be missed.

Writing Help by Handmadewriting

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Below are essays on:

  • contemporary moral issues and topics in applied or practical ethics;
  • ethical theories  or explanations for what, in general, makes wrong actions wrong and makes permissible actions permissible; and
  • metaethics or philosophical theories of whether and how moral judgments are true or false (or neither) and whether and how we know them (if we do), and other philosophical issues about ethics.

Practical Ethics | Applied Ethics | Moral Issues

Applied Ethics by Chelsea Haramia

Moral Education: Teaching Students to Become Better People by Dominik Balg

Theories of Moral Considerability: Who and What Matters Morally?  by Jonathan Spelman

Business Ethics  by Thomas Metcalf

Happiness by Kiki Berk

Meaning in Life: What Makes Our Lives Meaningful? by Matthew Pianalto

The Meaning of Life: What’s the Point?  by Matthew Pianalto

Philosophy as a Way of Life  by Christine Darr

Ancient Cynicism: Rejecting Civilization and Returning to Nature by G. M. Trujillo, Jr.

The Ethics of Abortion by Nathan Nobis

Euthanasia, or Mercy Killing by Nathan Nobis

The Doctrine of Double Effect: Do Intentions Matter to Ethics? by Gabriel Andrade

Principlism in Biomedical Ethics: Respect for Autonomy, Non-Maleficence, Beneficence, and Justice by G. M. Trujillo, Jr.

Philosophy and Race: An Introduction to Philosophy of Race by Thomas Metcalf

What Is Misogyny? by Odelia Zuckerman and Clair Morrissey

Theories of Punishment by Travis Joseph Rodgers

The Death Penalty by Benjamin S. Yost

Philosophy of Law: An Overview  by Mark Satta

Ethics and Absolute Poverty: Peter Singer and Effective Altruism by Brandon Boesch

Longtermism: How Much Should We Care About the Far Future? by Dylan Balfour

Saving the Many or the Few: The Moral Relevance of Numbers by Theron Pummer

The Badness of Death by Duncan Purves

Is Death Bad? Epicurus and Lucretius on the Fear of Death by Frederik Kaufman

The Moral Status of Animals by Jason Wyckoff

Speciesism by Dan Lowe

“Can They Suffer?”: Bentham on our Obligations to Animals  by Daniel Weltman

The Non-Identity Problem by Duncan Purves

Psychological Approaches to Personal Identity: Do Memories and Consciousness Make Us Who We Are?  by Kristin Seemuth Whaley

The Ethics of Drone Strikes  by Ryan Jenkins

Videogames and Philosophy  by Alex Fisher

Philosophical Inquiry in Childhood  by Jana Mohr Lone

Ethics and the Expected Consequences of Voting  by Thomas Metcalf

Free Speech by Mark Satta

Licensing Parents  by Ryan Jenkins

Moral Luck by Jonathan Spelman

Indoctrination: What is it to Indoctrinate Someone? by Chris Ranalli

Is it Wrong to Believe Without Sufficient Evidence? W.K. Clifford’s “The Ethics of Belief” by Spencer Case

Existentialism by Addison Ellis

African American Existentialism: DuBois, Locke, Thurman, and King by Anthony Sean Neal

Is Immortality Desirable? by Felipe Pereira

Camus on the Absurd: The Myth of Sisyphus by Erik Van Aken

“Hell Is Other People”: Sartre on Personal Relationships by Kiki Berk

The Philosophy of Humor: What Makes Something Funny?  by Chris A. Kramer

Marx’s Conception of Alienation  by Dan Lowe

On Karl Marx’s Slogan “From Each According to their Ability, To Each According to their Need”  by Sam Badger

Hope  by Michael Milona & Katie Stockdale

What Is It To Love Someone? by Felipe Pereira

Aristotle on Friendship: What Does It Take to Be a Good Friend? by G. M. Trujillo, Jr.

Sexual Orientation, Sex, and Gender  by Raja Halwani

Feminism Part 1: The Sameness Approach  by Annaleigh Curtis

Feminism Part 2: The Difference Approach  by Annaleigh Curtis

Feminism Part 3: The Dominance Approach by Chelsea Haramia

Aristotle’s Defense of Slavery by Dan Lowe 

Removing Confederate Monuments by Travis Timmerman

Mary Astell’s “A Serious Proposal to the Ladies” (1694) by Simone Webb

Rousseau on Human Nature: “Amour de soi” and “Amour propre” by Corey McCabe

Epistemic Injustice by Huzeyfe Demirtas

Ethics and “Extra Credit” by Nathan Nobis

The Ontology of Race by Abiral Chitrakar Phnuyal

Reparations for Historic Injustice by Joseph Frigault

Responding to Morally Flawed Historical Philosophers and Philosophies  by Victor Fabian Abundez-Guerra and Nathan Nobis

How to Establish Social Order? Three Early Chinese Answers  by Henrique Schneider

Plato’s Crito: When should we break the law?  by Spencer Case

Conspiracy Theories by Jared Millson

George Orwell’s Philosophical Views by Mark Satta

Normative Ethics / Ethical Theories / Moral Principles 

Cultural Relativism: Do Cultural Norms Make Actions Right and Wrong? by Nathan Nobis

Because God Says So: On Divine Command Theory  by Spencer Case

Ethical Egoism by Nathan Nobis

Deontology: Kantian Ethics by Andrew Chapman

Consequentialism by Shane Gronholz

Mill’s Proof of the Principle of Utility by Dale E. Miller

John Stuart Mill on The Good Life: Higher-Quality Pleasures by Dale E. Miller

Ursula Le Guin’s “The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas”: Would You Walk Away? by Spencer Case

W.D. Ross’s Ethics of “Prima Facie” Duties  by Matthew Pianalto

Social Contract Theory by David Antonini

“Nasty, Brutish, and Short”: Thomas Hobbes on Life in the State of Nature  by Daniel Weltman

Rousseau on Human Nature: “Amour de soi” and “Amour propre”  by Corey McCabe

John Rawls’ ‘A Theory of Justice’ by Ben Davies

Distributive Justice: How Should Resources be Allocated?  By Dick Timmer and Tim Meijers

Virtue Ethics  by David Merry

Situationism and Virtue Ethics by Ian Tully

G. E. M. Anscombe’s “Modern Moral Philosophy” by Daniel Weltman

The African Ethic of Ubuntu  by Thaddeus Metz

Mengzi’s Moral Psychology, Part 1: The Four Moral Sprouts by John Ramsey

Mengzi’s Moral Psychology, Part 2: The Cultivation Analogy by John Ramsey

Principlism in Biomedical Ethics: Respect for Autonomy, Non-Maleficence, Beneficence, and Justice  by G. M. Trujillo, Jr.

Why be Moral? Plato’s ‘Ring of Gyges’ Thought Experiment by Spencer Case

Evolution and Ethics by Michael Klenk

(Im)partiality by Shane Gronholz

The Ethics of Mozi: Social Organization and Impartial Care  by Henrique Schneider

Praise and Blame by Daniel Miller

Nietzsche and the Death of God by Justin Remhof

Plato’s Form of the Good by Ryan Jenkins

The Repugnant Conclusion  by Jonathan Spelman

Practical Reasons by Shane Gronholz

Moral Testimony by Annaleigh Curtis

Ignorance and Blame by Daniel Miller

Free Will and Moral Responsibility by Chelsea Haramia

Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility by Rachel Bourbaki

Manipulation and Moral Responsibility by Taylor W. Cyr

Expertise by Jamie Carlin Watson

Hell and Universalism  by A.G. Holdier

Meta-Ethics / The Philosophy of Ethics 

Ethical Realism by Thomas Metcalf

Seemings: Justifying Beliefs Based on How Things Seem by Kaj André Zeller

Moral Error Theory by Ian Tully

Reason is the Slave to the Passions: Hume on Reason vs. Desire by Daniel Weltman

Also see  Social and Political Philosophy

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221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples

An ethical dilemma essay has become an essential part of education for many professions that involve working with people. Below, we’ve collected topics for writing a paper on this subject.

🏆 Best Ethical Dilemma Essay Examples & Topics

📌 simple & easy ethical dilemma essay topics, 💡 most interesting ethical dilemma topics to write about, 🎓 good research topics about ethical dilemma, ✍ ethical dilemma essay topics for college, ❓ questions for ethical dilemmas.

The concepts of ethics and moral dilemmas have originated long ago. They heavily influence the process of decision-making in a variety of fields, from social work and healthcare to a simple office workplace. Thus, you have to approach the ethical dilemma topic carefully. Writing a paper on the phenomenon should rely on locating the available evidence and citing the latest sources.

In this article, our team has gathered titles for your academic essay. Besides, with our tips and ethical dilemma paper examples, you will understand how to research and write it.

Emotional intelligence essays are an essential part of education for many professions that involve working with people, such as managers and teachers.

The concept is somewhat new, having been first introduced half a century ago and popularized at the end of the last century.

As such, you have to approach the topic carefully and rely on the latest available evidence to avoid citing outdated ideas.

Furthermore, as with any psychology-related topic, you should exhibit general caution and avoid the numerous pitfalls associated with the study of the human mind.

This article will help you understand what you should or should not do to write an excellent paper.

Here are some further tips for your work:

  • Psychology relies on scenarios where a person’s behavior can be as free of outside factors as possible. Toddler observation and scholarly experiments with carefully selected conditions are excellent examples of such situations, and you should use them to ground your descriptions in reality.
  • Be sure to adhere to academic guidelines, avoiding the use of first person, calls to action, and other additions that do not match the format. This approach is useful in general, as it applies to most essays and will be beneficial for future reports and similar submissions.
  • Write an emotional intelligence essay introduction and conclusion at the end of your paper. They make your work easier to read by giving it structure and direction. The introduction should contain a description of the topic and a thesis statement, and the conclusion should sum up the main points.
  • Try to set a central theme and address it in your essay instead of providing a general overview of the topic. There are many emotional intelligence essay questions that can be answered in considerable detail. As such, you should concentrate on one of them without getting distracted and sidetracked.

Come to IvyPanda for ethical dilemma essay examples as well as various titles that will help you begin your writing process!

  • An Ethical Dilemma Faced by Nestle: Case Analysis International staffing and development help Nestle to organize human resources in accordance with the needs of the company and its strategic goals.
  • BP Oil Company Ethical Dilemma The damages caused by the spill originated from the effects of the oil on the environment and the damaging effects of the cleanup activities.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice If one is to discuss the issue with the senior management of the organization in which the crime occurred, there is a high chance that the issue will not be taken as seriously due to […]
  • Ethical Dilemma of Child Abuse In the above example, a nurse has to apply rational judgment to analyze the extent and threats when making decisions in the best interest of the victim of child abuse.
  • “Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice” by Pollock If hunting is the primary means of survival of a particular society, the euthanasia of the elderly and the sick can be deemed acceptable.
  • The Ford Pinto Case and Ethical Dilemma Lee Iacocca, the Ford company’s president, was accused of disregarding the need to improve the safety of Pinto cars due to the increased cost.
  • Public Administration Ethical Dilemma and Theories Smith should take the responsibility of ensuring that the needs of the majority are upheld since the welfare of the community, and the organization is of importance.
  • Family Therapy: Ethical Dilemmas One of the ethical dilemmas in the case is that of deciding whether or not to disclose the information about Breen’s relationship with her boyfriend to her parents.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Example, Problem, and Solution Secondly, I was supposed to show other employees that no one is above the policies of this company and if anyone commits a mistake the individual must be punished.
  • Early Childhood Education Center’s Ethical Dilemma Therefore, it is necessary to involve different people in the discussion of this case because there are several ethical responsibilities applied to a new child, the children of the class, the staff, parents, and the […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Counselling and Treatment Methods The case of Brett has become an ethical issue based on the following; questions are revolving around what information can be released to the parents and parents request to review the diagnosis since no procedure […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Social Workers’ Practice In order to resolve the emerging dilemma, it is necessary to identify the involved stakeholders, model two possible courses of events, evaluate the implications of each and come to a conclusion regarding the preferential option […]
  • Cultural Clash in the Board Room: An Ethical Dilemma Among Top Management in Almond China The first option he has is to resign from the company because he says that one of the reasons that motivated him to join the company is the values and standards the company up holds.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Case Study Today, being a nurse is associated with a number of complexities due to the need to comply with diverse obligations in social, political, and healthcare segments.
  • Richard Angelo: A Serial Killer and His Ethical Dilemma The convicted claimed he made the injections to cause crises to be able to revive patients and become a hero in front of his colleagues.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Counselors Engaging in Relations with Clients They should keep a boundary in the way they relate to the clients to ensure that their relationship with the client does no harm or pose potential harm to the clients.
  • Samsung’s Ethical Dilemma of Child Labor The paper will critically analyze the ethical dimensions of the dilemma from the perspective of the utilitarian ethical theory. It will be argued that according to the fundamental principles of the theory, the company’s behavior […]
  • Ethical Dilemma: The Missing Needle Protector Health care professionals and patients have to develop a level of trust to support the recovery process for patients and the status of the hospital.
  • Ethical Dilemmas Facing Teachers The proponents of this system claim that it is authentic and offers a first hand experience to the learners. The needs in this system include having a strong foundation in the areas that the knowledge […]
  • Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma and Legal Position The core concerns in the controversy are whether women should have the right to decide to terminate a pregnancy or whether the unborn child has the right to life.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Institutions The interviewee outlined the major strategies used to handle ethical dilemmas in the healthcare facility. The supervisor will be required to assess the impact of the ethical or legal dilemma.
  • Ethical Dilemma With the Bank Teller On the other hand, the bank calls for honesty in service and client protection, and given that the teller took the money without permission from an inactive account belonging to a customer it is professionally […]
  • The Acme Title Pawn Employee’s Ethical Dilemma While the situation is controversial, it can be stated that Joe should change the workplace and explain to his family the reasons for such a decision.
  • Arranged Marriage and Its Ethical Dilemma His family would be happy to see him married to the person they chose, and his father would save his reputation.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: An Analysis of Two Cases In the case of IVF, such a procedure is prohibited according to Joe and Mary’s religion which means that they must not engage in it.
  • Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Self-Driving Cars The video taken showed that the driver in the car was shocked and could not do anything to save the woman.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Journalism A good example is the clause in the code of ethics that states that reporters are supposed to show reverence to the privacy and dignity of the public.
  • Ethical Dilemma of Patient Care Delivery However, the administration of more pain depressants is likely to escalate the addiction problem while the denial of the medication will aggravate the patient’s suffering.
  • An Ethical Dilemma – Religious Belief Versus Medical Practice In the first step, the ethical dilemma is between the principle of beneficence in the treatment of meningitis and the principle of autonomy with respect to the decision of the parents.
  • Joe Smith and Bill Bateman: Ethical Dilemma Analysis Indeed, their cooperation is attributed with the features of gray zone business conduct where the boundaries between the personal and the business issues are blurred.
  • Ethical Dilemma & Glyphosate: Post Foods Company In this case, some experts believe that it is a vivid instance of the unethical business practices, as Post Foods’s consumers do not expect to find any pesticides in the products that are overtly advertised […]
  • The Ethical Dilemma: Siemens In relation to the above dilemmas, the bounded bribery applies to the psychological tendency of the conspirators to fulfill selfish interests of self enrichment at the expense of the shareholders’ goals and objectives.
  • An Ethical Dilemma and Lapse in Business An ethical dilemma and lapse differ in the people’s motivation driving decisions. Meanwhile, an ethical lapse occurs due to an unethical conversation involving selective quoting and misleading audiences.
  • The Unocal Firm’s Ethical Dilemma in Burma The oil corporation was eager to investigate oil potential in Burma, a place that the rest of the world had abandoned due to several problems.
  • Truth vs. Loyalty: Tinkov’s Ethical Dilemma Moreover, his pacifist text and critique of the Russian aggression and dictatorship made Tinkov’s life unsafe. He chose truthfulness and freedom from greed over political loyalty and the well-being of his business.
  • Global Poverty: The Ethical Dilemma Unfortunately, a significant obstacle to such global reforms is that many economic systems are based on the concept of inequality and exploitation.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Workplace Analysis Therefore, the main purpose of this project is to explore the types of dilemmas and the factors that affect the workers response to the dilemmas in a workplace.
  • The Ethical Dilemma in Nursing One of the most common ethical dilemmas that advanced practice nurses face is the lack of consent on the part of the patient.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Nursing Field As a human, I felt that the safety of the lady took precedence; hence I could not allow her to walk alone. As a nurse leader, I would encourage my staff to always put the […]
  • Ethical Dilemma in “The Reader” Film by S. Daldry She is surprised and confused by the hypocrisy of the judges and her co-defendants, who act as if they do not remember that period and as if they were not part of that society.
  • Hyundai Dispatch Workers and Ethical Dilemma According to the workers, the leadership of Hyundai was responsible for the safety of the employees at the workplace. The representatives of the temporary employees occupied the company requiring changes in the employment terms.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Swimming Pool Building This is evident when the contractor conducts the private work of the mayor without any delay, as well as the birthday gift that the contractor advances to the mayor as a friend.
  • Domestic Violence Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice Various ethical issues such as the code of silence, the mental status of the offender, and limited evidence play a vital role in challenging the discretion of police officers in arresting the DV perpetrators.
  • “Ethical Dilemmas in MNCs’ International Staffing Policies” by Banai and Sama The paper assumes that in the age of the rise of global international corporations international staffing policies acquire the top priority because of their impact on outcomes.
  • Possible Solutions to the Ethical Dilemmas This varied, different group of the workforce is being required to work harmoniously jointly in the strength of teamwork and respect for the advantage of the company and the public they deal with.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Law Enforcement: Confidentiality and Misuse of Information Additionally, Badpenny’s choice to reveal private information was affected by the organizational structure of the University City Police Department and the Grantham County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Ethical Dilemma of Stopping City Authority In this scenario, the ethical dilemma is balancing the duty to enforce the law with the potential harm that could be caused by a public arrest of a fellow officer.
  • Ethical Dilemma Analysis: Criminal Justice Case The publicity of the case added another layer of complexity to the decision, as either verdict would alienate a part of the population.
  • The Ethical Dilemma of Navigating Disagreements in Nursing Care Disputes arise when nurses have different opinions on the type, frequency, and effectiveness of specific care options for a patient due to the differences in their scope of practice and focus.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare: Privacy and the Right to Know Moreover, the staff cannot ignore the fact that Tina is likely to be wrong in her decision not to reveal the diagnosis to Victoria.
  • Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Rape and Abortion Therefore, this paper discusses the module 8 case study and related cases regarding rape and abortion, applying dialectical thinking to the module 8 case and why Mary in the case study should not undergo abortion […]
  • Hiring the Previously Convicted Cybercriminals: Ethical Dilemma The deontological theory focuses not on the consequences of an act but on the intentions and desire of a person to act for the benefit of others.
  • Ethical Dilemmas Hindering Provision of Health Services in Tanzania The strikes have always been linked to two issues: 1) the working conditions of doctors, including infrastructure, the availability of medicines, equipment, and other medical supplies, and 2) the underpayment of wages and benefits.
  • Analysis of Ethical Dilemma: Euthanasia One of these is the right to live, which includes much more than the ability to simply exist, and suggests an adherence to a minimum of quality and self-determination.
  • Researching of IT Ethical Dilemmas In addition, there are Notified Data Breach Laws that oblige businesses and CSPs to report the incident to the government and all users of the service and customers in the event of a data breach.
  • The Legal and Ethical Dilemma in Dental Health The objective side of the crime in the case of silencing the incompetence of a colleague in dentistry is expressed in the failure to fulfill the duties of the statement to the appropriate authorities.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Cases Analysis In the case of Joe and Marie, natural law theory also demonstrates that ethically the IVF procedure is morally justified for several reasons.
  • Ethical Dilemma of Parental Refusal From Children’s Vaccination Kerry attempts to convince the Smiths of the relevance of vaccination in preventing infection by chronic diseases. Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are ethical principles applicable in resolving the moral issue of whether or not […]
  • Ethical Dilemma of Saving Customers’ Personal Information The key point of the action was to be in line with the company’s code of ethics and, at the same time, show the wrongdoing of the colleague’s action to himself.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Gun Violence Discussion The teaching of access or locked on the presence of weapons in people for a long time is a reason for discussion.
  • Legal-Ethical Dilemma in Nursing An example of an urgent legal-ethical dilemma is the one reported and described by a practicing nurse and a patient, Marylyn.
  • Ethical Dilemma of a 2016 TV Commercial for Milk by Juhayna At the end of the ad, the creators claim that Juhayna’s milk is the best in Egypt after Dondou. The message presented in the advertisement can influence the decision of mothers to stop breastfeeding, which […]
  • Nurses’ Ethical Dilemmas in the Work Environment According to the scenario of Mr. According to the scenario of Mr.
  • The Concept of Ethical Dilemmas To evaluate this, such professionals should be subject to constant psychological and physical monitoring, observing the degree of their suitability for work.
  • Ethical Dilemma of Abortion Triumphalism In this issue and other matters, the affected person’s experience may not be a determining factor for the expression of opinion but is unique.
  • Self-Determination and Ethical Dilemma of Assisted Suicide The reason for both euthanasia and assisted suicide, the difference between which is in who actively ends the life, the doctor or the patient, is ending unbearable pain.
  • Ethical Dilemma Regarding Forced Vaccination It seems that people are already used to restrictive measures from the government and have accepted the need to use masks in public places, but the introduction of compulsory vaccination and the resulting bans proved […]
  • Ethical Dilemma: The Case Study Thus, a difficult dilemma emerged for Ali, who by eating the meal would violate his religious obligations and by refusing it would show disrespect to the hosts, and especially the mother of the colleague.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Public Health Such an action could be unwelcomed by the health agencies, and their employees, but, at the same time, the research needs to depict an accurate analysis of the performance of the health programs.
  • The Ethical Dilemma in Guantanamo Bay Prison in the USA In Guantanamo Bay, it is the role of soldiers to ensure justice and protection of human rights. However, the housing of these prisoners and the condition of the Guantanamo Bay detainee camp is ethical.
  • Ethical Dilemma and Ethics and Honest Reporting And adhering to the principle of rights, professions have an ethical duty to evaluate the consequences of a particular decision they make in relation to the rights of other people.
  • The Ethical Dilemma on Abortion From the perspective of the Christian philosophy, a person is a product and manifestation of the love of God, hence the sanctity of any human life.
  • Ethical Dilemma at Abura Petrol Station He felt grateful to his friend for offering a job and wanted to meet the hopes of the petrol network’s owner.
  • Civil-Military Tension as Ethical Dilemma The first is to accept the situation as it is without questions, strictly following the orders and observing the limitations of their inferior position as consultants to the government.
  • Aspects of Media Ethical Dilemmas While all three sources have a goal of informing the audience of Burrous’s passing, the extent to which they unveil the details differs depending on the context, the source’s relation to the anchor, and the […]
  • Ethical Dilemma: Benefiting from High-Conflicting Personality The primary reason for the potential ignorance of one’s wrongdoing is the positive consequences of their actions that outweigh the total harm they bring.
  • Ethical Dilemma. Legal Protection for Employee On the other hand, the leaving colleague might have a change of heart and remain with the original company, so revealing the plans to the boss will affect his opportunities.
  • Abortion as Moral and Ethical Dilemma Despite the conflicting approaches to solving the moral and ethical dilemma of abortion, experts agree that it is possible to reduce the severity of the problem with the help of more excellent sexual education of […]
  • Ethical Dilemma Analysis: Easyriders v. Hannigan Hunnigan represents the case of California motorcyclists filing a suit against the Commissioner of California Highway Patrol for the purpose of permanent injunction against stopping motorcyclists on the ground of officer’s subjective opinion that helmets […]
  • Contemporary Ethical Reflection: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Health Care The counties also blamed the state for being ignorant of the problem of adequate financing of the Medicaid program on supporting the poor and disables.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Hiibel Legal Case in Nevada The search had a reasonable suspicion since, during the investigation of the assault, Hiibel was within the area of search, and when he was asked his name, he failed to answer the police officer.
  • Baby and Mother: End of Life Ethical Dilemma To sum the above mentioned, it should be mentioned that patients, physicians, and caregivers face a lot of dilemmas in regards to life situations.
  • Unethical Practices: Michael Jackson, Ethical Dilemma The case between the people and the king of pop, Michael Jackson, elicited two main ethical concerns: the passion of the prosecutor to convict the defendant and the possibility of the prosecutor to be an […]
  • Noting the Error in Projections: Scott Bestor’s Ethical Dilemma The second ethical issue is balancing the expectations of the management and the consequences of reporting the error in projections. Scott is aware that reporting the error to the management might result in disciplinary action […]
  • Behavior of a Police Officer Within an Ethical Dilemma First and foremost, one should note that one of the most typical ethical concerns in the relevant field is the cases of discrimination on the ground of the national origin.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Practice The psychologist can help the patient deal with the emotional aspect of pain. These skills empower the patient to cope with the pain and the side effects of treatment.
  • Accounting: Ethical Dilemmas Equally, I will consider the repercussions of agreeing to the command. I will also consider being a whistleblower and report the matter to the relevant authorities.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Finding a solution to the ethical issues in Max’s case was important because failure to do so would have different consequences for the patient, the parents, and the caregivers.
  • Moral, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Suicide Since it is a duty of medical practitioners to treat and care for patients, it would be immoral to allow a patient to commit suicide.
  • Asthma and Medications: The Ethical Dilemma in Treating Children One of the major causes of dilemma, however, is the inability to manage and treat the condition in children under the age of 7 years due to ethical dilemma.
  • Ethical and Moral Dilemmas in Accounting and Business Entities This may paint a wrong picture of the actual position of the company and may lead to collapsing if irregularities are not addressed as in the case of Enron.
  • Ethical Dilemma for Sam Torres In this case, it is possible to distinguish several ethical issues: 1) the conflict between Sam’s professional principles and his private interest such as desire to retain his job; 2) the interests of Bull & […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas That Practitioners Face in the Company According to the findings of the commission, it was discovered that ethical issues affecting the police body has to do with process corruption, issue of gratuities and improper associations, substance abuse, fraudulent practices, assaults and […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Business Processes Henry on the other hand is a manager and we are not told whether his organization is prepared to allow all staff to make use of such offers as that which Claire has provided in […]
  • Virtue Ethics: One Way to Resolve an Ethical Dilemma Other members of the usability team argue that although there was a clear loophole that the external members can choose to exploit so that they can be released from the work that they need to […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas Within Organisations During the COVID-19 The moral analysis of the acts of the management of Britannia Hotel can also be analyzed based on the ethics of duties with an emphasis on the individual.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Parental Notification The main issue that is to be addressed is that the boy asks the counselor not to notify his parents about the drug problem, but is it ethical to keep this information confidential?
  • Abortion: Ethical Dilemma in Pope John Paul II’s View This paper tries to examine the abortion ethical dilemma from the lens of the Pope’s thoughts and proposals. Towards the end of the 20th century, new ideas and thoughts began to emerge in different parts […]
  • LinkedIn Ethical Dilemma The candidates most likely to be recruited by the employers using the LinkedIn website are the premium account holders whose applications appear at the top of the applications pile.
  • The Ethical Dilemma: Aborting Babies With Handicaps The standard for such a condition is the elimination of the fetus and the doctor prescribed it as the only solution that would save the other of the twins.
  • NASW Code of Ethics: Social Workers and Ethical Dilemmas As part of my action, I accessed her files and changed the date that she was to leave the facility by adding a month to it. However, I had acted professionally because it was in […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas Overview and Analysis This student should be advised to report the matter to a teacher so that the owner of the iPod can be traced.
  • Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Considering that this may be an argument between younger and older generations, one can argue that there is a significant difference between the way that both house owners and the person that wants to buy […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Mental Health Treatment Treatment of inmates with psychological problems is a delicate and sensitive process because such inmates are not in the normal state to reason.
  • Empress Luxury Lines: Ethical Dilemma The dilemma infringes on Antonio’s principles and values because he thinks that the conduct of the company is not by the insurance company’s policies and principles and that, the management team should face the law.
  • The Ethical Dilemma by Pureco Corporation As the Pureco manager, I have the obligation of maximizing the stakeholders’ welfare, and considering that the company had already invested quite a huge sum of money in the establishment and marketing of the Newpen […]
  • Ethical Dilemma Concepts on Example Phoebe’s Case In order to protect her rights, the council should not interfere with her applications on the basis of what Phoebe did. In addition to punishment, she should be made to repeat the assignment and submit […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Morgan Brown Real Estate Company In the case of the latter ethical dilemma, it would be more effective and honest for this particular company to accept the fact that favouring one client over the other could lead to a tarnished […]
  • The Tobacco Marketing Ethical Dilemma The epidemiological evidence of the deadly tobacco effect in 1964 set the precedence for the mistrust between the tobacco production stakeholders and the public interest groups, that has led to long battle between the two […]
  • Ethical Dilemma of Law Enforcement Code of Ethics Police officers are the example for citizens of the country which they serve, and they should correspond to the position which is occupied.
  • Organ Donation: Ethical Dilemmas An example of an ethical dilemma surrounding the procedure is the case of rich man vs.poor man, or rather, the case of a person who can afford to buy an organ on the black market […]
  • Ethical Dilemma in Teacher Career One was the departmental association vice president and the professor in the university; he was also the advisor of a student that had a hard relationship with one’s colleague the professor of physics.
  • Dementia: Ethical Dilemmas Opting to withdraw the tube may lead to the physiological deprivation of the patient and as a result, the worst-case scenario is the death of the patient.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Solving a Situation, Decision Theory Under business ethics, this is a form of art which is said to examine the ethical principles or even the moral problems which might tend to occur as a result of running the business and […]
  • Ethical Dilemma in the Psychologists Career Therefore, the dilemma that I faced as a school psychologist dealing with the psychological issues of Ayesha has been the ethical choice needed to be taken between what is good and what is wrong that […]
  • Ethical Dilemma in Mental Health Patient Care My ethical response to the situation was that Catherine should only be attended to by the female staff especially when she was naked and that only the female staff needed to have access to the […]
  • Google Inc.’s Historical Ethical Dilemmas It is sad to say that various forms of unethical behavior are common in the workforce, and specific analysis is required to determine the impact of this phenomenon on the business industry.
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs Use as Ethical Dilemma According to Christian beliefs, Paul should refuse to partake in the team’s abuse of PEDs because it offers him and his teammates an unfair advantage over other athletes.
  • Medical Ethical Dilemmas: Taking a Stand Morality is the idea of correctness and rightness that is constructed on people’s experiences and applied to the life of society.
  • Ethical Advertising: Dilemmas and Resolutions One of the core aspects that should not be overlooked is that the number of competitors is going to increase significantly, and it is entirely possible that the company will suffer because of such policies.
  • Post-Dated Cheque Ethical Dilemma in Accounting First, the recipients of the delayed check will lose interest corresponding to the duration of the delay. In this scenario, Tabitha will be held responsible for the unethical actions and the incurrence of losses by […]
  • Wasta (Nepotism) Ethical Dilemma at the Workplace Moreover, with the present social costs in our society that have arisen through the use of wasta, it is impossible to justify the use of wasta in hiring and performing business transactions.
  • Ethical Dilemma on the Company Valuation Mistake I could inform my team and the company boards of the said mistake; I could inform the team but keep the company in the dark, or I could ignore the mistake altogether.
  • Flight 93 Incident and Ethical Dilemma This paper evaluates the ethical standing of this question from a utilitarian point of view to establish the rightness or wrongness of the decision to shoot down the plane before it crashed.
  • Police Corruption and Citizen’s Ethical Dilemma There are three key stakeholders in the given situation, which are the policemen, who set the terms; the father, who is to take the pivoting decision; and the family, who depends on the decision which […]
  • Poverty in America: An Ethical Dilemma In contrast, a considerable percentage of the populations believe the society has the moral obligation to eradicate poverty, and thus, they hold the view that the solution to poverty reduction lies in the socioeconomic policies.
  • Ethical Dilemma Involving a Social Worker As a social worker, I have to decide whether to support the community group, which is unanimously opposed to the decision of the housing authorities to rent to the local mental health department to establish […]
  • Environmental Protection Agency’s Ethical Dilemma It is trying to find ways of meeting the demands of the new administration but in a way that will not compromise the need to protect the environment.
  • Physician-Assisted Dying: Legal and Ethical Dilemma The case study relates to the right of a patient to die in various ways. To begin with, terminally ill people have the right to choose whether to live, or be allowed to pass on.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the “21” Movie At the beginning of the movie, we mistakenly take his attitude for granted, but the development of the plot discloses the negative consequences of the Professor’s actions.
  • Suicidal Ideation as Ethical Dilemma in Nursing According to the ethical guidelines that govern the profession of a nurse and other health care providers, their primary role is to protect life by enhancing the status of wellness of the patient.
  • California Micro Devices Company: Ethical Dilemma In 1989, Price Waterhouse, the firm’s chief auditor, observed that the company was engaging in questionable accounting practices and business dealings.
  • Ethical Dilemma and Environmental Surveillance Companies, for example, Planet Labs and Digital Globe have dispatched many miniaturized satellites in the most recent year with the objective of recording the status of the whole earth in real-time.
  • ProTech Company’s Ethical Dilemma According to the analysis of the data performed by Staci, the company seems to be having a high potential for growth over the next half-decade.
  • Ethical Dilemma in Business Communication Today This paper explores this dilemma in terms of the extent to which a firm may abide by the ethical provisions against the backdrop of the heightening competition.
  • Patient’s Secret Revelation: Ethical Dilemma She had to choose whether to hide the information, which she had received from a cancer patient and which was relevant to the treatment, from other nurses and doctors or to reveal it despite the […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Prison’s Research The present paper aims to discuss the applicability of confidentiality and privacy provisions to prison research by addressing both the general rules regarding confidentiality of information in research and the specific considerations that apply to […]
  • The Right to Die: Legal and Ethical Dilemma Consequently, the primary goal of the paper is to discover the freedoms of a patient, specifically, the right to die with the help of a controversial and confusing case of Mrs.
  • Teacher’s Ethical Dilemma and Legal Responsibilities However, she is legally obligated not to leak exams to her students in any way because that would defeat the very purpose of the exams.
  • HBOS Plc Company’s Ethical Dilemma The ethical dilemma in the case is that the top management of the company used complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records with an […]
  • Employee’s Role in Ethical Dilemma Jan is aware of the possible layoffs at JLT that could affect Steve, and she knows the expenses that Steve, unaware of the resolution by the leadership, is about to make in building a house […]
  • Ethical Dilemma: Political Involvement in Abortion The development of medicine brought the issue to the fore in the late 19th century. Therefore, it is but natural that it is the right of a woman to make the choice.
  • KLM Company Responsibilities Ethical Dilemma To ensure that the expansion plan remained alive, the director suggested that a small team of employees should be a commission to start surveying the new market to identify the location where the firm would […]
  • Medical Error Disclosure: Ethical Dilemma The topic in question was chosen due to the obvious conflict between the interests of the patient and the population, in general, which medical ethics supposedly protects, and the interests of the provider, who is […]
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Rural Communities The fact that the rural area is different from the urban one has resulted in the creation of rural criminology. The ethical dilemmas that can arise in the process of working in rural areas for […]
  • Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace Her partner is adamant, which means she should overlook the guidelines and influence the audit to reflect an outcome that will be good for both her career and the company.
  • SuperCom Company Ethical Dilemma This section of the paper shows that the lack of informed consent, failure to report the ethical issue to authorities, and integrity issues are the possible ethical pitfalls in the case study.
  • Livestrong and Apple Companies Ethical Dilemmas The USADA probe against Lance Armstrong was not in any way related to the work of the Foundation and its mission for cancer patients and their families.
  • Journalism Ethical Dilemma: Moral Discourse This situation resulted in an ethical dilemma for the journalist who has to decide whether to publish the article about the accident and potentially dangerous products or to take the money and remain silent.
  • “Erin Brockovich” Movie Ethical Dilemma The response of the company when it became apparent that the chromium was causing cancer was to hide the evidence regarding their operations and its connection to the increased rates of cancer.
  • Engineers and Ethical Dilemmas Recently in the Kenyan media there was a situation in which a road engineer had been approached by the government to aid in the design and construction of a road in the Langata area.
  • Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Public Relations In the case study, the main problem arises from the client’s deceit concerning the independent nature of the scientist testing the products in a bid to ensure a favorable public image of the products to […]
  • Government and Organisational Regulation: Ethical Dilemmas Costas will be sure of getting good business in the future considering the fact that Dionisis is the Mayor and he is usually in charge of most contracts.
  • Topics in Ethical Dilemma: When the Choice Becomes too Complicated To solve the given issue, the principle of consequentialist theories can be used, i.e, the rightness of the employees’ actions can be evaluated only by its results.
  • Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and Major Ethical Dilemmas Raised Some claim that since clones are created in a laboratory with the help of specific tools and with the number of certain genes, they cannot be regarded as humans. In conclusion, it is necessary to […]
  • International Satellite Images Ethical Dilemma Comprehensively, when the code of ethics is entrenched as part of ISI’s business culture, the company would have a seamless process for managing ethical dilemmas.
  • Reporting Inflated Numbers: Ethical Dilemma From an ethical perspective, Barbara and the management team of the company conspired to inflate the asset values, overstate the reported income, and eliminate the liabilities from the financial reporting.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in The Case of Wilma The case of Wilma, a counselor in a community agency, and Donna who is a client suffering from an anxiety disorder and panic attack is a real dilemma. The most appropriate course of action in […]
  • Ethical Dilemma: Participation in Volunteer Activities Even though Carolyn Clark was forced by her boss to volunteer her services to the charity program, she ought to realize that there is a need to help the needy in society.
  • Public Scrutiny and Accountability: An Ethical Dilemma The idea of loyalty according to the governor meant that all the employees would have to portray his administration in the best light.
  • Huntington’s Disease and Ethics
  • Ethical and Integrity Dilemma Within Employees in the Global Economy
  • Discussing an Ethical Dilemma
  • Ethical and Moral Dilemma: McDonald’s
  • End of life: the medical ethical dilemma
  • Ethics in Professional Psychology: Abortion Issue
  • Drug-Testing: Utilitarian Theory Ethical Dilemma
  • Role of Codes of Conduct in Child Labour Practice
  • Ethical Dilemma in Medical Practice
  • Ethical Dilemma of Psychologist
  • Workplace Health & Safety: The Ethical Dilemmas
  • Ethical Dilemma at the CornCo Company
  • Animal Testing: Ethical Dilemmas in Business
  • Ethical Dilemma- The Fate of Opel
  • Ethical Dilemma: “A weak Dollar Versus A strong Yuan”
  • Ethical Dilemma: Heroin Prescription
  • Ethical Dilemma: the Husband’s Right to Confidential Treatment
  • Decision Making Challenges Facing Ethical Dilemma
  • Globalization and Its Impact on the Health Care System: Ethical Dilemmas of Medical Treatment
  • Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare Administration
  • Ethical Dilemma in Accepting or Rejecting of Offers
  • The Ethical Dilemma – How to Make the Right Decision
  • What Are the Examples of Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are Some Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace?
  • What Are the Oil Industry and Climate Change Strategies and Ethical Dilemmas?
  • Which Scenarios Are the Examples of True Ethics Dilemmas?
  • What Are the Most Difficult Ethical Dilemmas People Can Face?
  • How Do You Identify Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are the Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in School?
  • What Are Some Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare?
  • What Are the Seven Major Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice?
  • What Are Some Common Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Is the Difference between Ethical Issues and Ethical Dilemmas?
  • How Does a Person Resolve Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in Telephone Nursing?
  • What Are the Four Core Ethical Dilemmas Social Work Is Concerned With?
  • What Is Another Term for Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are Nurses’ Contributions to the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are the Four Steps for Solving Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas of War?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in the Military?
  • What Are Ethical Dilemmas in a Community?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in Various Stages of Organizational Development?
  • What Are Some Ethical Dilemmas for Students?
  • What are the Ethical Dilemmas and Dominant Moral Strategies in Games?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in a Classroom?
  • What Are Ethical Dilemmas in University?
  • Is the Marketization of Education the Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Is the Anatomy of the Ethical Dilemmas?
  • What Ethical Dilemmas Arose Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
  • What Are the Ethical Dilemmas in a Cross-Cultural Context?
  • What Is the Frequency of Ethical Dilemmas in a Medical Inpatient Service?
  • Social Development Essay Topics
  • Social Justice Essay Ideas
  • Ethics Ideas
  • Social Norms Essay Ideas
  • Social Responsibility Topics
  • Capital Punishment Topics
  • Human Rights Essay Ideas
  • Euthanasia Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples.

"221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.


IvyPanda . "221 Ethical Dilemma Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024.

  • 170 Ethics Essay Topics

Ethics is the study of right and wrong in human conduct. “Ethics” comes from the Greek word “ethos,” meaning character. Ethics is a field of philosophy that studies the nature of morality and assesses human behavior in terms of what is good and what is wrong.

Essays on ethics are always controversial because people have different opinions about what is right and wrong. However, to write a well-reasoned and persuasive ethics essay, some basic principles should be followed.

Check out this guide detailing everything you need to know about how to write an ethics essay, including 170 ethics essay topics that will get you started.

What Style Should an Ethics Essay Be Written In?

The style of your essay should be formal and logical. You will need to make use of evidence to support your claims. However, you should avoid using emotive language or making personal attacks. Ultimately, your goal should be to present a well-reasoned argument supported by evidence and thoughtful analysis.

Outside of the context of essays, ethics is usually studied in the form of philosophical arguments. As such, your writing should use formal language and avoid taking sides in the debate. You should also aim to be as objective as possible in your analysis.

Typically the best writing styles for an ethics essay include argumentative, problem-solution, and cause and effect.

For students writing an argumentative ethics essay, it may be appropriate to use persuasive language in order to make a case. But, be careful not to get too caught up in trying to persuade your reader and lose sight of presenting a well-reasoned argument.

If you are writing a problem-solution ethics essay, your goal will be to identify an ethical problem and propose a solution. In this type of essay, it can be helpful to use emotional language to highlight the severity of the problem. However, you should still avoid making personal attacks and aim to present a balanced argument.

A cause and effect ethics essay will aim to identify the cause of a particular problem in the field of ethics and evaluate the effects that it has had. In this type of essay, you may find it helpful to use statistical data to support your claims.

Ethics Essay Writing Guide

No matter which type of essay you are writing for an ethics course, it is still necessary to include the following elements:

  • A strong thesis statement that expresses an opinion on the ethical issue at hand.
  • Supporting evidence for your thesis statement – statistics, expert comments, or real-life examples could be included.
  • A well-developed argument that analyzes the problem at hand using logical reasoning and critical thinking.
  • A conclusion that restates your thesis statement and provides food for thought for the reader.

Ethics essays will also need to follow a format that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Your introduction should aim to grab the reader’s attention and give them an overview of the ethical issue you will be discussing. Be sure to include your thesis statement in your introduction.

The body paragraphs of your essay will be where you present your argument and support it with evidence. Each body paragraph should focus on a different point that supports your thesis statement.

Finally, your conclusion should summarize your argument and offer the reader final opinions on the ethical topic you addressed.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Ethics Essay Writing

While the need to communicate your point as clearly as possible may be overwhelming, when writing an ethics essay, there are several things you should do and avoid doing.

Do be clear in the point you want to make.

Many pupils struggle to express themselves clearly on the ethical topic at hand.

As a result, their essays lack concentration and goal. Make sure you understand your thesis statement and the arguments you wish to include in your essay before you begin writing.

Don’t make personal attacks.

When you are writing an ethics essay, it is important to maintain a level of professionalism. This means refraining from making personal attacks on either side of the issue. Not only is this unprofessional, but it will also make your essay less credible.

Do use evidence that many different sources can support.

When writing an ethics essay, you need to back up your claims with evidence. But, not all evidence is created equal. The best evidence to use is that which multiple sources can support. This could include statistics, expert opinions, or real-life examples.

Don’t use emotional language.

When you are writing an ethics essay, it is important to use language that is objective and free from emotion. This means avoiding words like “should” or “must.” Instead, focus on using language that presents the facts without trying to persuade the reader one way or another.

Do research the different sides of the issue.

When writing an ethics essay, it is essential to consider all sides of the issue. Unfortunately, many students make the mistake of only looking at one side of the argument and failing to consider the other. By doing your research, you will be able to see both sides of the issue and present a more well-rounded argument.

Don’t plagiarize.

This should go without saying, but it is important to ensure that all the sources you use in your essay are correctly cited. Plagiarism is a severe academic offense resulting in a failing grade or expulsion from school. So, be sure to give credit where credit is due.

Ethics Essay Topics About Politics

  • Should political parties be banned?
  • Should limits be placed on campaign spending?
  • Are there any circumstances in which it is ethically permissible to lie in politics?
  • Is it ever ethically permissible to break the law in politics?
  • What are the ethical implications of gerrymandering?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • What are the ethical implications of voter ID laws?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Is it ethically permissible to use public funds for private purposes?
  • Are there any circumstances in which it is ethically permissible to accept gifts from lobbyists?

Ethics Essay Topics About Business

  • Should businesses be required to disclose their political donations?
  • What are the ethical implications of price gouging?
  • Should businesses be required to provide employees with health insurance?
  • What are the ethical implications of using child labor?
  • Is it ethically permissible for businesses to discriminate based on race, gender, or sexual orientation?
  • What are the ethical implications of using sweatshops?
  • Should businesses be required to pay a living wage?
  • What are the ethical implications of huge corporations polluting the environment?
  • What are the ethical implications of animal testing by pharmaceutical businesses?
  • Is it ethically permissible for businesses to market unhealthy products?

Ethics Essay Topics About Technology

  • Should there be limits on the use of technology?
  • What are the ethical implications of government surveillance?
  • What are the ethical implications of cyber warfare?
  • What are the ethical implications of hacking?
  • What are the ethical implications of online piracy?
  • What are the ethical implications of using social media?
  • What are the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence?
  • What are the ethical implications of gene editing?
  • What are the ethical implications of biotechnology?
  • What are the ethical implications of nanotechnology?

Ethics Essay Topics About Religion

  • Should religious institutions be exempt from taxes?
  • What are the ethical implications of religious discrimination?
  • What are the ethical implications of religious violence?
  • What are the ethical implications of proselytizing?
  • What are the ethical implications of using religion to justify political decisions?
  • What are the ethical implications of using religion to justify war?
  • What are the ethical implications of using religion to justify discrimination?
  • What are the ethical implications of using religion to justify oppression?
  • What are the ethical implications of using religion to justify hatred?
  • How have the ethics of religious beliefs changed over time?

Ethics Essay Topics About Philosophy

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • What is the nature of reality?
  • What is the nature of consciousness?
  • What is the relationship between mind and body?
  • How should we live our lives?
  • What is the difference between right and wrong?
  • What is the difference between good and evil?
  • What are our obligations to others?
  • How should we treat animals?
  • Should we strive for happiness?

Ethics Essay Topics About The Environment

  • What are the ethical implications of how we treat the environment?
  • What are the ethical implications of climate change?
  • What are the ethical implications of deforestation?
  • What are the ethical implications of animal agriculture?
  • What are the ethical implications of water shortages?
  • What are the ethical implications of oil spills?
  • Compare and contrast the ethical implications of different approaches to environmentalism.
  • What are the ethical implications of our throwaway culture?
  • Are there ethical implications of using recycled materials?
  • What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering?

Ethics Essay Topics About War

  • Is war ever ethically permissible?
  • Discuss points in history where war was ethically justified to the masses.
  • Was the war in Iraq ethically justified?
  • Are drone strikes ethically justified?
  • How should we deal with terrorists?
  • Do ethics change in wartime?
  • How does propaganda play into ethical decisions about war?
  • Should governments be transparent about their activities during wartime?
  • Is fighting for your country still moral if you don’t believe in the cause?
  • How does post-traumatic stress disorder impair soldiers’ moral judgment?

Ethics Essay Topics About Family

  • What are the ethical implications of how we raise our children?
  • Should parents be allowed to genetically engineer their children?
  • What are the ethical implications of surrogacy?
  • What are the ethical implications of abortion?
  • What are the ethical implications of adoption?
  • How should we deal with unwanted pregnancies?
  • Is it ethical to have more than one child?
  • What are the ethical implications of overpopulation?
  • What are the ethical implications of sex education?
  • What are the ethical implications of using technology in the home?

Ethics Essay Topics About Emotions

  • What are the ethical implications of how we express our emotions?
  • Is it ever ethically permissible to lie to children?
  • Is it ever ethically permissible to cheat?
  • Should we always tell the truth?
  • How should we deal with anger?
  • How should we deal with jealousy?
  • How should we deal with sadness when others don’t share the same views?
  • How should we deal with fear?
  • How should we deal with love when it is one-sided?
  • Ethically, is it better to keep emotions in or let them out?

Ethics Essay Topics About Famous Philosophers

  • Compare and contrast the ethical viewpoints of two different philosophers.
  • How has the work of a philosopher influenced your ethical views?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of a philosopher’s ethical arguments?
  • Do you agree or disagree with a philosopher’s view on ethics? Why?
  • What would be a counterargument to a philosopher’s ethical position?
  • What are the most important takeaways from a philosopher’s work on ethics?
  • Are all philosophers ethically consistent in their arguments?
  • How has your reading of a philosopher’s work changed your view on ethics?
  • What criticisms can you level at a philosopher’s ethical views?
  • Do all philosophers’ ethical views have value? Why or why not?
  • What are the ethical implications of a philosopher’s work?

Ethics Essay Topics About History

  • Pick a massacre in history and discuss the ethical logistics that led up to it.
  • Research a historical event and discuss how the victors wrote history with their own ethical biases.
  • Was it ethical for Christopher Columbus to sail to the Americas?
  • Was it ethical for the Europeans to colonize the Americas?
  • Was it ethical for the slave trade to exist?
  • Was it ethical for the United States to annex Hawaii?
  • Was it ethical for the United States to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • Research a genocidal event in history and discuss the flawed ethics that caused it.
  • How have ethics changed since the beginning of human civilization?
  • Have ethical values always been the same, or have they changed over time?
  • Is there a universal morality, or is morality culturally dependent?
  • Discuss the following quote: “Those who are unable to recall the past are doomed to repeat it.”
  • How have ethics been used throughout history to justify atrocities?
  • How can studying history help us make better ethical decisions in the present?
  • What lessons can we learn from history about making ethical choices?
  • What are some of the most unethical events in history?
  • How can we learn from history to ensure that we don’t repeat unethical choices?
  • What are some of the most ethical events in history?

Ethics Essay Topics About Science

  • Are there scientific frontiers that we should avoid for ethical reasons?
  • How has a lack of ethics during certain periods in history led to advances in science?
  • How have ethical considerations held back scientific progress?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in scientific experimentation?
  • Is it ethical to use humans in scientific experimentation?
  • How should we deal with the disposal of hazardous waste?
  • Is it ethical to freeze embryos for future use?

Ethics Essay Topics About Education

  • Is the way ethics is taught in schools effective?
  • How could the way ethics is taught in schools be improved?
  • What are some of the most common ethical problems that students face?
  • How can we make sure that students learn about ethics?
  • What are some of the most important things students should learn about ethics?
  • What are some of the most common ethical dilemmas that teachers face?
  • How can we make sure that teachers are teaching ethics effectively?
  • What are some of the most important things teachers should teach about ethics?

Ethics Essay Topics About Medicine

  • Is it ethical to require vaccine mandates?
  • Is it ethical to ration health care?
  • Is it ethical to withhold medical treatment from prisoners?
  • Is it ethical to use placebos in clinical trials?
  • Is it ethical to use human organs for transplantation?
  • Should physicians be allowed to refuse to treat patients on religious grounds?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • Is it ethical to use stem cells from embryos in research?
  • Is it ethical to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies”?
  • Is there such a thing as an “ethical” abortion?
  • Is it ever ethically permissible to end a life when the person is suffering from a terminal illness?
  • Is it ever ethically permissible to end a life when the person is in a vegetative state?
  • Explain how physicians maintain their codes of ethics in the face of difficult decisions.
  • What are some of the most common ethical issues that physicians face?
  • How can we make sure that physicians uphold their ethical codes?

Ethics Essay Topics About Honor

  • Are ethics and honor the same idea?
  • How have ethical considerations affected the way we think about honor?
  • Is it ever ethical to lie for the sake of honor?
  • Is it ever ethical to cheat for the sake of honor?
  • Is it ever ethical to steal for the sake of honor?
  • Is it ever ethical to kill for the sake of honor?
  • Discuss a famous person considered honorable but proven to have made ethically questionable choices.
  • Is honor more important than ethics?
  • How can we make sure that people uphold their codes of honor?

Ethics Essay Topics About Social Issues

  • Is it ethical to ban breastfeeding in public?
  • Is male circumcision ethical?
  • Is female circumcision ethical?
  • Is it ethical to require people to obtain a license to have children?
  • Should there be limits on the number of children people can have?
  • Is it ethical to sell organs on the black market?
  • How should we deal with illegal immigration?
  • Is it ethical to produce and sell tobacco products?
  • Is it ethical to produce and sell alcohol products?
  • Should the drinking age be raised?
  • Is affirmative action ethical?

With the essential writing tips above, you can use any of these 170 ethics essay topics to create a well-written and well-argued essay.

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117 Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Ethics is a crucial aspect of society, guiding our actions and decisions in both personal and professional settings. Writing an ethics essay can be a challenging task, as it requires critical thinking and a deep understanding of moral principles. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of 117 ethics essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing.

  • The ethics of artificial intelligence: Should AI be held accountable for its actions?
  • Ethical considerations in genetic engineering: Is it morally acceptable to modify human DNA?
  • The ethics of animal testing: Is it justified for scientific research?
  • The role of ethics in climate change policy: Should governments prioritize environmental preservation over economic growth?
  • The ethics of whistleblowing: Is it ever justified to expose wrongdoing in the workplace?
  • The ethics of euthanasia: Should individuals have the right to end their own life?
  • Ethical dilemmas in healthcare: Should healthcare providers prioritize patient autonomy or beneficence?
  • The ethics of drone warfare: Is it ethical to use unmanned drones in military operations?
  • The role of ethics in business: Should companies prioritize profit or social responsibility?
  • The ethics of cultural appropriation: Is it acceptable for individuals to adopt elements of other cultures?
  • Ethical considerations in data privacy: Should individuals have the right to control their own personal data?
  • The ethics of animal rights: Should animals have legal rights?
  • The ethics of surrogacy: Is it ethical to pay a woman to carry a child for someone else?
  • The role of ethics in criminal justice: Should punishment focus on rehabilitation or retribution?
  • The ethics of organ donation: Should individuals be required to opt out of donation rather than opt in?
  • Ethical dilemmas in social media: Should platforms be held accountable for the spread of misinformation?
  • The ethics of genetic testing: Should individuals have access to their genetic information?
  • The role of ethics in journalism: Should journalists prioritize objectivity or advocacy?
  • Ethical considerations in education: Should schools prioritize academic achievement or character development?
  • The ethics of immigration: Should countries prioritize national security or humanitarian concerns?
  • Ethical dilemmas in child labor: Is it ethical to use child labor in developing countries?
  • The ethics of intellectual property: Should individuals have exclusive rights to their creative work?
  • The role of ethics in sports: Should athletes be held to a higher moral standard?
  • Ethical considerations in political campaigns: Should politicians be held accountable for false statements?
  • The ethics of animal experimentation: Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research?
  • The ethics of cosmetic surgery: Is it ethical to alter one's appearance for cosmetic reasons?
  • Ethical dilemmas in social work: Should social workers prioritize the best interests of their clients or society as a whole?
  • The role of ethics in environmental conservation: Should individuals be required to make sacrifices for the greater good?
  • Ethical considerations in disaster response: Should resources be allocated based on need or merit?
  • The ethics of cultural relativism: Is it acceptable to judge other cultures based on our own moral standards?
  • The ethics of corporate social responsibility: Should companies prioritize profit or social impact?
  • Ethical dilemmas in artificial intelligence: Should AI be programmed to prioritize human welfare over efficiency?
  • The role of ethics in human rights: Should individuals have inherent rights regardless of cultural or societal norms?
  • The ethics of assisted suicide: Is it ethical to help someone end their own life?
  • Ethical considerations in bioethics: Should individuals have control over their own bodies and medical decisions?
  • The ethics of reproductive rights: Should individuals have the right to choose when and if to have children?
  • The role of ethics in public health: Should governments prioritize individual rights or public safety?
  • Ethical dilemmas in global health: Should resources be allocated based on need or profit?
  • The ethics of animal rights activism: Is it ethical to use controversial tactics to advocate for animal rights?
  • The ethics of cultural preservation: Is it ethical to preserve traditional cultures at the expense of progress?
  • Ethical considerations in assisted reproduction: Should individuals have access to assisted reproductive technologies?
  • The role of ethics in disaster preparedness: Should resources be allocated based on need or preparation?
  • The ethics of whistleblowing in healthcare: Is it ethical to expose wrongdoing in the healthcare industry?
  • Ethical dilemmas in reproductive technologies: Should individuals have access to genetic modification for reproductive purposes?
  • The ethics of genetic privacy: Should individuals have control over who has access to their genetic information?
  • Ethical considerations in end-of-life care: Should individuals have the right to refuse life-saving treatment?
  • The role of ethics in animal welfare: Should animals have legal rights and protections?
  • Ethical dilemmas in

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Ethics Essay | Essay on Ethics for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Ethics Essay: The world is beset with falsified ideologies, with people who want to exploit each other in the fields of education, business, politics. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that in addition to the rule of law, some guiding principles as to how we must conduct ourselves in society and our institutions must be set.

Throughout history, from the time of Greek philosophers like Aristotle, mankind has genuinely wondered about the topic of ethics and tried to derive universal moral principles governing behavior. Our modern understanding of ethics can help us create a better world by becoming better and more caring citizens.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Ethics for Students and Kids in English

A long essay has been provided below; it is of 450-500 words. A short essay of 100-150 words has also been given.

Long Essay on Ethics 500 words in English

Ethics Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Ethics are basic standards or ideals that regulate the actions of a person or a community. This is not a responsibility to bear, but a wise and successful guide to existence and progress. Ethics is essential in business, as well as in academic institutions and social structures because it is a crucial cornerstone on which an enlightened system is built.

It is often not the same to be following legal rules and being ethical. Law, like, emotions, will deviate from what’s moral. The practice of sati in India and the abhorrent rules governing apartheid and slavery in South Africa are examples of laws and customs which are not ethical.

Being ethical is not similar to following “whatever the predominant culture allows.” In every community, most citizens follow values that are, in essence, ethical. But behavioral standards in society can deviate from moral standards. Culture, as a whole, may become immoral and unethical. Nazi Germany is a perfect example of a culture that is politically compromised.

Academic dishonesty is yet another component of unethical conduct. It is a behavior or an attempt that involves the creation of an unfair academic benefit for oneself or a disadvantage for any other representative of the educational institutions.

The family has a powerful impact on one’s beliefs and actions, parents create guidelines from the beginning, and they are the foundation of our ethics and morals. Devotion to individual values is part of what makes a student effective. Lack of ethical dedication will always lead to academic incompetence.

Social principles and social standards have declined over time. As a consequence, the number of crimes such as killings, robberies, gang assaults, kidnappings, extortion, grab and run cases, and criminal activities such as vandalism, hoarding, substance trafficking, etc. has increased in just some very few years. Learning and astuteness have taken the shape of ambition, envy, destructive rivalry, and the lure of quick income, which is entirely counterproductive to a stable and safe social existence.

Citizens have lost faith and been greedy in their purposes, and thus, in people’s lives, principles and morals have diminished and lost meaning. An individual with ethical values is interested in the right actions, and he also knows it internally. The individual doing evil acts at the same time may sometimes consider it correct to adjust to the social structure in which he or she lives but has terrible morals.

If a person’s moral and ethical values have plummeted, he or she will never feel any guilt or anxiety in executing misdeeds or even a severe offense, as is suitable to his or her morals and ethics. Much of the time, it is the context and the way an individual is raised that determines his acts and, thus, his morals and ethics.

If we’re to see a world with a relatively low rate of violent crime and where all human beings can reside peacefully, we need to look at the values and ethics that our sculptures and religious leaders teach. We will shoulder the pressure of making our world and, in turn, transform our planet into a beautiful place where all human beings will lead a life with integrity and dignity without terror in their minds.

Essay about Ethics

Short Essay on Ethics 100 words in English

Ethics Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Ethics can be defined as established standards of right and wrong that prescribe what people should do, usually in terms of human rights, responsibilities, advantages to social order, honesty, or specific core values. Ethical principles also include those which enjoin the values of authenticity, justice, and integrity. Ethics involves the demands for personal freedom, liberty, and the right to free will and privacy. These principles are acceptable ethical guidelines as a clear and well-founded reason backs them. Ethics also requires a constant attempt to research our spiritual values and moral behavior and to try to guarantee that we, and the organizations we help form, perform up to expectations that are fair and ethical

10 Lines on Ethics Essay in English

  • Being ethical can help you to become a better human being.
  • Ethics relates to established standards of right and wrong, usually created by society.
  • Ethics does not mean mere conformity to societal norms.
  • Personal enrichment and growth depend on the ability to redefine ethical values as we grow older.
  • Being ethical means refraining from theft, robbery, harming other people who do not harm you.
  • Most laws of countries are based on ethical values.
  • Academic honesty and being ethically correct will lead to greater academic success.
  • Being ethical will help you to be confident and assertive.
  • It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of ethics to help other people who are in trouble.
  • It is essential to understand which acts are morally dishonest so that you can lead a better life.

FAQ’s on Ethics Essay

Question 1. Does ethics mean just obeying laws?

Answer: Some laws are regressive and discriminatory against women, religions, communities. Such acts are ethically or morally wrong. Therefore, ethics refers to analyzing the basis behind laws and understanding whether they are right or wrong.

Question 2. How can you be ethical?

Answer: You can be ethical by refraining from dishonest acts like stealing, looting, cheating, and being truthful to yourself and others.

Question 3. Is being ethical important?

Answer: Yes, being ethical is important. With ethics comes self-respect and self-esteem. It is an integral part.

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How to Write an Ethics Paper

Last Updated: May 16, 2023 Approved

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a Private Tutor and Life Coach in Santa Cruz, California. In 2018, she founded Mindful & Well, a natural healing and wellness coaching service. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. Emily also received her Wellness Coach Certificate from Cornell University and completed the Mindfulness Training by Mindful Schools. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 253,945 times.

Writing an ethics paper can present some unique challenges. For the most part, the paper will be written like any other essay or research paper, but there are some key differences. An ethics paper will generally require you to argue for a specific position rather than simply present an overview of an issue. Arguing this position will also involve presenting counterarguments and then refuting them. Finally, ensuring that your reasoning is valid and sound and citing the appropriate sources will allow you to write an ethics paper that will satisfy any critic.

Getting Started

Step 1 Make sure that you understand the assignment.

  • What is the main objective of the assignment?
  • What specific things do you need to do in order to get a good grade?
  • How much time will you need to complete the assignment?

Step 2 Choose a topic for your ethics paper.

  • For example, you might begin with a topic of "ethical problems of euthanasia." This is very broad, and so forms a good starting point.

Step 3 Narrow down your topic.

  • Remember, you may refine your topic even further after you have begun writing your paper. This is perfectly acceptable, and is part of the advantage of writing a paper in multiple drafts.

Step 4 Outline the relevant issues to your topic.

  • For example, you might include issues such as: "describing specifically what is meant by 'extreme, constant pain.' "Other issues might include, "the rights and responsibilities of physicians regarding euthanasia," and "voluntary versus involuntary euthanasia."
  • After making this list, group or order them in some way. For example, you might imagine yourself taking the position that euthanasia is acceptable in this circumstance, and you could order the issues based on how you would draw supporting evidence and build your claim.

Developing Your Thesis Statement

Step 1 Draft your thesis statement.

  • In your thesis, you should take a specific stand on the ethical issue. For example, you might write your thesis as follows: "Euthanasia is an immoral option even when patients are in constant, extreme pain."

Step 2 Remove ambiguous language to clarify your exact position.

  • For example, this thesis statement is ambiguous: "Patients should not undergo euthanasia even when suffering constant, extreme pain." With how it's worded, it's unclear whether you mean that euthanasia should be outlawed or that it is morally wrong.
  • Clarify your position to create a strong thesis: "Euthanasia is an immoral option even when patients are in constant, extreme pain."

Step 3 Make sure the focus of your thesis aligns with your intended focus for the paper.

  • For example, in the thesis, "It is immoral for patients to choose euthanasia even when suffering constant, extreme pain," the moral burden is on the patient's actions. The author of this thesis would need to make sure to focus on the patient in the essay and not to focus on the moral implications of the doctor's actions.
  • If the thesis you have written does not reflect what you want to argue in your paper, start over and draft a new thesis statement.

Conducting Research

Step 1 Select sources to research before writing your ethics paper.

  • Ask a librarian for help finding sources if you are not sure how to access your library’s databases.
  • A simple way to strengthen your argument through citations is by incorporating some relevant statistics. Simple statistics can have a major impact if presented after you've made a bold assertion. For instance, you may claim that the patient's family members would be unduly traumatized if the patient chose euthanasia, and then cite a university study that catalogued a majority of families reporting trauma or stress in this situation.
  • Another helpful citation is one in which the broad issue itself is discussed. For instance, you might cite a prominent ethicist's position on your issue to strengthen your position.

Step 2 Evaluate your sources.

  • The author and his or her credentials. Does the source provide the author’s first and last name and credentials (M.D., Ph.D, etc.)? Steer clear of sources without an author attached to them or that lack credentials when credentials seem crucial, such as in an article about a medical subject. [3] X Research source
  • Type of publication. Is the publication a book, journal, magazine, or website? Is the publisher an academic or educational institution? Does the publisher have a motive other than education? Who is the intended audience? Ask yourself these questions to determine if this source is reliable. For example, a university or government website might be reliable, but a site that sells items may be biased toward what they're selling.
  • Citations. How well has the author researched his or her topic? Check the author’s bibliography or works cited page. If the author has not provided any sources, then you may want to look for a different source. [4] X Research source
  • Bias. Has the author presented an objective, well-reasoned account of the topic? If the sources seems skewed towards one side of the argument, then it may not be a good choice. [5] X Research source
  • Publication date. Does this source present the most up to date information on the subject? If the sources is outdated, then try to find something more recent. [6] X Research source

Step 3 Read your research.

  • To check for comprehension after reading a source, try to summarize the source in your own words and generate a response to the author’s main argument. If you cannot do one or both of these things, then you may need to read the source again.
  • Creating notecards for your sources may also help you to organize your ideas. Write the citation for the source on the top of the notecard, then write a brief summary and response to the article in the lined area of the notecard. [7] X Research source

Step 4 Annotate...

  • Remember to indicate when you have quoted a source in your notes by putting it into quotation marks and including information about the source such as the author’s name, article or book title, and page number. [8] X Research source

Writing and Revising Your Ethics Paper

Step 1 Work from your outline.

  • To expand on your outline, write a couple of sentences describing and/or explaining each of the items in your outline. Include a relevant source for each item as well.

Step 2 Make sure that you include all of the key parts of an ethics paper.

  • Check your outline to see if you have covered each of these items in this order. If not, you will need to add a section and use your sources to help inform that section.

Step 3 Plan to write your ethics paper using several drafts.

  • In your first draft, focus on the quality of the argument, rather than the quality of the prose. If the argument is structured well and each conclusion is supported by your reasoning and by cited evidence, you will be able to focus on the writing itself on the second draft.
  • Unless major revisions are needed to your argument (for example, if you have decided to change your thesis statement), use the second draft to strengthen your writing. Focus on sentence lengths and structures, vocabulary, and other aspects of the prose itself.

Step 4 Give yourself a break before revising.

  • Try to allow yourself a few days or even a week to revise your paper before it is due. If you do not allow yourself enough time to revise, then you will be more prone to making simple mistakes and your grade may suffer as a result. [10] X Research source

Step 5 Consider your paper from multiple angles as your revise.

  • Does my paper fulfill the requirements of the assignment? How might it score according to the rubric provided by my instructor?
  • What is your main point? How might you clarify your main point?
  • Who is your audience? Have you considered their needs and expectations?
  • What is your purpose? Have you accomplished your purpose with this paper?
  • How effective is your evidence? How might your strengthen your evidence?
  • Does every part of your paper relate back to your thesis? How might you improve these connections?
  • Is anything confusing about your language or organization? How might your clarify your language or organization?
  • Have you made any errors with grammar, punctuation, or spelling? How can you correct these errors?
  • What might someone who disagrees with you say about your paper? How can you address these opposing arguments in your paper? [11] X Research source

Step 6 Read printed version of your final draft out loud.

  • As you read your paper out loud, highlight or circle any errors and revise as necessary before printing your final copy.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If at all possible, have someone else read through your paper before submitting it. They can provide valuable feedback on style as well as catching grammatical errors. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

essay for ethics

Things You'll Need

  • Word-processing software
  • Access to your library’s databases
  • Pencil and highlighter

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About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

To write an ethics paper, start by researching the issue you want to write about and evaluating your sources for potential bias and trustworthiness. Next, develop a thesis statement that takes a specific stand on the issue and create an outline that includes the key arguments. As you write, avoid using words like “could” or “might,” which will seem ambiguous to the reader. Once you’ve finished your paper, take a break for a few days so your mind is clear, then go back and revise what you wrote, focusing on the quality of your argument. For tips from our Education reviewer on how to annotate source material as you research, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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180 Ethics Topics & Ethical Questions to Debate

Our code of ethics is derived from what we think is right or wrong. On top of that, we have to agree to the moral standards established by the society we live in. Conventional norms generally label theft, murder, or harassment as bad. However, there are many influences that impact our considerations and understanding of ethics.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies moral issues. This article outlines the three different types of ethics and presents a list of compelling ethics topics for essays and research papers, as well as ethical questions to debate.

You don’t know how to write about ethics or which ethical argument topic to choose for your paper? Maybe your assignment deadline is dreadfully looming over you? Our custom writing service is happy to help you craft a fantastic essay on ethics whenever the need arises.

🔝 Top 10 Ethical Topics

  • đŸ§‘đŸ€đŸ§‘Types of Ethics
  • đŸ€” Ethical Issues
  • đŸ–„ïž Computer Ethics
  • 🧬 Bioethics
  • 🚓👼 Criminal Justice
  • ⚖ Ethical Dilemmas

⭐ Top 10 Ethics Topics to Debate

😈 ethical questions to debate, 🔍 references.

  • Religious beliefs vs. medical care
  • Issues behind unpaid internships
  • Toxic environment at the workplace
  • The dilemma of reporting an accident
  • Should one’s political leanings be private?
  • The limits of doctor-patient confidentiality
  • Is it ethical to pay children for good grades?
  • Ethics at the workplace and discrimination
  • Should social media be allowed at the workplace?
  • Promotion of environmental responsibility in business

đŸ§‘đŸ€đŸ§‘ Types of Ethics

Modern philosophy splits ethics into three groups: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.

  • The core question of metaethics is: “What is morality, and where does it come from?” It is also concerned with the emergence of human values, motivation, and reasoning.
  • Normative ethics seeks to answer the question, “How should I act?” An example of a normative moral theory is Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law . In other words: be kind.
  • Applied ethics seeks to apply moral considerations into real-life controversial subjects. Its contents can vary greatly and touch bioethics as well as criminal justice. It studies specific actions and practices from the point of moral acceptance.

Virtues are necessary.

However, ethics does not end with these three types. Over the centuries, philosophers have proposed various ethical theories. Their four general categories are deontological, utilitarian, right, and virtue ethics.

  • A deontologist is a person with a set of moral duties from which they will not adhere. When faced with an ethical conflict, they will always act according to their self-proclaimed obligations.
  • For a utilitarian , a decision needs to yield the greatest benefit for the majority.
  • If rights are the root of an ethical theory, these are the highest priority. A person’s rights can either be established in a society by law or bestowed from one individual upon another.
  • Judging someone by virtue means considering a person’s character rather than their actions. Here, an individual’s reputation, motivation, and ethics play a crucial role.

Now that you know the basics, you have the perfect ground to start your ethics essay.

đŸ€” Ethical Topics for an Essay

Ethical issues are situations in which an individual needs to evaluate which course of action is morally right. Essays on this topic shine a light on difficult questions. Therefore, students need to defend their position convincingly.

  • Discuss what we should do about climate change.
  • What are the moral problems surrounding abortion?
  • Can we still justify eating meat?
  • Investigate the use of plastic in the beauty industry.
  • Is it unethical to be extremely rich?
  • Should you buy NestlĂ© products despite the fact that the company privatizes water?
  • Is the unequal distribution of wealth unethical?
  • Discuss how workplace ethics should take sexism into account.
  • What can we do to combat racism?
  • Why are LGBT+ people discriminated against?
  • Should euthanasia be legal?
  • Can war be ethical?
  • Should schools punish students for attending the Fridays for Future protests?
  • Would drug use be unethical if it were legal?
  • Explain the moral problems that come with automating jobs.

The Ten Commandments.

  • Is it ethical to hire someone to do assignments for you?
  • How far should everyone’s right to privacy go?
  • Is using animals for scientific testing unethical?
  • How should governments deal with refugees? 
  • Discuss the carbon impact of having children.
  • Can modern societies still be held accountable for what their nation did in the past?
  • Analyze the benefits and disadvantages of universal income.
  • How much control should the state have on the press?
  • Should schools teach religion?
  • What are ethical concerns regarding downloading media from the internet?

đŸ–„ïž Computer Ethics Essay Topics

The advent of information technology has altered every aspect of our lives. Computer ethics applies traditional moral theories to everything surrounding computers and cyber security. The list below contains enthralling ethical topics concerned with the realm of computing.

  • How much work should we leave entirely to computers?
  • Discuss the dangers of storing vulnerable data online.
  • Are computers secure enough to contain so much information about our lives?
  • Discuss if hacking can be morally justified.
  • Examine privacy-related concerns regarding computers .
  • Should all software be free?
  • How can you legitimize the possession of a computer algorithm patent?
  • What can be done to prevent cyberbullying?
  • Investigate the moral effects anonymity has on internet users.
  • Whose laws apply if you wish to protect your rights online?
  • Discuss how the necessity to own a computer impacts poorer nations and people.
  • Which ethical problems can people face due to the internet’s possibilities?
  • When is sabotaging another person’s computer justified?
  • Analyze the social responsibility that comes with developing new software.
  • Are computer crimes less harmful than crimes against humans?
  • Who owns information that is distributed online?
  • What is more important: easy accessibility or privacy?
  • Investigate the moral problems associated with AI.
  • If a computer makes a critical mistake, whose fault is it?
  • Discuss the importance of netiquette.
  • How should tech companies deal with ethical problems?
  • Can AI algorithms ensure ethical behavior? 
  • Why do tech companies need ethics boards?
  • Which ethical conflicts appear when using drones?
  • Investigate racial bias in facial recognition systems.

🏅 Sports Ethics Topics for a Paper

Morality in sports is based on integrity, respect, responsibility, and fairness. Often, this puts athletes into a dilemma: do I want to be ethical, or do I want to win? Answering these questions is not always easy. The following list compiles sports topics for a research paper on ethics.

  • What are moral complications when using enhancement drugs?
  • Is gamesmanship unethical?
  • How important is ethics in sports?
  • Discuss the moral responsibilities of athletes .
  • What are ethical reasons to pay college athletes?
  • Investigate the ethical implications of kneeling for the national anthem .
  • Can college sports and the principles of higher education go hand in hand?
  • Investigate the sexist bias in sports.
  • Was it selfish when the American female soccer team went to court to demand equal pay?

Thomas A. Edison quote.

  • What moral obligations do universities have towards their athletes?
  • When can you justify cheating?
  • Concerning the environment, how can professional sports events be ethical?
  • Which ethical issues do healthcare workers have concerning sportspeople? 
  • Which moral duties do teams’ coaches have?
  • Are the extremely high salaries of sports professionals justified?
  • In 2003, the Olympics abolished the wild card system. Was that fair?
  • Because of the Paralympics, disabled athletes cannot take part in the real Olympics. Is that discriminatory?
  • Discuss how money influences the fairness of a sport.
  • Debate if and how children are exploited to become elite athletes.
  • Which moral duties should a good sport follow?
  • How much should parents get involved in their child’s physical education?
  • Investigate if everyday codes of ethics should apply to sports.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of motorsports.
  • Who is responsible if a player gets injured?
  • Are referees always fair?

🧬 Bioethics Topics for an Essay

Bioethics comes into play when we talk about life and health. It expands from genetics to neurology and even plastic surgery. In the name of the common good, researchers often find themselves in conflicting positions. This makes bioethics an especially exciting topic to write about.

  • Discuss the moral conflicts of genetic engineering. 
  • What are the ethical responsibilities associated with using CRISPR? 
  • Investigate the problems of stem cell research.
  • When can humans be used for drug testing? 
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory for everyone?
  • Investigate the ethics that apply to a medical worker.
  • Discuss the harmful effects of plastic surgery. 
  • Should a person who is brain dead be kept alive?
  • Is it just that medical care is linked to an individual’s ability to pay?
  • Should everyone be an organ donor by default?
  • What is more important: a person’s right to privacy or the information of at-risk relatives?
  • Is prenatal invasive testing ethical?
  • Should neuroenhancement drugs be legal?
  • Discuss ethical conflicts concerning Disclosure and Barring Service.
  • Is it ethical to improve memory functions with brain stimulation?
  • Analyze the ethical issues concerning precision medicine.
  • What are the problems of surrogacy? 
  • Should medical personnel collect healthy tissues of a deceased person without their consent?

Bioethics is closely connected with the fields of technology, medicine, politics, philosophy, and law,

  • What should be done with the child of a brain-dead pregnant woman?
  • How important is a subject’s anonymity during research?
  • Discuss the ethics of shared decision-making .
  • How much responsibility do mentally challenged people carry for their actions?
  • Was Sweden right not to impose strict lockdown rules during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • To what extent are businesses responsible for their employees’ health?
  • Should universal healthcare be free?

🚓👼 Criminal Justice Ethics Topics to Write About

Law enforcers should always act ethically. Unfortunately, it is not always the case. Police officers and attorneys often end up in morally ambiguous situations. In many cases, they don’t do what the public deems the right thing. Below are the examples of criminal justice ethics topics.

  • When is it legitimate for a police officer to use violence?
  • How can an officer remain impartial?
  • Should law enforcement visibly wear guns in public? 
  • How much force is too much?
  • Investigate possible ethical implications associated with true crime podcasts.
  • Should prostitution be legal in the US?
  • How ethical is interrogation? 
  • Can torture be justified?
  • Discuss the ethical consequences of lying when working in criminal justice .
  • Is working undercover deception? 
  • Debate whether it is an American citizen’s moral duty to participate in jury duty.
  • Should the police be allowed to access everyone’s data?
  • Discuss the moral complications of “innocent until proven guilty.”
  • Should convicted pedophiles be allowed to see their children?
  • Can teaching ethics at schools prevent crime?
  • Analyze ethical problems of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
  • Should NATO have become involved in America’s Afghan war?
  • What are the ethical implications of shooter drills at school?
  • Was Edward Snowden morally in the wrong?
  • How should we deal with child soldiers?
  • Discuss if the prosecution of Julian Assange is justified.
  • Examine the ethical problems of private prisons.
  • What moral obligations should someone consider when granting prisoners the right to work?
  • When is capital punishment justified?
  • Is it ethical to incarcerate juvenile offenders? 

⚖ Ethical Dilemma Topics to Write About

An ethical issue becomes a dilemma when different moral standards clash with each other. In this situation, it is impossible to find a path to an ethically permissible solution that is unambiguous. The following sample topics are a solid base to start a discussion on morals.

  • Should parents watch over what their children do on the internet?
  • Would you report an accident you caused if there are no witnesses?
  • What should a doctor do if a patient refuses life-saving treatment for religious reasons? 
  • Should you turn down a client if their political views do not match yours?
  • Would you promote something you are not convinced of to get money?
  • Should you lie to land a job that gets you out of poverty?

Ethical dilemmas.

  • Your partner cheated on you. Now, you get the chance to take your revenge with someone you really like. Would you do it? 
  • Should students use automated writing tools like free thesis generators , summarizers, and paraphrasers?
  • Your teacher is continuously mocking your classmate. You are a teacher’s pet. Would you speak up?
  • Your son likes to wear dresses. One day, he asks if he can wear one to school. Will you let him?
  • You are very religious. Your daughter wants to get married to another woman and invites you to her wedding. What will you do?
  • Prenatal testing showed that your unborn child has a disability. Would you terminate pregnancy?
  • You are in a long-term relationship. Suddenly, your partner gets a job offer in another part of the world. What would you do?
  • You have a terminal illness. This makes you a financial burden to your relatives. Are you obliged towards them to quit your treatment?
  • You have a red and a blue candy bar. Blue is your favorite, but you also know that it’s your friend’s favorite. Will you give it to them?
  • A friend asked you for a loan. Since then, they have not given you anything back. They are still not wholly stable financially. Will you ask them to return the money?
  • Your grandma passed away and bequeathed her favorite mink coat to you. You are a vegan. What do you do?
  • A few years ago, you borrowed a gun from a friend. Now, they ask for it back, but their mental state seems to be rapidly deteriorating. This makes you scared they are going to shoot someone, or themselves. What do you do?
  • You find out that your friend cheats on their spouse. You are close friends with their family. Will you tell on them?
  • For your birthday, your friend gave you a sweater they’ve made themselves. You think it’s ugly. Do you tell them?
  • You are a vegan. Should you buy vegan products which are highly problematic to produce? 
  • You are in a restaurant. Your order arrives too late. The waitress looks stressed. Will you make her take it back?
  • You went to the store and bought a new, expensive item. The clerk gives you too much change. Do you give it back?
  • You are walking with a friend and find $50 on the floor. Would you share it with them?
  • Your child firmly believes in Santa Claus. One Christmas, they start suspecting that he is not real. What do you do? 
  • Is having pets ethical?
  • Can eating meat be justified?
  • Should we defund the police?
  • Should atomic bombs be banned?
  • Can discrimination be justified?
  • Is it ethical to ask someone’s age?
  • Should children get paid for chores?
  • Is it unprofessional to send voice messages?
  • Should children be allowed to vote?
  • Should influencers promote products they don’t use?
  • Should there be any limitations to doctor and patient confidentiality?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be allowed?
  • Can teenagers get plastic surgery?
  • What to do when you find out that your relative has committed an offense?
  • What to do when you see your friend cheating on the exam?
  • Should sportsmen be paid more than teachers?
  • Should gender quotas be used during parliamentary elections?
  • Do companies have the right to collect information about their customers?
  • Can politicians appeal to religious issues during electoral campaigns?
  • Should fake news be censored in a democratic society?

We hope that in this list you’ve found the ethics topic that fits you the best. Good luck with your assignment!

Further reading:

  • 430 Philosophy Topics & Questions for Your Essay
  • 226 Research Topics on Criminal Justice & Criminology
  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS (Humanities & Social Sciences)
  • 204 Research Topics on Technology & Computer Science
  • What’s the Difference Between Morality and Ethics?: Britannica
  • What is Ethics?: Santa Clara University
  • Ethics: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Metaethics: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Ethical Issues: Idaho State University
  • The Problem with AI Ethics: The Verge
  • Sports Ethics: Santa Clara University
  • What Is Bioethics?: Michigan State University
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice: Campbellsville University
  • Kant’s Formula of Universal Law: Harvard University
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  • Share to email

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Ethics - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Ethics is the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. Essays on ethics could delve into moral theories, explore ethical dilemmas in various professional fields, or discuss the impact of ethical behavior on societal relationships and personal identities. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Ethics you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


Ethics, Sustainability and CSR

The article by Julia Wolf on stakeholder pressure explores the relationship between supply chain management and sustainable corporate performance, taking a critical look at the Nestle campaign in relation to these factors. The article examines supply chain management and the influence of external forces. It also discusses the relationship between supply chain control and stakeholders' perceptions of an organization. It highlights how stakeholder pressure and supply chain management contribute towards achieving sustainable performance (Wolf, 2013). The paper covers several theories, [

Abortion Issue, Ethics and Philosophy

Some philosophers think that abortion should be done at beginning stages before the fetus has consciousness. As for others, they think that it’s important for moral permissible of an abortion, whether the fetus is at a stage where parts of the brain that exists supports a certain capacity of consciousness and self-consciousness. In the Politics Aristotle supports infanticide for cases in which the child is deformed, or otherwise physically compromised. I could imagine him (Aristotle) allowing for infanticide when a [

“Allegory of the Cave”

Explain, analyze, and interpret Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” from Book VII of Republic (p.193-198; 514a-519b). Plato was an ancient Athenian Philosopher who studied under fellow philosopher Socrates. He would later become one of the most influential philosophers of all time. One of Plato’s most notable works and most famous allegory was the “Allegory of the Cave”. Plato uses the “Allegory of the Cave” as a tool to show us, readers, his views on society and true knowledge. Plato’s “Allegory of [

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Business Ethics in Negotiations

What do ethics have to do with negotiation? Questions surrounding ethical behavior in negotiation have been explored and researched for many years. Questions like, “What are ethics, and why do they apply to negotiation?”, “What questions of ethical conduct are likely to arise in negotiation?”, “What motivates unethical behavior, and what are the consequences?”, and “How can negotiators deal with the other party’s use of deception?” The subject of Ethics in Negotiation was discussed in Chapter 5 in the textbook, [

Personal Code of Ethics

"If you give a child your heart, she’ll want your integrity to go with it. You’ll give her your honor, and she’ll probably learn to trust you, so she’ll want you to teach her. She’ll ask you lots of questions. When you answer her questions, she’ll probably ask you for your respect. You’ll have to find it within your soul.  Your respect will remind her that she is in a safe place. She might feel inquisitive and want to learn [

God’s View on Homosexuality

In spite of the fact, that God’s commands are considered morally right to believers in the divine command theory, homosexuality is very debatable. In the Bible, Leviticus 18:22 says, “[Men] shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 says, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act” (Jeffress). God’s Word says the homosexual [

Ethics and Sexual Harassment: why is it Wrong

As we know, ethics “is the study of choices people make regarding right or wrong” (Ruggiero, page 2). Every person has different opinions, driven by their morals, values, and beliefs, about different things. This makes it hard to distinguish a line between what is right and what is wrong in the world. Opinions are formed by social influence. Your parents, peers, teachers, churches, and communities all affect the way you think about certain things. There is always a counterargument to [

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Introduction to Ethics Ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people makes decisions and lead their lives. It is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and also described as moral philosophy. Underinflated football issue in NFL, Turing increases drug price by 5000%, Uber’s billing policies are examples for ethics. Ethics is people feel “its just not right” like discuss seeing two movies for the price of one, disclosing your salary cut after the loan [

Gender Hierarchy of Power

There has been gender discrimination over the years in our societies by power. Most of the society has been structured in such a way the culture value one gender more than the other, and this is what has led to gender discrimination. In many societies, the gender hierarchy has brought unequal opportunities in power, and this has discriminated the female gender leading to the feminism in our societies. According to the Bechdel movies, it has explained the gender hierarchy in [

Business Ethics in the Government

It’s not easy to narrow down the meaning of ethics and individuals have varying views and opinions concerning this. Ethics is often used to mean the scrutiny of morals, principles and social dilemmas. Recently, scholars have come up with new ways of looking into the subject and have come up with new principles and theories (Carroll et al., 2014). Ethics should not be confused with laws because they are two distinct subjects. When laws are passed, they consider ethical standard [

Ethics & Informed Consent of Human Research

By definition, ethics is “a set of moral principles” and “dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and obligation” (Ethic, Merriam-Webster). The general concept of ethics can be considered very subjective, depending on the scenario. When it comes to ethics in science, it is not black and white, nor will it ever be. As for the ethical principles of human subjects in research, there are three general principles to follow: respect, beneficence, and justice. The International Ethical [

“Maurice” by E. M. Forster

Maurice (1971) is the last novel that Forster wrote; its main theme was the homosexual love between males. Albeit the book was written at the onset of the 20th century, it was published after more than a century elapsed. The reason for the delay mainly had to do with the law, since at that time, homosexual tendencies were condemned as an immoral behavior in England. Owing to the above social aspects, Foster chose to keep the book from the public [

Business Ethics: Creating an Atmosphere

I worked for a not-for-profit organization in the metroplex for 6 years. This not-for-profit organization dedicates time and effort to youth in the community by providing outreach services that include drug and alcohol awareness, youth leadership development, and academic support. This business has been in existing for many decades and empower the youth to be productive citizens. Throughout my time with the organization, I was noticing the need for a proper ethics program. The name of the organization will remain [

Stability of Business Ethics in Organizations

Business ethics differ from industry to industry. The nature of an organization's activities impacts the ethical issues with which it must contend. The significance of business ethics extends far beyond employee loyalty and morale, or the strength of a management team's bond. Like all organizational activities, the ethical operations of a company are directly related to profit in both the short-term and long-term. The reputation of a company in the surrounding community, other companies, and individual investors is paramount in [

Saving an Endangered Epecies: the Question of Ethics

The amount of gene disorders in American has risen significantly over the past few years. According to Global Genes, “rare diseases affect one in [every] ten Americans.” From this statistic, it is fairly assumed that 30 million people have a rare disease in the United States alone (Global Genes). Food and Drug Administration processes are long and expensive. The waiting time to get a new medication or therapy approved is too long to keep up with the newly emerging health [

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Guiding Future Generations

Teachers are the special gift of God to us. They build a good nation and make our world a better place. A person that plays a pivotal role in molding a student's talent, skills, and life. Their teachings will remain in our memories until we die, and it is also a key to answering some of our few problems. Teachers are one of the most influential persons next to our parents, aside from teaching us to be kind and to [

Difference between Two Types of Value: Intrinsic and Instrumental

The Ethics Core Virtue ethics is an important aspect in shaping the character as well as the morality of an individual. Virtue ethics focuses on issues that emphasize the role of a character as well as the aspects of moral philosophy. It looks into an individuals character rather than focusing on the duty of a person with the aim of coming up with real consequences. Learning things related to ethics and virtue ethics is important mainly because it provides an [

The Treatment of Ethics in Precarious Life in “Never Let me Go”

Before I delve into the role of ethics as portrayed in the precarious lives depicted in "Never Let Me Go," here is some food for thought: how would an individual living a perilous life influence you? Could it be a call for help or is it stirring up feelings of sympathy? In Judith Butler's "Precarious Life," she carefully unfolds various elements of ethics. Using "Precarious Life" as a theoretical framework for "Never Let Me Go," I will explore the treatment [

Parental Consent for Abortion: Exploring Situational Ethics

Situational ethical principles are defined as 'decisions made in one situation cannot be generalized to another situation' (Zerwekh & Zerwekh Garneau, 2021). Abortion stances are different for everyone, whether they are pro-choice, pro-life, or in the middle. For me, I stand in the middle because I believe abortion is situational. There are so many decisions that are made in our day-to-day life, and if we all made the same ones, we would not be unique. Applying Situational Ethics to Minors [

The Importance of Code of Ethics in Nursing: Virtue Ethics and Beneficenc

The Importance of Virtue Ethics and Beneficence in Nursing It is often said that it takes a certain kind of person to become a nurse. They must be well-rounded, flexible, and ready for anything. A day in the life of a nurse is filled with critical thinking, tough conversations, moral dilemmas, and the selfless act of caring for others. Virtue ethics is a way of living that focuses on developing good character traits and always doing what the person believes [

Can Ethics be Taught? an Examination of Ethical Development and Moral Reasoning

Chapter Overview According to our book “Business Ethics Now,” ethics is the study of how we try to live our lives according to the standard of “right” or “wrong” behavior (Ghillyer, A. W. 2018). Everyone’s “right” and “wrong” behavior can be interpreted in different ways. It can depend on their moral standards, like how they grew up, the religion they practice, the schools they attended, and their role models or mentors. All of these play a factor in how someone [

Nestle Company

Ethics The ethical issues affecting Nestlé are, for instance, convincing mothers to use their newly invented product, infant formula preferred to the nutritious breast milk. While the company is aware of the consequences, their product can have to the babies, making the matter worse the company gave it to the less developed countries where poverty is the primary challenge. Another ethical issue is the ignorance of child labour in the Ivorian plantation (Jarzyna, 2016). The company is aware of the [

Morality and Ethics in the Corporate World: a Balanced Approach to Transparency

Harvard's Controversial Compensation Practices In the case of "Lavish Pay at Harvard," Performance focused compensation helps the companies to award the employees who have contributed outstandingly and who make a difference in the organization, such as revenue generation. It is very important to pay well to hire and retain the top employees who have become crucial for the development of the firms. Since Harvard had to face a lot of opposition from the student community and it is an institution [

Social Work Values and Ethics: Analysis of Privacy Issues in Adolescent Clients

Abstract Social Workers often run into situations that involve ethical problem-solving to resolve difficult dilemmas involving their clients, agency, or standards. Specifically, a wide range of confidentiality and privacy issues are continually presented to clinicians on a daily basis. Upon reflection of scenario #3, assessment of methodology available, and research of current trends in solving ethical dilemmas, it was determined Frederic Reamer's methodology would provide a solid foundation for this ethics application paper. For the purposes of this report, the [

Importance of Work Ethics in Navigating Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace Ethical dilemmas arise when legal and ethical issues come into play in the workplace. In this case with Lavonda, things started to escalate over a general period from when she first started. As time goes by, these issues start to pile on top of each other and cause a slew of different conflicts and problems. Lavonda's Rising Career and Relationships Lavonda is characterized as having a very effective and efficient work ethic. She has a [

Loyalty, Ethics and Competence for Business

Business is operated by following the principles laid down during its formation and the laws prescribed by the respective government of the country. Every member of a company should ensure that the firm carries out its activities under the directives of the rules, ethics, and demands of its consumers. The responsibilities of a business encompass social, legal, economic, and philanthropic factors (Volkov, 2015). Each of these has a unique role in ensuring that the rights of every stakeholder are observed [

What is the Importance of Professionalism?

What is the importance of professionalism? The first question we should be asking is, what is professionalism? Professionalism is most commonly described as acting like a professional. A professional is defined “ characterized by or or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession. So to be a professional you must act professional. This is applied in almost every job anywhere. According to the APS ( the Association for Psychological Science) it takes only 60 seconds for someone [

Importance of Ethics and Values in Law Enforcement

Research shows that it is evident that police use of force in the United States is still a continuous issue regardless of an individual race, gender, and social class. This shows that there is a need to develop programs and policies that will reduce such conflicting incidents regarding the police force. Training Practices and Community Involvement One of these remedies is the need to create appropriate training practices. According to Smith, B., and Holmes (2014), police training during the academy [

Importance of Ethics in Communication: Analysis of Timely Communications’ Code

Introduction Timely Communications was given the opportunity to organize the Nelson Mandela University annual national conference, where matters of the present are usually discussed. This year the conference’s theme and matter to be discussed is the COVID-19 pandemic that unexpectedly affected South Africa. South Africa was forced to enter a national lockdown even though the economy was not doing too well. Timely Communications was given the portfolio two weeks prior to the date of the conference. It was decided that [

Interpreting Ethics Legal Dynamics’ Ethical Thought Patterns: Kohlberg’s Moral Development Spectrum

Understanding consideration, conducts activities inside system justice, ethic and moral possible act Kohlberg chart a moral evolution causes the complex of inferiority. His charts concept phases, that animated in legible files ethics three : préalableconditionné, conditionné six, and post-conventional. People accept in decisions the world préalableconditionné except egoism and consideration despite delegations. Stadium, orientation obedience and first punishment, distinguishes on sticks to settlements mainly, to adjure retaliation. Stadium, celebrates so as instrument the second relativism, corrects anymore accent on adequacy [

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How To Write an Essay About Ethics

Understanding ethics.

Before writing an essay about ethics, it is essential to understand what ethics entails. Ethics, often referred to as moral philosophy, involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. It explores questions of morality, including how individuals ought to act and the definition of what is good. Begin your essay by defining ethics and its importance in everyday life. Discuss different ethical theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and existential ethics. Understanding these theories will provide a solid foundation for analyzing ethical questions and dilemmas in your essay.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on ethics should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about an ethical topic. For example, you might analyze a particular ethical dilemma, discuss the application of ethical theories in real-world scenarios, or argue the importance of ethics in a specific field, such as business or medicine. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from philosophical texts, real-life examples, case studies, or scholarly research. This evidence might include analyses of historical ethical dilemmas, discussions of ethical practices in different cultures, or recent developments in ethical theory. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Remember to consider different perspectives and counterarguments to present a well-rounded discussion.

Analyzing Ethical Theories and Applications

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing ethical theories and their applications. Discuss how these theories provide frameworks for understanding what constitutes ethical behavior. Explore how different ethical theories might approach a particular dilemma or issue. For instance, consider how a utilitarian might approach a problem differently than a deontologist. This analysis will demonstrate your understanding of ethical theories and your ability to apply them to real-world situations.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of ethical reasoning and decision-making. You might also want to reflect on the broader implications of your findings, such as the role of ethics in societal progress or personal growth.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to further improve your essay. A well-crafted essay on ethics will not only demonstrate your understanding of moral philosophy but also your ability to engage critically with complex ethical issues.

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177 Interesting Ethics Paper Topics For Your Thesis

ethics paper topics

Ethics is a branch of study in philosophy that studies the concept of morality—what is good or bad, what is acceptable or unacceptable. It’s a philosophical theory that looks into moral rules and codes, principles, value systems, and other related concepts.

In academia, an ethical theory is used as one of the analytical tools in drawing analysis on several socio-cultural topics. Ethics can be applied to any particular subject matter in human society. And, on this, so many compelling, controversial or interesting ethical topics for academic essays and research papers have continued to spring up.

For students writing either an essay or a research paper on ethics, there are some relevant things to note about a good essay/research topic and writing a dissertation. They include:

Brainstorm on different topics Always go for a topic you are familiar with Choose a topic that has enough “flesh”. This is important as interesting topics will help you develop your essay/research Define your subject of interest. It makes the writing easier Properly researching for topics that serve contemporary social relevance Outlining is important for your research topic

What following some of these processes does for your essay/research/thesis is that it enriches your work and affords you the ability to communicate ideas clearly to readers. Here are some topics in ethics you can use for your essay/research.

Interesting Top Level Ethics Paper Topics for All Students

Writing a paper on ethics makes for an interesting writing experience because they usually require that the writer make a case for a particular subject based on whether the subject is right or wrong. There are so many ethical topics for papers. As a student, there are several ethical questions to debate, and you can choose to model your topic using some of these samples:

  • Discuss what should be done concerning the rise in the ban on safe abortion
  • Is the right to safe abortion practice unethical?
  • Should abortion practice be promoted or championed for women in society?
  • Are humans truly the root source for the issues of climate change and global warming the world is currently experiencing?
  • Is it right to discriminate against the sexes?
  • Is there a defining difference between sexes and gender?
  • Is the practice of gender-based violence ethical?
  • Should safe sexual practices be promoted?
  • Sex: A Study of the growing practice of sexual relationships outside marriage
  • Domestic Violence and how it can be combated
  • Marijuana: The distinction to its health roles and health challenges it poses on individuals
  • Is it unethical to promote capitalism and capitalist concepts?
  • A Study of Racism and measures to ensure its decline
  • Is it ethical to be a millionaire while there are so many less privileged people?
  • A study of the ethical challenges that come with being in the academia
  • Is war an ethical practice?
  • Why LGBTQ+ people should not be discriminated against
  • What are the ways workplace ethics can address issues of homophobia and internalized sexism?
  • Is sexism in the workplace an ethical practice?
  • The issue of microaggression and how it can be addressed
  • A study of why workplaces need ethical conduct that monitors issues of workplace harassment
  • Should salaries be uneven?
  • How unethical are uneven salary payment structures?
  • Should start-up tech companies hire more men for starters?
  • How people can prioritize online privacy
  • Is bridging online privacy unethical?
  • Is the right to privacy unethical?

Engaging Ethical Dilemma Topics

As ethics deals with the debate on morals, one of the ways topics on ethics manifests is in the subject of dilemma. Topics like this focus on trying to find a suitable justification for one idea over another. There are several ethics topics to write about on this subject. Some of them include:

  • Should students be allowed to bring their phones to school?
  • Should parents police every social activity of their children?
  • Should teachers use the cane on students as a disciplinary measure?
  • Is flogging a good correctional practice?
  • Should you leave your partner if they are of opposing political views?
  • Should opposing religious beliefs be a deal-breaker in relationships?
  • Should capitalism be abolished completely?
  • Should a teacher maintain some level of friendship with their students?
  • Is there any lingering importance of capitalism to society?
  • Is revenge a viable option in a relationship if your partner cheats on you?
  • Is sharing your experiences online the same as showing off a lifestyle?
  • Should people from different religious beliefs and backgrounds partner?
  • Is checking the DNA of your children important or necessary?
  • Should parents enforce their children on behaviors to take up?
  • Can discipline properly correct the attitudes of a child?
  • Should eating junk foods be avoided completely?
  • Should Halloween Trick or Treat and Costume be prioritized over Thanksgiving Dinners?
  • Should children hold different religious beliefs from their parents while still young?
  • Does strict parenting serve as the best way to raise a child?
  • Is it important to reveal a secret to a friend or to keep one’s peace?
  • Should cooking at home be prioritized over eating out?
  • Is socialism a more suitable social practice than capitalism?
  • Is accepting financial assistance from your parents acceptable after a certain age?
  • Should school authorities seize phones brought to school?
  • Is sending a child to a mixed school better than same-sex schools?
  • Can afforestation alone save the world from global warming and the general climate change condition?
  • Does being educated equate with being intelligent?

Ethical Issues to Write about in Your College Essay

One important thing to note about ethical topics is that they touch across so many different subjects. As a college student preparing to write an essay on ethics, rest assured as there are so many ethics ideas to write about. Here are some ethical topics to write about:

  • Does Hiring female employees cover a company’s sexist motives?
  • Should Actors be paid more than teachers?
  • Taking medical decisions for a patient without their consent
  • How ethical is the interference of the judiciary by the legislative arm of government?
  • Is it ethical to fire someone due to their dress code?
  • Is it unethical to wear colored hair to work?
  • Is censorship ethical?
  • Where does media censorship draw the line?
  • Is it ethical for religious figureheads to meddle in state politics?
  • Should gender be the reason why a person is restricted access to certain social privileges?
  • Should sexuality be a discriminatory factor in society?
  • Should companies and places of work provide counseling and therapy services for their employees?
  • Can Children wear makeup on special occasions?
  • Is it unethical to make medical decisions for a patient without any recognizable relatives?
  • Does dress code need to affect how you are addressed?
  • Should implementing ethics in sports be recommended?
  • Is police brutality an ethical practice?
  • The impacts of the excessive consumption of media content?
  • Is the excessive use of social media healthy?
  • How can companies ensure paid maternal and paternal leave?
  • How can the inclusion of non-binary people in company policies promote growth?
  • Is exclusion on the grounds of sexuality ethical?
  • Is exclusion due to political beliefs unethical?
  • How to promote ethical work culture?
  • How can a company ensure that ethical practices are promoted in their companies?

Ethical Argument Topics to Write About

The best part about writing an ethical essay is that it is about anything that is of interest. An important aspect of the ethical argument topic is that it is supported with evidence. There are so many ethical topics to write about that fall within this category, and they include:

  • Is the having of ethical codes and conducts important in an organization?
  • Should people only implement progressive ideas to meet societal needs?
  • Why LGBTQ+ should not be discriminated against
  • Is it unethical to come to work late?
  • Is government-sanctioned execution an ethical practice?
  • Is the American incarceration system an effective corrective system?
  • Is corrective rape an ethical practice?
  • Should the issue of internalized homophobia be addressed?
  • Internalized patriarchy and internalized homophobia, which one births one
  • Should smoking weed be made legal?
  • Why do the less privileged need free healthcare services
  • A study of the effects of colonialism and internalized slavery
  • Must aspiring journalists only focus on journalism courses?
  • Addressing what it means to be of ethical behavior
  • Should students be given a take-home assignment?
  • Is there any academic relevance to assignments?
  • Is access to free healthcare important?
  • Does following the ethics code have abt social relevance?
  • What role should developed countries play for developing countries?
  • Is analysis writing an important aspect of literature?
  • What role does ethics play in schools
  • Should the address of global warming be continuous?
  • Is there room for possible positive developments in global warming?
  • Is the practice of ethics the same as moral teaching
  • Should schools create sex education into their education curriculum

Comprehensive Ethics Debate Topics for Anyone

Just like the argumentative ethics topic, a debate topic on ethics centers majorly on choosing a part to argue for or against. This argument also is wrapped with evidence to support it. Your ethic topics can be on any subject. You can choose moral topics or any other topic with relevance. Here are some lists of ethical debate topics anyone can write on:

  • Should the use of Contraceptives be promoted?
  • Does legalizing weed make it any healthier?
  • Should school children bring phones into school settings?
  • The health impact of excessive engagement on social media
  • Social relevance and importance of having ethical conducts
  • Do companies with ethical conduct grow ahead
  • Does ethics make a workplace safer?
  • Are there importance on why sex education should be added to student’s
  • Why safe abortion rights should be legalized
  • Why the discrimination based on sexuality is harmful
  • Why the practice of hedonism is important
  • Sexual pleasure: Is it morally good?
  • Is happiness dependent on an external factor?
  • Why Institutionalized racism is the root cause of racism and racist beliefs
  • Should the use of drugs be legalized?
  • Is there any progressive importance to having a conservative view on things?
  • Should social media apps allow explicit sexual content?
  • Should social app builders have access to individual account
  • Can homeschool match formal school training?
  • Should the government ensure censorship measures?
  • Is voting during elections the only form of patriotism?
  • Is voting a patriotic display
  • Are families allowed to have contradicting religious beliefs?
  • Should state governments have any interference with the federal government?
  • Should teenagers have access to contraceptives?

Good Ethical Research Papers for your Thesis or Dissertation

Writing either a thesis or a dissertation is a necessary part of academia. As a university student, you can’t graduate from only writing essays withiut writing your graduating thesis. There are so many areas your research paper about ethics can focus on. Here is a list of ethical topics:

  • The contemporary relevance of applied ethics
  • The psychological impacts of the proliferation of technology
  • A Case Study of the legality of weed
  • A multi-dimensional approach to the subject of marriage
  • An ethical approach to the killing of animals
  • A case study of the critical ethical debates on the use of contraception
  • An analytical study of the relevance of ethical conduct in the workplace
  • An investigation into the social relevance and importance of the beauty pageantry culture
  • A critical study of normative ethics
  • The role of applied ethics in the building of a healthy work culture
  • An overview of the barriers associated with good leadership practice
  • A Study of the importance of ethical practice in the healthcare system
  • The study of ethics in business social responsibility
  • An Overview on how Ethics promotes a saner working culture
  • A look into how ethics promotes healthy social relationships
  • The ethical relevance for Doctor and Patient Confidentiality
  • Malpractice and Negligence an ethically challenging issue within the healthcare system
  • The social and health relevance to access to free healthcare insurance
  • A Study of the social relevance of ethics
  • Violence: violence against animals is still abuse
  • A look into strategic approaches to managing cyber crimes
  • Ethic reasons for the separation of the church from politics
  • Ethical Conduct: How Organizations with practicable ethics produces a toxic work environment
  • A look into how Social media negatively impacts the IQ of a student
  • The role of self-awareness and professional responsibility impacts social ethics in the workplace

Good Ethical Questions for Discussion

Primarily, ethics asks and answers the question of wrong or good. There are so many social issues that will make for good ethical questions for discussion. Here is a list of ethical questions for students to form insights from:

  • How does ethics help to promote healthy workplace awareness?
  • Does the practice of abortion negate morality?
  • Is it right for a rape victim to be denied access to safe and free abortion?
  • How do homophobia, racism, misogyny, and ableist practices hinder social growth?
  • Should there be free access to condoms and contraceptive pills?
  • Is free access to contraceptives better than the provision of menstrual materials
  • How can racism be dismantled in an organization without consideration to institutionalized racism?
  • How does the continuous promotion of capitalist concepts hinder societal progress?
  • Does capitalism truly hinder social growth?
  • Why should there be free access to contraceptive materials especially for women?
  • What are the possible feasible solutions to the issue of climate change?
  • Is it unethical not to share the wealth?
  • Is engaging in warfare the right way to bring solutions?
  • Does the use of makeup contradict the concept of beauty?
  • Why are LGBTQ+ rights human rights?
  • Is the legalization of cannabis ethical?
  • Does the way you dress need to be the reason you are addressed a certain way?
  • Are there moral problems that come with job automation?
  • What can be done to combat the use of harmful substances
  • Why should companies stop discriminating based on sex?
  • What is the social relevance of providing workplace access?
  • Why should parents and teachers stop flogging students?
  • What is the distinction between discipline and strictness?
  • Should religious beliefs be a dealbreaker in any relationship?

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Student Essays

Essay on ethics

Essay on Ethics | Meaning, Role & Importance of Ethics Essay

Ethics are the pillars of a stable and smooth life. A society where ethics and moral values are duly regarded, climbs on the ladder of progress and prosperity. Whether you are a student, working as teacher, nurse, doctor or a businessman, you needed to follow the path of ethics for a prosperous and healthy living.

We have shortlisted these essay on ethics, that define ethics, meaning, purpose & importance of ethics in our lives. These short & long essays are really helpful for children and students

Essay on Ethics | Role Value & Importance of Ethics in human Life Essay

Ethic describes the moral standards of right and wrong as well as the moral requirements of good and bad conduct. Albert Camus once wrote, “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon the world”.

Types of Ethics

Here is a brief look at the four main categories of ethics:

1. Duty Ethics :  It relates ethics to religious beliefs. Defining right and wrong behavior or actions, these ethics are also called deontological ethics. Ethics are taught from the beginning. We must follow them to fulfill our duties.

2. Virtue Ethics :  Ethics refers to personal behavior of an individual. The focus is on a person’s moral values , mentality, and character. As children, we are also inculcated with virtue ethics. We are taught what is right and wrong even if there is no logic to it in many cases.

3. Relativistic Ethics :  In line with this, everything is equal. Everyone is free to form his own opinion, based on his own analysis of the situation. This theory holds that what works for one may not be right for another. The same thing may apply in one situation, but not the other.

4. Consequential Ethics :  In the Era of Enlightenment, rationalism was a goal. These ethical values are associated with that quest. According to this ethical theory, the outcome of an individual’s behavior determines whether his actions are wrong or right.

Ethics Vary in Each Culture

According to some, ethics are values that must be taught since childhood, and that one must strictly adhere to them. If one disobeys these, they are viewed as deviant. Quite a few people are very rigid when it comes to the ethical codes. Their behavior is constantly judged by others.

However, there are also people who are flexible about these issues and feel that they can be adapted to some degree depending on the situation. As such, the basic ethical and moral codes expected from individuals are almost the same from nation to nation. Nevertheless, there may be some ethical behaviors that are right in some cultures but not accepted in others. It is ethically wrong for women in many eastern countries to wear short dresses, whereas women in western countries can wear any outfit they choose.

Conclusion:  Ethics can be described in many different ways according to different schools of thought. Some people follow the norms of right and wrong, while others make up their own standards.

Essay on Ethics, Values | Ethics in Personal & Professional Life

The concept of ethics refers to the behavior one should display in any given circumstance. From an early age, ethical values are deeply ingrained in us and almost every decision we make throughout our lives is guided by them. Ethics determine whether a person is good or bad.

In both our personal and professional lives, ethics are extremely important. Someone who holds high ethical standards, believes in them, and follows them will be far more sorted than someone who follows the ethical norms without truly believing in them. And then there are still others – those who don’t believe in ethical norms and disregard them. There may be disruptions in peace in society as a result of these factors.

Importance of Ethics in Our Personal Life

The morals and ethical values of the society in which people are raised influence their minds. It is impossible to undermine the importance of ethics. It is critical to teach children from the beginning which behaviors are acceptable in society and which are not so that they can interact with the society effectively. Basically, this system was put into place to teach people how to behave properly and to maintain a peaceful and harmonious society.

People find it easier to make decisions once they have defined right and wrong. Consider a world where there were no definition for right and wrong. Everyone would act according to their own definition of right and wrong. Chaos and crime would result from this.

Ethics at Work Place/Professional Life

Ethics play a vital role in the workplace. The ethics and values set by society are not the only ethical values determined by organizations. For the organization’s code of conduct to remain effective, everyone working there must follow them. For example, ethical codes of conduct set by organizations state that employees must be treated fairly, honesty must be maintained, company secrets must never be leake, respect for coworkers must always be observed, and problems with management or employees must be addressed politely without creating unnecessary commotion.

This helps to ensure an organization’s smooth functioning. Employees who violate the ethical code run the risk of receiving warning letters or being penalized differently depending on the severity of the issue.

Whenever an organization lacks the set ethical codes, chaos and inefficiencies are likely to ensue. This is why it is essential that each organization establishes these standards. In an organization, ethical codes are not only important for ensuring a good working environment, but they also instruct employees on how to handle customers in different situations. Ethics are fundamentally a reflection of an organization’s core values and responsibilities.

Conclusion:  Ethics must be set for the society, for the workplace, and for all other institutions. People are able to recognize what is right and what is wrong, and it encourages them to behave in the right manner.

Essay on Importance of Ethics For a Student

Ethos is the Ancient Greek word for habits, customs, or character, and hence was used as the basis for the term ethics. The real meaning of ethics is found in this. It is clear from one’s habits and character that he or she is guided by ethical values. The character of a person is defined by their ethical values. As a society, we set ethical norms that determine what is good and what is bad.

Ethics provides a set of definitions for terms such as right and wrong, good and evil, virtue and vice. We constantly think about the ethical and moral values we were taught from an early age whenever we are in doubt, and this always gives us clarity.

These rules of ethics are supposed to promote the well-being of society and the overall happiness of the people living there, but sometimes they can cause some people to be unhappy. This is due to people going overboard with them. Early in Indian history, women were seen as housewives. The women were not allowed to work outside their home or to question the decisions of the male family members.

Many people still adhere to the ethics and norms defined centuries ago, although nowadays women are given the freedom to go out and work and take various decisions for themselves. Women are still held to the belief that their place is in the kitchen and that going out to work is unethical for them.

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Thus, ethics and moral values must go into the hearts and minds of people in order for society to function smoothly as well as to be redefined periodically for a community’s good.

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Home / Essay Samples / Philosophy / Ethics

Ethics Essay Examples

Navigating the conflict between religion and ethics.

Religion is believing in a higher power, believing in a God or Gods, and essentially what is considered a colt. Ethics is having morality. Being ethical means, you do what is right and good. When you hear of these two things you automatically assume that...

The Role of Values and Personal Ethics

Hey there, this is an essay on personal ethics where I analyses what is the definition of ethics, how personal ethics differentiate from the business one and so on. So ethics is the manners which you behave in the society not to criticize and misbehave...

An Example of Deontology in Nursing: Brenda's Case

In this paper is shown an example of deontology in nursing. So I propose that Brenda and her family are made completely conscious of all her possible treatment option. By only allowing an individual to be aware about one procedure due to their immediacy to...

The Essence of Ethics: Understanding Its Significance

What is ethics? How have philosophers defined the term? In what is ethics essay these questions will be answered. The word Ethics is defined in different aspects. We humans are surrounded by dilemmas, curiosity, and questions in life. Ethics derived from ethikos (Greek word) which...

Exploring Ethics: Real-world Applications and Case Studies

As part of studying the subject of ethics, we had to write what I learned in ethics class essay. The article that I chose to write about is a Huntington Beach doctor getting indicted in a 135-million-dollar Medicare fraud scheme. Dr. Nagesh Shetty who is...

The Priority of Ethics and Morals

In this essay on ethics and morals I chose to talk about it. As I read the chapter of one book, I began to reflect and understand that being a moral person implies rationally seeking a way to live better, or leading a good life...

Why is It Important to Follow Rules at Work

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Ethical Dilemma: Ways to Solve It

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The Heinz Dilemma: Moral Complexity in Everyday Life

The Heinz dilemma, is one where you have to question is stealing morally wrong? This is Heinz dilemma essay where I will give the answer to this question.   Heinz’s wife was on her deathbed and the doctor informed him there was a drug that...

Ethics and Morality: a Discussion on Right and Wrong

To start with, this is why should we be moral essay where answers to such questions as:iIs it possible for a person to be moral but not ethical or ethical but not moral? and Why should we be moral? So, Yes, it is possible to...

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About Ethics

Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

Ethics is traditionally subdivided into normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics.

Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine, Immanuel Kant, etc.

Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->