
  • Children's Poems About Homework: Embracing Learning with Rhyme

Homework can often be seen as a chore by children, but what if we could make it more enjoyable and engaging? Poetry has the power to transform mundane tasks into something fun and exciting. In this article, we will explore some delightful children's poems about homework that can inspire young minds to embrace their academic journey with a smile.

1. "The Homework Monster" by Lily Smith

2. "ode to the pencil" by max johnson, 3. "the homework dance" by emily thompson.

The Homework Monster is a whimsical poem that brings to life the struggle many children face when tackling their assignments. Through a playful narrative, Lily Smith captures the frustration and creativity required to conquer the homework beast. Here's an excerpt:

The Homework Monster crept up my bed, With papers and textbooks, filling my head. It growled and it grumbled, challenging me, But I'll slay this creature, just wait and see!

The poem encourages children to view homework as a challenge to overcome, fostering a positive attitude towards their academic responsibilities.

In Ode to the Pencil , Max Johnson celebrates the humble pencil as a tool for homework success. This delightful poem highlights the significance of this small writing instrument that holds the power to transform thoughts into words. Here's a snippet:

Oh, pencil dear, you're always near, Guiding my hand with words so clear. You help me solve equations and spell with grace, With each stroke of lead, a smile I embrace!

By personifying the pencil and expressing gratitude for its role in completing homework, Max Johnson encourages children to appreciate the tools that assist them in their learning journey.

Emily Thompson's The Homework Dance infuses rhythm and movement into the task of completing assignments. This energetic poem encourages children to incorporate physical activity while working on their homework. Here's an excerpt:

Jump to the left, do a twirl and a sway, Tap your feet, keep the boredom at bay. Dance with your pencil, let your mind roam, With each step and groove, homework becomes home!

By transforming homework into a dance, this poem invites children to find joy and creativity in their academic endeavors.

Children's poems about homework have the power to transform a mundane task into an exciting adventure. Through imaginative storytelling, playful personification, and rhythmic expressions, these poems help children develop a positive attitude towards their academic responsibilities. Whether it's slaying the homework monster, celebrating the pencil, or dancing through assignments, these poems remind children that learning can be a delightful journey. So, let's inspire the young minds with the magic of poetry and make homework a joyful experience!

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rhyming poem on homework

Homework! Oh, Homework!

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Homework! Oh, Homework!

Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink! I wish I could wash you away in the sink, if only a bomb would explode you to bits. Homework! Oh, homework! You’re giving me fits. I’d rather take baths with a man-eating shark, or wrestle a lion alone in the dark, eat spinach and liver, pet ten porcupines, than tackle the homework, my teacher assigns. Homework! Oh, homework! You’re last on my list, I simply can’t see why you even exist, if you just disappeared it would tickle me pink. Homework! Oh, homework! I hate you! You stink!

 Summary of Homework! Oh, Homework!

Analysis of literary devices used in homework oh, homework.

“Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink.”
“I simply can’t see why you even exist, if you just disappeared it would tickle me pink.”
“ Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink.”

Analysis of Poetic Devices Used in Homework! Oh, Homework!

Poetic and literary devices are the same, but a few are used only in poetry. Here is the analysis of some of the poetic devices used in this poem.

Quotes to be Used

“ You’re last on my list, I simply can’t see why you even exist, if you just disappeared it would tickle me pink.”

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By Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Homework’ promotes reform while satirically addressing political upheaval and degradation of the environment.

Allen Ginsberg

Nationality: American

Notable works include  ' America '  and  ' Howl .' 

Sudip Das Gupta

Poem Analyzed by Sudip Das Gupta

First-class B.A. Honors Degree in English Literature

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg is a poem depicting the environmental degradation in the modern world. The metaphorical reference to “Laundry” is significant. It reflects how dirty the world looks like from the eyes of an aware citizen of the world. Here, the aware citizen or the speaker of the poem is none other than the poet, Allen Ginsberg, himself. In his voice , there is a sternness of protest as well as a reformative appeal. The condition of the world be it environmental or political, both make the poet think about the dirt that modernity had stored in this azure planet called earth. Through this poem, the poet voices his protest in a reformative tone .

Explore Homework

  • 1 Summary of Homework
  • 2 Structure of Homework
  • 3 Literary Devices in Homework
  • 4 Analysis of Homework
  • 5 Historical Context of Homework
  • 6 Similar Poetry

Homework by Allen Ginsberg

Summary of Homework

In ‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg, the speaker feels as if the dirty places are clothes. He tries to wash them clean and remove the dirt of environmental degradation, politics, and pollution. There is a reference to a variety of countries, rivers, and places in this poem. The poet refers to countries such as Iran, the United States, Alaska, Russia, and China. Moreover, the poet refers to continents such as Africa, Asia, and North America. He also talks about the rivers namely Amazon, Rhine, Hudson, Thames, and Neckar, and other water bodies such as Carin and Gulf of Mexico, Love Canal, Mediterranean basin, and Lake Eerie. Apart from that, there are other references in the poem such as the North Pole, Rocky Flats, Los Alamos, Parthenon, and Sphinx.

By pointing out these places, Ginsberg highlights the major causes of natural degradation in the mentioned places. Last but not least, he wants to purify them by symbolically washing, scrubbing, wiping, rubbing, rinsing, and wringing those places.

Structure of Homework

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg consists of fourteen long lines without any specific rhyme scheme . The lines of the poem don’t follow conventional poetic diction . Ginsberg uses prosaic lines to reflect the lack of beauty and the drooping condition of the places the poet talks about in this poem. Moreover, the poet describes how he wants to clean the dirt out of those regions from a first-person point-of-view . Hence, this poem is an example of a lyric . Though there isn’t any rhyming scheme in the poem, it is not unrhythmic at all. The poet uses internal rhythms to maintain the flow of the poem.

Apart from that, there is a use of both the iambic meter and anapestic meter in this poem. However, some lines also contain the trochaic meter . The mixture of the meters creates a rising and falling rhythm that makes the sound scheme of the poem more interesting while reading.

Literary Devices in Homework

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg begins with a metaphor in the usage of the word “Laundry” and in “dirty Iran” the poet makes a comparison between a dirty cloth and Iran. Thereafter the poet uses metonymy in the second line. Here, the poet refers to the places of the United States and Africa that are polluted. Moreover, the poet uses an allusion to the nursery rhyme “Rub a dub dub” in this poem. It’s not the only case where the poet uses allusion. There are several allusions such as the tragedy of Love Canal, the nuclear weapon manufacturing unit at Rocky Flats in America, and the Vietnam War. However, there are some lines in the poem that are connected by the use of enjambment .

Apart from that, in the last line, there is alliteration in “put the planet”. This line also contains irony as well as hyperbole in the use of the word “Aeon”.

Analysis of Homework

Lines 1–6.

If I were doing my Laundry I’d wash my dirty Iran (…) Rub a dub dub for Rocky Flats and Los Alamos, Flush that sparkly Cesium out of Love Canal

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg begins with sarcasm . The poet if he were doing his “Laundry”, he would preferably choose neither of his clothes. Rather he would take the countries and places that had become dirty due to pollution or man-made disasters. Hence, the poet says he would wash his dirty Iran and throw in the United States into his washing machine. Thereafter he would pour the Ivory Soap and scrub the whole of Africa until it became clear. He would put all the birds and elephants out of the zoos back to the jungle.

Moreover, the poet alludes to the polluted Amazon River and oily Carib and the Gulf of Mexico for washing the waste materials. After the washing with soap session is done, Ginsberg would start rubbing off the smog from the North Pole and wipe all the waste-carrying pipelines in Alaska. He would rub the Rocky Flats and Los Alamos for cleaning the radioactive waste stored there. Thereafter, he would flush the radioactive Cesium out of Love Canal that was polluted due to the disposal of chemical waste in the 1940s.

Lines 7–10

Rinse down the Acid Rain over the Parthenon & Sphinx, Drain Sludge out of the Mediterranean (…) Cleanse the Hudson Thames & Neckar, Drain the Suds out of Lake Erie

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg focuses on the effect of Acid Rain on the Parthenon and the Sphinx at the beginning of this section. The poet says he would rinse down those monuments and drain the sludge out of the Mediterranean basin to make it azure again. Thereafter, the sky above the Rhine River catches the poet’s attention. He desires to blue the sky over the river and bleach the darkening clouds so the snow would look white as snow. This section reflects how everything has changed due to modernization and the pollution associated with it. Moreover, the poet says he would cleanse the rivers such as Hudson, Thames, and Neckar and drain the suds out of the Lake Eerie of America.

Lines 11–14

Then I’d throw big Asia in one giant Load & wash out the blood & Agent Orange, (…) & put the planet in the drier & let it sit 20 minutes or an Aeon till it came out clean.

Thereafter, in ‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg, the poet humorously refers to throwing the “big Asia” in “one giant load” to wash out the blood and “Agent Orange” from it. Here, “blood” symbolically refers to the Vietnam War, and Agent Orange was used by the U.S. Military as a tactical weapon to destroy the forest cover in Vietnam. Moreover, the poet refers to the political turmoil in China and Russia as the “whole mess”. He would put those countries in the wringer to squeeze out the political interference of the U.S. However, the poet ironically says he would also squeeze the brutality of the Central American police states out by putting them in the wringer.

At last, the poet says his work was done. Then, he would put the planet earth in the drier and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then suddenly the poet realized that it was not enough. That’s why he says the drying would take “an Aeon till it came out clean.”

Historical Context of Homework

‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg refers to the major man-made disasters that shook the planet. The poet refers to the Gulf Wars, the pollution of the Amazon, and a lot more. There is a reference to the effect of massive industrialization on specific regions such as the North Pole and Alaska. Moreover, the poet refers to the radioactive pollution in the region of Rocky Flats and Los Alamos and the waste-disposal in the Love Canal. Apart from that, the poet presents the changing landscape due to pollution in Europe. In the last few lines, he presents the political tension in the countries of Asia and hints at the role of America in it.

At the end of the poem, the poet mocks the present scenario of the planet as if the dirt would not come out even if the poet tries this process for ages. Hence, it’s a satire on the artificiality of the problems existing in the modern world.

Similar Poetry

Like ‘Homework’ by Allen Ginsberg, the following poems present similarly talk about the effects of modernity and pollution.

  • The Dream by Lola Ridge – Here, Lola Ridge similarly sketches the modern landscape ridden by pollution.
  • Crossing a City Highway by Yusef Komunyakaa – Here, Yusef Komunyakaa talks about the effect of air pollution.
  • Evening Scene From My Table by Vikram Seth – This one of the best Vikram Seth poems , presents how the polluted air that blocks the poet’s vision.
  • Inauguration by Lorenzo Thomas – It’s about global pollution valued over people’s lives. 

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Gupta, SudipDas. "Homework by Allen Ginsberg". Poem Analysis , https://poemanalysis.com/allen-ginsberg/homework/ . Accessed 15 August 2024.

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is what we called her. The story was that her father had thrown Drano at her which was probably true, given the way she slouched through fifth grade, afraid of the world, recess ...

Now I was hangin' round Nashville writin' songs and playin' 'em for all of the stars Watchin' 'em laugh and hand 'em back livin' on hope and ...

The Homework Machine, Oh, the Homework Machine, Most perfect contraption that's ever been seen. ...

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Ever since I set foot in school for my new academic year It looks like luck has abandoned me My bus came late to pick me up for school So guess who is punished, me! ...

I was then a young boy of ten. Was doing homework, before the afternoon game. The door was closed but the window open, When I nearly finished, came a surprise, sudden. ...

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You know that if there was one thing, That you could take from school, It wouldn't be art or math or history, It would be work. ...

It is the fortune of poeple that the shadows of our futures do not lie heavy ...


Homework homework you are so sweet Homework homework you suck like dead meat Homework homework you take up my time Homework homework id rather buy a dead mime. ...

When I was little, my stepfather and I would be outside, coloring the driveway with chalk or throwing a frisbee and he'd stop and say, "I'm gonna go stir your mama up." He'd go in the house, coming out minutes later with my mom hot on his heels, waving her arms and haranguing his retreating back. She couldn't see the big grin on his face as he approached me, "It's good for her heart, " he'd say, chuckling and resuming whatever we were doing, "We've got to keep her on her toes." He's a master of dolorous mischief. ...

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Equations, Simultaneous! ! ...

E is for effort Required at school Hardly accepted But gthe scirge of the fool ...

........ Mrs. Blangleberger, ma'am, sir. ...

Hey! Are you waiting forthe holidays If yes, then don't worry as they are very near Here comes are new session, here comes May But, what is this fear which drives you away ...

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Interesting Literature

10 of the Best Examples of Rhyming Poems Everyone Should Know

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Rhyme is an important part of many poems, to the extent that, to many people, ‘rhyme’ is synonymous with ‘poetry’. ‘Does it rhyme?’ is the question many poets have been asked when they reveal to someone else that they write poetry.

It’s worth bearing in mind that poetry, however, is much older than rhyme: it’s likely that rhyme only became a more central part of poetry during the early Christian era, when hymns often contained rhyming units as an aid to memory and because the chiming of two different, yet related, words produced a pleasing effect.

And yet there’s plenty of poetry that doesn’t rhyme. Homer’s epic poems don’t rhyme. Much medieval alliterative poetry didn’t rhyme. Shakespearean blank verse, Milton’s Paradise Lost , and Wordsworth’s great autobiographical poem The Prelude all do happily without rhyme, with Milton even writing a preface to a reissue of Paradise Lost explaining why he wished to liberate his epic poem from the shackles of rhyme.

And of course, modern and contemporary free verse avoids or rejects rhyme in favour of a looser musicality and other sound-effects (pararhyme, alliteration, assonance, consonance, and so on).

So poems which do rhyme do so often for a good reason, just as poems which are rhymeless do without rhyme for a reason. Let’s take a look at some of the best poems which utilise rhyme, and explore why they might be doing so.

1. Anonymous, ‘ Sir Patrick Spens ’.

The King sits in Dunferline toun, Drinkin the blude-reid wine ‘O whaur will A get a skeely skipper Tae sail this new ship o mine?’

O up and spak an eldern knight, Sat at the king’s richt knee; ‘Sir Patrick Spens is the best sailor That ever sailt the sea.’

So begins one of the best-known ballads to come from Scotland: the so-called ‘Border ballads’. In ballads, the rhyme scheme is usually abcb , so the even lines of each quatrain rhyme (e.g., ‘wine’ and ‘mine’), but the odd lines don’t (so ‘toun’ and ‘skipper’).

Ballads were originally written to be sung to accompanying music, and the to-and-fro of the rhyme, and the alternating lines of tetrameter and trimeter, lend the lines a brisk, lively rhythm and pattern.

2. Sir Philip Sidney, Sonnet 99 .

When far spent night persuades each mortal eye, To whom nor art nor nature granteth light, To lay his then mark-wanting shafts of sight, Closed with their quivers, in sleep’s armoury; With windows ope then most my mind doth lie …

This is a curious example of a rhyming poem from one of the earliest sonnet-writers in English. Sidney (1554-86) was a soldier, statesman, courtier, and poet: a true ‘Renaissance man’. His Astrophil and Stella (written in the early 1580s; published 1591) is one of the first sonnet sequences written in English.

This poem from the sequence is a Petrarchan or Italian sonnet, rhymed abba abba cdcdee . But look at how every single line ends with a word that plays on an ‘i’ (‘eye’?) sound: light, night, eye, blind, sight, and so on both semantically and sonically, we might say, summon the subject of the poem.

3. Alexander Pope, from An Essay on Criticism .

But still the worst with most regret commend, For each ill author is as bad a friend To what base ends, and by what abject ways, Are mortals urged, through sacred lust of praise! Ah, ne’er so dire a thirst of glory boast, Nor in the critic let the man be lost Good-nature and good sense must ever join; To err is human, to forgive, divine …

In the late seventeenth century, and for the next hundred years or so, the most common rhyming form in English poetry was probably the heroic couplet: rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter, as in the clipped, epigrammatic style of Alexander Pope’s 1711 poem here.

The last line of the section we’ve quoted above has become proverbial: Pope’s point is that a good critic forgives the faults of other writers, accepting that making mistakes is part of being human and we adopt the higher moral ground when we forgive people for natural human errors.

4. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, from In Memoriam .

He is not here; but far away The noise of life begins again, And ghastly thro’ the drizzling rain On the bald street breaks the blank day.

In Memoriam A. H. H. (1850), Tennyson’s long elegy for his dear friend who died suddenly in 1833, is written in rhyming quatrains (four-line stanzas) throughout. Each quatrain uses what is called ‘enclosed rhyme’ or ‘envelope rhyme’: that is, an abba pattern where the b rhymes are enclosed within the a rhymes.

Note here how Tennyson also joins the a and b rhymes through their shared long ‘a’ sound: ‘away’ and ‘day’ also chime with ‘again’ and ‘rain’, as if echoing the wailing cry of grief Tennyson himself is uttering when he revisits his friend’s home.

5. Christina Rossetti, ‘ Remember ’.

Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you plann’d: Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray …

Written when she was still a teenager, ‘Remember’ is one of Rossetti’s finest sonnets. Look at how she utilises the repeated abba abba rhymes of the ‘octave’ (the opening eight-line section) of the Petrarchan sonnet to suggest the toing-and-froing of grief and parting: the speaker talks about dying (‘gone away’) but rhymes this line with a reference to her desire to remain (‘half turn to go yet turning stay’).

6. Emily Dickinson, ‘ I Heard a Fly Buzz ’.

I heard a Fly buzz – when I died – The Stillness in the Room Was like the Stillness in the Air – Between the Heaves of Storm –

The Eyes around – had wrung them dry – And Breaths were gathering firm For that last Onset – when the King Be witnessed – in the Room –

You’ll notice something different about rhyme in this Emily Dickinson poem. Dickinson (1830-86) is perhaps best-known for her distinctive use of dashes in her poems, but she also did interesting things with rhyme.

In this poem, one of her most famous, we find examples of what’s known as pararhyme – half-rhyme or ‘slant rhyme’, as it’s also known. So ‘Room’ and ‘Storm’ in the first stanza, and then ‘firm’ and ‘Room’ in the second, suggest a kinship between the ‘rhyming’ words (the shared final ‘m’ sound) but without constituting full rhyme (as ‘Room’ and, say, ‘doom’ would).

The effect is at once more natural than full rhyme, which can strike the reader as artificial, and stranger than full rhyme, because it suggests rhyme without following through with it.

7. Edward Thomas, ‘ Tall Nettles ’.

Tall nettles cover up, as they have done These many springs, the rusty harrow, the plough Long worn out, and the roller made of stone: Only the elm butt tops the nettles now …

This short nature poem by Edward Thomas (1878-1917) does some fascinating things with rhyme. Although the poem apparently follows a simple abab pattern, note how the ‘ow’ sounds of ‘plough’ and ‘now’ in the first stanza flourish into the ‘flower’ and ‘shower’ in the second.

Observe also how the odd lines contain not full rhyme, but what’s known as ‘eye rhyme’: when words appear to rhyme when our eye looks at them on the page, but when we speak them out loud, they sound different. So ‘done’ and ‘stone’, and ‘most’ and ‘lost’, look as though they will chime perfectly but instead they utilise different vowel sounds.

This helps to reinforce the quiet surprise the poet feels at finding beauty in the dusty nettles growing over rusty old farm tools; full rhyme would perhaps be inappropriate for such a topic.

8. Claude McKay, ‘ If We Must Die ’.

If we must die, O let us nobly die, So that our precious blood may not be shed In vain; then even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!

McKay (1889-1948) was a leading poet in the Harlem Renaissance just after the First World War. McKay wrote the sonnet ‘If We Must Die’ in response to mob attacks by white Americans upon African-American communities during an event that became known as the Red Summer.

Note in the above quatrain from the sonnet, which uses alternate rhyme ( abab ), ‘die’ not only rhymes with, but in a sense develops into ‘defy’, with ‘dead’ chiming semantically with ‘die’ as well as rhyming with ‘shed’.

9. Wilfred Owen, ‘ Strange Meeting ’.

It seemed that out of battle I escaped Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped Through granites which titanic wars had groined.

Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned, Too fast in thought or death to be bestirred. Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless …

After Dickinson, perhaps the first great proponent of pararhyme in modern poetry was the war poet Wilfred Owen (1893-1918), who used it in a number of his poems about the First World War.

In this poem, in which the speaker dies and goes to hell, only to meet the man he killed, the rhyming couplets we found in Alexander Pope have given way to the uneasy alliance between words which we find in Owen’s ‘rhyming’ lines: ‘escaped’ and ‘scooped’, ‘groined’ and ‘groaned’, and so on. The First World War was not a heroic war, so no heroic couplets: instead, just the estranging and unsettling sensation created by pararhyme.

10. Sarah Howe, ‘ Relativity ’.

These are the opening lines of a contemporary poem which Howe write for Stephen Hawking; you can read the poem in full at the Paris Review by following the link above.

Note how the ‘rhymes’ here are subtler and less ‘perfect’ than in many earlier poems: ‘dark’ and ‘track’ utilise pararhyme, as do ‘kn ow ’ and ‘shad ow s’.

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What is a Limerick?

  • Line 1: 7-10 syllables A
  • Line 2: 7-10 syllables A
  • Line 3: 5-7 syllables B
  • Line 4: 5-7 syllables B
  • Line 5: 7-10 syllables A

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16 Funny Limerick Poems

1 - 16 of 16

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1. A Wonderful Bird Is The Pelican

Famous Poem

  • By Dixon Lanier Merritt

A wonderful bird is the pelican, His bill will hold more than his belican, He can take in his beak Enough food for a week

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  • Rating 4.15

Poem of the Day

My best childhood friend loved this poem! We were separated by four hours as we lived in different cities and had become married with children. Our visits existed by phone. At least once...

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2. Limericks By Edward Lear

  • By Edward Lear

There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, 'It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren,

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  • Fav orited 11
  • Rating 3.95

Poem of the Day

Those birds will just nest anywhere! Of course they need to build a home for their young-uns. Our dad told us a story that when he was young he would help gather the clothes off the clothes...

3. Candy Tree Shops

  • By Beryl L Edmonds
  • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

If ice cream could be grown on the tree top, Tiny tummies would be liking it lots. Any fruit flavour For all to savour.

  • Shares 3134
  • Rating 4.03

Poem of the Day

Thank you for the congratulations on my winning the Summer Poetry Contest, Brother John. Winning was an unexpected surprise. To my mind, all of the entries were worthy winners. Yours I...

4. Statistics

  • By Peter Sellers
  • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

Having had just a bit too much wine the statistician opted to recline head in the Frigidaire feet out in the hot air

  • Fav orited 3
  • Rating 3.36

5. Homework Limerick

  • By Alyssa Tyler Ashely Lily Skylar Emily
  • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

Why do we have homework after school? This is so uncool. I so want to cry I want to deny

  • Shares 4443
  • Fav orited 8
  • Rating 3.89

Poem of the Day

This is very funny and true. Nice poem. Keep it up!

6. Music Players: A Brief History

  • By Doug W Benson
  • Published by Family Friend Poems March 7, 2024 with permission of the Author.

There once was a disk called a record Played on vinyl with a stylus connector Known for hisses and pops And scratches on top

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  • Rating 4.50

7. Rest In Peace Abraham Lincoln

  • By Neil Dickinson
  • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

There once was a fellow named Abe And today is the day he was slayed John Wilkes Booth took his life As he sat with his wife

  • Fav orited 2
  • Rating 4.37

8. Confessions Of A Serial Plant Killer

  • By Cynthia C. Naspinski
  • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2020 with permission of the Author.

Oh, I wish that I had a green thumb. All my houseplants are looking quite glum. I never can tell Why they're looking unwell

  • Shares 2333
  • Fav orited 10
  • Rating 4.35
Greetings, fellow Aussie! Yes, "the care we inflict"....well put. Thanks, Raelene, for the kind feedback.

9. Tribute To Michael Jordan

  • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

There’s a fellow we knew as Air Jordan Years ago many planes he was boardin’ When he left his abode To play games on the road

  • Fav orited 9
  • Rating 4.30

10. Harvey The Hippo

  • By Alan Balter
  • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2021 with permission of the Author.

Harvey is a huge hippopotamus Who bathes in a bay that is bottomless HIs mouth is as large As a riverboat barge

  • Fav orited 6
  • Rating 4.28
I enjoyed the quality presentation of the hippo story. The rhyme style was very skilled, and there was care for rhythm while telling a coherent and entertaining tale.

11. The Ball Up High

  • By Abimbola T. Alabi

Once I did hear my brother call The sun a giant fire ball. How can that be? For what I see,

  • Rating 4.19
The poem written in simple colloquial language expresses the genuine thoughts of an innocent child who admires nature.

12. Happy Mother's Day Limerick

There's a lady in each of our lives Who endured all the lows and the highs That her children went through Like the mumps or the flu

  • Shares 1683
  • Rating 4.09
This is a poem almost everyone can relate to. I thank you for making this. I read this to my mom for Mother's Day, and she teared up a little!

13. Listen To Mum

  • By John P. Read

I remember when I was small and cool, I was always playing truant from school. My mum used to say, "You'll regret it one day

  • Shares 1160
It's only now that I'm older I realise my school years were the best days of my life. If only I could turn back time.

14. Tribute To Lou Costello

There once was a man called Costello A silly Vaudevillian fellow He expired this day So this tribute we pay

  • Rating 3.81

15. Happy Easter Limerick

Easter weekend's a time when we feast On a turkey that's freshly deceased Or a slow roasted duck That has run out of pluck

  • Rating 3.74

16. Tribute To Norman Rockwell

His paintings are slices of life Depicting the joy and the strife And the highs and the lows Of the subjects he chose

  • Fav orited 1
  • Rating 3.56

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Rhyme with Homework

84 rhymes for homework - words and phrases that rhyme with homework.





We've got 12 rhyming words for homework  »

What rhymes with homework ˈhoʊmˌwɜrk home·work, this page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like homework . use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses..

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bezerk · feildwork · firework · housework · network · no work · overwork

Popularity rank by frequency of use

How popular is homework among other rhymes, a graphical representation of the words that rhyme with homework ., 4 songs found.

Stand up, stand up, stand up straight, do your homework Smile a lot when you network
Woah, woah! And as an added perk If I'm president, no more homework !
Mama, she just wanted me to do my homework But when I get home Ma left a note Do the housework
Wrestlin' was the bomb, kept me from doing my homework Radio was my thing, when red alert went bezerk

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100+ Words That Rhyme With Homework

Perfect rhymes with homework, close rhymes with homework.

  • latticework
  • plasterwork
  • funderburke

Slant Rhymes With Homework

  • behringwerke
  • elektrizitaetswerk

What the Table Columns Mean

  • Word : A word that rhymes with homework.
  • Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with homework. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or 90 means a close rhyme. When this column says "Slant Rhyme," the word only rhymes if said in a certain way.
  • Syllables: The number of syllables in the word.
  • Type: The type of word.

Table of Contents

Syllable words & phrases that rhyme with homework.

Below you can find the words that rhyme with homework grouped by syllables.

1 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Homework

2 syllable words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 3 syllable words/phrases that rhyme with homework.

  • Behringwerke
  • Funderburke
  • Latticework
  • Plasterwork

4 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Homework

6 syllable words/phrases that rhyme with homework.

  • Elektrizitaetswerk

Length Words & Phrases That Rhyme With Homework

Below you can find the words that rhyme with homework grouped by the length of the word.

3-Letter Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Homework

4-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 5-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 6-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 7-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 8-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 9-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 10-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 11-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 12-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework, 18-letter words/phrases that rhyme with homework.

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rhyming poem on homework

Homework, I Love You

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From the book When the Teacher isn't Looking

rhyming poem on homework

Homework, I love you. I think that you’re great. It’s wonderful fun when you keep me up late. I think you’re the best when I’m totally stressed, preparing and cramming all night for a test.

Homework, I love you. What more can I say? I love to do hundreds of problems each day. You boggle my mind and you make me go blind, but still I’m ecstatic that you were assigned.

Homework, I love you. I tell you, it’s true. There’s nothing more fun or exciting to do. You’re never a chore, for it’s you I adore. I wish that our teacher would hand you out more.

Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside. I’m filled with emotions. I’m fit to be tied. I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain. Of course, that’s because I’m completely insane.

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 4 Topics: Love Poems , School Poems Poetic Techniques: Idioms , Irony , Lyric & Dramatic Poems Word Count: 143

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Nonmetrical , nonrhyming lines that closely follow the natural rhythms of speech. A regular pattern of sound or rhythm may emerge in free-verse lines, but the poet does not adhere to a metrical plan in their composition. Matthew Arnold and Walt Whitman explored the possibilities of nonmetrical poetry in the 19th century. Since the early 20th century, the majority of published lyric poetry has been written in free verse. See the work of William Carlos Williams , T.S. Eliot , Ezra Pound , and H.D. Browse more free-verse poems .

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  2. I Love Doing My Homework Poem

    rhyming poem on homework

  3. Shel Silverstein Homework Poem

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  4. Rhyming Poem

    rhyming poem on homework

  5. Rhyming Poem Fill-in-the-Blank Practice Worksheets (5 poems)

    rhyming poem on homework

  6. Homework Poem by Paul Reed

    rhyming poem on homework


  1. Children's Poems About Homework: Embracing Learning with Rhyme

    In this article, we will explore some delightful children's poems about homework that can inspire young minds to embrace their academic journey with a smile. Índice. 1. "The Homework Monster" by Lily Smith. 2. "Ode to the Pencil" by Max Johnson. 3. "The Homework Dance" by Emily Thompson.

  2. Homework Stew

    Homework Stew. From the book When the Teacher Isn't Looking. and stirred it to a steaming froth. to make a pot of homework stew. and tossed my binder in the pot. with colored markers by the quart. I proudly took my stew to class. I set it on my teacher's desk. My teacher said, "You're quite a chef.

  3. Homework! Oh, Homework! by Jack Prelutsky

    Analysis (ai): The poem "Homework! Oh, Homework!" by Jack Prelutsky is a humorous and exaggerated expression of a child's frustration with homework. The speaker uses strong language and hyperbolic imagery to convey their intense dislike for the task. They would rather face dangerous animals or eat unpleasant foods than complete their homework ...

  4. Homework! Oh, Homework! Analysis

    The poem shows the use of the symbols of "stink" and "giving me fits" as signs of anger and hatred. Analysis of Poetic Devices Used in Homework! Oh, Homework! Poetic and literary devices are the same, but a few are used only in poetry. Here is the analysis of some of the poetic devices used in this poem. Diction: The poem shows ...

  5. All My Great Excuses

    All My Great Excuses. From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. but my pen ran out of ink. My hamster ate my homework. My computer's on the blink. in the soup my mom was cooking. when I wasn't looking. through the washer and the dryer. An airplane crashed into our house.

  6. My Dog Does My Homework

    A Funny Dog Poem for Kids. 2793 votes. From the book When the Teacher Isn't Looking. My dog does my homework. at home every night. He answers each question. and gets them all right. There's only one problem. with homework by Rover.

  7. Homework by Allen Ginsberg

    Poem Analyzed by Sudip Das Gupta. First-class B.A. Honors Degree in English Literature. 'Homework' by Allen Ginsberg is a poem depicting the environmental degradation in the modern world. The metaphorical reference to "Laundry" is significant. It reflects how dirty the world looks like from the eyes of an aware citizen of the world.

  8. 35 Most Famous Rhyming Poems For Kids

    Rhyming poems combined with pictures and fingerplays create an exciting audio-visual experience for children. An anonymous kindergarten teacher and mother of four, going by the username dbsenk, shares a few tips that she used when she taught her students poems using fingerplay. ... Homework Stew, by Kenn Nesbitt. I cooked my math book in a ...

  9. RhymeZone: homework rhymes

    [Rhymes] Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Same consonants Advanced >> Words and phrases that rhyme with homework: (372 results) 1 syllable: berch, berck, ... — Adjectives for homework: more, much, little, industrial, ...

  10. Homework Poems

    Love Shel Silverstein. Ricky was 'L' but he's home with the flu, Lizzie, our 'O,' had some homework to do, Mitchell, 'E' prob'ly got lost on the way, ... Read Poem. Grounded anais vionet. You "adults", you exasperate me. with your evasions and delays.

  11. 10 of the Best Examples of Rhyming Poems Everyone Should Know

    Note in the above quatrain from the sonnet, which uses alternate rhyme ( abab ), 'die' not only rhymes with, but in a sense develops into 'defy', with 'dead' chiming semantically with 'die' as well as rhyming with 'shed'. 9. Wilfred Owen, ' Strange Meeting '. It seemed that out of battle I escaped.

  12. Homework Rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with Homework. Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. Top rhymes for Homework. Rhyme with Homework. 84 rhymes for homework- words and phrases that rhyme with homework. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. rhymes. words. phrases. Syllables. 1 syllable.

  13. 16 Limerick Poems

    A limerick is a short and fun five-line poem with a distinctive rhythm. The first, second and fifth lines are longer than the third and fourth lines. The rhyming pattern is AABBA. The longer A lines rhyme with each other and the shorter B lines rhyme with each other. Line 1: 7-10 syllables A; Line 2: 7-10 syllables A; Line 3: 5-7 syllables B

  14. Rhyme Schemes

    Here is an example of end rhyme: My cat is n ice. My cat likes m ice. A "rhyme scheme" is a way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Each new sound at the end of a line is given a letter, starting with "A," then "B," and so on. If an end sound repeats the end sound of an earlier line, it gets the same letter as the ...

  15. Words that rhyme with homework

    speckled carpetshark. wish you the best of luck. alipogene tiparvovec. have a run of bad luck. pacify Iraq. talimogene laherparepvec. rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock. alles anderes ist Menschenwerk. Rhyming Words with 1 Syllable.

  16. Rhyme Desk

    An interactive writing tool for poets, rappers, and songwriters with a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and syllable counter. ... Generate worksheets with rhymes for multiple words that are relevant to your poem or song. For Kids. A family-friendly rhyming dictionary, a rhyming quiz, and examples of various types of rhymes. Phonetic Word Search NEW!

  17. 66 Words that Rhyme with Homework

    Words that rhyme with Homework. Best words that rhyme with Homework.

  18. Words rhyming with Homework

    Woah, woah! And as an added perk. If I'm president, no more homework! Housework by Fishbone. Mama, she just wanted me to do my homework. But when I get home Ma left a note. Do the housework. Flashback by Mr. Scruff. Wrestlin' was the bomb, kept me from doing my homework.

  19. I Need to Do My Homework

    I Need to Do My Homework. From the book A Festival for Frogs. I need to do my homework. I really shouldn't wait. my homework will be late. But first I'll check my messages. Oh, look, I got a text. then do my homework next. I simply have to see.

  20. 100+ Words That Rhyme With Homework

    Word: A word that rhymes with homework. Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with homework. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or 90 means a close rhyme. When this column says "Slant Rhyme," the word only rhymes if said in a certain way. Syllables: The number of syllables in the word. Type: The type of word.

  21. Rhyme

    -Internal rhyme is rhyme within a single line of verse, when a word from the middle of a line is rhymed with a word at the end of the line.-Masculine rhyme describes those rhymes ending in a stressed syllable, such as "hells" and "bells." It is the most common type of rhyme in English poetry.-Monorhyme is the use of only one rhyme in a ...

  22. Homework, I Love You

    You boggle my mind and you make me go blind, but still I'm ecstatic that you were assigned. Homework, I love you. I tell you, it's true. There's nothing more fun or exciting to do. You're never a chore, for it's you I adore. I wish that our teacher would hand you out more. Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.

  23. 238 best rhymes for 'homework'

    Zuckerberg. Gettysburg. Williamsburg. Eisenberg. Disfigured. Afterward. Straightforward. A list of 238 words that rhyme with homework, sorted by rhymability, syllables, as well as how it's used in different songs.

  24. Free verse

    Since the early 20th century, the majority of published lyric poetry has been written in free verse. See the work of William Carlos Williams , T.S. Eliot , Ezra Pound , and H.D. Browse more free-verse poems .