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Getting First Graders Started With Research

Teaching academically honest research skills helps first graders learn how to collect, organize, and interpret information.

Photo of first graders on tablet in classroom

Earlier in my career, I was told two facts that I thought to be false: First graders can’t do research, because they aren’t old enough; and if facts are needed for a nonfiction text, the students can just make them up. Teachers I knew went along with this misinformation, as it seemed to make teaching and learning easier. I always felt differently, and now—having returned to teaching first grade 14 years after beginning my career with that age group—I wanted to prove that first graders can and should learn how to research. 

A lot has changed over the years. Not only has the science of reading given teachers a much better understanding of how to teach reading skills , but we now exist in a culture abundant in information and misinformation. It’s imperative that we teach academically honest research skills to students as early as possible. 

Use a Familiar Resource, and Pair it with a Planned Unit

How soon do you start research in first grade? Certainly not at the start of the year with the summer lapse in skills and knowledge and when new students aren’t yet able to read. By December of this school year, skills had either been recovered or established sufficiently that I thought we could launch into research. This also purposely coincided with a unit of writing on nonfiction—the perfect pairing.

The research needed an age-related focus to make it manageable, so I chose animals. I thought about taking an even safer route and have one whole class topic that we researched together, so that students could compare notes and skills. I referred back to my days working in inquiry-based curriculums (like the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program) and had students choose which animal to study. Our school librarian recommended that we use Epic because the service has an abundance of excellent nonfiction animal texts of different levels.

Teach the Basics for Organized Research 

I began with a conversation about academic honesty and why we don’t just copy information from books. We can’t say this is our knowledge if we do this; it belongs to the author. Instead, we read and learn. Then, we state what we learned in our own words. Once this concept is understood, I model how to do this by creating a basic step-by-step flowchart taught to me by my wife—a longtime first-grade and kindergarten teacher and firm believer in research skills.

  • Read one sentence at a time.
  • Turn the book over or the iPad around.
  • Think about what you have learned. Can you remember the fact? Is the fact useful? Is it even a fact?
  • If the answer is no, reread the sentence or move onto the next one.
  • If the answer is yes, write the fact in your own words. Don’t worry about spelling. There are new, complex vocabulary words, so use your sounding-out/stretching-out strategies just like you would any other word. Write a whole sentence on a sticky note.
  • Place the sticky note in your graphic organizer. Think about which section it goes in. If you aren’t sure, place it in the “other facts” section.

The key to collecting notes is the challenging skill of categorizing them. I created a graphic organizer that reflected the length and sections of the exemplar nonfiction text from our assessment materials for the writing unit. This meant it had five pages: an introduction, “what” the animal looks like, “where” the animal lives, “how” the animal behaved, and a last page for “other facts” that could become a general conclusion.

Our district’s literacy expert advised me not to hand out my premade graphic organizer too soon in this process because writing notes and categorizing are two different skills. This was my intention, but I forgot the good advice and handed out the organizer right away. This meant dedicating time for examining and organizing notes in each combined writing and reading lesson. A lot of one-on-one feedback was needed for some students, while others flourished and could do this work independently. The result was that the research had a built-in extension for those students who were already confident readers.

Focus on What Students Need to Practice 

Research is an essential academic skill but one that needs to be tackled gradually. I insisted that my students use whole sentences rather than words or phrases because they’re at the stage of understanding what a complete sentence is and need regular practice. In this work, there’s no mention of citation language and vetting sources; in the past, I’ve introduced those concepts to students in fourth grade and used them regularly with my fifth-grade students. Finding texts that span the reading skill range of a first-grade class is a big enough task. 

For some of the key shared scientific vocabulary around science concepts, such as animal groups (mammals, etc.) or eating habits (carnivore, etc.), I created class word lists, having first sounded out the words with the class and then asked students to attempt spelling them in their writing.

The Power of Research Can Facilitate Student Growth 

I was delighted with the results of the research project. In one and a half weeks, every student had a graphic organizer with relevant notes, and many students had numerous notes. With my fourth- and fifth-grade students, I noticed that one of the biggest difficulties for them was taking notes and writing them in a way that showed a logical sequence. Therefore, we concluded our research by numbering the notes in each section to create a sequential order. 

This activity took three lessons and also worked for my first graders. These organized notes created an internal structure that made the next step in the writing process, creating a first draft of their nonfiction teaching books, so much easier. 

The overall result was that first graders were able to truly grasp the power of research and gathering accurate facts. I proved that young children can do this, especially when they work with topics that already fascinate them. Their love of learning motivated them to read higher-level and more sophisticated texts than they or I would normally pick, further proving how interest motivates readers to embrace complexity.

Firstieland - First Grade Teacher Blog

Where learning feels like play.

Animal Habitats – A First Grade Research Project

Learning about animal habitats in first grade is always a fun and exciting activity.  Students love learning about different animals and this lesson makes it even more engaging when they get to build their own habitat!

Learning about animal habitats in first grade

Page Contents

What Is A Habitat?

To begin, we needed to understand the definition of a habitat and the animals that lived in the different habitats around the world. We watched a couple of short videos on Youtube to help us set the stage.

research project for 1st grade

Choosing An Animal To Research

animal books for first grade

Pre-Writing Activities

animal habitat flip book

Building Our Animal Habitats

animal habitat materials

Our Completed Animal Habitats

animal habitat diorama

Writing Our Reports

writing animal reports in first grade

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Lessons by Sandy

Resources for librarians, teachers, parents, & grandparents

Lessons by Sandy

Researching with 1st Grade-Teaching Good Research Steps

Mar 19, 2015  •   2 Comments

     Teaching good research habits to younger grades is a very important part of being a librarian.  In the past, I have introduced the research steps using a lesson that connected the Big 6 steps to following a recipe for making an apple pie.  You can read about this “Recipe for Research” lesson on my blog here.       Typically, after I do this lesson, we would investigate Non-Fiction books, Text Features, and databases, and then they would do their research later in their classrooms with their teachers.      This year, I wanted to be more involved in helping them learn how to do the actual research part, so I decided to do a mini-research project with my first graders as part of their library lessons.   Step #1      I started off by asking them what they wanted to learn more about.  Most of them answered with some sort of animal, so we decided that our first research project together would be about animals.        This was actually perfect, as w e had just finished reading the book Those Darn Squirrels  by Adam Rubin. (By the way, if you haven’t read this, it’s a FANTASTIC book.  The kids LOVE raising their fists and shouting “Those Darn Squirrels!” whenever Old Man Fookwire yells at the crazy squirrels in his backyard.  Plus, they were super excited to find out that there are 2 more books in the series!)

      I told them that I was going to research Squirrels since we had just read about them, and then  I introduced them to PebbleGo .   This is an absolutely FANTASTIC database by Capstone Digital!  It is ideal for younger grades, and makes it super easy for them to find information. Each topic is divided into 6 main tabs: body, habitat, food, life cycle, fun facts, and related articles.  Each tab allows the student to either read or listen to the information, and most topics have a video they can watch as well.  It is slightly expensive, but well worth the money!  (If you are interested in checking it out, you can get a free 2 week trial by filling out a short form found here .)  I gave them some time to explore the database so they would be familiar with it for our next lesson, and I told them to think about what animal they would like to research.

Step #2      On their next visit, we quickly reviewed the “Recipe for Research” steps again, and  brainstormed a list of “egg” questions to research about their animal.  T hey came up with things like: what does my animal eat, how fast can it run, who is it afraid of, how does it move, where is it’s home, etc.   I created a Research Brochure (aka: note-taking tool) and had them chose 4 questions to write inside each egg.  

  Once their questions were written down, I asked “What do you think the lines underneath each egg are for?”  They correctly guessed it was for their answers to the questions.  I had them look at the lines, and we discussed how they weren’t very long and they would have to make sure they only wrote down the important words.      I pulled up information on Squirrels on PebbleGo, and we read that “Tree Squirrels have bushy tails that are as long as their body.” I had them help me find the “important facts” and I told them the general rule was they could write up to 3 words from a sentence.  (I am trying to start them early on learning how to paraphrase and write notes, and not just copy everything that they see.)  It was fun writing down their ideas, and then they would check to see if they had more than 3 words. After several tries, they came up with “long, bushy tails”. We practiced a few more times together, and then they  spent the rest of their library time on PebbleGo trying to find the answers for their animal. Before they left, I collected their research brochures to keep them safe for next time. S tep #3       The next week in the library, I showed them another database that I love to use with the younger grades,  Facts 4 Me .  It’s super cheap (only $50.00 for an entire year subscription!) You can take a quick tour of the site to learn more here .  It’s developed by former teachers, and the layout is also very friendly.   Each topic starts with a “Quick Facts” section that gives basic information.  On animals, it gives a variety of info such as: type, habitat, diet, weight, height, etc.  Along the left side are photographs, and under the Quick Facts section are short paragraphs giving more information.    

     At  the bottom, it even gives the exact citation to include on your Works Cited page, so I took this opportunity to begin teaching  them how to do a simple Works Cited page.  For the younger grades, I created just a simple ABC form (A=Author or website, B=Book Title or topic title, C=Copyright date).  I told them anytime they used facts from a source, they had to fill out a slip for their Works Cited page.  I had a stack and we just stapled the slip to their brochure so it all stayed together.  I gave them the rest of this library period to finish finding answers to their questions.

Step 4      Now that they had their answers, I showed them how to take their notes and create detailed, complete sentences on notebook paper.  We also talked about how to write a simple paragraphs (one paragraph for each “egg” question that they had answers for.)  When they were done, I had them work in pairs and peer-edit.  They helped each other with spelling, capitals, punctuation, and made sure that all their egg questions were answered.   Step 5 I gave them a variety of formats to choose from for their final presentation:   1) They could write a basic report using the 2-page format. 

2) They could make their own animal book using the brochure format including a Table of Contents and Author page.

3) Those that wanted to create a true Non-Fiction animal book could create one with a Table of Contents, Index, and Works Cited page.

Step #6      For their finale, each student presented their animal reports to the group.  I believe it’s important for students to get practice talking in front of their peers. Next time, I think it would be fun to Skype with another library and let students from each class share.  Technology options:        There are so many different apps that you can use to present their final information as well.  I love Tellagami and Sock Puppets, and both of these are easy to use.  Since we completed these activities toward the end of the year, our normal schedules were interrupted due to state testing, book fair, and end of the year changes.  Exploring those apps were a great way to keep the kids excited about their research project and provided motivation for them to finish.  If you are interested in doing this research activity with your students, you can find it here on my website or at  TpT store .  I’d love to hear how you do research with your students! Sandy

2 Responses to “Researching with 1st Grade-Teaching Good Research Steps”

Clear and easy to follow, yet thorough and precise. Thank you!

You’re welcome Mona! I hope they help! 🙂 Sandy

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The Trapped Librarian

Make your library the center of your school

February 19, 2021 by: Laura

Research Skills for Kindergarten and First Grade

Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Laura

Research Skills for Kindergarten and First Grade

Is it possible to teach research skills in the primary grades? Of course the answer is a resounding “YES!” The key is looking at the big picture – what will your students need as they progress though school? Research skills for kindergarten and first grade students lay the groundwork for future learning and success. Think of these skills in the primary grades as building a strong foundation.

Scaffold Research Skills

As with so many important skills, we need to start small when approaching research skills for kindergarten and first grade students. But, don’t just think about your students’ needs right now – look to the future. If you begin with the end in mind (5h grade? 8th grade? 12th grade?), you will be helping your young students understand concepts that will serve them well in later learning. It is important to teach skills each year that build upon one another .

Use Research Vocabulary

Using the proper vocabulary while teaching research skills to primary students is one way to build that strong foundation for future learning. Make sure you use the same words that you use with your older students, taking time to explain their meanings and give examples as you go. These words will be familiar each year as you do more research lessons. Some important words to consider:

  • Informational Text

Do a Project Together

Animal Research Skills for Kindergarten and First Grade

One strategy for teaching research skills to kindergarten and first grade students is to do a project together. As the teacher, you can choose the topic – perhaps George Washington or Abraham Lincol n in February, or your school’s mascot animal any time of year. You might even want to try a holiday research activity in December. Using a simple notetaking outline or booklet, you can model taking notes and writing down interesting facts as you go.

Give Choices

Of course, it’s always nice to give choices when you can. You want your students to know that they can use library resources to explore topics of personal interest any time! Now, I know I just suggested that you do a guided project together, but can you offer choice within your guided project? Giving your kindergarten and first grade students the choice between George Washington or Abraham Lincoln is still manageable for you as a librarian or teacher. You could also let them choose an animal to researc h . Give a list of 5 to choose from, if you’re concerned about this lesson getting out of control.

Use Kid-Friendly Resources

Does your school library subscribe to any online databases for primary students? The Abdo Zoom Animals and Biography databases are excellent for kindergarten and first grade students. When you guide them through a joint research project and model searching and navigating your databases, you’re definitely setting your young learners up for future success. After the project is over, give them time to explore topics of their own choosing using the database.

President Research Skills for Kindergarten and First Grade

Choose a couple of strong print resources to use during your research project. Blastoff Readers and Bullfrog Books are excellent choices for their text features, clear photos, and kid-friendly layout. Create a display of related nonfiction titles for your kindergarten and first grade students to explore after the research is complete.

Encourage Sharing

One of the biggest joys of learning is sharing new information with others! Students can create a poster to display on a bulletin board, or a booklet to read to a big buddy. And of course you’ll want to encourage your primary students to bring home their projects to share their learning with their families!

Make it Easy on Yourself!

Animal Research Kindergarten and First Grade

If you’re looking for made-for-you activities to help you teach research skills to your kindergarten and first grade students, I can help! These popular resources have been used as whole group activities, centers, and collaborative projects.

  • Animal Research K-1 is fun and engaging any time of year!
  • President Research K-1 is great for February activities around President’s Day.

Research Skills for Elementary Students

Ultimate Library Research Bundle

Research skills for kindergarten and first grade students lay the foundation for future learning. If you’re looking for scaffolded lessons to take the learning from kindergarten to fifth grade, check out the resources in this Ultimate Research Bundle . You’ll get lessons and activities for animal research projects and president research projects. Each grade builds upon skills taught the previous year. Help your students progress in their mastery of research skills throughout their elementary school years!

Teaching kids research skills in the primary grades can be daunting.  With the right approach, you can do kindergarten research projects and first grade research projects effortlessly in your elementary school library.  Whether you’re looking for animal research projects or president research activities, your students will have fun with these tips for research skills activities for kids! #thetrappedlibrarian #elementarylibrary

Be the light!

research project for 1st grade

February 19, 2021 at 6:49 PM

Great tips for easing our littles into research! Thanks!

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February 28, 2021 at 10:55 AM

First of all, I would like to mention that I really enjoyed reading your post and appreciate all the tips you are sharing. Second of all, you mentioned to “do a project together”. I have been a Kindergarten and Grade one teacher in the past and I remember how hectic things could get when I was trying to get every student connected at once. I don’t have any teacher librarian experience, I am currently enrolled in a Teacher Librarian program. So what suggestions do you have to run this experience smoothly? I was thinking in asking the help of the classroom teacher for that purpose but maybe there are other ways to do this. Thank you.

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March 23, 2021 at 9:42 AM

Hi Carla – Thanks for stopping by! With these littles, you could project your source on the big screen and read through it with them, modeling your thinking and even taking very simple notes (using your document camera – toggle between the computer display and the doc cam). In “normal” years, I would pair up these students as a follow up to the lesson and allow them to explore the source (for example, Abdo Zoom – Animals or World Book Early World of Learning Animals category). Yes, you could get a volunteer or two or some older kids to come in and help. I would set up my computers before class and then rotate around and help students as needed. It is chaotic at first, but they get comfortable with the navigation pretty quickly, especially when you’ve modeled it first the week before. Best wishes to you!!

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January 2, 2022 at 10:11 AM

You mentioned a winter sports research project. Is that one available for purchase? That would be fantastic for the Winter Olympics in February. Thank you for sharing all your fabulous lessons.

January 2, 2022 at 10:55 AM

Hi Kayla! I do have a resource for Winter Olympics/Winter Sports. It’s a bulletin board and mini research project and you can find it here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Winter-Sports-Bulletin-Board-and-Mini-Research-Kit-3653324?utm_source=trapppedlibrarian.org&utm_campaign=TL%20Winter%20Sports%20Blog

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March 28, 2022 at 5:52 PM

I was doing research just today with my pre-k and 1st grade classes. We started with a KWL chart, listing things students know about birds, then developed questions for the want to know column. When we had 3 questions, I divided the students into small groups and gave them non-fiction picture books about many kinds of birds to look through and find answers. My TA, the pre-k TA, and I helped guide the students’ research and helped with reading as necessary.

Questions were: are all birds born from eggs? why do birds lay eggs in nests? are all nests built in trees?

Students were very engaged and excited about researching “like the big kids”.

April 15, 2022 at 10:22 AM

Sounds like a great lesson, Denise! Thanks for sharing!

Laura Trapp | Elementary School Librarian

45 Fabulous 1st Grade Science Projects That Little Learners Will Love

Hands-on science is a surefire way to connect with every kid.

Collage of 1st grade science projects, including pencil refraction and a window greenhouse

First graders will cheer when you announce that they’ll get to do a real, hands-on science experiment! These 1st grade science projects are easy for kids to do, with concepts that will help build their science knowledge for the future.

To make it even easier to find the best science projects for 1st graders, we’ve given each a rating based on difficulty and the materials you’ll need:


  • Easy: Low or no-prep experiments you can do pretty much anytime
  • Medium: These take a little more setup or a longer time to complete
  • Advanced: Experiments like these take a fairly big commitment of time and/or effort
  • Basic: Simple items you probably already have around the house
  • Medium: Items that you might not already have but are easy to get your hands on
  • Advanced: These require specialized or more expensive supplies to complete

Animal and Nature Science Projects for 1st Grade

Weather science experiments for 1st grade.

  • More 1st Grade Science Experiments and Projects

Learn about animals, plants, and the Earth in general with these fun science activities for first graders.

Sort animals by features

Charts showing zoo animals sorted by category.

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Basic

Use a printable or pull out the toy animals and have kids sort them into categories. It’s an early introduction to classification systems.

Learn more: Animal Sort at Fairy Poppins

Build the layers of Earth with Play-Doh

A ball of play doh has a slice taken out of it. It has a yellow center, a brown layer, a red layer, and a blue and green outer shell (first grade science experiments)

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Basic ADVERTISEMENT

Another creative use for Play-Doh! Teach your students about the different layers of Earth and then have them create the layers using different colors of Play-Doh.

Learn more: Layers of the Earth at Evans Elementary School

Turn a plastic bag into a greenhouse

House made of green paper, with zip top plastic bag containing paper towel and sprouting seeds (First Grade Science Experiments)

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Medium

Turn your 1st grade science class into gardeners! Use a damp paper towel in a plastic bag to allow them to see a seed sprouting and growing roots.

Learn more: Greenhouse Bag at Lessons for Little Ones

See how shadows change throughout the day

First grade science students measuring the shadows on a sunny day on the playground

Start in the morning: Have kids stand in one spot on the playground while a partner traces their shadow with sidewalk chalk . Ask them what they think will happen when they stand in the same spot during the afternoon, then head back outside after lunch to find out.

Learn more: Shadow Experiment at The First Grade Roundup

Discover how plants drink water

Three glasses of water dyed different colors with a celery stalk in each

Capillary action is the name of the game, and your 1st grade science kiddos will be amazed at the results. Place celery stalks in cups of colored water, and watch as the leaves change color!

Learn more: Capillary Action at Lessons for Little Ones

Build a bird feeder

Platform-style bird feeder built from colorful wood craft sticks and filled with mixed seed (First Grade Science Experiments)

Set young engineers loose with wood craft sticks , glue, and string to create a bird feeder. Then research the best seeds to fill them with, and hang them outside your classroom window to draw in some feathered friends.

Learn more: DIY Bird Feeder at Mombrite

Observe the birds at your feeder

Once your feeder is in place, teach kids to identify common birds and keep track of their visits. Report their findings to one of Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Citizen Science projects to let kids be part of real-life research. ( Find more bird-watching activities for kids here. )

Experiment with apples and oxidation

Four jars with apple slice in each, filled with air, water, vinegar, and oil, with two magnifying glasses

Apples turn brown when they’re cut open due to oxidation. Is there any way to prevent that from happening? This experiment aims to find out. ( Explore more apple activities here. )

Learn more: Apples Experiment at Camping Teacher

Use colorful beads to learn about camouflage

Printed picture of a wildflower meadow with colored beads laid on top

Animal camouflage is an important way for prey to protect itself from predators. To learn how effective it can be, place matching colored beads on top of a photo of wildflowers and see how long it takes students to find them all.

Learn more: Camouflage Activity at The First Grader Roundup

Expose a sponge fish to pollution

A series of images showing fish-shaped sponges in containers filled with oil, dirt, etc.

It’s never too early to start learning about how important it is to protect the Earth. Use sponge “fish” to see how polluted water affects the wildlife living in it.

Learn more: Pollution Experiment at The Owl Teacher

Dig in the dirt with claws

Student's hand wearing pink glove with plastic spoons attached to fingers, digging in dirt

Animal adaptations allow creatures to live in just about every environment on Earth. Learn how claws help some animals survive and thrive by gluing plastic spoons to a glove.

Learn more: Claw Glove at The First Grade Roundup

Observe plant transpiration

Tree branch with leaves covered with an air-tight plastic bag (First Grade Science Experiments)

Many plants take in more water than they need. What happens to the rest? Wrap a plastic bag around a living tree branch to see transpiration in action.

Learn more:  Leaf Transpiration at Teach Beside Me

Try these science activities to explore wind, rain, and more with your firsties.

Create a weather vane

A weathervane is made from a pink container with a pencil with a sewing needle in the eraser coming out of it. A straw with a piece of paper are attached to the top horizontally (first grade science experiments)

A weather vane is one of the oldest scientific tools—they help people know which way the wind is blowing. Learn how to make your own with this cool weather experiment.

Learn more: Weathervane Experiment at Rookie Parenting

Grow a rainbow

Paper towel stretched between two glasses of water, with rainbow colors stretching across it (First Grade Science Experiments)

Kids learn the colors of the rainbow along with chromatography as they watch marker streaks climb up and meet across a wet paper towel. The word might be a big one for little kids to learn, but they’ll love to see it in action!

Learn more: Grow a Rainbow at The Best Ideas for Kids

Make it rain

Glass of water with shaving cream on top and blue food coloring dropping down

You need rain to make a rainbow. Simulate a rain cloud in a jar with shaving cream and food coloring, and see how the coloring saturates the “cloud” until it simply must fall.

Learn more: Shaving Cream Clouds at Fun Learning for Kids

Create frost in a can

A tin can has frost developing in it (first grade science experiments)

This is an especially fun experiment during those chilly winter months. First, fill the can with ice and halfway with water. Then have the kids sprinkle salt in the can and cover the top. Finally, shake it and wait about three minutes for the frost to begin to appear.

Learn more: Frost in a Can at Kindergarten Worksheets and Games

Create an avalanche

Blue tray covered in flour and small pebbles (First Grade Science Experiments)

Learn about the destructive power of an avalanche in a safe way with this experiment. All you need is flour, cornmeal, pebbles, and a plastic tray.

Learn more: Avalanche Experiment at A Dab of Glue Will Do

More 1st Grade Science Projects and Experiments

Looking for more? Try these experiments on a range of subjects to teach first graders all about science.

Give gummy bears a bath

Four plastic cups with liquid and gummi bears, sitting on a printable worksheet (First Grade Science)

Drop gummy bears into different liquid solutions to see how they change (or don’t) over time. Kids will learn about osmosis, as well as how scientists must be good observers.

Learn more: Gummy Bear Experiment at First Grade Buddies + Co

Play a DIY flute

First grade science student playing a homemade pan flute

These homemade flutes are fun to play, but they also help young kids learn about sound. Let them experiment with straw lengths to see what tones they can make.

Learn more: DIY Pan Flute at Buggy and Buddy

Play with Play-Doh to learn why we have bones

Worksheet entitled Why Do I Have Bones with Play-Doh, drinking straws, and simple model of human figure

Ask kids to build a person from Play-Doh and see if it will stand on its own. Then show them how adding drinking straws gives it structure and strength, and explain that bones do the same for us! ( Get more clever ways to use Play-Doh in the classroom here. )

Learn more: Play-Doh Bones at Keeping My Kiddo Busy

Find out which objects magnets attract

Two sheets labeled Magnetic and Not Magnetic with small u-shaped magnet and a basket of small objects

Equip students with magnets and send them out to explore and discover which objects the magnet will stick to and which won’t. Record their findings on the free printable worksheet at the link.

Learn more: Magnet Science Experiments at Fairy Poppins

Grow a crystal garden

Glass bowl holding blue water solution covered in crystals

First grade science students might not grasp the concept of supersaturated solutions, but they’ll still love a good crystal project! Grab some magnifying glasses and let them examine the crystals up close (try not to touch, as they’re very fragile) to see the cool geometric structures.

Learn more: Crystal Garden at Babble Dabble Do

Build a jelly bean structure

First grade science student building a structure from jellybeans and toothpicks

If you’re doing this STEM project in the spring, jelly beans make the perfect base. If you can’t get a hold of jelly beans, try substituting tiny marshmallows in their place. Make sure to have some extras on hand since little hands are likely to snack as they build.

Learn more: Jellybean STEM Challenge at The STEM Laboratory

Experiment with marshmallow Peeps

Three cups labeled water, vinegar, and soda, each with a pink marshmallow bunny floating in it

Peeps used to just be an Easter treat, but these days you can find them in different shapes throughout much of the year. Use them to practice making predictions and recording observations with this sweet experiment.

Learn more: Easter Peeps Science Experiment at Gift of Curiosity

Spark excitement with static electricity

Pink balloon with scrap of yellow tissue paper stuck to it, labeled Static Electricity Experiment for Kids (First Grade Science)

No doubt your 1st grade science students have already encountered static electricity by rubbing a balloon on their hair. This experiment takes things a step further, letting kids explore which objects an electrically charged balloon can pick up and which it can’t.

Learn more: Static Electricity Balloons at Kids Activities Blog

Melt crayons to explore solids and liquids

A rainbow of crayons laid on white paper, melting and running down. Text reads Melting: Solid to Liquid, Solid plus Heat equals Liquid

Dig out some old crayons and use them for this easy experiment that demonstrates the difference between liquids and solids. When you’re done, you’ll have a cool piece of art to display. ( Discover more uses for broken crayons here. )

Learn more: Melting Crayons at First Grade Circle

Talk through a paper cup phone

Two green paper cups connected at the bottoms by long pink string (First Grade Science Experiments)

This classic experiment will help your 1st grade science class understand that sound travels in waves, through the air, and across other objects. Watching their faces light up when they hear whispers in their cups will make your day!

Learn more: Paper Cup Phone at There’s Just One Mommy

Blow a bubble snake

A little boy is seen blowing out a long stream of bubbles that are all attached (first grade science experiments)

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Basic

You’ll need to plan this experiment for a day with nice weather since it is best suited to outdoors. You will need an empty water bottle, a washcloth, a rubber band, a small bowl or plate, food coloring, scissors or box cutters, distilled water, dish soap, and Karo syrup or glycerin. There’s a lot of prep, but the end result is definitely worth it!

Learn more: Bubble Snakes at Hand 2 Mind

Learn why we have night and day

Paper plate divided in half, with night illustrated on one half and day on the other

The Earth’s daily rotation gives us days and nights. This simple demo helps kids understand that. They draw a day scene and a night scene on a paper plate, then cover it with half of another plate that can be moved. This is an art project and 1st grade science experiment all rolled into one.

Learn more: Night and Day Play at Universe Awareness

Float food coloring on milk

Glass of milk with blue, red, and orange food coloring floating on the surface (First Grade Science Experiments)

Learn about surface tension by dropping food coloring onto different types of milk (whole, skim, cream, etc.). Then use dish soap to break down the fats and surface tension, and watch the colors dance!

Learn more: Surface Tension Milk at STEAMsational

Drop water onto a penny

Continue your exploration of surface tension by adding water drop-by-drop to a penny. The surface tension will allow you to add far more water than you might think.

Will it sink or swim?

Ask students to predict whether a variety of items will sink or float in water. Then test each object to check their hypotheses.

Blow up a balloon using yeast

Young student pouring yeast through a funnel into a plastic bottle

This is similar to the classic lemon juice and baking soda experiment many kids do at some point. But this one is better for younger kids since you don’t have to worry about them splashing the juice in their eyes. Kids will be just as astonished at the results as the yeast eats the sugar and produces carbon dioxide gas!

Learn more: Yeast Balloon Experiment at The STEM Laboratory

Push on air

A piece of paper says Pushing On Air. It has a barrell, plunger, syringe, etc. on it

Teach your students about air compression and air pressure using a barrel, plunger, syringe, and flexible tube. Kids will definitely get a kick out of air wrestling and popping off their plungers using air pressure.

Learn more: Air Pressure Experiment at First Grade Adventurers

Test your reaction time

Blue ruler dropping into student's hand

Do your students have lightning-quick reflexes? Find out with this easy experiment. One student holds a ruler vertically, while another places their hand just beneath and waits. When the first student drops the ruler, the second catches it as quickly as possible, seeing how many inches passed through their fingers first.

Learn more: Reaction Time Experiment at Science Sparks

Assemble a DIY lava lamp

Glass jar filled with water and floating yellow oil

Your firsties are too young to remember the lava lamp craze, but this science project will give them a taste of it as they learn about liquid density.

Learn more: Salt Volcano Lava Lamp at What Do We Do All Day?

Learn the scientific method with candy

Worksheet labeled Will It Melt? with dish of various candies and a red crayon (First Grade Science Experiments)

See the scientific method in action as kids hypothesize what will happen to various types of candy in the hot sun. Observe, record, and analyze your results to see if their predictions were correct.

Learn more: Candy Scientific Method Activity at Playdough to Plato

Look into mirrors to discover symmetry

Young student's hand holding a mirror on a piece of paper with the letters A I U, showing symmetry (First Grade Science Experiments)

By now, 1st grade science students may have noticed that mirrors reflect objects backward. Ask them to write the alphabet in capital letters, then hold it up to the mirror. Which letters are the same when they’re reflected? Use those findings to talk about symmetry.

Learn more: Mirror Symmetry at Buggy and Buddy

Create a super-simple circuit

A child's hands are shown holding large batteries, tin foil, and a small light.

This is the perfect way to introduce the concept of electricity to young students since the materials and steps are minimal. You will need a D battery, tinfoil, electrical tape, and a light bulb from a flashlight.

Learn more: Super-Simple Circuit at What Do We Do All Day?

“Bend” a pencil using light refraction

Mason jar of water with a pencil in it, viewed from the side

Tell your students you’re going to bend a pencil without touching it. Drop it into a glass of water and have them look at it from the side. Light refraction makes it appear to be in two pieces!

Learn more: Bending Pencil Experiment at STEAMsational

Roll marbles to explore momentum

A ruler propped on one side on a flat book, with a marble rolling down it toward a folded index card (First Grade Science Experiments)

Momentum is “mass in motion,” but what does that really mean? Find out by rolling marbles of different sizes down rulers placed at various slopes.

Learn more: Momentum Experiments at Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Dunk eggs to understand dental health

A series of plastic cups filled with varieties of soda, juice, and other liquids, with an egg in each

Grown-ups are always telling kids sugary drinks are bad for their teeth, so try this experiment to put your money where your mouth is! Eggshells are a good substitute for teeth since they’re both made of calcium. Leave eggs in different kinds of beverages to see which ones do the most damage to the shells.

Learn more: Dental Health Eggs at First Grade Funtastic

Melt ice cubes to make new colors

Plastic containers holding colored ice cubes floating in water of different colors

Color mixing is one of those incredibly cool activities that kids will want to try again and again. Make ice cubes using primary colors, then let them melt together to see what new colors you can create.

Learn more: Color Mixing at Gift of Curiosity

Fly a paper airplane

Kid absolutely love creating and flying paper airplanes, so this experiment is sure to be a hit. Have your students create different-style planes and then experiment with thrust and lift to see which fly the farthest, highest, etc.

Weigh items with a homemade balance scale

Hands are shown punching holes into small plastic cups (first grade science experiments)

Make a simple balance scale with a coat hanger, yarn, and some plastic cups. Have students gather items from around the classroom, make predictions about which will be heavier, then test their hypothesis.

Learn more: DIY Balance Scale at WikiHow

If you love 1st grade science, be sure to check out these 25 First Grade STEM Challenges .

Looking for more teacher inspiration subscribe to our newsletters .

First grade science students will love these hands-on activities! Grow a rainbow, learn about camouflage, build a bird feeder, and more!

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35 Science Projects For 1st Graders

Curious kids turn into junior scientists with these fun and simple  science projects for 1st graders. Science doesn’t need to be difficult or complicated! Here’s our list of the best first grade science activities that are totally doable and use simple supplies for home or in the classroom.

research project for 1st grade

What Do First Graders Do In Science?

At this stage, the emphasis is on cultivating curiosity, honing observation skills, and fostering a love for discovery. The first grade science curriculum typically covers a diverse range of topics, encouraging students to engage in hands-on activities that make learning both immersive and enjoyable.

First Grade Science Topics Include:

  • Living and Non-Living Things: Students learn to differentiate between living organisms (plants and animals) and non-living things (objects and materials). They explore the characteristics and behaviors that define living things.
  • Plants : First graders discover the life cycle of plants, from seed germination to growth and reproduction. They learn about the role of sunlight, water, and nutrients in plant development.
  • Animals: Students explore various animal species, their habitats, and basic characteristics. They learn about different types of animals, their body parts, and how they adapt to their environments.
  • Weather and Seasons : Children are introduced to basic weather patterns and the four seasons. They learn about the different types of weather conditions and how they change throughout the year.
  • Basic Earth Science : First graders might learn about the Earth’s landforms (mountains, valleys, etc.) and bodies of water (rivers, lakes, oceans). They also explore concepts like day and night and the rotation of the Earth.
  • Matter and Materials : Students are introduced to different types of materials (solid, liquid, gas) and their basic properties. They learn to describe and compare materials based on attributes like color, texture, and size.
  • Energy and Forces : Young learners are introduced to the concept of energy and different forms of energy like light and sound. They might explore simple machines and basic forces like pushing and pulling.
  • Light and Shadows : First graders might learn about sources of light, how light travels, and how shadows are formed. They observe and experiment with light to understand its properties.

Get your FREE Science Activities Calendar

research project for 1st grade

35 Awesome Science Projects for First Graders

research project for 1st grade

Color Mixing

Use watercolors to learn how mixing primary colors creates different colors.

research project for 1st grade

Sink or Float Experiment

Grab some everyday objects and a container of water to explore the concept of density and why some objects sink while others float.

research project for 1st grade

Egg In Salt Water

Will an egg float or sink in salt water? Ask lots of questions and get kids thinking with this salt water density experiment.

research project for 1st grade

Seed Germination

Use a seed jar to observe how plants grow from seeds and what they need to survive.

research project for 1st grade

Shadow Puppets

Make these fun printable shadow puppets to explore how light interacts with objects and creates shadows.

research project for 1st grade

Edible Moon Phases

Use oreo cookies to create the phases of the moon to explore how the moon changes as it moves around the earth.

research project for 1st grade

Make Rainbows

Use a simple glass prism, and other ways to see how light is made up of different colors and can be separated into a rainbow.

research project for 1st grade

Dissolving Candy

Add some hard candy to different liquids to explore how substances dissolve in some liquids but not others.

research project for 1st grade

What Absorbs Water

Explore what materials absorb water and what materials do not absorb water. Use items you already have on hand for this easy science project.

artificial rainbow

Grow Borax Crystals

Learn about how crystals are formed and can take different shapes. You can grow crystals from borax , salt and sugar .

research project for 1st grade

Make a Volcano Eruption

Kids will love this erupting chemical reaction with just two simple ingredients, baking soda and vinegar. Also try one of these fun variations with LEGO , a water bottle , apple and even a pumpkin .

baking soda and vinegar balloon experiment

Inflating Balloon

Observe gas production during a chemical reaction with this fun balloon science experiment. You can also set it up with soda and salt to observe a physical reaction.

research project for 1st grade

What’s Magnetic and What’s Not

Explore how magnets attract and repel each other.

Solid, Liquid, Gas Experiment

Observe how water can change from a solid to liquid and back.

research project for 1st grade

Rain Cloud In A Jar

Where does rain come from? How do clouds make rain? Explore weather science with this rain cloud in a jar activity. Also, try this shaving cream rain cloud model.

explore forces with an easy to set up balloon rocket

Balloon Rocket

What can you do with a balloon and a straw? Build a balloon rocket, of course and explore Newton’s Laws of Motion.

research project for 1st grade

Make a Windmill

Explore the concept of harnessing wind as a energy source with a simple to make windmill or wind turbine.

research project for 1st grade

Bubble Science

Bubbles are just fun to play with! Learn how bubbles form and why they’re round with these bubble activities. It’s all to do with surface tension.

make oobleck from cornstarch and water

Is it a liquid or is it a solid? Fun hands-on science and play with our easy 2 ingredient oobleck recipe.

research project for 1st grade

Grow Flowers

Watching flowers grow is an amazing science lesson for kids. Check out our list of the best seeds for kids to pick up and plant, and grow quickly.

research project for 1st grade

Coffee Filter Flowers

Coffee filter flowers are a colorful STEAM activity for kids to explore solubility. Color a coffee filter with markers and spray with water for a fun effect.

research project for 1st grade

This magic milk experiment is fun for kids to watch and makes for great hands-on learning. The perfect science activity as you already have all the items for it in your kitchen.

research project for 1st grade

Oil and Water

Find out why oil and water don’t mix with this simple to set up science project. It is all due to differences in density.

research project for 1st grade

Lemon Battery

Grab some lemons and a few other supplies, and find out how you can make lemons into lemon electricity!

research project for 1st grade

Salt Painting

Combine science and art to learn about absorption with this easy salt painting activity.

research project for 1st grade

Add a chemical reaction to an oil and water experiment to create a homemade lava lamp.

research project for 1st grade

Rainbow in a Jar

Create liquids with different densities that you can make a colorful layered liquid tower with.

research project for 1st grade

Make Air Foils

Explore the effect air resistance has on a falling object with these to make paper air foils.

Design and build a simple paper airplane launcher.

Paper Airplane Launcher

Learn how design affects the flight of paper airplanes with a paper plane launcher.

research project for 1st grade

Water Xylophone

Use different amounts of water in glass jars to learn about how vibrations create sound waves.

research project for 1st grade

Egg in Vinegar

What happens to an egg when it is left in vinegar for a few days? Observe how an acid reacts with and dissolves a shell.

research project for 1st grade

Make A Sundial

This paper sundial is an easy way to understand how shadows change over time.

research project for 1st grade

Electric Cornstarch

All you need is oil and water to explore static electricity with a balloon.

Use homemade ramps to explore friction with toy car friction experiment.

Toy Car Friction

Use a toy car and different types of materials to explore how friction affects the movement of an object.

research project for 1st grade

Water Refraction

Demonstrate how refraction of light occurs in water with this simple water refraction experiment.

make crayon stars with kids

Melting Crayons

Learn how heat causes crayons to melt. It’s a great example of a physical change.

Turn It Into A Science Fair Project

Science projects are an excellent tool for older kiddos to show what they know about science! Plus, they can be used in all sorts of environments including classrooms, homeschool, and groups.

OUR TOP TIP: Pick a project that your child has expressed interest in. Engaging your child in this process will be much easier when they are the driving force behind it !

Kids can take everything they have learned about using the scientific method , stating a hypothesis, choosing variables , making observations and analyzing and presenting data.

Want to turn one of these experiments into an awesome science fair project? Check out these helpful resources.

  • Science Project Tips From A Teacher
  • Science Fair Board Ideas
  • Easy Science Fair Projects

Free Printable Science Journal Worksheets

Create a science notebook with these easy-to-use science worksheets to accompany any experiment. Grab your free science process journal pack !

research project for 1st grade

Using The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a process or method of research. A problem is identified, information about the problem is gathered, a hypothesis or question is formulated from the information, and the hypothesis is tested with an experiment to prove or disprove its validity.

Sounds heavy… What in the world does that mean?!? It means you don’t need to try and solve the world’s biggest science questions! The scientific method is all about studying and learning things right around you.

As children develop practices that involve creating, gathering data evaluating, analyzing, and communicating, they can apply these critical thinking skills to any situation.

LEARN MORE HERE: Using The Scientific Method with Kids

Note: The use of the best Science and Engineering Practices is also relevant to the topic of using the scientific method. Read more here and see if it fits your science planning needs.

Helpful Science Resources

Here are a few resources that will help you introduce science more effectively to your kiddos or students. Then you can feel confident yourself when presenting materials. You’ll find helpful free printables throughout.

  • Best Science Practices (as it relates to the scientific method)
  • Science Vocabulary
  • 8 Science Books for Kids
  • All About Scientists
  • Science Supplies List
  • Science Tools for Kids
  • Join us in the Club

Science Experiments By Age Group

We’ve put together a few separate resources for different age groups, but remember that many experiments will cross over and can be re-tried at several different age levels. Younger kiddos can enjoy the simplicity and hands-on fun. At the same time, you can talk back and forth about what is happening.

  • Science for Toddlers
  • Science for Preschoolers
  • Science for Kindergarten
  • Elementary Science by Season
  • Science for 1st Grade
  • Science for 2nd Grade
  • Science for 3rd Grade
  • Science for 4th Grade
  • Science for 5th Grade
  • Science for 6th Grade
  • Science for Middle School

Printable Science Projects Pack

If you’re looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need! Over 300+ Pages!

  • 90+ classic science activities  with journal pages, supply lists, set up and process, and science information.  NEW! Activity-specific observation pages!
  • Best science practices posters  and our original science method process folders for extra alternatives!
  • Be a Collector activities pack  introduces kids to the world of making collections through the eyes of a scientist. What will they collect first?
  • Know the Words Science vocabulary pack  includes flashcards, crosswords, and word searches that illuminate keywords in the experiments!
  • My science journal writing prompts  explore what it means to be a scientist!!
  • Bonus STEAM Project Pack:  Art meets science with doable projects!
  • Bonus Quick Grab Packs for Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics

research project for 1st grade

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~ projects to try now ~.

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All Science Fair Projects

1000 science fair projects with complete instructions.

59 Science Projects for 1st Graders

59 Science Projects for 1st Graders

Discover first grade science experiments that can spark curiosity! Our carefully selected science projects are designed to teach kids with fun hands-on learning and inspire them to love science!

Make a Parachute

1st Grade Science Project FAQ

What are some easy first grade science experiments.

Each one of these first grade science experiments are easy to set up and do, plus first graders will have tons of fun while learning about science. These easy first grade science experiments are a great way to introduce the wonders of science to kids!

Make a Parachute

Mixing Colors of Light

Camouflage and Hide

Baking Soda Volcano

The Invincible Soap Bubble

Jumping Rice Krispies

Balloon-Powered Rocket Car

Exploring Air

Swimming Raisins

Light and Dark on Seed Germination

Details of these science fair projects right above the FAQ!

What is the best 1st grade science project ever?

The Magic Milk Experiment is our top pick among all the 1st grade science projects! It's magical for first graders to see that without stirring, the different colors of food coloring are in perpetual motion. It's also a simple chemical reaction experiment to set up with milk, dish soap, and food coloring.

If you're looking for more 1st grade science projects, check out the 1st grade science fair projects at the top of this page! 

Check out more Best Science Fair Projects →

What are some cool 1st grade science fair projects?

Get ready to be amazed by these super cool science projects for 1st graders! With just a few simple things, first graders will be fascinated by rice krispies jumping up and down with static electricity, a chemical reaction making raisins bobbing up and down or rock candy that they made themselves! These first grade science projects put the cool into science!

Magic Milk Painting

Sparkling Rainbow Crystal

Rock Candy: Sweet Science

More details on these science fair projects right above the FAQ!

What are 5 testable questions for 1st grade?

A testable question is a question that we can answer through a science experiment. To do this, we do a control science experiment, then we change one thing in the experiment to see how it affects what happens. This is how we can discover the answer to our question!

What makes a cloud form?

Can drink and food taste different just by changing its color?

Does the color of light affect photosynthesis?

Does temperature affect seed sprouting?

What makes popcorn pop?

Here are more testable questions along with their science projects →

What are the top 10 science projects for 1st grade?

These are our top 10 science projects for 1st grade, with projects from Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science. These projects can be used as science fair project ideas or as a fun experiment to explore different areas of science!

Check out the science project details above the FAQ!

Can I do a 1st grade science fair project in a day?

Yes! Quick experiments can be a great option for a science fair project! We have a variety of quick science project ideas to get you started.

Colors of Skittles Experiment

Check out the science fair project details above the FAQ!

What are some hands-on ways to find inspiration for my science fair project?

research project for 1st grade

There may be free admission days or free passes to a science museum near you! Check your local library for free museum passes, nearby science museums for free entrance days and your credit card for offers.

Find a science museum near you and prepare to be awed by all that you can learn there! I always learn something new and am inspired whenever I go to a science museum!

How do I start a science fair project?

research project for 1st grade

What should I do after I have a science fair project idea?

research project for 1st grade

How do I make a science fair board?

research project for 1st grade

What is the scientific method?

research project for 1st grade

What is the engineering design process?

research project for 1st grade

Where can I find a science fair competition?

research project for 1st grade

The www Virtual Library: Science Fairs website also has a collection of science fairs from all over the world, as well as national, state, regional, local, and virtual competitions!

Southern Fried Teachin'

Research Projects That Are Actually Student-Friendly

July 9, 2021

When I was a student, I HATED doing research. I was always so overwhelmed and didn’t know where to even start. I remember my teachers giving me index cards to write down my research, but I still didn’t know where to start. So a LOT of time was wasted. And then I scrambled at the end trying to finish my project.

Raise your hand if you were like me!

Even though research is easier today with the internet, it can still be super overwhelming for students.

When I taught 3rd grade, my students had to research inventors and their inventions, and I remember just how hard research was for them. They had no idea where to start or what to research. They wasted so much time and ended up getting pretty frustrated.

Which is exactly why I created these research posters.

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

The next time I have my students do research we will go over the most important categories or topics to include in their research. I would give each student a piece of paper and fold it to divide it into different sections, one section for each category. Then they could take their research to make their project.

I basically used that concept to make my research project posters. It makes research so much easier!

You might remember when I talked about my Country Research Project Posters HERE and my State Research Project Posters HERE . Here’s a video to learn more about them.

I have heard such wonderful feedback from teachers on them which just made my heart smile.

Here are some of the research topics and what some teachers have said about them…

  • “My students loved using this resource when we did our country reports. It was visually appealing for them and easy to understand.”
  • “Such a fun project. Love how simple and organized the sheets for each country are. A fun self guided project for my 5th graders.”
  • “Loved this resource. I used it in conjunction to our map unit. It was a quick way for my students to apply our class notes into a final assignment for each country we looked at.”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Winter Holidays Around the World

  • “Perfect for a research tie-in for reading and social studies! Students loved learning about the different cultures and ways holidays are celebrated around the world!”
  • “I used this before Christmas break. It was a good research project for my 8th graders. They were practicing research skills as well as learning information that was related to traditions we have in our country.”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “This resource has it all done for me! I absolutely love this resource! Well worth the money and the time I’ve saved by getting this resource!”
  • “This was SUCH A FUN project for my students! We displayed ALL 50 state projects in the hall and the entire school was excited about it!”
  • “I wanted my students to research states, because they seem to be lost when it comes to states. As much as I would like to say go research a state and give them what they needed to include, they needed more guidance. These posters provided the structure they needed to be successful.”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “I am using this resource to help guide my student’s research about the planets. My students are loving using this resource and I love how hands-off I can be. I would definitely use this product again next year.”
  • “My students loved doing the research and using these sheets to guide them. Their work turned out great!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

World Landmarks

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “My Social Studies students loved this activity. They learned a lot about how things have changed over the years.”
  • “I used this resource as a way for my students to research a decade that they were interested in. We ended the unit with a grade level Decades Day! Everyone Loved It!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

American Revolution

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “The kids loved these and were able to follow along. The topics were relevant and engaging.”
  • “I used this as a class project for my 1st-grade class. It was a hit at Open House!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

World War I & World War II

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “I have used this packet while teaching WWII in social studies and Research in writing. My students have been working as partners on this, and they will be teaching their posters to the class. They have loved working on this.”
  • “My students love WW2 and they especially loved getting to do more research on different parts of the war.”

Native Americans

  • “Used these for an extension project with my high fliers in 2nd. They loved it and it REALLY helped them be more independent researchers! Thank you!!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Children’s Authors

  • “I really enjoyed this resource. With virtual and in school learning these kinds of materials have been a great way to keep students engaged and make learning fun. I think that this is very thorough and is definitely worth buying. This is a fantastic, zero prep, and easy to use in the classroom. With virtual learning and the way technology is in the classroom, I highly recommend this resource! Thanks so so much for the extra help in my classroom!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Greek Mythology Gods & Goddesses

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “This goes so great with our myths and legends module. The students are engaged and love discovering about their god/goddess.”

US Presidents

  • “This was AWESOME! My kids loved it and it was a great resource!”
  • “So easy to use! Definitely no prep – I needed to provide the research resources, but the posters were great and I loved the blank posters to give students other options of presidents to choose!”
  • “This graphic organizer is perfect for my special needs students to use for researching the presidents!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Ancient Civilizations

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “I used this to support some of my students in their research projects about ancient civilizations. I liked how they were laid out and organized. Made it incredibly easy for my students to use.”
  • “I used this with a couple of gifted students who love different types of civilizations. They researched and used this as a guide. They loved it so much!!!”
  • “Great resource! I used it for an enrichment opportunity!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

This Day in History

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

  • “This year I used this at the end of the year for the students to pick a day we learned about and present…. next year I am going to do this mini project at the beginning of the school year and when the days comes up I will have the students present their work. Thanks!”
  • “Students highly engaged! Great project!”

Famous Americans

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Black History

  • “My students and I loved this resource!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

In just my Black History research project posters alone, there are 48 people to choose from.

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Body Systems

  • “I used this template as a research guide for my students. Each student chose 2 body systems to research and they used the information they put on the papers to create either a Google Slide presentation or a hand drawn poster. The questions helped guide the students to find the most important information and they really learned a lot in the process. Thank you!”
  • “My kids absolutely loved do these, they learned so much and had fun!”

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

Do you remember doing research when you were a kid? What was your favorite topic to research? If you have any research topic requests I would love to know them!

Can research actually be fun and engaging for kids? You bet! These Research Project Posters are super student friendly and help guide your students in what exactly to research. And they are perfect for students to display their research!

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Home » 1st Grade Teaching Resources » 33 Engaging & Inspiring 1st Grade Science Projects

research project for 1st grade

33 Engaging & Inspiring 1st Grade Science Projects

There are a lot of 1st grade science projects that can help children draw conclusions and make connections to the world around them. In first grade science, children learn about topics within life, physical, and earth sciences. That means there are a lot of different types of science experiments to choose from when looking for an engaging (or easy) project for your class or at home.

research project for 1st grade

Table of Contents

What science topics do 1st graders learn, the best 1st grade science experiments, what are some easy science projects, check out these additional 1st grade resources.

Through the life sciences, first graders learn about the characteristics that differentiate living and nonliving things. They learn about animals and how they adapt to and interact with their surroundings. 

Children at this age also learn about the seasons, weather patterns, and the water cycle through the earth sciences, along with the phases of the moon. 

research project for 1st grade

First graders are also introduced to the basic concepts of motion and forces where they explore how objects move, and they manipulate variables so they can compare cause and effect . Students this age learn how to ask a question that can be answered through investigation and observation. So a good science experiment that supports these topics starts with a testable question that children will be able to answer at the conclusion of the investigation.

In partnership with Teach Simple , whose marketplace is full of educational materials created by actual teachers (plus 50% of all revenues go to them), I’ve gathered 33 great kid-friendly science projects that your first grader will enjoy in the classroom or to pass the time by at home. Have a look! 

The projects in the list below address the topics I mentioned above that 1st graders learn in school. Allow your child to take the time to manipulate variables and make observations and discuss them with you during the experiments so they can also learn how to draw conclusions. 

  • Make A Rainbow From Children’s Museum

research project for 1st grade

First graders love to learn about rainbows. This experiment shows how white light is a combination of all the colors of the rainbow. When you shine the flashlight on the glass of water, the light waves are refracted, or bent, causing the light to break into its various colors. 

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Clear glass
  • Darkened room

If you’re looking for a bit more to hit this concept home, try out Teach Simple’s Colors Science, Literacy and Math Activity by KP Classroom, which provides companion activities to support this experiment. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Balloon Rocket From Scishow Kids

This is one of the most fun 1st grade science fair projects and it introduces the laws of motion and forces. During this project, students will observe when we blow the balloon up with more air, it should travel farther. Students will need to observe, measure, and record data. 

  • String (2-3 yards length recommended)
  • 2 chairs or other object to tie each end of the string

Download this Hands-On STEAM- Physical Science e-book for supporting materials by Classroom Complete Press. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Fluffy Slime Experiment From Elmer’s Store

research project for 1st grade

This is a fun and easy experiment where 1st graders learn how to mix multiple substances to create one new substance. I like the Elmer’s Fluffy Slime Kit set linked below as it makes two batches of soft, fluffy slime in two colors.

Pair this experiment with activities from this Hands-On- Physical Science: Matter & Materials unit for a lesson about states of matter by Classroom Complete Press. Have students discuss which state slime might fit into and why. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Crayon Box STEM Activity By The Core Coaches

research project for 1st grade

This project is designed to help your students think outside the box and learn how the world works. It helps students explore the engineering design process using common materials.

This digital download includes a list for material recommendations, but this challenge can be done with materials you have on hand, such as:

  • Pipe cleaners
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubber bands
  • Leaf Chromatography Project From Lostronaut’s Store

research project for 1st grade

When learning about the four seasons, a natural question for first graders to ask is why leaves change colors in autumn. 

To start this project, use a Seasonal Cycles Worksheet by Have Fun Teaching, to develop background knowledge prior to the experiment. 

research project for 1st grade

Next, have students go outside and collect different leaves. Break the leaves up, put the pieces in a cup, and add rubbing alcohol. Then use the chromatography kit linked below to set up the strips and watch the color bleed up. Discuss the different colors that separate out during the chromatography process.

  • Dancing Rice From Farmingdale Library

Dancing rice is the perfect chemistry experiment for first graders because it demonstrates a chemical reaction. When vinegar is added to baking soda, the hydrogen ions in vinegar react with the sodium bicarbonate in the baking soda and releases gas. 

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Optional: Food coloring 
  • Shoebox Guitar By Twin Sisters Digital Media

research project for 1st grade

What’s better than conducting a science experiment about sound? Use the shoebox guitar project to teach students about vibrations and how sound travels. Then make some classroom music and dance out all that 1st grade energy.

  • 4 rubber bands of varying thickness

Living vs Nonliving: Yeast vs. Sand

This first grade science experiment compares the properties of yeast and sand which look similar, but one of them is living and the other is nonliving. 

Use this activity to spark a conversation about the properties of living and nonliving things and what all living things have in common. 

This STEM Workbook and Living and Nonliving Things activity pack provide worksheets and activities to support learning about living vs. nonliving things. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Sink Or Float From Mayta The Brown Bear 

This fun lab is a great introduction to the concept of density. 

Gather whatever items you have on hand and a large bin of water. Have students make predictions about which items will sink and which will float. They can test objects like a small sheet of tinfoil, a pebble, a flower, a leaf, a stick , a marble, etc. 

You can also use this Sink or Float Recording Sheet to collect data by Cherry Workshop. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Blubber Experiment From Learn With Mrs.B

In this experiment, students investigate the insulating properties of shortening or petroleum jelly as a substitute for animal fat. 

  • Plastic zip baggies 
  • Lard (shortening) or petroleum jelly
  • Bowl of ice water

Combine this experiment with a lesson about arctic animals using some Polar Animals Flashcards by Fiddleticks Education or with this animal science unit All About Polar Bears to teach them how arctic animals stay warm in their polar environment by Simply Schoolgirl. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Fossil Factory By Twin Sisters Digital Media

research project for 1st grade

Get your students ready for a fossil adventure. First graders can design their own fossil out of clay and then go on an outdoor field trip to dig around for fossils outside after learning a bit more about them.

  • Natural objects
  • Rolling pin
  • Plastic knife
  • Paint brush
  • Cloud In A Jar Experiment By Lilibette’s Resources

research project for 1st grade

When learning about either weather or the water cycle, creating a cloud in a jar is the perfect activity to show children how clouds are formed when warm water vapor rises toward cooler temperatures and attaches to condensation nuclei. Specific instructions on how to make the cloud in the jar are available in the Clouds Mini Project Resource Pack below.

  • The Penny Experiment From Kids Fun Science

This super easy experiment demonstrates the properties of water cohesion and surface tension. Start with a testable question like “How many drops of water fit on the head of a penny?” 

Children should make their predictions. Let students design an investigation to answer the testable question. This experiment lends itself to teaching the scientific method . 

  • Cup of water
  • Create Your Own Tornado From The 4M Store

research project for 1st grade

Who doesn’t love learning about how storms form? First graders will have fun putting their model together and simulating a tornado from this kit full of everything you need. 

For further learning, have students listen to an audiobook, Tornados and Hurricanes by Twin Sisters Digital Media

research project for 1st grade

  • How Many Pennies Can My Boat Hold? From KSU iTeach

In this experiment children will design and construct their own tinfoil boat. Then they will predict how many pennies the boat can hold before it sinks. 

This experiment demonstrates the property of density. 

  • Bucket of water

A Water Experiment Journal by Kindergarten Cafe that includes a worksheet for students to collect data and record their observations is a great supplement.

research project for 1st grade

  • Making Rock Candy From The Sci Guys

This chemistry experiment shows students how increasing water temperature causes sugar to dissolve. You can also show your children how sugar doesn’t dissolve in cold water. As you increase the temperature, it begins to dissolve, creating a new solution that results in a sweet treat everyone can enjoy later. 

  • Optional: Flavoring
  • Elephant’s Toothpaste From Michigan Medicine

Students will learn in this project how different substances react to create a new substance, and, in this case, heat energy. The yeast removes the oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide, causing bubbles. Heat energy is released, creating what is known as an exothermic reaction. 

  • Food coloring
  • Plastic water bottle
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Measuring cup
  • Paper plate
  • 1 tablespoon of dry yeast
  • Grow Your Own Crystals From The 4M Store

research project for 1st grade

A favorite 1st grade science project is growing crystals. You can do this with a pre-packaged kit, like the one linked below, or with a variety of household items, including Borax. 

Crystals form when water evaporates from a mixture. You can also teach your first graders about the different geometric shapes that crystals form. And this can be paired with a lesson about evaporation using these The Water Cycle Printables by My Kind of Crazy. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Shiny Penny Experiment From SciShow Kids

This experiment introduces the concept of variables in a way that first graders can easily understand. Students will use a number of different substances to polish dull pennies. The independent variable is the substance being tested to polish the penny. This is the variable that we are manipulating or changing. 

  • Can of cola
  • Lemon juice
  • Tarnished pennies
  • Build Your Own Rain Gauge   From Community Play Things

research project for 1st grade

When learning about weather, have students make their own rain gauges. When it rains, they can make predictions about how much rain will fall and collect data on the actual amounts. 

Resources for this lab and other weather related activities can be found in Teach Simple’s Hands-On STEAM- Earth and Space Science Grades 1-5 by Classroom Complete Press.

research project for 1st grade

Students may also be interested in the audiobook When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a Meteorologist to supplement the concepts learned by Twin Sisters Digital Media.

research project for 1st grade

  • Capillary Action Of Water In Plants By Madeleine Rein

If you’re looking for a fun way to demonstrate how plants take in water from the roots and distribute it to the rest of the plant, this is an easy and engaging experiment for first graders. 

  • White flower
  • Jar of water

To learn more about plants and their parts, you can couple the experiment with the book: Plant, Plant, What Do You See by Kindergarten Cafe. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Jumping Frogs (Static Electricity) From Science Sparks

This is a fun take on using a balloon and rubbing it against fabric to create static electricity. 

Have students predict how many paper frogs will be attracted to and stick to the balloon. Another variation on the lab is to have students time how long the frogs stick to the balloon. 

Supporting materials to teach about static electricity can be found in this resource: Hands-On Physical Science: Electricity and Magnetism . 

research project for 1st grade

  • Popsicle Stick Catapult From stlDenise3D

Children will create a catapult with a plastic spoon, popsicle sticks, and rubber bands. 

After constructing the catapult, ask children to choose objects to launch. Some suggestions include marshmallows, cotton balls, and other soft items. 

Students can predict which objects can be launched the farthest. Teach Simple’s unit on Force and Motion by Classroom Complete Press reinforces the concepts in this 1st grade science project. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Oreo Cookie Moon Phases From Hungry SciANNtist

Learning the phases of the moon can be challenging. So why not make it fun by using Oreo cookies to model each phase of the moon? 

Students can easily create their own model in groups or individually. 

Then have students review the moon phases using some Moon Phases Flashcards by Fiddleticks Education or this It’s Just A Phase activity to further reinforce the concept by Have Fun Teaching. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Rolling Pin Pulley From STEM With Mr. C

In this first grade science fair project, children will learn the mechanics of simple machines by constructing their own pulley. Engage students in a discussion about where they might see pulley systems in the world around them. 

Then, use a Hands-On Physical Science: Simple Machines activity pack to introduce the mechanics behind simple machines by Classroom Complete Press. 

research project for 1st grade

  • How Does Composting Work? From Educational Insights Store

research project for 1st grade

Americans waste about a pound of food per person each day. Composting has become a popular way to let food waste decompose rather than throwing it away. But how does it work? 

Try out this easy classroom compost kit and let students make observations over a number of weeks as they watch what happens when different types of materials decompose.

This project can be an extension of Teach Simple’s lesson on the Flower Life Cycle by My Kind of Crazy or Watermelon Life Cycle by My Kind of Crazy. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Fun With Ramps By Twin Sisters Digital Media

research project for 1st grade

The perfect 1st grade science project can be found in Teach Simple’s Science Projects: Volume 1 resource. Your 1st graders will have fun sending different objects down ramps and comparing how far each object travels. They can also change the incline of the ramp to test whether that affects how far objects will travel. 

  • Flat moveable surface to use as ramp
  • Rollable objects
  • Marker Chromatography From Science Kids

This fun experiment combines science and art. Students will learn how substances are made up of more than one component by separating colors from ink samples through the capillary action of the water traveling through filter paper. The water dissolves the ink, causing colors to separate. 

  • White coffee filters
  • Washable markers
  • Craft stick
  • Binder clip
  • Paper towels

Use this activity in conjunction with other activities from Teach Simple’s Colors Science, Literacy and Math Activity Packet by KP Classroom 

research project for 1st grade

  • Experiment With Milk Art From SCIENCE FUN For Everyone!

This experiment allows students to explore their creative side. As children put ink drops into the milk, point out that the drop stays in place. Introduce the concept of surface tension of water. Show how the dish soap breaks the tension. 

Teach Simple’s Let’s Investigate! Hands-On Science activity book by Classroom Complete Press, includes a lab investigation worksheet to complete along with this experiment. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Make Your Own Bubbles From Howcast

In addition to the fun of creating their own long-lasting bubbles, students will learn about states of matter and mixtures in this fun project. 

  • Optional: Glycerin

Use this lab as an extension of Teach Simple’s States of Things States of Matter activity pack by Have Fun Teaching. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Evapotranspiration In Plants From MooMooMath And Science

We know that plants need water to live, but what happens when they take in more than they need? Small openings in leaves release excess water vapor into the atmosphere in a process called evapotranspiration. This is an important part of the water cycle. 

  • Potted plant
  • Clear jar that fits over plant
  • Aluminum foil

You can also take the class outside and rubber band a plastic baggie around a leaf on a tree or bush.

Teach Simple’s Water Cycle Printable Activity Book contains materials to teach and review the water cycle with first graders by My Kind of Crazy. 

research project for 1st grade

  • What Do Plants Need To Grow? By Ready-Ed Publications

research project for 1st grade

This activity from Teach Simple’s STEM Workbook- Grade 1 teaches first graders that plants need light and water in order to grow. This experiment supports lessons on plants and living vs. nonliving things. 

  • Masking tape
  • Plant seeds
  • Water 
  • Make Your Own Anemometer From Go Science Girls

research project for 1st grade

Teach kids about how to measure wind by building anemometers. Pair this fun 1st grade science project with the Weather Wise! lesson plans on weather and forecasting. 

research project for 1st grade

After building their anemometers, students can measure wind speeds and collect data to make weather forecasts. 

  • 5 small disposable cups
  • Thick cardboard
  • Which Foods Are The Best Conductors? From SkelangDirect

research project for 1st grade

This 1st grade science fair project teaches students about how energy is conducted and the difference between conductors and insulators. The kit below includes all of the materials needed to get this project started.

Have students record their observations on Teach Simple’s Science Observation Journal Pages by Kindergarten Cafe. 

research project for 1st grade

  • Which Colors Absorb The Most Heat? 

The procedure for this first grade science fair project is included in Teach Simple’s Let’s Investigate! Hands-On Science activity book . First graders will learn that darker colors absorb more heat while lighter colors reflect it. Engage students in a discussion about practical applications of this knowledge. 

  • Different colors of construction paper

Science experiments do not have to be complicated and time consuming to be rewarding. For example, the Oreo Cookie Moon Phases Model mentioned above is a fun way to teach first graders why the moon appears to be different shapes throughout the month. Children can compare their model with their Moon Phases Flashcards to check the accuracy of their edible model by Fiddleticks Education. With a quick and simple setup, this project is easy for kids and teachers to use and understand.

research project for 1st grade

If you’re looking for more easy setup experiments, Teach Simple’s STEM Workbook has more simple yet engaging science projects. The key to 1st grade science projects is to make them interesting and relatable to your students, no matter the difficulty level.

About the Author Kelly Rende has a Masters degree in Special Education. She has been teaching middle school science and STEM courses for 18 years. When not teaching, she can be found writing or on an adventure with her children and dogs.

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The Brown Bag Teacher

Teach the Children. Love the Children. Change the World.

January 18, 2015

Penguins and Polar Bears: 1st Grade Research

Laying our foundation.

We started our week with a quick pre-assessment . Split into 5 groups, students visited each of the questions (set on a table) and wrote/illustrated their ideas about the true/false phrases below. At the end of the week, we revisited the assessment and corrected our thinking!

Integrating Our Learning

Penguin comparisons, how does blubber protect animals.

Throughout the week, we were amazed at just how cold the North and South Poles can get. Living in Kentucky, it’s incredibly difficult to imagine what -76 degrees feels likes, and even more difficult to imagine living there. Over and over, I heard – how can animals live in such cold places?? Therefore, a blubber experiment was in order! To make the experiment manageable, a parent volunteer joined our class, so we could split into 2 groups. Thank goodness for volunteers!

We started the experiment by placing our hand in a bowl of ice water for 5 seconds (long enough for students to feel cold but not long enough to hear complaining). We then went back to our desks and wrote about about the first phase using a recording log from my Tundra Resource .

Penguin & Polar Bear Adaptation Research

Now, this experiment answered just one of our questions about all things cold and we had MANY!

So, we made our 1st venture into research. This is a Common Core skill for 1st graders, but one that it really hard to put into practice….I mean our kids are 7. Still, it needed to happen, so this week I channeled my kids’ curiosity. Knowing that my friends were not ready for prime-time research, we used QR Code research mats. Using 6 websites and videos I pre-read and pre-watched, I linked them on the below mat. Then, using iPads with a partner, students explored the resources I included and took notes about their learning. ( SNAG THE FREE QR CODES HERE .)

research project for 1st grade

Well, friends, it was definitely an awesome week. You can snag these resources for your own classroom here on Teachers Pay Teachers in my Exploring the Tundra  resource.The highlight was the research. My kids were so excited to explore and learn, and using the QR Code mats made it so simple. Have you used QR Code Mats before? What other tips do you have for research in the primary grades? I’d love to hear your ideas!

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research project for 1st grade

Reader Interactions

' src=

January 18, 2015 at 1:13 am

Love the QR code mat. They still have the choice of where to get their information but it's from websites you know and can trust rather than a random google search. Thanks for the great ideas 🙂 Sheri.

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January 18, 2015 at 9:30 pm

Of course, Sheri! Especially in 1st grade, they definitely aren't ready to discern a Google search, and I would be SO afraid to see what might come up. 😉

January 18, 2015 at 4:29 am

Thanks so much for the QR code mat! What a fabulous idea! My kids will love it!

Marissa First Grade STARS

January 18, 2015 at 2:56 pm

This is a fabulous idea! Thank you so much for sharing- my kids love using QR codes. Carol

January 18, 2015 at 9:29 pm

Thanks so much, Carol! I'm so glad it will work for your friends. 🙂

January 22, 2015 at 7:05 am

You inspired me again! I was just blogging about Chatter Pix and was browsing your blog to link your post. These QR mats are amazing and are something I WILL start doing with my kiddos. Seems like 1st grade is also a perfect fit for you! Kristen

January 27, 2015 at 2:28 am

Thanks so much for creating this! I have been wanting to work on research but I didn't figure out the best way to handle it with my first graders. This is perfect!! I know the kids will be so excited to use their iPads and also to learn. Do you plan on making any other qr research mats?

April Wolfelicious [email protected]

January 28, 2015 at 2:00 am

Hi April! Thank you so much. I'm planning on doing a math for each month. It keeps us researching and gives us some hands-on technology practice. As we use them, I'll make sure to share!

March 10, 2016 at 4:27 am

I love the QR mat. We are researching sea animals I have made some ThingLinks to store videos, websites and information about sea animals so my students can access the info on their iPads. Here is a link to my sea turtle ThingLink. https://www.thinglink.com/scene/646187209774333952 Thanks for sharing your research ideas. I love researching with first graders, they are so curious!

March 27, 2016 at 6:24 pm

These are awesome! I can't wait to see what other research mats you make!

' src=

December 13, 2016 at 3:56 pm

Thanks for the freebie! My students and I love using QR codes but I haven’t spent the time to create my own. I love using it to research.

' src=

December 28, 2016 at 9:23 pm

Always a fan of your work. Thank you so much for sharing this for free. I am so excited to use it when we go back!

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Go Science Girls

Fun & Easy Science Fair Projects For 1st Grade

  • April 12, 2023
  • Science Fair Ideas

Science fairs are a fantastic way to introduce young children to the wonders of science and foster their curiosity about the world around them. For first-grade students, science projects can be particularly engaging, as they offer a hands-on approach to learning that encourages exploration, experimentation, and discovery.

Whether your child is fascinated by animals, loves to build things, or is curious about the environment, there are countless science fair project ideas that are perfect for their age and skill level. So let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of science together!

Science Fair Projects For 1st Grade

Science Fair Projects for 1st Grade – Subject Wise

Select your interest on the subject so that you can view the list of science fair project ideas in that subject.

Earth Science


Environmental Science

Space Science

Earth and Space

With Plants

Cycle Of Life


Projects That Won 1st Place

Using Scientific Methods

Last-minute Projects

Winning Projects

Project ideas for Boys

Project ideas for Girls

Advanced Science Fair Project Ideas

Basket Ball


Egg Science

Nature Related

Electromagnetic Spectrum

With Variables

Projects to do at home

Measurable Projects

Biology Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

Biology science fair projects for 1st Grade

  • Make a Plant cell using craft materials, such as paper mache, clay, or playdough
  • Model a butterfly’s life cycle using paper plates, tissue paper, and markers.
  • Construct a human body using cardboard and paper cutouts of organs.
  • Bird’s nest using twigs, grass, and clay.
  • A digestive system model using a clear plastic bag, crackers, and orange juice.
  • Model of a bee using pipe cleaners, pom-poms, and googly eyes.
  • Make a food chain using toy animals and a poster board.
  • Spider web using yarn and sticks.
  • Water cycle using a plastic cup, water, and food coloring.
  • The solar system using Styrofoam balls and paint
  • The behavior of ants and describe how they work together as a team.
  • Different types of leaves and describe their shapes and sizes.
  • Watch and record the growth of a plant over a few weeks and discuss the changes.
  • How other objects float or sink in water and explain why.
  • Describe the different types of clouds in the sky.
  • Differences between daytime and nighttime animals and how they adapt.
  • Record the lifecycle of a ladybug and discuss the various stages .
  • The behavior of birds and describe how they use their beaks to eat.
  • Compare the growth of two different types of seeds.
  • Observe the behavior of two pets, like a cat and a fish.

Earth Science Project Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Solar system and identify each planet.
  • Volcano and demonstrate how it erupts.
  • Model a watershed and explain how water flows through it.
  • Construct a beach and describe the different elements found there.
  • Build a mountain range and explain how it takes its form.
  • Cave and explain how they are formed.
  • Glacier and explain how it shapes the land.
  • Tornado and demonstrate how it develops.
  • Desert and explain how it is different from other ecosystems
  • Phases of the moon and describe the changes.
  • Compare the shapes and sizes of rocks found outside.
  • Watch the weather for a week and discuss the patterns.
  • Differences between a day and a night sky.
  • Types of soil in your backyard.
  • Changes in a plant over a week and discuss why they occur.
  • Describe the different types of clouds and their formations.
  • Effects of sun and shade on different plants.
  • Various kinds of trees in your neighborhood.
  • How water moves through different types of materials, like sand or soil

Chemistry Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • An atom and explain its different parts.
  • Molecule and explain how they combine.
  • Lava lamp and explain how it works.
  • Rainbow and explain how it is formed.
  • Crystal and explain how it grows.
  • Lemon battery and explain how it produces electricity .
  • Volcano eruption and explain the chemical reactions involved.
  • Model a fizzy drink and explain the science behind its bubbles
  • Baking soda and vinegar reaction
  • Build a firework and explain how it creates different colors
  • Compare the properties of different liquids, like water, oil, and syrup.
  • Describe the changes that occur when the ice melts.
  • How bubbles form and pop.
  • Watch how food coloring spreads in water.
  • Discuss the differences between hot and cold water.
  • Changes that occur when bread is toasted.
  • How salt dissolves in water.
  • Different materials like sugar or salt affect water density.
  • Materials like vinegar or lemon juice can affect the taste of food.

 Engineering Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

Engineering Science fair projects for 1st Grade

  • Simple machines, like a lever or pulley, explain how it works.
  • Bridge and discuss how it supports weight.
  • Windmill and explain how it converts wind energy into electricity.
  • Roller coaster Model making
  • Model of a building and how the foundation supports the structure.
  • Simple robot and how it moves to input.
  • Sailboat Model.
  • Hot air balloon and explain how it rises.
  • Car and its different parts, like wheels or engine
  • Create a catapult and its use of force to move objects
  • Different types of bridges you see in your community.
  • Watch how an object, such as a ball, bounces differently on different surfaces.
  • Observe how a kite flies in the wind.
  • How a clock or watch tells time.
  • Different materials, like wood or metal, can be used to build structures.
  • A seesaw balances weight.
  • How does a bicycle work?
  • How a ramp can help move objects.
  • Simple machines, like a screw or wedge, can be used daily.
  • Discuss how gears work together in a machine or toy.

Environmental Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Solar oven: Use a cardboard box, aluminum foil, and plastic wrap, and use it for cooking s’mores.
  • Model of a wind turbine using cardboard, paper cups, and a pencil, and testing how much wind it takes to make the turbine turn.
  • Water filter using sand, gravel, and a plastic bottle, and test how well it filters dirty water.
  • Green roof using a shoebox, soil, and grass seeds, and observing how well the grass grows and how much water it needs.
  • Compost bin making using a plastic container, shredded paper, and vegetable scraps, and observing how the scraps break down into compost over time.
  • Rain gauge using a plastic bottle, a ruler, and a funnel, and measuring how much rain falls during a storm.
  • Terrarium uses a clear plastic container, soil, and small plants to observe how the plants grow over time.
  • Solar-powered toy car: Use a small motor, a solar panel, and a cardboard base, and observe how fast it goes in different levels of sunlight.
  • Birdhouse using a cardboard box, sticks, and glue, and observing which birds come to nest in it.
  • Make a bee hotel using a cardboard tube, paper straws, and twine, and observe which bees come to nest in it.
  • The growth of different plants under different light conditions (e.g., sunlight vs. artificial light).
  • Monitoring the temperature and humidity levels in a classroom over a day
  • Observing the behavior of ants and how they interact with each other and their environment.
  • Measuring the amount of water used by different types of plants (e.g., succulents vs. ferns).
  • Changes in a plant’s leaves over time as it grows and recording changes in color, shape, or size.
  • Amount of air pollution in different areas of a city using a homemade air quality sensor.
  • Impact of different types of litter (e.g., paper, plastic, glass) on a local park’s ecosystem.
  • Daily weather conditions (e.g., temperature, precipitation, wind speed)
  • The behavior of different types of insects (e.g., butterflies, ladybugs, bees)
  • Measuring the pH levels of different types of water (e.g., tap water, rainwater, river water)

Space Science Projects for 1st Grade

  • A solar system using Styrofoam balls and paint, and learning about the order of the planets.
  • Rocket model using cardboard, paper cups, and construction paper, and launching it with baking soda and vinegar.
  • Phases of the moon: Use Oreo cookies and observe how the moon’s appearance changes over time.
  • Space suits using paper, aluminum foil, and duct tape, and learning about what astronauts wear.
  • Space station using cardboard boxes and learning about life in space.
  • Constellation using black paper and glow-in-the-dark stickers, and learning about the stories behind the constellation.
  • Satellite using a Styrofoam ball and pipe cleaners, and learning about how satellites orbit the Earth.
  • Lunar lander using cardboard, paper cups, and aluminum foil, and learning about how astronauts landed on the moon.
  • Model of a Mars rover using a toy car and paper, and learning about the technology used to explore Mars.
  • Black hole using a black balloon and marbles, and learning about how black holes are formed.
  • Observing the moon’s phases for a month and recording their appearance in a journal.
  • Position the stars in the sky for a week and record their movement.
  • Changes in the shape and size of the sun during a solar eclipse and recording their observations.
  • The temperature of different planets in our solar system and comparing their temperatures to Earth’s.
  • Differences between day and night on Earth using a globe and a flashlight and recording changes in light and shadow.
  • Length of a shadow during different times of day and recording any changes in length.
  • Phases of Venus through a telescope and recording their appearance.
  • The appearance of a comet over the course of a week and recording any changes in its appearance.
  • The gravity of different objects using a spring scale and recording their weight.
  • Differences between the appearance of the stars in the sky during different seasons and recording any changes in brightness or position.

1st Grade Earth and Space Science Projects

  • Layers of the Earth using different colors of playdough or clay
  • Volcano using paper mache and observing how it erupts with baking soda and vinegar.
  • Water cycle using a plastic bag, water, food coloring, and learning about how water evaporates and condenses.
  • The solar system: Use ping pong balls and learn about the order of the planets.
  • Tornado using a bottle, water, and dish Soap and learning about how they form.
  • Glacier using ice cubes and clay, and learning about how glaciers move and shape the Earth.
  • Watershed using a baking sheet, dirt, and water, and learning about how water moves through the environment.
  • Earth’s magnetic field using a bar magnet and iron filings, and learning about how it protects the Earth.
  • Desert using sand and small rocks, and learning about the different plants and animals that live there.
  • Rainforest using green paper and plastic animals, and learning about the diversity of life in this ecosystem.
  • Observing how plants grow in different types of soil
  • Temperature and weather outside over a week
  • Monitoring the different types of clouds in the sky and recording their appearance.
  • Measuring the pH of different types of water
  • Observing the different types of rocks and minerals found in the environment
  • Amount of rainfall in different types of weather using a rain gauge
  • How the position of the sun changes throughout the day
  • Growth of a plant for a month and recording any changes in height, number of leaves
  • Air quality in different environments, such as near a busy street and in a park, and comparing the results.
  • Different types of birds in the environment

1st Grade Science Fair Ideas With Plants

  • Experiment to test which type of soil is best for growing plants and planting seeds in different kinds of soil
  • Different parts of a plant using construction paper or other materials
  • A hydroponic system using a plastic container, water, and plant cuttings
  • Test how light affects plant growth and placing plants in different lighting conditions
  • Making a model of a greenhouse
  • Model of a plant cell using styrofoam
  • Designing an experiment to test how different types of fertilizers affect plant growth
  • Compost bin using a plastic container and organic matter
  • Plants grow in different amounts of water
  • Growth of a plant over a month
  • Observing how different types of plants react to being placed in sunlight or shade
  • The amount of water plants release into the air through transpiration
  • How plants respond to being pruned or trimmed
  • Effects of temperature on plant growth by placing plants in different environments
  • Different types of plants respond to being fertilized
  • Amount of time it takes for seeds to germinate
  • Various types of plants respond to being grown in different types of containers, such as pots or hanging baskets.
  • Effects of different types of light on plant growth by placing plants in different lighting conditions

Cycle of Life Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Butterfly’s life cycle using clay, paper, or other materials.
  • Use Legos to build a model of a plant’s life cycle.
  • Make a 3D model of a bird’s nest and how eggs are laid and hatched.
  • Create a diorama of a frog’s life cycle, including tadpole and adult frog stages.
  • Seed growing into a plant using cotton balls and a clear container.
  • Playdough to create a model of the life cycle of a ladybug.
  • Caterpillar turns into a butterfly using tissue paper and pipe cleaners.
  • Model of a food chain using toy animals or pictures of animals.
  • Growth of a plant from a seedling to a full-grown plant.
  • Document the life cycle of a butterfly in a butterfly habitat
  • Observe the hatching and growth of a chicken from an egg.
  • Metamorphosis and development of a tadpole into a frog.
  • Different stages of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
  • Watch the changes in a pond over time, including the growth of plants and animals.
  • Phases of the moon using a calendar or pictures.
  • Changes in weather patterns for a week or month.
  • Changes in a tree over a year.
  • See the changes in a bird’s nest as eggs are laid, hatched, and birds grow.

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Animals

  • Animal habitats using cardboard, construction paper, and other materials.
  • Model of an animal cell using playdough or clay.
  • 3D model of an animal using pipe cleaners and pom poms.
  • Use Legos to build a model of an animal skeleton.
  • Make an insect using paper and pipe cleaners.
  • Use clay to create different types of animal footprints.
  • Bird’s nest using twigs, feathers, and other materials.
  • Animal’s life cycle using paper, markers, and pictures.
  • Use paper and crayons to create different types of animal camouflage.
  • Learn the behavior of ants in an ant farm.
  • Different types of birds that visit a bird feeder.
  • The movement of earthworms in the soil.
  • Various kinds of insects that are attracted to light at night.
  • Growth and development of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
  • Changes in a tadpole as it develops into a frog.
  • The changes in animal behavior during different seasons.
  • Different types of animals that live in a pond.
  • Watch the behavior of a pet or farm animal over time.
  • The differences between different types of animal tracks in mud or sand.

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Human Body

  • A model of the human brain using playdough or clay.
  • Skeleton using straws and cotton swabs.
  • Use cardboard and markers to make the human heart and circulatory system.
  • Tooth and the different parts of a tooth using clay or playdough.
  • Create a human digestive system using a clear plastic bag and food items.
  • Use paper and crayons to make different types of cells in the human body.
  • A human respiratory system using straws and balloons
  • Use paper plates and pictures to show the different parts of the human eye.
  • The human ear and the different parts of the ear: Use clay or playdough.
  • Make a model of the human tongue and the different taste buds
  • Observe the changes in heart rate during different types of physical activity
  • Different kinds of fingerprints of different people in the class.
  • Changes in breathing rate during different types of physical activity.
  • Differences in height and weight among different people in the class.
  • Various eye colors among different people in the class.
  • Types of food preferences among different people in the class.
  • Physical abilities among different people around you
  • Changes in skin color after being exposed to sunlight for different amounts of time.
  • Different types of hair colors among people around you
  • Differences in flexibility among your chosen sample of people

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Electricity

  • A simple circuit, but make it using a battery, wire, and lightbulb.
  • Make a switch model using cardboard, paper clips, and wires.
  • SSolar panel using cardboard and aluminum foil.
  • Simple electromagnet using a battery, wire, and a nail.
  • Make a simple motor using a battery, wire, and magnet.
  • Parallel circuit using multiple light bulbs and batteries.
  • Series circuit making
  • Simple buzzer using a battery, wire, and a piezo element.
  • Doorbell using a battery, wire, and a bell.
  • Different types of lightbulbs and their brightness levels.
  • Various types of batteries and their lifespans.
  • Observe the differences between different types of conductors and insulators.
  • Various types of switches and how they work.
  • Differences between series and parallel circuits.
  • Learn the different types of energy sources and their efficiency.
  • Understand the differences between AC and DC electricity.
  • Effects of temperature on batteries and other electrical components.
  • Types of lightbulb colors and their effects on mood and atmosphere.
  • Differences between the sounds produced by different types of buzzers and bells.

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Magnetism

  • Model of a simple magnetic field using iron filings and a magnet.
  • Compass using a magnet and a cork floating in the water.
  • Magnetic levitation train using magnets and a strip of metal.
  • Magnetic field detector using a magnet and a compass.
  • Magnetic motor using a battery, wire, and magnet.
  • Create a magnetic door latch using a magnet and a metal plate.
  • Make a magnetic jewelry clasp using magnets and metal beads.
  • Magnetic pencil holder using magnets and a metal cup.
  • Magnetic maze game using magnets and a metal board.
  • Observe different types of magnets and their strengths.
  • Differences between attracted and repelled magnets.
  • Different types of metal objects are attracted to magnets.
  • Magnetic fields between different magnets
  • Effects of distance on the strength of a magnet’s attraction.
  • Differences between the north and south poles of a magnet.
  • Effects of temperature on magnets and their strength.
  • Learn the differences between permanent magnets and temporary magnets.
  • Document the results of magnets on electronics and computer screens.
  • The uses of magnets in everyday life, such as in speakers and refrigerator doors.

 Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Motion

  • Simple pulley system using string and a weight.
  • Make an Inclined plane using a board and a toy car.
  • Lever using a board and weight.
  • Balance scale using a ruler and toy weights.
  • Create a simple pendulum using a weight and string.
  • Model of a rocket using a straw and paper.
  • Roller coaster making using a tube and marbles.
  • Catapult design using popsicle sticks and rubber bands.
  • Make a model of a balloon car using a balloon and a toy car.
  • Learn the different types of motion, such as linear, circular, and back-and-forth.
  • Effects of gravity on the motion.
  • Differences between potential energy and kinetic energy.
  • Smooth and rough surfaces and their effects on motion.
  • Objects with different masses and their motion.
  • Effects of air resistance on the action.
  • Observe the differences between fast and slow motion.
  • The effects of force on the movement.
  • Rolling, sliding, and bouncing motion.
  • Various types of simple machines and their effects on motion.

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Sound

  • Make a Musical instrument, such as a kazoo or harmonica.
  • Simple speaker-making using a paper cup and a piece of wire.
  • Create a microphone using a paper cup and a wire.
  • Model of a soundproofing box using cardboard and foam.
  • Wind chime using string and paper cups.
  • Tone generator using a rubber band and a ruler.
  • Vibration detector using a balloon and a straw.
  • Sound wave generator using a slinky.
  • Tuning fork using a piece of wire and a spoon.
  • Drum using a cardboard box and balloons.
  • Different types of sound are loud, soft, high-pitched, and low-pitched.
  • Effects of distance on sound.
  • The differences between sounds made by different instruments.
  • Observe the differences between sounds made by different materials.
  • The effects of sound waves on materials, such as sand or water.
  • Sounds made in quiet and noisy environments.
  • Sound on living organisms, such as plants or animals, and its effects
  • Differences between sounds made by human voices, such as singing or speaking.
  • Observe the effects of sound on everyday objects, such as glasses or cans.
  • Various types of vibrations that create sound

Science Fair Projects That Won 1st Place (1st Grade Level)

  • Solar oven model
  • Light and plant growth
  • Water cycle model
  • Human heart model
  • Temperature and crystal growth
  • Food and bacteria growth
  • Simple machine model
  • Material types and bridge strength
  • Solar system model
  • Volcano model
  • Soil and plant growth
  • Water and plant growth
  • Detergent and cleaning power
  • Plant cell model
  • Water filtration system model
  • Water clock model
  • Magnets and magnetic field strength
  • Paper types and paper airplane strength
  • Roller coaster model
  • Music and plant growth

 Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Food

  • Model of the digestive system using a plastic bag, crackers, and juice
  • Document the effects of different types of foods on mold growth.
  • Plant cells using a hard-boiled egg, food coloring, and craft supplies.
  • Rock cycle using chocolate, heat, and pressure.
  • The temperature of the melting rate of chocolate
  • Different types of drinks on tooth decay
  • Food chain using toy animals and plants.
  • Layers of the Earth using cake and frosting
  • Effects of different types of cooking oils on the smoke point
  • Various kinds of light on the growth of plants
  • Model of the water cycle using gelatin and food coloring.
  • Make a Molecule using marshmallows and toothpicks.
  • Observe the effects of different types of fruits on the color and texture of gelatin.
  • Create a volcano using fruit and candy.
  • Salt on the boiling point of water
  • Show a Solar system using fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein using spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • Types of sugar on the fermentation rate of yeast
  • Effects of different types of liquids on plant growth

 Science Fair Projects Using Scientific Method

Science Fair Projects for 1st Grade - Using Scientific Method

  • Conductivity Test
  • Liquid and Plant Growth Observation
  • Build a model of a plant’s life cycle and demonstrate how it grows with different variables like sunlight, water, and soil.
  • Volcano Eruption using baking soda and vinegar.
  • Bridge model making and testing its strength with different weights.
  • Light source and object: Demonstrate how shadows are formed with different angles and distances.
  • Sink or Float Experiment
  • Balloon Size and Temperature Observation
  • Make an airplane and demonstrate how it flies with different angles and wind speeds.
  • Magnet and demonstrate how it attracts and repels different materials.
  • Soap and Surface Tension Observation
  • Salt and Ice Melting Rate Observation
  • Pulley and demonstrate how it makes lifting objects easier.
  • Model a boat and demonstrate how it floats with different shapes and weights.
  • Sugar and Boiling Point Observation
  • Vitamin C Content Test
  • Air Pressure and Object Deformation Observation
  • String telephone and demonstrate how sound travels through different materials
  • Ramp Angle and Toy Car Distance Observation

Last-Minute Projects for 1st Graders

  • Model of a dinosaur using paper and markers
  • Make a Tornado using a plastic bottle and water.
  • The type of bird seed attracts the most birds to a bird feeder.
  • Create a volcano design using paper mache and paint.
  • Test which material insulates the best by wrapping ice cubes in different materials and measuring how long they take to melt.
  • Observe the growth of a plant with different amounts of sunlight or water.
  • Which type of paper airplane design flies the farthest?
  • Plant cells using a clear plastic bag, gelatin, and candy.
  • Effects of different types of liquid on an eggshell.
  • Note which magnet type is the strongest by seeing which can hold the most paper clips.
  • What type of fruit juice stains white fabric the most?
  • How a balloon reacts when it is placed in different temperatures
  • Effects of different types of soil on the growth of bean plants
  • Wind vane using a paper arrow and a straw.
  • Experiment with various bubble solutions, which make the strongest bubbles.
  • Which candy dissolves the fastest in water?
  • What liquid freezes the fastest
  • Different types of music on a plant’s growth.
  • Test which type of soil retains water the best
  • Different types of Soap on the growth of bacteria on hands
  • Observe the effects of different types of light on the growth of mold.

Winning Projects for 1st Grade

  • Weather Model: Create a model of different weather conditions using cotton balls, construction paper, and markers
  • Model of a butterfly’s wings using paper, paint, and glitter to show how they reflect light
  • Ecosystem Model: Create a model of an ecosystem using cardboard, construction paper, and plastic animals
  • Growth of plants placed in different amounts of sunlight to determine how much sunlight is necessary for plant growth
  • Make a Circuit using wires, batteries, and LED lights to show how electricity flows through a circuit.
  • Animal Tracks: Compare the tracks of different animals to determine what animals have been in a specific area.
  • Water quality in different bodies of water to determine how pollution affects water quality.
  • Vibrations of different objects to determine how sound travels through different materials.
  • Color Mixing: Observe and mix different colors of paint to determine what colors can be made by mixing primary colors
  • Make a model of a seedling using a clear plastic cup, soil, and seed to show how plants grow from a tiny seed.
  • Different types of soil to determine what type of soil is best for plant growth.
  • Test different objects to determine which ones are magnetic and which ones are not.
  • Measure the shadows cast by different objects to determine how the sun’s angle affects the length of shadows.
  • Worms: use pipe cleaners, yarn, and googly eyes to demonstrate how worms move and live in the soil.
  • Bubble Science: Observe and experiment with different types of bubbles to determine what factors affect the size and shape of bubbles.
  • Build a maze using cardboard, paint, and marbles to demonstrate how physics and gravity affect motion.
  • Observe and compare the growth of plants with different amounts of water and sunlight to determine what plants need to grow properly.

 Project Ideas for Boys (1st Grade)

  • Blast Off!: Building a Model Rocket
  • Cardboard Speedster: Designing a Race Car
  • Observe and measure the effects of temperature on the rate of ice melting.
  • Robot: Use cardboard, markers, and glue to show how machines can be programmed to move.
  • Robo-Adventures: Building a Cardboard Robot
  • Launch It!: Creating a Popsicle Stick Catapult
  • Let There Be Light: Examining Plant Growth
  • SubmarinE: Use plastic bottles, glue, and paint to show how submarines operate underwater.
  • Hovercraft: use a CD, a balloon, and a bottle cap to show how air pressure can lift objects.
  • Properties of different liquids, such as density and viscosity.
  • Lifting Challenge: Building a Popsicle Stick Crane
  • Different types of objects on the buoyancy of water
  • Dinosaurs: use clay or paper mache to show what scientists think they look like.
  • Treehouse: use popsicle sticks, glue, and paint to show how structures are built and supported.
  • Material Soundscapes: Testing the Acoustics of Different Materials
  • Tornado: use a soda bottle, water, and glitter to show how tornadoes form and move.
  • The strength of different types of magnets.
  • Observe and compare the color and texture of different types of soil.
  • Effects of different types of surfaces on friction.
  • Measure the effects of different types of objects on the speed and direction of air currents.

 Project Ideas for Girls (1st Grade)

  • Playdough Plant Cell
  • Bird Nest Building
  • Light and Plant Growth
  • Flower Color and Texture
  • Styrofoam Solar System
  • Food and Yeast Growth
  • Surfaces and Friction
  • Liquids and Density
  • Glittery Butterfly Transformation
  • Cup Greenhouse Growing
  • DIY Weather Vane
  • Clay Volcano Eruption
  • Objects and Buoyancy
  • Materials and Sound Waves
  • Objects and Air Currents
  • Magnets and Object Movement
  • Shoebox Butterfly Habitat
  • Water Cycle Model
  • Colorful Rainforest Diorama

Advanced Science Fair Project Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Optimal Conditions for Plant Growth
  • Seasons in Motion: Understanding Weather Patterns
  • The Power of Magnets: Exploring Magnetic Fields
  • Inside the Human Body: An Exploration of Our Anatomy
  • Unleashing the Charge: Investigating Static Electricity
  • Sounds All Around Us: The Science of Sound Waves
  • Matter Matters: Examining the States of Matter
  • The Transformative Power of Water: Liquid to Gas
  • The Light and the Dark: Understanding Light and Shadow
  • Adapt or Die: Animal Survival Tactics
  • Rainbows Revealed: The Science of Spectral Colors
  • The Gravity Games: Learning About Gravity
  • The Wonders of Space: A Study of the Solar System
  • Erupting Volcanoes: A Look at Geothermal Activity
  • Photosynthesis: How Plants Produce Food
  • Cloud Chronicles: Investigating Cloud Formation
  • The Water Cycle in Action: Understanding Precipitation
  • Push and Pull: The Effects of Air Pressure on Objects
  • Temperature Matters: Understanding Thermometers
  • Rock Revelations: Exploring the Formation of Rocks

 Astronomy Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Miniature Solar System Model
  • Studying the Different Constellations in the Night Sky
  • Tracking the Movement of Planets Across the Sky
  • Phases of the Moon Model
  • Model Rocket
  • Model Space Station
  • Observing the Effects of Light Pollution on the Night Sky
  • International Space Station Model
  • Effects of Different Types of Telescopes on Viewing the Night Sky
  • Different Shapes of Stars
  • Model Mars Rover
  • Distance on the Appearance of Stars
  • Movement of the Sun Across the Sky
  • Model Comet or Asteroid
  • Milky Way Galaxy Model
  • Observing the Different Colors of the Planets
  • Model Black Hole
  • Supernova Explosion Model
  • Characteristics of Comets and Asteroids

 Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Baking

  • Cookie Shape’s Influence on Baking Time and Texture
  • Sugar Amount’s Effect on Cake Texture
  • Oven Temperature’s Impact on Muffin Baking Time
  • Flour Type’s Influence on Cake Texture
  • Consequences of Excessive Baking Powder in Recipes
  • Importance of Ingredient Order in Baking
  • Altitude’s Effect on Baking Times and Temperatures
  • Cake Pan Shape’s Effect on Baking Time
  • Different Types of Yeast’s Effect on Bread Texture
  • Eggless Cake Baking and Texture Impact
  • Baking Soda’s Effect on Cookie Texture
  • Different Fats’ Impact on Baked Goods
  • Different Milk Types’ Effects on Cake Texture
  • Salt’s Influence on Baked Goods Texture
  • Chocolate Chip Size’s Effect on Cookie Texture and Baking Time
  • Overmixing Cake Batter and Texture Consequences
  • Baking Powder-Free Cake Baking and Texture Impact
  • Different Sweeteners’ Effect on Baked Goods Texture.

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Basketball

  • How can the size of a basketball affect how high it bounces?
  • The Effect of Basketball Temperature on Bounce
  • Air Pressure’s Impact on Basketball Bounce
  • Surface Texture’s Influence on Basketball Bounce
  • Does the material of a basketball affect how it bounces?
  • Height’s Effect on Basketball Bounce
  • Shape’s Influence on Basketball Bounce
  • Texture’s Role in Basketball Grip
  • The Relationship Between Basketball Color and Game Visibility
  • Weight’s Impact on Basketball Distance
  • Does the age of a basketball affect its bounce and grip?
  • The Trajectory of a Basketball at Different Angles
  • Backspin’s Effect on Basketball Trajectory
  • Arm Position’s Influence on Basketball Shot Trajectory
  • Force’s Effect on Basketball Speed
  • Distance’s Impact on Force Needed for Basketball Shot
  • Air Resistance’s Effect on Basketball Shot Trajectory
  • How does the elasticity of the basketball affect its bounce?
  • Does the bounce of a basketball change with repeated use?

 Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Battery

  • Testing Battery Power Across Different Types
  • Building a Circuit with a Battery
  • Creating a Potato-Powered Battery
  • Understanding Solar-Powered Batteries
  • How Batteries Fuel Flashlights
  • Investigating Temperature’s Effect on Battery Life
  • What and how to make a rechargeable battery
  • Exploring Battery Performance Over Time
  • How Battery Size Affects Performance
  • Building a DIY Lemon Battery
  • Powering Radios with Batteries
  • Examining Button Battery Technology
  • How Batteries Power Remote Devices
  • Creating a Homemade Battery Tester
  • Investigating Storage’s Impact on Battery Performance
  • Understanding Alkaline Battery Technology
  • DIY Battery-Powered Fan
  • Battery Performance Across Brands
  • Understanding Lithium Battery Technology
  • How Batteries Fuel Electric Toys 

Biochemistry Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Investigating the Growth of Plants under Different Conditions
  • The Effect of Light on Plant Growth
  • The Nutrient Needs of Plants
  • How Do Seeds Grow?
  • The Importance of Water for Plant Growth
  • Investigating the Effects of Acidic and Basic Substances on Plants
  • Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Seeds
  • The Process of Photosynthesis in Plants
  • How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Digestive System of Humans and Animals
  • Senses of Humans and Animals
  • Effects of Exercise on the Body
  • The Importance of Sleep for Humans and Animals
  • Role of Sugar on Tooth Decay
  • Investigating the Different Types of Bacteria
  • Importance of Hand Washing in Preventing Illness
  • Different Types of Foods and Their Nutritional Value
  • How Do We Breathe?
  • The Different Types of Blood Cells
  • Effect of Exercise on Heart Rate 

1st Grade Physics Science Fair Ideas

  • The velocity of Various Balls Rolling Down a Slope
  • Gravity’s Impact on Various Objects
  • Testing Simple Machines, Such as Levers or Pulleys
  • Marble Run and Observing Marbles’ Trajectory
  • Examining the Impact of Friction on Moving Objects
  • Make Paper Airplanes for Distance and Rate
  • Studying the Effect of Wind on Various Objects
  • Creating a Simple Water Wheel and Observing Its Operation
  • Actions of Magnets and Investigating Their Mechanisms
  • Effect of Weight on a Car’s Ramp Travel Distance
  • Constructing and Testing Simple Electrical Circuits
  • Impact of Various Materials on Sound
  •  The behavior of Light and Investigating Its Propagation
  •  Effect of Distance on Sound Volume
  • Creating a Simple Pendulum and Observing Its Behavior
  • Studying the Effect of Temperature on Liquid Behavior
  • Investigating the Effect of Shape on Object Buoyancy
  • Impact of Different Surfaces on Ball Bounce
  • Shadow Actions and Studying Their Formation Mechanisms 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with DNA

  • Building a DNA model using candy or other materials.
  • Extracting DNA from strawberries or other fruits using household items.
  • Creating a family tree using photos and exploring similarities and differences in DNA
  • Investigating inherited traits among family members, such as eye or hair color.
  • Comparing the DNA of different types of fruits or vegetables to see if they are similar or different.
  • Observing the effects of radiation or other environmental factors on DNA
  • How DNA determines the sex of an organism
  • Can Gene therapy be used to treat genetic disorders?
  • Exploring how identical twins have the same DNA but may have different traits.
  • Mutations in DNA can lead to genetic disorders.
  • DNA of different animals and exploring similarities and differences
  • Genetic traits can be passed down through generations
  • Creating a DNA fingerprint by analyzing patterns in fingerprints or hair
  • How DNA testing is used to solve crimes.
  • Role of DNA in the process of evolution.
  • Can Genetic engineering be used to modify DNA?
  • Comparing the DNA of identical and fraternal twins
  • DNA testing is used to determine paternity or maternity
  • Differences in DNA between plant and animal cells
  • DNA technology used in medicine and healthcare 

Density Science Fair Projects for 1st Grade

  • Density of Liquids
  • Simple Boat for Density and Buoyancy
  • The density of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Density of Rocks
  • Layered Density Tower
  • Temperature and Density of Liquids
  • Density of Objects
  • Pressure and Density of Objects
  • Archimedes Screw for Density
  • Density of Metals
  • Cartesian Diver for Density and Pressure
  • Salinity and Water Density
  • Lava Lamp for Density and Buoyancy
  • Density of Woods
  • Density Filter for Liquids
  • Sugar and Solution Density
  • Density of Gases
  • Waterwheel for Density and Buoyancy
  • Adding Substances and Water Density
  • Hydrometer for Density Measurement

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Dry Ice

  • Effects of Dry Ice on Water
  • Testing a Simple Dry Ice Bubble Machine
  •  Effects of Dry Ice on Different Materials
  • Make a Simple Dry Ice Fog Machine
  • Investigating the Effects of Dry Ice on Balloons
  • Creating a Dry Ice Explosion and Observing the Effects
  • Building a Simple Dry Ice Rocket
  • The Effects of Dry Ice on Food Preservation
  • Create a Simple Dry Ice Cannon
  • Creating Dry Ice Crystal Formations and Observing the Growth
  • Make a Simple Dry Ice Bubble Snake
  • Observing the Effects of Dry Ice on Sound Waves
  • Simple Dry Ice Balloon Car
  • Investigating the Effects of Dry Ice on Color Change
  • Dry Ice Volcano and Observing the Eruption
  • Effects of Dry Ice on Density
  • Observing the Effects of Dry Ice on Light Refraction
  • Simple Dry Ice Boat 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Candy

  • Dissolving Candy in Different Liquids
  • Building a Candy Structure with Toothpicks and Marshmallows
  • Effect of Temperature on Candy
  • Making a Rainbow with Candy and Water
  • Making a Candy Maze
  • Comparing the Size of Different Candies When Dissolved in Water
  • Making Rock Candy at Home
  • Investigating the Effect of Vinegar on Candy
  • Candy Tower with Gumdrops and Toothpicks
  • Effect of Salt on Candy Dissolving
  • Building a Candy Bridge
  • Effect of Citric Acid on Candy Dissolving
  • Candy House with Graham Crackers and Frosting
  • Impact of Different Sugars on Candy
  • Make a Candy Ferris Wheel
  • Making Edible Slime with Candy
  • Microwave a candy to see what happens
  • Build a candy rollercoaster
  • Effect of Different pH Levels on Candy Dissolving

Egg Science Project Ideas for 1st Graders

  • Bouncing Ability of Hard-Boiled vs. Raw Eggs
  • Different Methods of Eggshell Dyeing
  • Effect of Vinegar on Dissolving Eggshells
  • Egg Drop Contraption to Protect Raw Eggs
  • The temperature on Eggshell Strength
  • Egg Spinner to Observe Centripetal Force
  • Effect of Different Liquids on Eggshell Dissolving
  • Egg-Powered Car to Observe Potential Energy
  • Acidic vs. Basic Conditions on Eggshell Strength
  • The density of Raw vs. Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • Effect of Time on the Bouncing Ability of Raw Eggs
  • Impact of Salt Water on Egg Buoyancy
  • Egg Geodesic Dome to Observe Structural Strength
  • Effect of Pressure on Eggshell Strength
  • Different Cleaning Methods for Dirty Eggs
  • Egg Carton Catapult to Observe Projectile Motion
  • Effect of Light on Eggshell Color
  • Various Egg Separation Techniques
  • Effect of Air Pressure on Eggshell Strength
  • Egg Balloon to Observe Air Pressure 

Earth Science Fair Projects for 1st Grade

  • Simple Volcano Model to Observe Eruptions
  • Effect of Soil Type on Plant Growth
  • Simple Wind Vane to Observe Wind Direction
  • Soil Erosion Prevention Methods
  • Effect of Water on Soil Erosion
  • Simple Rain Gauge to Measure Precipitation
  • Role of Sunlight on Plant Growth
  • Water-Holding Capacity of Different Types of Soil
  • Effect of Soil pH on Plant Growth
  • Simple Water Filtration System to Observe Water Purification
  • Properties of Different Types of Rocks and Minerals
  • Impact of Temperature on Soil Moisture
  • Simple Model of the Water Cycle to Observe Evaporation and Condensation
  • Different Types of Fertilizers on Plant Growth
  • Effect of Different Types of Rocks on Soil Quality
  • Simple Solar Still to Observe Water Distillation
  • Properties of Different Types of Soil
  • Effect of Different Types of Ground Cover on Soil Erosion
  • Simple Seismometer to Observe Earthquakes
  • Effectiveness of Different Types of Mulch on Plant Growth 

Nature Related Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Building a Birdhouse and Observing Nesting Birds
  • Volcano Model and Eruption Observation
  • Simple Wind Vane for Wind Direction Observation
  • Solar System Model for Learning Planet Order
  • Ecosystem Model for Understanding Animal-Plant Relationships
  • Butterfly Model and Life Cycle Observation
  • Habitat Model for Understanding Animal Importance
  • Simple Terrarium for Plant Growth Observation
  • Beehive Model for Understanding Honey Production
  • Effects of Soil Types on Plant Growth Observation
  • Ant Behavior and Habitat Observation
  • Material Decomposition in the Environment Observation
  • Effects of Light Types on Plant Growth Observation
  • Bird Behavior at Different Times of Day Observation
  • Mold Growth on Different Types of Bread Observation
  • Effects of Temperature on Ice Melting and Freezing Observation
  • Weather Pattern Changes over Time Observation
  • Effects of Water on Seed Germination Observation
  • Growth of Crystals in Different Conditions Observation 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Electromagnetic Spectrum

  • Effects of Light on Plant Growth
  • Simple Motor Model making
  • Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Materials
  • Make a fun Radio Model
  • Effects of Light on Object Colors
  • Simple Circuit Model
  • Electromagnet Model Making
  • Effects of Electromagnetic Waves on Metals
  • Effects of Radio Waves on Electronic Devices
  • Simple Telegraph Model
  • Design a Microwave Model
  • Manipulating Light with Different Lenses
  • Attraction and Repulsion of Magnets
  • Effects of Static Electricity on Materials
  • Electrical Conductivity of Different Materials
  • Receiving Different Types of Radio Waves with Different Antennas
  • Build a Radar Model
  • Make a Laser Model 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Variables

  • Simple machines, such as a lever or pulley, and testing how different weights affect their function.
  • Boat and testing how different materials affect its buoyancy.
  • Bridge making and testing how different materials affect their strength.
  • Car and testing how different wheels affect its speed.
  • Plane and testing how different wing shapes affect its flight.
  • Water filtration system and testing how different filters affect its ability to purify water.
  • Greenhouse and testing how different amounts of sunlight affect plant growth.
  • Roller coaster and testing how different track designs affect the speed and thrill of the ride.
  • Windmill and testing how different wind speeds affect its ability to generate electricity.
  • Volcano and testing how different amounts of baking soda and vinegar affect the eruption.
  • Different seeds germinate under different conditions, such as temperature, light, and moisture.
  • Effects of different types of soil on plant growth.
  • Different kinds of liquids affect ice melting, such as water, salt water, and sugar water.
  • Does music affect the heart rate of people or animals?
  • Types of food affect the behavior of ants or other insects.
  • Various types of weather affect the behavior of animals, such as birds or squirrels.
  • Does Soap affect the number of bubbles produced when blown through a bubble wand?
  • Effects of different types of paper on airplane flight distance.
  • Types of objects, such as rocks or balls, roll down ramps at different speeds.
  • How different types of materials, such as cotton or wool, absorb water differently. 

Robot Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade

  • Simple robot using cardboard, paper cups, and markers to demonstrate basic movement
  • Robots are used in medicine, such as for surgery or diagnosis.
  • Building a robotic arm using straws and string to show how robots can perform specific tasks.
  • Creating a model of a robotic animal using cardboard and markers to demonstrate different types of movement.
  • Make a simple maze for a robot to navigate using cardboard and markers.
  • How robots are used in agriculture, such as for planting or harvesting crops
  • Model of a robotic hand using cardboard, string, and straws to demonstrate how robots can interact with objects.
  • Robotic insects using cardboard and markers to show how robots can mimic nature.
  • Observing the different types of robots used in everyday life, such as cleaning robots or delivery robots
  • A robotic vehicle using cardboard and markers to demonstrate different kinds of movement.
  • How are Robots used in space exploration, such as for collecting data or conducting experiments?
  • Robotic toys using recycled materials and a motor to demonstrate how robots can be fun
  • Observing how robots are used in entertainment, such as for interactive exhibits or theme park rides.
  • Robotic plant watering system using straws and string to show how robots can perform specific tasks.
  • Robotic vacuum using cardboard and markers to show how robots can clean.
  • How robots are used in manufacturing and assembly lines
  • Observing how robots are used in transportation, such as for self-driving cars or drones.
  • Studying how robots can be programmed to perform specific tasks, such as sorting objects or stacking blocks.
  • Learning how robots can be controlled remotely, such as with a joystick or app.
  • Investigating how robots can be designed to mimic the movement and behavior of animals or insects. 

Projects to Do at Home for 1st Grade

  • Build a simple paper airplane and test which design flies the farthest.
  • Make a mini greenhouse with clear plastic cups and compare the growth of plants with and without sunlight
  • Observe how different liquids (water, oil, honey) behave when poured into a container
  • Create a model volcano and learn about chemical reactions by making it erupt with baking soda and vinegar.
  • Machine with LEGO bricks and explore how it can make work easier.
  • Construct a bridge out of popsicle sticks and test its strength by seeing how many coins it can hold
  • How objects float or sink in water and discover why some objects float and others sink.
  • Study the changes in the moon’s appearance over a month by drawing the phases of the moon each night
  • Paper plate sundial and observe how the position of the sun changes throughout the day
  • Growing plants in different soil types and determining which soil type is best for growing plants.
  • How does ice melt at different temperatures, and discover what factors affect the melting rate?
  • Watch how magnets attract and repel each other and learn about the properties of magnetism.
  • Light traveling through different materials (glass, plastic, paper)
  • Simple electric circuit with batteries, wires, and a light bulb to learn about electricity.
  • Miniature water cycle with a jar, a plate, and water to learn about evaporation and condensation
  • The behavior of ants by observing them on an ant farm or a sidewalk
  • Model the solar system using balloons or Styrofoam balls and learn about the different planets
  • Effects of gravity by dropping different objects and comparing their fall times
  • Robot with cardboard and markers and explore how it can move and respond to its environment
  • Study how Shadows change throughout the day as the position of the sun changes 

Top 10 1st Grade Science Fair Projects

  • Birdhouse Battle: Comparing Designs for Attracting Birds
  • Comparing Ants and Spiders for Prey-catching Efficiency
  •  Observing and Comparing Growth Rates of Different Types
  • Paper Power: Testing Bridges for Strength
  • Testing and Comparing Effectiveness of Sunscreens
  • Airborne Adventure: Creating and Testing Paper Planes
  • Wind Wizardry: Building and Comparing Wind Turbine Models
  • Bird Behaviors in Different Feeders
  • Parachute Prowess: Testing Descent Rates of Different Designs
  • Pet Pals: Observing and Comparing Loyalty Behaviors of Different Types
  • Comparing Melting Rates of Different Ice Creams
  • Cloud Count: Observing and Comparing Movement Patterns of Different Types
  • Effectiveness of Different Soaps for Stain Removal
  • Boat Bonanza: Building and Comparing Models for Speed
  • Car Craze: Comparing Aerodynamic Designs for Efficiency
  • Rollercoaster Rush: Building and Testing Models for Thrills
  • Rocket Race: Competing for Highest Launch
  • Solar Cook-Off: Creating and Testing Solar Cooker Models
  • Comparing Reaction Times of Different Balls
  • Plant Growth in Response to Different Music Types 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Water

  • Sippy Cup Science: Comparing Water Flow Rates in Different Cups
  • Sink or Swim: Different Materials for Water Resistance
  • Color Splash: Testing Different Methods of Mixing Colors in Water
  • The Water Cycle: Building a Model and Exploring Its Stages
  • Ice Experiment: Melting Rates of Ice in Different Temperatures
  • Salt Solution: Investigating the Effect of Salt on Water’s Boiling Point
  • Filtration Fun: Building and Testing a DIY Water Filter
  • Water Currents: Building and Testing a Model of a Water Current
  • Underwater World: Creating a Diorama of Underwater Life
  • Osmosis Olympics: Comparing Water Movement Across Different Membranes
  • Bubble Bonanza: The Size and Durability of Soap Bubbles in Water
  • Density Discovery: The Ability of Different Objects to Float or Sink in Water
  • Color Changes: Color Changes in Water with Different Additives
  • Water Shapes: Shapes of Water Drops on Different Surfaces
  • Sound Waves: Observing Sound Waves in Water with Different Objects
  • Animal Aquatics: Comparing Swimming Techniques of Different Animals in Water
  • Cloudy Conclusions: Formation of Clouds with Water Vapor and Other Materials
  • Absorbent Abilities: Observing and Comparing the Absorbent Abilities of Different Materials in Water
  • Buoyancy Battle: Buoyancy of Different Objects in Water
  • Water Wonders: Investigating the Effects of Water on Different Materials (e.g., rust, mold, etc.) 

Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade with Horse

  • Horseshoe Physics: Investigating the Effects of Different Shoe Designs on a Horse’s Gait
  • Feed Science: Comparing the Nutritional Value of Different Horse Feed Types
  • Different Horse Breeds and Their Characteristics
  • Horse Anatomy: Model making and Different Parts of a Horse’s Body
  • Digestion Discovery: Building a Model of a Horse’s Digestive System
  • Identifying the Different Gaits of a Horse in Motion
  • Saddle Science: Comparing the Comfort of Different Saddle Types for a Horse
  • Horse Hair: Investigating the Characteristics and Differences of Different Horse Hair Types
  • Comparing the Health of Different Horse Hoof Types
  • Observing Different Horse Coat Colors and Patterns
  • Identifying the Dietary Habits of Horses in Different Environments
  • Equine Vision: How Horses See and Perceive Their Surroundings
  • Behavior Studies: Recording Different Behaviors of Horses in Different Environments
  • Tack Test: Comparing the Durability of Different Tack Materials for Horses
  • Comparing the Different Care Practices for Horses in Different Environments
  • Stable Science: Effects of Different Stable Environments on a Horse’s Health
  • Different Emotions Displayed by Horses in Different Situations
  • Forms of Communication Among Horses
  • Health Conditions and Ailments in Horses

Measurable Projects for 1st Grade

  • Simple Scale to Measure the Weight of Different Objects
  • Measuring Height: Building a Simple Device to Measure the Height of Different Objects
  • Light Meter to Measure Different Light Levels
  • Balancing Act: Investigating the Effects of Weight on Balance
  • Measuring Force: Investigating the Effects of Different Forces on Movement
  • Simple Device to Measure the Distance Between Two Points
  • Thermometer to Measure Temperature Changes
  • Clock to Measure Time Elapsed
  • Sound Meter to Measure Different Sound Levels
  • Investigating the Effects of Different Factors on Speed
  • Measuring the Length of Shadows at Different Times of Day
  • Different Weather Patterns and Changes
  • Growth of Different Plants or Animals
  • Comparing the Volume of Different Objects or Liquids
  • Understanding the Capacity of Different Containers
  • Density measurement of Different Objects or Substances
  • Measuring the pH Levels of Different Substances
  • The Surface Tension of Different Liquids
  • Effects of Wind on Different Objects or Materials

Science Fair Projects for 1st Grade

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Community helpers unit shared research & writing project.

research project for 1st grade

Our first grade classes just finished up our community helpers unit and we had a blast!

We decided to take this social studies unit and make it our shared research project to start off first grade. The kiddos did great!

In this three week unit, we…

  • read informational books about community helpers
  • used our research skills to find important details
  • brainstormed helpers using our ABCs
  • created an ABC book using our pictures and words

Shared research project for community helpers

During reading time in their centers throughout the weeks, the first grade teachers rotated books in our classrooms, so we got a new set of ten books each day to assist with our Community Helpers unit. Students read to a buddy or by themselves and marked important pages with a Post-it note. The Post-it notes notated where they either read about how they help our community or saw a picture of a character helping our community.

Shared research project for community helpers

After about a week of reading and fun activities of community helpers, we made an ABC list of community helpers. The students came up with 24/26 of these.  (Q and Y were really hard for us to think of on our own, thanks, Google!)

Then we began our shared writing!  This took several days. I buddied the students up for one page, so we did about 7-8 pages a day. Each member of the team had a job (writer, thinker, illustrator, etc.)

Here are a few examples we did for the Community Helpers unit…

(And yes, I did the A, B, and C page for modeling.)

Writing project

Then, I created the title page.

Shared research project for community helpers unit

Here, I hole-punched the book together… and put them on binder rings for easy flipping.

Shared research project for community helpers unit

It is now a daily part of our reading library. Students can read through it during the reading center. It is located in the informational book bin. The students feel so proud that a book they wrote is in my library!

Finished book

Click Below for Templates of this Book

Book template

Additional Teaching Resources

Also, this Labor Day/Community Helpers unit pack really helped in the introduction part of our project.

Labor Day & Community Helpers Unit

(Link:  Labor Day & Community Helpers )

(Link:  Community Helpers Flip Book )

For more writing inspiration, check out this post on  Teaching Opinion Writing Tips and Activities.

  • Read more about: Fall Season , Seasonal Holiday Blog Posts , Social Studies Blog Posts , Writing Blog Posts

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Research Project Templates

Research projects are easy and fun with these templates. Students can learn about dinosaurs, states, provinces, and more. Each template guides students through the research process by asking simple questions and requiring basic drawings. Each file also has a bibliography form that students can fill out at the end of each project, as well as a rubric to help teachers with grading.

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State Report Research Project Made Easy!

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Are you getting ready to do research on one of the fifty U.S. states? This 19 page unit comes with all the templates students need to complete a research project on one of the fifty states. Students can record information they gather, glue images, photos and draw maps on these templates to create an informational state report.

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Research organization templates are included to help students create a research plan and keep track of their resources.

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Over 1,000 copies sold! Grab your copy today!

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State Report Research Project

' src=

Nancy Alvarez

Nancy Alvarez is a principal in Texas. She is a speaker, national presenter, and early childhood curriculum creator.

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  1. Introducing Research Skills to Elementary Students

    Getting First Graders Started With Research. Teaching academically honest research skills helps first graders learn how to collect, organize, and interpret information. Earlier in my career, I was told two facts that I thought to be false: First graders can't do research, because they aren't old enough; and if facts are needed for a ...

  2. Animal Habitats

    Animal Habitats - A First Grade Research Project. Learning about animal habitats in first grade is always a fun and exciting activity. Students love learning about different animals and this lesson makes it even more engaging when they get to build their own habitat! For this lesson, I told my students they would be choosing an animal to ...

  3. Researching with 1st Grade-Teaching Good Research Steps

    This year, I wanted to be more involved in helping them learn how to do the actual research part, so I decided to do a mini-research project with my first graders as part of their library lessons. Step #1. I started off by asking them what they wanted to learn more about. Most of them answered with some sort of animal, so we decided that our ...

  4. Research Skills for Kindergarten and First Grade

    One strategy for teaching research skills to kindergarten and first grade students is to do a project together. As the teacher, you can choose the topic - perhaps George Washington or Abraham Lincol n in February, or your school's mascot animal any time of year. You might even want to try a holiday research activity in December.

  5. First Grade Science Projects

    First Grade Science Projects. (137 results) Science Buddies' first grade science projects are the perfect way for first grade students to have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our first grade projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the first grade.

  6. Organizing Research in 1st & 2nd Grade

    The Common Core Standards ask our 1st and 2nd grade students to "Participate in shared research and writing projects", as well as, "…gather information from provided sources to answer a question.". Our students are very capable of participating in real-world research with the appropriate scaffolds, supports, and explicit instruction.

  7. 45 Fabulous 1st Grade Science Experiments and Projects To Try

    The Earth's daily rotation gives us days and nights. This simple demo helps kids understand that. They draw a day scene and a night scene on a paper plate, then cover it with half of another plate that can be moved. This is an art project and 1st grade science experiment all rolled into one.

  8. 35 Science Projects For 1st Graders

    Basic Earth Science: First graders might learn about the Earth's landforms (mountains, valleys, etc.) and bodies of water (rivers, lakes, oceans). They also explore concepts like day and night and the rotation of the Earth. Matter and Materials: Students are introduced to different types of materials (solid, liquid, gas) and their basic ...

  9. 59 Science Projects for 1st Graders

    59 Science Projects for 1st Graders. Discover first grade science experiments that can spark curiosity! Our carefully selected science projects are designed to teach kids with fun hands-on learning and inspire them to love science! 1. Make a Parachute. Learn how to make a parachute and experiment with gravity! Easy. 2.

  10. Research Project First Grade Teaching Resources

    1st Grade packet includes: -Research Project Paper for students to complete (can be used for students to work in cooperative groups) -Grading Rubric for Project (Students can create poster or other visual that this can be used for) Great to use to differentiate instruction for high achievers and gifted students.

  11. Results for research project 1st grade

    I created this resource as a supplement to help educators save time planning and prepping for the Research and Inquiry Projects from the Benchmark Advance Curriculum. This FREEBIE aligns with the c2021 version and includes an outline of the Plants and Animals Unit 1 project with an objective, some example research topics, and a timeline for when each component of the project should be complete.

  12. Research Projects That Are Actually Student-Friendly

    Here are some of the research topics and what some teachers have said about them…. Countries. "My students loved using this resource when we did our country reports. It was visually appealing for them and easy to understand.". "Such a fun project. Love how simple and organized the sheets for each country are.

  13. Animal Research Project for Kindergarten and First Grade

    These animal research projects will help your students develop their research, writing, and technology skills beginning in Kindergarten, progressing through 5th grade. These fun animal research reports will help your students progress in their mastery of research skills in elementary school! Each. 3. Products. $15.00 $18.75 Save $3.75.

  14. 33 Engaging & Inspiring 1st Grade Science Projects

    33 Engaging & Inspiring 1st Grade Science Projects. Teach Simple June 10, 2022. There are a lot of 1st grade science projects that can help children draw conclusions and make connections to the world around them. In first grade science, children learn about topics within life, physical, and earth sciences.

  15. Penguins and Polar Bears: 1st Grade Research

    Penguins and Polar Bears: 1st Grade Research. Happy day, friends! I just wanted to quickly stop by and share an amazing way we've started doing research this week, as well as some ideas for learning about penguins, polar bears, arctic, tundra, and all things cold. Please note, I do understand that penguins and polar bears reside on different ...

  16. Fun & Easy Science Fair Projects For 1st Grade

    Cycle of Life Science Fair Ideas for 1st Grade. Butterfly's life cycle using clay, paper, or other materials. Use Legos to build a model of a plant's life cycle. Make a 3D model of a bird's nest and how eggs are laid and hatched. Create a diorama of a frog's life cycle, including tadpole and adult frog stages.

  17. Community Helpers Unit Shared Research & Writing Project

    Our first grade classes just finished up our community helpers unit and we had a blast! We decided to take this social studies unit and make it our shared research project to start off first grade. The kiddos did great! In this three week unit, we… read informational books about community helpers; used our research skills to find important ...

  18. Research Projects

    Research projects are easy and fun with these templates. Students can learn about dinosaurs, states, provinces, and more. Each template guides students through the research process by asking simple questions and requiring basic drawings. Each file also has a bibliography form that students can fill out at the end of each project, as well as a ...

  19. Inventors Research Project for First Grade

    Objective: This research project is designed to introduce first-grade students to the concept of inventors, fostering their curiosity and research skills. Students will explore information from nonfiction books and the online resource PebbleGo to learn about inventors and their creations. Materials: Steps: Begin the project by discussing what ...

  20. State Report Research Project Made Easy!

    This 19 page unit comes with all the templates students need to complete a research project on one of the fifty states. Students can record information they gather, glue images, photos and draw maps on these templates to create an informational state report. Research organization templates are included to help students create a research plan ...

  21. Animal Research

    You may visit your local library to check out books. Enclosed in this packet you will find information to help complete the report and a rubric on how the report will be graded. The animal report is due Tuesday, February 11. Any questions feel free to call us at 702-799-7095 or contact us via email. Rubric.

  22. Animal research project 1st grade

    Browse animal research project 1st grade resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. ... Here's a research project that allows all levels of students in the primary grades classroom to be successful with informational reading and writing and allows the teacher to cover ...