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8th Grade Essay: Examples, Topics, & Writing Tips

The picture introduces to the requirements of an 8th grade essay.

If you find yourself on this page, you are probably going to another level of your education – the final year of Middle school!

Isn’t it exciting?

One of the most common assignments in the 8th grade is an essay. Indeed, it gains new features. An eighth-grade essay is not the same as the sixth or seventh-grade one. It has more requirements and needs a deeper level of analysis.

How to write an 8th-grade essay? How many paragraphs should it contain? What is a standard 8th-grade essay format? On this page, you’ll find the answers to these and other questions that might arise. We’ve prepared creative 8th-grade essay topics, examples, and tips to write an A+ informative, narrative, or persuasive essay.

  • 🧩 8th Grade Essay 101
  • 📑 8th-Grade Essay Types
  • 💾 Topics for the 8 th -Graders

🍎 8th Grade Essay Examples

🧩 8th-grade essay format explained.

Once again: the 8th-grade essay format is a bit different from that of the previous years.

Below, we thoroughly explain how long an 8th-grade essay should be and how to write it. We guarantee you’ll have no questions about the format and assessment of this type of work.

What Is the 8 th Grade Essay Format?

In this section, you’ll know which parts comprise any 8th-grade essay.

The first thing to remember: you’ve got onto an entirely new level. So, your writing isn’t as simple and short as it used to be in the previous school years.

Let’s start with the structure. The fundamental parts are the same as in any type of essay:

Introduction should contain something intriguing to catch your audience’s attention. It’s usually a hook: a starting point that makes your readers keep reading your essay.

The next significant part of your introduction is the It’s the leading thought of your paper that reveals to the reader the essay’s subject matter.
Body paragraphs contain supportive arguments and evidence. They have to be solid and persuasive.
ConclusionAfter everything is written, you are to the ideas you’ve delivered.

The picture contains information about the language style required for an 8th grade essay.

8th Grade Essay: How to Write & Typical Mistakes

With the help of this section, you’ll get to know the most straightforward and helpful tips for 8th-grade essay writing.

These are the things that any 8th grader should know!

8 th Grade Essay Do’s

  • Look for reliable sources to find arguments and evidence.
  • Try to arouse eagerness for writing: it surely will ease the whole process for you.
  • Choose the topic that is interesting for you if you have such an option.
  • Use academic language, special terms, consistent phrases, and correct grammar.
  • Use good quotations from reputable sources to solidify your ideas.

8 th Grade Essay Don’ts

  • Don’t write dully: an essay is a story. It should be exciting and consistent.
  • Don’t make all your examples too similar: diversity is of the essence.
  • Don’t let your text look like an unreadable pile of words: use graphic tools to highlight the most critical points.
  • Don’t use unreliable sources and websites for citation.
  • Don’t be afraid of honest self-expression. Your identity and thoughts are what make your 8th-grade essay unique.
  • Don’t forget to revise your text after you’ve finished writing it.

8th Grade Essay Rubric

Meet the assessment strategies for 8th-grade writing. Here you’ll also find some prompts that improve your essay and lead you to a higher score.

So, the assessment pattern of a written piece comprises several main points. These are the things that assessors pay attention to:

🗣️FluencyIf it’s easy to follow the stream of your thoughts, you got it right. Pay attention to the variety of sentence patterns.
📄ContentYour writing has to give off credibility. Remember to spice it up with reliable facts & details.
🖋️GrammarWatch the syntactic structures in sentences of your essay carefully.
🧱StructureAn 8th-grade essay must be consistently and logically organized.

ConventionsYour writing must also include proper punctuation, capitalization, and smooth transitions between the parts.

📑 Eighth Grade Essay Types

We suppose that you come across different types of assignments during middle school. Among them, there indeed were descriptive and narrative essays.

However, now you are to face other exciting formats of writing. In the section below, you’ll get to know a few new types.

8th Grade Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing where you make a claim and prove your point of view with solid arguments. Your aim at this point is to make readers nod in contempt while reading and share your opinion.

The structure may be pretty familiar to you:

The picture contains an exemplary outline for an 8th grade argumentative essay.

In your argumentative essay, you should back up your opinion with some exact data: statistics, figures, research studies, and polls.

To solidify your claim, you can use three types of arguments:

  • Aristotelian . The classical way – you make a statement and try to persuade the audience that it is the one that is fair and right.
  • Rogerian . First, you display an issue, then present the opposing view. After that, reveal your own opinion and start convincing readers why they should take up your point.
  • Toulmin . Present your thesis statement, then provide the audience with the grounds to support it. The final touch is to connect these parts.

PRO TIP: Explain why you disagree with the opposing point of view on your issue.

8th Grade Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is very similar to argumentative writing. There you have to pick up a mainly burning issue and establish a firm opinion towards it. The primary goal is the same as in the argumentative essay: to make your readers believe you.

The picture contains an exemplary outline for an 8th grade persuasive essay.

Remember the three essentials of persuasive writing:

  • Logos appeals to logic, which is apparent. Deliver your thoughts cohesively and reasonably.
  • Ethos is about persuading the readers, appealing to their sense of ethics and morality.
  • Pathos helps you convince through emotions.

8th Grade Essay – Informative

An expository essay brings concepts to complete understanding. In other words, you explain something to give a clue about the subject in question. Successful expository writing makes the audience get the whole picture, leaving no questions or misunderstandings.

To familiarize yourself with expository essay structure, check our recently updated guide on writing an expository essay .

And briefly look at six major types of expository essays:

The picture contains brief descriptions of exposutory essay types.

💾 8th Grade Essay Topics

8th grade argumentative essay topics.

  • What is the main challenge you’ve ever met?
  • What was the happiest moment of your childhood?
  • Tell about the accomplishment you’re most proud of.
  • What are the personal qualities you like most?
  • Write about an inspiring celebrity.
  • What does emotional intelligence mean?
  • Write about the largest challenge of getting older.
  • How is adolescence different from childhood?

Read the list of topics we’ve prepared for an 8th-grade essay. Choose your favorite or use our Free Essay Topics Generator to find the best one.

Persuasive Essay Topics for 8th Grade

  • Would limited screen time be beneficial for health?
  • Will the global use of electric vehicles save us from the ecological crisis?
  • The government should provide citizens with more qualified psychological help.
  • What are the pros and cons of buying a pet for a child?
  • Should people use paper and textile bags instead of plastic ones?
  • Is it necessary to attend PE classes in school?
  • Is it ethical to use smartphones during the lesson?
  • Should parents forbid their children from watching TikTok?
  • Pros and cons of cheating on exams: immoral or beneficial?
  • Should there be only healthy snack vending machines at schools?
  • Is it acceptable for a teacher to raise the voice at a student?
  • Should modern rappers’ songs be put through censorship?
  • Is it ethical for students to discuss their teachers?
  • Should all cosmetic products become cruelty-free?
  • Should we stop the overconsumption of sugar for the sake of our health?
  • Should zoos and circuses be banned forever?

8th Grade Informative Essay Topics

  • Compare and contrast the environmental policies of the USA and Europe.
  • What are the harmful effects of CO 2 emissions on the environment?
  • How is the concept of freedom reflected in 20th-century literature?
  • Reveal the details of the famous friendship of Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
  • Brush off or fight: how to act when you come across bullying at school?
  • What are the most significant challenges school attendees usually face?
  • How to overcome your fears without getting traumatized?
  • How to prepare for the exam period and overcome anxiety?
  • Freedom or despair: the history and concept of trailer parks in the USA.
  • Explain the concept of sustainability and what benefits it has.
  • Provide a classification of American lifestyles based on location.
  • A reasonable person: describe the concept and the features.

Look at our 8th grade essay examples. These are mostly just excerpts, but we included the most significant parts. Approach us in case you need a similar paper or have any questions.

8th Grade Argumentative Essay Example (#1)

The most notorious substance in the ecological discourse: is CO 2 really that bad?

Did you know that it’s better for the earth if you work out or jog with your mouth tightly shut? It’s not common knowledge, but professionals know: we need a considerable amount of CO 2 in our blood. In some terms, it’s even more vital than oxygen. Undoubtedly, there has to be a proper balance, and here is the point: CO 2 can be beneficial.

Though what good does it make to nature and the environment?

It’s all the same as with our body: CO 2 is not evil on earth, but there must be a proper balance. Now, this balance is critical, and we must make serious efforts to change the situation.

  • According to last year’s research, the USA is in the second place among countries producing the most significant part of CO 2 in the whole world. The website statista.com published striking figures. 4.57 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions were produced in 2020 by the energy consumption sphere in the United States.
  • Besides, a recently published report from the IEA agency reveals another piece of statistics. Compared to the previous year, the amount of CO 2 emissions will rise to 5% in 2021. This year we’re facing 33 billion tons of this greenhouse gas.
  • These figures mean nothing without context. Here you are: nature suffers greatly from CO 2 influence. Due to the greenhouse effect caused by an excess of CO 2 , the water temperature in oceans and seas is rising. This process is not positive at all because the natural habitat for sea creatures is altering. The changes are dramatic and lead to the extinction of many species.

In conclusion, we need to find an efficient way to improve the ecological situation regarding CO 2 emissions. The key is global social and individual awareness and consciousness. Each and every inhabitant of the Earth has to understand the meaning of CO 2 for global warming clearly. So, try to jog with your lips closed and choose a bike instead of a car.

Example #2: 8th Grade Persuasive Essay

Is it essential to stay away from social media for the sake of mental health?

Nielsen Company conducted research that says that the average US adult spends more than 10 hours interacting with social media each day. Indeed, social media plays a very considerable role in the life of a modern person. Most of us are more likely to spend time watching short videos than reading a good book. But is it harmful to our mental health to the extent that we have to quit using social media platforms?

To my mind, we are greatly dependent on our Instagram and TikTok accounts, and the content posted there. It certainly has a negative impact, too. However, the complete cancellation of social media is not a way out. The key to good mental condition is in the skill of managing your relations with them.

  • One of the recent surveys by the Lancet reports that Facebook users who scroll the newsfeed before sleep tend to be more depressed. Apparently, the deprivation of sleep affects mental well-being to a great extent.
  • FInancesOnline has recently posted the results of the research. According to this data, Facebook constitutes 72% of people’s FOMO and anxiety. Posts about traveling and active social life create most of these feelings.
  • At the same time, healthy rivalry can motivate development and growth. There’s a reasonable quotation saying that one should compare themselves yesterday instead of comparing to others. The best thing one can do to take care of their mental health is to take a digital detox for a while.

Thus, it is vital to trace your obsessions with social media and negative feelings caused by comparison with others on the Internet. Try to get more aware of it, take your time to rest from social media, and plunge into real life.

5 Paragraph Essay Example for 8th Grade (#3)

The Financier and American Tragedy : compare and contrast two main characters of Dreiser’s novels.

Do you know that Theodore Dreiser is sometimes called an American Fyodor Dostoevsky? Both writers touched upon the most sensitive social and existential issues. However, the subject of this paper is not the comparison of the authors but two famous Dreiser characters: Clyde Griffiths and Frank Cowperwood.

Both of these young American men were striving to reach financial and social success in a world of brutal struggle and hardships.

  • Clyde Griffiths represents the desperate strive for American Dream. Born in a poor and religious family, he grows greedy for money and status. In his blind obsession with gaining a high social position, he doesn’t notice his spiritual degradation. He is smart enough to struggle his way into high society but not so witty to solidify his standing with decent means. He cheats, lies, and finally commits a murder: Clyde seems to be already born guilty at times. On reading the story, there doesn’t appear any sympathy toward him. On the contrary, he provokes feelings of abomination and disgust.
  • Frank Cowperwood also aims to become wealthy and socially firm. He wants to improve his family’s life quality. Still, his ways and means astonish. Frank is a natural-born predator and strategist. His sophistication and sharp wit show up in him since his very childhood. He isn’t a man of high moral standards: Frank doesn’t mind cheating on his wife and manipulating city treasure money. However, he’s a passionate man, honest and open in his heart urges and impulses. That is the reason why fortune favors him.

However, having similar goals but different personalities and mindsets, Griffiths and Cowperwood reach completely different destination points.

How to Write an Essay in 8th Grade?

– You should pick up a good topic and formulate your attitude to the problem. – Write an outline. – Make a clear and brief thesis statement. – Think of at least 3 firm arguments if the essay type demands it. – Impress your readers with a firm conclusion. Voila! Do not forget to proofread!

How Long Is an Essay in 8th Grade?

The length of the 8th-grade essay slightly depends on the format and the particular type of writing. However, it varies from approximately 500 to 800 words. Within this framework, you have to make yourself clear and deliver all necessary points.

How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph for 8th Grade?

The size of a paragraph in the 8th-grade essay has to be not less than 8 sentences in each. Besides that, mind that the sentences are primarily compound or complex, error-free, and coherent. Also, remember to connect the sentences and paragraphs with particular language means.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay in 8th Grade?

Choose an exciting and acute topic. Make up a thesis statement out of the problem. Draft an outline or a brief plan. Explore some reliable sources for the evidence and arguments for your essay. Organize the facts and information into a cohesive structure.

I’m an 8th grade student at a private school, and my teacher assigns us up to 4-6 pages most to write. First of all we get other essays on top of this, and usually have nearly to a week to finish. Me and my classmates struggle with this. Do you guys think this is too much for an average 8th grade student?

i am writin apaper right now and it is averreding and its about the changes we woud make to our cafeteria it has to be 5 paragraphs long

Thanks for stopping by at our blog. We would be happy to help you with your paper. You can be interested in some other posts on this blog (https://overnightessay.com/blog/category/essay-tips/) or contact our friendly Support Team to get professional writign help from experienced writers. Good luck with your paper! Best regards,

English Aspirants

A Memorable Day in My Life [100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words]

A Memorable Day in My Life: W all have at least one memorable day in our life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on ‘a most memorable day in my life’. Here you’ll get to read 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Memorable Day in My Life: 100 Words

During the summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with my parents. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. Everywhere there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. Mussoorie is Rightly called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy.

My parents took me to Lal Tibba, the highest point in Mussoorie. Lal Tibba provides a mesmerizing view of Himalayan mountain peaks. I was mesmerized to see beautiful scenery and high mountains. We also visited Happy Valley, Kempty Falls and Mussoorie lake. Visiting Mussoorie was the most memorable incident in my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Memorable Day of My Life: 120 Words

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel.  It is made of white marble on the bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are seen set on the tomb.

I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a white. It was undoubtedly the most memorable day of my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life 

Most Memorable Day of My Life: 150 Words

A memorable incident is an incident which leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The most memorable incident of my life is when I got an opportunity to exhibit my talent on stage in front of a huge audience. I always dreamt of becoming a singer. As a kid, I used my toothbrush as the mike and treated my dolls as my audience.

I was enrolled in a vocal training course in an eminent singer’s singing class and from there, based on my performance I was selected to display my skills at the Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but got over it soon when I heard the tune. My performance was well received and the audience acclaimed me with their applauds and kept yelling “once more”. The incident made me feel on top of the world.

Most Memorable Day of My Life

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

Memorable Day of My Life Essay: 200-250 Words

A moment which is sweet lasts long in our memory. I distinctly remember the day. My H. S. examination was over and I was having a relaxed time. One day, after spending the afternoon with my friends, I returned home.

My parents were waiting for me. Sister also came running. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand. They all seemed to be very excited and their faces bore reflections of animated joy. My sister shouted that there was a good news for me in the envelope and she would not tell unless she got a heavy bakshis.

After much cajoling, I could get the letter. Lo and behold! It was the admission letter from the I.I.T, Kharagpur. My joy then knew no bounds, I did quite well in the joint entrance examination. But to get selected finally in the highly competitive all-India test was something none could be sure of. In fact, I was a little tense to know the result.

Parents blessed me for my success. Neighbours also came. They all congratulated me again and again. I was lost in golden dreams. At last, I was going to join an institution of international fame! It was the happiest and most memorable day in my life because my future career got a definite direction that day. But that happy day taught me a lesson, too. I made up my mind to work hard in order to be successful in my career.

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Best Friend 2. Paragraph on Discipline in English 3. Paragraph on Early Rising 

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My Aim in Life Paragraph and Essay -_0.1

  • My Aim in Life Paragraph and Essay

My Aim in Life Essay and paragraph for Class 8 Students and children in 150, 300, 500 words. When a person is young, they might dream of being an astronaut, doctor, or actress.

My Aim in Life Paragraph and Essay -_2.1

Table of Contents

Everyone has set goals that they want to achieve in their life. These goals, also known as aims, are important in a person’s life. It drives a person to work harder to achieve their dreams. So students are often encouraged to write an essay of my aim in life for the purpose of developing an aim in students. In writing this essay, students may develop a particular liking for a particular profession or career. In this article, we will discuss about the essay on my aim in life. Writing a good essay involves knowing about the topic thoroughly and understanding the different contexts of the English language.

My Aim in Life Essay 150 words

Every person needs to have a life goal. They are recognised and helped in achieving their dreams and goals by a target. Those without a career plan have no reason to live. A person without direction is like a structure without pillars. They complain, get thrown out, and frequently blame fate.

Every person has unique goals. Some people desire to be lawyers, while others want to be doctors. Some people might be inspired to become teachers, while others might decide to imitate their favourite performer and become actors.

People adapt their goals to fit their environment. When choosing an objective, we should be extremely cautious because some objectives may mislead you. A person may encounter difficulties and challenges, but he or she should continue in trying until success is achieved.

Being a doctor and giving free checkups to people who cannot afford them is my life’s goal. I am aware that my goal is challenging, but in order to succeed, I must put in a lot of effort. The construction of a free medical facility in the village to offer free medical programmes to the residents is my greatest accomplishment as a doctor.

Thus, having a purpose helps in maintaining concentration and achieving goals. You will succeed if you have a good plan, a positive mindset, and carry out your aim.

My Aim in Life Essay

Aim is a goal or purpose in life. When a person is young, they might dream of being an astronaut, dancer, or actress. Having an objective encourages you to work for it. Setting the correct purpose is the first stage in achieving your goals. Next, divide your goal into manageable chunks, and create a timeframe for completing each one. You must, however, overcome difficulties and hindrances at each stage in order to attain your objectives.

An aimless person cannot attain his life goals and stumbles on his way through life. Every person must have a definite aim. It gives meaning or purpose in a person’s life. A purpose in life provides a person with joy and happiness and sets an example for others to live life in the best possible manner.

Different individuals have different aims in life. Some people may aim to become a lawyer and provide just and accurate to the helpless, while the other may strive to become a teacher and help the society. Aim differs from people to people according to their perception or inclination in life.

My Aim in Life Short Essay

Every person creates a distinct story within the vast fabric of life, motivated by their goals, desires, and aspirations. My life’s ambition is to become a committed teacher since I think this line of work has the ability to significantly influence young students’ lives and mold the course of the future.

I have always been moved by the revolutionary role that teachers play in society. Instructors possess the power to kindle pupils’ interest, foster intellectual development, and impart moral principles. Being an inspiration, educator, and support system for the next generation is my life’s work.

Developing young brains and assisting pupils in realizing their own potential is an inspiring thought. Teachers are the builders of this crucial process, education being the cornerstone of both individual and society advancement. My goal is to establish a stimulating and supportive learning environment in the classroom so that kids can achieve academic success and grow into responsible, kind, and knowledgeable adults.

Teaching involves more than just passing along knowledge—it also involves committing oneself to lifelong study and personal development. Since education is a dynamic area, I view my work as an educator as an ongoing process in which I develop and modify my methods of instruction to better meet the needs of my pupils.

I am completely aware that a job in education has its own unique set of difficulties. Managing the needs of varied pupils, adjusting to their varying learning styles, and maintaining order in the classroom can be difficult challenges. These difficulties, nevertheless, don’t stop me; rather, they motivate me to develop as a teacher and get better prepared to help my kids.

My Aim in Life Essay in 500 Words

My life’s goal is to become a Doctor. Since I was a young child, I had desired to become a doctor. The functioning of the human body has always captivated me. I also loved being of service to others, and I knew that being a doctor would enable me to do both. Doctor is one of the noble profession in the world.

I have made the decision to seek a bachelor’s degree in medicine after my class 12 exam. I want to take a post-graduate degree in general medicine after receiving my bachelor’s. I intend to sit for the NEET PG test in order to achieve that goal. The working hours that the medical field may provide, which are typically more flexible than in other professions, is another significant benefit.

Although medical school is difficult, it is also incredibly rewarding. I’m picking up a lot of knowledge about the human body and how to identify and manage illnesses. Additionally, I get to work with patients and support them in achieving better health.

I am aware that I have a long way to go before I can practise medicine professionally. But I’m committed to achieving my objective. Helping people is something I’m passionate about, and I think being a doctor is the finest way to achieve it.

I want to be a doctor for a few specific reasons. I wish to start by assisting individuals in leading better lives. I want to contribute to ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare because I think that everyone should. My second goal is to progress the medical industry. My goal is to create novel treatments and cures for illnesses, which is why I am interested in research. Thirdly, I wish to serve as an example for other youth. No matter where they are from or what obstacles they encounter, I want to demonstrate to them that it is possible to realise their aspirations.

The greatest benefit of being a doctor is that I can find work anywhere in the world. I have a strong sense of honesty and passion for my life’s purpose. Though I know it will take time, I will do everything in my power to accomplish my goal, and I advise everyone to do the same. The secret to success, in my opinion, is to execute an action plan on time and with initiative. Achieving incremental goals and visualizing the change are two of the finest methods to maintain motivation.

To sum up, I want to be a doctor because I consider it to be a privilege and a responsibility. This goal is based on the desire to uplift and treat people from all walks of life, encouraging them to live a healthy and happy life.

Steps to Achieve My aim in Life

To reach your goals, you need to remember some non-avoidable points that aid your success. A person with eagerness to achieve his intentions must be proactive, well-balanced, embrace failure, stay positive, keep track of your goals, and tell everyone with confidence.

The Individual must avoid negativity, seek guidance from others, visualize the result of your goals, and be open to feedback and reset your goal.

Education is a booming sector that gives a person the power to change the world. A teacher is a potter that makes molds the individuals throughout their life. According to Willian Arthur Ward, the unexceptional teacher teaches his/her students, a good teacher explains thoroughly, a superior teacher performs demonstrations, while the most excellent teacher inspires young minds.

My Aim in life is to become a teacher and inspires young minds. I sometimes wonder why do I aspire to become a teacher, and the choice emanated from a series of life experiences. I aim to become part of this honorable profession, and to one, to inspire the students.

My aim in life Essay Paragraph

A person without direction is like a ship that has lost control of the sea. A strong desire to accomplish anything is referred to as the aim. Every person needs to have a clear life goal. It helps one in determining the direction of one’s career.

Everybody has a set of objectives in life they hope to achieve. A person must work hard to achieve their goal, and objectives contribute to a person’s feeling of worth in society. An intention or purpose is inspired by one’s surroundings. The person is put on the right path by selecting the appropriate aim. Setting goals and working hard to accomplish them is essential for leading a successful life.

Here we, at adda247 are providing my aim in life essay.

My aim in Life Essay in 10 Lines for Class 8

  • Every person has an objective or goal in life that they are aiming for. It gives someone direction and inspires them to reach their goals.
  • Every person needs to establish clear goals in order to succeed in life. It helps in their understanding of the career path and inspires them to proceed.
  • A goal in life offers one enough joy and happiness and serves as a model for others on how to live their lives to the fullest.
  • You must establish the correct purpose for your goals, break them down into smaller parts, and create a schedule for achieving them.
  • A person who is driven to succeed must be proactive, accept failure, maintain a healthy balance, and speak confidently about their aspirations. Be optimistic and vigilant.
  • Avoid all negativity, ask for advice from others when necessary, be open to criticism and comments, and readjust your aim.
  • My life’s goal is to become a teacher since I believe it to be the noblest of all vocations. A teacher does the greatest job possible of serving their community and nation.
  • My aim is to educate young people properly, instill great traits in them, and turn them into the country’s pioneers.
  • I want to make the school feel like a home for the students and teach them as the ancient gurus did.
  • Visualizing your success while making a concerted effort to achieve your objective is the best approach to maintain your motivation and attention.

My Aim in life

My Aim in Life Paragraph

My aim in life is to become a successful entrepreneur. To achieve this goal, I have set certain milestones for myself and work hard every day to make them a reality.

To begin with, I have always been interested in entrepreneurship, and I firmly believe that it is the best way to create a positive impact on society while also achieving personal success. My vision is to build a company that offers innovative solutions to real-world problems, while also creating a positive work environment that fosters creativity and collaboration among employees.

In order to achieve this goal, I am currently pursuing a degree in business management, which has provided me with a strong foundation in various aspects of entrepreneurship such as marketing, finance, and human resource management. Additionally, I am also gaining practical experience through internships and part-time jobs in the business sector, which is helping me to develop my skills and gain a deeper understanding of the industry.

However, becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy task, and there are many challenges that I will have to overcome along the way. One of the biggest challenges will be raising capital to fund my business idea. To address this challenge, I am currently working on developing a detailed business plan that outlines my strategy and vision for the company, as well as the potential for profitability and growth.

Another challenge that I will have to overcome is competition. The business world is highly competitive, and there are many companies that offer similar products or services. To overcome this challenge, I am working on developing a unique selling proposition that sets my company apart from the competition. This includes identifying a gap in the market and developing innovative solutions that meet the needs of customers.

I believe that success in entrepreneurship is not just about making a profit, but also about creating a positive impact on society. I want to build a company that not only provides quality products and services to customers, but also contributes to the community in a meaningful way. This could include initiatives such as supporting local charities, reducing the company’s carbon footprint, or providing job opportunities to marginalized communities.

My aim in life is to become a successful entrepreneur by building a company that offers innovative solutions to real-world problems, while also creating a positive work environment and contributing to society in a meaningful way. While there are many challenges that I will have to overcome along the way, I am committed to working hard and pursuing my goals with determination and resilience.

Aim in Life Paragraph in Short

My aim in life is to lead a purposeful existence filled with meaningful contributions to the world around me. I aspire to make a positive impact on others’ lives, whether through my work, interactions, or endeavors. Cultivating personal growth and development is essential to me, as I strive to continuously learn and evolve as an individual. I aim to pursue my passions with dedication and perseverance, striving for excellence in all that I do. Ultimately, I hope to leave a legacy of kindness, empathy, and inspiration, touching the lives of those I encounter and leaving the world a slightly better place than I found it.

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What is the Aim? Give an example?

An aim is a purpose of direction that guides you to achieve your goals in life. An example of Aim is the will to save money enough to buy a car or a house.

Why is Aim highly relevant?

The Aim in life is crucial as it guides us to our goals and helps us achieve them. To become successful, we need Aim; we need to work hard, have the right attitude to reach happiness and goals.

How can a person achieve Aim in life?

A person must be proactive, embrace failure, stay positive, be well-balanced, and keep track of their goals. The Individual must tell others with confidence, avoid negative surroundings, seek guidance from elders, and be open to criticisms and reset your goal if wrong.

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Evaluating Text: My Life

About this worksheet:.

Helen Keller was an extraordinary person who overcame great hardship to become an author, lecturer and activist. In this worksheet, your student will evaluate a premise that Keller makes in her autobiography. Designed for 8th grade Reading Standards for Informational Text in Common Core Standards, other students may also use it as needed.

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500 word Essay on topic: My Aim In Life - For Class 8-12 Students

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Every person needs a purpose, a direction, and something to work toward in life. Here are the essays on "My Aim in Life" With different aims, Read the below article to learn more about this.

500 word Essay on

My Aim in Life: To Become a Doctor

Life is a journey, a never-ending process of development and self-discovery, and it is frequently during this trip that we discover our sense of direction and purpose. My life's goal is obvious: I want to become a doctor. For me, this is a calling and a vocation that I am incredibly enthusiastic about, not just a job decision. My deep sense of obligation to contribute to others' wellbeing, to lessen suffering, and to have a positive impact on people's lives is what motivates me to pursue a career as a doctor.

My desire to become a doctor is largely motivated by the chance it gives me to help people. Healing, comforting, and giving those in pain hope are the main goals of the medical profession. I am deeply affected by the thought of being a member of a profession that may have such a profound impact on people's lives. Doctors are charged with the sacred task of saving life.

I am fully aware of the dedication needed to complete the difficult and rigorous path of becoming a doctor. It starts with a solid academic foundation, with high school success in topics like biology and chemistry. Since it serves as the foundation for the demanding medical curriculum that follows, this intellectual preparation is crucial. The next stage is to pursue a bachelor's degree, sometimes in a discipline connected to the sciences or pre-medical studies, after graduating from high school. The foundation for the subsequent, more specialized medical training is laid by this undergraduate education.

Aspiring doctors must enroll in medical school after earning a bachelor's degree, where they receive in-depth instruction in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and clinical skills. The goal of this stage of education is to not only acquire knowledge but also to foster the critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities required to identify and manage a wide range of medical disorders.

After graduating from medical school, doctors continue their education with a residency program, where they get advanced instruction in the medical specialty of their choice. Residency programs give students the opportunity to obtain practical experience by working with practicing physicians in actual clinical settings to hone their skills.

The achievement of a medical license, which denotes the capacity for autonomous practice, marks the pinnacle of the journey to becoming a doctor. But this is just the start of a lifelong commitment to learning and professional development; it's not the end of the road. Being current with the most recent discoveries and developments in medicine is essential for giving patients the best care possible because it is a subject that is constantly developing.

I'm motivated to become a doctor for reasons other than just personal ones. I have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for those who are suffering, and this drives me. The function of a doctor in society also has many facets. In addition to identifying and treating ailments, doctors often counsel patients on healthy lifestyle choices and preventive actions. They represent their patients' interests and make sure they get the finest treatment available. Doctors are essential to medical innovation and research, which advances healthcare.

In conclusion, becoming a doctor is my ultimate goal in life since it is my calling, my passion, and my duty. I'm committed to the notion of helping people, having a positive influence, and reducing suffering. I am prepared to face the lengthy and difficult path of becoming a doctor with unyielding commitment. I eagerly await the time when I can declare with pride, "I am a doctor," and have a positive impact on society through my chosen field.

500 word Essay on

My Aim in Life: To Become a Teacher

Everyone hopes to find a goal or direction in life that will give their existence significance. That goal is absolutely clear for me: I want to become a teacher. A noble calling with the ability to influence society, inspire people, and impact the future, teaching is more than just a career. This essay examines my love of teaching and the factors motivating my steadfast commitment to this career.

The Noble Profession of Teaching

With good reason, teaching is frequently referred to as a noble vocation. It entails sharing knowledge, educating children, and influencing future generations. An important part of a student's intellectual, moral, and emotional growth is played by their teacher. Beyond textbooks and lecture halls, this job involves encouraging students' curiosity, critical thinking, and establishing in them principles that will assist them throughout their lives.

My Passion for Teaching

My desire to have a positive influence on other people's lives is the driving force behind my passion for teaching. The process of learning and the life-changing impact that a committed teacher may have on a pupil have always captivated me. I'm excited by the prospect of serving as a beacon of light for kids as they uncover their potential and develop into mature adults. In addition, I've had the good fortune to learn from excellent teachers who have motivated me with their wisdom, commitment, and consistent encouragement. Their influence has made me realize the enormous influence teachers have in influencing students' character and values in addition to their academic performance. I want to be the kind of educator that, as my instructors did for me, leaves a positive, long-lasting influence on my students.

Impact on Society

Teaching has a significant impact on society as a whole and goes beyond the interaction between the particular instructor and student. People with education are the foundation of a prosperous and peaceful society. We can address societal problems, fill knowledge gaps, and advance inclusivity and diversity through education. I want to help create a more educated, sympathetic, and equal society by becoming a teacher.

Challenges and Rewards

The joys of becoming a teacher are tremendous, despite the obstacles in the way. Teaching calls for tolerance, resiliency, flexibility, and a sincere passion for learning. It necessitates ongoing self-improvement and remaining up to date with current educational trends. Every challenge is rewarded, though, when you see a pupil understand a challenging topic, see them progress, and realize you played a role in their development.

In conclusion, I want to be a teacher because I think that education has the ability to change people's lives. A calling to inspire, mentor, and empower the next generation, teaching is more than simply a job. My commitment to follow this noble road is motivated by my love of teaching and my desire to have a positive impact on society. I am aware of the difficulties that come with it, but I am willing to accept them for the benefits that teaching provides-personal fulfillment and the chance to improve the future. Since it ultimately isn't just about me, as I begin this path, I'm committed to developing into a devoted, compassionate, and successful educator.

500 word Essay on

My Aim in Life: To Become an Engineer

We all have hopes and aspirations from a young age. These aspirations influence our decisions and form our life. The desire to become an engineer is one of the most prevalent among young people. Every aspect of our life is impacted by the dynamic and important profession of engineering. My life's ambition is to become an engineer because I think it provides a special opportunity to advance society and accomplish both my personal and professional objectives.

Why I Want to Become an Engineer:

1. Passion for Problem Solving : The core of engineering is resolving practical issues. It calls for innovation, critical thinking, and originality. I've always enjoyed taking on problems and coming up with answers. The perfect way to use this passion for solving problems on a large scale is through engineering.

2. Technology and Innovation: Thanks to technological breakthroughs, the world is constantly changing. As an engineer, I want to be at the vanguard of this development, helping to create ground-breaking technologies that can improve our lives and the planet as a whole.

3. Diverse Career Possibilities: Engineering is a large discipline with many subfields, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and others. Because there are so many different engineering job options, I can select a speciality that fits with my interests and strong points.

4. Impact on Society: Engineers are essential to the planning and construction of the infrastructure that supports our society. Engineers have a direct and beneficial impact on people's lives, whether they are engineering energy-efficient systems, life-saving medical technologies, or environmentally friendly buildings.

5. Global Challenges: The world faces urgent problems such resource scarcity, climate change, and healthcare requirements. By creating environmentally friendly technologies, clean energy options, and cutting-edge medical procedures, engineers play a crucial role in overcoming these difficulties.

6. Personal Growth: Pursuing an engineering job will provide me the chance to improve personally and professionally. It's a profession that values adaptation and staying current with new ideas.

Steps Towards Achieving My Aim:

1. Educational Preparation: I am aware that success in engineering requires a solid background in math and science. I'm determined to do well in these disciplines throughout my academic career.

2. Choosing the Right Specialization: I will investigate the many engineering specialties to see which one best aligns with my interests and professional objectives.

3. Higher Education: To obtain the essential information and abilities, I intend to seek a bachelor's degree in engineering from a recognized university.

4. Practical Experience: I want to get internships and take part in engineering projects that give me hands-on experience to supplement my academic learning.

5. Professional Development: After earning my bachelor's degree, I'll endeavor to get a license as a professional engineer and, if necessary, continue higher education to expand my field of specialization.

6. Networking: I recognize the need of establishing a business network within the engineering community to keep abreast of market developments and opportunities.


In conclusion, my career goal is to become an engineer since it combines my love of solving problems, my desire to give back to society, and my fascination with technological advancement. I'm committed to taking the academic and professional path that will help me reach my objective. Engineering is more than just a professional decision; it's a way for me to realize my personal goals and have a positive impact on the world.

500 word Essay on

My Aim in Life: To Become a Lawyer

Living without a goal is like sailing without a compass. Every person needs a purpose, a direction, and something to work toward in life. Since becoming a lawyer is my life's goal, I firmly think that my values, abilities, and aspirations are perfectly suited to this line of work.

Why I Want to Become a Lawyer:

1. A commitment to justice:

I have always had a deep desire for justice and fairness. I think everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law and opportunities. I will be able to fight for individuals who can't always speak for themselves as a lawyer and advance a more just society.

2. Problem-Solving Techniques:

Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities are essential for the legal profession. I appreciate analyzing complicated problems, doing extensive research, and coming up with original solutions. I will have the chance to use these abilities on a regular basis as a lawyer.

3. Advocacy and communication

Being an effective advocate and communicator are essential components of being a successful lawyer. I am confident in my capacity to effectively present arguments both vocally and in writing. I'm excited to put my abilities to use representing clients and standing up for their rights.

4. Influence on Society:

Lawmakers, policymakers, and the legal system itself can all be influenced by lawyers. I want to practice law so that I can influence better legal reforms and make a constructive contribution to society.

5. Intellectual Challenge:

Law is a dynamic subject that is always changing. It provides a lifetime of education and intellectual development. The challenge of keeping up with legal advancements and always improving my knowledge excites me.

Educational Path:

I have established specific educational goals to help me reach my ambition of becoming a lawyer. I want to finish my undergraduate studies with a pre-law or comparable field emphasis. After that, I plan to enroll in a reputed law school to earn my Juris Doctor (JD). A crucial component of my study will be gaining real-world experience through internships and clerkships.

Challenges and Preparation:

The road to becoming a lawyer is not simple. It necessitates commitment, tenacity, and a solid work ethic. I am aware that the road ahead will be difficult, with demanding academic requirements and the pressure of the bar test. I'm determined to be organized, follow a strict study plan, and get advice from knowledgeable attorneys in order to be ready.

For me, choosing to become a lawyer is more than just a career decision-it's a calling. I am motivated by my love of the intellectual challenges that the legal profession offers, my enthusiasm for justice, and my desire to have a constructive impact on society. I'm committed to put in a lot of effort, keep learning, and use my abilities to defend the values of justice and fairness in the world as I set out on this trip. My life's goal is to become a lawyer who makes a difference.

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"An Episode of My Life- Life of a Grade 8 Student." StudyMoose, Oct 24, 2016. Accessed August 9, 2024. https://studymoose.com/an-episode-of-my-life-life-of-a-grade-8-student-essay

"An Episode of My Life- Life of a Grade 8 Student," StudyMoose , 24-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/an-episode-of-my-life-life-of-a-grade-8-student-essay. [Accessed: 9-Aug-2024]

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An Episode of My Life- Life of a Grade 8 Student essay

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  • Essay on My School Life in English for Students and Children


Best Things About the School Life for Students

School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the challenges of life. I love my school life and really enjoy it. I have lots of friends, and all my teachers love me. I love my school and enjoy going there every day to meet my friends and learn new things. 

Everyone keeps on saying that school life is the best time of your life. When listening to these phrases from their elders, the school students think about what is good about this life. All we do in the entire day is to attend the classes and to do the homework. But once school life gets over, the students realise that school life was the best time of their life.

Apart from learning great things in school, you make new friends, play different sports and create memories for the rest of your life. The students also learn many life skills like teamwork, good manners, etc., and understand what they want to become in their life.

About My School and School Life

I study in the reputed private school in my city, and I am glad to be a student of this school. My school is one of the most renowned schools in my town. It is very beautiful and huge. My school has all the facilities for sports, study and other activities. Built-in a three-storey building, it is a Co-Ed and Senior Secondary School having Science, Arts and Commerce stream. The atmosphere at my school is delightful. We have a huge playing ground where we all students play different games like Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, etc. We have a separate Basketball and Tennis court, as well as a small and beautiful garden for kids.

The students practice these sports every day. The school also has a big swimming pool and sports area for indoor games. In this area, the students can play Table Tennis and Chess. There is also a big skating rink. Different physical training teachers train us for all these sports. These sports not only keep us fit but also increase our stamina and coordination.

School life is not just limited to studies and sports. There are also other activity rooms such as the music room, art room, and dance room. The Art room is a big hall with lots of colourful charts and various types of paints. The students can portray their imagination and can create beautiful art here. Dance and music are also very important in school life as they help the students express themselves in a new manner. The different movements in dance help the students in unwinding themselves.

My school has a big library where we all read different kinds of books, novels and comics. Apart from the library, my school has well-equipped scientific labs where we all practise various experiments of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I have learned a lot of things in these labs. My school also has a big computer lab with trained technical staff that help us to learn everything about computers. I love playing on the computer and learning new things in the computer lab. In the computer lab, the students learn about using MS Word and PowerPoint. The computer lab is also called the ICT lab. The ICT teacher teaches the students about the internet and how to use it safely.

All the staff at my school are very polite, educated and experienced. Our teachers not only teach us but also prepare us for various competitions, and every year, my school wins many prizes in various competitions. I have even represented my school in a hockey championship and scored the second position.

The classrooms are big and decorated beautifully with different artwork done by the students. Various projects and models are kept in the classroom for the students to keep on revising their concepts. The teachers use smartboards, and every day a new word is taught to enhance the students’ vocabulary. Every day one student presents the ‘Thought for the Day’. These positive thoughts keep us motivated.

All the teachers at my school are very dedicated and punctual. They always teach us discipline and ask us to come to school on time. Our teachers love us, and they teach us in a very simple and easy way. Whenever we fail to understand anything, they try to make us understand it again without shouting at us. They give equal attention to all the students, and that is why my school has an excellent academic record. 

The teachers are well qualified. They use different techniques to teach us the concepts. The atmosphere in the school is fun-filled and fruitful at the same time. The school’s entire staff, from the security guard to the teachers, is very helpful and polite.

We learn many life skills also in school. Discipline, hard work, and punctuality are some of them. During sports classes, we learn teamwork and work together to win.

The best part of my school is its auditorium where all the school events and competitions take place. Our school auditorium is one of the best auditoriums in the town with a great sound and light facility. It is fully air-conditioned with lots of seats. Every year, my school organises an annual cultural festival which lasts for two days. Many cultural events take place within these two days like singing, dancing, debate competition, etc. I love to participate in a poem writing competition every year, and many times I have won prizes as well. Every year, the toppers of our school get awarded on this annual cultural day and we all students love to participate in various events of the annual cultural day.

We also have school assemblies in our Auditorium. Sometimes the students from other schools come and participate in the different competitions organised in our schools. These events are called inter-school competitions. These events are very good as we get to learn new things from other students and make many new friends.

Apart from the annual cultural day, my school is famous for organising one of the biggest annual sports meets. I love this annual sports meet because sports are my favourite. In this annual sports meet, various sports competitions are organised, and almost 50 schools participate in these competitions and win multiple titles. Me, my friends, and our seniors also participate in these competitions and make our school proud by winning in them. My school has great teachers, excellent faculty and all the facilities that one student needs to excel in his/her life.

The biggest reason behind the success and fame of my school is our Principal Sir. He is 50 years old, yet very active and disciplined. He has an attractive personality, and his knowledge is commendable. He loves all the students and always spare some time from his busy schedule to monitor the progress of all the students. I admire his personality and principles. He always encourages us to take part in various extracurricular activities, and it is the result of his support & dedication that the students of my school always perform better in all the competitions. We all are fortunate to have him as our Principal.

Principal sir awards the students who participate and win in different cultural and sports events. He has a good memory and remembers the name of every child. The students feel proud when Principal sir calls them by their names.

After each term, assessments are also being conducted in the school. The teachers prepare us for these assessments, and the results are also shared with the parents. The assessment is a good system as students understand the learning gaps and can work on them. The teachers are very helpful as they assist the students wherever it is required.

I love my school and my school life. Every day I learn new things here and enjoy it with my friends. All my teachers love me and always support me. I have learned discipline and punctuality from my teachers, and it will help me a lot in my future. I am proud to be a student at this school, and I will always miss my school after leaving it. My school life has taught me many things and given me some best friends who will be my friends forever. I wish all the success to my school and love everything about my school life. 

The different experiences which the students get in school life help them to become better human beings. When they leave school, they are not just taking the memories with them, but they take many friends, a career and good manners for life. It is the first place where the students come out of their family circles and create a new one with their teachers and friends. 

One should also remember that everyone is not privileged enough to get an education. If one gets this opportunity, then be grateful and work towards being a better human being. Cherish your school life and stay motivated.


FAQs on Essay on My School Life in English for Students and Children

1. Do you think Sports are important during school life?

2. What are life skills learnt during school life?

Some of the Life Skills learnt during school life are:



High School Life Essay

High school life essay generator.

my life in grade 8 essay

Anyone who has gone through high school knows that writing any kind of essay was a part of the experience. Whether it was a reflective essay, a narrative essay or an experience type of essay. All students went through that experience and the reactions were either positive or negative. But if you are a student looking for a way to write a good essay, or a teacher who wants to show their students on how to write a good high school life essay, these examples below will help you. Here are some 8+ High School Life Essay Examples you can choose and check out.

8+ High School Life Essay Examples

1. high school life reflective essay.

High School Life Reflective Essay

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7. High School Life Essay Format

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Defining an Essay

An essay is a short piece of writing which shows information about the author’s opinion on a chosen topic. It is a logical or explanatory literary writing. This often deals with a topic from an exclusive point of view. 

Defining Narrative

A narrative essay is a type of literary writing that falls under the kinds of essays. This type of writing has a single point of view which the whole narrative revolves around. The characters, the incidents, the moments concentrate on a single pattern. A narrative essay mostly tells instants of your life or the life of someone you are writing about.

Defining Reflective

A reflective essay is another type of piece of literary writing. From the word reflect, to look back on the experiences, the struggles, and the triumphant times in your life. The author lets the readers know about how the changes that affected them has made them who they are today.

Defining Experience

An experience essay can often be called a personal essay. This type of essay can be a bit of a challenge for any student. As this experience essay mainly focuses on your personal experiences and personal life. This can be difficult for most as this can get either very emotional or too personal that some students do not wish to take on this kind of essay.

Tips on Writing a Life Essay

Now that we are done defining the different types of essays, you may now want to learn how to write a good life essay. Listed below are some tips to writing a Narrative Essay , a Reflective Essay , and an Experience Essay .

  • Narrative Essay: when writing the narrative essay , the first thing to do is to think of what you want to write about. Once you have done that, you write your introduction. Your introduction does not have to be quite long. This is merely your starting point. This is where you are introducing your topic to your readers. The next thing is your body of the essay. This is where you talk about your topic even more. This is where you are going to be drawing your readers in by talking about the characters in your essay, their life story all wrapped up in a single narration. The same goes with the last paragraph, your conclusion.
  • Reflective Essay:  Writing a reflective essay, think about what you want to write about. What you wish to reflect on. A reflective essay may depend on how long or how short you want it to be. The most important thing to do when you write it is to state what you are reflecting on, why you are reflecting on that and how it has affected your life in a good or bad way.
  • Experience Essay:  This may be difficult for some students to write, but here is a tip you can use to make it less difficult. Think about what you wish to share to your readers. From there, write what you want them to know about you. Expound on the things you wish for them to know and to see the author of the essay.

How much is the word count for an essay?

The word count of an essay may differ on the person who is writing the essay. However, the normal word count for high school is 300–1000 words

When writing the narrative, does it have to be one topic or can I add other topics?

Writing a narrative topic, you must only take one and talk about it.

I want to write a reflective essay but I have no idea what to talk about, what should I do?

Talk about what you wish. May it be a reflection about a moment of your life, or a reflection essay on a movie or show that moved you.

Essay writing has always been a part of any student’s high school or even earlier educational life. We cannot avoid it but we can learn to like it. Following the tips and the different types of essays for you to learn to write on, it will all be easier once you get the hang of it. Show them what you got. Write that awesome essay.


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My Personal Experience: My Experiences in My Life

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Published: Aug 1, 2024

Words: 738 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Discovering my passion for writing, overcoming failure and resilience, embracing diversity and cultural understanding.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 15, 2021 by Sandeep

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person’s life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person’s heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers. Prosperity, success, achievement and accomplishments are well-defined moments when we feel the happiest.

Essay on Happiest Day of My Life in 500 Words

Below we have provided Happiest Day of My Life Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“ Happiness does not depend on what we have; it depends on how we feel towards what we have. We can be happy with little and miserable with much.” ~ William D. Hoard

Fighting with our friends is a now and then activity. But what is even more common? Having arguments with our parents. I am going to tell you about an episode that happened in my life when I was in the 10th standard. I used to go to my tuition classes from 5 pm to 7 pm every Monday to Friday. One evening, when I was walking down the stairs of the tuition centre, my friends and I decided to stop and eat ice cream. I knew my taste buds were about to be delighted!

After finishing my ice cream, I bid farewell to my friends, took an auto and reached home. I could see my mother standing at the gate and my father about to start the car. My mother’s eyes were watery. But I could sense that she breathed a sigh of relief the moment she saw me. As soon as I entered the drawing-room, my mother and my father walked in behind me. They were now looking at me angrily.

They started shouting at me. They asked me why I was late and why I hadn’t informed them. My parents said that they were extremely worried about me. My mother told me that she couldn’t stop thinking that something terrible had happened to me. My father reminded me that in a city like Delhi, where the crime rate is so high, I ought to be more careful and responsible. I felt irritated and agitated by their sudden outburst.

I still remember the exact words that I uttered out of my mouth, “When did eating an ice cream become such a big crime? Why do you have to overreact all the time? I wish I didn’t have parents; maybe then I would’ve been entitled to some freedom. It is impossible to live with you.” My parents turned silent, and I went stomping into my room.

The next day my father told us to get into the car, but he didn’t disclose where we were going. Everyone remained silent for the whole trip. In about 25 minutes, the car came to a halt in front of an orphanage. I did not know what my father had in mind. We all made our way into the orphanage, and my father told me to interact with the kids there.

All the kids at the orphanage were very welcoming and warm. None of them had any parents. A lot of them told me their stories. Reshma, a girl of 10, said to me that her mother died while giving birth to her and she never saw her dad. She was brought here when she was just a baby.

An orphanage is not the most amusing place. The rooms there were small and cramped. They did not have an air conditioner or even a cooler. None of them had been to a restaurant or an amusement park. They rarely got a cake or chocolates to eat. None of the toys that they had was in good condition. Sneha, another girl at the orphanage, told me that there were many nights when she felt lonely.

She told me, “Not one day has passed when I haven’t missed my parents. I would give anything in the world to be with them for just one day.” I realized that the things we take for granted, they dream of them. I walked out towards the main gate and saw my parents talking to the caretaker. I had never been happier to see them. That day I learnt the value of having parents, the importance of having a family.

I ran towards my mother, hugged her and burst into tears. That day was the best and indeed the happiest of my life. I realized that my parents would always be there for me. They would stand beside me through thick and thin. Having parents is not simply normal; it is a blessing which not everyone gets. I apologised to my parents for the previous night’s behaviour and thanked my father for teaching me this lesson.

My father told me something in my ear, and I quickly ran towards the car. I opened the trunk and retrieved a big box of chocolates and candies. My mother also came to help me with the other package which had crayons and colouring books in it. I distributed these things among the children at the orphanage with my own hands. I can’t possibly describe how happy and delighted they were.


Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

As governor of Minnesota, he has enacted policies to secure abortion protections, provide free meals for schoolchildren, allow recreational marijuana and set renewable energy goals.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, center, during a news conference after meeting with President Biden at the White House in July.

By Maggie Astor

  • Aug. 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the newly announced running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has worked with his state’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to enact an ambitious agenda of liberal policies: free college tuition for low-income students, free meals for schoolchildren, legal recreational marijuana and protections for transgender people.

“You don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Mr. Walz wrote last year about his approach to governing. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

Republicans have slammed these policies as big-government liberalism and accused Mr. Walz of taking a hard left turn since he represented a politically divided district in Congress years ago.

Here is an overview of where Mr. Walz stands on some key issues.

Mr. Walz signed a bill last year that guaranteed Minnesotans a “fundamental right to make autonomous decisions” about reproductive health care on issues such as abortion, contraception and fertility treatments.

Abortion was already protected by a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, but the new law guarded against a future court reversing that precedent as the U.S. Supreme Court did with Roe v. Wade, and Mr. Walz said this year that he was also open to an amendment to the state’s Constitution that would codify abortion rights.

Another bill he signed legally shields patients, and their medical providers, if they receive an abortion in Minnesota after traveling from a state where abortion is banned.

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My Aim In Life Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my aim in life .

It is a well-known fact that a person without an aim is a person without a life. All the creatures in this universe have one or another specific aim. It is common for all things. As the human is the best creature among them all, he has been given a right to select what he wants to do in his life. The mindset of each and every person is of its own type. Therefore, his aim in life will also be different from others.

Life is God’s greatest blessing; nevertheless, if there is no purpose and aim, life is useless and meaningless. Every one of us is born with a mission. It is essential to have a goal in life. If you want to pursue something in your life, you must have a goal. Student life is the ideal time to set goals. A person with a defined objective outperforms someone who does not have a goal in life. And if you don’t know what you want, you’ll never be motivated to work hard. To live a good life and deal with challenges, we need a proper plan. As a result, it is critical for everyone to have a life goal.

my aim in life essay

What is the Aim?

In a generic term purpose or goal is an aim. A person in his childhood might want to be a famous astronaut or a movie star or a police officer or something like that.  Aim means to intend, to try, or to aspire. Each aim generally starts with a declaration of setting the goal, then breaking it into smaller pieces over a set timeline. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time.

Importance of aim in life:

There is a popular saying that a man without an aim is like an aim without a rudder. It means a ship without a rudder faces danger. Thus similarly a man without aim cannot reach towards his goal of life. He stumbles in his way of life.

So every person must have a definite aim. So, the aim of life is to give your life a purpose and meaning. Certainly, it is done by finding out what truly matters to you. Your purpose is to create more joy in life or to show others how you can live your life in the best possible manner.

How to find your Aim?

If you try to accomplish things that aren’t meant for you, that doesn’t offer you a sense of belonging and don’t provide you inner peace and happiness, you’re not in the correct field. You are not pursuing your goals and passions.

Everyone is unique in their own way. One may excel in academics while the other may be skilled in photography. Some people are born to aid the needy, others with bright brains, still others to pursue art and architecture, and still others simply write their way through life and become authors.

Simply close your eyes and think about something you appreciate the most on a larger scale, and that’s all there is to it. That is your life’s passion and goal. All you have to do is get closer to the part and shoot at it. By just following your passion, you can make your goal a reality.

Primary Aim in life:

A person can set the aim of his life by applying various parameters in life. Some of these maybe –

  • To live with a specific purpose and passion every day
  • To live for others by helping them.
  • To become a great father, mother, son or daughter.
  • To become a wildly successful entrepreneur and businessman
  • To live a healthy, active and fit life
  • To live with financial freedom in life.

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Types of Aim:

Different people have different aims. Some people may want to become a doctor while others may want to start their own business. Likewise if engineering appeals, to some, the army may be the attraction for others. Some aim at becoming a teacher while social service or politics suits others. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclination or taste or perception about life.

How to Choose the right Aim of life?

It is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to persuade their wards to select a profession according to their aptitude. Thus one can say that the right aim means right life and the wrong aim means wrong life. So, we should be very cautious while deciding on our aim.

Certainly, this is the most difficult problem that a young man faces is the selection of a profession.  If a person does not choose his aim rightly, he will be always misfitted in his life. Thus, the best aim would be for one in which one feels happy always and he can do something worthwhile. Also at the same time, he assures about bright prospects in life.

Everyone should set a goal that is personal to them and will always inspire them to reach new heights. Therefore, don’t follow the mob and mimic the ambitions of friends.

How to Achieve the Aim in Life?

We should never make wealth or power the end of our existence, whether we succeed or fail in accomplishing our aim. We must never chase the celebrity bubble. Our goal should be to achieve our set aim solely for our own good, for our own enjoyment and satisfaction.

Some non-avoidable points which must be remembered are-

  • Be Proactive
  • No More Negativity
  • Always be balanced
  • Fully Focused
  • Break it down
  • Embrace failure
  • Tell everyone
  • Get help and guidance
  • Track your progress
  • Visualize the end result
  • Reset the action plan based on feedback

We should also jot down and make a list of all our aims to be achieved. This activity will help you in a lot many ways. A few of them are:

  • It may help you live longer and be healthier.
  • If others ask, you will be an inspiration to them.
  • It will be a guide to the best version of yourself.
  • Your aim preferences will be prioritised based on your requirements.
  • It will serve as a progress tracker as you work your way up the achievement ladder.


Thus it is a fact that setting an aim and acting to achieve it is very important for a successful life. Everyone must start working towards it. The timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step by step milestones.

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