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The WIRED Guide to the iPhone

It's not just the best-selling gadget ever created: It's probably the most influential one too. Since Steve Jobs announced the iPhone in 2007, Apple has sold close to 1.5 billion of them, creating giant businesses for app developers and accessory makers, and reimagining the way we live. Millions of people use an iPhone as their only computer. And their only camera, GPS device, music player, communicator, trip planner, sex finder, and payment tool. It put the world in our pockets.

Before the iPhone, smartphones mostly copied the BlackBerry. After the iPhone, they all copied Apple: Most phones now have big screens, beautiful designs, and ever-improving cameras. They even have "notches," or, cut-outs at the top of their edge-to-edge displays, where the phone’s front-facing camera lives.

And the iPhone Effect goes far beyond smartphones. In order to make so many phones, Apple and its competitors set up huge, whirling supply chains all over the world. Those same manufacturers now make the same parts to power drones, smart-home gadgets, wearables, and self-driving cars. They don't look like your phone, but they might not be here without it.

Thanks to the iPhone and the apps developed for it, the world has reorganized itself around the smartphone, and a few people have started to wonder what the iPhone hath wrought. They worry that we spend too much time buried in our phones, heads down, ignoring the people and the world around us.

Social media, in particular, is being questioned. We always always knew that there was an exchange, that if we were using free apps, we were giving up something in return; but now there are concerns about where exactly all that data ends up . We’re becoming accustomed to a sense of undefinable stress, the feeling like there's always too much going on and you can never get away even if you want to. The smartphone is one of the portals into this sometimes-dystopian data vortex.

But at the same time, there’s no denying that the iPhone has utterly transformed our lives—and that anything truly transformational will both solve existing problems and introduce new ones.

iPhone The Complete History—and What's Next

Jobs announced the iPhone on January 9, 2007, on stage at the Macworld conference. He spent nearly an hour explaining the device, extolling the virtues of everything from a touch interface to a huge, desktop-sized version of The New York Times' website that you could pan around. He even made a phone call (how quaint!) and placed what has to be the largest Starbucks order in history to an apparently real barista at an apparently real Starbucks. The whole event stands as a remarkable piece of tech-industry history, and you can still watch it all (on your phone) on YouTube.

The phone didn't come out until six months after that initial reveal, during which time Apple frantically scrambled to turn Jobs' demo into a mass-market gadget . When it finally hit stores in June, people lined up outside stores to buy one. Apple sold 270,000 iPhones the first weekend it was available, hit 1 million by Labor Day, and instantly captured the imagination of phone owners everywhere.

The iPhone 3G, which came out a year later, may have been an even bigger deal. Apple's 2008 iPhone included support for 3G networks, which offered much faster access to email and web pages, and it came at a much lower price. Most important, it added the App Store, which gave developers a way to build and sell software to millions of smartphone owners. The App Store will almost certainly stand as Apple's most important contribution to both the tech industry and society in general, even more than the phone itself. Developers immediately began building apps and games that changed the way we communicate, work, eat, and play. The App Store made way for Instagram, Uber, and Tinder, and it turned the iPhone into the pocket computer it was always meant to be.

From there, the iPhone's story is one of evolution, not revolution . Each year, Apple made the phone bigger and faster, refining the product without changing the basic form factor or its most beloved features. It became more popular every time. From the beginning, Apple seemed to know the camera could be a smartphone's best feature: The iPhone 4 , with its selfie camera and HD video recording, was the biggest thing in cameras since Kodak. Ever since, Apple's cameras have been among the best in their class.

This image may contain Cell Phone Electronics Mobile Phone and Phone

Jobs always said Apple had a five-year lead with the first iPhone. That turned out to be conservative—it took six or seven years for Samsung and others to make truly competitive phones like the Galaxy S and the HTC One. Then, after successfully copying the iPhone, they found their own niches. Samsung bet on pen input and big screens; Google fine-tuned Android and starting shipping its own hardware running optimized versions of the software; and other companies made great phones for a fraction of the iPhone's price. The iPhone was the only best choice for so long, but others finally caught up.

In 2017, the 10th anniversary of that Macworld speech, Apple determined it was time to shake things up a bit with the iPhone. It released the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, solid but unsurprising updates on the same theme that was already established. But it also tried something different, with the launch of the the iPhone X.

Apple ditched the home button in order to make the phone nearly all screen and bet on facial recognition as the key to both your phone and a whole new set of apps and features. (Again: cameras are everything.) It also tried to bring augmented reality into mainstream existence while making your phone and data more secure than ever. And, as a bonus, the iPhone X had the craziest emoji features anyone had ever seen up to that point. The company’s approach was radical, but also, extremely Apple: It was attempting to usher its customers into a new technological world, but it would do it while emphasizing privacy, security, and features that keep you completely locked into Apple.

Despite its high price tag and speculation that the iPhone X’s later ship date would impact sales, it sold respectably well. In the spring of 2018, Apple CEO Tim Cook said the X was the company's most popular device sold every week since its launch in November 2017. But the iPhone X was short-lived as far as smartphones go, because Apple pushed it to the background as soon as the iPhone XS was announced in September 2018.

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The current crop of iPhones are, for the most part, iterations. The iPhone XS is the natural successor to the iPhone X. The iPhone XS Max has almost the same footprint as the iPhone 8 Plus, but is equipped with an edge-to-edge display (and, like the other newer iPhones, has no home button or headphone jack).

The new iPhone XR, which shipped a bit later this fall, is Apple’s attempt to appease customers who aren’t happy that the iPhone’s price keeps creeping upwards. The XR’s display technology isn’t as great, and its camera isn’t quite as fancy, but it also costs a couple hundred dollars less than the starting price of the iPhone XS.

Perhaps most notably, all three new iPhone models this year shipped with a new Apple-made mobile processor that’s pushing the boundaries of what mobile processors can be (and do). The A12 Bionic was the first chip available for the mass market with an ultra-efficient 7-nanometer design, and it’s the kind of technology that turns real-time machine learning processes and insanely sophisticated computer vision applications from a concept into reality, right on your pocket computer.

It’s part of a larger attempt by Apple—and the others who have been working on these kinds of mobile chips—to make smartphones smarter. The glass slabs, they’re all starting to look alike. It’s what’s inside them that will set them apart over the next decade.

iPhone The Complete History—and What's Next

Apple's in a funny spot right now. Thanks to the huge, insane, impossible success of the iPhone—which accounts for more than half of the company’s revenue—Apple is quite often considered the most valuable company in the world (although Amazon and Microsoft have been vying for this position as well). Of course, it's not like Apple's in any danger as long as it's sitting on hundreds of billions in cash reserves.

But there are plenty of questions about the long-term value of the iPhone, especially since Apple’s annual unit sales of the phone were effectively the same this year as they were last year. Apple has even said that it no longer plans to break out hardware sales by product category, since it’s not representative of the strength of the business. That may be true, but some have interpreted this as Apple trying to cloak what eventually may be a real softness in sales.

All of this just means that if Apple is going to stay on top, it needs to extract more value out of existing iPhone lovers—a strategy it has been aggressively pursuing. It has always billed the Apple Watch as something of a spiritual successor to the iPhone: It's even more accessible, even more personalized, and could take over some of your smartphone's basic functionality. Plus, it’s now a legitimate health tracker .

Same goes for AirPods , which are clearly destined to be more than just a pair of wireless ear dongles that come in a dental-floss case. A follow-up is rumored to be in the works for 2019.

Meanwhile Apple is hell-bent on replacing your laptop with an iPad, sticking an Apple TV under your flatscreen, and making sure you're all-in on Siri and iCloud. It finally released an update to the MacBook Air this year, and while no single component in the new laptop was groundbreaking, it’s something that was almost certainly designed to keep Apple laptop lovers happy. And, Apple is reportedly working on software for self-driving cars and has said repeatedly that augmented reality is the next big thing; perhaps some type of heads-up display is in the works.

As it develops new products, Apple is also looking at ways to help users reset their relationship with their gadgets. It made the iPhone ridiculously enticing; now, it’s actually rolling out software tools so that people can better manage the time spent on their phones and maybe not wind up so addicted. The Screen Time dashboard in iOS isn’t a panacea, but it’s a start.

Whatever the next thing might be, Apple appears uniquely qualified to take advantage. Over the past decade, to keep the iPhone ahead of the curve, Apple has invested billions in building its own chips. Its mastery of its supply chain is unrivaled—it's simply able to build more and better things than anyone else.

Apple's smashing success proved to other big tech companies that the best products come when you make both the hardware and the software. Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon have all done the same in recent years, building huge gadget businesses on top of their software. The hardware space was once a teeming mass of startups, people raising money on Kickstarter or going to China to build their dreams into a product. Now the business runs mostly through five companies, all of whom learned how to make hardware by watching Apple.

The iPhone didn't just make Apple a metric crap-ton of money: it reoriented the entire tech landscape, helping change the way we work and play. It helped create a new class of mega-corporation, started the world thinking about how everything else might change when it, too, was connected to the internet. Next, Apple has to figure out how the iPhone can improve a user's life instead of consuming it, all while it works on the next crazy design that'll change everything all over again.

iPhone The Complete History—and What's Next

Reviewing the First iPhone in a Hype Typhoon WIRED's own Steven Levy was one of just four journalists to review the original iPhone ahead of its launch. For the device's 10th anniversary, he looked back at how important the device was, considered how outrageously excited people were to get one—and remembered all the phone calls from Steve Jobs, wondering how the review was going.

Inside Apple's 6-Month Race to Make the First iPhone a Reality When Steve Jobs announced the iPhone in January of 2007, he wasn't exactly honest about the state of the thing. The phone Jobs demoed on stage barely worked, and there weren't many others to speak of. For the next 24 weeks, three days, and three hours, Jobs and his team worked desperately to turn the iPhone into a real product for real people. This is the story of that crazy time.

1 Million Workers. 90 Million iPhones. 17 Suicides. Who’s to Blame? The iPhone didn't just change the lives of its users. It helped reshape the entire world's manufacturing process, and not always in good ways. In 2011, we sent a reporter to China to meet the people who make your iPhones, and find out how Apple's phone changed their lives, too.

The Hot New Hip-Hop Producer Who Does Everything on His iPhone Steve Lacy made a track on Kendrick Lamar's album, "DAMN," and he did it all on his iPhone. We hung out with Lacy in a weed-clouded studio in Los Angeles, and watched him work in the same way as an entire generation of smartphone-owners: not with knobs and buttons, but with a touchscreen.

Review: Apple iPhone XS and XS Max Our review of the latest model, the iPhone XS and XS Max. They're not the most exciting iPhones ever made, but they're definitely the best ones. If you look carefully, you can even see glimpses of the future.

Review: the iPhone XR When it was announced in September 2018, the iPhone XR was the device that drew the most attention. Sure, the XS was the new shiny hotness, but at $999, maybe it was a little too precious. The XR on the other hand is a device that looks and works like a modern iPhone, but costs $250 less than the top model. So of course people were intrigued. It lacks some of the marquee features of the XS, but it's still a damn great phone for the price.

The Shape of Things to Come From The New Yorker , a profile of Jony Ive (sorry, Sir Jony Ive), Apple's head of design and one of the people most responsible for how the iPhone looks and works.

Plus! The iPhone X and more WIRED iPhone news .

This guide was last updated on March 13, 2018.

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Understanding the real innovation behind the iPhone

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Iris S. Wolstein Professor of Management Design, Case Western Reserve University

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When the iPhone emerged in 2007, it came with all the promise and pomp of a major Steve Jobs announcement, highlighting its user interface and slick design as key selling points. We know now that the iPhone transformed the mobile phone business, the internet economy and, in many ways, society as a whole. But technically speaking, the iPhone was not very innovative.

Its software and the interface idea were based on the iPod, which was already reinventing the digital music industry . Touchscreens had appeared on earlier phone and tablet models, including Apple’s own Newton . And top-line Nokia phones had more memory, better cameras and faster mobile connectivity. What made the iPhone transformative was the shift in concept underpinning the entire iPhone project : Its designers did not create a telephone with some extra features, but rather a full-fledged hand-held computer that could also make calls and browse the internet.

As a scholar of management, design and innovation , I find it hard to predict what the next truly revolutionary technological development will be. In the 10 years since the launch of the iPhone, so much about modern life, commerce and culture has changed . In part that’s because the iPhone, and the smartphone boom it spurred, created a portable personal technology infrastructure that’s almost infinitely expandable. The iPhone changed the game not because of its initial technology and cool user interface but rather as a result of its creators’ imagination and courage.

Inventing mobile apps

As the iPhone took shape, its designers found themselves torn between making a phone or a computer . Engineers and marketing executives alike worried the new device would kill the iPod market that had driven Apple’s corporate resurgence for five years . Nokia, the biggest player in the cellphone market at the time , had similar technologies and prototypes, and also feared outcompeting its own successful mobile phone product lines that used a simpler and more old-fashioned software platform than that on which iPhone was built.

Apple took the leap, however, by installing a fully capable computer operating system on the iPhone, along with a few small application programs. Some were phone-related, including a program that handled making and receiving calls, as well as a new way to display voicemail messages , and a system that kept different contacts’ text messages separate. Others were more computer-like, including an email app and a web browser. Of course, the music-playing features from the iPod were included too, linking the phone with the emerging Apple music ecosystem.

Initially, that was about it for apps. But skilled computer engineers and hackers knew they were holding a palm-sized computer, and set to work writing their own software and getting it running on their iPhones . That was the dawn of the now-ubiquitous app. Within a year, these apps were so popular, and their potential so significant, that Apple’s second version of the iPhone operating system made it easy (and legal) for users to install apps on their phones .

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Shifting priorities

The prospect of making a fully functional hand-held computer changed how users and manufacturers alike thought about mobile phones. For Apple and every other phone company, software became much more important than hardware . What apps a phone could run, and how quickly, mattered much more than whether it had a slightly better camera or could hold a few more photos; whether it flipped open, slid open or was a bar-style; or whether it had a large keyboard or a small one. The iPhone’s keyboard was on-screen and software-generated, making a function that had required dedicated hardware into one running on generic hardware and dedicated software.

At the time of the iPhone launch, Nokia offered about 200 different phone styles to meet all the different needs of its hundreds of millions of customers. There was just one iPhone model at the start, and in the ensuing decade there have been only 14 major styles – though today they come in different colors, not just white and black as the original did. This is the power of software functionality and related simplicity.

The heightened importance of software on a mobile phone shifted the industry’s economy as well. The money came now not just from selling devices and phone services, but also from marketing and selling apps and in-app advertisements. App developers must share revenue with the companies that control smartphones’ operating systems , providing serious earning power: Apple holds about 15 percent of the mobile phone market , but reaps 80 percent of global smartphone profits .

Whatever the next tech industry game-changer is, and whenever it arrives, it will likely have some connection to the smartphone and related infrastructure. Even today, exploring virtual reality requires only installing an app and connecting just a bit of additional hardware to an existing phone. Similarly, smartphone interfaces and cameras already monitor and control intelligent and automated homes . Even as devices are developed to operate all around us, and even in our clothes , many of them will be able to point to the iPhone as a conceptual ancestor and inspiration.

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Iphone 13 review: a case study in iteration, but newness is relative.

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It sounds cliche, but Apple's iPhone 13 lineup is the company's best yet.

One of the challenges inherent to reviewing new iPhones year in and year out is telling a story: a narrative through which I can best express my experiences testing the device(s). My conceit is solid—focusing squarely on accessibility rather than camera comparisons and Geekbench scores—that puts me in a unique place amongst my peers in the reviewer racket. Even with my arguably niche perspective, however, I strive to tell a story; I strive to give context to technology that feels more enriching and informative than simply stating whether a product is good or bad, accessible or inaccessible. With Apple, there is always a hook from which I can hang my lede.

Thinking about the iPhone 13 and 13 Pro has proven challenging. What I wrote following last month’s announcement of the new smartphones remains as apt now as it did a few weeks ago: the honest-to-goodness truth is these iPhones have the least applicability to accessibility than any in recent history. Aside from ProMotion, there is nothing more to remark on the iPhone 13 lineup that I didn’t say last year about the iPhone 12. This isn’t to suggest Apple’s latest and greatest iPhones are unremarkable; it’s just their accessibility story isn’t particularly new or novel to these specific phones.

Apple sent me review units of all four iPhone 13 models—the 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, and 13 Pro Max—for testing. (For those curious, the 13 is pink and the 13 Pro Max is Sierra Blue.) I’ve spent the last couple weeks mainly testing the 13 and 13 Pro Max, along with my personal 12 Pro Max for reference’s sake. I have not used any review unit as my daily carry phone (I don’t really go anywhere these days, fully vaccinated though I am) but have used them plenty puttering around the house and sitting at my desk.

What’s Old Can Still Be New Again

In my aforementioned piece on Apple’s September event, I also said the iPhone 13 line feels spiritually like an S-year update despite Apple retiring that nomenclature. The company probably would push back on that characterization because they are more capable devices, but I think it’s accurate. That the iPhone 13 inherits the same industrial design of the still-for-sale iPhone 12 embodies that ideal; the color finishes are new, but they’re the definition of incrementalism. By and large, the iPhone 13 hardware is exactly that of its predecessor save for faster guts and nicer cameras.

But newness is relative. From an accessibility point of view, anyone coming from an iPhone 11 or earlier—that is to say, an iPhone with the previous design language—surely will notice and appreciate the iPhone 13’s new-to-them design. As I argued a year ago, the flat-edged design and OLED screen both have significant implications for accessibility. The flat edges should make holding the phone easier and more secure since your fingers have a platform on which to rest. Likewise, the brightness and sharpness of the OLED display should make reading text or looking at images easier. And MagSafe, the magnetic charging technology introduced with iPhone 12, makes charging more accessible because one needn’t have to test their hand-eye coordination by finding the Lightning port and plugging in the cable. All told, if you are a disabled person coming to iPhone 13 from an older version, the “new” attributes of iPhone 13 ought to compel. In this context, the faster A15 Bionic system-on-a-chip, better cameras, and better battery life will just be the proverbial icing on the cake.

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One notable difference to iPhone 13 versus the 12 is weight. In particular, the 13 Pro Max feels considerably heftier in my hand than the 12 Pro Max. The increase isn’t unbearable, but it’s definitely there. It’s worth pointing out to serial upgraders like me who crazily get a new phone every year and are sensitive to such things as weight.

Pondering ProMotion

A much-ballyhooed feature exclusive to the 13 Pro variants is ProMotion, which finally comes to the iPhone after being an iPad Pro-only thing for several years. The vast majority of reviewers and enthusiasts, particularly YouTubers, have greeted ProMotion’s arrival with a hero’s welcome not too dissimilar to soldiers returning from war. Which is to say, Android phones have had high refresh rate screens for some time, and people are rejoicing Apple decided to do it too. After all, why limit yourself to 60Hz when you can be 120? On paper, the sentiment is perfectly logical. ProMotion is a cool technology; iOS smartly adapts such that the system throttles refresh rate up or down accordingly depending upon whatever the computer is doing.

From an accessibility standpoint, though, ProMotion’s practical relevance is questionable. In a nutshell, whether the iPhone 13’s display is 60Hz and the 13 Pro’s is 120 is largely immaterial to someone with a vision impairment—obviously to a Blind person, but also to someone with low vision like myself. The simple reason for this is our eyesight is so poor that we literally cannot discern a meaningful difference in screen quality between the iPhone 13 (or the 12 Pro Max) and that of the 13 Pro. As a reviewer and self-professed nerd, I know ProMotion is technically present and working; as a practical matter, I have zero sense of it. In short, ProMotion makes not the slimmest difference in my usage except for perhaps giving me better battery life.

It’s key to mention here that I’m not implying ProMotion is bad or worthless or nothing to be excited about. Most “normal” users, the non-nerds among us, likely won’t be able to tell a noticeable difference between an iPhone 13’s display versus a 13 Pro screen either. What I’m arguing is nuanced: once again, especially for people with low vision, ProMotion has so little impact that it just as well not exist. The aforementioned love for it by the hardcore nerds feels like nothing more than another mark on a spec sheet checkbox that only the good-sighted can appreciate. If you are one of those people, I salute you. I am genuinely happy ProMotion makes a difference for you. To me, however, I am decidedly meh on ProMotion except ideologically.

In broad strokes, my (in)experience with ProMotion is an apt illustration for why accessibility-oriented reviews such as mine—again, I have a strong conceit—is so valuable. Every one of my journalist peers has recommended the 13 Pro models due in large part to ProMotion; get the Pro if you want the nicest screen because the refresh rate is higher. Their analysis is not wrong, per se—as an objective measure, the 13 Pro does have a better screen . The problem is, ProMotion is only truly useful if you are someone who can, you know, actually see the screen clearly. To otherwise choose a 13 Pro for ProMotion is prioritizing a spec sheet over actual sensibility. 99.9% of reviewers aren’t going to question whether ProMotion has real benefit to someone with low vision. That I (and others like me) are calling attention to it shows precisely why accessibility in mainstream technology coverage matters so much. In the case of ProMotion, my experience with it is literally unlike anyone else in the tech press.

The Bottom Line

Generally speaking, the iPhone 13 lineup is great. It’s better than last year’s crop.

As an accessibility matter, don’t upgrade for ProMotion if you can’t see well. Do upgrade for the tactile design changes if you’re coming from an older iPhone. And of course, there isn’t any reason not to upgrade if you’re in Apple’s inertia-inducing iPhone Upgrade Program. The new iPhone will always be better than the last one.

Steven Aquino

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The iPhone, introduced by Apple Inc. in 2007, revolutionized the smartphone industry with its intuitive user interface and sleek design. Essays could delve into the impact of the iPhone on mobile communication, exploring how it set new standards for smartphone design and functionality. They might also discuss the economic and cultural implications of the iPhone’s popularity, including its contribution to the app economy and its influence on social behaviors. Discussions might extend to the competition between Apple and other smartphone manufacturers, and how it drives innovation in the mobile technology sector. The discourse may also touch on the criticisms surrounding the iPhone, such as concerns over digital addiction, privacy issues, and the ethical considerations related to its production and environmental footprint. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to iPhone you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Apple’s Performance & Customer Satisfaction With iPhones

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In the current competitive business environment, companies are keen on attracting and maintaining a pool of loyal customers through the delivery of quality products and services to their customers. Sarkar (2019) explains that in a market where customers can choose from various providers, brand plays a major role in defining their decision. Apple Inc. finds itself in such a highly competitive business environment. Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the company has registered impressive growth over the years to come one of the dominant players in the global electronics market (Schegg & Stangl, 2017). The firm offers a wide range of products in different markets such as computer software and hardware, consumer electronics, cloud computing, semiconductors, digital distribution, artificial intelligence, and financial technology (Brooks & Dunn, 2018). One of its most successful products is the iPhone. In the mobile phones market, Samsung is its main competitor.

The company also must fight for the market share against other rivals such as LG, Huawei, Oppo, and Motorola (Luiz, 2016). However, this firm has been able to stay ahead of the rest of its market rivals because of the uniqueness of its smartphones. Since the introduction of the iPhone 2G in June 2007, the firm has consistently embraced creativity and innovation with the primary goal of understanding emerging market needs and meeting them in the best way possible. Currently, iPhone 11 is its most recent product and has received massive acceptance in the global market. Jarvis and Palmes (2018) explain that the company has developed a tradition of introducing a new model of iPhone in the market each year, which means that the company may introduce the iPhone 12 at any time within this year. The approach is to ensure that the firm constantly provides customers with products that meet their changing needs and expectations.

Problem Statement

The level of competition in the electronics market is getting increasingly stiff as new firms enter the industry and the existing ones continue to grow in size. Apple Inc has been successful in ensuring that its iPhone offers premium quality to its customers and is considered the most prestigious smartphone in the global market. However, other global brands such as Samsung and Huawei gaining market share, which makes it necessary for this company to ensure that it protects its market share. Sarkar (2019) notes that in such a highly competitive environment, the success of a firm narrows down to its performance in customer satisfaction. Understanding this company’s performance in customer satisfaction is important because it will help in determining its ability to maintain its current market leaders. Customers will only remain loyal if they believe that the corporation is offering products meeting their needs. The current level of customer satisfaction defines their ability to continue purchasing the company’s products despite the existence of other brands. The study seeks to investigate how Apple Inc performs in customer satisfaction through its iPhones.

The rationale for the Research/Scope

The primary goal of this study is to evaluate Apple Inc’s performance in customer satisfaction through its iPhones. The researcher considered the need for this company to maintain its competitiveness in the market. As Schegg and Stangl (2017) observe, a firm’s ability to create a large pool of loyal customers depends on its ability to maintain high performance in terms of meeting customers’ expectations. Evaluating the past and present performance may help in predicting its future capacity to meet the expectations. This study is related to the larger issue of managing competition in the market. The electronics industry has become very competitive because of the emergence of different players. Customer satisfaction is one of the ways through which a firm can manage the competitive business environment (Luiz, 2016). As such, this study is justified because it offers this company an opportunity to maintain its current lead in the market through a continued satisfaction of customers’ needs. The report will be particularly important to the marketing department of Apple Inc because it will explain what the firm needs to do to understand emerging customers’ needs. The department will benefit by understanding how to monitor market trends, understand evolving technologies and actions of its rivals, and ways of maintaining customers’ expectations.

Statement of the Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the customer satisfaction of iPhone users. The researcher will investigate the perceived value of the product and the perception of customers towards the approach that the company uses to deliver it to them. As Schegg and Stangl (2017) observe, having high-quality commodities that meet customers’ expectations is just one step towards customer satisfaction. They also pay attention to customer service factors and public relations policies. The following are the objectives that the researcher seeks to achieve through the study:

  • To investigate the current popularity of iPhones among local users
  • To investigate strategies that this company uses to ensure that its products reach its customers
  • To assess the level of satisfaction of iPhone users in the country

The preliminary review of the literature shows that Apple Inc has continued to register exemplary performance in its customer satisfaction strategies, especially through its iPhones, which have become its main product. The question is how the firm’s performance in customer satisfaction relates to its overall performance in the market. The strategies are meant to ensure that Apple Inc maintains its superior brand like that which offers premium products and uses effective strategies to deliver them to global customers and to maintain effective management of customers’ needs and expectations. The following hypothesis is based on the findings from the literature review:

H1: iPhone users are highly satisfied with Apple Inc’s product in the market.

Definition of Terms

The following are some of the keywords, phrases, and abbreviations used in this report:

  • Customer- an individual who purchases products, which in this case are the iPhones, from a given firm (Jarvis & Palmes, 2018)
  • Satisfaction- the ability to fulfil or meet the needs, wishes, or expectations of an individual (Sarkar, 2019)
  • Market segment- a group of potential buyers sharing specific characteristics that define the quality and quantity of products they are likely to purchase (Luiz, 2016)
  • Market share- a portion or size of the market that a company controls through a particular product (Brooks & Dunn, 2018)
  • Market rivalry- the intensity of competitiveness among firms offering the same products and targeting the same clients in a given industry (Schegg & Stangl, 2017)
  • UAE- The United Arab Emirates
  • MENA- The Middle East and North Africa

The global market for smartphones is growing rapidly, but at the same time, the level of competition is also getting stiffer than it had ever been. Apple Inc, through its signature product, the iPhone, has taken the lead as the most trusted brand of smartphones. The company has also registered impressive performance in maintaining a pool of highly satisfied customers who believe in the superiority of the brand. As the firm battles new market entrants, it is necessary to determine whether its customers still hold the view of the superiority of the brand. The study will help to determine if the company will have the capacity to protect its market share in the face of the increasing market rivalry.

Review of the Relevant Literature

Apple Inc is one of the top brands in the electronics market. For that reason, marketing studies have been conducted by various scholars to help understand factors that have enabled it to achieve such massive success over the past five decades. The company’s most profitable and globally popular product is the iPhone. It is necessary to review studies on iPhone customer satisfaction. Some of these studies have been conducted based on the markets of North and South America, Europe, and parts of Asia. The analysis will help understand how this company has performed in other markets outside the United Arab Emirates. It will also be necessary to compare findings in these studies with information that will be obtained from the primary sources.

Sharma (2018) conducted research titled “A study of consumer perception while purchasing apple products with special reference to Malwa region (Punjab)”. The researcher found out that in most cases customers buy goods because of the benefits and value that they attach to their attributes. When they get benefits from the products that they purchase, they will be satisfied. The top management unit of Apple Inc understands this fact and has been keen on defining specific attributes of the iPhone based on the benefits and value to its clients. The company has consistently been ranked as one of the top innovative firms, and its iPhone is classified as the best by global customers because of these unique attributes. The company has embraced an outward-in approach to developing new products (Sharma, 2018). In this strategy, the management conducts extensive research to understand the market needs before developing products that meet or exceed these needs.

Badran and Al-Haddad (2018) conducted a study titled “The impact of software user experience on customer satisfaction.” The research found out that although customers often prefer handheld devices with attractive physical attributes, the software experience often defines their level of satisfaction. The physical appearance may be appealing and may convince a customer to purchase an item, but they always wait until they start using it to state whether they are satisfied with the product (Badran & Al-Haddad, 2018). They conducted a comparative analysis of the software user experience of some of the major smartphone brands such as Samsung, LG, Motorola, Sony, Blackberry, and iPhone. Their investigation revealed that an overwhelming majority of the respondents consider the software user experience for iPhone to be superior to the other smartphone brands in the market. Even most of those who are using other brands believe that iPhone is superior and that they are not using it because of its high price. They found out that iPhones have earned a reputation as a unique smartphone with software that meets and sometimes exceeds their expectations.

Ejikeme et al. (2016) conducted a study that focused on explaining the correlation between customer satisfaction and culture. In their project, the researchers found out that there is a close relationship between the two variables. For a firm to satisfy the needs of its customers, it must first understand the local culture and how it affects buyers’ decisions. Customers often purchase commodities in line with cultural beliefs and practices (Ejikeme et al., 2016). As such, when they realize that a specific product goes against their beliefs, they are less likely to become loyal customers. The management of Apple Inc is aware of this fact and has been keen on designing customer management strategies based on these cultural practices. Although the item sold to the global market is the same, the iPhone, marketing strategies differ from one market to another based on local cultural practices and beliefs. This strategy has enabled this company to meet the expectations of its customers.

Moslehpour and Nguyen (2014) conducted another study entitled “The influence of perceived brand quality and perceived brand prestige on purchase likelihood of iPhone and HTC mobile phone in Taiwan”. The researchers were primarily concerned with a comparative analysis of the perception of customers towards the value that they assign to various smartphone brands. The analysis was narrowed to two brands, HTC and iPhone. Respondents were asked to state which of the two mobile phone brands they consider more prestigious and are more likely to buy when they can do so. The outcome of the study showed that an overwhelming majority of the respondents view iPhone to be more prestigious than HTC. They considered HTC more affordable than iPhone, but given the opportunity to choose any of the two brands, they would prefer iPhone (Moslehpour & Nguyen 2014). It was important to note that even those who have never used iPhone view it to be more superior to other brands because of the perception that has been created in the market. The outcome indicated that customers’ belief in a firm’s quality is a critical factor when defining customer satisfaction. Sometimes two brands may be offering the same quality in terms of the service delivered. However, in most cases, the perception that customers have towards a given brand will define their level of satisfaction when consuming a product.

A study by Dunuwille and Pathmini (2016) focused on customer satisfaction and how it is affected by the brand image in the smartphone market. They wanted to determine if there is any relationship between a product’s brand and the satisfaction that customers get from it. Perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, and brand loyalty were the four major dimensions that the project focused on in their comparative analysis (Dunuwille & Pathmini, 2016). The study found out that there is a direct relationship between brand image and customer satisfaction. Besides the value that customers get from products that they purchase, the next critical factor is other people’s perception. The rich often consider the brand when making their purchases, not primarily because of the attributes, but also as a demonstration of their social status. They will get more satisfaction when they own and publicly use a product with a brand that is of high quality. The emphasis on the perceived quality may even supersede the actual value. Someone may be willing to use a relatively older model of iPhone than to use LG because of the perceived brand attributes. It explains why Apple Inc’s iPhone users often register a high level of customer satisfaction. The fact that the brand is an iPhone is enough to make up for some of the shortcomings that the product may have in terms of functionality.

Choudhury and Gulati (2020) conducted a study that focused on determining how customer satisfaction is influenced by perceived product attributes. The finding revealed that perceived quality is more important for customers than the actual value. When a brand has been associated with greater value in the market, it may take a while for the perception to change. The study revealed that perceived superiority of attributes such as quality of the camera of a phone, the actual storage capacity, the speed of the processor, battery life, and ease of use all define the likelihood that a customer will purchase a given item. They compared Samsung to iPhone in terms of customers’ perceived value on the above critical attributes of a smartphone (Choudhury & Gulati, 2020). They found out that iPhone still outsmarted Samsung in almost all the attributes and considered it a better product. Samsung was making good progress towards bridging the gap in the perceived value, but the massive failure of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 rolled back most of the gains that the brand had made. It offered iPhone a perfect opportunity to assert itself as the global leader in the smartphone market.

Research Methodology

The research methodology that one chooses to conduct a study should make it possible to answer the research question and meet the objectives of the project. As Sekaran and Bougie (2016) observe, one can choose to use qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research methods. The primary guideline when making the choice should always be the need to ensure that the design will help the researcher to realise the goal of the study. In this project, the researcher aimed to evaluate Apple Inc.’s performance in customer satisfaction through its iPhone. The researcher is keen on determining if the item that the company offers in the local market in the UAE and the approach that it uses to deliver the product, including public relation strategies, are considered satisfactory by the locals.

The researcher considered it necessary to use a mixed-method as the most appropriate design for the study. A mixed-method, as Pettey et al. (2016) explain, involves the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The method will enable the researcher to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the issue under investigation. Quantitative methods will allow the researcher to the number of those who believe Apple has registered impressive performance in its customer satisfaction strategies through its iPhones and the way the company delivers its products to customers. It will also help in determining the market size in terms of the number of those who consider themselves loyal customers. Qualitative methods will be used to explain why respondents feel the organization is performing well or poorly in customer satisfaction. This method will make it possible to precisely identify the major strengths weaknesses of the company in its customer satisfaction strategies.


One of the most important steps when planning to conduct primary data collection is to identify participants. Veal (2018) explains that one should ensure that the selected respondents could effectively represent the entire population. As such, one of the first steps that were done was to select potential participants in the study. One of the primary conditions that participants will have to meet is that they have to be current users of iPhones. They will also have to be aged above 18 years. Age was a factor not only because of the need to ensure that they could consent to be part of the data collection process but also to ensure that they could provide the required information. The selection procedure of the participants will be simple random sampling. The researcher will randomly select participants in the streets of Dubai who are users of iPhones and recruit them for the data collection. Their contact details will be taken, the significance of the study will be explained to them, and the protection of their identity will be stated. When doing simple random sampling, the researcher will ensure that there is an equal representation of both men and women. It will also be important to make sure that there was a representation of people of different age groups. A sample of 100 participants (50 men and 50 women) will be needed to take part in the collection of primary data.

Research Design

When a sample of respondents is identified, the next important stage will be the collection of primary data and subsequent analysis. Collecting data from a fairly large sample of 100 participants through a face-to-face interview is a time-consuming process. As such, the researcher opted to send questionnaires to each of the sampled participants through their e-mail. The questionnaire, which is attached to this research proposal, captures the respondents’ age, gender, academic background, nationality, and whether they are current users of iPhones in the first part of the document. The second part of the questionnaire focuses on issues relating to the evaluation of Apple’s performance in customer satisfaction through iPhones. Once data is collected, the researcher will analyze using the design discussed above. With the application of Excel or SPSS spreadsheet, the researcher will conduct a quantitative analysis of the data to understand the number of those who think this firm has registered impressive performance on customer satisfaction through iPhones. Qualitative analysis will be used to explain why these participants feel the way they do. It will involve direct quotations of their statements. Their explanation will help in understanding specific factors that make Apple Inc’s performance in customer satisfaction through iPhones satisfactory among the sampled respondents.

Data Collection Plan

The primary data will be obtained from a sample of 100 participants using a questionnaire, as discussed above. The researcher will conduct a mailed survey. The first step in this survey will be to identify participants within the city of Dubai, through a random sampling method. Once one who meets the inclusion criteria is identified, their contact details (phone number and e-mail address) will be taken. The researcher will then e-mail the questionnaires to them and then make follow-up calls just to remind them that the questionnaires had been sent. In the e-mail, the researcher will explain how the questions should be answered and the time within which they are expected to submit the answered questionnaires. They will be expected to e-mail back the documents using the same address through which they received the questionnaire. The researcher will make regular follow-up phone calls just to increase the response rate. As Sekaran and Bougie (2016) note, those who fail to provide the needed response on time will be replaced. The aim is to ensure that the survey is conducted on 100 participants.

Proposed Analysis of the Data

The preliminary review of the literature strongly indicates that Apple Inc has registered an impressive performance in customer satisfaction through its iPhone products. Studies suggest that the firm has managed to understand the changing needs and preferences of its customers in the market and has a team of dedicated employees keen on meeting these expectations. The approach of releasing a new iPhone model each year is meant to ensure that Apple Inc can manage the changing customers’ expectations (Narayana et al., 2016). The company has also identified specific vendors that meet specific criteria to help in the distribution of these items.

These authorised dealers have been trained on customer management practices to ensure that they understand how to handle their clients when they purchase a commodity or come back with a complaint about it (Veal, 2018). As such, it is expected that the sampled respondents will confirm this argument. However, it is important to note that the researcher will not dictate the outcome, and it is expected that there will be different categories of people with diverse opinions. In the questionnaire, the researcher has identified different categories of responses to various questions. It is possible that when interviewing respondents, there will be varying opinions with the claim that Apple Inc has registered impressive performance in customer satisfaction through its iPhones. The response will be classified as highly agree, agree, not sure, disagree, or strongly disagree. Each of these categories will be captured in the questionnaire. The results from the sampled participants are expected to reflect the view of the entire population.

Implications and Limitations

It is important to explain the implications of the study to understand its significance. One of the implications of the project is that it will help identify specific weaknesses of Apple Inc. concerning its signature product, the iPhone, within the local market in the UAE. The study will suggest ways of addressing these problems. The research will also have implications for future studies. It will provide a rich source of information about the topic based on the local context of the UAE. The study may encounter various challenges, the top of which is the possible withdrawal of participants or their failure to respond to the questions within the expected time. Such participants will have to be explained. The other potential challenge expected is the limited number of literature focusing on the issue in the local context. Most of the scholarly articles and books were based on the United States and the European market. The weakness will be addressed through the collection of primary data.

Badran, O., & Al-Haddad, S. (2018). The impact of software user experience on customer satisfaction. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 21 (1), 1-4.

Brooks, L. J., & Dunn, P. (2018). Business and professional ethics for directors, executives & accountants . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Choudhury, D. K. & Gulati, U. (2020). Product attributes based on customer’s perception and their effect on customer satisfaction: The Kano analysis of mobile brands. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 4 (1), 9-16.

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Essay: The Apple iPhone

Business / Samples May 11, 2011

Sample Essay

The iPhone is a GSM based Smartphone that was introduced by apple around the middle of 2007. Over twenty million units of the apple iPhone have been sold to date and more are being sold. The iPhone offers features such as a touch-sensitive screen based interface, a built-in portable media player, a sophisticated internet client, a camera equipped phone, and several other application supporting compatibilities [1] . With regard to apple iPhone users who chose to adopt the product early, a number of factors can be seen in apple’s marketing strategy which can be interpreted to indicate that apple was unsuccessful in remaining loyal to its early adopters.

The most essential factor in this regard is the fact that although the apple iPhone became extremely popular, apple decided to decrease the prices of the product after three months of the launching of the product. This came as a blow to the most faithful of apple’s consumers who had bought the 3G iPhone for the original price of $599 during the first three months of the product launching. It served as a discouraging factor to Apple’s consumers and the scenario worsened further when apple chose to bring down the price all the more to almost 50% of what the price of the Apple 3G iPhone was costing at the time of its launching in September 2007.

Consumers who were loyal to apple and chose to buy the iPhone were communicated a message that was riddled with inadaptability when consumers were forced to make use of AT&T as their singular service provider. This served to cause the instigation of a significant opposition in the consumers when a large share of the consumers chose to make use of alternate carriers.

The iPhone incorporated this limitation during its launch that had implications upon early adopters of the iPhone. Early adopters of the iPhone were forced to make use of AT&T’s services.

[1] K. German, Apple iPhone 3GS – 32GB – Black (At&T) , CNET Reviews, 2009, Retrieved September 1, 2009, <;contentBody>.

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Apple introduces iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus

Two hands hold up iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus.

A Beautiful and Durable Design with Amazing Battery Life

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus are shown in midnight.

Powerful Camera Upgrades Enabled by Photonic Engine

The new 12MP Main camera is shown on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus.

  • A new Main camera with a larger ƒ/1.5 aperture and 1.9 µm pixels, enabling photo and video improvements in all lighting scenarios for better detail and motion freezing, less noise, faster exposure times, and sensor-shift optical image stabilization.
  • A new front TrueDepth camera with an ƒ/1.9 aperture that enables better low-light performance for photos and video. Using autofocus for the first time, it can focus even faster in low light and capture group shots from farther away.
  • A new Action mode for incredibly smooth-looking video that adjusts to significant shakes, motion, and vibrations, even when video is being captured in the middle of the action.
  • The Ultra Wide camera , offering a unique perspective for wider shots and improvements to low-light photos with Photonic Engine.
  • An improved True Tone flash that is 10 percent brighter and has better uniformity for more consistent lighting.
  • Cinematic mode , now available in 4K at 30 fps and 4K at 24 fps.
  • End-to-end Dolby Vision HDR , available only on iPhone.

Crash Detection and Emergency SOS via Satellite

An iPhone screen reads “It looks like you’ve been in a crash” and lets the user know the device will trigger an emergency SOS if the user doesn’t respond.

A15 Bionic: A Powerhouse with a 5-Core GPU

Powerful Connection Capabilities

Apple Fitness+ for All iPhone Users

An Apple Fitness+ trainer leads a workout.

Featuring iOS 16

The reimagined Lock Screen in iOS 16 is shown.

iPhone and the Environment

  • iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will be available in midnight, blue, starlight, purple, and (PRODUCT)RED in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage capacities. 
  • Customers in Australia , Canada , China , France , Germany, India , Italy , Japan , Singapore , Spain , Thailand , the UAE , the UK , the US , and more than 30 other countries and regions will be able to pre-order iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus beginning at 5 a.m. PDT on Friday, September 9, with iPhone 14 availability beginning Friday, September 16, and iPhone 14 Plus beginning Friday, October 7.
  • iPhone 14 will be available in Malaysia, Türkiye , and 20 other countries and regions beginning Friday, September 23.
  • Emergency SOS via satellite will be available starting in the US and Canada in November, and the service will be included for free for two years with the activation of iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus.
  • Customers can get iPhone 14 for $33.29 (US) a month for 24 months or $799 (US) before trade-in, and iPhone 14 Plus for $37.45 (US) a month for 24 months or $899 (US) before trade-in from , in the Apple Store app, and at Apple Store locations. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus are also available through Apple Authorized Resellers and select carriers. 12
  • Customers can save up to  $800  (US) on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus after trade-in directly from or at an Apple Store when they activate it with select US carriers. Terms apply. For eligibility requirements and more details, see . Pricing for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus includes a  $30  (US) carrier instant discount that requires carrier activation.
  • Customers in the US can get ready for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus pre-orders until 10 p.m. PDT on Thursday, September 8, by visiting  or using the Apple Store app. They can choose to pay monthly or in full, add a trade-in credit toward their new iPhone, or upgrade through the iPhone Upgrade Program.
  • iOS 16 will be available as a free software update on Monday, September 12.
  • Customers who purchase iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will receive three free months of Apple Arcade with a new subscription.
  • Leather Wallet with MagSafe and iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus Leather Cases will be available in five new colors: midnight, forest green, ink, umber, and orange. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus Clear Case and Silicone Cases will be available in midnight, storm blue, red, chalk pink, lilac, elderberry, succulent, and sunglow.

Text of this article

September 7, 2022


A new, larger 6.7-inch size joins the popular 6.1-inch design, featuring a new dual-camera system, Crash Detection, a smartphone industry-first safety service with Emergency SOS via satellite, and the best battery life on iPhone

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today introduced iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus, featuring two sizes — 6.1 inches and 6.7 inches — in a sophisticated design with impressive camera upgrades and groundbreaking new safety capabilities. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus take stunning photos and video with a powerful camera system featuring new Main and front TrueDepth cameras, the Ultra Wide camera for unique perspectives, and Photonic Engine — an enhanced image pipeline. Both models include the A15 Bionic chip with a 5-core GPU, which offers incredible performance and efficiency for demanding workloads, and is designed with privacy and security built in. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus introduce critical safety capabilities such as Crash Detection and Emergency SOS via satellite, a first in the industry. And with amazing battery life, industry-leading durability features, and super-fast 5G, this iPhone lineup is more advanced than ever before. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will be available in midnight, blue, starlight, purple, and (PRODUCT)RED 1 finishes. Pre-orders begin Friday, September 9, with availability for iPhone 14 beginning Friday, September 16, and availability for iPhone 14 Plus beginning Friday, October 7.

“Our customers rely on their iPhone every day, and iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus introduce groundbreaking new technologies and important safety capabilities. With the new, larger 6.7-inch display on iPhone 14 Plus, users can enjoy more content onscreen when browsing the web and even more text,” said Greg Joswiak, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Both phones have a powerful new Main camera with a huge leap in low-light performance, advanced connectivity capabilities with 5G and eSIM, and the incredible performance of A15 Bionic, which helps enable even better battery life. All of this, tightly integrated with iOS 16, makes iPhone more essential than ever.”  

Available in the popular 6.1-inch size and a stunning new 6.7-inch size, 2 iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus feature a durable and sleek aerospace-grade aluminum design in five beautiful finishes. The larger display of iPhone 14 Plus is great for streaming movies and playing games, and iPhone 14 Plus boasts the best battery life ever in an iPhone. 3 Both models have an updated internal design for better thermal performance, gorgeous Super Retina XDR displays with OLED technology that supports 1200 nits of peak HDR brightness, a 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio, and Dolby Vision.

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus also feature the durable Ceramic Shield front cover — exclusive to iPhone and tougher than any other smartphone glass — and are protected from common spills and accidents with water and dust resistance. 4

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus introduce a new standard for photo and video capture with a new 12MP Main camera featuring a larger sensor and larger pixels, a new front TrueDepth camera, the Ultra Wide camera to capture more of a scene, and Photonic Engine for a giant leap in low-light performance.

Through a deep integration of hardware and software, Photonic Engine improves mid- to low-light performance for photos across all cameras: up to 2x on the Ultra Wide camera, 2x on the TrueDepth camera, and an impressive 2.5x on the new Main camera. Photonic Engine enables this dramatic increase in quality by applying the computational benefits of Deep Fusion earlier in the imaging process to deliver extraordinary detail, and preserve subtle textures, provide better color, and maintain more information in a photo.

Dual-camera system upgrades and features include:

The entire iPhone 14 lineup introduces groundbreaking safety capabilities that can provide emergency assistance when it matters most. With a new dual-core accelerometer capable of detecting G-force measurements of up to 256Gs and a new high dynamic range gyroscope, Crash Detection on iPhone can now detect a severe car crash and automatically dial emergency services when a user is unconscious or unable to reach their iPhone. These capabilities build on existing components, like the barometer, which can now detect cabin pressure changes, the GPS for additional input for speed changes, and the microphone, 5 which can recognize loud noises typified by severe car crashes. Advanced Apple-designed motion algorithms trained with over a million hours of real-world driving and crash record data provide even better accuracy. When combined with Apple Watch, Crash Detection seamlessly leverages the unique strength of both devices to get users help efficiently. When a severe crash is detected, the emergency services call interface will appear on Apple Watch, as it is most likely to be in closer proximity to the user, while the call is placed through iPhone if it is in range for the best possible connection. 6

The iPhone 14 lineup also introduces Emergency SOS via satellite, which combines custom components deeply integrated with software to allow antennas to connect directly to a satellite, enabling messaging with emergency services when outside of cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. Satellites are moving targets with low bandwidth, and it can take minutes for messages to get through. Since every second counts, with Emergency SOS via satellite, iPhone front-loads a few vital questions to assess the user’s situation, and shows them where to point their phone to connect to a satellite. The initial questionnaire and follow-up messages are then relayed to centers staffed by Apple‑trained specialists who can call for help on the user’s behalf. This breakthrough technology also allows users to manually share their location over satellite with Find My when there is no cellular or Wi-Fi connection, providing a sense of security when hiking or camping off the grid. Emergency SOS via satellite will be available to users in the US and Canada in November, and the service will be free for two years. 7

A15 Bionic brings incredible performance to iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus. Still faster than all the competition at any price, the 5-core GPU enables even smoother graphics for video apps and high-performance gaming, and powers incredible camera features like Photonic Engine and Cinematic mode, all while delivering impressive battery life, and protecting privacy and security with the Secure Enclave. The 6-core CPU handles demanding tasks smoothly and efficiently, and the 16-core Neural Engine is capable of 15.8 trillion operations per second, enabling even faster machine learning computations for features in iOS 16 and third-party app experiences.

iPhone offers users super-fast downloads and uploads, better streaming, and real-time connectivity with 5G to help them stay in touch, share, and enjoy content. 8 Support for 5G on iPhone now extends to over 250 carrier partners in over 70 markets around the world, with expanded support for standalone networks. eSIM allows users to easily connect or quickly transfer their existing plans digitally, is a more secure alternative to a physical SIM card, and allows for multiple cellular plans on a single device. iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus remove the SIM tray for US models, enabling users to more quickly and easily set up their devices.

Later this fall, for the first time ever, Apple Fitness+ will be available for all iPhone users to subscribe to and enjoy in the 21 countries it is offered in, even if they don’t have an Apple Watch. iPhone users will have access to the entire service featuring over 3,000 studio-style workouts and meditations, all led by a diverse and inclusive team of trainers. Fitness+ users will see onscreen trainer guidance and interval timing, and estimated calories burned will be used to make progress on their Move ring. Fitness+ will be fully integrated with the Fitness app coming with iOS 16 and located in the middle tab, where users can stay motivated to close their Move ring through awards, activity sharing, and more. Users only need an iPhone to sign up, and can then experience Fitness+ on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus feature iOS 16, offering a reimagined Lock Screen along with new communication, sharing, and intelligence features that together change the way users experience iPhone. The Lock Screen is more personal, beautiful, and helpful than ever with a multilayered effect that artfully sets subjects of photos in front of the time, and newly designed widgets that offer information at a glance. For Lock Screen inspiration, the wallpaper gallery offers a range of options, including Apple collections, a Weather wallpaper to see live weather conditions as they change throughout the day, an Astronomy wallpaper for views of the Earth, moon, and solar system, and many more. With Messages, users can now edit or recall recently sent messages, and mark conversations as unread to revisit them later. 9 iCloud Shared Photo Library makes it even easier to share a collection of photos with family. 10 Live Text gets more powerful with the ability to recognize text in video and quickly convert currency, translate text, and more, and Visual Look Up adds a new feature that allows users to tap and hold on the subject of an image to lift it from the background and place it in apps like Messages. 11

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus are designed to minimize their impact on the environment, including antenna lines that use upcycled plastic water bottles that have been chemically transformed into a stronger, higher-performance material. iPhone 14 models also use 100 percent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, including those used in MagSafe, and 100 percent recycled tungsten in the Taptic Engine. Both models also include 100 percent recycled tin in the solder of multiple printed circuit boards, and 100 percent recycled gold in the plating of multiple printed circuit boards and in the wire of all cameras. Fiber-based packaging does not use outer plastic wrap, bringing Apple closer to its goal of completely removing plastic from all packaging by 2025.

Today, Apple is carbon neutral for global corporate operations, and by 2030, plans to be 100 percent carbon neutral across its entire manufacturing supply chain and all product life cycles. This means that every Apple device sold, from component manufacturing, assembly, transport, customer use, charging, all the way through recycling and material recovery, will have net-zero climate impact.

Pricing and Availability

  • Every iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus (PRODUCT)RED purchase now contributes directly to the Global Fund to combat pandemics like COVID‑19 and AIDS.
  • The display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 6.06 inches (iPhone 14), or 6.68 inches (iPhone 14 Plus) diagonally. The actual viewable area is smaller.
  • All battery claims depend on the cellular network, location, signal strength, feature configuration, usage, and many other factors; actual results will vary. The battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings. Battery tests are conducted using specific iPhone units. See and for more information.
  • iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus are splash-, water-, and dust-resistant, were tested under controlled laboratory conditions, and have a rating of IP68 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 6 meters for up to 30 minutes). Splash, water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions. Resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage is not covered under warranty.
  • The microphone is turned on only when driving is detected; this can be triggered by Bluetooth, CarPlay, or speed. All data is processed on the device and discarded after a crash event has been detected, unless a user has opted into sharing their data to improve Crash Detection. Only the sound level is shared with Apple, not the raw audio.
  • Crash Detection is designed for four-wheel passenger vehicle crashes with certain mass, G-force, and speed profiles consistent with severe, life-threatening crashes. It was designed for severe, life-threatening, high-impact front and rear, side-swipe, T-bone, and rollover crashes. Crash Detection is available worldwide on iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple Watch Series 8, Apple Watch SE, and Apple Watch Ultra.
  • Emergency SOS via satellite was designed for use in open spaces with a clear line of sight to the sky. Performance may be impacted by obstructions such as trees or surrounding buildings. iPhone will continue to operate under normal temperature conditions.
  • A data plan is required. 5G, Gigabit LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput, and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on 5G and LTE support, customers can contact their carrier or visit .
  • Users can edit a message for up to 15 minutes after sending it and can unsend a message for up to two minutes after sending it. Users can make up to five edits to a given message, and recipients will be able to see a record of edits made to the message.
  • iCloud Shared Photo Library will be available in a future software update.
  • Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas. View a complete list .
  • This offer is available to qualified customers and requires a 24‑month installment loan when selecting Citizens One or Apple Card Monthly Installments (ACMI) as the payment type at checkout at Apple. iPhone activation is required with AT&T, T‑Mobile/Sprint, or Verizon for purchases made with ACMI at an Apple Store. Taxes and shipping are not included in ACMI and are subject to the cardholder’s variable APR. Additional ACMI terms are in the Customer Agreement. Additional iPhone Payments terms are at .

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Apple IPhone, Essay Example

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It is the aim of Apple Inc to provide the most convenient product that could provide what the market expects from the company. The IPhone series of mobile-gadgets released by the company has been proved to be among the most conveniently designed products from Apple Inc. Serving as the pioneer brand that released hand-held pads that perform as good as personal computers, the Apple IPhone paved the way to what is considered as comfortable mobile-computing.


Being the pioneer company to release such type of product, Apple Inc holds the stage for recognition in this field of development in modern computer technology. Nevertheless, along the process of developing a new product for the market, other companies such as Samsung follows through the line. Trying to overthrow the performance of Apple IPhone, these companies intend to take on the challenge of making something more improved than what Apple offers. Relatively though, Apple’s innovative design and development continues to be at the top three rating among users at present.

Technical capabilities or capacities

Giving superb features that are dedicated to making sure that the users are satisfied with the product, Apple IPhone is able to create a definite impact on the market especially with the exclusive alliance it has formed with ITunes allowing the IPhone to function more specifically for the needs and demands of the users.

Sleek and easily manageable carry-on features, the Apple IPhone is something that is considered as one-of-a-kind that even though competitors try to copy what the gadget offers, there is always something new that the company could offer as they continue to improve whatever they have in store for the market they hope to serve.


As mentioned earlier, the company continues to make sure that their product evolves along with the demands of the market. Making sure that they respond to what the people want, Apple Inc. continues to evaluate market demands through surveys and research and apply the results into their new innovative designs that are often passed on for distribution in the market several months after the release of the latest model of the IPhone.

Price meets quality; this is the idealism that Apple Inc. follows as it offers the market the product it deserves. Accordingly, the price range of Apple IPhone is not as inviting as other lower-edge brands are offering, but the price the company offers is believed to strongly define the way it is able to provide the market with its expectations. This means that the value for the money the buyers give is highly given attention by the company through giving them good service and exceptional features that they would surely enjoy.

Apple IPhone products are usually released with one-year full warranty dedicated to product maintenance and product exchange when necessary. This gives their buyers the option to trust that the money they pay for to acquire the product is indeed worthwhile.

Weaknesses and strengths compared with competitors’ models

The weaknesses of the Apple IPhoneis more on pricing and its openness to major open applications that users of android OS are able to gain access to. Its strengths rely on the performance and features it is ready to offer the market. Compared to other competitors, these values are what makes the overall concept of developmental innovation that the company embraces to be balanced when it comes to dealing with the product’s weaknesses and strengths.

How do you view teamwork? What are the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative writing? What type of collaborative writing have you done during your professional and/or academic career?

Teamwork for me is a process of sharing thoughts and ideas with others and working collaboratively with others as they share their side of the work to contribute to the success being aimed by the group. During the activity, I have learned that dealing with others to complete a team-based project is very important especially in the hope of creating a good output that would provide informative presentation to the audience being targeted. Being a student, most of the collaborative writing works I have completed are dedicated to responding to school requirements. Although these works are rather basic, I see them as the perfect stepping stone towards developing a more determinable path towards working effectively as I embrace the actual work process when I enter the real world that offers the option of growth in my own career.

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Apple is staring down 2 different futures for the iPhone

  • Apple is about to find out which path the iPhone will follow.
  • For a while now, sales of its biggest moneymaker have been declining.
  • That could continue, unless Apple Intelligence proves a big hit with consumers.

Insider Today

What does the future of the iPhone look like? That depends on how Apple's AI plans work out.

For a while now, the outlook has been rather bleak. In Apple's last fiscal year, which ended in September, iPhone sales fell to $200.6 billion from $205.5 billion the year prior.

It did see a small quarterly jump in sales in the three months after that — driven by the phone it launched in September, which it does each year — but net sales of the iPhone look set to be down again this year.

As Apple announced record June-quarter revenue of $85.8 billion on Thursday, iPhone sales proved a weak spot once again, falling from $39.7 billion in the same quarter last year to $39.3 billion.

A huge part of that decline was driven by lagging sales in China, where Apple has spent the past year contending with growing competition from domestic players such as Huawei . But consumers have also generally become less inclined to buy new phones the moment they come out.

For Tim Cook , however, none of this seems to be of too much concern.

Addressing investors, the Apple CEO spotlighted Apple Intelligence, the suite of AI features set to come to Apple devices following the release of the iPhone 16 this fall.

He said Apple Intelligence represented a "breakthrough personal intelligence system that puts powerful, private generative-AI models" at the core of its devices — and something that he felt would drive renewed interest in iPhones.

In effect, then, the iPhone faces two futures.

The first would see artificial intelligence deliver the boom in sales Apple hopes for. The second, less-favorable outcome is one in which consumers deem Apple Intelligence a gimmick they don't need to rush toward, leaving sales ticking away at the kind of declining rate we've seen recently.

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Apple, for its part, seems confident that AI will put iPhones on a path toward a better future. Bloomberg reported in July that the company had told suppliers and partners that it expected the iPhone 16 to help grow shipments by about 10% later this year.

That said, it seems painfully aware of the two futures its most important device faces, which is why it has been very busy this year in its efforts to find new products to keep consumers tied to the Appleverse, or what Steve Jobs liked to call its " next big thing ."

Whether it finds success in those efforts is another matter. Its mixed-reality push with the launch of the Vision Pro in February appears to be off to a slow start, with a high entry-point price tag of $3,500 and a lack of apps deterring would-be buyers.

The company also seems to be exploring a big push into personal robotics as it looks to people's homes as a new growth area, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported in April , adding that there's no guarantee this will happen as the project is at an early stage.

Earlier this year, meanwhile, Apple had to confront the fact that some new areas remain a step too far for it after ditching its electric-vehicle project , which was a decade in the making.

That means it'll need Apple Intelligence to really keep consumers interested in iPhones. If it doesn't, it might need a new plan.

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Apple pins hopes on AI for iPhone upgrades as China sales falter

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People look at the new iPhone 15 Pro as Apple's new iPhone 15 officially goes on sale across China at an Apple store in Shanghai

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Apple breaks out of recent sales slump as it gears up to make its leap into the AI craze


FILE - Apple iPhone 15 ProMax phones are shown in an Apple store in Pittsburgh, on June 3, 2024. Apple reports earnings on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)


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Apple snapped out of a prolonged sales slump during its most recent quarter as the trendsetting company prepares to launch into the artificial intelligence craze with an arsenal of new technology that’s expected to juice demand for its next iPhone.

The fiscal third-quarter results announced Thursday covered an April-June period that’s typically a sluggish stretch for Apple as its loyal customer bases awaits the next version of the iPhone that’s traditionally unveiled shortly after Labor Day.

Even so, Apple boosted its sales from a year ago — a welcome reversal of fortune on the heels of five consecutive quarters of year-over-year revenue declines.

This time around, Apple’s revenue rose 5% from a year to $85.78 billion — a figure that exceeded analysts’ projections. The Cupertino, California, company earned $21.45 billion, or $1.40 per share, an 8% increase from the same time last year. The profit also topped analyst forecasts.

Apple’s shares swung between slight increases and modest declines in Thursday’s extended trading as investors assessed the results.

Sales of the iPhone — Apple’s marquee product — remained on a downward slope though, dipping 1% from last year to $39.3 billon. That decrease wasn’t as bad as the January-March period when iPhone sales plummeted 10% from last year, and now the product appears headed toward a major upswing.


That’s because Apple is planning to roll out a variety of artificial intelligence features that are supposed to make its virtual assistant Siri smarter and also perform a variety of helpful and fun tasks, including helping to draft texts and even creating unique emojis on demand. The AI tools will be included in a free software update expected in the autumn, but most of the features will only work on iPhones with a special chip that so far has only been available on two premium models Apple released last year.

The next model, the iPhone 16, is expected to be equipped with the AI chip — a factor that analysts believe will spur consumers who have been holding on to their older devices to splurge on upgrades so they can take advantage of the new features. That expectation is the main reason why Apple’s stock price has surged 13% since the company previewed its AI tools in early June — a run-up that has created about $400 billion in shareholder wealth so far.

“I believe it will be a very key time for a compelling upgrade cycle,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told analysts during a Thursday conference call.

Apple’s push into AI may also fuel its steadily growing services division, which saw its revenue climb 14% from last year to $24.21 billion in the most recent quarter. Although the services division has been thriving for years, it’s confronting regulatory threats that could drag down its performance.

A lucrative deal that generates about $20 billion in revenue by making Google the default search engine on the iPhone and Safari browser is being targeted in a high-profile antitrust case that the U.S. Justice Department filed against Google. A federal judge is expected is to issue a ruling by the end of this year.

The Justice Department also is targeting Apple in a separate lawsuit that it filed in March, alleging the company is illegally locking out competition by erecting unnecessary barriers around the iPhone. Apple has adamantly denied any wrongdoing and launched an attempt to have the case dismissed in documents filed Thursday in New Jersey federal court.

That started a legal process that will take several more months to play out before the presiding judge decides whether to throw out the case or allow it to proceed in a ruling likely to come late this year or early next year.

As has been happening during much of the past year, Apple’s sales continued to erode in China — a worry for investors because the region is one of the company’s key markets. Apple’s revenue in China dropped 7% from last year in the past quarter.



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After Google Antitrust Ruling, Here’s Where Other Big Tech Cases Stand

The federal government has more lawsuits in the pipeline trying to rein in the tech giants, including another antitrust case against Google that goes to trial next month.

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An office building, about five stories tall, made of glass and beige stone.

By Cecilia Kang and David McCabe

Reporting from Washington

The U.S. government’s landmark antitrust trial against Google’s search business concluded on Monday with a federal judge’s ruling that the company acted illegally to maintain a monopoly. But the parade of major federal cases challenging the power of the tech giants is just getting going.

Under the Trump administration, the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission started investigating Amazon, Apple, Google and Meta, the parent company of Instagram and WhatsApp, for monopolistic behavior. The government has since sued all four companies — Google twice — in what it says is an effort to rein in their power and promote more competition. The companies have denied the claims.

Here’s what’s next with the U.S. government v. Big Tech.

In September, the F.T.C. and 17 states sued Amazon , accusing it of protecting a monopoly by squeezing sellers on its vast marketplace and favoring its own services. The practices also harmed consumers, the F.T.C. argued, and resulted in some cases of “artificially higher prices” because Amazon prevented those selling goods on its site from offering the same products on other online sites for less.

A judge in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington set the trial for October 2026.

Amazon has asked the judge to dismiss the case and has argued that it often offers low prices to consumers and doesn’t hurt sellers on its marketplace. The lawsuit shows a “fundamental misunderstanding of retail,” the company has argued.

The chair of the F.T.C., Lina Khan, who is famous in certain circles for a 2017 Yale Law Journal antitrust paper on how to rein in Amazon, has vowed to take on tech monopolies.

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