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May 29, 2022

The Myth of the Fully-Funded PhD: Using Scholarships to Mitigate the Financial Realities of Research Degrees

The Myth of the Fully-Funded PhD

When you decide to go to graduate school of any kind, you are making a financial decision that will dramatically affect your earning capacity for the duration of the program and throughout your life. While the caliber of school, available mentorship opportunities, and research resources are important factors to consider when making a decision about which university to attend, students often forget to carefully assess the financial realities associated with each opportunity.

The financial decision surrounding attending graduate school

Unlike students in professional graduate programs, most PhD students do not plan to pursue high-paying careers, and they depend on the fact that doctoral programs automatically include “full funding” to offset the cost of long-term research degrees. Though many graduate students receive admissions offers that are referred to as “fully-funded,” such funding packages require PhD students to teach multiple years in exchange for tuition waivers and teaching stipends. Once students start to work for the university and balance their many responsibilities, they quickly realize that “full-funding” isn’t exactly the same as a “scholarship” or a “full-ride. ”

Common misconceptions about what it means to be “fully-funded”

Depending on the university and its location, the value of one’s teaching stipend in relationship to workload and cost of living can vary greatly. In reality, graduate student teaching stipends for students who live in large United States cities are not enough to cover basic necessities. As a result, most graduate students go into additional debt to complete their programs.

Since tenure-track jobs have become increasingly elusive in the United States university system, today’s doctoral students must also satisfy a growing list of requirements to be considered for well-paying and stable teaching positions upon graduation. The added responsibilities associated with producing early publications, progressing through the degree quickly, regularly attending conferences, and pursuing ongoing professionalization or certification opportunities all require significant time commitments.

However, since doctoral students must work for the university in order to waive tuition and fees, they cannot devote all of their time to academic and professional progress. To avoid burnout and set aside more time for completing research, I suggest that prospective and current graduate students continuously apply for extramural funding, research fellowships, and community-based scholarships throughout their degrees.

Accepted’s clients received over $3.5 million dollars in scholarship offers in the last application cycle.  Explore our scholarship essay services   to find out how we can help you!

How the academic culture deemphasizes the financial aspects of the work

The common phrase “no one goes into a PhD to make money” is thrown around frequently in academic settings, and seems to suggest that pursuits related to funding are selfish and “anti-intellectual.” Especially in the humanities and social sciences, there is significant cultural importance placed on the fact that academia is not about money, and that academic careers are shaped by intellectual merit, not an individual’s financial capacity to stay in school.

Historically, however, the option to waive tuition in return for a few years of university teaching was an affordable way to enable individuals to pursue intellectual projects in the not-for-profit environment of the public university. One generation ago, doctoral students transitioned into tenure-track jobs with much more ease than those currently on the market. They also entered public institutions carrying far less student debt, and upon employment, they received guaranteed state pensions and salaries commensurate with the cost of living.

In today’s public university, the labor commitments of teaching assistants have grown significantly while the pay has not caught up with the steep rise in the cost of living for most university hubs. For example, throughout my graduate program at UCLA, I received between $15,000 and $22,000 in annual pay as a teaching or staff stipend. Given that my Los Angeles rent was upwards of $1,200 per month and rising, I was unable to continue my degree without applying for extramural grants and taking on work outside of the university.

Furthermore, the number of tenure track positions is diminishing so it is unlikely that I will ever make the stable and generous income to which my advisors have access. So the cultural norms of the intellectual community, which eschew any discussion of financial wellness, are no longer sustainable for most graduate students.

Though most graduate programs do not emphasize the financial aspects of navigating life as a student researcher and university employee, I have found that the pursuit of additional funding is neither a greedy nor an “anti-intellectual” use of my time in graduate school. Rather it is a great way to empower myself to set aside more time for conducting critical research and preparing for a successful career.

Strategies for applying for funding throughout your doctoral degree

In addition to my own efforts to build funding applications into my graduate studies, as a Student Affairs Advisor at the UCLA Scholarship Resource Center, I have worked with graduate students to generate strategies for incorporating annual cycles of grant writing into their studies.

Here are some of the most important takeaways from that work:

Most applicants are so anxious about whether or not they will be accepted to their desired PhD program that they don’t think about funding until after they’ve found out where they have gotten in. But there are a number of organizations, like the Ford Foundation , the Paul & Daisy Soros Foundation , the Stanford-Knight Hennessey Scholars Program , the National Science Foundation, and the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation , that offer funding for prospective graduate students.Like university admission applications, these also run on an annual cycle that requires students to apply one year before they plan to enroll in school. So, if you are planning to spend this fall putting together applications for graduate school, it is well worth it to add a number of fellowship applications to your list as well. Even if you aren’t successful with your first round of applications you will be well prepared to add scholarship applications to your graduate school routine. This is an activity that you should engage in throughout your entire degree, and you have to start somewhere!

Below are some questions that you should be able to answer by carefully analyzing your letter of admission. If you can’t answer them, try to find out the answers before you make your decision.• How many years of teaching assistantship does the university commit to you? How many students are you responsible for teaching, assessing, and holding office hours with for each term?• Are there stipulations related to your progress through the degree that may create limitations on your access to university funding or campus work opportunities?

• Does your status as university student or staff come with health benefits?

• Does your university have a union for teaching assistants? If so, what employee rights do you have through your union membership? Pay close attention to issues of pay related to maternity leave, medical leave, absence in the case of the death of a family member, and access to childcare.

• Is there an employee handbook for student staff and teaching assistants?

• What is the pay scale associated with the teaching positions that the university has offered you?

Before you decide where to go to school, do the research about your housing options. How much does university housing cost? Are there other options?Some universities offer annual budgets on their websites that include the cost of housing, but you have to analyze these carefully to understand how these budgets translate to your degree. For instance, UCLA’s estimated cost of attendance for graduate students only lists the annual budget for the academic year, which consists of 8 months. So you’d have to add four months of summer expenses in order to get a true sense of the living costs associated with each calendar year.

Once you’ve chosen a university, I would suggest that you map out the various phases of the program, the skillsets that you wish to build, and the accomplishments that you will achieve as you progress through the degree. There are different types of funding for every step of progress that you make, and if you are intentional about identifying related funding you can apply for specific opportunities throughout.Here are some examples of different achievements or degree phases associated with specific funding opportunities:• 2-3 years of coursework

• Conference travel

• Master’s exam period

• Master’s thesis writing year

• Language study

• Building a technical or quantitative analytical methodology

• Preliminary fieldwork or archival research

• Prospectus development

• Qualifying exam period

• Preliminary dissertation research

• Primary fieldwork or archival research

• Dissertation writing year

Most research-related funding opportunities do not pay out until a full academic year after the application submission period. This means that you should plan out your goals an entire year in advance, and apply for funding in the year before you carry out the projects and goals that you propose in your application materials. If you can continuously conceptualize your degree in the long-term, you will be able to anticipate the types of funding that will support your progress.

Whether you work for the institution or not, it will likely be up to you to cover the cost of your summers during graduate school. Rather than wait until summer starts to figure out how you’re going to pay the bills, start making plans the preceding fall. You may find paid opportunities to conduct research, fieldwork, or language study during your summer. But you also have the option to take on paid internships in a number of research fields in both the public and private sectors.

Do you need help with your PhD admissions or PhD funding applications? Our expert advisors are here to walk you through the PhD application process, from strategy-building to final send-off. Check out our Graduate School Admissions Consulting & Editing Services for more information on how we can help you GET ACCEPTED…with funding!

Plotting Your Way to a Phd - download your guide today!

Student Affairs Advisor and scholarship expert, Rebecca has six years experience reviewing and editing large grant applications, research-based proposals, statements of purpose, personal statements and fellowship materials. Want Rebecca to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

  • 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Grad School Statement of Purpose , a free guide
  • How to Write About Your Research Interests
  • The Personal Statement That Got Me a Large Scholarship to Cambridge

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6 Ways to Earn Additional Income as a PhD Student

Additional Income as a PhD Student

By ProFellow Founder Dr. Vicki Johnson

Getting a PhD often means sacrificing a full salary for several years as you study. Even if you are fully funded and receive a full-tuition scholarship and annual living stipend, graduate student stipends are usually just enough to help you get by. Many students will want – or need – to supplement their student income to be able to live in areas with a high cost of living, pay for childcare, contribute to retirement, and travel while they are finishing their degree. The good news is, full-time graduate students, especially those in the dissertation stage of their degree, have quite a bit of autonomy to be able to work part-time and make more income (even if outside, part-time work is discouraged by the university – my advice is, do what you need to do!).

While I was a full-time PhD student–and international student at that–I was able to increase my income in several ways over the course of my studies. Here are six practical ways that you can earn additional income as a PhD student.

1. Fellowships

There are a wide variety of academic and professional fellowships that offer funding that can increase your income as a graduate student. Some fellowships can be used on top of your existing funding or student Assistantship income. To find fellowships, you can search our database of more than 1,300 fellowships programs here ! Here are a few of your options.

Research Fellowships: These fellowships can provide funding for your dissertation or thesis research, or research you may be doing as an extracurricular activity while you are a student. The funding typically supports you directly and often will provide funding to cover materials, travel expenses and professional development. Check out:

  • 20 Research Fellowships in Europe for Current Doctoral Students
  • 12 Multi-Country Research Fellowships
  • 17 Fellowships in Asia For Early Doctoral Students
  • 30 Dissertation Research Fellowships for Doctoral Students
  • 26 STEM Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women
  • 10 Short-Term Fellowships for Research Abroad

Language Study Fellowships: If you are studying a language or would benefit from foreign language immersion to complete your dissertation research, there is funding for this goal! Check out:

  • 9 Language Study Fellowships for Undergraduates and Graduates
  • 30 Alternatives to the 2021-2022 Fulbright US Scholar Grant

Summer Fellowships: These 2-week to 3-month long fellowships can help you gain valuable research or professional experience while you are a student during your summers. Do NOT miss an opportunity to pursue summer fellowships while you are a student (especially if your funding package does not offer summer funding!). Check out:

  • Top 10 Summer Fellowships of 2021
  • 7 Summer Social Justice Fellowships
  • 32 Summer Fellowships in Europe for U.S. Citizens

Project-Based Fellowships : There are also a wide range of project-based fellowships that would fund you to execute a project that aligns with the funding bodies’ mission. One of these awards might be in alignment, or directly fund, some element of your dissertation research!

  • 10 Fellowships for Independent Scholars Around the World
  • 24 Fellowships in the UK for Graduates and Researchers
  • 19 Fellowships for a Self-Designed Project Abroad

2. On-campus jobs

Most universities offer part-time jobs on campus which might have the benefit of some tuition remission that, in turn, increases your overall income. For graduate students, there are often research or teaching assistantship options that fit in with your degree really well. If those opportunities are not available, there are likely administrative roles that need to be filled.

Many schools have websites that list their job openings, but you can also speak with your advisor or other students to learn about the possibilities of taking on a part-time job on campus.

3. Cash-based part-time jobs

Simple cash-based part-time jobs like tutoring and babysitting can be an easy way to supplement your income without having a set time commitment or a lot of extra responsibilities. I did a little night-time babysitting as a graduate student, and often I was able to study while the children slept! Likewise, a friend of mine who was studying Music would play piano at weddings and other events and give piano lessons to supplement her income. I’ve also seen fellow graduate students check in on the elderly, paint houses, help organize events, and more – see where there is a need and get creative with your time!

4. Freelance work

While I was a PhD student, I was able to land a number of paid projects and gigs online as a freelancer. Upwork and Fiverr are freelance platforms with a vast number of one-off and recurring online gigs for academic writers and copy-editors – roles where you can flex your skills in your free time! If you have other highly sought-after skills like graphic design, coding, marketing, or sales, even more opportunities are available to you.

Freelancing can help you make a higher wage than you would at another type of work because you are providing a more niche service, and Upwork allows you to freelance without the burden of getting an independent business license, hounding clients to pay, and creating complex legal documents or contracts. While it can take a few clients to find your footing, it can be a lucrative way to pass your free time and even lead to full-time job opportunities down the road.

5. Consulting work

Because I had a robust professional network from my 15 years of work experience, while I was a PhD student, I was able to reach out to my network and land several paid consulting opportunities with nonprofits and government agencies. If you have a strong network too, don’t miss this opportunity to let your former colleagues know you are in the market for consulting gigs. Depending on your level of work and research experience, you can command an hourly rate of $50 to more than $200/per hour (make sure you research what your competitive rate can be before starting on this process). Keep in mind that taxes and other expenses may be taken out of your income and prepare accordingly. 

6. Help faculty prepare grant applications

While I was a PhD student, I also contributed to large research grant applications spearheaded by my PhD supervisor. When he landed some of those grants, he was able to subcontract me for work that supported the execution of the grant, such as the data collection, coding of the data, and the write-up. Ask your PhD supervisor if there are opportunities for you to help them prepare a large grant application, with the end goal of helping you achieve more funding. 

Increasing your income as a graduate student often begins with being fully-funded in the first place! Many graduate schools fully funded all or most of their PhD students, and ProFellow lists over 1,000+ fully funded programs in more than 60 disciplines in our free Directory of Fully Funded Graduate Programs and Full Funding Awards . Get your copy today!

Dr. Vicki Johnson Headshot

© Victoria Johnson / ProFellow, LLC 2021, all rights reserved

Related Posts:

  • Fully Funded PhD Programs in Spanish and Portuguese
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Dr. Vicki Johnson , Fully Funded

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Fully funded mfa programs in studio art and visual art, find and win paid, competitive fellowships.

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PAYING FOR YOUR PHD Expert Tips, Scholarships Opportunities and Resources for Financing an Advanced Degree

The average yearly tuition for a PhD program is slightly above $16,000, which means students will invest about $80,000 in tuition fees alone for a five-year program. Add in fees, cost-of-living, travel expenses and the figure can easily surpass six figures. Yet, it is possible to fund a PhD program without breaking the bank and going into debt.

Featured Online Schools

  • PhD Cost Breakdown
  • PhD Financial Aid Options
  • Expert Spotlight: Lawrence Burns, PhD
  • Earning Outlook for Phd Students
  • Most Lucrative PhD Careers
  • Expert Spotlight: Darren Pierre, PhD
  • PhD: By The Numbers
  • Additional Financial Aid Resources


The value of a college education should not be understated, but neither should its actual cost. Earning a doctoral degree can be an expensive proposition. According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average tuition and fees for a graduate program of study was $16,435 in 2012-2013. The table below outlines the 2012-2013 graduate tuition and fees by academic institution.

  • All Institutions $16,435
  • Public $10,408
  • Private Non-Profit $23,698
  • Private For-Profit $14,418

Source: National Center for Education Statistics

A rough calculation of the number of years it takes to complete a doctoral program, multiplied by the average 2012-2013 tuition and fees from the NCES, reveals the following total cost figures by academic field of study.

Academic Field Median Years to Completion Tuition
11.7 $121,774
9.2 $95,754
7.7 $80,142
6.9 $71,815
6.6 $68,693
6.5 $67,652

A five- to six-figure education is something to take seriously as there are debt implications after leaving finishing a PhD program. Graduating doctoral students in 2013 left school with an average debt of just over $15,000, according to the National Science Foundation. By field, students in the Social Sciences, Education and Humanities graduate with the highest levels of student debt:

  • Education: $26,566
  • Social Sciences: $26,222
  • Humanities: $21,485

Conversely, the science and technology fields graduate students with the lowest debt figures:

  • Physical Sciences: $6,342
  • Engineering: $7,031
  • Life Sciences: $11,905
  • Physical Sciences 78.2%
  • Engineering 75.1%
  • Life Sciences 67.2%
  • Humanities 48.4%
  • Social Sciences 46.5%
  • Education 44.1%

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2013

While these figures may seem alarming, a deeper dive into survey data from the National Science Foundation actually paints a more positive picture. Overall, more than 62 percent of all doctoral recipients graduate from school without a single dollar of debt.

Prospective students can use the table below to get a better sense of the percentage of students who take on debt at incremental levels in each field of academic study. A majority of students graduate with $10,000 or less in debt after finishing their doctoral degree.

PhD Cost Factors

The total cost of earning a doctoral degree is variable because of the sheer number of different factors involved. Tuition is not the only cost to consider when thinking about applying to a PhD program.

Typically, students pay full tuition rates during their first three years of doctoral study and receive reduced tuition rates for the remainder of the program. However, the actual cost of tuition does vary and may be dependent on the student’s actual degree program.

Graduate students pay a range of fees, with the most common including:

  • Health Services (access to health facilities on campus)
  • Health Insurance (personal health insurance)
  • Student Activity (subsidizes athletics and other clubs)
  • Student Recreation (access to recreational facilities on campus)

Some programs estimate students should be prepared to pay between $3,000 and $4,500 per academic year in student fees and health insurance costs.

Students with a master’s degree or coursework in a similar graduate program may be able to transfer credits into their doctoral program. That can lower the total number of credits required to graduate, which can lower the total cost of the degree. However, some institutions do limit the amount of tuition credits that can be applied for graduate work done in a related field at other institutions.

Whether or not the student has an assistantship does not affect the cost of textbooks and other academic materials. Books are a revolving charge, one a student should plan upon each semester or quarter.

Housing, utilities and food are considered indirect expenses students incur during their education. PhD students should plan on anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 and up for living expenses each year. Again, this figure is highly variable based on the location of the university and the cost-of-living in that area.

Owning a car means additional budgeting for insurance, car payments and gas. Additionally, students may need to travel for conferences and research. Without funding from a graduate student association or grant program, the student will have to cover these costs individually.

PhD students with children may have to account for childcare costs. Purchasing a new computer and other supplies may also be required. This type of budgeting will vary from individual to individual, program to program.

Most PhD programs allow students to progress at their own pace, requiring them to complete and defend their dissertation within a certain time period (e.g. six years). However, the time it takes to complete a dissertation depends on the student, area of study, research, etc. This can impact cost of attending a doctoral program.

Example Cost of Attendance

A student’s budget should include the total cost of attendance—that is both direct (tuition and fees) and indirect costs (e.g. housing). This budget is the starting point for determining the student’s financial need, how much financial aid they require, and if they can afford to attend a doctoral program. Below is a sample five-year total cost of attendance chart based on an in-state tuition program, with a budget that assumes fixed costs for fees and indirect costs, such as housing. It also does not take into account assistantships and tuition waivers for assistants.

Based on a figure that’s slightly below the 2012-2013 average graduate tuition cost, the total cost of attendance can still produce sticker shock. An average student in a program that charges $12,000 per year in tuition could have to pay between $30,000 and $45,000 year in total costs.

Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Cost of Attendance
$12,654 $12,654 $12,654 $3,658 $3,658 $45,278
$279 $279 $279 $279 $279 $1,395
$2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $11,950
$34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $170
$15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $75
$26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $130
$1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300
$14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $72,890
$7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $36,375
$1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $8,000
$3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $15,770
$43,305 $43,305 $43,305 $34,309 $34,309 $198,533


Prospective PhD candidates have an abundance of financial aid options to help fund their graduate studies. Typically, students are fully funded by a combination of sources, including scholarships, fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or student loans.

It is important for students to note that most sources of aid are awarded by individual academic programs, so they should follow-up with their department for up-to-date information.

Below is a high-level overview of the common types of graduate financial aid.

Prospective PhD candidates can turn to a variety of funding sources, including scholarships, grants, and fellowships to support their education financially. As discussed, most students use a combination of one or more of these funding sources to finance their degree program and research.

PhD students can apply for a variety of scholarships that award students with funds that can be used to help cover the cost of tuition, books and other fees.

Grants are similar to scholarships and are academic-based awards that can be used to augment other sources of financial aid.

Fellowships are a different type of funding that may encompass a scholarship or grant and can be used to fund research, study and teaching in the US and internationally. Many fellowships provide full tuition and a yearly stipend to students.

A PhD should never be an end in itself but rather a means to an end. The path to a PhD is an arduous one and should never be undertaken without serious thought to what it will bring the student. That said, there is money available for graduate study in most fields, and a student in the humanities should be very careful to apply to appropriate programs which fund their grad students.

  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences

The SMART program is designed to support graduate students studying in STEM disciplines and offers a range of other benefits, including supplies and health insurance allowances and employment placement services with the DoD after graduation.

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship is a three-year graduate fellowship that is designed to support doctoral students across fifteen engineering disciplines.

This three-year fellowship program supports the research efforts of doctoral students in STEM-related fields of study and allows them to pursue their work at any accredited graduate program in the country.

Renewable award for graduate students enrolled in a full-time APA-accredited doctoral program of study in psychology. Underrepresented, minority students are encouraged to apply.

This fellowship is open to female scholars and is designed to help offset the doctoral student’s living expenses during her final year of working on a dissertation.

This fellowship is a single-year of funding that is designed to support the doctoral research of a student working in child psychology.

The Javits Fellowship is provided on a needs- and competitive-basis to graduate students pursing graduate degrees in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts.

Two fellowships are awarded to support doctoral students who plan to study at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece for a year.

The Richard M. Weaver Scholarship is open to graduate student members of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and supports the academic work of scholars pursuing teaching careers at the college level.

The AICPA fellowship is designed for minority students pursuing or planning to pursue a doctorate in accounting.

Five scholarships are available to provide financial assistance to graduate students pursuing studies in accounting and plan on earning CPA licensure.

This fellowship provides financial support to female scholars conducting research and economic analysis into natural resource, food, or agricultural issues.

This renewable, four-year fellowship is designed to support a scholar’s work in the field of stewardship science: nuclear science, high density physics, and materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.

This multi-year fellowship supports doctoral research in several fields, ranging from chemistry to geology, materials science to physics and connects fellows with NPSC employer partners.

The NWRI fellowship program is open to full-time doctoral students conducting water-based research in areas such as water quality, water treatment and technologies, water supplies and water resources.

Really think about your reasons for getting a PhD. Critically exam the support systems you have in place to get you through the journey: 50 percent of doctoral students suffer from depression. Utilize services like the counseling center on your college/university campuses to help you respond to the stressors that may occur with the transition.


Graduate assistantships.

Graduate assistantships are a form of academic appointment and are provided by individual departments. Competitive in nature, they are typically awarded on the basis of the student’s academic accomplishments and potential in the graduate program of study. Most programs provide appointments for one year at time and students receive a tuition credit or waiver and monthly stipend. There are three types of assistantships: Teaching Assistantships, Assistant Lecturers, and Research Assistants.

Teaching assistants perform a range of support duties for faculty members at a university, including grading papers and teaching classes.

Lecturers may serve as instructors in the academic department where they are studying.

Research assistants conduct and assist faculty members with research projects in the student’s area of interest.


Fellowships are short-term funding opportunities (typically 9- to 12 months) provided to students in the form of tuition credits and/or stipends. They support a student’s graduate study in their field of choice, may assist them in their research, or gain professional training in an area of interest. Fellowships are competitive and are available in two types: University-based and External.

Individual schools, colleges, and departments at a university (e.g. College of Science, Department of English) may have endowed fellowships. Students are either nominated for an award by their department or may be open to an application process.

External fellowships are funded by foundations, government agencies and other groups and provide opportunities to study both in the US and abroad. For example, the Department of Defense offers the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship to engineering students studying in one of sixteen engineering specialties.


Many companies and businesses have created scholarship, fellowship, and tuition reimbursement programs for their employees. Depending on the company, there may be a possibility it supports the graduate school efforts of its employees. Speak to the Human Resources department to learn more about the potential funding avenues available.

Graduate students may borrow funds from the federal government under two loan programs: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program and the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

Direct Unsubsidized Loan Federal Perkins Loan
Available to PhD student who are enrolled at least half-time. No need to demonstrate financial need. Doctoral students who are enrolled either part- or full-time, demonstrate financial need, and attend an approved institution that participates in the Federal Perkins Loan Program.
Loans issued between July 1, 2015 and before July 1, 2016 will have a 5.84% interest rate for graduate students. 5%
Loans issued between October 1, 2015 and before October 1, 2016 will have a 1.068% loan fee. None
$20,500 per year $8,000
$138,500 and no more than $65,500 may be taken out in subsidized loans. This total also includes any loans secured during undergraduate study. $60,000, which includes loans secured as an undergraduate student.

Private financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, offer unsecured educational loans to graduate students. These loans must be repaid with interest. The interest rates, loan amount, and repayment terms are based on the credit worthiness of the borrower.

Federal work study provides students with demonstrated financial need part-time job opportunities that allow them to earn income while they are in graduate school. The program focuses on placing students in community service situations related to the student’s academic course of study. A majority of jobs are on-campus, but some schools may have some off-campus jobs with nonprofit agencies and other groups. It is important to note that some universities may not allow students to use their federal work study for tuition, but other related expenses (e.g. books, fees).


What should a future phd student consider when selecting a program of   study .

Speaking in the humanities, a student is best advised, I think, to select the faculty member with whom he or she wishes to study rather than simply a program. This faculty member becomes the student’s mentor, a relationship that lasts well beyond graduate school years. Because the mentor becomes the student’s primary reference, his or her standing in the field can and does have an impact on pre- and post-doctoral grants a student might win as well as on the student’s success on the academic job market.

It is a delicate balance though, because one must also look at programs that have standing in a particular field and at institutions that can afford to fund their PhD students throughout their graduate years.

Much is made about the saturation of PhD graduates and not enough   positions — both in academic and the private sector. Should that dissuade   a student from pursuing a PhD?

Yes, of course. Again, a PhD is not something that comes easily, and it should not be pursued without a reason for it. On the other hand, for students who are committed to their fields, and for whom that field is a career choice, the PhD is still the only way into the university job market. 

There is a catch-22 in the world of post-graduate education. Research universities need to turn out research, and researchers often depend on their grad students to assist them–in all fields–and departments on their PhD candidates to teach many undergraduate courses. PhD students are thus recruited regardless of the job market for the PhD holders.

The challenges in funding the PhD for me were less about how am I going to pay for this degree, but making the adjustment from being a full-time salaried employee to now, taking a significant pay cut to serve as a graduate assistant.


Potential career earnings should be a significant part of the discussion when considering whether or not to pursue a doctoral degree. Completing an advanced program of study could increase an individual’s earning potential with their current or future employers.

Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals a direct correlation between educational attainment and career success—both in employment opportunities and annual salaries. Doctoral degree holders are some of the highest paid professionals in the country. The table below outlines the difference in earnings by degree level in 2014.

Educational Attainment Avg. Weekly Earnings Avg. Yearly Salary Unemployment Rate
$1,639 $85,228 1.9%
$1,591 $82,732 2.1%
$1,326 $68,952 2.8%
$1,101 $57,252 3.5%
$792 $41,184 4.5%
$741 $38,532 6.0%
$668 $34,736 6.0%
$488 $25,376 9.0%

source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Earnings and Unemployment by Educational Attainment

  • Industry or Business $97,700
  • Government $82,000
  • Nonprofit Organizations $72,500
  • Other $70,000
  • Academia $60,000

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates

In turn, prospective students should consider how their sacrifice of time and money will pay off when they embark in their careers. Some professional fields have a higher return on investment than others. A majority of PhD candidates endeavor to become tenured-track faculty members, but they should realize that academia is one of the lowest paying sectors for individuals with a doctoral degree.

A review of National Science Foundation survey information shows that the best paying professional areas for PhD graduates include Industry and Business—with an average salary of $97,700. At the bottom of the list? Academia.


So, which PhD degrees pay the best?

According to the NSF, business, economics, and engineering are consistently among the best earning academic fields regardless of industry. The following tables outline the highest paying academic fields by professional area of work after graduation.

  • Business Management and Administration $110,000
  • Economics $82,000
  • Engineering $79,000
  • Health Sciences $70,000
  • Education $60,000
  • Business Management and Administration $135,000
  • Economics $115,000
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $115,000
  • Geosciences $110,000
  • Engineering $98,000
  • Economics $112,500
  • Business Management and Administration $96,590
  • Engineering $96,500
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $95,300
  • Health Sciences $94,000
  • Business Management and Administration $105,000
  • Economics $100,000
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $100,000
  • Health Sciences $98,000

At the occupational level, 2012 employment research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed the best paying doctoral career was Physicist ($109,600), followed by Astronomers ($105,410), and Engineering Professors ($94,130).

Overall, the top 10 most lucrative PhD careers include the following:

  • 1 Physicists $109,600
  • 2 Astronomers $105,410
  • 3 Engineering Professors $94,130
  • 4 Economics Professors $90,870
  • 5 Health Specialties Professors: $90,210
  • 6 Agricultural Sciences Professors $86,260
  • 7 Biochemists and Biophysicists $84,940
  • 8 Forestry and Conservation Science Professors $84,090
  • 9 Physics Professors $80,720
  • 10 Medical Scientists $79,930
Field of Study Academia Industry or Business Government Nonprofit organization Other
$56,000 $80,000 $70,000 $67,000 NA
$50,200 $80,000 $65,000 $60,000 $42,000
$110,001 $135,000 $96,590 $105,000 NA
$48,000 $85,000 $70,000 $65,000 $55,000
$82,000 $115,000 $112,500 $100,000 $100,155
$60,000 $80,000 $78,000 $75,500 $74,000
$79,000 $98,000 $96,500 $98,000 $62,500
$59,000 $110,000 $75,000 NA NA
$70,000 $90,000 $94,000 $98,000 $81,500
$50,000 $50,000 $77,250 $50,000 $53,500
$60,000 $115,000 $95,300 $100,000 $52,000
$57,000 $78,000 $85,000 $70,500 $62,000
$55,000 $95,500 $85,000 $90,000 NA
$55,000 $71,000 $65,000 $60,000 $61,000
$57,000 $81,000 $78,000 $70,000 $73,000


How has earning a phd impacted you personally and professionally.

Personally, the PhD was an incredibly introspective process. I believe for many, they go into the PhD thinking one thing, and come out transformed by the experience. I learned and grew personally in how I harness my self-worth, I grew professionally in my ability to humble myself and authentically listen to the feedback given about my work.

Professionally, I move with a greater level of confidence, I have more insight into my own potential in ways I could have never imagined, and all of that propelled me to write my book, The Invitation to Love.

Through your own experience, what are the biggest mistakes   prospective PhD students make when choosing and/or funding their PhD?

The biggest mistake that perspective students make is doing the degree for the wrong reason. If you are doing the degree for any other reason that self-motivated factors, you will falter. Doing the PhD to cover areas of insecurity, or low self-worth; doing the PhD for the prestige or title sake, those reasons will have you floundering and faltering when the psychological stressors being to weigh heavy.

Did you create a roadmap--financially or academically--to stay on track to   completing your PhD?

Absolutely, you have to have a plan and work that plan. Each Sunday, I would develop the week's action plan, I would carve out everything from when I was doing assignments/research to when I would work out, everything was on a schedule so that even when the fog of the process set in, I had headlights (my schedule) that allowed me to drive consistently when the road ahead was hard to see.


Doctoral education in the U.S. is a varied and broad system, one that has been growing in popularity. In the 2013-2014 academic year, more than 178,000 doctoral degrees were conferred to students nationally, according to data from the National Center for Education Statistics.

  • Doctoral Education Continues to Grow
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Dominate
  • STEM Fields are the Most Popular
  • Only Half of Students Earn a PhD in the Same Academic Field as their Master’s Degree
  • Doctoral Degrees are an Investment in Time
  • Primary Source of Funding Varies by Program

In its survey of earned doctorates, the National Science Foundation learned the number of doctoral recipients increased by nearly 30 percent between 2003 and 2013.

The most popular academic areas of study were Engineering and the Physical Sciences.

  • Engineering 69.80%
  • Physical Sciences 59.30%
  • Health Sciences 53.60%
  • Life Sciences 44.60%
  • Other 38.90%
  • Social Sciences 19.90%
  • Humanities 9.10%
  • Education -25.70%

Within the engineering and physical sciences disciplines, multiple sub-fields have been experiencing explosive interest and enrollments, with some programs (e.g. physics, materials science engineering) growing by more than 70 percent between 2003 and 2013.

  • Other engineering 127.5%
  • Materials science engineering 86.5%
  • Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering 74.5%
  • Mechanical engineering 70.5%
  • Electrical, electronics, and communication engineering 53.6%
  • Chemical engineering 46.0%
  • Computer and information sciences 119.1%
  • Mathematics 83.0%
  • Physics and astronomy 76.7%
  • Geosciences 28.8%
  • Chemistry 22.0%

According to NSF, the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields are the most popular doctoral areas of study.

  • Life Sciences 23.3%
  • Physical Sciences 17.6%
  • Engineering 17.0%
  • Social Sciences 15.9%
  • Humanities 10.7%
  • Education 9.4%

Interestingly, slightly more than 56 percent of graduate students continue into a doctoral program in the same field as their master’s degree. Rates are highest in the humanities, engineering, and social sciences fields.

  • Humanities 67.6%
  • Engineering 65.7%
  • Social Sciences 65.6%
  • Education 61.5%
  • All Fields 56.1%
  • Physical Sciences 53.4%
  • Life Sciences 35.5%

It requires approximately 7.5 years of study for the average graduate student to complete a doctoral degree after enrolling in graduate school. Education takes the longest — more than 11 years, while the physical sciences and engineering fields only require 6.5 to 6.6 years of study to complete.

  • Education 11.7
  • Humanities 9.2
  • Social Sciences 7.7
  • All Fields 7.5
  • Life Sciences 6.9
  • Engineering 6.6
  • Physical Sciences 6.5

According to the NSF, the most common source of funding for doctoral students are teaching and research assistantships. The table below details the primary source of funding for students by academic area of study.

  • Life Sciences Fellowships/ Grants
  • Physical Sciences Research Assistantships
  • Social Sciences Teaching Assistantships
  • Engineering Research Assistantships
  • Education Own Resources
  • Humanities Teaching Assistantships
  • All Fields Research Assistantships

The following table includes a breakout of the primary funding source by major field of study, according the National Science Foundation.

Field Teaching Assistantships Research Assistantships Fellowships/ Grants Own Resources Employer Other
11.6% 32.9% 41.1% 9.3% 3.0% 2.1%
27.7% 47.2% 18.8% 3.6% 1.6% 1.1%
29.3% 17.7% 25.5% 24.4% 1.6% 1.4%
7.9% 60.8% 21.4% 3.9% 3.4% 2.5%
12.3% 15.7% 13.2% 47.4% 9.2% 2.3%
42.4% 1.8% 33.2% 20.0% 1.4% 1.1%
20.8% 32.0% 26.9% 15.4% 3.0% 1.8%

Source: http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/sed/2013/data-tables.cfm


The ultimate financial goal of any PhD student should be to complete their program successfully and move into a professional career with as little debt as possible. The resources below are available to help students locate scholarships and other funding sources that can help make that goal a reality.

Unigo offers a selection of financial assistance resources for graduate students, including a scholarship directory, a scholarship match tool, educational information on student loans and funding options, and more.

Scholarships.com is a website that provides a selection of financial aid information, including a searchable scholarship directory, insights into funding trends, financial aid calculators, and information about grants and fellowships.

Peterson’s is an educational resource site that includes a searchable scholarship database, articles and advice columns, and a catalog of graduate school profiles.

FinAid.org is an educational resource site that focuses on financial aid and offers information about student loans, federal financial aid, financing a doctoral education, and includes a scholarship search option.

An office of the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid is the country’s largest provider of financial aid. Graduate students can learn about and pally for loans, grants, and work-study funds to pay for their doctoral education.

FastWeb is a financial aid-focused website that offers a searchable scholarship directory that allows students to focus their search to their major area of study, work experience, and personal and professional activities.

Chegg is an online educational portal that not only offers used textbooks, but a scholarship database as well.

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How to politely negotiate PhD funding offer?

I have been fortunate enough to get accepted with 5 years guaranteed funding to my 2nd choice graduate school. While the guarantee is great, the funding is only for 9/months out of the year. Would it be rude to ask them to guarantee summer funding to me for the first year until I can write a grant to get on a RAship? I know I should be more appreciative, since not everyone gets funding, but just an increase of about ~3k a year would make living there so much better and I do not want to accept an offer at a lesser institution just because of money.

What would be the most polite way of doing this?

I want to make it clear that I am not trying to get more money for the sake of getting more money, moreover that I am just not comfortable with so little money and such a high living cost in that area.

Thank you for your time.

  • graduate-admissions
  • negotiation

ff524's user avatar

3 Answers 3

You can always ask, and the polite way to do it is simply to ask politely, while indicating that you have a strong interest in enrolling in the program. The best circumstance is that you have a financially superior offer from another program which is of equal or slightly better quality. Then the graduate program in question may see a small amount of additional funding as a reasonable expense to ensure your enrollment. (If the other program is more than a little bit better, then everyone will be expecting you to go to the better program...unless you have personal reasons to want to go to the less good program, in which case you do not need a financial incentive.)

user45756 "guaranteed" that such a request would not lead to summer funding. Of course no one person could possibly make such a guarantee, and I have very occasionally seen additional funding given to graduate students to help attract them to a program or keep them in a program. But user45756's answer is still accurate in spirit: in the overwhelming majority of cases you get what you get.

However the expression The squeaky wheel gets the grease is very applicable to academia: people who ask for a little bit more* tend to get a little bit more. Your request for summer funding is unlikely to magically result in a higher starting salary, but it may well result in your being placed higher on lists for various summer funding opportunities. I think it is a good idea to say something like "I understand that additional funding may not be possible, and I very much appreciate your offer. However, I am sincerely concerned about quality-of-life issues while enrolled as a graduate student, and I would very much appreciate being told of any other funding, scholarship or teaching opportunities that are or may become available."

*: It is true though that people who don't know the culture well enough sometimes ask for a lot more when they think they are asking for a little bit more, and that often causes them to be taken less seriously or ends negotiations. (Imagine if you had an assistant professor job interview at a public American university and, after shaking hands with the department chair, told them that you were holding firm at a $100K starting salary. It is more than likely that you've just talked yourself out of any possibility of a job offer.) There is a real art to asking for something in a way which makes clear that you will be grateful for any response that you get, not that you feel absolutely entitled to getting your precise demands. A graduate student asking for extra funding should make extra clear that they are "just asking" and will be grateful for any response they will get. I remember one long-ago friend who was hoping that the MIT mathematics department would "get into a bidding war" with some other department of comparable quality. Of course that didn't happen, and though he did start a PhD program somewhere quite good, I could tell from this behavior (I was a first year graduate student at the time) that he didn't quite get the academic culture. I believe he dropped out within a year. (And then I lost touch with him, but I am willing to guess that he now makes much more money than I do...)

Pete L. Clark's user avatar

  • Thanks for the response; I am quite grateful for their offer after all. It's a bit of a tricky situation; the higher ranked school (top 15) is a public university so it cant offer the same funding package as the lower ranked school (top 30). The funding package from the weaker school is double, and is in an area where cost of living is considerably lower. –  Neo Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:38
  • 1 @Neo: If you have a better offer from another school, you should include that information in your request. However, since the university in question is both public and more highly ranked, in my opinion that means that they are very likely to tell you that you have to decide between short-term quality of life and the long term well-being of your career. (And I would advise you to take the pay cut and go to the better school.) Still, as I said, asking nicely may help you get to the front of the queue on future funding. Good luck. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:45
  • I think your right, probably the better thing to do is devise a plan (and a grant) with my would be advisor and hope for the best. So thanks for answering my questions/advice. –  Neo Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:51
  • I'd like to add that they guaranteed me 21 months of straight funding. so... plenty of time to work on a grant. –  Neo Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 22:34

First off, congrats! That is very good news.

I can commiserate with you on the expensive living in grad school (I'm in NYC...). Maybe in other fields it is more common, but I haven't seen very much negotiation in Economics. It seems that there is sometimes a little talk between the student and school to make sure that they even get the funding, but the funding packages we receive seem relatively fixed. I do know that we can get more funding by working as research assistants or teaching assistants. If your funding is a fellowship (basically no catches, you get the money without being required to do anything extra) then you should ask about getting funding by working as an RA or TA. Also, have you received your funding letter? A lot of the schools that I have friends at only have a month or two that you don't actually receive funding. Your best bet is to check with the secretaries or PhD coordinators at your school.

All that being said, probably the best way to find out more is to email some of the other grad students at that school and ask what they have done to stay alive during the summer months when there isn't funding.

cc7768's user avatar

I have never heard of graduate students negotiating salary. Where you go to graduate school matters a lot in your career; I have seen many sub-par people from top graduate schools obtain pretty good positions afterwards just on the merit of the fact that they go to a great school; so, another student on your school's waitlist would be just as good as you would be in the future, if they were admitted in your place, assuming that you are not exceptional (which I am assuming, since you said that you are thinking of going to your 2nd choice school). That is, the institution holds all the cards.

At postdoc or tenure-track level, negotiation happens because you have expertise that no one else can replace. But right now, you are quite replaceable, so it doesn't make sense to negotiate.

You could ask, but I can guarantee right now that negotiation will not happen.

user45756's user avatar

  • 4 "You could ask, but I can guarantee right now that negotiation will not happen." Come on, you can't guarantee it. Many graduate programs offer different levels of funding to different students and make various other efforts to recruit students of one kind or another. And the OP is not asking for a higher salary per se but rather for one year of summer funding. If someone who was accepted to the department of mathematics at UGA made such a request, then it is possible that it would be granted, especially if the applicant had a better offer from an equal or better program. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:08
  • @PeteL.Clark Fair enough. I suppose it depends on the field and the level of school. Personally, if a student made such a request to me, I wouldn't see it in such a positive light, but depending on the circumstances, I could also see myself trying to secure some funding for the student. –  user45756 Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:39
  • Based on the additional information provided by the OP about his/her situation: in my opinion, it turns out that you are almost certainly right. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 5:48

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phd extra funding

phd extra funding

Studentships and doctoral training

Get a studentship to fund your doctorate.

UKRI studentships offer funding for doctoral research. They also offer you access to training, networking and development opportunities to help you build a research and innovation career.

Our expectations for research organisations, supervisors and students are set out in the statement of expectations for doctoral training .

You could get:

  • a minimum stipend of £19,237 per year for your living costs, which is paid to you in regular instalments
  • support for your tuition fees (minimum £4,786 per year)

The stipend is usually non-taxable and does not need to be paid back. Some research organisations may offer more if you study in London, or they or one of their collaborators might decide to top up the payment. This will be outlined in the studentship advert from the research organisation.

We normally pay the support for tuition fees directly to your research organisation.

The levels given here are for the academic year 2024 to 2025. UKRI’s approach to doctoral stipend and fee levels will be reviewed through the  new deal for postgraduate research .

Additional support for your doctoral studies

As a UKRI-funded doctoral student, you may be able to access additional funding to cover the cost of other related training and development opportunities.

This could include:

  • conference attendance
  • language training
  • overseas research visits
  • internships or placements with a non-academic partner

The availability of support will depend on the research organisation and the training grants they have on offer. You should contact the research organisation you are interested in applying to, to find out what you could get.

Extra support if you have a disability

If you have a disability, you may be entitled to a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) on top of your studentship.

You should speak to your research organisation’s disability advisor to assess your needs. They can help put the right support in place, including a DSA application if necessary. You cannot claim DSA directly from UKRI.

DSA helps to cover the cost of any additional support that a person studying for a doctorate might need as a result of a disability, mental health problem or specific learning difficulty.

The allowance covers:

  • non-medical personal assistance
  • specialist equipment
  • extra travel costs
  • general expenses

Find out more about DSA in our framework .

If you are a research organisation you can download claim forms and guidance for DSA .

Who can apply

Any prospective doctoral student wishing to study at a UK research organisation, including prospective international students, can apply for a UKRI studentship.

All UKRI-funded doctoral students will be eligible for the full award, both the stipend to support living costs, and home-level fees at the UK research organisation rate.

How to find opportunities

Many UK research organisations offer some form of studentship funding from UKRI. These opportunities will depend on the subject you want to study and will normally be advertised by the research organisations.

Research organisations may have additional opportunities that do not involve UKRI. UKRI supports around 20% of all UK-based postgraduate researchers. You should speak to the research organisation you are interested in to find out what studentships are available.

You could also consider using a specialist website like   FindaPhD  to look for opportunities.

When to apply

Research organisations set their own deadlines for applications.

Many open for applications early in the academic year and close in January or February. This is not a hard and fast rule. It is important that you check the deadlines for the research organisation where you want to study.

How to apply

You cannot apply to UKRI for a studentship. You must contact the research organisation you are interested in studying with and use their application process.

For doctoral students who are already studying with a studentship, there are opportunities to get additional funding to support placements that are separate from your doctorate.  Find training and development opportunities .

Last updated: 14 February 2024

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services .

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PhD Funding – A Checklist of Possible Sources

PHD funding 2

There are probably more funding opportunities for your PhD than you think. It is worth making sure you have investigated them all.

Funding bodies support PhD students in different ways. Some pay course fees only, some include a stipend (maintenance costs) or travel expenses, and others offer a one-off award to ease the financial burden of academic study.

Each funding body will have its own criteria for eligibility. At PhD level full funding will tend to be awarded on academic merit, but there are also some that take into account financial background and other criteria such as gender (such as in the case of the British Federation of Women Graduates).

Research Councils

The seven Research Councils invest in the region of £380 million into doctorate research every year. However, funding is made available through the participating universities rather than the research councils themselves. Universities set up Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) or Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) in order to receive funding.

It is then up to the universities to decide who to award studentships to – usually based on academic merit following a competitive application process.

Eligibility criteria and award amounts are standardised and you will find many other funded PhDs referring to research council rates when defining their own. Research council studentships include fees and a minimum stipend per annum which is paid tax-free.

The seven Research Councils include:

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Medical Research Council (MRC)

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

The above organisations have been grouped together with Innovate UK and Research England in 2018, and the umbrella organisation is called UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) .

UKRI’s key objectives include providing funding for the training of new researchers.

Academic institutions

Universities, colleges and research institutes also fund their own studentships, and these are typically listed on the institution’s own website alongside its research council-funded studentships. Some will offer fees only, while others may offer a stipend as well. Amounts may vary although many use the research council rates as a benchmark.

Commercial and charitable organisations

A number of non-academic organisations help fund research at PhD level in collaboration with the university hosting the study. CASE (Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering) studentships are for four-year PhDs. These are part-funded by a non-academic ‘co-operating body’ such as a UK industrial firm, public sector organisation or charity. Students spend at least three months of the PhD working in-situ at the co-operating body which makes a financial contribution to both the student and the project. Students often find these to be good avenues for finding full-time work at the end of their placement, and will have gained valuable hands-on work experience. There are also CASE-Plus studentships where students spend a further year working full-time on the premises of the co-operating body as an employee following the PhD.

A number of charitable organisations, foundations and trusts can help fund PhDs:

The Wellcome Trust

Cancer Research UK

The British Academy

The British Federation of Women Graduates

The Institution of Civil Engineers

Institution of Engineering & Technology

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Royal Geographical Society

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

Leverhulme Trust

Action Medical Research

The Grundy Educational Trust .


If you are having difficulty in getting funding from the above sources, you may be able to fund your own way through a PhD. You may be eligible for Professional and Career development loans. It is wise to review the specific application criteria to ensure that you are eligible.

A further option is to study part-time while working. This could however place additional demands on your time and financial situation. Be aware that if you have managed to access some funding elsewhere, you may be prohibited from working during your PhD as part of the stipulations of the award.

The jobs.ac.uk website lists some excellent PhD opportunities as well as a wide range of jobs – do take a look at them!

For more PhD tips:

Your PhD Journey – Top Tips 

What Can You Do With a PhD?

PhD Application Tips

What is a PhD and Why Should YOU do one?

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Henrietta Nagy

Henrietta Nagy is a seasoned portfolio worker with over 10 years’ experience in the UK education sector. Henrietta writes educational content, designs academic courses, delivers university lectures, mentors entrepreneurs, and provides career development coaching. One of Henrietta's recent organisational clients is the Oxford University where she has facilitated over 100 hours of learning events. With 9 years of higher education studies internationally (including an MBA), she has worked with CEOs, academics, scholars, managers, women entrepreneurs, academic administrators and other consultants.

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I am a PHD Scholar at Wollegga University, Ethiopia.I need a Research Grant. Would you please help me?

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3rd December 2019 at 9:21 am

I am conflict management PhD candidate in South Africa I need funding. My area of focus is Terrorism in Nigeria. Any advice

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I am a PhD scholar in one of the Federal Universities of Technology in Nigeria. I seriously need a funding to allow me carry out a thorough research on Microplastics pollution in coastal areas of Southwestern part of Nigeria. Thanking you for your timely response. Olanipekun Oluwafunmilayo (Mrs)

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I am due to go into my final year of my Professional doctorate in education, and need funding just for this one year. My research is into COVID and the impact upon young children. Please, can anyone guide me towards any potential sources of funding for this one year?

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27th January 2022 at 1:42 pm

I have been admitted for a PhD programme at the University College London in 2022 fall, but I find it difficult to get funding as a non-European international student. Any advice! Many thanks in advance.

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My name is Esther, a Nigerian. I am looking for a PHD in Gender studies and Food Economics, please i will appreciate your kind assistance.

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I am Nigeria and will be taking a Ph. D in UK soon. Please can you share useful information on how to get external funding for my Ph. D in renewable energy system of technology. Your impactful feedbacks will be highly appreciated. Thanks

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31st October 2022 at 8:58 am

My name is Nkomo Dalubuhle from Zimbabwe lm looking for a PHD in curriculum studies in education

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18th November 2022 at 3:51 am

I am from Pakistan and want to apply for PhD programme at the University of Staffordshire UK. However, I am struggling to get funding. Please assist where you can.

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21st October 2023 at 3:56 pm

I am master’s in special education from pakistan.i required fully funded uni of this field.

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14th March 2024 at 8:01 am

I’m a Tunisian student who has been accepted into a PhD program at Newcastle University for 2024, specializing in Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as a master’s degree program at the University of East Anglia, focusing on Rural Development. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to secure funding for either program. Do you have any advice on what steps I can take or where I can apply for funding? Thank you in advance!

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25th June 2024 at 10:26 pm

My name is Wendy Mbele from South Africa lm looking for a PHD in business administration studies

25th June 2024 at 10:30 pm

My name is Wendy Mbele from South Africa lm looking for a DBA funding please.

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  • About Graduate Funding

PhD Student Funding FAQs

General funding, what are the current stipend and tuition rates.

The current stipend rate can be found  on the About Graduate Funding pag e , and current tuition rates can be found on the Student Finance website . The stipend rate is set by the dean of The Graduate School (TGS) and the budget office, and approved by the provost. This rate is typically announced during the winter quarter for the following year. Tuition rates are set by the provost’s office and approved by the Board of Trustees each spring. These rates are typically announced during the spring quarter.

Who determines a student’s funding sources (e.g., whether a student will be paid on a fellowship or graduate assistantship)?

Each program determines on a quarterly basis whether or not students will be funded using TGS funds or other sources (e.g., grants). When TGS funds are used, the program determines if this will be through a fellowship or graduate assistantship for each student. Students should refer to their admissions offer letter or program staff regarding their individual funding.

Are PhD students responsible for paying any fees out-of-pocket?

A PhD student's funding covers tuition, stipend, health services fees and the annual health insurance premium.  Any other fees, such as the activity fee, are paid by the student.

How is a PhD student’s funding affected when registered for TGS 512 (Continuous Registration)?

Students do not receive funding (stipend or tuition scholarship) when registered for TGS 512 and are not eligible for the health insurance subsidy. In addition, they do not pay the activity fee and are not eligible for U-Pass. The current tuition charge for TGS 512 is $100/quarter.

Is PhD funding different for international students?

In general, international students are funded the same as domestic students.  However, international students must pass  TGS's English Proficiency Requirement  before they can be funded as a graduate assistant/TA. 

What other funding opportunities are available?

Additional funding opportunities may be available based on eligibility through  The Office of Fellowships , the  Evanston Office of Graduate Financial Aid  (loans),  Interdisciplinary Graduate Assistantships (GAships) , or  TGS Internal Fellowships/Grants . It is the student’s responsibility to obtain approval from their program and coordinate other funding opportunities.

How do external fellowships affect my funding?

Your Northwestern funding package will be adjusted when you obtain external funding. You do not receive external fellowships on top of your full Northwestern funding.

Are financial resources available for relocation/moving expenses?

What is the process when a phd student’s tuition/fees are financially supported by direct billing to a 3rd party sponsor.

If a 3 rd party sponsor, such as an employer or scholarship sponsor, pays for a student’s tuition/fees upfront and without any stipulations, then it may fall under third party billing in which case the Student Finance department can set up a third party billing plan and invoice the sponsor directly; however, before they can do this, the student would need to provide them with an official sponsorship letter. The letter needs to be on company/sponsor letterhead and it needs to include the following information:

  • Type of charges that will be covered (tuition, activity fee, student health plan, etc.)
  • Coverage period (for example: Fall 2021 or 2021-2022 academic year)
  • Address/email address where invoice should be sent
  • Address where any refund/overpayment should be returned

Funding timeline

How many quarters of funding does a phd student receive  .

PhD students in the Humanities and Social Sciences receive 20 quarters (5 full years) of funding. In most programs additional quarters may be banked through the fifth year and used in the sixth year (see banked quarters section below). PhD students in the Sciences and Engineering are typically funded for at least five years through a combination of funding by The Graduate School (TGS) and adviser/program funding. Graduate student funding is a shared responsibility. While financial commitments are made to PhD students for a set number of years, it is important to understand that the overall graduate funding budget is dependent on a significant number of PhD students obtaining external funding.

During what months/quarters are PhD stipends paid?

PhD students are paid year round including over the breaks while they are registered full-time (excluding TGS 512). Please note that the  funding quarters do not exactly match the academic quarters . For example, the first stipend payment for new students is for the period of 9/1 – 9/30 even though classes do not start until late September. Conversely, a student who graduates in the Spring quarter (completes in May) is paid through 5/31 even though classes run a couple of weeks into June. Students receive 3 months of stipend for each quarter although the timing does not exactly match the academic schedule. Below are the funding quarters:

  • Fall: September – November
  • Winter: December – February
  • Spring: March – May
  • Summer: June- August

Is the funding for each program customized based on average time to degree?

No. The University’s funding commitment is standard across all PhD programs. It is not tied to time to degree in order to maximize the funding available to as many students as possible.

What funding from The Graduate School is limited to a PhD student’s first five years?

Any TGS quarters of funding, outside of eligible banked quarters, such as interdisciplinary GAships, cluster quarters, and competitively-awarded fellowships, such as the Nicholson Fellowship, TGS Buffet Fellowship, Ryan Fellowship etc., are limited to a PhD student’s first five years.

What funding options are available to a PhD student after their fifth year?

At the home school’s discretion, eligible banked quarters may be used through a PhD student’s sixth year in the Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition, there is no limitation on funding from outside of The Graduate School, external funding from outside of the University, or scholarships related to external funding. In addition, TGS continues to provide research assistant scholarships (RAS), health subsidies, and tuition scholarships for PhD students with external funding beyond 5 years across disciplines.

When a PhD student graduates, when does their stipend end?

A PhD student will receive a stipend payout through the end of the month in which they complete/submit all degree requirements.

Banked quarters (humanities and social sciences PhD students)

Can phd students bank some of their funding to be used later .

At the home school’s discretion, most Humanities and Social Sciences PhD students may use up to 4 banked quarters to extend their funding through their sixth year. Banked quarters are earned in years 1-5 when a student is funded on quarters outside of their 20 allocated quarters from TGS, such as through interdisciplinary GAships, external fellowships, grant funding, etc. Please check with your program staff or dean’s office to determine if your program participates in banked quarters.

Are banking policies consistent between schools?

The Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (WCAS) has a formal banking policy that is consistent across most programs. Currently, it is standard in most programs for WCAS Humanities and Social Sciences PhD students to use banked quarters through their sixth year. Please check with your program staff or dean’s office to determine if your program participates in banked quarters.

Additional income (e.g., Permission to Work)

In addition to their stipend, can a phd student perform additional work for pay.

In order for a student to perform additional work for pay, A Permission to Work form must be submitted before the work begins if any of the following thresholds are exceeded:

  • Student will work more than 10 hours/week
  • Time period of service is more than one month
  • Compensation is $600 or more

PhD and MFA students may work no more than 20 hours per week from all sources, including assistantships. Students are responsible for verifying that additional work for pay is permitted based on their funding source (e.g., NSF GRFP, etc.).

Payroll and Taxes

Where can i find out information about payroll, i-9 forms, fnis, direct deposit, w-4s etc.,, why can’t federal taxes be automatically withheld from graduate student fellowships.

Even though graduate student fellowships are considered taxable income, federal law does not require taxes to be withheld, and the amount to withhold varies by individual. To help avoid a significant tax payment at the end of the year, students are encouraged to  complete a W-4 Form  and indicate an amount they would like Payroll to withhold from each stipend payment. Learn more in the  Taxes section .

Where can I receive assistance with filing my taxes?

Why can’t the student activity fee be automatically deducted from stipend payments.

There is not currently a mechanism in place across the multiple University systems to automatically deduct the student activity fee. If a student activity fee is not paid on time, a registration hold may be placed on the account and a late fee may be charged. Please be sure to check your student account in CAESAR every month.

Undocumented/DACA funding 

How are undocumented or daca students funded.

Undocumented students who are not authorized to work in the U.S. must be funded on fellowships for their entire tenure in the program. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a.k.a. Dreamers) students who have work authorization may be funded on assistantships or fellowships.

Healthcare subsidy 

Who is eligible for the health care subsidy.

All TGS PhD students who are registered full-time (3-4 units), except for TGS 512, during the fall quarter are eligible for the healthcare subsidy for the full academic year (Sep 1-Aug 31). The subsidy is automatically applied during the fall quarter as long as the student is enrolled in the Northwestern health insurance plan.

More Assistance

Who should i contact with questions or issues related to my funding, who should i contact with questions or issues related to my student account in caesar.

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Financing Your Graduate School Education

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Tips from a financial aid professional

How much will it cost, example 1: mfa degree, examples 2: law (jd) degree, questions to consider, what does it mean, how can i pay, school-based aid, phd specifics, outside funding, fellowships and scholarships, additional online resources.

Everyone will specific questions regarding their financial situation and how it impacts the entire application and funding process. This resource provides information to help you project costs and possible methods of funding including loans, school-based aid, PhD specifics, outside funding, fellowships, and scholarships.

Everyone will have specific questions regarding their situation and how it impacts the entire application and funding process. Be sure to look over all available information to make any calls to the financial aid office just a little easier on you. And remember:

  • If you are unsure who or how to ask stop by Career Education and we can figure it out together!
  • Your record is your record. Parents, partners, spouses, etc. must be granted access to your academic and financial accounts (generally including payment history, balances, etc.). Requirements for granting access can vary by institution be sure to read their financial aid website.
  • Read your funding documents. Be sure to read documentation carefully and thoroughly, you don’t want any surprises.  This applies to ALL types of funding not just loans
  • You can always review information related to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ). Don’t forget to review some of the recent changes to FAFSA filing.

The College Affordability Guide also has some great information on financing graduate education.

Questions to ask:

  • Is a graduate/professional degree the right next step for me, and will it help me to do the work I want to do afterwards? Do I need this degree?
  • How might I cover those costs?
  • Is this a reasonable investment?

This will vary by type of institution (public or private), type of program (clinical, research), and degree type (MEd, PhD, MD, etc.) Below are some examples and definitions to help make sense of the numbers. The total cost of graduate and professional school begins before you even apply.

  • Standardized tests & application fees - many programs require at least one standardized test score (GRE, MCAT, LSAT, etc.) in addition to the application fee. Be sure to calculate this into your total cost. Waivers may be available.
  • Deposit: A non refundable payment required to hold your place in a program to which you have been accepted.
  • PhD funding: duration of funding
  • Tuition & fees
  • Cost of living comparison and related questions
  • Estimate costs of living
  • How does in state work?

Scenario: Lucia Delgato wants to pursue an MFA in fine arts. She is from California and is considering the University of California system, but she is also interested in comparing top private and state programs across the country. All of the costs below are approximations, and are based off of a 2-year MFA program (some are 2.5 or 3 years). Make sure you know how long your program will take when calculating costs. Housing and transportation costs are averages of estimates from schools in the hypothetical regions and should be taken as reference points, not exact costs. Books and supplies are slightly higher than would be estimated for other Masters programs because of the costliness of art supplies.

phd extra funding

Discussion: Comparing the options, in-state tuition is considerably less expensive for Lucia, but the cost of living in California, especially in LA or the Bay Area — where she would prefer to be — is very high. Even though out of state tuition is much higher, the lower cost of living in the Midwest means this option is not prohibitively more expensive than the in-state options. However, private tuition, combined with the higher cost of living in Northeastern cities makes, the Private MFA option considerably more expensive than the two public options.

Scenario: Jenny Paik plans to go to law school. She is from Wisconsin and is considering the University of Wisconsin's law program to be close to family and save money, but she is also looking at other top programs in the Midwest. Tuition and fee costs are approximations and are for 3-year programs, which is the industry standard. Housing and transportation costs are averages of estimates from universities in the midwest region and should be taken as reference points, not exact costs.

phd extra funding

Discussion: In-state tuition would make law school — which is simply expensive — considerably less costly than the out of state and private options. Additionally, Madison, WI is comparatively more affordable than other Midwest cities such as Minneapolis or Chicago, and Jenny could conceivably lower her cost of living even more if she was able to live with family while in school. Both out of state and private tuition are considerably more expensive than the in-state option. When the considerably higher tuition costs of the private law school is combined with the higher cost of living in Chicago, this option ends up being more than double the price of the in-state option. Jenny would likely want to research the possibility of securing merit grants or scholarships to make this option more affordable.

When considering these hypothetical scenarios, it becomes clear that the cost of attending graduate school is much more complicated the price tag of tuition alone. Instead, it is crucial that you dig deeper into the associated and even hidden costs by asking yourself questions such as:

  • How are you accounting for the cost of living? Can you reduce costs by living with roommates or in campus housing? What are the tradeoffs of living farther away from campus (where housing may be more affordable) but needed to pay more for transportation?
  • What types of aid do these programs offer? How would this aid alter the cost equation?
  • Some schools allow students to pay in-state tuition rates after a year of residency. Is this a possibility at any of the out of state schools you are considering? If so, how would this alter the cost equation?
  • Health insurance costs can vary widely by program. Some programs even cover the cost of health insurance entirely. Also, remember that if you are an American citizen under 26 years old, you can stay on your parents’ health insurance and waive the program insurance fee.

Below are some of the costs to consider and what they mean.

  • Tuition: This is the charge you pay to cover the cost of teaching and instruction. Tuition is usually calculated differently depending on whether you are enrolled full time or part time. Example 1 is a medical school so full time is the only option. If a program offers a part time options you are usually charged at the per-credit rate. (Example 2?)
  • Fees: In the US, these are cost for other services not covered by tuition, such as: labs, student activity, technology, health, athletics, etc. Most clinical programs have clinical fees and/or lab fees associated with clinical and lab courses. In some countries, “fees” are what in the US would be called “tuition.”
  • Room and board: general living expenses such as the cost of lodging and food. The exact cost can vary greatly by location and whether or not you live on campus.
  • Books/Supplies: This can vary greatly by the type of programs. Clinical programs will have a higher cost in this area if specialized equipment (stethoscope, gait belt, blood pressure cuff, etc.)  is required for your training.
  • Transportation: This will vary by program and location. Public transportation is sometimes included in your student fees.
  • Misc.: other costs not covered in the categories above.
  • Cost of Attendance: In the US and some other countries, this is calculated each academic year by every institution and provided to the department of education. Important Note: If you receive any US federal funding this will act as the ceiling for total funding that can be received each academic year from all sources.
  • For more about EFC see StudentAid.ed.gov
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): this is required for almost all federal funding, some campuses may require submission of a FAFSA to receive certain aid. For more information: https://studentaid.ed.gov

Be sure to research all of the options available to you for the schools and programs you plan to attend. A great detailed overview can be found HERE . Below are some of the options available to you. Check in with Fellowships and Scholarships and a Career Community Advisor to talk about specific opportunities.

A brief overview of common US loan types is below be sure to check the Department of Education website for up to date information on direct and graduate plus loans.  You can also find helpful resources on US student loans from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau here .

Direct — Unsubsidized

  • Subsidized is no longer an option for graduate students
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Non-need based
  • Must be enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours) in degree program
  • Repayment and interest begin 60 days after disbursement
  • Repayment deferred when enrolled at least half time
  • Generally, automatic consideration when applying for campus aid
  • Requires Master Promissory Note and entrance counseling
  • 1.069% origination fee

Graduate Plus

  • May borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other aid
  • Repayment may be deferred until after graduation
  • Requires FAFSA, Master Promissory Note, and entrance counseling
  • Requires credit check
  • 4.276% origination fee
  • Interest rate varies with loan
  • Most likely will need credit worthy co-signer
  • Terms vary by lender
  • Application process varies by lender
  • Generally, must accept or decline other aid first
  • Must be in degree seeking program

This category covers a wide variety of funding sources and opportunities. Be sure to check with each campus and program to find opportunities. A few additional notes:

  • Generally, this refers to funds that are only available only to those on that campus, sometimes limited to those in specific programs
  • These sources may have separate applications and timelines. Be sure to read information and instructions closely. This information may be sent directly to you by a department, school, or program contact. It may also be available on the financial aid website.
  • Not all of these sources will be need-based. There may be very specific requirements such as state of residence, high school attended, etc.
  • Funding for these may come from any number of sources based on the institution and program.
  • Duties of the roles can vary but they are primarily designed to help students learn and practice skills that will be valuable during and after their graduate program.
  • Some programs provide GA and RA positions as a part of set funding packages, if this is the case specific language should be easy to find.
  • Other programs will post opportunities on a job board and require students to apply and be interviewed, similar to any job.
  • There should be guidelines on acceptable, and unacceptable, responsibilities for both positions.

You may have heard that a PhD should be free, or that someone else should be paying for your doctoral degree. While there may have been some truth to this in the past, funding in higher education has changed dramatically over the last 10-15 years--but there is still more funding available for PhDs than for master’s degrees. See below for some important notes related to funding a doctoral education.

  • Funding for doctoral education can vary greatly by academic field, institution, full or part time status.
  • Research areas of faculty associated with a department and their related grants will also impact packages available to you.
  • Funding packages are created with specific time tables for students in mind. Full funding may only be available during the first few years while you are still taking courses, which are the most expensive.
  • Graduate assistant and research assistant positions usually require a minimum number of hours per semester or academic year  to earn your stipend.
  • Some funding is guaranteed for a set number of years, in other cases it must be renewed year to year. Be sure to read the details for any funding offered.
  • Funding beyond your initial aid package may be limited or dependent on your research, publications or other metrics.

These are funds in you have been awarded and can take with you to the institution you attend. The funding is more closely tied to a discipline, degree type, experience or mission rather than a specific institution.

  • Military ( Army , Navy , Air Force )
  • SMART Scholarship
  • National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment , DCBF Loan Repayment Assistance Program , NIH Loan Repayment Programs , California Dental Association
  • Employer benefits: depending on the industry, and employer may pay for some or all of your advanced training. There are usually waiting periods before using these benefits and there may be restrictions based on need in a given field, years of service, etc. May also be referred to as tuition assistance or professional development funds. Be sure to read the find print and talk to your human resources office and hiring manager. A few examples are below.

There are a wide variety of options across multiple disciplines and for citizens of any country. A few great places to start is the Fellowships & Scholarships  pages on our website. A few examples are below:

  • Soros Fellowship
  • Commonwealth Scholarship
  • Ford Foundation Fellowships
  • Wellesley College Graduate Fellowships
  • Don’t miss our advice on searching for scholarships and fellowships for graduate and professional degrees ...

General Information:

  • Access Group (private, nonprofit lender for individuals pursuing a graduate or professional school degree, special expertise in law school lending)
  • FastWeb  (scholarship search engine)
  • FinAid (nonprofit site with student aid information)
  • Gradschools.com  (see “Financing” tab)
  • The admissions and financial aid process for graduate school (parts 1 and 2)  (idealist.org) (video)
  • Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority
  • National Association of International Educators (NAFSA) (for international students seeking funds for study in the U.S.)
  • Wellesley tips for searching for funding for graduate/professional degrees
  • ProFellow (Fellowship search engine)
  • Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans - Gale Virtual Reference Library
  • U.S. Department of Education Financial Aid Student Guide
  • Government information on loans, grants, work-study, and general application policies.

For law and medical school:

  • Paying for Law School (LSAC) (video)
  • The Economics of Becoming a Doctor (AAMC) (video)
  • Association of American Medical Colleges - Financial Aid Facts Sheets

For the sciences:

  • American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) (funding for training in the sciences—for alumnae)
  • Community of Sciences Database (search engine for the sciences; can search by home country, more geared for graduate school)

For study abroad:

  • International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search (IEFA) (financial aid, college scholarship, and grant information for U.S. and international students wishing to study abroad)
  • Institute of International Education (IIE) Funding for U.S. Study Online (extensive database of scholarships, fellowships and grants)
  • The International Scholarship Search (premier financial aid, college scholarship and international scholarship resource for students wishing to study abroad)
  • Pathways to Science

For women only:

  • American Association of University Women
  • Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
  • PEO International Peace Fellowship

For new Americans:

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans

Related resources

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  • Student Loans

How to Pay For Graduate School With Scholarships, Grants And Fellowships

Kat Tretina

Updated: Aug 22, 2023, 1:00pm

How to Pay For Graduate School With Scholarships, Grants And Fellowships

A master’s degree can often guarantee higher earnings than a bachelor’s degree, but it can also come with more student loan debt. Approximately 60% of those who complete graduate school have student loans , with an average balance of $66,000, according to a study by Northeastern University.

But before you get discouraged by the cost of earning a master’s degree, know that you may not have to pay the full price yourself. By using graduate school scholarships, grants and fellowship programs, you can save money and reduce the need for student loans. We’ll walk you through how to find the right program for you, without having to pull out more in student loans .

How to Find Free Ways to Pay For Grad School

The median earnings for master’s degree holders is $77,844—nearly $13,000 more than those with a bachelor’s degree. However, the cost of graduate school can be steep. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that the average cost of tuition and fees—not including room and board—is $19,314 per year, or over $38,000 to complete a two-year program.

Thankfully, there are many financial aid programs specifically designed for graduate students, including scholarships, grants and fellowships.

Graduate School Scholarships

Scholarships for graduate students are awarded by schools, nonprofit organizations and private companies. They’re usually based on academic and professional achievements. There are thousands of scholarship opportunities available; below are just a sampling of potential awards.

  • American Indian Education Fund : Through the graduate school scholarship program, the American Indian Education Fund awards scholarships of $1,000 to $2,000 to eligible American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students pursuing a graduate or doctoral degree.
  • Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund : The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund is a nonprofit organization focused on social change. Its scholarship program gives up to $15,000 to graduate students that plan to use their degrees to advocate against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression.
  • Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship : Awarded by the American College of Healthcare Executives , this scholarship gives recipients up to $5,000. It’s for students in their final year of a healthcare management graduate program.
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation : The ASHFoundation scholarship offers awards of $5,000 for those who are enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program.

Grants for Grad School

While scholarships are usually based on past achievements, grants are awarded based on your financial need. As a graduate student, you may be eligible for federal or state grants, and some nonprofit organizations issue grants as well. For example:

  • American Association of University Women : Through the Career Development Grant , women going to graduate school to advance their careers or change fields can get up to $12,000. To qualify, the applicant must be studying education, health, medical sciences or the social sciences.
  • TEACH Grant : With a federal TEACH Grant , you can get up to $4,000 per year to pay for your graduate degree. However, you must commit to teaching in a high-need subject for at least four years in an elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students. Otherwise, your grant is converted into a student loan and must be repaid with interest.
  • California State University Grant Program : This program gives eligible graduate students that are California residents up to $7,176 to pay for their degrees. Awards are determined by financial need and the degree you’re pursuing.

Fellowships for Graduate Students

Fellowships are often awarded based on your future potential, rather than your past achievements. Issued by government agencies, companies and nonprofit organizations, fellowships are designed to give you the funding you need to advance your career or complete your research. Here are a few to consider:

  • Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship : The Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship program is for first-year MBA students pursuing a summer associate position with the company. Students must be Black, Hispanic or Latino, Native American or identify as women. Fellowship recipients will get $35,000 on top of their summer associate salary.
  • Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship : The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship is for immigrants and the children of immigrants that the organization believes will make significant contributions to society or culture. Fellows receive up to $90,000 over two years.
  • National Science Foundation Fellowship : The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program recruits individuals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Past recipients include over 40 Nobel Laureates. It’s a five-year award program totaling $138,000 in financial assistance.

Grants vs. Scholarships

Grants and scholarships are two types of aid that usually don’t have to be repaid, but they work differently. Here’s how they compare.

  Grants Scholarships

When To Apply for Scholarships and Grants

Begin applying for scholarships and grants as soon as possible. Ideally, you’ll back about these awards before the school year starts (or early on) so you can determine if you have any funding gaps.

The actual deadlines for scholarships and grants can vary. Most scholarship deadlines fall between October and May, according to Scholarship.com. Since scholarships may involve writing essays and submitting recommendations, it’s best not to wait to apply.

You’ll need to complete the FAFSA for state, federal and institutional aid. The application opens each October before the start of the school year and closes in June of that school year. For example, the 2023-2024 school year application opened on October 1, 2022 and closes on June 30, 2024.

States may also have their own FAFSA deadline . Submit your application soon after the open dates since money may be limited and funds could be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

3 Tips To Apply for Scholarships and Grants

If you’re looking for grants and scholarships for graduate students, follow these tips:

1. Fill Out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Even as a graduate student, completing the FAFSA is a crucial first step in applying for financial aid. It’s what the government and many schools use to determine your eligibility for awards, including grants and student loans.

2. Apply for Multiple Opportunities

You’re not limited to only one or two awards. You can combine multiple scholarships and grants to reduce your expenses. You can find scholarships for graduate students using resources like The College Board’s Scholarship search tool , Sallie Mae’s database , and FastWeb .

3. Pay Attention to Deadlines

Deadlines vary by issuing organization, so research available opportunities early and set reminders for applicable deadlines. Make sure you follow the program’s application directions and submit your materials by its deadline.

Applying for Fellowships

The application process for fellowships can be more involved than it is for graduate school scholarships and grants. Most fellowship programs are highly competitive, and require evidence of your potential within your field. You may need to complete a research proposal, submit multiple letters of recommendation, collect transcripts and create a detailed curriculum vitae (CV).

To find fellowship opportunities, you can check with your university and related professional associations. You can also search for fellowships using ProFellow.com .

Paying for Graduate School

While graduate school can be expensive, earning a master’s degree can have a positive return on your investment. And by utilizing grants, fellowships and scholarships for graduate students, you can lower your education costs so you don’t need to borrow as much money to pay for school. With some extra work and a little luck, you may be able to completely avoid graduate student loans .

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Frequently asked questions (faqs), what are other financing options for grad school.

If scholarships, grants and fellowships can’t cover the full cost of grad school, you could use loans to pay for the remaining expenses. Financing options include:

  • Unsubsidized Direct loans. Unsubsidized Direct loans are federal loans for undergraduate and graduate students not based on financial need. These loans come with fixed interest rates and can qualify for loan forgiveness programs and income-driven repayment (IDR) plans like the new Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.
  • Grad PLUS loans. Grad PLUS loans are federal loans specifically for graduate and professional students. Interest rates on grad PLUS loans are higher than other federal loans, so it’s best to use them only after exhausting all other federal loan options. Grad PLUS loans may also qualify for loan forgiveness programs and IDR plans, including the new SAVE plan.
  • Private student loans. Lenders offer private student loans , but these loans don’t have the same borrower benefits as federal loans. However, interest rates on private graduate student loans may be lower than federal loans if you have good credit.

Are there any requirements for receiving grants and scholarships?

Grants are typically offered based on the applicant’s financial need, while scholarships may be based on financial need and professional, athletic or academic achievements.

When qualifying for grants, the cost of your school and your family’s ability to contribute to your education are considered. Scholarship applications may require a copy of your college transcripts, essays and other documentation showing a record of achievement.

How can I improve my chances of getting financial aid for grad school?

First, apply for financial aid early. Applying early could improve your chances of getting need-based aid since it can be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Next, consider applying to several schools to receive and compare multiple offers. If you don’t get as much aid as expected or your financial situation changes after submitting the FAFSA, you could ask the school to reevaluate your offer, which might help you get more assistance.

How is a fellowship different from a scholarship?

A graduate fellowship is an academic or professional enrichment opportunity. Typically, fellows receive a stipend in cash while training, studying, researching or participating in a project. You can use the stipend funds to pay for school or other expenses. Scholarships generally don’t require ongoing professional development and are based on past achievements. Funds from scholarships may also go directly to the school to cover tuition.

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  • Education and learning
  • Student finance

Doctoral Loan

You may qualify for other funding , for example grants from charities or trusts.

Student Finance England also has more information about other kinds of student finance .

You will not be eligible for an Adult Dependants’ Grant, a Childcare Grant or Parents’ Learning Allowance from Student Finance if you’re studying a doctoral course.

Disabled students

If you have a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty (for example dyslexia) you can apply for:

  • Disabled Students’ Allowance
  • extra help if you’re experiencing financial hardship

You may also qualify for disability related benefits .

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phd extra funding

  • PhD Loans – 2023 Guide for Doctoral Students
  • Funding a PhD
  • A PhD Loan can fund a PhD in any field lasting between three to eight years .
  • You can borrow up to £28,673 for courses that started on or after 1st August 2023.
  • There are several eligibility restrictions, including that you must be a UK national resident and not receiving other funding (e.g. from Research Council or NHS).
  • The repayments will be 6% of your annual income above  £21,000 .

What Is a PhD Loan?

A PhD loan is a form of UK Government loan made available to doctoral students residing in England or Wales. It is designed to help students fund their doctoral programme or equivalent degree, covering basic costs such as the tuition course fees and living costs.

The most common degrees they cover are:

  • PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
  • EngD – Doctor of Engineering
  • EdD – Doctor of Education

Note: PhD Loans are formally known as Postgraduate Doctoral Loans, however, many postgraduate students commonly refer to Doctoral Loans as PhD Loans due to their primary use to fund PhDs.

Am I Eligible for a PhD Loan?

There are several requirements you must meet to be an eligible student for a PhD loan, such as your residency status. The eligibility criteria are summarised below into two categories – those that make you eligible and those that make you ineligible for a PhD loan.

Requirements That Make You Eligible:

  • Be a UK or Irish citizen or have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme , and ordinarily a resident of England or Wales.
  • Be under the age of 60.
  • Undertake a PhD (or another doctoral degree) that is three to eight years long and provided by a university in the UK.

Note: A common misunderstanding amongst university students is that a Doctoral Loan can fund an MPhil degree. As an MPhil is a Master’s degree, it does not meet the ‘Doctoral or equivalent’ requirement for being eligible for a Doctoral Loan. Therefore, if you are considering undertaking an MPhil, you should instead be applying for a Postgraduate Master’s Loan. If more appropriate for your situation, you can find out more information about Postgraduate Loans here .

Requirements That Make You Ineligible:

You must not:

  • Already hold a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree.
  • Already be receiving funding. This includes grants from the Research Council (studentships, stipends & scholarships etc.), a social work bursary or NHS bursary (note that being eligible for an NHS Bursary even if you’re not receiving one will make you ineligible for a PhD loan).
  • Already have had a Doctoral Loan before, unless you left your course due to illness, bereavement or another serious personal reason. You are still eligible if you have received an undergraduate loan in previous study.
  • Obtain your PhD through publication (as this won’t have a period of study associated with it)

Aspects That Don’t Affect Your Eligibility:

There are several aspects of your PhD course that do not affect your eligibility to receiving Doctoral Loans. These are:

  • Your doctoral course – your PhD can be in any subject or field. The underlying requirement is that it is provided by a university in the UK; i.e. a university in either England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
  • Full-time or part-time course – you need not pursue your PhD full-time to be eligible. The underlying requirement is that your PhD can be completed within eight years regardless of how you allocate your time.
  • Taught, research-based or a combination of both – as long as your PhD has an aspect of studying associated with it, the method of obtainment of your PhD will not affect your eligibility.

How Much Funding Can I Get?

The amount of funding you can obtain isn’t means-tested. This means that it isn’t related to your financial background or household income and therefore you can qualify for the full amount regardless of your situation.

The maximum loan amount you can borrow falls into one of three categories:

  • Up to £28,673 if your course starts on or after 1st August 2023 ,
  • Up to £27,892 if your course started between 1st August 2022 and 31st July 2023 ,
  • Up to £27,265 if your course started between 1st August 2021 and 31 July 2022 .

You may apply for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan in any year of study, however you may not receive the maximum amount if you apply after the first year of your PhD. For annual costs, you may receive:

  • Up to £12,167 per year  if your course starts on or after 1st August 2023 ,
  • Up to £11,836 per year  if your course started between 1st August 2022 and 31st July 2023 ,
  • Up to £11,570 per year  if your course started between 1st August 2021 and 31 July 2022 .

When Will I Get Paid?

Your loan payments will be spread out across all academic years of your course.

Example: If you undertake a full-time PhD over 5 years and apply for a loan amount of £25,000, you will receive £5,000 in each academic year.

Further to this, the allocation for each academic year will be paid in three even instalments, with each instalment paid at the start of a new term.

Example: Continuing with the above example, the £5,000 per each academic year would be paid in three instalments of £1,667.

Your first instalment will typically be paid immediately after your course start date. This is because your university will first need to confirm to Student Finance England (SFE) or Student Finance Wales that you’ve officially enrolled with them before the student loan can be released to you.

How and When Do I Repay?

Repayment terms – You will need to start repaying your loan once you have completed your PhD and started earning an annual income over £21,000 .

Once both these conditions are met, you will start making your repayments at 6% of your income above £21,000 . This means that for the first £21,000 you earn, you won’t need to make any contributions towards your loan repayment, however, anything above £21,000 will be subject to a 6% deduction for repayment towards your student loan.

It’s worth noting that if you work for an employer after your PhD, your repayments will be automatically deducted from your salary and there isn’t anything you will directly need to do. However, if you decide to work for yourself as opposed for an employer, you will need to make the repayments yourself.

Like undergraduate loans taken for undergraduate degrees, a postgraduate Doctoral Loan is subject to interest, which will need to be paid on top of your original student loan value. The interest rate is the retail price index (RPI) plus 3%.

Example: The average UK RPI for 2019 was approximately 2.4%. This means that besides the mandatory 3% that is owed, the average interest rate on a Doctoral Loan in 2019 would have been 5.4%.

It’s worth noting that if you aren’t able to completely repay your postgraduate loan within 30 years from the date of your first payment, the remaining loan debt will be voided.

How Do I Apply?

You can apply in one of two ways – either online , by setting up an account on Student Finance England’s website, or by post , by filling in a printable form on GOV.UK ‘s website. Click the respective below to be taken directly to their websites where you can find out more. Note that you will only have to apply once for Postgraduate Doctoral Loans; Student Finance England will contact you every year to confirm the amount you will receive.

Online Application – Student Finance England

Postal Application – GOV.UK

Note: While English residents and EU students who will study in England need to apply to Student Finance England, Welsh residents and EU students who will study in Wales will need to apply to Student Finance Wales .

The application deadline is based on when your doctoral programme is due to start; you should apply within 9 months of this start date.

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Other PhD Funding Options

A PhD Loan is only one of several sources of funding to support your PhD studies and living expenses. The other postgraduate funding options available to you are:

  • Research Council funding and studentships
  • Scholarships and bursaries
  • Employer sponsorship
  • Charities and Trusts

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  • PhD Loans for Doctoral Students – A Guide for 2023

PhD Loans for Doctoral Students – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

A UK PhD loan is worth up to £29,390 from Student Finance England or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales. The money only needs to be paid back when you earn over £21,000 a year.

On this page

PhD Loans – At a Glance
Student loans for PhD-level qualifications lasting up to eight years in all subjects.
Up to £29,390 from Student Finance England for 2024-25 or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales.
English- or Welsh-resident UK students, aged 59 or under and .
Any UK university.
6% of income over £21,000 per year. Combined with .

You can borrow a PhD loan of up to £29,390 from Student Finance England for 2024-25 study or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales. All of the money is paid directly to your bank account . You can use it for PhD fees, research expenses, maintenance or other costs.

Doctoral loans aren't based on household income or means tested, so the amount you can borrow isn't affected by your income or savings.

It's up to you to decide how much you want to borrow (up to the maximum, of course). This amount will then be spread evenly across your PhD, in three instalments per academic year .

Frequently asked questions

Below we've answered a selection of commonly asked questions about PhD loan amounts.

Is the value of the doctoral loan linked to my fees?

No. You can borrow the same amount with a doctoral loan regardless of how much your PhD project or programme costs.

Can I change the amount I borrow?

Yes. You can change your PhD loan amount later by submitting a PhD loan request form (PDF). You can't do this online.

Can I borrow more than the cost of my PhD?

Yes. Any extra loan can be used to help with living costs or other expenses.

Do I have to borrow the full amount?

You can borrow anything between £1 and £29,390/£28,655 (for a 2024-25 PhD). Whatever you request will be divided equally across your PhD , but you can't receive more than £12,167 in any one year if your course started between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024, and £12,471 if your course starts on or after 1 August 2024.

Are extra loans available for maintenance?

No. You can use some of your doctoral loan for living costs, but there isn't any separate PhD maintenance loan.

Will the loan value increase?

The value of a doctoral loan usually increases slightly with inflation each year. However, this change only applies to new students. The maximum you can borrow with your PhD loan will be capped at the amount available when you began your PhD.

Why can't I borrow more than £12,167/£12,471 per year?

Capping the annual amount for a PhD loan at £12,167/£12,471 is designed to match the Masters student loan system : it means that doctoral students and Masters students can borrow the same amount per year.

The timing of your loan payments will be based on your intended submission date . This means that your loan payments may already have finished if your PhD takes longer than you expect, or you spend extra time 'writing up' your thesis. You should bear this in mind as you plan your project and budget for it.

Student eligibility

You can apply for a PhD student loan if you're a UK national and:

  • You've lived in the UK for at least three years (not including time abroad for short-term travel or study)
  • You are ordinarily resident in England or Wales (you don't just live there to study)
  • You will be aged under 60 (59 or under) on the first day of the first academic year of your PhD (usually 1 September for degrees beginning in the autumn)
  • You don't already have a PhD or other doctorate
  • You won't be receiving UKRI funding for your PhD (and haven't been funded by a Research Council in the past)
  • You won't be receiving other UK public funding for your doctorate, such as a Social Work or Educational Psychology bursary
  • Your doctorate isn't eligible for NHS funding (if it is, you should apply for this instead)

PhD loans for Scottish and Northern Irish students

UK doctoral loans are currently only offered by Student Finance England and Student Finance Wales. You won't normally be eligible to apply for their support if you are resident in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Student Finance Northern Ireland and Student Awards Agency Scotland may offer doctoral loans in the future. We'll let you know as soon as that happens.

PhD loans for EU students

You can apply for a UK doctoral loan as an EU student if:

  • You began your PhD in the 2020-21 academic year or earlier
  • You applied to the EU Settlement Scheme before 30 June 2021

EU students who are coming to study in the UK from 2021-22 onwards will count as international students (see below).

PhD loans for Irish students

Irish students can still apply for a UK PhD loan to study in either England or Wales. This right is guaranteed by the Common Travel Area and isn't affected by Brexit.

PhD loans for international students

International (non-UK) students aren't normally eligible for UK doctoral loans, but an exception may apply if:

  • You have settled status in the UK
  • You are an EU national and have applied to the UK's EU Settlement Scheme (see above)
  • You are an Irish national (see above)
  • You or a family member have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK
  • You are 18 or over and have lived in the UK for at least 20 years and / or half of your life

If you aren't sure whether you qualify for UK student finance, check advice from the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

We've answered several questions about student eligibility for doctoral loans, covering residency criteria and more.

Where can I study?

If you are ordinarily resident in England or Wales before your course, you can use your PhD loan to study any UK PhD .

If you are ordinarily resident outside the UK, you can only use your PhD loan to study in England or Wales.

What if I have moved from England or Wales to another part of the UK for previous study?

You will still count as an English- or Welsh-resident student if you have studied your undergraduate degree or Masters in Scotland or Northern Ireland and want to continue straight on to a PhD. This means you will be able to apply for a doctoral loan.

What counts as being ordinarily resident in England or Wales?

To be eligible for a doctoral loan as a UK student you must be ordinarily resident in England or Wales. This means that you normally live in England or Wales and you haven’t moved there just to go to university.

You will normally count as being ordinarily resident in England or Wales if any or all of the following are true:

  • You lived in England or Wales before you went to university for your Bachelors degree
  • You received an undergraduate student loan from Student Finance England or Student Finance Wales
  • You have lived and worked in England or Wales after graduating from university

Can I combine a PhD loan with a Research Council studentship?

No. Unfortunately you can't apply for a PhD loan if you're also receiving any form of Research Council funding from UKRI – including a 'fees-only' award.

Can I get a PhD loan now and apply for Research Council funding later?

Potentially. Some Research Council awards allow students to apply again for the second year of their PhD. Having had a PhD loan may not stop you doing this, provided you cancel it before receiving your Research Council funding.

Note that this still doesn't work the other way around: you can't apply for a PhD loan once you've been awarded Research Council funding.

Can I combine a doctoral loan with other PhD funding?

You can't combine a PhD loan with other funding from the UK Government, including Research Council studentships or Social Work, Educational Psychology or NHS bursaries. However, you can potentially top up your PhD loan with other PhD funding , including:

  • A scholarship or bursary from your university
  • A grant from a charity or trust
  • One of our own FindAPhD scholarships

Are EU students still eligible for doctoral loans?

EU eligibility for UK student finance has changed following Brexit :

  • All EU nationals can still apply for a doctoral loan for a PhD that began in the 2020-21 academic year
  • EU nationals who applied to the EU Settlement Scheme before 31 December 2020 can also apply for a loan for a PhD that begins in 2021-22 or later
  • EU nationals who are arriving in the UK after 1 January 2021 and beginning a PhD in the 2021-22 academic year will not normally be eligible for a doctoral loan

These criteria also apply to students from the EEA (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland.

Are doctoral loans available for international students?

Non-UK students aren’t normally eligible for UK student loans, unless they are Irish nationals or have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Exceptions may apply if you have lived in the UK legally for a very long time, have been granted humanitarian protection or have refugee status.

For more information on UK fees and finance as a postgraduate student we recommend you check the resources produced by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

And, if you can't get a loan, you might still be eligible for other international PhD funding in the UK .

Are Irish students eligible for PhD loans?

Yes, Irish students are able to apply for UK doctoral loans as part of the Common Travel Area. You will need to be doing your PhD in either England or Wales.

How will my residency be checked?

You’ll be asked to provide at least three years’ address history during your postgraduate loan application. Student Finance England may query any details that might affect your eligibility.

What if I have stayed in another part of the UK to work after university?

Living and working in a different part of the UK means you aren’t just there to go to university. This can change your residency status.

For example:

  • You live in Scotland but go to university in England. After graduating you settle and work in England. If you eventually decide to study a PhD, you will now count as being ordinarily resident in England and can apply for a doctoral loan, even though you were once resident in Scotland.

The same would be true for an English student who had lived and worked elsewhere in the UK after graduating – it's possible that this could mean you are no longer classed as English-resident for student loan purposes.

If you aren’t sure about your residency status, check with Student Finance England .

What if I have moved to England or Wales from another part of the UK for previous study?

Because you only moved to England or Wales to study, your residency status won’t have changed. You will still count as being ordinarily resident elsewhere in the UK and, unfortunately, won't currently be able to apply for the PhD loan.

Are PhD loans means-tested?

No. You can borrow the same amount regardless of your income, savings or credit rating.

The only exceptions concern outstanding arrears to the Student Loans Company (for repayments you were eligible to make, but didn't). However, you may be able to apply for a loan if you clear these.

Can I get a doctoral loan if I’ve lived outside the UK in the last three years?

In order to apply for a student loan as a UK citizen you must have lived in the UK for three years prior to your course. You can travel abroad for holidays or other periods of ‘temporary absence’ during this period, but you shouldn’t have become ordinarily resident in another country.

Will a PhD loan affect my benefits?

Potentially, yes. Because the loan is paid directly to you it may be regarded as a form of income by the Department for Work and Pensions. You should check this if you are concerned about your benefit entitlement with a PhD loan.

Can I also apply for Disabled Students' Allowance?

Yes. You can have a PhD loan and receive Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) during your PhD.

Can I have a PhD loan as well as a postgraduate Masters loan?

You can apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan if you've previously had a postgraduate Masters loan . However, you can't be receiving them both at the same time (you'll need to finish your Masters before you begin your PhD).

Course eligibility

The PhD loan is available for all types of research doctorate, in any subject . This includes academic doctorates such as a PhD and DPhil, as well as professional doctorates such as a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) or EdD (Doctor of Education) .

However, you can't get a doctoral loan for a PhD by publication (you must be funding a programme of research and / or study).

UK students can study at any UK university . Eligible students who normally live outside the UK can use the doctoral loan to study at any English or Welsh university.

You can study full time or part time provided your PhD lasts between 3 and 8 years . You will be able to choose from different course lengths when you apply. These will be set by your university based on the intended submission date for your thesis.

Your course must have started on or after August 2018.

Below you can find the answers to a selection of questions about PhD loan course eligibility.

Can I study my PhD part time?

The loans don't actually distinguish between full-time and part-time students. Your PhD can last between 3 and 8 years, however you study.

In practice, most UK universities will regard a 3-4 year PhD as 'full time' and a 6-8 year PhD as 'part time'. You will agree the exact length of your programme with your university.

Can I get a loan for a PhD by publication?

No. You can't apply for a loan if you're submitting a PhD by published work (based on a portfolio of research you've already completed). In this case there would be no new project or programme for the loan to pay for!

Can I get a loan if my doctorate begins as an MPhil?

Yes. You can still apply for a doctoral loan for a programme that initially registers students at MPhil level before upgrading them to PhD candidacy.

However, if you are only enrolling for an MPhil, you should apply for a Masters loan instead.

Can I get a loan for a doctorate by distance learning?

Yes, provided you are living in England or Wales (depending on which loan you are applying for) on the first day of the first academic year of your PhD and living in the UK for the entire course.

You can't get a PhD loan to study by distance learning and live outside the UK.

Can I apply for a loan for a PhD that includes a Masters degree?

Yes. You can still get a loan for a PhD that also awards a Masters degree, including an integrated doctorate or a '1+3' programme. However, you must be registering to graduate with the doctorate, not the Masters.

Can I apply for a loan to 'top up' an existing qualification to PhD level?

No. To be eligible for a loan your project or programme must be a complete doctorate, begun after 1 August 2018. You can't get a loan to extend or 'top up' and existing MPhil or other qualification.

Can I get a loan for a joint doctorate?

Yes, provided the UK university is the lead institution for your PhD and you spend at least 50% of your course in the UK.

Can I study at a private university?

In order to receive a doctoral loan you must be doing your PhD at a university with Research Degree Awarding Powers (RDAPs). Most established UK universities have these powers, but your institution should be able to confirm if you aren't sure.

Can I get a loan if I've previously begun a PhD, but not completed it?

Yes, provided you haven't earned a doctoral qualification and you are starting a completely new doctorate (not continuing or resuming your previous programme or project).

However, you can't normally apply for a second doctoral loan, even if your first loan was for an incomplete qualification. Exceptions may apply if you can demonstrate compelling personal reasons for exiting your first doctorate - Student Finance England will consider your case if so.

Can I get a loan to study a doctorate abroad?

You can't get a PhD loan to study your entire doctorate abroad. However, you can spend part of your degree outside the UK, provided this does not exceed 50% of your programme and your UK university is the lead institution awarding your PhD.

Can I get a PhD loan for a professional doctorate?

Yes. All types of doctorate are eligible for PhD loans, provided the qualification is awarded for a programme of work at a UK university.


PhD loan applications are now open for doctorates beginning in 2024-25 (or earlier).

Make sure you apply to the correct student finance provider. This will be:

  • Student Finance England for English-resident students or Irish students coming to study in England
  • Student Finance Wales for Welsh-resident students or Irish students coming to study in Wales

If you have an existing student finance account and Customer Reference Number (CRN) you should use this to apply for your PhD loan. The application system will also ask for details about your PhD (or other doctoral degree), residency status and how much you want to borrow.

The application deadline is fairly relaxed – you have to apply within nine months of the first day of the final academic year of your doctorate. Depending on when you start your PhD during the year, there are four possible ‘first days’, which you can see in the table below.

1 August - 31 December 1 September
1 January - 31 March 1 January
1 April - 30 June 1 April
1 July - 31 July 1 July

As an example, if you start a three-year PhD on 22 October 2023, you should apply for a doctoral loan before 31 May 2026.

Remember though, that applying later in your PhD could limit the maximum amount you can borrow (you can't receive more than £12,167 in a single academic year if your course started between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024, or £12.471 if your course starts on or after 1 August 2024.).

If you have any further questions about applying for a PhD loan, hopefully the FAQs below will cover them.

When can I apply for a PhD loan?

Applications for 2024-25 PhD loans opened in June 2024. You can apply online or by post (PDF).

Will I receive a loan whilst I'm 'writing up' my PhD?

Only if you are still ahead of your submission date. Your university may allow you extra time to finish writing up your thesis, but you won't receive any extra payments if you've already had your full loan by that point.

When will I receive my first instalment?

You'll receive the first payment for your PhD loan once you start your PhD and your university confirms that you have registered on your project or programme.

When will I stop receiving my loan?

Your payment schedule will be based on the intended submission date for your doctoral thesis, agreed with your university at the start of your degree.

Should I apply at the beginning of my course, or wait?

This is up to you and depends on your funding circumstances.

The PhD loan is meant to be flexible though: you could apply for a loan to help support you throughout your doctorate, or use it to bridge gaps between funding or replace income from a part-time job as you focus on the later stages of your project.

Do I have to reapply in each year of my PhD?

No. You only have to apply for a doctoral loan once.

Can I use an existing student finance account?

Yes. If you have already have an account with Student Finance England you must use it to apply for your doctoral loan.

Do I need to be accepted for a PhD before I apply for a loan?

No. You will need to state which university you intend to research your doctorate at (and how long for) but you don't need to prove you've been accepted before you can apply for a PhD loan. However, you will need to register for your PhD before you receive any actual loan payments (your university should confirm this for you).

Can I apply for a loan for a PhD I've already started?

You can apply after the beginning of a PhD, but it must have started after 1 August 2018.

Doctoral loan repayments are income contingent . You only repay your PhD loan when you are earning over £21,000 a year (£1,750 a month or £404 a week) and you only repay 6% of what you earn over that threshold.

You'll begin repayments in the first April after you leave your course or in the April four years after your PhD starts (whichever is sooner). This means that you can be eligible to start repaying the doctoral loan during your PhD, but only if you're earning enough.

How you repay depends on your employment status:

  • If you are employed in the UK HMRC will automatically deduct repayments from your salary on behalf of the Student Loans Company. This will usually happen monthly.
  • If you are self-employed you will need to make repayments to HMRC as part of your annual tax return.
  • If you are working outside the UK you will need to make repayment arrangements with the Student Loans Company. You should do this before you leave the UK.
  • If you are unemployed you won't make repayments. The same applies if you are ever earning less than £21,000 a year.

You may also need to repay other student loans along wth your PhD loan:

  • PhD and Masters loan repayments are combined – you will make one repayment of 6% of your income over £21,000 towards a single postgraduate loan debt
  • All postgraduate loan repayments are concurrent with those for undergraduate loans – you will repay 6% of your income over £21,000 towards your Masters and / or PhD loan and 9% of your income over £26,575 towards your undergraduate loan

Interest is charged on a PhD loan at the same rate as Masters loans: RPI (the Retail Prices Index) +3%. As of June 2024, the rate is 7.8%, but this changes every year.

Any remaining PhD loan debt (including interest) is cancelled after 30 years from the point at which you begin repayments.

We've answered a few more FAQs about PhD loan repayments below.

When do repayments begin?

You will become eligible to start repaying your doctoral loan on one of the following dates:

  • 6 April after your PhD ends
  • 6 April four years after you begin your PhD

Note that this is slightly difference to repayments for other student loans, which only ever begin after graduation.

It means you could begin repaying your loan whilst you're still studying for your doctorate (and potentially still receiving loan payments). However, you will only ever make repayments when you're earning over £21,000 a year.

Do repayments still begin after 4 years if I study part time?

Yes, regardless of how you study, you will become eligible to repay a PhD loan (providing you're earning enough) four years after your course begins or in the April after you graduate (whichever is sooner).

Could I have to make PhD loan repayments on my pension?

Potentially, yes. If the money you receive from a pension counts as income you will need to make student loan repayments on it (alongside other potential deductions such as income tax). It's a good idea to check this with your pension plan provider.

Welsh PhD loans

Wales offers its own PhD loan for Welsh-resident UK students. You can borrow up to £28,655 for a degree that begins in 2024-25.

Welsh PhD loans work the same way as English PhD loans. The only difference is that you should apply to Student Finance Wales, not Student Finance England.

Scotland and Northern Ireland don't offer a doctoral loan yet.

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Student finance: higher education

In this guide, 4. postgraduate masters and doctoral students.

Eligible students starting a full-time or part-time postgraduate master’s in academic year 2024 to 2025 are able to apply for a Postgraduate Master’s Loan of up to £18,950.

If you’re starting a full-time or part-time postgraduate doctoral course (such as a PhD) you can apply for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan of up to £28,655.

Postgraduate Master’s and Doctoral loans are for the duration of the course and are not based on household income.

Further information about support is available on the Student Finance Wales website .

Students who started their postgraduate Master’s or Doctoral programme prior to academic year 2024 to 2025 will find information on available support also on the  Student Finance Wales website .

All figures are subject to regulations being made.

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