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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Phd studies, enrollment office for phd students.

  • Office location:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin

  • Contact person:

Ms. Olga Vorobyeva

Consultation hour by phone Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330

*If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

If you are not aiming for a degree at HU and only want to complete a few semesters as part of your guest/research stay at HU , you cannot apply for enrollment at the enrollment office. Please contact the International Office with your questions regarding the enrollment process: [email protected]

I. Beginning your doctoral studies: Admission, enrollment and registration

Please find general information for doctoral candidates at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin) on our Doctoral Candidates Portal .

Please contact the PhD office of the faculty at which you would like to do your doctorate. Notice that there are no fixed deadlines for applying as a doctoral candidate. You get all necessary information on the application procedure directly there. Please find corresponding contact details on the websites of the faculties .

Please submit your application for admission exclusively to the PhD office at the faculty of your choice. Your application must contain all specified documents. Please note, if you have a non German university degree, your documents will be checked for equivalence with the German education system before the application procedure. Any coordination that may be necessary for this process is carried out between the faculty’s PhD office and the department for student services internally. We kindly ask you, do not send any documents to the enrollment office for doctoral studies before you received your admission by the faculty of your choice.

Please submit the enrollment form for PhD studies [ PDF ] and all the required documents as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after you received the letter of admission from your faculty. If you are employed at HU and prefer to be only registered, please choose the registration-form for a doctorate [ PDF ]. Please send the filled out and signed form with all required documents to the following address

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin

or drop them into the mailbox at the Student Service Center (SSC) in the main building of  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin (Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.).

To keep the four-week deadline for enrollment/registration it is sufficient to submit the documents during this period to the enrollment office for PhD students.

Enrollment forms submitted digitally (e.g. as e-mail attachments) cannot be accepted for your enrollment.

You can only enroll for PhD studies after you have received your formal admission in a doctoral-study-program from the PhD office/PhD board of your faculty.

Enrolled doctoral candidates do have a student status and receive a student card (Campus-Card) but cannot receive the semester ticket for public transport. Enrolled PhD students have to pay the semester fees. Enrollment as a doctoral candidate is not contingent upon employment as a staff member at the HU Berlin.

However, if you are employed at HU, you have two options:

Either you enroll or you register for PhD studies. Registration is only possible as long as you are an employee/staff member at the HU Berlin. In case of registration, no fees or contributions have to be paid. But you do not have a status of a student at HU Berlin and cannot receive a Campus Card.

Differences between enrollment and registration for PhD studies


(possible with or without
employment contract at
the HU Berlin)

(possible only during the
employment at the HU Berlin)




not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded

Please enroll for PhD studies within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty and submit the following documents:

- the completed and signed enrollment form [ PDF ] incl. details on your educational biography,

- a simple copy of your admission letter from the PhD board,

- the payment confirmation of the semester fee (e.g. a simple copy of the bank transfer). You will find detailed information about the amount of semester fee which has to be paid for your enrollment below under "How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?".

- a simple copy of the de-registration certificate from your last German university (does not apply if you have never been enrolled at a university in Germany),

- a simple copy of your university entrance qualification (in most cases the secondary school certificate and/or university entrance examination),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (German and/or foreign certificates),

- proof of a scholarship (if applicable).

How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?

Enrollment for the summer semester 2024 (01.04.2024 – 30.09.2024)

In the summer semester 2024, PhD students are not entitled to use the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

When enrolling from the beginning of the re-registration period for the winter semester 2024/25 (in the months of June, July, August and September 2024), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25.

Enrollment for the winter semester 2024/25 (01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025)

With the new Deutschlandsemesterticket contract, which was negotiated between the student body of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, represented by the Referent_innenrat (legally AStA), and the transport companies and comes into force on October 1st, 2024, the purchase of the Deutschlandsemesterticket is mandatory for PhD students.

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.06.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.07.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.08.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.09.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.10.2024


(semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)


Exemption from the enrollment fee (currently €50)

PhD students who receive a scholarship (e.g. from the DAAD) as part of funding programs that are financed exclusively or predominantly from public funds from the federal or state governments and who submit a proof of this for enrollment can be exempted from the fee for enrollment and re-registration, currently 50 € per semester, in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 7 of the BerlHG ( § 2 Abs. 7 BerlHG ).

Please find detailed information about the composition of semester fees and contributions here:


Recipient: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
IBAN: DE64 1001 0010 0651 8231 04
Bank: Postbank Berlin
Reference: [surname], [given name], Promotion

Please note that only this bank account can be used for enrollment and re-registration.

Please note that additional fees may apply for transfers outside of Germany. You should ask your bank about these and include them in the transfer.

If you are employed at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and have chosen to register as a PhD student, please submit the following documents within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty:

- the completed and signed application registration-form for PhD studies incl. details on your educational biography [ PDF ],

- a proof of employment at HU which contains the begin-date and the end-date of your employment (e.g. a copy of your employment contract),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (either German and/or foreign certificates).

Please note that the enrollment office will not send you a confirmation that your documents have been received . The application deadline is met if your documents for enrollment or registration have reached the enrollment office within one month after your admission for PhD studies.

After we have received your documents, we will check them carefully. If any documents are missing, you will be informed by email or via mail and we will give you a deadline for submitting the missing evidence.

If you submitted all the required documents in full, you will receive a confirmation of completed enrollment/registration by e-mail. In addition, we will provide you with further information (in case of enrollment: e.g. how to create the Campus Card (student ID) or to activate the student HU account).

Please note that the processing of your application for enrollment or registration for PhD studies usually takes at least two weeks after the enrollment office has received all the required documents. Before the start of the semester or shortly after the semester start, there may be longer processing times.

II. During PhD studies: Re-registration, semester fees and semester ticket

Yes, re-registration for the next semester is mandatory. In order to retain your status as a doctoral student and to be able to complete your PhD studies, you must re-register within the re-registration period. Please note the information on the main deadlines for re-registration in your AGNES account and on our website for re-registration .

If you have appropriate reasons, you can apply for a leave of absence as a PhD student by using our application form [ PDF ]. For further information please visit our website .

However, the leave of absence has no influence on the standard processing time of your doctoral studies and your processing time will not be automatically extended for the duration of your leave of absence.

Please complete the extension form ("Bescheinigung über die Verlängerung der Regelbearbeitungszeit der Promotion" [ PDF ]) and have it signed by your PhD supervisor. Then send the signed form to the PhD office of your faculty. Please note that the PhD office may need additional documents from you. Contact the office for more information and procedure details.

If your request has been approved by the faculty’s PhD board, the PhD office will forward the signed form to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

As a registration for PhD studies is only possible for the duration of your employment at the HU Berlin, you have to enroll as a PhD student after your employment relationship has expired. Please submit the application form for enrollment for PhD studies to the enrollment office. In addition, please submit a proof of payment of the semester fee and an informal letter in which you inform us that you are currently registered for doctoral studies.

The amount of the semester fee depends on the date on which you apply to enroll for your doctorate.

If you apply for enrollment after the first month of the semester, the semester ticket fee only has to be paid pro rata from the month of enrollment.

If you enroll in the last three months of the semester (July - September and January - March), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the enrollment semester as well as the re-registration fee for the following semester.

Please try to re-activate your HU account for students via our Computer and Media Service (CMS) to solve this issue. If this is not possible, please contact the enrollment office for generating a new PIN letter for re-activating your HU account for students.

Please note that a new PIN can only provided via a PIN letter send to you by mail.

III. Finishing your doctoral studies, de-registration

If you do not re-register for the upcoming semester, .e.g. not paying the required semester fee, you will be automatically de-registered (“Exmatrikulation”). If you would like to be de-registered before the end of the semester, please submit the application for de-registration [ PDF ] to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

Please contact the PhD office of your faculty and clarify whether the enrollment is necessary to defend your thesis and proceed accordingly. If the regular processing time for your doctorate has expired, and you have submitted your thesis and you need to be enrolled in the upcoming semester, ask the PhD office to inform the enrollment office about this. After the enrollment office has received the confirmation from the PhD office and your payment of the semester fee has been received, we will re-register you.

IV. Legal bases

Fächerübergreifende Satzung zur Regelung von Zulassung, Studium und Prüfung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ZSP-HU)

Sections 59 and 60 regulate form, procedure and conditions of enrollment and registration as a doctoral student at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

V. Additional information

Doctoral regulations of the faculties


Humboldt Graduate School


International Scholar Services


Financing the PhD studies



HU on the internet

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  • Humboldt University on LinkedIn
  • RSS-Feeds of the Humboldt University
  • Humboldt University on Twitter

phd chemistry berlin

"I am part of an incredible research group and I'm able to attend all the events that are constantly happening at the universities or other institutions, while getting to travel around the world for regular conferences and workshops. Due to this wonderful mix of activities I get to grow more and more academically and personally."

/// Sofía Garzón, Colombia, Berlin Mathematical School - BMS

phd chemistry berlin

„Berlin offers an excellent environment for my doctoral studies in the history of ancient Israel, providing access to renowned experts in the field and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration for a comprehensive exploration of the subject.“

/// Jonathan Böhm, Germany, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

phd chemistry berlin

“The foundation of my research lies in the seamless collaboration of diverse disciplines. The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies not only provides me with a comprehensive platform to embark on my PhD journey, but also offers me invaluable opportunities to foster interdisciplinary perspectives.”

/// Lu Tian, China, Berliner Antike-Kolleg


The capital region of Germany is the place to be for

Doctoral researchers:.

Five universities offer doctoral programs with excellent funding opportunities and join forces with outstanding non-university research institutions to generate a unique, vibrant academic environment.

This website will give you an insight into what the Berlin area has in store in all disciplines, ranging from ancient history to astrophysics – browse and be inspired!

Search Programs

Klick here if you wish to browse through relevant disciplines.

Doctoral Programs

phd chemistry berlin

The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms

/// Humanities, Languages and literature

Logo of the Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

/// Berlin School of Integrative Oncology, BSIO, Cancer

Logo of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

/// Berlin School of Mind and Brain, mind sciences, brain sciences, linguistics

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies

/// Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, BSRT, endogenous tissue...

phd chemistry berlin

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

/// Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, BCNN Berlin, brain

Logo of the Doctoral Program Clinical Exercise Science

Clinical Exercise Science

/// exercise, prevention and rehabilitation

phd chemistry berlin

Biomedical Sciences (DRS)

/// life sciences, infectious diseases

Logo of the doctoral program Frontiers in Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation

German-Israeli Helmholtz Research School

/// Cell Signaling, Gene Regulation, Molecular Cell Medicine, biomedical sciences

Logo of the Hertie School of Governance

Hertie School of Governance

/// Governance, social science

Logo of the International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

/// Erasmus Mundus, laboratory-based, language, brain

Logo of the MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

/// Genomics, Medical Systems Biology

phd chemistry berlin

Medical Neurosciences

/// Neurosciences, central nervous systems, peripheral nervous systems, medical...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on Multiscale Bio-Systems

Multiscale Bio-Systems

/// biosystems, macromolecules in aqueous solutions, molecular recognition, free energy...

Logo of the Graduate School of Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences

/// Plant Sciences, extinction of species, climate change

phd chemistry berlin

ZIBI Graduate School Berlin

/// infection biology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology

phd chemistry berlin

The International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research

/// computer science, applied mathematics and statistics, psychology, psychiatry

phd chemistry berlin

Einstein Center of Catalysis/Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering

/// catalysis-related research, natural sciences, engineering

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin Mathematical School

/// Mathematics

Dahlem Research School of Molecular Science

/// molecular natural science, Molecular Switches on Surfaces, Protonation Dynamics in...

Logo of the International Research Training Group Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

/// Networks with complex topology, self- organization in evolving complex networks

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Gravitational Wave Astronomy

/// gravitational waves, astronomy, GEO600 gravitational wave detector

Logo of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

/// Biomaterial Science, Macromolecular Bioscience, natural sciences, engineering

Logo of the Research Training Group Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

/// Large Hydron Collider, elementary particle physics, astro-particle physics

Research School Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (MatSEC)

/// kesterite materials, semiconductor, absorber material, film solar cells,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

/// biophysics, biomolecular processes, protein-protein interactions

phd chemistry berlin

PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling

/// life sciences, pharmacy, drug development, drug therapy, pharmacotherapy,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth

IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science

/// biochemistry, biology, plant science, plant growth, plant biomass, primary metabolism

Logo of the Leibniz Graduate School for Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

/// Quantitative Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, solar physics, stellar research,...

phd chemistry berlin

School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

/// chemistry, biology, physics, natural sciences, analytical sciences

Logo of the Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies

Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies (HRSST)

/// physics, optical engineering, electrical engineering, informational techniques,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

/// Software Systems Engineering, IT Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Computer...

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies

/// transnational relations, international relations, globalization, governance, regional...

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

/// Berliner Antike-Kolleg, ancient languages and texts, ancient philosophy, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

/// sociology, political science, social inclusion, democratic performance

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

/// Islam, muslim cultures, muslim societies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies

Doctoral Program in Business Research

/// business administration, management, marketing, information systems, FACTS, business...

phd chemistry berlin

Graduate School Global Intellectual History

/// intellectual history

Logo of the Centre for Contemporary History

Centre for Contemporary History

/// Cold War, contemporary german history, contemporary european history, communist...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Das Wissen der Literatur

Das Wissen der Literatur

/// deutsche Literatur, german literature

Logo of the European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

/// socio-economic research, labor markets, employment, inequality, Welfare state, social...

Logo of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

/// literature, textaul practice, transnational perspective, intermediality

Logo of Graduate School of East Asian Studies

Graduate School of East Asian Studies

/// east asia, social sciences, institutions in east asia, interdependence of...

Logo of the Graduate School of North American Studies

Graduate School of North American Studies

/// American Studies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, American Literature,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

/// stochastics, statistics, volatility, copulae, high-dimensional time series,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

/// development of human behaviour, human life course, evolution of culture, learning,...

Logo of the graduate program Knowledge of the Arts

Knowledge of the Arts

/// artistic knowledge, art history, media studies, philosophy, engineering, pedagogy

Latin American Studies from a Comparative and Transregional Perspective

/// Cultural Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Gender Studies, History, Literature of...

Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg: Historical Relations between Labor Movements and Modern Jewry

/// european-jewish studies, laboro movements, modern jewry

Logo of the PhD Program in Economics at the DIW Graduate Center

DIW Graduate Center PhD in economics

/// economics, microeconomics, macro-economics, econometrics, public economics,...

Logo of the THESys Graduate Program

THESys Graduate Program - Transformations of Human-Environment Systems

/// IRI THESys, use of land, use of resources, urbanization, climate change impact, ...

phd chemistry berlin

Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS)

/// jewish studies, jewish history, jewish philosophy, jewish theology, jewish...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

/// comparative history, histoire croisée

Walther Rathenau Kolleg: Liberalism and Democracy

/// European-Jewish Studies, democratic constitutional state, european post-war...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

/// public administration, climate change, demographic tranistion, international...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Computational Systems Biology

Computational Systems Biology

/// biological networks, cellular systems, protein-protein interactions, systems biology

Logo of the Global and Area Studies PhD Program

Global and Area Studies PhD Program

/// Globalization, Alternative Futures

Logo of the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

/// philosophy, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Arabic, classicist, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

/// british studies

phd chemistry berlin

Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems

/// Parasite Infections, Immunology, molecular approaches, cellular interactions,...

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based Research (BIMoS)

/// Modellierung, Smimulierung, modelling, modeling, simulation, optimation

phd chemistry berlin

Urban Water Interfaces (UWI)

/// urban water (systems), interfaces, modelling, urban soil, surface water, groundwater,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Geometric Analysis, Gravitation and String Theory

IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory

/// Gravitational Physics, Geometric Analysis, String Theory, quantum mechanics, black...

phd chemistry berlin

Religion – Knowledge – Discourse

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology, Political Sciences, Economics, Law

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS)

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology,

phd chemistry berlin

/// education, mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology, engineering

phd chemistry berlin

Identity and Heritage

phd chemistry berlin

StRATEGy: Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina

Cropstrengthen - european industrial doctorate.

/// PhD training, stress acclimation in plants, crop improvement, plant priming

phd chemistry berlin

Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World

/// natural hazards, risk, climate change, floods, landslides, earthquakes

phd chemistry berlin

BioMove - Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in dynamic agricultural landscapes

/// Biodiversity, Movement Ecology, Biological Science, Natural Science

phd chemistry berlin

Minor Cosmopolitanisms

/// Humanities; Social Sciences; Postcolonial Studies; Cultural Studies; Anglophone...

phd chemistry berlin

Theory – Empirics – Practices of Pedagogical Teaching Processes

/// Educational science – adult and further education – music pedagogy – school pedagogy...

phd chemistry berlin

Agricultural Economics

/// Agriculture, Doctoral Program

Research School Future Information Technologies (FIT)

/// information technologies, energy consumption, fundamental physics, communications...

phd chemistry berlin

Biodiversity, Evolution & Ecology

/// Biological sciences, Natural Sciences

phd chemistry berlin

CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems

/// /// Mathematics, Biochemistry, Physics, Geo-Sciences

phd chemistry berlin

CRC / TRR 227 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics

phd chemistry berlin

TRR 170 Integrated Research Training Group in Planetary Sciences

phd chemistry berlin

Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies

/// poetologies, audiovisual images, cinema, film philosophy, aesthetics

phd chemistry berlin

BB3R - Innovations in the 3R Research: Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics

/// Berlin-Brandenburg research platform BB3R, 3 R, Genetic Engineering, Tissue...

phd chemistry berlin

CRC / SFB 1078 Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

/// CRC SFB Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

phd chemistry berlin

Re-Figuration of Spaces

phd chemistry berlin

Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS)

phd chemistry berlin

Health Data Sciences

/// Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Meta-research, Big Data, Health Data Sciences, Causal...

phd chemistry berlin

IMPRS Biology And Computation

/// sequence analysis, theoretical structural biology, computational chemistry, drug...

phd chemistry berlin

Robert Koch Doctoral Program

/// Robert Koch Doctoral Program, RoKoDoKo

phd chemistry berlin

Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions

/// Collaborative Research Center 1349 „Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamen-tals and...

phd chemistry berlin

Research Training Group (RTG) "Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis"

/// Natural Sciences, Computer and information sciences, Chemical sciences, Biological...

phd chemistry berlin

Temporalities of Future in Latin America: Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation

/// Latin American Studies, social globalization, cultural globalization, cultural...

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin School of Economics

phd chemistry berlin

Max Delbrück Center Graduate School

/// Max Delbrück Center Graduate School

phd chemistry berlin

Differential Equation- and Data-driven Models in Life Sciences and Fluid Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Research Training Group

phd chemistry berlin

BfR Doctoral Training Programme

/// Aasessment of food and feed, microbiological and chemical substance safety, safety...

phd chemistry berlin

Stochastic Analysis in Interaction

phd chemistry berlin

iNAMES-MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo

/// computational sciences, imaging data sciences, artificial intelligence, machine...

phd chemistry berlin

BIOphysical Quantitative Imaging Towards Clinical Diagnosis

/// Bridge, imaging, clinical, translation, medicine

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT)

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management (BIEM)

/// Engineering, Technology, Economics, Business

phd chemistry berlin

Doctoral Program History and Cultural Studies

phd chemistry berlin

Berlin Institute for the Foundation of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)

/// Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer and information sciences, Physical sciences,...

phd chemistry berlin

"Charging into the future": Understanding the interaction of polyelectrolytes with biosystems

/// GRK 2662 „Charging into the future“: Understanding the interaction of...

phd chemistry berlin

Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)

phd chemistry berlin

Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces

/// IRTG of CRC / SFB 1449 Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces Biophysics,...

Doctoral Program Natural Sciences

/// Natural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics

phd chemistry berlin

IMPRS - Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities

/// Media and communications Humanities History and archaeology Languages and...

phd chemistry berlin

Normativity - Critique - Change

Crc1644: phenotypic plasticity in plants – mechanisms, constraints, and evolution, data assimilation - the collaborative research centre sfb1294.

phd chemistry berlin

Global Health

phd chemistry berlin

Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin

/// neurology, neuroscience, neurosciences, translation, translational neuroscience,...

phd chemistry berlin

TJ-Train – Tight junctions and their proteins: Molecular features and actions in health and disease

/// proteins, tight junctions, medicine, translation, molecular, regulation,...

approx. 3000

Graduate School Students

phd chemistry berlin

homepage of the instituion

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Bioorganic Synthesis

Open positions.

Fully funded PhD position in Chemistry: Development of ligation methods for chemical protein synthesis

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate interested in preparative bioorganic chemistry and interdisciplinary research. The project involves the development of ligation methods for chemical protein synthesis and scientific services in research within the DFG-funded project “Catalytic and proximity-accelerated native chemical ligation”

Requirements: Completed university degree (master or equivalent) in the field of (bio)organic chemistry with preferably very good grades, theoretical and practical experience in solid-phase peptide synthesis is desirable; openness to interdisciplinary research projects in the field of natural sciences and high motivation for independent scientific work; very good communication and teamwork skills; very good written and spoken English skills.

Application: Please send your application to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Oliver Seitz (located: Brook-Taylor-Str. 2, Berlin-Adlershof), as a pdf document to the email address [email protected] .

Please visit our website , which gives access to the legally binding German version.

Reference number   DR/048/24

Application Deadline: 28.05.2024

HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration history are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.

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Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy

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  • Considering a Doctorate

Information for Interested Students

Doctoral degree program: start and registration.

How does a doctoral procedure work? What formalities and deadlines must be observed before the doctoral degree program? Where can I register for a doctoral degree program?

Subjects and Supervisors

Which doctoral subjects are there at the department? How can I find a supervisor?

Funding, Scholarships, Doctoral Degree Programs

What funding options are available? Where can I apply for a doctoral scholarship? Which doctoral degree programs are available at the department BCP?

Dr. rer. nat. or Ph.D.?

Which titles are awarded by the FU Berlin?

Perspective of a Doctoral Degree Program?

What are the requirements for a doctoral degree program?

169 chemistry-phd positions in Germany

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phd chemistry berlin

Chemistry, M.Sc.

Program overview.

Students in the Chemistry master’s program acquire advanced, specialized knowledge in experimental and theoretical chemistry. Students build on the skills and knowledge they learned in their undergraduate program in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and technical chemistry and gain a comprehensive understanding of chemical processes - including the areas where chemistry meets other scientific disciplines. Additionally, students get an overview of the application of computers in chemistry. Extensive compulsory elective and elective components and a research laboratory (Forschungspraktikum) provide students with the opportunity to gain further skills and further specialize their profiles, for instance in biophysical or biological chemistry, technical chemistry, materials science chemistry, synthesis and catalysis, etc. Generally, students are grouped into international and interdisciplinary teams and receive guidance while conducting independent research work.

DegreeMaster of Science
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Credit points120
Program start Summer and winter semester
Admission Open admission
Language of instruction German

Admission requirements

As for every other master’s program at TU Berlin, applicants must provide proof of a first university degree qualifying them for professional work. This degree must be in chemistry or an equivalent natural science discipline.

The Chemistry master’s program is taught in German. If you are applying with a foreign school-leaving certificate, you must provide proof of German skills at a specific level. This is a prerequisite for admission. As some courses/modules may be offered in English and professional literature in chemistry is often published in English, a knowledge of English is useful. However, it is not a condition for admission to studies.

Note: Please find the rules for admission under the link for "Study and examination regulations" below.

Program structure

There is a proposed course schedule for the degree program. This is a recommendation for how to complete the degree program within the standard period of study of four semesters. It provides an example of which modules to take in which semesters. While this proposed course schedule is ideal on paper, it is not mandatory. It’s simply an example of how to successfully schedule and shape your studies.

You can find the proposed course schedule in the study and examination regulations. The most current version of the regulations applies to applicants.

Study and examination regulations

Current version (applies for university applicants).

  • Chemie M.Sc. 2022 (pdf, 857 KB, German)

Older version(s)

  • Chemie M.Sc. 2011 (pdf, 709 KB, German)
  • Chemistry M.Sc. 2011 (pdf, 241 KB)

Content and modules

The Chemistry master’s degree program consists of modules which combine curriculum content on a specific topic and often include various study and teaching formats. You can find a module list which offers a current overview of all the modules in TU Berlin’s module transfer system (MTS). In the module database you have an overview of which modules are mandatory for your degree program and which are elective. Detailed module descriptions provide information about the content, learning objectives, participation requirements, workload, type of assessment, and much more. The module list is based on the study and exam regulations.


A non-university internship (work experience placement) is not required.

Stays abroad

The proposed course structure offers the opportunity to complete a study-related stay abroad within the standard period of study. The Faculty has staff to assist you with selecting a university and putting together a schedule. You can obtain general information about stays abroad from the TU Berlin International Office (study abroad) and Career Service (internship abroad).

Acquired skills

As a chemistry master’s graduate, you possess advanced scientific training and practical skills in the field of chemistry. The curriculum provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the fields of organometallic and complex chemistry, organometallic functional materials, synthesis chemistry and catalysis (strategies, concepts, and methods), physical chemistry, industrial processes and technical catalysis, application of computers in chemistry, inorganic solid-state chemistry and functional materials, and organic chemistry. 

Additionally, you have specialized knowledge in closely related scientific disciplines of your choosing. Furthermore, the program places importance on training transferable key skills, meaning students acquire social skills and the ability to critically think, conduct independent scientific work, and act responsibly.

After your studies

The master's program qualifies you for professional work in chemistry and related professional fields, such as basic and industry research, technical operations, or in industry and administration. Completion of the master’s program also qualifies you to pursue a doctoral degree, particularly in a natural science or technical discipline. Many students studying chemistry choose to pursue a doctoral degree. 80-85% of graduates acquire a doctorate.

Further information & downloads

Guidance and choosing the right degree program: Academic Advising Service

Questions about the degree program: Course Guidance

General questions: Student Info Services

Application and enrollment: Office of Student Affairs - Graduate Admissions

Recognition of previously acquired credits: Examination Board

American Academy of Audiology

As an accomplished pianist who studied at Julliard, his plan for a career as a professional musician was cut short by polio. Hearing science and audiology benefited from this turn of events, as Dr. Berlin became one of the top clinician-scientists in our profession. Along with his scientific and clinical contributions, his colleagues and friends benefitted from his talent as a musician whenever he and a piano were in the same room. This included his research office, the French Quarter in New Orleans, evening jam sessions at Academy meetings, and elsewhere. If one heard a piano at an AAA meeting, it was highly likely that Chuck Berlin would be sitting at the keyboard. 

Dr. Berlin was born, and grew up, in Brooklyn, New York. He received his bachelor’s degree from New York University with majors in meteorology and English and minors in sociology and speech. He earned his master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in speech and hearing. Military service in the U.S. Army took him to Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco for two years. He continued as a clinical audiologist at the Bay Area Veterans Administration Hospital. A post-doctoral fellowship brought him to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, where he received an NIH Research Career Development Award. With this award, he developed skills in physiology, animal surgery, temporal bone collection and study, and the modern concepts of cochlear electrophysiology, including electrocochleography. His early NIH R01 grant funding focused on dichotic listening, brain asymmetry, and hearing in deaf mice. 

In 1967, his academic and research journey continued as he relocated to New Orleans, where he developed and directed Louisiana State University Medical Center’s first independently funded research laboratory, known as the Kresge Hearing Research Laboratory. He quickly rose through the academic ranks to full professor in 1970, and led the work at Kresge Lab for 38 years. Dr. Berlin assembled an exemplary multi-disciplinary group of scientists from the fields of hearing, anatomy, pharmacology, engineering, and psychology, with the addition of genetics in later years. The work of this group, throughout the years of Dr. Berlin’s leadership, led to numerous discoveries that advanced the knowledge base in audition and impacted clinical practices in audiology and otolaryngology. 

Dr. Berlin is regarded as a world class auditory neuroscientist and his contributions have been groundbreaking. His depth of knowledge on a multitude of topics is remarkable. He was a leader in the discovery of new and unique forms of hearing loss: residual high-frequency hearing and auditory neuropathy/dys-synchrony, along with research supporting the efficacy of cochlear implants. His research provided foundations in the areas of dichotic listening, electrocochleography, and auditory efferent function. He was part of a team that was instrumental in discovering genetic characteristics of hearing loss in the Ashkenazi Jewish community. Dr. Berlin had continuous federal, state, and private funding throughout his career, and has published more than 200 articles with the majority in peer-reviewed scientific journals. An amazing educational and entertaining speaker, Dr. Berlin was a sought-after presenter at AAA Conferences, as well as meetings around the world. 

Dr. Berlin was a highly recognized creative and effective mentor and teacher. His remarkable talent for teaching made the most complex concepts accessible to even beginning learners. He created and directed popular multi-day continuing education programs for practicing professionals, known as the Kresge Courses. These courses were a hub of learning for professionals from around the world to update their knowledge and skills in new methods of assessment, including auditory brainstem response (ABR), real ear measurement, and otoacoustic emissions. In true New Orleans fashion, each of the Kresge Courses ended with a Jazz Concert with music by Dr. Berlin and colleagues.

He was dedicated to his patients in his continual search for ways to apply his knowledge to improve their lives. Dr. Berlin worked directly and hands-on with patients throughout his entire career. His love of music and science led him to establish a musician’s clinic in New Orleans to help preserve musician’s hearing, allowing them to enjoy their craft while protecting themselves. He collaborated in the development of technology to protect hearing that many musicians use today.

Dr. Berlin was a leader in establishing directions for research in hearing science in the United States. He was involved in the creation of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) which gave hearing, balance, and communication research its own home on the federal health research map. Dr. Berlin was a frequent reviewer, board member, and consultant for numerous scientific organizations, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Deafness Research Foundation (DRF).

Dr. Berlin was honored by nearly every professional hearing-related organization with an array of awards recognizing his numerous contributions. His awards and accolades included the James F. Jerger Lifetime Career Research Award, Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Auditory Society (AAS), Presidential Citation from the American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO), Honors of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and Frank J. Kleffner Award for Lifetime Clinical Achievement from the ASHA Foundation. He completed his career at LSU as the Kenneth and Frances Barnes Bullington Professor in Hearing Science. Following retirement, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Louisiana Academy of Audiology.

Dr. Berlin had a unique ability to weave basic science principles into audiology, teaching, mentoring, and clinical practice. He often combined his musical talent into his science and leadership, calling it “scientific jazz.”  In describing his philosophy as Director of Kresge Lab, he wrote,“Our major work covered many ‘hot topics’ in audition, but the notion of ‘scientific jazz’ comes from my avocation as a jazz musician. The leader of a fine jazz band doesn’t tell his/her players how to play, just what to play, and at what tempo. The players then have to perform with support and respect for one another, allow each other to shine at solo time, but play tastefully and supportively in the ensemble periods.”

Dr. Berlin credits many who impacted his career. Those individuals, as well as the history of the Kresge Lab, are described in “New Orleans as the Home of Scientific Jazz from 1967-2002,” his preface to a special issue of JAAA .  

Charles Berlin’s guiding star greatness and his legacy to hearing science and audiology will be forever enduring.

—- Linda J. Hood, PhD, Colleague and Friend

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phd chemistry berlin

In Memoriam: James F. Jerger, PhD

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In Memoriam: Amy Popp, AuD

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In Memoriam: Haley Owen, AuD

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Chemistry (Master) • Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Admission Requirements

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

Bachelor’s degree in chemistry or an equivalent degree with credits in chemistry that correspond to the bachelor’s program in chemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin. Please note that "applied chemistry", "chemical engineering" and other subjects like pharmacy or biochemistry generally are not equivalent.

With certain restrictions, it is possible to complete the master’s degree program by taking classes solely in English. The necessary English language skills must as a rule be proven by exam results.

Proof of sufficient German (DSH2) or English Skills (IELTS 5.0; TOEFL: Paper 500 or Computer 170 or Internet 80) for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German, which are necessary to understand courses and specialist literature.

Further information can be found in the  Admissions Regulations for the master's program.

The master’s program includes courses in inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry along with courses in such related natural sciences as physics or biology as well as courses outside the natural sciences (language courses, for example).

Basic Information


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