1. Mengenal Foto Story dan Foto Essay

    Mengenal Foto Story dan Foto Essay

  2. Membuat foto yang bercerita (Photo story / essay)

    Perbedaan singkatnya adalah: Photo Essay - menceritakan sebuah kisah, dan biasanya bertujuan sesuatu misalnya mengingatkan pemirsa akan bahaya narkoba, menceritakan pentingnya pelestarian lingkungan dan lain-lain. Foto-foto bisa dibuat di tempat dan dengan subjek foto yang berbeda-beda tapi masih satu topik yang sama.

  3. Cara Membuat Esai Foto: Panduan Langkah-demi-Langkah Dengan Contoh

    Esai foto sehari-hari : Jenis esai foto ini menceritakan kisah sehari dalam kehidupan subjek tertentu. Mereka dapat memamerkan karir seorang petani yang sibuk atau seniman yang berjuang, menangkap tugas sehari-hari orang tua dan waktu bermain dengan anak-anak mereka, atau mengenang rutinitas seorang atlet sekolah menengah bintang.

  4. Essay photo vs photo apa bedanya dan seperti apa contohnya

    Essay photo vs photo story

  5. Pengertian, Karakteristik, Jenis dan Syarat Foto Jurnalistik

    Photo essay atau foto esai adalah serangkaian foto yang menggambarkan berbagai aspek dari suatu masalah yang dikupas secara mendalam. Photo sequence adalah serangkaian foto yang menyajikan suatu kejadian secara mendetail, beruntun, dan kronologis. Kejadian atau peristiwa itu terjadi dalam selisih waktu yang amat singkat (dalam bilangan menit ...

  6. Cara Membuat Esai Foto (dengan Gambar)

    Artikel ini disusun bersama Heather Gallagher.Heather Gallagher adalah Fotografer dan Jurnalis Foto yang tinggal di Austin, Texas. Dia mengelola studio fotonya "Heather Gallagher Photography" yang terpilih sebagai Austin's Best Family Photographer dan termasuk 3 terbaik dalam Birth Photographers selama 2017, 2018, dan 2019.

  7. What is Photo Essay in Photography (13 Examples You Can Try)

    2. A Day in the Life Photo Essay. Highlight a typical day in the life of a person, family, or community. This photographic essay gives you an opportunity to capture the reality of daily life and routines. Focus on the small moments that give insight into the subject's personality and relationships. 3.


    Photo Essay atau Esei Foto adalah proses penyampaian sebuah cerita, berita atau peristiwa melalui sekumpulan gambar atau visual.Kebiasaanya antara tiga hingg...

  9. How to Create an Engaging Photo Essay (with Examples)

    3. Take your time. A great photo essay is not done in a few hours. You need to put in the time to research it, conceptualizing it, editing, etc. That's why I previously recommended following your passion because it takes a lot of dedication, and if you're not passionate about it - it's difficult to push through. 4.

  10. How to Create a Photo Essay: Step-by-Step Guide With Examples

    How to Create a Photo Essay: Step-by-Step Guide With ...

  11. What Are Photo Essays

    A photo essay is a storytelling medium that uses images, composition, contrast, color, and perspective to convey a narrative without words. By using basic photographic equipment, a photographer can capture a series of images that tell a story or highlight a particular theme or topic. A photo essay can be used to present a documentary-style ...

  12. Berkarya dan Bercerita Melalui Photo Essay dan Photo Story

    Photo Essay. Dibuat dari beberapa jepret foto yang menjadi series dengan mengangkat tema atau topik tertentu, misalnya kemiskinan, narkoba, hingga bencana. Memberikan gambaran yang detail dari jepretan foto. Lokasi foto umumnya berbeda-beda, namun masih dalam topik yang sama. Misalnya suatu foto esai ingin menggambarkan kemiskinan di daerah kumuh.

  13. How to create a photo essay

    Taking a look at how other photographers have approached the same - or similar - subjects can help you figure out the angle you wish to take. This photo essay by Maximilian M. Meduna takes an alternative approach to a popular photo topic - the United States 3 Make a structured plan . Once your research is complete, it's time to make a detailed and structured plan about how you're going to ...

  14. 23 Photo Essay Ideas and Examples (to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing!)

    23 Photo Essay Ideas and Examples (to Get Your ...

  15. How To Create a Meaningful Photography Essay In 5 Steps

    Shoot at different light, angles, perspectives, etc. and finalise during the editing part the images that will work together to complete the photography essay. Image by Joe Gardner. 5. Editing. Editing must not be confused with post-processing, which is an important element of the production of the final photographs.

  16. 5 Tips for Creating a Photo Essay with a Purpose

    4) Ask for help with image selection. I struggle with this one-I let my personal feelings get involved. Throughout our Notes Girls Write project I was constantly picking images based on my personal feelings-the subjects that I had connected with more, and the girls that I knew were most interested in the project.

  17. Advice for an Unforgettable Photo Essay

    From Taylor Dorrell's photo essay White Fences: "White Fences is an ongoing photo series that explores the theme of suburban youth in the United States, specifically in the midwest suburb New Albany, Ohio.". Put your emotions aside. Self-doubt can easily come into play when working with your own photography. The adage that we are our own worst critics is often true.

  18. Kumpulan Esai tentang Fotografi di Indonesia dari Zaman Kolonial hingga

    Penulisnya adalah Brian Arnold, seorang fotografer, pendidik, dan musisi, yang kini bekerja di Universitas Cornell di Ithaca, New York. Buku A History of Photography in Indonesia: Essays on Photography from the Colonial Era to the Digital Age" karangan Brian Arnold.

  19. Essay on Photography

    Photography can be a lot of fun. It lets you be creative and can even turn into a hobby or a job. You can take pictures of your friends, pets, or trips you go on. With photography, you can explore new places and meet new people. The best part is, you can start at any age and keep learning and enjoying it your whole life.

  20. Photography Collective's Dreams of Another Russia (Photo Essay)

    Photography Collective's Dreams of Another Russia (Photo Essay) By Timothy Misir. Nov. 20, 2013 An elk wanders close to the housing blocks in Moscow's southeast. (Lena Tsibizova, 2013)

  21. City, Spectacle, Capital of Photography

    City, Spectacle, Capital of Photography. Nadia Michoustina Wallach Art Gallery, 2003 8 x 10", 88 pp., 46 b&w illus. ISBN 1-884919-13-8, Paper, $25. The history of photography, more than of the city, is traced through 34 monochrome works by photographers who lived and worked in Moscow from the 1920s to the present.

  22. Moscow: City, Spectacle, Capital of Photography

    Moscow: City, Spectacle, Capital of Photography, an exhibition of 20th-century photographs of Moscow, opens at Columbia University's Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 and remains on display through Saturday, June 21, 2003.. Moscow has been a powerful magnet for many Russian photographers of the 20th century. Moscow: City, Spectacle, Capital of Photography ...

  23. 7 First Impressions of Moscow, Russia (From a Street Photography

    At first, it was a little disappointing from a street photography perspective to see so much blocked by construction. After a while, though, it became something to capture. The striped construction materials and signs are colorful and all the workers created some interesting activity. It will be interesting to see what the city looks like when ...

  24. In Photos: Daya Dazzles at Crimson Jam

    Crimson Jam, the annual concert organized by the Harvard College Events Board, returned to Harvard Yard on Friday evening. Marking the end of the first week of classes, the jam featured student ...