Formule di Excel

Modello di Business Plan per Excel

Se vuoi gestire la strategia della tua impresa in maniera agile e semplice, i modelli Excel ti possono aiutare. I fogli di Excel da scaricare risultano molto utili, tanto nell’eventualità tu sia un imprenditore che voglia avviare una nuova azienda, così come nel caso l’impresa sia già operativa.

Come fare una strategia aziendale con Excel

Esistono una serie di elementi que non puoi omettere in un foglio di calcolo nel momento di avviare un’azienda o, semplicemente, per la sua gestione. Possiamo fare ricorso a diversi documenti Excel per analizzare i diversi ambiti aziendali , o in alternativa includerli tutti in un singolo file Excel, completo di un piano finanziario e gli altri modelli indispensabili quali ad esempio:

Business Plan per Excel da scaricare gratis

Il business plan con Excel include l’insieme completo di tutti questi modelli Excel, indispensabili per analizzare l’intero dipartimento finanziario con un solo documento. Devi semplicemente scaricare il modello e riempirlo con i dati dell’impresa ; spetterà poi alle funzioni Excel inserite nei rispettivi fogli di calcolo mostrare e salvare i risultati.

foglio excel business plan

Il modello di business plan in excel

In questa pagina ti spieghiamo come fare un business plan con excel in maniera completamente gratis e utilizzando il più possibile termini semplici e in italiano .

Se vuoi conoscere i termini tecnici in spagnolo puoi andare all’articolo “ Como hacer un plan de negocios en excel “

Illustreremo passo passo come trasformare gli elementi base del tuo progetto in un piano d’impresa economico e finanziario .

Per semplificare ulteriormente la comprensione di tutto il processo, utilizzeremo un esempio di business plan di un ristorante in fase di start-up e cioè fin dal momento della sua costituzione e dei primi investimenti.

L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di arrivare, attraverso tutti i passaggi intermedi, alla costruzione del:

  • bilancio in formato CEE (quello che devono pubblicare le srl per intenderci);
  • rendiconto finanziario e cioè di tutti i flussi di denaro in entrata e in uscita.

Contenuti dell'articolo

I primi passi dell’esempio di business plan in excel: costituzione e investimenti

Per iniziare dobbiamo chiarire quando verrà costituita la società, l’importo del capitale sociale e quando verrà versato.

Per le srl è obbligatorio versare un quarto del capitale sociale al momento della costituzione ma la parte restante può essere versata successivamente senza limiti di tempo.

Può essere creata una semplice tabella di excel come quella che riportiamo a lato con l’indicazione delle date e degli importi del capitale sottoscritto e dei vari versamenti.

tabella excel versamento capitale sociale

Gli investimenti in beni strumentali e l’accensione dei mutui

A seguire dovremo creare un foglio di excel dedicato all’indicazione di tutti gli investimenti che intendiamo realizzare e al calcolo delle quote di ammortamento.

Come si può vedere dalla tabella che riportiamo qui sotto, sarà necessario impostare un po’ di formule ma sarà sufficiente farlo per il primo bene strumentale e poi copiarle per le righe successive.

Lo schema deve contenere la descrizione e la tipologia di investimento effettuato, l’importo al netto dell’IVA, la data di acquisto e il coefficiente di ammortamento in modo da poter calcolare facilmento la quota per ognuno dei cinque anni.

Sulla base della data di acquisto verrà poi riportata l’uscita finanziaria nelle tabelle di cash flow che costruiremo più avanti.

esempio excel investimenti e calcolo ammortamenti

I mutui e il calcolo della rata con excel

A completamento di questo primo passo indicheremo l’importo dei finanziamenti e prestiti di cui avremo bisogno e che andremo a chiedere alla banca.

Sulla base di tutta una serie di dati (importo, data accensione, durata, tasso, periodicità) potremo calcolare l’importo della rata e degli interessi passivi.

Possiamo prendere i dati anche dal piano di ammortamento che è possibile calcolare online oppure da quello che ci fornirà la banca.

È meglio se impostiamo la tabelle con le formule di excel per il calcolo delle rate in modo da poter gestire tutto automaticamente se decideremo di cambiare l’importo del mutuo da chiedere o se vogliamo fare delle simulazioni.

accensione mutui e finanziamenti

Modello business plan in excel dell’attività caratteristica dell’impresa

La definizione dei prodotti e dei prezzi di vendita.

Questa è la fase più importante della costruzione del business plan in quanto ci permetterà di calcolare i costi fissi e variabili complessivi, i fatturati e i flussi di cassa dell’attività caratteristica.

Come prima cosa individueremo i prodotti e servizi oggetto dell’attività ed i relativi prezzi di vendita per ognuno dei cinque anni qualora prevedessimo una loro variazione nel tempo.

Questa tabella conterrà solo i dati da noi immessi, senza effettuare alcun calcolo, ma verranno utilizzati successivamente per il calcolo dei ricavi di ogni articolo e per ogni mese dei cinque anni che prenderemo in esame.

elenco prodotti e servizi e prezzi di vendita

Gli schemi per i costi variabili di acquisto

Dopo aver definito i prezzi di vendita o le tariffe dei servizi erogati dall’impresa, passiamo alla parte relativa ai costi.

L’ideale è creare due tabelle differenti: una per i costi di acquisto degli articoli esclusivamente commercializzati e una per i costi variabili di produzione.

La seconda la vedremo successivamente e sarà un po’ più articolata in quanto andremo a costruire il costo di produzione di ogni prodotto o servizio.

Di seguito vediamo come impostare la tabella dei costi di acquisto, sempre con lo stesso formato di quella dei prezzi di vendita e con l’intestazione che prende automaticamente i nomi dei prodotti dalla prima tabella.

modello di schema dei costi di acquisto

La tabella dei costi per provvigioni e commissioni di vendita

Se l’attività lo richiede, possiamo creare anche una tabella nella quale indicare la percentuale di provvigioni pagate alla rete vendita e/o le commissioni per l’incasso tramite carta di credito, paypal o altri intermediari finanziari.

Sulla base di tali percentuali poi calcoleremo i costi sostenuti per le provvigioni di vendita in percentuale rispetto ai fatturati conseguiti.

modello business plan excel provvigioni

Abbiamo costruito un modello per il calcolo dei costi variabili relativi ai beni che vengono prodotti o ai servizi che vengono erogati.

I costi variabili per le prestazioni di servizi

Anche per i servizi possono essere sostenuti dei costi variabili come ad esempio l’intervento di un free-lance per servizi di grafica o servizi web.

Il caso più classico è sempre quello della produzione di un bene come, ad esempio, un piatto di pasta che richiederà l’utilizzo di 100 gr. di pasta, 50 gr di condimento e 5 cc di olio.

Vediamo la tabella di excel che abbiamo costruito e che, oltre alla solita intestazione che prende i dati dalla prima tabella, riporterà l’elenco di tutti i componenti di costo variabile utilizzati dall’impresa.

Nella colonna di sinistra indicheremo tutti i componenti di costo variabile e cioè le materie prime, i semilavorati, le lavorazioni esterne, la mano d’opera variabile e le spese di trasporto direttamente afferenti alla realizzzione dell’unità di prodotto o servizio.

Per ogni componente indicheremo la tipologi e il prezzo unitario dell’unità di misura che abbiamo scelto per ogni componente, ad esempio il grammo, il litro, il kilo o un’unità di tempo come ora o giornata.

Termineremo poi la compilazione della tabella indicando, per ogni prodotto, le quantità di ogni componente utilizzate per produrlo.

esempio business plan excel calcolo costi variabili

Business plan template in excel per il calcolo dei volumi di vendita

Le tabelle per indicare i volumi di vendita e le rimanenze.

Per il calcolo dei volumi di vendita abbiamo realizzato cinque templates in excel , uno per ogni anno, nei quali inserire i volumi di vendita mensili per ognuno dei nostri prodotti.

Se creiamo una riga nella quale riportare i volumi di produzione (che calcoleremo tra poco), potremo anche calcolare le rimanenze di ogni prodotto a fine anno e, moltiplicandole con i costi di acquisto o di produzione, otterremo il valore delle rimanenze finali per ogni anno.

L’obiettivo è sempre quello di realizzare una struttura che poi ci permetta di apportare qualunque modifica rapidamente e con il conseguente aggiornamento in tempo reale di tutti i dati.

Questa è una delle caratteristiche di excel e che dobbiamo cercare di sfruttare a pieno.

La tavola di excel dei volumi di vendita apparirà come nella figura riportata di seguito:

  • Intestazioni con i nomi dei prodotti riportati automaticamente;
  • colonna di sinistra con il nome dei mesi ed indicazione dell’anno;
  • una matrice nella quale verranno indicati, manualmente o in automatico, i volumi di vendita previsti per ogni prodotto e per ogni mese .

business plan template volumi di vendita

Come calcolare rapidamente e in modo intelligente i volumi di vendita

Come dicevamo in precedenza, sarebbe utile creare una tabella per il calcolo automatico dei volumi , in modo da ottenerli secondo una logica evitando di inserire dati a caso o senza un criterio univoco.

Noi abbiamo creato un template in excel , che riportiamo di seguito, che si basa su informazioni quali il numero di:

  • giorni di apertura;
  • pasti giornalieri (colazione, pranzo e cena sarebbe tre, ad esempio);
  • turni medi che riusciamo a gestire per ogni tavolo durante ogni tipologia di pasto;

Sulla base di tali dati possiamo già ottenere il numero di coperti potenziali a disposizione per ogni mese e, indicandoo la percentuale di riempimento prevista, otterremo il numero di coperti effettivi per ogni mese.

Ovviamente per ogni differente attività potrà essere creata una tabella per il calcolo dei volumi di produzione basata sulle peculiarità di ogni tipo di impresa.

Per concludere, abbiamo indicato la percentuali di clienti che ordinerà ogni portata o bevanda prevista.

Ovviamente ogni cliente ordinerà due, tre o quattro cose e quindi la somma di tutte le percentuali indicate dovrà per forza essere superiore al 100%.

Nella tabella dei volumi di vendita che abbiamo visto prima, riporteremo la formula che moltiplica il totale dei coperti per la percentuale indicata e otterremo il numero di vendite mensili di ogni portata, dolce o bevanda.

Così è come abbiamo impostato il nostro template:

template excel calcolo volumi di vendita

Un template per indicare i volumi di produzione

Sulla base dei volumi di vendita calcoleremo anche i volumi di acquisto e si produzione che, ovviamente, dovranno tener conto delle capacità produttive, logistiche e finanziarie dell’impresa.

In funzione dei macchinari e dei mezzi di produzione installati, l’azienda avrà una capacità produttiva limitata entro un determinato numero di unità.

Lo stesso ragionamento andrà fatto per la logistica in quanto, anche in caso di attività commerciale, i magazzini potranno contenere solo una determinata quantità di beni, prodotti o materie prime.

Anche la capacità di assemblaggio o produzione sarà limitata in funzione del personale dipendente e degli spazi disponibili per svolgere le varie operazioni.

Infine avremo il limite imposto dalle risorse finanziarie disponibili che ci consentiranno l’acquisto di determinate quantità di materie prime o di merci e l’assunzione di un numero limitato di dipendenti.

Tenendo conto di tutti questi fattori ma anche del piano di marketing e quindi della capacità di vendita e distribuzione, dovremo determinare le quantità prodotte o acquistate ed inserirle in un template di excel impostato come quello che mostriamo ora:

template volumi di produzione con excel

Il calcolo di costi, ricavi e il bilancio in Excel

Sulla base dei dai inseriti fino ad ora andremo a calcolare il totale dei costi fissi, dei costi variabili e dei ricavi.

Andremo poi a costruire il bilancio CEE composto da stato patrimoniale e conto economico e il rendiconto finanziario .

Come calcolare il totale dei ricavi o fatturato delle vendite

Come primo passo calcoliamo il fatturato creando uno schema dove, per ogni prodotto e servizio, calcoleremo i ricavi per ogni mese e per ogni anno.

Una volta create le 5 tabelle contenenti i fatturati ne creeremo una riassuntiva con il fatturato mensile e annuale di tutti e cinque gli anni.

Le tabelle dovranno essere impostate come segue e le formule da inserire dovranno essere semplicemente il prodotto dei prezzi di vendita per i volumi di vendita.

Questa tabella sarà ancora più semplice della precedente da calcolare e sarà sufficiente riportare la somma dei fatturati mensili per ogni anno.

Otterremo così il template che riportiamo qui di seguito dove saranno indicati i ricavi mese per mese e anche il fatturato complessivo per ognuno dei 5 anni presi in esame.

Vi ricordiamo di collegare sia le intestazioni dell’anno che quelle dei mesi alla prima tabella in cui compaiono.

Così, se volete cambiare anno oppure la lingua di indicazione dei mesi, sarà possibile farlo cambiandoli solo nella prima tabella.

Ecco di seguito il template di excel da utilizzare per il calcolo dei ricavi complessivi:

template calcolo ricavi analitici del ristorante

Il calcolo dei costi variabili

Così come abbiamo fatto per i ricavi, lo faremo anche per i costi variabili di produzione e di acquisto, moltiplicando i volumi di acquisto e produzione per il prezzo di acquisto o per il costo di produzione.

Excel permette di fare tutto ciò in modo relativamente semplice e veloce.

Sarà sufficiente calcolare la prima formula e poi ricopiarla per i dodici mesi e, infine, ricopiare l’intera colonna a destra per i cinque anni.

Terremo sempre i mesi nella colonna di sinistra e gli anni o i prodotti nella riga in alto della tabella.

Ecco un esempio del modello di calcolo dei costi variabili analitico e complessivo:

foglio excel business plan

Il calcolo dei costi per le provvigioni di vendita

Se vi ricordate, all’inizio abbiamo indicato la percentuale di commissioni o provvigioni di vendita.

Bene, se paghiamo commissioni per l’incasso tramite carta di credito oppure provvigioni ad esercizi convenzionati o strutture che ci mandano i clienti, ora potremo calcolarne facilmente l’importo.

Partendo dai ricavi conseguiti mese per mese, dovremo semplicemente moltiplicarli per le percentuali indicate precedentemente.

È importante che lo schema di excel sia strutturato sempre come i precedenti in modo che risulti facile impostare e ricopiare le formule.

Avremo sempre la lista dei proddotti in alto e dei mesi a sinistra.

Impostiamo la prima formula data dai ricavi per la % prevista e otterremo il costo mensile per provvigioni.

Poi dobbiamo ricopiare la formula verso il basso e, a seguire, l’intera colonna verso destra e otterremo una tabella con i costi mese per mese e prodotto per prodotto relativa al primo anno.

Faremo poi la stessa cosa per tutti e cinque gli anni ottenendo la tabella seguente:

calcolo commissioni e provvigioni di vendita

Il calcolo dei costi fissi con una tabella di excel

Per ottenere i costi fissi non dovremo far riferimento ai volumi di vendita o di produzione ma sarà molto più semplice.

Dovremo solamente creare una tabella con indicate tutte le tipologie di costi fissi suddivise in personale, servizi, godimento beni di terzi e altri oneri di gestione.

Talee suddivisione ci sarà poi utile nella costruzione del bilancio CEE.

Nell’intestazione lungo la prima riga in alto, indicheremo invece i mesi da gennaio a dicembre per tutti e cinque anni consecutivamente.

Andremo poi a indicare, mese per mese, l’importo di ogni tipologia di costo fisso che, se si ripeterà uguale per tutto l’anno, potremo semplicemente ricopiare verso destra.

Vediamo di seguito un pezzo della tabella che andremo a costruire. Non è possibile visualizzarla tutta per ragioni di spazio.

tabella excel costi fissi

Costruiremo poi una tabella riassuntiva nella quale indicare, per ogni tipologia di costo, il totale annuo.

Realizziamo anche una tabella con i flussi di cassa in uscita derivanti dai costi fissi che andremo poi a collegare con quelle realizzate per le entrate, per gli investimenti e per i costi variabili.

schema riassuntivo costi fissi

Ecco come costruire stato patrimoniale e conto economico con Excel

Ora che abbiamo ottenuto tutti i dati dei quali avevamo bisogno e cioè:

  • ammortamenti relativi ai beni strumentali e flussi di cassa in uscita per il loro acquisto;
  • entrate relative ai mutui accesi e calcolo delle rate e interessi passivi;
  • ricavi derivanti dalle vendite e relativi flussi di cassa in entrata;
  • costi variabili per l’acquisto delle merci e per le materie prime e relativo cash flow in uscita;
  • spese per commissioni e provvigioni di vendita;
  • costi fissi per il personale, per i servizi, per il godimento di beni di terzi e eper gli altri oneri di gestione;
  • flussi di cassa in uscita relativi ai costi fissi,

potremo ora iniziare a costruire il bilancio CEE utilizzando excel, composto dal conto economico e dallo stato patrimoniale.

Per la costruzione del bilancio voce per voce realizzeremo un’altra guida specifica perhcè si tratta di un argomento lungo e avolte anche un po’ complesso.

Per chi non ha voglia di aspettare o di impiegare troppo tempo per costruirselo da solo, diamo la possibilità di scaricare un business plan in excel già fatto e costruito da noi.

E per terminare la costruzione del business plan in excel, riportiamo lo schema di conto economico e di stato patrimoniale che abbiamo realizzato e che potrete anche voi provare a costruire utilizzando i dati fino ad ora ottenuti:

modello bilancio excel

Cerca il software business plan specifico per la tua attività , con un esempio completo realizzato da esperti del settore .

software business plan startup

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Business plan in excel: 5 modelli efficaci

pc con business plan excel

Ci sono diversi modelli di business plan Excel che possono essere efficaci a seconda delle esigenze specifiche dell’azienda o del progetto. Per un’azienda fare un business plan è essenziale perché consente di organizzare le informazioni in modo dettagliato e strutturato, suddividendo il piano aziendale in sezioni chiare e di analizzare i dati finanziari in modo appropriato per riuscire a fare previsioni finanziarie corrette.


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Excel è uno strumento davvero molto utile per poter stilare uno stato patrimoniale in modo efficace: scopri come funziona.

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Un business plan aiuta anche nella comunicazione e nella promozione del proprio progetto e della propria azienda. Comunicare in modo efficace i tuoi obiettivi e in che modo desideri realizzarli è essenziale per avere un finanziamento o dei creditori. Non solo, il business plan ti aiuta anche ad organizzare il lavoro e ad avere tutti i dati a portata di mano in modo chiaro così da poter monitorare le tue prestazioni e per prendere decisioni future informate.

business plan excel

5 modelli di business plan in excel

Ecco 5 tipi di modelli di business plan Excel efficaci:

1. Modello di business plan tradizionale : Questo modello include sezioni come executive summary, analisi di mercato, pianificazione finanziaria, strategie di marketing, piano operativo, etc. Puoi strutturare le varie sezioni in fogli diversi all’interno di un unico file Excel per organizzare le informazioni in modo chiaro e accessibile.

2. Modello di previsioni finanziarie : Questo tipo di modello si concentra principalmente sulle proiezioni finanziarie, inclusi flussi di cassa, bilancio, previsioni di entrate e spese, analisi di break-even e così via. Utilizzando le funzioni finanziarie di Excel , puoi creare fogli di calcolo specifici per calcolare e visualizzare queste previsioni.

3. Modello di valutazione delle startup : Se stai lavorando su una startup , potresti voler utilizzare un modello che ti aiuti a valutare il tuo business attraverso metriche come il tasso di crescita, l’analisi del mercato, la penetrazione del mercato e i potenziali investimenti. Puoi creare fogli specifici per ciascuna metrica e utilizzare formule e grafici per analizzare i dati.

4. Modello di piano di marketing e vendite : Se il tuo focus è sul marketing e sulle strategie di vendita, un modello di business plan può concentrarsi su queste aree. Creare fogli Excel per analizzare il mix di marketing, la pipeline delle vendite, i costi di acquisizione cliente, il ritorno sugli investimenti in marketing, ecc.

5. Modello di business plan settoriale: A seconda del settore in cui operi, potresti creare un modello specifico che tenga conto delle caratteristiche del tuo settore. Ad esempio, per il settore dell’ospitalità potresti concentrarti su metriche come il tasso di occupazione , il costo per camera, la redditività per cliente, ecc.

Per ciascuno di questi modelli, è importante utilizzare le funzionalità avanzate di Excel come le formule, i grafici, le tabelle pivot, ecc., per elaborare e analizzare i dati in modo efficace. Inoltre, puoi utilizzare modelli predefiniti disponibili online come punto di partenza e personalizzarli in base alle esigenze specifiche del tuo business.

grafico di business plan excel

Modelli di business plan excel

Ci sono tanti altri modelli di business plan excel devi solo scegliere il modello che più si addice alle tue esigenze. Puoi scegliere il Business Plan Generale che include anche sezioni come analisi di mercato, piano di marketing, piano operativo, analisi finanziaria e previsioni. È un formato completo che fornisce una visione globale del business. Ci sono anche modelli specifici come quello per il settore immobiliare o quello per progetti di investimento, utile per per coloro che cercano finanziamenti per progetti specifici. Include dettagli sui costi del progetto, previsioni finanziarie, analisi del ritorno sull’investimento e piani di rimborso.

Inoltre, se gestisci un ristorante puoi scegliere il Business Plan per Ristoranti o Alimenti e Bevande, specifico per aziende del settore alimentare. Contiene sezioni come piano del menu, proiezioni di costi alimentari, previsioni di vendita e analisi delle tendenze del settore. Se offri servizi professionali come consulenza, marketing, design, ecc., un modello potrebbe concentrarsi sulle capacità e le competenze del team, sui servizi offerti, sui prezzi, sul marketing e sulla strategia di acquisizione clienti nel settore dei servizi.

Ricorda che ogni business plan dovrebbe essere adattato alle esigenze specifiche del tuo progetto o azienda. Puoi trovare molti modelli gratuiti online o puoi anche creare il tuo modello personalizzato utilizzando Excel, incorporando le sezioni e le metriche più pertinenti per il tuo caso specifico. Il business plan è essenziale per ogni azienda perché racchiude e sintetizza tutte le caratteristiche di un progetto imprenditoriale in modo da presentarlo in modo esaustivo ad investitori e in generale è un prodotto fondamentale per la comunicazione aziendale esterna.

Il business plan è un documento che bisogna sfruttare al meglio e al massimo e deve essere dinamico e aperto a cambiamenti per questo motivo deve essere strutturato bene per essere subito efficace nella presentazione. Scegliere il modello di business plan excel è quindi una decisione importante che caratterizzerà il tuo biglietto da visita.

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Free Business Plan Excel Template [Excel Download]

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Growthink's Business Plan Excel Template

A business plan is a roadmap for growing your business. Not only does it help you plan out your venture, but it is required by funding sources like banks, venture capitalists and angel investors.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

The body of your business plan describes your company and your strategies for growing it. The financial portion of your plan details the financial implications of your business: how much money you need, what you project your future sales and earnings to be, etc.

Below you will be able to download our free business plan excel template to help with the financial portion of your business plan. You will also learn about the importance of the financial model in your business plan.

Download the template here: Financial Plan Excel Template  

How to Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less! It includes a simple, plug-and-play financial model and a fill-in-the-blanks template for completing the body of your plan.

What’s Included in our Business Plan Excel Template

Our business plan excel template includes the following sections:

Income Statement : A projection of your business’ revenues, costs, and expenses over a specific period of time. Includes sections for sales revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), operating expenses, and net profit or loss.

Example 5 Year Annual Income Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Revenues $368,306 $402,786 $440,494 $481,732 $526,831
Direct Costs
Direct Costs $10,475 $10,901 $11,343 $11,804 $12,283
Salaries $58,251 $60,018 $61,839 $63,715 $65,648
Marketing Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Rent/Utility Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Expenses $12,135 $12,503 $12,883 $13,274 $13,676
Depreciation $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Interest Expense $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000
Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Use of Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxable Income $273,443 $305,362 $340,428 $378,938 $421,222
Income Tax Expense $95,705 $106,877 $119,149 $132,628 $147,427
Net Profit Margin (%) 48.3% 49.3% 50.2% 51.1% 52%

Cash Flow Statement : A projection of your business’ cash inflows and outflows over a specific period of time. Includes sections for cash inflows (such as sales receipts, loans, and investments), cash outflows (such as expenses, salaries, and loan repayments), and net cash flow.

Example 5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Net Income (Loss) $177,738 $198,485 $221,278 $246,310 $273,794
Change in Working Capital ($24,912) ($2,754) ($3,025) ($2,052) ($3,523)
Plus Depreciation $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Plus Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets ($30,000) $0 $0 $0 $0
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Debt financing $80,000 $0 $0 $0 ($80,000)
Cash at Beginning of Period $0 $208,826 $410,557 $634,809 $885,067

Balance Sheet : A snapshot of your business’ financial position at a specific point in time. Includes sections for assets (such as cash, inventory, equipment, and property), liabilities (such as loans, accounts payable, and salaries payable), and owner’s equity (such as retained earnings and capital contributions).

Example 5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Cash $208,826 $410,557 $634,809 $885,067 $1,081,338
Other Current Assets $31,729 $34,700 $37,948 $40,144 $43,902
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Acc Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Accum Depreciation $6,000 $12,000 $18,000 $24,000 $30,000
Preliminary Exp $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Current Liabilities $6,817 $7,033 $7,256 $7,399 $7,634
Debt outstanding $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $0
Share Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained earnings $177,738 $376,224 $597,502 $843,812 $1,117,606

Download the template here: Business Plan Excel Template 

The template is easy to customize according to your specific business needs. Simply input your own financial data and projections, and use it as a guide to create a comprehensive financial plan for your business. Remember to review and update your financial plan regularly to track your progress and make informed financial decisions.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

The importance of the financial model in your business plan.

A solid financial model is a critical component of any well-prepared business plan. It provides a comprehensive and detailed projection of your business’ financial performance, including revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability. The financial model is not just a mere set of numbers, but a strategic tool that helps you understand the financial health of your business, make informed decisions, and communicate your business’ financial viability to potential investors, lenders, and other stakeholders. In this article, we will delve into the importance of the financial model in your business plan.

  • Provides a roadmap for financial success : A well-structured financial model serves as a roadmap for your business’ financial success. It outlines your revenue streams, cost structure, and cash flow projections, helping you understand the financial implications of your business strategies and decisions. It allows you to forecast your future financial performance, set financial goals, and measure your progress over time. A comprehensive financial model helps you identify potential risks, opportunities, and areas that may require adjustments to achieve your financial objectives.
  • Demonstrates financial viability to stakeholders : Investors, lenders, and other stakeholders want to see that your business is financially viable and has a plan to generate revenue, manage expenses, and generate profits. A robust financial model in your business plan demonstrates that you have a solid understanding of your business’ financials and have a plan to achieve profitability. It provides evidence of the market opportunity, pricing strategy, sales projections, and financial sustainability. A well-prepared financial model increases your credibility and instills confidence in your business among potential investors and lenders.
  • Helps with financial decision-making : Your financial model is a valuable tool for making informed financial decisions. It helps you analyze different scenarios, evaluate the financial impact of your decisions, and choose the best course of action for your business. For example, you can use your financial model to assess the feasibility of a new product launch, determine the optimal pricing strategy, or evaluate the impact of changing market conditions on your cash flow. A well-structured financial model helps you make data-driven decisions that are aligned with your business goals and financial objectives.
  • Assists in securing funding : If you are seeking funding from investors or lenders, a robust financial model is essential. It provides a clear picture of your business’ financials and shows how the funds will be used to generate revenue and profits. It includes projections for revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability, along with a breakdown of assumptions and methodology used. It also provides a realistic assessment of the risks and challenges associated with your business and outlines the strategies to mitigate them. A well-prepared financial model in your business plan can significantly increase your chances of securing funding as it demonstrates your business’ financial viability and growth potential.
  • Facilitates financial management and monitoring : A financial model is not just for external stakeholders; it is also a valuable tool for internal financial management and monitoring. It helps you track your actual financial performance against your projections, identify any deviations, and take corrective actions if needed. It provides a clear overview of your business’ cash flow, profitability, and financial health, allowing you to proactively manage your finances and make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals. A well-structured financial model helps you stay on top of your business’ financials and enables you to take timely actions to ensure your business’ financial success.
  • Enhances business valuation : If you are planning to sell your business or seek investors for an exit strategy, a robust financial model is crucial. It provides a solid foundation for business valuation as it outlines your historical financial performance, future projections, and the assumptions behind them. It helps potential buyers or investors understand the financial potential of your business and assess its value. A well-prepared financial model can significantly impact the valuation of your business, and a higher valuation can lead to better negotiation terms and higher returns on your investment.
  • Supports strategic planning : Your financial model is an integral part of your strategic planning process. It helps you align your financial goals with your overall business strategy and provides insights into the financial feasibility of your strategic initiatives. For example, if you are planning to expand your business, enter new markets, or invest in new technologies, your financial model can help you assess the financial impact of these initiatives, including the investment required, the expected return on investment, and the timeline for achieving profitability. It enables you to make informed decisions about the strategic direction of your business and ensures that your financial goals are aligned with your overall business objectives.
  • Enhances accountability and transparency : A robust financial model promotes accountability and transparency in your business. It provides a clear framework for setting financial targets, measuring performance, and holding yourself and your team accountable for achieving financial results. It helps you monitor your progress towards your financial goals and enables you to take corrective actions if needed. A well-structured financial model also enhances transparency by providing a clear overview of your business’ financials, assumptions, and methodologies used in your projections. It ensures that all stakeholders, including investors, lenders, employees, and partners, have a clear understanding of your business’ financial performance and prospects.

In conclusion, a well-prepared financial model is a crucial component of your business plan. It provides a roadmap for financial success, demonstrates financial viability to stakeholders, helps with financial decision-making, assists in securing funding, facilitates financial management and monitoring, enhances business valuation, supports strategic planning, and enhances accountability and transparency in your business. It is not just a set of numbers, but a strategic tool that helps you understand, analyze, and optimize your business’ financial performance. Investing time and effort in creating a comprehensive and robust financial model in your business plan is vital for the success of your business and can significantly increase your chances of achieving your financial goals.

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Powerful business plan templates

Plan for the future, no matter what your business plans are or the size of your business with these designs and templates. whether it's just one big project or an entire organization's worth of dreams, these templates will keep you and your company on track from ideation to completion..

business cards photo

Put your ideas to work with simple templates for every business plan

Every successful business took a lot of planning to get there, and these templates will be cornerstones of your future success. Whether you're looking to attract new business, pitch your services or reimagine your company, with these simple, customizable templates at your fingertips you can turn complexity into something tangible. These templates can become marketing assets or simply remain internal touchpoints for your team. And as your dreams change, you'll always have this template to refer to – it's easy to change what exists on paper. If you're a small business, focusing on your niche can help you dominate in your field, and you can forge a plan to figure out exactly what that niche might be and how to target your ideal customer . When it's time to share your vision with stakeholders, craft a presentation that outlines your plan succinctly and with style. Let these templates from Microsoft Designer be your partner in business strategy for years to come.

Free Business Plan Template

One of the reasons that so many small businesses fail is that they don't do the necessary up front work to create an accurate and realistic business plan. Creating a business plan doesn't guarantee success, but the process of writing a plan is critical for any successful new business. It isn't our goal to try to tell you everything you need to know about creating a business plan. Instead, our goal is to make the process easier by providing a professionally designed business plan template that you can edit easily using Word and Excel .

Business Plan Template

Business Plan Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

Authors : Jon Wittwer and Jim Wittwer

Update (7/22/2016) : We've added a basic break-even analysis worksheet to the companion Excel workbook.


This template provides a business plan outline with sample questions, tables, and a working table of contents. It was created for newer versions of Word and Excel (Office 2007 or later) so that you can easily change the fonts and color scheme and the file will be compatible with the mobile and web-based Word & Excel apps.

It is best to use Excel for financial statements, data tables and charts. So, we have provided a companion Excel workbook with these sample financial statements and other tables and graphs that you can copy and paste into your Word document.

The companion workbook combines many of the different spreadsheets you can find on, but customized specifically for inclusion in a business plan.

Using the Business Plan Template

Editing headings and table of contents.

Word allows you to assign format Styles to text and paragraphs, and we've designed the template to use these Styles for defining headings, sub-headings, and figure captions.

If you want to add a new section so that the Table of Contents updates correctly, just add a new heading in the body of the document and assign it the Heading 1 or Heading 2 style.

To update the Table of Contents, go to the References tab and within the Table of Contents group of buttons, click on Update Table and then "Update entire table."

Copy/Paste From Excel to Word

For simple tables, you can use Copy/Paste (Ctrl+c / Ctrl+v) to copy a table from Excel to Word. This will typically paste the data as a formatted and editable table in Word, though none of the formulas will be functional within Word (and the table will not be linked to Excel). If you don't want the table to be editable in Word, you can "Paste as a Picture" using Paste Special or by choosing the "Picture" option when you right-click in Word to paste the table.

Important : When you paste a chart object into your business plan, make sure to "Paste as a Picture" because pasting the chart as an embedded object means that the entire spreadsheet becomes embedded in your Word document (even though what you see is only the chart).

If you want to insert a table into Word as a "Linked Object" so that when you edit Excel, the table in Word will update automatically, you may have a more difficult time preserving the formatting of the original. However, at the least the entire spreadsheet won't be embedded within your business plan Word document.

More Related Templates

Thumbnail - Business Startup Costs Template

Resources for Writing a Business Plan

  • Write Your Business Plan at - Anybody starting a business should become familiar with the SBA (small business association). also has an online tool for creating a business plan .
  • YouTube: How to Write a Business Plan - Business Wales (3 minutes) - This video offers a quick overview and tips for the essential parts of a business plan.
  • YouTube: How to Write a Business Plan - Berkeley-Haas (71 minutes) - This presentation offers both the venture capitalist and entrepreneur perspective on how to write a business plan that can successfully attract funding.
  • Write Your Business Plan at - A book written by the staff of a company that should know what they are talking about.
  • Sample Business Plans at - Finding a business plan for similar businesses in your industry is a great way to get ideas for what to include in your plan. This site is a great resource for not only finding sample plans, but also for creating a business plan online using their step-by-step approach.

Other Free Business Plan Templates

  • Business Planning Template Gallery at - This nonprofit organization (supported by the SBA) has provided expertise and free mentorship for millions of small business owners. They also have a useful collection of templates.
  • Develop Your Business Plan at - This Australian Government site provides a really good business plan template for Word, including a detailed guide, questions to answer, and sample financial statements.

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Financial Statements

Free Financial Templates for a Business Plan

By Andy Marker | July 29, 2020

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In this article, we’ve rounded up expert-tested financial templates for your business plan, all of which are free to download in Excel, Google Sheets, and PDF formats.

Included on this page, you’ll find the essential financial statement templates, including income statement templates , cash flow statement templates , and balance sheet templates . Plus, we cover the key elements of the financial section of a business plan .

Financial Plan Templates

Download and prepare these financial plan templates to include in your business plan. Use historical data and future projections to produce an overview of the financial health of your organization to support your business plan and gain buy-in from stakeholders

Business Financial Plan Template

Business Financial Plan Template

Use this financial plan template to organize and prepare the financial section of your business plan. This customizable template has room to provide a financial overview, any important assumptions, key financial indicators and ratios, a break-even analysis, and pro forma financial statements to share key financial data with potential investors.

Download Financial Plan Template

Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Financial Plan Projections Template for Startups

Startup Financial Projections Template

This financial plan projections template comes as a set of pro forma templates designed to help startups. The template set includes a 12-month profit and loss statement, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement for you to detail the current and projected financial position of a business.

‌ Download Startup Financial Projections Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Income Statement Templates for Business Plan

Also called profit and loss statements , these income statement templates will empower you to make critical business decisions by providing insight into your company, as well as illustrating the projected profitability associated with business activities. The numbers prepared in your income statement directly influence the cash flow and balance sheet forecasts.

Pro Forma Income Statement/Profit and Loss Sample

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Use this pro forma income statement template to project income and expenses over a three-year time period. Pro forma income statements consider historical or market analysis data to calculate the estimated sales, cost of sales, profits, and more.

‌ Download Pro Forma Income Statement Sample - Excel

Small Business Profit and Loss Statement

Small Business Profit and Loss Template

Small businesses can use this simple profit and loss statement template to project income and expenses for a specific time period. Enter expected income, cost of goods sold, and business expenses, and the built-in formulas will automatically calculate the net income.

‌ Download Small Business Profit and Loss Template - Excel

3-Year Income Statement Template

3 Year Income Statement Template

Use this income statement template to calculate and assess the profit and loss generated by your business over three years. This template provides room to enter revenue and expenses associated with operating your business and allows you to track performance over time.

Download 3-Year Income Statement Template

For additional resources, including how to use profit and loss statements, visit “ Download Free Profit and Loss Templates .”

Cash Flow Statement Templates for Business Plan

Use these free cash flow statement templates to convey how efficiently your company manages the inflow and outflow of money. Use a cash flow statement to analyze the availability of liquid assets and your company’s ability to grow and sustain itself long term.

Simple Cash Flow Template

foglio excel business plan

Use this basic cash flow template to compare your business cash flows against different time periods. Enter the beginning balance of cash on hand, and then detail itemized cash receipts, payments, costs of goods sold, and expenses. Once you enter those values, the built-in formulas will calculate total cash payments, net cash change, and the month ending cash position.

Download Simple Cash Flow Template

12-Month Cash Flow Forecast Template

foglio excel business plan

Use this cash flow forecast template, also called a pro forma cash flow template, to track and compare expected and actual cash flow outcomes on a monthly and yearly basis. Enter the cash on hand at the beginning of each month, and then add the cash receipts (from customers, issuance of stock, and other operations). Finally, add the cash paid out (purchases made, wage expenses, and other cash outflow). Once you enter those values, the built-in formulas will calculate your cash position for each month with.

‌ Download 12-Month Cash Flow Forecast

3-Year Cash Flow Statement Template Set

3 Year Cash Flow Statement Template

Use this cash flow statement template set to analyze the amount of cash your company has compared to its expenses and liabilities. This template set contains a tab to create a monthly cash flow statement, a yearly cash flow statement, and a three-year cash flow statement to track cash flow for the operating, investing, and financing activities of your business.

Download 3-Year Cash Flow Statement Template

For additional information on managing your cash flow, including how to create a cash flow forecast, visit “ Free Cash Flow Statement Templates .”

Balance Sheet Templates for a Business Plan

Use these free balance sheet templates to convey the financial position of your business during a specific time period to potential investors and stakeholders.

Small Business Pro Forma Balance Sheet

foglio excel business plan

Small businesses can use this pro forma balance sheet template to project account balances for assets, liabilities, and equity for a designated period. Established businesses can use this template (and its built-in formulas) to calculate key financial ratios, including working capital.

Download Pro Forma Balance Sheet Template

Monthly and Quarterly Balance Sheet Template

foglio excel business plan

Use this balance sheet template to evaluate your company’s financial health on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. You can also use this template to project your financial position for a specified time in the future. Once you complete the balance sheet, you can compare and analyze your assets, liabilities, and equity on a quarter-over-quarter or year-over-year basis.

Download Monthly/Quarterly Balance Sheet Template - Excel

Yearly Balance Sheet Template

foglio excel business plan

Use this balance sheet template to compare your company’s short and long-term assets, liabilities, and equity year-over-year. This template also provides calculations for common financial ratios with built-in formulas, so you can use it to evaluate account balances annually.

Download Yearly Balance Sheet Template - Excel

For more downloadable resources for a wide range of organizations, visit “ Free Balance Sheet Templates .”

Sales Forecast Templates for Business Plan

Sales projections are a fundamental part of a business plan, and should support all other components of your plan, including your market analysis, product offerings, and marketing plan . Use these sales forecast templates to estimate future sales, and ensure the numbers align with the sales numbers provided in your income statement.

Basic Sales Forecast Sample Template

Basic Sales Forecast Template

Use this basic forecast template to project the sales of a specific product. Gather historical and industry sales data to generate monthly and yearly estimates of the number of units sold and the price per unit. Then, the pre-built formulas will calculate percentages automatically. You’ll also find details about which months provide the highest sales percentage, and the percentage change in sales month-over-month. 

Download Basic Sales Forecast Sample Template

12-Month Sales Forecast Template for Multiple Products

foglio excel business plan

Use this sales forecast template to project the future sales of a business across multiple products or services over the course of a year. Enter your estimated monthly sales, and the built-in formulas will calculate annual totals. There is also space to record and track year-over-year sales, so you can pinpoint sales trends.

Download 12-Month Sales Forecasting Template for Multiple Products

3-Year Sales Forecast Template for Multiple Products

3 Year Sales Forecast Template

Use this sales forecast template to estimate the monthly and yearly sales for multiple products over a three-year period. Enter the monthly units sold, unit costs, and unit price. Once you enter those values, built-in formulas will automatically calculate revenue, margin per unit, and gross profit. This template also provides bar charts and line graphs to visually display sales and gross profit year over year.

Download 3-Year Sales Forecast Template - Excel

For a wider selection of resources to project your sales, visit “ Free Sales Forecasting Templates .”

Break-Even Analysis Template for Business Plan

A break-even analysis will help you ascertain the point at which a business, product, or service will become profitable. This analysis uses a calculation to pinpoint the number of service or unit sales you need to make to cover costs and make a profit.

Break-Even Analysis Template

Break Even Analysis

Use this break-even analysis template to calculate the number of sales needed to become profitable. Enter the product's selling price at the top of the template, and then add the fixed and variable costs. Once you enter those values, the built-in formulas will calculate the total variable cost, the contribution margin, and break-even units and sales values.

Download Break-Even Analysis Template

For additional resources, visit, “ Free Financial Planning Templates .”

Business Budget Templates for Business Plan

These business budget templates will help you track costs (e.g., fixed and variable) and expenses (e.g., one-time and recurring) associated with starting and running a business. Having a detailed budget enables you to make sound strategic decisions, and should align with the expense values listed on your income statement.

Startup Budget Template

foglio excel business plan

Use this startup budget template to track estimated and actual costs and expenses for various business categories, including administrative, marketing, labor, and other office costs. There is also room to provide funding estimates from investors, banks, and other sources to get a detailed view of the resources you need to start and operate your business.

Download Startup Budget Template

Small Business Budget Template

foglio excel business plan

This business budget template is ideal for small businesses that want to record estimated revenue and expenditures on a monthly and yearly basis. This customizable template comes with a tab to list income, expenses, and a cash flow recording to track cash transactions and balances.

Download Small Business Budget Template

Professional Business Budget Template

foglio excel business plan

Established organizations will appreciate this customizable business budget template, which  contains a separate tab to track projected business expenses, actual business expenses, variances, and an expense analysis. Once you enter projected and actual expenses, the built-in formulas will automatically calculate expense variances and populate the included visual charts. 

‌ Download Professional Business Budget Template

For additional resources to plan and track your business costs and expenses, visit “ Free Business Budget Templates for Any Company .”

Other Financial Templates for Business Plan

In this section, you’ll find additional financial templates that you may want to include as part of your larger business plan.

Startup Funding Requirements Template

Startup Funding Requirements Template

This simple startup funding requirements template is useful for startups and small businesses that require funding to get business off the ground. The numbers generated in this template should align with those in your financial projections, and should detail the allocation of acquired capital to various startup expenses.

Download Startup Funding Requirements Template - Excel

Personnel Plan Template

Personnel Plan Template

Use this customizable personnel plan template to map out the current and future staff needed to get — and keep — the business running. This information belongs in the personnel section of a business plan, and details the job title, amount of pay, and hiring timeline for each position. This template calculates the monthly and yearly expenses associated with each role using built-in formulas. Additionally, you can add an organizational chart to provide a visual overview of the company’s structure. 

Download Personnel Plan Template - Excel

Elements of the Financial Section of a Business Plan

Whether your organization is a startup, a small business, or an enterprise, the financial plan is the cornerstone of any business plan. The financial section should demonstrate the feasibility and profitability of your idea and should support all other aspects of the business plan. 

Below, you’ll find a quick overview of the components of a solid financial plan.

  • Financial Overview: This section provides a brief summary of the financial section, and includes key takeaways of the financial statements. If you prefer, you can also add a brief description of each statement in the respective statement’s section.
  • Key Assumptions: This component details the basis for your financial projections, including tax and interest rates, economic climate, and other critical, underlying factors.
  • Break-Even Analysis: This calculation helps establish the selling price of a product or service, and determines when a product or service should become profitable.
  • Pro Forma Income Statement: Also known as a profit and loss statement, this section details the sales, cost of sales, profitability, and other vital financial information to stakeholders.
  • Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement: This area outlines the projected cash inflows and outflows the business expects to generate from operating, financing, and investing activities during a specific timeframe.
  • Pro Forma Balance Sheet: This document conveys how your business plans to manage assets, including receivables and inventory.
  • Key Financial Indicators and Ratios: In this section, highlight key financial indicators and ratios extracted from financial statements that bankers, analysts, and investors can use to evaluate the financial health and position of your business.

Need help putting together the rest of your business plan? Check out our free simple business plan templates to get started. You can learn how to write a successful simple business plan  here . 

Visit this  free non-profit business plan template roundup  or download a  fill-in-the-blank business plan template  to make things easy. If you are looking for a business plan template by file type, visit our pages dedicated specifically to  Microsoft Excel ,  Microsoft Word , and  Adobe PDF  business plan templates. Read our articles offering  startup business plan templates  or  free 30-60-90-day business plan templates  to find more tailored options.

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Business Plan: How to Create Great Financial Plans in Excel

foglio excel business plan

I guess, you are about to write a business plan and that is why you have come to this page. Very good – because in this article I am going to write down my experience with business plans and what I have learned creating them with Microsoft Excel. As I will point out again further down, I will only concentrate on the financial part of business plans. Specifically, how to set it up in Excel. Of course, you can also download an Excel template .

Parts of business plans

As you reached this page I suppose you already have a rough idea of what a business plan is. So, we will skip this part here.

A business plan is a formal written document containing the goals of a business, the methods for attaining those goals, and the time-frame for the achievement of the goals.”

foglio excel business plan

But one comment concerning the scope of this article: The formal business plan has usually many different parts, in which you describe the business idea and product, the market, competition, legal construct and so on. But typically, investors are most interested in the financial part. They want to know first, what they can get out of it. Of course, the other parts are also very important, but the financial topics usually put everything described in the other sections into numbers.

I’m not going further into the details of all the other parts than then financial section here. Specifically, we will dive into the basics of the financial part and how to model it in Excel.

Please scroll down to download the business plan template. We are going to explore all the following advice with this template.

How to create a business plan in Excel

Advice 1: be clear about the purpose and the recipient of the business plan.

Business plan presentation

Before you start opening Excel, make sure that you are 100% clear of the purpose this business plan. Is the business plan just for you? Or do you create it for someone else, for example an investor or bank? Although the next steps might still be the same, the focus might be different. For example: Maybe you have a very good understanding of the major assumptions because you have been working in this field for some time. But for someone external you still need to validate them. Of course, in both cases the assumptions should be realistic and goals should be achievable. But maybe for your own peace of mind you would choose more pessimistic assumptions if the plan was only for you.

Advice 2: Go top-down in terms of line items

Possible structure of the line items in a business plan.

Now, let’s start in Excel. But how do we start?

My approach is to go top-down. I usually use a basic P&L (“Profit- and loss” calculation) structure to start with, having some placeholders for revenue and costs.

Specifically, I go through the following parts (also shown on the right-hand side).

Let’s assume that you develop and sell Excel add-ins: 50 EUR per license – once-off. You would now start with assumptions of how many you can sell per month and the price. This is your first revenue item. At this point in time, I would leave it like this. We can later drill further down as much as we need (for example modeling discounts, the connection between marketing spending and number of units sold, price changes, etc.).

If we have multiple products, we calculate them in a similar manner.

Cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold – or COGS – refers to the direct costs of producing the goods sold. Depending on the complexity you could also summarize cost of sales here or keep it separately.

Often, the COGS are directly linked to the number of units produced so you could refer to the numbers already calculated for the revenues.

In our example from above, we don’t have any direct costs for producing the Excel add-ins because we develop them ourselves and our salary will be regarded under “Salaries and Benefits”.

All other expenses

The structure of the expenses highly depends on your business. I usually start with these:

  • Salaries and Benefits
  • Rent and Overhead
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Other expenses

Again, these items might look completely different for you. Example: if you travel a lot for your business, you might plan travel costs separately.

Subtracting costs from the revenue leads to the EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization). This is one of the important financial performance indicators.

Amortization and depreciation

If you buy any assets for your business (for example machines, computers, even cars), you usually plan to use them over a certain period. When you first buy them, let’s say for 1,000 USD, you basically just exchange money for assets in the same amount. The problem: The assets will decrease in value the longer you use them. Within the cost items above, you don’t regard the acquisition value. So, how to regard them in your business plan?

You only regard the annual decrease of value. If you plan to use your 1,000 USD item for 5 years, you could (plainly speaking), each year regard 200 USD as depreciation.

Please note: If you later plan your cash, you have to make sure that you fully regard the initial sales price and not the depreciation.

The key difference between amortization and depreciation is that amortization is used for intangible assets, while depreciation is used for tangible assets.

Subtracting the amortization and depreciation from the EBITDA leads to the second key performance indicator, the EBIT (earnings before interest and tax).

Interest and taxes

Eventually, you have to prognose your interest costs (for example what you have to pay for bank loans) and your taxes, which is typically just a percentage of the EBT (the earning before taxes).

Advice 3: Think about the business drivers carefully

Good business plans are driver based.

Business drivers are the key inputs and activities that drive the operational and financial results of a business. Common examples of business drivers are salespeople, number of stores, website traffic, number and price of products sold, units of production, etc.

Let me explain with an example: You want to plan the revenues. You have two different options:

Example for business plan drivers

  • Revenue per month is split into number of units sold times price per unit.
  • Number of units sold is further split into number of salespersons and number of items sold per salesperson and month, and so on.
  • Or you could just write a number and every following year you assume a growth in percentage (e.g. +2% per year).

Let’s finish this section with some final comments:

  • Choose drivers that are measurable. You will most probably later on compare the drivers to reality and therefore make sure that they are not impossible to measure.
  • Figure out, which driver has most impact. You should focus on those first. Driver with no or very limited impact can be skipped initially.
  • Are drivers depending on each other? If yes, it should be modeled accordingly.

Advice 4: Choose the smallest period from the beginning in your business plan

So far, we have been focusing on the line items, for example costs, revenue, or drivers. Now, let’s talk about the time frame.

The question is: Should you plan on annual, monthly or any other basis? Or a mix?

I have seen many business plans doing it something like this:

  • Plan on monthly basis for the first 24 to 36 months.
  • Switch to annual planning for the years 3/4 to 5.

Most business plans are not going beyond 5 years planning period.

My recommendation: Plan on monthly basis for the full period. There will be a point in time when you need to break it down into months. And it is always easier to sum up 12 months for annual values than to drill down from years to months.

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Advice 5: Keep a unified, professional business plan structure

This advice should count for most Excel models: Try to keep the same structure throughout the whole Excel file.

  • Structure of worksheets: Make sure that most worksheets are set up with the same structure. For example, start with a headline in cell B2, years starting in column H, content in row 10.
  • Layout / format of cells: Make sure you use a consistent formatting. For example, Excel provides cell styles – use them. For more recommendations about professional formatting, please refer to this article .
  • Universal settings and assumptions should be consolidated on one sheet (for example tax rates, start date, company name).

Advice 6: Document business plan assumptions well

Document your assumptions well.

I can not say this often enough: Document your assumptions! Not only the values or variables, also your thoughts behind them. Why have you chosen this value? What is it based on? What is it used for?

Advice 7: Gross vs. net values

This question I am asked quite frequently: Should you use gross or net values? That means, include tax in revenues and costs?

Typically, you only work with net values, excluding VAT. For Germany with a tax rate of 19%, for example, if you invoice 119 EUR to a customer, you would only regard 100 EUR. Also, for costs, you would only regard net values.

Then, in your business plan, you start with revenue minus costs and eventually reach the EBT (earning before tax, please scroll up to see the P&L). From this, you calculate your company tax.

Advice 8: Think ahead

Some more things you should keep in mind when creating your business plan.

  • Business plans are “living documents”. Keep in mind that at some point in the future you have to update it or extend it.
  • Validate your assumptions: After some time, you will come back to your plan having real life figures. Now, it’s time to compare and – if necessary – adjust the plan.
  • a valuation (“Discounted Cash Flow model”),
  • liquidity planning,
  • bank loan simulations,
  • financial dashboards,
  • budget planning,
  • maybe even the first real official P&L (at least when it comes to the line items of your business plan)
  • and much more…

Download business plan template

So, after reading all this description and advice, it’s time to start. Probably many things I have written above sounds like common sense, right? But I can assure you: Doing it and regarding as much advice as possible is not necessarily simple.

Download the business plan template in Excel.

That’s why I have decided to create a template. I have pre-filled it with an imaginary example.

I know, there are countless Excel business plan templates around. So, why should you use this one?

  • This template is very flexible: I have always included place holders so that you can add much more items if needed.
  • In terms of the time frame, I have created monthly columns for up to ten years. Typically, you need less. Then just hide the extra columns.
  • Also, I have created a consistent structure throughout the model.
  • No fancy Excel functions and formulas, mainly just plain links.

Please feel free to take a look at it. If you like it, just use it. If not, please feel free to create your individual business plan – you now know how to do it!

Download link: Click here to start the download .

Image by koon boh Goh from Pixabay

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

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Henrik Schiffner is a freelance business consultant and software developer. He lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Besides being an Excel enthusiast he loves photography and sports.

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Free Business Plan Templates For Google Sheets And Microsoft Excel

Crafting an Effective Business Plan for a Startup excel template

14 Best Excel Templates for Business in 2024 (Free & Premium)

  • Last updated March 21, 2024

Fact Checked By Cindy Wong

Let’s talk about Excel templates. These pre-made spreadsheets help you improve productivity quickly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of Excel templates, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to streamline your tasks, boost productivity, and make informed decisions.

From understanding what Excel spreadsheet templates are to exploring specialized templates for various industries, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a seasoned Excel user or just starting, our friendly yet professional approach will simplify complex concepts and empower you to harness the full power of Excel templates.

What Are Excel Templates?

We provide a host of spreadsheet templates for our readers. And Excel templates are no exception. These pre-designed spreadsheets created to simplify various tasks and processes. They serve as starting points, offering predefined structures, formulas, and formatting. These templates are designed to save you time and effort by eliminating the need to build spreadsheets from scratch.

Key Features of Excel Spreadsheet Templates

  • Structured Layout: Templates come with organized rows and columns tailored to the specific task or use case. For instance, a budget template might include categories for income, expenses, and savings.
  • Predefined Formulas and Functions: Excel spreadsheet templates often include formulas and functions that perform calculations automatically. For example, a mortgage calculator template may already have formulas for calculating monthly payments and interest.
  • Formatting and Styling: Templates feature consistent design, including fonts, colors, and cell borders. This makes your data visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Placeholder Data: Templates often contain placeholder data or instructions to guide you in entering your information. These placeholders help you understand how to use the template effectively.
  • Customizability: While templates provide a structured framework, they are highly customizable. You can modify them to suit your specific needs by adding or removing columns, changing labels, or adjusting formulas.

Common Uses of Excel Templates

  • Budgeting: Excel templates for budgeting help individuals and businesses manage their finances effectively by tracking income and expenses, projecting future financial goals, and analyzing spending patterns.
  • Project Management: Project management templates assist in planning, tracking, and managing projects. They often include Gantt charts, task lists, and progress trackers.
  • Data Analysis: Excel offers templates for data analysis, such as pivot tables, allowing you to quickly summarize and analyze large datasets.
  • Accounting: Accounting templates help businesses maintain accurate financial records, including ledgers, income statements, and balance sheets.
  • Inventory Management: Inventory templates help businesses track stock levels, monitor product sales, and manage inventory turnover.

Types of Excel Templates

Excel spreadsheet templates come in various categories, each designed to address specific needs and tasks. Here are some of the most common types of Excel templates:

Financial Excel Templates

Financial templates are geared towards managing finances, budgeting, and financial analysis. You can make your own cash flow template , or use one that’s already made. Common financial spreadsheets include:

  • Budget Templates: These templates help individuals and businesses create and manage budgets, ensuring that income and expenses are balanced. Check out our top budget templates for Google Sheets .
  • Financial Models: Financial modeling templates are used for forecasting financial performance, especially in business planning and investment analysis.
  • Income Statements: Templates for income statements track revenues and expenses to determine profitability.
  • Balance Sheets: These templates provide a snapshot of a company’s financial position by displaying assets, liabilities, and equity.

Project Management Excel Templates

Project management templates are essential for planning, executing, and monitoring projects. For example, we covered our favorite project status report templates . Other common templates include:

  • Gantt Charts: Gantt chart templates visually represent project schedules, showing tasks, timelines, and dependencies.
  • Project Timelines: These templates offer a simplified view of project milestones and deadlines.
  • Task Tracking Templates: Task tracking templates help teams assign, track, and manage tasks to keep projects on schedule.

Data Analysis Excel Templates

Data analysis templates are invaluable for individuals and businesses working with data. Key templates include:

  • Pivot Tables: Pivot table templates simplify data summarization and analysis, allowing users to create interactive reports.
  • Data Visualization Templates: Templates for charts and graphs help transform raw data into visual representations for easier understanding.
  • Statistical Analysis Templates: Statistical analysis templates include tools for performing statistical tests and calculations.

Personal and Business Excel Templates

Personal and business templates cover a wide range of tasks. We have an article that covers payment receipt templates . Other common personal and business spreadsheets include:

  • To-Do List Templates: These templates help you stay organized by listing tasks and priorities.
  • Invoice Templates: Invoice templates streamline the invoicing process for businesses, including itemized lists and payment tracking.
  • Business Plan Templates: Business plan templates provide structured frameworks for creating comprehensive business plans, helping startups and established companies alike.

Whether you’re managing finances, overseeing a project, analyzing data, or organizing personal tasks, Excel templates offer a time-saving solution to enhance your productivity.

Top 14 Excel Templates for Business

Now, let’s delve into the top Excel templates that can significantly boost your productivity across various domains. We’ll explore each template, highlighting its key features and benefits.

Financial Management Excel Templates

1. financial model.

The Financial Model Excel template is a versatile tool designed to help businesses of all sizes and types manage their finances effectively. Whether you’re a business, a startup , or operating in specific niches like SaaS , E-Commerce , or Marketplace , this template offers comprehensive financial projections, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. It’s essential for budgeting, forecasting, and making informed financial decisions.

foglio excel business plan

  • Accurate Projections: Generate precise financial projections for different business scenarios, aiding in strategic planning.
  • Scenario Analysis: Easily assess the impact of various decisions on your financial health by running multiple scenarios.
  • Investor-Ready: Impress investors and stakeholders with professional financial reports and insights.
  • Data Visualization: Utilize charts and graphs to visualize financial trends and make data-driven decisions.

Price: $74-139 (Use code SPoint10 for 10% off)

2. Profit and Loss Statement

The Profit and Loss Statement Excel template is tailored to specific business models, including startups , marketplaces , SaaS , and E-Commerce ventures. It helps you track your revenues, costs, and expenses to calculate your net profit or loss accurately. With clear and customizable categories, you can gain a deep understanding of your business’s financial performance.

foglio excel business plan

  • Business-Specific Tracking: Choose a template that aligns with your business model for precise financial insights.
  • Expense Categorization: Easily categorize expenses for better cost management and identification of cost-saving opportunities.
  • Year-over-Year Comparison: Track your financial performance over time to identify growth trends or areas that need improvement.
  • Tax Preparation: Simplify tax preparation by neatly organizing your income and expenses.

Price: $74 (Use code SPoint10 for 10% off)

3. Revenue Forecasting Tool

The Revenue Forecasting Tool Excel template is indispensable for businesses focused on revenue growth. With different versions tailored to Marketplace , SaaS , E-Commerce , and Agency models, it enables you to project your future revenues based on historical data, market trends, and growth strategies. This tool empowers you to set realistic revenue targets and make informed decisions to achieve them.

foglio excel business plan

  • Data-Driven Projections: Utilize historical data and market insights to generate accurate revenue forecasts.
  • Goal Setting: Set achievable revenue targets and track progress towards your financial goals.
  • Scenario Planning: Assess how changes in pricing, marketing, or sales strategies impact revenue.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Make strategic decisions backed by comprehensive revenue projections.

Price: $46 (Use code SPoint10 for 10% off)

Budgeting and Tracking Excel Templates

4. zero-based budget template.

Zero-based budgeting is a meticulous approach to budgeting where you allocate every dollar of your income to expenses, savings, or investments. The Zero-Based Budget Excel template simplifies the zero-based budgeting process, ensuring that your budget accurately reflects your financial priorities and goals.

foglio excel business plan

  • Financial Clarity: Gain a clear understanding of where your money goes and prioritize spending according to your goals.
  • Savings and Investments: Systematically allocate funds for savings, investments, and debt reduction.
  • Expense Tracking: Monitor daily expenses to identify areas for potential savings.
  • Emergency Fund Planning: Create a buffer for unexpected costs by including an emergency fund category.

Price: $4.99

5. Inventory and Sales Tracking Template

Managing inventory and tracking sales is crucial for businesses, especially those in retail or e-commerce. The Inventory and Sales Tracking Excel template streamlines inventory management, allowing you to efficiently track stock levels, sales, and product performance.

foglio excel business plan

  • Real-Time Inventory: Monitor inventory levels in real-time, ensuring you never run out of stock or overstock products.
  • Sales Analysis: Analyze sales data to identify top-performing products and optimize your product offerings.
  • Cost Control: Keep tabs on inventory costs and prevent financial losses due to mismanagement.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Use sales insights to make informed decisions about restocking, promotions, and pricing strategies.

Price: $19.99

6. Capital Expenditure Planning Template

Capital expenditures (CapEx) are essential for businesses looking to grow and invest in assets like equipment, technology, or infrastructure. This free CapEx Excel template simplifies the planning and tracking of capital expenditures, ensuring efficient allocation of resources.

foglio excel business plan

  • Streamlined Planning: Plan and prioritize capital expenditures in a structured manner.
  • Budget Control: Stay within budget by tracking expenses against planned allocations.
  • ROI Assessment: Evaluate each capital expenditure’s return on investment (ROI) to make informed decisions.
  • Asset Management: Keep a comprehensive record of your business’s assets and their depreciation.

Price: Free!

Investment and Financial Analysis Excel Templates

7. simple investment template.

The Simple Investment Excel template is perfect for individuals or businesses looking to analyze potential investments. It assists in evaluating the financial feasibility of investments, calculating returns, and making informed investment decisions.

foglio excel business plan

  • Investment Evaluation: Assess the attractiveness of various investment opportunities.
  • Risk Analysis: Consider the risks associated with each investment and their impact on returns.
  • Return Calculations: Calculate potential returns, including net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR).
  • Decision Support: Make well-informed investment choices based on financial analysis.

8. Mortgage Calculator with Amortization Table

Mortgages are a significant financial commitment. This Mortgage Calculator Excel template simplifies mortgage calculations, helping individuals and homeowners understand their loan terms, amortization schedules, and total interest payments.

foglio excel business plan

  • Loan Clarity: Understand your mortgage terms, including interest rates, monthly payments, and loan duration.
  • Amortization Schedule: View the full amortization schedule, tracking principal and interest payments over time.
  • Interest Savings: Explore strategies for paying off your mortgage early to reduce interest costs.
  • Financial Planning: Incorporate mortgage payments into your long-term financial planning.

9. CLV vs. CAC Analysis Template

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) are critical business metrics. The CLV vs. CAC Analysis Excel template simplifies the calculation and analysis of CLV and CAC, aiding in strategic marketing and growth decisions.

foglio excel business plan

  • Customer Profitability: Determine the profitability of acquiring and retaining customers.
  • Marketing Efficiency: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by comparing CAC to CLV.
  • Retention Strategies: Identify opportunities to increase CLV through customer retention and loyalty programs.
  • Data-Driven Marketing: Allocate marketing budgets more efficiently based on CLV and CAC insights.

Data Analysis and Metrics Tracking Excel Templates

10. cohort analysis template.

Cohort analysis is a powerful method for examining user behavior over time. The Cohort Analysis Excel template simplifies the process, helping businesses gain insights into customer retention, engagement, and more.

foglio excel business plan

  • User Segmentation: Group users into cohorts based on signup date or other criteria for focused analysis.
  • Retention Insights: Identify trends in user retention and pinpoint when users drop off.
  • Product Improvement: Use cohort analysis to inform product improvements and marketing strategies.
  • Churn Reduction: Develop strategies to reduce customer churn based on cohort analysis findings.

11. MRR Dashboard Template

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a vital metric for subscription-based businesses. The MRR Dashboard Excel template provides a comprehensive dashboard for tracking MRR, analyzing trends, and making data-driven decisions.

foglio excel business plan

  • MRR Overview: Get a real-time overview of your MRR, including new revenue, lost revenue, and net MRR growth.
  • Churn Analysis: Identify reasons for churn and implement strategies to reduce it.
  • Growth Tracking: Monitor your subscription business’s growth and set goals for MRR expansion.
  • Data Visualization: Visualize MRR trends with charts and graphs for easier interpretation.

12. User Engagement Dashboard Template

User engagement is critical for online businesses. The User Engagement Dashboard Excel template provides a user-friendly dashboard for tracking user engagement metrics, analyzing user behavior, and optimizing user experiences.

foglio excel business plan

  • Comprehensive Metrics: Track key engagement metrics such as session duration, bounce rate, and conversion rate.
  • Segmentation: Analyze user engagement based on demographics, devices, or referral sources.
  • Content Performance: Identify high-performing content and optimize the user journey accordingly.
  • Conversion Optimization: Implement strategies to improve user engagement and conversion rates based on insights.

Business Planning and Management Excel Templates

13. software license management tool.

The Software License Management Excel tool simplifies the process for businesses managing software licenses. It allows you to track software licenses, renewal dates, and compliance, ensuring efficient software management.

foglio excel business plan

  • License Tracking: Easily keep track of all software licenses in use across your organization.
  • Renewal Alerts: Identify license renewals timely to prevent interruptions.
  • Cost Control: Avoid unnecessary software purchases and optimize license utilization.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure compliance with software licensing agreements to avoid legal issues.

14. Workforce Planning Tool

Effective workforce planning is crucial for businesses of all sizes. The Workforce Planning Excel template streamlines the process by helping you manage employee information, staffing levels, and workforce optimization.

foglio excel business plan

  • Employee Database: Maintain a centralized employee information database, including roles, qualifications, and contact details.
  • Staffing Analysis: Analyze staffing levels and plan for hiring, training, or restructuring as needed.
  • Cost Projections: Estimate labor costs and budgets for workforce expansion or reduction.
  • Scenario Planning: Model various workforce scenarios and their financial implications.

These Excel spreadsheet templates cover a wide range of business and financial needs, making them invaluable tools for improving productivity, making informed decisions, and achieving your goals. Whether you’re a financial analyst, business owner, or simply looking to better manage your finances, Excel templates offer a user-friendly and robust solution.

Best Practices for Excel Templates

Excel spreadsheet templates are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your productivity , but it’s essential to follow best practices to make the most of them. Here are some tips and strategies to help you use Excel templates effectively.

Choose the Right Template

Selecting the appropriate template for your specific task is the first step to success. Consider the following factors when choosing a template:

  • Task Complexity: Ensure the template aligns with the complexity of your task. Simple tasks may require basic templates, while more complex tasks need advanced templates.
  • Customizability: Look for templates that allow customization. Templates that are too rigid may not suit your unique needs.
  • Industry or Use Case: Many templates are designed for specific industries or use cases. For financial tasks, for instance, choose templates tailored to your industry, such as retail, healthcare, or real estate.
  • Scalability: If your task may grow in complexity or data volume, opt for a template that can scale with your needs.

Understand Formulas and Functions

Excel templates often come with built-in formulas and functions to automate calculations. To use these templates effectively, it’s crucial to understand how these formulas work.

  • Learn the Basics: Familiarize yourself with common Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE, IF, VLOOKUP, and more. These are the building blocks of many templates.
  • Review Formulas: Take time to review the formulas used in the template. Understand how they calculate results and what data they depend on.
  • Customize Formulas: If needed, customize formulas to suit your specific requirements. Modify cell references or add new calculations as necessary.

Input Data Accurately

Accurate data input is essential to obtain meaningful results from Excel spreadsheet templates.

  • Double-Check Data: Ensure all data entered into the template is accurate and error-free. A slight mistake can lead to significant inaccuracies in calculations.
  • Use Data Validation: Implement data validation rules to prevent incorrect data entry. Excel can prompt users when data doesn’t meet specified criteria.
  • Consistent Formatting: Maintain consistent formatting throughout the template. This includes date formats, number formats, and currency symbols.
  • Document Data Sources: Keep track of your data sources, especially if you’re pulling data from external sources. This documentation can help troubleshoot discrepancies later.

Regularly Save and Backup

Excel templates represent valuable work, so protecting your data is essential.

  • Frequent Saving: Save your work regularly to prevent data loss in case of unexpected software crashes or power outages.
  • Version Control: Maintain version control by saving different iterations of your template. Use meaningful file names and dates to track changes.
  • Backup Files: Implement a backup strategy. Regularly create copies of your Excel files and store them in a secure location, whether it’s a cloud service or an external drive.

Understand Template Limitations

Excel spreadsheet templates have limitations, and it’s essential to be aware of them.

  • Data Volume: Excel may not handle very large datasets efficiently. Consider using a database or specialized software for extensive data management.
  • Complexity: Templates have limits in terms of complexity. You might need to consider custom software or consulting with a specialist for more advanced or intricate tasks.
  • Data Security: Be cautious when handling sensitive or confidential data within Excel. Implement password protection and encryption where necessary.

Customize for Your Needs

While templates provide a structured starting point, don’t hesitate to customize them to better suit your unique requirements.

  • Add or Remove Fields: Include additional or remove unnecessary fields to streamline data entry and reporting.
  • Format and Styling: Adjust the template’s formatting and styling to match your preferences and branding guidelines.
  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Excel allows you to automate repetitive tasks using macros. Learn how to create and use macros to save time.

Stay Updated and Educated

Excel is a continually evolving software, and staying updated with the latest features and best practices can benefit your productivity.

  • Software Updates: Keep your Excel software up-to-date to access new features and security patches.
  • Online Resources: Explore online resources, spreadsheet tutorials , and forums to expand your Excel skills and troubleshoot issues.
  • Advanced Training: Consider advanced Excel training courses or certifications to become an Excel power user.

By following these best practices, you can harness the full potential of Excel spreadsheet templates, streamline your tasks, and make more informed decisions. Excel templates are versatile tools that can save you time and effort, but mastering them requires a combination of knowledge, practice, and attention to detail.

Get Started with the Financial Spreadsheet Template Bundle

Ready to take control of your finances and make smart financial decisions? Our Financial Spreadsheet Template Bundle is the ultimate solution to simplify financial management, investment analysis, and mortgage planning.

foglio excel business plan

This bundle includes five powerful templates that can help you achieve your financial goals with ease:

  • Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker: Keep track of your cryptocurrency investments, monitor real-time market prices, and analyze your portfolio’s performance effortlessly.
  • Inventory and Sales Tracking Spreadsheet Template: Optimize your business operations with this template. Efficiently manage inventory, track sales, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Simple Investment Template: Make informed investment choices by analyzing potential returns and risks. This template simplifies investment planning for beginners and experts alike.
  • Extra-Payment Mortgage Calculator: Take control of your mortgage payments and reduce the total interest you pay. This tool helps you plan extra payments to pay off your mortgage faster.
  • Mortgage Calculator Spreadsheet with Amortization Table: Understand your mortgage terms, visualize your amortization schedule, and make sound financial decisions regarding homeownership.

Purchasing these templates individually would cost you more than $69, but with the Financial Spreadsheet Template Bundle , you can access all of them at a fraction of the price. Save over 40% off the list price and embark on your journey to financial success today!

Price: $39.99

Excel templates are your secret weapon for accomplishing tasks faster and more efficiently. With the right template at your fingertips, you can conquer financial challenges, manage projects like a pro, and analyze data with ease. The best part? You don’t need to be an Excel expert to reap the benefits. These templates are designed to simplify your life and make complex tasks feel like a breeze.

So, whether you’re tracking expenses, planning a project, or diving into data analysis, remember that Excel spreadsheet templates are your trusty companions on the journey to productivity and success. Embrace them, customize them, and watch your tasks transform from daunting to doable. Excel templates are your shortcut to getting things done, and the possibilities are endless. Start using them today and take control of your tasks, one spreadsheet at a time!

  • Free Multiple Project Tracking Template for Excel (2 Options)

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Il piano di progetto costituisce il documento fondamentale da cui il progetto prende forma. ll project manager può avere la tentazione di sorvolare sulla fase di pianificazione per raggiungere più velocemente la fase esecutiva. In realtà, il successo di un progetto, e il pieno rispetto dei vincoli stabiliti, dipendono in gran parte dalla qualità del piano di progetto e dalla sua divulgazione. Un progetto comprende solitamente molte voci e variabili ed è quindi importante utilizzare il modello più adatto al conseguimento degli obiettivi. 

Ma con tutti i modelli disponibili come si fa a scegliere quello giusto? Abbiamo dato un’occhiata ai modelli esistenti e abbiamo identificato i modelli Excel migliori per piani di progetto. Di seguito illustreremo le differenze tra i vari modelli e spiegheremo in quali situazioni è utile usarli. Potrai quindi scaricare un modello Excel gratuito per piani di progetto. Analizzeremo anche il formato di un piano di progetto spiegando come crearne uno in Excel e uno in Smartsheet, che semplifica notevolmente questo processo e offre funzioni molto utili per la collaborazione.

Come desideri creare il tuo piano di progetto?

Tempo necessario: 3 minuti

Tempo necessario: 30 minuti

Come scegliere il modello giusto per piani di progetto

Un piano di progetto può essere molte semplice o complesso secondo le tue esigenze. Puoi includere una sequenza temporale statica oppure una dinamica con un diagramma di Gantt, concentrando quindi la tua attenzione su obiettivi o voci specifici. 

Qui di seguito puoi trovare vari modelli per piani di progetto con una breve descrizione sui loro utilizzi.

Modello per piano di lavoro

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  Scarica il modello per piani di lavoro

Un modello per piano di lavoro ha lo scopo di suddividere un progetto di grandi dimensioni in parti più piccole e facilmente gestibili. Questo tipo di modello indica quali attività devono essere svolte, le persone ad esse assegnate e le date di completamento. Include anche una sequenza temporale per migliorare la trasparenza delle operazioni e creare delle aspettative realistiche, tenendo tutti aggiornati sui progressi fatti e sulle scadenze imminenti. Un modello per un piano di lavoro è ideale per i team di grandi dimensioni che lavorano a progetti molto vasti, con numerose attività, date di esecuzione e di scadenza.

Modello per piani di progetto con Gantt

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  Scarica il modello per piani di progetto

Un piano di progetto è solitamente utilizzato nel contesto della gestione dei progetti e include diagrammi di Gantt per pianificare le attività e per produrre report man mano che il progetto avanza. La differenza principale tra un piano di progetto e un piano di lavoro è l’utilizzo di diagrammi di Gantt. Un diagramma di Gantt è in sostanza costituito da una barra orizzontale dinamica che consente di visualizzare la cronologia di un progetto e di condividerne lo stato con le parti interessate. Questo tipo di modello è ideale per i project manager a capo di team con numerosi membri e progetti di media e larga portata.

Modelli per piani d’azione

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  Scarica il modello per piani d’azione

Un piano d’azione elenca tutte le fasi necessarie per raggiungere gli obiettivi preposti. Include informazioni sulle attività che devono essere svolte, le persone incaricate di svolgerle e le date di completamento con relativi stato e priorità. Nonostante le similarità tra un piano di lavoro e uno d’azione, quest’ultimo è più incentrato sulla tempistica mentre il piano di lavoro è più orientato verso le varie fasi di un progetto e il loro completamento in ordine cronologico. Un piano d’azione è ideale per uso individuale e per team di piccole dimensioni.

Modello per business plan

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  Scarica il modello per business plan

Un modello per business plan ha lo scopo di mettere in evidenza gli obiettivi aziendali e il processo per raggiungerli. Tale modello sintetizza i contenuti e le caratteristiche di un progetto imprenditoriale e le metodologie che si intendono seguire per raggiungere gli obiettivi preposti. Tali piani sono di natura più strategica rispetto ai piani di lavoro o d’azione e solitamente includono una visione d’impresa, un profilo aziendale, previsioni finanziarie presenti e future e molto altro. Un business plan è fondamentale per coloro che intendono avviare un’attività imprenditoriale, espandere la propria attività oppure richiedere fondi ad eventuali investitori o istituzioni finanziarie.

Cos’è un piano di progetto?

Un piano di progetto è inteso a definire l’esecuzione di un progetto, facilitando le comunicazioni tra le parti coinvolte per tenere traccia di presupposti e decisioni. È un documento iterativo che include la lista degli stakeholder, l’ambito e la finalità del progetto, i tempi di esecuzione, i costi previsti, i piani di base per la gestione e le comunicazioni e qualsiasi tipo di variabile introdotta durante l’esecuzione del progetto stesso. Non fornisce soltanto un’indicazione temporale delle attività da svolgere, anche se ovviamente queste costituiscono una componente importante del piano.

Ogni progetto dovrebbe sempre seguire un piano per un’esecuzione impeccabile. Come punto di partenza è utile delineare gli obiettivi e definire le attività necessarie che porteranno al loro raggiungimento. Una volta ottenuta una panoramica di alto livello, si potrà quindi passare alle considerazioni su tempistica, budget, risorse e molto altro.

Un piano di progetto adeguato dovrebbe fornire le risposte a queste quattro domande fondamentali:

  • Perché?  Per quali motivi viene avviato il progetto? Quali problematiche verranno risolte o affrontate con questo progetto?
  • Cosa?  Qual è l’ambito del progetto? Quali sono i deliverable e gli obiettivi principali?
  • Chi?  Quali sono le parti interessate e le responsabilità assegnate?
  • Quando?  Quali sono le date di inizio e di fine del progetto? Quali sono le date chiave e i punti di riferimento?

Qual è l’obiettivo principale di un piano di progetto?

Un piano di progetto è un elemento fondamentale per il successo del progetto stesso. Viene utilizzato per comunicare aspettative, controllare date di scadenza e consegna, valutare e gestire eventuali rischi. È il punto di riferimento principale per tutti coloro che sono coinvolti nel progetto.

Questi sono i quattro benefici fondamentali:

  • Comunicazioni più efficaci : con una panoramica generale disponibile sin dall’inizio le parti interessate possono fornire suggerimenti e valutazioni importanti sulla direzione dei lavori. Un piano di progetto contribuisce anche a gestire meglio le aspettative dei dirigenti, dando la possibilità di aggiornare milestone e tempi di esecuzione mentre il progetto avanza.
  • Trasparenza : con un piano di progetto sia gli stakeholder che i vari membri dei team sapranno sempre dove trovare le informazioni e i dati di loro pertinenza. Aspettative e ordine cronologico sono chiaramente definiti in modo che tutti abbiano la stessa visione sull’esecuzione del progetto.
  • Organizzazione più efficiente : molti progetti comportano numerose attività, dipendenze, milestone e quant’altro. Pertanto il monitoraggio di tutti questi aspetti può risultare alquanto complicato. Un piano di progetto ti “obbliga” a considerare tutte queste voci e l’impatto che ognuna di esse potrebbe avere sul risultato finale. In questo modo saprai sempre quanto tempo dedicare a ciascuna attività e tutte le attività che devono essere svolte in parallelo.

Come creare un piano di progetto in Excel

Qui di seguito presentiamo delle istruzioni dettagliate per creare un piano di progetto in Excel. Per prima cosa dovrai creare una tabella con le informazioni riguardanti il tuo progetto. Successivamente ti mostreremo come creare una cronologia temporale.

1. Aggiungi le intestazioni alla tabella 

Innanzitutto aggiungi le intestazioni alla tua tabella. 

  • Lascia la prima riga vuota. Nella seconda riga, digita le intestazioni direttamente all’interno delle celle. In questo esempio abbiamo utilizzato le seguenti intestazioni: Attività, Responsabile, Inizio, Fine, Giorni e Stato . Se lo desideri puoi anche aggiungere altre intestazioni per una maggiore granularità quali Budget, Costi e altro ancora.   
  • Evidenzia il testo e nel gruppo Allineamento clicca sull’icona centrale per allineare al centro il testo dell’intestazione.   
  • Per una spaziatura corretta, evidenzia il testo appena digitato e, sulla scheda Home , nel gruppo Celle clicca su Formato . Seleziona  Larghezza colonne e imposta la larghezza intorno a 15-20 in modo da avere abbastanza spazio per inserire i tuoi dati.

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2. Aggiungi i dati sul tuo progetto

  • Inizia con la colonna delle  Attività  e digita le attività per il tuo piano di progetto. Puoi inserire tutte le attività di cui hai bisogno. Per una migliore organizzazione visuale ti consigliamo di aggiungere un titolo a ciascun gruppo di attività o fasi. In questo esempio abbiamo utilizzato Prerequisiti, Fase iniziale, Sviluppo, Test, Operazioni e Lancio .  
  • Quindi inserisci il nome del responsabile per ciascuna attività e le relative date di inizio e di fine.   
  • Per calcolare automaticamente la durata in Giorni clicca in una delle celle della colonna Giorni  , digita il simbolo = e poi clicca su  Fine  , digita il simbolo (-), quindi clicca nella cella corrispondente della colonna  Inizio . Clicca su Invio . Trascina l’angolo inferiore destro di questa cella verso il basso per includere l’intera colonna e i valori rimanenti verranno calcolati automaticamente dalla formula.  
  • Aggiungi lo stato per ciascuna attività. Abbiamo utilizzato le voci Completato, In corso, In ritardo e Non iniziato .  
  • Tutti i dati necessari dovrebbero essere disponibili nella tua tabella. Noterai che la spaziatura varia a seconda della lunghezza del testo. Per ovviare a ciò evidenzia tutti i dati inseriti e, nel gruppo Celle clicca su  Formato . Seleziona Adatta larghezza colonne per adattare automaticamente la larghezza delle colonne al testo.  
  • Per allineare al centro i contenuti evidenzia il testo e clicca sull’icona centrale nel gruppo Allineamento .

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3. Aggiungi i colori per mostrare una sintesi dello stato del progetto

Grazie all’uso di colori e gerarchie visuali è facile personalizzare il tuo piano di progetto. Modificando tipo e dimensioni dei caratteri puoi mettere in evidenza informazioni chiave e mostrare lo stato del progetto a colpo d’occhio.

  • Per modificare il colore dei caratteri clicca sulla cella contenente il testo che desideri modificare. Nella scheda Home , seleziona il colore desiderato dall'elenco a discesa.  
  • Per cambiare il colore di sfondo di una o più celle, seleziona la cella o le celle che desideri modificare. Quindi fai clic sull'icona a secchiello e seleziona il colore di riempimento.  
  • Per formattare i caratteri seleziona una o più celle. Nella scheda Home potrai modificare il tipo di carattere, le dimensioni, mettere il titolo in grassetto, in corsivo oppure sottolinearlo. 

Consigliamo di aggiungere un colore di sfondo all’intestazione principale e a ciascun gruppo principale di attività o alle fasi a cui esse appartengono, così come alla data di completamento o di lancio. Puoi anche modificare il colore dei caratteri della colonna Stato per riflettere l’avanzamento delle attività (in questo caso il colore rosso rappresenta le attività In ritardo , il verde quelle Completate , ecc.).

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4.  Crea l’ordine temporale del tuo piano di progetto

Adesso che hai aggiunto tutti i dati necessari alla tabella è ora di creare la corrispettiva scala cronologica. Una cronologia temporale aiuta a determinare le aspettative e a migliorare la trasparenza delle operazioni, tenendo tutti aggiornati allo stesso modo e allo stesso tempo.

Aggiungi e formatta le date

  • Sulla stessa riga dell’intestazione della tabella, inserisci due colonne a destra e digita le due date della tua cronologia temporale. Quindi tieni premuto il tasto MAIUSC, seleziona le due date e trascina l’angolo inferiore destro lungo la riga fino a quando raggiungi la data di scadenza.   
  • Se desideri modificare il formato delle date, seleziona tutte le date e premi il tasto destro del mouse. Seleziona  Formato celle .  
  • Nella finestra a comparsa, seleziona Data nell’elenco di Categoria e seleziona il formato di data che preferisci.  
  • Noterai che le celle hanno una larghezza notevole. Per rendere la cronologia più compatta, seleziona tutte le date e poi seleziona dimensioni minori per i caratteri. In questo esempio abbiamo selezionato caratteri di dimensioni 9.  
  • Seleziona nuovamente tutte le date nel gruppo  Celle e clicca su  Formato . Seleziona  Adatta larghezza colonne per modificare automaticamente la larghezza della colonna alle date.

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Aggiungi colori alla cronologia temporale

  • Per prima cosa estendi la stessa formattazione di colore e caratteri utilizzati nella tabella alla cronologia temporale. 

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  • A questo punto hai praticamente creato una specie di matrice. Ogni riga corrisponde ad un’attività e, sul lato destro della cronologia, puoi semplicemente riempire le celle che rappresentano le date di inizio e di fine di ciascuna attività. Per fare ciò seleziona una cella (o più celle se necessario) e clicca sull’icona a secchiello. Seleziona il colore desiderato. 

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5. Gli ultimi ritocchi

  • Per aggiungere le linee griglia seleziona l’intero piano di progetto, sia la tabella che la cronologia temporale e, nel gruppo Carattere clicca l’icona dei Bordi . Seleziona Tutti i bordi .   
  • Se desideri aggiungere ulteriori informazioni al progetto, seleziona la prima colonna, fai clic col tasto destro del mouse e seleziona Inserisci > Riga intera . Ripeti la stessa operazione fino ad avere 8 righe vuote.   
  • Poi, nella prima colonna digita le seguenti voci:  Nome progetto, Project Manager, Deliverable, Data di inizio, Data di fine e P ercentuale completata . Quindi inserisci i dati su questi campi. 

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Come creare un piano di progetto in pochi minuti con Smartsheet

Il modello di progetto Smartsheet preimpostato con diagrammi di Gantt semplifica l’organizzazione delle attività, migliora le comunicazioni tra i team e la trasparenza dei progetti. In questo modello la durata viene calcolata automaticamente e il diagramma di Gantt interattivo ti consente di trascinare e rilasciare le barre di attività per adattare automaticamente le date. Le funzionalità di collaborazione di Smartsheet ti consentono di includere le discussioni direttamente nel piano di progetto, allegare file e impostare promemoria e notifiche.

Ecco come utilizzare il modello per piani di progetto di Smartsheet: 

1. 1.   Seleziona un modello di progetto

Prova Smartsheet gratuitamente

  • Vai su e accedi al tuo account (o comincia con la prova gratuita di 30 giorni).  
  • Dalla schermata Home , clicca su Crea nuovo e seleziona Sfoglia modelli.  
  • Digita "diagramma di Gantt" nella casella di Ricerca modelli e clicca sull'icona a forma di lente d’ingrandimento.  
  • Vedrai diversi risultati. Per questo esempio, clicca su Progetto semplice con sequenza temporale e clicca sul pulsante blu Usa modello nella parte superiore destra della pagina.  
  • Dai un titolo al modello, scegli dove salvarlo e fai clic sul pulsante OK.

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2. Elenca i dati relativi al tuo progetto

Verrà visualizzato un modello pre-impostato, con dei contenuti campione e attività primarie e secondarie di vario tipo già formattate. Con Smartsheet è facile aggiungere o eliminare colonne a seconda dell'ambito del progetto.

Basta cliccare col tasto destro su una colonna e selezionare Inserisci colonna a sinistra/Inserisci colonna a destra per aggiungere una colonna oppure  Elimina colonna per rimuoverne una.

Per eliminare il riquadro giallo nella parte superiore del modello, fai clic col pulsante destro del mouse e seleziona Elimina riga .

  • Aggiungi le attività nella colonna Nome attività . Noterai che il sistema ha già provveduto a formattare le gerarchie. Assicurati quindi di aggiungere il nome del progetto o della fase ai campi Sezione 1, sezione 2 o Sezione 3 (quella che viene definita riga madre. Per ulteriori dettagli sulle gerarchie  fai clic qui ).  
  • Inserisci le tue attività primarie e secondarie sotto le righe madre.  
  • Sul lato sinistro di ogni riga potrai allegare file direttamente alle attività a cui appartengono (ideale per liste di controllo, budget ecc.) oppure avviare una discussione a cui altri possono partecipare.

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3. Inserisci date di inizio e di fine

  • Aggiungi date di inizio e fine ad ogni attività. Facendo clic su una delle estremità del diagramma di Gantt e trascinando la barra, Smartsheet modificherà automaticamente le date nella tua tabella.  
  • Clicca una cella all’interno di una delle due colonne con date.   
  • Clicca sull’icona del calendario e seleziona una data. Puoi anche inserire una data manualmente direttamente nella cella. 

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4. Aggiungi i dati sulla percentuale completata e sull’assegnatario.

Le colonne con intestazioni % Completata e Assegnato a forniscono informazioni aggiuntive sul progetto con una visuale completa di responsabili e stato del progetto. 

Nel diagramma di Gantt, le barre sottili all’interno delle barre di attività rappresentano la percentuale di lavoro completato per ciascuna attività.

  • Nella colonna % completata , inserisci la percentuale di lavoro completato per quell’attività. Inserisci un numero intero e Smartsheet completerà automaticamente il simbolo di percentuale.   
  • Nella colonna Assegnato a seleziona un nome dall’elenco a discesa o inseriscine uno manualmente.

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Personalizza il tuo modello per piani di progetto con Smartsheet

È possibile personalizzare l’aspetto del diagramma di Gantt con un paio di clic.

1. Personalizza caratteri e colori nel tuo piano di progetto

  • Per modificare il tipo e le dimensioni dei caratteri oppure per rendere il testo in grassetto o corsivo, clicca la cella contenente il testo da modificare. Nella barra degli strumenti sul lato sinistro ci sono diverse opzioni di formattazione.  
  • Per modificare il colore di sfondo di una riga, clicca sull’estremità sinistra della riga per mettere in evidenza l’intera riga. Poi clicca sull’icona a secchiello e seleziona il colore che desideri.

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2. Modifica i colori del diagramma di Gantt

  • Fai clic col pulsante destro del mouse su una barra delle attività e seleziona Impostazioni colore .  
  • Seleziona il colore che desideri utilizzare nella tavolozza di colori.  
  • Se desideri applicare lo stesso colore a più barre, clicca sulle barre di attività mentre tieni premuto il tasto MAIUSC Quindi, rilascia il tasto MAIUSC , fai clic col tasto destro del mouse su una qualsiasi delle barre selezionate e poi clicca su Impostazioni colore .

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Come trovare il modello migliore per piani di progetto

Un piano di progetto è praticamente il tuo documento di riferimento che illustra attività, obiettivi, responsabili, date di scadenza e tutti i tipi di informazioni necessarie al successo del tuo progetto. Trovare il modello giusto ti aiuterà a pianificare le fasi del tuo progetto, contribuendo così a raggiungere gli obiettivi senza intoppi e mantenendo tutti aggiornati. In più, puoi riutilizzare la stessa procedura quando ne hai bisogno per qualsiasi progetto, semplificando così i tuoi processi di lavoro. 

Verifica tu stesso come è facile creare un modello per piani di progetto. Prova Smartsheet gratuitamente per 30 giorni.

Scopri perché oltre il 90% delle compagnie Fortune 100 si affida a Smartsheet per eseguire il proprio lavoro.

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Business Plan Excel Template

Excel spreadsheet to prepare professional design business plans. Present your company with a printable and clear plan. With step-by-step guide.


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You have to prepare a business plan for your creditors and don’t know where to start. So here is our Business Plan Excel Template to help you all through the process.

Welcome to our Business Plan Template, the strategic roadmap for your 5-year startup success. Craft a proposal, secure funding, and ensure corporate sustainability with this comprehensive checklist.

Basically, Business plans usually target external actors like outside stakeholders, government agencies, lenders, clients, and investors. But they can also be internally focused in times of a new product or service development, opening a new factory or branch, organizational restructuring, and other key changes in a business.

This business plan template provides detailed guide  to summarize the nature of your company. Additionally, you can easily display your business drivers with company descriptions, marketing strategies, organization, financial projections, and other background information directly in Excel.


Our template fosters innovation and accountability, guiding your strategic decision-making . It addresses risk assessment, operations improvement, and profitability planning. Assess equity, valuation, and feasibility while emphasizing ownership, leadership, and resilience.

Business Plan Excel Template Features

Above all, our template offers a ready-to-use structure for a comprehensive business plan. With this tool, you will save a huge amount of time and energy with pre-defined sections and detailed guide.

In addition to a navigation menu, our template includes six main sections: 1. Cover, 2. Introduction, 3. Marketing, 4. Organization, 5. Financials, 6. Summary.

Navigation Menu

This menu helps you not only to move among the different sheets but also to track the preparation phase of the whole plan. So, under each main section, there are sub-category buttons to navigate through the relevant sheets. Also, you can easily track the completed sheets by using the little checkboxes on the left side of each sheet.


The cover page is a ready-to-print sheet with the business name, contact info, report writers, and the date. The user may also change the logo by right-clicking and selecting the Change Picture option.

2. Introduction

Under this section of your business plan template, the Company Description and Products/Services sheets summarize the main info of the business such as name, mission, core values, legal structure, etc., as well as the main properties of its products or services.

3. Marketing

The marketing section of this business plan generator consists of six different marketing tools:

  • Industry Analysis: This sheet gives a general outlook of the business industry.
  • Target Market Analysis: You can define the target market of the business with geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral levels.
  • Competitive Analysis: You may make a competitive analysis by first defining the main factors and assigning an important point for each factor, and then giving scores for the business itself and the competitors for each factor. The overall weighted scores will be calculated automatically.
  • Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: This section lets the user explain the competitive environment with the Power of Buyers, Power of Suppliers, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of Substitutes, and Competitive Rivalry.


  • SWOT Analysis: You can evaluate a business from internal (Strengths & Weakness) and external (Opportunities & Threats) aspects.
  • Distribution : This section gives the main idea about the distribution channels of the business in your plan template.

4. Organization

This sheet displays the organization and management prospects of the company. The first part is for the key managers of the business, with name, position, and expertise area. Meanwhile, the second part is to define the human resources structure of the company. You will give the estimated personnel number and the average salary for each department, and the template calculates the total estimated costs for human resources.

This template will help your innovation and improvement process in your organization.

5. Financials of Business Plan Template

Basically, the financials section of the business plan template consists of Sales Forecasts, three main Financial Statements, as well as a Financial Summary.

  • Sales Forecasts: This area gives a prospect of sales projections for each target market for the five years, which you can easily may change. The total sales and year-over-year sales growth will be calculated automatically.
  • Financial Statements: These sections provide ready-to-use Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement for five-year financial projections. The white areas are for the user to input data, while the gray shaded areas are calculations. You may change the years, but we highly recommend to you use the same five-year period for the sales forecasts and financial statements to get accurate financial summary results.
  • Financial Summary: This dashboard is produced from the previous sales forecast and financial statement sheets. The template displays a clear financial outlook for the five-year projections of the business with key ratios and professional-looking charts.


You’ll always track your budget with entry and exit levels, staying accountable for all the stakeholderes, including your partners, creditors, etc.

Lastly, the Summary section of our excel business plan gives a general idea of the company, consisting of three main parts:

  • Business Model Canvas: This section helps to summarize the key drivers of the business in nine main blocks with drag & drop post-it notes. Moreover, you may easily move these notes and change the size, colors, or fonts.
  • Business Timeline: This list shows the expected milestones of the business with target dates. This will give a smooth road map for the company.
  • Executive Summary: As one of the most important sections of a business plan, the Executive Summary gives a chance to explain its business to the targeted audience in his/her own words. This one-page brief of the company underlines the main description, goals, and prospects of the business.

Note: When you have done with your business plan, you can take a printout of the whole template by selecting the Print Entire Workbook option under the print settings.

Chart the path to success with a solid investment framework , securing capital and financing for your expansion. Ensure compliance, execution, and continuity while pursuing your objectives and realizing your strategy and vision for corporate growth and revenue.

Business Plan Excel Template Features Summary:

  • Summarize business with key drivers
  • Provides a general overview of a business
  • Guide to preparing a business plan
  • Fully customizable and ready to print
  • Informational notes included
  • No installation needed, ready-to-use
  • Works both on Mac and Windows
  • Compatible with Excel 2007 and later versions
  • Does not include any VBA code or macros

Business Plan Template is a ready-to-use Excel Template and provided as-is. If you need customization on your reports or need more complex templates, please refer to our custom services.


Watch the video below to see the template in action! Presentation also includes usage notes, explanations and tips & tricks about the template.

Business Plan Template - Someka Excel Template Video


15 reviews for business plan excel template.

Julie Tacconi – May 8, 2023

I’m one of your most loyal customers, and I’m a big fan of what you’re doing. I always receive updates, campaigns, and even special offers from you. I’m writing this review to let others know that this template is well worth the price, and that you’ll have a great experience using it.

Nora Rusman – March 9, 2023

What can I do with the SWOT analysis? I dont know the usage of it. I wish there was more explanation for it.

Someka – March 9, 2023

Greetings! We understand that customers do not want to be bogged down with lengthy descriptions, so we encourage the use of our online chat or support mail to ask any questions. SWOT analysis is an effective way to determine both internal (e.g. strengths and weaknesses) and external (e.g. opportunities and threats) elements affecting a business. It is essential to take appropriate steps once the analysis is completed.

Dawnn Davis – February 16, 2023

I purchased the template, am I charged monthly for using it?

Someka – February 16, 2023

Hello, thank you for inquiring! This template comes with a one-time fee ; once you make the payment, you will have immediate access to the template. There are no subscription plans or additional fees.

Natalie Taylor – November 12, 2022

Can you explain more about demographic level? I have difficulties to undrestand the whole point of it.

Someka – November 12, 2022

Demographics are details that show the composition of a population, based on factors such as age, race, and gender. Analyzing demographic data is a way to study the population and gain insight into who is part of it.

Alena Vasyuk – September 26, 2022

How many analysis I will get with target market share?

Someka – September 26, 2022

We have four types of Target Market Analysis in this business plan template: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, and Behavioral. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by email: [email protected]

Rama Bintang – June 10, 2022

what is the meaning of industry size into this template?

Someka – June 10, 2022

The Industry Size is an indication of the total market size and target audience of the industry. It is possible to classify the industry as either growing or shrinking.

Antonia R – April 28, 2022

I could not use the business model canvas part. It doesn’t work. I couldn’t add new post-it

Someka – April 28, 2022

Hello Antonia,

You can use the drag&drop part of the Business Model Canvas section. It allows you to flexibly design your note style. Firstly, you can choose any post-it from the palette on the right side of the sheet and drag it to your desired location on the canvas. After that, you can include any information by manually writing it down on the post-it. Please see the image below:


Harold – April 27, 2022

I’m not sure but maybe we will consider buying a multi user. Is it possible to change the license of our product? Now we have single user.

Someka – April 27, 2022

Hello Harold,

We may surely upgrade your license from single-user to multi-user. Just email us at [email protected] and our team will contact you with a link to upgrade your license.

Angela Rucker – April 27, 2022

This template reallly saved my day! Thank you SOMEKAAA

Dear Angela, We’re very happy to hear that you liked our tool. Thank you for your kind words.

Tommy Rodriquez – April 26, 2022

Nice job guys, but will I have to use all of these sheets. It seems too much!

Someka – April 26, 2022

Hi Tommy, This is a comprehensive business plan template. But you do not have to fill in all the sheets. The checkboxes on the navigation menu may help you track your own plan. Use the tools you need, and put an “X” on ones that you do not want to use. As all the users may need different tools/sheets on their business plan, we prefer to give as many as possible to our users.

Ellis J – April 25, 2022

I was really looking for this type of product and finally found it. It was my pleasure to receive such comprehensive app. thanks

Amy C – April 25, 2022

very useful excel thanks for everything. tiny question,where can i see may sales projections?

Someka – April 25, 2022

Dear Amy, You may see your sales projections, which you input in the Sales Forecast section, on the Financial Summary charts. But please remember that these projections are not automatically moved to financial statements. These are all separate sheets. Hope this helps!

Mae – April 24, 2022

Ronald Davis – April 24, 2022

I could not change the logo?

Someka – April 24, 2022

Hi Ronald, You can change the logo on the cover by right-clicking on the dummy logo and selecting the Change Picture option. Then You can select your logo From a File on your computer. To change the Someka logos throughtout the template, please click here


Jose D. – April 22, 2022

Hello someka team it looks good but may I use it in Spanish? it will be better for me.

Someka – April 22, 2022

Hi Jose, Thanks for asking. After purchasing a modifiable version, you can make any modifications, which include translating the template into another language. Actually, this template is fully customizable. So you may use it in Spanish easily. Hope this helps!

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Business Plan


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Business Plan Plus 2 - Aziende di produzione

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Business Plan - Pacchetto completo (excel)

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Business Plan descrittivo - Imprese da avviare

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Business Plan Plus 3 - Imprese avviate

Business Plan Plus 3 - Imprese avviate

Business Plan Plus 1 - Aziende commerciali e di servizi

Business Plan Plus 1 - Aziende commerciali e di servizi

foglio excel business plan


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  2. Business Plan Financial Template

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  3. How To Create A Business Plan Format In Excel

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  4. Business Plan Spreadsheet Template Excel

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  5. Modello di business plan excel gratis in italiano

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  6. Personalizzazione del foglio di Input Vendite

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  6. Шаблон бизнес-плана в формате Excel


  1. Business Plan Modello ed Esempio Gratuito in Excel

    Un Business Plan deve essere realizzato seguendone la sua struttura di base e ponendo cura nella capacità di sintesi e chiarezza d'esposizione delle parti descrittive. Tutto ciò verrà corredato e corroborato da una accurata analisi economico-finanziaria esposta in un Modello/Foglio di calcolo Excel. Un fattore aggiuntivo che può far la differenza, premesso che tutti i punti sopra esposti ...

  2. Modello di Business Plan per Excel

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  3. Foglio Excel Business Plan Gratis: Il tuo strumento di successo in

    Il foglio Excel business plan gratuito si rivela un indispensabile strumento per le aziende di ogni settore e dimensione. Grazie alla sua flessibilità e alle sue numerose funzionalità, consente di organizzare e pianificare efficacemente ogni aspetto del proprio business, facilitando la gestione finanziaria e valutando con precisione la ...

  4. Modelli semplici di business plan gratuiti

    Prova Smartsheet gratuitamente. By Joe Weller | 2 Aprile 2020. In questo articolo abbiamo raccolto una serie di semplici modelli di business plan, tutti scaricabili gratuitamente in formato Word ed Excel. In questa pagina troverete un modello di business plan di una pagina, un semplice business plan per le startup, un modello di business plan ...

  5. Modello di business plan excel gratis in italiano

    Il modello di business plan in excel. In questa pagina ti spieghiamo come fare un business plan con excel in maniera completamente gratis e utilizzando il più possibile termini semplici e in italiano. Se vuoi conoscere i termini tecnici in spagnolo puoi andare all'articolo " Como hacer un plan de negocios en excel ".

  6. Free Business Plan Templates in Excel

    Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup in Excel. This 90-day business plan is designed for startup companies to develop a 90-day action plan. This template gives you room to outline the following: main goals and deliverables for each 30-day increment; key business activities; task ownership; and deadlines.

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  8. Download free Sample Business Plan template in Excel

    Click Download Button To Get Business Plan Excel Template. Download Now. Instruction : All Excel templates and tools are sole property of User can only download and use the excel templates for their Personal use only. All templates provided by XLSX templates are free and no payment is asked.

  9. Free Business Plan Excel Template [Excel Download]

    Our business plan excel template includes the following sections: Income Statement: A projection of your business' revenues, costs, and expenses over a specific period of time. Includes sections for sales revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), operating expenses, and net profit or loss. Example 5 Year Annual Income Statement.

  10. Free business plan templates

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  11. Free Business Plan Template for Word and Excel

    This template provides a business plan outline with sample questions, tables, and a working table of contents. It was created for newer versions of Word and Excel (Office 2007 or later) so that you can easily change the fonts and color scheme and the file will be compatible with the mobile and web-based Word & Excel apps. It is best to use ...

  12. Free Simple Business Plan Templates

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  13. Business Plan Financial Templates

    This financial plan projections template comes as a set of pro forma templates designed to help startups. The template set includes a 12-month profit and loss statement, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement for you to detail the current and projected financial position of a business. Download Startup Financial Projections Template.

  14. Business Plan: How to Create Great Financial Plans in Excel

    Structure of worksheets: Make sure that most worksheets are set up with the same structure. For example, start with a headline in cell B2, years starting in column H, content in row 10. Layout / format of cells: Make sure you use a consistent formatting. For example, Excel provides cell styles - use them.

  15. Free Business Plan Templates For Google Sheets And Microsoft Excel

    Best Startup Business Plan Key Ingredients For Success. View our free and editable Business plan templates for Excel or Google Sheets. These Business plan spreadsheet templates are easy to modify and you can customize the design, the header, table, formulas to suit your needs. Download now to finish your work in minutes.

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    5. Inventory and Sales Tracking Template. Managing inventory and tracking sales is crucial for businesses, especially those in retail or e-commerce. The Inventory and Sales Tracking Excel template streamlines inventory management, allowing you to efficiently track stock levels, sales, and product performance.

  17. Usa questo modello Excel gratuito per piani di progetto

    I principali modelli Excel per piani di progetto. Prova Smartsheet gratuitamente. Il piano di progetto costituisce il documento fondamentale da cui il progetto prende forma. ll project manager può avere la tentazione di sorvolare sulla fase di pianificazione per raggiungere più velocemente la fase esecutiva.

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    Excel for the web and Excel desktop app for offline use. Up to 6 TB of cloud storage, 1 TB (1000 GB) per person. Premium desktop, web, and mobile apps. Advanced security. Ad-free experience. Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and AndroidTM. Copilot Pro available as an add-on.

  19. Business Plan Excel Template

    So here is our Business Plan Excel Template to help you all through the process. Welcome to our Business Plan Template, the strategic roadmap for your 5-year startup success. Craft a proposal, secure funding, and ensure corporate sustainability with this comprehensive checklist. Basically, Business plans usually target external actors like ...

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  22. Business Plan e pianificazione strategica: aspetti operativi e

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  23. Business Plan

    Business Plan Plus 1 - Aziende commerciali e di servizi. Foglio in excel per la compilazione numerica del BUSINESS PLAN per un'analisi economico-finanziaria preventiva per l'avvio di una nuova ...