Wonderful World English

Meet My Family – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

family presentation english

Meet  David De’ Ath , co-founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.

If you’re an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher or a teacher of young learners looking for some tips and materials on teaching the subject of families and family trees, you’re in the right place!

This lesson is an important aspect of English language learning, especially for young learners, as it helps them build comprehension of everyday family words.

From basic words like “me,” “mom,” and “dad” to terms like “family tree” and “baby cousin,” this lesson is a must for any young learner in an ESL curriculum.

Teachers should include materials and visual prompts to teach a lesson on families and family trees effectively. The goal is for students to understand and produce the vocabulary and be able to answer the question, “Who’s this?”. Teachers can use TPR well and keep the lesson fun and engaging.

I am an experienced ESL teacher who has taught this lesson to families many times; it is good fun and great to have in a student’s English toolkit.

I have provided the materials I use for this lesson, along with the PPT and lesson plan for you below, for free!

Feel free to use these materials in your classroom; you can add or take away anything to your class however you see fit.

Let’s jump in!

family presentation english

Family Tree ESL Lesson

This lesson is a staple in any English curriculum.

Learners need to understand the vocabulary associated with family members at a basic level before moving on to more complicated areas.

Students typically love to get involved and discuss their parents or siblings, so this lesson can be a lot of fun.

With the right mix of games and activities, songs, and movies, this will surely be a success.

Below, we will look at the lesson plan on the subject of families for a 45-minute class for young ESL learners, as well as some materials and games to include.

Here is the lesson plan:

1. Lesson Plan

This lesson is focused on the key sentence: “How does it taste?”, and teaches students to reply with “It’s sour,” “It’s spicy,” “It’s sweet,” or “It’s salty.”

This lesson is for very basic-level English learners, so I don’t overwhelm them.

If you believe your students can handle a little more, then go ahead and include more vocabulary, such as “it’s bitter” or “it’s delicious,” for example.

This plan should be used as a guide to accompany the PPT supplied below:

family presentation english

Meet My Family

Objective: To teach ESL students family-related vocabulary, foster comprehension, and enable them to talk about their family in English.

You will need An interactive whiteboard for the PPT, a whiteboard/blackboard to keep score of points, paper, pencils, and flashcards of family vocabulary (optional).

1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greetings and classroom rule review.
  • Split the class into teams (e.g., boys vs. girls or by the row they are sitting in).
  • Review content from your previous lesson (if applicable).

2. New Topic Introduction (3 minutes):

  • Introduce the new topic: “Family.”
  • Show a basic family tree diagram and explain the concept.

3. Family Vocabulary (8 minutes):

  • Introduce family vocabulary words like mother, father, sister, brother, etc.
  • Show pictures of family members and ask, “Who is this?”

4. Family Tree Exploration (3 minutes):

  • Show a more detailed family picture and explain relationships like grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
  • Encourage students to identify relationships on the family tree.
  • Invite students to point at the family member and produce the language; give points to whoever does this well.

5. Play movie (4 minutes):

  • Play a relevant movie to boost comprehension.

6. Make a family tree (8 minutes):

  • Show students a family tree and discuss.
  • Hand out blank pieces of paper and have students fill in the names or pictures of their family members.

8. Present (10 minutes):

  • Select a few students to come to the front and present their family tree to the class.
  • Ask questions related to the family tree and award points for correct answers.
  • Students can produce sentences such as “This is my mom. She is beautiful,” for example.

9. Wrap-up and Rewards (4 minutes):

  • Review all the new language and relationships discussed in the lesson.
  • Congratulate the winning team; small rewards such as stickers can be an excellent token of appreciation.

If you’re looking for some great ideas for games and activities that you can include within your lesson plan for this lesson or any other, the guide below is for you!

Related Article:  Fun Classroom Games to Play – Teacher’s Guide

family presentation english

2. Free PPT

Below is the PPT I made for you to use in your class; you can download this and use it as it is with the lesson plan above, or you can edit it however you would like:

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3. Materials

Some great materials are available on the subject of families and family trees.

You can use  YouTube , copyright-free images on sites like Canva, or check out useful platforms such as  Teachers Pay Teachers .

Make sure to use appropriate and relevant resources to make sure your class is fun and engaging.

It is great to make the most of flash cards and props in ESL lessons.

You can show an image of your own family and discuss this with your students; they will surely find this interesting.

And if your school has materials you can use, be sure to make the most of them!

The video below is great for teaching the subject of families and has all the key vocabulary needed for this lesson:

Any eye-catching video or song on the subject will keep your students captivated and more receptive to retaining the newly learned language.

Another key lesson is “How does it taste?” check out the link below for more free materials!

Related Article: How Does it Taste? – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

family presentation english

“Meet My Family” is a delightful theme that allows students to delve into family vocabulary and relationships, which are integral parts of everyday life.

This lesson opens a window for students to talk about their families, promoting a personal connection to the English language.

Utilize this guide’s lesson plan and PPT as a springboard if you’re seeking inspiration for your teaching journey.

Feel free to personalize the PPT by adding or removing slides to seamlessly align with your lesson objectives.

Incorporating enjoyable games, activities, and materials will undoubtedly make your lesson engaging and memorable.

If this material aids your teaching venture, we’d be thrilled if you could share this post and follow us on the platforms mentioned below.

Your support propels us forward!

Cheers to impactful teaching and the joy of learning.

Have a wonderful day!

Image Attribution: All images licensed via canva.com

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family presentation english

Reclaiming Wonders

Listening to Friend Play Guitar for CC Music Appreciation in Foundations - 2023

Classical Conversations: 20 Easy Ways to Rock Your Family Presentation

Welcome to Classical Conversations! Are you one of the 75% of people who are afraid of public speaking? Let’s change that by raising up kids who have been practicing speaking in front of classmates since they were four years old. Training up confident speakers is one of the top reasons my family loves Classical Conversations , and the yearly family CC presentation is just one of the ways this is done.

To my homeschooling family, our Classical Conversations co-op is a room of our favorite friends who feel more like a family. In a CC homeschool group, you get to know the family members, your children’s tutors, and your children’s friends. It’s not just your homeschool kids who will have to give a weekly presentation in front of their classmates. Family presentation is for everyone in the family… including the parents!

If this is your first year in Classical Conversations, the thought of standing in front of more than fifty kids and their parents may be a little overwhelming. However, it really is a great way to get to know the other parents at your Classical Conversations group, and hopefully, you will be able to find a new Mom friend among the crowd.

Let’s limit your stress level. Copy these ideas! Here’s a long list of Classical Conversations presentation ideas to lessen your worries. And, please, have fun and don’t stress it.

Affiliate disclosure: When you click and purchase a link in my post, I may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. I promise to only recommend products or places that I have personally want, used, or researched. Thanks in advance for the gallon of gas. 😉

Make Your Family Presentation Funny Make Your Family Presentation Musical Make Your Family Presentation Encouraging Make Your Family Presentation Historical Make Your Family Presentation Familial Make Your Family Presentation Personal

Kids presenting at the geography fair in homeschool group

What is a Classical Conversations Family Presentation?

A CC family presentation can be as formal or loose as you and your family want to make it. Your family presentation may last five minutes or ten minutes. It may be the highlight of your kids’ year, and they ask you weekly when your family gets to talk. In contrast, this may be the CC week that makes you want to choose to fake an illness.

Know the day for your family talk ahead of time, and plan accordingly. And don’t be afraid to express your concerns to the Foundations director. She’s your new best friend and can answer all your questions! The Classical Conversations foundations director may even let you pick the date, so you can wait until you’re feeling more comfortable.

~~~> If you’re new to homeschooling, here’s t he mega-list of all my homeschool posts including more about Classical Conversations, unschooling, road trips, favorite books, and family learning.

Art Presentation to Classical Conversations Group in Challenge 2 - Homeschool

Why Does Classical Conversations Include Presentations?

CC makes public speaking a priority in all levels. The brief show-and-tell type presentations of their early years are preparing them for their upcoming years. They will be less nervous reading papers in front of their Essentials peers in fourth to sixth grades. And just wait until they advance to the CC Challenge years! Your kid will be reciting entire speeches, standing in front of a room debating and presenting grant proposals, and eventually defending themselves in front of a panel of “judges” with their senior thesis in Challenge IV.

Don’t stress the younger years. Your Foundations kids are learning basic skills that are preparing them for the future naturally. And rest assured that their confidence and eye-contact will just continue to strength and amaze us all.

~~~~> Wondering how Classical Conversations presentations play into your future homeschooling teens? Make sure you read “ Classical Conversations Challenge Program: How to Homeschool Teens. ” It’s not as scary as it sounds!

Girl Standing at Debate Podium in Challenge 2 Classical Conversations - Homeschool

What is Included in a CC Family Presentation?

The main components of a family presentation are simple. All you have to do is…

  • Introduce yourself as Mom (and hopefully Dad if he can come)
  • Let the kids introduce themselves by name and age
  • Tell something about your family.
  • And… Keep it short! Aim for five minutes and call it done.

Remember, this isn’t a big structured presentation that you need to spend an hour memorizing. Bring notes. Draw up a pasteboard. Grab whatever you need to make your life easier.

Morning Devotional on Community Day in CC Challenge - Spring 2023

Ideas for Fun Family Presentation Ideas for CC!

Everyone’s CC family presentation looks different, but it isn’t necessary. Copy someone else’s ideas!

Most likely, the other grown ups in your Classical Conversations group don’t remember what each family talked about, and they definitely couldn’t tell you if you’re stealing someone else’s idea. Even if they realize you did exactly what they did the week before, Classical Conversations parents don’t care! Go ahead and steal these ideas!

Remember, family presentation can be a time to learn from each other, get encouragement from other homeschool families, and above all, get to know the amazing people that are now in your life!

Make Your Family Presentation Funny

Two truths and lie – Have a list of two true things and one lie ready for each family member. Read them out, and the community has to guess which one is the lie for each person. They love the interactiveness of this, and it can get a bit rowdy.

Guess who – Have each kid bring 2-3 items that belong to them. Put them in a big bag, and someone in the family unveils each item one at a time. The audience guesses who it belongs to, the owner of the item agrees or disagrees, and they tells a short story about the item.

Tell a joke – You know those silly jokes your kid wants to tell you over and over? Bring them to a new audience!

Rhyming words – Write a silly poem about each member of the family. The gigglier the better.

Homeschool kids and parents at art museum trip

Make Your Family Presentation Musical

Family dance off – This is the most creative one I’ve seen in a while. The presenting family shared their favorite song that helps them wake up every morning, and the whole school got up and had a dance party with them. Don’t be afraid to make your presentations fun!

Sing a song together – Have each family member grab an instrument they can play (or bang) and sing a hymn or favorite song you enjoy singing together at home. Make it silly or make it beautiful. Either way wins.

Perform for us – Work together at home to prepare a short skit or play for everyone. Assign parts, bring props, and make it yours.

Presentation at White Board During Foundations in Classical Conversations - Homeschool

Make Your Family Presentation Encouraging

Share your faith – Tell a favorite Bible verse, Bible story, devotional, or prayer. This is a great way to practice sharing their faith!

Tell of homeschool victories – All homeschool parents need to know that they aren’t alone in this homeschool journey. Use this time to share a personal or family victory (or struggle); tell of how you are hoping to create a family of lifelong learners .

Share your homeschool journey – Mom can tell the family’s homeschool story while the kids tell their favorite part about homeschooling or their favorite subject.

Speak to younger homeschool moms – If you have older kids, use this time to share about your students’ Essentials or Challenge journeys. Let them see the connections with Foundations, and give younger moms a glimpse of what they can look forward to. (This also helps them know which “older” parent might have answers to their future questions.)

~~~~> Make sure you check out my “How to Be a Prepared Essentials Mom” blog post. There really is so much to know as you move into the upper levels of elementary school with Classical Conversations.

Homeschool kids outside with firefighters during a Classical Conversations school day

Make Your Family Presentation Historical

Family history – Share a story of your ancestor or where your family came from. This is especially meaningful if you can tie it into a history or geography topic for the year.

Meaning of the name – Have each person tell the meaning of their name when they introduce themselves or where their name came from. You could even tie it in with the meaning of your last name. Don’t forget to tell about the pets at home too.

Share your favorite historical person – Classical Conversations dives so deep into history! Use this opportunity to share random facts about the person you’re studying or even to introduce them to a new person that they should know!

~~~~> If you’re a history loving family, head over to my detailed “ Virginia History Road Trip Itinerary” for Williamsburg and Jamestown. I know it’s on your learning road trip plan in the future!

Science Fair Boards in Challenge A Classical Conversations - Homeschool

Make Your Family Presentation Familial

Recent Road trips – You know this one is our favorite! Homeschool families like to travel – it’s a fact. Inspire other people to take homeschooling on the road with your adventure mom tips or favorite road trips destinations. Bonus if you bring photos of your favorite destinations. I bet you’ll find a mom coming up to you afterward asking for your road trip planning tips .

Bring pictures – If you have pets or special items that you can’t easily bring to CC, bring a picture! Let the kids talk about the picture, answer questions about the picture, and possibly pass the picture around if you can. (If it’s okay with the community, bring your special pet. Better than a picture!)

Family traditions – What is that special thing you do together to celebrate that others might enjoy adding or learning about? What do you do at Christmas? What non-traditional holidays do you celebrate?

What we like to do as a family – Keep this simple. “My name is ——. My favorite thing to do is….” 

~~~> Wish you had a road trip to share? Check out “10 Tips to a Family Road Trip with Less Stress” .

Make Your Family Presentation Personal

My favorite games, sport, books, toy… – Kids listen to suggestions from other kids more than they do from their own parents. (Surely I’m not the only one, right?) Use this presentation time to convince other kids why they should play or read something new. It might even inspire a kid book club or show a mom how to incorporate gameschooling .

Bring a hobby – Have everyone bring a sample of a craft or hobby they like to do. This is another great way to inspire others to learn how to do something new and remind kids that mom will always be the lead learner in your homeschool .

Read their writing – If you are a small family with an Essentials student , use this time to tell why you love the program, and let your child proudly read one of their Essentials writing assignments. Even if they’re not in Essentials, bring something to share!

Classical ConversationsHomeschool group gathered at the park

If you’re new to Classical Conversations or homeschooling or even just new to presentations in front of a group, I hope this ideas help! You and the kids can do more than you think you can.

Questions about Classical Conversations? Check out the CC website or ask me any questions.

Related Classical Conversations Posts

Bobbie 2022 at garden

Thanks for stopping by my little corner! Here’s to your next adventure.

I’m Bobbie. As transplants from Texas, my family of six is on a mission to discover all of Georgia’s amazing places , experience amazing road trips across the United States , and create a homeschool life along the way.

Want to adventure like me? Reach out! I’d love to chat . Stop by my Instagram or Pinterest page to discover more of our adventures.

Want to work with me ? I’d love to work with your destination and tourism board to help other family travelers see all you have to offer.

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Travel mom. Homeschool mom. Creating Mom. I'm here to help you create a life of learning for your family. View all posts by Bobbie || ReclaimingWonders

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Games for English | Interactive ESL Games Online | Sanook English

Family Presentation | Fun ESL Family Members PPT for Kindergarten

This family presentation is great for ESL beginners and ESL kindergarten students. You will learn about all kinds of family members like: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin.

Want to create presentations like ours? Check out  Canva .

You can find all of our Kindergarten lessons  here .

You can find more Family activities here .

You can find fun ESL videos with our YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/c/SanookEnglishESLActivities

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Family PowerPoint Presentation

Family PowerPoint Presentation

Subject: Understanding the world

Age range: 6 - 11

Resource type: Visual aid/Display

Class Plus

Last updated

2 July 2023

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family presentation english

This presentation is ideal for introducing the captivating theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to deeply reflect on and thoughtfully question various aspects of their own familial bonds.

Moreover, this exploration will lead them to uncover fascinating and previously unexplored dimensions of their families.

Children will be empowered to recognize, genuinely appreciate, and gain a profound understanding of what makes their families truly unique and exceptionally special.

This presentation helps kids comprehend the immense value of family and why it is absolutely vital to nurture, care for, and wholeheartedly respect it is of utmost importance.

Immerse yourself and your students in the enchanting journey of exploring the topic of family, and together, discover the reasons why it is an invaluable treasure that warrants unwavering care and devotion.

As you embark on this enlightening quest, brace yourselves for an array of emotions and sentiments that may rise to the surface, creating a truly unforgettable discussion!

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1: What is a Family?
  • Slide 2: Different Types of Families
  • Slide 3: There Are More Types of Families
  • Slide 4: What Qualities Make a Family?
  • Slide 5: Functions of a Family
  • Slide 6: There Are Kids Who Have NO Family
  • Slide 7: Family Rules
  • Slide 8: All Families Have Conflicts
  • Slide 9: Resolving Family Conflicts
  • Slide 10: All Families Are Special
  • Slide 11: My Family is Unique and Special Because …
  • Slide 12: We Have Learned About Family

"-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources:

  • Download the Spanish Version


"-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources:

  • Family Day - My Family is Special Activity
  • My Family is Special
  • What is a Family? Free Sample!

Happy Family Day!

Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?

Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 25%

A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Family - PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Family - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This presentation is ideal for introducing the captivating theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to deeply reflect on and thoughtfully question various aspects of their own familial bonds. Moreover, this exploration will lead them to uncover fascinating and previously unexplored dimensions of their families. This presentation helps kids comprehend the immense value of family and why it is absolutely vital to nurture, care for, and wholeheartedly respect it is of utmost importance. Immerse yourself and your students in the enchanting journey of exploring the topic of family, and together, discover the reasons why it is an invaluable treasure that warrants unwavering care and devotion. As you embark on this enlightening quest, brace yourselves for an array of emotions and sentiments that may rise to the surface, creating a truly unforgettable discussion! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. >> **This resource includes:** * Slide 1: What is a Family? (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 2: Different Types of Families (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 3: There Are More Types of Families (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 4: What Qualities Make a Family? (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 5: Functions of a Family (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 6: There Are Kids Who Have NO Family (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 7: Family Rules (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 8: All Families Have Conflicts (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 9: Resolving Family Conflicts (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 10: All Families Are Special (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 11: My Family is Unique and Special Because … (English and Spanish Version) * Slide 12: We Have Learned About Family (English and Spanish Version) < *Happy Family Day!*

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This multi-purpose template is inspired by a family. We have chosen earth tones for the slides, and we have added organic shapes in a darker hue of yellow. You’ll find lovely illustrations , and the fat display typeface is cute and fresh.

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Family Members

Members Of The Family | A Comprehensive Guide to English Family Terms

Hello, and welcome to our in-depth exploration of family members in English. Whether you’re learning English as a second language, teaching it to others, or simply curious about family relations terminology, you’ve come to the right place.

In every culture, family stands as a crucial cornerstone, but the structure of families can vary widely. This page will introduce you to an extensive list of English family member names, expanding beyond the immediate family to include a variety of relatives from every branch of the family tree.

We’ve organized this information into distinct categories, such as nuclear family, extended family, in-laws, step-family, god family, and more, to help you navigate through the fascinating web of familial relationships.

So, whether you’re trying to differentiate between a “second cousin” and a “cousin once-removed,” or wondering what exactly a “godmother” is, we’ve got you covered!

Family Members

Nuclear family.

The term ‘Nuclear Family’ refers to a core family unit consisting of two parents and their children. Here is a list of family members that are considered part of a ‘nuclear family’:

Extended Family

‘Extended Family’ encompasses relatives that extend beyond the nuclear family. It includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Here is a list of ‘extended family’ members:

Great Extended Family

‘Great Extended Family’ includes relatives that are one more generation removed than the extended family. Here is a list of ‘great extended family’ members:

Step Family

‘Step Family’ includes those who become part of the family through the remarriage of a parent. Here is a list of ‘step family’ members:


‘God Family’ members are individuals chosen by the parents to take an interest in the child’s upbringing and personal development. Here is a list of ‘god family’ members:

Foster Family

Adopted family, removed and distant relatives.

‘Removed and Distant Relatives’ are relatives that are further removed by multiple generations or degrees. Here is a list of ‘removed and distant relatives’:

Maternal and Paternal Relatives

Family members vocabulary game.

Family Members Quiz

Resources For Teaching About Family

Family PowerPoint Presentation, Discussion and Reflection Questions GS and PDF

Show preview image 1

  • Google Apps™ ,
  • Internet Activities

Also included in

family presentation english


This presentation is ideal for introducing the theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to reflect deeply on and thoughtfully question various aspects of their familial bonds. Moreover, this exploration will lead them to uncover fascinating and previously unexplored dimensions of their families.

Children will be empowered to recognize, genuinely appreciate, and gain a profound understanding of what makes their families truly unique and exceptionally special.

This presentation helps kids comprehend the immense value of family and why it is absolutely vital to nurture, care for, and wholeheartedly respect it, which is of utmost importance.

Immerse yourself and your students in the enchanting journey of exploring the topic of family, and together, discover why it is an invaluable treasure that warrants unwavering care and devotion.

As you embark on this enlightening quest, brace yourselves for an array of emotions and sentiments that may rise to the surface, creating a truly unforgettable discussion!

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1 : What is a Family?
  • Slide 2 : Different Types of Families
  • Slide 3 : There Are More Types of Families
  • Slide 4 : What Qualities Make a Family?
  • Slide 5 : Functions of a Family
  • Slide 6 : There Are Kids Who Have NO Family
  • Slide 7 : Family Rules
  • Slide 8 : All Families Have Conflicts
  • Slide 9 : Resolving Family Conflicts
  • Slide 10 : All Families Are Special
  • Slide 11 : My Family is Unique and Special Because ...
  • Slide 12 : We Have Learned About Family
  • Google Slides

★ Please look at the preview; there you can read all the slides in detail.

Happy Family Day!


★ Related Resources:

  • Download the Spanish Version


★ You may like these resources:

  • Family Day, My Family is Special, Activity
  • My Family is Special
  • What is a Family? Free Sample!

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Language Advisor

ESL English PowerPoint: The Family

the family

ESL English PowerPoint: The Family. A Free Power Point Presentation to teach English online and in presence for all Grades

We all know that our students do not learn the same way. They have different learning styles and they use different strategies to process new information. So we have to keep that in mind and always try to present the input to them in a variety of modes. PowerPoint can help you reach your goals. Used correctly this program can make input comprehensible, interesting, and engaging to students.

Practical reasons for using PowerPoint

  • Showing that you are always well prepared.
  • Avoid wasting time in writing on the blackboard. Writing on the blackboard is time-consuming and messy.
  • Provide students with more input and contents.
  • Overhead transparencies are faster and easier for students to read, but they are not dynamic and the use of nice colorful pictures is limited.
  • Protecting the environment, no need to use paper.
  • Avoid overusing the textbook that students often find boring.
  • PowerPoint presentations can be posted on a class website. Students can revisit material from home or in the library. Absent students can access the class presentation while home sick or the next day.
  • Website links can also be added to presentations.

Do not fall into incorrect use of PowerPoint  

Do not let your class become too  passive from incorrect use of PowerPoint. Always have students do something with the material to keep them engaged.

According to Sandra Rief (1993, p. 53.”)*, “ Students retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70% of what they  say, and 90% of what they say and do.”

This PowerPoint presentation can be a useful resource to teach English to preschool children, teenagers and young adults.

family presentation english

It contains:

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family presentation english

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16,161 English ESL powerpoints



  1. Family PPT

    family presentation english

  2. Presentation About Family

    family presentation english

  3. My Family: Class Presentation Script ExamplesMaking English Fun

    family presentation english

  4. English worksheets: my family presentation

    family presentation english

  5. Your Complete Guide to the British Royal Family Tree and Line of Succession

    family presentation english

  6. Family in English Presentation

    family presentation english


  1. Our Classical Conversations Family Presentation

  2. Classical Conversations Family Presentation

  3. Family Presentation AA1 EVO4

  4. Family presentation

  5. Family presentation

  6. Tuvales family Reunion family presentation


  1. 297 Family English ESL powerpoints

    A selection of English ESL family ppt slides. family. Worksheets. Powerpoints. Video Lessons. Search. Filters. 297 Family English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. jannabanna. FAMILY. PPT to help them lea. 12537 uses. Sirachana. ... Family Tree and Fami. A look at the Simpso.

  2. My Family: Class Presentation Script Examples

    My Family Members Script. Script: "Hi, I'm [Student's Name]. I want to tell you about my family. I have a mom, a dad, a big sister, and a little brother. My mom is a teacher, and she helps me with my homework. My dad is a chef, and he cooks yummy food. My big sister plays games with me, and my little brother makes funny faces.

  3. Meet My Family

    This lesson is an important aspect of English language learning, especially for young learners, as it helps them build comprehension of everyday family words. From basic words like "me," "mom," and "dad" to terms like "family tree" and "baby cousin," this lesson is a must for any young learner in an ESL curriculum.

  4. Family PPT

    Family PPT. Download this family PPT and use it in class today. This PowerPoint lesson is for teaching members of the family vocabulary in English. First, students will learn the names of the members of the family, and then they will play a fun guessing game to review. This family PPT is great for teaching kids and beginner English language ...

  5. 61 Family ppt English ESL powerpoints

    61 Family ppt English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. nefty123. Family PPT. It is a power point . 1245 uses. PaulHwang. family ppt. family ppt. 758 uses. dorkas28. PETER'S FAMILY PPT. Your Ss can practise. 5385 uses. damba. peppa's family ppt. this is a powerpoint. 782 uses. eve25. Talk for one minute. In this PPT ...

  6. 166 Family English ESL powerpoints

    A selection of English ESL family ppt slides. Search free ESL worksheets and video lessons. Worksheets. Powerpoints. Video Lessons. Search. ... eve25. Talk for one minute. In this PPT students. 55363 uses. Herber. FAMILY MEMBERS PPT. This Powerpoint pres. 50254 uses. dorkas28. PETER'S FAMILY 2 PP. It's a FUNtastic gam. 37168 uses. perp. Family ...

  7. Free Family-based Google Slides themes & PowerPoint templates

    Download the Community, Family & Personal Services Major for College: Physical Education Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to... Infographics. 16:9.

  8. Classical Conversations: 20 Easy Ways to Rock Your Family Presentation

    Two truths and lie - Have a list of two true things and one lie ready for each family member. Read them out, and the community has to guess which one is the lie for each person. They love the interactiveness of this, and it can get a bit rowdy. Guess who - Have each kid bring 2-3 items that belong to them.

  9. Fun ESL Family Members PPT for Kindergarten

    Family Presentation | Fun ESL Family Members PPT for Kindergarten. This family presentation is great for ESL beginners and ESL kindergarten students. You will learn about all kinds of family members like: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin. Family by Sanook English.

  10. The Family and its Functions Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Download the "The Family and its Functions" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and prepare to receive useful information. Even though teachers are responsible for disseminating knowledge to their students, they also embarked on a learning journey since the ...

  11. 88 Family members English ESL powerpoints

    88 Family members English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. perp. Family members. This ppt introduces . 26073 uses. yesimilhan. Family Members. Using subject pronou. ... FAMILY MEMBERS PPT. This Powerpoint pres. 50255 uses. TatianaRov. Family members vocab. This can be used to .

  12. Family Lesson Plan

    On this page, you can find a complete ESL lesson plan about family and family members. This lesson plan includes all the materials you need including PDF flashcards, student cards, and board games. The games and activities on this page will have your students talking about their families in no time. This lesson plan is mainly aimed at kids ...

  13. Family Vocabulary PPT

    Our beautifully illustrated Family Vocabulary PowerPoint is a great way to teach key family vocabulary to ESL learners or learners in Kindergarten. The presentation includes a colourful illustration of each family member along with the vocabulary word. It's perfect to support teaching of a whole-class topic on family!This presentation has been created by experienced teachers especially for ...

  14. Family PowerPoint Presentation

    This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Family - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This presentation is ideal for introducing the captivating theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to deeply reflect on and thoughtfully question various aspects of ...

  15. Family Google Slides theme and PowerPoint Template

    Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Spend some time with your family and share your interests and hobbies with our newest template! This multi-purpose template is inspired by a family. We have chosen earth tones for the slides, and we have added organic shapes in a darker hue of yellow.

  16. A Comprehensive Guide to English Family Terms

    Here is a list of 'extended family' members: Grandmother: The mother of one's parent. Grandfather: The father of one's parent. Aunt: The sister of one's parent. Uncle: The brother of one's parent. Cousin: The child of one's aunt or uncle. Niece: The daughter of one's sibling. Nephew: The son of one's sibling.

  17. 83 My family English ESL powerpoints

    My Family. The powerpoint presentation consists of picture slides. Pupils make up the sentences, based on the pictures. Then they present the story about the girl's family. 342 uses.

  18. How to Speak About Family & Relatives in English (+Examples)

    What kind of relationship you have with each family member (for example, common interests or hobbies) "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.". - Richard Bach. That's all. If you have questions, feel free to write them in the Comments.

  19. Family PowerPoint Presentation, Discussion and Reflection Questions GS

    This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Family - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This presentation is ideal for introducing the captivating theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to reflect deeply on an

  20. ESL English PowerPoint: The Family

    ESL English PowerPoint: The Family. A Free Power Point Presentation to teach English online and in presence for all Grades. ESL English PowerPoint: The Family. It is available for online purchase and for online prescription. I am a 40 year old male, my height is 5ft 6 in, i weigh 140 pounds, i am 5 feet 8 inches, and buy provigil online ...

  21. My Family (slideshow) general vocabu…: English ESL powerpoints

    1/10. Let's do English ESL general vocabulary practice. This presentation shows the main family members and basic greetings. So it can be used for both purposes. Intr….

  22. Agony and Heartbreak Shatter the Hockey World

    Star NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his hockey coach brother, Matthew, are killed after being struck by a suspected drunk driver. A family and an entire sport mourn.

  23. 82 Family vocabulary English ESL powerpoints

    82 Family vocabulary English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. Wais1. Family Vocabulary. I made this one to t. 1771 uses. saraah12. Family vocabulary. A clear powerrpoint . ... This ppt introduces . 26064 uses. elenlobo. Family Members - Pep. This is a fun powerp. 25580 uses. estrelapolar. FAMILY TIES. A multiple ...