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106 Vegetarianism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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As the world becomes more conscious of the impact of our food choices on the environment, health, and animal welfare, vegetarianism has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice. Whether you are a seasoned vegetarian or just curious about the benefits of a plant-based diet, there are endless essay topics to explore on the subject. Here are 106 vegetarianism essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The health benefits of a vegetarian diet
  • The environmental impact of meat consumption
  • The ethics of factory farming
  • Vegetarianism and weight loss
  • The myth of protein deficiency in vegetarian diets
  • How to transition to a vegetarian diet
  • The economic benefits of a plant-based diet
  • Vegetarianism and cultural identity
  • The role of vegetarianism in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Vegetarianism and animal rights
  • The history of vegetarianism
  • The psychology of food choices
  • Vegetarianism and longevity
  • The benefits of a vegan diet compared to a vegetarian diet
  • Vegetarianism and sports performance
  • The impact of vegetarianism on global hunger
  • Vegetarianism and mental health
  • The challenges of being a vegetarian in a meat-centric society
  • Vegetarianism and spirituality
  • The health risks of a meat-heavy diet
  • The environmental benefits of organic agriculture
  • Vegetarianism and food justice
  • The impact of vegetarianism on water usage
  • The role of vegetarianism in sustainable agriculture
  • The health benefits of plant-based diets for children
  • Vegetarianism and animal welfare laws
  • The role of vegetarianism in reducing deforestation
  • The impact of vegetarianism on biodiversity
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for pregnant women
  • Vegetarianism and food deserts
  • The impact of vegetarianism on soil health
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food waste
  • Vegetarianism and food security
  • The impact of vegetarianism on antibiotic resistance
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing pesticide use
  • Vegetarianism and the obesity epidemic
  • The impact of vegetarianism on fisheries
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing air pollution
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based meat alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on rural economies
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing foodborne illnesses
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based dairy alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on agricultural workers' rights
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related allergies
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based egg alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on indigenous food systems
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related chronic diseases
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based seafood alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food sovereignty
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related disabilities
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based pet food alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food cooperatives
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related mental health disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based beauty products
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food waste reduction initiatives
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related autoimmune diseases
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based clothing alternatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food redistribution programs
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related respiratory diseases
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based household products
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food security programs
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related skin conditions
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based pharmaceuticals
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food safety regulations
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related reproductive disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based dietary supplements
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food service industry practices
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related neurological disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based medical treatments
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food retail industry trends
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related cardiovascular diseases
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based health clinics
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food processing industry practices
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related hormonal imbalances
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  • The impact of vegetarianism on food marketing industry practices
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  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related gastrointestinal disorders
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  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry lobbying efforts
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related immune disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food festivals
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  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related inflammatory disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food delivery services
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry trade agreements
  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related endocrine disorders
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  • The benefits of vegetarianism for reducing food-related genetic disorders
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food markets
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry waste management practices
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food incubators
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry research and development
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food startups
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry sustainability practices
  • Vegetarianism and the rise of plant-based food cooperatives
  • The impact of vegetarianism on food industry corporate social responsibility initiatives

These essay topics and examples cover a wide range of issues related to vegetarianism, making it a rich and diverse subject to explore. Whether you are interested in health, ethics, environment, or culture, there is something for everyone in the world of vegetarianism. So pick a topic that resonates with you and start writing!

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Vegetarianism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

1. introduction to vegetarianism.

The concept of vegetarianism has been gaining significant attention in recent years, with increasing concerns about health, environment, and ethical considerations. In this essay, we will delve into the impact of vegetarianism on these three critical areas, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. To begin, we will introduce the definition of vegetarianism and explore the various types that exist. This will lay the foundation for a deeper exploration of how vegetarianism influences health, the environment, and ethics. By examining the different types of vegetarianism, ranging from lacto-ovo to veganism, we will gain insight into the varying degrees of dietary restrictions and philosophical principles that guide individuals who adopt this lifestyle. Understanding the nuances of vegetarianism is crucial in evaluating its multifaceted impact on individuals, societies, and the planet as a whole. With this introduction, we set the stage for a comprehensive analysis of the implications of vegetarianism, from its effects on personal well-being to its contributions to sustainable living and ethical considerations.

1.1. Definition and Types of Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is a dietary choice that abstains from consuming meat, poultry, and fish. There are several types of vegetarianism, each with its own specific guidelines. Lacto-ovo vegetarians exclude meat, poultry, and fish from their diet, but still consume dairy products and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians avoid meat, poultry, fish, and eggs, but include dairy products in their diet. Ovo-vegetarians exclude meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products, but consume eggs. Lastly, vegans adhere to the strictest form of vegetarianism by excluding all animal products, including dairy, eggs, and honey. Understanding the different types of vegetarianism is crucial in recognizing the wide range of dietary preferences within the community and their various impacts on health, the environment, and ethical considerations. By exploring the definitions and distinctions between these types, we can better comprehend the implications of vegetarianism in modern society and its potential to influence personal health, sustainability, and ethical practices.

2. Health Implications of Vegetarian Diets

The health implications of vegetarian diets are a topic of great interest and debate. Proponents of vegetarianism often highlight the nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet, including higher intake of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. These can contribute to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. However, there are also potential risks associated with vegetarian diets, such as inadequate protein intake, low levels of certain nutrients like iron and vitamin B12, and potential over-reliance on processed foods. It is important for individuals following a vegetarian diet to be mindful of their nutritional intake, and to find alternative sources of key nutrients to ensure overall health and well-being. The decision to adopt a vegetarian diet should be made with careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. While vegetarian diets can offer many health advantages, it is important for individuals to educate themselves about proper nutrition and to plan their diets accordingly. It is also important to recognize that a well-balanced vegetarian diet can meet all of the body's nutritional needs, and that many people successfully thrive on a vegetarian lifestyle. Overall, understanding the nutritional benefits and risks of vegetarian diets is essential for making informed decisions about dietary choices and maintaining long-term health.

2.1. Nutritional Benefits and Risks

Nutritional benefits and risks of vegetarianism Vegetarian diets are known for their numerous health benefits, including lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. This is largely due to the higher consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, which are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide an adequate intake of protein, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients, contributing to overall health and well-being. However, it is important to be mindful of potential nutritional risks associated with vegetarianism. Certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron, may be harder to obtain from plant-based sources alone. Therefore, individuals following a vegetarian diet need to carefully plan their meals to ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs. This may involve incorporating fortified foods or supplements to compensate for any deficiencies. Additionally, some individuals may be at risk of inadequate calorie and protein intake, particularly if they are not consuming a varied and balanced diet. In conclusion, while vegetarian diets offer numerous nutritional benefits, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take proactive measures to ensure they are meeting their dietary requirements. By doing so, they can enjoy the health advantages of a vegetarian lifestyle while minimizing any potential drawbacks.

3. Environmental Impact of Vegetarianism

The environmental impact of vegetarianism is a topic of great significance in today's world, particularly in relation to resource usage and climate change. The production of meat and other animal products requires a significant amount of resources, including water, land, and energy. This places a strain on the environment and contributes to issues such as deforestation, water scarcity, and soil degradation. By choosing a vegetarian diet, individuals can help to reduce the demand for these resources and minimize the environmental impact associated with their production. In addition to resource usage, the production of animal products also plays a significant role in contributing to climate change. The livestock sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, including methane and nitrous oxide, which are potent contributors to global warming. By reducing the consumption of meat and other animal products, individuals can help to mitigate the impact of these emissions on the environment. Overall, the choice to follow a vegetarian diet can have a positive impact on the environment, by reducing resource usage and minimizing the contribution to climate change. This section will explore these concepts in further detail, providing a comprehensive understanding of the environmental benefits associated with vegetarianism.

3.1. Resource Usage and Climate Change

Resource usage and climate change are critical aspects to consider when analyzing the environmental impact of vegetarianism. In the context of resource usage, it is important to highlight that livestock farming requires extensive land, water, and food resources to sustain the animals and ultimately produce meat. This significant demand for resources contributes to deforestation, water scarcity, and habitat destruction. Furthermore, the livestock industry is a major contributor to climate change, as it produces substantial amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane and nitrous oxide. These gases significantly contribute to global warming and environmental degradation. In contrast, vegetarian diets have a lower environmental footprint, as they require fewer resources such as land, water, and energy for food production. By reducing the demand for animal agriculture, vegetarianism can help mitigate the environmental impact associated with resource usage and climate change. Therefore, the transition to vegetarianism can play a crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability and addressing the challenges posed by resource scarcity and climate change. As such, understanding the impact of vegetarianism on resource usage and climate change is essential in advocating for environmentally conscious dietary choices and promoting a more sustainable future.

4. Ethical Considerations of Vegetarianism

Ethical considerations play a significant role in the decision to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. One of the primary ethical motivations for vegetarianism is the concern for animal welfare and rights. Many vegetarians choose to abstain from consuming animal products due to the inherent suffering and exploitation involved in livestock farming. They argue that confining animals in crowded and unsanitary conditions, subjecting them to painful procedures, and ultimately slaughtering them for food goes against the principles of compassion and respect for sentient beings. Furthermore, the ethical implications of vegetarianism extend beyond individual dietary choices to encompass broader environmental and social justice issues. The environmental impact of meat production, such as deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, raises ethical concerns about the sustainability of current food systems and their impact on future generations. Additionally, the unequal distribution of resources and the global food crisis prompt ethical considerations about the fairness of using vast amounts of land and water to produce animal-based foods while millions of people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. Ultimately, ethical considerations of vegetarianism revolve around the values of kindness, fairness, and sustainability. By examining the complex ethical dimensions of vegetarianism, individuals can make informed choices that align with their ethical beliefs and contribute to a more compassionate and equitable world.

4.1. Animal Welfare and Rights

The ethical considerations of vegetarianism extend beyond individual health and environment and also encompass the welfare and rights of animals. Advocates of vegetarianism often highlight the ethical implications of consuming animal products, pointing out the suffering of animals raised for food production. The inhumane conditions in factory farms and the ethical dilemma of killing sentient beings for food are central concerns of this aspect of vegetarianism. Additionally, the concept of animal rights is closely linked to vegetarianism, as it promotes the idea that animals are entitled to certain fundamental rights, such as the right to life and freedom from exploitation. Furthermore, the ethical viewpoint of animal welfare and rights intersects with environmental and health considerations. The impact of industrial animal farming on the environment is significant, leading to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. The ethical argument against the exploitation of animals for food production aligns with the environmental and health benefits of vegetarianism, creating a cohesive narrative that encompasses multiple dimensions of the issue. By advocating for animal welfare and rights, vegetarians strive to address not only the individual choices of diet but also broader ethical responsibilities towards animals and the planet as a whole.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the impact of vegetarianism on health, environment, and ethics is significant and far-reaching. From a health perspective, studies have consistently shown that a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, a plant-based diet has been associated with lower body weight and better management of chronic conditions. From an environmental standpoint, the reduction of meat consumption has the potential to alleviate pressure on natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize environmental degradation. The livestock industry is a major contributor to deforestation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss, making a shift towards vegetarianism an important consideration for sustainable living. Lastly, the ethical considerations of vegetarianism are centered on the treatment of animals and the concept of non-violence. The mass production of animals for food has raised ethical concerns regarding animal welfare, humane treatment, and the moral implications of slaughtering animals for human consumption. In summary, the adoption of a vegetarian lifestyle can yield positive outcomes for individual health, contribute to environmental conservation, and align with ethical principles of compassion and non-harm towards animals. As the world grapples with pressing challenges related to health, environmental sustainability, and ethical responsibility, the benefits of vegetarianism warrant serious consideration and further exploration.

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Vegetarianism Essay

This is a model  vegetarianism essay .

As I always stress, you should  read the question very carefully  before you answer it to make sure you are writing about the right thing.

Take a look at the question:

Every one of us should become a vegetarian because eating meat can cause serious health problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Staying on topic

If you rush to start writing and don't analyse the question and brainstorm some ideas you may include the wrong information.

There are religious or moral arguments for not eating meat, but if you discuss those you will be going off topic .

This question is specifically about the health problems connected to eating meat.

So you must discuss in your answer what some of these problems are and if you think there are real health risks or not.

Knowing about the topic

IELTS Vegetarianism Essay

And don't get worried that you do not know much about diet and health.

As part of your IELTS study it will help if you know the basics of most topics such as some health vocabulary in this case, but you are not expected to be an expert on nutrition.

Remember, you are being judged on your English ability and your ability to construct an argument in a coherent way, not to be an expert in the subject matter. So relax and work with


In this vegetarianism essay, the candidate disagrees with the statement, and is thus arguing that everyone does not need to be a vegetarian.

The essay has been organised in the following way:

Body 1: Health issues connected with eating meat (i.e. arguments in support of being a vegetarian Body 2: Advantages of eating meat

Now take a look at the model answer.

Model Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Vegetarianism Essay - Sample Answer

Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular for many people, particularly because of the harm that some people believe meat can cause to the body. However, I strongly believe that it is not necessary for everybody to be a vegetarian.

Vegetarians believe that meat is unhealthy because of the diseases it has been connected with. There has been much research to suggest that red meat is particularly bad, for example, and that consumption should be limited to eating it just a few times a week to avoid such things as cancer. Meats can also be high in saturated fats so they have been linked to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

However, there are strong arguments for eating meat. The first reason is that as humans we are designed to eat meat, which suggests it is not unhealthy, and we have been eating meat for thousands of years. For example, cavemen made hunting implements so that they could kill animals and eat their meat. Secondly, meat is a rich source of protein which helps to build muscles and bones. Vegetarians often have to take supplements to get all the essential vitamins and minerals. Finally, it may be the case that too much meat is harmful, but we can easily limit the amount we have without having to cut it out of our diet completely.

To sum up, I do not agree that everyone should turn to a vegetarian diet. Although the overconsumption of meat could possibly be unhealthy, a balanced diet of meat and vegetables should result in a healthy body.

(264 words)

You should begin by intoducing the topi c. The introduction in this vegetarianism essay begins by mentioning vegetarians and the possible harm of eating meat .

It then goes on to the thesis statement , which makes it clear what the candidate's opinion is.

The first body paragraph has a topic sentence which makes it clear that the paragraph is going to address the possible health issues of eating meat.

Some reasons and examples are then given to support this.

The second body paragraph then has a topic sentence which makes it clear that the main idea is now about the arguments for eating meat .

The conclusion in this vegetarianism essay then repeats the opinion and gives the candidates final thoughts.

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Introduction Adolescence is considered as a nutritionally critical period of life for several reasons. Firstly, manifold increase in physical growth and development put greater pressure on the need for nutrients. Secondly, adolescence can be the second opportunity to catch up with growth, if nutrient intake...

Vegetarianism And Practice Of Not Eating Meat

Why would anyone consider becoming a vegetarian? Is a vegetarian diet healthier, or are there too many risks? The article, “Vegetarian Diets: Health Benefits and Associated Risks” by Navneet Kumar Kaushik, Anup Aggarwal, Mohita Singh, Shelja Deswal, and Priyanka Kaushik discusses the popularity in recent...

Non Vegetarian Diet Vs Vegetarian Diet: The Question About Nutrition

Diet plays a major role in determining the person’s overall health and body functioning. The type of the food intake by a person have a direct effect on the person’s metabolism rate, hormonal system and sometimes the physiology. The overall diet is broadly divided into...

Nutritional Benefits of Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diet

Abstract: There is no doubt that nutritionists all around the world have been doing a research whether vegetarian and plant-based diets are healthy or not which can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other cancers that can increase longevity. Vegetarian diets contains...

The Need of Converting American Citizens to Vegetarianism

The meat industry has created major issues for the population of the United States and the world altogether. Vegetarians live a much longer, enjoyable life as their antioxidant filled diets keep them mentally and physically healthy. Those that choose to consume animals are automatically put...

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The Benefits of Vegetarianism and Detrimental Effects of Meat Consumption

Since the dawning of life, food has always been a necessity for survival. From simple, unicellular bacteria to complex, multicellular human beings, a source of energy must be consumed in order to give rise to a living organism. However, the nutritional value of the food...

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The Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet For Health

Dr. Charles Ross presented the misconceptions involved in regularly consuming milk and dairy products, as well as their negative effects on our health. He included an article by Dr. Neal Barnard that highlights the top five myths surrounding milk and dairy products to argue that;...

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The Hidden Politics Of Vegetarianism Caste And The Hindu Canteen

Food practices varies in Indian culture with its diverse traditions. Hindus are considered as vegetarians, as a common assumption though the fact remains some of them including Brahmins, eat meat. The Vedic texts strongly recommend non-violence against all life forms while it doesn’t explicitly prohibit...

Best topics on Vegetarianism

1. Vegetarian vs. Meat Eater: A Comparative Analysis

2. Is It Ethical to Eat Meat: Navigating the Moral Dilemma

3. A Lot of Conflicting Ideas About the Vegetarian Diet

4. Moral Vegetarianism: Responsibility Or Necessity

5. Vegetarianism: Meat Eating Versus Nutrition

6. Problem Solving Ability And Adjustment In Relation To Vegetarian And Non Vegetarian

7. Vegetarianism And Practice Of Not Eating Meat

8. Non Vegetarian Diet Vs Vegetarian Diet: The Question About Nutrition

9. Nutritional Benefits of Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diet

10. The Need of Converting American Citizens to Vegetarianism

11. The Benefits of Vegetarianism and Detrimental Effects of Meat Consumption

12. The Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet For Health

13. The Hidden Politics Of Vegetarianism Caste And The Hindu Canteen

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Vegetarianism

IELTS Writing Task 2: Vegetarianism

As veganism trending is becoming extremely common, many people hold the view that people can maintain a healthy lifestyle without the need of meat. I agree that being a vegetarian means being healthier. However, I would argue that remove meat from daily diet can lead to variously-detrimental consequences which directly associates to our health (1) . To begin with, there are many undeniable positive aspects of having a vegetarian diet. The most significant benefit is that this diet helps reverse several chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer or obesity. This is mainly because plant-based foods consume less cholesterol so consequently, there will be a lower level of blood pressure and cholesterol (2) . Another advantage is that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight as the amount of fat in vegetables is extremely lower than that in meat (3) . However, meat can nourish our body more than plant-based foods can. Firstly, vegetables are deficient in protein whereas a large amount of this is found in meat (4) . The main reason why human’s body needs to consume a balanced diet of protein is to build and repair tissue as well as maintain a healthy body, which is vital when doing anything energetic (5) . Secondly, besides promoting mental health, meat also improve physical health as meat is extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, D (6) . It has been proven that these vitamins play an important role in promoting good vision, stronger teeth and bones system (7) . In conclusion, it is true that following vegetarian diets results in many benefits such as lowering risks of getting chronic illnesses. However, I believe that meat is highly required while maintaining healthy diets (8) . 283 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in  italics  is taken from the text, the word  underlined  is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • However, I would argue that removing  meat from daily diet can lead to variously detrimental consequences for our health . — a gerund form is needed instead of ‘remove’. You don’t need a hyphen between ‘variously’ and ‘detrimental’. I have shortened your construction because the extra words do not add anything to the text. In that case the syntax was wrong too. Using more words that do not add any meaning is bad for your final score.
  • This is mainly because plant-based foods contain  less cholesterol so consequently, blood pressure will be lower. — ‘Cholesterol’ is pretty difficult to paraphrase, avoid using it twice in the same sentence.
  • Another advantage is that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight as the amount of fat in vegetables is much  lower than that in meat.  — don’t forget that you are making a comparison here, a comparative adjective should be used.
  • Firstly, vegetables are deficient in protein whereas a large amount of it  is found in meat. — ‘it’ should be used to refer to something mentioned just now.
  • The main reason why human’s body needs (to have ) a balanced diet of protein is to build and repair tissue (what tissue?) as well as maintain a healthy body, which is vital when doing anything energetic. — ‘to have a diet’ is a better collocation . Alternatively (and preferably), it could be omitted (the text in the brackets is optional). The second part of the sentence is a bit vague — it lacks specific information and hardly adds anything new to the essay. It states the obvious, like ‘you need a healthy body to do something that requires energy’. Use your essay to conduct more interesting thoughts and less trite ideas e.g. ‘A healthy, energetic lifestyle is rare nowadays as most people spend their time in front of their computers. To maintain an active life like this, one has to have a balanced diet’. This is just an example of how you can use the precious writing space to convey a message.
  • Secondly, besides promoting mental health, meat also improves physical health as it  is extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, D. — ‘meat’ is singular. Also avoid using this word twice — I have replaced it with with a pronoun.
  • It has been proven that these vitamins play an important role in ensuring  good vision, stronger teeth and bones  — ‘Promote’ is not the best verb for this context. I have also dropped ‘system’ as it is redundant here.
  • However, I believe that meat is highly recommended  while maintaining healthy diets — ‘highly required’ is rarely used, and almost all the uses are by foreign speakers (or so my Google research indicates). Use ‘highly recommended’ or simply ‘required’.

The essay has adequate structure — both positive and negative aspects of the approach are given equal attention. The reader would be well-informed on the issue of vegetarianism. The language is fairly varied, with a good range of health-related vocabulary. Occasional mistakes and inaccuracies do not stand in the way of understanding the message. The author occasionally repeats the same word — proof-reading the essay would have helped eliminate this.

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Vegetarianism Essay Examples

Vegetarianism - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Vegetarianism is a dietary choice in which an individual chooses to refrain from eating meat, fish, and poultry. Some vegetarians also choose to exclude other animal products such as dairy, eggs, and honey. Reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet can vary, including health concerns, ethical beliefs, and environmental reasons. People who follow a vegetarian diet can obtain their necessary nutrients and protein from plant-based sources such as beans, nuts, grains, and vegetables.

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  • Vegetarianism and an Argument Against Factory Farming
  • An Introduction to The Reasons for Vegetarianism
  • Vegetarianism as a Way of Life
  • Vegetarianism
  • Arguments for and against vegetarianism
  • The Benefits of Plant-based Diet Over One Which Involves Meat
  • Vegetarianism: The Consumption of Meat for Human Enjoyment is Immoral
  • A Discussion About the Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegetarianism
  • The Physiological and Psychological Implications of a Vegetarian/vegan Diet on Endurance Athletes
  • Research of The Health Benefits of Vegetarianism
  • Why Everyone Should Choose to Become Vegetarian: a Research Paper
  • Vegetarianism as an Option for Weight Loss Diets
  • How I Quit Vegetarianism and Became a Meat Eater
  • Why Vegetarianism is Better than Meat Eating: Health, Environmental, and Ethical Reasons
  • The Benefits of Vegetarianism in Contrast to Meat Eating
  • Research Paper on Vegetarian Diet for Adults
  • Han Kang’s The Vegetarian Review – a Remarkable Tale of Family Fallout
  • Research Paper on The Motivations for Becoming a Vegetarian
  • The Cost of Meat Eating Vs The Benefits of Vegetarianism
  • Research Paper on The Benefits of The Vegetarian Lifestyle
  • The Correct Nutritional Diet: Vegetarianism and Meat Eating

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Vegetarianism - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Vegetarianism is a dietary choice to abstain from consuming meat while still allowing for the consumption of other animal products like dairy and eggs. Essays could explore the various forms of vegetarianism, the reasons individuals choose a vegetarian lifestyle, and the health, ethical, and environmental implications of vegetarianism. Comparing vegetarianism to other dietary lifestyles could also provide a comprehensive understanding. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Vegetarianism you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

A Look into Veganism and Plant Based Diets

In recent years the trend of converting to a vegan or plant based diet has been on the rise. As a result there has been rising debate among vegans and those who Maintain a western diet if veganism is a safe and healthy way to go about maintaining your health. It is to my understanding that converting to a vegan or plant based diet is completely possible to thrive on and encouraged. a vegan diet although completely devoid of animal […]

A Better Understanding of Veganism

Intro: Many people believe that humans are naturally supposed eat meat and dairy and that there is a humane way to produce meat and dairy products, when in reality, that is not the case. That idea stems from childhood. Diet is a learned behavior just as religion and culture is. Usually, a child may grow up in an omnivore household, eating the average diet of fruits, veggies, meat, dairy, and grains. In a vegetarian household, a child may be taught […]

Veganism in Modern World

The topic about veganism has received recognition not because of the adoption of its culture, but due to the controversies surrounding it. Veganism is the practice of people avoiding animal products and their byproducts. Instead, this group of people concentrates on healthier food, such as legumes, vegetables, fruits, and grains to name a few. Traditionally, people have relied on animal products such as meat and milk due to the belief that they enhance growing and developing strong bones. However, people […]

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Is Veganism Detrimental to One’s Health

There are many reasons why people are inclined to practicing a vegan diet including, health conditions, ethical values, and to help the environment. Veganism has been said to reverse many conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even aging ("Animal products | Health Topics | NutritionFacts.org," n.d.). Moral value also plays a big part in the movement to become vegan as many animals are slaughtered and abused due to high demand. Because of this, approximately 1.6 million Americans […]

Is Veganism Beneficial or Detrimental to Society?

Veganism, a "strict vegetarian diet," is a very popular, yet controversial lifestyle to follow today. According to Alina Petre, a registered dietitian, the online search for the term vegan has risen by more than 250%. The word vegan has become more and more popular amongst society and many have gained more knowledge on the lifestyle itself. When researching the term veganism, according to The Vegan Society the word veganism can be defined as: A philosophy and way of living which […]

The World should Turn to Vegetarian Diet to Stop Global Warming

A vegetarian according to vegetarian society is somebody who is on a diet of fruits, seeds, grains, vegetables, legumes, nut, yeast, fungi, algae, and/or some other non-animal grounded food (e.g. salt) with or minus dairy foods, eggs and/or honey. Global warming according to live science is the continuing temperature of the ground's surface, seas and thermosphere are any of the utmost frustrating environmental matters. Normal side heats high an entire of 1.71 units Fahrenheit (0.95 unit Celsius) between 1880 and […]

The Green Wave: Beyond Meat and the Evolution of Vegetarianism

In recent culinary narratives, there has been a tantalizing shift towards vegetarianism, notably propelled by the meteoric rise of Beyond Meat and its avant-garde alternatives to conventional animal proteins. This gastronomic revolution not only echoes personal dietary choices but also resonates with broader societal aspirations towards sustainability and ethical consumption. The ascendancy of Beyond Meat stands as a testament to the fusion of gastronomic ingenuity with cutting-edge technology, manifesting in plant-based offerings that tantalize taste buds while upholding ethical and […]

The Green Revolution: Economic Perspectives on Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is experiencing a remarkable surge in popularity, transcending its traditional role as merely a dietary choice to become a potent force shaping economic landscapes worldwide. In this discourse, we delve into the intricate web of economic dynamics surrounding vegetarianism, meticulously dissecting its costs and benefits to reveal a nuanced understanding of its implications. Central to our exploration is the profound impact of vegetarianism on resource allocation and food production. By eschewing meat consumption, adherents of this lifestyle choice significantly […]

Vegetarianism’s Impact on Society and Sustainability

Vegetarianism, previously perceived as an individual dietary preference, has metamorphosed into a potent agent for societal transformation, intersecting with and propelling movements for sustainability, animal welfare, social equity, and moral consumption. This dietary paradigm shift transcends mere abstention from meat; it entails envisioning and reformulating the very essence of food systems, cultural conventions, and personal behaviors towards a more sustainable and compassionate global milieu. The impact of vegetarianism on social change manifests in manifold dimensions, exerting influence on environmental policies, […]

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Vegetarianism — An Introduction to the Reasons for Vegetarianism


Vegetarianism: Introduction, Positive and Negative Sides

  • Categories: Vegetarianism

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Words: 1182 |

Published: Aug 10, 2018

Words: 1182 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

What is vegetarianism (essay), benefits and drawbacks of vegetarian diets, works cited.

  • Davis, B., & Melina, V. (2014). Becoming Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet. Book Publishing Company.
  • Flynn, R. W. V. (2017). Vegetarianism in Western Europe: A Study of Vegetarianism in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Sweden. Routledge.
  • Fox, N., & Ward, K. (2008). Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations. Appetite, 50(2-3), 422-429. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2007.09.007
  • Haddad, E. H., Sabaté, J., Whitten, C. G., & Tanzman, J. S. (2014). Vegetarian food guide pyramid: A conceptual framework. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100(Supplement_1), 356S-361S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.113.071621
  • Leitzmann, C. (2017). Vegetarian nutrition: Past, present, future. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100(Supplement_1), 496S-502S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.113.071621
  • Mangels, A. R., Messina, V., & Messina, M. (2011). The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Marsh, K., & Zeuschner, C. (2012). The vegan plate: A guide to healthy vegan nutrition. Akerman Publishing.
  • Sabaté, J., & Wien, M. (2015). Vegetarian diets and childhood obesity prevention. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(1), 152S-157S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.113.071621
  • Spencer, E. A., Appleby, P. N., Davey, G. K., & Key, T. J. (2003). Diet and body mass index in 38 000 EPIC-Oxford meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans. International Journal of Obesity, 27(6), 728-734. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802300
  • Tuso, P. J., Ismail, M. H., Ha, B. P., & Bartolotto, C. (2013). Nutritional update for physicians: Plant-based diets. The Permanente Journal, 17(2), 61-66. doi:10.7812/TPP/12-085

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Lifestyle / Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism Essay Examples

Understanding the concept and benefits of vegetarianism.

Vegetarianism may seem like a popular diet fad, but it has been advocated by many cultures around the world. Restaurants’ advertising “vegetarian options” on their menu is becoming customary. Vegetarianism is a dietary choice, to abstain from meat that people adopt for many reasons. There...

Vegetarian Diet: Examining the Arguments

As the world grapples with issues of ethics, environment, and health, the debate over adopting a vegetarian diet has gained significant attention. This essay delves into the multifaceted arguments surrounding vegetarianism, evaluating its potential benefits and challenges while considering the broader impact on individuals and...

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Why Morality Does not Require Vegetarianism

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Vegetarianism is not a Healthier Choice

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How the Vegetarianism Could Change Our Life for Better

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The Hidden Politics of Vegetarianism Caste and the Hindu Canteen (hugo Gorringe, D Karthikeyan) 

Food practices varies in Indian culture to its diverse traditions. Hindus, considered as vegetarians, as a common assumption though the fact remains some of them including Brahmins, eat meat. The Vedic texts strongly recommend non-violence against all life forms while it doesn’t explicitly prohibit eating...

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