How to Write an Email

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Want to know how to write an email? Need some guidance on what goes where and why? Well, whether this is the first email you’ve ever composed, or you just want to refresh your memory, here go through everything you need on the subject of how to write email properly! For more advanced email writing techniques, check out our how to write a professional email.

Formatting and Components

Learning how to write a basic email is simple, and every email you ever write will feature the same format that requires you to address each of these components:



  • Subject Line

Here, we go into each of these components in more detail so you know exactly what makes a great email.

These fields, found at the top of your email, are where you will place the email addresses of the people you wish to contact. Each has a different function:

This is where you add the email address/es of your primary contact.

Use this in conjunction with “To” and email addresses to this field if you want someone to see the message but you don’t need a reply.

Use this in conjunction with “To” if you want to send an email to multiple people but you need to keep their email addresses confidential.

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The attachment function in your email allows you to attach supporting documents that can be downloaded or previewed within your message. Most formats are supported, and in most cases, you can include text, images, videos , audio, and GIFs. It’s worth remembering, however, that there is usually a limit to the size of the file you can send.

The subject line of your email is all-important , spelling out the intention of your email and what it contains.

They’re often forgotten but this is bad news as they not only help the recipient understand what the body of your message contains, but they also ensure your email doesn’t end up in the trash folder .

Always start your email with a greeting.

Learning how to write an email introduction and greeting is important as it allows you to be polite and let the recipient know the purpose of your message .

Formal emails, such as for a job application or  sales email , require a formal greeting. When considering personal emails or those between close colleagues, it’s usually fine to use a more casual greeting. You should keep this in mind in you’re using any email templates or AI writing tools.

Naturally, the body of your message is an important element when writing an email. The ideal email body has to be focused, structured, with a clear purpose and to the point .

Remember that story telling qualities aren’t appreciated in an email and people tend to lose focus and interest if you don’t keep your email short and to the point.

Always state what your email is about early in your message, and layout your information so it is easily accessible when skim reading .

Signing off your email correctly is just as important as starting it correctly, and ensuring you use the right kind of closing for your intended recipient ensures they know the message is finished.

Tailor your closing on a per-message basis and, if you are unsure about how to sign off, always default on the side of formality.

Sending and Writing an Email – Dos and Don’ts

There are many dos and don’ts when learning to write an email:

– Keep your subject lines short and to the point so that the recipient knows what’s in your email.

—There’s a good chance your email will either be ignored or end up in the spam folder if you forget.

– It’s important that you use the right function at the right time.

— Not checking your To, CC, and BCC fields is a recipe for disaster, and sending emails to the wrong people can have consequences in some cases.

– Stick to the point and make sure your sentences are understandable. Use formatting options to bring clarity to your points.

— Emails should always be as concise as possible, and long-winded texts are likely to put off your recipients and ensure that your information doesn’t hit home. Once you’ve written the body of your email, read through it once again and try to redact it as much as possible.

– Whoever you are writing to, make sure you write in a way that is suitable. Don’t be formal with family members and don’t be casual with the boss!

— Formality in writing, whether you believe in it or not, is still extremely important in professional settings. For this reason, using the same kind of tone you would in your apps can often be a bad idea. Always tailor your tone to your purpose and avoid being too casual when writing professional emails.

– Don’t forget to check all your email functions such as email addresses and attachments.

— If you don’t proofread your emails before hitting send, then you’re opening yourself up to a whole world of trouble. Proofread the body of your email and save yourself a headache later down the line.

How To Write An Email – The Basics

When learning how to write an email, once you have added the recipients email address to the correct field, you’ll need to focus on three main areas. These are:

Here, we provide some examples of how you should approach each of these elements so that you can compose your email.

How to Write an Email Subject Line — Examples

Your subject line should be concise and to the point and include any relevant information that the recipient needs in order to identify the purpose of the message. When learning how to write an email subject line, you can use the following examples to guide you:

This is my new email address

If you want to share your new email address with your contacts.

Request for Information

If you want to ask for information from a contact or a company.

Just Checking In

If you haven’t been in touch someone in a while and you want to see how they are doing or get an update on a project.

Introduction – Hi Jane, please meet John

If you want to introduce two people who haven’t met before.

Urgent – Please Confirm Attendance by Tuesday

If you need a time-sensitive reply to a meeting or event.

How to Write Email Introduction – Examples

Your greeting, salutation, or introduction should be tailored to your intended recipient. In many cases, your email introduction will be familiar to you from letter writing practices.

Hi Gemma,

Simple, friendly and to the point. Most common for emails to friends or family.

Hi All,

Simple, friendly and to the point. Useful for group emails.

Dear Mr. Smith,

More formal, used when you already know the person you are writing to.

Dear Sir/Madam

Formal. Used when you don’t know the person you are writing to.

To Whom it May Concern

Not really used in email. A little bit archaic.

How to Write the Email Body – Examples

The body of your email will need to contain all the information you want to convey, without being overly long or complicated. Here are a few tips:

Standard Text

You can usually get your most important points across using standard texts. Just remember not to go overboard. Sometimes, a second email may make more sense.

Bullet Points

Simple and clear, bullet points can help your recipient understand things quickly.


If you really need to emphasize something, bolding a section of text can help.


Sometimes italics are used, although not often. For example, they can be useful for indicating titles of publications or reports.


Stay away from color. Some email apps don’t support it and if you overuse it your email may not be comprehensible.

How to Write an Email Signature or Sign Off – Examples

Signing off your email is simple, and you can choose how you do it depending on who you are writing to. Here are a few ideas:


Use this for friends or family or informal emails to people you care about.


Simple, friendly and easy. Use this when you know someone and you want to say thank you.

Best Regards

Professional and simple. Use this, or similar alternatives, when you need to write a professional email.


A little less formal and useful when you send a lot of emails at work.


Similar to the other two but maybe a little bit cold!

How To Write Email Like A Boss – Full Examples

Here, we look at some common examples of email writing to help you combine the elements above and rock your email technique.

How to Write an Email to a Friend or Family Member

When writing an email to a friend or family member, you don’t have to have as detailed of a subject line as you would for a more professional environment. Something along the lines of “Catching Up” will suffice. With your introduction, you can take a more conversational tone with them. You can use an informal introduction like “Hi Sam” when starting a conversation with them. 

Since you are talking to someone close to you in a non-business setting, you can treat it as would you a text message conversation. You’ll want to use a friendly tone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concise and clear, though. Don’t ramble as they’ll likely skim past your information if so. When closing your message, salutations like “Love”, “From”, etc. are acceptable depending on the nature of your relationship. 


I just wanted to check you’d received my invite for Thanksgiving? Please let me know if you’re coming so I know how much turkey to cook!


How to Write an Email to a Teacher or Professor

When emailing a teacher or a professor, you’ll want to use a much more clear tone than you would normally. In this setting, this person is an academic, so formality is required. Your introduction should be very formal. In our example below, we use “Dear” as the best option. When emailing a professor, be very concise and use bullet points when possible to make your point clear. When closing your email, use a formal salutation like “ Best Regards ”.

Dear Professor Smith, 

Unfortunately, due to sickness, I would like to request an extension to the deadline of our current project. If possible, I would like an extension until Monday. Please let me know if this works for if you. 

Kind Regards, 

How to Write an Email for a Job Application 

When sending an email for a job application, formality will be required. Your subject line should include “Application – JOB TITLE”. In your introduction, use a formal option like “Dear”. In your body, clearly state that your resume and cover letter are attached (don’t forget to attach them!).

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Please find attached my introductory letter and resume in application for the position of Marketing Associate as advertised on your website. You will find all the information you need in these documents, however, if you require anything further, you can reach me on my mobile or through email. 

Best Regards, 

Lorraine Lister

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview 

Getting a job interview is hard enough, so do something to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants and send a thank you letter after the interview. In the subject line, state that you are thanking the interviewer for their time and attention. In the introduction, use the opening of “Dear NAME”. In the body, thank them for their time and let them know you are available to meet again if needed. “ Kindest regards ” is a great closing to use as your salutation.

Dear Jan, 

Thanks for giving me the time to speak with you and learn more about the role available. It was a pleasure to connect with you and discuss and how I might fill the position of Marketing Associate. 

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any more information or if you would like to arrange another meeting to discuss how we can proceed. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 

Kindest Regards, 

How to Write an Email for Business Purposes 

Email is the communication language of business, so it’s important to know how to learn ace email skills to further your career. “Hi Team” or “Hi All” is an ideal opening when sending to a group of people, but for a single person, use “Hi NAME” . Clearly state the purpose of the email, the intended outcome (meeting scheduled, documents reviewed, etc.), and then communicate the timeline. When closing, use “ Thanks ” or “ Best Regards ” .

Hi Team, 

Attached you’ll find the latest sales figures from the last quarter. If you have any comments, please get in touch with me directly. 


Emma Watson

Sales Manager

ABC Company

upgrade your email experience

How to Write an Email – FAQs

Email is the number one method of digital communication in the world, and its simplicity and ease of use mean it’s still popular even though it’s pretty old. You can write an email for a number of reasons, including keeping in touch with friends or family, applying for jobs, communicating with colleagues, or even just requesting information.

Anyone with an email app and an email address can write an email, and it remains one of the most popular methods of communication thanks to its availability and ease of use.

Your email address will be made up of three of four components. These are: your name (or other handle), the @ sign, and the domain of your email provider. This is usually a .com or .net domain, however this will depend on your email service.

The subject line is usually found at the very top of your email, just below the To, CC , and BCC fields where you enter the email addresses of your contacts. Don’t forget to write a short and snappy subject line so your recipients know what your email is about.

Depending on the email app you use, you may find the attachment button at the top or bottom of the screen. It is usually indicated with a paperclip icon and a click will allow you to attach files from a computer or the cloud.

The send button may be at the top or bottom of the screen depending on the app you use. It may be a simple arrow icon, or it could be a button with the word “send”. Usually, one click is all it takes to send your message, so make sure you check it properly first.

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Home / Formal email writing examples & tips

25 formal email writing format examples & best practices

Get professional email writing formats proven to work in real life. See top formal email examples and learn professional email best practices.

formal professional email writing examples and formats

Professional email writing is a skill that comes in handy throughout your day-to-day – whether it’s communicating in the professional context, or managing your personal life. Using the right formal email writing format and best practices can get you understood, heard, and better respected.

The good news is that once you have the right examples for the right contexts, you can easily adjust the text to get your message across. Luckily, we’ve rounded up our favorite tips for creating and structuring effective formal emails, with helpful examples and templates.

Let’s dive in!

What’s in this article

Formal vs. informal email writing

  • Basic formal email structure

Thank you email

Formal letter of appreciation, letter of complaint, cover letter, reminder email, letter of apology for a client, apology letter from boss.

  • Apology mail for the manager
  • Introduction email to client (outreach)
  • Sample email for proposal submission

Proposal submission email

  • Quotation email

Email asking for feedback

Email of inquiry requesting information, email asking for a status update, sick leave mail format, letter asking for a discount from the supplier, ask for a raise, email your boss about a problem (asking for help), email to schedule a meeting.

  • Email to the client sharing the status of project
  • Email to the boss about work progress

Acceptance email

“this is to inform you that” letter, job rejection email, aesthetics of a formal email.

  • How to improve your email writing skills

Formal email writing is utilized in a B2B or B2C scenario, where you’re exchanging professional emails with colleagues, businesses, or partners. Informal email writing is the style you’d likely use when corresponding with a friend or family member, or even a quick email to a colleague.

When you’re emailing a friend, there’s less on the line if you get your words or meaning wrong. But when writing a business email there is much more at stake. A crucial mistake could hurt your reputation or wreck an incredible business opportunity.

That’s why we’ve decided to cover the best practices of formal email writing, so that you can get it right every time.

We’ll review the ins and outs of email structure, different email formats you can use, as well as short email templates that you can use in various scenarios. Keep reading to learn how to write the perfect email.

Basic formal & professional email structure

Before we get into different email templates, it’s important to know how to build an email yourself. For the most part, every email, regardless of its contents, will follow the same structure with the same basic elements. You should get to know these elements in order to ensure proper and effective email writing as a whole.

The basic elements of professional email writing:

  • Your email address
  • Subject line
  • Email opening
  • Email ending
  • Email sign-off
  • Email signature, or “footer”

Now let’s break these down, one by one:

1. Start with a professional email address

Your email address is often out of your control. If you work for a company, or operate under the umbrella of a brand, your email address will likely include the company or brand name domain.

For example, the emails in WiseStamp are all in the following format: [employee_name] This ensures that we all have a professional business email address. Since only the owner of can issue email addresses under that domain name, this ensures our emails appear legitimate.

Imagine if each employee had a random Gmail address like [name][email protected]. Anyone can create that email, which would make it suspicious. Email open rates are first and foremost dependent on trust, so make sure you have a trustworthy email address—otherwise suffer very low open rates.

If you are a freelancer professional, working separately from an established brand, consider buying a domain name for your personal brand. You can look up available domains on Google domain registrar .

2. Email subject lines

Your subject line will be the single most important element in your formal email writing. It is the first thing your recipient will see, so your goal here is to convince them that your email is a safe, relevant, and high priority (in that order). If you don’t succeed in doing that, your email may never be opened, and any effort you put into the rest of the email elements will go to waste.

Your subject line will depend on the purpose or content of your email, but overall, you want it to be something engaging enough for a recipient to click on.

Email writing subject line guidelines:

  • Be clear and specific : Avoid using generic or clickbait subject lines that say little or make unrealistic promises, like “Find out how to double your business in a week!”
  • Be original : Avoid the overused subject line templates you find on the internet. Instead, make original subject lines that are relevant, personal, and concise.
  • Add relevance : Address something that the recipient will recognize, like an acquaintance’s name or an article, show or book they appeared on.

Studies have shown that personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. You also want to tailor your email subject line to your email goal, whether it’s a sales email, a personal email, a newsletter, or something else. Think of 3-4 refined options then narrow them down to which will likely be most appropriate.

3. Email opening

The next most important way to hook a recipient into your email is by writing a strong email opening line . Like your subject line, the email opening is mostly used as another filtering stage for most people. If it fails to meet the promise made in the subject line, your readers will bail.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to state your main point in 1 to 2 paragraphs, tops. When you clearly convey your request or question, and your reader feels it’s relevant and interesting, they’ll continue reading your email. If you manage to get them to stay beyond this point, then in most cases, they’ll reply to your email. Good for you!

Email writing opening guidelines:

  • Address your recipient by their preferred name : Look up an article they’ve written or their LinkedIn page for reference. Some people will use their full name or their nickname accordingly. For example David might go by Dave, or Anastasia goes by Ana.
  • Establish a connection : In your email, reference a personal experience that involves the recipient, like an article or a news piece you’ve read about them, or a conversation you had with an acquaintance.
  • Match the opening with the subject line : Your opening message has to mirror the promise made in the subject line because this is how the reader determines whether your email is relevant or not. If you don’t connect the subject line to the opening, readers may get confused or even assume that you’re using clickbait.
  • Get to the point fast : Tell your reader why you reached out and what’s in it for them.

4. Email body

The body of your email is where you get into your main message. Whether you’re composing an email to establish a new business connection or just following up on a meeting, the body of your email should be detailed enough that the reader isn’t confused, but also brief and to the point. No one wants to sit and read a long-winded email when they have dozens of other unattended messages in their inbox.

Email body writing guidelines:

  • Be concise and detail only what’s needed to get your point across.
  • Use words that convey (authentic) positive personal emotions , like “glad,” “excited,” “intrigued,” and “confident.”
  • Use the word “because ” when asking for something. It’s been scientifically shown that people are more easily convinced to do something if told why, and even more so if the reason is important to them.
  • Show, don’t tell . If you can’t explain something in a few words, see if you can add a screenshot, a video, or a link that explains it better.
  • Use headings to split long content into sub-topics . If you can’t avoid writing a long email, make sure to break it up into subsections with headings. This will help your time-scarce readers to scan and find their points of interest.
  • Add your concrete request or question in bold text . To best ensure your readers do not miss the most important piece of content (i.e. your request or question), add it to a separate line, in bold. You can also use a different color, if that works for your brand. Just be sure to avoid light shades for a high contrast between the text and the white background. Oh, and once you pick a color—stick to it throughout your email!

5. Email ending

After you’ve addressed all your main points in the body of your email, you’ll want to add a respectful and brief conclusion. You can either invite your recipient to reach out for more questions, wish them success, or ask a question. It all depends on the motive for your email. If it was a long email it could also be a good idea to gently reiterate your main request, question, or motivation.

6. Email sign-off

When closing your email, choose a suitable email sign-off . There are different sign-offs you can use for each occasion, such as “best regards,” “sincerely,” or “with love.” Use your best judgement on which to use that best suits your email content and recipient. For example, you obviously wouldn’t want to send the last one to your manager!

A cool tip you can apply is to add a handwritten signature sign off. A handwritten signature give your recipient the feeling that you gave the email special attention and a personal touch. You can create one here .

7. Email signature / footer

Your email signature (or footer) is your wave goodbye, and the way you do it seals the impression you’ve made up to this point. Make this moment memorable, organized, and aesthetic, and you can get some extra credit and a positive attitude from your reader. A messy, disorganized signature is at best an opportunity lost, and at worst, a discredit to your image.

Consider creating a professional email signature to nail a positive lasting impression. Use the simple text email signature we all used back when email started at your discretion. Whichever you choose, be sure to include all your professional and contact information. You should also add links to your website, social media sites you are most active in, or a landing page.

Professional formal email examples: specific formats for specific goals & uses

To better understand how all the elements of an email work together in different types of emails, let’s look at some templates. These letters are suitable for a number of email scenarios, so tweak the content to make it more relevant to your needs.

See our examples of the most common email writing formats:

Apology letters samples:, sample business emails (b2b and b2c):, information inquiry letter samples:, request email samples – professional email asking for something:, work update email samples:, confirmation vs rejection email samples:.

A thank you email is usually one that you’ll send after previous communication with someone. You might want to thank them for their help on a project, for fulfilling your personal request that you previously sent, for a job interview, or even for something as simple as taking a phone call or a meeting.

When composing a thank you email, you don’t want it to be too long, so get straight to the point. Also, this type of email isn’t always necessary, and might even clutter up the inbox of someone who is very busy, so consider whether or not it will be useful for you before you click “Send” on a thank you message.

Thank you email for work done or service rendered

Thank you so much for [action they did] It was such a pleasure to work with you, and I’m look forward to the next opportunity to work together again.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional information.

Best regards, [name and job title]

Thank you email for a job interview

Dear [name of hiring manager],

I enjoyed speaking with you the other day during our interview for the [position title] at [company name]. The job appears to be an ideal match for my skills, ambitions, and interests.

The innovative approach to the corporate culture within the [job field] world confirmed my wish to work at your firm.

I will bring my engineering skills, assertiveness, and ability to engage others to work in a cooperative way within the [name of department] department.

Thank you, again, for your time, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best Regards,

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name],

I would like to formally recognize all the hard work and dedication you’ve put into completing [project/task]. Due to your consistent efforts, the project is what it is today and that led to the positive results we were hoping for. 

On behalf of [company name, board members, etc.], we would like to formally thank you for your hard work and we would like to let you know that we highly value your contribution and your continued dedication to your job.

We are very grateful to have you as a member of our team and we wish to continue to see you thrive within our organization.

Best regards,

[Name and job title]

Dear [name],

On January 30th, 2020, I made a reservation at your restaurant located at 1234 Mulberry Lane for a birthday dinner for four people. This letter is intended to bring certain issues to your attention.

Unfortunately, we did not enjoy our dinner due to the fact that the food was very slow to arrive and we received the wrong dishes. It’s understandable that it was a busy time at your restaurant, but the quality of the service was not as expected.

To resolve this problem, I would appreciate it if you could provide compensation in the form of a gift voucher or discount on a future meal. 

I’m looking forward to your reply.

With regards,

[Your name]

It used to be common to send your cover letter and CV as an attachment to your email. However, it’s becoming a lot more accepted to use the email itself as your cover letter and simply attach your CV.

When sending a cover letter email, make sure you’re using formal language, addressing the right person such as HR or the hiring manager, you use a relevant subject and opening line, and the body of your email demonstrates why you’d be a perfect fit for the job and company. Hiring managers likely receive dozens of email cover letters, be sure to make sure yours stands out and doesn’t drag on too long.

Cover letter example

Dear hiring manager [name],

I’m very interested while reading the job posting for the position of [job title]. I believe that the experience I have strongly match the responsibilities of this position. I am enthusiastic about submitting my application for the position.

My most recent position was at [company name], where I was a [job title name ]. Additionally, I recently participated in a [mention an accomplishment in your last job that is relevant]

I have attached my resume to this email. Thanks to it, I believe you will learn more about my experience, education, and achievements.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

The format of this type of email message will be different depending on whether it’s your first time reaching out to someone, or the second or third time. The main difference is that the first contact email has to include details that provide context.

When writing a reminder email or follow-up email you don’t need to provide a broad context. Instead, briefly remind your recipients of what you’ve both already agreed on, as it might have simply may been forgotten or placed low in their backlog.

This little push can go a long way in shortening your timetables and making sure you’re items are prioritized. Most people appreciate the reminder and respect you for being steadfast.

Reminder email sample

I’m sure your schedule is very busy, so this email is simply to remind you of your upcoming interview with [name] who is a candidate for [name of position].

The interview will be at [time] on [date] in [location].

Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with to prepare to interview this candidate.

Apology letters samples

From time to time we all make mistakes, and we all get something wrong. Sometimes our mistakes hurt others, cause them discomfort, or make them frustrated. In these situations, it’s usually the right call to simply apologize.

Apologizing is something that must be sincere or you risk offending the person further. It’s always the best approach to express genuine regret.

But regardless of whatever you truly feel, be very careful to only use words that express empathy for whomever it is you’re apologizing to. Do not lay any responsibility on them, and do not give excuses.

Dear [client’s name],

Please accept my deepest apologies on behalf of [company or business name] for the poor experience you had at our restaurant.

I want to thank you for bringing these issues to my attention and please know that we are making every effort to correct our mistakes so events like these don’t happen in the future.

As a token of our apology, please accept a gift card in the amount of $50.00 that can be used at our restaurant in the future.

I hope to greet you again soon at [company or business name].

Yours sincerely,

[Your name and job title]

Dear Mr./Mrs. [boss’s family name],

I’m writing to you to express my regret for my behavior on [date] in regard to [event]. I would like to apologize for my words and actions and reassure you that such an event will not happen again.

On the date in question, I got into a verbal altercation with the head waiter about the scheduling, and this led to my inexcusable behavior. I have already apologized to [name of colleague], and I wanted to assure you that I will work to improve my reactions and behavior in the future.

I’d be happy to meet with you to speak about the incident further if you have any outstanding concerns.

I am sorry again.

Apology mail for manager

Dear [manager’s name],

I owe you an apology for providing you with the wrong information on [date] regarding [event]. It was not my intention to provide inaccurate or misleading information, and I apologize for any inconvenience that this careless mistake may have caused you.

I will be sure to be more thoughtful in the future and learn from this incident.

Please do not hesitate to share any thoughts or concerns with me. I’d be glad to discuss this further and make it right. 

Business email writing samples

Introduction email to a client (sample email to approach a new client).

Dear [Sir/Madame/Name],

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and my company. My name is [name] and I am a [job title] at [company name]. Our company provides customers with cutting-edge technology for all their email signature needs.

At [company name], there are a number of services we can offer, such as [short list of services]. Our employees are also highly dedicated and are willing to help you with your every need. 

I’d love the opportunity to speak or meet with you to discuss your needs further and to tell you more about how [company name] can help you succeed. You can contact me at [phone number] with any questions you may have.

Dear [Name],

Please find enclosed to this email the proposal you requested regarding your website audit.

We hope that you will find this proposal helpful and insightful and that it meets your expectations. Of course, if you would like to make any adjustments or go in a different direction, feel free to let us know and we’d be happy to discuss with you.

Thank you for entrusting [your company name] with your website audit, and we hope to hear back from you soon.

Sending quotation email

Dear [customer name],

We’d like to thank you for sending in your inquiry on [date] regarding a quotation for auditing your website.

Based on an initial estimation, we are happy to offer you a quotation based on your requests. Please find the official pricing quote attached to this email. Note that this quotation includes [list of services], but should you want additional services, we’d be happy to discuss it further with you and provide another quotation.

Please do not hesitate to get back to us with any questions about the quotation or our services.

Hi [customer name],

We really appreciate you using our services on [date] and we’d like to get your feedback on your experience.

Please follow the link [insert link] to complete a short survey regarding your experience. This survey shouldn’t take any longer than 2 minutes and it will help us improve our products and services in the future.

We want to thank you in advance for your time and hope that you enjoyed your experience with [company name].

[Name and/or company name]

Inquiry letter samples

This email is to inquire about the website audit services you posted on your website. 

As I understand, you offer services to audit businesses’ websites and provide personalized insight into what improvements can be made. I’d like to request further information with regard to your pricing as well as the scope of the work that will be performed, including specific services that can be expected.

I look forward to receiving your response.

I wanted to check in and check on the status of the website audit project that is due on [date]. 

Please let me know where you’re at with the project and don’t hesitate to let me know if you require any assistance from my end.

Request email samples: professional email asking for something

A personal request email is usually straight to the point and involves a sender asking a recipient for something. It could be anything from connecting on a professional network, asking to set up a meeting, or even requesting a professional introduction. Following a personal request email, a recipient may decide to either accept or reject what the sender is asking for. In this type of email, it’s important to be very clear with what you’re asking for.

Hi [Name of manager/supervisor],

I am writing to request sick leave from [date range]. I will be undergoing surgery and at the recommendation of my doctor, I need to be off of work for 2 weeks in order to recover. I hope to be back at work on [date]. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Dear [name of the supplier],

Thank you for sending over your product catalog. We are very much interested in purchasing [name of the product(s)] from you and would like to get a quote for these items.

Additionally, we are hoping that this will lead to a prolonged partnership between the two of us. Therefore, we are kindly requesting that you provide us with your best possible price since we would like to use your goods on a permanent basis.

Thank you for your understanding.

Dear [Name of Manager/supervisor],

I have greatly enjoyed working for [company name] over the last 3 years. During these years, I feel that I have become a valuable member of your team and I have contributed to projects in a significant way. 

Since working here, I have accomplished: [list accomplishments].

As an employee, I think I have outperformed the goals set for me. As a result, I would like to have the opportunity to discuss increasing my salary so that it matches my current performance. Please let me know when is a good time for you to meet so that we can discuss this further.

Once again, I am grateful to be part of an organization that provides me with unique challenges and opportunities to continuously learn and grow.

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of boss],

I would like to bring to your attention the incident that occurred at [location] on [date] at [time].

I was deeply upset by the actions of [coworker/event]. I tried to speak with them, but this did not lead to any sort of resolution and now I feel as if our professional relationship at work is strained as a result.

I am turning to you for assistance with the matter and I hope that you are able to come up with a solution that neither of us has thought of yet. 

Thank you for taking the matter seriously and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks for getting in touch with us about our product. I’d be glad to set up a meeting in order to give you more information, answer your questions, and show you how it can work for your business. Does [date] at [time] work for you?

I look forward to meeting with you soon!

Work update email

Email to the client sharing the status of the project.

Dear [name of client],

We’d like to keep you updated regarding the progress we’ve made on our project. Please have a look at the tasks we’ve accomplished below and do not hesitate to get back to me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Key highlights and updates:

  • [list them]

Tasks accomplished this week:

Tasks to do next week :

Email the boss about work progress

Hi [name of boss],

I am happy to let you know that the project [name of project] that was assigned to me on [date] is now nearing completion. Due to the hard work of our team, the project is expected to be completed on time. Based on the pace of our work, I expect to have the entire project completed by [date].

The remaining elements of this project to be completed are as follows:

  • [List them 1]
  • [List them 2]
  • [List them n]

Thank you for your continued support and guidance and please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

Confirmation vs rejection email samples

You might get an email confirmation after you purchase something online, or you can also reply to a formal email confirming receipt of an email attachment, a meeting time, or a company update. A rejection email is similar in that it might reject the item that was proposed in an email, in which case you’d let the sender know.

It is my great pleasure to inform you that I will be accepting your offer for employment as [job title] with [company name]. The goals for this role that you described are in line with my personal career aspirations, and I hope to be able to learn and grow in this role.

As discussed in our previous meeting, my salary will be [salary] and I will be starting on [date].

I appreciate all the time you took to make the interviews as seamless as they were, and I look forward to working with you soon.

This is to inform you that your business proposal [title of the proposal] has unfortunately been rejected by our committee. While we did like your idea, unfortunately, the costs involved reach well beyond our budget for this quarter. 

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and encourage you to submit additional proposals if you have others that are aligned with our goals.

Best of luck,

This is to inform you that I will not be proceeding in the interview process for [job title] with [company name]. I would like to formally withdraw my candidacy.

At this time, I have accepted a position with another company, so I am no longer in search of employment. However, I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to meet with me and for being attentive to my questions about the role. 

It was a pleasure meeting with you and I wish you luck in finding the right candidate for the job.

Before you even get started on the content of your email, you want to make sure the aesthetic is appealing and not too out of the ordinary. Of course, you want to capture the attention of your recipient, but you also want to appear professional, so keep the Comic Sans font out of the equation. What sort of aesthetics should you pay attention to in a formal email? Let’s take a look.

Choice of Font

Don’t start reinventing the wheel here. It’s better to go with a safe bet instead of a creative option when selecting a font. Choose a font that’s easy to read and skim, since if you’re sending a longer email it’s possible your recipient will just skim its contents. Therefore, you want to font to be clear and the letters to be far enough apart. We suggest going with fonts like Georgia, Verdana, Arial, or Times New Roman.

You don’t want your recipient to have to squint to read your email, but your text also shouldn’t appear as if it’s yelling either. Depending on the font you go with you might need to tweak the sizing a little, but in general, font size 12 is what you should be using. You can use size 10 or 11 as well, just make sure it doesn’t look too small before sending your email.

How do I improve my email writing skills?

There are a number of ways you can make your emails shine, and you don’t need to be a professional writer to do it. In fact, there are a few small areas you can focus on to make your emails clearer and more well-received. Here are a few things you should keep in mind when composing an email:

1. Optimize your email subject lines

Your subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they receive your email. Therefore, it’s important that it’s optimized as much as possible. Keep these tips in mind when coming up with your subject line:

  • Keep it short to no more than 40 characters
  • Make it personal, use the recipient’s name if you have it
  • Use a call to action, like “let’s set up a meeting today”
  • Create a sense of urgency, such as “offer to expire soon”

2. Practice summarizing your main point for your email openings

Once you get your recipient to open your email, you don’t want to bore them right away. You have to keep things interesting, relevant, and straight to the point. That’s why it’s crucial to put your main point somewhere in the first sentence, or at least the first paragraph. 

While your opening line can be something general like “thank you for taking the time to meet with me,” the very next line should be something more powerful. Whether you ask for the results of a meeting, make a proposal, or initiate a follow-up meeting, this first sentence sets the tone of the rest of the email so the reader knows exactly what the subject is and what to expect from the rest of your message.

3. Research the correct email etiquette to use for your most common scenarios

When sending emails, especially formal or professional emails for work, it’s important to maintain email etiquette . Since many of us answer our emails on our phones while on the go, it’s tempting to reply to emails as we would a text message, but that’s not good practice.

4. Proofread for typos and grammar mistakes

Finally, always review your email before you click “Send.” Make sure your email is free of typos, punctuation errors (and that you’re not, for example, using too many exclamation points), and that your syntax is correct.

Also: don’t always rely on spell-checkers. While they’ve come a long way thanks to AI, they don’t always pickup errors where words are spelt correctly, yet used in the wrong context.

The best way to do this is to read your email out loud before sending, especially if it’s an important message to a superior or a client, as emails with grammar mistakes can potentially have a negative impact.

There are countless reasons for needing a formal email writing template. If we didn’t cover every single scenario here, we hope that you know at least have a better idea of what constitutes a good formal email. Using our tips and examples, you’ll be able to compose better emails that get you the results you want. 

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How to Write an Email (With Tips and Examples)

Sarah Oakley headshot

By Sarah Oakley

how to write an email

Table of Contents

How to write an email in 5 steps, email writing tips, mail examples, how prowritingaid can help you with writing an email.

Writing emails is a vital skill, as emailing makes up one of the biggest methods of personal and business communication. Whether you’re writing for business, to friends and family, or to a hiring manager, you’ll need to know how to write a good email.

There are several key elements to writing any email, including the email address, subject line, greeting, body of the email, and the signature. Once you understand each of the email elements and how to write them, you’ll be able to write emails to communicate effectively with others.

In this article, we’ll explore how to write an email in five steps, and we’ll provide you with some tips and examples to help with your email writing.

If you’ve not written emails before and you’ve been asked to send one, it’s hard to know where to start. There are some things to consider before you send your email, such as who you’re sending it to and what you’re emailing them about.

Luckily, email writing is simple when you follow the five steps we’ve provided below.

How to Write an Email Address

Email addresses are one of the most important parts of emailing, as it tells the email provider where to send your email, just like writing an address on an envelope when you’re sending a letter in the mail.

When entering someone’s email address, remember to check the spelling before you send any emails because you don’t want to send emails to the wrong person or have it bounce back as undeliverable.

Some people add numbers and punctuation to their email address to make it more unique. Other times, they add numbers and punctuation if their chosen simple email address is unavailable.

Once you know you’ve got the right email address, you can write it in the “To” field in your email. If you want to email anyone else about the same thing, you can add their email address to the same field, but you’ll need to leave a space or a comma between each one, depending on your email provider.

If you want to address your email to more than one person, but you only need a response from one person, type the main recipient’s email address in the “To” field, and type everyone else’s addresses in the “CC” field. CC stands for carbon copy, so it means you’re sending a copy of the email to others to make them aware of something, but they don’t need to reply.

email writing tip

What to Include in an Email Subject Line

When you receive an email in your inbox, the first thing you probably look at is the subject line, which is why it’s so important to ensure your subject line is clear and grabs your recipient’s attention.

Your email subject line should give the recipient an idea of why you’re emailing them in the most succinct way possible. Subject lines are brief, so don’t write an entire sentence. Try to pinpoint the most important detail from your email, and use that to create your subject line.

If you’re emailing a business, they might give you a reference number or phrase so their email system sends your email to the correct place. For example, if you’re writing to a company about an order you’ve placed, you can include your order number in the subject line so the recipient knows exactly which order you’re emailing about.

A good subject line can help you get a better response because the person opening your email knows what to expect, what the email is about, and could already know how to respond to you.

How to Structure an Email

Emails are simple ways to communicate, so your structure should get across the information you need to say in a clear, cohesive way. You can structure your email like writing the body of a letter.

email structure

Start with an email greeting, such as “Hi,” “Dear [name],” or “Hello [name].” The greeting you pick can be based on the formality of your relationship with the recipient and what you’re emailing them about. For example, if you’re writing from a business to a customer, use a formal greeting to sound professional.

If you’re writing to someone first and you’ve not emailed them before, or it’s been a long time since you last emailed them, you can use your opening line to say you hope they are well. Alternatively, your opening line can get straight to the point of your email and let them know why you’re writing to them.

Write a separate paragraph for each point in your email, starting with the main reason for emailing, and follow with any additional pieces of information and action steps. Make sure each paragraph is complete before moving on to the next point.

Emails don’t need to be long, so don’t add unnecessary information just to bulk out your email. Most people skim emails, so try to keep it short, and use keywords to draw attention to specific details you want your recipient to focus on.

Finish your email with an action phrase that prompts your recipient to do something, even if it’s having a nice day. An action phrase is perfect for marketing emails , as it reminds your customers to buy your product. If you’re writing to a hiring manager, your action phrase can prompt them to respond to your application.

How to Sign Off an Email

Your email sign-off, or signature, is how you end your email before you send it. There are several options you can use to sign off your email. Similar to picking a greeting, pick a sign-off that reflects the formality and tone of the rest of your email.

Here’s a list of ways to sign off a professional email:

Best wishes

Kind regards

Yours faithfully

Yours sincerely

Thank you for your time

Many thanks

Warmest regards

Here’s a list of ways to sign off an informal email:

[Your name]

All the best

Take it easy

how to write email sign offs

If you are emailing from a business and you want to appear professional in all your emails, but you don’t want to type out your sign-off every single time, you can create an automatic email signature. Most email providers will allow you to create and save a prewritten signature with an option for it to be added to all new emails and replies.

You can add your sign-off phrase to your signature, or you can simply add your name. If you’re writing from a business, you can also add details such as your job title, the company logo, and any other company information you think is important. Using an automatic signature will save you a lot of time as you’re writing each email.

What is Email Etiquette?

Email etiquette is how you conduct yourself in your emails, which affects how your recipient interprets your email. While you don’t have to use email etiquette for your personal, informal emails, it’s important to follow professional etiquette for business emails .

When writing professional emails, your email etiquette could be very formal and efficient, upholding the standards set by the company you work for. The standards may include avoiding slang terms, always using active voice rather than passive, and avoiding ending sentences with prepositions.

If you have a style guide your company follows when writing emails, you can use a grammar checker, like ProWritingAid, to ensure you adhere to it. The tool is also helpful to ensure you do not make any general grammatical errors in your emails, which might embarrass you and the company.

When applying for jobs, standard email etiquette is to be respectful and professional with a positive tone and optimistic voice. You don’t want to come across as pushy or too forward in your email, but you want to show how eager you are to apply and for the company to accept you for the position.

Email writing can be very simple, and you’ll get better at it the more you do it. Before you get started, we have some more tips to ensure you know exactly what you’re doing when you need to write an email to someone.

Remember to consider the tone of your email and how your recipient will interpret it. Your tone should reflect the information you are sharing with the recipient. For example, you can use a light, friendly tone to give someone good news, and a formal, respectful tone to give someone bad news.

Emails aren’t always the best way to communicate with someone, so it’s best to email only if you think it isn’t worth calling or sending a letter instead.

Emails are a great way to save time instead of having a meeting about something. Try to summarize everything you would have said in a meeting, and send it to all who need the update.

Use a professional email address that’s also easy to remember if you use it for business or job applications. An embarrassing email address might make a hiring manager question whether you would be professional in the position you’re applying for.

If you’re attaching files to your email, remember to check your attachment before you send it. Some email systems have automatic prompts to check you’ve attached your file if you use certain phrases. It’s best not to rely on your email system flagging a missing attachment though, as you don’t want to risk the embarrassment.

Most email systems have an “undo send” button, which is your friend if you notice you’ve made a mistake. Pressing “undo send” will catch the email before the system sends it so you can make your changes before clicking send again. You usually only have a few seconds to click “undo send,” so remember to be quick if you need to click on it.

It’s common to accidentally send a half-written email, so don’t worry about it if that happens. Just quickly send a follow-up email to explain what happened, apologize, and finish what you were saying.

email writing tips

Here are two examples of emails to inspire your own email writing.

Formal email:

Dear Mr. Jones,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am reaching out to you because I would like to arrange a meeting to discuss our quarterly figures and the potential for growth in the sales of your products.

My team has identified some key actions that we feel will cause some significant improvement in sales.

Please let me know when you are available to meet.

Best wishes,

Informal email to a friend:

Just wanna check you have the files from that photoshoot we did last weekend. Could you send them over to me when you get a minute?

email essay example

ProWritingAid makes great writing easy

Easily improve your emails, reports, content, cover letters, and more.

A well-written email can ensure your recipient stays focused on what you’re saying and follows through with any actions you’ve requested they take. You can check your email for grammatical errors and readability issues by using ProWritingAid to ensure you don’t send a poorly written email.

You can use one of the ProWritingAid browser extensions to edit your emails, as the extensions integrate with most email websites. If you use any email apps, such as Outlook, to write your emails, you can try ProWritingAid Everywhere to see Realtime improvement suggestions as you’re writing.

When using the Realtime checker in ProWritingAid, you can select “Email (General)” or “Email (Sales)” from the document type drop-down menu in the sidebar. Selecting the right document type will mean your goals and suggestions will apply to email writing.

There are some specific goals for email writing to pay attention to, such as positivity, business jargon, style guide compliance, and spam phrases. Monitor the scores you’re achieving for email-specific goals to ensure your email sounds professional and understandable.

Once you’ve mastered the art of email writing, you’ll be able to communicate confidently with people via email in both professional and personal contexts.

Sarah Oakley

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email essay example

Quick Tips to Write a Great Email & Essay in English  

email essay example

Writing a great essay and a perfect email can be a challenge, especially in a foreign language. You have to think about many things such as the tone, formality, and organization. Not to mention check over all those little errors you may have made.

In this article, you will learn some tips to write a great essay and email to use in your day-to-day life or in any of your English exams.

Writing a Great Email

Adapted from

1. Think about who you’re writing to

Maybe it’s a friend, someone you don’t know well, or a complete stranger.

Knowing your target audience will help you decide if you need to use a formal, neutral, or informal register.

As a general rule, only write an informal email when you know the reader well, such as a friend or classmate.

Formal emails are much more appropriate in a business setting. You might send a formal email to a public official, customer service, or a company you’re working with.

If you’re unsure, it’s always better to write a formal or neutral email.

2. Think about why you’re writing

Thinking about the purpose of your email can also help decide on the correct level of formality. If you’re planning a day out with friends, keep it friendly and lighthearted.

If you’re requesting information from a company, you should sound professional and polite.

Keep in mind that the reasons for writing should be reflected in the tone.

3. Keep it organized

English works well with short, simple sentences. It’s also a good idea to break your email into paragraphs. And if it’s really complex, don’t be afraid to use bullet points.

The six-step structure of a great email

A good email always follows the following six-step structure:

1. Subject line

Keep it meaningful and concise so people don’t hit the delete button before they’ve even opened it. Think about one clear sentence that conveys the main idea of your email.

Some good examples include:

  • Introducing our new school magazine.
  • End-of-year assessment!
  • Meeting arranged for Tuesday.
  • Proposal for TESOL Conference.

2. Greeting

Greetings are important in any email. Some people believe the word ‘Dear’ should only be used in a handwritten letter. However, it is perfectly acceptable to use it in an email as well. Especially if your email is very formal, like for a job application or an email of complaint. When you write to a friend you can use “Hi” or “Hello”

We normally use a comma after the opening phrase, and then begin a new line after the person we’re writing to. Take a look at these different ways to begin your email:

Often after the greeting we write an opening line. This is normally a polite gesture to establish a good relationship with the reader. It could be to wish someone well, introduce who you are, or state why you’re writing.

Here are some examples:

How are you?I hope you are well.
How are things going in London?This is Tim from ……
I am writing to tell you …

4. Main body

If your email is a quick internal email to a colleague it should be quite brief.

However, if you’re writing for an exam, the acronym RED is recommended; ( R easons,  E xamples,  D etails) to help bulk out your answers.

The main body of your email should also have a clear and specific purpose. This could be anything from suggesting a birthday present for a friend or giving feedback on an event you attended.

Here’s some useful language you could use:

Guess what!I’m pleased to tell you that…
Can you tell me…?I’m writing to ask you about…
Thanks for your help!Many thanks for your help.
Brilliant! I can’t wait!I was so happy to receive your news …
Why don’t we …?Have you considered … ?
Have you considered …?My suggestion would be to …
Sorry!Please accept my apologies.

Before signing off at the end of your email, it’s a good idea to finish with a closing statement. In a formal email, this might be requesting some form of action. In an informal email, it might be just to send some good wishes.

I can’t wait to see you!Hope to hear from you soon.
I look forward to meeting you.
Thank you in advance.

6. Signing-off

Saying goodbye is the last thing you do at the end of an email, so you want to get it right. It should reflect your professionalism, and mimic how close you are to the recipient.

Again, you must use a comma after the closing phrase and capitalize the first letter.

These are some of the most common ways to end an email.

Take care!All the best,
Cheers,Best wishes,
Lots of love,Kind regards,

4. Proofread

Once you’ve written your email, it’s time to check it and make sure it really is perfect. Give it a quick review, and look for any typos, spelling, or grammatical errors.

This is especially important if English is not your first language.

Last but not least: Practise. Any kind of writing skill comes with trying and trying again.

Writing a Great Essay

  • Leave a space in the first line only and at the beginning of each paragraph.
  • Write short sentences to avoid mistakes.
  • Write correct sentences in terms of sentence order and tense.
  • Write the subject in the present simple tense if it is a general topic and the simple past tense if it is a story or a journey.
  • Use interrogative words (Wh) to help in deducing ideas and writing quick sentences.
  • Write ideas on the side, and when an idea comes to you, write it down immediately.
  • Use punctuation marks well; capital letters, the stop sign, commas, question marks, and exclamation marks.
  • Start the topic with a main sentence indicating that you will write on a specific topic.
  • The opening has a positive effect on the reader, so try not to make mistakes.
  • If you are not sure about writing a certain word, search for another because spelling errors have a bad effect.
  • Be careful not to use incorrect tenses because they have the same bad impression.
  • Use the active voice and avoid the unknown for ease of the sentence.

You can use the following links and phrases to give more ideas:

  • We all agree that ……..
  • First of all, I believe that ………
  • On the other hand, ………
  • On the contrary, …….
  • Moreover, ……..
  • Above all ………….. / Important still, ………..
  • In summary, ……
  • We should do our best to realize ……
  • We look forward to a better future.
  • We are indebted much to modern inventions.
  • …………plays an important role in our life.
  • Finally, we have to admit that ………
  • To sum up, one can say that ……
  • For the prosperity of our country, we must…….
  • We must stand hand in hand against…….
  • The government has taken practical steps …..
  • Illiteracy leads to unemployment and crime …
  • To sum up, (To summarize,) (In brief,) (In short,) ……….
  • Last but not least, ………..
  • Finally, we can say that ……..
  • From what I have mentioned in the above lines, it’s obvious that …………

Simple Guide To Writing A Basic Essay – Part 1

Simple Guide To Writing A Basic Essay – Part 2

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How to Write an Email in English: Our 18 Favorite Tips

Emails have been hugely important to the internet for decades, as most people read and send emails almost every day.

That’s why being able to write a strong, clear email in English is a really important skill—on top of the fact that it can help you get a job , make friends, get into a university and much more.

If it’s your first time writing an email in English, check out this guide for beginners , but if not, continue reading this post for useful tips about email writing and email culture (dos and don’ts).

You’ll get comfortable with the format of email writing in English and you’ll see full samples of different types of emails written in English.

Our Favorite English Email Tips

1. be sure an email is necessary, 2. use separate business and personal email addresses, 3. be clear, brief and polite, 4. don’t write emails when you’re angry, 5. use short sentences, 6. avoid forwarding emails and replying to all, 7. use a spell checker, 8. watch out for signatures, 9. have a native speaker proofread your email, if possible, 10. read your email personally before sending it, 11. double-check email addresses for all recipients, 12. use the subject line, 13. start with an appropriate greeting, 14. pay attention to punctuation, 15. consider where to put “small talk”, 16. start with the end in mind, 17. put spaces between paragraphs, 18. use an appropriate closing, english email examples, how to introduce yourself in an email, how to request an appointment or meeting, how to write a formal email, and one more thing....

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Like most of the email writing tips in this section, this may seem obvious. But sometimes we forget obvious things.

So ask yourself, “Is there a better or faster way to take care of this situation?” Many people get dozens or even hundreds of emails a day, so be sure that email is the fastest, clearest and most efficient way to communicate in your situation .

For example, if you’re writing to a coworker or a friend that you often see, you can probably just talk to him or her in person. Or you could also send a text message or call on the phone.

If you’ve decided that an email is the best option, then check the following tips before you click “Send.”

This may not apply to everyone, but if you can do it, it can help you in many ways.

Many jobs automatically give you an email address that you have to use. If that’s the case, then the problem is solved. Use the business email address for work and your personal email address for personal emails.

If you have a business email address, it can make an email look more professional. That’s good if you’re writing a formal email, but it might not be as nice if you’re writing to a friend. So that’s why having two can be useful.

Also, if you have separate accounts, it can help you balance your personal and professional life.

Again, many people receive so many emails each day. If your email is confusing, angry or really long, the recipient may not respond right away. Eventually they may forget to answer or even just delete it.

So be sure to get to the point quickly, but not in a rude way.

Treat an email similarly to an essay , only much shorter, and you will probably have good results. In an essay, you have to introduce the topic, explain the different points and then conclude the topic.

Honestly, this is something I have difficulty doing myself. I’m not (usually) rude in email, but I do have problems with the “brief” part. So when I’m done writing an email, I check it and try to eliminate about 20% of the content, since it was probably unnecessary.

It can be very tempting to write a mean email when you’re frustrated or angry at something. But it’s not worth it.

If you’re angry, wait until you’ve calmed down before writing your email. It’s better to wait a day than to lose a job or destroy a friendship because you said something stupid when you were angry.

Like #3, this is a problem that I have myself. I like to write long, complicated sentences, but often those are very confusing for the reader. That’s especially true if the reader is not a native English speaker.

I teach English in Costa Rica, and in Spanish it seems to be more common to have really long sentences with many commas. That’s very confusing, especially if you translate those ideas into English.

So here’s a tip: Write short sentences. It’s not bad style in English if you write short, clear sentences. Some authors, like Ernest Hemingway, are famous for doing it. (There’s even an online tool called Hemingway App that can help you write more like him!)

If you’re very comfortable writing in English, you can use long, more complicated sentences. But then again, if you’re very comfortable writing in English, then you probably don’t need these email writing tips!

The “Forward” option on email is a blessing (a good thing) and a curse (a bad thing). It can be good to quickly pass on important information to a new person. However, it can also be annoying for the recipient if it’s not used correctly. (The same thing is true about the “Reply All” option.)

If you need to forward an email, check carefully what information you’re forwarding. In some cases, it may be personal, confidential or just plain excessive (unnecessary). If so, cut those parts out.

Also, some email programs filter out emails marked with “Fwd” (forward) at the beginning of the subject line, and may even put them in the Spam filter or refuse to deliver them.

And if you click on “Reply All,” look closely at all of the recipients who will receive your email. Some people may not need to see your message. It’s frustrating to receive emails about subjects that aren’t relevant to you.

Most email programs have this option, so make sure you use it before sending the email.

Or if your email program doesn’t offer English spell checking , you can add an extension like Grammarly  to your browser and use it anytime you’re writing anything.

To get the most accurate version of Grammarly, you’ll need to make sure you have Grammarly Premium , which highlights and offers corrections for more advanced English issues.

Many people put “cool” or “funny” signatures at the bottom of emails. They often include contact information, like email addresses or phone numbers. That can be useful, but if your emails get forwarded (see #5), that information may get to people you don’t know, or even people you wouldn’t want to have that information.

Additionally, if you send multiple emails back and forth with another person, it may include your signature every time, and the email chain just gets longer and longer. So consider not including your signature in some emails.

Or if you do want an email signature, try to keep it simple, without including your personal information.

If you know any native speakers or have friends who speak English very well, you may want to ask them to review your email before you send it. That’s especially true if it’s about something important.

If you’re taking an English class, you might even be able to ask your teacher to review the email—just be sure to ask nicely and say “please”!

It might not always be possible to find a native speaker to check your email. In those cases, it’s still useful to read your email yourself. It can help your English, too.

Try to read the text of your email out loud. First of all, that will help you work on your pronunciation, which is always nice. Second, it can help you see and hear mistakes in grammar.

It also helps you understand how your email “flows.” If it’s too long or complicated to read out loud, then you should probably make it shorter and clearer.

As I mentioned before, I live in Costa Rica. People here often have the same last name as many other people. It’s basically like “Smith” or “Johnson” in the U.S., but about 10 times worse.

I’ve even had multiple students at the same time who had the exact same first and last names. And I’ve mistakenly sent emails to people who had very similar names.

So just check those email addresses twice to be safe.

After you’ve followed the general email writing tips in the previous section, you need to actually write the email. So how do you do that?

There’s a specific structure and format of email writing in English, shown in the following tips.

It’s surprising how many people don’t do this. Be specific in your subject line, as well.

For example, don’t just write “Question.” Instead, be more specific, like “Question About Schedule for Friday’s Meeting.” That way, the recipient will know immediately what your email is about, even before opening it.

It’s most polite to begin with some type of greeting. If you know the person well and it’s an informal email, you can just say “Hey [First Name].”

You can also use “Hi [First Name]” or “Hello [First Name],” to be a little less casual.

If you don’t know the name of the person (like if you’re writing to customer service), you can use “To Whom It May Concern.”

Notice that after greetings, you should generally use a comma. According to many sites like Business Writing , you should use a comma after a greeting in personal emails and letters, and use a colon after a greeting in business or formal emails/letters.

But in reality, a comma will probably always be fine if you can’t remember the rule.

Start each sentence with a capital letter. Be sure to put periods or other appropriate punctuation at the end of each sentence.

It’s a small detail, but it can really help to make a positive impression.

If you know the person you’re writing an email to, you might want to include a bit of “small talk.” That could be something like asking about the person’s family, a mutual friend or an activity that you have in common. But where and how can you include this?

Personally, I actually prefer to include this information  after  the “business” part of an email. If I’m asking for a favor, I prefer to ask first, and then to make small talk after.

Other people or cultures may prefer to have the small talk first, so you may want to adjust it if you know the reader’s personality well.

Get to know how to use small talk in English by seeing it in use through a program like FluentU .

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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As you write, focus on the purpose and the goal of your email. If you’re asking a question, that should be the main focus of your email. If you need a favor, then it should be very clear what favor you need and exactly how the reader can help you.

Imagine you are the recipient: Would you understand immediately what you needed to do in response to the email?

If you don’t do this, you’ll end up with a giant block of text. Just hit the “Return/Enter” key twice between paragraphs. It’s much easier to read and less overwhelming.

You can find some examples below, but be sure that it’s a goodbye that’s appropriate for the purpose of your email . In other words, don’t sign an email with “Love, Ryan” if you’re writing to your boss.

Similarly, don’t sign it “Sincerely, Ryan Sitzman” if you’re writing to your grandma to thank her for the birthday present she gave you. (And definitely don’t sign your emails as “Ryan Sitzman” if that’s not your name! And if it is your name, let me know. I’d like to start a Ryan Sitzmans Club!)

Here are some more closings you can use to say goodbye at the end of your email. Now, let’s put all of these tips into practice!

For this example, let’s imagine that you’re going to travel to the U.S., Canada or another English-speaking country. When you get there, you’ll stay with a host family. So the organization has matched you with a family and you need to introduce yourselves before you meet in person.

Here’s what you might send:

Dear Smith Family,

Hello, my name is John. I received a confirmation letter from the exchange organization today. It said I’ll be staying with you for two months later this year. I wanted to introduce myself so you can know a bit more about me.

I’m 18 years old. I like listening to rock music, playing basketball and reading comic books. I will graduate from high school later this year, and I hope to go to college next year. I’ve never traveled outside of my country, so meeting you and visiting your country will be an exciting, new experience for me! 

I’d also like to know more about you, so if you have a chance, please write back at this email address. If you have any questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them.

Thanks again for agreeing to host me—I’m very excited to meet you in person!

Dear Professor Smith,

I really enjoyed your Introduction to Writing Course, and I was interested in continuing by taking the Advanced Writing Course next semester. I’d like to meet with you to ask a few questions about the course, and also to get more information about the scholarship for international students.

Would it be possible to meet with you at your office sometime next week? I’m available during your regular office hours on Monday and Wednesday (2-5 p.m.), but if you’re busy on those days, I could also meet any time on Tuesday or on Friday afternoon. Please let me know what day and time would work best for you.

Thanks very much for your time and help!

John Johnson

I have to write emails like this pretty often, unfortunately. I say “unfortunately” because it’s frustrating to have a problem with a product. Dealing with a company’s customer service representatives can be difficult at times. But a clear, polite email should help you resolve your problems faster.

To Whom It May Concern,

I recently bought a toaster from your company, but unfortunately it appears that the heating element isn’t working correctly.

For reference, the model number is TOS-577, and I bought it on May 1, 2016 at the Toaster Emporium in New York City. I returned the toaster to the store, but they said I should contact you because the model had been an “open-box” discontinued model. Because of that, they weren’t able to offer a refund or exchange.

I can understand the Toaster Emporium’s position, but the toaster shouldn’t have broken so soon. It is still covered under your company’s one-year warranty, so I would like to exchange the toaster for a working model. If that isn’t possible I would like to receive a refund. Please let me know what steps I need to take for this to happen.

Thanks very much for your help with this situation.

Sincerely, John Johnson

So, there you have it! If you keep these tips in mind while writing emails in English, you can become an email expert.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


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For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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How to write a formal and informal email + 6 templates.

Learn how to write professional formal and friendly informal emails with these helpful tips and six free email templates.

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An economist by degree, a marketing manager at heart. Seeing my website on the first page of Google is what excites me most. I write mostly about email productivity, email management and AI.

Since its inception in the '90s, email has evolved into our go-to communication channel. Nearly 300 billion emails are sent every day, Even with the widespread use of WhatsApp and text, the number is only growing.

A lot of these emails are informal - a quick message to your mate, a swift request to a colleague. But it's also essential to be able to write a formal email that comes across as professional. So how do you do that? We'll show you.

When should you write a formal email?

How you write your formal email is largely determined by the purpose of the message. Who are you sending it to? Why are you sending it?

There are plenty of instances when you might need a more formal email - for example, when applying to or resigning from a job, when sending a complaint to a company, or when speaking to your boss. Using a formal style in an email is sometimes needed.

email essay example

Designed for business owners and freelancers using Outlook, Gmail and Apple Mail.

What is the difference between a formal and an informal email?

The core difference between formal and informal emails lies in their target audience.

The former is better suited for addressing someone you don't know very well, such as colleagues, clients or professors. This is applicable even if you haven't had any prior communication with the recipient.

On the other hand, informal emails are normally addressed to a close friend or family member. Naturally, this form of writing is more laid-back and has fewer restrictions, both in terms of style and format.

Formal vs informal email writing

Formal vs informal email writing

Speaking of writing style and format, the two email varieties can be drawn apart in terms of key structural and linguistic components.

The language used when writing formal emails is generally more rigid and polished, using complete sentences with proper grammar and a well-defined structure.

At the other end of the spectrum, informal emails provide an open field for creative writing and freedom of expression. You can shorten words by using contractions and slang expressions, and use less formal sentence structures.

7 parts of a formal email

One of the key aspects of writing a formal email is knowing how to start a formal email. Ironically, the rigid structure of a formal email is exactly what makes it so easy to compose.

Even if you're new to the world of effective email correspondence and are wondering how to write a formal email, all you have to do is keep an eye out for the following sections, according to the NMU writing center :

In regular letter correspondence, this would be the part that contains the sender's address and the relevant date. A digital equivalent would be the sender's email address and the date and time the message was sent.

Recipient's address

This section contains the recipient's address, either their physical location or email address. Either way, you should be careful with spelling and double-check the accuracy of the address.

The standard formal email opening line is normally a polite greeting with Dear Mr. or Ms/Mrs. and followed by the recipient's last name.

formal email opening line

Source: Tidio

If you don't exactly know who you're writing to, you can opt for Dear Sir or Madam, which is a catch-all phrase that works in most situations. Make sure to always end the salutation with a comma. This is another crucial aspect of how to start a formal email.

While "Dear Mr." or "Ms/Mrs." is formal, there are other suitable greetings.

Alternatives :

  • "Hello [Recipient's Name],"
  • "Hi [Recipient's Name],"
  • "Good Morning [Recipient's Name],"
  • Avoid informal greetings like "Hey" and refrain from shortening the recipient's name unless you know they prefer it.
  • If the recipient's name is unknown, try to find it through research. Use "To whom it may concern," only as a last resort.

Main message

The main body of your email is the vessel for the core message you want to send. You should use block letter formats, with single-spaced lines and short paragraphs.

Writing in this way means your email is organized and well structured, making the content skimmable and more user-friendly.

Complimentary closer

This is a short and polite closing statement that precedes the signature. In most cases, it's a stock phrase that sums up the purpose of the email, such as 'Thank you for your consideration' or 'I look forward to hearing from you'.

Commonly referred to as the email signature at the end of your email message, this section contains all the relevant information on your part, including your full name, job title, contact channels, and any other information your recipient might find useful.

You can use both 'Yours sincerely' and 'Yours faithfully' to wrap up the conversation depending on whether you know your recipient's name or not. Use the former when you know your recipient's name and the latter is used when you don't.

Finally, don't forget to include any attachments relevant to your recipient. If you do attach a document, make sure to mention that you've done so.

Formal email subject lines

Since this is the hook of your email, the subject line has to be catchy, informative, and to the point. The average open rate of emails nowadays is a dismal 15-25%, so you definitely need to get people's attention from the start.

If you're uncertain how to write a formal email subject line , you can always use some of the tried-and-true techniques that are applicable in a number of situations:

Be direct, clear, and specific

In a world full of spammy emails and marketing messages, being upfront about what exactly you're trying to communicate to the recipient will save both parties time. Establish the purpose of your email right away and, if necessary, provide additional context in the body of your message.

Give it a personal touch

Customizing the subject line of your email will immediately set it apart from other emails and show that you're taking extra care in crafting your message.

Even if it's something you're sending to multiple people, a few personalized elements like the recipient's name, company name or specific things you've discussed previously can go a long way in fostering a blooming relationship.


  • Recipient Relevance : Tailor the subject line to the recipient's position or interests.
  • Clarity : Ensure that the subject line accurately represents the email's content.
  • "Discussion Regarding Project Milestones"
  • "Invitation to Quarterly Review Meeting"

Some examples of formal emails

If you want some examples of how to write a formal email, then you can always use some of the following examples:

Email to a potential employer

Subject: Job Application for [Position Name] Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Name] role that was advertised on your website. I believe that my qualifications and experience make me a strong candidate for this position. In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I have gained experience in [Specific Skill or Experience Relevant to the Position]. I am confident that my skills, combined with my passion for [Industry or Field], would make me a valuable asset to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Email to a business partner

Subject: Follow-up on Meeting with [Business Partner's Name] Dear [Business Partner's Name], I wanted to follow up with you regarding our meeting last week. Thank you for taking the time to discuss [Topic of Discussion] with me. As we discussed, I am interested in exploring potential collaboration opportunities between our companies. I believe that by working together, we can achieve [Shared Goal or Benefit]. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can do to help move this conversation forward. Thank you again for your time and consideration. Best regards, [Your Name]

Email to a professor

Subject: Request for Meeting with [Professor's Name] Dear [Professor's Name], I am a student in your [Course Name] class and I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss [Topic of Discussion]. I am available [Days and Times You Are Available]. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further and hear your insights on the subject. Please let me know if this works for you. Thank you for your time. Best regards, [Your Name]

Formal email opening lines

Once you've successfully caught their attention, your next obstacle to tackle is the way you start the conversation .

This is where your relationship with the person comes into play. For instance, if you're sending a message to someone you know, chances are they're not expecting you to be too formal. You can use some of the following phrases to help you out:

  • I hope you are doing well.
  • Good morning/afternoon.
  • I hope this email finds you well.
  • Thanks for the quick response.
  • Thanks for reaching out.

Of course, if you want to follow up on something, you should do it in an equally polite and professional manner. This is where the following phrases can come in handy:

  • I wanted to follow up on my previous email .
  • As we discussed on our previous call...
  • To follow up on our meeting earlier...
  • Can you provide me with an update on...

This is the ice-breaker that lets you transition to your main point and maintain a solid relationship with your recipient. This is what defines the tone of the general conversation, so be careful about how you approach the opener.

End with a formal signature

Your email signature is just as important as the way you introduce the topic. This is particularly true if you're writing to a new client because you have to include your contact information in a professional manner.

End with a Formal Signature

To do this, you should include your full name, your job title, clickable links to associated social media platforms, and any other promotional material you want to include.

Make sure you don't turn this into an advertisement though, as this can be off-putting.

Set the right tone in your email

Strive for a courteous and respectful tone while maintaining clarity and professionalism in your communication. For instance, instead of using phrases like "I need this done by...," consider saying "I kindly request the completion of this task by...".

  • Ensure your tone matches the nature of your message and the recipient's status.
  • The salutation and sign-off are key areas where the tone is established and should align with the email's overall tone.

Formal email greetings

The email openings you use at the beginning of your messages also set the tone for the conversation. The classic 'Dear Mr.' or 'Dear Mrs.' are safe bets, but you can also go with a more personal approach like 'Good morning/afternoon'.

For an impersonal message to someone whose name you don't know, you can always use 'Dear Sir/Madam'. You can also use 'To whom it may concern', which is a very formal approach if you don't know someone's name.

Formal email body

Depending on what your goal is and whom you're addressing, the body of your message should contain a few bullet points that detail concisely but accurately what you're trying to get across.

Stick to short sentences and double-check for grammatical errors and typos. In general, professional communication is about getting your point across in a clear and concise manner.

Guidelines :

  • Maintain proper grammar and avoid sentence fragments.
  • Have a clear purpose or ask.

Explain the reason for your email, provide the necessary details, and mention the expected action or response.

Professional email address practices

A custom email address can help you look more credible and professional. You can easily set up a custom address with your own domain name and create a unique email for different purposes.

Make sure all of your company's emails follow the same formal email format and include the same information. This will make it easier for you to track and categorize your messages.

Including symbols or numbers is generally discouraged, as this can make your address harder to remember. Stick to simple phrasing, with just your first name and last, or initials.

6 formal email templates to use

You don't necessarily have to come up with a unique message for every email you send out. It doesn't matter if you're short on time or simply don't know what to say: a formal email template can help you mitigate your communication woes.

Formal Resignation Email Template

Quitting a job isn't always easy, and the email you send when you're resigning has to be correct. It's important to ensure your message is appropriately and clearly phrased.

Formal Resignation Email Template

Source: Live Agent

While this is a difficult step to take, it can be somewhat therapeutic in terms of closing one chapter of your life and opening another. All you have to do is state your intention to part ways and set a specific date that your resignation will become effective.

Formal complaint email template

There's no easy way to express frustration on a matter that is particularly sensitive to us, but sometimes it has to be done.

The goal here is to resolve the issue by describing it in a precise manner and suggesting potential steps to mitigate any damage caused.

Formal Complaint Email Template

Source: Consumer Action

Formal thank you email template

Expressing your gratitude on a specific topic is nice, but expressing those pleasantries through words can be tricky. There's a fine line between professional thanks and over-the-top sycophancy.

Formal Thank You Email Templates

Source: Respona

Welcome email templates

When you're first introduced to a new client or colleague, the first step towards building a strong business relationship is the initial correspondence. You want to be friendly and courteous but also professional.

Reference email templates

When you're tasked with recommending a specific individual for a certain role, you have to be mindful of the tone you use and the way you're phrasing your sentences. Your views should be objective and not emotionally driven, no matter how close you may be to the person in question.

Job inquiry email templates

When you're on the receiving end of a job offer, it makes sense to ask questions about the position and what it could entail for your professional development.

To help you navigate all the rules and formats for a job inquiry email, Mailbutler has a template creator tool that automates the bulk of the message for you.

You just need to add the specifics, like the subject line and relevant names, but the main body of the email will be served to you on a silver platter. This makes sending numerous emails in one go much easier and quicker.

Ending an email

If you're unsure how to end an email , it's important to take the context of the message into consideration. What might be appropriate for a close colleague or friend might not work in a professional setting, particularly with someone you don't know well. 

Here’s a list of some common email sign-offs:

  • Sincerely - A formal and classic way to end an email. It's appropriate for most situations, especially in a business context.
  • Best regards - This is another excellent and polite way to end an email, and is also commonly used in business correspondence.
  • Thank you - If you're showing your gratitude for something, ending an email with "Thank you" is a great way to leave a positive impression.
  • Best wishes - This is a warm and friendly way to end informal emails.
  • Looking forward to hearing from you - This is an effective way to end an email if you're expecting a response for your recipient or want to encourage further communication.
  • Take care - A friendly manner to sign off personal and informal emails.

Email etiquette to use

Even if your formal email is polished to perfection, with pristine grammar and spelling, there are some email etiquette rules to follow to ensure your message remains professional.

First, you need to avoid using all caps or exclamation points as these are normally seen as informal email elements.

Regardless of how excited you may be to take on a new project at your course or become part of a new team, keep your enthusiasm in check. Of course, this doesn't mean you should put all your emotions to the side, but you should be careful about how you express them.

Next, make sure you don't overuse bold, underlined, or italics fonts as this can cause the copy to seem cluttered.

While the main purpose of these features is to put an emphasis on certain parts of the message, they become redundant when there's a bold, italicized, or underlined word in every sentence.

email etiquette to use

Source: GCF Global

Finally, being funny or witty in a formal email can be tricky. Humor is subjective, so what you find funny might not strike a chord with someone else. In fact, some people take offense to sarcastic remarks in a formal context, so it’s best to avoid them altogether.

If you really want to make a joke every now and then, make sure to consider all aspects and implications of what you say to avoid unpleasant scenarios.

Formal reminder email with Mailbutler

When there's an avalanche of messages to go through in our inboxes, it's all too easy to become overwhelmed or anxious about the amount of data we need to sift through.

Many of us are too stressed to open all our new emails at once, so we let them simmer in the inbox for a while longer - until we completely forget to come back to it, and it gets lost in the pile.

Luckily, Mailbutler's follow up reminder feature helps you stay in control of incoming messages. You can send reminders to your contacts right before a certain event or due date, as well as encourage them to respond to time-sensitive emails.

You also have the option to automatically set up tasks in their calendar once the email has been sent, so you won't have to stress out about whether or not they'll deliver on their promises.

Most important, you can use the Mailbutler Snooze feature to hide messages from your inbox for a certain period of time. These emails are held in a dedicated Snoozed folder, and after the time elapses (which you can set manually if you like), they will return as unread emails to your inbox. Snooze is great for removing the stress from email communications and allowing you to block out specific periods of time during your day to work on your emails.

How can Mailbutler's Smart Assistant help in composing formal and informal emails?

The Mailbutler's Smart Assistant is an AI email writing tool designed to streamline your email composition process. Whether you're crafting a formal business proposal or an informal note to a colleague, the Smart Assistant is equipped to help.

Unique in its capability, it can draft contextually appropriate, grammatically correct, and well-structured emails based on just a few keyword inputs from you. This intuitive feature is designed to overcome writer's block, enabling you to send emails faster and more efficiently. The Smart Assistant ensures your message is effectively communicated and professionally presented.

Formal and informal emails FAQs

How do you start a formal email.

Make sure to include a formal greeting, based on how well you know the person you're writing to. You should also state the purpose of your email upfront, and avoid unnecessary fluff or filler words.

How do you start a formal email paragraph?

Depending on your previous correspondence with the recipient, you can opt for a simple 'I hope this email finds you well' or 'I hope you are having a good week'. If you want to get more specific, focus on the core message you want to convey and use it as your starting point.

How do you write a professional email?

The main goal is to use a professional yet courteous tone since you're emailing someone you're not that close with. Avoid using contractions or slang phrases as this can come off as too informal - stick to short sentences and compact paragraphs.

What is informal email?

An informal email is a message you send to friends, peers, or close family members. It's often referred to as a personal email because you're getting in touch with people you talk to on a regular basis. Informal emails are characterized by a simple writing style and informal tone.

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Jan 18, 2022

How to write emails in English with examples

Want to learn how to write emails in English? Email English can be tricky, but our English email examples and guide on format, etiquette, phrases, greeting and closings will help you in writing emails in English and improve your email writing skills in English.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Writing emails in English isn't easy especially for non-native English speakers, but it is an essential skill that can benefit you both personally and professionally.

So, how to write emails in English? First of all, you need to learn many rules and conventions of email English. You must familiarize yourself with the English email format including English email greetings and closing phrases.

When you know how to start and end an email in English, you must have the common email phrases English in your back pocket and understand the English email etiquette in order to always come off as polite and professional.

To help you improve your email writing skills in English further we will provide you with English email examples covering how to write formal, professional, and informal email in English language.

This in-depth guide on email writing will be topped off by an example how Flowrite's AI writing tool can assist you to deliver your message effectively with grammatically correct, perfect English, like this:

How to write emails in English

To get your started we will unbundle the English email format covering email greetings , body, email closing phrases and signature.

English email format

English language emails are what  academics  describe as a "highly prescriptive form of written communication." Simply put, there are strong and established rules dictating the format of English language emails.

Most of these rules emerged in the Victorian age, so it's no surprise that the English language email format closely follows that of a formal letter. Typically an English language email has five elements:

  • Subject Line
  • Formal or informal greeting
  • Closing phrase

This article walks you through each part and provides examples of email structures that illustrate our points. By the end, you should understand how to format emails in English. 

Why should I format my emails?

From the outside, the English email letter format may seem strange. Still, once you understand the rules, it makes creating effective emails simpler and quicker for everyone, as this  study into letter-writing found .

But why bother formatting emails in English? Here are five reasons:

  • It's professional:  The rules and conventions of formal email English are accepted professional practice. While you're free to write however you want, your choice of email style, tone of voice, and format convey a message to the recipient.
  • It's more effective:  Every email should have a purpose, in most cases, to elicit an action. Using the established English-language format provides a simple and clear structure to convey your message that's likely to get the response or the result you want.
  • It reduces stress and anxiety:  "If a user can understand a letter, they're less likely to get in touch to ask questions via another channel and more likely to do the thing the letter is asking them to do," says the  UK Government . Clearly stating what you want and why means the reader doesn't need to fill gaps or make assumptions.
  • It's easier:  Understanding how to format English language emails makes writing them more manageable. There's no stress worrying about how to address someone or sign-off; it's already decided for you. It leaves you time to focus on the core of your message.
  • It's quicker:  Once you understand the fundamental building blocks of a formal email, writing them is easy and quick. This could save you hours if you're anything like the  average worker who spends half their working day writing emails . Tools such as Flowrite can save you even more time, creating perfectly formatted, free-flowing emails that get results in seconds.

Understanding how to format an English language email provides the fundamental basis for all correspondence. But, of course, you're free to change, adapt or ignore any part of this, should the situation or circumstances demand it.

Language changes and evolves, giving you the freedom and flexibility to shape correspondence for each audience. For example, language "laws" aren't set in stone, say  academics . Instead, readers want to be able to access information quickly, which has "impacted the structure and the function of emails," researchers have said. Essentially, if there's a better way to communicate your message than sticking to the rules, then feel free to use it.

How to start an email in English

The traditional way to start an email in English is by using the word 'Dear'. In the past, you would be advised to use a title (Mr, Mrs, etc.) in the past, but things have moved on. Gendered terms such as Mr and Mrs can now cause offence, so we need to find another way of introducing ourselves to email recipients.

The different email greetings in English depend on whether you are addressing an individual you know, a person you don't know, or a collective (an organization, team, or anonymous email address, for example).

Here are some of the ways to write formal email greetings in English.

If you know a person's full name, you should use it. So, instead of "Dear Mrs. Roberts", you would write:

  • Dear Sarah Roberts

Many old formal English email writing blogs and articles suggest using "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam" if you don't know the person you're writing to. However, we disagree. This is outdated and unnecessary. If you can't find a person's full name (LinkedIn is your friend here), find another way to address them.

Here are a few examples of addressing a person who's name you don't know:

  • Dear Marketing Manager
  • Dear Team Leader

If you're addressing a group, find a way of engaging them that's suitable, such as:

  • Dear Marketing Directorate
  • Dear Complaints Team

Lots of people wonder whether you can use 'Hi' as a greeting in a formal email, and you can. If you know the person or aren't writing in a formal context or capacity, it's your choice.

The body of an email is where you explain what the message is all about. There are no hard and fast rules because each email is slightly different. Still, there is a natural flow for information in a formal English email :

  • Introduce yourself  – a name, job title, and organization are pretty much essential
  • Explain why you are emailing  – describe why are you contacting someone
  • Say what you want  – if you want something in return (a response, document, image, etc.), then ask for it
  • Next steps  – describe what happens now, providing a timeframe. If you're expecting a reply, be clear when you expect one. Never leave your reader confused

It's easier to see this on the page, so be sure to check out the examples below to see how we've used this format to create effective English-language emails.

English email closing phrases

The type of closing phrase you use in an English language email depends on whether you're writing a formal or an informal email. Let's look at both types of email closing messages below. 

How to end a formal email in English

There are only two things you need to know about finishing a formal email in English:

  • If you know the person's name, you use the ending "Yours sincerely".
  • If you don't know the person (or are writing to an organization or collective email address), you use "yours faithfully".

How to end an informal email in English

By their very nature, informal emails aren't governed by rules, so you're free to write whatever you want. Nevertheless, some familiar phrases that you may find are commonly used when ending informal email messages.

Some email sign-offs you may choose to use include:

  • Kind regards
  • Best regards
  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • Please contact me for additional help

Email signature

A professional email signature provides the essential information a reader needs to know about you, including:

  • Organization
  • Contact details

Every English email signature should include the following, but you have the freedom to add more, including:

  • Details of qualifications
  • Chosen pronouns
  • Social media links

Common English email phrases

You could write a whole book on English language email phrases, but we need to keep things brief for the purposes of this blog (and to stop you from getting bored). Here are some helpful business English phrases that you may want to include in your English language emails:

  • I am writing to tell you about
  • I'm contacting you to confirm that
  • This is just a short email to explain that
  • Just a quick reminder that
  • This email is to let you know that
  • I'm getting back in touch with you with some additional information
  • Attached is the information you requested
  • I'd welcome your thoughts on 

There are some informal email English phrases that you may read and choose to use yourself:

  • Great to catch up
  • I hope you had a great weekend
  • I hope you are well
  • I hope all is well with you
  • It's lovely to hear from you
  • I was delighted to receive your message

English email etiquette

The formal rules of English language rules dictate how an email should be structured, including greetings, the flow of information, and suitable sign-offs. Email etiquette describes the unwritten rules that help you craft and shape better messages. 

Here are 10 email etiquette rules and tips that all English email writers need to know.

  • Write a professional subject line  – Provide as much information you can about your message in the subject line
  • Keep messages short and to the point  – Sharpen your messages and remove information that isn't essential
  • Don't' try to be funny  – Jokes are acceptable among friends, but humor doesn't always travel way, so don't bother
  • Limit caps  – Limit the number of capitals you use and write in sentence case where possible
  • Avoid exclamation marks  – Exclamation marks are popular on social media but should be used sparingly in formal and informal English-language emails
  • Respect cultural differences  – When writing to anyone, be respectful of cultural differences in your messages
  • Avoid gendered terms  – It's not suitable anymore to use terms such as Mr, Mrs, and Ms, so avoid them
  • Use standards fonts  – Don't use a crazy or confusing font; stick to professional fonts for all messages
  • Always proof every message  – Check your messages before sending them (and check again to be sure!)
  • Limit attachment sizes  – Email inboxes can become cluttered, and large email attachments won't help, so don't send large files

Following email etiquette can be a challenge for us all, which is why we've created a detailed guide to some of the  unwritten rules that govern English-language emails .

Grammar rules for email writing

The English language is governed by grammar rules that can be confusing for everyone at times. While you don't need to have a fluent grasp of the English language to write effective emails, understanding the basics is essential. 

Here are 10 things you need to write better English-language emails:

  • Always use capital letters for names
  • Follow the email format outlined above
  • Start sentences with a capital letter, break up sentences with commas, and end every sentence with a full stop
  • Keep sentences short
  • Every sentence should have a subject (John), verb (reads) object (books) 
  • Use the active voice to engage the reader. Tools such as Flowrite can help you engage users directly and clearly
  • Don't use emoticons
  • Break up lists into bullet points to make information easy for readers to understand
  • Explain acronyms when you use them
  • Never use swear words

English email examples

We've provided a comprehensive guide on how to structure and write effective emails in English.  Now, let's put some of these rules into practice and illustrate them with some examples of how to write a formal email in English, a professional email in English, and an informal email in English.

How to write a formal email in English

We've covered the fundamentals of writing a formal emai l in English above; here's how it works. In this English language email example, we're requesting products from individuals and businesses we already know.

How to write a professional email in English

In business, time is money, so the perfect professional email in English is short, clear, and straight to the point. So here's an example of how to write a professional email in English. 

How to write an informal email in English

When writing an informal email, you're not as constrained by the rules and can be freer with how you communicate and correspond. So here's an example of a warm and friendly email to someone you know.

Improving your email writing skills in English  

The best way to learn how to write English language emails is to read (and write) as many emails as possible. Check out samples online, sign-up to mailing lists, or read back through your inbox to identify English email examples you like.

To improve your email writing skills in English, one great approach is to keep a list of phrases you like and want to use. Over time, you'll find this helps you understand the building blocks of perfect English emails and improves your vocabulary as well as grammar skills.

You can also build a bank of email templates that you can use to save time when writing emails in English language. This resource can help you identify successful (and unsuccessful) emails, helping you develop your own style of writing formal email English.

Lastly, we must tooth our own horn. Flowrite's blog features dozens and dozens of articles on how to write formal and professional emails in English. They cover all the aspects of daily communication needed in various jobs and can help you become more productive at work and your personal life.

However, that's not all. Our AI writing assistant can help you to communicate with confidence by turning short instruction into ready-to-send emails in perfect English. If you don't believe us, check out the example of Flowrite in action below. As you can see it can be as easy as click of a button.

We hope that this blog post has helped you to learn how to write emails in English. If you found it helpful, we suggest that you bookmark this page to refresh your memory in case you ever have doubts about grammar, etiquette, phrases or format of email English. To relief yourself from any doubts make sure to try Flowrite and start to supercharge your daily communications.

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How to Write an Academic Email

4-minute read

  • 21st October 2019

When you email a professor or tutor for the first time, you want to make a good impression. But how can you do this? Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following:

  • Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials.
  • Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about.
  • Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.
  • Use a clear, concise writing style and appropriate academic language.
  • Proofread  your email carefully before hitting send.

Check out our guide below for more on how to write an academic email.

1. When to Send an Academic Email

If you say the word “inbox” to an academic, they will shudder in horror. This is because most lecturers and tutors receive dozens of emails every day. Keeping on top of this can take a lot of time and effort.

So, before writing an email, ask yourself: Do I need to send this?

Often, you can find the information you need in other places. If you want to know about a reading assignment, for example, you should check your syllabus, course documentation, or reading list.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t ask for help. Academic staff are there to assist you. But they can do this more effectively if they have time to spare, so it’s best only to email someone when you can’t find the information elsewhere.

2. Subject Line

Every academic email should have a  clear subject line  that sets out why you’re emailing. For example, if you need to discuss a paper you’re writing, a vague subject line like “Question” or “Urgent!” may be easy to overlook.

Instead, you could write something like:

Aristotle Paper – Tutorial Request for Wednesday

This is short and simple, but the recipient will immediately understand the topic of your email, what you need, and when you need it.

3. Be Specific About Why You’re Emailing

The text of your email should be as specific as possible. To do this:

  • Set out who you are and your relationship to the recipient.
  • Explain your situation in no more than a couple sentences. For more complex requests, you’re better off setting up a meeting in person.
  • Suggest how the recipient can help you address the problem.

This will ensure the recipient knows who you are and what you need from them. The simpler you make this, the easier it will be for them to respond.

4. Be Clear, Concise and Formal

As well as being specific, you need to use an appropriate writing style. This should be clear, concise, and  formal . Be sure to:

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  • Address the recipient using their proper title (e.g.,  Dear  Prof.  Smith ).
  • Use academic language as appropriate (avoid slang and emojis).
  • Be polite in your request; don’t make demands.
  • Thank the recipient for their time at the end of the email.

It may be the recipient is happy for you to use a less formal writing style. But it’s best to stick to formal, respectful language until you get to know them.

5. Proofread Carefully

Finally, be absolutely sure you  proofread your email before sending it.

This will save you from any embarrassing typos, ensuring your email is easy for the recipient to understand.

Example Academic Email

In closing, here’s an example of an academic email:

Dear Prof. Smith,

I am a first-year student on your Ancient Greek Philosophy module, and I was hoping we could meet to discuss the upcoming Aristotle paper (due on March 3).

I am planning to write about Plato and Aristotle, and I have attended the lectures and completed the required reading, but I have questions I would like to ask before I begin writing. Will you be available to meet this Wednesday?

Early afternoon would be best for me, but I am happy to adapt my schedule if you are not available then. If we cannot meet, do you have any books or research papers about Plato and Aristotle that you can suggest?

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,

Isaac Kinsella

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How to Write Formal Emails in English

Aug 19, 2019

This article will help you to communicate better and to write formal emails in English.

Emails are among the most commonly used means of communication in the world. They’re fast, immediate, and allow you to interact with all kinds of businesses within and beyond the national boundaries. At work above all, writing formal emails in English in the right way requires certain skills, and being a professional situation, it’s essential not to commit mistakes in order to make a good impression of yourself and your company.  

In this article you’ll find:

The rules for writing formal emails in English

  • The right format to use

Examples of formal emails in English

To write an email in English in the right way, don’t improvise! Read the following advice to avoid making serious mistakes that could compromise the success of the email from the moment it is received.

The subject is the first piece of information that the recipients of an email see, and if it’s written incorrectly or unclearly, it could push the reader to delete it without even opening it! So it’s important to give a clear and precise message, right from the start, indicating the content or reason for writing in two or three words that grabs the attention of the recipient. 

Unlike many other languages which require long complex sentences in a formal written context, English is very concise and favors short sentences and a simple structure. Make sure you break up the text into two or three paragraphs – this enables the reader to quickly see the key points.

Courtesy formulas

When you write an email in English, you’re not only using another language but you’re also entering another culture with different habits. The Anglo-Saxons in general pay a lot of attention to forms of courtesy and gratitude, therefore never forget to add them.

Check the email

Never send an email in English without having re-read what you wrote. Grammatical or typing mistakes are very common even in your own language, so in English you can make errors much more easily. Double-checking what you’ve written is a simple step to take that can prevent you from appearing unprofessional and above all careless.

Be sure to have set your emails to end with all the important information about you, including:

  • name and surname
  • relative details about your company (name, address..)
  • link to the company website

The format of a formal email in English


Body of the text

Depending on the type of relationship you have with the person you’re writing to, there are different ways of starting an email, but any email should always start with a greeting. In our specific case being formal, the most appropriate options are:

  • Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (surname of the recipient, e.g. Mr Black)
  • Dear Sir/Madam (if you don’t know the name of the recipient) or more generally ‘To whom it may concern’

After the initial greeting you need an introductory sentence that indicates clearly the reason for writing and is consistent with the subject of the email. Introduce yourself briefly (long texts often discourage people from reading them), then follow on with:

  • I am writing with regard to… (email subject)
  • I am writing in connection with… (email subject)
  • I am writing in reference to…

If you’re writing an email to send information, you can start with one of the following sentences:

  • I am writing to let you know…
  • I am delighted to tell you… (if you’re communicating good news)
  • I regret to inform you that… (if you’re communicating bad news)

If instead you’re replying to an email you received, you can say:

  • I am writing in response to…
  • I am writing in reply to…
  • I am writing to thank you for… (if you need to thank the recipient) 

There are no conventional formulas for writing the body of the text because this varies according to the function of what you need to communicate. It’s useful to prepare an initial draft and then proceed with any corrections.

The general rules are that the text should be divided into short paragraphs that avoid abbreviations and acronyms, both of which you can use, on the contrary, when you write an informal email to family and friends. 

Based on the type of message you’re sending, there are various ways to write a final invitation before ending the email, such as: 

  • I look forward to hearing from you soon
  • Thank you in advance
  • For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
  • Please let me know if you have any questions
  • Thanks for your attention

The most common way to end an email are:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours faithfully (if you began the email with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ because you don’t know the name of the recipient)
  • Yours sincerely (if you began the email with ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + surname)

Let’s see how all of this works in practice. 

Example 1: Delay with the delivery of an order

Subject: Delivery delay

Dear Mr Pascal, 

We regret to inform you that we will not be able to respect the deadline previously agreed for the delivery of your order. Our supplier has warned us today that they are experiencing supply problems, which will result in a delay in our production chain. We count on your understanding and thank you for your patience. 

Please accept our apologies.

Best regards,

Example 2: Replying to a job advertisement

Subject: Web Content Editor position

Dear Sir/Madam, 

With reference to your job ad in xxx, I would like to submit my application for the position of Web Content Editor in your company. 

I graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of xxx and worked for several years in a Digital Agency as Content Specialist. I believe my skills and experience are in line with the requirements for the job position. I will be glad to introduce myself in an interview, that will allow you to better evaluate my possible recruitment. 

Please find attached a copy of my resume. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Example 3: Sending a product catalogue

Subject: New product catalogue 

Dear Ms.Chapman, 

Following your request, we have recently sent you our new catalogue. We are convinced that it will enable you to see the quality of our products. Our local agent will contact you soon to arrange a meeting on a day and time that suits you in order to discuss in detail how our products can be of benefit to your company’s needs.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours sincerely, 

If you want to improve your English and get better at writing emails, find an English course that suits your needs.

This post has been adapted from the WSE Italy blog: Come Scrivere Email In Inglese Esempi

Learning and improving your knowledge of business vocabulary is a must. Read on to find out more.

Do you want to improve your writing skills? Read on to find out our tips on how to become a better writer in English!

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How To Write a Professional Email: Format, Examples & Structure

Two hands writing on a keyboard - professional emails cover art

Email is the most important channel for professional online communication.

It is the official option for any business-related contact.

And yet, even though on average people spend over half of their workday on emails, most—

Suck at them big time.

This article will help you write emails like a pro. You’ll compose email messages that are concise, elegant, and easy to read.

We’ll cover:

  • How to write emails effectively and concisely 
  • Format and key sections of a professional message
  • Mistakes to avoid when writing emails
  • Selection of professional email examples

You’ll get tips on how to write a professional email to a business partner , customer, colleague, investor, and other stakeholders. If you are interested in becoming a real pro email ninja, check out our lead generation chatbots too.

Generate leads and build the mailing list for more business opportunities

Want to explore other email-related areas? Have a look at these articles:

  • 25 Customer Service Email Templates [+Best Practices]
  • 5 Easy Steps to Build an Email List from Scratch [for Free ]
  • How to Create a Professional Email Signature [Tips & Examples]
  • 10 Best Email Marketing Templates [Free Download]
  • How to Write Email Subject Lines to Boost Open Rates [Examples]
  • Free Email Newsletter Templates & Examples
  • 20+ Best Email Opening Sentences & Greetings [Email Starters]
  • Professional Email Header Design: 7 Best Practice Examples
  • Best Time to Send Emails: What Studies & Practice Tell Us

To write emails like a pro you need to be able to put yourself in your recipients’ position and answer the following questions: 

  • What greeting is the best?
  • What subject line would work best?
  • Who are the recipients?
  • What is the purpose of the email?
  • What is the call to action?
  • What should be its tone and style?
  • What is the main focus?
  • How should I end my professional email?
  • What is the proper format for my email?

Let’s tackle each of them, one at a time.

1. Start Your Professional Email With the Right Salutation

Always start with a salutation. The most common and universal greeting lines also happen to be the best.

The best ways to start a professional email :

  • Hello [Name],
  • Dear [Name],

If you are addressing a group you can use:

  • Hi [all/team/everyone/there],
  • Hello [all/team/everyone/there],

There is really no need to overcomplicate things. If you do want to mix things up a little, find out more about email opening lines here .

Note: Even though “Hi guys” is a very common start to a group email, the phrase may not be your best choice. Why? The word “guys” is commonly associated with the masculine gender. When used as a greeting to a group that includes other genders, it may come across as offensive to some.

I f you are writing marketing emails , the rules are slightly different. They are less formal and don’t follow regular email structures. Their designs and email templates usually call for a much shorter copy than “real” emails. You don’t need to use salutations when sending  mass email campaigns  to your clients.

2. Decide on the Best Subject Lines for Professional Email 

On average, people receive 126 emails per day . When your email reaches the recipients, it usually has to compete with much other mail in their inbox. Your subject line must convince them to open the email at all.

Keep your subject line short but descriptive and informative. They should have less than 10 words. Try to mention something that states what the email is about. It should be easy to navigate back to the email in the future.

Examples of good and poor email subject lines

Using emoticons, especially in subject lines, is sometimes frowned upon. Formal emails usually don’t have visual elements or additional icons. Also, avoid greetings in subject lines—they are unnecessary. However, adding your recipient’s name to your subject lines can help to draw attention.

If you want to check out some high-quality professional email subject lines for marketing, read: How to Write Email Subject Lines to Boost Open Rates

3. Determine Who Your Audience Is

It is not about some unique characteristic of the audience or demographic factors. The most important thing is your relationship with your recipients. Are they your customers? Your supervisors? Is it a colleague?

It is best to maintain a neutral position and be very polite and respectful all the time. The degree of familiarity with a person is critical. The safest approach is to never get ahead of yourself. Observe how the other party behaves before making your communication more relaxed.

Things to do:

  • Imagine what you would say to someone if you met in person—your writing should keep the same tone
  • If your email is a reply, you can try to mirror the tone and style of the original message (when it is appropriate)
  • Make sure to use the right honorifics and pronouns

Things to avoid:

  • Jokes or sarcasm can be misinterpreted and it is better to ditch them altogether, no matter who you write to
  • Anything that your recipients could find offensive or patronizing

Sticking to email etiquette is especially important with one-on-one correspondence. If you have an actual business relationship with the recipient, you should be careful. However, if you are writing marketing emails, targeted at a larger group of people, you can experiment. Marketing communication tends to be bolder and people don’t take it so personally.

4. Figure Out the Purpose of Your Email

If you want to write effective emails , you should decide what exactly is the desired effect. You are writing professional emails to accomplish something. If your email has no specific goal that you want to achieve, then you shouldn’t write it at all.

Once you come up with a relevant purpose, write your email. That’s right. Don’t pile the purposes and goals up. Your email should have one specific purpose, not several small ones . If you need to handle several unrelated things, write several emails.

Here is a nice example of an email with a clear purpose:

Hi Bruce,

I’m very glad that you decided to help us out.

I’ve attached the file with some images and questions.

Cheers and thanks for your help,

Jack Napier

Don’t write about your holiday plans, personal life, and exchange too many pleasantries. The more different angles and distractions your emails have, the weaker they read. If you bomb recipients with lots of info, they are sure to remember only the most unimportant part of it. It is the 3rd law of communication physics.

5. Add a Call to Action

By this point, you should know that every email should have one clear purpose. The most important part of every professional email is the call to action.

Were you to browse your inbox right now, you would discover one interesting thing. Most of the marketing emails that you receive have a thing called a CTA button. It says something like “Read more”, “Order Now”, or similar.

An email CTA button example

Obviously, these buttons are not typically found in personal or workplace correspondence. But next time you write a professional email, try to think about what the imaginary button would say . You should try to write emails that explicitly tell recipients what to do.

It is best to state your call to action twice—at the beginning and at the end of your email. 

Sometimes your recipients might still miss your call to action. If there is no response to your email messages, try to write a follow-up email .

6. Choose the Appropriate Tone and Style

By being “serious” you signal that you mean “serious” business. A somewhat formal, cold-blooded hitman gives a better impression than a jovial one. Doesn’t he? Just like closing your email with “Best regards” seems more appropriate than “XOXO” if you are a lawyer.

Table of the appropriate tones and styles for a professional email

There is a time and place for fraternizing and you’ll recognize it when you see it. Being formal is the standard in the world of business and it helps to avoid awkward situations . By default, you should try to make your professional emails:

  • Positive and optimistic but not too excited
  • Respectful and not imposing authority
  • Friendly but without being pushy or needy
  • Grammatically correct 

We live in a world where people sometimes think that you are a professional if you wear a nice suit. Think of maintaining the “business” tone in your emails in a similar way. It is only one of the factors, but a factor nonetheless.

You shouldn’t be bossy in your emails. When you want somebody to do something, it should always be posed as a question. And even if something requires urgency, you can express it in other ways than adding ten exclamation marks.

Let’s take a look at a scenario in which we meet a new teammate. We want to write a professional email.

Here are some examples of a well balanced tone:

It’s great to meet you! I hope we’ll have many opportunities to work together.

Hi! I’m glad that we have you on our team.

And some things that should be avoided:

OMG!!! It is so f****** awesome that we’ll be working together. We are going to be best friends! (Too imposing and rude)

I’ve heard a lot of good things about you—let’s see if they are true (Too challenging/showing a lack of trust)

If you are looking for some nice onboarding welcome messages for new employees, here are some good ones .

Remember about proofreading Before you click that “send” button, double-check if there aren’t any fragments that may be misinterpreted or considered rude. The same goes for typos. If you don’t even bother to proofread your emails, it communicates a lack of respect. Your emails should be error-free.

7. Make the Body of Your Email Focused and Concise

After the salutation, you can explain what made you write the email. It usually gives the right amount of context. The backstory does not have to be elaborate.

Here is an example of a perfect professional email that is short and concise:

Hi Tom,

Yesterday, I was going through our quarterly report and I noticed some irregularities.

The data from the second part of October seems to be missing. But the total revenue still seems to be correct.

We should crunch the numbers together one more time. Can we set up a call at 2 PM?


Jeff Ford
Senior Accountant XYZ Visco

Compare with:

Hi Tom,

Can we set up a call at 2 PM?


Now, Tom thinks: Who the hell is Jeff? I think that’s the guy I keep confusing with John. God, I hope it is not related to that quarterly report mess. I’ll better email Jessica and ask around.

The second version of the email is very enigmatic. Now, Tom will ask questions about the call. It will turn into another exchange of workplace emails. It’s better to be specific and provide all the necessary information at once.

As you can see the structure of the first example is very clear and there are no unnecessary parts.

Greeting phrase: Conventional

Intro: Explains what is the reason or what has given you the impulse to write 

Body: Describes what is the situation or problem

Conclusion: What happens next or what is expected of the recipient

Sign-off: Conventional

Signature: Details about the sender and contact information

In some cases, you can cut to the chase and merge the intro with the main point. The very first sentence of a professional email can be both about why you write and what you suggest to do.

Hello Mr. Bloom,

I’ve read an article about AI chatbots and I think that we should add one to our online store. It could save us some precious time. We keep answering the same customer questions every day.

Could you please check out this list of chatbot platforms and help us choose the best one?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Tom Hawks
Customer Support Specialist FXVisco

It is extremely important to divide your email into sections. People’s reading behavior is based on F-shaped patterns . It is easier for them to scan and understand the meaning if there are several shorter sections than one big one.

Even if your email has just several sentences, it is still better to break it down. When you are describing multiple issues, you should also add numbers. 

8. Use Sign-Offs and Add Your Signature

There are more ways to end a professional email than to start it.

Some of the popular sign-offs you won’t see outside of the world of correspondence. “Yours sincerely” (UK) and “Sincerely yours” (US) would be an example of conventional—if somewhat formal—closings.

You can be creative and write pretty much anything, as long as it feels like a closing line. However, you should consider sticking to the classics. Some of them have a well-proven record for increasing engagement .

How to End a Professional Email

The most popular professional email closing lines are:

  • Cheers (UK/AUS, slightly informal)
  • Best regards
  • Thanks in advance
  • Kind regards

A research study by Bloomerang revealed that the “thank you” sign-offs are the best. The emails which asked for a favor had a 38% higher response rate when the phrase “Thanks in advance” was used.

The email's response rate infographic

This trick is slightly manipulative and passive-aggressive. Some recipients find it irritating . “Thank you in advance” could be perceived as a demand in disguise, not a real expression of gratitude.

Still, saying “thank you” is a good technique to win people over. You don’t have to limit it to your sign-off lines only. Compare these two email examples from a famous study A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way :

Email Example #1

Dear [name],

I just wanted to let you know that I received your feedback on my cover letter.

I was wondering if you could help with a second cover letter I prepared and give me feedback on it. The cover letter is attached. Can you send me some comments in the next 3 days?

Email Example #2

Dear [name],

I just wanted to let you know that I received your feedback on my cover letter.

I was wondering if you could help with a second cover letter I prepared and give me feedback on it. The cover letter is attached. Can you send me some comments in the next 3 days?

Can you guess which version of the email received more responses?

The response rate for the first email was 32% while the second one had a 66% response rate . Saying “thank you” can make your professional emails twice more effective.

An infographic about email response rate

It is essential that the recipients of your emails know who you are and what business you represent. When preparing a signature, remember to include basic contact details such as:

  • Company name
  • Website URL
  • Email address

Additional information may include your phone number or company address. In some types of business communication , a LinkedIn account or social media buttons also make sense. To make your emails more authentic and ensure their security, consider using a DMARC generator or other available tools.

If you want to learn more about signatures in professional emails, read: How to Create a Professional Email Signature

9. Stick to the Proper Professional Email Format

Reading and sending emails is basically synonymous with working. Especially today, when remote work has become a necessity. However, drafting a good email still gets people in over their heads.

Everything is easier if you break it down into several manageable elements and tasks. Email writing is no exception.

A business email format

Let’s take a quick look at the structure of an email. The main elements of an email are:

  • Subject line
  • Salutation (greeting)
  • Introduction
  • Closing line (sign-off)

Each of the components needs some attention. But once you start thinking about emails as compositions, their quality will improve.

Professional Email Examples

Appreciation emails, job referral emails , promotion requests, apology letters , farewells to coworkers, and countless more. There are hundreds of different professional situations that call for an email. Let’s look at some sample emails.

Here is an example of a professional email written to a colleague.

Hello Derrick,

I received your feedback about our upcoming marketing campaigns. Thank you!

Your insights are very valuable and I appreciate your effort. It would be great if we could discuss it together with the rest of us.

Would you mind coming to our next meeting and sharing some of your thoughts with the team?

Please, let me know if you are available on Thursday at 3 PM.

Best regards,

John Samson
Chief Marketing Officer
Work Wizardry

Emails can have more than one recipient. Here is an example of an email to a group of coworkers.

Hi team,

In case you don’t already know, I am happy to announce that we have won the FLX 2020 award! However, it means that we must postpone our Design Workshops.

The awards ceremony is next Wednesday and it takes place in Hamburg. Joan and I won’t be available from 15 to 17 February.

We can move the workshops to Friday 19th or Monday 22nd.

Please, let us know if you want to take part in the workshops and choose which date suits you more.


Sam Donne
Senior Designer
GlassdomeBlue, INC.

Take a look at one more example. This time it is an email sent to a customer who would like to become an affiliate partner.


Thanks for contacting Tidio.

My name is Rafal and I manage the partnership program here at Tidio. I am delighted to hear that you like Tidio and it’s fantastic that you offer our service to your customers!

You can find most of the information about the affiliate program here:

All the best,

Partnerships Manager

Last but not least, here is a professional marketing email created from an email template.

A professional marketing email example

What to Avoid in Professional Emails

According to research by Adobe, people spend over 5 hours a day handling their email. However, in this case, practice does not make perfect. 

There are many common mistakes that email users make all the time. 

Mostly because of the interference between the personal and professional modes of writing. You may feel safe when writing to your friends. But once you need to email someone you don’t know, it becomes an ordeal.

Common professional email mistakes include:

  • Using greeting lines like “to whom it may concern”
  • Bad text formatting
  • Grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Making emails too long
  • Being too formal or too informal
  • Forgetting salutations
  • Replying to all recipients
  • Using abbreviations or emojis

All of them can be easily avoided.

The secret of writing good professional emails is not overdoing it. You don’t need to write an elaborate essay. Or imitate the tone writing of a 19th-century aristocrat. Or attach cute cat pictures. Make it short, natural, concise, and without typos. It will do.

Pro-Tip: Sometimes people prefer to write emails in text editors and then they copy and paste them to their email tool. If you are one of them, remember to use Ctrl+Shift+V. Otherwise, you may accidentally copy the formatting. Usually, it looks out of place. If you do want to make your emails visually attractive, use a real email design editor instead.

How to Write Professional Emails: Key Takeaway

Writing emails like a professional will make your communication more effective. It will save you some time and help build better business relationships. And you can make it happen by following several simple rules.

The key things that you should remember when writing emails:

  • Write subject lines that make sense even if somebody checks their inbox after several months
  • Include greetings (Dear X,) and sign-offs (Regards)
  • Explain what prompted you to write in the opening sentence
  • State the purpose of your email in the “strong” positions—at the beginning or at the end of your email
  • Show gratitude and be respectful—you reap what you sow 
  • Think about your target audience and your relationship with them
  • Focus on the most important issue and get straight to the point without digressions
  • Include a call to action in or near the closing line of your message
  • Proofread your messages to see if there are no grammar or spelling mistakes

Seems like a lot of things to remember? If you write emails to customers, you can switch to emails that are more visual. Try a professional email solution with hundreds of templates.

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Kazimierz was one of the original authors of Tidio Blog. His primary objective was to deliver high-quality content that was actionable and fun to read. His interests revolved around AI technology and chatbot development.

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How to Write a Formal Email

Last Updated: September 21, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 9,697,037 times.

Writing an email to a teacher, boss, business contact, government agency, or other recipient that requires formality can seem like a daunting task. But don't worry—once you learn proper formatting and see some helpful samples, you'll be sending your own formal emails in no time. This wikiHow article will teach you how to write clear and articulate formal email messages with perfect style, tone, and formatting.

Formatting Your Email

Step 1 Use a professional...

Step 2 Stick to a...

  • Write your email in a legible font size, such as 12 point type.
  • Avoid special styles like italics, highlighting, or multicolored fonts unless they are warranted by the content and purpose of the email.
  • Do not use all caps. These make it seem like you are shouting at the recipient.

Step 3 Use a short and accurate subject line.

  • Subjects like “Quick question,” “Contacting you,” or “Email about an important matter” are too vague or obvious to be useful.
  • “Schedule, Guest List, Lunch Requests, and Meeting Overview for March 12th,” on the other hand, is overwhelmingly long and covers several topics.
  • “Meeting RE: damaged escalator on March 12th,” however is short and to the point. It alerts your recipient to a single primary topic and a specific date.

Writing Your Message

Step 1 Use a proper salutation.

  • If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to, use a salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam,” “Dear Sir or Madam,” or “To whom it may concern.”
  • Do not use “Hello,” “Hey,” “Hi,” or other informal salutations.

Step 2 Introduce yourself in the first paragraph (if necessary).

  • For example, when writing to a potential employer, you might say: "My name is Earl Rivers. I'm contacting you to apply for the administrative assistant position listed on"

Step 3 Prioritize the most important information.

  • When writing to a government official, for instance, you might start by saying: "My name is Arlene Rivers. I obtained your email address from the Westchester County Clerk website. I am writing to contest the traffic citation I received on December 31, 2009. "

Step 4 Get to the point.

  • For instance, when writing to a professor, don’t waste space with unnecessary padding like: “This is Darlene Frankreich. Do you know me? CHEM 221 is my favorite class right now. I love the way the lectures are so organized. I can always follow along and know what will be on the tests. Speaking of tests, I was thinking about the next exam.”
  • Instead, it would be much clearer to write something like: “This is Darlene Frankreich. I’m a student in your CHEM 221 class, and I'm writing about a potential exam time conflict.”

Step 5 Keep it brief.

  • If your email is relatively lengthy, break it up into short paragraphs. Insert a line break between each paragraph instead of indenting.

Step 6 Use formal language.

  • Unnecessary contractions
  • Emoticons and emojis

Step 7 Use a proper form of closing.

  • "Yours sincerely,"
  • "Yours cordially,"
  • "Respectfully,"
  • “Your student,”

Preparing to Send

Step 1 Include any necessary attachments.

  • For example, include a note like “I am attaching a copy of my resume and portfolio, in PDF format .”
  • Then, don't forget to make sure to include your attachment before you hit "send."

Step 2 Proofread your message...

  • Avoid including things like passwords, account numbers, and confidential information in an email.

Sample Emails

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About This Article

Tami Claytor

Before you write a formal email, make sure you're using a professional-sounding email address that includes your name. When writing the subject line for your email, make it clear what you're emailing about, but avoid using full sentences or overly long descriptions. Something like "Schedule for March 12th meeting" is appropriate. Stick with a professional font like Times New Roman in 12 point type so your email is easy to read. When you're finished writing your email, remember to proofread it before sending so you catch any errors. To learn about how to prioritize information in your email and details you should leave out, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Email Writing

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future of letter writing– electronic mail writing. Gone are the days where people have to wait for weeks to receive a letter from a friend or a significant other. The concept of pen pals is no longer applicable when everyone from any part of the world can be contacted almost immediately– depending on your Internet speed and the kind of social media site you are using. If there are certain laws in your country that prevent you from accessing Google-related sites or even Facebook-owned sites, (e.g. China) then you would have to find another way to contact your fellow peers and colleagues using whatever mobile apps they have (e.g. WeChat). You may also see formal writings .

Regardless, almost all forms of communication (except face-to-face talking) is already done through the use of modern technology that is able to fill the gap between the distance among people. The use of electronic mail writing these days are for more semi-formal and formal purposes (e.g. submitting a resume, asking your college instructor for some clarifications, making a business transaction) than casual purposes (e.g. chatting with a friend). You may also see some email examples by clicking here. For newbies who do not know the first thing about email writing, here are a few tips for you. You may also see application writings .

Sample Email Writing Example

professional email writing samples copy 8 how to write professional emails of professional email writing samples

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General Tips for Writing Emails in English

1. be sure an email is necessary.

Ask yourself if sending an email is really the best option to use in addressing the query or issue to the concerned party. Because if the matter at hand is something not so important or confidential, it can always be dealt directly with the aforementioned party. But then again, it is entirely up to your discretion. If you’ve decided that an email is the best option, then write your email and click “send”. You may also see article writings .

2. Use separate business and personal email addresses

Many jobs will normally give you an email address that you have to use, in case you have concerns or questions that you would want to raise to your boss or supervisor. Make sure that you strictly use your work email for work matters and personal email address for personal matters. Having a work email can look and sound more professional. That’s good if you’re writing a formal email, but it might not be as nice if you’re writing to a friend. You may also see memo writings .

3. Be clear, brief and polite

Everyone in the office is usually bombarded with emails every single day. That is why it is always best to keep the content of the message short, simple and concise enough so that they may be able to understand the gist of the letter without straining so much effort and time. Go straight to the point, but not in a rude and condescending way. Write your email just like you would in an essay. Similar to an essay, you have to introduce the topic, explain the different points, and then conclude the topic. You may also see summary writings .

4. Don’t write emails when you’re angry

They say that there is a right time for everything– which includes expressing that rage and anger towards the person. But never in an email. Keep in mind that you have to be respectful and courteous to the one you are sending that letter to.

5. Use short sentences

Just as it is important to keep the content of your message short and simple, it is also essential to keep the sentences simple and easy to read in order to keep your thoughts cohesive and understandable. Try your best not to use very lengthy sentences in your letter. Instead, learn to break down each separate thought with a ‘period’. You may also see minutes writings .

6. Be careful with “forward” and “reply to all”

The “forward” button is considered a lifesaver especially when you do not have the files you need to send to your boss or colleague, and you realize you sent that specific file to someone else who needed it before they did. So, you simply use that forward button in order to save time and effort. But make sure that the content of the forwarded message is meant for that specific person. Otherwise, it is best you delete the rest and to just retain the file that is needed to be sent. The same can be said for the “reply to all” option. If your supervisor has sent a joint message to recipients A, B, and C, make sure you only reply to your supervisor and not reply to all the concerned parties mentioned, especially if it is not really “need to know” information by the others. You may also see narrative writings

7. Read your email personally before sending it

Since you are the one composing the email, it would be best if you took the time to proofread the letter just to make sure that the grammar is in tact and that the thoughts are coherent enough for your letter to be organized and understandable. This will prevent the email recipient from struggling to understand your email.

8. Double-check email addresses for all recipients

Make sure that the recipient’s email address is correct. Be careful as there are times that email addresses are structured in a similar way. You may also see argumentative writings .

Sports Email Writing Example

an email about sports 0

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The 3 Common Types of Emails

1.  a personal email –  introducing yourself for the first time.

As mentioned before, most people do not write personal emails to each another anymore. They would mostly communicate through texting, calling, or via any social media applications that do not really need much formality (e.g. Facebook Messenger, Viber, WeChat). But if ever you are the conservative type of person, then here are a few guidelines that you would need to follow.

General rules for personal emails:

  • Politeness:  You don’t need to be too formal, but you would want to appear polite and friendly when you address the recipient. If you have any requests that you would need to ask from your friends, make sure that you are polite in doing so. Instead of saying “Write me back,” for example, try something like “If you have a chance, I’d love to hear back from you,” or even “Please write back when you have a chance.”
  • Greetings:  For greetings, people would normally use the first name after the word “Dear”.
  • Closings: To say goodbye, use something like “Thank you”, “See you soon!” or even a brief sentence like “I’m really looking forward to meeting you in person.” Be sure to write/type your name, even if it will be included in your signature.
  • Casualness:  With these types of emails, you can probably include more jokes or informal comments. However, still be careful about the tone of your email, especially if you don’t know the recipient well.

Example of a personal email:

For this example, let’s imagine that you are going abroad for the summer, say the United States or Canada. When you get there, you’ll be staying with a host family. There is a great chance that you will need to introduce yourself via email. Listed below is a sample:

Dear Smith Family,

My name is Mark. I received a confirmation letter from the exchange organization today. It said I’ll be staying with you for three months later this year. I wanted to introduce myself so you can know a bit more about me.

I’m currently 17 years old. I like listening to classical music, playing football and reading comic books. I will graduate from high school later this year, and I hope to go to college in the next year. I’ve never traveled outside of my country, so meeting you and visiting your country will be an exciting, new experience! 

I’d also like to know more about you, so if you have a chance, please write back at this email address. If you have any questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them.

Thanks again for agreeing to host me—I’m very excited to meet you in person!

2. A Semi-Formal Email – Writing to request an appointment or meeting

This is a very common type of email, especially when you need to write to your teacher to request a meeting.

General rules for semi-formal emails:

  • Length:  Follow the K.I.S.S. (keep it short and simple). Remember that you are talking to a professional. These types of people do not have the luxury of time to thoroughly go through your letter, sentence per sentence. So, go straight to the point on what you want to discuss. After all, other concerns can be resolved during the meeting.
  • Respect:  Remember that you’re requesting a favor from the recipient, so be respectful and not too demanding.
  • Greetings:  Use formal or semi-formal greetings. You can still use “Dear ~,” but instead of including the recipient’s first name, use their title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Prof. etc.) and last name.
  • Closings: Depending on the purpose, you can probably use a semi-formal goodbye, such as “Thanks,” “Hope to hear from you soon” or “Thanks in advance.” If it’s someone you have talked to before in person, you can maybe use something less formal, like “Have a great weekend.”
  • Clarity:  If you’re requesting for a specific day, that day/date and time should be set. Try to give multiple options. That way, if your first option doesn’t work out, your recipient has other dates/times to choose from.

Example of a semi-formal email:

Dear Professor Constantine,

I really enjoyed your Introduction to Witchcraft Course, and I was interested in continuing by taking the Advanced Demonology Course next semester. I’d like to meet with you to ask a few questions about the course, and also to get more information about the scholarship for international students.

Would it be possible to meet with you at your office sometime next week? I’m available during your regular office hours on Tuesday and Wednesday (1-4 p.m.), but if you’re busy on those days, I could also meet any time on Monday or on Friday afternoon. Please let me know what day and time would work best for you.

Thanks very much for your time and help!

Gary Oldman

3. A Formal Email – Writing about a problem with a product

General rules for formal emails:.

  • Politeness:  Follow Confucius’ Golden Rule which is, “Do not do unto others want you others to do unto you.”
  • Formality: Avoid making jokes and using slang words.
  • Clarity:  Be clear by including any relevant details.
  • Requests: State the result or response that you want or expect. This is also called making your email “actionable.”
  • Greetings: For greetings, use a common phrase like “To Whom It May Concern,” since you probably won’t know the name of the person who will be receiving the email. But if you do know the name, you can use “Dear [Title] [Last Name],” like the one in the semi-formal email example.

If those seem  too formal, you may want to try something like “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.” It could make you seem friendly and make the recipient more receptive to your complaint or questions.

  • Closings: For goodbyes, a simple “Sincerely Yours” is best. But if it’s a more casual company or an organization that you’ve already interacted with, you can always say “Thanks”.

Example of a formal email:

To Whom It May Concern,

I recently bought a magic wand from Hogwarts, but unfortunately it appears that the wand is not working correctly.

For reference, the model number is TOS-577, and I bought it on May 1, 2016 from Dumbledore at Hogwarts. I returned the magic wand to the store, but they said I should contact you since you would have an idea on how to fix the wand. Because of that, they weren’t able to offer a refund or exchange.

I can understand Hogwarts’ position, but the magic wand shouldn’t have broken so soon. It is still covered under the school’s warranty, so I would like to exchange the magic wand for a working model. Please let me know what steps I need to take for this to happen.

Thanks very much for your help with this situation.

Sincerely, Voldemort

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Just remember these steps in writing an email and you’ll be able to get it in no time.


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Email Writing - Format and Samples

Emails are modern-age letters. This article explains the format of email writing and also gives you sample emails for students of Class 8 to Class 12 and working professionals.

How to Write an Email?

Email expressing your appreciation, email about your trip.

  • Email on Seeking Information about Course Details

Email on Introducing a New Employee to Your Team

Email on official intimation of your resignation, email informing your employees about the change in work timings, faqs on email writing format.

Email writing is an essential part of professional communication. It is not easy to get people to respond to your emails if they do not feel interested in your message or proposal. This is exactly the reason why you should learn to write good emails. Be bold. Get to the point right away. The best email communication is the one that is simple and clear.

There are a few tips you have to keep in mind when you sit down to write emails. Emails can be casual or professional, just like informal and formal letters. The format of the email changes according to the kind of email you are writing. However, accurate grammar and spelling are aspects that are to be taken seriously.

When you start writing an email,

  • Make sure you type in the right email ID. Always check with the receiver for the exact email address because even a full stop that is not part of the email address can land your email with the wrong person, or the mail would simply bounce.
  • The Subject line is the next most important factor you should carefully consider because that is the first thing anyone receiving the email would see. It also determines if the receiver would want to open the mail. ‘The from line is what recipients use to determine whether to delete an email. The subject line is what motivates people to actually open the email.’ said Loren McDonald. Spend double the time you spend on drafting the body to draft the subject.
  • See to it that your Salutation or Greeting is appropriate to the receiver/s. The greeting builds a rapport.
  • The Body of the email states what the email is about. Be clear with what you want your receiver to know. Make sure you have everything you want to convey drafted in simple terms. Do not use colloquial language or long unwinding sentences. Try not to repeat words or use cliched terms. Make your message positive, even if you’re turning down an offer. If you have to follow, do it before they remind you to. Keep it short. Use standard font style and size. Do a final spelling/grammar check/proofread.
  • Finally, Sign off the email on a polite note and proofread it before hitting send. The closing should feel genuine; only then will the receiver want to respond.

Email Writing Format Samples

Here are some sample emails that will help you understand how to write an email in the best possible way.

Informal Email Writing Format Samples

To: Recipient’s email address

Subject: Congratulations!

Dear (Name),

My heartfelt congratulations to you. I was glad to see your name on the merit list. All your efforts were definitely not in vain. I bet everyone at home is so proud of you.

You have truly honoured the family name, and I am happy that you would get to take up the course in architecture that you had been waiting for. I am waiting to meet you in person to convey all my love and appreciation.

Convey my regards to uncle, aunty and grandpa.

To: Recipient’s email ID

Subject: About my trip

My dear (Name),

I am very excited to write to you about the long tour I will be going on along with my parents. We will be leaving on the 25 th .

We will be away for three months. We are going to San Francisco for an official meeting my father has to attend. We would then be travelling to New York to visit our cousins. We would stay there for a month. After that, we will be going to Paris. It has always been my dream to visit Paris at least once in my lifetime, and my parents have finally agreed to take me there. I will definitely write to you all about my trip – all the different places we visit, the variety of food we eat and the people we meet.

It would have been even more special if you had come along with me. We will make sure we plan out a trip once I am back home.

With best wishes,

Formal Email Writing Format Samples

Email on seeking information regarding course details.

Subject: Regarding Course Details

I have passed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as the main subject. I intend to have a course in Computer Science and would like to know the details of the courses taught at your institution. Could you please send me a copy of your prospectus?

Yours faithfully,

Subject: Meet the New Customer Service Representative

I am pleased to introduce you to (Name), who is starting today as our Customer Service Representative. She will be providing technical support and assistance to our users and making sure they enjoy the best experience with our products.

Feel free to greet (Name) in person and congratulate her on the new role!

Best regards,


Subject: Resignation

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am planning to pursue my higher studies in the coming academic year, and hence I would like to inform you of my intention to resign from the post of (Designation) at (Name of the Institution), effective three months from now.

I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development you have provided during my association with (Name of the Institution). It was indeed a privilege working here, and it was a valuable work experience which has helped me grow personally and professionally to a great extent.

Please accept this letter as the formal intimation of my resignation.

Thank you for your guidance and support.

Yours sincerely,

Subject: Revised Working Hours

Our company is growing, and there is a good inflow of projects every week. This has been possible with your dedicated and timely teamwork. In order to keep up with this, we have decided that the working hours would be advanced by 30 minutes. The revised time would be 8:30 am to 5 pm. This will be in effect from July 5, 2021 (Monday). It would be appreciated if all of you keep up with the timing and abide by it.

Feel free to come up with suggestions, if any.

Warm regards,

What should I put as the subject in an email?

The subject in an email should state what your email is about. Do not use long sentences when writing the subject. Use simple vocabulary and place the most important words at the very beginning of the subject.

What is the format of email writing?

Be sure to type in the exact email address of the recipient. Keep the subject as short as possible. Use it only to convey what the mail is about. No explanation about the matter should be included in the subject line. The body of the email should explain the purpose of the email. However, add only the necessary details. Keep it simple. End the email with a complimentary close and sign off with just your name in informal emails and with your name and destination in a formal email.

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  • How to Start an Email | 10 Greetings & Opening Lines

How to Start an Email | 10 Greetings & Opening Lines

Published on December 22, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on June 26, 2023.

Sending good emails is an important skill in academic and professional contexts. It’s essential to start your emails on the right foot with an appropriate greeting and an engaging opening line .

Below, we explore how to start an email, providing five professional greetings and five strong opening lines that you can use in your correspondence. We also explain the contexts where each one would be an appropriate choice.

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Table of contents

5 strong greetings (salutations), 5 good opening lines, how not to start an email, other interesting language articles, frequently asked questions.

For your email’s greeting (also called a salutation ), you don’t need to do anything fancy. Keep it simple and choose one of the tried and tested greetings below based on the context and the level of formality you’re aiming for.

1. Dear [full name],

Greeting the recipient by their full name is best when you haven’t previously interacted with them.

Use “Dear,” not the less formal greetings “Hello” and “Hi,” alongside someone’s full name to avoid creating a jarring combination of different levels of formality. Also avoid using this option if you’ve interacted with the person previously, as it comes across as overly stiff.

2. Dear [title and last name],

Using an abbreviated title (such as “Ms.” or “Dr.”) followed by the person’s last name is another way of greeting someone formally. This can be a good option to show respect to a superior in some context—for example, when writing to your professor at university. It’s also a formal way of addressing someone you’ve never interacted with before.

Use of titles like this is often considered somewhat old-fashioned, though. As such, it’s best saved for contexts in which you haven’t interacted with the person before or want to show a special level of respect.

3. Hi [first name],

People sometimes assume that all emails sent in a professional context need to be formal in tone, but this isn’t the case in most workplaces today. If you’ve had some previous interaction with a person, it’s normally fine to just greet them by their first name, preceded by “Hi,” “Hello,” or the slightly more formal “Dear.”

This kind of informal greeting is not appropriate in all contexts. If you’re applying for a job or contacting someone you don’t know, it’s best to go for something more formal. This kind of greeting is sometimes used in marketing emails, but some might find it presumptuous —always consider your target audience.

4. Dear [team, department, or job title],

When your email is addressed to someone whose name you don’t know, to a group of people, or to an organization or department, using alternative names is an appropriate choice: the person’s job title, the name of the team, or (in a more familiar context) something more generic like “team” or “everyone.”

Do this only when you have a good reason to. If you’re writing to an individual whose name you know or can reasonably find out, it’s better to use their name than something generic like a job title.

Sometimes a simple “Hello” or “Hi” is all you need. It’s a good, straightforward choice for a quick message to someone you communicate with frequently and don’t need to show any particular formality with. It lets you get straight to the point.

Though people sometimes choose this greeting when they’re not sure whom they’re writing to, it’s not a good choice in that context, as it can come across as overly blunt. In that situation, try using a job title or department name instead, as suggested above.

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The opening line of the email itself is where you can catch the reader’s attention, build a rapport, or quickly communicate what you need from them.

1. I’m reaching out …

If you want to get straight to the point but don’t want to sound overly blunt (e.g., “I need you to do x for me by Tuesday”), a phrasing using “I’m reaching out” is a good choice. It avoids wasting your or the reader’s time but still comes across as polite and thoughtful.

However, this opening only really makes sense to begin or resume a conversation, not to continue an ongoing discussion. Use this expression for an unsolicited email, not a direct reply to a previous message.

I’m reaching out to let you know that I won’t be available for any assignments in April.

2. How are you?

A straightforward way too add a friendly personal touch to your email is to simply ask the recipient how they’re doing, how their week is going, what they did at the weekend, or something more specific if you know something about their interests. A generic “How are you?” is good enough but can seem formulaic—try emphasizing it with another sentence.

This kind of question is appropriate in an email to someone you know or work with regularly, but it will appear overfamiliar if sent to someone you’ve had no previous interaction with. Don’t open with this in your first email to someone.

How’s your week going? I took a couple of days off, so I’m still catching up.

3. Thanks for …

If you’re replying to someone directly, or following up on a previous discussion, one way to build a positive interaction is to thank them for their previous contribution. This could be for some information they gave you, something they did for you, or just taking the time to talk to you.

This opening obviously only makes sense if the person has done something for you. You could try thanking someone for opening your email in the first place, but it’s likely to come across as patronizing.

I appreciate your quick response. Regarding the invoice, …

4. I hope you …

Simply wishing the recipient well is a good way to start an email in a friendly way. Rather than the generic “ Hope you’re doing well ” or the slightly stiff “ I hope this email finds you well ,” try a more specific phrasing to emphasize the sincerity of your wishes.

Hope you had a good time on vacation!

5. We met at …

When writing to someone you don’t know well but with whom you’ve had some previous interaction, or with whom you have a mutual connection, it’s a good idea to start by explaining that connection or reminding them where you’ve previously met.

If that introduction involves mentioning a mutual connection, make sure you have their permission to do so.

Maybe you remember me from your first weekly meeting, but we didn’t get the chance to speak much at the time. I’m reaching out to …

There are many valid ways to start an email, but there are also a few common pitfalls to avoid.

Overly impersonal greeting

Greetings like “ Dear Sir or Madam ” and “ To Whom It May Concern ” are best avoided whenever possible. Besides sounding quite old-fashioned, they show the recipient that you’re not sure exactly whom you’re contacting. Always address the recipient by name if you can find it out; use something like a job title if not.

No greeting at all

Starting an email without any sort of greeting line is rarely appropriate in a professional context. While you might sometimes skip the greeting in personal emails to someone you know well, in a work email you should always have some kind of greeting, whether formal (e.g., “Dear Ms. Aoki”) or casual (e.g., “Hi John”).

Redundant opening

Consider whether your opening really adds anything of value or just wastes the reader’s time. Statements announcing what you’re going to do next in the email are usually unnecessary. Try cutting them out entirely.

  • Let me introduce myself. My name is …
  • I know you’re very busy, but do you have time to help me with something? I was wondering …
  • Could you possibly do me a favor? I’d like to …

If you want to know more about commonly confused words , definitions , and differences between US and UK spellings , make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

Confused words

  • Affect vs effect
  • Further vs farther
  • Loose vs lose
  • Whose vs who’s


  • Bear with me
  • Presumptuous

US vs. UK spellings

  • Burned or burnt
  • Canceled or cancelled
  • Dreamt or dreamed
  • Gray or grey
  • Theater vs theatre

You should start a professional email with a greeting and the name and title of the recipient (e.g., “Dear Mr. Walken”). Then, you should include an introductory line like I hope this email finds you well , followed by the body of the email.

For less formal emails, you can use a more casual introductory line like I hope you’re doing well .

Our  rewriter can help you find alternative ways to start a professional email.

Miss is a title for an unmarried woman or girl (e.g., “Miss Jones”). It cannot be used for a married woman. It is sometimes seen as slightly old-fashioned, since it defines the woman by her marital status.

Ms. is a title for a woman whose marital status is unknown, for an older unmarried woman, or for any woman in a context where you don’t want to emphasize the woman’s marital status. It’s intended to be neutral, in that it can be used for married and unmarried women alike—much like “Mr.” can be used for married and unmarried men.

Some synonyms and phrases related to I hope this email finds you well include:

  • It is a pleasure connecting with you again
  • I hope you are doing well
  • I hope you are having a productive week

Scribbr’s  paragraph rewriter  can help you find synonyms for phrases like “I hope this email finds you well.”

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Caulfield, J. (2023, June 26). How to Start an Email | 10 Greetings & Opening Lines. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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And don’t forget, is the right mail address for everyone! If you don’t have a email address yet, why not create an email account today? Images: 1&1/GettyImages

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How to write a formal Letter/Email ? | C1 Advanced (CAE)

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Writing paper will require a response which is consistently appropriate for the specified target reader , and for example, you can expect to be asked to write different kinds of letters. Moreover, their register and style can be formal or informal .

What is the formal style of writing?

The main characteristics of a formal writing style are:

  • A more complex structure. Formal writing often uses longer sentences. In formal writing, you will also see a more structured approach generally, with points clearly introduced, explained and concluded.
  • An objective approach.  Main points are usually stated and then supported with arguments. Formal writing is less likely to be emotional in style.
  • Writing in the third person.  Formal writing is not a personal writing style. The writer often aims to sound dispassionate about the topic.

email essay example

Me, myself, I Everybody likes to talk about themselves, but when (for example) you’re reviewing a film, y ou should be talking about the film and not about yourself.

The informal you The way the word you is used in informal speech ‘You should have seen it!’ ‘if you know what I mean’   is not appropriate in formal writing. The word you point a finger at the reader. But the readers are not friends of yours, and you have no right to make assumptions about them.

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: Structure

Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr Jenkins
The reason why you’re writing this letter / the topic

Organise all the essential information in a clear and logical way.
Specify the action the recipient should take
– sign off with:

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C1 advanced (cae) formal letter/email: writing guide, before you start….

Read the task carefully and then… You need to underline all the content points and consider the following:

  • Why are you are writing the letter/email? To correct information, to apply for a job, to complain about something…
  • Who is the target reader? You may have to write to the editor of a publication, to a potential employer, to a university administrator…
  • Which language/register would be appropriate to reach my goal? Is there enough specific detail in my letter/email to convince the target reader?

  The CAE test does not require you to include dates or addresses in any of your letters, whether formal or informal.

1. Salutation

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to find out a name.

Dear Sir or Madam

If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss , you can use Ms , which is for married and single women.

Dear Mr Jenkins

Dear Editor

2. The first paragraph (opening)

The first paragraph of formal letters should include an introduction to the purpose of the letter. The summary of the letter can be found and the intentions which will be displayed through the rest of the letter should be outlined.

Example 1: I am writing in response to the advert I saw in the newspaper seeking people to work as tour guides. I think I would make a very good tour guide and I wish to apply for the job.

Example 2: I am writing about a recent incident in your shop in which I had the misfortune to be involved in. The incident I refer to is when one of your staff stopped me and accused me of shoplifting. 

3. The next paragraphs (main content)

The second and following paragraphs should provide the main information of the letter, and describe the main purpose mentioned in the introductory first paragraph .  Most letters in English are not very long, so keep the information to the essentials and concentrate on organising it in a clear and logical manner rather than expanding too much.

  • You should always be polite and respectful. A useful way to achieve it especially in formal letters is to use ‘modal verbs’, i.e., would, could or should.
  • It’s important to write simply and clearly . It’s worth noting that you have to avoid using informal language, for instance, avoid contractions (i.e. I’m, it’s, etc.).

Sample paragraph structure:

Paragraph 1: To begin with, I would like to put forward … Paragraph 2: Needless to say, this was …. Paragraph 3: But the thing that impressed me most…

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Get Your (CAE) Letter Checked!

4. closing and signing off.

Example call to actions:

Example:1   Thank you for your consideration of my suggestions. I look forward to an opportunity to discuss this matter further. Example 2:  If you require further information, please do not hesitate to ask

Closing and signing off:

Yours faithfully –  use it if you don’t know the name of the recipient. Yours sincerely –  use it if you know the name of the recipient.

Let’s sum it up…

TIP: Remember about “ in the letter!

I would like to put forward […]
, …[…]
…. is concerned […]

I have taken part In many activities […] , I have been In the basket-ball team[…]

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: Example Letters

Cae example formal letter/email.

You recently had an unpleasant experience when you were shopping in a department store. One of the assistants wrongly accused you of shoplifting. Although you were able to prove that you had paid for the item in question, you received no apology.

Write a letter to the manager of the shop, saying why you are angry and disappointed and asking for some kind of compensation for the way you were treated. Say that you will take further action if you do not receive an official apology.

Model answer

Dear Mr Menton,

I am writing about a recent incident in your shop in which I had the misfortune to be involved in. The incident I refer to is when one of your staff stopped me and accused me of shoplifting in front of about 20 other people. Needless to say, this was an extremely embarrassing situation for me. Thank goodness I had kept the receipt to prove that I had paid for everything on my person at the time, but to be accused of stealing like that in front of all those people – some of whom I knew personally – was very humiliating and degrading. The shop assistant used a very accusatory tone…

But the thing that angered and dismayed me most was not the accusation itself – after all, misunderstandings happen sometimes – but the accuser’s failure to acknowledge his mistake or apologise to me. When I showed him the receipt, he simply walked off mumbling about how ‘shady’ a character I looked. Considering how much embarrassment I was caused, I do not think it was too much to have expected a simple apology either, do you?

Which brings me back to why I am writing; if I cannot get an apology from this assistant, then I would like a formal one from you instead. If an official apology is not forthcoming and I am not compensated in some way – with a shopping voucher for example – then be warned that I will take further steps to ensure that I get justice.

I look forward to hearing from you at the very earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely, Michael Mathers

A student from a business school in an English-speaking country has arranged to spend two months on a work experience programme in your department. Your manager has asked you to write a letter to the student, welcoming him to your company, explaining what he will be expected to do and how he will benefit from this experience.

Write your letter .

Dear Mr Miller 

We are delighted that you have decided to spend two months on a work experience programme in the xxx marketing department. We warmly welcome you  to our company in general and to our department in particular .  

Y ou will be given the unique opportunity to work with a young team launching a  new soft drink. Your work will be as interesting as demanding. You will have  to analyse sever al surveys which  have recently been conducted. Based on the results of your analysis you will have to think about possible target customers . F urther more, you will be asked to develop ideas on how exactly we could  launch our soft drink. You will have to gather though ts about how to run a successful campaign. As this project has not been made public yet, we expect  you not to talk about this project to your friends or family . You will be expected  to work hard and, sometimes, for long hours.

However , you will most certainly learn a lot. Y ou will be given the unique chance to develop a marketing campaign. You will also get used to working with different marketing tools. Furthermore, you will have to learn how to  take advanta ge of a wide va riety of computer programs, which will not only  help you to analy se the surveys conducted but will also assist you in making out possible target customers. This two months work experience programme will  help you to understand the use and impact of marketing tools. We are confident that this experience will go far beyond that what you have learnt at university .

We are looking forward to working with you.  

Y ours sincer ely

Your company would like to offer work-experience placements to students in an international college. Write a letter for publication in the student newspaper at the college.

Your letter should explain what your company does, what kind of work-experience placements are available, and how students would benefit from the experience.

Dear Students,

Are you looking for a work placement that will give you plenty of valuable experience and will look good on your CV? If so, then our company may have something to offer you.

We are an international educational exchange organisation which organises links between schools all over the world. We currently have three work-experience placements available for students from your college. The work would involve a range of office tasks, including dealing with correspondence, arranging meetings and keeping our database up-to-date. We are particularly interested in offering these placements to students with some knowledge of two or more languages.

The placements would be of great benefit to the students who are given this opportunity. It would provide experience of working in a small and dedicated team, which would give you the chance to develop a wider range of office skills than would normally be the case in larger organisations. Our international network means that you would also gain some contacts all over the world, which might be of particular value to any of you considering a career in some aspect of education.

You will find further information about our organisation and the placements we offer on our website and we look forward to hearing from any of you who think that the work might be right for you — and that you might be the right person for one of these placements.

Best wishes to you all, Paula Fisher

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: Example Questions

Cae formal letter & email topic 1.

Volunteers needed

We are looking for volunteers to help out at a famous, international sporting event. We’re looking for friendly, respectful people with good language skills, good team skills and a ‘can-do’ attitude. We need people to welcome delegates, provide customer service and solve problems. If you think you have what it takes, apply now.

Write an application to become a volunteer. Mention:

– your language skills – your personal qualities – examples of times when you have demonstrated team skills – any relevant work experience

Now write your letter . You do not need to include any postal addresses

CAE Formal Letter & Email Topic 2

A colleague of yours, Alice Watson, has applied for a job in the public relations department of a large charity. Poverty Action. You have been asked to write a letter providing a character reference for her. Indicate how long and what capacity you have worked with her, and how her personal characteristics would make her suited for her job. Here is part of the letter you received from Poverty Action:

The job of Public Relations Co-ordinator consists mainly of supervising PR work and entails travelling around the country and working with various people in our large organization. The successful applicant will need good managerial skills and be committed to the philosophy of our charity

Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses

CEA Formal Letter & Email Topic 3

On a recent holiday, you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. 

Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter:

–  describe the item you lost – explain how lost it – tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.

Write your email in an appropriate style.

More than Practice Tests

C1 advanced (cae) formal letter/email: tips & strategy.

email essay example

If you aim to write an official letter, you should:

  • avoid everyday  colloquial language  or  slang
  • avoid contractions ( I’m, it’s )
  • avoid emotional, subjective language  (terrible, rubbish, etc.)
  • avoid general words such as  nice, good, get, etc.

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: Writing Checklist

email essay example

After writing your text, you can check it yourself using the writing checklist below.

How to do that? Simply check your text/email by answering the questions one by one:

  • Have I covered all the key information required by the task?
  • Have I written only information which is relevant to the task?
  • Have I developed the basic points in the task with my own ideas?

Communicative Achievement

  • Have I achieved the main purpose(s) of the text (for example, explaining, persuading, suggesting, apologising, comparing, etc.)?
  • Have I used a suitable mix of fact and opinion?
  • Have I used a suitable style and register (formal or informal) for the task?


  • Have I used paragraphs appropriately to organise my ideas?
  • Have I used other organisational features appropriately for the genre of the text (for example, titles, headings, openings, closings, etc.)?
  • Is the connection between my ideas clear and easy for the reader to follow? (For example, have I used appropriate linking words, pronouns, etc. to refer to different things within the text?)
  • Are the ideas balanced appropriately, with suitable attention and space given to each one?
  • Have I used a wide range of vocabulary?
  • Have I avoided repeating the same words and phrases?
  • Have I used a range of simple and more complex grammatical structures?
  • Have I correctly used any common phrases which are relevant to the specific task or topic?
  • Is my use of grammar accurate?
  • Is my spelling accurate?

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: Useful phrases

Useful phrases for a f ormal letter: (use as set phrases in the exam, don´t experiment with new vocabulary or grammar)

Dear Sir or Madam Dear Mr Jenkins

With regards to the letter/email on… With reference to your letter/email… After having received your letter/email… I received your address from … and would like … Thank you very much for your letter/email on… I have been given your contact details by… and I would like to… In reply to your letter/email of…

Reason for writing

I am writing with regard/reference to …  I am writing to express (my concern about/ disappointment with/disapproval of/apologies for) I would like to draw your attention to/point out …

Referring to their letter 

As you stated in your leter, … Regarding… Concerning … With regard to…


I am wiing to compiain about … You said …but in fact what happened …

Introducing points

(I feel) I must also (dis)agree with … I should also like to point out that … Your (article) states that … However,…

Request for action

I would appreciate it/be grateful if you would … I look forward to receiving/seeing … I trust/very much hope you will …

I hope to hear from you soon… If you require any further information, feel free to contact me Should you require anything else, do not hesitate in contacting me Regards Yours faithfully Yours sincerely (signature)

C1 Advanced (CAE) Formal Letter/Email: FAQ

Who is the audience? This will be given in the prompt.

What is the purpose of the writing? You are usually giving information or requesting action. You should be direct and get to the point quickly.

Should I use headings or bullet points? No.

How should it start? “Dear Sir or Madam (if no name is given), I am writing to…” This is the expected opening of a letter. First, you explain why you are writing, in the next paragraph you explain why you think you should get what you want.

How should it finish? You should clearly re-state your recommendation or desired action in your last paragraph. This is usually followed by a “I am looking forward to…” statement and “Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely, x.”

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Would you pass C1 Advanced (CAE)?


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    When emailing a professor, be very concise and use bullet points when possible to make your point clear. When closing your email, use a formal salutation like "Best Regards". Example. Dear Professor Smith, Unfortunately, due to sickness, I would like to request an extension to the deadline of our current project.

  2. 25 formal email writing format examples & best practices

    Email body writing guidelines: Be concise and detail only what's needed to get your point across. Use words that convey (authentic) positive personal emotions, like "glad," "excited," "intrigued," and "confident.". Use the word "because " when asking for something.

  3. How to Write an Email (With Tips and Examples)

    Start with an email greeting, such as "Hi," "Dear [name]," or "Hello [name].". The greeting you pick can be based on the formality of your relationship with the recipient and what you're emailing them about. For example, if you're writing from a business to a customer, use a formal greeting to sound professional.

  4. Quick Tips to Write a Great Email & Essay in English

    If you're requesting information from a company, you should sound professional and polite. Keep in mind that the reasons for writing should be reflected in the tone. 3. Keep it organized. English works well with short, simple sentences. It's also a good idea to break your email into paragraphs.

  5. How to Write an Email in English With Examples (Formal and Informal)

    Here are a few examples: Best, Warm regards, Regards, Thank you, Sincerely, Warmly, Kind regards, Formal email example. Here's an example of a formal email to give you a picture of how all the pieces come together. This is an example of a follow-up email after a meeting. Subject: [Strategy meeting follow up] Hello everyone,

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    8 Formal email examples. To illustrate the points above, we've created a selection of formal email writing examples for situations you may encounter. While it can be helpful to see an example of a formal email, we don't recommend that you cut and paste these and use them yourself. You should tailor every formal email to your specific circumstances.

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    2 Greet and address the recipient (s) Start your email by addressing the recipient (s) properly. If you're addressing only one person, use their full name or their last name with the appropriate honorific. If you're emailing a group of people, use a greeting like "Dear Team.".

  8. How to Write an Email: Formal and Informal (With Examples)

    2. Click on "Compose" or "New." Before you can write an email, you will need to open a new, blank message box to write your email in. The exact method varies depending on the service you use, but there will usually be a button toward the top of the page with a label like "Compose," "New," or "New Message.".

  9. How to Write an Email in English: Our 18 Favorite Tips

    According to many sites like Business Writing, you should use a comma after a greeting in personal emails and letters, and use a colon after a greeting in business or formal emails/letters. But in reality, a comma will probably always be fine if you can't remember the rule. 14. Pay attention to punctuation.

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    Choose the topic for this message and stay on that topic when drafting it. If you think of something else you want to say, or if you're reminded of another message to include, consider drafting a separate message for it. 3. Select the right font. Formal emails aren't the time to goof off with experimental font choices.

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    Formal vs informal email writing. Speaking of writing style and format, the two email varieties can be drawn apart in terms of key structural and linguistic components. The language used when writing formal emails is generally more rigid and polished, using complete sentences with proper grammar and a well-defined structure.

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    4 Closings. Just as you want to start things off on the right foot with your greeting, you also want to part well. That means writing a friendly sign-off. And there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, here are 12 common, and professional, closings that Grammarly users chose on a given day: thanks. best.

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    If you know a person's full name, you should use it. So, instead of "Dear Mrs. Roberts", you would write: Dear Sarah Roberts. Many old formal English email writing blogs and articles suggest using "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam" if you don't know the person you're writing to. However, we disagree.

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    Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following: Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials. Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about. Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.

  15. How to Write Formal Emails in English

    Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (surname of the recipient, e.g. Mr Black) Dear Sir/Madam (if you don't know the name of the recipient) or more generally 'To whom it may concern'. After the initial greeting you need an introductory sentence that indicates clearly the reason for writing and is consistent with the subject of the email.

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    Compare these two email examples from a famous study A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way: Email Example #1. Dear [name], ... You don't need to write an elaborate essay. Or imitate the tone writing of a 19th-century aristocrat. Or attach cute cat pictures. Make it short, natural, concise, and without typos. ...

  17. How to Write a Formal Email: Format, Examples, Tips, & More

    Staff Answer. The format of a formal email is usually simpler than that of a traditional letter. Include a brief, clear subject line so that the recipient can immediately tell what the email is about. In the email itself, start with a salutation, followed by the body of the email, your signoff, and your name.

  18. How To Write an Email (With Formal and Informal Examples)

    Formal and informal emails use different openings and closings to establish the tone. For example, an informal email might use greetings like "hey," while a formal email may require an opening like "dear." Similarly, informal emails can use a casual sign-off. A sign-off in an informal email is sometimes altogether unnecessary.

  19. Email Writing

    Write your email just like you would in an essay. Similar to an essay, you have to introduce the topic, explain the different points, and then conclude the topic. You may also see summary writings. 4. Don't write emails when you're angry. ... [Last Name]," like the one in the semi-formal email example.

  20. Email Writing

    Informal Email Writing Format Samples. Email Expressing Your Appreciation. Email about Your Trip. Formal Email Writing Format Samples. Email on Seeking Information about Course Details. Email on Introducing a New Employee to Your Team. Email on Official Intimation of Your Resignation. Email Informing Your Employees about the Change in Work Timings.

  21. How to Start an Email

    4. I hope you …. Simply wishing the recipient well is a good way to start an email in a friendly way. Rather than the generic " Hope you're doing well " or the slightly stiff " I hope this email finds you well," try a more specific phrasing to emphasize the sincerity of your wishes. Examples: Wishing them well.

  22. How To Write a Formal Email (Format, Template and Examples)

    5. Signature. Sign off with your name and professional title. If you have an email account with a preset signature, ensure that the information contained is professional in tone. Include details, such as email address and phone number, so that the recipient can respond to you. Here's an example: Reagan Smythe.

  23. Email templates: Examples, samples & best practices

    Well, you can write a follow-up email to boost yourself to the front of the line. Following up after an interview does not have to be nerve-wracking - especially if you use our tried-and-true checklist and our two follow-up templates. 5. How to email a professor: 7-step guide with examples Writing an email to your professor has never been easier!

  24. How to write a formal Letter/Email ?

    Dear Mr Jenkins. or simply. Dear Editor. 2. The first paragraph (opening) The first paragraph of formal letters should include an introduction to the purpose of the letter. The summary of the letter can be found and the intentions which will be displayed through the rest of the letter should be outlined.