The home of mathematics education in New Zealand.

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Meaningful Maths

Problem Solving

This section of the nzmaths website has problem-solving lessons that you can use in your maths programme. The lessons provide coverage of Levels 1 to 6 of The New Zealand Curriculum. The lessons are organised by level and curriculum strand.  Accompanying each lesson is a copymaster of the problem in English and in Māori. 

Choose a problem that involves your students in applying current learning. Remember that the context of most problems can be adapted to suit your students and your current class inquiry. Customise the problems for your class.

  • Level 1 Problems
  • Level 2 Problems
  • Level 3 Problems
  • Level 4 Problems
  • Level 5 Problems
  • Level 6 Problems

The site also includes Problem Solving Information . This provides you with practical information about how to implement problem solving in your maths programme as well as some of the philosophical ideas behind problem solving. We also have a collection of problems and solutions for students to use independently.


What is Problem Challenge?

Most schools with year 7 and 8 children, and some with year 6 children, are on our mailing list and will automatically receive an invitation, in mid-February, to take part in the competition.

The competition has been organised by John Curran and John Shanks, retired members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago, with huge administrative help from Leanne Kirk. However John Curran and Leanne retired from the competition at the end of 2023; John Shanks will attempt to run it from 2024, with help from Sarah Stewart handling the book orders.

The value of such problem solving competitions is well recognized overseas. For example, similar schemes are run in Australia, Britain and the United States. Here the New Zealand Curriculum, Mathematics Standards (years 1-8), considers various ways in which effective mathematics teaching can provide quality programmes. Amongst other components, problem-centred activities are highlighted. The document states Cross-national comparisons show that students in high-performing countries spend a large proportion of their class time solving problems. The students do so individually as well as co-operatively. The problems we pose allow children to practise and learn such simple strategies as guessing and checking, drawing a diagram, making lists, looking for patterns, classifying, etc. Although children answer the questions individually on our sets there is ample opportunity for co-operative practise using our resources.

How does it work?

Children participating in the competition attempt to answer five questions in 30 minutes on each of five problem sheets, which are done about a month apart. They do the problems individually but they can share their answers and strategies in small groups afterwards.

Note that all three levels (years 6, 7 and 8) attempt the same problem set although there are separate awards for each of those levels.

The problems are generally aimed at more able children. However, we hope to keep the first question or two reasonably straightforward, so that all children entered can have some success. Many schools that have taken part before will have a good idea of the standard involved. Here are two recent example sets as a guide.

As a general rule, teachers may wish to enter children for whom they feel a score of say 3 out of 5 is an attainable goal. We felt the problems set last year were about the right level of difficulty, so we will be aiming for much the same standard this year. For schools that want more information, there are five books available that give questions and solutions from the first 24 years of the competition. These books can be obtained by completing the order form .

What must the teacher do?

For each of the 5 problem sets that you receive, you will have to photocopy (or otherwise make available) sufficient copies of the problem sheet for the participants from your school, and administer the challenge on the day specified (or as near as possible).

You must mark the pupil responses (using the solutions provided) and return collated results to us, as well as keeping a record of your results (using your own spreadsheet or on a form provided).

  • Results are returned to us on-line . Further details of this together with a log-in code for your school will be supplied with the first set of problems.
  • All competition material, including sets, solutions and letters, will be emailed to schools or made available on the website .
  • Certificates will be provided in electronic form for schools to print.

How does your school benefit?

The problem sets may be used later as a resource for other children in any way the teacher wishes. For example, small groups could solve the problems co-operatively together, talking through the various strategies that could be applied to each question.

For each set you will receive a summary of the overall results, so that you can evaluate your pupils’ progress. In the past we have received very favourable feedback on the benefit of this. (Individual school results will not be collated or publicised so will remain strictly confidential to you.) Overall results from previous years can be seen here .

All children taking part will receive a certificate of participation. Those in about the top 10% in each year will receive certificates of excellence and those in the next 25% or so will receive certificates of merit. Where schools have provided on-line results, the childrens’ names will already be on the certificates.

Each year $25 book tokens are awarded to children in the top 1% or so of the competition. Note that book tokens are normally given to a maximum of 20% of the entries from each school.

When is Problem Challenge held?

As in previous years there will be a Problem Challenge each month from April to August, spaced at about five week intervals. This year’s administration days can be found here. However, as in the past, there is some flexibility in these dates and no school is precluded from entry on account of the timing. This is explained more fully if you enter.

How much does it cost and how do you enter?

The entry fee consists of $20 per school plus $0.40 per child entered (including GST). We will be mailing all Intermediate schools each February asking for entries: at that stage, if you wish to take part, you will need to register on-line and arrange to pay the registration fee (by credit card or University invoice).

Online registration is available between 19 February and 11 April.

The final challenge.

Children who do particularly well in Problem Challenge during the year are invited to enter a final multi-choice competition in late October. Note that, because of limited resources and in fairness to all, we regret that only those who reach a specified total number of problems correct (regardless of absence, sickness, etc) will be eligible to enter.

Final Challenge provides a great challenge for the very able, and there are more substantial prizes for the best performers at both Years. The competition consists of 10 multiple-choice questions, with five options per question, together with 10 questions that require explicit answers. The problems are similar in style to the usual Problem Challenge questions but generally of a standard comparable to question 5 on the Problem Sets or harder.

  • Children have one hour in which to attempt the questions.
  • The use of calculators is not permitted.
Problem Challenge
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You strive for excellence in your practice. But when no one can decide what best practice looks like, and half of your students think they ‘ can’t do maths ’ — it’s not easy.

What if you had access to teaching methods proven to develop learners’ problem-solving and critical-thinking skills? Or strategies to enrich advanced learners and support struggling learners? What if you could see your students’ faces light up as they start to believe in their own mathematical capabilities?

Based on methods developed in Singapore and the pedagogy of influential educational theorists, Maths — No Problem! is a teaching framework proven to help students gain a mastery level understanding of maths.

It has already transformed primary maths teaching in schools around the world.

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Resources designed for the NZ learner

Keep your students on the right track with resources designed for the New Zealand Curriculum and maths problems based on real-world situations. Lessons are directly linked to NZ National Curriculum objectives, acknowledge Aotearoa NZ’s bicultural foundations, and cover all number and non-number topics.

Consistency from start to finish

Give your learners the right learning experience at the right time. Using a tried-and-tested spiral methodology, topics build on one another to help learners develop mathematical fluency. Content is covered in an age-appropriate order and revisited to close conceptual gaps and enrich every learner’s experience.

Assessment in every lesson

Get a clear view of progress. During lessons, non-negotiable learning objectives give you the information you need to support struggling learners and stretch advanced ones. Varied activities encourage students to challenge their thinking through collaborative discussion while independent exercises help learners build on their existing knowledge.

Flexible teacher support

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Meet the characters

Illustrated characters act as learning companions, guiding students through content and providing familiarity as problems become more complex. Characters from New Zealand, as well as local flora and fauna help learners understand maths’ place in the world around them.

Meilani, in a purple dress with her long black hair pulled back with a yellow hair hoop, is holding a yellow ruler

What to expect when adopting a mastery approach

Here’s an inside look at some of the ways mastery has shifted attitudes towards primary maths in this teacher’s classroom.

How Maths — No Problem! works

Mathsteasers book cover

Tools to take students further

Close conceptual gaps with evidence-based resources proven to foster a deep understanding of maths in children of all attainment levels.

Maths strategies illustrated by a series of colourful bar models

Strategies for success

Develop your learners’ metacognition with strategies like the CPA approach, bar modelling, number bonds, and effective questioning.

A hand is holding a pencil

Support when you need it

Take the uncertainty out of teaching maths for mastery with hands-on PLD courses and workshops, online teacher guides, and online training videos.

[Students] are having fun with maths. They can talk about what they’re doing, [show] deeper understanding… and clearly explain their thinking… This is working for all kids. – Marie Nelson, Maths Lead, St Paul's Primary School Auckland, New Zealand

Ready to see what it’s all about?

Maths — No Problem! resources, step-by-step teaching support, and online PLD videos are a click away. Request a free demo to see how it all works, or email [email protected] for more information.

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problem solving nz math

Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

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Problem Solving

problem solving nz math

Problem Solving and the New Curriculum   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Developing a Classroom Culture That Supports a Problem-solving Approach to Mathematics   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Developing Excellence in Problem Solving with Young Learners   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Using NRICH Tasks to Develop Key Problem-solving Skills   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Trial and Improvement at KS1   Age 5 to 7

problem solving nz math

Trial and Improvement at KS2   Age 7 to 11

problem solving nz math

Working Systematically - Primary Teachers   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Number Patterns   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Working Backwards at KS1   Age 5 to 7

problem solving nz math

Working Backwards at KS2   Age 7 to 11

problem solving nz math

Reasoning   Age 5 to 11

problem solving nz math

Visualising at KS1 - Primary Teachers   Age 5 to 7

problem solving nz math

Visualising at KS2 - Primary Teachers   Age 7 to 11

problem solving nz math

Conjecturing and Generalising at KS1 - Primary Teachers   Age 5 to 7

problem solving nz math

Conjecturing and Generalising at KS2 - Primary Teachers   Age 7 to 11

  • Mathematical Problem Solving in the Early Years
  • Low Threshold High Ceiling - an Introduction
  • What's All the Talking About?
  • Group-worthy Tasks and Their Potential to Support Children to Develop Independent Problem-solving Skills
  • Developing the Classroom Culture: Using the Dotty Six Activity as a Springboard for Investigation

MIT Technology Review

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Google DeepMind’s new AI systems can now solve complex math problems

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 are steps toward building systems that can reason, which could unlock exciting new capabilities.

  • Rhiannon Williams archive page

a protractor, a child writing math problems on a blackboard and a German text on geometry

AI models can easily generate essays and other types of text. However, they’re nowhere near as good at solving math problems, which tend to involve logical reasoning—something that’s beyond the capabilities of most current AI systems.

But that may finally be changing. Google DeepMind says it has trained two specialized AI systems to solve complex math problems involving advanced reasoning. The systems—called AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2—worked together to successfully solve four out of six problems from this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), a prestigious competition for high school students. They won the equivalent of a silver medal.

It’s the first time any AI system has ever achieved such a high success rate on these kinds of problems. “This is great progress in the field of machine learning and AI,” says Pushmeet Kohli, vice president of research at Google DeepMind, who worked on the project. “No such system has been developed until now which could solve problems at this success rate with this level of generality.” 

There are a few reasons math problems that involve advanced reasoning are difficult for AI systems to solve. These types of problems often require forming and drawing on abstractions. They also involve complex hierarchical planning, as well as setting subgoals, backtracking, and trying new paths. All these are challenging for AI. 

“It is often easier to train a model for mathematics if you have a way to check its answers (e.g., in a formal language), but there is comparatively less formal mathematics data online compared to free-form natural language (informal language),” says Katie Collins, an researcher at the University of Cambridge who specializes in math and AI but was not involved in the project. 

Bridging this gap was Google DeepMind’s goal in creating AlphaProof, a reinforcement-learning-based system that trains itself to prove mathematical statements in the formal programming language Lean. The key is a version of DeepMind’s Gemini AI that’s fine-tuned to automatically translate math problems phrased in natural, informal language into formal statements, which are easier for the AI to process. This created a large library of formal math problems with varying degrees of difficulty.

Automating the process of translating data into formal language is a big step forward for the math community, says Wenda Li, a lecturer in hybrid AI at the University of Edinburgh, who peer-reviewed the research but was not involved in the project. 

“We can have much greater confidence in the correctness of published results if they are able to formulate this proving system, and it can also become more collaborative,” he adds.

The Gemini model works alongside AlphaZero —the reinforcement-learning model that Google DeepMind trained to master games such as Go and chess—to prove or disprove millions of mathematical problems. The more problems it has successfully solved, the better AlphaProof has become at tackling problems of increasing complexity.

Although AlphaProof was trained to tackle problems across a wide range of mathematical topics, AlphaGeometry 2—an improved version of a system that Google DeepMind announced in January—was optimized to tackle problems relating to movements of objects and equations involving angles, ratios, and distances. Because it was trained on significantly more synthetic data than its predecessor, it was able to take on much more challenging geometry questions.

To test the systems’ capabilities, Google DeepMind researchers tasked them with solving the six problems given to humans competing in this year’s IMO and proving that the answers were correct. AlphaProof solved two algebra problems and one number theory problem, one of which was the competition’s hardest. AlphaGeometry 2 successfully solved a geometry question, but two questions on combinatorics (an area of math focused on counting and arranging objects) were left unsolved.   

“Generally, AlphaProof performs much better on algebra and number theory than combinatorics,” says Alex Davies, a research engineer on the AlphaProof team. “We are still working to understand why this is, which will hopefully lead us to improve the system.”

Two renowned mathematicians, Tim Gowers and Joseph Myers, checked the systems’ submissions. They awarded each of their four correct answers full marks (seven out of seven), giving the systems a total of 28 points out of a maximum of 42. A human participant earning this score would be awarded a silver medal and just miss out on gold, the threshold for which starts at 29 points. 

This is the first time any AI system has been able to achieve a medal-level performance on IMO questions. “As a mathematician, I find it very impressive, and a significant jump from what was previously possible,” Gowers said during a press conference. 

Myers agreed that the systems’ math answers represent a substantial advance over what AI could previously achieve. “It will be interesting to see how things scale and whether they can be made faster, and whether it can extend to other sorts of mathematics,” he said.

Creating AI systems that can solve more challenging mathematics problems could pave the way for exciting human-AI collaborations, helping mathematicians to both solve and invent new kinds of problems, says Collins. This in turn could help us learn more about how we humans tackle math.

Artificial intelligence

How to opt out of meta’s ai training.

Your posts are a gold mine, especially as companies start to run out of AI training data.

  • Melissa Heikkilä archive page

Why does AI hallucinate?

The tendency to make things up is holding chatbots back. But that’s just what they do.

  • Will Douglas Heaven archive page

How generative AI could reinvent what it means to play

AI-powered NPCs that don’t need a script could make games—and other worlds—deeply immersive.

  • Niall Firth archive page

Synthesia’s hyperrealistic deepfakes will soon have full bodies

With bodies that move and hands that wave, deepfakes just got a whole lot more realistic.

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A.I. Can Write Poetry, but It Struggles With Math

A.I.’s math problem reflects how much the new technology is a break with computing’s past.

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By Steve Lohr

In the school year that ended recently, one class of learners stood out as a seeming puzzle. They are hard-working, improving and remarkably articulate. But curiously, these learners — artificially intelligent chatbots — often struggle with math.

Chatbots like Open AI’s ChatGPT can write poetry, summarize books and answer questions, often with human-level fluency. These systems can do math, based on what they have learned, but the results can vary and be wrong. They are fine-tuned for determining probabilities, not doing rules-based calculations. Likelihood is not accuracy , and language is more flexible, and forgiving, than math.

“The A.I. chatbots have difficulty with math because they were never designed to do it,” said Kristian Hammond, a computer science professor and artificial intelligence researcher at Northwestern University.

The world’s smartest computer scientists, it seems, have created artificial intelligence that is more liberal arts major than numbers whiz.

That, on the face of it, is a sharp break with computing’s past. Since the early computers appeared in the 1940s, a good summary definition of computing has been “math on steroids.” Computers have been tireless, fast, accurate calculating machines. Crunching numbers has long been what computers are really good at, far exceeding human performance.

Traditionally, computers have been programmed to follow step-by-step rules and retrieve information in structured databases. They were powerful but brittle. So past efforts at A.I. hit a wall.

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Coding camp helps middle schoolers in Montgomery Co. recover from pandemic setbacks

by Kellye Lynn

Coding camp helps middle schoolers in Montgomery County recover from pandemic setbacks (7News).

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (7News) — Navika Duvey is a rising seventh grader who is expanding her understanding of coding at summer camp.

"Problem-solving, those skills you learn in math is also in coding," she told 7News.

It's an important connection as Montgomery County Public Schools students and those around the country make slow progress in recovering from pandemic-related academic losses.

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The national decline in math scores has created what education experts call a data literacy crisis.

"A lot of our students are coming in at different levels, and basically the levels that they’re coming in at they might not have the skills to show their level of performance," explained educator and camp on-site coordinator Yvette Edwards.

For three weeks this summer, more than 800 Montgomery County Public Schools students are strengthening essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the Montgomery Can Code camp.

"To have an introduction to Apple Swift coding and learning app design," said Kimberly Bloch-Rincan, Director of ignITe Hub which runs Montgomery Can Code.

The free camp offered at three Montgomery College campuses is also inspiring these middle school students to pursue tech careers.

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11-year-old Veer Amin hopes to someday work as a robotics engineer.

"I love coding and I think coding’s really important to what you can do ahead in life," he said.

"A lot of computer and AI things are going to be very important in the future so I just want to get ahead of the game," student Wilson Dilone told 7News.

problem solving nz math

The home of mathematics education in New Zealand.

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Thanks for visiting NZMaths. We are preparing to close this site by the end of August 2024. Maths content is still being migrated onto Tāhūrangi, and we will be progressively making enhancements to Tāhūrangi to improve the findability and presentation of content.  

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Supporting professional practice

E-ako pld 360.

Interactive PLD modules to support your teaching and inquiry. More information .

Curriculum elaborations

More information about achievement objectives from the NZC.

Effective teaching of mathematics

Guidance for teachers on implementing principles of effective teaching.

Tracking progress and achievement

Information about tracking students in relation to the NZC.

Accelerating learning

Strategies from the ALiM project for students not on track to meet the expected level.

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Supporting gifted and talented students to reach their potential.

Other PLD material

Numeracy project PLD , Just-In-Time Maths , Planning examples , NZ maths education reports .

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Learning at home: information for teachers

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Number and Algebra , Geometry and Measurement , Statistics .

Rich learning activities

Differentiated activities at Levels 1 to 5 of the NZC.

Problem solving activities

An extensive collection of problem solving sessions.

Acceleration resources

Resources developed to support students not on track to meet the expected level.

e-ako maths adventures

Interactive online resource to help students learn maths. Information about e-ako maths .

Numeracy project resources

NDP information and resources including: planning sheets , material masters , NDP books .

Other resources

Picture books , Figure it Out , Connected , Take This , Learning Objects , Number facts games .

Early childhood education

Supporting rich mathematical interactions in ECE.

Secondary Mathematics and Statistics

Numeracy resources, links to teaching and learning guides, NCEA resources, PLCs, and other useful sites.

Planning space

Manage and create teaching plans. Long-term plans.

Families and whānau

Learning at home.

Weekly plans to support your child's maths learning when they are unable to attend school.

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Maths at our house

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Free or low-cost items your child can use for exploring maths ideas.

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  1. Problem Solving Maths for Juniors: Book 2 Teaching Resources New

    problem solving nz math

  2. Maths Problem Solving Techniques Teaching Resources New Zealand

    problem solving nz math

  3. multiplication problem solving nz maths

    problem solving nz math

  4. Place value problem solving nz maths /

    problem solving nz math

  5. multiplication problem solving nz maths

    problem solving nz math

  6. Maths Problem Solving New Zealand

    problem solving nz math


  1. MIND GAME( Find Objects With Answer)

  2. Probability

  3. GMAT: Math 48

  4. 5th Grade STAAR Practice Dividing Decimals (5.3G

  5. What is the right answer? #maths #mathtricks #youtubeshorts

  6. Hindi Reasoning tricks in hindi || missing number || math puzzle / full episode


  1. Problem Solving

    This section of the nzmaths website has problem-solving lessons that you can use in your maths programme. The lessons provide coverage of Levels 1 to 6 of The New Zealand Curriculum. The lessons are organised by level and curriculum strand. Accompanying each lesson is a copymaster of the problem in English and in Māori.

  2. Problem solving information

    While problem solving is not a category within the New Zealand Curriculum (2007), the key competency of Thinking includes problem solving. We believe that by solving problems students get a much better feel for what mathematics is all about, what it can do and how it does it. In this website the term 'problem solving' is used to mean ...

  3. Problem solving strategies

    A checked guess becomes a "theorem". Problem solving is very close to mathematical research. The way that research mathematicians work is precisely the Pólya four stage method (What is Problem Solving?). The only difference between problem solving and research is that in school, someone (the teacher) knows the solution to the problem.

  4. Problem Solving

    This section of the nzmaths website has problem-solving lessons that you can use in your maths programme. The lessons provide coverage of Levels 1 to 6 of The New Zealand Curriculum. The lessons are organised by level and curriculum strand. ... This provides you with practical information about how to implement problem solving in your maths ...

  5. Problem Challenge Introduction

    Problem Challenge is a mathematics problem solving competition aimed primarily at children in years 7 and 8, and of interest to able children from Year 6. It has been organised by John Curran and John Shanks, retired members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago, with extensive secretarial help from Leanne ...

  6. What is problem solving?

    Mathematical processes include problem solving, logic and reasoning, and communicating ideas. These are the parts of mathematics that enable us to use the skills in a wide variety of situations. It is worth starting by distinguishing between the three words "method", "answer" and "solution". By "method" we mean the means used to get an answer.

  7. Problem Challenge Books

    The Problem Challenge competition has been running since 1991. Each year Intermediate School children tackle 25 challenging maths questions of a problem solving nature. These questions have been collected together in six books, along with fully worked solutions, suggestions for extension activities and an introduction to problem solving.

  8. Problem Challenge Details

    Problem Challenge is a mathematics problem solving competition aimed primarily at children in years 7 and 8 but may be of interest to mathematically gifted children in year 6. It has been offered to schools throughout New Zealand for the past 33 years. The response to the competition has been overwhelmingly positive.

  9. Maths

    Maths — No Problem! resources, step-by-step teaching support, and online PLD videos are a click away. Request a free demo to see how it all works, or email [email protected] for more information. Designed for New Zealand Primary learners, Maths — No Problem! approach to maths mastery is proven to raise attainment and build maths ...

  10. MathsNZ Students

    Use geometry skills when solving problems. Statistics. 9.10. Investigate a given data set using the statistical enquiry cycle. Level 1. 91027. 1.2 (Under Development) Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems. 4 credits. External. 91032. 1.7 (Under Development) Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement problems. 3 credits.

  11. Problem Solving

    Developing Excellence in Problem Solving with Young Learners. Age 5 to 11. Becoming confident and competent as a problem solver is a complex process that requires a range of skills and experience. In this article, Jennie suggests that we can support this process in three principal ways. Using NRICH Tasks to Develop Key Problem-solving Skills.

  12. MathsLog

    Dragon Maths workbooks 5 and 6 are specifically written for the Intermediate school levels of the New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum. Each workbook covers the following curriculum strands: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics. ... Apply probability distributions in solving problems: 4 credits: External ...

  13. Level 4 Problems

    The problems have been grouped below by strand. Hover over each title to read the problem. Choose a problem that involves your students in applying current learning. Remember that the context of most problems can be adapted to suit your students and your current class inquiry. Read more about using these problem solving activities.

  14. Problem Solving

    Level 4 Place Value - Problem of the Day PowerPoint. Scuderia Ferrari F1: The Mystery of the Final Grand Prix Racetrack Maths Mystery Game [Year 7-8] 4.9 (7 Reviews) CUBES Problem Solving Strategy PowerPoint. 5.0 (1 Review) Stage 6 (Phase 2) Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Challenge Cards.

  15. Google DeepMind's new AI systems can now solve complex math problems

    AI models can easily generate essays and other types of text. However, they're nowhere near as good at solving math problems, which tend to involve logical reasoning—something that's beyond ...

  16. Level 3 Problems

    The problems have been grouped below by strand. Hover over each title to read the problem. Choose a problem that involves your students in applying current learning. Remember that the context of most problems can be adapted to suit your students and your current class inquiry. Read more about using these problem solving activities.

  17. Problem Solving Years 5-6 NZ Teaching Resources

    Rich Tasks Booklet (Level 3 & 4) 4.2 (4 Reviews) Stage 5 (Phase 1-2) Addition and Subtraction Word Problems. 4.5 (2 Reviews) Maths Word Problems Worksheet. 4.2 (17 Reviews) Level 3-4 Maths Problem Solving Challenge Cards. 4.9 (8 Reviews) Early Stage 5 to 6 (Phase 1-2) Differentiated Multiplication and Division Word Problems.

  18. Artificial Intelligence Has a Math Problem

    A.I.'s math problem reflects how much the new technology is a break with computing's past. By Steve Lohr In the school year that ended recently, one class of learners stood out as a seeming ...

  19. Problem solving activities

    The home of mathematics education in New Zealand. Māori content. Toggle navigation. Primary links. Home Supporting professional practice. e-ako PLD 360; ... This problem solving activity has a logic and reasoning focus. Use a systematic approach to count a set of possible outcomes. No three in a line game.

  20. Coding camp helps middle schoolers in Montgomery Co. recover from

    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (7News) — Navika Duvey is a rising seventh grader who is expanding her understanding of coding at summer camp. "Problem-solving, those skills you learn in math is also in ...

  21. Homepage

    The home of mathematics education in New Zealand. Māori content. Toggle navigation. Main submenu. Search Login Use the resource finder . OR. Search. Username. Password. Go. Forgot password ? Register ... Problem solving activities. An extensive collection of problem solving sessions.

  22. Level 5 Problems

    The problems have been grouped below by strand. Hover over each title to read the problem. Listed under 'Units' are extended problem solving investigations which aim to introduce students to an underlying idea of mathematics through a problem. Choose a problem that involves your students in applying current learning.

  23. Problems and solutions for students

    NZ Maths; Teaching material; Problem solving activities; Problems and solutions for students Problems and solutions for students. Thanks for visiting NZMaths. We are preparing to close this site by the end of August 2024. Maths content is still being migrated onto Tāhūrangi, and we will be progressively making enhancements to Tāhūrangi to ...

  24. Problem solving

    The home of mathematics education in New Zealand. Māori content. Toggle navigation. Primary links. Home Supporting professional practice. e-ako PLD 360; ... This problem solving activity has a number (addition and subtraction) focus. Represent a sum of money by using a combinations of coins.

  25. Ideas for using problem solving activities

    Be clear yourself about exactly what you want your students to learn from their problem solving experience. Make this explicit to your students. (Finding a solution is only part of the learning). Have key supporting questions ready to ask your students as they work on the problem: Getting started. While working on the problem.