attention grabber for compare and contrast essay

Effective Attention Getters for Your Essay with Examples

Whether you’re trying to enroll in college or submitting a scholarship application, your essay has to be super appealing. Pressed for time, most admissions committees will only glance at the first paragraph to decide whether the piece is worth a read. Since nobody can guarantee your submission gets considered, it’s up to you to ensure it will amuse the reader.

So how do you write the perfect attention-grabber and impress the college admissions counselors? How can you make your work stands out from the crowd? Below you can find good attention-getters for essays to help you write a compelling introductory paragraph that makes the audience want to read on.

What Are Attention Grabbers in Essays?

The so-called attention-grabbing technique has a simple purpose. It must catch the reader’s interest from the very beginning. Hence, you need sentences that make a good essay introduction and attempt to stir the audience and show your ability to weave words.

For instance, an amusing fact, personal experience, or a joke can do the job. Whatever strategy you use, don’t forget that using random quotes or anecdotes won’t work. Your intro must lead to the main thesis or introduce an opposing argument you’re about to refute.

The Importance of Good Attention Grabbers for Essays

Also known as “grabbers” and “hooks,” these elements always go in the first paragraph. Often, they make the first two or three sentences of the intro. At this point, ensure you include compare and contrast transition words to make sentences run smoothly in a coherent whole.

But why do you need an attention-getter? What impact does it leave on the reader? Here are a few reasons.

  • To convince the reader to go until the end of your work and not give up after the first few lines.
  • To tell the audience that you’re a skillful writer who knows how to use an intriguing opening.
  • To encourage people not keen on the subject to get on the bandwagon.
  • To invoke the curiosity of whoever’s considering the paper.
  • To inform that you’re exposing something rare, not just another chore.

Different Types of Attention Grabbers for College Essays

Several attention-grabbing openings can achieve the same effect. The most compelling introductory lines include posing a question, storytelling, sharing fascinating statistics, and rhetorical generalizations. Below, we list examples of attention-getters for essays to help you get on the right foot.

Whatever method you choose, you can’t go wrong. Hooks go interchangeably in almost any written piece. However, if you have writer’s block, refer to a  reflective essay writing service to get the ball rolling. These experts can assist you in drafting a relatable and highly appealing attention-getter.

Use a Quotation

Using a quote when writing an essay will make it credible and intriguing. This strategy engages the emotional side of readers and connects them to your wording. To start strongly, find a quotation by a famous author or expert related to your topic. Use it wisely to support the thesis and demonstrate that your research is thorough. Besides conveying your thoughts eloquently , quotes move and speak to people with timeless words.

Examples of a Quotation

If you want to present yourself as a creative and artful soul, begin your paper with: “Einstein once said: Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

Similarly, if you wish to come across as a hard-working and trustworthy student, say: “Samuel Johnson claimed that what we ever hope to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.”

Use Shocking Statistic

Another way to capture the audience is to introduce a striking figure or data relevant to the topic. Avoid facts that everyone is aware of and pick something surprising. Moreover, when writing conclusion paragraph for your essay , you may end with some projected statistics from trusted sources. This hack is excellent for informative or technical papers.

Examples of Attention Grabbers with Shocking Statistics

“According to tech schools, girls get outnumbered 6 to 1 by boys when it comes to enrolling in computer science classes.”

“The latest research shows that the human body contains ten times more bacteria than cells.”

Ask a Question

Posing a question at the beginning is an effective method to compel your reader. However, you must know the audience well to create an intriguing formulation that stimulates critical thinking. In addition, the intro query should direct the reader to read the paper and find the answer. Hence, avoid posing questions that are too general and don’t impress the target recipient.

Introductory Question Hooks

“Have you ever been so keen on a course that you spent the entire summer working to afford it?”

“Do you feel that each photograph, regardless of its high-quality, reduces the reality it represents?”

Tell an Anecdote

Share an experience that makes your life journey unique and relates to the essay’s purpose. By doing so, you will engage your reader emotionally. Often, considering a  descriptive essay writing service can help you transform your chronicle into an attention-grabbing hook. Alternatively, a well-crafted fictional account can evoke the same emotional response.

Example of a Real Event

“The day I met my Science teacher in middle school changed my life for the better. And not because she encouraged me to pursue a career as a geneticist. The encounter was something you’d never expect. As my dad approached the building, he hit another car on the side, and guess who was inside? My new Science teacher.”

Use Storytelling

Why not start the essay with a story or a good joke and steer away from complicated concepts? Everybody loves well-written stories because they raise interest and leave a trace. Yet, connecting the narrative with what follows next is critical to the main theme of the assignment. Finally, this approach is ideal for admission applications but not for more formal academic papers.

Example of a Great Story

“Lightings stroke hard, and the rain was attacking the roof, drowning any words we tried to pronounce. I’d expected to play the guitar and show the company my latest song, but the universe prevented whatever I attempted to do that night.”

Use Rhetorical Generalizations

Consider issuing a statement to serve as a pathway into the main argument. Conversely, if you doubt your writing skills, hire a  website to write an essay to get you admitted into college. These professionals know how to use a generalization that introduces your thesis statement in a way that challenges people to contemplate the topic.

Ideas for Rhetorical Generalizations

“Who wouldn’t agree that higher education is the most reliable ticket to self-fulfillment?”

“Recycling is undoubtedly the most efficient method to attain sustainability.”

Using any of these attention getter examples will pave your path to success. However, it’s not just the opening that needs to get polished to perfection. You may quickly spoil the first impression if the rest of the essay abounds with irrelevant information or contains grammatical errors and typos. This can be avoided if you get a professional essay writing service . So, getting help is a good option.

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Essay Hook Examples: Boost Grades with Attention-Grabbing Techniques

Mantaha Qureshi

The initial lines of any article are significant; they set the vibe and decide if pursuers will stay locked in. A convincing snare gets consideration as well as lays out believability and provokes interest. In the present advanced age, where abilities to focus are diminishing, excelling at making an effective snare becomes basic for scholarly achievement. This guide intends to disentangle the mysteries behind successful exposition snares, offering experiences, good hooks for compare and contrast essays, and procedures to raise your composing ability.

Understanding the Basics: What is an Essay Hook?

At its center, a snare for an example of a reflective essay on learning experience fills in as the initial explanation or sentence intended to quickly catch the pursuer’s advantage. It’s like a literary hook that gets readers to read more of your work. While the essential objective is to interest, snares can likewise present subjects, feature differentiations, or offer conversation starters, making way for the story or contention that follows. A well-written hook is essentially a doorway that leads readers into the heart of your essay on the learning experience, piques their interest, and forges a connection with them.

However, if you think that the academic environment can be difficult for you, you should think about using professional essay writing services . These services provide students with expert guidance that ensures academic excellence and adherence to standards. These administrations are custom-made to address individual requirements, encouraging scholarly development and accomplishment.

The Importance of a Compelling Hook in Academic Writing

Within the domain of the scholarly community, where endless papers compete for consideration, the hook for compare and contrast essays recognizes model works from the unremarkable. It serves different capacities past unimportant engagement. Without skipping a beat, a strong catch sets up the piece’s tone, whether it’s illuminating, strong, or a story. In addition, it provides supporters with an understanding of what to anticipate by providing a glimpse into the primary debate or topic of the show.

A persuading catch, on the other hand, ensures that followers remain engaged throughout the piece, establishing a positive perspective for the content to come. Along these lines, in instructive arrangement, the catch isn’t figuratively speaking great; it’s instrumental in embellishment perceptions and planning understandings.

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Types of Essays Hooks: Attention Grabbing Introduction Examples and Breakdown

  • Question Hooks: By posing provocative inquiries, you incite followers to reflect and secure actually alongside your subject. An example of an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement might be: ” Have you at any point viewed as the authentic got of solace?”
  • Quotation Hooks: Leveraging prominent cites or relevant citations can advance pro and significance. A citation like, “Instruction is the foremost powerful weapon which you’ll be able to utilize to alter the world” by Nelson Mandela can set the arrangement for a paper on instructive change.
  • Statistic Hooks: Startling realities or figures charm pursuers by highlighting the criticalness or noteworthiness of your subject. For case, “Did you know that over 80% of marine contamination begins from land-based exercises?”
  • Anecdotal Hooks: Sharing a brief individual story or account humanizes your paper, making it relatable. Consider beginning the hook background information thesis statement example with, “Amid my summer internship at a nearby clinic, I had seen firsthand the challenges of healthcare aberrations.”
  • Descriptive Hooks: Portray a distinctive picture that drenches pursuers in your account, bringing out feelings and setting the scene. Start with, ” Within the middle of the tranquil get a handle on of the timberland, a singular wolf’s holler entered the quiet, signaling a drawing closer change.”

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The Formula for Crafting Effective Hooks

Making an imperative catch isn’t as it were roughly creative ability; it demands a key point. Begin by understanding your audience’s wants, motivations, and data levels. Tailor your catch to reverberate with their interface by altering the side of your essay’s overarching subject. For instance, examining various hook sentence examples for essays can provide important insights into persuasive strategies. Another is guaranteeing centrality; however inventive capacity is estimable, and the catch should dependably move into your article’s fundamental substance. Change is very important -you see the balance, validity, and behavior of interest.

Purify with other types of hunting, questions, and repetitions. A generic approach will get you the value you need, but rest assured that personalization and consistency can deliver amazing results. Moreover, circumventing causal relationships and decomposing extended effects requires appropriate interpretive boundaries, and cause and effect essay writing service provides specific limitations here. By creating sharp fragments that explain cause-and-effect relationships, these associations contribute to fundamental thinking, to knowledge.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Essay Hooks

While the proposal of making an enamoring get is engaging, entanglements flourish for the unwary essayist. Perceiving and evading normal goofs can lift your paper’s initial lines from forgettable to remarkable.

Overusing Clichés

Articulations like “Quite a long time ago” or “Webster’s Dictionary characterizes…” could seem conspicuous, however, the chance to debilitate your exposition’s creativity. Try for newness and realness.

Overemphasis on Drama

Though close-to-home catches can find true success, an exorbitantly remarkable methodology can appear compelled or underhanded. Offset shows importance and genuineness.

Lack of Relevance

Ensure your hook aligns seamlessly with your essay’s content and purpose. A captivating hook loses its impact if it veers off-topic or misleads readers.

Neglecting the Thesis Connection

Your hook should pave the way for your thesis statement, offering a coherent transition. Avoid hooks that feel disconnected or disjointed from your essay’s core argument. Yet, if you’re having difficulty in writing a compelling hook for an essay then consider to  buy master thesis writing service  that provides invaluable support in this endeavor.

Practical Tips for Implementing Hooks in Your Essays

Acing the craftsmanship of making snares requires honing, persistence, and a sprint of inventiveness. Grasp these viable tips to refine your hook-writing abilities and charm your group of onlookers reliably.

  • Brainstorm Freely: Dedicate time to brainstorming potential hook ideas without self-censorship. Quantity often precedes quality, so let ideas flow freely before refining.
  • Tailor to Audience: Understand your target audience’s preferences, expectations, and knowledge base. Customizing your hook ensures relevance and resonates effectively.
  • Iterative Refinement: Treat snare composing as a persistent preparation. Test diverse approaches, look for input, and refine iteratively to upgrade effect and engagement.
  • Experiment with Assortments: Wander past recognizable domains by testing with differing snare sorts. Broadening your collection enhances your composing toolkit and improves flexibility.

However, if your educators have asked you to type in a captivating exposition, but you aren’t able to do so because of destitute composing aptitudes at that point consider collaborating with an  expert PhD thesis writing agency  that streamlines this complex handle. These organizations promote specialized guidance and support, which encourages the creation of influential theses that significantly advance academic discourse.

Case Studies: Examples of Successful Essay Hooks

Analyzing illustrations from the real world can give you valuable experience in designing immersive traps. How about we investigate the astounding openness and separate the parts that make the snare so dependable.

Common Hook Sentence Examples for Essays

  • [Essay Title/Author 1]: This paper unfathomably utilizes a provocative address catch, bracing readers intrigued and setting the organize for a nuanced examination of [subject]. [Essay Title/Author 2]: By leveraging a strong recounted snare, this piece sets up a passionate association, humanizing theoretical concepts and cultivating pursuer compassion.
  • [Essay Title/Author 3]: Through a shrewd utilization of estimation catches, this paper underscores desperation, compelling followers to go up against [issue] and champ imperative change.

Examples of Sociological Imagination in Everyday Life Essay

“In investigating the challenges of present metropolitan life, Jane routinely encounters conditions where individual experiences are weaved with more extensive cultural designs. For the event, her fight with sensible housing isn’t just a singular test; it reflects foundational issues of improvement, monetary incoherencies, and metropolitan improvement game plans that shape her lived experiences and those of endless others.”

Examples of Thesis Statements for Personal Essays

“Whereas my childhood recollections are filled with giggling and familial warmth, they moreover uncover the significant effect of migration on character, highlighting the juxtaposition of social legacy and the journey for having a place.”

Pros and Cons Essay Example

Title: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Learning

  • Flexibility: Remote learning offers understudies the adaptability to modify their timetables, obliging different learning styles and individual responsibilities.
  • Absence of Individual Connection: Remote learning might decrease potential open doors for up close and personal communications, restricting friend joint effort and relational abilities improvement.

In scholarly composition, the specialty of creating convincing snares stands vital, establishing the vibe and direction for pursuer commitment. Through the investigation of  Good Attention Grabbers for Essay Examples , this blog has uncovered the extraordinary force of a very much-created opening assertion. These scholarly baits charm pursuers as well as lay out an establishment for firm, significant stories, or contentions.

To improve comprehension, engagement, and ultimately academic excellence, aspiring writers and scholars must embrace the nuances of effective hook writing. Keep in mind, in the domain of paper composing, your acquaintance fills in as the entryway with your substance, enticing pursuers to leave on an excursion of revelation, reflection, and scholarly talk. Tackle the bits of knowledge gathered, refine your methodology, and let your snares reverberate, move, and persevere in the archives of academic accomplishment.

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Down and Dirty Tips: Compare or Contrast Essay: Organizing

  • Getting Started
  • Adding Transitions

Step 4: Organize Using Point-by-Point Method

Step 4: Organize essay using point-by-point method

There are other methods for organizing this essay; however, you can’t go wrong with point-by-point style.



Attention grabber is the first sentence of the introduction. Lead from a general discussion of the topic to the main point of the paper, the thesis statement sentence. Thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.


Although coffee and roller coasters are different on the surface, they are alike in how they excite smell, hearing, and touch.

Even though Popeye’s and KFC are both fried chicken restaurants, they differ greatly in their service, menus, and ambiance.



Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that at least alludes to the two items being discussed and the main point of that paragraph. In the first half of the paragraph only discuss the first item (do not refer to the second item at all). Then, in the second half of the paragraph discuss the second item and how it relates to the first item.


Topic Sentence for Point 1:  The first way the two are similar is how they stimulate the sense of smell.

-        Discuss the first item, how coffee stimulates the sense of smell.

-        Discuss the second item, roller coasters and how they are similar to coffee in the way they stimulate the sense of smell.


Topic Sentence for Point 2:  Furthermore, coffee and roller coasters both excite the sense of hearing.

-        Discuss the first item, how coffee stimulates hearing.

-        Discuss the second item, roller coasters and how they are similar to coffee in the way they stimulate hearing.


Topic Sentence for Point 3:  The final way they are similar is how they both impact the sense of touch.

-        Discuss the first item, how coffee impacts the sense of touch.

-        Discuss the second item, roller coasters and how they are similar to coffee in the way they impact the sense of touch.


Topic Sentence for Point 1:  The first way the two are different is their service.

-        Discuss the first item, service at Popeye’s.

-        Discuss the second item, KFC’s service and how the service is different from that of Popeye’s.


Topic Sentence for Point 2:  Next, the two restaurants differ in their menus.

-        Discuss the first item, menu at Popeye’s.

-        Discuss the second item, KFC’s menu and how menu at KFC is different from that of Popeye’s


Topic Sentence for Point 3:  Finally, Popeye’s and KFC offer a dissimilar ambiance.  

-        Discuss the first item, ambiance at Popeye’s.

-        Discuss the second item, KFC’s ambiance and how ambiance at KFC differs from ambiance at Popeye’s.



Conclude essay with a rewording of the thesis statement as the first sentence of the conclusion paragraph. Move from that specific point of the essay out to a general discussion of the topic. Look to the introduction for ideas on what to include in the conclusion.


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Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on August 6, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

Comparing and contrasting is an important skill in academic writing . It involves taking two or more subjects and analyzing the differences and similarities between them.

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Table of contents

When should i compare and contrast, making effective comparisons, comparing and contrasting as a brainstorming tool, structuring your comparisons, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about comparing and contrasting.

Many assignments will invite you to make comparisons quite explicitly, as in these prompts.

  • Compare the treatment of the theme of beauty in the poetry of William Wordsworth and John Keats.
  • Compare and contrast in-class and distance learning. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Some other prompts may not directly ask you to compare and contrast, but present you with a topic where comparing and contrasting could be a good approach.

One way to approach this essay might be to contrast the situation before the Great Depression with the situation during it, to highlight how large a difference it made.

Comparing and contrasting is also used in all kinds of academic contexts where it’s not explicitly prompted. For example, a literature review involves comparing and contrasting different studies on your topic, and an argumentative essay may involve weighing up the pros and cons of different arguments.

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As the name suggests, comparing and contrasting is about identifying both similarities and differences. You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must be some grounds for comparison in the first place.

For example, you might contrast French society before and after the French Revolution; you’d likely find many differences, but there would be a valid basis for comparison. However, if you contrasted pre-revolutionary France with Han-dynasty China, your reader might wonder why you chose to compare these two societies.

This is why it’s important to clarify the point of your comparisons by writing a focused thesis statement . Every element of an essay should serve your central argument in some way. Consider what you’re trying to accomplish with any comparisons you make, and be sure to make this clear to the reader.

Comparing and contrasting can be a useful tool to help organize your thoughts before you begin writing any type of academic text. You might use it to compare different theories and approaches you’ve encountered in your preliminary research, for example.

Let’s say your research involves the competing psychological approaches of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. You might make a table to summarize the key differences between them.

Behaviorism Cognitive psychology
Dominant from the 1920s to the 1950s Rose to prominence in the 1960s
Mental processes cannot be empirically studied Mental processes as focus of study
Focuses on how thinking is affected by conditioning and environment Focuses on the cognitive processes themselves

Or say you’re writing about the major global conflicts of the twentieth century. You might visualize the key similarities and differences in a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between World War I, World War II, and the Cold War.

These visualizations wouldn’t make it into your actual writing, so they don’t have to be very formal in terms of phrasing or presentation. The point of comparing and contrasting at this stage is to help you organize and shape your ideas to aid you in structuring your arguments.

When comparing and contrasting in an essay, there are two main ways to structure your comparisons: the alternating method and the block method.

The alternating method

In the alternating method, you structure your text according to what aspect you’re comparing. You cover both your subjects side by side in terms of a specific point of comparison. Your text is structured like this:

Mouse over the example paragraph below to see how this approach works.

One challenge teachers face is identifying and assisting students who are struggling without disrupting the rest of the class. In a traditional classroom environment, the teacher can easily identify when a student is struggling based on their demeanor in class or simply by regularly checking on students during exercises. They can then offer assistance quietly during the exercise or discuss it further after class. Meanwhile, in a Zoom-based class, the lack of physical presence makes it more difficult to pay attention to individual students’ responses and notice frustrations, and there is less flexibility to speak with students privately to offer assistance. In this case, therefore, the traditional classroom environment holds the advantage, although it appears likely that aiding students in a virtual classroom environment will become easier as the technology, and teachers’ familiarity with it, improves.

The block method

In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects you’re comparing in a block. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you’ve already said about the first. Your text is structured like this:

  • Point of comparison A
  • Point of comparison B

The most commonly cited advantage of distance learning is the flexibility and accessibility it offers. Rather than being required to travel to a specific location every week (and to live near enough to feasibly do so), students can participate from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows not only for a wider geographical spread of students but for the possibility of studying while travelling. However, distance learning presents its own accessibility challenges; not all students have a stable internet connection and a computer or other device with which to participate in online classes, and less technologically literate students and teachers may struggle with the technical aspects of class participation. Furthermore, discomfort and distractions can hinder an individual student’s ability to engage with the class from home, creating divergent learning experiences for different students. Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

Note that these two methods can be combined; these two example paragraphs could both be part of the same essay, but it’s wise to use an essay outline to plan out which approach you’re taking in each paragraph.

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College essays

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  • Write a College Essay
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  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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Some essay prompts include the keywords “compare” and/or “contrast.” In these cases, an essay structured around comparing and contrasting is the appropriate response.

Comparing and contrasting is also a useful approach in all kinds of academic writing : You might compare different studies in a literature review , weigh up different arguments in an argumentative essay , or consider different theoretical approaches in a theoretical framework .

Your subjects might be very different or quite similar, but it’s important that there be meaningful grounds for comparison . You can probably describe many differences between a cat and a bicycle, but there isn’t really any connection between them to justify the comparison.

You’ll have to write a thesis statement explaining the central point you want to make in your essay , so be sure to know in advance what connects your subjects and makes them worth comparing.

Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:

  • The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time.
  • The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

It’s also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay?

09 November, 2020

17 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

You have been assigned a compare and contrast essay but what is it and where do you even begin? The purpose of this type of essay is to focus on two or more topics examining them for subtle differences and unexpected similarities. These topics can be closely related, say a zebra and a horse, or they can be vastly different, like a pizza and salad. The focus of a compare and contrast essay is to bring to light something unknown, show whether one is superior to another, argue a point with supported facts, or clear up a misunderstanding.  

Compare and Contrast Essay

WWI and WWII. London and Paris. “Gone with the Wind” and “The Thorn Birds.” What do these things have in common? Or how do they differ?

This is a compare and contrast essay in a nutshell. Its main focus is on spotting the similarities or differences in terms of this or that object, phenomenon, or event. But there’s more to it. So, let’s look into all the details more profoundly.

Compare vs contrast

What is a compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a piece of academic writing focused on finding similarities or differences between several objects.

“Well,” you might think, “it’s the easiest paper ever. Why even bother looking for samples and examples?” Is that what you’re thinking? Then we’ve got a surprise for you.

Even though it all seems pretty self-explanatory, a compare and contrast essay can be a real challenge to compose. Especially if you don’t know all the pitfalls to pay attention to.

Evidently, you can always choose to seek the assistance of a good essay writing service like HandMadeWriting. With us, you don’t have to spend long nights working on a piece like this. However, we guarantee that we’ll cover all the bases in this guide and you’ll be able to craft a decent compare and contrast essay in the end.

Of course, the essence of this type of writing lies in finding common or different characteristics of two objects, places, events, or people. However, the piece can look differently depending on the approach a student considers to use when working on it.

While still on the subject, let’s look into different approaches to writing a compare and contrast essay.

How to write a Compare and contrast essay outline

how to write a compare and contrast essay outline

An outline will serve as a roadmap for your project. It will be the lighthouse you will keep your eyes on amidst all the arguments and ideas you want to mention in a piece.

Related Post: How to Write an Argumentative essay

Besides, it will help you keep your thoughts organized and well-structured. So, what should an outline for this type of essay look like?

Compare and Contrast essay outline example

Now use this scheme and adjust it to your own essay. Remember that an outline is only a blueprint: no need to go into numerous details at each section. Simply mention what you will talk about in each section and mark what sources you will use to back up your ideas.

Related Posts: Essay Outline | Research Paper Outline

Once you crafted an outline, you’re all set to start your essay.

The structure of a compare and contrast essay

There are three approaches to writing this type of essay:

  • Point by point method

Venn diagram

Block structure.

Approaches to writing a compare and contrast essay

Point-by-point method

This method focuses on comparing or contrasting various points of the same object. This being said, we find it essential to add that you can only choose two objects which you can really compare.

Thus, it is a great idea to compare two books of the same genre, but it makes no sense to compare a basketball and a soccer team: they’re completely different.

To demonstrate what this method is about, let’s try to compare public and private education in the USA. We will focus on three main aspects: the cost of such education, quality of education (based on the results and achievements of graduates), and the workload.

The author should mention these aspects in the introduction saying that he will compare or contrast two different options of obtaining a degree based on these points.

Next, come the main body paragraphs. Each of them is dedicated to only one point.

Topic: Public and private education comparison


Main body paragraphs #1:   The cost of education

  • Higher at privately help institutions (e.g. provide a range of tuition fees across one specialization)
  • Lower (yet not completely free) at public educational establishments (e.g. offer a list of things an average student pays for at a public institution)

Main body paragraph #2:   Quality of the education

  • Typically higher at private institutions (e.g. smaller classes, a more dedicated teacher-student approach, access to necessary materials, etc.)
  • Typically lower with exceptions (e.g. offer examples of statistical data which proves that public education can be just as effective)

Main body paragraph #3:   The workload

  • Heavier at private colleges where tutors get more one-on-one time with each student. As a result, students have less time for extracurricular activities.
  • Might be lighter than at a private institution.


This is what a point-by-point approach looks like. Now, let’s check out the other two.

Venn diagram is “a diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of different sets.” It is an excellent tool to visualize the content and brainstorm ideas.

Specifically, if you ever decide to use this tool for one of the compare and contrast essay topics, here is what it would look like:

Firstly, simply draw two or more circles (depending on the number of objects you’re comparing). Secondly, write down things they have in common inside the intersection of these circles leaving the differences on the outside.

Let’s see how students can use this approach to crafting a compare and contrast essay outline.

Topic: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy

Main body paragraph #1: They were both presidents.

  • Lincoln was the 16th, while Kennedy – the 35th.
  • Lincoln served for five years, and Kennedy for three years.

Paragraph #2: They were both assassinated on Friday (share the story and background of each of these cases).

  • Kennedy was killed on the 23rd of November, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Lincoln was shot dead on April 15th, 1865, by John Wilkes Booth.

Paragraph #3: They were commemorated by being posted on the US money.

  • Tell about Kennedy’s half-dollar.
  • A five-dollar bill with Abraham Lincoln.

Paragraph #4: Differences.

  • Kennedy was a Democrat, while Lincoln was a Republican.
  • Lincoln fought in the Civil War and signed the Emancipation Proclamation, while Kennedy focused on civil rights, foreign policies, and a space mission.

Finally, let’s see what a block structure approach will look like in practice.

This approach allows the students to compare different objects based on a particular writing pattern. A benefit of using this method lies in the structure and the level of organization of your piece.

Firstly, the author takes the first object and describes it in the first paragraph. Then, he proceeds to describe the second object in the second paragraph. Throughout the process, features or qualities are looked into step by step.

Let’s see what it would look like on the example.

Topic: Cats and dogs: Who makes a better pet?

An introduction.

Paragraph #1: Cats

  • Don’t need their master to walk with them.
  • Take care of their own hygiene.
  • Require minimum training.

Paragraph #2: Dogs

  • Need regular walks with their masters to exercise.
  • Can’t wash themselves.
  • Need the training to maintain proper behavior.

These are the three main methods used to craft a compare and contrast essay. Just choose the one that you feel most comfortable using and move on to the actual writing part.

Alternatively, you can look for help from a professional custom writing service like  HandMade Writing . It’s your chance to shave hours off your week and end up having an A+ in no time!

How to write a compare and contrast essay

Knowing all the approaches is one thing. Nevertheless, there is much more you need to know about this type of writing if you want to succeed.

As a rule, a compare and contrast essay writing is based on an in-depth analysis of two or more objects and practical findings of them (don’t confuse it with a reflective essay which allows you to focus on your own reflections rather than solid facts). That is why every student must start with finding proper credible sources and reading them carefully. As you read, don’t forget to take notes: your goal is to find whether similarities between the objects outweigh the differences or vice versa. But, of course, this is only true if you were given a choice to either contrast or compare the notions.

Next, take your time to craft a decent outline. Yes, you heard it right: you need it way before you dive into the first draft creation. Wondering how to write an outline? Here are several useful tips.

How to start a compare and contrast essay

The first thing a reader should see in your essay is an attention grabber. What can serve as one?

  • A quote by a famous person.
  • A literary quote.
  • An anecdote.
  • An interesting definition.
  • A little-known fact.
  • An open-end question.
  • A beautifully painted scene.

These are the basic ideas on how to make your audience sit up and listen from the very first moment. Later on, develop this hook into a thesis statement.

Related post: H ow to write an Essay introduction?  | Essay format guide 

Thesis statement

Usually, thesis statement presents your argument to the readers. It invites the audience to dispute your position and encourages a discussion around the topic of your choice.

The Writing Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill states that  a thesis statement “tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion. It’s also a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.”

The secret of  a good thesis statement is in its length. It shouldn’t be longer than one sentence. Here is a good example:

“If it weren’t for Abraham Lincoln’s wisdom, excellent diplomatic skills, and patriotism, he could have been the last President of the existing and prospering United States of America.”

How to organize the main body paragraphs

We’ve already mentioned briefly what the main body paragraph should really look like. Now, let’s take a step forward and look into each nuance in more detail.

  • An argument. The first sentence of every paragraph of your comparative essay should present the argument that supports the thesis statement. Keep it short and up to the point. And only use the arguments you can actually back up with sufficient evidence.
  • Evidence. Next, provide at least one (but better two or three) pieces of evidence that support your argument. We encourage college students to use only credible sources at this point. Eventually, this will add credibility to your writing and definitely get you a better grade.
  • A conclusion. Finally, summarize the argument and the evidence for it in one sentence. Keep it short and to the point, but don’t underestimate the importance of this part of your paragraph. Obviously, it’s often the only part your audience will remember from the whole piece.

Generally, college students get to choose how many main body paragraphs they want to have in their piece. Besides, the word count plays an important role here: you can’t have six main body paragraphs if you only have 500 words. For the most part, there won’t be enough space for all the essential parts of the paragraph. And you’ll end up crafting an incomprehensive and poorly-structured essay. We’re begging you to be wise not to lose good grades to not thought-through writing process.

In addition, if you aren’t a college student yet, but are going to enter a college or university soon, don’t forget to check out our complete guide to writing a scholarship essay . It’s your chance to stretch a buck by getting the financial help from college!

How to end a compare and contrast essay

Finally, get ready to compose a top-notch closure for the piece. Even though it comes last in your essay, it must be nothing short of perfect.

Studies show that conclusions are your last chance to impress a reader. Overall, the structure of this last section is quite standard.

  • Restate that thesis statement to remind your audience of what your whole article centered around.
  • Go over the pieces of evidence you used along the way.
  • Finish with an open question, a call-to-action, or a challenge for the audience.

See? It’s not as difficult as you might have thought it will be. Still, you have to take your time to polish it and make it count.

Compare&Contrast essay example

Good compare and contrast essay topics.

Well, now that you know everything you need about the process of writing such papers, it seems like you’re simply destined to grab readers’ attention and keep them interested from the start.

And though we would really want to tell you it is really so, it won’t necessarily be true.

Likewise, there is one more secret you can’t miss: a good essay requires an engaging topic.

Certainly, we know that finding excellent good topics sentence might be difficult. Thus, we’ve gathered a short list of thing we think you might find exciting to write about.

However, you can find 127 great compare and contrast essay topics in our recent guide. They’re all unique and interesting. So, don’t hesitate to take a look and pick something to write about.

  • Greek vs. Roman mythology: Differences and similarities.
  • Real Madrid vs. Barcelona: Compare the techniques, history, and professionalism of the players in these two football clubs.
  • Veganism vs. Vegetarianism: Differences in the dieting styles.
  • American English vs. British English.
  • Public vs. private education: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • Being a freelancer vs. being self-employed.
  • Christianity in Europe vs. Christianity in Asia in the 21st century.
  • Traditional vs. Unconventional cancer treatments around the globe.
  • Breastfeeding vs. infant formula: Which is a better choice both for the mother and the baby?
  • Car-sharing vs. Hitchhiking: Which would you choose to travel the world?
Related post: Top argumentative essay topics

Transition words

Transition words are your key to the smooth reading experience. Here are two lists of transition words students should use when crafting this type of paper.

Transitions words

Transitions in a comparison essay:

  • In the same way
  • By the same token
  • Coupled with
  • In addition
  • Identically
  • Correspondingly
  • Together with
  • Comparatively

Contrast transitions:

  • Nonetheless
  • In contrast
  • Notwithstanding
  • On the contrary
  • On the other hand
  • At the same time

We tried to cover all the information a student might need when working on a compare and contrast essay. Use this guide step by step for the best results. Don’t fall victim to the idea that you need no assistance in composing this type of academic writing. Of course, it might be tricky. So, it’s in your best interest to use professional assistance.

Problems with writing Your Compare and Contrast Essay? Try our Essay Writer Service!

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Compare And Contrast Essay Guide

Compare And Contrast Essay Examples

Last updated on: Mar 22, 2024

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Examples For Your Help

By: Barbara P.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Are you ready to challenge your critical thinking skills and take your writing to the next level? Look no further than the exciting world of compare and contrast essays! 

As a college student, you'll have the unique opportunity to delve into the details and differences of a variety of subjects. But don't let the pressure of writing the perfect compare-and-contrast essay weigh you down. 

To help guide you on this journey, we've got some great compare-and-contrast essay examples. It will make the writing process not only manageable but also enjoyable. So grab a pen and paper, and let's get started on this exciting adventure!

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

On this Page

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

A compare and contrast essay is all about comparing two subjects. Writing essays is not always easy, but it can be made easier with help from the examples before you write your own first. The examples will give you an idea of the perfect compare-and-contrast essay. 

We have compiled a selection of free compare-and-contrast essay examples that can help you structure this type of essay. 











Don't know how to map out your compare and contrast essay? Visit this link to learn how to perfectly outline your essay!

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples University

Compare and contrast paper is a common assignments for university students. This type of essay tells the reader how two subjects are the same or different from each other. Also, show the points of comparison between the two subjects.

Look at the example that is mentioned below and create a well-written essay.


Compare and Contrast Essay Examples College


Compare and Contrast Essay Examples High School

Compare and contrast essays are often assigned to high school students to help them improve their analytical skills .

In addition, some teachers assign this type of essay because it is a great way for students to improve their analytical and writing skills.



Check out the video below to gain a quick and visual comprehension of what a compare and contrast essay entails.

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples Middle school

In middle school, students have the opportunity to write a compare-and-contrast essay. It does not require an expert level of skills, but it is still a way to improve writing skills.

Middle school students can easily write a compare-and-contrast essay with a little help from examples. We have gathered excellent examples of this essay that you can use to get started.



Literary Analysis Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

The perfect way to inform readers about the pros and cons of two subjects is with a comparison and contrast essay.

It starts by stating the thesis statement, and then you explain why these two subjects are being compared in this essay.

The following is an example that you can use for your help.


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Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion Example

The conclusion of an essay is the last part, in which you wrap up everything. It should not include a story but rather summarize the whole document so readers have something meaningful they can take away from it.


Struggling to think of the perfect compare-and-contrast essay topic ? Visit this link for a multitude of inspiring ideas.

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips

A compare and contrast essay presents the facts point by point, and mostly, the argumentative essay uses this compared-contrasted technique for its subjects.

If you are looking for some easy and simple tips to craft a perfectly researched and structured compare and contrast essay, we will not disappoint you.

Following are some quick tips that you can keep in mind while writing your essay:

  • Choose the essay topic carefully.
  • Research and brainstorm the points that make them similar and different.
  • Create and add your main statement and claim.
  • Create a Venn diagram and show the similarities and differences.
  • Choose the design through which you will present your arguments and claims.
  • Create compare and contrast essay outline. Use either the block method or the point-by-point structure.
  • Research and add credible supporting evidence.
  • Transitioning is also important. Use transitional words and phrases to engage your readers.
  • Edit, proofread, and revise the essay before submission.

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Create captivating essays effortlessly!

In conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay can be an effective way to explore the similarities and differences between two topics. By using examples, it is possible to see the different approaches that can be taken when writing this type of essay. 

Whether you are a student or a professional writer, these examples can provide valuable insight to enhance your writing skills. You can also use our AI-powered essay typer to generate sample essays for your specific topic and subject.

However, if you don’t feel confident in your writing skills, you can always hire our professional essay writer. offer comprehensive essay writing service for students across the globe. Our experts are highly trained and qualified, making sure all of your essays will meet academic requirements while receiving top grades. 

Don't wait - take advantage of our 50% introductory discount today and get ahead of the game with us! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i write a compare and contrast essay.

Here are some steps that you should follow and write a great essay.

  • Begin by brainstorming with a Venn diagram.
  • Create a thesis statement.
  • Develop an outline.
  • Write the introduction.
  • Write the body paragraphs.
  • Write the conclusion.
  • Proofreading.

How do you start a compare and contrast essay introduction?

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it is important to have an engaging introduction that will grab the reader's attention. A good way to do this would be by starting with a question or fact related to the topic to catch their interest.

What are some good compare and contrast essay topics?

Here are some good topics for compare and contrast essay:

  • E-books or textbooks.
  • Anxiety vs. Depression.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Cinnamon vs. sugar.
  • Similarities between cultural and traditional fashion trends.

How long is a compare and contrast essay?

Usually, a compare and contrast essay would consist of five paragraphs but there are no hard and fast rules regarding it. Some essays could be longer than five paragraphs, based on the scope of the topic of the essay.

What are the two methods for arranging a comparison and contrast essay?

The two ways to organize and arrange your compare and contrast essay. The first one is the Point-by-Point method and the second one is the Block method.

Barbara P.

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Hook Generator

AI Hook Generator: Write a Perfect Attention-Grabber

What is a hook generator.

In writing, a hook is a sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing opening to a piece of writing. It is a powerful tool to engage readers or listeners and encourage them to continue reading or listening. However, crafting a good hook can be challenging, and that's where a hook generator comes in.

A hook generator, also known as a hook creator or hook sentence generator, is an online tool that provides users with various ideas for hooks that they can use in their writing. These tools help writers save time and effort by providing them with different options for a hook that they can choose from.

Why Should You Use a Hook Statement Generator?

Using a hook generator has several advantages for writers, including:

  • Time-saving:  Writing a hook can be a time-consuming process. A hook generator can save writers time by providing them with various options to choose from.
  • Increased creativity:  A hook generator can stimulate creativity by providing writers with unique and interesting ideas that they might not have thought of on their own.
  • Improved engagement:  A well-crafted hook can improve reader engagement, and a hook generator can help writers create attention-grabbing hooks that keep their readers interested.
  • Consistency:  A hook generator can help writers ensure that the tone and style of their hooks are consistent throughout their writing. This can help create a more cohesive and polished piece of writing, which can improve the reader's overall experience.
  • Flexibility:  A hook generator can provide writers with different types of hooks that can be tailored to their specific writing needs. For example, a writer may need a hook for an essay, a speech, or a marketing campaign. A hook generator can provide a variety of hook types, such as anecdotes, questions, or quotations, that can be customized to suit the specific type of writing.

How to Use Our Hook Generator?

Our hook generator is easy to use and can help writers generate hooks quickly and efficiently. Here's how to use it:

Step 1: Describe the Topic

Enter the topic you want to write about in the text box. This will help the generator provide relevant and specific ideas for hooks.

Step 2: Generate Hook Ideas

Click on the "Generate Hooks" button, and our hook generator will provide you with different ideas for hooks. You can select the ones that you like and save them for later use.

Step 3: Save Hooks with Potential

After generating hook ideas, you can save the ones that you think have the potential to engage your audience. You can copy and paste them into a separate document for future reference.

Step 4: Refine Your Hooks

You can refine the hooks you've saved by making changes to them or combining different ideas to create a more unique hook.

Tips for writing effective hooks

Here are some tips for writing effective hooks:

Know your audience

Before writing a hook, it's essential to know your target audience. Consider what type of reader or listener you are trying to attract and what their interests and values are. This will help you create a hook that is relevant and appealing to your audience.

Hook examples:

  • Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list?
  • Are you passionate about saving the environment?
  • Do you love trying new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen?

Start with an interesting fact or statistic

Sharing a surprising or little-known fact can pique readers' curiosity and make them want to learn more. Starting with a fact or statistic can also establish the importance of the topic you're writing about.

Pose a thought-provoking question

Asking a question can make readers or listeners think and engage with the topic on a deeper level. Make sure the question is relevant to your topic and encourages readers to keep reading or listening.

Thought-provoking hook exa

  • What would you do if you had only 24 hours left to live?
  • Is it ever acceptable to lie to protect someone's feelings?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?

Use a quotation

Using a quotation from a famous person or a book related to your topic can add credibility and interest to your writing. Make sure the quotation is relevant and memorable.

Quotation hook examples:

  • "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
  • "The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln
  • "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

Tell a story or anecdote

Sharing a personal story or anecdote can help readers connect with your writing on an emotional level. Make sure the story is relevant to your topic and highlights the importance of the issue you're discussing.

Story hook examples:

  • When I was six years old, I fell off my bike and broke my arm. Little did I know that this event would shape my entire life.
  • My grandfather used to tell me stories about his experiences during the war. His stories always reminded me of the sacrifices he made for our country.
  • I remember the first time I tasted sushi. It was love at first bite, and I've been a fan ever since.

Humour can be an effective way to engage readers and make them remember your writing. However, make sure the humor is appropriate and relevant to your topic.

  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands instead.
  • I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

Keep it concise

A hook should be brief and to the point. Avoid using long, complicated sentences that may confuse or bore readers.

Concise hooks examples:

  • Time is money.
  • Life is short.
  • Knowledge is power.

Make it unique

A hook should be unique and stand out from other hooks. Avoid using cliches or overused phrases that readers may have seen before.

Your hook should accurately reflect the content of your writing. Avoid using clickbait or misleading hooks that may disappoint or frustrate readers.

How to Write a Good Hook for an Essay

A good hook for an essay should be attention-grabbing and relevant to the topic. It should also be unique and creative. Here are some types of hooks in writing that you can use for your essay:

  • Anecdote: Start with a short and interesting story related to your topic.
  • Question: Pose a question to your audience that makes them think and want to learn more.
  • Quotation: Use a quotation from a famous person or a book related to your topic.
  • Surprising fact: Share a surprising or shocking fact that will make your readers curious.
  • Definition: Start with a clear and concise definition of a term related to your topic.

Choose Your Type of Hook

After selecting the type of hook you want to use, you can start writing your hook sentence. A good hook should be concise and to the point, but it should also grab your readers' attention.

How to Start a Hook for an Essay

To start a hook for an essay, you need to think about what will capture your readers' attention. You can start by asking a question, sharing a story, or providing an interesting fact. The goal is to create a hook that will make your readers want to keep reading.

Essay Hook Examples

Here are some examples of good hooks for essays:

  • Anecdote: "When I was six years old, I broke my leg in a car accident. Little did I know that this event would shape my entire life."
  • Question: "Did you know that the human brain can process information faster than the speed of light?"
  • Quotation: "As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'"
  • Surprising fact: "Did you know that the world's largest living organism is a fungus that covers over 2,200 acres in Oregon?"
  • Definition: "According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, 'procrastination' is defined as the act of delaying or postponing something."

Hook Generators

Aside from our hook generator, there are several other hook generators available online that can help writers create attention-grabbing hooks for their writing. Here are some examples:

Instagram Hooks Generator

Instagram is a popular social media platform that is used by millions of people around the world. If you're looking to create reels on Instagram, you can use an Instagram hooks generator to come up with creative and engaging hook ideas.

An Instagram hooks generator is a tool that generates creative ideas and concepts for reels on the Instagram platform. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing and visually stunning content to capture the attention of their audience. 

Instagram hook tips: 

  • Use a visually stunning image or video that captures the essence of your brand or product
  • Use an interesting caption that encourages viewers to engage with your post
  • Use a unique hashtag that makes your post easily discoverable

Check out our  AI instagram bio generator

Email Hooks Generator

Email marketing is an effective way to reach potential customers and promote your business. To make sure your emails get noticed, you can use an email hooks generator to come up with attention-grabbing subject lines that entice your subscribers to open your emails.

An email hooks generator is a tool that generates attention-grabbing subject lines for email marketing campaigns. It is designed to help users create subject lines that entice their subscribers to open their emails. Here are some benefits and examples of an email hooks generator:

Email hook tips:

  • Ask a question in the subject line that piques the subscriber's curiosity
  • Use numbers to make the subject line more specific and compelling
  • Use a sense of urgency to create a feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out)

Check out our  cover letter generator and  how to write letter of recommendation with AI . 

Speech Hook Generator

Public speaking can be daunting, but a well-crafted hook can help you capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout your speech. A speech hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use to make your speech more memorable.

A speech hook generator is a tool that generates creative and engaging ideas for speeches. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing hooks that capture the audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout the speech. 

Speech hook tips: 

  • Use a personal story or anecdote that relates to the topic of the speech
  • Use a shocking statistic or fact that highlights the importance of the issue being discussed
  • Use humor to make the audience laugh and create a relaxed atmosphere

Essay Hook Generator

An essay hook generator can help you come up with creative ideas for hooks that you can use to make your essay stand out. By using a hook generator, you can save time and effort while creating a hook that will make your essay more engaging.

An essay hook generator is a tool that generates creative ideas for hooks for essays. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing hooks that make their essays stand out. 

Essay hook tips:

  • Use a quote from a famous person or a book related to the topic of the essay
  • Use a surprising or little-known fact that highlights the importance of the issue being discussed
  • Use a personal story or anecdote that relates to the topic of the essay

Song Hook Generator

Writing a catchy hook is essential for creating a successful song. A song hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use in your songwriting.

A song hook generator is a tool that generates creative and memorable ideas for hooks for songs. It is designed to help users create catchy and memorable hooks that stick in the listener's mind. 

Song hook tips:

  • Use a catchy melody or rhythm that makes the hook memorable
  • Use a simple and repetitive phrase that is easy for listeners to remember
  • Use a metaphor or analogy that makes the hook more interesting and memorable

Check out also our  country song generator and  song title generator .

Marketing Hook Generator

Marketing hooks are used to grab the attention of potential customers and persuade them to buy your products or services. A marketing hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use in your marketing campaigns to make them more effective.

In conclusion, using a hook generator can be a valuable tool for writers who want to create attention-grabbing hooks quickly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this article and using a hook generator, you can create hooks that engage your audience and make your writing more memorable.

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How to Start a Compare and Contrast Essay

Last Updated: January 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 441,761 times.

Compare and contrast essays are often assigned to students because they promote critical thinking, analytical reasoning and organized writing. A compare and contrast essay should look at a subject in a new way, with fresh insight, using the similarities and the differences between two topics or two perspectives on one topic.

Sample Outline

attention grabber for compare and contrast essay

Brainstorming Your Topic

Step 1 Understand the structure of a compare and contrast essay.

  • If your instructor has already given you your topic, you may be contrasting two things that could go into the same category, but are different from each other. For example, cats and dogs are both animals, but they are different from each other in many ways. The pro-life view on abortion, and the pro-choice view on abortion could both fit under the category of a human rights issue, but they are two very distinct views or positions.

Step 2 Make a list of similarities and differences.

  • Try to write as many similarities and differences you can think of. For example: cats and dogs are both domesticated animals. But cats have different temperaments than dogs, and cats are known to be indoor pets, while dogs tend to need to be walked and played with outside on a constant basis.
  • Think about at least one or two meaningful differences and similarities between the two subjects. For example, a compare and contrast between abortion rights could lead to meaningful notes like: The pro-life stance views fetuses are full formed humans and are often based in religious beliefs, while the pro-choice stance views fetuses as undeveloped eggs and are often based in scientific beliefs.
  • To focus your list, choose categories (or possible supporting points for your paper) to classify the similarities and differences between the two subjects. For example, for the abortion rights topic, you may choose categories like: legal details, women's rights, scientific stance, and religious beliefs. You can then separate each item on the list into these categories.

Step 3 Create a Venn diagram of your topic.

  • Once you are done listing 10-15 differences and 5-7 similarities, circle the most important items in each list. Then, match at least three opposites from one circle to the other circle.
  • Review the list and look for three different categories that describe these traits. For example, for the abortion rights topic, you may have “scientific studies of the fetus” on the pro-choice side, and “belief in life of the fetus” on the pro-life side. One possible category could then be the debate of the life of a fetus.

Step 4 Answer the 5 W's and H questions.

  • If you're compare and contrasting two historical periods or events, you may ask: When did they occur (the dates and the duration)? What happened or changed during each event? Why are they significant? Who were the important people involved? How did the events occur, and what consequences did they have later in history?
  • If you're compare and contrasting two ideas or theories, you may ask: What were they about? How did they originate? Who created them? What is the central focus, claim, or goal of each theory? How do the theories apply to situations/people/things, etc.? What kind of evidence is used to support each theory?
  • If you're compare and contrasting two pieces of art, you may ask: What does each piece of art describe or depict? What is their tone or mood? What themes do they address? Who created them? When were they created? How do the creators of the artworks describe their own work? Why do you think the artworks were created as they were?
  • If you're compare and contrasting two people, you may ask: Where is each person from? How old are they? What, if anything, are they known for? How do they identify themselves in terms of gender, race, class, etc? Do the two people have any relationship to each other? What does each person do? Why is each person interesting? What are the defining features of each person?

Step 5 Note any gaps in your knowledge or research.

  • Your instructor may also ask for a discussion of more than one similarity and difference between the two topics or two perspectives. Identify any gaps in your knowledge and prepare to do research so you can better compare and contrast the two topics in your essay.

Creating an Outline

Step 1 Compose your thesis...

  • Your thesis should note the key similarities and differences of both subjects. For example: “Dogs and cats are both seen as ideal, domesticated pets, but their temperaments and breeding set them apart.”
  • Your thesis should also be able to answer the question, “So what? Why should anyone care about the positives and the negatives of owning a cat or a dog?” A reader may also wonder why you chose to look at cats and dogs, and not other domesticated pets like birds, reptiles, or rabbits. Your thesis statement is much stronger if you address these questions, and a stronger thesis can lead to a stronger essay.
  • The revised thesis may look like: “Dogs and cats are both considered ideal, domesticated pets, and prove more popular than other domesticated animals like birds or rabbits, but the low maintenance and particular temperament of cats makes them better pets for a variety of households.” A more concise thesis, which allows for a more open discussion of both options, may look like: “Both cats and dogs make excellent domesticated pets, but an appropriate choice depends on the pet owner's lifestyle, finances, and living accommodations.”

Step 2 Organize your paper by the block method.

  • Introduction: Introduce the general topic, then introduce the two specific topics. End with your thesis, which addresses what is going to be covered in the essay.
  • Leads into Aspect 1: Lifestyle, with at least two details. For example, how cats do not have to watched during the day, and are easier to get care if the owner travels or is often not home.
  • Leads into Aspect 2: Cost, with at least two details. For example, how food and healthcare are less expensive for cats and how cats are less likely to cause property damage to the owner's home.
  • Leads into Aspect 3: Living accommodations, with at least two details. For example, how cats do not take up a lot of space and they are less intrusive as they do not require daily walks or constant play.
  • End the paragraph with a transition sentence.
  • Body paragraph 2 will follow the same structure, with three Aspects and two supporting details for each aspect.
  • Body paragraph 3 can follow the same structure as Body paragraph 2 and 3. Or it can be a paragraph that develops the comparison made in the previous two paragraphs. You can use scientific data, crowd sourced feedback, or a personal experience. For example, you may have been in a position where you had to compare and contrast adopting a dog or a cat and made your decision based on your lifestyle, finances, and living situation. This could serve as a personal experience to back up your previous arguments.
  • Conclusion: Contains a summary of your main points, a restating of your thesis, an evaluation of your analysis and any future developments that may sway your compare and contrast to one topic over the other.

Step 3 Use a point by point structure.

  • Introduction: Introduce the general topic, then introduce the two specific topics. End with your thesis, which addresses what is going to covered in the essay.
  • Leads into Topic 1, Aspect 1: Cats, with two details supporting cats in the argument. For example, how cats do not have to watched during the day, and are easier to get care if the owner travels or is often not home.
  • Leads into Topic 2, Aspect 1: Dogs, with two details contrasting dogs to the previous argument. For example, how dogs are pack animals and shouldn't be left alone for long periods of time, and how it can be difficult to find care for a dog when the owner is away.
  • Ends with a transition sentence.
  • Body paragraph 2 will follow the same structure, with a discussion of Topic 1 and Topic 2 in relation to Aspect 2, for example: “Cats are less expensive to own and care for.” There should be two supporting details for each topic.
  • Body paragraph 3 will follow the same structure, with a discussion of Topic 1 and Topic 2 in relation to Aspect 3, for example: “Cats need less special house accommodations than dogs.” There should be two supporting details for each topic.

Writing an Introduction

Step 1 Be assertive and clear.

  • You should also avoid announcing your intentions in a straightforward and formal way. For example, skip statements like “In this paper, I will” or “The purpose of this essay is to”.
  • Instead, your reader should be able to perceive the purpose of your essay through the first two sentences in your beginning paragraph.

Step 2 Create a hook for your first sentence.

  • An interesting or surprising example: This could be a personal experience of when a cat proved to be a better pet than a dog, or a scientific study that shows the differences between cats and dogs.
  • A provocative quotation: This could be from a source you used for your essay or one that feels relevant to your topic.
  • A vivid anecdote: An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. Think of an anecdote that might be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay. You can also look through your research for your essay for any note worthy anecdotes.
  • A thought provoking question: Think of a question that will get your reader thinking and engaged in your topic. For example: “Did you always wish you had a cat but ended up with a dog when you were growing up?”

Step 3 Revise your introduction once you complete the essay.

  • The writing process can be an important way to organize your ideas, think through certain points, and refine your thoughts. Writing or revising the introduction once you are done your essay will ensure the introduction matches the body of your essay.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Ask a friend, advisor or classmate to read your introduction and thesis. Having someone provide feedback before you get into the body of your compare and contrast essay can help you ensure you have a well written, thorough and purposeful start to your paper. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To start a compare and contrast essay, start by making a list of similarities and differences between your subjects. Once you have a clearer idea of how your subjects work in relation to each other, you can work on your introduction. Think about ways to hook or grab your reader’s attention with your opening, like giving a surprising or interesting fact or a vivid anecdote. You can also ask a thought-provoking question or use a provocative quotation. Then, introduce your general topic. Once you give your reader a bit of context, you can discuss your two specific subjects in a bit more detail before stating your thesis. Your thesis should note the main similarities and differences between both subjects. For example, “Dogs and cats are both seen as ideal domestic pets, but their temperaments and breeding set them apart.” To learn how to organize your compare and contrast essay, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Write An Essay

Hook Examples

Barbara P

200+ Creative Hook Examples: Ready, Set, Hook

27 min read

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

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As a student, you know how important it is to grab your reader’s attention right away. 

Stories without strong starts can leave readers feeling uninspired and bored—and that's not what we want! After all, compelling stories require creative hooks to seal the deal. 

That's why we're here!

To avoid a bland start, it's important to craft a clever and memorable hook. With the use of effective hooks, you can leave a lasting impression on even the most discerning of readers.

Join us now as we jump into different types of hooks, from intriguing questions to vivid imagery – let's get started!

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Question Hook Examples

If you're stuck in the creative hook-writing process, a question hook can be your go-to. 

Questions hook readers and make them think about what’s being asked. You can also use a fact statistic too.

They also immediately draw attention to the topic at hand and make readers more likely to continue reading. 

 Let's look at some examples : 

  • "What if I told you that a single dream could change your life?" 
  • "Who can inhabit a place where the past and the present intersect?" 
  • "How would you respond if you had to choose between love and ambition?" 
  • "Where does one draw the line between passion and obsession?" 
  • "Can humanity survive in a world of conflicting values?" 
  • "What if our dreams became reality?" - John Steinbeck 
  • "How do you explain something that cannot be explained?" 
  • "Is it possible to find true love in an imperfect world?"
  • "Do we control our destiny, or does fate have a hand in it?" 
  • "How much can power corrupts us before we become monsters?"

Statistic Hook Examples

Numbers don't lie, and sometimes they can be the most powerful way to make a point. 

Here are some examples of statistic hooks that can grab your readers' attention:

  • "Did you know that over 50% of adults in the United States are single?"
  • "According to recent studies, over 70% of high school students report feeling overwhelmed and stressed on a daily basis."
  • "In the United States, the average household debt is over $90,000."
  • "Over 80% of Americans believe that climate change is a serious problem, but what are we doing to address it?"
  • "According to recent polls, only 20% of Americans trust the government to do what is right always or most of the time."
  • "In the last decade, the use of social media has skyrocketed, with over 3 billion users worldwide."
  • "Studies show that women still earn only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men in the United States."
  • "Over 40% of food produced in the United States is wasted each year, while millions of people go hungry."
  • "Recent research has found that over 90% of plastic waste in the ocean comes from just 10 rivers in Asia and Africa."
  • "Despite advances in medical technology, the United States has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the developed world, with over 700 deaths per year."

Metaphor / Simile Hook Examples

Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools for engaging your reader and making your writing more vivid. 

Here are ten examples to inspire your own metaphorical hooks.

  • "Like a beacon in the night, [topic] shines a light on our deepest hopes and fears."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a Pandora's box of complex emotions and ideas that challenge us to confront our own biases and assumptions."
  • "Just as a ship navigates treacherous waters, [topic] requires a steady hand and a clear sense of direction to navigate successfully."
  • "In many ways, [topic] is a mirror that reflects the beauty and complexity of the human experience."
  • "Like a puzzle with countless pieces, [topic] invites us to piece together disparate elements to uncover deeper truths and insights."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a garden that requires careful tending and nurturing to flourish."
  • "Just as a painter uses color and light to create a masterpiece, [topic] allows us to paint a vivid portrait of the world around us."
  • "In many ways, [topic] is a labyrinth that challenges us to explore its winding paths and discover hidden treasures along the way."
  • "Like a key that unlocks a door, [topic] gives us access to new worlds of knowledge and understanding."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a journey that takes us on a winding path through the highs and lows of the human experience."

Anecdote Hook Examples

If you want to hook your readers from the start with a narrative that's more fun and lighthearted, an anecdote hook is a way to go.  

Let's look at some examples: 

  • "It all started when I decided to take a walk in the woods one summer day..." 
  • "The night began as any other night out with my friends - until the police showed up..."
  • "The day I found out my grandmother had cancer was one of the saddest days of my life" 
  • "It was a sunny Sunday afternoon when I decided to take a chance and go for a drive on an unfamiliar road" 
  • "I never expected that one day I'd be standing in the World Cup final..."
  • "It was summertime, and all my friends were out at the beach while I was stuck inside baking cookies" 
  • "I remember the day I finally decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business" 
  • "My first day at university was filled with anxiety and excitement" 
  • "That's when I realized I wanted to be a teacher - when I saw the look on my student's faces after they finally understood something"
  • "My first time walking into a yoga class was nerve-wracking, but it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life" 

Quote Hook Examples

If you want to hook your readers right away with a strong introduction, using a quote hook can be an effective strategy.  

Let's look at some examples of a quote from a famous person. 

  • "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde 
  • "To infinity and beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear 
  • "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky 
  • "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney 
  • "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - J.K. Rowling 
  • "You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself" - Tim Berners-Lee 
  •  "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs 
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu 
  • "Life is what you make it" - Anonymous 
  • "The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln 

Story Hook Examples

If your main goal is to fully captivate and engage readers in an unforgettable story, then a well-crafted story hook is the way to go.

  • "It all started on a cold January night with a phone call that changed my life..." 
  • "The moment I saw my best friend in that hospital bed, I knew everything would never be the same again..." 
  • "I had been dreaming of this day for years - the day I'd finally get to explore the world outside of my small town..." 
  • "The sun was just setting as we drove through the old neighborhood, remembering all the good times we had growing up..." 
  • "I opened my front door to find a man standing in the hallway with a strange package - and that's how it all began..." 
  • "The morning of my eighteenth birthday, I woke up feeling strangely different - like an adventure was about to begin..." 
  • "I remember the day I decided to face my fears and take a leap of faith - that's when everything changed..." 
  • "The night I saw the shooting stars were like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I knew it would stay with me forever..." 
  • "It took one coincidence for me to realize that life was about to take me on a wild ride..." 
  • "I had never felt so brave in my life when I decided to take a stand and fight for what I believed in..." 

Hook Examples For Essay

If you desire to seize your reader's attention and keep them enthralled in your essay, a persuasive hook is essential.

Check out these hooks for essays examples: 

  • "The world we live in today has changed drastically since the introduction of technology" 
  • "Every generation has had its own unique set of challenges - and the current generation is no exception" 
  • "We can learn a lot from history and the mistakes that have been made in the past" 
  • "Society often puts a label on things without really understanding them or giving them a chance" 
  • "The power of technology can be both a blessing and a curse" 
  • "Education is the key to success - and it's important for everyone to have access to it" 
  • "What would life be like without our modern-day conveniences?" 
  • "We all have our own unique perspectives, but sometimes we forget to look at the bigger picture" 
  • "Not everything is as it seems - sometimes we have to dig deeper to understand the truth" 
  • "Life is a journey, not a destination - and every step of the way holds valuable lessons to be learned"

Narrative Hook Examples

Narrative hook examples are a great way to engage your reader in your story. Here are some examples of hooks for a narrative essay :

  • "It was a dark and stormy night, and I heard something outside my window..." 
  • "I had been waiting for this moment my whole life, and finally it was here..." 
  • "I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I opened that door..." 
  • "The air around me suddenly changed, and a chill ran down my spine as I realized how alone I was..." 
  • "It had been years since we'd seen each other, and now I was standing face to face with my old enemy..." 
  • "I followed the faint light until I stumbled upon a mysterious room with an unknown secret inside..." 
  • "It began as a normal day, but by nightfall, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before..." 
  • "The cold wind was howling as I made my way across the deserted desert, searching for something greater..." 
  • "As I stepped through the ruins of the long-abandoned castle, I could feel an eerie presence watching me..." 
  • "The clock struck midnight and suddenly everything changed - it felt like a new world had been born..." 

Argumentative Essay Hook Examples

Argumentative hook examples can be a great tool to draw readers in and engage them with an argumentative essay . 

Let's look at some hook examples for argumentative essay: 

  • "The world we live in today is drastically different from what it used to be - and much of this change has been caused by technology"
  • "Every generation has its own set of challenges, and the current generation is no exception" 
  • "We should always be willing to learn from history and the mistakes that have been made in the past" 
  • "Society often judges things without really understanding them or giving them a chance" 
  • "The power of technology can be both a blessing and a curse - we must find the balance" 
  • "Education is essential to success, but not everyone has access to it" 
  • "We all have our own unique perspectives, but we must consider the greater good" 
  • "Sometimes things are not as they seem - it's important to look at all sides of an issue" 
  • "Life is full of lessons - and it's impossible to learn them all in one lifetime" 

College Essay Hook Examples

Crafting an effective hook for a college essay is essential to grab your reader's attention and draw them into the story. 

College hook examples can serve as invaluable guides when creating this crucial element of any composition.

Check out some examples: 

  • "The journey of life has taken me down many paths, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would lead me here" 
  • "My story is not a traditional one, but it's uniquely mine and I'm ready to make my mark" 
  • "When I think back to the decisions that have shaped my life, this one stands out as the most important" 
  • "I had no idea how much I could learn from taking a leap of faith and going outside my comfort zone" 
  • "From the age of four, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor - and here I am on the brink of making it happen" 
  • "I wasn't always the most successful student, but I never gave up and now I'm ready to prove what I can do" 
  • "A person's future isn't predetermined - I'm determined to make mine a success" 
  • "Education is power, and I'm ready to take hold of my own destiny" 
  • "It's not about where you come from, but what you can achieve with hard work and dedication"  
  • "Life is unpredictable, but I'm ready to face any challenge that comes my way" 

Hook Examples For Speech

Speech hook examples provide a great way to hook your audience into your speech . 

Here are some examples: 

  • "We've all heard the phrase 'knowledge is power', but what does that really mean?" 
  • "What would our lives be like if we weren't as connected to technology as we are today?" 
  • "The world is a vast and mysterious place - let's explore how different cultures live and think" 
  • "What can we learn from the mistakes of our ancestors? Let's find out!" 
  • "We've heard about climate change, but what can we actually do to help?" 
  • "We live in a world of opportunity - let's explore how we can make the most of it" 
  • "Everyone has a story to tell - let's discover what makes us unique and wonderful" 
  • "Hard work and dedication are key ingredients for success - let's learn how to make the most of them" 
  • "Let's talk about what it means to make a difference in our world, and how we can do it!" 
  • "We all have the potential to reach our goals - let's find out how!" 

Hook Examples For Expository Essays

An expository essay provides a great way to engage your reader in your writing. Here are some examples:

  • "We often take for granted the little things in life - let's explore why they are so important." 
  • "What lies beneath the surface of our world? Let's look deeper and find out!" 
  • "Our environment is rapidly changing - let's see what we can do to protect it." 
  • "What causes people to make bad decisions? Let's explore the psychology behind it." 
  • "Without laws, society would be chaos - let's look at how laws keep us safe." 
  • "What can we learn from history? Let's uncover the lessons of our past." 
  • "Fear is an inevitable part of life - let's examine how to conquer it." 
  • "Our minds are incredibly powerful - let's explore the potential of our thoughts." 
  • "Life can be unpredictable, but how do we handle it? Let's discover some strategies." 
  • "What is the meaning of success? Let's define it and work towards achieving it!"?

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Hook Examples For Compare And Contrast Essay 

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it's important to have strong hooks.

Here are some examples of hooks that you can use for your compare-and-contrast essay :

  • "They say that 'opposites attract,' but do they really?"
  • "If you think two things can't be more different, think again."
  • "You might be surprised to learn that two seemingly similar things can have vast differences."
  • "Have you ever wondered what makes two things that seem identical actually very different?"
  • "There are many similarities between X and Y, but there are also key differences that make them stand out."
  • "Are you struggling to choose between two options that seem equally appealing?"
  • "At first glance, it may seem like two things have nothing in common."
  • "They say that variety is the spice of life, but is it always better?"
  • "It's easy to get lost in the details, but sometimes all we need is a little comparison to see things clearly."
  • "They say that everything is relative, but is that really true?"

Hook Examples For Research Papers

Crafting an effective research hook can be a powerful way to draw your readers into the world of your paper. 

Examples can provide excellent guidance when crafting this important part of any academic work!

Let's look at some hook examples in writing that can help you with your research paper : 

  • "Many people believe that X is the answer, but what does the research say?" 
  • "We've all heard about Y, but how does it actually work?" 
  • "What can we learn from the mistakes of the past and how can we use that knowledge to move forward?" 
  • "How has technology changed the way we do research and what ethical considerations do we need to take into account?" 
  • "What are some of the implications of Z and what can we do to address them?" 
  • "The debate around A is growing - let's explore both sides and see where the research takes us" 
  • "We all have our own opinions on B, but what does the evidence tell us?" 
  • "Let's take a look at C and uncover what it really means" 
  • "What can we learn from examining the history of D and how can that help us in the present?" 
  • "There are many theories surrounding E - let's explore them and draw our own conclusions" 

Hook Examples For Literary Analysis

Literary hook examples provide a great way to hook your readers into a literary analysis essay . 

Let's look at some examples of a great hook sentence here!

  • "What secrets do the characters in this story hold and what truths can we uncover?" 
  • "What does this piece of literature tell us about the human condition?" 
  • "What themes can we uncover by examining this text through a feminist lens?" 
  • "What is the author trying to say about society and how can we interpret it?" 
  • "How does this story stand out from others in its genre and what makes it unique?" 
  • "Let's explore the symbolism and imagery used in this piece of literature" 
  • "What message is the author trying to convey and how can that help us better understand the world we live in?" 
  • "The setting of this story plays an important role - let's examine it more closely" 
  • "How does the use of language in this text help to convey its themes and ideas?" 
  • "What can we learn about human nature by analyzing the characters in this story?" 

Paragraph Hook Examples 

Writing can be challenging, especially when it comes to crafting engaging openings. Here are ten hook ideas that might inspire your next paragraph:

  • "We all have our guilty pleasures, whether it's binge-watching reality TV or devouring junk food."
  • "Technology has transformed every aspect of our lives, from how we work and communicate to how we entertain ourselves."
  • "History is full of fascinating stories and characters. Let's shine a light on the forgotten voices of the past."
  • "Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, but what can we do to address it?"
  • "Language is a powerful tool for communication, but it can also be a source of confusion and misunderstanding."
  • "The human brain is a mysterious and complex organ, capable of incredible feats of creativity and intelligence. Let's delve into the latest research on how our brains work."
  • "Art has the power to inspire, challenge, and transform us. But what is it about certain works of art that make them timeless and universal?"
  • "Identity is a complex and multifaceted concept, shaped by factors like race, gender, sexuality, and class."
  • "Philosophy has been a source of inquiry and debate for centuries, but how can it help us navigate the complexities of modern life?"
  • "Food is not just a source of sustenance, but a reflection of culture, history, and identity."

Query Letter Hook Examples

Query letter hook examples are a great way to engage your potential readers and agents. 

  • "This story will make you question everything you thought you knew." 
  • "Uncover an extraordinary tale of courage and determination." 
  • "Discover the power of hope in this heartfelt journey of transformation." 
  • "Follow a gripping story of passion and adventure." 
  • "Journey with a character on a quest to find the truth." 
  • "Experience an unforgettable tale of mystery and intrigue." 
  • "Meet a remarkable cast of characters in this stirring journey of discovery." 
  • "Go behind the scenes with a daring group of heroes." 
  • "Explore a world of mystery and wonder with a captivating story." 
  • "Be swept away in this thrilling adventure of courage and hope."  ? 

Hook Examples For Presentation

Presentation hooks are a remarkable way to captivate your audience and keep them engaged in your presentation. You can use interesting facts and statistic hooks as well!

With examples, you can create compelling stories or images that will make quite an impact!

  • "We all know that X is important, but why is it so crucial to our lives?" 
  • "What can we learn from the successes and failures of Y?" 
  • "Let's explore how technology has changed the way we do Z and how that affects our lives" 
  • "What is the one thing we need to know about A in order to understand its significance?" 
  • "We've all heard about B, but what does it really mean for us?" 
  • "What are the implications of C and how can we use that knowledge to our advantage?" 
  • "Let's take a look at the history and evolution of D" 
  • "How does E affect our daily lives and what can we do about it?" 
  • "What are some of the potential benefits of F and what risks do we need to consider?" 
  • "What has been the impact of G on our society and how can we use it to make positive changes?" 

Hook Examples For Introduction 

Introduction hook examples provide a great way to make a strong statement. 

  • "Welcome to the world of X - let's dive in and see what it has to offer" 
  • "We all know Y, but why is it so important?" 
  • "What can we learn from the successes and failures of Z?" 
  • "Let's take a journey through the history of A and uncover its secrets" 
  • "How has technology changed the way we do C and what ethical considerations do we need to take into account?" 
  • "What are some of the implications of D and what can we do to address them?" 
  • "The debate around E is growing - let's explore both sides and see where the research takes us" 
  • "Let's examine the facts and uncover what F really means" 
  • "What can we learn from exploring the history of G and how can that help us in the present?" 

Concluding Hook Examples 

Writing a strong conclusion can be just as challenging as crafting an engaging opening. Here are closing hook examples that might help inspire you.

  • "As we bring this discussion to a close, it's clear that [thesis statement]. But what are the implications of this insight for our lives and society as a whole?"
  • "In the end, the examples we've explored illustrate the complexity and nuance of [topic]. But what does this mean for us moving forward?"
  • "The evidence we've presented highlights the urgent need for [action or change]. So where do we go from here?"
  • "As we wrap up this conversation, let's remember that [key takeaway or lesson]. How can we apply this insight to our own lives?"
  • "The stories and characters we've examined offer a window into the human experience and our capacity for growth and transformation. What can we learn from their journeys?"
  • "As we conclude this discussion, let's reflect on what this means for us as individuals and as a society."
  • "The examples we've explored have shed light on the complexities and nuances of [topic]. But what are the broader implications of this understanding?"
  • "As we come to the end of this essay, it's clear that [thesis statement]. But how can we use this knowledge to make a positive difference in the world?"
  • "In conclusion, the evidence we've presented challenges us to rethink our assumptions about [topic]. Let's take this opportunity to broaden our perspectives and deepen our understanding."
  • "As we close out this conversation, let's remember the power of human connection to heal and transform."

Hook Examples For Personal Statement

Crafting an attention-grabbing hook for your personal statement can be a great way to increase engagement and draw readers in. 

Utilizing examples of successful hooks is an excellent strategy to help you create one that stands out!

  • "How have my experience and values shaped who I am today?" 
  • "What makes me unique from other applicants and how can that help me succeed?" 
  • "How have my past experiences, both good and bad, helped me understand the importance of X?" 
  • "What do I know about Y that makes me stand out from other applicants?" 
  • "Let's explore how my skillset can help me achieve success in Z" 
  • "What have I learned from the people around me and how has that shaped my goals?" 
  • "In what ways can I use my knowledge of A to make a difference?" 
  • "How will B help me grow as an individual and achieve my dreams?" 
  • "What have I learned through C that has helped me become a better person?" 
  • "What can I offer that makes me the ideal candidate for this role?" 

Catchy Hook Examples

Captivating hook examples are an excellent way to grab your readers' attention and entice them into the content.

  • "Are you ready for X? It's time to find out!" 
  • "Discover the shocking truth about Y" 
  • "Let's uncover the hidden secrets of Z" 
  • "Unlock the power of A - it will blow your mind" 
  • "B will change your life - here's how to get started" 
  • "What does C mean for us? Let's find out!" 
  • "Are you ready to take on the challenge of D?" 
  • "Can E really change your life? Let's find out" 
  • "F can provide incredible opportunities - here's how to get started" 
  • "Discover the hidden potential of G - it will amaze you!" 

Hook Examples For Romeo and Juliet Essays

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most iconic love stories in literary history. But what is it about this tragic tale that continues to captivate audiences centuries after it was written? 

Here are some hook ideas that might inspire your essay:

  • "What makes Romeo and Juliet one of the most enduring love stories of all time? Let's explore the themes and motifs that continue to captivate audiences today."
  • "From sword fights to sonnets, Romeo and Juliet has it all. But what is it about Shakespeare's language and imagery that makes the play so memorable?"
  • "Romeo and Juliet may seem like a straightforward story of love and tragedy, but what if there's more to it than meets the eye?"
  • "The feud between the Capulets and Montagues may seem like a typical Shakespearean conflict. But what does it reveal about the tensions and rivalries of Renaissance-era Italy?"
  • "What can Romeo and Juliet teach us about the power of passion and desire? Let's explore how the play challenges conventional morality and ethics."
  • "Romeo and Juliet has been adapted countless times in popular culture, but what can we learn from the original play? Let's examine how Shakespeare's work continues to influence modern storytelling."
  • "The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet may seem predetermined, but what if the characters had made different choices? Let's explore the different paths the story could have taken."
  • "Romeo and Juliet is often seen as a story of youthful passion, but what about the older characters in the play? Let's analyze the roles of Friar Lawrence and the Nurse in shaping the course of events."
  • "Shakespeare's play may be set in Renaissance-era Italy, but its themes and motifs are universal. Let's examine how Romeo and Juliet speaks to contemporary issues and debates."
  • "The balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet is one of the most iconic moments in all of literature, but what is it about this scene that makes it so powerful? Let's explore the language, imagery, and symbolism at play."

Hook Examples For Social Media 

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, with billions of users around the world. But what is it about social media that has captured our attention and kept us hooked?

Here are some social media hook examples for you:

  • "Social media is like a never-ending rabbit hole, with endless scrolling and new content to explore."
  • "With social media, we have the power to connect with people from all over the world, but at what cost to our privacy and mental health?"
  • "The rise of social media has transformed the way we communicate, but it has also created a new set of challenges for individuals and society as a whole."
  • "From Instagram influencers to TikTok trends, social media has given rise to a whole new world of digital fame and fortune."
  • "In the age of social media, we are more connected than ever before, but are we really communicating?"
  • "What happens when the platform becomes a battleground for toxic behavior and hate speech?"
  • "From Facebook to Twitter, social media has revolutionized the way we consume news and information."
  • "Social media has made it easier than ever to connect with people who share our interests and passions."
  • "With social media, we can curate the perfect image of ourselves and our lives. But is this curated image an accurate reflection of who we really are?"
  • "Social media has opened up new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs."

Tips for Writing A Good Hook  

A hook is the first sentence or phrase in your writing that captures your reader's attention. 

A good hook is essential for any successful piece of writing, whether it's a novel, an essay, or a blog post. 

Here are some tips for writing a good hook that will engage your readers and keep them interested:

  • Start with an interesting fact or statistic: People love to learn new things. Starting with a surprising or little-known fact can be a great way to capture your reader's attention.
  • Ask a thought-provoking question: Asking a question that challenges your reader's assumptions or beliefs can be a powerful way to hook them to thinking.
  • Use descriptive language: Descriptive language can create a vivid picture in your reader's mind and draw them into your story or argument.
  • Create a sense of urgency: If your writing is about a timely or important topic, creating a sense of urgency in your hook can be an effective way to grab your reader's attention.
  • Start with a quote: A quote from a famous person or an expert in your field can lend credibility to your writing and pique your reader's interest.
  • Share a personal anecdote: Sharing a personal story or experience can make your writing feel more relatable and human, and can help to build a connection with your reader.

Writing a hook for your essay can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can create one that will capture your reader's attention. 

If you're looking for some guidance to help you craft the perfect hook, offers the best essay writing service to help you!

Stop wasting your time trying to craft the perfect hook and let take care of it for you! 

Enhance your writing skills by utilizing our essay writer AI . Take advantage of this valuable resource to improve your writing abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a hook example.

A hook example refers to an opening sentence of a piece of writing that is meant to grab the reader's attention and entice them to continue reading. 

Good hooks may use descriptive words, strong verbs, vivid imagery, or engaging dialogue to draw readers in.

How can I come up with a good hook?

Coming up with a good hook requires that you know your audience and the purpose of your writing.

Consider what interests readers in this particular topic or area.Use that to create an engaging opening sentence that will pique their curiosity.

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Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

Learn about our Editorial Process

A compare and contrast essay selects two or more items that are critically analyzed to demonstrate their differences and similarities. Here is a template for you that provides the general structure:

compare and contrast essay format

A range of example essays is presented below.

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

#1 jean piaget vs lev vygotsky essay.

1480 Words | 5 Pages | 10 References

(Level: University Undergraduate)

paget vs vygotsky essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay will critically examine and compare the developmental theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, focusing on their differing views on cognitive development in children and their influence on educational psychology, through an exploration of key concepts such as the role of culture and environment, scaffolding, equilibration, and their overall implications for educational practices..”

#2 Democracy vs Authoritarianism Essay

democracy vs authoritarianism essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this analysis is that, despite the efficiency and control offered by authoritarian regimes, democratic systems, with their emphasis on individual freedoms, participatory governance, and social welfare, present a more balanced and ethically sound approach to governance, better aligned with the ideals of a just and progressive society.”

#3 Apples vs Oranges Essay

1190 Words | 5 Pages | 0 References

(Level: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade)

apples vs oranges essay

Thesis Statement: “While apples and oranges are both popular and nutritious fruits, they differ significantly in their taste profiles, nutritional benefits, cultural symbolism, and culinary applications.”

#4 Nature vs Nurture Essay

1525 Words | 5 Pages | 11 References

(Level: High School and College)

nature vs nurture essay

Thesis Statement: “The purpose of this essay is to examine and elucidate the complex and interconnected roles of genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental influences (nurture) in shaping human development across various domains such as physical traits, personality, behavior, intelligence, and abilities.”

#5 Dogs vs Cats Essay

1095 Words | 5 Pages | 7 Bibliographic Sources

(Level: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade)

Thesis Statement: “This essay explores the distinctive characteristics, emotional connections, and lifestyle considerations associated with owning dogs and cats, aiming to illuminate the unique joys and benefits each pet brings to their human companions.”

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

I’ve recorded a full video for you on how to write a compare and contrast essay:

Get the Compare and Contrast Templates with AI Prompts Here

In the video, I outline the steps to writing your essay. Here they are explained below:

1. Essay Planning

First, I recommend using my compare and contrast worksheet, which acts like a Venn Diagram, walking you through the steps of comparing the similarities and differences of the concepts or items you’re comparing.

I recommend selecting 3-5 features that can be compared, as shown in the worksheet:

compare and contrast worksheet

Grab the Worksheet as Part of the Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack

2. Writing the Essay

Once you’ve completed the worksheet, you’re ready to start writing. Go systematically through each feature you are comparing and discuss the similarities and differences, then make an evaluative statement after showing your depth of knowledge:

compare and contrast essay template

Get the Rest of the Premium Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack (With AI Prompts) Here

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement

Compare and contrast thesis statements can either:

  • Remain neutral in an expository tone.
  • Prosecute an argument about which of the items you’re comparing is overall best.

To write an argumentative thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay, try this AI Prompts:

💡 AI Prompt to Generate Ideas I am writing a compare and contrast essay that compares [Concept 1] and [Concept2]. Give me 5 potential single-sentence thesis statements that pass a reasonable judgement.

Ready to Write your Essay?

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Take action! Choose one of the following options to start writing your compare and contrast essay now:

Read Next: Process Essay Examples

compare and contrast examples and definition

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7 Sensational Essay Hooks That Grab Readers’ Attention

by Suzanne Davis | Jul 14, 2022 | Writing Essays and Papers | 12 comments

Do you want people to feel excited when they read your essay?

7 Sensational Essay Hooks Blog Photo

The secret is to get them interested in reading your essay by making the first part of your introduction intriguing. The best way to do that is by using attention-grabbing essay hooks.

So, what is a hook? It’s a piece of writing at the beginning of your essay that engages your reading audience. Usually, a hook is a sentence or group of sentences that draw people into reading your essay or research paper.  A hook sparks a person’s curiosity. You want whoever reads your essay to wonder what happens next. Hooks also make an introduction stand out (which raises your chance of getting a high grade on your essay). 

If you want to see all the elements of great introductions for research papers check my post, How to Write a Strong Introduction to a Research Paper at

When you write essay hooks that make your rea ders curious, you’ve taken the first step toward making them fall in love with your writing. Let’s dive in and look at essay hooks that will elevate your writing style!

7 Types of Essay Hooks

7 Excellent Essay Hooks

Here are 7 writing hooks that make readers want to find out what you will say in the rest of your essay.

  • Interesting Question Hook
  • Strong Statement/Declaration Hook
  • Fact/Statistic Hook
  • Metaphor/ Simile Hook
  • Description Hook
  • Quotation Hook.   

1.  The Interesting Question Hook

An interesting question hook is when you ask a question that relates to your essay or paper. And the only way a person can know the answer to that question is by reading your writing.

People are inquisitive. When we hear or read a question we want to know the answer. If we don’t have an answer then we need to find out.

So, when you start your essay with a question hook, this signals to your readers that if they keep reading you’ll give them the answer.

Here’s an example of an interesting question hook on the topic of succeeding in college:

What is the difference between successful college students and unsuccessful college students? 

The goal of this essay hook is to make you want to learn what students who succeed in college do, and what college students who don’t succeed in college do wrong. 

2.  The Strong Statement/Declaration Hook

A strong statement hook is a sentence that makes an assertive claim about your topic. It connects to the thesis statement and shows the importance of your essay or paper.

A strong statement is a great technique because it doesn’t matter if your reader agrees or disagrees with your statement. They will want to see how you support your statement.

This is an example of a strong statement on the topic of the vegan diet. 

Vegans are the healthiest group of people in the world.  

This statement either supports your point of view about the vegan diet, or it makes you want to argue against it (especially if you love meat). Either way, you are curious about what the writer says.

3.  The Fact/ Statistic Hook

Facts and statistics hook your reader because they give real information about a topic. You can impress your reader with your knowledge and evidence from the very beginning of your essay. But, you need to include facts that are accurate, interesting, and reliable. Evaluate your information and make sure it comes from a credible source. Some places to visit for statistics are The Pew Research Center , and The CIA World Fact Book, 

Here’s an example of a factual hook about an essay on gun ownership in the United States.

Almost two-thirds of American adults at some point in their life lived in a home with at least one gun.

The Pew Research Center, “America’s Relationship With Guns: An In-Depth Look at the Attitudes and Experiences of US Adults”  

4.  The Metaphor / Simile Hook

The metaphor/simile hook engages your readers because it makes them think about a topic in a different way.  Your audience wonders what you mean and how you compare a topic to something that seems unconnected.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares one thing to another, but these two things seem unrelated.  An example of a metaphor is: Her boyfriend is a rat.  The boyfriend is not really a rat, but he behaves like one.

 If your essay topic is on business blogging you could write the metaphor hook:

A business blog is a magnet pulling clients to a company. 

A simile is like a metaphor.  Both compare two unrelated things to each other, but a simile uses the words like or as to connect them. A simile is less strong than a comparison in a metaphor. An example of a simile is : Writing a research paper is like running a marathon when it’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit. 

A simile hook for the essay about business blogging could be: 

A business blog is like a magnet that pulls clients to a company.

5. The Story Hook

This is a hook where you begin with a short story or episode that relates to your topic.  Readers love stories, especially a well-written story that is memorable.  The key to a great story hook is making sure the story directly connects to your essay or paper topic. Your story can be personal or someone else’s story.

Here’s an example of a story hook for an essay about the differences between British and American English.   I used my own story about a trip to England.

I got off the train and pulled my luggage behind me.  A cab pulled up to the curb, and the driver got out.  He lifted my luggage and said, “Miss, I’m just going to put your stuff in the boot.”  I didn’t know what he meant until I saw him open the car’s trunk.  Then I realized the boot means car trunk.  I got in the cab, wondering how many other words would be different in England. 

You’ll see this sto ry hook is longer than other types of essay hooks.  That’s okay. Your hook can be longer, but it shouldn’t be a large part of your essay or paper. Compare the length of your hook to the length of the essay.

Also, consider your audience (especially an academic audience). Ask yourself, “Will a story hook be acceptable in this course?” If you’re unsure you can ask your teacher or professor or you could select a different type of hook.

6.  The Description Hook

This is a hook where a vivid description of a scene draws your readers into your writing. A good description hook will make your reader want to know what comes next in your writing.  It’s most popular in narrative essays, but you can use a description hook with any type of writing (yes even academic papers). But, like the story hook ask yourself, “Will this description hook be acceptable in this course?”

Here’s an example of a description hook for a personal narrative essay about saving a dog:

The dog howled in pain and limped along the side of the road. His leg was cut and blood streamed down his leg. 

Doesn’t this scene make you curious about what will happen to the dog?

7.  The Quotation Hook

This is a hook where you begin your essay with a quotation.  The quotation could be from a famous person, but it doesn’t have to be. You can quote anyone if it connects to what you’re writing about.

If you write an essay on the topic of education you could start

Nelson Mandela said, “ Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world .”

If you want to use a quotation for a hook, make sure you quote the words exactly.  Choose quotations where the words are striking, powerful, and/ or memorable.

Writing Challenge:  Write 2 Essay Hooks

Essay hooks are a great way to intrigue all your readers.  Select your favorite 2 types of essay hooks.  Then write a hook for each kind you choose. Comment below and share your favorite one! 

Have fun and be creative.

Photo by  Bram Naus  on  Unsplash

I find that switching it up makes my content better. My favorite is to start with a question or a strong statement. I love this infographic. Well done!

Thanks Joanne! Question and strong statement hooks are great for getting readers to wonder what’s in your essay. I’m so glad you liked the infographic.

This is a great article, showing the variety of openings you can use in writing. Thank you for the tips!

I’m glad you liked it. I think hooks are great for writing.

[…] For more information about essay hooks see- […]

Very good blog! Do you have any recommendations for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything.

Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m totally overwhelmed ..

Any suggestions? Many thanks!

Hi Cindy, Those are great questions about blogging. I think the beginning point with starting a blog is determining your niche/focus, goals and your ideal readers. The next piece of advice is to really learn the style of writing blog posts. It’s a craft, so you should really start with a good grasp of the formatting, style, and techniques, etc. Since I don’t know your blog’s focus I can’t offer you more specific advice.

If you can afford it, I suggest paying for a domain name and hosting. There are free ones like etc. These will get you started, but if you want to use your blog for a business I really recommend starting with a paid option. I hope this helps you. Good luck blogging!

Thank you for this informative Eda’ya. My favorite hooks are question, strong statement and the fact. I think these are the best for an academic paper. Your infographic is excellent and memorable. Thank you! 👏🏻

Mehmet, Those are all great hooks! I think they would each be a great way to begin an academic paper too. I’m glad the infographic is useful to you. Thank you for the compliment.

These are great. I’ll have to file this away for my next writing student (and my next blog post!). For research papers, I used to use the fact/statistic hook a lot.

Beth, I’m glad you liked these essay hooks. I like the fact/statistic hook a lot too, and you’re right it is a great one for research papers.

I like question hooks & metaphoric ones…

I need to write to essays for tomorrow at English (preparing for Baccalaureate) & I’ll choose “success is not about luck” & “the importance of music in our lives” …

For the first one I’ll choose the first type of hook (for me it’s the easiest): “How can you be sure that when it comes to success, luck isn’t so important” or sth like this.

But for the second essay I’ll choose a metaphoric hook “music is the spot of light who makes shine in gray tones” or sth like this.

For the first one I was also thinking about sth statistically but idk not a kind of statistics about luck help in success or sth like this…

Ik, you can’t give me advices till tomorrow but I’ll be OK. Thx for this gorgeous inform. God bless you. All the best!

I think those are 2 great hooks to use with those essays. I love the metaphoric hook you came up with–it’s beautiful. I hope you do well with your essays. Good luck!

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Good Hooks for Essays: 14 Hook Ideas with Examples

Now here’s the clue.

If you want to wow your teacher, polish the introduction. Add something interesting, funny, shocking, or intriguing. Good essay hooks help you build an emotional connection right from the start. Think of an essay hook as bait for your readers.

Our expert team has prepared numerous examples of hooks for essays. You’ll find hook examples for an argumentative essay, personal story, history essay, and other types of papers.

For 100% clarity, we provided examples using each hook tactic. And a short part about how to write a good hook.

Teacher: "I won't forgive you for this essay."  Student: "But you gave me an A. What's wrong with it?"  Teacher: "I couldn't stop reading it, and I burned my dinner."

  • 💎 What Exactly Is a Hook & How to Write a Good One
  • 📜 Examples of Classical Essay Hooks
  • 💡 Try Some Informative Essay Hooks
  • 🦄 Here are the Most Uncommon Essay Hooks

✅ Good Hooks for Essays: Bonus Tips

  • 🔗 References for More Information

We highly recommend reading all the methods and examples, so you don’t have any questions.

💎 How to Write a Hook That Will Work for Your Essay?

The hook of your essay usually appears in the very first sentence.

The average length of an essay hook should be 3-7 sentences, depending on the topic.

But first, let’s quickly go through the key questions.

What Is an Essay Hook?

An essay hook (or narrative hook) is a literary technique that writers use to keep their readers engaged. It shows that the content below is worth reading.

The hook can have different lengths. Some writers make it last for several pages. Though, it better be a short paragraph or even a sentence.

Why Do You Need a Good Essay Hook?

Writing the right hook is essential for a few reasons:

  • It heats up your readers’ interest. If you did it right, they read the whole piece.
  • It shows off your skills . A right hook presents you as an expert in your field.
  • It attracts target audience. Only the readers you want will keep reading.
  • It keeps the tension on the right level. Use an intriguing question, and a reader dies to find out the answer.
  • It makes a good introduction. Starting your essay off a boring fact is simply not a good idea.

How to Write a Good Hook: Ideas and Examples

Hook ideasWhere to useHook sentence examples
Elon Musk once said, “We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.”
Have you ever thought about how you can become happier?
It had been all summer since we’d seen each other, and now I was standing face to face with my old enemy – my Math teacher, Mrs. Parker.
According to the Annapolis Police Department, nearly 42% of teenagers have been bullied online, and almost one in four have had it happen more than once.
Sunlight is clear and colorless until it reaches the earth’s atmosphere. Then, spread by air molecules, it paints the sky blue.

Next, we will discuss these hook types in more detail. We’ll also provide essay hook examples of less common yet intriguing types: dialogue, story, contradiction, comparison, definition, metaphor, puzzle, announcement, and background information hooks.

💬 The Famous Quote Hook

Use a famous quote as a hook for your essay on history, literature, or even social sciences. It will present you as an established writer. It shows how knowledgeable you are and motivates the readers to engage in the text.

⬇️ Check out examples below ⬇️

Quote Hook Example: Political Science

Hilary Clinton once said that "there cannot be true democracy unless women's voices are heard." Which creates a discussion about how perfect democracy should look like. If it is a form of government that considers all opinions, why are women silenced so often even nowadays? The truth is that we need to ensure completely equal opportunities for women in politics before we talk about establishing the correct version of democracy. And even the most developed and progressive countries are still struggling to get to that level of equality. It can be achieved by various methods, even though they might only work in certain countries.

Social Sciences

"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." These words of wisdom from John Kennedy reflect the perspective we need to teach the younger generations. For some reason, it has become popular to blame the government for any problem arising in society. Is it their fault that we don't think about waste and keep trashing our home? Social responsibility is a real thing. The well-being of our countries starts with the actions of every separate individual. It is not entirely right to wait until the government fixes all the issues for us. The best strategy is to start thinking about what we can do as a community to make our home even a better place.

And excellent sources of quotes for you:

  • – you can search quotes by topic or by author.
  • is not only a great collection of e-books but also quotes.
  • has plenty of brilliant words for all imaginable situations.
  • – more than 30,000 quotations for unique essay hooks.

❓Rhetorical Question Essay Hooks

It doesn’t have to be rhetorical – any type of question addressed to your audience will do its job. Such a universal kind of hook can spike the interest of your readers immediately.

Some useful patterns of rhetorical questions:

  • What could be more important than…?
  • What if there was only one… (chance/day/hour)?
  • Who wouldn’t like to… (be a cat/turn visitors into clients)?
  • Why bother about… (inequality/imperfect education system)?
  • Which is more important: … (making money or realizing potential)?

And more in examples:

Example of a Question Hook on Education

Wouldn't free access to education for everyone be wonderful? The answer would most likely be positive. However, it is not as simple as it seems. As much as the governments try to achieve this goal, there are still many uneducated people. On the bright side, in the era of technology, learning has never been so easy. Of course, some young adults just prefer the shortcut option of taking a student loan. Other ways are much more challenging and require a lot of responsibility and patience. Finding free educational resources online and gaining experience with the help of video tutorials might sound unprofessional. Still, you will be surprised how many experts hired in different fields only received this type of education.

Question Hook Example: Health

Is there anything that can help you lose weight fast? You have probably heard of this magical keto diet that is getting more and more popular worldwide. People claim that it helps them shred those excess pounds in unbelievably short terms. But how healthy is it, and does it suit anyone? The truth is that no diet is universal, and thanks to our differences, some weight-loss methods can even be harmful. Keto diet, for example, leads your body into the state of ketosis. What happens is that you don't receive carbohydrates, and in this state, fat is used as the primary source of energy instead them. However, it carries potential threats.

😂 Anecdotal Essay Hooks

This type would usually be more suitable for literary pieces or personal stories. So, don’t use it for formal topics, such as business and economics. Note that this hook type can be much longer than one sentence. It usually appears as the whole first paragraph itself.

It wouldn't be Kate if she didn't do something weird, so she took a stranger for her best friend this time. There is nothing wrong with it; mistakes like that happen all the time. However, during only five minutes that Kate spent with the stranger, she blabbed too much. Thinking that she sat down at the table that her friend took, Kate was so busy starting on her phone that she didn't notice that it wasn't her friend at all. Sure enough, the naive girl started talking about every little detail of her last night that she spent with her date. It was too much for the ears of an old lady. Kate realized she took the wrong table only when it was too late.

Literature (personal story)

Do not ever underestimate the power of raccoons! Those little furry animals that may look overly cute are too smart and evil. It only takes one box of pizza left outside your house by the delivery person for the disaster to begin. When they smell that delicious pizza, no doors can stop them. They will join the forces to find a hole in your house to squeeze into. Even if it's a window crack four feet above the ground, they know how to get to it. Using their fellow raccoons as the ladder, they get inside the house. They sneak into the kitchen and steal your pizza in front of your eyes and your scared-to-death dog. Not the best first day in the new home, is it? 

📈 Fact or Statistic Hook

Looking deeper into your essay topic, you might find some numbers that are quite amusing or shocking. They can serve as perfect hooks for economics- and business-oriented writings. Also, it is better if they are less known.

Business/social sciences

The UAE workforce is culturally diverse since around 20% of employees (usually called expatriates) come from different countries. Ex-pats tend to take managerial positions, which makes communication within companies quite tricky. The training focused on raising cultural awareness is getting more common, but such educational strategies as games (or gamification) are still rarely applied in the UAE companies. Yet, gamification was a useful tool in other places, making it an attractive UAE team building method. It can significantly help integrate ex-pats and create a more culturally aware environment.

Statistic Hook Example in Economics

The United Arab Emirate's debt has been rising drastically in past years, from about US$17 billion in 2003, which is almost 19 percent of GDP, to US$184 billion in 2009. Only a small proportion of the debt can be tracked directly to the public sector. A report by UBS bank shows that most of the debt comes from the corporate sector. Most of the companies that hold the main section of the debt are financial institutions. The public sector partly owns them. Banks in the UAE have been accumulating their debt amounts in the years mentioned above and could now account for 75 percent of the total foreign debt. The discussion is about the reasons why the UAE debt has been rising at an alarming rate.

Some good sources for statistics

  • is perfect for business papers.
  • is an easy-to-use governmental engine for searching data and stats.
  • provides a massive collection of statistics published by UN organizations
  • is the online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), featuring its books, papers, and statistics and is a gateway to the OECD’s analysis and data.

🤯 Shocking Facts are Very Good Hooks for Essays

Very similar to a statistical hook, a fact can serve as a perfect engaging introduction. Search your field for some shocking phenomenon and gently insert it in the beginning.

Don’t forget to include a reliable source reinforcing your words!

Fact Hook Example in Economics

Nowadays, much attention is paid to the problem of shark finning around the world. Millions of sharks are killed annually for their fins, and many of them are dropped back to the ocean finless, where they die because of suffocation. In many countries, the idea of shark finning remains illegal and unethical, but the possibility of earning huge money cannot be ignored (Dell'Apa et al. 151). Regarding available technologies, market economies, trade relations, and cheap employment, it does not take much time to organize special trips for shark hunting. The Trade of shark fins is alive and well developed in countries like the United States and China. However, the number of people who are eager to try shark fin soup has considerably decreased during the last several years because of the popularity of anti-shark fin soup campaigns and laws supported worldwide (Mosbergen). The situation continues to change in China.

Daniel Stacey and Ross Kelly observed that long lines and a new gray market trend for bigger screen phones marked Apple's new iPhones debut. As expected, new phone models drew Apple fans outside retail stores (Stacey and Kelly). Global critics, however, noted that this year's lines were generally longer relative to previous periods mainly because of the developing gray market for Apple products. The new Apple's iPhones have larger screens than the previous models. Also, they boast of improved battery life, faster processors, and an enhanced camera. Tim Cook called them "mother of all upgrades" (Stacey and Kelly).

Sources to look for reliable facts:

  • – news, videos, quizzes.
  • – a website full of funny stuff, like articles, videos, pictures, etc.
  • – an incredible collection of medical facts you will love.
  • – discoveries hitting on a broad range of fields.
  • National Geographic – needs no introduction.
  • Mental Floss answers life’s big questions, a compilation of fascinating facts and incredible stories.

🗣️ Dialogue as a Catchy Hook for Essays

Dialogue is another type of hooks that goes perfectly with pieces of literature and stories. It can even make your short essay stand out if you include it at the beginning. But don’t forget that it only concerns specific topics such as literature and history.

Here it is:

Dialogue Hook Example in Literature

– Why did you do it? – I don't know anymore… That's why I'm leaving for a little bit right now. I need time to think.

With these words, Anna stepped back into the train car and waved goodbye to Trevor. She couldn’t even find the right words to explain why she ran away on her wedding day. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Trevor, but there was this deep, natural, and unexplored feeling that told her it wasn’t time yet. But the only thing Anna realized was that the city made her sick. That day, she took off her wedding dress, bought a ticket on the next flight leaving that afternoon, and hopped on the train taking her to the airport. She couldn’t even remember the country’s name she was going to so blurry everything was from her tears.

Dialogue Hook for History Essay

– If we still had inquisition, we could probably set him on fire. – Some dark magic, indeed, my friend! It would have probably been a real dialogue if we knew who was the first automobile inventor for sure. People were undoubtedly shocked to see the cars moving by themselves without horses. However, since they started appearing around the globe around the same time, it is almost impossible to identify who was the original creator of the idea and the first automobile itself. The credit was usually given to Karl Benz from Germany, who created a gasoline car in 1885-1886. But there are also much earlier records of a gentleman named Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, who built the first vehicle powered by steam in France in 1769.

🔮 A Story Looks Like an Extremely Good Essay Hook

A universal essay hook is a story. You can use this trick pretty much anywhere. The main challenge is to be as authentic as possible, try to tell something fresh and engaging. The more specific and narrow the story, the more chances for a successful introduction.

Story Hook Example for an Essay on Business

Dell started fast and strong. The original company was founded in 1984 when the founder was only a 19-year-old student at the University of Texas. Four years after the inception of the company, Michael Dell became the Entrepreneur of the Year. Eight years after he started the company from his dorm room's comfort, Dell was chosen as the Man of the Year by PC Magazine. […] The company was acknowledged as the world's leading direct marketer of personal computers. At the same time, Dell was known as one of the top five PC vendors on the planet (Hunger 9). […] However, the company's journey encountered a major hurdle down the road. Even after recovering from an economic recession in 2010, the company continued to experience declining sales.

🦚 Contradictory Statement – Queen of Good Hooks

Everybody loves to start an argument by contradicting some facts. Therefore, you simply need to add a controversial statement at the beginning of your essay. People of all ages and beliefs will not be able to stop reading it!

Challenging your readers works well for social sciences, business, and psychology topics.

Examples of contradictory statements essay hooks:

If you think being a manager is a calm and relatively easy task, try surviving on five cups of coffee, a sandwich, and two packs of cigarettes a day. You would rather believe that managers only walk around the office and give their staff orders, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, the reality is much harsher than such rainbowy dreams. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. A whole set of personal qualities and professional skills must keep up with the successful strategic planning, assessment, and development. All the tasks the managers need to attend to are nerve-wracking and sometimes almost impossible to do. The stress from the demanding managerial position is often overlooked or underestimated.

Social sciences

Video games have been ruining our kids' lives and leading to an increase in crime. Since the gaming industry's development in recent years, the fear of its adverse effects on the younger generations' brains has become a significant concern. There is such a wide variety of games, ranging from educational to violent shooters and horrors. Almost immediately, caring parents jumped on the latter category, claiming that its impact is too significant and children become more aggressive and uncontrollable. Some supporters of this theory went even further. They decided to link real-life crimes to the effects of violent video games on child and adult behavior. However, as we will see later in this article, there is no or little scientific evidence supporting those ideas.

🔁 Vivid Comparison Essay Hook

Introducing your topic with an engaging, vivid comparison is a universal strategy. It is suitable for any kind of writing. The main idea is to grab your readers’ attention by showing them your unique perspective on the topic. Try to make the comparison amusing and exciting.

Comparison Essay Hook Options:

  • Comparison with daily chores (e.g., Proofreading your essays is like cleaning your teeth.)
  • Comparison with something everyone hates (e.g., Learning grammar is like going to the dentist.)
  • Comparison with something everyone loves (e.g., John was happy like a child eating a free vanilla ice cream.)
  • Comparison of modern and old-school phenomena (e.g., Modern email has much in common with pigeon post.)
  • Funny comparison (e.g., Justin Bieber is the Michael Jackson of his time)

Check out examples:


For many people, flying feels like a dream come true. More and more people take their first-ever flight thanks to the rapidly developing aviation technologies. Aircraft and airports are advancing, and air traveling is getting cheaper. However, except for transporting eager travel addicted and business people, planes are used in other ways. It appears that the whole economies across the world depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of airlines. Import and export demand this kind of transportation to work at all times. Aviation development seems like a great thing. However, just like any other technological breakthrough, it comes with a price. Environmental issues did not wait too long to show up.

Social sciences/psychology

Leaving home for the first time as a freshman can only be compared to the level of stress you had in childhood when your mother left you in the line at the checkout for too long. Indeed, becoming a student and moving out of the parent's house comes with a great deal of stress. All the unknown that lies ahead makes youngsters too anxious. Then, the difficulties of financial planning and increased academic pressure come as additional sources of worries. However, it does not have to be such a negative experience. Particular techniques can help students overcome their stress related to the separation from their parents.

📄 Definitions = Easy & Good Hooks for Essays

Another versatile essay hook option is introducing a qualitative definition. Try to make it capacious, and don’t fall into verbal jungles. This narrative hook is perfect for short scientific papers where there is only one focus subject.

Business Ethics

White-collar crime refers to the peaceful offense committed with the intention of gaining unlawful monetary benefits. There are several white-collar crimes that can be executed. They include extortion, insider trading, money laundering, racketeering, securities fraud, and tax evasion. Enron Company was an American based energy company. It was the largest supplier of natural gas in America in the early 1990s. The company had a stunning performance in the 1990s. Despite the excellent performance, stakeholders of the company were concerned about the complexity of the financial statements. The company's management used the complex nature of the financial statements and the accounting standards' weaknesses to manipulate the financial records. The white-collar crime was characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported cash flow, and failure to disclose the financial records' liabilities. This paper carries out an analysis of the Enron scandal as an example of white-collar crime as discussed in the video, The Smartest Guys in the Room.

Motivation is the act of influencing someone to take any action to achieve a particular goal (Montana& Chanov, 2008). Employees' motivation depends on the job's nature, the company's organizational culture, and personal characteristics. In this case study, various theories influence and show how employees can be motivated in the workplace.

📚 Metaphor Hook for Essays

Naturally, using a metaphor as a hook for your essay comes with some limitations. You should only use this type in literature and sometimes in psychology. However, it serves as a great attention grabber if it’s engaging enough.

Let’s see how you can use a metaphor:

When life gives you dirt, don't try to squeeze the juice out of it. It's better to leave it alone and let it dry out a bit. Kate decided to follow this philosophy since nothing else seemed to work. After the painful divorce process, last week's ridiculous work assignments and managing two kids alone almost drove her crazy. No polite discussions, arguing, or bribing helped take care of seemingly a million tasks these little women had to deal with. Even letting out the anger just like her phycologist recommended did not help much. Instead, Kate referred to the last remedy. She put all the issues aside with the hope that it would get better later.

The recipe is relatively easy – take a cup of self-respect, two cups of unconditional love, half a cup of good health, a pinch of new positive experiences, and mix it all for a perfect state of happiness! We all wish it would be possible, right? However, the mystery of this state of being happy is still unsolved. The concept and its perception considerably change depending on time and values. Happiness is so complicated that there is even no universal definition of it. Besides, humans are social creatures, so associating your level of success with others is not unusual. Therefore, being happy means achieving a certain level of several aspects.

🧩 Puzzle? Yes! Amazing Hook for Your Essay

Doesn’t a good riddle grab your attention? Sometimes you just want to find out the answer. The other times, you want to figure out how it is related to the topic. Such a hook would be great for writings on psychology and even economics or business.

Here are the examples:

How many Google office employees you need to destroy a box of fresh donuts? Google is indeed famous for some of the most accommodating and unique working places around the whole world. However, the success of the company does not only appear from treats for employees. It seems that the organizational culture has many effects on business decisions and overall performance. All the staff working in Google share the same visions and values, helping them cooperate and lead the company to success. However, there is one aspect to consider. The organizational culture needs to be adapted to the ever-changing business environment.

Who survives on dirt-like substance, is never joyful, and only returns to the cave to sleep? It sounds horrible, but the correct answer is human. Nowadays, the demands for any kind of workers are rising, which brings tremendous effects on people. As the number of duties increases, it is getting harder for employees not to chug on coffee and come back home in time for a family dinner. The work-life balance is disturbed, leading to anxiety, relationship issues, and even health problems. Social life appears to be as important as making money. Therefore, the correct distribution of time between personal life and work duties is necessary for happiness.

📢 Announcement Is Also a Good Essay Hook Option

Announcements could be suitable for literary pieces and historical essays.

Such a hook doesn’t have to be too long. It should be significant enough to persuade your readers to stick to your writing. Make sure it aligns with your topic as well.

Ways to use announcements as essay hooks:

It was a revolution! The Beatle's first song came out in 1962, and almost immediately, hordes of fans pledged their loyalty to this new band. Nearly all youngsters became obsessed with their music. No one can deny that the Beatles are still considered the creators of some of the best songs in history. However, the arrival of the British band influences culture as well. Many photos depict girls going crazy on live concerts and guys shaping their haircuts after the Beatles' members. The revolution that the band brought left an impact, evidence that we can still trace in modern British culture and music.

I will never go to Starbucks again! Oh, no, mind me. I love their coffee. At some point in my life, I even thought I had an addiction and had to ask my friends to watch my consumption of Pumpkin Spice Latte. Then, the wind of change turned everything upside down. On my usual Starbucks morning run, I noticed a homeless man holding a paper cup begging for money. At first, I didn't pay much attention since it's a usual occurrence in our area. However, one day, I recognized my old neighbor in him. The only cash I had on me, I usually spent on my cup of coffee, but I decided it was not much of a sacrifice. From that moment, I only showed up on that street to shove a few bucks into that poor guy's cup. One day, to my surprise, he talked to me.

ℹ️ Background Information Essay Hook

Last but not least, give background information on your subject to make a good intro. Such an essay hook is effortless and suitable for practically any paper. Try to find the most unobvious angle to the background information. At the same time, keep it short and substantive.

Here are the ways to use background information essay hooks:

Air Arabia is among the leading low-cost carriers in the global airline industry. The airline is mainly based at the Sharjah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Air Arabia, 2012). The airline came into inception in 2003 after His Highness Dr. Sheik Mohammed Al Qassimi, the Ruler of Sharjah, issued an Emiri Decree. Later, Air Arabia was transformed into a limited liability company. For nearly a decade, Air Arabia has witnessed tremendous growth, resulting in increased fleet size and improved sales revenues. At the same time, Air Arabia has created a renowned brand that offers reliable and safe services (Dubai Media Incorporated, 2012). Air Arabia identifies itself as a low-cost carrier by providing low fares in the industry. Some of the key strengths of the airline include punctuality and safety. This aims to ensure that the airline serves its customers most efficiently by observing its safety requirements and adhering to the landing and takeoff schedules (De Kluyver, 2010).

Walmart was founded by Sam Walton in the Arkansas United States in 1962 as a grocery store. The company, which operates a chain of over 8,000 stores in fifteen countries, is estimated to employ over two million employees from diverse backgrounds. Wal-Mart was incorporated in 1969 and started trading in the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. […] Although the company can leave its consumers with a saving due to its low-price policy, it has faced some sharp criticisms over how it treats its employees and other stakeholders. Wal-Mart boasts of its ability to save its customers' money, an average of $950 per year. This, however, has been criticized as harming the community. Also, the feminists' activists have focused on Walmart's misconduct in offering low prices. (Fraedrich, Ferrell & Ferrell 440)

Now we won’t keep you for long. Let’s just go through simple points of essay hook writing.

Someone may think that you have to write your hook first. It comes first in the paper, right?

In reality, though, you can wait until your entire essay is nearly finished. Then go back and rewrite the very first paragraph. This way, you can have a fresh look at what you’ve written in the beginning.

Here’s a simple plan you can follow.

  • First, write a basic version of your thesis statement.
  • Then, provide supporting evidence for your thesis in every body paragraph.
  • After that, reword your thesis statement and write your concluding paragraph.
  • Finally, search for an attention-grabbing fact, statistic, or anything from the list above to serve as an engaging essay hook.

Add this essay hook to the beginning of your introduction. Make sure that your ideas still flow naturally into your thesis statement.

⚠️ Pro tip: choose various hooks and play around, adding each hook to your introduction paragraph. Like this, you can determine which one makes the most impressive beginning to your paper.

Some of your choices may sound interesting but may not lead to your essay’s main point. Don’t panic! Paper writing always involves trial and error. Just keep trying your essay hook ideas until one fits perfectly.

That’s it 😊

Good luck with your work!

🔗 References

  • Hook – Examples and Definition of Hook
  • How to Engage the Reader in the Opening Paragraph – BBC
  • Hooks and Attention Grabbers; George Brown College Writing Centre
  • Hook Examples and Definition; Literary Devices
  • What Is a Narrative Hook? Video
  • How to: Writing Hooks or Attention-Getting Openings-YouTube

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

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Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator

Generate a beautiful thesis in no time with our compare and contrast essay thesis generator.

Any academic paper in college will require a good thesis statement. Make sure you know how to write one using our free compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

  • 🎓 How to Use the Tool
  • 📝 Comparative Essay 101

✅ How to Write a Comparative Paper

  • 🤓 Thesis Statement Examples

🔗 References

🎓 compare and contrast thesis statement generator: how to use it.

This tool provides you with a reliable template that you can use to write a topic sentence by filling in the required fields:

  • The conclusion of the topic,
  • The main argument for the conclusion,
  • The key counterargument against your conclusion.

You can generate a strong thesis statement for your essay in no time with us!

📝 What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A paper of this genre aims to compare two or more things, ideas, or concepts. The comparison must be able to highlight the similarities while also pointing out the differences .

You may structure this essay using the alternating method (discussing one similar feature and then discussing the differences) or the block method (focusing on all the features of one thing and then doing the same for the other thing it is compared to).

Students have to write thesis statements for compare and contrast essays to demonstrate their critical thinking and analytical skills. You need a good hook for this type of essay to capture the reader's interest right from the start.

Step 1: Identify the Similarities and Differences

You can create a Venn diagram to be able to visualize the comparable qualities of the two subjects. This visual representation will make it easier to see where the two subjects overlap, and you can use that as an area of focus for comparing them in the essay. It is also important to pay attention to the features or aspects where they don’t overlap so you can determine their differences.

Take out the items you have listed in the diagram and form them into an outline. These ideas will serve as essay topic ideas, and you can compare that to the assignment brief.

For example, you are tasked to write a compare and contrast essay on two people.

You can focus your comparison on these questions:

  • What are they known for?
  • What do they do?
  • What relationship do they have?
  • What makes them interesting?
  • Do they identify with a particular race, gender, or group?

Step 2: Choose Your Focus

The steps above will help you to build the foundation for your compare and contrast essay. Choose a focus for the point of comparison for your subjects.

Make sure you choose an interesting angle for these subjects or ideas to expound on in your essay. Depending on the assignment brief provided by your instructor, you can narrow down your focus based on what is required for your paper or choose the angle that delivers maximum impact for your thesis statement.

When choosing your focus for the essay, think about its relevance to the course. Think about how you can make your paper interesting and informative. Is there anything of value you can get out of the comparison of the two items?

Step 3: Write Your Thesis Statement

Creating your thesis statement is the next step in writing your academic paper. The thesis statement is more important in the compare and contrast essay type than most other essay types.

You must succinctly identify the distinction between the two objects, people, or ideas compared. Your thesis statement must not be vague; instead, it should be detailed and specific.

If you are struggling with writing a thesis statement that is also an attention grabber , you can utilize a compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

Step 4: Organize Your Ideas

You can organize your ideas in the essay using 2 methods .

The first method is known as subject-by-subject , which is to focus on each subject at a time. You will begin by discussing the features of one subject and then move to the next. When using this method, avoid providing a boring list of features.

Another method is the point-by-point one. Instead of highlighting the features of each subject, you will identify the key points and discuss them one by one.

🤓 Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Examples

Writing a thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay can be tricky because it should create a focused argument. It should provide your readers with a roadmap of the key points discussed within the academic paper.

  • Does playing violent video games cause players to act violently?
  • What can harm your teeth?
  • Burger King and McDonald’s are both good, but they have several areas to improve on.
  • Burger King uses high-quality ingredients that make the price worth it for their burgers, while McDonald’s offers good value for money with their affordable menu.

As you can see from the both bad examples, they are lacking when it comes to providing specific details about each fast-food chain. Your instructor might require additional details to support your thesis statement.

You can simplify the process of writing the thesis statement using an automated tool like the compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need more instruments to prepare and polish your assignment, check the collection we prepared .

❓ Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator FAQ

Updated: Jul 25th, 2024

  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay - MasterClass
  • Strong Compare and Contrast Essay Examples | YourDictionary
  • Thesis Statement Examples | YourDictionary
  • Developing A Thesis | - Harvard College Writing Center
  • Developing a Thesis Statement - The Writing Center
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Struggling to create a strong thesis statement for your compare and contrast essay? IvyPanda's free Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator is here to simplify the process! In a few clicks, you can generate a perfect thesis. Try it now and start your essay off right!

Attention-Grabbers to Use When Writing an Essay

Goody clairenstein.

Student typing on laptop

Attention-grabbers should go at the very beginning of an essay to hook your reader. It's not necessary to include an attention-grabber at the start of every paragraph; well-constructed paragraphs and clear transition sentences will keep your reader interested. Crafting an essay with careful attention to organization and cohesiveness is your best bet for essay-writing success, so if you find yourself struggling to come up with an attention-grabber for the beginning of your introduction, move on and come back to it later.

Explore this article

  • Rhetorical Question
  • Personal Anecdote
  • Description
  • Surprising Fact

An attention-grabber with good potential for success is a quote from someone notable or relevant to the topic of your essay. A quote used at the beginning of a piece of writing is called an "epigraph." If you are using multiple sources to write your essay, find a quote from one of your supporting sources to strengthen your writing. Relevance is more important than fame when using quotes as an attention-grabber; in fact, using a cliche can frequently backfire, giving your reader less incentive to continue reading your paper. If you can't find a quote easily, try an online quotation database that you can search by keyword, like The Quotations Page.

2 Rhetorical Question

A rhetorical question is one whose answer is not necessary to understand the asker's point. An example of a rhetorical question like "How much longer must intolerance and inequality continue before we will start to change?" has a very straightforward and simple answer -- such as "No longer" -- and the question is posed more for its persuasive effect than in hopes of reaching a conclusion. For this reason, a rhetorical question can be an effective attention-grabber. Consider one of the more provocative or debated aspects of the topic of your essay, and begin your essay with the rhetorical question straight away. Transitioning from a rhetorical question to the rest of the introductory paragraph can be very easy: for example, "The answer to this question may appear simple, but Mark Twain was of the opinion that..."

3 Personal Anecdote

Use a personal anecdote as an attention-grabber in a personal essay or statement of intent. Personal anecdotes may be less effective or useful in a literary essay, where the writer is expected to use the third person throughout the essay and examine the text on a critical, not a personal, level. However, using a personal anecdote as an attention-grabber in a statement of intent, like one that you would include as part of a college or fellowship application, can set up the entire essay and make it easier to bring your essay full-circle in your conclusion. Use a personal anecdote that tells the story of a personal struggle, or a unique experience, to convince the reader to learn more about you and how you've grown.

4 Description

Set the scene. Descriptions can be effective attention-grabbers in literary essays. Describe a scene from the book you're examining that epitomizes a theme or embodies the central conceit. One advantage of descriptions is their versatility: you can make them as short as one sentence, or you can build suspense by drawing your description out into three or four. Descriptions can also be fun to write. Don't be surprised if you feel a little carried away by the world you're constructing -- and know that if you feel that way, chances are your reader will, too.

5 Surprising Fact

Use a surprising fact to grab your readers' attention. As a general rule, numbers and statistics can be very powerful rhetorical tools. Because quantifying phenomena is such a challenge, using a statistic, fact, or number immediately draws your readers' attention and impresses upon them your mastery of the topic you're treating. It's also important to be wary of using a surprising fact. Make sure your sources are accurate and reliable, and always cross-check them to make sure. If you can't cite your surprising fact, don't use it, because a lack of credibility will undermine your entire essay, no matter how well you grabbed your reader's attention at the beginning.

About the Author

Goody Clairenstein has been a writer since 2004. She has sat on the editorial board of several non-academic journals and writes about creative writing, editing and languages. She has worked in professional publishing and news reporting in print and broadcast journalism. Her poems have appeared in "Small Craft Warnings." Clairenstein earned her Bachelor of Arts in European languages from Skidmore College.

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Compare and Contrast Essay. Introduction Hook Hook your reader with an attention grabber Context Provide reader with background information Thesis State.

Published by Ophelia Walsh Modified over 8 years ago

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Election Highlights: Harris and Walz Rally in Las Vegas to End Their Introductory Tour

Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota were in Nevada for the final rally of their tour of battleground states. Former President Donald J. Trump tested a new attack at an event in Montana.

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Chris Cameron Michael Gold and Simon J. Levien

Here’s the latest on the presidential race.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, campaigned in Las Vegas on Saturday night, the final stop on their introductory tour of battleground states that began in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Earlier on Saturday, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College showed Ms. Harris ahead of former President Donald J. Trump by four percentage points in the critical battlegrounds of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The surveys of likely voters in each state were conducted from Aug. 5 to 9.

The polls were the latest sign of Ms. Harris’s political momentum since she announced that she had chosen Mr. Walz to be her vice-presidential candidate. The new ticket has been drawing large crowds, including at a rally in Glendale, Ariz. , on Friday that the Harris campaign claimed had more than 15,000 people in attendance, which would have been its biggest rally yet.

Mr. Trump was scheduled to attend fund-raisers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Aspen, Colo., on Saturday. On Friday, he unveiled fresh attacks against Ms. Harris during a campaign event in Bozeman, Mont., twice interrupting his speech to play compilations of some of her past remarks that his campaign hopes will portray her as overly liberal and inept.

Mr. Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, rallied near Las Vegas last week , denouncing the vice president’s role in the Biden administration’s border policies. At her Arizona rally, Ms. Harris said she supported “strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship.”

Here’s what else to know:

A twist on that helicopter tale: Mr. Trump spent Friday doubling down on his story of nearly crashing during a helicopter ride with Willie Brown, the notable Black politician from California. Another Black politician from California, Nate Holden, said in an interview with The New York Times that he had been on a helicopter ride with Mr. Trump around 1990 when the aircraft experienced mechanical trouble and was forced to make an emergency landing in New Jersey.

A first-time endorsement: A Latino rights group backed Ms. Harris , breaking with its 95-year history of abstaining from formal presidential endorsements. The League of United Latin American Citizens, known as LULAC, said its members were stirred to action by concerns over the potential negative impact on Latinos if Mr. Trump were elected again.

Not an endorsement: Joe Rogan, the world’s most popular podcaster, backpedaled on comments he made on Thursday that seemed to throw his support behind the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. After backlash from Mr. Trump’s supporters, Mr. Rogan, the podcaster with a large, devoted following that leans young and male, posted on X that what he said was not “ an endorsement. ” Another podcaster, Tim Pool, also expressed his support for Mr. Kennedy before quickly switching his support to Mr. Trump in the face of withering criticism from Trump supporters.

A tale of two very different bank accounts: Mr. Vance and Mr. Walz both came from modest backgrounds in the Midwest, but their personal fortunes have wildly diverged since then. Mr. Vance is a multimillionaire. Mr. Walz has much less than that, and is already emphasizing that contrast on the campaign trail .

Generating buzz: A high school class lesson that Mr. Walz gave 31 years ago is getting new attention online . As a geography teacher in Nebraska in 1993, Mr. Walz asked his students to take what they had learned about the Holocaust to predict which nation was most at risk for genocide. “They came up with Rwanda,” Mr. Walz said, talking about the project at a conference last month . “Twelve months later, the world witnessed the horrific genocide in Rwanda.”

David E. Sanger

David E. Sanger and Michael Gold

David E. Sanger reported from Wellington, New Zealand. Michael Gold reported from Bozeman, Mont.

The hacking of presidential campaigns begins, with the usual fog of motives.

For the third presidential election in a row, the foreign hacking of the campaigns has begun in earnest. But this time, it’s the Iranians, not the Russians, making the first significant move.

On Friday, Microsoft released a report declaring that a hacking group run by the intelligence unit of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had successfully breached the account of a “former senior adviser” to a presidential campaign. From that account, Microsoft said, the group sent fake email messages, known as “spear phishing,” to “a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign” in an effort to break into the campaign’s own accounts and databases.

By Saturday night, former President Donald J. Trump was declaring that Microsoft had informed his campaign “that one of our many websites was hacked by the Iranian Government — Never a nice thing to do!” but that the hackers had obtained only “publicly available information.” He attributed it all to what he called, in his signature selective capitalization, a “Weak and Ineffective” Biden administration.

The facts were murkier, and it is unclear what, if anything, the Iranian group, which Microsoft called Mint Sandstorm, was able to achieve.

Mr. Trump’s campaign was already blaming “foreign sources hostile to the United States” for a leak of internal documents that Politico reported on Saturday that it had received, though it is unclear whether those documents indeed emerged from the Iranian efforts or were part of an unrelated leak from inside the campaign.

The New York Times received what appears to be a similar if not identical trove of data from an anonymous tipster purporting to be the same person who emailed the documents to Politico.

Either way, the events of the past few days may well portend a more intense period of foreign interference in a race whose sudden turns, and changes of candidates, could have thrown the hackers off their plans.

Russia has so far played a relatively minor role, investigators and cybersecurity experts say, focusing instead on seeking to undermine both the Olympics, from which it was barred from fielding its own team, and support for Ukraine. And while American intelligence officials say they have little doubt that Russia wants to see Mr. Trump return to office, Chinese hackers, they say, seem uncertain how to play the election; they have reason to dislike both Mr. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

There is little doubt, investigators say, that the Iranians want to see Mr. Trump defeated. As president, he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, reimposed economic sanctions on Iran and then, in January 2020, ordered the killing in Iraq of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani , the commander of the Quds Force, a clandestine wing of the Revolutionary Guards responsible for foreign operations.

Four years later, the Revolutionary Guard Corps appears still determined to avenge Suleimani’s death, and just last week the Justice Department announced it had charged a Pakistani man who had recently visited Iran, accusing him of trying to hire a hit man to assassinate political figures in the U.S. , most likely including Mr. Trump. (There is no evidence that Iran was involved in the July 13 attempt on Mr. Trump’s life in Butler, Pa.)

Mr. Trump often casts his actions against Iran as evidence of his strength, despite the fact that his exit from the Iran deal gave Tehran an opening to rebuild a nuclear program that had been hobbled by the 2015 agreement. Still, the combination of the hack and the hit men looking for Mr. Trump and his former aides gave the former president an obvious foil, and he was using it over the weekend to make the case that the Iranians would prefer a continuation of the Biden-Harris administration.

Microsoft stopped short of saying that the hacking effort it detected was focused on Mr. Trump’s campaign, though the campaign itself said that was the case. In an interview, Tom Burt, the head of the company’s customer security and trust team, said that in June, “the Iranian team associated with Iranian intelligence” operations of the Revolutionary Guards successfully breached the email account of a former campaign adviser, whom the company did not name. From that account, he said, the Iranians sent a spear phishing email to an official of a presidential campaign.

While it would have appeared to the recipient to have come from the former campaign adviser, Mr. Burt refused to say whether the targeted campaign was also Mr. Trump’s. By long-established practice, Microsoft says, it can reveal such details only with the permission of the victim of an attack.

In many ways, the effort was similar in technique to what Iran attempted when it sought to interfere in the 2020 presidential campaign . This time, however, the Iranian effort looks to have been more sophisticated — namely, through the hacking of a trusted intermediary — suggesting the hackers learned something from what the Russians accomplished in past campaigns, notably in 2016.

But Mr. Burt said the company could not determine if the effort was successful in penetrating the campaign it targeted.

The documents sent to Politico, as it described them, and to The Times included research about and assessments of potential vice-presidential nominees, including Senator JD Vance, whom Mr. Trump ultimately selected. Like many such vetting documents, they contained past statements with the potential to be embarrassing or damaging, such as Mr. Vance’s remarks casting aspersions on Mr. Trump.

In a statement on Saturday, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, preemptively chastised outlets that reported on any information that was improperly obtained.

“Any media or news outlet reprinting documents or internal communications are doing the bidding of America’s enemies and doing exactly what they want,” he wrote.

The 2016 election that Mr. Trump won was marked by similar “hack and leak” efforts after Russian hackers broke into the email accounts of top Democratic officials. Leaked emails showed the internal workings of the party and of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and also revealed criticisms of Mrs. Clinton by aides, and a trove of them was published by WikiLeaks in the final weeks of the presidential race.

Seeking an edge then, Mr. Trump’s campaign seized on the emails — many of them from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta. “We love WikiLeaks,” Mr. Trump declared at the time.


Nicholas Nehamas Reid J. Epstein and Kellen Browning

Nicholas Nehamas reported from Las Vegas, Reid J. Epstein from Washington and Kellen Browning from Phoenix.

Rallying in Las Vegas, Harris pledges to end federal taxes on tips.

Vice President Kamala Harris said on Saturday that she would seek to end federal income taxes on tips if she were elected president, mirroring a policy proposal that former President Donald J. Trump made earlier this year.

The proposal from Ms. Harris — which she announced in Las Vegas, where thousands of casino employees depend on tipped wages — is a priority of Nevada’s influential Culinary Workers Union. Both Ms. Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, recognized the union in their remarks to a packed basketball arena on Saturday night.

“When I am president,” Ms. Harris told the Las Vegas crowd, “we will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.”

The “no tax on tips” pitch has garnered bipartisan support since Mr. Trump first floated it in June , including from Senator Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican, and both of Nevada’s Democratic senators, Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen. Mr. Trump also announced his support for the policy in Las Vegas.

The former president responded immediately to Ms. Harris’s proposal on Saturday night, posting on his social media website, Truth Social, that she had “copied” his own. “This was a TRUMP idea,” he wrote. “She has no ideas, she can only steal them from me.”

The Las Vegas stop was the last public event of a five-city introduction of the Harris-Walz ticket. As with the other rallies, Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz drew a crowd many times larger than any that had shown up for President Biden while he was seeking re-election.

By Saturday, there were signs that some of the Democrats’ good vibes may have an expiration date. The Harris campaign said Mr. Walz “misspoke” when he said he had carried weapons of war “in war” in a video articulating his views on gun control. And Ms. Harris, before her event in Las Vegas, answered several questions from reporters for the first time since becoming the Democratic nominee — a development that took place after pressure from Mr. Trump and his campaign.

But overall, the week’s rollout was widely viewed as a success. Ms. Harris has engendered more enthusiasm than any Democratic nominee since Barack Obama in 2008. The appointment of Mr. Walz as her running mate took place without any significant grumbling from the party — a bit of a surprise after a two-week vice-presidential audition that surfaced ideological divisions in the party, particularly over the war in Gaza.

On Saturday, Mr. Walz urged the crowd at the arena on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas — which the campaign said included more than 12,000 people — not only to vote for the Democratic ticket but also to work to ensure their friends and neighbors did, too.

“I know very clearly that I am preaching to the choir,” Mr. Walz said. “But here’s my words for you: The choir needs to sing. The choir needs to sing.”

During stops in Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Detroit and Arizona , Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz spoke to capacity crowds. By the end of the week, the high points in their stump speeches had become familiar enough to audiences that people in the crowd shouted them along with the candidates. All told, the new running mates drew more than 64,000 attendees to their rallies, according to estimates from the campaign.

“Aren’t they a breath of fresh air?” Representative Susie Lee, Democrat of Nevada, asked attendees in Las Vegas.

Mr. Biden had trailed Mr. Trump badly in Nevada, where inflation is a top concern for many voters. But Ms. Harris has tightened that gap significantly since Mr. Biden dropped out.

On Friday, the vice president secured the backing of the Culinary Workers Union, an endorsement that will likely add to her campaign’s organizing operation and eventual voter turnout.

The culinary union is a 60,000-member organization that represents casino and hotel workers and has been a key part of the coalition that has helped Democrats win in Nevada.

Mariana Swanson, a culinary union member who worked as a restroom attendant at a Las Vegas nightclub where she depended on tips, said Ms. Harris’s announcement came as a “shock,” though a welcome one.

“It’s more money for taking care of your family,” said Ms. Swanson, 43, a Democrat and one of many attendees wearing a red culinary union T-shirt. “It’s more money for paying your bills.”

With her promises to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips, Ms. Harris seemed to preview the planned release of her policy platform next week. She had told reporters earlier on Saturday that the platform would focus on the economy and lowering costs for working families.

In addition to rank-and-file Democrats, wealthy donors are also responding to the new ticket. On Sunday, Ms. Harris was scheduled to attend a fund-raiser in San Francisco that drew more than $12 million in contributions, her campaign said.

Ms. Harris’s crowd in Las Vegas would have been larger than it was, but law enforcement officials closed the doors as people fell ill while waiting outside the arena in temperatures that reached 109 degrees. Roughly 4,000 people were in line at that point and had to be turned away, the Harris campaign said.

“Don’t worry,” a hoarse-voiced Mr. Walz promised those who had made it inside. “We’re going to be back a lot.”

Before the rally began, thousands of attendees stood and danced in their seats waving Harris-Walz signs, as disco remixes, hip-hop and Latin pop blared over the speakers and the arena’s lights flashed in multicolored rhythm.

“We’ve got a party up in here,” D-Nice, a D.J. and the event’s M.C., shouted to roars of approval. “Let’s light this place up.”

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Harris has wrapped up here in Las Vegas. She made news by endorsing a “no tax on tips” proposal that has wide bipartisan appeal and had previously been proposed by Trump.

Vice President Harris just said that as president she would support making tipped income tax-free, a major issue in Nevada, where much of the economy is service-based. It’s a proposal that has already been floated by her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.

Harris also expressed support for raising the federal minimum wage. She told reporters earlier today that she would release her policy platform next week, with a focus on the economy and on lowering costs for working families.

Michael Gold

Donald Trump accused Harris of copying his “no taxes on tips” policy. In a post on his social media site, Truth Social, he wrote that Harris “has no ideas, she can only steal from me” and insisted that she would not follow through on the pledge. “This was a TRUMP idea,” he wrote.

Harris is now joining Walz onstage to deafening cheers from the crowd.

Walz is telling the story of his decision to join the National Guard at 17. Republicans have raised questions about his decision to retire from the Guard more than two decades later when it was rumored his unit would be deployed to Iraq.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota has taken the stage, his first visit to the crucial swing state of Nevada as Harris’s running mate. “I’m melting like a snowman outside,” the Minnesotan says of the Las Vegas heat.

Tilly Torres, a Las Vegas teacher, is introducing Harris. She said she had $87,000 in student debt forgiven through the Biden administration’s actions, one of its more popular initiatives. “For the first time,” Torres said, “I have financial freedom.”

Torres also has kind words for Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, Harris’s running mate, saying that if he can “handle a high school lunch room,” then the vice presidency will be a piece of cake.

Beyonce’s song “Freedom” is blasting through this packed college basketball arena in Las Vegas, meaning Harris will soon appear.

Vice President Kamala Harris is 35 minutes and counting behind schedule for her remarks in Las Vegas tonight.

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein

The Harris campaign said it was set to raise $12 million at a San Francisco fund-raiser on Sunday. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to speak to some 700 people.

Theodore Schleifer

Theodore Schleifer

Fun fact — that $12 million is precisely the amount that former President Donald J. Trump raised in San Francisco at an event this summer. But Trump raised it from only about 100 people.

The Harris campaign says that more than 12,000 people are attending her rally in Las Vegas tonight. But law enforcement officials closed the doors as people fell ill while waiting outside in temperatures that reached 109 degrees. Roughly 4,000 people were in line at that point and had to be turned away, the campaign said.

Don’t expect to hear this later from Vice President Kamala Harris, but one of her warm-up speakers, Representative Dina Titus, a Nevada Democrat, just made a joke about a false rumor circulating on the internet about Senator JD Vance of Ohio, former President Donald J. Trump’s running mate. “You better hide behind that sofa because we’re coming for you,” Titus said to laughter from a crowd of thousands.

The crowd here quickly joined Representative Steven Horsford, Democrat of Nevada, in a chant of “We’re not going back,” a rallying cry in Harris’s stump speech. The easy recognition shows how familiar Democrats are growing with her applause lines.

Nicholas Nehamas Jazmine Ulloa and Shane Goldmacher

Nicholas Nehamas reported from Las Vegas, Jazmine Ulloa from Washington and Shane Goldmacher from Phoenix.

Harris hopes a new playbook will neutralize G.O.P. attacks on immigration.

For weeks, Republicans have pummeled Vice President Kamala Harris on immigration, blaming her for President Biden’s policies at the border.

Now, Ms. Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, is seeking to neutralize that line of attack, one of her biggest weaknesses with voters, running a playbook that Democrats say has worked for them in recent elections and staking out her clearest position yet as a tough-on-crime prosecutor focused on securing the border.

This week, she has hit back by promising to heighten border security if elected and slamming her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, for helping kill a bipartisan border deal in Congress. And her campaign has walked back some of the more progressive positions she took during her bid for the Democratic nomination in 2019, including her stance that migrants crossing the U.S. border without authorization should not face criminal penalties.

“I was attorney general of a border state,” Ms. Harris, who was once California’s top prosecutor, said on Friday at a rally in Arizona, a swing state where immigration is a top concern for voters. “I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and human traffickers. I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won.”

A day earlier, the Harris campaign released a television advertisement highlighting her pivot. The ad, targeted to voters in the battleground states, promised that Ms. Harris would “hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.” It made no mention of undocumented immigrants already in the United States — a top priority for many progressives and immigration activists — although in her Arizona speech Ms. Harris stressed the importance of “comprehensive reform” that includes “an earned pathway to citizenship.”

No other Democratic nominee has taken a position this tough on border security since Bill Clinton. Her stance reflects a change in public opinion since Mr. Trump left the White House in 2021. More Americans, including many Democrats and Latino voters, have expressed support for hard-line immigration measures.

The shift in public opinion comes as Republicans have escalated their rhetoric against migrants. Border crossings skyrocketed during the Biden administration, though more recently they have sharply declined since a Biden executive order designed to clamp down on the border. The question for Ms. Harris is whether her new message as the party’s standard-bearer will come too late for voters who have already formed opinions of her record.

Senior Trump campaign officials have ranked immigration as among Ms. Harris’s deepest vulnerabilities and sought to pin responsibility for the Biden administration’s policies on her, calling her the “border czar.” The title far exceeds the actual policy portfolio given to her by Mr. Biden, who asked her to address the root causes of migration from Latin America.

Democratic polling has raised similar concerns about Ms. Harris’s immigration record. Blueprint, a Democratic group, recently tested six potential Republican lines of attack on Ms. Harris — including labeling her the “border czar” — and found that those involving immigration were the most effective, even more so than attacks related to the economy and inflation.

Other polls have shown that voters place more trust in Mr. Trump’s ability to handle border issues than in Ms. Harris’s. But if Ms. Harris can at least counter Republican arguments on immigration, she may be able to sway voters on issues more friendly to Democrats, such as abortion, her allies say.

The decision for the Harris campaign to frame her record as California attorney general as a “border-state prosecutor” stands in contrast to how she ran in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Then, during a debate, she raised her hand in response to a question about whether people who are here illegally should be eligible for public health care.

For his part, Mr. Trump has attacked Ms. Harris over the border in dark terms, engaging in fear-mongering about migrants and using dehumanizing language to falsely paint them as a threat to Americans .

“Every day, Kamala is letting migrant criminals roam free to assault, rape, mutilate and kill our citizens,” the former president said at a rally in Montana on Friday.

Chris DeRose, a Republican who served as a clerk of courts in Arizona’s Maricopa County, said many swing voters would be dubious of Ms. Harris’s rhetoric.

“She’s part of the Biden-Harris administration,” Mr. DeRose said. “There’s going to be some skepticism.”

But Ms. Harris and her allies have tried to make Mr. Trump’s immigration record into its own campaign issue. This year, Mr. Trump successfully convinced Senate Republicans to kill a bill supported by Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris that would have effectively mandated that the border be shut down to migrants when numbers reached certain levels and that vastly expanded detentions and deportations.

“Donald Trump tanked the deal,” Ms. Harris said in Arizona as a crowd of more than 15,000 supporters booed. “Because he thought by doing that it would help him win an election.”

Jen Cox, a senior adviser for the Harris campaign in Arizona, said Democrats in that state, including Senator Mark Kelly, had won elections with tougher messages on immigration.

“Voters want to see folks be serious about actually fixing the broken immigration system and securing the border,” Ms. Cox said in an interview. “They don’t want to see folks play politics with it.”

In a closely watched special election in New York this year, Tom Suozzi, a Democrat, won a competitive House race after slamming Mr. Trump over the scuttled border deal and taking unusually hard-line stances for a member of his party, including calls to temporarily shut down the border and deport migrants who assault the police.

“The most effective politician is the one that says what the people are thinking already,” Mr. Suozzi said. “And people are talking about this issue. They are very much concerned about it. And the vice president can continue to emphasize that, yes, we recognize this is a problem and we are willing to compromise to solve the problem, unlike the other side.”

Harris campaign aides say her move to the center since the 2020 primary had been shaped by her time as vice president.

Mike Madrid, a longtime G.O.P. consultant focused on Latino voters, said Ms. Harris’s pledge to sign the border security bill, which did not include protections for undocumented immigrants already in the United States, and the security-focused message of her new television ad reflected wider changes among Democrats.

Since the Obama years, Democrats had sought to fuse efforts to increase border security with calls to establish permanent paths to legal residency and citizenship for the roughly 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, many of whom have lived in the country for years, holding jobs, paying taxes and starting families.

But the Latino electorate, the fastest-growing slice of the voter bloc, now tends to be third- and fourth-generation voters more removed from the immigration experience, Mr. Madrid said.

“This doesn’t mean you have to go all Donald Trump on immigration,” he said. “It means you have to lead with border security and then weave in the elements of immigration reform later.”

Michael Gold contributed reporting from Bozeman, Mont., and Reid J. Epstein contributed reporting from Washington.

Hundreds of people are waiting outside to get into a Harris campaign rally at a basketball arena in Las Vegas, where the temperature is 107 degrees.

Inside, it’s a full celebration, with thousands of people standing and dancing in their seats to disco remixes. “We’ve got a party up in here,” the D.J. D-Nice, the event’s M.C., says over the speakers. It cannot be said enough how different the energy at Harris’s rallies has been from that at President Biden’s.

Vice President Kamala Harris took five questions from the traveling press pool on Saturday. It was the first time since she became the Democratic presidential nominee that she engaged with journalists even to that degree. She said she planned to deliver a policy platform next week.

Harris has faced criticism — including from former President Donald J. Trump — for not holding a news conference or sitting for interviews with journalists.

The singer Celine Dion, in a statement on social media, said she and her management team did not authorize or endorse the playing of “My Heart Will Go On,” her hit song from the movie “Titanic,” at a Trump rally in Montana on Friday. The Trump campaign has played the song at multiple rallies recently, and Trump has over the years received several requests from artists asking him not to use their music at his political events.

Neil Vigdor

Neil Vigdor

The Harris campaign says Walz “misspoke” in a comment about his military service.

Officials for Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign are trying to clean up remarks made in 2018 by her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, that gave the impression that he had served in combat, just days after the campaign had inadvertently drawn attention to them to illustrate Mr. Walz’s views about responsible gun ownership.

In a clip from a political event in 2018, when he represented Minnesota in the House, Mr. Walz referenced his 24 years in the Army National Guard and background as a hunter while discussing his views on gun control. He spoke of supporting common-sense gun legislation that also protects Second Amendment rights, including background checks and restrictions on high-powered firearms.

“We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” Mr. Walz said in the clip, which the campaign had shared Tuesday on social media, just hours after Ms. Harris named him as her running mate.

Mr. Walz deployed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, but not in a combat zone.

Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for the Harris-Walz campaign, said in a statement on Saturday that Mr. Walz’s remarks had been a misstatement and that he had not tried to mislead anyone about his military service.

“In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the governor misspoke,” Ms. Hitt said.

Mr. Walz, who is in his second term as Minnesota’s governor, has come under intense scrutiny from Republicans over his military record . They have accused him of exaggerating his record and also of quitting the Army National Guard two decades ago to avoid being deployed to Iraq, rekindling claims made by two retired command sergeant majors during Mr. Walz’s first campaign for governor in 2018.

Leading that criticism is Senator JD Vance of Ohio, former President Donald J. Trump’s running mate, who has accused Mr. Walz of “stolen valor.”

Mr. Vance served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007 during the Iraq war. He was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and 2006 with the aircraft wing but was not a frontline combatant. His official military occupation, known as a combat correspondent, meant he was tasked with basic communication roles such as writing articles about the happenings in his unit.

The Republican broadsides against Mr. Walz resembled the “Swift Boat” attacks in the 2004 presidential election that created a cloud of uncertainty over the military record of Senator John F. Kerry, then the Democratic presidential nominee. Chris LaCivita, who is a senior strategist for the Trump campaign, was an architect of those attacks, which were highly effective.

The conservative-leaning editorial board of The Wall Street Journal spurned comparisons this week between Mr. Kerry’s situation and Mr. Walz’s military service, which it wrote was “far different.” It said that there were plenty of reasons to criticize Mr. Walz, but that his military record was not one of them. It quoted a New York Sun editorial that described the attacks as “thin gruel.”

On a number of occasions, Mr. Walz has emphasized that he did not serve in combat. During a CNN interview last month, when the anchor Jake Tapper said that Mr. Walz had deployed to Afghanistan, Mr. Walz corrected him and said that he had served in Europe in support of that war.

In an interview with Minnesota Public Radio in 2018, when he was running for governor, Mr. Walz said of his military career: “I know that there are certainly folks that did far more than I did.”

And when Mr. Walz was running for re-election as governor in 2022, The Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote that he had shied away from dramatic accounts of his time in the National Guard, framing himself instead as a former high school teacher and football coach.

The 2018 clip of Mr. Walz saying that “those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” was not the only one that Mr. Trump’s allies seized on this week.

They also pounced on a 2007 C-SPAN clip from a Capitol Hill news conference when Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker at the time, thanked Mr. Walz for his service “on the battlefield.” Mr. Walz was identified by C-SPAN as an “Afghanistan war veteran” at the time.

Reid J. Epstein , Michael C. Bender , Thomas Gibbons-Neff and John Ismay contributed reporting.

In a memo, Tony Fabrizio, the Trump campaign’s chief pollster, argued that new polls by The New York Times and Siena College “dramatically understated President Trump’s support.” Fabrizio cited polls conducted in the days before the 2020 election that accurately predicted President Biden’s victory but overestimated the margin.

Donald Trump will attend two fund-raisers today in mountain resort towns favored by the wealthy. First, he’ll attend a lunch event in Jackson Hole, Wyo., then he will travel to a dinner fund-raiser in Aspen, Colo.

A former Trump administration official and climate change denier, appearing in a leaked training video for Project 2025, emphasized that the next Republican president must be focused on reversing the federal government’s current environmental policies. “If the American people elect a conservative president, his administration will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere,” said Bethany Kozma, a former deputy chief of staff at the United States Agency for International Development. The video is one of several that were obtained by ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom, and the journalism project Documented.

Former President Donald J. Trump has tried to extricate himself from the negative attention surrounding Project 2025, the right-wing policy playbook prepared for the next Republican president that Democrats have used as a political cudgel.

Adam Nagourney

Adam Nagourney

As a rule, candidates who think they are ahead do not challenge their opponent to three debates, as Donald Trump did with Kamala Harris the other day. So it’s a pretty good bet that Trump’s own polling — or at the least, his political gut — had picked up on what Times/Siena college poll reports this weekend: that Harris could be a much tougher opponent than Biden.

Simon J. Levien

Michael Gold and Simon J. Levien

Reporting from Bozeman, Mont.

Fine-tuning his attacks on Harris, Trump tries using her words against her.

As former President Donald J. Trump continues to reach for attacks on his new opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, that might halt her political momentum, he unveiled a new tactic at a rally in Bozeman, Mont., on Friday night, aiming to use Ms. Harris’s own words against her.

Interrupting his typical pattern of a digressive and lengthy speech, Mr. Trump played two video compilations of past remarks by Ms. Harris that his campaign hopes will portray her as overly liberal and inept.

The first video drew on statements that Ms. Harris made during the 2020 presidential campaign, when she tacked to the left and backed progressive ideas on criminal justice reform. The second was a montage of interviews and speeches that Mr. Trump’s campaign used to mock her speaking style and insult her intelligence.

The videos did little to alter the message that the Trump campaign has deployed against Ms. Harris for weeks and that Mr. Trump summed up during his speech on Friday.

“America cannot survive for four more years of this bumbling communist lunatic,” Mr. Trump told thousands gathered in the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse at Montana State University. “We cannot let her win this election.”

Mr. Trump and his allies have repeatedly tried to portray Ms. Harris as more liberal than President Biden in the three weeks since he ended his campaign and cleared the way for her to be the Democratic presidential nominee.

The video compiling her past positions accused her of supporting a ban on fracking, mandatory gun buybacks and a single-payer health insurance system like “Medicare for all.”

Ms. Harris has backed away from those policy positions, which largely stem from her time in the 2020 presidential race. But Mr. Trump — who has been known to flip-flop or equivocate on hot-button issues like abortion — argued that her early statements were the only ones that mattered.

Mr. Trump’s rally on Friday was his first since Ms. Harris chose Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate, and he used the selection to bolster his portrait of the Democratic ticket as overly liberal. Effectively likening Mr. Walz to a socialist, he accused the governor of being too lax in his response to protests that turned to riots in Minneapolis after the police murder of George Floyd and for signing a law giving access to menstrual products to transgender children.

Referring to Mr. Walz as “Comrade Walz,” Mr. Trump argued that Ms. Harris tapped him for his progressive bona fides. “This is her ideology,” he said.

Mr. Trump also acknowledged that he has frequently mispronounced Ms. Harris’s given name in recent speeches, though he added that he “couldn’t care less” how it should be pronounced. He admitted that he has in the past “done a lot of bad name-calling” in which he has purposefully mispronounced a person’s name. “They say, ‘Sir, you made a mistake,’” Mr. Trump recounted. “I said, ‘No, I didn’t.’”

Still, Mr. Trump’s speech offered continued evidence of the growing pains he has faced as he tries to shift years of attacks against Mr. Biden toward Ms. Harris.

Even as he argued that Ms. Harris was more extreme than Mr. Biden, he tied her to the president’s policies on immigration and the economy.

At one point, he said she was the one running the country the past four years, even as he repeatedly argued that she was too unintelligent or incompetent to do so effectively. Mr. Trump has long made the same argument about Mr. Biden.

Mr. Trump's rally is part of a western swing that includes fund-raisers in mountain resort towns favored by the wealthy. Before he took the stage in Bozeman, he attended an event in Big Sky, Mont., and on Saturday he will travel to fund-raisers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Aspen, Colo.

Montana is not an obvious site for a presidential campaign rally. Mr. Trump won the state handily in both 2016 and 2020, and he is expected to do so again in November. But with Republicans keen on flipping Democrats’ narrow edge in the Senate, Mr. Trump traveled to Montana to support his party’s Senate candidate there, Tim Sheehy, who is looking to unseat the Democratic incumbent, Senator Jon Tester.

At one point, Mr. Trump, whose flight to Bozeman was diverted to another city after his plane suffered a mechanical issue, reflected on how long it takes to travel to Montana.

“I’ve got to like Tim Sheehy a lot to be here,” he said.

Shawn Hubler Maggie Haberman and Heather Knight

Yes, Trump was in a scary helicopter ride, but not with that politician.

Donald J. Trump was doubling down on Friday about his story of nearly crashing during a helicopter ride once with Willie Brown, the notable Black California politician.

He was so adamant that it had happened that he threatened to sue The New York Times for reporting that the story was untrue , then posted on his social media site that there were “‘Logs,’ Maintenance Records, and Witnesses” to back up his account.

“It was Willie Brown,” Mr. Trump, who spent much of the last year hoping to make gains with Black voters, posted. “But now Willie doesn’t remember?”

Mr. Brown, 90, who was mayor of San Francisco and speaker of the California Assembly, gave several interviews on Thursday and Friday saying such a trip never occurred.

Turns out, however, that there was a Black politician from California who once made an emergency landing in a helicopter with Mr. Trump. It just wasn’t Mr. Brown.

Nate Holden, 95, a former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator, said in an interview with The Times that he had been on a helicopter ride with Mr. Trump around 1990 when the aircraft experienced mechanical trouble and was forced to make an emergency landing in New Jersey.

Recounting an episode that he had described earlier on Friday to Politico, Mr. Holden said Mr. Trump had been seeking to develop the site of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles when it was part of Mr. Holden’s district. Mr. Trump wanted him to see his Taj Mahal casino, Mr. Holden said, so on a visit to Manhattan, he rode with Mr. Trump from his Midtown skyscraper to a helipad, where the two took off for Atlantic City, accompanied by Mr. Trump’s brother Robert and by his executive vice president of construction and development, Barbara Res.

“He was trying to impress me,” Mr. Holden said. “We start flying to New Jersey. He said, ‘Look at the skyline! Look at how beautiful it is! And I’m part of it!’”

Mr. Holden said he wasn’t impressed. “I grew up in New Jersey,” he said. “It ain’t nothing new to me.”

“Anyway,” he continued, “we start flying to Atlantic City. He’s talking about how great things are. And about 15, 20 minutes in, the pilot yells, ‘Shut up! Shut up!’”

The hydraulic system had failed, he said. “Donald turned white as snow,” Mr. Holden recalled. “He was shaking.”

Mr. Holden said that as the helicopter’s crew worked frantically to set the aircraft down safely, his own thoughts ran to a helicopter crash in 1989 that had killed three senior executives of Mr. Trump’s casinos over Forked River, N.J.

“I just thought, how the hell do you let your staff not maintain your aircraft after you just had a crash that killed some of your staff? How could you let this happen again? I thought, if we go down, this is your fault.”

The helicopter ultimately landed safely in Linden, N.J., Mr. Holden said.

Ms. Res wrote about the episode in a memoir and corroborated Mr. Holden’s account in a brief interview late Friday. Ms. Res, who also spoke to Politico, recalled that Mr. Trump liked to say that Mr. Holden had “turned white” from fear, but that it was actually Mr. Trump whose face was ashen.

A spokesman for Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Mr. Holden said he was in his living room watching Mr. Trump’s news conference on TV on Thursday when the former president told of experiencing a brush with death on a helicopter ride with Mr. Brown.

“I said, ‘What the hell is this?’” Mr. Holden said. “‘Was he in two near-fatal helicopter crashes? He didn’t fix those damn helicopters yet?’”

Mr. Holden said that he called Mr. Brown to compare notes. Mr. Brown told him he had never been in a helicopter with Mr. Trump.

“I said, ‘Willie, you know what? That’s me!’” Mr. Holden said. “And I told him, ‘You’re a short Black guy and I’m a tall Black guy — but we all look alike, right?’”

Mr. Holden gave his own height as 6-foot-1. “Willie has to be about 5-foot-6. Maybe 5-foot-5. He comes up to about my shoulders. And he’s bald. And I’m not bald.”

Mr. Brown, he said, “just laughed and laughed.”

Mr. Holden, summing up his assessment of Mr. Trump’s recollection, said: “I just think he makes things up. That’s what I think. He never thought anybody’s going to check.”

Mr. Trump told the story about nearly dying in a helicopter crash with Mr. Brown after a reporter at Thursday’s news conference asked him a leading question about Vice President Kamala Harris’s long-ago relationship with Mr. Brown and whether it helped her career trajectory.

The two dated in 1994 and 1995 when she was a prosecutor in Alameda County, which includes Oakland, and Mr. Brown was the Assembly speaker. Mr. Brown appointed Ms. Harris to two state boards before she ended their relationship.

“Well, I know Willie Brown very well,” Mr. Trump responded. “In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him.”

He recounted how the two had a close brush with death — “We thought maybe this was the end” — and that Mr. Brown used the frightening ride to tell him “terrible things” about Ms. Harris. “He was not fan of hers very much, at that point,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump had previously told the story, saying it was Mr. Brown on a helicopter with him, in his book, “Letters to Trump,” which was published in 2023.

Reached again Friday night, Mr. Brown reiterated that he had never flown in a helicopter with Mr. Trump and that he had not denigrated Ms. Harris to the former president because he admires and respects her.

“Those are the two things I am certain of,” he said. “All the rest of this is amusing.”

Asked if Mr. Trump might have confused the two California politicians because they are both Black, Mr. Brown said, “I wouldn’t want to conclude that he can’t tell Black people apart, because I’d hate for him to think that I’m Beyoncé.”

And then he burst out laughing.

Kellen Browning

Kellen Browning and Shane Goldmacher

Reporting from Glendale, Ariz.

Harris rides momentum to Arizona, for what her campaign says is largest rally yet.

Vice President Kamala Harris rolled into Arizona on Friday evening with the same political momentum that has infused her first swing across the country this week, drawing a crowd that her campaign estimated at more than 15,000 — her largest yet — in a Western state that not long ago appeared to be falling off the battleground map.

Along with her newly minted running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, Ms. Harris delivered a stump speech that is barely a week old, and yet familiar enough to an impassioned new following that some shouted her lines before she did.

The rally was her fourth in four days with an arena-filling crowd that demonstrated the degree to which her candidacy replacing President Biden’s had remade the 2024 race.

Mr. Walz relished the crowd that filed into the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Ariz., in 100-degree heat as he poked fun at Mr. Trump’s obsession with rally crowds.

“It’s not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything,” Mr. Walz said to knowing cheers.

Despite her momentum, Ms. Harris faces an uphill battle in Arizona , a longtime Republican stronghold that flipped to Mr. Biden in 2020 but, according to polling, had been drifting back to former President Donald J. Trump this year.

To win, she will need to reunite the diverse coalition of voters who delivered the state four years ago, and she made an explicit appeal to one part of that group on Friday: Native American voters.

“As president, I will tell you, I will always honor tribal sovereignty and respect tribal self-determination,” she said. The first speaker at the rally, notably, was Stephen Roe Lewis, the governor of the Gila River Indian Community, south of Phoenix.

In her speech, Ms. Harris zeroed in on two issues that are especially pertinent to Arizonans: immigration and abortion.

Crossings from Mexico into Arizona have remained high this year even as they have dropped elsewhere, and Ms. Harris positioned herself as supporting both an “earned pathway to citizenship” and tougher border restrictions, pointing to her record as California’s attorney general.

“I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and the human traffickers,” Ms. Harris said. “I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won. So I know what I’m talking about.”

By contrast, Ms. Harris said, Mr. Trump was playing politics with the issue. She highlighted his opposition to a bipartisan bill this year that would have beefed up border security.

“He talks a big game about border security,” she said, “but he does not walk the walk.”

The comments come as her campaign began to air a tough-on-immigration ad that labeled her a “border-state prosecutor.” Senior Trump campaign officials see the border and immigration as one of Ms. Harris’s deepest areas of vulnerability, and his campaign has repeatedly labeled her, inaccurately , as Mr. Biden’s failed “border czar.”

Ms. Harris did add a new riff to her speech, responding to Mr. Trump’s muddled comments on Thursday at a news conference in Florida, in which he did not rule out directing the Food and Drug Administration to revoke access to abortion pills.

Ms. Harris said Mr. Trump’s agenda “would ban medication abortion in every state,” adding, “But we are not going to let that happen — because we trust women.”

Mr. Trump has previously supported the Supreme Court’s ruling on the abortion drug mifepristone. Karoline Leavitt, a Trump spokeswoman, said in a statement the former president’s position on mifepristone “remains the same — the Supreme Court unanimously decided on the issue and the matter is settled.”

The abortion rhetoric could prove especially potent in Arizona, where the State Supreme Court reinstated a near-total ban on the procedure this year. The State Legislature eventually repealed it, but abortion is still banned after 15 weeks, and voters will have a chance to enshrine the right to an abortion until fetal viability in the state’s Constitution through a ballot measure in November.

The speakers who preceded Ms. Harris on Friday made a number of appeals to independents and moderate Republicans, another segment she will need to win over.

“I do not recognize my party,” said John Giles, the mayor of Mesa, Ariz., who is a prominent Republican backing Ms. Harris. “We need to elect a ticket who will be the adults in the room.”

Senator Mark Kelly, the Arizona Democrat who is also a Navy veteran and former astronaut, introduced Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz. It was the second time this week that a finalist in Ms. Harris’s running-mate sweepstakes introduced her at a rally. Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania did the same in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump had “zero respect for any of us who have worn the uniform.” Mr. Trump’s allies have raised questions about Mr. Walz’s decision to leave the National Guard in 2005 to run for Congress.

Attendees and speakers said the enormous crowd braving scorching desert temperatures on Friday was a sign that, after months of dreariness among Democrats, momentum in Arizona was finally on their side.

“It may be a little warm outside,” Kate Gallego, the mayor of Phoenix, said, “but based on the energy in this arena, I know it’s Donald Trump who’s feeling the heat.”

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Trump claims he has helicopter trip records and threatens to sue.

Former President Donald J. Trump on Friday afternoon vehemently maintained that he had once been in a dangerous helicopter landing with Willie Brown , the former mayor of San Francisco, and insisted he had records to prove it, despite Mr. Brown’s denial.

In an angry phone call to a New York Times reporter as he landed several hours away from his planned rally in Bozeman, Mont., because of a mechanical issue on his plane, Mr. Trump excoriated The Times for its coverage of his meandering news conference on Thursday at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and home, during which he told of an emergency landing during a helicopter trip that he said both he and Mr. Brown had made together.

Mr. Trump was expected to keep his rally schedule on Friday as planned, boarding a smaller plane to complete the journey.

Mr. Brown denied on Thursday that he had ever flown in a helicopter with Mr. Trump.

It appeared Mr. Trump may have confused Willie Brown with Jerry Brown, the former governor of California, with whom Mr. Trump traveled by helicopter in 2018 while surveying wildfire damage in the state. But Jerry Brown, who left office in January 2019, said through a spokesman, “There was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”

Willie Brown, who was a boyfriend of Vice President Kamala Harris during the 1990s, knew Mr. Trump as a potential business associate during those years, when Mr. Trump, then a New York developer, was working on new projects. A biography of Ms. Harris, “Kamala’s Way: An American Life,” reported that Mr. Trump had sent his private plane for Mr. Brown and Ms. Harris in 1994 to fly them from Boston to New York City.

“We have the flight records of the helicopter,” Mr. Trump insisted Friday, saying the helicopter had landed “in a field,” and indicating that he intended to release the flight records, before shouting that he was “probably going to sue” over the Times article.

When asked to produce the flight records, Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice. As of early Friday evening, he had not provided them.

Mr. Trump has a history of claiming he will provide evidence to back up his claims but ultimately not doing so.

He has also told the helicopter story before, in his 2023 book, “Letters to Trump,” in which he published letters to him from a number of people, including Mr. Brown. In the book, Mr. Trump wrote, “We actually had an emergency landing in a helicopter together. It was a little scary for both of us, but thankfully we made it.”

Two rivals in Michigan’s crucial Senate contest say they were both swatted.

The two leading contenders for Michigan’s open Senate seat disclosed that they had been targeted in separate “swatting” incidents in a span of less than 24 hours, just days after winning primaries in a crucial contest that could determine which party controls the chamber.

The first incident, involving Representative Elissa Slotkin, a Democrat, happened on Thursday night at her home in Oakland County, north of Detroit. The second one occurred on Friday at an address that had been listed on public records under the name of Mike Rogers, the Republican candidate and former House member, in neighboring Livingston County.

Politicians on both sides of the political aisle have increasingly been the target of swatting in recent years. The hoaxes — when false threats are deliberately made to law enforcement to draw a heavily armed response to a person’s home — have added to a climate of intimidation and the harassment of public officials.

Ms. Slotkin was not home at the time of the incident, according to a spokeswoman for her office, Lynsey Mukomel, who said in a statement that Michigan State Police troopers went to the residence after a false threat was emailed to a local official. She did not elaborate on the nature of the false threat. Michigan State Police confirmed they responded.

“Michigan State Police checked the property and confirmed no one was in danger,” Ms. Mukomel said, adding that U.S. Capitol Police would investigate the incident.

Mr. Rogers, a former longtime House member who was endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, experienced a similar incident around 12:30 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, said Chris Gustafson, a spokesman for his campaign.

A person reported that a man was holding a woman at gunpoint at the property in Livingston County connected with Mr. Rogers, according to Mr. Gustafson, who said that Mr. Rogers currently does not live there but that other members of his family do. (Mr. Rogers now lives in Oakland County, Mich., according to his campaign.)

Shanon Banner, a Michigan State Police spokeswoman, said that a sergeant had responded to a report about a domestic situation at a residence in Livingston County on Friday and determined that it was false. She was not immediately able to confirm whether it was the same property.

Mr. Gustafson, in a statement, said that it was the second time that Mr. Rogers had been targeted in a swatting incident. The first was in 2013, when he was a member of Congress.

“This kind of violence cannot be tolerated, and it is our hope that those responsible will be quickly prosecuted and held accountable,” Mr. Gustafson said.

The rivals are running for a seat that is being vacated by Senator Debbie Stabenow, Michigan’s senior senator and a Democrat, who announced last year that she would not seek a fifth term . Democrats control the Senate by a thin 51-49 seat majority.

Ken Bensinger

Ken Bensinger

Joe Rogan would like to clarify: He did not endorse Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The world’s most popular podcaster has, sort of, but not really, thrown his support to one of the 2024 presidential race’s least popular candidates.

On Thursday, Joe Rogan said he preferred Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as an independent, for president. “He’s the only one that makes sense to me,” Mr. Rogan said, as a guest on a podcast hosted by Lex Fridman, and called Mr. Kennedy a “legitimate guy.”

Mr. Rogan’s devoted following, one that leans young, male and numbers in the tens of millions, is highly coveted. His remarks about Mr. Kennedy, uttered on a show with a far smaller reach than his own, nonetheless set off a frenzied response.

Supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, worried that Mr. Rogan’s stance could carve off voters and hurt his electoral chances come November, quickly turned on the podcaster, standup comic and U.F.C. announcer. They questioned his intelligence and even mocked his height , a spectacle that was greeted with something akin to joy — or, at least, schadenfreude — among Democrats who have long written off Mr. Rogan as helpful to their cause.

By Friday morning, Mr. Rogan was backpedaling. “This isn’t an endorsement,” he posted on the social media platform X, and advised that he is “not the guy to get political information from.”

Mr. Trump himself weighed in on Friday afternoon, pondering “how loudly Joe Rogan gets BOOED the next time he enters the UFC ring” in a post on his social network that seemingly reflected his concerns that the influential podcaster could tip the scales against him.

“This takes straight from the Trump base,” said Mike Madrid, a Republican political consultant. A New York Times/Siena poll in battleground states in May found that 54 percent of respondents who said they planned to vote for the former president had a favorable opinion of Mr. Rogan.

Mr. Kennedy, long before Mr. Rogan’s unwinding act, had already taken credit for the perceived nod, posting on social media: “From one ‘legitimate’ guy to another, thank you.”

Even if it’s not a true endorsement, Mr. Rogan’s praise could come as a huge shot in the arm for Mr. Kennedy, who has seen his polling average drop from as much as 15 percent in early June to somewhere around 6 percent as of late last month.

While Mr. Kennedy drew national attention this week after acknowledging that he dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park a decade ago, such headlines have not helped ease his struggles raising money . He’s also fighting to get his name on the ballots in critical states, or, in the case of New York , keep it there.

“He doesn’t attack people. He attacks actions and ideas, but he’s much more reasonable and intelligent,” Mr. Rogan said of Mr. Kennedy on the “Lex Fridman Podcast,” which has 4.1 million subscribers on YouTube.

Mr. Rogan’s fan base is much bigger. In March, Spotify said that “The Joe Rogan Experience” had 14.5 million followers , almost triple the platform’s second most popular program. He also has 19 million followers on Instagram and 17 million followers on YouTube.

A poll by YouGov last year found that 81 percent of his listeners are male and 56 percent are under 35 years old , feeding the perception that he has a direct line to a cohort that polling suggests tends to support Mr. Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris.

“This is a group Trump needs strong performance with,” Mr. Madrid said.

During his interview with Mr. Fridman, he said that he was “not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form” and adding that he turned down multiple offers to have him on his show. “I’ve said no every time,” Mr. Rogan said. “I’m not interested in helping him,”

Mr. Kennedy sat for an interview on the “Joe Rogan Experience” in June 2023.

Ruth Igielnik contributed reporting.


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  1. Good Attention Getters for Essays (With Examples)

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  2. Effective Attention Getters for Your Essay with Examples

    The Importance of Good Attention Grabbers for Essays. Also known as "grabbers" and "hooks," these elements always go in the first paragraph. Often, they make the first two or three sentences of the intro. At this point, ensure you include compare and contrast transition words to make sentences run smoothly in a coherent whole.

  3. Essay Hook Examples: Boost Grades with Attention-Grabbing Techniques

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  4. Compare and Contrast Essays: The Ultimate Guide

    Matt Ellis. Updated on June 2, 2022 Students. A compare-and-contrast essay is a style of essay that points out the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It's ideal for showing what separates and unites related things or concepts, particularly if the subjects are often confused for each other or unjustly lumped together.

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    Step 4: Organize essay using point-by-point method. There are other methods for organizing this essay; however, you can't go wrong with point-by-point style. Comparison Essay. Contrast Essay. Introduction Paragraph . Attention grabber is the first sentence of the introduction.

  6. Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

    In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects you're comparing in a block. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you've already said about the first. Your text is structured like this: Subject 1. Point of comparison A.

  7. Compare & Contrast Essay

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  11. PDF Hooks and Attention Grabbers

    Hooks and Attention GrabbersH. oks and Attention Grabbers The first sentence of your introduction is the first chance a writer has to capture. he attention of the reader. Some people call this a "hook" because it captures a reader's attention with interesting statements and ideas just like a fisherman will use a shiny lure to g.

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    For example, a compare-and-contrast essay about different mindfulness strategies might start with a common misconception about how mindfulness works. Creating a hook for different writing prompts. Strong hooks for essays align with the essays' tones, types, and topics. As you start working on an essay, think about your topic and goals for the ...

  13. AI Hook Generator: Write a Perfect Attention-Grabber

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  14. How to Start a Compare and Contrast Essay: 11 Steps

    3. Create a Venn diagram of your topic. Take out a piece of paper and draw two large overlapping circles, one for each subject or item. In the center area where the two circles overlap, list the traits the two items have in common. Assign each of the areas that do not overlap.

  15. 200+ Hook Examples to Grab Your Reader's Attention

    200+ Creative Hook Examples: Ready, Set, Hook. As a student, you know how important it is to grab your reader's attention right away. Stories without strong starts can leave readers feeling uninspired and bored—and that's not what we want! After all, compelling stories require creative hooks to seal the deal.

  16. 5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

    Here they are explained below: 1. Essay Planning. First, I recommend using my compare and contrast worksheet, which acts like a Venn Diagram, walking you through the steps of comparing the similarities and differences of the concepts or items you're comparing. I recommend selecting 3-5 features that can be compared, as shown in the worksheet:

  17. 7 Sensational Essay Hooks That Grab Readers' Attention

    Here are 7 writing hooks that make readers want to find out what you will say in the rest of your essay. Interesting Question Hook. Strong Statement/Declaration Hook. Fact/Statistic Hook. Metaphor/ Simile Hook. Story Hook. Description Hook. Quotation Hook. 1.

  18. Good Hooks for Essays: 14 Hook Ideas with Examples

    🔁 Vivid Comparison Essay Hook. Introducing your topic with an engaging, vivid comparison is a universal strategy. It is suitable for any kind of writing. The main idea is to grab your readers' attention by showing them your unique perspective on the topic. Try to make the comparison amusing and exciting. Comparison Essay Hook Options:

  19. Hooks for Essays

    A hook, also called an attention-getter or attention grabber, is meant to draw the reader in, to make them want to read more. The introductory paragraph of any essay or paper is very important and ...

  20. Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement Generator

    If you are struggling with writing a thesis statement that is also an attention grabber, you can utilize a compare and contrast thesis statement generator. Step 4: Organize Your Ideas. You can organize your ideas in the essay using 2 methods. The first method is known as subject-by-subject, which is to focus on each subject at a time. You will ...

  21. Compare & Contrast Assignments

    There are two main ways that you can organize your compare-contrast paragraph: 1. Block Method. When using the block method, begin by discussing all the main points about the first topic you are discussing, then move on and make all the points you want to make about the second topic (and then the third topic, etc., if you are comparing and ...

  22. Attention-Grabbers to Use When Writing an Essay

    Attention-grabbers should go at the very beginning of an essay to hook your reader. It's not necessary to include an attention-grabber at the start of every paragraph; well-constructed paragraphs and clear transition sentences will keep your reader interested. Crafting an essay with careful attention to ...

  23. Compare and Contrast Essay. Introduction Hook Hook your reader with an

    Presentation on theme: "Compare and Contrast Essay. Introduction Hook Hook your reader with an attention grabber Context Provide reader with background information Thesis State."— Presentation transcript: 1 Compare and Contrast Essay 2 ...

  24. Harris's Rise Has Unsettled Trump, Who Is Struggling to Focus

    Donald J. Trump's allies want him to talk about the issues, but he seems distracted by Kamala Harris's burst of momentum. By Shawn McCreesh Follow live updates on the 2024 election. Former ...

  25. Election Highlights: Harris and Walz Rally in Las Vegas to End Their

    Walz has much less than that, and is already emphasizing that contrast on the campaign trail. Generating buzz: A high school class lesson that Mr. Walz gave 31 years ago is getting new attention ...