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How to Write a TOK Essay

Last Updated: December 28, 2023

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been viewed 251,663 times.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Theory of Knowledge essay is a 1200–1600 word essay on prescribed topics or titles created by the IB. As the name suggests, your Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay should focus on knowledge issues (what is knowledge? why and how do we know things?) and link to other areas of knowledge as well. About two-thirds of your final TOK grade is determined by your score on your TOK essay.

Choosing Your Essay Title

Step 1 Understand the structure of a TOK essay.

  • Mathematics
  • Natural sciences
  • Human sciences
  • Religious knowledge systems
  • Indigenous knowledge systems

Step 2 Ask your teacher for the prescribed titles for the TOK essay.

  • “Compare the roles played by reason and imagination in at least two Areas of Knowledge.”
  • “When mathematicians, historians and scientists say that they have explained something, are they using the word ‘explain’ in the same way?”

Step 3 Select a title carefully.

  • Do you understand the keywords or concepts in the title? You may not be clear on what a title is asking you to do. Go through the title and highlight any words or concepts you are unsure about. Some titles will use keywords from TOK courses, such as “belief”, “knowledge” “truth”. You may want to check back on your class notes and consider what these words mean in the context of the title.
  • Do you have a strong interest in the title? The title should play to your interests and you should feel you can write about the title with care and diligence. For example, if you are skilled or interested in the arts, you may choose a title like “Compare the roles played by reason and imagination in at least two Areas of Knowledge” and pick the arts as one area of knowledge. Keep in mind, however, you should balance your passion for the title with an objective perspective.
  • Do you have something relevant to say about the title? It’s important that you relate the question to the ideas you have covered in your TOK course, as well as the topics you have studied in class, and your own personal experiences or thoughts. The essay should have an objective tone, but you will still need to inject it with personality, passion, and clarity.

Step 4 Put the title in your own words.

  • For example, in a title like: “When mathematicians, historians and scientists say that they have explained something, are they using the word ‘explain’ in the same way?”, you may rephrase it into two sentences. The title refers to three AOK: mathematics, history, and science. It is then asking you to compare and contrast the way these three AOK use explanation as a way of knowing about a topic or issue.
  • By breaking down the title into short sentences, you now have a clearer picture of what the title is asking you to do and how you might go about answering the title sufficiently.

Structuring the Essay

Step 1 Note the assessment criteria.

  • Understanding the knowledge issues: your essay must be focused on the knowledge issues, link and compare at least two knowledge issues, show relevancy between at least two knowledge issues, and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the knowledge issues.
  • Knower’s perspective: your essay must demonstrate independent thinking, self-awareness, at least two different perspectives, and several supporting examples.
  • Analysis of the knowledge issues: your essay must show insight and depth, justify your main points, present arguments and counter-arguments, and explore any assumptions and implications of your topic.
  • Organization of ideas: your essay must be well structured, explain key concepts, be factually accurate, and cite references where applicable.

Step 2 Read the essay instructions.

  • You may also be asked “to what extent” or “in what way” a statement is justified. You will then need to present for and against arguments for the statement.
  • If you are asked a direct question, your essay should address to what extent or in what ways you are for and against an argument or position.

Step 3 Brainstorm ideas around the essay title.

  • Start by doing a general, open brainstorm. Write down everything that comes to mind when you think about the title without passing judgement on any of the ideas, or stopping to read over your brainstorm.
  • After five minutes of brainstorming, read over your notes. Identify ideas that relate to each other or that contradict each other. If you are evaluating or assessing a claim in the essay title, create a for column and an against column. Group your brainstorming ideas into either column. Create a third column for grey area ideas, or ambiguities, and place ideas in that column.
  • Note any examples of the ideas that you wrote down. For example, you may be addressing a title like: “When mathematicians, historians and scientists say that they have explained something, are they using the word ‘explain’ in the same way?” You may create a brainstorm for each area of knowledge (mathematics, history, science) in relation to the idea of explaining something. You may then use examples of “something” that can be explained in each AOK: a mathematical equation, a historical moment in a battle or a trial, and a scientific theory.

Step 4 Identify the knowledge issue in the essay title.

  • You should also identify the areas of knowledge you will be discussing in your essay. For example, for a title like: “Compare the roles played by reason and imagination in at least two Areas of Knowledge” you may choose two AOK: the arts and science. You may then compare and contrast the function of “reason” and “imagination” in the arts and in science.

Step 5 Create an outline.

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction. You would provide an explanation and interpretation of the title and identify the key terms in the title. You would also state your thesis and explain or identify a knowledge issue related to the title.
  • Paragraph 2: First Area of Knowledge. For example, the arts. Discuss how the arts answers the title and provide supporting examples. You should also note any counter-arguments against the title or any limitations of the supporting examples.
  • Paragraph 3: Second Area of Knowledge. For example, mathematics. Note how mathematics answers the title and provide supporting examples. You should also note any counter-arguments against the title or any limitations of the supporting examples.
  • Paragraph 4: Third Area of Knowledge (if applicable)
  • Paragraph 5: Conclusion. Summarize your main ideas and restate your thesis. Conclude by answering the title fully, taking into account the counter arguments and limitations of the areas of knowledge.
  • You may also decide to structure your essay based on a main argument and a main counter-argument. Your outline may contain four paragraphs total:
  • Paragraph 1: Introduction and explanation of the knowledge issue.
  • Paragraph 2: Main argument, with justification and one to two supporting examples.
  • Paragraph 3: Main counter-argument, with justification and one to two supporting examples.
  • Paragraph 4: Conclusion.

Step 6 Create a thesis...

  • Some students find it useful to draft their thesis statement once they have finished writing a first draft of the essay. By this point, you will likely have a better sense of the main arguments in the essay and be able to write a clear, concise thesis statement.
  • For example, you may need to create a thesis statement for this title: “Compare the roles played by reason and imagination in at least two Areas of Knowledge.” You have chosen two AOK: the arts and mathematics. Consider how reason and imagination function in the arts and in mathematics, as well as the different ways they function in each AOK. Your thesis may be: “Through reason and imagination play an important role in both mathematics and the arts, the imaginative thoughts of mathematicians must be provable, while the imaginative thoughts of artists need only be reasonable.” [5] X Research source

Writing the Essay

Step 1 Use your essay outline as a guide.

  • You may want to also refer back to your brainstorming notes to identify the supporting examples for your two areas of knowledge, or your main argument and your main counter-argument.

Step 2 Avoid using dictionary definitions in your essay.

  • For example, you may be discussing the use of reason and imagination in the arts. Rather than discuss a familiar artist, like Picasso, or a familiar example of imaginative thinking, like the Sistine Chapel, use supporting examples that feel original and insightful. Though the essay should be objective in nature, it should also feel reflective and personal. Using a supporting example that you feel passionate about, like Pollack’s kinetic movement paintings, or Rodin’s sculptures, will show you have taken the time to explore unique examples.

Step 3 Cite all external sources using MLA style citations.

  • Reference surprising or little known claims, but not well known facts or commonly held opinions. For example: “The sun is the center of the solar system” is a well known fact you will not need to cite. But “Rodin was a traditionally-schooled artist and had a craftsman-like approach to his work” will require a citation as it is maybe a little known fact.
  • Reference any sentences or sections where you are closely following someone else’s train of thought or argument, even in your own words.
  • Reference exact quotes, and use quotation marks.
  • Be consistent with your citations and the way you reference certain sources.

Step 4 Read your essay out loud.

  • As you read your essay out loud, make sure there are no vague or abstract sentences or terms. You want to ensure you use your 1600 word count in a clear and concise way. Every word will count in your TOK essay.
  • Confirm you have addressed knowledge issues in your essay. Your essay should answer the question “How do you know?” and assess the strengths and weaknesses of knowledge claims in at least two areas of knowledge. You should also use arguments and counter-arguments to support your thesis statement, as well as strong supporting examples.

Step 5 Correct any spelling or grammatical errors.

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About this article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To write a TOK essay that compares several areas of knowledge, start with an introductory paragraph that explains your title and states your thesis. Then, write 2-3 main body paragraphs, discussing in each a single area of knowledge and how it relates to your title. Try to provide supporting examples in each case, and address any potential counter-arguments, as well. Finally, end your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main ideas and restates your thesis. When you’re done, check to be sure that you’re within the 1,200-1,600 word limit for the essay. To learn from our English reviewer how to choose an essay title and create your thesis statement, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Guide to the TOK Essay

What’s covered:.

  • What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)?
  • What is the Theory of Knowledge Essay?

How is the Theory of Knowledge Essay Scored?

How to structure your theory of knowledge essay.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB/IBDP) is a rigorous and rewarding internationally based educational program that offers courses in numerous studies, from humanities to chemistry. Students take part in a two-year curriculum that includes external examinations, internal assessments, research papers and community service hours. Essentially, students will have to do a bit of everything, especially with IB’s core, which is CAS, TOK, and the extended essay (EE). Understanding how TOK, IB’s flagship class, is assessed with its essay is important to success in the course overall. 

What is Theory Of Knowledge (TOK)?

Theory of Knowledge is IB’s way of introducing a more intuitive way of thinking into classrooms. TOK is at its surface as simple as it sounds: you essentially learn the “what” and “why” of how we learn and understand knowledge. In order to assess students of their skills in TOK, IB uses an essay and a presentation. The essay makes up 67% of your total TOK score, making it the most important task to focus on for getting a high score. 

What is the Theory Of Knowledge Essay?

The TOK essay is a 1600 word essay written about topics usually given to students from their teachers from a list of numerous options. It is an essay that promotes arguments and counterarguments for the topic at hand. Understanding your ways of knowing (WOKs) and areas of knowledge (AOKs) is extremely crucial before you even start choosing a topic to write on, as your essay will revolve around and structure itself based on these two concepts. Being able to demonstrate higher-level thinking and using examples to solidify the points you make in your essay is also important. Additionally, you’ll need to reference every source of information that you use, since that is something examiners look for as well.

As said earlier, 67% of your grade is from the essay, and your overall TOK score receives a letter grade using a calculated score out of thirty. Your essay score and presentation score are each out of ten. The grades for your TOK presentation and essay are determined by sending material to the board of IB, from which they designate a grader/examiner to read your essay and grade based on a rubric that determines the level of knowledge you exhibit in your writing.

The following formula should better explain how to find your TOK grade. 

(presentation score) + (essay score * 2) = overall score out of 30

The grade boundaries out of 30 that determine your letter grade can vary each year so checking in with your school for the most recent ones is the best course of action, but an example set would be like this:

Once you have a letter grade for IB, your extended essay, which is another part of the core, is also included into a larger grading schema to calculate your core score, which is three additional points required to complete and earn the diploma. The following table details this grade further:



Excellent (A)

Good (B)

Satisfactory (C)



Elementary (E)

Not Submitted

Excellent (A)





1 + Failing Condition


Good (B)





Failing Condition


Satisfactory (C)





Failing Condition


Mediocre (D)





Failing Condition


Elementary (E)

1 + Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition


Not Submitted







Doing well in the core is important to passing IB and getting three points out of the total 45 attainable points. 

There’s a trick that most IB students use in writing the TOK essay, and it boils down to understanding four key components of learning:

  • Content : Understanding knowledge issues
  • Clarity : Structuring your essay in a legible and clear/easy to read manner
  • Creativity : Using your personal ways of thinking and applications of knowledge specific to your understanding of the knowledge issue
  • Critical Thinking : Using a counter argument for every argument you have to analyze your own claims constantly 

Dividing your actual essay into three main chunks helps, starting with an introduction. Your introduction should be where you state your knowledge question, the central point of your essay, and you should make use of jargon specific to the concept. As the basis of your essay, the introduction should be where you form claims and counterclaims that either support or challenge the knowledge question through heavy analysis and evaluation. 

The body of the essay follows the introduction, and it is where most of the conceptual analysis of your knowledge question takes place. Every argument and its counterargument should have a dedicated paragraph of its own, and make sure to not jump back and forth too much throughout the essay. to avoid creating messy transitions for the reader and potentially harming your score. Understanding the essay from the reader’s point of view is important, as it will help you better understand how to structure the body of your essay.

A conclusion in the TOK essay is mainly for finding closure among the numerous arguments that have been taking place thus far in the essay. Make sure to summarize but not repeat previous information entirely to refresh the reader. A conclusion should essentially loop back to the beginning of the essay, the knowledge question. The knowledge question’s answer should be the conclusion and the stopping point of the essay, and by now the answer you provide should be backed by paragraphs of supporting claims and counterclaims. If done right, concluding the essay can be how you earn most of your points. 

Start Early

Starting early is an obvious and effective advantage to students. Aside from TOK, let alone the presentation, IB has substantial work that requires focus and allocated time dedicated to it, such as external examinations and the extended essay. These tasks are equally as important as the TOK essay, so starting your outlining, drafting or even just planning early will set you up for success.

Send Your Drafts to Your Teacher

Your TOK teacher is a great resource for drafting essays and making edits to perfect your final product. Making use of time outside of the classroom to catch your teacher for a quick review of your essay could be a bigger advantage than you realize. Making use of an outside perspective is essential to forming a great essay. 

While your final IB grade isn’t as important as you’d think regarding college admissions, understanding how to pass TOK and using the lifelong practices you’ll learn in the class is even more important. TOK creates students who think outside conventional methods, making them excellent candidates in the eyes of college admissions offices. Taking TOK and showing proof of understanding it as well as capability of academic rigor is what colleges are looking for. For more information on how your chances of college admissions might look, use CollegeVine’s admissions calculator !

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How to Write A TOK Essay: 3 Key Parts

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How To Write a ToK Essay IBDP – Step-By-Step Guide

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  • Learn how to write a IB ToK Essay with our step-by-step guide. The guide helps you with the ToK Essay Structure as well as a ToK Essay Analysis Example.

Let’s learn how to write a ToK Essay with Tutopiya. The IB ToK Essay contributes to the overall score of a student’s IB Diploma. The award of points for the IB ToK Essay is in conjunction with the extended essay. A maximum of three points is awarded according to a student’s combined performance in both the TOK and Extended Essay. 

Tutopiya will help and guide our IB Diploma students on the following:

  • How to Start a ToK Essay
  • Cover the ToK Essay Structure
  • How to Write a ToK Essay Conclusion
  • Analysis of a ToK Essay Example 

Choosing Your Essay Title 

Before you can dive into structuring or writing your essay, you will need to spend time to decide on a topic you wish to write on. For the IB ToK Essay, you are required to compare and contrast different ways of knowing through perception, language, reason, emotion with different areas of knowledge (AOK). 

1 – Selecting your prescribed title and knowledge question

Before you hastily decide on a title you wish to write, take some time to read each title carefully on the list and brainstorm ideas. 

Tip #1: Brainstorming

Get some initial ideas you have of each and every title/ question down on paper. Ask yourself some simple questions when brainstorming for each title. 

Am I confident to write an essay about this? Is the question asking what I am thinking? Do I understand the keywords or concepts in the title?

You may not be clear on what the title is asking you to do. Go through the title and highlight any keywords and concepts you are unsure about or may have missed out. 

Do you have a strong interest in the title? We recommend that you should at least be interested since you will be spending time and effort on researching this topic, pick something you are willing to research more about!

Can you relate anything to the title? Though the IB Tok Essay should be as objective as possible, you can always inject the essay with personality and character.

You can always do so by adding in ideas or topics you have learned or studied in class or even personal experiences. 

Tip #2: Understanding the question in your own words

The titles of these essay questions can sometimes be long and difficult to grasp when you first read them so before you write the IB ToK Essay, consider paraphrasing the question in your own words.

You may struggle to understand the keywords and concepts in the title, you may even be unsure about the perspective, comparison and contrast of the title. 

To help our IB students, we recommend breaking down the question/ title by first, understanding the keywords in the title. Then, put the title together and understand what they are asking. 

This way, you will be able to understand the title more in-depth than before and able to answer the title sufficiently. 

Structuring your Essay

1 – knowing the assessment criteria .

Overall Assessment 

2 – Theory of Knowledge Essay 

The rubrics require students to be able to understand the knowledge questions and their quality of analysis of knowledge questions. View the TOK Essay Mark Scheme here .

You will have to choose two Areas of Knowledge (AOK) to explore.

There are 8 different Areas of Knowledge are as follows:

  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Humane Sciences
  • Religious knowledge systems 
  • Indigenous knowledge systems 

You can also use Ways of Knowledge (WOK) in your essay and the are as follows:

  • Sense Perception
  • Reason 
  • Imagination

Analysis of a Sample Essay 

Question: “Doubt is the key to knowledge (Persian Proverb). To what extent is this true in two areas of knowledge?

Important Keywords in the Title 

“To what extent” 

When keywords like this appear, note that you need to present 2 different perspectives to the question, a for and against argument in your essay. 

Paragraph 1: Introduction 

You would provide an explanation and interpretation of the title and identify the key terms in the title. You would also need to state your thesis and explain or identify the areas of knowledge you will be exploring in your essay.

1 – Start the essay by saying something relatable or interesting

By doing that, you can capture the reader’s attention and make them want to read more by evoking a sense of curiosity to find out more about your essay. 

2 – Your Thesis/ Stand

You can also state your thesis (that is different from mainstream ideas – to capture the reader’s attention). You can make the decision to be a for or against stand in your essay. If you decided 

In your own words , give an interpretation of the title and show that you are able to identify the key terms of the question.

“The problem with doubt as the key to knowledge is that doubt isn’t a way of knowing. Doubt is an emotion we feel that motivates us to seek knowledge.” 

3 – Outline of the paragraph

Give the readers an idea of what you will be going through in your body paragraphs , a sentence that gives the readers a preview. Let the readers know which AOKs you will be exploring, making it easier for the examiner to know what to look for. 

“However this motivation can manifest itself differently in contrasting areas of knowledge like Mathematics and Religion.” 

Your introduction should not be too long, use around 150 to 200 words for your first paragraph would be sufficient. 

Paragraph 2: First Area of Knowledge. 

1 – begin your paragraph with a claim or topic sentence.

This helps you to outline your argument about the title. 

“Mathematics is an area of knowledge that is only concerned with reason.” 

2 – Explain and Elaborate

Now, give explain and elaborate on your topic sentence/ claim. 

“In a right-angled triangle aÂČ+bÂČ=cÂČ and that’s it. There are no alternative answers or personal interpretations. An answer to a mathematical problem is either right or wrong. This is because the main way of knowing in math is reason and evidence is required for a mathematical statement to be true or false.” 

3 – Give an example with an explanation

This helps you to further elaborate and explore your topic sentence or claim.

The example you give should be personal, specific, precise and real.

This way you can make your claim believable and relatable in some sense. This also helps to evoke a sense of authenticity in your essay. 

“When we first learned about negative numbers in math class it made no sense to me. How could a bigger number have a lower value than a smaller one? It was illogical and it contradicted all the math I had learned before that day….. Either the previous mathematical information was wrong or the new information about negative numbers were wrong. But he explained the concept of a number line with a central point 0 and that they were both right.”

4 – Linking back

Remember to link back to your claim and the question after you are done exploring this example. 

“My doubt led to understanding and was the key to my knowledge.”

Paragraph 3: Counter

1 – state your counterclaim.

This paragraph would focus on counterclaim . You are supposed to discuss 2 different perspectives to your claim, a for and against. You are to argue against your claim above this paragraph.

“On the other hand, doubt in mathematics can be detrimental to education.”

2 – Give an Example and Explanation

Add in an example and explanation to support your counterclaim. 

“For example, after I do a question from the International Baccalaureate mathematics textbook I always look at the back in order to check if my answers are correct because it has answers in the back. If I do not have the book and I am in class then I ask my mathematics teacher for the correct answer. I do this when I am uncertain of my answer to a question and my doubt allows me to gain knowledge i.e. whether my answer is wrong or right. My doubt also helps me to assess how much of the mathematical concept I have understood by marking myself. However, this can be detrimental to progress because I started to become dependent on the answers at the back of the book or my mathematics teacher. Every time I do a question I feel like I have to verify my answer with an authoritative source which I have now come to understand leaves no room for exploration or the development of my own methods.”

3 – Linking back

Link back to your prescribed title and your claim of this paragraph. 

“My doubt caused a loss of confidence in my mathematical abilities and dependence on authoritative sources.”

Now, follow this format and carry on writing for the next two body paragraphs, exploring on another Area of Knowledge, in this case, this student will have to write one more AOK on Religion and a counterclaim for it. 

Aim to write a maximum of 600 words for each Area of Knowledge (Paragraph 2 and 3, Paragraph 4 and 5). 

Paragraph 4: Second Area of Knowledge

  • Topic Sentence
  • Example + Explanation 

Paragraph 5: Counterclaim 

  • Topic Sentence (Counterclaim)
  • Example + Explanation
  • Link to prescribed title and your initial claim of this Area of Knowledge 

Finally, write your ToK Essay conclusion in one paragraph totalling 200 to 250 words .

Paragraph 6: Your conclusion

Explain the different insights you have gained or have come out of this essay. 

“As illustrated by the example of dependence on authoritative sources in mathematics doubt can be detrimental and cause a loss of confidence. Similarly, doubting conjectures has also proven to be unfruitful. However, within mathematics individual doubt can lead to the acquisition of knowledge.” 

Implications and significance

Tell the readers why it is important to know that and how does it matter that they understand this when you write your IB ToK Essay.

Perspectives and Extension

If you can, try to input a very different perspective on your conclusion. Perhaps recognizing a different way of approaching the question, which could have resulted in different insights. 

You can mention the limitations of your essay saying there are one or two unresolved questions that this essay has revealed. It’s about showing the readers that the conversation is not over yet. And that, there is more to the question and more rooms that you can explore. 

“Furthermore, in areas like religion where we do not yet have the tools to prove it one way or the other simply doubting something by itself is a step towards acquiring knowledge because by suggesting that certain view is not absolute it makes room for new knowledge.”

A Quick Tip for writing a ToK Essay

Tip: try not to use dictionary definitions in your essay.

You want to show the examiners that you are writing a reflective essay, not a textbook definition heavy essay. Don’t rely too much on dictionary definitions to prove your argument or support a counterclaim. This will demonstrate that you did not engage with the topic and bypassed complexities around the topic. 

Instead of using standard answers or cliche examples, you can try to use your own personal experiences to make it original and insightful for your readers. Though the essay should be objective, your essay should still have a personality and character. 

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Tutopiya is a 1-1 Live Online Tutoring for all students aged 8 to 18 years old. Tutopiya offers the IB Diploma Program curriculum to all students, visit our IB curriculum page to find out more about the subjects we teach here. We also have a blog full of useful IB resources for our students, why not read another sample essay for IB TOK ?

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I am currently a full-time student studying at a local university in Singapore while freelancing as a writer. I enjoy writing and sharing useful education-related tips with my fellow studying peers. During my leisure time, I enjoy doing creative arts and volunteering work. I am passionate about sharing my experience as a student! â˜ș

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How to Structure and Format your TOK Essay!

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TOK is, for many, an extremely difficult subject to get your head around. A lot of the questions you get asked in class might seem entirely nonsensical to you, and perhaps the TOK essay titles seem just as confusing! One thing that we at Lanterna think is the most under-appreciated thing that truly aids understanding and expressing those more confusing concepts is clear structure and format . 

So many of the TOK essays we’ve seen students submit have had some great ideas but they seem too rambling and incoherent. Taking a few extra hours to address the structure of the essay is not just something that will make your essay ‘look’ better, but it will actually express your ideas much more clearly! What results is an examiner that clearly understands your viewpoint, rather than having to search for what you actually mean, and your grade is sure to increase! So
 how do we structure and format our TOK Essay? 

Introduction (150-200 words)

  • Start by focusing on the prescribed title (PT) – what catches your attention about it? 
  • Define a few key terms from the prescribed title. Typically your PT will contain some words or phrases that aren’t easily definable, like “progress in knowledge” vs. “change in knowledge”, so the way in which you define these key terms is extremely important to the way that you then answer the PT. 
  • Choose the AoK’s that you will consider related to this PT and perhaps a brief description of why you think these are good choices of AoK’s to discuss this title!
  • State your thesis – typically the PT will be a question that you can agree, disagree, or partly agree with. 
  • Give a general overview of what you will be discussing in your essay, potentially referring to the real life examples (RLE’s) that you will consider, or the Ways of Knowing (WoK) that you will discuss further in your body paragraphs. 

Body Paragraph 1 (250-350 words)

  • Explore the first AoK you chose. State why that AoK either supports or doesn’t support the PT.
  • Introduce a real life example
  • Explain why this real life example supports or doesn’t support the PT using WoKs
  • Talk about if this is a unique example, or if that example is true for most of that AoK.

Body Paragraph 2 (250-350 words)

  • Counterclaim to the example you gave above – explaining why it might be flawed or what downsides it might have
  • Introduce a real life example within the same AoK that counters the example in paragraph 1, using different WoKs
  • Refer back to the PT with a concluding sentence stating to what extent your first AoK supports or doesn’t support your thesis based on the example and counterexample you’ve highlighted.

Body Paragraph 3 (250-350 words)

  • Similar to Body Paragraph 1, explore your second AoK by bringing up a real life example, explaining it using WoKs, and evaluate

Body Paragraph 4 (250-350 words)

  • Similar to Body Paragraph 2, give a counterclaim to your previous example and then refer back to the PT showing whether your second AoK supports or doesn’t support your thesis. 

Body Paragraph 5 

  • If you have additional words to play around with then we’d recommend adding a body paragraph where you compare and contrast the 2 AoKs that you chose. Why is that they address the PT in different ways? Is it purely down to the WoKs we use when getting knowledge from those areas, or are there other factors at play? 
  • Most importantly, refer back to the PT and your thesis. Through your analysis what is your response to the PT? Generally it’s unwise to come down extremely strongly on one side of the argument, as that probably implies that you’ve failed to recognize the arguments on the other side of the aisle. With that said, state what side you lean towards after your analysis and what examples backed that up!
  • Tell us why it’s important to know the answer to this question!

Every TOK Essay will look different and this isn’t the only format you can use for your essay. In fact, for some prescribed titles you might even want to steer away from this structure if the PT lends itself to another format! However, as a baseline, this is a clear, well-thought out way to approach the confusing essay that is your TOK Essay. Let us know if you have any more questions about the TOK Essay and we’ll be happy to help you out! Good luck!

We also offer online private tuition if you would like more support with your TOK essay, and our packages here .

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Can you include pictures in your ToK essay?


By ZiggyM April 26, 2011 in Theory of Knowledge

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One of my friends is doing their TOK essay and including art as one of their areas of knowledge, and they are wanting to know if they can include pictures in their essay? The actual one. I wouldn't think so but not compltely sure?

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One of my friends is doing their TOK essay and including art as one of their areas of knowledge, and they are wanting to know if they can include pictures in their essay? The actual one. I wouldn't think so but not compltely sure? Thanks

There's nothing saying you can't. You could treat it like an EE and put it into an appendix or go geography style and integrate it into the text and label it "Figure 1" or something similar. But remember to reference the source of the the picture both as a footnote and in the bibliography.

I feel that having a picture in your TOK essay would detract from the content of the actual writing. Personally I don't think it's a great idea - the essay should demonstrate your ability to convey complex ideas without the help of visual aids. Pictures should be saved for the TOK presentation.

But don't take my word for it, it's just an opinion. And as said above, reference your sources.

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El :3

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Can I include a picture in my TOK essay?

Straight forward. I just need to clarify an point in my essay using a pic. Is that allowed?

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Write a winning tok essay – essential tips and strategies for success.

How to write a tok essay

When embarking on the journey of writing a TOK essay, one must navigate the intricate web of knowledge, exploring its depths and unraveling its mysteries. This intellectual endeavor requires careful thought, critical analysis, and a unique perspective. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of crafting a successful TOK essay, equipping you with the tools necessary to flourish in this academic exploration.

At its core, a TOK essay invites you to investigate the ways in which knowledge is constructed and justified, prompting you to question the assumptions, biases, and limitations that shape our understanding of the world. It beckons you to think deeply, to ponder the interplay between personal experiences, shared knowledge, and the varying methods by which knowledge is acquired. Through this inquiry, you will uncover the complexities and controversies that lie at the heart of knowledge production.

With each essay, you embark on a quest for truth, a quest that necessitates a deep understanding of the areas of knowledge and the underlying knowledge claims. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial to develop a clear and concise thesis statement that elucidates your position and guides the structure of your essay. This thesis will serve as the guiding light, illuminating the path to a coherent argument and a well-supported conclusion.

Understanding the Basics of a TOK Essay

In this section, we will explore the fundamental aspects of writing a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential components and techniques that will contribute to a successful TOK essay.

When engaging in the writing process of a TOK essay, it is important to familiarize yourself with the core concepts and principles underlying this particular type of essay. Here, we will delve into the key elements that form the basis of a TOK essay.

1. Knowledge Questions: As the cornerstone of a TOK essay, knowledge questions are crucial in examining the nature of knowledge and its implications. These questions inquire about the methods, scope, and validity of knowledge across different areas of knowledge and ways of knowing. They challenge our assumptions and open up new avenues for exploration.

2. Areas of Knowledge: TOK essays require an exploration of various areas of knowledge, such as the natural sciences, mathematics, ethics, history, and the arts. Each area of knowledge offers unique insights into the nature of knowledge and its construction. It is important to consider different perspectives and approaches when analyzing these areas of knowledge.

3. Ways of Knowing: Complementing the areas of knowledge, ways of knowing refer to the different methods we use to acquire, interpret, and evaluate knowledge. These include perception, reason, emotion, language, intuition, and memory. Understanding the role of each way of knowing is essential in developing a well-rounded TOK essay.

4. Claims and Counterclaims: Central to a TOK essay is the presentation of claims and counterclaims. Claims assert knowledge claims or provide arguments that support a particular stance, while counterclaims challenge these assertions or offer alternative viewpoints. Presenting balanced and well-supported claims and counterclaims is important for constructing a persuasive argument.

5. Analysis and Evaluation: In a TOK essay, analysis and evaluation play a crucial role. It is essential to analyze knowledge questions and arguments thoroughly, critically assess the knowledge claims presented, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the supporting evidence. This analytical and evaluative approach contributes to a well-developed and coherent TOK essay.

6. Real-Life Examples: To illustrate and contextualize your arguments and analysis, real-life examples can be used in a TOK essay. These examples help to bridge the theoretical ideas with real-world situations, enhancing the reader’s understanding and engagement with the essay.

By understanding and applying these basic principles, you will be equipped to embark on the exciting journey of writing a TOK essay. Keep these foundations in mind as you explore further and delve deeper into the intricacies of this unique genre of academic writing.

Exploring the Key Concepts and Terminology

Delving into the core concepts and terminology is an essential step in crafting a successful TOK essay. By familiarizing yourself with the key ideas and terms, you will be equipped to analyze and evaluate knowledge claims from a wide range of perspectives.

Understanding the nuances of TOK begins with grasping the fundamental concepts that underpin the subject. These concepts provide the framework for exploring how knowledge is acquired, justified, and communicated. From the idea of knowledge as a human construct to the exploration of knowledge questions, each concept offers a unique lens through which we can examine the complex nature of knowledge itself.

Alongside the key concepts, TOK presents a rich tapestry of terminology that deepens our understanding of the subject. From terms like “epistemology” and “justification” to “ways of knowing” and “areas of knowledge,” this terminology helps us navigate the intricate terrain of TOK discussions.

Exploring the key concepts and terminology allows you to engage critically with the ideas presented in your essay prompt. By articulating these concepts and using the appropriate terminology, you can demonstrate a clear understanding of TOK principles and effectively communicate your thoughts and arguments.

Analyzing the TOK Essay Prompt

Analyzing the TOK Essay Prompt

Examining and understanding the TOK essay prompt is a crucial step in successfully approaching the task at hand. This section will explore the importance of carefully analyzing the prompt and identifying the key concepts and ideas that need to be addressed in your essay.

  • Understand the question: Begin by carefully reading and rereading the prompt to grasp its meaning and scope. Break it down into smaller parts to identify the different elements and themes it incorporates.
  • Identify keywords: Look for keywords or phrases that stand out in the prompt. These are the terms that will guide your exploration and analysis of the topic.
  • Define key concepts: Take the time to clearly define the key concepts mentioned in the prompt. This will ensure that you have a solid foundation for your exploration and analysis.
  • Explore different perspectives: Consider the different perspectives that can be taken on the topic. Think about how different areas of knowledge or ways of knowing can shape your understanding and interpretation of the issue.
  • Consider implications: Reflect on the implications of the prompt and its underlying concepts. Consider how they relate to real-world scenarios or examples and how they can be applied in different contexts.

By thoroughly analyzing the TOK essay prompt, you can gain a deeper understanding of the task at hand and develop a strong foundation for your essay. This process will help you identify the key concepts, explore different perspectives, and consider the implications of the topic, enabling you to approach your essay with greater clarity and focus.

Tips for Deconstructing and Understanding the Question

Tips for Deconstructing and Understanding the Question

When it comes to tackling a TOK essay, one of the first and most crucial steps is to fully grasp and comprehend the question at hand. Deconstructing and understanding the question is essential in order to develop a well-structured and coherent argument throughout your essay.

Here are some tips to help you deconstruct and understand the question effectively:

1. Read the question carefully: Take your time to read and reread the question, paying attention to every word and phrase. Understand the key concepts and terms being used, as they will guide your analysis and argument.

2. Identify the underlying assumptions: Look for any hidden assumptions or presuppositions in the question. These assumptions can shape the way you approach and explore the topic, so it’s important to recognize them and consider their implications.

3. Define the scope of the question: Determine the scope of the question by identifying the boundaries and limits it sets. This will help you to narrow down your focus and avoid going off-topic. Consider whether the question is asking for a specific time period, region, or perspective.

4. Analyze the key terms: Pay close attention to the key terms used in the question and analyze their meanings. Consider possible interpretations and definitions to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what is being asked.

5. Break down the question into sub-questions: If the question is complex or multi-faceted, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller, more manageable sub-questions. This will allow you to tackle each aspect of the question individually and develop a more comprehensive response.

Remember, deconstructing and understanding the question is the foundation for a successful TOK essay. By following these tips, you can ensure that you have a clear and solid understanding of the question, which will guide your analysis and argument throughout the essay.

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

One of the most critical aspects of writing a TOK essay is developing a strong thesis statement. This statement serves as the central argument or main point of your essay, and it sets the tone for the entire piece. A strong thesis statement not only captures the essence of your topic but also provides a clear direction for your exploration.

When developing a thesis statement for your TOK essay, it is essential to consider various factors. Firstly, you need to analyze the knowledge question or the problem you are addressing in your essay. This analysis will help you identify the key concepts or ideas that need to be included in your thesis statement.

Further, you should ensure that your thesis statement is specific and focused. It should make a concise claim or argument that can be explored and supported throughout the essay. Avoid making general statements that lack clarity or precision, as they can weaken the overall effectiveness of your argument.

In addition to being specific, your thesis statement should also be arguable. This means that there should be room for discussion or debate regarding your claim. A strong thesis statement invites multiple perspectives and encourages critical thinking among readers.

Furthermore, your thesis statement should be logical and coherent. It should present a clear and logical progression of ideas, guiding your readers through your argument. This can be achieved by organizing your thoughts and supporting evidence effectively.

Lastly, it is important to revise and refine your thesis statement as you go through the writing process. Don’t be afraid to make changes and adjustments to ensure that your thesis statement accurately reflects your evolving argument and the evidence you have collected.

In conclusion, developing a strong thesis statement is crucial for writing a successful TOK essay. It sets the stage for your essay, guiding the reader and providing a clear focus for your exploration. By considering various factors such as specificity, arguability, logic, and revising as necessary, you can create a thesis statement that effectively captures the essence of your essay.

Strategies for Crafting a Clear and Engaging Thesis

When it comes to writing a TOK essay, one of the most important elements is the thesis statement. This sentence or two sets the tone for the entire essay and provides a clear and concise representation of the argument or main idea. Crafting a strong thesis requires careful thought and consideration, taking into account the complexities of the topic at hand. Here are some strategies to help you create a thesis that is both clear and engaging.

1. Understand the prompt: Before diving into the creation of your thesis, it is crucial to fully grasp the prompt or essay question. Take the time to analyze the wording and identify the key concepts and ideas being presented. This will give you a solid foundation from which to build your thesis.

2. Brainstorm and research: Once you have a thorough understanding of the prompt, begin brainstorming ideas for your thesis. Consider different perspectives and arguments related to the topic, and conduct research to gather evidence and support for your claims. This will help you develop a well-rounded and informed thesis statement.

3. Be specific and concise: A clear and engaging thesis is one that is specific and to the point. Avoid vague or general statements that lack substance. Instead, focus on narrowing down your argument and expressing it succinctly. This will allow your readers to easily understand the main point you are trying to convey.

4. Consider counterarguments: When crafting your thesis, be aware of potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Acknowledging these opposing perspectives and addressing them in your thesis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and adds depth and complexity to your argument.

5. Use language effectively: The language you use in your thesis can greatly impact its clarity and engagement. Choose strong and specific words that convey your argument effectively. Additionally, consider using rhetorical devices such as parallelism or antithesis to add emphasis and intrigue to your thesis statement.

6. Revise and refine: Crafting a clear and engaging thesis is an iterative process. After writing your initial thesis statement, take the time to revise and refine it. Consider the feedback from others and make adjustments as necessary. This will ensure that your thesis is strong and compelling.

In conclusion, a well-crafted thesis is essential for a successful TOK essay. By following these strategies, you can create a thesis that is clear, engaging, and sets the stage for a strong argument. Remember to take your time and think critically about the topic at hand. With careful consideration and revision, you can craft a thesis that will captivate your readers and guide your essay to success.

Structuring Your TOK Essay

Arranging your TOK essay in a well-organized and logical structure is essential for effectively conveying your ideas and arguments. A strong structure not only helps your reader navigate through the essay effortlessly but also builds a solid foundation for a coherent and persuasive piece of writing.

One of the key elements of structuring your TOK essay is dividing it into distinct sections. This allows you to address different aspects of the prescribed title or knowledge question and present your arguments in a systematic manner. Consider breaking down your essay into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Introduction: Start your essay with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the topic and introduces the knowledge question. You can also include a brief outline of the arguments you will discuss later in the essay.
  • Body paragraphs: Divide your main arguments into separate paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect related to the knowledge question. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence and support your arguments with relevant examples, evidence, and counterarguments. Make sure to explain the significance and implications of each argument to strengthen your overall analysis.
  • Counterclaims: It is important to acknowledge and address counterarguments or alternative perspectives in your essay. This demonstrates your ability to critically evaluate different viewpoints and strengthens the overall credibility of your arguments.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main arguments and provide a concise conclusion that answers the knowledge question. Reinforce your thesis statement and leave the reader with a thought-provoking ending, inviting further reflection.

In addition to organizing your essay into sections, it is important to maintain a clear and logical flow throughout. Use appropriate transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and ensure a smooth progression of thought. This helps the reader follow your line of reasoning and effectively engages them with your essay.

Remember, a well-structured TOK essay not only demonstrates your understanding of the Theory of Knowledge but also enhances the overall impact of your arguments. Take the time to carefully plan and structure your essay, and you will be on your way to a successful and impactful piece of writing.

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IB TOK Presentation Guide (Updated 2023)

Unlock the secret to crafting a winning ToK presentation that wows your audience. Learn the must-know tips to nail your presentation and get top marks!

IB TOK Presentation Guide (Updated 2023)

Table of content

What is a tok presentation, 5 key points for your ib tok presentation, basics for your presentation, slide 1 - title page, slide 2 - decontextualization , slide 3 - knowledge question , slide 4 - development (1) , slide 5 - development (2) , slide 6 - development (3) , slide 7 - conclusion , slide 8 - link back to the rls, example outline for a tok presentation, evidence can be, improve your presentation style.

What up? What up?

Welcome to this well-written article on Nail IB: your secret weapon for moving closer to a perfect score of 45. This article is the first step towards answering how to make a tok presentation. Before you answer this question, you must familiarise yourself with the fundamentals of the TOK presentation.

Remember, we at Nail IB prioritize your journey of becoming a thinking intellectual. This is done by understanding the fundamentals of the diploma, including  IB TOK presentation ,   TOK Essay ,  Extended Essay ,  Internal Assessment , and  CAS.  

Before you read this beautiful article, browse a quick video by Amanda Elise!

TOK presentation is quite similar to  TOK Essay . Both IB concepts emphasize your assessment of  critical thinking skills . A  TOK Essay  takes a more conceptual starting point inspired by the questions released by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. In contrast, an IB TOK presentation, in particular, helps an examiner evaluate your understanding of acquired knowledge based on a real-life situation. To learn the tips and hacks for your essay, click  here . If you wish to learn how to ace your presentation, continue reading!

TOK presentation requires the student to demonstrate a solid analysis of a real-life situation (RLS). This is done by choosing a question as a framework for examining the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge in everyday life. In essence, the question for your presentation should be inspired by a real-life situation.

So good so far?

Remember that a knowledge-based question is not the focus but a means for a critical discussion. It is but a way to explore real-life situations and the areas of knowledge connected with them. 

Okay, so here is a recap! You need to find a real-life situation. Then it would help if you thought about the areas of knowledge directly connected to the problem. Once you do that, you need to forge a question that enables you to connect the dots for the audience and walk them through your thinking process. This knowledge question will be the basis of your presentation as you attempt to develop different perspectives to answer the question. The scope of finding a real-life situation varies from a case in your local community or a broader international issue. 

  • Planning Document
  • TOK presentation topic 
  • KQ & RLS ( Knowledge Question & Real Life Situation )
  • Conclusion ( Creating a connection from the first slide to the last )
  • Confidence ( Most important when it comes to presentations and sadly mostly neglected as well )

Once you have these 5 pillars set, nothing can stop you from achieving your TOK presentation.

Now let's shed some light on the basics to begin with. Presentations are integral to every course known as 'student kind.' Every other method that we do requires it. With IB, it is one of the two compulsory TOK assignments. The IB TOK presentation is meant to test your understanding of TOK concepts in relation to a real-life situation. 

TOK presentation is  done individually, in pairs, or in three groups.  An IB TOK presentation must be delivered in a language known to all class members. Each presenter must take approximately  10 minutes , roughly  30 minutes per group . After the presentation, discussion time should be scheduled. 

Moving ahead, the first question that comes to a student's mind is where to begin. Don't worry; that will be the first question I'll answer hereafter. 

You start with your planning document. This document will be your blueprint for building everything around your presentation and help you maintain your workflow and direction (in case you get lost in real-life situations, knowledge questions, claims, counterclaims, etc.).

Why is this easy?

  •  You have done this before in your  TOK ESSAY,  i.e., applying your concepts in the development section. The idea is mostly the same except for the presenting part.
  •  You are conceptually straightforward with your Knowledge questions, claims, and implementation in real-life situations (also covered by you in the essay).

I will break down what content must go on each slide alongside what you must address while explaining that slide to everyone. You can always make modifications based on your requirements. The structure will help you clarify yourself to the audience while maintaining the flow of your TOK presentation. 

  • The title of your presentation.
  • Your group members’ names.

What to address

Introduce a real-life situation (RLS). Please elaborate on your perception of the problem when you first encountered it. Emphasize  why  it is of significance to you.

  • Talk about your initial thoughts about the RLS. It would help if you started transitioning from using 'layman' words to explaining everything using TOK terminology. This can be done using some key terms from the Areas of Knowledge associated with your RLS.

Explain a few things about the RLS and how we know them. For example, our senses may provide some insights, while our emotions offer others. To put it in TOK terms, you can analyze  the extent  to which these insights are valid/authentic. Address the limitations of your RLS and your interpretation of it. This will help you show your journey from the RLS to your Knowledge Question. 

  • Talk about your Areas of Knowledge (AoKs) and Ways of Knowing (WoKs) that you will use to explore your Knowledge Question. Explain their connection to your Knowledge Question (KQ). 

What to address:  

Mention 2 Knowledge Questions that you considered and the one you are investigating. Explain how the Knowledge Question you have chosen will help explain the RLS. For each of your AOKs/WOKs, preview how they can help to answer your KQ. Explain any assumptions you’ve made about your KQ (if any). Dig deep into the  key terms  that need to be explained for us to understand your KQ.

  • Briefly state your claim for the first AOK and the Ways through which you have decided to answer your KQ
  • Support your claim through a piece of scientific evidence (a scientific theory).
  • Briefly state your counterclaim (an opposing idea in the same AOK/WOK). For example, if you examine your situation through a philosophical point of view and your way of knowing is sensory, state that philosophy is mainly abstract science. Therefore your interpretation can be scrutinized in a very different way if examined through a scientific lens. Furthermore, you can challenge your way of knowing by stating that sensory means of acquiring knowledge can be deceptive as one relies on memory to recall how one felt at a particular point. 

Alright. Breathe! All of this can sound way over the top. I felt the same way when I first encountered TOK. But this is precisely how you are supposed to feel. So you are on the right track. Read on!

Explain your claim and how it is supported by evidence. Clarify how it would answer the KQ. Then do the same for your counterclaim and keep it by evidence. Ensure to clarify how your counterclaim could respond to the KQ differently than your claim did. Use your conclusion to connect the claim and counterclaim.

Repeat the steps mentioned on slide 4 using your second Area of Knowledge and Way of Knowing.

Repeat the steps mentioned on slide 4 using your third Area of Knowledge and Way of Knowing.

  • Write down your conclusion.
  • Write down a possible flaw in your conclusion.

Explain your conclusion and elaborate on how this conclusion is supported by the insights you’ve drawn along the way. Address the possible weakness or flaw in your decision. You can explain with an example of someone from a different perspective (another gender, age, time, or culture) who might disagree with this conclusion.

  • Write 2 interesting ways that your conclusion applies to the RLS.
  • Write down two other real-life situations (which are related). Please provide pictures of these two situations so they can be quickly understood. One should be personal to you (something one of you encountered), and another which is more of a shared experience.

Clarify how your conclusion applies to the RLS. Explain how this conclusion can help to explain the other 2 RLS you have on your previous slides.

Good Job! Your work here is done. Just leave this slide up on the screen and watch your professors go gaga on your excellent presentation. (You can thank us later ;))

As a suggestion, you should have your knowledge question written on the bottom as a footer. It helps the audience easily relate your various insights to the knowledge question.

Here are some links to TOK presentation examples:

  • Click  here  to access the presentation on Decision Making.
  • Click  here  to access the presentation on Language.

IB TOK presentation topic  

For referral purposes, you can look into some previously chosen TOK presentation topics from the links below to get going:

  • Check out this  list  of knowledge questions by Larry Ferlazzo to get inspired. 
  • The student room has a good conversion in choosing a good presentation topic. Make sure to give it a  read .
  • Click  here  for some more similar topics

You must have noticed that  we use a Claim, Counterclaim, Mini-Conclusion structure as described in our  TOK Essay article .  We follow the claim, counterclaim, and mini-conclusion process for each of your developments (AOKs or WOKs) at least thrice. Here's an example of one of your developments:

-For example, your  claim  might be that emotion is reliable when trying to achieve new artistic knowledge, and you show this using some theory (evidence) you learned from your professor.

-Your  counterclaim  is a problem (a limitation) with your claim or an opposing idea from the same perspective. Emotion can sometimes lead to unreliable insights into the arts (i.e., art is open to many interpretations). You show this using (as evidence) an example from your own life experience or theory that accentuates the unreliability of human emotion.

-And then, in the  mini-conclusion,  you basically have to find a way to draw together the two opposing sides. You have to synthesize these two insights to arrive at a more insightful understanding. For instance, emotion can be both reliable and unreliable simultaneously, or there are situations where it's pretty hard to know whether feelings are helping or not (in terms of achieving reliable knowledge). So your MC (mini-conclusion) is that emotions are highly dependable, given that the individual can keep their personal biases away from the situation being experienced.

When you reach your significant conclusion, the key is to draw together and synthesize the insights from all your mini-conclusions. This shows an intellectual approach toward answering your KQ. It also makes your presentation more compelling.

  • Examples from the course or from your research. For example, stories of actual scientific experiments or how society responded to a particular piece of art.
  • Personal examples. Specific and realistic examples from your life experiences are influential in presentations as they are the most convincing

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while presenting

  • Golden rule - practice makes perfect. As you present in front of an audience (your classmates and your teacher), you must make sure you can articulate your ideas effectively. Rehearse well for your final showdown. 
  • Be clear and loud enough to be heard. A presentation's positive aspect is that it allows you to create many links since it is verbal. E.g., 'referring back to the first slide of the presentation.' 
  • Creating notes to aid yourself in being well aware of what's next helps maintain your flow. This amps up your preparedness. However, you should avoid sticking to the notes too much.  Eye contact  is significant to make your audience feel addressed.
  • Avoid cramming everything on the slides. Keep minimal content and avoid putting in full-blown long sentences. 
  • If you are using images to display something, make sure they are not pixelated and are clearly visible to the audience.
  • Ensure you stay within your time limit for the presentation.
  • Stay calm about the questions at the end. The questions asked by your teacher are there to help you. If you've missed something in your presentation that is key to answering the knowledge issue, this is your opportunity to gain back marks. If you can't answer the question, make a statement or give an opinion. A classic way of avoiding questions is to make your own question, 'That's an excellent question, but I think the main issue here is….' But try to answer them because they are very likely to be beneficial. 
  • The audience can ask questions too. Avoid planting a question in the audience as it is too obvious and often creates a wrong impression.
  • Lastly, confidence is the key. It would help if you had faith in yourself and the amount of work you have put in. You deserve all of your trust and confidence for your hard work, so it reflects in your way of presenting and is communicated to the evaluator and the audience effectively. 

This article will be the foundation for understanding how to make a tok presentation. A critical key to success is self-confidence. An important key to confidence is preparation ~ Arthur Ashe .

If you are still struggling heaps with your TOK essay, feel free to subscribe to our  tok notes  bundles or get access to more than 500+ IBDP notes and past papers  here .

Nail IB is your virtual companion that helps you hustle through your diploma and provide you with the right resources at the right time. To know more about acing IB, click  here .

Before you go!

  • You can also refer to my previous  TOK Essay article  to explain KQ, AOK, WOK, etc., in depth.

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TOK - Theory of Knowledge: Researching & referencing for the TOK Essay

  • Introduction
  • General TOK resources
  • Personal and shared knowledge
  • Sense Perception
  • Imagination
  • Natural sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Human Sciences
  • Indigenous knowledge systems
  • Religious knowledge systems
  • Paraphrasing and quoting
  • Researching & referencing for the TOK Essay
  • Acknowledging sources in a TOK presentation
  • Areas of Knowledge
  • Fiction that prompts TOK thinking

Researching for the TOK essay

As well as the print and online resources specifically mentioned on this libguide, we recommend you use subscription databases, which are authoritative and reliable sources of information. The College subscribes to a number of these databases, and they are available via the Reference Sites page/tab on the College Portal. In particular, the following databases might be useful:

pictures in tok essay

Referencing for the TOK Essay

It is possible to complete a TOK essay without the need for references. However, if you refer to specific facts or opinions, views and theories of individuals, you need to reference in the usual manner, following IB Academic Honesty principles. 

In other words, it is no different to the referencing you would have done for your Extended Essay submission. 

You may use any major referencing style you and your teacher wish, but you must follow it consistently. 

Remember that if you've made an account with EasyBib directly through the Google, that is the free version, and the only style of referencing available to you is MLA. You may wish you look at the College libguide on EasyBib and join the subscription version of EasyBib, which gives you extra functionality, including choice of reference styles - APA, Harvard, Chicago, etc. 

You don't have to use EasyBib. There are other libguides to help you with aspects of referencing and citation. Simply go to  http://research.uwcsea.edu.sg/  and select the Research and Information Literacy tab. Here you will find a selection of helpful libguides about aspects of research and referencing. Additionally, you can ask the Librarian for help.

For your convenience, these links provide further information on major referencing styles:

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  • Next: Acknowledging sources in a TOK presentation >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 24, 2018 3:38 PM
  • URL: https://research.uwcsea.edu.sg/TOK

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IB TOK Essay Titles

The International Baccalaureate Organization releases six TOK essay titles, twice a year for submission either in May or November. So you need to know which cohort you're submitting with. The essay titles for submission in May are released in the previous September. The essay titles for submission in November are released the previous March.

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Do we need custodians of knowledge? 2024 TOK Essay Title 5

May 2024 TOK Essay Title 5 Do we need custodians of knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge. I met with Kevin and recorded this, but I had a technical malfunction so the recording was lost. I’ve tried to recapture the essence of our conversation as best as I could. We unpacked some really interesting questions: How does one become a ‘custodian’ of knowledge? Who has the authority or right? Who decides what is protected? What about knowledge that has been lost or discluded? What other great truths and insights are we not hearing because of the selectivity? As custodians, how do we weigh up this choice? What if we didn’t have custodians of knowledge? What about knowledge that might be dangerous? Links from our conversation: CNN interview - last of a family of Peruvian Potato farmers https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/10/25/potato-custodians-peru-spc-intl-c2e.cnn AcadĂ©mie Française: https://www.academie-francaise.fr/ How to contribute to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Contributing_to_Wikipedia Guest: Kevin Hoye (though as the original episode was lost, his actual voice is not featured, only his ideas as I have tried to faithfully represent them) Music: Jingle Bell Rock as recorded by the Brown School Shoes in December 2018
 no it's not the holidays yet.

  • èŠ‚ç›ź TOK Talk
  • ć‘ćžƒæ—¶é—Ž 2023ćčŽ10月26æ—„ UTC 01:40


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Trump Videos at Arlington Stir More Fallout After Gravesite Visit

The family of a Green Beret buried there expressed concern about videos and photos taken by his grave. And a cemetery employee declined to press charges after an altercation with the Trump team, fearing retribution.

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Rows of gravestones in every direction, surrounded by grass, at Arlington National Cemetery.

By Chris Cameron Maggie Haberman and Eric Schmitt

Chris Cameron was traveling with Donald J. Trump during his visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

  • Published Aug. 28, 2024 Updated Aug. 29, 2024, 10:05 a.m. ET

The family of a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern on Wednesday that Donald J. Trump’s campaign had filmed his gravesite without permission as Mr. Trump stood in an area where campaign photography isn’t allowed.

Relatives of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano issued their statement two days after Mr. Trump’s visit, which also included a confrontation between members of the Trump campaign and an Arlington employee. The former president’s campaign took video in a heavily restricted section of the cemetery known as Section 60, which is largely reserved for the fallen veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

A woman who works at the cemetery filed an incident report with the military authorities over the altercation. But the official, who has not been identified, later declined to press charges. Military officials said she feared Mr. Trump’s supporters pursuing retaliation.

Sergeant Marckesano died on July 7, 2020, after moving to Washington to begin a job at the Pentagon. He had three children, and friends said he had chronic post-traumatic stress disorder from his time in combat. He earned Silver and Bronze Stars during his service. His gravesite is adjacent to that of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, a Marine who was killed in the 2021 bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.

The Hoover family granted permission to the Trump team to film and take photographs at the gravesite; the Marckesano family did not, and filming and photographing at the gravesite for political purposes is a violation of federal law, according to cemetery officials. Yet Sergeant Marckesano’s grave was shown in photos from the visit that were published online. A video was posted to Mr. Trump’s TikTok account featuring footage from the Section 60 visit and the gravestones from behind, with narration criticizing the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

In a statement from Sergeant Marckesano’s relatives after being contacted by The New York Times, his sister, Michele, said, “We fully support Staff Sergeant Darin Hoover’s family and the other families in their quest for answers and accountability regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal and the tragedy at Abbey Gate.”

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'Furious': Veterans slam Trump team's altercation at Arlington National Cemetery

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WASHINGTON − Some veterans reacted with alarm to reports of an altercation between a member of Donald Trump's entourage and a top official at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, with a retired Army general calling the incident "repugnant."

Two sources told USA TODAY the incident occurred when a member of Trump's team pushed his way into recording in a part of the cemetery, known as Section 60, where photography is prohibited.

Video from Section 60, where recently buried U.S. service members are interred, later appeared in a Trump campaign Tik Tok in which he criticizes President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, his Democratic rival for the presidency.

"Donald Trump has no right to use our most hallowed ground for his political aims," Fred Wellman, a 22-year Army combat veteran, said Wednesday. "For a lot of us, and I'm not the only one, people are aptly furious."

More: Trump staff in altercation with Arlington Cemetery official

The incident occurred Monday after Trump laid wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to honor the 13 Americans slain in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport three years ago during the chaotic U.S. pullout from Afghanistan.

After laying the wreaths, Trump and members of his team accompanied family members of a slain soldier to his graveside in Section 60, where the cemetery's public affairs director tried to stop them from filming.

Nearly 400,000 people are buried at the cemetery, which is maintained by the U.S. Army. The Trump campaign's insistence on using the setting to shoot campaign material is a "new low," said former Army undersecretary and Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Murphy.

Wellman said Trump's team should apologize for using the grounds to create a political ad instead of attacking the cemetery official who tried to prevent them from breaking a federal regulation governing photography at the site.

Trump's spokesman said the group had permission to film in Section 60.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said a cemetery official "clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team."Arlington National Cemetery confirmed that "an incident took place" over photography inside Section 60. No charges have been filed, a police official told USA TODAY.

The campaign's response − attacking the mental health of a respected cemetery official − only prompted further backlash from veterans and veterans' groups.

Thoughts on the Trump team assaulting Arlington National Cemetery staff yesterday for a photo op. pic.twitter.com/O7Chz1fshP — Veterans For Responsible Leadership (@VetsForRL) August 28, 2024

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Eaton, a senior adviser at the progressive political action committee VoteVets, called the campaign's actions at the cemetery "nauseating."

Eaton, whose father is buried in Section 60, noted previous reports, repeatedly denied by Trump, that the former president had referred to World War I dead as "suckers" and "losers."

"They see no issue bringing partisan politics there, even if it means getting into physical altercations with cemetery staff.," Eaton said in a statement to USA TODAY. "I truly cannot think of something more repugnant than starting a political fracas on land where Gold Star families mourn. Someone who would do that should never be Commander in Chief.”

Relatives of some of the service members who died in the bombing invited Trump to the wreath-laying ceremony Monday. They released a statement thanking and defending the former president Tuesday.

“We are deeply grateful to the president for taking the time to honor our children and for standing alongside us in our grief,” they wrote.

Wellman said Trump's desire to honor the fallen still had to conform with the law. "There's an actual federal law on the books saying it cannot be used political purposes," he told USA TODAY. "The families put out a statement saying, 'Oh no, we authorized it.' They don't get that right. The families don't get the right to make decisions for the other people buried there."

Trump has long claimed to be an ally to veterans but different comments have landed him in hot water with members of the military community over the years. Earlier this month, he angered veterans when he said the civilian Presidential Medal of Freedom is "much better" than the military Medal of Honor because recipients of the latter are often badly wounded or dead.

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It’s the summer of cucumber salad. Try these 4 recipes at home

Claire Murashima

Charlotte Engrav

People on the internet are going cuckoo for -- cucumbers?

Chef Eric Banh's Cucumber Shrimp Salad has pineapple, carrots and pickled radish.

Chef Eric Banh of Seattle, Wash. recommends his cucumber shrimp salad. Ba Bar hide caption

It’s nearing Labor Day — the unofficial end of summer — which means cucumber season is coming to a close. And, if you’re trying to get a few more summer salads in before then, you’re not alone.

TikTok’s most recent food craze is cucumber salad. And social media creator Logan Moffitt, known as @ logagm on TikTok, has been posting near-daily cucumber salad recipe videos that have inspired TikTok users to eat an entire cucumber in one sitting.

Each video starts with some variation of, “Sometimes you need to eat an entire cucumber, this is the best way to do it.” Moffitt then slices a cucumber on a mandoline — a feat that has proven dangerous for some TikTok users — then adds sauce before giving everything a good shake.

The Midwest pizza rivalry has a winner, for now

Many of Moffitt’s recipes — like this one — are variations on an Asian cucumber salad — and ingredients are never measured:

  • Rice wine vinegar
  • One grated clove of garlic (again, be careful with the grater)
  • Green onion

His videos have inspired a flurry of TikTok users creating their own takes on cucumber salad:

  • “The one that I was most intrigued by was the cream cheese and lox and everything bagel one,” said user @soogia1.
  • User @forevaheatha did the “California roll inspired cucumber salad ”
  • “I’m thinking we do like feta, spinach, onion, garlic, lemon, olive oil, that kind of vibe ,” user @whitneyhanslow said.
  • User @saltnpiipa made a “cucumbery, peanut buttery, Asian-infused bowl of deliciousness .” 

When you’re not in the mood to whip up a multi-ingredient dish, you can always eat cucumbers raw with a bit of sea salt and olive oil.

But for those ready to try out some new cucumber recipes, we asked a few chefs for their favorite ways to eat a cucumber.

Chef Banh’s Cucumber Shrimp Salad:

Eric Banh, executive chef and cofounder of Saigon Siblings restaurants in Seattle, Wash.

Eric Banh, executive chef and cofounder of Saigon Siblings restaurants in Seattle. Look at Lao Studios/Eric Banh hide caption

Eric Banh, a Chinese-Vietnamese chef and restaurateur from Seattle says he likes to start with an English cucumber — the big ones that often come in plastic at the grocery store — “because [of] the consistency of it and it also has a better crunch.”

One of Banh’s favorite cucumber dishes is his cucumber shrimp salad.

“We mix it with our pickled pickled carrots and daikon, which is a classic Vietnamese pickled radish,” Banh told NPR’s Morning Edition .

He then adds pineapple, cooked shrimp and dried shrimp.

“I think the magic and the secret is dried shrimp,” Banh said. “You just soak it in lukewarm running water for about 30 seconds.”

He tosses it in a dressing made from anchovy fish sauce, water, sugar, garlic and lime juice.

Viktoriia Verbeniuk, a Ukrainian American, poses for a portrait during an event celebrating Ukraine's Independence Day in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 24, 2024.

The Picture Show

Photos: ukrainians celebrate their independence day by running in vyshyvankas, chef banh’s vegan cucumber salad:.

He usually leaves most if not all of the peel on — unless he’s making his vegan cucumber salad. For that one, he’ll peel and slice a cucumber in half lengthwise, then cut it into pieces diagonally — but save the peels.

Next, he adds water, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar and the cucumber peels to a blender, purees it up and dresses the cucumbers in the vinaigrette.

“And now you've got this beautiful green color,” Banh said. “You can marinade this an hour ahead before your party or overnight.”

Chef Bhatt’s Raita:

Vishwesh Bhatt, executive chef at Snackbar in Oxford, MS.

Vishwesh Bhatt, executive chef at Snackbar in Oxford, MS. Sierra Hollis hide caption

If you’re craving something creamy, Vishwesh Bhatt, the chef at Snackbar in Oxford, Miss. says make a raita — an Indian yogurt-based sauce.

“It's very similar to the Turkish or Greek tzatziki,” Bhatt said. “Essentially you take cucumbers, add some chilies or onions and then mix all that with a little lemon juice and yogurt and some toasted cumin and some mustard that’s tempered in oil then folded in,” he said.

Chef Bhatt’s Benedictine spread:

Or — you can make a Benedictine spread, a mayo-based spread from the American South that’s traditionally bright green from food coloring.

Chef Bhatt makes his with cucumbers, fresh dill, parsley, a little bit of garlic and onion — but instead of a mayonnaise base he uses cream cheese, then adds a bit of mascarpone cheese.

“I like the creaminess of the mascarpone,” Bhatt said. “I don't use food coloring because I don't think it's necessary.”

Correction Aug. 28, 2024

An earlier version of this story misspelled Chef Eric Banh's name.

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Trump reposts lewd remark about Harris on his social media site

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Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump holds a 'No Tax on Tips' campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada

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Reporting by Alexandra Ulmer; additional reporting by Susan Heavey in Washington. Editing by Kieran Murray, Neil Fullick and Ros Russell

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FILE PHOTO: A combination picture shows Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Trump and U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Harris

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Democrat Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump 45% to 41% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Thursday that showed the vice president sparking new enthusiasm among voters and shaking up the race ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

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  1. How to Write a TOK Essay: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    Choosing Your Essay Title 1 Understand the structure of a TOK essay. In your essay, you will be expected to compare and contrast different ways of knowing through perception, language, reason, emotion with different areas of knowledge (AOK). The eight areas of knowledge covered in a TOK essay are: Mathematics Natural sciences Human sciences History The arts Ethics Religious knowledge systems ...

  2. TOK Essay essentials

    GETTING STARTED Guide students through this page of TOK Essay essentials before plunging into the planning and writing process using the TOK Essay strategy. In the spirit of "doing and experiencing," the classroom activities on this page will ensure a close encounter with the formal expectations and rubric.

  3. How to Structure a Theory of Knowledge Essay

    How to Structure a Theory of Knowledge Essay The following structure is a very good, step-by-step method you can use on any TOK essay to get a great mark. (It is updated for the 2022 syllabus ).

  4. Guide to the TOK Essay

    The TOK essay is a 1600 word essay written about topics usually given to students from their teachers from a list of numerous options. It is an essay that promotes arguments and counterarguments for the topic at hand. Understanding your ways of knowing (WOKs) and areas of knowledge (AOKs) is extremely crucial before you even start choosing a ...

  5. How To Write A ToK Essay

    How To Write A ToK Essay - Updated 2023 Ace your ToK Essay with our expert tips & tricks! Get the latest and greatest techniques on "How To Write A ToK Essay" and impress the IB examiners.📝💡 Shreya Tripathi 24th Jan 2023

  6. TOK Examples To Include In Your TOK Essay

    In Summary Frankly speaking, me listing examples of TOK real life situations you should incorporate to your essay is futile. Instead, let your examples and evidences speak volumes for your arguments, let them amplify the 'personal essay voice' that you believe in. Any example can be used, even the ones I mentioned in the previous article.

  7. Planning and structuring the TOK essay

    The three TOK essay interactions are a key part of planning and writing your TOK essay. Find out more about making the most of them here.

  8. How to Write A TOK Essay: 3 Key Parts

    In this post, we guide you through how to write a TOK essay with examples! We cover how to create a knowledge questions and how to use real life examples.

  9. How To Write a ToK Essay IBDP

    Learn how to write a IB ToK Essay with our step-by-step guide. The guide helps you with the ToK Essay Structure as well as a ToK Essay Analysis Example.

  10. How to Structure and Format your TOK Essay!

    TOK is, for many, an extremely difficult subject to get your head around. A lot of the questions you get asked in class might seem entirely nonsensical to you, and perhaps the TOK essay titles seem just as confusing! One thing that we at Lanterna think is the most under-appreciated thing that truly aids understanding and expressing those more confusing concepts is clear structure and format.

  11. PDF The TOK Essay: An In-Depth Guide

    The following guide will provide you with an overview of what examiners look for in a TOK essay before breaking down the steps you need to take to complete yours to a high standard. Your essay will be marked by an external IB examiner and given a score out of 10. These 10 points are divided into 5 levels, ranging from 'excellent' to 'rudimentary'.

  12. PDF Writing the Tok Essay Plan (Rubric and Instructions)

    200 words. Discussion 1. State the claim of your argument, which should be very closely related to the title. Discuss it generally (ie without referring to any specific examples). Include the ideas of a key thinker to support this, and mention how different perspectives might affect the claim. Support your points with at least one specific RLS.

  13. IB TOK Essay examples

    High scoring IB Theory of Knowledge Essay examples. See what past students did and make your TOK Essay perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!

  14. Can you include pictures in your ToK essay?

    I feel that having a picture in your TOK essay would detract from the content of the actual writing. Personally I don't think it's a great idea - the essay should demonstrate your ability to convey complex ideas without the help of visual aids. Pictures should be saved for the TOK presentation. But don't take my word for it, it's just an opinion.

  15. Can I include a picture in my TOK essay? : r/IBO

    Yep, I used a picture for my ToK essay and my teacher said it was fine as long as you cite it properly! I'm not an expert but my TOK teacher said its fine if it's referenced!

  16. Ultimate Guide: How to Write a TOK Essay Successfully

    Learn how to write a TOK essay with step-by-step instructions and tips to help you succeed in this challenging task.

  17. Get an A in TOK

    Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge for years and have found ways to have fun while scoring well. Use my Exhibition samples, TOK Essay models and assignment breakdowns to raise your TOK score! If you want help, editing, or one-on-one assistance, contact me below! The IB considers TOK a "Core" course, which means that a passing grade is ...

  18. TOK essay guidance

    10 TOK essay starting points. 1 The TOK essay is an individual task. 2 It represents two thirds of the overall mark for TOK. 3 It is externally marked. 4 You choose your title from a list of six prescribed titles, which change every exam session. 5 The word count for the essay is 1600 words.

  19. How To Make A ToK Presentation

    What Is A TOK Presentation? TOK presentation is quite similar to TOK Essay. Both IB concepts emphasize your assessment of critical thinking skills. A TOK Essay takes a more conceptual starting point inspired by the questions released by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.

  20. Theory of Knowledge: Researching & referencing for the TOK Essay

    Referencing for the TOK Essay It is possible to complete a TOK essay without the need for references. However, if you refer to specific facts or opinions, views and theories of individuals, you need to reference in the usual manner, following IB Academic Honesty principles.

  21. IB TOK Essay Titles

    IB TOK Essay Titles The International Baccalaureate Organization releases six TOK essay titles, twice a year for submission either in May or November. So you need to know which cohort you're submitting with.

  22. Do we need custodians of knowl

    May 2024 TOK Essay Title 5 Do we need custodians of knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge. I met with Kevin and recorded this, but I had a technical malfunction so the recording was lost. I've tried to recapture the essence of our conversation as best as I could. We unpacked some really interesting questions: How does ...

  23. TOK essay PPF

    Uploading your essay & PPF. Completing and uploading your Presentation Planning Form (PPF) means that you've done the hard part of writing your essay, and are nearly at the end of the process. Check out our short video explainer for the TOK essay; you can find more explainers about other aspects of the course in our TOK explainer playlist.

  24. See video Trump campaign posted of controversial Arlington visit

    The US Army issued a stark rebuke of former President Donald Trump's presidential campaign over the incident on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, saying in a statement that participants in ...

  25. The family of a fallen Green Beret is not happy Trump filmed a TikTok

    The family of a late Green Beret buried in Arlington National Cemetery is not happy that former President Donald Trump took photographs and filmed a TikTok in the section of the cemetery where the ...

  26. Writing & uploading the TOK essay

    Writing & uploading the TOK essay. After you have grasped the essay rubric, chosen your title, and have a clear plan and structure, you can start writing your TOK essay. You'll be doing this alongside the three interactions, so keep these in mind as you proceed. Read the points below to get some advice on how to write your essay, and avoid ...

  27. Trump Campaign Filming at Arlington Cemetery Dismayed Family of Green

    According to three U.S. military officials, some Trump campaign members confronted and eventually pushed past the cemetery official when she tried to stop them from taking photos in Section 60.

  28. Trump's Arlington National Cemetery visit angers veterans

    Video from Section 60, where recently buried U.S. service members are interred, later appeared in a Trump campaign Tik Tok in which he criticizes President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala ...

  29. TikTok is obsessed with cucumber salad. Try these 4 recipes : NPR

    Eric Banh, a Chinese-Vietnamese chef and restaurateur from Seattle says he likes to start with an English cucumber — the big ones that often come in plastic at the grocery store — "because ...

  30. Trump reposts lewd remark about Harris on his social media site

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday reposted a lewd social media remark about Vice-President Kamala Harris, the latest in a volley of demeaning attacks by Republicans ...