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Dieses Repositorium enthält Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen.

Seit 2008 gelangen alle wissenschaftlichen Abschluss-Arbeiten automatisiert über die verpflichtende Einreichung in elektronischer Form in dieses Archiv. Die Freischaltung der Volltexte erfolgt Lizenz-frei (d.h. mit größtmöglichem Urheberrechts-Schutz) ausnahmslos nach Zustimmung durch die jeweiligen Urheber.

Für wissenschaftliche Abschluss-Arbeiten, die vor 2008 approbiert wurden, besteht die Möglichkeit diese am Server direkt hochzuladen und zu veröffentlichen, sofern dadurch keine rechtlichen bzw. gesetzlichen Bestimmungen verletzt werden.

Der Hochschulschriftenserver bietet die Möglichkeit, die Abschlussarbeiten weltweit verfügbar zu machen. Mit Hilfe strukturierter Metadaten werden die Dokumente bibliographisch beschrieben und über nationale und internationale Bibliothekskataloge, Suchmaschinen und andere Nachweisinstrumente erschlossen und somit suchbar gemacht. Die Zitierfähigkeit wird durch eine dauerhafte und stabile Internetadresse garantiert.

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Master's thesis

Please note:.

From 05.03.2024, the digital version of the academic thesis has to be submitted via  u:space .

The  submission procedure still consists of  three steps  and includes the  upload to u:space , the  submission of the signed upload confirmation by e-mail  and the  submission of the two printed copies .

General Information

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Master Thesis and Completion of the Programme

In the third and fourth semester, students write a master thesis on a topic developed in the context of their chosen research specialisations. Guidance and feedback is offered in the individual interaction with the thesis supervisor as well as in the context of practice-oriented thesis seminars. A selected number of opportunities to write master thesis in the framework of ongoing research projects also exist.

We recommend to commence with the following procedure as soon as you have completed the following modules:

  • BM A: 5 ECTS
  • BM B: 13 ECTS
  • RS: at least 10 ECTS

The administrative procedure is:

1. selection of supervisor.

These supervisors will be available for new thesis projects:

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Davies
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt
  • Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fochler
  • Fredy Mora Gámez, PhD
  • Dr. Andrea Schikowitz
  • Dr. Nina Klimburg-Witjes

Twice per year, the programme director offers a matchmaking between supervisors and students to assure the ideal allocation of supervisors to student topics. Information about this is sent out via the STS student mailing list.

2. Approval of Supervisor & the Topic

Please hand in the following items at the secretariat of the Department of Science and Technology Studies ( office hours ), or send an electronic version to sec.sts @ univie.ac.at :

the Notification Form, signed by you as well as your supervisor

the Regulations Relating to Good Scientific Practice

the Record of Exams, stating all courses completed so far, signed by yourself (We recommend saving this file on your computer as you will need the complete version later on, in the process of completing the Master.)

your Research Exposé, signed by your supervisor

By email you will be notified about the approval of your thesis' topic within 3 weeks (during the term).


Notification of Master Thesis Topic and Supervisor

1 Notification of Master Thesis Topic and Supervisor.pdf

Regulations relating to good scientific practice

Regulations relating to good scientific practice.pdf

Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis Expose

Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis Expose.pdf

Record of Exams

1 Record of Exams.pdf

3. Submission of the Complete Record of Exams

As soon as you have completed all your courses (at the latest 2 weeks before you upload your thesis on u:space - step 4), please submit the following documents to the secretariat of the Department of Science and Technology Studies (either as hard-copy, or an electronic version by email ).

  • a signed copy of the complete record of exams . Please note: All grades must be registered and assigned to the appropriate modules in u:space!
  • a copy of your acceptance letter ('Zulassungsbescheid')
  • (if applicable) a copy of the official notification of recognition of examinations ('Anerkennungsbescheid')

Also, 1-2 weeks before the date of uploading your thesis, please contact one of the second examiners (please also see item 5. Public Defense / Final Examination ) whether he or she would be ready to serve as such.

4. Submission of the Master Thesis - NEW: on u:space!

Steps 2 & 3 are a prerequisite! Then, two weeks AFTER having sent the complete record of exams to [email protected] (contact: Karin Neumann):

A) submit the thesis via the StudiesServiceCenter (follow the 3 steps: upload thesis to u:space , send the signed upload confirmation by e-mail , then bring/send two hardbound copies ), B) contact a second examiner (even better before updoading!), C) receive the grade, D) register for the final examination ( see 5 ; the earliest possible date for the defense will be two weeks after grading!)

Further information

Your thesis has to be uploaded on u:space in order to perform a plagiarism check. The uploaded thesis must be the same as the one submitted in binding. The formal requirements for academic theses must be observed; for the formal guidelines summarized in English please also see here . Firstly, you need to review and verify the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page . This information is automatically loaded from university’s database and includes your name and academic degrees, as well as details regarding the supervision of your thesis.  For the title page of the thesis, there are concrete specifications regarding the layout and the data listed. To ensure that your title page is correct in terms of form and content, the system will create it automatically from your data. Please do not use a title page you have created yourself, as this will not be accepted during the formal check! To ensure the protection of your personal data, i.e. in order to guarantee an anonymized plagiarism check, please: - do not include any personal data (like your name or student ID) - do not include your CV (or affidavit) - do not include your name in the header or footer

The thesis must contain a German AND English abstract of at least 500 characters. The abstract is a brief summary of the central points of your thesis. You can choose the option to make the full text available through u:theses , so others can read your work. Further information on the use of publications in academic theses can be found on the website of the office of the Studienpräses . Once you have uploaded the document, you will receive an upload confirmation (“Hochladebestätigung”) .

If any textual similarities are detected between your work and other texts, the study program management will examine whether it constitutes plagiarism . Please DO NOT PRINT your thesis until you have received feedback via email to your u:account, confirming a successful plagiarism check. The printed version must exactly match the electronically submitted version.

The supervisor has 2 months to evaluate your thesis and send the report to the 'Study Service Unit'/StudienServiceCenter. A couple of days after the supervisor has handed in his/her evaluation, you will receive an email with a scanned copy of the evaluation form containing the grade.

Formalities & Layout Master Thesis

Layout Thesis.pdf

Dateigröße:  161 kB

5. Public Defence

Around the date of uploading your thesis (or even better: 1-2 weeks before), please contact one of the following second examiners whether he or she would be ready to serve as such:

  • Ass.-Prof. Dr. Nina Klimburg-Witjes
  • Fredy Alberto Mora Gàmez, PhD

If the examiner consents, please agree on the literature for the exam*,

and coordinate a date for the defence/final examination with your supervisor, 2nd examiner, and chair.

The date of the examination must be at least 14 days after the evaluation date of the thesis.

*For students who enrolled in the programme before winter term 2014/2015 the reading list comprises 2 books and 5 articles. For this format, there is a list with recommended literature for all examiners. For students who enrolled in the programme in winter term 2014/2015 or after, the reading list comprises two books. For this format, each examiner has his/her own list of literature.

In both cases, the literature should predominantly be from an STS area other than your master thesis.

Submit the registration for master's examination form and the examination literature form to the institute´s secretariat (by e-mail to sec.sts @ univie.ac.at ).

Please read the information sheet about the defence/examination attentively,and consider that the time span between the moment you have handed in the master thesis at the StudienServiceCenter and your defensio can be up to 2.5 months.

Registration for Master Examination

2 Registration for masters examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  62 kB

Form Examination Literature

Form Examination Literature.pdf

Dateigröße:  311 kB

Information Sheet: Public Defence and Final Examination

Information Sheet Public Defence and Final Examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  37 kB

Literature List for Final Examination

Literature List for Final Examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  60 kB

6. Acquiring your Diploma

To acquire your diploma, you have to fill in a form of the Statistik Austria , that you will receive by email. Once you´ve filled in the form, you'll receive a confirmation of the statistical data acquisition . You need to send the pdf-confirmation of it to ssc.sozialwissenschaften @ univie.ac.at , and will then receive ALL your signed and officially approved diploma-documents by email to your u:account:

“Bescheid über die Verleihung eines akademischen Grades”


Diploma Supplement (including grade point average)

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Master - Academic paper - after completing your thesis

Submission and assessment.

  • Plagiarism and plagiarism check

Blocking theses

  • Registration for the thesis defense 

With the agreement of the supervisor, the student must upload the completed thesis in PDF format.

Note: From 05.03.2024, the digital version of the scientific paper will be submitted via  u:space . First, you have to check the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page. They are taken directly from the database of the University of Vienna and include your name, the academic degrees you have already obtained as well as information on the supervision and any co-supervision of your academic thesis. Each thesis must contain an abstract in German of at least 500 characters. The abstract is a short summary of the central points of your academic work. You can also optionally include an English abstract. Please note that, depending on the curriculum, an additional mandatory foreign-language abstract may be required.

Submission procedure 1. you must first submit the thesis electronically for plagiarism checking via u:space . After a successful upload, you will receive an upload confirmation. 2. if the text of the thesis is found to be identical to other texts, the Director of Studies will check whether it is actually plagiarized. Please only submit your thesis for printing after you have received confirmation (email to your u:account) that the plagiarism check has been successful. The printed version must match the electronically submitted version exactly. 3. after a successful plagiarism check, you must submit the work hard bound to the SSC. You will need the upload confirmation for this.

4. Please submit the following documents after uploding the thesis via application in our ticket-system in the Servicedesk (click the button 'Master's thesis' HERE ):

  • signed email  confirmation of the upload
  • form 'Assessment of Scientific Work' ('Beurteilungsformular') (filled out electronically, has to stay editable!)

The HOPLA upload confirmation automatically includes the affidavit. This counts as a submission. The upload confirmation and the assessment form do not have to be included in the thesis. After plagiarism clearance, the PDF version of the thesis will be forwarded to your supervisor for assessment.

You can submit the printed copies of your work by having them placed in our post box by the porter at any time, by sending them to us by post or by bringing them to our offices during opening hours . Within 10 days you have to hand in the printed versions for the StudienServiceCenter.

Furthermore, students can individually indicate whether their work should be accessible as full text online (via the library catalogue) or not. This is not the same as requesting a publication ban for the master's thesis (see  Publication ban for academic work ). Students automatically receive the results of the plagiarism check via email. Within 10 days, students must submit the bound print versions (3 copies of the master’s thesis or 5 copies of the dissertation) the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC). Please make sure that your work meets the formal requirements of the University of Vienna (see downloadcenter for guidlines).

Please consider following criteria for the submission of the printed copies:

  • 3 copies of the thesis
  • hard cover in colour black
  • printed double-sided

After submitting the print version, the supervisor has 2 months to evaluate the work and prepare a report. Students have the right to see the assessment documents of their scientific work. A copy of the report will be issued with the final documents.

Plagiarism and the plagiarism check

There is a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism at the University of Vienna. If plagiarism is proven in a preliminary version of the paper, the supervisor can immediately terminate the supervisor relationship in consultation with the program director. Every quotation or wording that has been copied verbatim must be linked to a reference to the source. Literal quotations should generally be avoided; instead, own formulations should be used.

If, after submission, it is discovered in the course of the assessment that the master's thesis violates the rules of good academic practice, the thesis must be marked as plagiarism and the Büro Studienpräses as well as the supervisor are informed.

During the plagiarism check it is checked whether the submitted academic work or parts of it are plagiarisms. According to the Universities Act 2002, the definition of plagiarism is as follows:

“An act of plagiarism is unquestionably committed, when text, content, or ideas are used and presented as one's own. This encompasses in particular the appropriation and use of text, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by directly quoting, paraphrasing or translating them without appropriate acknowledgement and reference to the source and the original author.”   (§ 51 Abs. 2 Ziffer 31 UG)

Before starting the plagiarism check, students should be aware of the following:

Not a test run

The plagiarism check is not a test run! Once the document and the sworn declaration have been uploaded, any plagiarism discovered can have legal consequences.

PDF conversion

The thesis must be uploaded as a PDF to the university server. Students should use the latest version of a PDF converter when converting the document to PDF .

Files larger than 40 MB often cause problems and should be avoided. Therefore, please pay attention while formatting pictures, tables etc.

Annotated title page

When the thesis is uploaded to the university server, an annotated title page appears. This serves to explain how a proper title page should look. Click through the annotated title page and confirm at the bottom that the title page of your submitted thesis complies with the title page requirements of the University of Vienna. Find more information on the plagiarism check  here .

Ideally, the application to block an academic paper has already been submitted together with the application to register the topic and supervisor. If not, please submit it as soon as possible.

Registration for the thesis defense (final oral exam)

All Master's students in (International) Business Administration, Economics and Banking and Finance must take an oral final examination to obtain their degree. As soon as the Master's thesis has been assessed and the grade has been entered, students can register for the final examination. The supervisor of the Master thesis is also the examiner for the defense part in (International) Business Administration or for the first examination subject in Economics and Banking & Finance. In this part, the student is examined on the Master's thesis and its thematic field (the subject area in which the thesis was written).

If the supervisor is not able to examine the specialisation subject of the Master thesis, they have to make sure together with the students that a suitable examiner is available for the specialisation subject when registering the Master thesis.

Detailed information on the final oral exam can be found here.

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Thesis Formalities

The length of your thesis should be around 80 pages. Please clarify the exact length with your supervisor. Please make sure to include two title pages, the first one with the logo of the University of Vienna, the second one with the logo of the University of Vienna and the logo of your first year's university. Birgit Kaiserlehner will provide you with templates of the title pages. The format of the thesis has to be DIN A4, high size. Margins have to be chosen in such a way that the binding of the hard copies is not affected. You should use an "established" standard font, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman. In the thesis, you have to include an English and a German abstract with at least 100 words each. The two hard copies which you have to submit must be hard cover with double-sided printing.

IMPORTANT: For EMGS students, there is no final oral examination (defence)! You only have to submit yor thesis.

To complete your thesis you, personally, will need to take several steps.

1. Feb-June of study year

At the latest in February, you should have found a supervisor and registered the topic of your thesis with the Study Service Center (SSC) of the Historical and Cultural Studies Faculty at the University of Vienna. Two forms and a proposal that you had elaborated during third semester mandatory course Proposal Workshop (a proposal of your planned thesis) need to be handed in at the SSC on Campus.

a. form „ Registration of MA-Thesis topic and supervision “ (form needs to be signed threefold by your supervisor and you).

b. form „ Rules of good scientific practice “

2. March to August 31st of study Year

You will take the course Graduate College and write your thesis that once finished needs to be approved by your supervisor (he/ she tells you, that you can upload it on  HOPLA ).

You should inform Birgit Kaiserlehner when you are done with uploading your thesis.

Your Personal Duties at the Faculty’s Study Administration

1. After submitting your thesis to HoPla, please send the Hopla Upload Confirmation to the SSC from your unet email address.

2. Once the plagiarism check has been completed, the e-version of your thesis will be sent to your supervisor for assessment.

3. You will be notified of the assessment from the SSC by email.

4. Please only order the printing of your thesis once the plagiarism check has been successful. You have to submit the two print versions of your thesis within 10 days after your electronic submission at the SSC. You can either submit them during the opening hours of the SSC: https://ssc-histkultur.univie.ac.at/wir-ueber-uns/oeffnungszeiten/ ) or at the porter's lodge on Campus (Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.). Alternatively you can send the hard copies to the SSC by registered mail. Please be aware that you are obliged to submit print versions of your thesis (§ 86 UG).

5. You will receive your final certificates from the SSC by email. If you need or want to have the documents as hard copies, please write a mail to the SSC from your unet email address and inform the colleagues about your residential address.

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Master Thesis

Doing a master thesis in the chair of international business, guidelines for a master thesis.

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  2. thesis

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  3. (PDF) Thesis-Version Uni Wien

    e thesis uni wien

  4. Studienblatt 2022W

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  5. Hauptbibliothek der Universität Wien wird grunderneuert

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  6. Uni Wien: Goldene Doktordiplome in Theologie verliehen

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  1. u:theses - univie.ac.at

    u:theses. Das Hochschulschriften-Repositorium der Universität Wien. u:theses verzeichnet alle seit 2008 an der Universität Wien positiv beurteilten wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten sowie auf freiwilliger Basis hochgeladene Arbeiten aus den Jahren davor. Ein Großteil der Schriften ist online frei verfügbar.

  2. u:theses - Vienna University Library - univie.ac.at

    This repository contains metadata and full text versions of diploma theses, master’s theses and doctoral theses that have been approved at the University of Vienna since 1965. Since 2008, all graduates have been obliged to archive their academic theses electronically in this repository.

  3. u:theses - Universitätsbibliothek Wien - univie.ac.at

    Dieses Repositorium enthält Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen.

  4. u:theses

    Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1. Kontakt | Impressum | Barrierefreiheit | Datenschutzerklärung | Impressum ...

  5. Über u:theses - univie.ac.at

    u:theses ist das Hochschulschriften-Repositorium der Universität Wien, das seit 2008 sämtliche positiv beurteilten wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten der Universität Wien verzeichnet. Ein Großteil der Arbeiten steht als PDF der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.

  6. Master's thesis - univie.ac.at

    The master's thesis is an academic thesis that must be written independently and that has to be embedded theoretically and methodologically in the chosen subject. For a detailed overview of all the steps relating to your master's thesis, please visit our page Graduation: step by step.

  7. Master Thesis & Completion - univie.ac.at

    In the third and fourth semester, students write a master thesis on a topic developed in the context of their chosen research specialisations. Guidance and feedback is offered in the individual interaction with the thesis supervisor as well as in the context of practice-oriented thesis seminars.

  8. After completing your thesis - univie.ac.at

    Within 10 days, students must submit the bound print versions (3 copies of the master’s thesis or 5 copies of the dissertation) the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC). Please make sure that your work meets the formal requirements of the University of Vienna (see downloadcenter for guidlines).

  9. Thesis - univie.ac.at

    You have to submit the two print versions of your thesis within 10 days after your electronic submission at the SSC. You can either submit them during the opening hours of the SSC: https://ssc-histkultur.univie.ac.at/wir-ueber-uns/oeffnungszeiten/) or at the porter's lodge on Campus (Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.).

  10. Master Thesis - univie.ac.at

    The Master Thesis is a major piece of work which all students on the University of Vienna’s Masters degree programmes undertake. To reflect its importance you should devote a commensurate amount of time to it. There are four main differences between the Master Thesis and the essays that you are accustomed to writing for your other courses: